/tit Ihntingbon WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. DU VAIL'S GALVANIC OIL, Prepared originally by Pro. 11. DUV-ALL. , formerly of the College of Surgeons, at Paris. IS NOW OEFERED TO THE PUB LIC, *if' For the Care of all sore and Pain ful' Diseases I Fla i r"ts.Tl7,e. — „y r sle i '. l ,olilleotrtemnnetrsm i ",p7iyn in the back, breast or sides, healed breasts Neuralgia, Burns, Strains, Head-ache, Cramp in the Stomach or any other dis ease that is SORE or PAINFUL, and it is only over this class of diseases we claim a YNTORY. We say positively to our patron: we can relieed the sufferer 99 times out of 100. We would just say I to the public, Prof. De. Vall was 26 years in bringing to this medicine superiority over all others. Price 50 cts. per bottle—* per cent cut oft the trade. All orders must be ad dressed to J. 1). STONEROAD, Sole. Agent for U. S., LEWISTOWN, YA. A l' A 111 D DR. JAMES M. JARRET, OF TUE NEW YORK LUNG INFIRMARY. My connection for the past eight years with the above Institution, as Cheif Physician, and a twelve years' course of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its kin• dred diseases, together with my unrivalled op• portunities nod advanrage of pathological re• at arch—aided not a little by a perfect system vt Medical Inhalation—hos enabled me to ar /rive at a decisive, direct, and successful course of treatment for the positive and radical cure of all disease of the Throat, Lungs, nod Air. Paseages. By Inhilation, the vapor and cura tive properties of medicines are directly addes sed to the diseased organs and the integument. Ido not advise the use of Medical lubalatien of any kind, to the exclusion of general treat meat 3 and although I consider it a useful ad juvant is the proper management of those fear ful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very necessary that each patient should have the benefit of both general and local treatment. The success of my treatment in the above di sense, and the high character of the Institution over which 1 have so long had the h.or to preside, are too well known to need any eulogy or comment hum me. At the 'solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been lung and liberally supported, and after due conaideration, I have concluded to make such arrangements us will bring the benefits of my ,xperienee mid, treatme within die reach of all, and not confine myself, ut as heretofore, to those ouly who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to visit me ut my oilier. Hoping therefore that the arrangement will give en tire satisfaction, both to lay profesinal brethern and the public, I would respectfully announce in conclusion ' that I can now be consulted per, aonally or by teller, on all diseases as above nisi that the medicines, the same us used to the Institution, prepared to suit each individu• al case, Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhaling, &c. &e., will be ,rwarded by express to any Taw of the United States or the Canadas. TrAms.—My terms of treatment by letter are as followings, via; $l2 per month for cools patient, which will include medicine sufficient for ono mo nth's use; also, Inhaling Vapor, and au Inhaling Apparatus. Paymens as follows: $6 to be paid to Express Agent vii receipt of the box of M dicine, and the balancesC at the expiration of the month, if the patient be cured or is satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their sy• uiptoms iu lull, can be treated as well by letter as by personal examination. Patients avail ir.g themselves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate and permanent relmf, as he seldom tins to treat a case over thirty days. Letters of advice promptly answered. Fur fur ther paticulars address JAMES M. J All RETT, M.D., No. a2O Broadway, con Twelfth St., N. Y. p,s,—Physicians and others visiting the city ore respecfully invited to cull at the In. 6,,,, 0 t 0r y, where many interesting cases can be witnessed, and where .r intproued appara tus fur the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspected. Aug.-1;58.-6m. TOWN vs COUNTRY.—Ws notice as warm weather grows apace, the denizens of pent up cities seek the unbrageous shades and sylvan scenes of the rural por tions of the country; per contra the in habitants of the country and dwellers among the enchanting scenery of nature, having a little leisure time, alter gathering in the fruits of the earth, turn their attention ci ty ward, for remotion or business purpo se+. To all such, perhaps no city in the unit possesses so many charms us the City of Penn, with its many objects of beau ty and art. Its magnificent water-works, its Academy of Music, Academy of Natural Science, Art Unions, Picture Galleries, 'Parks, Cemeteries, etc,; and lust, though it'Ot least, that link betwoen the present 'arid glorious past, that revered relic of the 'atimes that tried men's souts,"—Old Inde pendence Hall. All are objects of lino I sual interest to the intelligent visitor, afte• viewing which, a tew minutes might be profitably spent in the Heir Dressing Sa ' eons of George Thurgaland, No. 29 South Sixth St., between Chestnut and Market, in admiring the light and beauti ful "Gossamer Wig" and Toupee" of his make. George has also a 'Liquid tair Dye" which is rapidly a iperseding all other in the market. • (Estate of Enoch Chitcote dec.d.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. j afters of Administration ou the estate of En. och Chilcote, late of Todd township deed., having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to said es• tate to make immediate payment, and all those having claims will present the same duly authenticated for settlement. DAVID CLARKSON, Administrator de bonus non. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS THE LIVER INVIGORATOR ! pectations, considering his ieondition—being 12d best " Alexander Carothers, 50 " ottoman cover, Miss II Haslett, Spruce 1 " mexican , George Miller, 100 very frt and just comlig off cf a heavy service. Bat white can, John McCracken, 100 I Creek, 50 I " white Geo. W. Pheasant, 103 The Committee not finding mention made' 2d best " George Miller, 50 Best embroidered slippers, Mies Sue Neff, 1 " pump kin, John Sloan, 54, of Jnelis and Jennies, in our het, would recotn• Best rye Caleb Armitage, 100 Porter tp, 501 21 beat, James Hight, 25 mend a premium to Cares Piteraon, for a fine 2,0 beat rye,James Johnston, - so One basket ocean shells and mosses, Prof , 50 Ornamental IVork ; Best pie pumpkins, Jon N. Moser, 50 9 year old Jack, and to Joh C. Crownover, Best oats, small) Stewart -Corbett, 1 00 fora lenry, 11 years old. T each, $5. 1 2d best oats, " John Horning, so Best chenille work, Miss Jot Creaswell, of I I 2d beet, John Sloan. Best Et% ehes, D. Kipor, 25 50 The Committee beg leave t say, that the ex • Beat large mote, John C. Crownover, 100 Walsh, C ssville, 1 001 2d beet, ; h Sloan, 25 D oh o rt M n 'Cu o l a lo n eb, Mrs. Eliza Stitt, Miss . 25 hilotion and display of broodmares. two and 2cl beet " John Warfel, Ruth Cummins, Elision Shemakcr, Jacob Harn• one year 01 , 1 colts, being so! very numerous, Best buckwheat, Thomas Dean, 1 00 Cassville, 100 . and so equally good and meritorious, that it ,2d beet " William Dean, so 2d hest, Miss Stanley, Caesville, 75 : on „ o wan with touch di ffi culty, wit could come to Res! barley, John Horning, I 00 Best vase of wax flowers, Miss E M Cress. -•••"' I i, C , To L d, , oin S h cp l: 7; e — na, iy E d . L 0i Agriculturalllt, 14—FLORAL d L n, l: ,S P , DEPARTMENT. , k a ß of T l I .Society ieENßl2.. ,—The . ant' dieision at all—hut we hate done what our 2,1 best " James M'Cracken, 50 well, Cassville, 100 best judgement aid discretion dictated—all of David Dunn, A. J. McCoy, James Maguire Best case pf wax fruit and flowers, Mrs J 2cl i b ' elr bv in All . C s a s s E svi M ile bresewell, and . 0 ,3 1. which is respectfully submlted. S. _lilies Robert Tues., John Q. Adams. Green. James K, Hampton, N. Lewis, R. Al. 1 00 C/uss B.—Domestic Manitfactures—Eatabks: lison Miller, James S. Oaks. • dish of wax fruit by Prof Walsh The Committee on Class 8, Domestic Mane- ' Crossville Semieary, each one alike, 75 undersigned Committee of the floral depart - factutes—Eatables, respectfully reports that Some fine shirts were also exhibited as speci. meat, of the fourth annual exhibition of said Class 2—Neat Stock. i The undersigned Committee on Neat Stock they have awarded premiums, as follows, ! mens of fancy needlework, one in particular, society, respectfully report that they have die. Best bread, Mrs. Drumel Piper , $3 00 made by Mrs Emery, of Huntingdon, exhibited charged the duties assigned them impar tiaily, after an examination of the stock on entry and 24 boat " Mrs. Mary E. Chilcote , a vast amount of labor and skill for which 2 00 ' , y p and according to the best of their ability.— exhibition, concur in awarding the following 3,1 best" Mrs. L. C- Hall, 1 00 , Your Committee were favorabl im reseed premiums. which are respectfully s übmitted; Best sponge cake, Mrs. E. Thomas, 100 your Committee would recommend a premium . " jelly cake, Miss le. Jackson, 100 of $l 00 with the fine display in the floriculture depart. NIIOII . T nave '2d best " 'Mrs. E. A. Bricker, Best bull, Hays Hamilton, E sq., Frank. 50 Your committee has found great difficulty in meat. Owing to the unfavorable season your do ]in tope e„ 00 Beat pie, Mrs. Harriet Morris, 1 00 Committee had reason to expect that this do i'n° •2d best, Mrs. Jane Love, 50 awarding so few premien - m.3ov so many ex -2,1 best, John Colder; Porter parfinent would not have equalled former ex• . ° 0 ' Best butter. Mrs. Jane Hard 2 00 hibitors, . there is a great variety of articles Best cow. " '' 400 2d best " Mrs James Ha mpton,l 00 worthy of premiums, but not in the published hibitions. however careful examination, they 2,1 best, Hays Hamilton, Esq, Franklin, 2 0 „ 0 0 n ad bat " Mrs:Richard Chileote,are of the opinion that the display of this de. Bat heifer, John Colder, Porterso list If time permitted , we would give the . . u Best domestic sugar Mea Mary W eaver l 00 ' Id best, Hays Hamilton, Franklin 200 2d hest " - ' Mrs . E. II Wil i a i name . of those exhibitor . , (en, th ey are me. ! partment will compare very fuvorable, if not Be. colt', Thomas Whittaker. Porter 200 B„, our 1 • ' , n ' 'ii ) who entitled t hf h surpass all previous exhibitions of this society p e molasses , Mrs. Mary II clever, 100 j o are o tn. credit for the 2d hest, Heys Hamilton, Franklin 100 , Best sorghum molasses, T. H. Cremer, 100 , work they have exhibited But we mast pay I satisfying your Committee of the fact that a DEVOr. I 2,1 best " F.llarinony, • commendable interest is manifested on the Best bull, Hays Hamilton, Esq., Frank. 50 our highest compliments to the Caasville &in tim , Best apple btOter, Miss Fannie Nell; 100 • • . part of contributors, to excel in floraculture , u OO 2d best " Mrs. Thos. Fisher, 50 , inary, tor 01 e many beautiful specimens of or. ' Best tomato ketchup, Mrs. Susan Africa, 1 00 namental work, which have been the centre of After a careful examination of all the plants '''' 2d best " Mrs Anna Massey, 60 attraction to the lovers of art. and flowers, your committee award the follow. Best honey, Mrs. J. G. Steel, 100 ' F H Lane, Miss Sallie Shaver, Mrs's Kidder ing premiums, to wit; 2d best," Mrs. W. E. AlcMurtriel 40 1 and Darwinßest display of flowers in bloom Mrs. Best jelly, Mrs. Anna D. Porter, 100 i ' Mitry Miller, Huntingdon, $3 00 21 best jelly, Mrs. S. 11. Reid,''d bruit Miss Jane Woode Huntingdon, 2 , n, 00 50 Class 11.— Mechanic 1 implements 7 - Best preserves, Mrs. Hannah Houtz, 100 ' a am Best display of plants, Miss Jane Woods, 2d best ..- Mrs. T. H. Cremer, 50 Manujactures Huntingdon, 200 Bat pickles, Miss P. Jackson, 100 The undersigned awarding committee, class ' 2tl best, Mrs 11. W. Miller, Huntingdon, 1 00 2,1 best " Mrs. Susan Black, ue a Jno • C. Watson, Mill Best bog t, Me . 60 111, after examining the mechanical implements Best domestic wine, T. 11, Crueler, 2 00 ' Creek, 50 2,1 hest " Mrs. E. Horning, 1 00 . and manufactures entered and exhibited do Displayof dahliasbloom, , , Be st 3d best " Mrs. Annie Hoffman, 50 ! award the thllowing premiums : I 3/argaretta Cramer, Huntingdon, 300 Beat vinegar, Mrs. John•Peightal, 1 00 , Best two horse carriage, Owen Boat, of Best display of dahlias, Mrs Juo. C 201 best " Mrs. S. Cheney, 501 Huntingdon, $2 00 Watson Mill Creek, 200 Best flour, A. J. M'Coy, 200 ' " buggy, „ 100 2,1 beat, Miss Catharine Hirst, Hunt. 100 2d best " Either A Me 1 Murtrie, 100 , ~ saddle and bridle, W. I Steel, 100 Best lioquet dahlias, Mien Sue Neff, ' " •of marbl Porter twp., 50 Most of the articles exhibited were ...epe e , specimen e, W W i lliams , of _ , Hunt ingdon 2 00 Best briquet, of flowers, Mrs. S. Black, rimy that the Committee found it exceedin 1 g•Y Best side of ha ' rness leather, Wm Johns. • Huntingdon, 50 difficult to make it selection. Twenty-three ton, Shirley, 100! 2d best, Miss Sue Neff, Porter, top, 25 specimens of bread were inspected—all good. Best side of upper to . . 100 Best floral design, Mrs. C. Cunningham, " e e t a a 0 100 Huntingdon, 200 Vet) , fine butter was exhibited by Mrs. John p Robb, Mrs, M. Shoemaker, Mrs. Elisha Shoe. "calf skin, Crotsley & Kean Cass tp 100 'let best, Henry W. .. !filler , Huntingdon, 100 2,1 best, Win Johnston, Shirley , '' 50 , 3d best, 3/ra Ann Massey, 50 maker, de, Airs, Andrew Anderson Mrs. Green- , Rest pair hot. shoes, A Port, Ilunt'n, 50 Miss Jane Woods exhhibited a selection of I land, Airs. Mary Warfel, Mrs. Andrew Decker, ,Do (draught) Berganta & Grins, " 50 plants, consisting of thirty-two varieties viz : Class 3 Hoge 1 Mrs, J. D. Hight, Mrs. Alex. Carothers, Mrs. Do (plain riding) " " " ,e 0 Pinks, verbenias, petunen, cactus, eerraninme, To the President of the Huntingdon County John le Yocum. Mrs. H. .1. Hearn e _ Mrs. M. C. Best corn brooms, S S Barr, Hollidayab•g ' ac• A/vice/tura/ SoMety.—The undersigned being I Wilson, Mrs. .1. G. Steel, Miss E. Benedict, Blair coaetY, 50 ' Mrs Ann Massey displayed a hoquet of dab. ' a Committee to report upon the different niml• ' Mr , Timm. Mart. ' A stationary encine. peihited he Peter Job. ' less artistically and beautifully arranged. I u • d following ., ms upon the Rams, attar the pt., . „„„,,,.) a ar '''' a * '''' "."''''''' '''......" ' . 1 .... '''''' ."... ' siderable attention, exhibiting an amount of All of the above were beautifully and - ta s te. and workmanship met fully nrranged, .d the contributors deserve miums, &e: • ! Superior honey, only a shade different from Ingenuity P rarelywith, I • but C m•tt. having ex mile i praise, y our GIII I ee . • rit'St boar. William Herring, $4 00 ' these receiviiig premiums, were deposited by for which a premium of oo is recorametided haunted the schedule of premiums, can do no 300 ,Inlin Anderson, Geo Hearn, Miss Eliza ! J Cresswell, R F Haslett A C Myton 24 best, George IV. Pheasent, ' more than give them a favorable notice. All • Nielowine, John Dean and D. P. Brumbaugh , 3d best, Chester Wldte and Berkshire , , : of which is respectfully submitted. Daniel Kyper 200 Ihe display of preserves annd jellies sun i CLASS 12—FRUITS. ' D. Caldweil, el.fiss L. M. Saxton, Miss Joe. 3 00 passed molting we have ever seen at our Coun• i Bat berkshire sow, Daniel Ryper, 70 £l e I resident of the Agricultural Society Creswell, J. A. Doyle. LIST OF PREMIUMS , Bps, sow. George W. Pheasent, 4 00 ty Fairs. IVe would call particular attention ' of Liunting Count y : —The on Count y : —The undersigned 1 A ND 21 hat. Thomas WWI., 2 00 to those ot Committee, to whom was assigned the duty of ! CLASS 15—POULTRY. ' Beet pigs, James Met., 300 Airs. E. Saxton, Mrs. Geo. G win, • Committee . poultry after examining spa Reports of Awarding Committees. 2d best, Thomas SiCitlian 200 M. Anderson. E. C. Wilson, I examining and awarding premiums on fru i ts eim.t, ~ . . • ' dthefollowing on exhibition, tower Fur the Fourth Animal Exhibition or the Hun , S. S. Wharton, Jacob Miller, John Garner Jr J. Simpson Africa, Marge MeMurtrie, I exhibited at the fourth annual exhibition of tireixittotot (futrion C''''"'N 14 / rie """ rui &cid g ' held a ' • ' Benjamin K. Neff, F. Greenland• Nannie Gwin, P. Jackson, ' your society, Mier careful examination, have b es t pair of shanghais, J. G. 3411er, $1 00 Huntingdon October 61117 th and 816 1858. 1 John Jacks, 11. Minton, ' awar d ed the f o ll ow i ngpremiums to Class I—Horsee. E. It. Stewart, Rachel McCulloch, ' 1 , Class 4 — Sh e e p- Best .d greatest ariety of Apples Wm. Best spangled hamburg. Jesse Gorsuch, 1 00 Al. Weaver M. Armitage, We the molersigned, a Committee tnittee appointed , To the President of the Huntingdon Comitg Sallie Brow ", Agnes Ann Myron, Pheasant, $3 00 •‘ game, W. H. King, 1 00. 200 " mixed breed, Andrew Patrick, 100 by the dicers of the Huntingdon Ce'laY Ag. ' A gr icultural Society:—The undersigned, Com ' Te mni , sot , m ar tin, Steel, (West). 2d beet, David Here' ,' I 1 rieultural Society, to report en Class No. : s 3,1 best John t m.o. on Sheep, s ubmit d ie f o ll ow i ng rep Ult: The Committee were much gratified teat' / Oyer, 100 2d best, W. Lewis, 50 Rest pair tnrkeya, Jas. Hetrick, 1 00 Bes " 00 Best dozen fall apples, Israel Graftius, . • Horses—do report that we proceeded to emu. 1 BAKEWELL , the die do of domestic WilleS, .d are sorry 24 best, James Simpson, 100 2d best, D. Goodman, 60 ins the same, as detailed in the list made by B oo t b ec k, George pite,„o„,, s so 'h 1 •award . Mrs. dIP•1 ""00 the sad no more premiums to re. i est men winterspp es, J o h n mg on., . , Best variety of chickens, Levi Pheasant, 100 the Executive Committee—and to the best tit' 2,1 best, Levi Pheasent, 3 00 . Thu Fisher and Miss Fannie Neff had sepal- 12d best, John Horning, 1 00 Best Holland geese, S. Peightal. 100 None exhibited that your Commit. ,2d best Mrs E. Nightwine, 50 Best .d greatest variety of pears, James our judgement, have awarded the following r i t ,„,s cr , e , ) or Grape wino ; Mrs. Cunningham Strawberry ! 1 00 tee believe thorough bred, award McDivitt, 300 Best guinea, Levi Pheasant, premiums: i • Jacob Hellman, for beet specimen wine; Ales, Still, Blackberry wine. E N . I t ' 200 2,1 beet, Airs .. ig I wine, Best pair ducks, Mrs A. S. Harrison, 100 Fur the best bred stallion, "Norman," exhibited, 5 Ott Very fine flour was exhibited by Alm Cam Bat dozen winter pears, Levi Pheasant, 200 2d bat Mrs E. Nightwine, ock entered by Abram Lewis, $7 00 100 D. Houtz, D. Clarkson, IV. K. Rham, R. R. SOCTIIPOWN. ' tl.ers, of Blair county. 2,1 best, Theo, II Cromer, 2d best stallion, "Bull neck Morgan, en ,. ' Best buck, Devitt Rupert, 500 William Dorris, Jr., Fannie Neff, Geo. IV. ' Best lull pears, John Horning, 200 Wigton, Jas Llenderson. toed by Adam Lightner: 4 00 I 2d best, A Shoenfelt, 1 OC CLASS 16—PAINTING. i 2d beet, " 300 ' Johnston, Mrs. Mary Neff, JAI. Wines/de. Fu the Pregident and Officers of the Eoin• 3d best, "Cumuli, n," entered by John .t . 500 Bat and greatest variety of peaches, Ramsey, "Yuma." ' Best ewe Valentine Fink, 200 don County Agricultural Society :—The Com. Bat 2 year old do., entered by Jacob I 2,1 Is George Pheasent, 300 Class 9—Household Fabrics ,al be.i, Th . H. Creme:, 100 rnittee on painting respectfully report. atter a Hamer, 3 001 FINE WOOL. Your Committee met. Present:—John Por• Best dozen peaches, John Dysart, 100 1 careful examination of the specimens or exhi• Filly, 4 years old, entered by Dr. J. S. I Several entries were made of "Fine Wool' , ter and Miss Prudence Jackson. The other • 2d bat, Elision. Shoemaker, 50 I bitMn, the premiums awarded: Griffith, 2 00 Sheep,b utCommittee deem them of suet' ' member sof the Committee being absent, Mrs. Best quinces, John Anderson, Jr, yourl 00 mt. PAINTING• Draught stallion, "Iron Gray" entered2d hat, John Anderaon, Sr., 50 First premium, J• G. Chaplin (picture by Andrew Decker 700 • • d Alr Wm. Whitta• ' inferior quality .to justify the withholding' . Saxton, of Huntingdon, an . Best and greatest variety of plums, of Venice,) $1 00 Best 3 year old stallion,entered by Rob. • the premiums for this variety. , ker. of Porter township, were substituted. Al • Theo. 11. Creme 200 2d premium, Miss N. McDivitt (laud ert Wilson, dark bay, "Chester Lion,' 400 ' The number of Sheep ° u exhibition was ter an examination of the articles enumerated I Best and greates t variety of grapes, scape taken from nature,) 50 To Wm. Rupert, "dark bay Canadian" 200 small and your Committee regret the omission . their list, they award the following memi. I Theo. Li, Cremer, 300 Both pictures taken by her, though not well Best ono 2 year old colt, entered by Sol- 2d bes t ,J. A. Hall, 200 colored exhibit talent and artistic skill. Study omen Hamer, 200 of Common Stock in the list of premiums. , urns : I • lOO and practice will prepare for her a bright fon carpet, miss Fannie Neff, Porter, $2 00 •ed best, Beery Stedman, Bat under one year, entered by 11%n. George W. Speer, A. P. Fields, John Jackson, I Hem . • - • Beatrapea Jane Woods, 1 00 Lure. 1 21 beet " Mrs. Sallie Brown, Hunt,n, 1 00native g . so 2lfr. Wilson's picture a . snow scene has Itioreingstar, 3 00 James Morrow. , 00 2d best, Mrs. J. Simpson Africa, Best flannel, Di re, S. Cheney, Barree, 2 2d best" " " " Adam Itupert,e2 00 200 Bat (melee grapes, ot N. Messer, 100 merit, and deserves a premium. Best quilt, Miss Sue Neff, Porter, 50 GRECIAN PAINTING—LITIIOGRAPII IN OIL Best filly, 3 years old, entered by Jodi Class s.—Plowing. 2d best " Mrs. C Cunningham, Huut'n, 1 00 ,2d best Theo. H. Cremer, Jackson, 3 00grapes,Elisha Shomaker, 50 First premium, Miss Stanley'. vase of 2d hest, James Myton, 200 The undersigned comm i ttee on plowing, af- 3 d hest " Miss Maria leenberg, Porter, 50 Best fox ~ n __ .e., c ,.... ita,,,, e , . , ~ $1 00 Mrs bluer's 11. 50 ' 2cl best fox grapes, Nathan Greenland, -5 . , 11 " w . ter witnessing the different Teatns on exhibi• Best pair woolen socks, ' 'All of which is respectfully submitted by 2 . Preo"..l Afr. , Dr, Vttrwitt . l euwere, Best colt, 2 yaws old, entered by Henry Best hard soap, Mrs Mary Miller, Juniata tel 00 Cassville, 60 Shurly, 300 lion, would award the llowing premiums: 12d best " Mrs S Cheney Barren, 50 Thomas Fisher, R. Bruce Petrikin, Joseph , arree, nye lithographs taken by bliss Stanley, 2d best, entered by Thomas Whittaker, 2 00 Bat plowing, Isaac Lollg, $4 00 1 Best candles, Mies Neff Porter, 1 Oe Stevens, Andrew G. Neff: Best brood mare, entered by James stew. 2,lbest, John IVarfel, 300 ' . " Al It Chi t Union,so CLASS 13—VEGETABLES. 2,1 be st rs tco e, PPE 1 art. 5 00 3,1 be., Alexander Carothers, 2 00 ' ORIENTAL. PAINTING—OIL PAINTING ON GLASS. The recent success of this school is exliam- I2d best du., entered by John Jackson, 300 4th best, Elliot Robley, 100 ! Several articles were not on our fist of pre- The Committee have made the following First premium. Mrs, Darwin and Miss dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the '3d best do., entered by Adam Lightner. 20 0 John Colder, Samuel Peigbtal, Jacob Miller I miunis, consequently we could not award a pre• award of premiums : Stanley, both of equal merit, 100 kind ever established, it is now the largest in Best draught horse, to Samuel Holiday. 3 00 J ame , Wilson, y ose pt, Gjeb eete y e 0 2d premium, 3fiss S. C. Cresswell, 50, i mium amone , them A nell skirt by Mrs Mate Best beans, 31t4. 'Mary Shoemaker, $ ... Greenland's this sectiol of the State. All branches are '24 best do., to Nathan M'Divit, 200 ' sey, and a nett bed canopy by Mrs Williams 2d best. Mrs. Mary Miller. 25 elms picture a recom taught, and students of all ages, and of both 3d hest do., to .lohts Weston, 100 Class 6.--13gricultural Implements. . , T 1 • e of I were very pretty art icles The specimens ns 25 peintiug, by the Cassville Seminary,. cannot be sexes, are received. The expenses fur a year ' Heat tiding horse, entered by Blanch My 2d bat, Theo. H. Cremer , need not be more than $9O. Students can ein I on , 400 The undersigned committee on Agricultural soap and candles were very good No hearth Best tomatoes, Dirs. D. Black, 100 easily surpassed, reflecting great credit cm the Implements, after an examination of the speci- 75 institufion. ter whenever they wish. Address, 2d best do., entered by Thum. S. ' rugs worthy of a premium were exhibited, and 2d best. Mrs. L. C. Hall, JOHN D. WALSH, Cassville, M'Cahan, Jr., 2 00 mans on exhibition award the following pre. • but one spechnen of flannel which we consider 13d beat, Mrs. E. A. Bricker, 25 Huntingdon Co., Pa. Best pair matched horses, entered by tniuins : does gcod credit to the manufacturer. , Beat beets, Alex. Carothers, Blair co. 100 I lays Hamilton 600 Best eelfteharpener, Israel Gratius, Alex, 100 John Porterln Mrs Saxton, Practice Jackson, 2d best, C. Long, AO --2 d east do., altered by Gen. A. P. Wit. ° subsoil ° ° " I 00Best ruts bags, S Cheuey, 100 son, 4 00 , " Hillside, W A Whi ttak er " ". 200 no Best trotting horse, entered by James 1 u Bull plow, Ben Cross, 2 00 Class 10—Fancy Needle, Shdl an d Ornamen. , , Best egg pant, John C. WMaon, 50 111•Manigil, 300 . ilarraW, T McCall., Walker tp, 200 kit work 2tl best, Mrs. Shoemaker, 25 21 best do., entered by Charles Ander. " Clone stripper, Israel Goalies, 100 Best water melons, J. U. Gilleland, 50 To the President and O ffi cers of the Ilun• , 2d best, Mr. Shoemaker, 25 son, 200 ~ corn planter, J. Gorsuch, Oneida. 200 Best family horse, entered by the Hon. 00 " Slinking Cork, Jacob Sharra , Aunt, 1 001 tingdon County Agricaltural Society, is re- Best turnips, S. Spranker, 50 James (Stein, 3 " Wheat drill A C aro th ers , B lair c o, 300 I spectfully submitted the following report on 1'• carrots, Alex. Carothers, Blair cu. 5 5 0 0 dd best do., entereP by James Hutchison, 200 .. Cultivator, Warfel & Hull 200 ' Fancy Needle, Shell and Ornamental Work by " celery, John C. Wetson, Be. pair mules, entered by Hugh Jack. 2d best a John Warfil, Ilend'n, 1 00 1 • . ' " parsnips, A. J. White. 50 eon, 400 John Colder, Samuel Peightal, Jacob Miller, i the undersigned Awarding Committee 1 " onions, Alex Carother Blair co. 60 2d beet do., entered by George Jackson, 200 Jas Wilson, Jos Gibbony, ' Best specimen of fancy needle work, Miss ,2d best. Mrs. L. C. Ilan, 25 In regard to trotting we will say, the length Charlotte A Meek, $1 00 Best peppers, Miss N. Given, I 00 of the track was one half mile. We give be. Class 'l.—Grain. 2d best, Mrs Anna Dorsey, 50 2tl bat, Mrs. Shoemaker, 50 low, the average tome of each horse—all hay. We, the undersigned Committee on Grain, Best fancy shell work,Miss Margaret An• , Best cabbage, C. Long, 50 ing passed over the track three times:derson. Penn township, 1 00 Best cauliflower, Mrs. S. L. Black, 50 after a careful examination of the different Charles Anderaon, 1 minute, 30/ sec. 2d best, Mrs Jane Borland, Huntingdow, 50 3d best, Jacob Miller, 25 Jas. M'Manigil, 33 * . • specimens on exhibition, award the following Beet ornamental needle work, bliss Jane Best tobacco, Israel Graffius, 100 J.. S. Miller, 38 .1.11 • premium; Orr, Huntingdon, 100 ! Best and greatest variety of potatoes, Hon. Jas. Owin, 49k " Best white wheat, William Wright, $3 00 2d best, Miss Nancy McDivitt, Hunt's', 50 I R. Chilcott, 200 Dr. it L. Brown, 2 minutes, 01 " '24 best " Jacob C. Miller, 200 Best chenille embroidery , . .Mrs L C Hall, 12d dent Wm, Hearn, 1 . 00 The "Norman," horse could not be driven • 'id best " William Dean, 100 • Best crotchet work, Miss Margaret As- 13d best, Wm. Pheasant, 50 I- 00 over the tract More than once, without break- Best red wheat, Valentine Fink, 300 derson, Penn township, 50 I Beet red potateee, D. Piper, 2 00 Best lamp mat,Miss Rebecca White, 10 I " neehannocks. Wm. Pheaeaut, 100 hog. His time was 1 minute, 20 seconds, but 24 best " John Horning, 100 " bead work Susan M'Kee, 50 , " blue, Wm. Pheasant, 100 • • equence of his breaking, his average 3d best a " John Donnelley, in "ins • 'BestyellowShedr.h Cheney, 100 ' " eillc embroidery, Nre 31.insy, Hunt'n, 30 a Pink eee, H. RAMiltoo. 100 time Call not be given. He surpassed our ex- corn, PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. Compounded entirely of Gums, Ii one of the best purgative and liver meth eines now before the public, that acts as a Ca thartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any titer medicine knowu. It is not only a Ca thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off thnt matter. thus accom plishing two purposes effectually. without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operation of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system at the same time that it purges it , and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strenghten and build it up with unusual rapidity. ! The Liver is one ofl n j the principal regula tors of the human bo- FR dy ; and when it per forms its functions well C; the powers of the sys tem are fully develop- @ni ed. The stomach is almost entirely dopes- g o dent on the health) , action of the Liver for ;,,` the proper perform .ce of its functions. Istl When the stomach is at fault, the bowels arc a at fault and the whole system suffers in con- a sequence of ono ergt.n —the Liver— having ^ceased to do its duty. For the diseases o 0". that °Nun one of the proprietors has made # it his study, in a prac tice of more than Men-, ;4 ty years, to fi nd some remedy wherewith tot counteract the many derangements to which : g it is liable. To prove that this , remedy is at last dis covered any person ;7_ troubled with Liver Complaint in any of itsr forms, has but to try a bottle and conviction , . "' , in certain. These gums remove 1 .1 all morbid or bad matter from the system * supplying in their place a heal by flow r n of hilt, invigorating the stomach, causing N food to digest well, purifying the blood,gi- eg . clog tone and health to the whole machine- Xry, removing them. of the disease, and el, z .. ffecting a radical cure One dose after eat- , n . ing is sufliicient to re lieve the stomach and M 'prevent the food from rising and souring. 101 Wilgus attacks ace\Z red, .3 whut is better, prevented, b. • the oecanittnal use of the Liver Invigorator.... Only one dose ta-174 a before rent prevents Nightmare. 1041 . , Only one dose taken at nig , , ens the bowels gently, and cures Costiveness. One iroso taken alter each meal will c rc Dra kg" One close of two teaspoonfuls tviit alw ys remove Sick Headache. One bottle taken for female obsetructionre moves the canoe of the disease, and makes n pert ec t cure. Only one dose innnedintely relieves Cliolie, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus, and a preventive of Cliolern. lEgr Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the system the eWects of medicine:utter a long sickness. 'One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallowness or unnatural color from the skin. 1 One dose taken a short time before eating i givesvigor to the appetite, and makes food digest One dose often repeated owes Chronic , Dim-1 rhom in its worst forms, while Summer and 1 Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses mires attacks caused Icy Won. in Children; there is no surer or speed. lea remedy in the world, on it never fails. itir A few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting 1 ,the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommend ngthis med icine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill, Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. it operates with certainty, and thousands are ail ling to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanitnons tes timony in its favor. eieMix water in the mouth with the !twig.. ator, and swallow both togothct. The Liver Invigorator. Is n scientific medical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures us if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than ono bottle is re quired to care any kind of Liver complaint, teem the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com mon Headache, all of which are the result of a diseased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N.Y. Sold by 11. MeManigill, &J. Read Huntingdon. y. THE CASSVILLE SEMINARY. ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER THE PRESENT FACULTY. M. McN. WALSH, Principal, Prot of Languages and Philosophy. Chas. S. Joslin. A. M, Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc. James W. Hughes, Prof. of Mathematics. Benjamin F. Houck, Adjunct Prot. of Mathematics. GeO. W. Linton, Prof. of Vocal Monk. Mrs. M. 1101. WALSII Preceptress, Teacher of Botany. History, Reading; etc. Miss E; M. Faulkner, Teacher of PeHis IVork, Painting, Drawing, Miss D. L. StanleY, Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Flo're, Mrs. Dr. !Darwin Teacher of English Branches. Miss .1. M. Walsh, Teacher of Primary English. J'une2VA Notice to Coat Pprchasers. HE subscriber is now prepared to furnish T Coal & Coke at his bank at Lilly's Sta tion, on the Penn'a. Railroad, of as good quali ty as can be bad on the mountain. I will run coal to Hollidaysburg, or any other point on t.as Penn's. Railroad, if application is made person ally or by latter. ALSO—I will agree to deliver COKE at any bank. in cars, at Aar and a quarter rents per bush • el viz :—Thirty-tive pounds to the bushel, or de liver it in my own care, at any point desired, at the lowest possible rates. For either of the above articles, address J. M'GONIGLE, Hemlock, Cambria County, Pa, where all orders will be propmply attended to. Aug. 25, 1858. Gt. MACKEREL of all Nos., Herring, &C., can be bad of the best quality, Ity calling on FISHER 81 MOMURTHIE. IitTCWIN GLOVES 4 MITTS dice D. P. (MIN'S STONE CROCKS, JARS, &e.,—a large stock for vale at manufacturers' prig. by "Ins A. Ruerwic. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREIER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1858. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. TERMS The"Huturnvonots JOURNAL' is publisher: at • the following rates : If paid in advance PIACI If paid within six months after the time of subscribing If paid before the expiration of the yeas, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid tillaftor the expiration of the year. No subscrip tion taken for a less period than six months. I. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordered, and no paper will he discontinu ed until arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. 2. Returned numbers are never received by us. All numbers sent us in that way are lost, and never accomplish the purpose of the sender. 3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions,! must pay up arrearuges, and send a ,critter or' verbal order to that &net, to the office of pub lication in Huntingdon. 4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a legs or a proper notice. 5. After one or more numbers of a new year have been forwarded, a new year has commenc ed, and the paper will not be discontinued until' arrearages are paid. See No. I. The Courts have decided that refusing to take anewspaper from the office, or removing and leaving it uncalled for, is runts vActx evidence of intentional fraud. Subscribers living in distant counties, or in other States, will be required to pay invariably in advance. }r 'The above terms will be rightly adhered to in all eases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be charged at the following rates 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 37i $ 50 One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00 Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200 3 mo. 0 WO. 12 mo. One square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 Two squares, 500 800 12 00 1 columns, 800 12 00 18 00 k du., 12 00 18 011 27 0(1 do., 18 00 27 00 40 00 1 do., 28 00 40 00 50 (0) Business Curds or six lines, ~r less, $4.00. Advertising and Job Work. We would remind the Advertising com munity and all others who wish to bring their business extensively before the pub that the Journal has the largest cir culation of any paper in the county—that iis o instantly increasing;—and that is goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi zens. We would also state that ear facilities for executing all kinds of JOB PRINT ING are equal to those of any other office guTte - Gli - e romptly, and at prices which will be satisfactory. COUN'T'Y _FA I R, 1858. ALDERNEY. Best bull, John Colder, Porter Do calf, John B. Spee'r, Shirley Best bull, Hon. Geo. Taylor Hunting. don, g 00 24 best, Levi .111. Pheasent, Union 3 00 Best work oxen, Juo. H. Wolverton, Bra dy, G 00 20 best, E. Shoemaker, Henderson 4 00 Best cow. Hays Hamilton, Franklin, 4 00 20 best. Thos. Whittaker, Porter, 2 00 Best heifer, 2 yr old H Hamilton, Frank lin 2 00 2d best, U Rupert Henderson 1 00 Best mil; James Bight, Huntingdon, 200 2d do. do. do. • 1 00 The following though not included on the lint, are recommended by the Committee for premiums: 1 2 year o!d steer, by Thos. Whittaker, e 2 00 1 brood row, by James Hight. 3 00 4 bullock, by Thos. Whittaker, 5 00 Jacob .1/i ler, Thomas Whittaker, j, Peter Livingston, Frederick Harmony TIIRL VOL. XXIII. NO. 43. CRATON DRAWINU. First wrernium, Miss Nanuie Miller, Iluntingdon, 1 00 2d premium. Miss Ellie V. Given, 50 Committee recommended that premiums be given to the following persons, for excellent specimens of crayon drawing : Miss Mary Swoope, 50 cts; Miss N. M'Dtvit, 50cts. WATER COLORS. First premium, ..Itiss d.(ary J. Gilloreth, $1 00 2d premium, painting in crayon, Miss N. dfltivitt, 80 The hollowing not being iu the lint, CORSO quently, could not be awarded premiums. Specimens of printing, from the Globe otlieb beautiful equal to the work done in the cities or We guarantees to. do anything in the line of Printing as well, if not better.—Journal. Letter painted on 4001 board, by Steel & Gleson, exhibited by Was. Colon finely execu ted. One executed by Alx. 6: Mullin, grand, cannot be excelled, meriting a rich rearm. mime. A fair specimen was also exhibited by J. H. Thompson Rev. R. M. Barnets, Miss Julia Miles, Mrs. D. Blair, Miss C. tOdder, Miss Ann, Young.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers