OC NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! - 11I'Llthithiazrys At 439 Chestnut St. The only Original Gift Boek G. G. Evans would inform his friends and the public that his Star Gift Book Storo anti Pub lishing house is permanently established in 'Brown's splendid Iron Building, 439 Chestnut st. two doors below Fifth, where tho purchaser of each book, at the regular retail price, will re ceive one of the following gifts, valued at from 26 cents to $100: Worth, 550 Patent English Lever Gold Watches, $lOO 00 each, 550 Patent Anchor Lever Gold Watches, 400 Ladies' Golf Watches, 181 t, 05 " 35 00 ~ eases, 600 Silver Bunting Watches, warranted, 500 Parlor Timepieces. 500 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops and 15 00 ~ 10 00 .1 10 00 . 4 to 12 00 " 10 OU " Pins, 500 Lavin' Gold Braceleta,.s 00 h 500 Gents' Vest and Fob Chains, 1000 Gold Lockets (large size doable case,) 2000 Gobi Lockets,(small size,) 1000 Gal Pencil Cases, with 10 00 " 3 00 " Gold Pena, 1000 Extra Geld Pens with cotes and holders, 1500 Gold Pencils, (Ladies'.) 25e0 Gold Pens, with Silver Pew cils, 2300 Ladies' Gold Pens, with Ca ses nod Holders, 000 Glil Rings, (Lndies,') 2000 Gale Gold Ring, . _ . . 2500 fedies' Gold Briretpins, 41500 Misses' Gold BLeastpins, 3000 Pocket Knives, 2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs, 2000 Sets Gents' Gold Sleeve =Buttons, $OOO Pairs of Ladies Ear Drops, 2000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases, 15000 Ladies' Cameo, Jet, or Mosaic Pins, 2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Pins, • 5000 Articles of Gold Jewelry, Gift Bucks, es., not enumerated in the above, worth from 25 cents to $25. . _ Evan,' new CamLogue, which is sunt flee to ull parts of the country, contains nil the most popular hooks or the toy, awl the newest pub lications. all of which will he sold as low as can he obtained at other stores. . . . „ „........„,. „. ..... _. ____. Agents wanted in every town in the Union.— Those desiring so to act, con obtain full partic ulars by addressing the above. N. B.—Being largely interested in publish ing hooks, and buying from other publishers in immensantetities. fur cash, I ant enabled to make hug liscounts to Country Agents and Hook 1) a than con be had at any other house in ...try, . Any b published in the Un'teil States. the retail price of which is out dollar and upwards will be promptly sent, Gift included, . receipt of publishers price. An antra St Book and Gift given to any per s.n ordering ten hooks to be sent to one ad dress. Se r ial for a Catalogue. Address ' G. 6. IiVANS, Pub/is/ow, Aug. 31st, '38.-3w. 439 Chestnut St. Phila. Hammonton Lands, NEW ENGLAND SETTLEMENT. RARE OPPORTUNITY, TO ALT, WANTING FAIt3IS TN a healthy place, twenty-five miles from Phil adelphia, on the Camden Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. An old estate has recently been A.• .•••I ill e ors, iti•tioon of tweet AM divided up into firms of twenty acres up. wards. The soil in uf the bust quality for the production of limits, grains, Fze. The price is Si sns2o I or acre, payable in easy quarter yearly instalments, within n term of four years, with interest. The forms are made easy, in order to insure the rapid improvement of the land, by en abling every industrious noun to hay a farm. It is now tieing extensively improved liv good roads mad some of the best citizens from New England and the Middle States ore erecting large tinprove mews. It in a scene of the greatest improve ment out of Philadelphia. Seventy-fire houses have bent built in four months. Practical far mers and businean men from the length and breadth of the Uiduti are settling there. It is an important liminess place, on account 01 its being in the midst of a great market. Every article raised upon this land finds. immediate sale.— The wateeis excellent, and no sueli thing as fe ver is known. . . T'he soil is a sandy or clay leant, with ti clay bottom and retentive of manures. It is free of stones and is easily worked. It abounds largely in the phosphates, and such is its fertility that from :he crops produced upon this land and the large area adjoining under cultivation, it will be foetid not to he excelled anywhere in the produc tion of crops most adapted to its market. The reader rutty be well aware ant the earliest and the best fruits and vegetables came from New .Jersey, which are annually exported to the amount of millions of dollars. The land, be sides being in every way accessible for fertilizers has an abundant supply of the best quality of snuck manure. Lumber and building materials can be bad on the not et n cheap price, front the mills. 0 her mill are now being opened, and briek-yards Leing Warted on the ground. A person can put up a tframe tenement tbr present eonvenienOo fm one hundred dollars. On account of the ofttensive .undgratiou, this is the best course to pursue in d cleric fat a plate to live in at fuss. Carpentra and butldors are on hand to put up WIMP, on the :hest terms. In settliug hire the emigrant has many advan tages. Ile is within a few hours' thle or the great cities in the Middle States and New England, ho is near his old friends and associations ; he is in a settled country, where every improvement and comfort of civilization is at hand ; lie is in a heal thy place, and is nut subject to the certainty of losing the greater part of his family audnis awn 9. late by those malignant fever which make the I.inves of so many millions of the young and Lardy in liar oil' reigons away from Immo and friends. Besides, he has a mdd climate and an open winter. There aro three trains daily to Philadelphia, and to all those who imi rove the railroad com pany gives a free ticket. The reader will at once be struck with the ad vantages here presented, and'ask himself why the property has not been taken up before. The rea son is, it was never thrown in the market; and Isaias these statements were correct no one would ,be invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see the land under cultivation ; they will meet persons, no doubt, from their own neighborhood ; they will witness the improvements, and can judge of the abstracter of the population. Persons should COMO prepared to purchase, as many are locating and locations aro not held on refusal. Tho Hammonton Farmer, a monthly Literary and Agricultural paper, containing full informa tion of Hammonton, will be sent to each inqui rer, and can be obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance; when purchase money is paid. Route to the land t --Leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia. for Haw:mann by railroad at A. M., and 5 . 1 P. BI; when there inquire tor Mr. Byrnes, Boarding conveniences will he found. Letters and applications can bo addressed to S. B. COUGHLIN, 202 South FIFTH Street below Walnut. Philada. Maps and information cheerfully furnished. Avg. en, leim--Bm. Mountain Female Seminary. BIRMINGHAM. 'Ma Winter Teim of Mountain Female Se. urinary will open Oct. 28th. L. G. GRIER. liincipaL 8ep1.8,'61..3m, MICXL.INTNATC,C)7=I 21.C111.13M3MCY. MALE AND FEMALE INSTITUTE. W. 11. WOODS, A. M., Principal. Professor of Languages and Philosophy. Mrs. F. T. WOODS, Rev. N. S. BUCKINGRAI4, Evidences of Christianity and General Liieraiure, J. ALFRED SIIADE, AL D., Protestor of .dnatomy, Physioloyy and Hygien ALBERT OWEN, Lecturer on the An of Teaching and Physical geography. D. M. BUTTS, Teacher in the English Department, miss A. S. NOBLE, Monitor, This Institution, formerly an Academy for young gentlemen alone. hos been corned on suc cessfully for the last year as a mare and emote Institute. It will in f u ture he curried on no a school for botli sexes. Those completing the regular course of study pursued in the Institution will be entitled to Diplomas, The course of study in this Department is such ns to give thorough instruction in Sin e lle and Double Entry Book.keeping, Mercantile Calculations, Penmanship, &r. Students can take up this branch of study either in connection with other studies, or devote their whole time to it alone. Eseh student receives septum,: i n Aruction, The Principal con assure , parents and guardians that they Cllllllot send ton school where their children will be less exposed to temptation. No one will ho received whose moral char acter is bad ; immerality will be a sure cause for dismissal. Per further particulars address W. 41. WOODS, SHADE Goc, Huntingdon math Pa. 5 00 44 3 h 0 " 2 00 " 250 " 1 50" 100 250" 50 " 1 50 100 " TAT COLLECTORS. Will please take notice, that the 3d see tion of the net of Assembly passed 21st o April A. D 1858. requires of you prompt col lection of Militia fines .4 payment of the same to the county Treasurer, fur Militia low poses. As the law requires the Board of Au diners to make their annual settlement on tht let of November; we urge the :mportanee and necessity of Collectors paying over said money before the Ist of November next. . . 2 50 " 2 50 2 50 5 00 5 00 " ... Rolls have been returned and Companies are demanding their money. Brigadier Genenal's Office of the 4th Brig. ade 14th Division of Nunn. Militia. It. C. MeGI ILL. Alexandria, Oct. 13th, 1858. 2t.4. Green Willow Foundry: IWOULD respectlully inform the public that' I have commenced business at the above place, and will he ready to accomodate all who may want anything in my line of busineos. I will have on hand or make to order Threshing Machines, and all o.her machinery that may he called for. Castings of every description, Cook and Parlor Stoves, Plows, IleHow-ware, (Ise.— All kinds of Turning, either wood Or iron. and Blacksmithing will ho done in the boot manner and uu the most reasonable terms. Farmers and others wishing to purchase new machines will find it to their advantage to give mu a roll. All kinds of Country produce taken in exchange at market prices. PETER TIPPER]. Waterstreet, Ott. 18, 1.858.-ly. LAND FOR SALE. The subscriber oilers at private sale a tract of laud shamed about I;miles North east of Mill Creek, and a nide trim Lanes Mill,! in this county, containing about 120 acres, 40 acres of which is cleared, and the balance in timber. The buildings consist of a new dwel ling house, not quite finished, a log Barn, 2 apple orchards. with Pear and Cherry trees, a sprint of good limestone water, a permanent I,ime kiln, and a good quarry of Limestone.— Price 800. _ _ ALSO, Seven homes and lois situate at tile old 'Cannery seat in Hill Valley—they will be offered very low, say (or one•halt the toot. Inquire nt thu * Journal Office or to the subscriber is shirleyslitirg. Oct. 6, '58.-31n. JOIIN BREWSTER. ATTENTION. The Brigade officers of the 41k Brigade 14th Divi,ion P. M. You are bereby ordered to meet as a board of Auditors, in full uniform at Major A. S Harrison, Huntingdon, on Friday the 22d day of Oct. A. D. 1858 at 10 o'clock A. M. to perform the duties requires: by net of General Assembly approved the 21st day April A. D. 1858, for the better regulation of the Militia of this Commonwealth, also all rIB. curs having in charge the accounts of the dd . - ferent companies will appear aid present the said accounts for settlement on said day. H. C. McGILL. Brigadier General's office, 4th Brig. 14th Div. P. M. Alexembia, Oct. 13th 1858, 2t. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS , PHILADELPHIA, July 28, 1858. FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $5 37(45 50 " Extra" " 5 fiki d s 75 _ . _ _ family " 5 87N 12 Rye Flour and Corn Meal 4 37 Wheat—red, per bushel, 118@1 26 " White " 1 320)1 33 !lye 75 Corn II 85 Oats " 43 Cluverseed $0 07 ® per 64 pounds "nmothy seed, $2,00 to 212 Fl ax , per bushel $1 70 DR. A. P. PINILDS RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens r+f Cassville and surrounding vicinity, that he has again commenced the practice of Medicine, and hopes, by devoting his whole attention to his proffission, to gain a good share of public favor. My charges will be very low. I re co iced two Dipolnias, one from the Mineral College, and one from the Eclectic College.— I will practice both Almond and Vegetable.— Any person desiring to see toy Diplomas, can, by calling at my office, halt' a mile from Cass ville. Ossaber Is, Ism-am. (Estate of lohn Morningstar, deed.) • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of John Morningstar, late of Tod township, deed., baring been graded to the undersign• ea, he hereby notifies all rrsons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present the same duly attthenticated for settlement. PHILIPS GARNER. JOHN BEAVER. I. Admire. August. 18. 58. 6t. tr To all Wanting Forme, one advertisement Hammonton Lands:Aug. 25.-6 t. QILK BONNETS of every variety and price 1 J offering very cheap by risllEll & MC M unTRIL. TOW LINES and BOAT ROPES, toi sale at the llaidware store or JAMES A. BROWN. T. um , PRESS GOODS, of rich Ftyle * l-4 sill ?art °heap at D. P. GWIN'B. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Gunsmith, McConnellstowu, Pa. DIXON'S improved SAUSAGE CUTTERS and steers, for sale by I JAS A. BROWN. Teacher of Music and Drawing, COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. 11EGIST'll1ttg N0TV.14,,, M wrlcE IS lIEREny GIVEN TO AlI.. 1.1 persons interested that the followitonutmed p , rsona - have settled their sieonni:is in the lt,g- Ntor's Office nt lhottinsbin, and that the said •irenunts will be presented for confirimstion sod llowance, at ass Orphans' Court to he lilt at Huntingdon, in and for the County of fluorin,' don, on Wednesday the 10th day of No , • ember next, to wit: 1. Henry Zimmerman Elq., of Elizabeth Zimmerman, late of rod town ship, dee'd. 2. Joseph McCoy, administrator de boni: not or John Swmipe, late of Walker town ship, dee'd. . . • ' ' " Elisabeth Fink, surviving ndininistrater of Solomon Fink, late of l'enn ttiwnshi dee'il. (including the whole estate.) 4. Adatn Ralikin, atlmiiiiitritt or or the tate et Oliver K. Rankin, late or Franklin township . , • . 5. Ol iver Madden, exeentor of the estate of James Madden, late of Springfield township, dee'd. John Rung, Guardian or T. B. Read, son of Joseph Read, late of West township, dee'd. 7. Jacob Weaver, and Jacob S. Berlistress er, Executor of the last will &c., of John W. Berkstresser, late of Hopewell township. dec'd. 8. Belay Brewster, administrator at the es tate Or Cvnthjt .1. Brewster, late of the 80, ttugh or ,:hirleyslirg, deeM. 0. David Clarkson Esq.. administrator of John W, Matthias, late of Cassvile, Huntite4- duo rionty, &dd. _ . . 10. Jos.' 'A. MeCallan. one of the Executors of John MeCahan, tate of Walker ton nship, _ . _ 11. J. Kinney McCall., one of tho Exec. owls c f John MeCuhan, late of \Vanier town• ship, dee'd. 12. Win. Reed Esq.. 0 mull ian of J. An. drew It nal, minor son of Joseph Bead, late of West township, dee'd. 13. Wm. Rend Esq . ,dGuardian Murtha Nveline Head, minor chitd of Joseph Rend, cote of .WeAt township, dee'd. HEN ItY GLAZIER, Regia,r Register's (Vice. 1553. f SELLING CLOTHING PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. 858. FALL ANII WINTEIt GOODS, M. Gutman & Co., Inform the public generally, that they have just received a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of COA IS, VESTS, PANTS, &c., &c. Also, BOOTS, SEIOES, HATS, CAPS Ills stock or Clothing is of the latest fash• ions, and manufactured of the best materials; sod as they are determined to sell 43 cheap us the cheapest, the public will do well to give them a call and examine their stock. grrllon't forget the place—Lon g's brick building, on the corner, Market square, Ili. tingdon. 0ct.13;58 7 000 COPIES SOLD IN TWO WEEKS NEW WORK BY I.OI.A.MONTEZ, THE ARTS OF BEAU rY Or, SECRETS OF A I,tur,sTomEr. With Hints to Gentlemen ou the art of Fii.ei• Ily MADAME Lot, MosvEx, Cutout , . or L en ,feldt. Cloth, gilt side. Price 50 cents. This hook tuntains as account, in detail. of all the arts employed by the fashionable Indies of all the chief cities of Europe, tor the put po:e of developing and preserving their cliarms. in dependent of its rare .d really ii.etui man,, the book is a curiosity as a piece 01 art it.., for the most delicate subjects tire handl.' stilt a skill and as unexceptional prop. ay of lan guage which is really surprising. This work iaaloe tall of curious and useful recipes used by the beauties of Europe, and will enable our ladies to supply their toilets at ' a trilling cost, with what cannot he purchased at the perlumers at any cost. Published bi DICK & FITZGERALD, No. I 8 Ann Street, New lo.rl, Copies of the above book sent by wail un re- Mo. of 50 cents, to any address, free of pus. cage. [Estate of David Mountain dec'd.] Administration Notice Letters of A.Atuinistratiun on the estate of David Mountain. Esq., late of Hopewell taco ship dec'd., having been granted to the under signed, he hereby notifies all persona indented to said estate to make immediate payment, and all those having claims will present the same duly authenticated for settlement. NATHAN WHITE, Admr. Coalmont Oct. 13, '58.-4t.* Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the_partnership heretofore existing between 'Ater Tippery and James McCartney. under the firs of Tippery & McCartney, was on the 24th of Septemner, dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will make immediate payment, and those having calms will present them to either of the un— dersigned. PETER TII'PERY, JAMES MoCAUTNNIC. ort.ts,vs..o. FOUND AT LASTS 1 S The '5" ny to Save Money ! ! AND 017 Ali NAIAD TXIVIEIs ! Buy ALL wins OF HABoiriau BUY ALL KINDS OF HARI/WADY Buy AL KINDS OF HARDWARE This ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS exceeds all others in importance. ISt. Itemise it supplies THE PEOPLE with indesprnmrlde articles and ninny it•crul inven tions. wide!) cue ha found en/y in it HARD WARE STORE. 2nd. Th 3 subscriber purchasing in large quantities from manufacturers, is enabled co sell these goods front 20 to 100 per cent cheaper: than they are sold by other merchat: Ilis stock includes it complete variety of 131.711.1)ING-HARD WARE, CUTLERY, OILS. PAINTS. VARNISHES, GLASS, STEEL IRON, - BIECHANIC'S TOOLS, lIOLLOW-WARE, SADDLERY. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, CHAIN PUMPS. LEA D PIPES, MOROCCOES, LININGS &c. Together with a full assortment of everything Pertaining to ItiA line of business. Ali enters receive prompt attention. JAME . 4 A. BROWN. (flint inwl , m, Oct. 6th. 185 S. fr I OAL BUCKETS & snovgr,s! sate ny tr. JAS. A. BROWN. INT Contii rp l!i• thni sub. ~,,; nt Sheres sale en Mot, .1 , • 2"; ,2. , nt. A. 1) 1858, the following. n. ncerpe Price, to wit: 3 . . . 111 head of Cattle 19 linen, hin . and hay in the hero. and of a.. , in the ground, Wit_nnt, c:, ~ I t!acksmit be tools. Farming oleo• and Kitchen cturniturne, and ail ether pet,onal property whatever of the said Price, and that he had left the same in itossv,sien, to I' used by him, as the prop erty at' the subscriber. JOHN BARE. Mt ;',ion. Sept. 30, 1858.-31. NEW GOODS!!! GREAT BA (GAINS! -AT-- FISHER & McMURTRIE'S. T HEY have just received a large and !mau -1 thrill assortment of fall and wild, gouda, which ore open for inspection. and to which the attention of the public is directed. Their stock embraces every article thnt can be found in u well salectod stock of Dry hoods oonsiseng of Black and Fancy Silks. French and English merinoe's, Solid, and Fancy all wool Delmine's, Mohair, Madonna, Danubi an, and Tamise Cloths Scotch Plaids Deß air.° Coburgs, Alpaccas, Mouslino Deatincs, Ging ; hams, French Chintz, Brilliants, Fancy Prints &a. A beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Shawls,'Banat Shuns, Gents Traveling Shawls also Plain Merino, extra wide, in squares for Shawls. A largo stuck of Kid Gloves, Beaver Gaunt lets, Silk and woolen l)u. Merino, S ilk and Cashmere Gloves se..a superi o r lot of teens nor stares ana• mar, also Dress Trimmins Fringes, antiques,ROM.. Ladies Collars, Handkerchief, osiery Buttons, Floss, Sew ing Silk, extension skirts, Hoops of all kinds &e. ALSO► :—Ticking, (hamburg, bleached and unbleached marlin all prices; Colored and White Cambrics, Barred and Imes', Mullins, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, ail lowly other articles which comprise the lino ht . 'hilt, and bontestfc Goods. 1858. NEW Prenen Cloths, Black and Fancy Cossiotto, Satinetts, Jeans Tweed•, Denims, Blue, Drills Flannels, Unsays. i..;omiorts. Blankets &e. Bats, Caps, Bonnets of every variety an stele. A good Stork to Groceries, Hardware Qiteensware, Boots cod Shoes, Wood boil Willow want. which will be.sold cheap. We also deal in Plaster. Salt, Fish and all kinds of Drain, and ',Gases facilities in this branch of trade, untqualled by any. We de• liver all packages or parcels or merchandise free of charge at the Depots of the Broad Top and l'unnit. ltnil Beads. Coat: ONE Cock ALL, and be convinced that METROPOLITAN is the place to secure fashionable and de,iralile goods disposed of at the lowest rates. i);;t:41: BSSIU R & NIOIUR COLEMAN'S PATENT FARM MILL. Consideting the cost, we Can truly say that this is the most eflivient, simple and durable Farm Mill now in me, and hundreds of farmers testify to its superior merits. It is adapted for one or two horse „Ir.-, railway, or two or four horse lever 4,6, or steam or water power, and will grind Corn, Ityo, Oats or Wheat from six to twelve bushels prr hour, ac cording to fineness required ; and it is also ar ranged with steel masers to grind Corn in the our. . . Phis mill is constructed on entirley now principles, nnd so !mane.] with self-sharpen ing qualities that it completely temoves the oltiection that iron mills will soon wo•tr out ; hence, it does not require any sharpening and tont he run Inc years without any repairs, thus Having mud, dine tool expense and always rea dy tor work. . . . . It OCCIIIIe4 a ,paco of less titan three feet "ride, about 300 lbs. Inc'ie with seine arranged for sifting Corn Meal for family use wldle grinding $5O. l'rk, with Bolting :%ItiYhine attached for ma king family flour $75. , • , , ..../ra tit °TIC ,. tor a arsrrittwe Ca larogue, con. milling full .10serivtion ill with Certificates &c. W. 1.. BOY ER & BROTHER, ImplemetanT e tir p T il., Sept. 29, '58.-71 m [Estate of David Enyrare dre'd] AUDITOR'S„ NOTICE, .................. . The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Court to ascertoin and report the liens against Heal Eetate of David Enyeart, late of Cromwell Township deed., and to make distribution of the proceeds °Nile same will atlemt for that purpose at his Office, in the Bourough of Hun tingdon, on Thursday the 14th 'day of October next, wheal and where all persons interested can give their attendance. JACOB MILLER. Huntingdon Sept. 15 1858.-41. SCHOOL 'vinous WANT ED. Teachers of a good and Moral character, and well qualified to Teach the various brancnea taught in Common Schools will he employed, and recetve liberal wages, by npplying itome diutely. By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN RUNG. Sect. IVest tp., Sep. 8, 1858. 1:000 POCKET KNIVES, some best In the world. for sale by JAMES A. W 1.4 U It:HER-EN I VES S C IRVERS IN _LI great variety at the Hardware Store of Sept. 6,'h8.-41. JAS. A. BROWN. SPLENDID RAG CARPET for 37i ets. per yard at the chomp otoro of Pam='s MoStumm. ,--",/ , _fr., I LITERARY BUREAU. il . & `, ~ An experienced Editor, a successful Author , .„./. ,0", " 7 , e ) ' aza and a thoroughly educated Literary Man, wee ' • ..1 . ,./ . ...,:!"/ / f." Iyy with tventy•five years of the drudgery of , _.,0 / - I Daily Journalism, ham determined to hire out .../ I and sell his brains at retail, to those who may -_- require their services, in tiny honorable way. • Iron City Commercial College. ' Merchants, Business Men, Inventors and OTTSHURGII, PA. - Cinummer 1855. : dealers of every hind, will he supplied, Orland 300 Students attending January 1858. : with Advertisements, (poctiext nr ntlierwi.,) Now the largest and most thorough Corn- i Notices, desireNotices , c urd '' , Circular !! or any specie s of or' mercial School of the United States.— h Young men prepared for actual duties el the : Politicians will he supplied with Speeches, Counting Room. ' Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pam J. C. 83111TH, A. M. Prof. of Book keep- phlets, Editorial Articles, Communicatim, ing anti Science of Accounts. and every sort of Brain-work, which they ma, A. 'l'. Dommtimr, Teacher of Arithmetic find it inconvenient or troublesome to do them and Commercial Calculation. , selves. . . Fitom JAS. A. BROWN. FROM JAS. A. Mum, FROM JAR. A. BROWN. AT CITY PRICES. , —..—. J. A. Haynnicti. ant T. C. JENKINS, Tem.!, i Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in so on; of Book-keeping. dew or occupation in Ric, :an hove. Letters A. COWLEY and W. A. MILLER, Prof.,. of writ r ien on any subject, whether business or Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK- ''',ll,hueneald't:l.eirtisnr will also conduct or translate KEEPING, As used in ever department of lim.infl93 . 1 Correspondence of every kind, either English, y (,) \ I Co nlon:: I, A RITI I MET IC—RAPID French, Spanish. German or Latin. li 12Si :, Esi., IV It ITINO—DETECTING Poeft y, Acrostics, for Albums, Notes, Billet. CiorNTERFEIT MONEY— deux, Monodies, and Compositions of the most MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE— delicate and confidential character, incident to ERCIAL LAW— every possible circumstance or even% in life, A ro ?a u g h t , Lin d e fi other ,uhjects necessary will he furnished in inviolable confidence, by far the success and thorough education of it writing to the undersigned, and explaining practic,d buiinesm malt, their wishes. 12 PREMIUMS. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash. will Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for I be strictly owl promptly attended to. Address the paYt three year, also in Eastern and Won- J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, ' tern Cites Ibr the bait Writing, Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. NO'l' ENGICVED WORK. Ang..18,'58..1v Important Information. I---- ---------------- SUFFERING HUSIANI TY READ THIS: Students enter at nap ihne—No vacation— The undersigned takes this Method of infer- Than unlimited—Review at pleasure—Grath, ming the piddle genartilly that there is :incl ines iis,h-teil in obtaining situations—'Tuition kilns now offered to the phlic that is eqeal to for Full Commereinl coon. s3s,oo—Avorage 1 )0 VALL'S GALVANIC OIL in rehevelng time Bto 12 week—Board, $2.50 per week— , sufferin , humanit „ . S'olionary, s6.oo—ont, cost, $60.00 to $7O.- I , coa ' s ".,, obse4 00 , _ observer of its effects in a friend of . intne who suffered almost everything from a us Card—Cis "" l " — ' ,ucilue " s IS 5' Minium " ' Sous "' sly " us hair price'B "sine" nruraigic affection which resistedthe best med ' and Ortutnivntal Writiag—inclose two stumps ical treatment in Centre county. Wu applied mid address F . IV. JENKINS, freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and Sept. 29, 1858.—1 y. Pittsburgh,gave some inwardly, and in 20 minutes the pa tient was asleep, and when awaked was free free ________ _ ' from pain, and COntiued so —This iaapositi;O c ; fact which I am willing to make good ut any 'FPO lir-An THIS!• t s i a m m e e . ic .:: g tr o e f o t r im Fra was cured in nearly the . New ' Drug and Grocery Store. I J. 11. BALlN,Centte MIL __________ Auz. 18 1858—ty Centro county. _.__ SANIBEL S. SMITH, Hill St., 5 doors We , , of t h e Court House, Huntingdon. Dealers itt i ALTOONA, Blair co., July 5,'58. Danes. Chemicals. Dye Stutlh Paints Varnish- I J. D STONENOAD, Lewistown, Pat, es. I Spt. Turpentine, Flu id, Alcohol, Wine Dear Sir—Mr. Wm. and Irately of the hest article for medical par- TunNuavou, who has been s.lli:ring several po- es, Concentrated Lye for ma , ing Soap, Glass years from rheumatism, get so ill that his friends Pm iv Patent Medicines also Cotter, Tea, Cho- end teltlliVCA Were ,111111114illed to witness his relate. Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish Salt ' death. I induced his friends to try the virtue Flour. (`rakers, Nato, Candies, Figs, Haisies- .t 1 your preparation—they did so, as the last re; Tobacco, Cigars. Syrupy of all kinds fir sum, I sort agd, to their astonishment and joy, he be race drinks, in it w o rd every thing usually kept I lon t o improve, got better and better, and now, ion Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire ! so liar as I know, be is a hale and stout man. mare and Genuine articles will) do well by l This is not the only case where thu GALVANIC giving at. a call. lOm has surpassed human expectations. In Sept. as, 1858.-Iy. 1 every ease where I have recommended the Om, it has done what it promises to do. Send us another Ws worth. Yours trtily, 11. LEDER. THE GREAT PURIF lER !- Au g . IF, >5B-Iy. TIIE WORLD CHALLENGED I rier TO T PRODUCE BLOOD SEARCHER ITS E AL! g AiliinCt FUND. ger HE rrZ-GLORIOUSLY TRIUMPHANT! ; , :,-.VE';'" ' 7- '7-- Sworn statement of David SlcCreary, of Na- • ill tl4 ~-.1 National pier Township, Bedford county. • '?., - ~,.' • . , 61, In April, 1856, as near as 1 can rementemher ..,:,, ~:.,. a small pimple made its appearance on my up- . !1„ . .: ..,,, ~, '''` ......-' :•-• per lip, which soon became enlarged end . sore. ,'; ''''' " V • '. '' :' SIVETY 'NET i used poultiles rn sorrel, and a wash of blue ' ~,14 • ,- 2 .:2,, ,, , • _. _ L s hrol, without effect. rimliox lb. v.v. .. , L 1 0". , ' '...:*::' - -.1,,,, . - .;;;;, i,,,, L ~,w o r , Dr. F.ly, of Schellsborg, who 1 '3,,0 7,, ,, i , ,,,,... , T4f; -, ,. : i .,. ..... ..,,,,,i it CANCER, eml pr•wribe•l •t wa-l lt ' . 1: ,, ,. .1, '''' -.:. 1111: - .'‘. 41 of sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding ! ....?,:;.;,,,,t, '';• ' ' l ' .' C ompany. these remedies of no avail. I called upon Dr. I • • :7, , _ .v.:. 1 t .i.. - h - ! . . 1 . 2- , _, ~ Shaffer, of Davidsville, Somerset county, who 1 :.•,,:- ..,.. . ~ .:,_''' ~. _ _ also pronounced the disown Cancer and goer i me internal nod external remedies—the litter ,;,,i,4i ng p r i nc ipally of caustic ; but all to no.OI , TIL-WLST CORSI. OF Tanta, as the disease continued spreading; to- I 0 ar,l lii nose. I next used a preparation of nr- I lIJIYALti2IP111:11. .i.iii, in the form of salve. 'lbis for a time ' Incorporated by lite Stale of 1 ) 01111SylVallia. , 1 , 1::: . . i 15 ., • ., t .,., 1 , 11 . 1e ili ii i e e x as t e e 2 n u o t d t fi l i i , e on itl r a . nai t a t i c io r n oi so s o:! . FIVE PER CENT INTEREST Pliiin.ville. Bedford county, who also pronoun- ~ rovEy ls ii.Eci:i vi.: , , is ANIL,. SUM, evil the dkease to be Cancer , and applied a Salve 11l " large or small, nail laic!, i paid from the said to be a never-failing remedy, but it hail . day of deposit to the day nt withdrawal. curet whatever in chreking the spread of the , Who office is open every day front 9 o'clock sore. In December, of the same year, the ills ease . in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon, had eaten away 4 greater part of my upper hp, and had attacked the nose, when I went to , o and on n Monday and Thers.:.,, evenings till 8 Cincinnati where 1 consulted Dr. R. S. Newton 1110 N. HENRY 1.. BENNER, President, c loc k. of tae lOectie Medical College. He pronoun- ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President, red the disease "a cutaneous Canner, superb' . WM. J. REED, Secretary. (Need by an inordinate um of mercury." lie DIRECTORS : applied mild zinc ointment, and gave mo inter- DIRECTORS L. Banner, I F. Carroll Brewster, I Edward L . Carter, Joseph B. Hirer, nal remedies. My face healed up, but the in ilanonation was not thoroughly removed, In r i cher , L. sairridge, 1 Francis Loo February, 1857, he pronounced no° car" , and 1 5t,,,, , ,1. K. Ashton, Joseph Yeric'es, I left liar home. In April the disease again m ina re.t at night. turned, and so violent was the pain that I could 1 C., A lt: i nj y re i t ß h ro l' e l e n i t , ..r e t , l , and I n fe n ;t; n y . l t ) . !e n d , h ud n o de d rfl i e l r ; j'''"" in ' l ' y I " tarn " to in g old without to tire. Cineinnati, and again placed myself under the , i •Phe investments birocharge of Dr. Newton, with wham I ' email ''' . Mort g ages, Ground Rot unt il S e p tem ber, during which tittle he used riirities as the Charter r. ! Feb.24,.57. home there were still three discharging ulcers I every eli v I k e n u u t t i v t l e l 71 i i disease, al b l' u l t pa alt l e y on ce re ' t d :r d ne in d t upon my face. I continued using No wton's 1 6cog_T-1,5121 , i , preparatious, and also medicine that l got front I m . icoiss m ... uvimiam. Dr. Ely. but the Cancer continued growing un- 81 , ail it had eaten oft'the lot side of my nose, the I ---.....• 0 ••••- --- " greater portion al my left cheek, and had attack- Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL Of I I had g i ven lip all ha • a pray. gee at the late County PAM, for the best vu toy left eye, .. 'C being cured, since Dr. Ely said he could only A7t13,. - BLANK AN g ive relief; but that a cure was impossible. , In „,,, , 5,,, v ; t ...,., yx,, „,..,.. 4 „, Na .. March, 1858. I bought a bottle of "Blood Scat- 1:1,.e . ,xt,.. 4 x : ,....tta• , A A ‘ r. - , ; .. V' i e s .':;',, e l 7,4,,,'",:,`, e n fe co ss „, l „, i e t.„" d u i t ':, l !;, i : i i ,`, ~.l. f . a ving recently receiver' from the Eastern but I found that I gained strengtia day by day, ,-; ail., a . illtrttl3 t e :Vr e r I V dY ! I IIfAST 'ovEn PnESS,reo2eiai:‘t;tl irZI:, T: ken "q 'de. ".!' h e led , Is, if 11 ; ?.. iii h .s „ c . l i e ,i 1 ,. and a large, variety el the moot .fii.deionabie 11 , * " " , luur ; it "un t o ' 11 ," ' '""? ---- --" Priidinq .ilaterial, which makes it ono of the 13111. 1.11 1 mive 'wen air t he ti seven years. most crimplete Printing Establishments in this g A r l u tl te lo i t i i i f Although h i e 'a u c ,g e n i v i ti u d , ly ii e disfigured ui,owho I a: p n still has • ;tro d section, Persons in want of any Mod of my lira, s a d ++ blot 11as been dune through the PLAIN iGii FA N''')6 instrumentality of LINIANY'S Immo:wan Bkoon . 3.. a SEAltellEll• DAVID AIcUREARY. ~ , r l., cannot do better than facer us with Sworn u nd subscribed. this 3lst day of Au- il,cir patronage. We have facilities for exec,: gust A. B. 1 8 58 , 1 mo o one of the Justices ling in a superior manner any kind of of the Peace found fur the Borough of lloilidays- Mira, Stair county l'a. PRINTING IN COLORS ~ it.-- u J Jo-- JOHN uuBLEY. , oil the most reasonable terms. Thuse who NEW EVIDENCE,. Mac wish to obtain any style of Being afflicted with a g revious 'fetter on the 1 toms and face—after tryitig many remedies , ORNirivIENTAL POSTERS ...titter', ...Hod to cure - 1 was pursue led ! can be accommodated at this establishment at by W. M. Barris go Co. to try Linilsov's Impro- a 1,,, noti ce. ' nil "'and Searcher; and unto , sin-wild " a "" AUTIO3IBILLS, finishing the a rood bottle, pronounce myself 1 BILL HEADS, cured. Toe toter broke out, something over a rear ! SHOW' BILLS, ago, on the inside of nty arms, extending from I the elbows dawn to the wris Is; also on my face, ' CIRCULARS, immediately round the mouth and chin, and eon I WAY BILLS, tined to ben / tweet torment to me 'twill `arced by the Blow! Searcher. My arms, at times, were 1 LEGAL BLANKS, almost useless, owing to the cracks and sores CONCERT HILLS, on them, liable to bleed at any time on the PROGRAMMES, least exertion to lilt or work, and SOITICIIIIIOS so itchy that I could scarcely prevent tearing PAMPHLETS, utl my flesh. 1 have now been cured six weeks CATALOGUES, and feel it due to Mr. Lindsey, and to the pub- CARDS, 8;c„ Lc., lie generally, to make this statement, in NM. . wtH bu tut lashed promptly, executed in be that others like myself may be benetltted by , best style and at reasonable rates. using his valuable medicine. i /Pa-Orders by express, mail or otherwise, -- i will receive immediate attention. WM. BREWSTER. Sworn and subscribed befureiiC, ono of tho 1 ----- - Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, this WaXIIIIOMEll! 28th day of July, A. D. 1858 . . WHEAT AND CORN wanted at this AND IIicMASTER Aldermen. i aloe. Thosu having either can dispose of the Hollidaysburg, Sept. 22,58 9m. _ I same by calling soon. DOUGLASS & SIIERWOODS' Patent E. 1 tension Skirts, for sale only by I Glass Preserving Jars, different sines, for Falun' & bleblurrnie. wife by 1110014111 & MiritURIPIRIV. WA ',Nur STREET, JANE p•; WILSON, mrk HO ! THIS WAY. Does anybody *ant to gel into good bass nest, by which they can make from $75 to $lOO a month without hard labor? If so send ate 5 cents in stamps or money, (or return postage, and by rotors mail, you will Beech , ' circulars of the grandest moneymaking scheme ever appeared to man. Discovered by a Georgian and proved to be invaluable by mne million of Southern people. Address, A. C. DENSON, Mobile Ala. 'liept. 22, '58.—1 y. GREAT BEAUTIFIER So long unsuccessfully sought, FOUND AT LAST ? FOR it restores permanently grayhair to its original color; COMe luxuriantly the bald head; removes all dandruff, itching and all scrof ula. scald heed and all eruptions ; makes the hair soft , healthy, and glossy ; and will procures is to airy imaginable age, removes, as if by mag ic, all I hitches, &c. front the face, and cures all neuralgia and nervous head ache. Si. circular and the following. PROP. 0. J. WOOD & CO.—Gents; %%dints a few drys we have received so many orders and culls Mr Prof. J. IL Wood's Hair Restore• tire, that to dity we were compelled to send to Boston for o quat:tity, (the 6 dozen you Mr wardel all sold,) while we might order a quantity from you. Ever. bottle we hove sold seems to hare produced three or four new customers, and the approbation, rod patronage it receives front them substantial and worthy citizens ofour vicinity, fully convince us that it is A MOST VALUABLE PREPARATION. Send us ns soon as may be one gross of Si size ; and one dozen $2 size ; and belie, • yours very respectfully. Signed, D. LATHROP & CO. Hickory Ciro., St. Charles co. Itto, Nov. 19, 1556..:.150. O. J. Wood.—Dear air: Sometime last ',Wilmer we ware induced to use some of !.our Hair Restorative, and its edeets wero so wonderful, we feel it our du. ty to you and the afflicted to report it. Our little son's head for some shoe had been perfectly covered with sores, and some called it @called head. The heir almost entirely came MI in consequence, when a friend, seeing his sufferings, advised us to use a bottle of your Res• torative, we did so with but little hope of suc• ems,but tuour surprise, and that of all oar friends n very few applications removed the disease en tirely, and a new and luxurient crop of hair sects started out, and we can now say that our buy has us healthy scalp and us luxuriant crop of hair as any other child. We can therefore, and du hereby recommend your Restorative, as perfect rean.ly fur all diseases of the scalp and hair. We arc, yours respectfully. GEORGE W. HIGGINBOTHAM, SARAH A. HIGGINBOTHAbI. 0..1. Wood & co., Proprietors 312 Broadway New Yolk, in the great N. Y. wire railing ustals• bailment, and 114 Market St.. St. Louis Me• And sold by all Druggists. Sept. 2:2, 1858.-3 m• STATE CENTRAL COMMITTER. The President of the People's State Convention, lion. A. H. Reeder, hae an nounced the following gentlemen to ant es a State Central Committee fur the preen ent Campaign: Henry Fuller, Philadelphia. Charles A Close, do. • Wm. B. Mann, ' do• WM. Mdlward, do. James J. Ureigh, West Chester, John S. Brown, Doylestown. Henry King, Allentown. Isaac Eckert, Reading: Robt. M. Palmer, Pottsville. Charles Albright. Mooch Chunk. A. K. Peckham. Tunkhannock. Henry M. lloyt, Wilksbarre. John McPherson Warren W. P. J. Painter, Muncy. George A. Frick, Danville. Lemuel Todd, Carlisle. John Wood, Conshohocken, John ‘Vallower, Harisburg. A. S. Henderson, Lancaster.. Oliver J. Dickey, do, David E. Small, York. A. K. McClure, Chambersburg. David McMurtrie, Huntingdon. Alexander Mullin, Ebensburg. Darwin Phelps, Kittanning. Edgar Cowan, Greensburg. Win. McKednan, Washington. Thomas M. Marshall, Pittsburg. Robt. B. Carnachan. Birmingham. John N. Purviance, Butler. Win. M. Stephenson, Mercer. Alfrec fluidekpper, Meadville., Philip Clover, Strattonville. I made in Heal Estate sets, end such class se requires. ICIENTIRRICaIIVitaa. qinE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that lie bar leased that old and well establi shed TAVERN Scotia known as the Huntingdon ,nBe. on the cornet of Hill and Charles Street, in the Borough of Hunting don. Ile has recently put the house through a thoro ugh course of repairs, and is now equal to any in this place. Ms TAME will always be stored with the best the season can adord, to suit the tastes and nppetites of his guests. Hes BAn will always be filled with Choke Li yoore, and Flis Scants always attended by ears tut oral attentive Ostlers. Ho hopes by strict attention to business and a spirit of aceomodat ion, to merit and receive a liberal shore al public patronage. Sept. 15, 1858-Iy. 1. Mot TEER. . Darkness covers the Flora. And Gross Darkitead the ifretrA. 'C U NTRY MIEROBANWS‘ And all Others, will take Notice! THAT they can supply thetuselves, in an? quantities with Jones' Far Famed Patent NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENI: or COAL , At the Wholesale and Retatl, HEAD QUAR TERS, South SECOND Street, The only place where exclusive Agencies can be obtained for the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. ii;esei;;;givettll;biequal in intensity of flame, and similar in appearance to Gas, and are claimed to be superior to all other portable lights, now in use. No fear of Explosion—No offensive odor. —No stnoke.--Very easily trine• med.—As easily regulated as a Gaa Light.— Can be adapted to all purposes.—And better than all for a poor man,-50 per cent. Cheaper than any other portable light, now in common use. SOLE AGENCY ALso, von linapVe Patent Rosin and Coal 011 Lam. ler Lamps, Oils, Wicks p , Shades, and every article in the line. S. E. SOUTHLAND, No. 36 South liftand Otrwt Ph** 1ikp4.90•1. =Norapp 91'11r, Dover, N. H., Feb, 2d, 1857. OIL. LAMPS,