Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 13, 1858, Image 1

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    t 11411filibn 0/sUltriti •
!Prepared originally by Pro. 11. DUI"-ALL.
formerly of the College of Surgeons,
at Paris.
. .
*a- Fur the Cure ofell sore and Yain
ful Diseases.,
For instance—Pain or soreness in any
part of the system,. Rheumatism, pain
in the hack, breast or sides, healed breasts
Neuralgia, Burns, Sprains, Head-ache,
Cramp in the Stomach or any other dis
ease that is SORE or PAINFUL, and
it is only over this class of diseases we
claim a VICTORY. We say positively
to our patrons we can relieve the sufferer
99 times out of 100. We would just say
Ito she public, Prof. Du Vail was 26 years
lin bringing to this medicine superiority)
jover all others. . . .
rFriCe iii — Cis. per bottle—* per cent
cut off the trade. MI orders must be ad-
Idressed to J. D. STONEROAD,
Sole Agent for U. S.,
MY connection for the past eight years with
the above Institution, as Cheif Physician, and
a twelve years' course of steady devotion to the
Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its kin.
dred diseases, together with my unrivalled op
portunities and advanrage of pathological re
st arch—aided not a little by a perfect system
of Medical Inhalation—has enabled me to ar
rive at a decisive, direct, and successful course
of treatment for the positive and radical cure
of all disease of theThrout, Lungs, and Air.
l'auages. By Inhilation, the vapor and cura
tive properties of ined i Stes are directly addes
aed to the diseased or is and the integument.
]do not advise the use f Medical inhalation
of any kind, to the exclusion of general treat
meat ; and although I consider it a usetbl ad
juvant in the proper management of those km ,
tul and often fatal diseases, yet I deetn it very
necessary that each patient should have the
benefit of both general and local treatment.
the success of my treatment in the above di.
nage, and the high character of the Institution
over %birth I have so long had the honor to
preside, are too well known to need any eulogy
or continent from we. At the solicitation of
many private and professional friends, through
whose philanthropic aid the above charity has
been lung and liberally supported, and after
due consideration, I have concluded to make
such arrangements as will bring the benefits of
my experience and treatment within the reach
fade' 4114 Orly ti',3
were able to visit me ut my office.' Hoping
therefore that the arrangement will give en.
tire satisfaction, both to any proffisinal brethern
and the public, I would respectfully announce
in conclusion, that 1 can note be coneulted per,
aonally or by letter, on all diseases as above
aunt that the medicines, the same us used in
the Institution, prepared to suit each" individte
al case, Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhaling,
Le. &c., will be t trwarded by express to any
part of the United States or the Canadas.
yeasts.—My terms of treatment by letter are
as ffillowitigs, via; : $l2 per rounds for each
patient, whi •h will include medicine sufficient
for one munth's use; also, Inhaling Vapor, and
an Inhaling Apparatus. Paymens as follows:
$6 to be paid to Express Agent on receipt of
the box of M dicine, and the balancesC at the
expiration of the month, if the patient be cured
or is satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by
giving a WI history of their case, and their sy
mptoms in full, can he treated as well by letter
as by personal examination. Patients avail
kg themselves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may
rely upon immediate and permanent retell, as
he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days.
Letters of advice promptly answered. For fur
ther paticulare address
No. 820 Breadwuy, cur. Twelfth St., N. Y.
ys,—Physicians and others visiting the
city are respecfully invited to call at the In
firmat,,,,y, where many interesting eases can
be witnessed, and where our improved appara
tus fur the inhalation of medicated vapor can
be seen and inspected.
Tows Ce COUNTRY.—Ws notice as the
warm weather grows apace, the denizens
of pent up cities seek the umbrageous
shades and sylvan scenes of the rural por
tions of the country; per contra the in
habitants of the coun try and dwellers among
the enchanting scenery of nature, having
a little leisure time, atter gathering in the
fruits of the earth, turn their attention ci•
ty ward, for recreation or businers purpo
ses. To all such, perhaps no city to the
union possesses so many charms as the
City of Penn, with its many objects of beau
ty and art, Its magnificent water-works, its
Academy of Music, Academy of Natural
Science, Art Unions, Picture Galleries,
Parks, Cemeteries, etc,; and last, though
not least, that link between the present
and glorious past, that revered relic of the
"times that tried men's souls,"---Old Inde
pendence Hall. All are objects of un u
anal interest to the intelligent visitor, efts,
viewing which, a tow minutes might be
profitably spent in the Hair Dressing Sa
loons of George Thurgaland, No. 29
South Sixth St., between Chestnut and
Market, in admiring the light and beauti
ful "Gossamer Wig" and Toupee" of
his make. George has also a laguid
Hair Dye" which is rapidly s iperseding
all other in the market.
(Estate of Enoch C hilcote dec.d.)
f etters of Administration on the estate of En
-1,1 orb Cbilcote, lute of Todd township deed.,
having been granted to the undersigned, he
hereby notifies all persons indebted to said es.
tate to make immediate payment, and all
those having claims will present the same duly
authenticated for settlement.
Administrator de beaus nun.
Compounded entirely of Gums.
Is ono of tbo best purgative and liver medi
nines now before the public, that acts as a Ca
thartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than
any thor medicine known. It is not only n Ca
thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the
Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach
and bowels to carry off that mateer.thus accom
plishing two purposes effectually. without any of
else painful feelings experienced in the operation
of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system at
else same time that it purges it , and when taken
daily in moderate doses, will strenghten and
build it up with unusual rapidity.
The Liver is one sal oi ; the principal regula
tors of the human ho- MI an and when it per
forms its functions wel l the powers of the sys
tem are fully develop-4.1 ed. The stomach is
almost entirely depen- , .. dent on else healthy
action of the Liver for, else proper perform
' Knee of its functions. ,e When the stomach is
at fault, the bowels arc Z at fault and the whole
system suffers in con- Z sequence of one argon
—else Liver— having is., ceased to do its duty.
For else diseases o ftOs that organ one 01 the
proprietors has made sep it his study, its a prac
tice 'Amore than twen-,1, - ,1 ty years, t o lied some
remedy wherewith tot counteract the many
derangements to which it it is liable.
To prove that this F . ,'; remedy is nt last dis
covered any person r troubled with Livet.
Complaint in any of its 1. forms, has but to try
a bottle and conviction , .. 4 " is certain.
These gums remove 1 . , all morbid or hash
matter from the system z supplying in their
place a heal hy flow• - •,.. of bile, invigorating
else stomachs, causing - 16 food to digest well,
purifying the blood,gi- 0 'sin g tone and health
to the whole machine-ry, removing the CAIISC
of the disease, and of- T.
ffecting a radical cure
cane close a ft er cat- T. ing is suflri iciont to re
lieve the stomach and K. !prevent the food from
rising and souring. lehh!
Bilious attacks orellb
bettor, prevented, b. •
the Liver Invigorator.l=
Only one dose to -i7,,'
prevents Nightmare. MI
Only- one des, taken
bowels gently, and cures 1
One dose taken after eat
cured, ant what is
the occasional use of
n before rent
at tug , lo , .•ens the
meal will c •e Dye•
'spoonfuls will shy ys
ilg"One dose of two tm
remove Sick llmulache.
One bottle taken for female obsetructionre•
moves the ranee of the disease, and makes a
perfect cure.
Only one dose immediately relieves Cholie,
One dose often repeat td is a sure care for
Cholera Morhus, and a preventive of Cholera.
Er Only one bottle is needed to throw out of
the system the effects of metlicinc:ufter a long
GrOne bottle taken for Jaundice removes
all sallowness or unnatural Mot. Isom the skin.
One dose taken a short time before eating
gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest
rinion cures Chrome Dior-
Bowel complaints yield almost to the f rst dose.
One or two doses cures attacks caus. it by
Wmnis in Children ; there is no cuter or speed
ies remedy in the world, as it never toils.
- - A few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting
the absorbents.
We take pleasure in recommendi ngthis med
icine as a preventive fur Fever and Ague, Chill,
Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It
operates with certainty, toil thousands are wil •
ling to testify to its wonderfnl virtues.
All who use it are giving their unanimous tes
timony in its favor.
tr Mix water in the mouth with the Invigo•
ator, and swallow both togethet.
The Liver Invigorator.
Is a scientific medical discovery, and is daily
working cures, almost too great to believe. It
cures as if by magic, even the firsst dose giving
benefit, and seldom more than one bottle hi re
quired to cure anv kind of Liver compliiint,
trom the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com
mon Headache, all of which are the result of a
diseased Liver.
BR. SANFORD, Proprietor,34s Broadway, N.Y.
Sold by 11. McManigill, BJ. Read Huntingdon.
Apr. 7258.-11,
Prot of Languages and Philosophy.
Chas. S. Joslin. A. ill,
Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc.
James W. Hughes,
Prof. of Mathematics..
Benjamin F. Houck,
Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics.
GeO. W. Linton,
Prof. of Vocal Music.
Mrs. M. NIcN. WALSH Preceptress,
Teacher of Botany, History, Reading; etc.
Miss E. M. Faulkner,
Teacher of Pellis Work, Painting, Drawing,
Miss D. L. Stanley,
Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Elo'rs,
Mrs. Dr. Darwin
Teacher of English Branches.
Miss J. M. Walsh,
Teacher of Primary English.
The recent success of this school is extraor
dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the
kind ever established, it is now the largest in
thin section of thu State. All branches ere
taught, and students of all ages, and of both
sexes, are received. The expenses for n year
need not be more than $9O. Students can en
ter whenever they wish. Address,
JOHN D. WALSH, Cassville,
Huntingdon Co., Pa.
Notice to Coal Purchasers.
THE subscriber is now prepared to furnish
Coal & Coke at his bank at Lilly'. Sta
tion, on the Penn's. Railroad, of as good quali
ty as can be had on the mountain. I will run
coal to Bollidaysburg, or any other point on t..e
Penn'a. Railroad, if application is made person
ally or by later.
ALSO—I will agree to deliver COKE at any
bank. in care, at flair and a quarter cents per bush
el viz t—Thirty-five pounds to the bushel, or de
liver it in my own cars, at any point desired, at
the lowest possible rates.
For either of the above articles, address
Hemlock, Cambria County, la,
where all orders will be propmply atteßded to.
Aug. 25, 1858.61.
"MACKEREL of all Non., Herring, &c., can
1"1 be had of the best quality, by calling on
Emma& Mettuantie.
'ES Nurrs — chea
SONE CROCKS, JARS, &c.,—a large stock
Mr sate at manufacture's' prices by
The"lluturitionott JOURNAL' is published at
the following rates
If paid in advance $1,81;
If paid within six months after the thin.. f
subscribing 1,75
If paid before the expiration of the year, Ic,ud
And two dollars and lifty cents if not pai
tillafter the expiration of the year. No subserip.
tion taken for a less period than six months.
I. All subscriptions are continued until oth
erwise ordered, and no paper will be discontinu
ed until arrearages are paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
2. Returned numbers are never received by us.
All numbers sent us in that way ore lost, and
never accomplish the purpose of the sender.
3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions,
must pay up arrearages. and send a written or
verbal order to that effect, to the olive or pub
lication in Iluntingdon•
4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a
legs or a proper notice.
5. After ono or more numbers of a new year
have been forwarded, n new year has commenc
ed, and the paper will not be discontinued until
arreurayes are paid. See No. I.
The Courts have derided that refusing to lobe
Ilanewspaper from the office, or removirgnnel
leaving it uncalled fur, in PRIMA. FACIR evidence
01 intentional fraud.
Subscribers living in distant counties, or in
other States, still be required to nay invariably
in advance.
Cr Tim above terms will be rigidly adhered
to in all eases.
Will be charged at the billowing rates
1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 371 $ 50
One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00
Two " (32 " ) 1 00 , 150 200
3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo.
One square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00
Two squares, 500 800 12 00
I column, 800 12 00 18 00
A do., 12 00 18 00 27 00
4 do., 18 00 27 00 40 00
1 do.,
28 00 40 00 50 00
Business Cards of six lines, or less, $4.00.
Advertising and Job Work.
We would remind the Advertising com
munity and all others who wish 4o bring
their business exten,ively hefine the pub
lic, that the Journal has the lar• cir
culation ninny paper in the county—that
iis c instantly increasing;—and that is
goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi
We would also state that our facilities
for executing all kinds of JOB PRINT
ING arc equal to those of any other office
i jl tne county; and all Joh Work etitrv.
ad to our
, OiPes
*cttct goitq
Dear Charles be persuaded to wed,
Fora sensible fellow like you,
It's high tune to think of a bed,
And muffins and coffee for two,
So have done with your douboi and delay
With a soul so adapted to mingle,
No wonder the neighbors are saying,
"fissingnlar you should he single!
Don't say you haven't got time—
That business demands your attention,
There is not the least reason or rhyme
In the wisest excuse you can mention.
Don't tell me about "other fish"—
Your duty is done when you buy 'em
And you never will relish the dish,
Unless you've a woman to fry 'em.
You may dream of political fame—
But your wishes may chance to miscarry
The best way of sending one's name
To posterity, Charles, is to marry I
And here I am willing to own,
Aftet soberly thinking about it,
I'd very much rather be known
By a beautiful son than a sonnet.
Then, Charles, bid <iodating good bye,
And dismiss all fantastic alarms,
I'll be buund you've a gi•l in your eye,
`Tis your duty to have one in your arms
Some trim little maiden of twenty,
A beautiful azure eyed elf,
With virtue and graces in plenty,
And no failling but loving yourself.
Don't search for an "angel" a minute—
For grunting you win in the sequel,
No joy after all would he in it,
With a union so very unequal;
The angels, it must be confessed,
In this world are rather uncommon;
Nrnd allow me, dear Charles, to suggest
You'll be better content with a woman,
Then, there's the economy, deur;
By poetical algebra shown—
If your wife has a grief or a tear,
One•half, by the laws, is your own;
And as to the joys by division,
They are nearly cpatlrupled, 'tis said—
(Though I never could see the addition
Quite plain in the item of bread.)
BIWA levy having written a letter, con.
eluded it as fullowv:-- , Give every oody's
love to everybody, co that nobody in.iy bu
aggrieved by anybody being forgo:ion by
U An eminent spirit merchant in
Dublin announces, in an Irish paper, that
he has still a small quantity of the whirr.
key on hand which was drunk by fileorge
IV. when in Dnblin.
*dui Visallanß.
Friend Fieid, thee have, recording to I There are s :veto! lessons to be learned
_ worthy evidence, done a part of thy task 1 from all this. Manufacturers can regulate
Punch on the Cable Celebration. and it is well. When thee host fastened ther own home market, and the more this
Under the head of "America in Elyste- both ends of thy string, and the fixings, I is done the less fluctuation is there, and
ries," the London Punch devotes a poi-; and has greatly and firmly reduced the ! the easier it is to regulate the supply to
tins of his space ..o the immortalizing of a price of thy messages, we may see cause , the d !mend. Brokers or transferers are
few of the addresses transmitted from the for further communication with thee.-1 essential to a certain extent, as oil is need
various States t o New Y or k i n honor of Meantime, we wish thee success, but de-I ed for machinery ; but beyond this extent
the Atlantic Cable : cline to burn money in fireworks, melt they greatly injure the country. The
From the Governor of Connecticut. it in stong livors, or waste it in wasting snore industrial activity the better, so long
I salute ye. The deed i s done. A new time upon idol demonstrations. A-men !as none of the force is wanted on foreign
heart-string forgotten tit creation, has been Governor of Louisiana. bodies. Finally, in a well regulated coun
inserted into the world, nod henceforth its I “Two rations in two different ages riz, ; try, where industry is fully developed,
pulses will keep time to the flipping of the l Stand prominently out of the abyss. ! prosperity is in proportion to the degree of
wings of our almighty and iiiextinguisha- Oaniied,..egnie,ricatesleganblterbree.hoss,
protect en. Of all cries to catch gulls,
ble eagle. May the blood of freedom The power of nature would no further go that of "judicious" protection is the most
; course along that giant vein with the rush! So made C. W. Field enjoin the two," deceiving. If the word means anything
is al t h e room r. Punch can I
lof Niagara, and sweep before its mighti- This
protection means protection and aid to na
this week spare to these remarkable pro- the mouldering cerements of antique- I tional prosperity, and there should be no
led hat ucinatiun. ductions, and he will only add, that it does
modification or half measures in this
Front the Cove, nor of Massachusetts. not appear to him wonderful that under' The golden harp el civilizutiati and pro- such terrific pressure and strain of compli
grins needed one chord of iron to sustain meet, the unfortunate cable being of En
her sterner harmonies, an has been ! glish make and unused to hyperbole, gave
added by Cyrus W. Field. yit sound way, and sent down shares horn £215 to
in glory and vigor until th dof time,: £250.
and five and twenty minutes later.
From the Governor of Tennessee.
Noble, 0 thrice noble men! Nobler
than Canute, the French tyrant, Cyrus
the Great bas ordered the sea to obey his
behests, and ocean has obeyed him. Xer
xes, the haughty Roman, caused f !tters to
be flung in the Archipel.tgus in sign of his
dominion ; but Cyrus W. Field has thrown
one fetter across the waste of waters, not
for dominion, but for freedom, 0 noble
n en let us liquor!
Fro,. N,e Governor of Alissouri.
When the heart would spent( in the pre
sence of tt miracle, the words are feeble ;
but our souls rush sut in song; and we
sing to you, brothers, in the strains of our
I oat .de and inimitable land :
"London it is very big,
America is bigger;
Do not let us cure a fig
Which cots the better figure.
Send the current to and fro,
The bottle round the table,
Nothing i t creation—no,
Lists, the A Mimic C
Hail Columbia happy land Now fast
linked to England's sand Let us jine with
heart and hand Ocean is repealed To
her coral rocks and shelves Lc, the cable
dives and delves. Lee us diluk our noble
selves Cyrus Field.
Front the Governor of Ohio
If England has given us no more to. our great American sea triumph,
she has given us a thought in the name of
her hi tle vessel which wv!ted upon our gi
ant fleet. The Agamemnon's name is a
corruption of Memnon, the ansient He
brew warrior, whose statue, on Vie plains
of Thes,aly, roundod out one note when
the morning sun shone upon it. So, now,
n•ften the sun of enlightenment dawns
from America upon accidental darkness,
Ithe electric ray flashes from us to the I-li•
bernian shore, may the inexpressive slaves
of feudalism for the first time raise the
music note of liberty.
From the Governor of Nebraska.
IVe salute you. Give old England rope
enough, and ;he will hang herself, but not
in despair. No, the aged and effete island
ties herself to the apron•atring of vigorous
young America, and looks to her for sup.
port and succor. Shall England look in
vain, my brothers ?
From the Governor of New Hampshire.
Yankee Doodle used to ride
On a little pony,
Now lie talks to Collier side
lii twenty minutes on'y.
Rom she Governor o/ Delaware.
The It'hoys must have their emu e
ments, and so we've tied England ton long
string, and we'll Qy her like an almighty
great kite. When we're tired of the sport,
and went to be quit of it, we calculate tve
will just wind her in, and hang her up on
one of the monster trees of our unfathoma
tie forests. Guess we've utilized the tar
nation old caution at last; yes, sirreu.
Governor of ilrkansae.
This here we look upon as the real crea
tion of the world, the other was but a sort
of rehearsal. Now is given to the eastern
inarticulate continents a voice of humani
ty arid intelligence, and they can now whis
per their bodes and fears to majestic Ame
rica, and receive from her lessons of wis
dom rind greatness. 'I: he educational
work 's confided to us, friends, and we
will not be slack. Along the awful chasms
of the roaring ocean shall fly the teachings
~f liberty, arid Field's wire, like the 9 - war
of Uranus shall touch the squat toad of de
spotism at the oar of Eve, and the fiend,
starting up in all his sulphureoue ignominy
of ugliness, shall be spiked like a bog bee
tle upon the crustal weapon of Columbia.
Governor of Virginia.
"Ole Virgin's) , never tiro,
But dance on die electric wire.
Glee de kitchen, &c.
Governor of Peensylvania.
In the many discussions as to manufac
turing which are now current, one princi
ple seems to be left out, the real condition
and capacity of the home market. We
are so accustomed to look at England as
the workshop of the world, or the minor
articles, which we purchase and are con
tinually before our eyes, are so generally
of a foreign manufacture, that we regard
a foreign market as of the principal im
Could we only learn with nny accura
cy what is manutactured in the whole
United Stetes, the amount purchased and
consumed here, in short the true con. i j
dition of domestic products and exchan
ges, we should have an overwhelming
proof that there is little or no occasion to
regard exports of our manufactures as an
absolute essential element of prosperity;
while imports would appear still less so,
so perfectly shrink;
C American anu
lhauareSoCercome all otnuicics alio ri
valry. And we should learn also, what is
by far too little understood, that a country
co..tiauitlly mmufacturing for itself, in
creases its industry ins most incredible
Let us s uppose every variety of Ameri. I
can manufacture in full operation. Let
every man, if he chooses, buy even ex.
travegantly—and that is a miserable society I
indeed where little is bought beyond bare
necessities—and the result will be pro,
perity. So long as every inns produces, i
he will endeavor by every art to sell his
goods. and the more he sells the more will
he be able to buy for himself nna family.
So long as there ore not too many brokers
or merchants in a community—or mere
transferrers, who, when they exceed a
certain proportion, simply injure each
other and the rest of the worla—it matters
but little how many manufacturers we
have. Where a country enjoys protec•
tins, the cry of "over manufacture" and
excessive stocks is an absurdity. The
whole is like one of those curious chemi.
cal experiments, in which the volume of
I two liquies is increased by combining
them and shaking them together. Raw
material supplied by agriculture and inter
nal resources, is one of those liquids;
manufacturing is the other. So long as
there is no hole in the flask through
which the air (containing foreign elements
may enter, or the liquid escape, it will con.
tinue to increase in volume, and the more
it is shaken the larger it will grow.
It is the hole in the bottle which causes
our suflerings. Through that hole for
eign goods come in and American gold
ges out while, all home action is parally
zed One may buy and buy ail infanlum
within his income, and so long ns his mon
ey is laid out for home manufacturers, he
will only increase the wealth of the per
sons who buy of him his own wares.—
But let there be a hole in the bottle, let
him buy of people who buy little or noth
ing of hint in return, and he will find
that he is weakening others and impover
ishing himself.
Time is a favorite argument of those
who believe in'•the hole in the bottle."—
they instance European cloth, and ask if
it cannot be made better and cheaper than
American, No person could however,
put the question, were the advance which
has been node of late years is American
textile fabrics fairly known to the world.
It has been so great that no person could
deny that with the slightest aid it would
soon defy competition. In fact if the
public only knew how much American
made cloth is sold to it as French and
Belgian, it would speedily conclude that
the foreign articles is not required here
Notwithstanding the rain, (pile a large
audience assembled last evening at Union
Chanel, corner of Broadway and Thirty
ninth street, to listen to Prof, NlArrisoses
lecture upon the Comet. The Professor
said that he thought the celebrated visitor
which has honored us with his appearance
fur some time past had not received the
attention which it deserved. He then
gave a short description of the solar system
describing the motions of the different plan
ets, their respective size, their speed, ran
ging from 11,000 to 110, 000 miles per
hour, &c , Comets also belong to the so•
Jar system, though they are erractic and
singular, having very eccentric orbits, de•
viating in a great degree from the circular
form of the orbits of the planets. 'five my
four comets go in opposite directions :o the
course of the planets, end th iy come from
every point of the compass, in e ntirelv dif
ferent planes from the planets. They also
vary immensely as they approach and re
cede from the sun, growing much larger
in size and length of tail as they approach
LIU lAtirtnTitti!'entatVUMEitagt
I4' ill oppoatauce, so much so that its inden
tity can only be ascertained by knowing
the time of its periodical visit. At rail
-1 road speed, it would take us 11,000 years
to reach the tnost Distant planet of our
system, yet Halley's comet, which is a
"home comet," and keeps near to us, is
1,500,000,000 miles farther on. Halley's
comet has a period of only 75 years, while
some of them have a period of 500 years
going a proportionable distance sway—a
distance scarcely to be imagired. The
hornet we now see was first discovered by
Dolled of Florence, on the 3d of June
last; it has not been identified as ever hay
ing been seen on the earth before, though
it is most similar to one that made its ap
pearance 331 ears B. C „ making a pe
riod of over 2,000 years. The comet can
not be a solid body in all its extent, else its
immense weight would so attract the other
planets in a manner that would be imme
diately felt. Beside stars can be seen
through it—it is slid they can be seen
even through the nucleus or center. 'limy
are therefore not solid, but reflect light from
the sun. Newton's theory was that they
were bodies of vapor; but the Professor
considered this theory unsatisfactory. He
rugger ed that the substance of the comet
might be so light that the re) a of light
might have force enough to drive the tail
backward; about probably that portion was
lighter and not attracted so strongly. The
comet was moving at the rate of 1,500,000
miles per hour, or 2,500,mi1es per minute
arid 40 miles per second. In order to con
ceive of such speed we must retnernber
that there ie probably no atmosphere in the
space where the bodies revolve, conrie
quently no resistance. Curvature of the
tail the Professor charged to the fact of
unequal attraction. He said that the ef
fect upon us of a collision with a comet.
should such a thing take place, would be
something like the effect upon the oyster
and lobsters in the flay, should a cloud
by soine means strike the water. Ariottr-
er peculiarity is that the comets "back out'
fur when they leave, the tail appears to go
foremost. From some appearances, it
would seem the orbit of this comet is a par
abolic curve. If that is the case, it will
never again be seen by the inhabitants of
the earth. What is the object of these
comets, or what purpose they sere. has
never been clearly ascertained, though it
has been thought that they went from one
solar system to another, linking them ID
some way to each other.
The lecture was illustrated with numer
ous maps and diagrams, views of different
comets, dec. On account of the unfavor
ble weather by which many were kept at
home, the lecture will be repeater' on Fri
day night.---N. Y Tribvite
.J.'i pial ' ... Mures.
' 1 ' 1 ini
For the Huntingdon Journal.
Meditation being the surest method of
self improvement I would now respective
ly present it to the attention of my readers.
Whether in the pursuit of the transitory
allurements, and seductive temptations or
thin world, or the more elevating and endu.
Iring, and happier realities of the world we
hope to reach after this fitful life ended,
we shuffle off dila mortal coil—all progress
successively is vain without its aid. No
person can truly know their own charac
ter, their motives, and inward desires ex.
uept by searching reflection. We are too
apt to hurry on, in the bustle of business,
or passion, without weighing in our minds
the propriety of our acts, or even noticing
the sin we add to others—of the neglect of
self-inspection—which is requisite to keep
us "in the way we should go." To do
well at all times we must sometimes pause,
and take a careful observation of the
course tvo are pursuing—as does a mari-
tier at tea.
"My God permit roe not to be,
A stranger to myself and thee;
Amidst a thousand thoughts I rove,
Forgetful of my highest love."
"Through all the mazes of my heart
My search let heavenly wisdom guide,
And still its radiant beams impart
Till all he searched and purified."
This precious power is necessary more
over to explain and simplify all knowledge
(particularly religious truths). It doubles
the power of ntemory, and when it is made
a daily habit, we may be able to apply all
our other rea - oning faculties into active
use when unforseen emergenciee ariso
which tax all the resources we can corn.
stand to bear, and control. The duties,
promises, hope.l and fears of the Christian
are pictured plainly in the reflective mir
rors of silence and thought, and while a
rainbow halo is shown to encourage the
&Au" ray..nn.d.nat btl
before the eyes of the evil to warm them to
pause in their career, and "go and sin no
more." No one enters into or steadily
pursues any great or hazardous or profita
ble project in any station of life, without a
consideration previously. 'Phis we may
notice in all our great men's lives, and we
may know that a fool though he under
takes much, accomplishes but little. Then
how especially true is this in regard to
our denial interests, and how true that we
should advance them more rapidly than
all others. Self• examination and thought
ful rafiect.on then we see becomes one of
our first duties. The Bible tells us to
'spray without ceasing." Yet men have
always fixed times for cl,votion so that they
could the l ester settle their minds upon
the sacred Work and keep out all ideas of
a carnal. nature.
I would likewise recommend seasons of
thought. Prayer being a handmaid and
assistant of contemplation—if asked—
when should we stop to think, I should an
swer, when we pray. But, say some, I
too often feel unfit for either when I rise or
lie down. I answer, be not troubled be
cause of the inequalities of feeling with
which you enter your closet, or the changes
from sunshine to shadow, which hover ov
er your mind. Trust in the Lced, and
while on your knees he will grant a sweet
"Meditate upon these things, give thy
self wholly to them, that thy profiting
msy appear to all." 1 Ep. Tim. 4 chap.
15 v. To those whO feel that they have
lived as God would desire, it is a source of
the greatest pleasure to retire from the
scenes of active life, and gaze wtih the
mind's eye on the happy scenes and deeds
long since past, and to look forward into
the dim vista of the future with an imagi
nation as vivid of pleasures to come.
"So let us live, that age may but reveal,
Minds wide.expanded, thoughts serenely fair;
That onward Time with noiseless step may steal
And find us joyous, while we still prepare
Fur an immortal state,—our being's hope and
prayer." EDUCATOR.
Ir An inventor in Philadelphia has
constructed a portable machine weighing
less than one hundrnd pounds oy whtch a
man of ordinary weight can lift a weight
of eighteen tons, by the simple applica
tion of his strength to the lever. It is the
most efficient lifting jack ever invented.—
The inventor claims to have discovered,
in its invention, the lost power by which
ancients were enabled to move ponderous
masses, such as no modern mechanics
could stir.
lierA certain dissatisfied wile says that
her husband is such a blunderer that he
cannot try a new boot or shoe on without
Initting his foot in it," •