Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 10, 1858, Image 3

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Scrofula, or King's Evil,
is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak ' and poor. Being in the circulation, it
pervades the whole body, and may burst out
in disease on any part of it. No organ is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it tone
not destroy. 'rho scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by thu venereal infection. 'What
ever ho its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending „ from parents to children
unto the third and Muth generation ;" indeed,
it seems to be the rod of Rim who says, "I
will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
their children."
It: effects commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or tilt:emus matter, which, in
the lunge, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on
the surface, eruptiens or sera. This font cor
ruption, which genders in the blond, depresscl
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only stiffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far lea power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases conse
quently, v,e:t numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulons in their nature,
are still rendered fatal by this taint in the
system. Most of the consumption which de
cimates the human family hoe it, origln directly
in this scrofulous contamination; and many
destructive discus's of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or
arc aggravated by the come cause.
One quarter of nil our penpte are ccrofulous;
their persons are invaded by this locking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
Orann, it frout the system we most renovate
the bloi c t by :in altt relive intslieMe, and in.
vitp.ritto is loe I.:cithy fund and exercise.
tan,h ti medial'e we supply in
AyEn . s'a
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
•,1-.l`.l.ich the medical
,A,lll 111 1, 4 , 4 4 ..1'. 4 1, I 41 o 4 4
ft 4, this every
v ',Yr.:L., a•:• . . .. . ..:d'•:. It in ',M-
N:PA eras Ihk• that have
uv••ral. Mr the i7ilairgation of thie find
fr.: ana thy rescue of the
kolit its
11•.. t . •it *4...1:1 •• ;;•r the imro rf
l':!, 1.1 other Mlle
,: hid; i • •.• !, ‘e• Ea; :•Tivr.
4 :44 4 . 4 ., I.4 :llrra,
it 4.11 1\ 1 •,0115T,
• •!.
• • . : . ••. • ).1.11., belief
i •• .• : • led in tiuth,
. • blued. Ilia
. Shrsapa•
• • . vital fluid,
, . '
Ayers Cathartic Pills,
. - .
. ',oil Of Ille 11111111111 ot
4 at4iun, and re-lolinv
, ' a ~,a.stquencn of 1.11,,e
Avial our,l dour' with
ia natio to find
• . • 4 , n rowdy at once sa
2,'ot Clity-day
I .1 . try i.wny A , rmiclable n,,4
(0.1 ke a.rr r i 1:rlow maned IN
I •• : Att:ctiv.itt Almanac,
cs rer ions I
, i it etstirc. I
T, • , thso,dered •
lb, bid
, • ,
Ayes Cherry Pectoral,
l'oi.ts, tormerrm, Itoniseuess,
Crimp, Prone hit.'. teei;>%,nt Consomp.
emi ler the ',tie! of Consumptive
l'atients in mit ouveti stages of the
ii 1110 11, I'l t,l 11, me:ol'logs and so nu.
11.1;1. 01,` 11:0 0:1:1'S of ilo cures, 11111 t. almost
HMI: ry al wiuds in penons pub-
Ji klieu v.ho have tie. restored from alurtning
:nt men despoate 01W., of the lungs Icy its
me. When enc.t Wel, it.; ruil,riority over every
other nuslicit.e of its kiwi i apparent to escape
observati ~,,, and where its virtues me known, the
public w• longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing end &mere. erections of the
Whileorgans that ore ineident to our climate,
While toy inferior remedies thrust upon the
emmunity 11,,e failed tint been discarded, this
has gained by every trial, conferred benefits
on the atilim,d they eau never forget, and pro
duced cures too nunteroul and too remarkable to
be forgotten.
DR. J. C. AYER & CO.
r PUB subscuiher thankful for past favors res
pectfully informs his friends and the pub
lic generally that ho is receiving at I,is now
Store in Portstown, opposite the old Toll Bridge
splendid stock of New Goods, which has been
selected wit h groat care, to suit purchasers.—
The stock of
Hardware. Quenswnre, Boots.
and Shoes, Hats and Caps, a mariety of Stone
and Earthen ware. Fish Salt, Cedar-ware and
in tart all articles kept in a country store. All
of which will be sold low fur cash. or country
prod.c. Cive us a call.
Nu, 3, 1858,
(srecEssotta To SP:MAN a wartNica.)
Manufacturers of and Dealers Wholesale and
Detail in
McGregor's Celebrated Healers and
Will& a great variety of the latest patterns of
Queen's Patent Portable Forges,
Nov. 3,'58..
DFUSE t for sale low, at the Hardware Sloe
3 f JAS. A. BROWN.
PHILAUELPIIIA, Nov. 10, 1858.
FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $5 05@3 25
" Extra " " 5 25V5 75
family '• 5 50(60 00
Rye Flour and Corn Meal 4 3 ,
Wheat—red, per bushel, 1 18Cel 20
' White '' ' 1 32@1 33
Rye ' 75
Oats n 43
Oloverseed $5 6 0,!: , per 64 Peen"
Timothy need, $2,0010 212
Elite, per huehel t'l 70
Wm. B. Add!enui, farmer, Wnrriorsmark.
A braham Branstetter, farmer, Warriorstuark,
lames Black, farmer Porter,
Enoch Chilcote, farmer, Tod,
David Cree, cabt. makcr, Warrioremark,
Wm. Cunningham, laborer, Warriorsmark,
Josiah Cunningham, farmer, Barree,
Darius Doyle, carpenter„ Clay,
John Dell farmer, Case,
Jackson Enveart. farmer. Hopewell, •
tiarlets Ealy, blacksmith, Brady,
John Ebert% thriller, Franklin,
Cannon 'l'. Green, farmer, Barree,
Daniel Gray, laborer, Brady,
Luther Hileman, farmer, Cromwell,
Samuel Balmy, farmer Brady,
Thompson hl. Hardy, farmer, Henderson,
Tames Johnston, laborer Case,
Joseph Kno le farmer, Porter,
Francis A. McCoy, farmer, Brady,
Jamul McNeal, farmer, Tell.
James hlchlonigal, farmer, Barree,
Roht. McCurney, merchant, Jackson,
J o hn Noble, pumpmaker, Caseville,
Martin Orindy, farmer, Barree,
Jacob Russel, farmer, Hopewell.
David Rupert, farmer. Henderson,
Joseph Rhodes, farmer Cromwell,
Lewis Stever, fanner, Cass,
James Saxton, merchant, Huntingdon,
Alexander Stitt, gentlemen, Alexandria,
Thongs 'Nagar, carpenter,
David S. Vance, painter, Jackeor,
Abraham Weight, farmer, Franklin '
F. B. Wallace, blacksmith. Huntingdon,
John Zimmerman, farmer Tod. . _
“Thick Darkness covers the Earth.
And Gross Darkness the people.
And all Others, will take Notice!
TIIAT thoy can supply tirpselves, in any
quitlititiea with
Jones' Far Famed Patent
At the Wholesale and Retail, HEAD QUAH
South SECOND Street,
The only place where exclusive Agencies can
lie obtained for the States of Pennsylvania,
New Jersey and Delaware. . .
These Lamps give a light equal in intensity of
flume. and similar in appearance to Gas, nod
ore claimed to be superior to all other
. portahle
li ditto. now in use. No liar of Explosion—No
offensive odor.—No stnoke.—Very easily trim•
reed.—Au easily regulatel an a liar Light.
Can be adapted to all purposes.—And better
tl nn nl! thr a pour man,--50 per cent. cheaper
than any other portable light, note in comm.
o 1.1: ACES, AI SO, FOR
linaors Patent Rosin and Coal Oil
C;is-I,ltow, Oils, Wicks, Shades, and every
nrtielo in the line. S. E. SOUTHLAND,
Nu. SR South Second Street, Phiinde
Hammonton Lands,
'll'o AL' WANTING FA R. 7/1
11N a healthy place, twenty-dive miles from
ndelphin, on the Camden Atlantic railroad,
New Jersey. An old estate has recently been
opened liar sale, and th o Host division of 10,000
arres divided op into farms of twenty acres up
wards. The soil is of the hest Trility fee the
production ot It nits, grains, &e. The price is
$1011 , 2111 er nere, payable in easy y.. 0500 yearly
instalments, within a term of roue y
inturest. be terms are made easy, to cyder to
in.ure the rapid improvement of the Intel, by en
abling es-cry industrious man to tiny a farm. It
is now being extensively improved by good rondo
cod some of the best citizens fit:u New England
and the ',Middle States are erecting large improve
ments. It in a scene of the greatest improve
meet um of Philadelphia. Seventy-lice houses
hire been built in him. months. Practical far
men and business .men from the lew4th and
breadth of the Union are settling there. • It is nn
important Itn•iness lance, on account of its beieg
is the midst of a g reet markst. Every article
upon this land finds an immediate sale.—
The enter is excellent, and no such thing as fe
ver is known.
The soil is a sandy or clay loam, with a clay
bottom and retentive of manures. It it tree o
stones and is easily worked. It abounds largely
in the phosphates, and such is its fertility that
from the crops produced upon this land and the
large area adjoining under cultivation, it will be
Iltaistl not to be excelled anywhere in the produc
tion of crops must adapted to its market.
The reader may lie well aware that the earliest
and dm best frui.s and vegetables come from New
Jersey, which are annually exported In the
amount a nailions of dollars. The hind, be
sides being in every way accessible for fertilizers
leas an abundant supply of the of
muck manure.
Lumber and building materials ran he hail on
the srot at a cheap price, from the mills. Other
mill are now being opened, and brickyards Icing
started on the ground. A person can put tip a
Inane tenement for present convenience foi one
hundred dollars. On account of the extensive
einigrution, this is the best course to pursue in o
dor to get a place to live in at first. Ourpenirsf
nail builders are on hand to put up houses on the
Ite,,t terms.
In nettling hero the emigrant has malty 11611 . 1-
o:ins. Ile is within a few hours' cilia of the gre tt
cities in the Middle States and New England, he
is near his old friendsand associations ; he is in a
settled country, where every improvement and
comfort of civilization is at hand; t a is inn heal
thy place, and is not subject to the certainty of
losing the greater part of his family and' las own
health by those malignant fever which make the
graves of so many millions of the young and
hardy in tar off reigons away from home mad
friends. Besides, he has a mild climate and an
open winter.
Titer, are three trains daily to Philadelphia,
and to all those who itnt rove the railroad coin
pane gives a free ticket.
The resider wilt at once be struck with the nil
vnittages here presented, nod ask himself why the
property hes not been taken up before. The rea
son is, it was never thrown in the market ; and
unless those statements were correct no one would
be invited to examine the land before purchasing.
This all are expected to do. They will see the
land under cultivation ; they will meet persons.
no doubt, from their own neighborhood ; they will
witness the improvements, and eau judge of the
character of the population. Persons should
come prepared to purchase, as many are locating
and locations are not held on refusal.
• Thc Hammonton Farmer, a monthly Literary
and Agricultural paper, containing lull informa
tion of Hammonton, will be sent to each inqui
rer, and can he obtained at 25 cents per annum.
Title indispntable. IVarrantee deeds given,
clear of all ineumbrance; when purchase money
is paid. Route to the land :—Leave Vine street
wharf, Philadelphia. for Hammonton by railroad
at 7t,, A. M., and 5i P. Al; when there inquire
tor Mr. Byrnes, Boarding conveniences will be
found. Letters and applications can he addressed
to S. B. COUGHLIN, 202 South FIFTH Street
below Walnut. Philatla. Maps and information
eheerlully furnished.
Aug. 25, 1858.-3 m.
Nuaasi cviii2lll - 21 TAB.
This is a new and valuable improvement,
and is better. cheaper, smaller, lighter , more
simple, requires less power. will chaff and clear
grain find seeds more rapidly, and will' far
greater economy, than any other Bruin Fan in
use. Send for a descriptive catalog. to Wm,
L Buyer it Bro., Agricultural implement Fee.
tory, Philadelphia.
Sept. 29th, 1566.-6 u..
DI persons interested that the following named
TTTrrsona have settled their accounts in the Reg
Eiater's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said
s accounts will be presented for enufirination and
:it an Orphans' Court to he held at
in and for the County of Hitatih;•
'‘. ,iiineAlay the 10th day of No ,
en,her t.. wit
W. H. WOODS, A. M., Principal. Professor of Languages and Philosoplw
Mrs. F. T. ►VOODS,
Rev. N. S. BUCKINGHAM, Eri,leoces of Chri,.tinnity 001 General Li'erature
I. ALFRED SHADE, AL D., Proirs3 ir of .Hozat,,nty, Pliptio'ojg and
ALBERT OWEN, bcturer on the dirt if Teaching and Physical Geography.
111. BUTTS, Trochee in the English Department,
Tcacher of Music and D awing,
A. S. NOBLE, Monitor,
This Institution, formerly an Academy for young gentletnen alone, hes been carried on sec• f. John Bung, Gunrdian et T. B. Bead, son
cessfully for the last year ns a ma!tt and mode Institute. It will in ULM' be enrri,•d on as n of Joseph Iliad, hoed West township, deed.
school for both sexes. Those completing the regular course of study pin sued is the Instituti on 7 Jacob Weaver, and Jacob S. Be rhstress
will be entitled to Diplomas. ; cr , Exec u tor et the last will Ste., of John W.
; Berhstresse, hoe of Hopewell township, dee'd.
The course of study in this Department is such as in give thorough instruction in Si ng l e K. Dewy BrenSier, udminisuntur of the es
and Double Entry Bookkeeping, Mercantile CalcuMions, Penmanship, Lc. i tate of Ponthio if. Brewster, late of the Bur•
Stut...tits can take up this breach of study either in connection with other studies, or devote I wig?' dee . d.
their whole time to it 'thine. Each student receives sepitinte instruetion. 9. David Clarkson Etiq.. naministrator of
The Pt iticipal esu assure parents and gunrdinns that they cannot send to a school where. John W. Melilla, late of Console, Hinting•
their• children will lie less exposed to temptation. No tine will he rvecived whose moral don could dvii . d.
aster is. bad ; Num tolity will he a sme cocci. frillsmissail. Fur further particulars address • It). Jas. A. MoCahan, one of the Executors
W. H. WOODS, SHADE GAP, Huntingdon county, of John McCabe., late of Walker township,
At 439 Chestnut St. The roilll Original G'ijk Bock
G. G. Evans would irform his friends and the
public that his Star Gift Book Store and PIM.
Hiking house is permanently established in
Brown's apb ndid t run Building, 139 Chestnut st.
two doors below Fifth, where the purchaser of
each book, nt the regular retail price. will re
ceive one of the following Lifts, valued at Irani
23 cents to $lOO :
550 Patent English Lover Gold
Watehe4, $lOO 00 each.
550 Patent Anchor Lever Gold
• "
400 Ladies' Got I Watches, 10k.
eases, 35 00 tt
500 Silver Hunting Watches,
..—, .„.... . ,
warranted, 15 00
500 Parlor Timepieces. 1U 00 ',
500 (I.,ninu Sets. Ear Drops a ntl
fine. 10 00
500 Lit f ins' Gold Bracelets, 5 00 to 12 00 "
500 Gents' l'eq and Fob Clteins, IU OU '•
1000 Bold Lockets °ergo size
.... .., ,
10 00 "
2000 GOl.l-..ockets, (small size.) 3 00 "
1000 Gold Pencil Case?, with
Gold Peas, 5 00 "
1000 Extra Gold I'Cll6 With coact
.—..... —........--
end holder,. --
3 50 "
2500 Gnhl I'nneil4, (Lndies'.) 2 00 "
251'0 dolt' Puns, with Silv Pen
ells, 2 50 "
2500 Ladies' Gold l'ens, with Cm
. __ -
ses and Holders,
G5OO Old Rings, (J.tulies,')
2000 04.00 e Gold Rine,
500•Ladiea' tiold Brostping, 2 50 4 .
3500 Misses•' Gold Bt.eastplui, 150 `•
5000 Knives, 100 "
!WOO Sets Gents' Gilll Bosom
Set Gents' Gold Sleeve
,000 Pairs of L.Plie: Ear Virnp
2000 I.a.lies' Pearl 1!nr.117,,,5,
13000 Ln.lieg' Cameo, Jet, 'or
5 00
2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon
rinno t rte t s Gift
onnmcratcl in the atli
( 1 t.
, 1 „ , ,) k 5...;
from 23 cents to $25. . . .
Evans' new Cat tloLtoo, which is sent Ace to
all parts of the country, contains ell the most
popular !woks of the day, and thy newest piths
!Mations, till or which will he sold as Iowa:. can
he obtained at other stores. . .
Agents wonted in every t:nvit in the 17nion.—
Those desiring so to net, can obtain toil le.rtie
I.y addressing the alines. .
N. 13.—Being largely interested is. ru!s'i.. , ,
int; hooks, ansW•uying rrn. of iirr !midi
immense quantities. tin• c:ssls. I am .mt 1,.
notko larger to Country A.,,sits an•l
Hook Dealers than can be haul at nay ot,er
hotv•sc in the country. _
Any book published in the tin tea States, the
retail price of which is ono dollar and upwards
promptly sent, Girt included, on receipt
or publishers price.
. .
An extra $1 Book and Gift given to coy per
san ordering ten books to lie sent to ono ad•
fires +.
Send fur a Catalogue. Address,
G. U. EVANS, Publisher,
Aug. 3lst, 439 Chestnut Si. Phila.
To Lumbermen and Stock-raisers
A valual. -atv and Lathing MOI, situate
on Mill Creek, six miles from the Pennsylvania
Railroad, and the same distance from tho Nine
sylvania Canal, in Huntingdon emdy,
near SOU acres of timber Wirt thereto attached,
a great part of which is v.., covered with first
rate saw timber, on which a small farm has.
been opened, to which a l!1 ,4 a large
amount of meadow, suitable for stock raising.
The range for cattle is the best its the county,
and the property can be made one of best stock
raising farms it, the county. The Imin bee and
Stock raisirg can he ',aided on to great advt.
Loge togmhet, lln inq vi mews me re, con
"fisting of a double geared saw•mill, movmi by
an over shot water-wheel, a lathing mill, u first
class house and barn an.l oat buildings rorres
ponding. The attention of Stock raisers, and
Lumbermen is particularly invited to this prop
erty. Possession van he given on the firs , day
of April next. Call upon the undersigned
owner, at his residence, in the borough of Hun
illindOn, Huntingdon county.
Huntingdon Oct. 21st 1858.—tf.
Wax Fruit, $5,00 ; ux Flowers, ,5,00 ;
Grecian Painting, 03,00 ; Ornamental Pain.
tin,;, $3OO ; Leather Work, 03,00 ; Chenille
Work, $3,00; Ocean Sheik & Musics, $2,00;
Piano Wide, 05,00, . . .
Those w4in'if to learn the Above front a
teacher or experience, should do so immediate.
ly, for Miss Stanley can he retni ed at the
Semmary only a few months longer—she re
turns to New York is the Spring
We request those of our subscribers who re•
eive their papa., to inform us of those in their
immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers
to the "Journal," and have faded to receive
the same, since the stealing of our pack•book,
b 3 ruffians on the 3d of February.
'S I . / and sniffer', for sale by
Oct. 6, '6B.—:lt. JAS. A. BROWN.
(Glees Preserving Tare, different sizes, fe ,
For solo by tf. . JAS. A. I3ROWN.
_.... IL J. Kinney Niveallan, one of the l'..xee•
11111:211) AT LAST I 1 1 • ut..ts ...I John leCaltati, late of Walker town.
The ''' Sarre Money!! ; ,I,ir, .. , cd.
Li ND 017.6(al IZARD 211Vi1ls ! I 12. 'Vat. Reed E. , q.. Guardian of J. An•
io to . drew It ad, ninor son of Joseph Read, lute of
BOP ALI, clone 01 , HARDWARE , Vk est. township, dee'd.
Bur A I.L KIND. , OF HARDWARE it. \\'m. 111001 Esq., Guardian of Martha
Ilex At.. KIEL, to HARDWARE ' Eveline Rood, minor child of Joseph Read,
FIIO3I JAE. A. TlitowN. :ate of \Vest toweghip. deed. •
Fuom JAS. A. 1.111.0, IIEN It Y GLAZIER, lingiAter.
FRO, Jon. A. 13 naloe. Tirgititet'S (Wier. 1
AT Corp 1'1111.1,9. i litttetitipilota, Oct. 9, 185:3. j
excends all where i. importance.
• I.t. Because it supplies TIIE PEOI'LE with :
f o p nrticle• i Lind mans 1.4'1'1 hire '- ! ~ A THIS'
i loF ' '' ' l l iir•
tie's. ,• Melt eon be final,' only inn D.l/.1., ~ ,' " I
11'A R/: STORE. . :0:ow Dreg and Grocery Store.
2,,,i. •rh, sithseriher pun-laming iii Inr,!.• , ----
oltahrille, themlllol.llraCtUrers, isellio.:ed to 5 ., ‘ ,1, ` Jr, '• , `NI ITU. Hill 0, , 5 (loots wc't
sett the, e mid. , r,•„,,, • of ti e t 'en,' ii.,es,t, Heiiii,gdon. Dealer. in
2 4 3 (0 iOO per cent cheaper; . , 14,, ci..,,,i,...::.1,ve senors, Pail. Valii:li.
that. rimy ,old by odlivrnieto ,,
. . -, .
! es. fins. rip, I,
mpentine. Fluid, ,klenhol, Wine
Hi s ..,,„.k i,,,.1,,,i,„ „ c „„,,,,,,,,, „iriety of i ini.l Brae, 4 the k,..t MI iele for liii ,lic.i? IMF
, pr0 , ,C. ,,, ,,, , ,1 r, e rot ale ing Sap, fi la,
CUTLERY, Potty Patent Me•licille4 also (7,,11'en, Tea. rho-
. calate, 51,,,,ir, l'inepr, Fi•di Salt
I florae, Cralivrn, Net',('r'o'ut. l. 1.,,, Rdi'iv"-
i To!,,teeo Cigars, Syron: of all kinds fir sum,
MECHANIC'S TOOLS, , titer drinks, in a won't every thong usually kept W-WARE,
in 0 I)rug or Grocery 'tore, t1.0.e who desire
SADDLERY. i,I I , C 111111 (leonine articles will' do well Iv
• G • g.ivili. , lir a rill.
CAltlilAtiE '1 RIMAIINs ,.. -
(AMIN PUMPS. • `• 4 •t. :ell, 19.59•—1 y.
.MOIOICCOES, , -• •'•
1.,„,•,).„ ,60, it full r,nrtment of e‘eryillit% !
ertaii,in, tc Id- Ono of liu•dnesi.
A 1 I ~ 1,1, i... 1 ~.v: 1.1,11,1 t1,11:11titot• I
g..-7,3- TO PIIOIII.CE ITS 1.:Q[7.11.!
JAMES A. 13110WN.
II ahrn ... •• n, Oct. Al,s 180/. I W . :V..I'IIE IILOOD SEIIICHER
1 50 "
I Oil •
AT • , Sworn ,tatenumt of David I%leertrary, or Nlt-
Plilti',B TO SITI'"1111 I'IIIIT 4 . ' ri, T,,,,,,,hip. oe:tii,rd couty.
1858. FALL ANII N IV I IT:EIt 1:01,b3. 1868 . In ~,,,,, i,Ban. In ncac - 1 can rea-mcini , "
:, ..„„, ~,„,,„0 „„,,,.. in tippearalUT en soy up
' 14-.• V, ti.i,ii•Osiin been,. t , tiii, , , ,,,, ... 1 1101,
ii. Glint onan at fi'... . , 11,•., ' ,. , ..t .1 ~ . ~. ,Ui Aa i, ..n.i jt 1,11'41 1.11 . arr..
Itili.ror the, ;.rerrerally, that they hare j;,-:t , it,. 1. without erreet. I , hulitter the sore extend
reCe.V. d +I large slOCI: Of ii, I crillorl oil lir. Elv, of Selrelhrltru, who
pi rerr•rircd ir t'A NC' h. it, and irre.orrilred :1 Wit ,, ll
Fall and Winter Goods, of „ r ,_:, , r , iv.' and 1)1 . ..ati I.millieeN. Findiag
c.•usisting of tiii , , , 'v.!, on,. ,-.l' 1,0 awed. 1 called upon 1)r.
COA I 5, ; , ,,,,,,1 , ,,,.1 1 h., , ii , v,,,,,. Somerset county, who
, r 1.,. pl , Ol ilifleed dr.` .114e.140 C. 111,, ,
nnrj ~,,
VESTS, : iii , iiiii,i,it ith.l , su•rn. , l 1,,, , ,],,- , ---:h.• I Ater
I.' A NT: 4 , &c., &c. cour.h.thre moiciptlly of crat,re ; I or : !I 1., rro
Also, r,,,,,,,,.., a• ii,,, ,i, , ,•,,... ~,,,,i,,,,,,: ~,,,,, 1,,,,, to
.. , .... ..., I ~,,,..I it I 1,1 , `, I lII', 1,1.41 :I 111 . 11, 11. —', '. ,l'•
2 50 "
li' •~~
• •• -V •1i 1 Went le
R \eft tun
duct I Ir •ri it it , 0 • 111 oteretny." Ile
nit: it 1• , •1 I iioo.intittneiti, ;:are toe. 111ter
-11111 My 1 . .12 i•e•liel 111/, but ri/e /I 1
Green Willow Foundry. 111111111111t11111 w 1:, /let tilllrilughly
I ,‘" 11 - .1,1) , 1 ,,, . 1,8, ,
Feld not, i 857, he ',manual,' We cored, and
at the nhuce I left tor Inane. In .1 tail the diqease again re
l.'', 'l.l`. will cc"'!'Y to n''''' .lllo ' l .‘ , " " 11 ' 3 turned, and so violent was limpid. that I could
itune `v.. an , thing in mi• lino . ; not ro.„, it, night. Cate in Alas 1 I . c:tweed to
will hove off b
, ellm
"";! and again place.' inyselr under the
i•o•adtes, lino a O•iler inaeuery ?rat 1118 V 10. ! Dy. Wl,ll I 0010 ,0,1
0011,01 liar. CA/flings of evert Mlle!, hale
tool Pallor Stores, Plows, ilolltiw•ware. teasooooo 1,1 in
All kinds of 'Dolling, either wood or h•on. aibl • •
• r i ot Ci • i 311,, 100 0,0,0, 100, 1,11101 1 1, unied
Illackimiithing will be done in the best mantle,
xere still thre,
and on the 'mat reasoit,:lile terms. .C/11•1110,
,unnitll.lll, N 0 0.1••11'b
lle.ll others wishing to parelinse new machine.',ten
will 'l"' to me call. ' '
ti t , li n , • .:rarer continued gr., nig tot-
All Mints of Ct./tinny produce taken in exeltange ail it C a d ~,i• the left side of iny litre, t,,•
at market riees. PETIII • t • I.'t .1 •• ••k an Itlit
ucu1•1011011 0 111 1.• . • .• • •
NVllter.eer, Oct. 13, 1858, ly. eil toy lilt eve, 11,1 till 110 c 01. V
er rereli, •ito.ti 1 . 11 i• •nl he could u,,,
ger s. NI. I 1,1 lEN & CO.'S A,lver- g iro but that a cure tens itultossible. ,i.
i‘geney, I 11l Nns.,au New York. &
Iu State St., r oteng iii
it Co. 1891;. I bought a bottle of "thotal -
but 1 roust confess 1 had no faith in i,.
lure the Agents lie . the ' . .louitt and the most 1 was tniy truck when I commenced
influential end largest eirettlatinw Newspapers but I wend that I gained strenAto day by
in the United Stews end the ettnedats. They i and also that the ulcers commenced
are anthuriaed 10 contract ter tic tit our !owes ! I continued. and When the third bottle ii a, id
eates. keit toy lace wits healed as if by it miracle. 1
! ti,,d a fourth lauttle and I have beet* healthier
LAND T. SALM. shire the. I bare been tbr the last seven years.
The sole n tt:teAlthough toy lace is :..ailly , ttibligured 1 ant stilt
11.11,1,11, • •ti
of hind sittoded ab 1111. lilntiles North east t•I 1 " ; "
Mill Creek, 1111 d a mile fr nit Lanes Nlill, !n ilie Wit/ 04:0110 31W through the
• '
anqramentitltty et INIISI, •I 311 1,31,13 I.LOoII
111 Ibis county, containing about 120 acres, .10
:3 - LA 1 1)AN'11/
acres of which is eleartd, and 1,133 balance ill 14core„in' lnbsr, ibcd. this 31st nay ci All
- consist of 11. new &eel. • nut, o r t i,j. ,
Hug lions'', ant gllite t i tf i s h e d ,it I” , Jinn'. 2 .or h, in Mel lite the Borough
apple orchards, wide Pear and Cherry hurl, itotir county l'.t.
it Krim; or good limestone water, 0 pernnotent tt 1.0.1 Junes. .101 IN (PALEY
imr ki ll. and a good quarry or Litre: tune.— 1
l'''it e 80U
()tr. t3,7,S
I - Iliehoi•y Grove. Si. CI toles co. Mo.
' Nov. lA, 1.556.—Pr0f. 0. J. Wood.—Dear
sir : Sometime last summer we ware i l i i t tid d ie u b( c: ie c e cl ini
A 1.J40 , ' I:eing alli.cted tVith a gly, ill. Toter on the i OREIAMENTAL POSTERS - • •
5.•,..„ ~..,,.,3 ni„, ~. 5.„,.. nt. lit. ~ia u..,,,: and once— atter tr., mg many remtaites 1
imm., seat in Hill Vt.lley—they will be s‘hicli ..ta Sic bii,eit to unit.--1 oat. plit,tottled I ,tO INC ::011113 ei your Ilair Restorative, and
"trio ed ve, s 1,,,.. 5,,, tar ~,,e-hulf t ilt - post, ,hy W. :SI. 1!.‘• ts & Co. to sty "Mote, 's liapro- ' can be accommodated at this establishment at
: i . i ir t re s t:, e f;e ll uey e e: e l i ii s ti a ,,i:.,, i ,:c i• c e :?:: ; .l. o ,,,,vir s ii t teti o i(t t: sti f oi l .i e ,iol. :f ip. u .. ; :: : : : :: : t e tini e in i tee. it our do.
It op,' - • :ii lilt' ,I`,ll Oilite or to the
~ ,, - ;, , i 1 , .11 . , , 1 i n , 4• ', 1
~i,,,,,,,,,,1iL•iii r i l i, i ,: i:ii i i ) •,..s ,, i , x u - , : i v i l c i e ele i s li .c i r , l i s A li t oit T a i r o ai s ec ß .
subs, , di, r in sbirloslinno.
Oct. 6, .:11. , .-:ini. JOII N B CI EwSTF.R. en'n''' i BILL ''. Ai 1 S
. 1%.1! ti ill, 1 / 1 ,4,1' mit, soloed' ing over a year , lIIIL4II,
! sculled head. The hair almost entii•ely came
lig,. Ill: the iasale of my twos, exte n ding iron] : SHOW RILLS, ; off in consequenee, when a frietl,seeing his
DR. A. P. rxErms the ellion.• due, to the 11.1.16 IS j alio on my face, i CIIZI ULARS, 1 If ufferingv, advised it: to use a bottle of y•our Ree
l) I.:SIT:C*11'1-1.LT informs the l'ilileflll a 1111111VIii:liel.l 10011,11111, :110litil and chin, and con I i torative, we did so with but little hope of sue-
U,s, iII t! .11 to rmultaing vieinit v. that he , lo"." I ,'" i Peq'd ..','"'''.' In ""I'll 'sied IV I 'WAY BILLS, ; cess,but toour surprise, mid that of all oar friends
has !!:::, o• omantmeett the pmet ire or 3lvaieine. the btu. ~.el/r( he, ,t) arms, at Maps, worn i w 0 very few applications removed the disease en
and hope., !,y de Satins : his whole. nn cut to almost u,e kiss, 1 ,,j19 l u :lie c ia, k a an d ~,,, • LEGAL BI.AmkS, I tirely, sad a new and luxurious crop of hair
1,i,, ~,„, „,i,„,, ,„ u „i n a ~,,i ,i,,,,., iq . ~,,bli le ilium, liable to bleed at any time tat the ! CONCERT RILLS, ! soon started ont, and we cab now say that our
1 a ,„,., m y r i,,,,, 5 .
mill h a rely l o w . I re. least exertioa to lilt ur work. and sometimes PROG RAIIIIII ES, 1 boy has as 112althy scalp and as luxuriant orop of
!c o iced rw 0 if, ,h oa s, tote from the Nlineral so itchy unit
I could szarcely prevent tearing i PAMPHLETS, hair its any other child. We can therefore, and
c„11,,,,, , iiiid one ~,,o , v ., 1i,,,,,,,i, C u 11 e ,....... 11:: lb) liell• 1 lone lIUW been envoi six weeks CATALOGUES, Ido hereby recommend your Restorative, as a
, ! perfect remedy for all Mho:eves of the scalp and
I will practiec hot a f.iteAti end Vegetitble,— and !eel it line ill Air. Lindsey, and Op the nob. _
r CARDS &c &C.
• Any person aysirivg to see lay Diplom:et mot lie geactully, ,to 11111ke this statement, in hope • , ~ I hair. We are, roars respectfully.
by Milling at my• office, hat'. mile Wont Cass• that others Wit: tu:,elf may be beneinted I ! will lie futuished protni4ly, executed in he : GEORGE W. HIGGINBOTHAM,
vole. using his valuable medicine. ' best style and at reasonable rates. SARAH A. HIGGINBOTHA.M.
October 13, 11358..31n. her I ger Orders by express, mail or otherwise, O. J. 'Wootl St to ., Proptieters 312 Broadway
murk I W:kl. RI EIVSTINI, lishmeut, and 114 Market St. St. Louis Mo.
11. I'. GN'U'S Sworn and stlisserilwa before me, one of the ! „„..,„ . . Amtsohl by all Druggists.
A 10.111191,i1l abifihr the City of Pittsburg, this. Q I . l !skii LEAD, DAPS,,••POWI,OIti. •.1N D Sept. 22, 1859.-3 m.
- ... . . . - . . ....
.11 in great variety at the cliems storoLf
S!PONE CROCKS, JARS, Ac.,—a largo 'stuck .20th diy of July, A. I). 185:1. i 0 c a c a I sole at Iht. Hard v .
for sale at manufacturers' prices by AND MoNIASTER Alderstet. Store of .lAS A. BROWN.
JAMBS A. BROWS. liollidnvohrtvg, Sept. 22,A2 SM. ~,,,,. a. 'Ms': (1.
. • D. Y. SWIM.
1. Heriry Eon., Administrator
of I.:l , ,ihrtli Zimmerman, Isla of Tod rowo
ndministrat.e. de houis
.Itdm Sw,ope, late of IVttlker town
Llizsbre 11 Fink, surviving administrator
of Solomon Fink, late of Penn township, dee'd.
(including the whole estate.)
4. Adam Rankin, administrator of the es•
mate Of Oliver K. Rankin, late of Franklin
township dee'll.
5, Oli ve r Mathieu, executor of the estate of
James Madden, late of Springfield towuship,
r,i)n rs,
si iol.:s,
II A •I S,
~I~ti:l~. 11~
... ~:I 1
r;t DEY have jest revived a large nail beau
, tiful ns.ortment alit!! and winter goods,
which are open for inspection. and to which the
attention of the pnhlic is directed.
Their stock embraces ercry article that can
ho tonna inn well selected stock of Dry Goods
consisting of Black and Silky. French
nail English merinoe's, Solid. and Fancy all
wool Dcf.aine's. Mohair, Jlndnnna, Datnibi
j an. Tainisc Cloths Scotch Plaid 4 Deßnin
Coburg., Alpaecay, Mouslinu DeLitines, Ging
i hams, French Chintz, Brilliants, Fancy Prints
A beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter
Slum], Tliiitet Slinlls,.Cents Traveling Shawls
til,o Plain 'Alerino, extra wide, in squares for
A large stunk of Kid Gloves, Beaver Gaunt
, lets, Silk and woolen Du. Merino, Silk and
Caslimpre Gloves tie., a superior lot of mons
Burk Gloves and snits, also Dress Trimming
Fringes, antiques, Ribbons Ladies Collars,
Handkerehiels, Hosiery 13attons. Floss, Sew
ing Silk, extension skirts, Hoops of all
kinds &e.
Al.So:—Tickin g , Osnnbarg, Jied and
unbleached muslin all prices ; Cul red and
White ('use rice, Barred and swess Muslins,
Vieteria Lawns, Nainsooks, and many other
articles which comprise the line of White and
Domeattc Goode.
French Cloths ' Black and Fancy Cassimers.
Satinctts, Jeans Tweeds, Denims Blue, Drills
Flannels. Linseys. Comf arts. Mulcts Sr.
Hats, Caps, Bonnets al every variety and
style. A good Stock of Groceries, Hardware
Queensware, Boots and Shoes Wood and
Willow ware. which will be sold Cheap.
We also deal in Plaster, Salt, Fish and all
kinds of Brain, und posses facilities its this
branch of trade, unequalled by any. We de
liver all packages or parcels of merchandise
free of charge at the Depots of the Broad Top
and Penna. Hail Roads.
Coln: ONE! COME ALL, and he convinced
that METROPOLITAN is the place to secure
fashionable and desirable goods dis ;fusee of at
the lowest rates,
lion (11y l'eninteitial College,
300 Students attending Janunty 1858.
mow the torget nod most thorough Com
l. merehd Svhool of the United States.—
Young men prepared for 11.11,1 1 notice Or the
Conntin4 Boom.
- C. $3lll tr. A. M. Prof. td Book-keep.
ing And St•itnwe 6t . Account,
A.'l'. P, , t 1111. IT, Toucher of Aritlimetil
and Commercial Calculation.
.1. A. M1A.... and T.C. JENJEINS, Teach
ers of Book-keeping.
A. Cliwi.r.y mid W. A. Mir.i.E.H, PM, of
Petneititshi n .
A , us e d in every depertment of business.
Are tau ght, awl all other tsubjeetg aeceisitry
fr.r the suet,,s and thorough education of it
practical Imainess mon.
1 rrimnizunTs.
IJrnn•n all the prcniinnis in Pittsburgh for
the past throe ears, also in Ettstirn nail Wes
tern Cite:, ~o ,t..,
Important Information.
Student , . et:ter att .y time-10 vacation—
Time unlimited—lteriew nt pleasure—Gradu
ates assisted in 01o:tilting sitrutlons—Tuition
110 . Full CIAIIIIIrreiaI course s:ls,oo—Average
time Bto 12 week—Board, $2.50 per week—
S•.t i,outry. s6.oo—entire cunt, ti 60.00 to $70..
Sone rees . iv•ed St hair prw , '.
• Circitlar—t.pcbiniens
•• • • is! WI itisp—hiclose two stuott ,
• Pittsburgh, Pa
eu., July 3,,a5,
1).1 . Win.
TroNmtron, who has been sullbring several
years from rheumatism, got so ill that his friends
mid relative, were sutmarined to witness his
death. I induced his friends to try the virtue
of your prepitration—they did so, as the last re; agtl, to their astonishment and joy, he be
gun t 0 improve, got better end hotter, and now,
so fir us I know, he is a hale and stout man.
This is not the oily nine where the GAINANIC
Om has surpassed human expectations. In
every ease where I have recommended the OIL,
it has done mind it protones to do. Send so
another tF2o's worth.
it;urs truly, 11. LEIII:12.
- 1-
a - c)0E1
liet! at 11, !i,, 1;1. tl:,• ;., t
CARD, .4 4, A N
recently received from the
flitlT ROWER PRE $,
noel a largo variety of the to •i lunl~tuuuL.'e
which 1nv...., it one of ttte
t 04,.1 complet. , Prioting EstabliAments in this
want of uny kiml of
:[.);:c 1.7 .iii‘l4
e„,ro(d do
o i„ior th ~•
%Vo have facilities for
tiag in :111 , 01'1, 11i111111, ony (,1
on 0t0,4 reasonable terms. llatse
'nay %%ill to obtain any style of
tkr, National
, SliEl TEST
WAIL I 'l' s'iltELIT,
rot..,ipoia!ed by the ,Stale of Poinsykattin.
. .
ll Luce or small, mill interest paid fr.mi the
day or deposit to the (ley or withdr.wol.
Tlio Milne is open every day from J o'clock
in the morning till 5 &Huck in the artnilmon,
and Monday and Thursday evenings till
BON. BENR L. BENNER, President,
ROBEItT EI.FR MOE, Vice President,
WM. J. REED, &eraur,....
Both henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Berry,
Bol,ert L. Hrliridge, Francis Leo,
Semi. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes,
C. Lemireth Buzins, Henry Dietlenderffer,
Money i; received and payments made daily
in gold without llf flee
Th, it
are made ht Real Estate
Mortgages, Ground Rants, and such ChM se
curities ns the Charter requires.
An ex perienced Editor, n successful Author,
and a ilioinughly educated Literary Mau, was ,
IT with tlelitv.five years of the drud!ery of
Lilt• Journalism, has determined to hire out
and sell his brains at retail, to those who may
require their ,ervic,, in any honorable way.
Merehatits. Business Men, Inventors, and
dealers of every kind, will be supplied. off hand
with Ad verlibuments, (poetical or otherwise,)
Notice, Card+, Circularg, or any species of ar.
ticks deAred.
ninth:Mum will be supplied with Speeches,
bitten+, Toasts, Pam•
Eili , nrial Articles, Collllllunications,
and every •iirt of Brain-work, which they may
Bell it inconvenient or troublesome to do them--
Ltutiei and Ge . ittl,mee, a every rank in so
viet). or °et:native in WI!, 'JIM have Letters
written un ';o,y iobjeet, whether bIISIIICS9 or
v e rti, er will also o, .due.. Or translate
i.onchive of every kind, either English,
. .
Poet; r, A mastics, for . Albums, Notes. Billet.
deux, Monodies, and Compositions of the moss
delicate and conildentiil character, incident to
every possible eircunistaneo or event in life,
will be furnished in inviolable confidence, by
wviting IJ the undersigned, and explaining
their wish.,
Order,: by mail, rteerithpattied with cash. will
strictly at:tl promptly tint:tided to. Atldretm
.1. TIBIMPSON. Literary Bureau.
Philndolphca P. 0., Pa
Tho undersigned takes this Method of Woe
axing the public generally that there is no coed
kin, now etyorod to the phlie that is eneul to
suffering humanity.
I Ititi en uhserver of its effitels in a friend of
wino, who muttered almost everything from a
. ,
led treatment in Centre county. We applied
rattly the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and
are sonic inwardly, and in 20 minutes the pa•
tient was asleep, and when awaked was free free
tram pain, and confined so.—This it a positive
fist coldoh I out willing to make good nt unv
lime. A ease of FELON was cured in ileari r the
le 001, of tite•
.1. IL ll.k I I S'H.'vntre Hill.
'entre county
.8 zotyl,oJ . t. woo to g.•• :1:to good husi•
Iy which they eon from 4
.475 to
t ILIOIIIII without hard tabor 'I If so send
or motley, tor return
, 111'1 by {sail, ru i kill receive
,iITIILICTI Or the grandest ntoney.making
M,111 . 111, U111,1).1 . 03 wan. Discovered by
a am! proved lu Le itivaluable by
use milli', 01 Southern people. AddresF,
A. C. DENSON, Mobile Ala.
'l'll L:
so long unsuccessfully souglat,
1 - 4 , 0 u it restores permanently gray hair .to its
original color; ravers luxuriantly the bald
head; removes all dandruff. itching and all scrof
ula, scald hued and all eruptions; makes the
hair soft , healthy, and glo,sy ; and will preserve
ii to env imaginable age. removes, as if by mag
ic, all I lotehea, &c. from the face, and cures all
,ear.flgia and nervous Kral ache. See circular
~rd the following.
Dover ' N. H., Feb. 2d, 12,57.
PROF. 0. J. Wool) & Eo.—Gent6; Within
ww I try, oe have received so many orders
call; foe Vol.o J. 11. Wood's Hair 'Restora
tive, that to day we were compelled to send to
Boston Mr a quantity, (the 6 dozen you for
warded all being sold,) while we might order a
quantity from you. Lorry bottle we lowa sold
seem to bore in'imlured three or four nrw customers,
and the approbation, and patronage it receives
from the most substantial and worthy citizens
°Moor vicinity. hilly convince us that it is A
fiend tvi as soon an may he one gro's of $1
; and one dozen $2 size ; and believe us
oars very respertfidly.
Signori, 1). LATHROP & CO.