Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 10, 1858, Image 2

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who employ ana pay for the voluntary la Republican cnndidnte,lo2266 ahead. : Kiss no nettle—A stalwart young rustic ' SARZA .--Ws have long auppoaed this \
bon of Preemen; the other party represen- NEW YORK. who was known as a fennel:ldle operator in is celebrated drug, had come to be an ender•
ting the antagonistic interests of negro The ninth t ongressional district.— ''free fight," had just married n blooming and ea humbug, but eve are assured by those
I //// 4 slave labor and those who breed end raise Mite Plains, .N. E Moo. s—Reports beautiful country girl only sixteen years of 1 —_
skilled in the healing art, that not the Sur. I On Thursday, the 4th inst., at the house of
age,and the twain were at a party where is I the bride , by Rev. G. Bergstreaser, Mr. John
laborers, and who work them, buy, sell received by revered political gentlemen of ' own). itself is to be blamed for this con
, A. Fink; of alarklesburg, to Mrs, 'Harriet S.
number of yonnx talks of both sexes were °n
and trade them just as they do horses or this county, put down the win for Mr elusion, but the miserable worthless prep- ! Ritts, of Sharpsburg, Blair county.
and t ra d e themselves in the good(?) old fashion
oxen ! The issue was clear and distinct, Ilatekin, in t h e. Ninth Coneressional dis- .7 notions of it, that have been palmed off up I On the 26th ult., in Cassville, by Rev. G. W.
'kw'. plityl. style. Every gio in the,rooth
and the triumph of justice and right, in irict,nt 45, The friends of his opponent was ei di e d m e end kissed except. Mrs—, on the commun it y—p re parations
every Vivo, emphatic and decisive. In Mr. Kemble, however. assert that the lat• th e beautiful bride a f ore said, an d although, contain about as much of its virtues as they I On the 28th ult., near Sidling Hill Gap, by
Is some of the states, however, the contest ' ter hes 19 mejority. The excitement to there was not a youngster present who was nut do of gld dust. It is a commercial feet, th e same, Mr. Simeon S. Parks to Miss Sarah
Was more complicated. In New York ' know the official result, is now at fever dying to act a taste of her lips, they were re- ' hat almost allot the Sarsaparilla gathered I Black.
for instance, besides the Slave.ocracy heat. The official returns will not be strained by the presence of her h ereulean bus- in the world, is consumed in the old coon- b On the same day, at the same time and place
y the same Mr. Ernst. Black to Miss Jetni
-.. band, who stood regarding the party with sullen tries 0.
58 locked by the whole power of the federal inade known until Thursday.t Europe, where the science of med. ma Morton, both of Felton coureY•
niesuisfection. They mistook the cause of his :etas
Government, the Republicans had to con- Alba: y, Nov. 5.--'l'he latest footinge , 1 co ,, , , ro llhisin g up s l ew I , has reached its highest perfection, ----------..-----
' I tend •xith the ,Americans who hod n full here give Morgan 14,000 to 15,000 miner. ranger, mwe . Y "' "". en Y '
stepped into the middle M the room, .d in , , t e .
ticket in the field , and also with Mr. Ger- by. for .he mystery of disease. Hence
e a tone of v&ce that at once secured marked , emp l oy
ref Smith, the alb and popular lender of The Aseemt ly will stand about 30 Re attention said. Iwe are glad to find that we are now to have —..—
SC„ O . n Sittu r, rday, t o hri i ,.:;T n itt.,&r fever, SA e RAII
the Abolitionists who ran for governor p ublicans elected witliktit any union, 70 ' Gcntli.e., I have b een notiejeg how things a compound of this excellent alterative, dB.
CLUBBING WWI MaGAZINEe• I manufacturers. .ea cut rt. A ,i 1 , 1 hii • i Union members ,
which , , J NC, daughter fll
an,. contra., the state w.ta great a....dy. _nion - , have been working here for some time, and I can o e mime nn, and our comment- , veers one 4 months. 'Mc” '
The Huntingdon JoURNAI. for one year, and I pears in the Globe over rho fatal signature me ; t ;
.iie,ooists and .Ini , ricans viol with ,cans, and 28 Hilnocrats. These figures ein'i half settisfia. I don' , want to raw e a fuss ty xill not need to be assured, that arty I (DEATH a F A Serlol.Au.)
either of the Magazines for the same period .of ''Porter twnship,'' was half as honors- , the Locefocos in their zeal to overthrow w i l l not be varied inure than two either , but— '•
-- thing DOCT. AYER makes is worthy of I A mourning class, a vaeant eent.,
will be seta to the address of an! subieriber I
1 ble a ma n as Mrs. alartin is womaa, "° , the Republicans, But it was ell in vein. way. e “What's the 'water, John?" inquired half a their confidence. He has been for years ! Tells us that one we loved to tweet
to be paid in advance as follows : have been imposed upon the I , • dozen voices.• , What du you mean? Have we Will inn oar outliful throne no more ,
Journal and Godey's Lady's Boole, f,ctor
Judges by
or i New York is an enlightened state ; out of Kenyon's mujority for Congress, in the
( done tweed., fo hurt your feelinee?" engaged eliminating this remedy (see ad v'g : ,, ,Y r ,
ru , j ,a, these enan i 1 se i n s ate o'or ,
, the city the people are , generally Well, Ulster rind Greene district, is 46, and Sic- cols.) dos igning to make it his 'chef d auvre' gi e en
* l'L ear .lotirnal and Graham's .'llogaziV, for , milked a y co l w, or churned a pound of but. l•Yes pm have 1111 of you have hurt iny feel
Sue year, $3 50 '
, ter, a piece of dishonesty certainly done I gent and on te is occasion could not ewer- IC majority iti the Seratoge dist riCt iS i iirgs _ and i,„. just got this to any about 117- which should add the crowning glory to
ved from their honest convictio• s. And . 1500
The Journal and Emerson's Magazine sod "Here'. every gal in the room been kiseed his already envinble reputation. dmeri-'
Ildnant'S Monthly, for one year, $3 50 lin one ern at least. That ease though when the s' ol'e of the conflict cleared 1
w h o a dozen times a piece and tiler's my wife Can 041, New To, k. '
The Journal and Frank • Leslie's Family . II known t eve
;we o tee body about town „„.„,
y the Republican banner waved ' w CerThis popular Lady ' s Magazine -
:,, who I consider as likely as any of 'elm has .t --:—.......1,..----
Magasitie and Gazette qf Fashion, fur oue year , iterAniong the ninny medicines ofleren
tee c,O , might not be known to Judges who live at proudly aloft with more than twenty thou. will t " g"'" l3 ' j'ellr''"l for 1859 ' 11 '''' I lien a single one to-night; and I just tell you
to the public, DUVAL'S GALVANIC
Ths Journal and Lady's Home Magazine, la distance in the country; and they are stud majority inscribed on it ample to 1,. contain newly 1000 pages; frau 25 to 30 , now , if she ~,,,, , 'et as man kisses its an • ml I
for one year, ..2 75 '
'' , not, therefore liable to any blame whew, e " fll ' e e ` • ' eta! pleas; end about 800 wood en r ' get as . 3 , OIL is surpasstng all in amount of soles.
g n• I in the room, the man that blights her has got ! A
The Journal and Peterson's Magazine, for 1 i thus adding the twelfth powerful suite to .i grater tininher of dozens of this mein.
$2 75 er, We will only add, that if the globe's it Republican t
ie column .
, vines. Nino ANN S. STEPHENs, author , to fi.,1, 1 , me that's int. Now go attend with' tine have b ' Idfother
h . been so than 0 any
e" lL e t %urea/ and Atlantic Monthly, for onecorrespondent wishes to present this mat.
e I • ' f -F• sl dF' . " dl' •J I 'i t
In our own mete all destructive t riv ' d 1 "" in "' in " ' I ""' s • So,ll' platy
1 preparation—and why? Because it is a
year, $3 5u ; ' • wl ••• l'ETEltsits: author f ''[i n to A •I• 1I "1
, 0 y, e ori , I , m,. y . B — was slighted during the good article and is in demand. The suf •
e h ter to the Agricultural Society, he is per- names of the opposition were Inid Heil,. •
Those Who Live in Glass Houses ; fectly welcome to do so. , are its rail..., end write exelthinely for It bloc uf the evening we did not kno w it, force will envoys hove it.
the canvass Wes mninl corn t•
. y Wet din the
Should not Tltrow Stones. ! Each will give a new Isltivelet next I '
year; As tor ourselves, we know that John bad nu
'The .Ape that now owns the lath: Bby ! ELECTIONS OF 1855. , lailie of People. We cora,. ali
'' and they evil! be assisted by till the best fe- I fault to find with us individually, fur neglect on
The elections are now over and the res. king for that name. Amid the can pi ion ,
10 across the alley, takes on wonderfully ' maie writers. , •Peterson'a MAg.tilie" j, l l one part.
about an editorial that appeared in the 1 alt is instructive and not without encour- and intrigue too generally eimeeend' ii;„ob . ae
to every lacy.
i Its Faellions I ARISTOCRACY ,
Journal • to patriotic well-wisher of his With party names, it is refreshing to de
Journal week before lust. 'The fellow has ere el waye the !meet and prettiest; its steel I There are men—we blush to call them
We hope our readers and think' bit tle in tI, name of the A nide. Tlion0) 1
so long controlled himself the: he appears country. Engravings magnificent; its Patterns for I men—w ' dto turn uptheir noses at the me
insensible• men everywhere, will notice parties- we dare hid, far names if principles urn I
insensible to the shame of a dependant po- the Work-table, its Household Receipts, I chunie and Init.! laborer. Being fibers.
lady that all the treetrade slave states have but correct, we are free to say that eve
anion. He affects great sympathy for the Sr,c„ almost countless. The price is but lid ly educated, ns it is called they look desert
gone for the Locofocos by largely increes • prefer this name to any other fur our par- .
gentleman whose name we used in our or. Two Doeletits a year, or a dollar less then with a sort of contempt on those who in
ed majorities ; while of the tarifi free ty in Pennsylvaninoinn we could ce.i6l that I
tide, and applies to us all the billingsgate alegezinee el its class It is the Maga- some cases nave contributed to their su
states, only Illinois has been carried against it may be retained. But should a differ
to his vocabulary for doing what we had a zin , far the Lin , s. TO Clubs it is rhea- , eir ..y e s nee d out des p i se is s ' P.
the Republicans, by a combination of rare eta name become inevitable we think the
perfect right to do, and what we considered per stili; viz: three copies for .85. iir , i , f lii ;:( ,„.., i. ~ .id an old lady Ii !earp ompous Pn e lnug
and powerful influences—the almost su. , result of the eleciiens now pest clearly in- . lur si
~,,,, ,
et our duty to do under the circumstances.. speettlin prattle ~ ~,
..• ' • :-
- t •
••,, • ,!• , fur niutly a night hit. e I wor.
Per human efforts of Douglas, the lavish dime a the pester choice.
As for the injured gentleman, he knows I I.e.'''. fe -{tai el' the cI" . •-• • ' ..t. it to get 'nanny to scud you to
expenditure of money, and the imports. The o) to ition in New Jersey pursiteee , .
now, sad knew beforehand that we would b eel."
tion and naturalization of thousands of Irish we believe, a similar course tii that purse
defend ourself against the false rumor if
he did not; and he also knew that our col-
!Catholic voters. If these facts do not , eel in Pennsylvania, and with u like glere
umns were open to him to correct us if we
I prove beyond the possibility of a doubt, : ous result.
that ree Trade Slaver yand Papery rule
should say anything amiss, or out of t h e lrs- -r- It is no UIICOMIIIOII occurrent, in
way. If he did not choose to 'veil him. : the Locofoco party, we know nut what can ' hear of n Locomotive running into wag
self of the privilege, we can't see that he prove anything. And if any free laborer one, horses Sec., but it is not every dav we
has any ground of complaint, and we will .or any mon who honors labor, can content. hear o f oi Ji v el e gonan c dhorr e rui l m i ing loco a
take no notice of anything that may be plate these facts without being convinced L
rrcn red on the 1.3 A as road Toe of
R the nilroad . , ter A "e fi t i l e r n
said about it in the American, or any where that the highest interests of his country : days ago a couple of horses attached to
else, unless said by himself or by his author. anti the dearest rights of freemen impera- tenon became frightened and came in con•
tively demand the permanent overthrow tact with one of Lecomo ives of th • Bread
' of thatparty,he must e ither be e ntirel y 'Top Railroad , which being the stronger
But there is one thing in the Ape's ti-,
~tuff threw the ' wagon and horsesdown
ignornnt uf the true nature of our tree in
rade of vulgar abuse which we cannot el. a hill, causing the eh of one ii,(ce and
sttutions, or be so hopelessly blinded by
low to pass without notice, He says, ter- much injuring the other.
of the People's ticket last fall, We shall ing a correct, independent opinion. In I
say nothing of the falsehood of this charge. I the sieve states, we know this ignorance
Every reader of our paper knows that it , and prejudice unfortunately exists to a ' IL LINOIS.
is a naked, unvarnished LIE. and so we great and alarming extent ; and the non. • Judge Douglas will bet • -elected to the
brand and leave it, But there are some slave holding part of the population—com- Senate. He will have ..x or eight noijor
things that many of our readers do not prising nineteen twentieths of the white try
Inco on jet• ~ bailee in the legislature elect.
know. Perhaps very few of the voters
in habitants—are absolutely disqualified, L u hes over live thousand popular
by the above exercise of freemen's highest Ine.i.rl • l•
of Huntingdon county know that this '
saute John ilpe Nash himself positively duties ; they are me r o tool{ and obedient The Repvh'ican Sloe ticket is elected!
servitors of the other twentieth, who are by 5000 majorit y. refused to put up the name of the People's
! the slave owners, breeders, and traders, The following Congressmen are elect: •
nominee for Congress, Samuel S. Blair,
who possess the laud. monopolize the feat
until he was paid for doing it;; ha consid. -
1 wealth, education and public offices, and Fist Distr:ct—E. B. IVashburae, Re.
oration being three hundred and fif ty dol
rule the public opinion of the mass of poor publicen, 8500 major:it,.
lace, the price of the American office.— :
undecided whites as absolutely as they d. I Secoed Distrct—J, F. Farnsworth, Re-
The money was actually paid to the then
their (eerti fleece. From that benighted! re• . Publienn. 8100 minority,
owner of the establishntent, by several
gion no ray of light dawns on the hori• ! 'Third District—Owen Lovejoy, Remit,*
gentlemen of this town, one of whom gave
his check for the amount, and the office ' zoo of rational, enlightened 'Liberty ; but lie.. 5000 majerity,
was transferred to John .Ape Nash. We , from its boding darkness the patriot inn}, Fourth District—Wm. Kellogg, Repub
and should derive impressive lessons of . lime), 2000 !neje' !cy,
know all the panics concerned in the trans.
grave instruction and solemn warning.— , Fifth Distract—'ease N. Morris, Dom,
action and the time and place, or rather the
1 There he, it ran mitered, Is the strong la' t •"tnocrat, 2000 inajority.
places where the papers were drawn up
and executed; and we can prove all the I hold of the Locofoco party—there, where I Seventh Di rich—,lames C. Robison,
only one white mans in twenty can read , Douglas. Deinocet:' 1800 majority.
material facts ! We ark honest-minded
men what they think of ouch a fellow ;
and I and write and where every five negro I Eighth District— Philip B Foulke, Doug
we as the People's party especially wile• slaves have a voice in Congress equal to ilas Democrat, 5000 majority.
titer they are willing to leave themselves at , three white men—there are centered the I Ninth District —John A. Logan, Doug
soul and body and power of Locofoceism— 1 las Democrat, 8000 nun trity.
his mercy : or whether they will not rather'
denounce him and thus disarm him of all thence emanate the principles end policy I The Douglas Democ rats haven 'ajar-
of the party—and these are its toasters IIY in the House of five, and in the Semite
power to do mischief. We only remark !
Of thfee•
who are ever increasing the tyranny of I
.further, that no one need be surprised ut '
their rule and exacting a more and more 1 The Administration sate in the State is
the above facts Did not the American act
the pirate from its birth ?In 1856 it re. I cringing obedience from their dotes /face i not over 2500.
cognized the infamous course of the Daily I allies in the free states ! Intelligent Free- I • MICH IGA N.
men! honest Democrats !we ask you to I The fi rst and second Congressional dis.
News, and supported the Straightout swin.
, ponder hese portentiou truths now when i trios of Nlichigan are still in doubt, but
die openly, and with secret treachery de. the returns look ns if Wen. A, Deward,
feated the Union candidate for Sheriff there e r ne excitement pin sent to darken
and in 1857 it played the same treacher! the understanding and deceive the judge- ' the Republican candidate in. the, first due.
trim, wits defeated.
ous game towards the Union candidate f meta. After fully realizing the fact, that
Governor and State Senator. These are ar
Free 'Trade, Slave holding and Locofoco- Detroit, Nov s—ln the first Congress
Governor are indissolubly united, as is clearly Mind District George li. Cooper, (I lent )is
facts known to every voter in the count h shown by the elections of thus cermet e "
it ' e lit by about 1" ' l ' j . '" ). ' 'R r lbw
Nor need any one wonder at it, for John
I year, let us turn to the other side of the Win. A. Howard, (Rep ) the presi tit mem
Ape Nash always has been and is this
picture and derive encouragement, ctitn•
fort and hap! from the cheering evidence l ' n ' e , i
day a full-blooded, and most depraved Lo- T h e result n the Four Is District is m :
cofoco. Any outward show he ever made n • doubt.
of being anything else than a Locoloco, f a 'Men of the mighty powers of tke E .
t indications the Legisla.
Free States in behalf of freemen, Iree.soil
proceeded from low, mercenary motives. ! tote stands:—
and free lobo?, and a speedy return to the :
and never changed his real character; Senate—Rep 22 Dem. 10
glorious principles of the first and purest
which has been and is that of an unscru- ' da House— de, 46 do. 118 •
ys of the Republic. In fifteen of
pulous scullion for the Locofocos. We ' the ! The whol Is en:
e Re publicist) Siete tido.' is else
have long fell it to be our duty to warn the ' free states the voice of long insulted
free ;tad by from 6,000 to 10 000 me rri ' '
,men has been uttered through the ballot WISCONSIN. et-Tete., it
people against the viper in their midst; ! box and Locefocoism lies ere t inn
and we feel better for having discharged e • s rate --- j 'The rewrite from the first cone ression Ye', he
! The Republicans, embodying in
that duty. The reptile being now known I al district of Wisconsin me Complete, ~,,,t Ise il„ii
platforms the time honored pri eci .
may strike his fangs and vent his poison IJohn F Porter, Republicen, hus it ;union' ll' Off. rm .
of Jefferson and the great and
as usual; hut they will miss their mark goof: ty of over 3000. ! how to preserve) our health
men of his time, have nobly trWinphed
and fall harmless at the feet of honest Milwaukie Nov. s.—The returns from I
over all opposition in the states of Maine, Nlmuttn.E ov Clay OEARY.—• Hon. John
men. the third Con • district ,
Congressional as far es , t% , ~, , le
___.___.e.e..e._—____ New Hampshire, Vermont, Massach iy, ic °Verner of Kenos. pm
u.'". , heard from, show a minority of 315 in ht•
oh .
oppr Ono night taut week the store of Rhode Island ,Connecticut and New York; armed paternity inn:mine to Ire. II n•
1 von of Charles Larrabee :he DellIOC 111 IIC
r.Fraker in shirleysbur d
g, was entered Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin d • ' dereen. of Lochaven, in this State. The
by some person or persons, who carried ofl a" I candidate. Five counties are yet w be
lowa. In a large ma:knits, of thesedates I
art (Wing wok place at the iesidence of
money and goods to the amount of forty or directly between
gay dollars. The perpetratore. still re- was trectly between the Republicans and I limn Majority of 1290- I Hon. 3. W Qu iggle, in Philadelphia. the
the Locofocos, the one party representin g ln the second Congrea aim's! District, as ceremony being performed by Rev. It,
. the interest. of free white labor and those . far as heard from, C. C. Waehburne, the I DeWitt, D. D., of Harrisburg.
- -
1 . 11 . 1 4 pr,eotA., s
f &Valt . Xklitia
Editor and Proprietor.
Wednesday Morning November,
The Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Journal, is great
er than the Globe and Am
erican combined.
In the Premium List pub:ished week
before last, Are said in a note appended to
the award of Judges on Domestic Manu
factures, that two of the exhibitors of but
ter must have a new process of making
butter, as they keep no cows.' We said
this on what we considered good authori
ty ; but it appears our informant mistook
the name of Mrs. Martin of Porter town
ship for that of another woman named
Martin and well knewn to the Glode's
correspondent who signs nimself Porter
township, out who really lives in this bor.
ough. Mrs. Martin of a ter is, we know
a noble housewife that can't be beat in the
article of good butter and that would
scorn to claim the credit of of her peoples'
f II the 'ld ' c 1" th it ap•
7cssza lizMit, V S.
I .1
~ fia
R, , bbets Cave Near Clarion
Our fii i d. , at Cio non haven luy,,,ry
in their %vl.lOl Cc.iderably ogi
taus tht.M. say, that about
fivt , j rnin Clarion, a singular disenv.
eery wt•as made by a Mr. NI. son, While
hunting bees, be noticed under some rock,
a buffalo tube and other evidences of the
former presence of some animals lens la
borious and less honest than those he was
in search of. Befog somewhat frightened
he called others: who after some search
discovered jewelry of different kinds,
worth in all about one hundred dollars.—
In addition to this.. pair of booth and Pan.
tuitions, a vest, cravat and fine coat, with
the skirt considerably torn, pieces .of
•vhich were found in different places, wore
picked up lienr the jewelry depot. The
circumstance ,educed ten of the adjacent
cit;zens to repair to the spot and lie in wait
that night for the return of the depositors,
but through the imprudence of kindlin g
a fire in the after night, nothing was effect.
ed. In despersing the next morniug, a
sack of flour, three freshly dressed chick.
ens and a blanket, were found unconceal
ed, as though they had beeu hastily left.—
Several other articles, such as po,vder,
cape, au old revolver, augers, a bottle of
chloriforni,&o., were picked up.
Wearing Appearal.
The London Me — dirul Timrs contains
on article on the above subject by 1)1..
tier who has been invest igniing i , cieni;lira
ly the nature of different habiliments ttv
agents fur protecting soldiers against hi ! 4ll
heat Ity placing a thin layer of white
cottoll over u soldier's red woolen cloth
co it. t•xnatted to the sun in Indio. u ftli ti
seven degree, in its booperntore Noon tol(
glare, hence he recorronend.that the col•
ored c , orloog of ,olthers Armld be cover.
ed with ,‘ 'tile cotter, cloth when they lire
ITnirchittu in the hot Non,litne. All kink,
of clothing he 'Conti were cupnble of nh
sn~l,, o lu.naity of Inoit. , it.tre front the
11 , .t1y. ouleri cl nh ittlg.rbs tho greato)t
am nuu. and c,ittou the least. Frt.' this:
we should conclude dun cotton flannel
tutu than woolen flannel fir unfit,
gArmenis, 1111 opinion quite coutriiry to the
”111' liv ,oh•ranioed. 'lit.• color
l ling hits vet.) lode se u>lblr naflueiice•
innliiititice to the heat 01 the hotly, hitt
ring solar hest cowl the qin-igi nu . illicit
white, red, blue nod bro.o clothes tire
,gpoilly worm. their coot pruotion nod tex
ture being rgoul in ull other respects.
I. JOilriurl of Hrnl•h.—The N
)1 the fr
I r
• ar. It 1:l ),.11
'ner a ern women, too, who will not
with their duheato hands;
wl,O kogh at the poor and industrious,
u ho leant trades, or work in factories for a
doin g - '-La! how refined they are!" she
sups, with a scornful smile, as she lounges
on rho sofa reading the last pink novel.
We once knew a indy—shall roe call
her a ladyl—of tn. complexion. She was
foully belaboring a poor, hardworking
girl, called her low and unrefined. •Why!'
;aid hither wite nothing but a low
mechanic." .Yes,"remarked a woman
present;" I know him well; he lived in the PROF. WorD's HAM REST,M,TI VV.
aetglalre. rued jvu, mocha, —we cannot Ina uarnacl ly roco,l,us,ll
when she went out washirig.'"l'heiti. the attention of our aged friends, or
reador,if you had been thera you would who have been so unfortunate as to be
have seen a strange coati. ion of face, end ' their hair, the restoring properties of Pro
heard is vain attempt to utter some hing lessor Wood's wonderful discovery. Cer
too prickly to come out, 1. stuck in her tfficatos of its efficacy are constantly coin.
throat. When we hear meu or women Mg in, and a village can berth)* found
speak lightly of the industrious part of the , in the West, where living witnesses Con.
commuutty, we feel just like tracing back not be found to testify from experience that
their genealogy. We have done no in it will not only restore hair to lie original
several instances, and you would be sur- color, but will restore to the bald head the
prised at what we learned, The must locks of youth and beauty; thus furnish.
aristocratic man of our acquaintance is the , ing an effeci nal antidote for the ravages of
grandson of a fiddler; the proudest woman, ihne and disease. Among those who
the daughter of a washwoman. i certify positively to its efficacy in ocean,-
' plishing its work, is Judge Breese, of this
Circuit, together with other responsible
witnesses. Grey-headed bachelors and
widowers who demo to make ther market,
and all others afflicted as above described,
deserve to bear their 'misfortunes without
sympathy. if they will not avail thenisel
ves of the offered remedy.
"There !s a class of persons who
only 'nuke inends to Übe them. lf they
can got waning out of n maw they don't
want his friendship Such people treat
their friends like cigars—they hung on to
them, get all the good from them, then
throw than away and spit after them
Siarkennetly's l3wdt Note Review for
November is now before us. It gives dll
the Information of the vast amount of spu•
rums aid bad tanks that our country is
now flood..(1 with. \Ye advise every body
to subscribe lor it, it is only $1 a month.
A GOOD C1:61931.—A Kentucky paper
says it is getting to by very fashionable in
that (planer to enclose a dollar with 'nor
nage notices, when sending them to the
Prioter. A good custom that ought to
prevail everywhere.
tkir•Colon's stork of Jewelry, Watches,
Beaks. Port Mammies, Pocket Books, Cutlery,
Golf Pens, Wall Paper, &c., is new, extensive
and of a very superior quality, and, what is
still heifer, ho sells very low to suit the times.
Every one should call and examine.
Fifth Year or ihelosmopoliCal Art All—
This copular I S t ' : I. °l 3 A t s i ation, now in its
lit Herald and Ex tress, the democratic fifth year of unparallelled success, having par.
org in of Dubuque, BUM up the result In chased and engraved on steel, Herring's great
that State by saying that ''the republicans painting, "The Village Blacksmith," will now
have elected their 'Stale ticket, and carried ism copies (to subscribers only) on heavy
both Congressional Districts—in tact made plate paper, 30x38 inches, on the following
of the Stole, for
al ,
of which terms of subscription :—Every person remit•
they may thank the Adininktration and its "
tin. $3, will receive a copy of the superb steel
engraving. a copy of the Cosmopolitan Art
I, cowl. " Journal, and a share iu the distribution et
..C a b that-
Six dollars to printer and priest;
No ttenslible Mall could refuse,
Fire dollars to render him blest,
And one to publish the news!
6,,„ you L ay , works of art. Address C. L. Derby, C. A. A.,
i:3l IA be worth !" 648 Broadway, N. Y. Subscriptions received
• I by Jno. J. Lawrence, Huntingdon, Pn.
Three Hundred .d fifty dollars."
uni .11 !midi as that!"
ut of it and another ht
•'•\r.• you sur.• ?"
••Yes. I'll swear to it,"
All right."
•\\'hat ore you so inquisitive fort"
"Morel) , for assessing purposes; I tun as
sessor for this word, and only wanted to
know what you rated your nag."
Read the now Advertetnents in to
day's paper.
other inflamation, is caused by impurity of
the blood, which causes all eruptive dis
as Salt Rheum, Scurvey, Boils Sores
Ulcers, Rte.. The blood being unhealthy,
and of an impure nature, also occasions
Dropsies. The blood becoming obstructed l
in the veins, the watery part of the blood
in consequence is thrown out from their'
ixtremities, and dropsy is the result. la •
ny times it is occasioned by improrr treat
merit of some former disease, and the res
sols b•ing filled by serious humors itistea4
of blood• Free evacuations by these pt.',
open the passage in o the bladder
ry off the corrupted humors, and rrt,tt
them with pure and healthy blood, which
will drive out of the body all inflamatimi.
together with eruptioni of the skin
dropsical comp'aints. They r, ;!
tthield to every form of di-eve t
atie keep you from the cold gra,l•ing bind
of death, and cause life and strength
remain, and Cie c9untenanct , to bri,;!:l,
with the blootn of beauty and heal!
Dr. iMorse's Indian Root Pills are
by all dealers in Medicine
Billions Chnlic was cured in ten 'ninnies
—ask P A. Brand, of Harrisburg. Pa.
Pubs cf ten years standing cured by one
honk, and many others of the smite char
actor cured ,:oundly by the use of this
ea''''The Commercial College, which we he.
Here to be the largest, chest flourishing and
most completely organized, is the Iron City
College,of Pittsburgh, I'a.—lltuit's Merchants'
ilegazitte, October, 1858.
Rave you seen them ? That superb engra
ving, The Village Blacksmith," and the beau•
tifut Art Journal, which are furnished to sub•
scribers of the Art Association, can now be
seen ut the taco of Jno. J. Lawrence for a
short time.
You should subscribe $3 bofore the lot of
Jan. 1859, to secure a copy of "The Village
Blacksmith" and Art Journal, Instructions,
Ac., given by Jno. J. Lawience, Huntingdon.
The Cosmopolitan Art Journal for December
--Over seventy pages—choice articles-oe.
gently illustrated-splendid steel engravings.
Price 60 cents. Specimen espies, 18 rents.
No more the voice we lose a to hear,
Shall fill her teacher's listening ear ;
No Isere its tones shrill join to swell
The songs that of a Savior tell.
That welcome face, that sparkling eye,
And sprightly form must buried lie ;
Deep in the cold and silent gloom,
The rayle , s night that fills the tomb,
And we live on, but none can say
How near or distant in the day
When death's unwelcome hand shall come
To lay us in our narrow home.
God tells us by this mournful death,
How Pain and fleeting is our breath,
And bids our souls prepare to meat
The trial of his judgment-sent.
It! V l '' ,
Nevi :style. Price $5O.
+l, ,, Lc
Y. 1M,.,
. •- intlyelor
• , 11t 1u not.—
0.19, lilie
Grover C 1461:vee.---S
L.•, \ th,
it. till (WI, 1: Moot, m.
\„ L,:.• rn hp=itatlion iu rt cunnucndin t it...—
It rt l tiir t.i it.• , tpottlitig.—A; 1;
t. they 'tr.! uttri,aled,—.N; Doi-
w a sump that will not rip.—N. Cu.
ins nobly and exneditious'y
it r fur the elnditity of FPlllll.—lbliee
all kinds of fain 4 sewing.
X. Y. Gime/ter.
Best adapted tar family use: 1. Pay Rook.
‘Vo do not hesitate to recommend it.--N
Tt sews strongly and dorm not rip.—Life. Mut
The prince of inventions.—Protestant Church.
It i5,...,1000*.i bet frie.l. N. Y. WeeUr News.
We give our preferrueo to arovor & linker'e.
The 100011) invention of nlo,lorn
Moihres Magazine.
It makes a pleasure of a Y. J''n. P.O.
The thvorito for fatally use.—Brooklyn Stoe.
We might appreciate their value.—.lmcrican
Missionaq. . . .
Its grout merit is in its peculiar stlteli.—Fami•
1g Circle.
We attest its simplicity mid darability.—Nos
liana/ Magazine.
Admitted to ho the best extant.—Firoinia Arg.
Is net Hostile to get oat of repair.— Vergennes
Is 11;14tet1 to all home requirements.— borer
A very pretty pieed of furniture.—ilitehins
Seas Willi n torty.seumstress power.—Ruckland
Nothing can be more perfect.,—Soutlibridge
The 11108 L ingenious and unful,--lialautket.
Has ebtained deserved celebrity.—Salem Ob•
The best in the market.--Chicopee Journal.
It does not get out of repair.—Cape Cod Ad•
Sows silk or cotton from ordinary spools.—Ha.
veriiill Gazette.
The work it does will not rip.—Ainesburg Vii
A; superior to all others.--Hingliam Journal.
A most admirable invention.—Boston Courier.
They are enjoying universal O.
Superior to any now manufaetmed.--N. 0. Del.
Will do moro work Thun a dozen IllUida•--
Washington Union.
It sews everything.—Boston Watchman.
The best of the bind ever invented.—New
haven Register.
Nov.lo, 18.
Come to the plantation of the _
subscriber, liviug in West top.,
about the first of August a loin- * Hi ,"
die Steer, with the left ear off.— • ---- %
The owner will please to come forward, prove
property, pay charges, and take hiss away, ith.
erwtse he will be disposed of according to law.
West tp., Nov. 10, '08..3t,*
MACKEREL of all Nom., Herring, &c., cal
ha bail of the beet quality, by calling nu
Frenex & MCMUIRM..