tfunt*ittit)oli `WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. a aaalw - DR. JAMES - JARRET, THE LIVER Or ette NEW YORK LUNG INFIRMARY. INVIGORATOR My connection for the past eight years with PREPARED BY nit sANFolty she above hastitution, as Cheif Physician, and is twelve years' course of steady devotion to the Compounded entire) of Gums . . Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its kin- Is one of the best purgative and liver *petit ines the acts es a dred diseases, together with toy unrivalled op t ehank, now ea , fore mer, en ubl dme t ro tat effectual tCa han portunitiee and advanrage of pathological re. .y they medicine knowu. It is not only a Ca •atarch—aided of a little by a perfect system thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the `of Medical Inhalation —bas enabled me to ar. Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach rice at a decisive, direct, and ;emcee:slut course .d bowels to carry of that matter. thus accom of treatment for the positive and radical cure pH-siting two purposes effectually, without any of ‘of all disease of the Throat, I,l(ttys t and Air. the painful feelings experienced in the operation Peerages. By Inhilation, the vapor and cure- of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system at tire properties Of medicines are directly addes• I the same time that it purges it , and when taken sled to the diseased organs and the integument. daily in moderate doses, will strengliten and do not advise the use of Medical Inhalation build it up with unusual rapidity. of any kind, to the exclusion of general treat. The Liver is one o "1' the principal regula meat : and altheah l consider it a useful ad- tors of the human bo- .ly ; and when it ser f'forms its functions well Q the powers of the sy juvant in the proper management of those fear• rem are fully develop- &11 ed. The stomach is MI and often fatal diseases, yeti deem it very almost entirely depen-,„7,dent on the healthy neeetaeury that each patient should have the actiun of the Liver for.„.; the proper perform benefit of both general and local treatment. mice of its functions. - IN When the stomach in The success of my treatment in the above di- et fault ; the bowels are Q at fault anal the whole sease, and the high character of' the Institution I system staffers in con- rjt sequence of one organ over which 1 have so long had the lamer to —the Liver— having N. ceased to do he duty. preside, are too well known to need any eulogy i For the diseases of oa. that organ one of the or comment from me. At the solicitation of ! proprietors LOU made aa, it his study, in a prac many private and professional friends, through ; lice ol i morl e t e h r aV tl to e. , en- 1 7.1 iot t , yi n e t a e r r s . , to find some i whose philanthropic aid the above charity t the many been long and liberally supported, and afitiCsr ! er e' Y w talents to which a! It is liable. this • prove that remedy is at last die due consideration, I have concluded to make nearer; any person troubled with Liver such arrangements as will bring the benefits of Complaint in any °fitter forme, has but to try my experience and treatment within the reach a bottle and conviction is certain. of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to These gum, remove 1 . 1 all morbid or bad those only who entered the Infirmary, or who matter from the system 7 supplying in their were able to visit Inc at my office. Hoping place a heal by flowee„.. of bile, invigorating therefore that the arrangement will give em the stomach, causing RI food to digest well, tire satisfaction, both to my prolbeinal brethern purifying the blond,gi- wing tone an d w hi m, and the public, 1 would respectfully announce to the whole machine- g ry, removing thecause in conclusion, that I can now consultcd per, of the (Heeds., and ef. EL' fleeting a radical.. sonally or by teller, on all disease,' as above ! One dose after eat- ;et ing is suffficient to re tied that the medicines, the same tie used in the etereeeh a"d !prevent the food from the Institution, prepared to suit each Widt, rising unit 7,01. are cured, .3 wind i. e case, Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhaling, "'" ons hotter, prevented, b . the occasional use a • Sc., will he f irwarded by express to any the Liver Invigoratoi. es part of the Uuited States or the Canada.. ()et , „ ne dog . tn; _lese n worn .; tiEltate.—My terms of treatment. by letter are prevent , . Nightmare. as followings, vie; : $l2 per month fur each Only one dose taken at nag , lee .ens the patient, which will include medicine sufficient j bowels gently, and cores costivenees, for ono month's use; also, Inhaling Vapor and j One dose token after each meal will e Dyn an I n haling Apparatus. Peplums pepsin, $6 to he paid to Express Agent un receipt of crone mint, of two teaspoonfuls will sew ys the box of el dicine, and the balancesC et hue remove Sick Headache. One bottle taken of the obsctruetaio.nre or is satisfied with the treannent. Patients, en expiration of the month, if the patient he cured oye ne nces, eof the in disease, and makes a giving a full history of their ease, and their sp. . . CO oose immediately relieves Cholic,l lepton's in full, eau be treated as well by letter ;eh , an by personal examination. Patiente , One dose often repented ie a sure cure for' lag themselves of Dr. J arre tt% t rea t men t may Cholera Morin., and a preventive of Cholera. ! rely upon immediate and permanent releif, as GrOnly one bottle is needed to throw out of he seldom Las to treat a case over thirty days. ' the system the effects of medicine:after a long Lettere of 'advice protnptly answered. For fur- sickness, ther paticulars address eirOne bottle taken for Jaundice removes JAMES M. JARRETT, M.D.,j all ealloweess or unnatural color from the skin. No. 820 Brhadway, cur. Twelfth St., N. Y.l One dose taken a short time before eating P.S.—Physiehuis and others visiting the giros vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest . city are respeceilly invited to call at the In- 'ell. Ono done aeon ropontod elinnlie I list, lirmatory, where many inter.tjug cages can Ono in its wai st forme, while Summer and be witnessed, and where our improued uppers, t Bowel complaintsyield almost to the first dose. . can tea for the inhalation of medicated nip One or two doses cures attacks caused by be seen and inspected. Worm, in Children t there is no surer or speed. Aug:4;3BAm. is remedy in the world, as it never fails. tretrA few bottles; cures dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in reeommendi ngthis nied- Icinaer preventive Mr Fever and Agate, Chill, Fevetr and all Fevers of a Bilious Tye.. It operates with certainty, and thousands are wit. ling to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous tes timony in its favor. trere'elix water in the mouth with the Invigo etor, and swallow both together. The Liver Invigorator. Is a Ric:Wale medical discovery, anal is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It eures as if by magic, even the limn dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle in re quired to cure any kind of Liver complaint, from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com mon headache, all of which are the result of a diseased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. lin. SANFOIII,, Proprietor,34s Broadway, N.Y. Sold by MeNlanigill, 6J. Read Huntingdon. Apr.7.'58.-1 v. TOWN VS COUNTRY.—Ws notice as the warm weather grows apace, the denizens of pent up cities seek the umbrageous s'indes and sylvan scenes of the rural por tions of the country; per contra the in habitants of the country and dwellers among the enchanting scenery of nature, having a little leisure time, alter gathering in the fruits of the earth, turn their attention ci ty ward, for recreation or business purpo ses. To all such, perhaps no city in the union possesses so many charms as the City of i'e nn, with its ninny objects of beau ty and art. Its magnificent water-works, its Academy of Music, Academy of Natural Science, Art Unions, Picture Galleries, Parks, Cemeteries, etc,; and last, though not least, that link between the present and glorious past, that revered relic of th ' , times that tried 'nen'', scuts,"•••Old hide pendency Dull. All are objects of un u anal interest to the intelligent visitor, alto viewing which, a tew minutes might be profitably spent in the Hair Dressing Sa oons of George Thurgaland, No. 29 South Sixth Si, between Chestnut and Market, in admiring the light and beauti ful "Gossamer Wig" and Toupee" of his make. George has also a 'Liquid Hair Dye" which is rapidly a iperseding all other in the market. (Estate of Enoch ChilcOte dec.d.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1Otte;;LiVi,Zt;a1;;;;0; ti;;;;:toClf En. .1 ra•h Chileote, late of Todd township deed., ha been granted to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to said es• tale to maim immediate payment, and all those having claims will present the same duly authenticated for settlement. DAVID CLAIIKSON, Administrator de bonns non: Aug.lB,J6B,•Gt. (Estate of David Mountain de,'d.] Administration Notice, Letters of Administration on the estate of David Mountain. Esq., late of Hopewell town. ship deed., having been granted to the under. signed, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to said estate to maks immediate payment, and all those having claims will present the acme duly adhentieuted for settlement. NATaAN winTE, Adtnr. Coalmont Oot. 13, r58.-4t.. Dissolution of Partnership, Notice is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing between Voter Tippery and James McCartney. under the firm of Tippery & McCartney, was on the 24th of September, dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will make immediate payment, and those hoe' claims will present them to either of the un— dersigned. PETER TIPPERY, JAMES McCARTNEY. er0ct.13,°58.-4t. Mountain Female Seminary. BIRMINUIIAM. The Winter Tom of Mountain Female) Se. =finery will open Oct. 28th. O. GRIER. Principal. '11‘11011,111.•Itat. THE CASSVILLE SEMINARY. ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER THE PRESENT FACULTY. M. MeN. WALSH, Principal, Prot of Languages and Philosophy. Chas. S. Joslin. A. Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc. James W. Hughes, Prof. of Mathematics. Benjamin F. Houck, Adjunct Prot. of Mathematics. Geo. W. Linton, Prof. of Vocal Mtv,ic. Mrs. M. 1104 WALSH Preeeptress, Teacher of Botany. History, Reading; etc. Miss E. M Faulkner, Teacher of Pellis Work, Painting, Thawing, Miss D. L. Stanley, Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Flo're, Mrs. Dr. Darwin. Teacher of English Branches. Miss .1. M. Walsh, Teacher of Primary English. The recent success of this school is extraor dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the kind ever established, it is now the largest in this section of the State. All branches are taught, and students of all ages, and' of both sexes, are received. The expenses for a year need not be inore than 890. Students eau en• ter whenever they wish. Address. JOHN D. WALSH, Cassville, Huntingdon Co., Pa. June23,'sB. Notice to Coal Purchasers. THE subscriber is now prepared to furnish Coal & Coke at his bank at Lilly's Sta tion, on the Penn'a. Railroad, of as good quali ty as can he had on the mountain. I will run coal to I lollidaysburg, or any other point on t .0 Penn'. Railroad, if application is made person ally or by I filer. ALSO-1 will agree to deliver COKE at any bank, in ears, at /hoc and a quarter cents per host el viz t—Thirty•tive pounds to the bushel, or de liver it in my one ears, at any point desired, at the lowest possible rates. For either of the above articles, address J. IIPGONIGLE, Hemlock, Cambria County, Pa, where all orders will be propmply attended to. Aug. 25, 1858.61. T krns , DRESS GOODS, of rich style art , etr7oheap at D. P. GWIN'S. SPLENDID RAG CARPET fur 3 eta. per yard at the cheap store of Prima & ifelivarret " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND yolucrza, ONE AND INOBPARABL - 11. °; - - HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1858. TERMS OF TOE JOURNAL. TERMS The "HUNTINGDON JOURNAL' is published at the following rates If paid in advance $1,50 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing 1,75 If paid - before the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid tillafter the expiration of the year. No enhscrip. lion taken for a less period than six months I. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordered, and no paper will be discontinu ed until areenrages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. 2. lieturned numbers are never received by us. All numbers sent us in that way are loot, and slayer accompliolt the purpose of the sender. 3. Porsonc wishing to stop their subscriptions, must pay up arrearages, and send a written or verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub lication in Huntingdon. 4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a lags or a proper notice. 5. After one or more numbers of a new year have been forwarded, a new year has commenc ed, and the paper will not he discontinued until arreurages are paid. See No. 1. The Courts barn derided that refusing to take &newspaper from the office, or removing and raving it uncalled for, is PRIMA 1,011; evidence 01 intentional fraud. Subscribers living in distant counties, or in other States, will be required to pay invariably in advance. tirThe above terms will be rigidly adhered t iii All eases. ..... A DVERTISEMENTS Will h• charged at the following rates: insertion. 3 do. 3 do. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 37) $ 50 One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 100 Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200 3 mo. 6 rno. 12 nu,. $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 8 00 12 00 18 00 12 00 18 00 27 00 18 00 27 00 40 00 28 00 40 00 50 00 Business Cards of six lines, or less, $4.00. One square, Two squares, column, `!°, Advertising and Job Work. We %, vu Id remind the Advertising com munity and all others who wish to bring their business extensively befmo the pub lic, that the Journal has the largest cir culation of any paper in the county—that iis is instantly increasing;—and that is goes ii \to the heads of our wealthiest citi zens. We would also state that our facilities for executing all kinds of 3013 PRINT ING are equal to those of any other office lathe county; and ail Job Work sutras ed to our hands will he done neatly. uromptly, nod at prices _which will be satisfactory. LIDEX TO ADVEDTISEMENTA. rovrr and Baker's Sowing machine, Samuel Groves store. IVarnick, Cladwiek and Bro. Cook stove for sale. Climax Grain Fan. Lumbermen & Stockraisers. Aammonton Lands. Mountain Female Seminary. Gilts) GIBS!! Gifts !1! Land for sale. Dr. A. P. Fields. Milnwood Academy. Green Willow Foundry. S. M. Pillengill &Co. Gutman's Clothing Store. Brown's Hardware Store. Fisher & MeMutrie's Store. Sarni. S. Smith's Drug it Grocery Store Great Purifier. Iron City Offiedge. Saving Fund. Literary Buram Galvanic oil. Great Beautifier. Invigorator. Cassville Seminary. Lung Infirmery. Town vs Country. Indian Root Pills. Country. Merchants. Alexandria Foundry. Huntingdon Warm Springs. Consumption cured. Bank Notice. Antiphlogistic Salt. Huntingdon Hotel. New Lard Press. David P. Gain's Store. H. Roman's Clothing Store. Patent Portable Fence. Premiums awarded. Ohe Journal Office. Colon's Book Store Huntingdon Mill. Letter Copier. Railroad Time. H. K. Nell, M. D. Huntingdon Foundry- Dr. J. R. Huyett, Dentist. Atorney's at Law. Scott & Brown. Wilson & Pctrikin. Thos P. Campbell. (sticct *tory THE MYSTEMOUB UV. 111, MARY ICI LE rALLAs. We had just taken our seats at the imi table, one evi ning, when a flat.ti ci light ning and a heavy peal of thunder told us that the storm we hod been expecting alt day at hist broken over the city with a fury which betokened it was no passing shower, and bade us expect u long and terrible tempest. No chance of interruption to night, I trepidation- Jane was coming to spend thought, as I opened the pages of a work the afternoon with me, and he begged me of my favorite author, and eeated myself very earnestly to keep his secret just a lit in my little rocking chair. I was mita- I tle while ken, however, for hardly had I p irsued .1 will tell her the whole story myself, three sentences, when a ring, hard and , very soon,' he pleaded; .bot 1 must ohoose unporitive, sounded through the house, !It fitting opportunity, or she will never •Wh., can it possibly be on siTchanigh . as this f' I said, running to open the door myself, while Psalter followed me into the hall for the same idea had taken pus' session of uur minds at the same moment— namely : that some accident had happened to Tom's family ancl.that the had sett for us.. Torn himself stood, indeed, upon the door step, wet to the skin, and hold;ng a large bundle in his arms, which he eaten. dcd towards me with the laconic observa. tion, "Fake it.' I received the burden, but almost droped it again, so overcome was I with astonish ment for, if you will believe mo, it wad nothing more nor less than a young—a very young—baby.• 1 do not wonder that you are surprised Emma,' said Tom. in auswer to my start, Isuppose, for I had not spoken. 'Just wrap it up in something dry, and I'll tell you nil. about The poor little thing realy needed to be taken care of, for it was nearly wet through by the rain, and its cunning red feet were cold as ice; and while I did the best in my power for it, 'l'otn narrated the following adventure ; 'You know, I suppose,' he began, 'that I have been up to Newark for a few days, but you do not know that I returned this morning about five o' Just as I steb ed from the oars, I noticed a woman with a baby in her art s, who was walking in the same direction with myself. We had proceeded some distance, when she tarried suddenly. end began to ejaculate : 'Billy Billy ! where is little Billy t Have you seen n little boy with a blue jacket and a straw hat knowing me, sir?' I replied in the negative. 'Oh, dear !' alt exclaimed, with every appearance of genuine alarm—l'Oh, dear, I must have left lam behind in the cars. Won't you be au kind as to hold the baby, sir—l'll not be gone two minutes—while I run af er him f Oh, Billy, Billy !' I never for one moment suspected that the woman was acting, her alarm seemed so perfect. ly natural, so I took the baby, and she went after Billy !' 'And stayed, I suppose,' I interrupted. `Yes—she t.'id not come back,' replied Toni; 'although I waited two hours, un til that terrible rain came on, when I con cluded to bring the child here. 1 declare I could not believe J had been taken in, she was such a respectable looking wo man.' I laughed. 'How could you allow yourself to be imposed upon in such a shallow manners Tont ?' said John, with an air of sage ex perience edifying to behold '1 should have seen through the trick at once. I should have surd—'Woman, your design is too evident--you wish to rid yourself of your offspring, but you cannot deceive me. 'No you wouldn't, John,' I interrupted; 'you would never even have thought of such a speech. Hut, Tom, who do you intend to do with the baby? And why did you not take it home to Jane in the first place !' Tom looked confused. , Well,' he said alter a pause, have heard Jane express some peculiar opinions on such subjects, and to tell the truth I n td not know how she might take it. I can't beare to take the child to the almshouse, and I wish you would take charge of is until! I can find a favo rabic opportunity to break the matter to Jane. Just at present I really would not like to attempt it.' I was very, very, Mollish, or I never would never have given my consent to such n thing; bin, somehow, against my own better judgement, lacquiesced in the arrangement, and when the storm had in some measure subsided, Torn departed, leavi;,g tire child in my care. Such an unmanageable, ill tempered ba by was r seen before. I do believe It cred—and no wonder--all night I was fairly worn out befor, morning. After breakfast, I ex minted the baby's clothes, which llepsibn had washed and ironed. They were of good quality. and well made. Evidently the poor child had not belongee to very poor people. and had been properly taken care of. 1 was very much, puzzled to account for its desertion After dressing and feeding the babe, I Led down on my lounge, in hopes 01 en joying a little rest; but scarcely bed oiy head touched the pillow. when hlepseba in lormod me that I was 'wanted to the par . ler; 1 obeyed the summons, and found I . .1;pot waiting for nee.--lie was in great 0 1 1117 credit a word of it. Jane gets a litre out of sorts, you know, saw and then, so don't tell her at present, there's a good girl.' I knew that sister in-law was in the hub it of having long sulky flts, during which she laid in wait, as it were, ready to pounce up on any of Tom's faults, and punish him fur them to the best of her ability, and I understood Tom's remark. 'But how shall I account for the baby I inquired. .011, say it has been left in your care-- make some excuse for its presence. Wo man can always invent reasons for every. thing.—All I wish is, do not tell Jane un til I ask you to.' I promised obedieece, but I must oonfes with many misgivings. and some computic. tioa of donscience. Sister in•law came that afternoon, as Tom bad predicted. She was in a very bad humor, and brought an intrioate piece of crochet-work in her basket. There, don't ask me how I am,' was her first salutation. 'No one who has to bear suucy things as I have can be well.' 'Dear tile what has happened I inqui red. had been abandoned, and it has been well We supposed of course that your child ft isn't ask Ise,' replied sister-in law.— I 'lle is your brother, and I wont expose should thank instead of abuse.' oared for by the gentleman whom you Riot. 1 won't mention the time he comes home at night, and I'll say nothing about his temper and 1 won't even allude to the the door, and after much explanation, the !Iv this time I had brought the baby to fact that I cannot have a dress-maker in , tkpireu mother began to admit the possi the house but he must say site is good bility that the whole affair had not been a looking. But I will say, what I bear, no p recoucerted plan to rob her of her child, one else would put up with for a moment, and deported. Only too glad to be re and condescended to receive our apologies And sister-in law plied her crotchet nee• ale with redoubled energy. , !levet] from this diimninn, we re-entered I was about to make some consolatory the house, arid there explanations, and remark when llepsiba opened the do o r, apologia', w.-re made forgiveness was ac and putting her head in, exclititted at the corded, kisses of reconciliation were es top of her voice—ft reckon you II have to changed, and in the greatest unanimity, come, Miss. Psalter—l can't do nothing we till sat down to tea. with that young 'un.' ' !'here was no help for it now, Ever story should have its moral, and " I - was 1 the one that I deduct from this is : Never obligeu to 'Moral sister in-law that a friend w kept n secret from your wife. for two resit mine had left a baby in my care fur a few days. SOll3 one, that it in wrong ; the other, that : it is impo.sible. 'Well, you must be of n very oblig in g ~ 't • • • • disposition to ens .- .te young a co l a, s ai d sister-in-law. ,It's more than I would do.. ~, • t ~.,,,,., , I . ,-.1. L ittOrli 4111nriturt , You will never be thanked for it either; ' ~..... . _ '—'`•- nnd tf its ever sick for the next two years For the Iltiniin9don Journal. the fault will be laid on your shoulders. 1 NO. 15 —ENVY. Any one must be crazy to leave a baby of , Envy is a malicious longing for the pos that age for strangers to take care of you sessions, success, happiness, or station of foolish, good-natured Emma, I must fellow beings, and is the greatest enemy say.' —Contentment—has' to struggle against. I began to be of her opinion, at last— The causes that nourish it are two which and the more so, as the child began to often co-operate with each other, and scream passionately and manifest the make their overthrow the more difiicult.— greatest dislike and disgust to all present. They are pride and indolence. Their Various means of pacification, which oc- workings and union may easily be percale. cupied the Whole afternoon, were tried in ed for the high value the proud set upon vain. The &lild was evidently pining their supposed or as erted merits, the un for its mother, and would not be comforted reasonable claims they make upon the I Just as the gentleman arrived in the eve- world at large and the iiijustire they pro ning, it sunk into an uneasy nap, and I claim as done to them by a preference for desended to the parlor. Sinter-in-law had others ; continually display a spirit of d;s• taken Fanny on her knee, and Tom content and envy. Indolence united to was walking restlessly about the room, pride maks env', inveterate, and almost while Psalter lounged on the sofa, and I incurable. None really envy the merits John looked out of :he window. l and true virtues of 'ethers but will strive 'Well, that is a nice little baby, isn't it to enable them in n proper manner, but Fanny ?' were the first words I heard sis. I many with the worldly property of their ter-in law utter. neighbors without the trouble of earning 'Yes, ma'am,' replied the the child. it by a reasonable course of labor, These 'What's the lady's none, Fanny 1' t i tle. show but little meth in themselves, for by tied Jane. transplanting a wish for what is justly an .1 don't know,' said Fanny ,but I others, into his heart, makes en inward guess Uncle Tom does--he brought it, , vice grow up. But he who rejoices in the you know.' prosperity of others is in part a partaker 'Uncle Tom brought the baby thereof. 'Yes, Aunty, the night it stormed so.' answered the unconscious little mischief. maker, sprang to her feet. .011, Tom, you villain r she cried, have I found you out at last ? And you too, Litona—to think that you would counte nance such proceeuings to I've suspected something fur a long time, tid tow, Oh, Tom, Tout, Tom r •Just listen one moment, and I'll explain pit tided Toni. .11oo't Took to no, answer,d Jane. cl will I. listen to.' •IsA Amu t,t,' I cried. tTom was go. log to t••II you all about it in a few cloys, In,. Is win need of an explanation,' , wan virtue, and that others let us guard sail j,,„ e ; t h e fact spea k s for itself. If against the sin of Envy. Let us be triml y°ne fanlight the baby here-.' I est and bumble in our own opinion of self 'kW did,' 1 answered..-.' 'There are no bins about it,' interrupted Jane, hurrying on her things.' '1 am go iug home to inn and pa.' Such a scene as followed ? Every one explaining at the top of their voices and b ig, in-law, disregardity: everything that wus said and repenting that she knew it all along, and that she was going Nhme to her parents, In fact, she did at length, despite all our endeavors, gain the street door and descended the steps, foullowed by Tom. whose agitation knew no bounds The twilight was melting into darkness; but it was still light enough to discern er• ery feature, and, as the pair descended the steps, another couple ran full tilt against them. Instead of the usual half npology the female who was stout and florrid ; turn ed round, looked full in Tom's face and collared him. .1 know you,' she cried. It's him. James. I knew him. Make him tell what lie has done with our baby,' Tom staggered back. .Thank heaven I he cried, 'it is the ba by's mother ! So you didn't mean to leave it, after all ? 'Mean to leave my baby 1' answeres the woman ; 'what do you mean ? Tell me what you've done with the child, or I'll choke you. After I'd caught little Billy I came back to where t'd left you, and you you wasn't there, you kidnapper.— Where is the baby, before I call the po lice,' 'Your baby is safe. Ina-am,' said sister in law, who began to comprehend affairs, 'And I must say you have the least gratis tuck of any one I ever heard of. Envy and strife begone, And only kindness known; Where all ono common Father bae, One common Master owe. Pride induces men at; I have said to claim ti or than they deserve, and indo lence prevents many others from obtain ing whet they might justly obtain. Dis appointment then follows, and wrapt in self importance they sit. and repine at the suc cess of the industrious, while they deserve • not what they sigh for. The sin of bad \ example is added the crime itself, because with the young "example is always more powerful than precept." It has on all minds a secret insinuating influence, even when we are unconscious, or insensible to its operation. As therefore we value our and diligently strive to acquire thy nppro vnl of our Maker and the tender regard of our fellow man Envy—when apparent —is equal to a confession of superiority. "The' wicked men grow rich and greet Yet let not their successful state Our anger or our envy raise: Fur they cut down like tender grass Or like young flowers—away shall pass Whose blooming bounty soon decays. Learn then dear render—“ln whatsoever state we are, therewith to be content." ir,DucATow. VOL. XXIII. NO. 46 A PROCLAMATION by ti.• ?resident, Washington, Oct. ul , 185 S. Whereas information has reached me from sources "hick I cannot disregard, that certain persons, in violation of the neutrality laws of the United States, are making a third attempt to set on foot a mil itary expedition within their territory, a gainst Nicaragua, a foreign State, with which they are at peace. In order to raise money for equipping and maintain ing this expedition, persons connected therewith; as I have reason to believe, have issued and sold bonds, and other contracts, pledging the puttic lands of Nicaragua and the Transit route through its territorry, as a security for their re demption and fulfilment. The hostile design of this expedition is rendered manifest by the fact that these bonds and contracts can be of no possible value t) their holders, unless the preseat govern• meat of Nicaragua can be overtrown by force. Besides, the Envdy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of that gov ernment in the United States, has issued a notice in persuance of hit instructions, da ted the 27th inst., forbidding the citizens or subjects of any nation, except passenger intendiug to proceed through Nicaragua, over the transit route from ocean to ocean, to enter its territory without a regular passport. sigred by the proper Minister Consul General of the rpublic resident, for the country from whence they shall have departed. Such persons with this exception, will be stopped and compelled to return by the same conveyance that took tilt in to that country. From these circumstinces the inference is irresistible that the persons engaged in this expedi Om will leave the United States, tvith hostile purposes against Nic aragua. They cannot, under the guise which they have assumed, that they are peaceful enf grants, conceal their rash in tentions, and especially when they know in advance that their landing will Le reels. ted, and can only be accomplished by cn over powering lorce, This expedient was su fully resorted to previous to the last expedition, and the vessel in which araaua, obtaining n clearance from the Col lector of the Port of Mobile. Although, after careful examination, no arms or mu. nitions of war were aiscovered on board, yet' when they arrived in Nicaragua they were found to be armed and equipped, nod intinediate3y commenced hostilities. The leaders of the twiner illegal expe ct! the same character have openly expres sed their intention to renew hostilities a gainst Nicaragua. One of them, who has already been twice expelled from Nicara gua, has invited, through the public news papers, American citizens to imigrate to that Republic, and has desil listed Mobile as the place of rendezvous itthi deliarture, attf Sal Junndel Norte as the port to which they are bound. This person, who has re nounced his allegiance to the United States, and cleans to be President of Nic aragua, has given notice to the Collector ef the port of Mobile that two or tl n •os hundred of these imigrants will be prepa red to embark from that port about the middle of November. For these and other good reasons, and for the purpose of saving American citi zens Jvho may have been honestly deluded into the belief that they are about to pro ceed to Nicaragua as peaceful emigrants, if any such there be, from the disastrious con sequences, to which they will be exposed, I, James Buchanan, President of the U nited States, have thought fat to issue this, my Proclamation , enjoining upon officers of the government, civil and military, in th sir respective spheres, to be vigilant, ac tive and fanliful rn suppressing these ille gal enterprises, nail to carrying out their standing instructions to that effect, exhor ting all good citizens, by their regard for peace find welfare of the country, to aid the dovs of the public authorities in the discharge of their duties. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and c tused the seal of the United States to be affixed to these pres- ants. Done at the city of Washington, on the thirtieth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and of Independence the eighty-thlrd. By the President: hataa /3UCHANAE LEWIS CASB, Secretery of State. air 6 , l3rudder Pete, did you see him see de log afore you saw him saw it 1" Pete.—..De uninterlectual etupendity of some niggers is perfectly incredulous! Why, I seed him sawtit afore I saw him see, it's a consequential ensurance dot he saw he saw'd it afore he saw he seed it but he couldn't help seeinn, ha saw it afore he saw he saw'd it; for of he saw de sawin, afore he MT de seein', consequinchilly he must a saw'd it afore he seed it, n Lich is absurdly—darefore. I must a seed it afore I saw it; rim* rat deM011.811410.4910.