ali Du VAU'S• GALVANIC OIL, i Prepareden4ginatly by Pro. 11. DUV.-4 LL. formerly ot.the College of Surgeons, - at PariZ IS NOW OEFERED TO Tun run- LIC, tgr For the Cure of all sore and Pain ful Diseases...a For instance—POl or soreness in any part of the system, Ithenmatism, pain in the hack, breed or sides, healed hrcast.• Neuralgia, Burns, Sprains, Read-ache Cramp to the Stomach or any other dis• ensr that or PAINFUL, and it is only oiler this class of diseases wel btaini a VICTORY. We say positively] to our patrons we can relieve the sneerer 99 times ont.of IrO. We would just sayl to the public, Prof. Voll was years in bringing to this medicine superiorityl over all ethers. Prier 50 ets. per hoitie--i per. cent cut off the trrde. All eviler:: must be ad dressed to J. D. STONEROAD, Sole Agent tar U. S., • Lumstow,, Ps. Ang.l 8;58.-1 y. tt 111 DR. JAMEiiii. JAR ET, OF THE NEW YORK LUNG INFIRMARY. hip connection for the past eight years with the above Institution, as Cheif Physician, and i *1 twelve years' course of steady devetion to the Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its I,in• dyed diseases, together with my unrivalled op portunities and advanrage of pathological re• et arch—aided not a little by a perfect system of Medical Inhalation —bas enabled me to ur• rive at a decisive, direct, and successful course of treatment fur the positive and radical cure of all disease of the Arca, Loops, and Air. Passages. 13y Jubilation, the vapor and cura• live properties of medicines are directly at:des. led to the diseased organ:, and the integumeat. Ido not advise the use of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treat. meat; and although I consider it a usetbl ad juvant in the proper management of those feu, 1.1 and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very necessary that each patient should lance the benefit of both general and local treatment. The success of my treatment in the above di. lease, and the high character of the nlstitutimi over which I have so long bad the honor tu preside, are too well known to treed any eulogy or comment from. me. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philavihropie aid the above charity has been lung and liberally supported, and alter due o...aeration, there concluded to make inch arrangements as will bring the benefits of any experience and treatment within the reach of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the !infirmary, ur who were able to visit me at any °dice. Hopieg therefore that the arrangement will give en tire satisfaction, both to my profesinal brethern and the public, I would respectfully announce in conclusion, that I earn now be consulted pet• sonalls or by letter, on all diseases as above, and that the inedieines, the same us used in the Institution, prepared to suit each individu• al case, Inhaling Vapors,Medical Inhaling, stc. die., will he farwardoby express to ens , part of the Uuited States or the Canada, TERMS.—My terms Si treatment by letter are as followings, ia; $l2 per month fur each patient, which will include medicine stalk:lent for one month's nee; also, Inhaling. Vapor', and an Inhaling Apparatus. Paymerts as follows: $6 to be paid to Express Agent on receipt of the box of Medicine, and the balance; t' at the expiration, of the mouth, if the patient be cured or is satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their sy mptoms in lull, can be treated es well by letter as by personal examination. Patients avail ing themselves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate and permanent releif, u he endure has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters of advice promptly answered. For far ther paticulars address JAMES JI.JARRETT, M.D., No. 820 Breadwuy, cor. Twelfth St., N. Y. p.s.—Physi cin i ! s and others visiting the city are respeefidly.invited to call at the In. firmatory, where many interesting eases can be witnessed, and where our improved appara tus for the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspected. An:1,4;58:6in. (Estate of John Morningstar, deed.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of Administratioh on the estate of John Morningstar, late of Tod township, dee'd., haring been granted to the undersign ed, be ho-rohy uotiA... ell rorrallN indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, nod thaon having claims will present the same duly authenticated for settlement. PHILIPS GARNER.I JOHN BEAVER. j Admits- August. Id. 58. ft. TOWN vs COUNVIV.—WS notice no the warm weather grows apace, the denizens of pent up cities seek the unbregeous shades and sylvan scenes of the rural por tions of the country; per loam the in habitants of the country and dwellers among the enchanting scenery of nature, having a little leisure time, after gathering in the fruits of the earth, turn their attention ct ty ward, for recreation or business purpo ses. To ull . sueb, perhaps no city to th e union possesses so many charms ns the City of Penn, with its many objects of beau ty and art, Its megnificent water-works, its Academy of Music, Academy of Natural Science, Art Unions, Picture Galleries. Parks, Cemeteries, etc,; and last, though not least, that link between the present and glorious past, that revered relic of tho I times that tried merel souts,"--Old iinde• pendency Dail. All are objects of unu sual interest to the intelligent visitor, alto viewing which, a tete minutes 'night be profitably spent in the Hair Dressing Sa loons ,of George Thurgalund, No. 2O South Sixth St., between Che.stnut and Market, in admiring the light and beauti ful "Gosmuner Wig" and Toupee" of his make. George has also a .Liquid Hair Dye" which is rapidly a iperseding all other in the market. (Eatoie of Enoch Chilean. decd ) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. etters of Administration on the estate of En och Chilcote, lute of Todd township dee'd., basing been grentrd to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to said es• tate to make immediate payment, and all , those having claims will present tbe IMMO duly A tit iphlogt st lc halt. antben4atetl for settlement. I 'This celebrated medicine is for sale at the DAVID Chi,,B,RICSON, Journal UffiCe . for all inflammatory diseases .tclreinietratar do iviema non. it it a certain cum Get a bee end try Its .re A 5c.111,1111. • e tie are ielltoaPi. Miscellaneous Advertisements. coNstiurrioN CONSUMPTION (Sr AN OLD I,NDIAN UNCAS !WANT, 1% kik thi CL RED. imiiins of the it..4s oe,red a 16\ RE CONSUMPTiONPL BNT, tLat proves to In , a certain ewe. Ibr Consuiro.tion, Brone!iltis, Ast:ona. Liver (FRE.. Complaint, Nervottv' Affec tions, C. 0,115, Celdv, Bce, coNsumpTioNlinving note made his thrtune 11111 i retired front hosittem, he % s ilk e n ( ' the prescriptions and CURED. directions for preparing .the medicines free of t: burg, to all CONSUMPAIONwIio mar tle , ire it, Itml trill ,entl to his agent, enclosing CELLED' two stamps (0 cents). to pay he return letter, wilt n iles. rription or their symptf.o..— CONSUMPTIONThe Ohl Do .tor M. rived more then :3000 cases cum%ntfilu•tcd luuplo will avail thamseives ti. oppcmini. CONSUMPTIONty, as the Doctor wishes to d o all the good he can bytore he dies. Addrers all letters to DANIEL ADF.E, Box 3531 P. 0., New York, Who is his sole agent. June 30111, 1858.-Iy. HIRED. OVAOR _ej‘vNy 1)11. MOUSE, the inventor of MORSE'S IN LI DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spout the grea ter part of his hit in travelling, having visitrd Europe, Asia. end Aeries, as well as North A merica--bas spent three years among the In, shone of our Western country—it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first dis covered. Dr. Morse was the first man to es. tablish the fact that all diseases arise from Im purity of the Blood—that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the dil ferect functions of the body, the blood its action. becomes thick, eorrupleil an d tli sensed; thus causing all pe.,„, sick,iesv an d distress of every ants;; stir strength is exhnus• ted, our health c 2 arc deprived of, and if no• lure assisted in throwing oft the stow itivot humors, the blood a-ill become choked anfdeCrlSe to Rot, and thus our light of lile will forever be blown out. How important theii that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a medi cine in your reach, namely. Morse's Indian Root Pills. manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mountainous slither iu Notary's garden, lite the health nod recovery of diseased mum One or the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which o pens the poses of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the liver pm, of the eurrole thin within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant. i!!:lt. LTCus and utielo; the passage tu the lungs, and thus. in a soothing manner, perlbrins its duty by throwing utl phlegm. and other humors from the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic which gives ease end double strength to the. kidttays; thus eucuutaged,they draw large a— mounts of impurity from the blood, which i:. then thrown mit bicstdifully by the urinary ne water passage, and which could n t have been discharged in any other way. The fourth to I a Cathartic. end accompanies the other prop• I erties or the fills while engaged is purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impuriry which 0111110 t pass by the oily,' outlets, ate thus taken up and conveyed off in great Lilies by the bowel.+. Front the shove, it is shown that Dr. gor.e'• I Indian Root Pills 110( only miter the stostiteli but become united with the blood• tbr they find way to every part, tool completely CC. 11111 and elem., the system from all impurity. awl the life of the body, which is the blunt, be. comes perfectly healthy; vonsequently all sick nen and pain is drives from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes , so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why ' HO many die, is 611.1.12 they du not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which will open the natural passages for the disease to be cast one hence, a large quantity of lowa and other mat ter is ludgol, and the stomach mid imestisses are literally overflowing with the corrupted muse; thus undergoing, dis.agrersalsie ferments. Lion, constantly mixing with tin, blood, which throws the c..roulted matter through every S vein and artery. until Wu is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills hove ad ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re storing millions of the nick to blooming health and happiness. Yes, thousands who have been rucked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, nod whose feeble frames have ten score hod by the burning elements of ra• ging favor, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of tine 'silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have beets numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morsc's Indian Hoot Pills, After one or two doses had been taken, they were astonished, and ale soluiely surprised, in witnessing their charm. ing effects. Not only do they give initneslL ate rase and strength, and take away all rich ness. pain and anguish Lot they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, whieli is the blond. Tberefbre, it will be shown, esp., ially by those wan use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that deadly enemy—will also its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will aguia Mane and the prospect of a !origami happy life will cher'sh and brighten your days. CAUTION.—Beware of a counterfeit sign ed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the Oat, of A. J. WHITE ris DO , ott each box. Al, the si,ltzwure of A. J. White Cu. All our era are spurier T A. \N• I I E L CO., Sole Proprielor, rill Leonard Street, New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers inn Mediones 131 Ce a gents wanted in every town, village d !mullet in the land. Parties desiring the anency Kill address usabovu for terms. agile* Price 23 cents per box. five burets will sent on receipt of $l, postage paid. beJOHN READ, Agent Huutingdun, Pa. December '6 's7.—ly. Tu ull wontin g Perms, see ;advertisement f liummonton Loads.-Aug. 26.-6 t. ILK BONNETS of every variety nod f fire A 7 i offering very cheap b y mcmvimniz. MOW LINES and BOAT ROPES, to, Fula at this 1616% aro Moro at . JAMES A. BROWN. Y . T.S' DRESS GOODS, of rich side tr' -er-obeap ut 11. P. GWIN'S . . J GSJsPII DOrGLAS, Gonsmith, IleContiollsiowo, Pa. Miscellaneous Advertisements. I'UiJLlt: SAl,e OP 11E IT, EsTArrt, ondc,i.mel will oiler at le 1111 Ft . 11:1:, OW 15th, lie "I ' t ,h. I). l'- 58, n teltialtle Farm cif Limestone Iced, 6111• tainin.4 shoot 011 P Iraine.) nral 110 awes; e to Dion, i eranity or ilhor. Pcm,yl,:ini, The ester. , or Santee) Iliel,ratt late A!, int ninety err., thereefeleervil story iitid II wit. Ivy.dwei h 1111•1•. n h, 1.111, With 1111eVer•fitiling SIIIII, I , t 1 1 111 ,, ,111e tinier convenient. :in .ratule Ilteherd ti 1111prOVCITICIIIS, 111111 n splendid • anira,rii.rae Hell lend ore on the seitte., Sitirate ball' mile twin the l'enraylvatile l'errons wishing to live• said will call on either the 111111Jriic11ral, or 'Drama. AIL:11111e, who reel-Ire on s ii.l lien, .101 IN NI. I tleliSON, Ereentor. NARoAnET DIcKoN, E.ractitix. Atw. 1858..t5. P. 1!,.! i•laysinfrg Register, cr py till sale and for..v.i,kt ili is iiiliee. COOK STOVE, A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE rte sale at (au; it is euleu lilted to horn wood .4. 77 .0 0 .As Xit The suliserilier of for sale it .11111 film in Henilerson township, hall' a Hilly tit .rth or the borough of ie Ississis of John Simpson, t'olest , ned . lainioy shout iiii,i•ty twenty•live or thirty nsisss; wlos•Is arss ele red anti tinder a good shoe halitnee is well thithereil, ~ „, on thi „ property three never•lnilitta springs of gond water. Tin, buildin g ,: n wii•story Irvine nine awl kitchen. and a 1,, ;nab!, line yosing urialvil fruit.-- Tern. Int'.te ' Known Iss, Applying to 111 P sislittert• Ler. SAMUEL FR lEDLY, A. H. C. BROCICEN, 22 CLIFF ST., NEW YOUi MANCFAI"MIIEII or Glatt. %pillages, Itoutcepatitic Graduated :Iletesteres. Nur. sing [tattles, etc. Oloi Witte for t.nettitst., Itrugghts. Perri, mers, Photogrtphers, etc. Green (Pit•s by the package. A liberal discount made to the trade. Orders front DruggiNts and _Dealers bolic,itetl. Price Lists sent on application. Aug:1;38.43m. R OOTS &SHOES, OATS & - C;jl:".ti.n. largest stock grey brOlight sell ing very cheap by t Item. hi chit wren.. A tf'N.MAZI.P,74.X . A, 11 01,111-12 It T. `~ ~~ Cry- IA ` Stal~ ~~~k The Alrxithilria Foundry Fleskv,Pattera, , have heel, 1,1,1,414 by H. C. 111c131m.. The Foundry is in 4111.1 1,, lIIIA all kili , l 4 ol StO , CS et fill Plough. , , Kettles, C• • tc.. he will .ell at the low— • '" of ('iien• I "'.. try prialure and hi mewl 11,,T1 in exellunguili price, K. C. McGiLl. Mit,. 26 1858. CHEAP GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS ! ! FISHER At MOH:RIRIE Have just !Tech.,' thcir sccood stock of SUMMER GOODS, alileli will he SIAII nt. G RE:II'I,Y REDUCED PRICE'S. It comprist-s Sanlllllll, /11,0 i 1;1111113 of every Trimming's. Nltwrwillcs. l'lttetta Extew:wit l.•ltirts, 'lmps W . nil Idialg, Bintw lit tit, Slwt, and it ltd., awl iiillll6 CfnMlnts Illb!C inn nine woos ~f HUNTINGDON WARM SPRINGS, The %Vann Springs at the oast. of Wart lr'. Ridge, Site to les 'millint lltuttittg I ii overbo.l, jog Suindiiig Stolle .Creek. and eaviroon4l he To. mantle bills and woodl a ady, h a v e b een he the 111 , iner proprietor of the 1.0 t it ter Mittst•. The extensive lintel loaliegs kith law•es e reet e d at great exit•nou by General A I'. lidno bnen ~ , ,titth,ted—upt.l th e hire brui, hvautii..ll.% hit.l out 111111 1110 . 1 . 110.1. The lintel parlors awl eh: cohere airy awl e l'ortably furnished; awl the pr,,saee', 11111 11, Vernlitl 11114 for heanly, cannot by exr•ilt.l. . For half a century, the, have beet. celebrated for their nredieibal riairriti, and t he great nature 01 the water, ill rheumatic and 1 . 111 . 11• nit: affection:, 'rho temperature or do, being 64 degrees. reinleN 'b e hatpin„ huh and invigorating. In ti.e Narrnataliag wniet• and retruntuitic game nianuals, and !he titu,‘ fish are caught in Creek. Perm.. itt tow suit of health ill fud thi. n itio, delightful will healthful retreat; and its 110111 . 111 to the 1(11i.r11nt11, RIO the eltetipttes• or the rates elntrued unt,ts, give it a derideo advantage uver any tit ILr wateritt-t hi tee ia the State. Tho PriPpriet..r hail papier experience ie the lin.itiess mei lei pain• or trne.. will he si red to make guests telee. Hacks rite trim Ilttetiewlen to Wenn Sprleas on the arrival of itie Ilai,reed fere 25 rents. Feniiiitts tiri•ne,neele,l nt m e ereie terms. Wiirm Spring% near fluntinjolon, June sth 5 j Pat'nt Portable Fence; The righot 11uni*. Patent Puttalo.• or Pe, Inatient Fence Gate Post, lin. L es, Fart,. and TOWIIShip. con be tweno.d l'or a ,00all by callitty on the Agent at ~ and ,ce the model at MIL,. It ii d,•ridt tilt the heat FQIICO ever used. N*Fartto•r shoolit be without it. Call ye who would be bowilt. ted and estitative it for youselve, HENRY CORN PROPS f, Agent for Huntingdon Clain!). PREMIUMS AWARDEDTHE JOURN IL JUR OFFICI THE IE3E ...,, 90 5 , 1 tt\LL la D . LILCCT.I 111111 TING. C>7DIC 30. We requ, llii se 1,1 our ,1111,1,1111•1, whore eive 'heir paß iuf•ret is of those in their immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers to the "Journal," and have Wed to receive the same. since the steuliiig of our paeltdsoult, 13) Nihau.: on the 3d of February. NAT.II.IVTM3C): IILAT AND COHN wanted at this office. Theo having either can dispose of the emir lit calling noon. STONE CROCKS, JARS, atc.,—a taros stock kr oats at manutacturef.' Kiwi by UMBO A. BROW V. i icellaneous t ertisements. Netv C r.d-Press. liming bought njast '4:IA RI) PRESS, - we nre 110 W prepired to point in the pi., portion ot three earl's in the saute time that tiny other invss in the colony ens print noe, conserittent• is we can print 11110 1,111,41,--if . hot done well we innlin no charge at all. We ask your Int troaae. I'OMIXT S TOII.I 3 1 NETT GOODS!! FISHER & 111011VIITIRIE Ti A VINO re-ripened rho . N11 , :11101'01,1TAN Ittritterly known 314 '',AXION's" [die in Announcing to their 163•I111, th...t they Imre reee.veri it new un3l ivett.,te i •t,,t OtCy rev; •ooli3let~t will the detirtri,ls Of th.` pro,: tv3rKeeoi..ll:o.le in trry E r. The line of lirt•s4 04,•”!: A (VILLE r: ,R;; A I...I‘VNS. I'ERCALUS. CH LYS. ItEIIAI;ES, BR I 1,1.1 A ALL XV,)I)L IJE L.% INE , . CR VELLA 11)II.\ IR. NUM.% N. T.\ lIISE, AND LA VELLA CLOTH , . DEIIAGE, LUSTRE', A1.1 . A,C1 'A ti, HUNTS. gte. We have n line assuming. of Slimmer Man- MIAs, Dress Trinttninan, I , ringes, A II- Mitt•, Glove, Gutuliers. 11 ~ siery, Ladies' Collars, Buttons, Floss, Se win,: Silk. (Vlialidaines ha. Skirt-, Boons, Biass ,In.. Skirt Curd, lie.—'t'it•kens. and un- Miudins at all priees. 0,10,4 White Minted and Tstriehin andttwiny (.'er nr0 ,1,9 "..t . telt,ctm prise the line . ~;site and We have it'yenell Clothe, Finer reds, Cotton:tiles, linens, Denims 41.11111 mi Drills HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, or every vedety owl style. Also all kinds o STRAW GOODS, A good stock or Glt4r4 11.1111) & QUEENSIVARE,', &. Ill'ead and Willow-Ivare, cu EA... We 91.'1/ 110111 ill FISII, SALT, and a.l kind. of GRAIN. 111111 11ue1.CSA in Hos lu•nach of trade unequalled We parevls Nierelsundise, l kill: 111 CIIAIIGE, ut Ills dello* ni the :oat I . ,nusylvania Itailroads. emu, come Jill, 1111t1 1 0 00111 . 1110011 that the — MI 1 . 1101 . 01.1 TA N" is 1110 phiss to secure fl•hiount•le and tit:Arable geutls, disputed of at the httt est rates. Apr.14;58. STAGE LINE FROM r hambersburg to Mt, Union he mulct•Ll k' 111 C 11, a ,iii.i.ria,ioll(ll - the road lo two, . tol .Mt, Union. moult be too ilheelratitagiaiti. to a large ,ection or die comi• try. has. of /I (.011 , 1110,11,111 expense and trouble rondo ortatiecteents to run it line id l , tani, Tri.weekly between the two pointa Good Horses mot comfortable Stfige. nice heal pin eal on the route, and experienced and trusty driver: will superintenil the running' of the The proprietor of the line isdi4rous that it he maintained, and he therefore calls Nam the Ills he veneraily to patronize it. conti. item that it will he fir their tmitaal Every tieve,aire .rill be given, and the ren t in g of the TIC Irllaln r. fi Stage, Ivo M Union. every l'itesilay. and ',1111,1:1y rr ,111111, 141 0111.111.CINIMrg the next lily lit 1 2 o'vlock. lie leave t.:liittnli,stior, the some night at in o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the next evening in time for the very. Between Mt, Ull• jon(lr.lp the line ill he daily. e r Fare clirott,ll $3; to itttention poiot, in proportion. JOHN .1A , 11,11N Jan. 20t1), 1958.—tf. New Goods Nevis* Good, ! AT IL P. CIPIPE'S CIIIAEP STOIPE cr, iu 11,. ju.t ieturnd from P 1111.1.1• Tin xvith the !orgy, and must :1•• • SPRING AND SUMMED GOODS, Ever t., • eomsiming of the Dress GO.O. .1111 i (11,11i1.11101. lIS ..II 1V1,0,1 c. , 1 , .r5) I tehliti, 1.1.111,) 1.%• ,,, 11 I)eliiii4e, Hain I'll tits of every • .1.11,1t1011. t. a 1.11,:e I. l of dress Trimmings, Fri..- I ; 11.tthoo, 11.1rtons. 111;t1 , .• t•s. Itro•s Skirt Sill. . .1111 ‘ lNvek tir,,,.k Zvph‘t.. WoEkifig Cotton, Linen and &e. A 1 ,4. !hi' . 11. , 1 01;41 C111•111/1,IIISS4,1171C111 Ur Clll. 111 S, 1 1 11 4 11 ' 11.1e,101,0, 111 WWII. 11.1x ' 11111111 1 . 111111.114v1111t.t. Mull 1111.1111. S l ii , S. 1 . 111111, 'mid. Skirt 13.iitt• and a va.lety 01 WI lle lOU 111111101 . 011 i to 1111.11• Swing ttl3l Shawli, While Denim+ for '7lpes. t`1..11.-, ras,ist.ers, (7ii s siver, Tweed s . 4 'MIMI i N.1111.1•011S, I'iel,ll, T.1 ) .10 iiirge I:iiniivt,, Hot, litit.,&c, Foot`. and SllorS , chu hirgest will Chen rest 0. , -orrilielit in 10W11. 11 AB. W .A. QITEZINS- W 4 X. L . Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Ilrooms. Brushes, &c. Carps te. 011 Cirqbt , , Fish anti Suit, Sugar, entree. Ten. Molosses, stol till goods usually kept in country Sim, oil customers, aud RS man!• new ones us ••encrowil in are ..UNpertfully requeFtec; to ruins .11.1 illItt• In,' 1,1 , 11 S All kimis or Country produce taken in ex• clotogc for goutis, at the mdrket N'l 1) I'. GWIN. April in, 165 d. Proprietor. T2ll 2 , x.110 ili'j II TRIEIII CI,OTHING! A tiew Assortment Just Opened ! And will be sold 30 per cent. IIEA PEST! HHMAN respectfully in Ms costu mers O 'o mers and the 'midi.. generally, that be has just opened at his atom-ruont in Market Square llnntinittlonot splendid new stock of Ready made Clo Hilton for Fall and Whiter, %Odell Ile will bell tbeeper than the bonne tittoilitt of Goods can be purclot•sed ut retail its I'hilailel• phial or soy other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to cull end examine Isis stuck before •truba sing elsewhere. Also, Hats, Caps, which will ho sold lower than at any other ea• tablitihnient in the county. Huntingdon, April I. 1858. S R 0111 at the AG C w A r li o 1.3 a for 37 cis. per GU I, 1 10 S1 , 1: . )E 1 8 ,, , , Ll7 i nte i r Ftsaaa & hicbluerans. them ADIES COLLARS & UND ERSo k.EVB PRIM} SHAWLS and Mantilla. of every JA in great variety stile cheap etoreLf et,,, le at the METROPOLITAN. I). P. (Mild. 1 . MISTELLANEOIN ADVE RTIS EM ENTS Miss SOCTIIIVGIaII, CoI.ONI.A. G. W. cuticKETT, CHARLES ITURDErr TIIOM AS DUNN ENGLISH, M. IL, HENRY CLAPP. Jus., GLGIGIE HNOLD, SAMUEL. YOUNG. Mts. ANNA witEr.Pur, Miss VIRGINIA VAUG Mits. DI. VERNON. Miss HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY JoGNSON, Write nttl lbr the 01. lIEN PR ZE. GOLDEN I'll ZE. GOLDEN Plt GOL N Plt Z E GOLIIEN PR ZE. GOLDEN PR Z TILE GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED DEAN & SALTER, Successors to necket & Co. The New York Weekly Golden Ni ice in ono of the largett and heat literary papers or the day—sto Imperial Quarto. containing eight pa gee, or Only colunillf , , Of the most intiTzsling and fewin,iting reading tnatter,t om t h e po „ sor the very tiro.wrlter3 doh, it.i.usTni;;:ni,•l4llY WEEK. A PRESENT „ fr. in 74 Cents to $4OO 00, 10 given to each subscriber immediately on reeeim of the subscription money. This is presented no o memento of Friendship, and not as nn inducement to obtain subscribers TERMS: I Copy for I seer, $2 00 nod I Present. 1 " 2 " 350 2 Presents, t< 3 ic 500 5 " 5 ‘i 8 00 5 " • AND TO CLODS, 3 Copiei, I you, •5 00 3 " 7 00 5 " 15 GO 10 " 30 00 21 " 10 " '• 21 " " The nrticles to be given away are comprised intl.elollowing list : 2 Parlinge, of 00111, con'g $5OO 00 each. 5 do do do 200 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each. 10 Pat , Ml Lever nunt'g Watches 100 00 each, 20 thdd Watches 75 00 each. 50 do 00 00 each. 100 do 50 00 each. 800 Ladies' Gold Watches 35 ell ear!, 200 Silver Hunting Watches- an 00 each. 500 Silver Watches . ;110 00 to 25 00 carp. 1000 G'ld Doan), Chains $lO 00 to 30 00 each Colt Lockets, Bracelets, Broaches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins. Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil ver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 each. ___ We will present to every person sending tt: mbserdiers, $2 each, a Gold Watch. worth $4O: to any one sending us 1(10 siths , ribers. at $2 each. a Gold Watch, waist' $2O. Erery subscriher will also receive a present. limumliately on receipt of the money. the 1.1 criher's name Will he entered upon our book , and tt e present trill be forwarded within one week, by mail or exprass. post 'mid. (N'rlll communications should he addressed to DEAN & SA LTER, Proprietors, 335 Broadway, Now York. done 9, ,20 PEI! CENT. 4AVED I !! CIINI ETEN'I' have 11.IW 111 . 11:111ed till, .1, 1,1, i•viit. is saii•il li} nil 1:1 , ‘l:\ lit; and PAINTS at the HaRIANAIIE BTOBE OF JAMES A.BROWTO. .ustinuu tlds ',oldie advantage tln. salt. ,Criber II I. .0.. renamed a'rtnat the East, with at a•ompleto ottwit AIEI`RANICB I .IOOLB, Cm.u.ny, 1101.LOW•WARE, l'Amrat, ()MR, CO.ll, TRI)tMINGS, &e. ..... Whieh llns vart.fully sekciefl. cad bought .it redue. , l pievt, [null the best hmist, itt the United Ntnte4. Thu. he it eit.,l,lthl sell 111.11 r, .11 I. Colllitry deal ers, !Wilde,. :11eehlnies. and the putple gelier• ally :ire re•peetitilly hit ite,l eall. All linter,: receive inlimpt intention. N.ll.—Persons irtlabtutl to the Into firm n 1 'rows A. It ti & Co., are requested to make immediate payment to JAS. A. BROWN, 11 tiati0,;(1..0,AF.8,'513. Dr. John McCulloch, olier, his proreo,it.o,nl serrives to, the riti tens. illoritilseflon aril vicinity. (Mice, Ull 11111 et. ~..iiscen tit;,,inery sold Belh. 1111111Igthill. et:. 29. fj :It ift. 21IFJTYYJ ii:UNTIA4DOL F ,h," 13, 1,,)7. QPI,ENI Mt Line of Dress Cowls, eel mein. od all Limoges. s, Lew II roil Brilliants, CilletZeS, cote he retied at the MKTILOPOLITAN. SCYTHES, SNATHS, ItA ES, F 0 It K 5, k c. , A huge atssorttnent nt the Hardware Store. JAMES A. BROWN. inV COUNTRY DEALERS eau taut , 71. , all INC from toe in lluatinydnn et Whole. ode, as cheep as they van in the cities, Ant have a Wholesale si ire in Philadelphia. Apr.e,'se. H. ROMAN. ItLANKS, BLANKS 1 BLANKS 1 u _ A gruerar .47tuTiine171 U. Blanca of all de- VI.. ripl iWV .11.1 printed and lin. sate. al Ike -Journal (OAT." Apitaititto't of Referees, Common Bond, Notice to Rcterces, Judgment. Notes Summons, Voodoo Notes Executions, Constable's Sales, Scire Macias, Sublactins, Complaints, Deeds, Witrratits, Mortgages Commitments, Bond to idemnify Constal,le. &e .lows Sassvm. 'f. llnown gi' TRIP BERG It, Attorneys at Law, Iluutingdon, Office same as that formerly occupies! by John Scott, Oct. 19, 1853. WHALEBONE, REED AND BRASS Hoops and Reed Skins, er sale us th.• cheap store of 1). P. (MIN. A LEIEER.COEIEE FOR SALE. An excellent olio Mr sale arthis oflice. This o one of Adams' No, I Cain and Lever Press. BOOTS & SHOES, the largess and Cheapest assortment in town, ut D. P. GWIN'S. MISCELLANEMADVERTNEMENTS 7)®®LYV/b121) ,1 85 M NCHIN E SHOP AND FRENCH BURR ". ON AILL STONE . EMRl,lYaffilMri - IV. Corner of Germantown Road and New Market Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, Philadelphia. Constantly on hood or made to order. the fol. lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery. Woodward's Patent Portable Mills ‘nd Smut Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Br:, Dun. tern. Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. Pisrson's Patent Barrel lloopand Moulding Machines.. Improved. Bridge Steps sod Bushes for Mill Spindles. WARRANTED, The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr A Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster Crushers. • 0 SOLE OWNER, OF Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Cosi CFIVe . V. 132 t - TJ CR East told ooutli-Ekst of this Ohio and hlinninsip• pi Rivers. Warranted to take out of the offal of every Illorlnd Ground, from I to 2} lbs. of standard flour, which could not be bolted out on account of the electrical adhesior. to the Bran. NOTICE hereby warn all persons against infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa• tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons making, selling, or using env Brun Dusters with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio lotion of the Letters Patent of Joseph Jolla stun, dated April 24th, 1834. TIIOMAS B. WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for all the above Machines for Sale. August 29, 1855. t. BLANKS.-.Always buy your Blanks at the " Journal Office." We have now prepared a ye' ry superierartiele of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, Sup um ENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC V• BOOKS! ..4.•;:C 4 BOOKS! 40,0nn VOLUMES or new and popular Books, emhrneing every Variety usually kept inn Philiolelphia Book Store, and mans el' them at hairthe Publisher's rotail price, the subscriber now Hirers to the public. :‘ll school books used in the county eon be hod in /soy qtlittitines nt retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Latter and Wrapping Paper, Wholesale or by the ream. 100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold Cases, front $1 upwards. lot/ Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' end others' hest menaucture. ion splendid Port Monnuiesand Pocket Books at 20 cts. and upwards. 3.000 PILLCLS WALL PAPER, of the latest and prettiest styles, jest received from Philadelphia and New York, prices from 10 VI, It pier!: tool upwards. 500 beautifUlly painted awl gold gilled Win. dow Shades ut 44 et, and upwards. • The ouhlic I aye hut to call and examine, to by convinced that in buying of the above smelt they wII be pleased and also save money. He inelnhrr the place, corner of Montgomery anti itailrouti street. . WM. COLOR. Apr.23,'56. DEA N UT S. —5OOO. B usheht Wilmington Pea' I outs in store and rot. Aot e by vill. N. SIitTGA or 191 North 3d street, Phila. I lONFECTIONARY.—PIain and fine Con. lJ lectionary munthitetureil and fir rule by WM. N. SIIUGARD, 3. , 30r 191 North 3d street, Phila. nANGES AND LEMONS.-500 loixos or -I..'run>:en od Lemons in stir° nod for sale by WM. N. 8111.10A111), 323 or 101 North ad street, ATS . INS.-1,000 Boxes Bunch and Layer t Retains in store and . hy. emm, :no or 3d street, Pills. rIGS, PATES, PRUNES, CITRONS, 1.• Currants, in store ntol for sale hr WM. N. stiuGmin, 593 or IV, N:!:!!! rbl sires t, l'hiln. Filbertsrti ,NVil; st ra roil for solo TUTS WM. N. SIIIJOAIfn, Sept 9.'57.-ly. 323 or 191 N'tli 3,1 st.,Pliila TatOttNICZNabON . THE undersigned owners of the Hutitingdos, infisrm farmers and the plablicgenerab ly. that they now have their tow mill n running order, with all the modern improvemets in the water wheels and machinery. Then have put in five of the Improved Jon val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all stages of the water, mat during the coldest atather. any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to sell, and have on hand for sole at all times, at snorkel. rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and tamers run have their own grain ground, and take it back in a return load, or they can be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice an eqttal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop. ped Ned. THE 011M1710 MACHINE is of an improved manufacture; and they will insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quali ty to every bushel of grain, left at their FISHER 3; MuNIURTRIE, N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite ready.. Huntingdon, December 10, 1056. DR. J R. HUYETT DZNTIST: ALEXANDRIA, HUAT. CO:. PA. April 1, 1,37.-Iy. MN S' UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS Linen Shirt Breasts, Ready-made Shirts, white and Neu shirts, and ettilare very cheap at I). P. bWiN'S. Sl a I. , K BONNETS in great variety and cheap D. P. OWIN'S. ATTORNEY AT LAIV, Willattend to all business entrusted to:hiin. Of fiee nearly opposite the Court louse May 5,'53 ,1 1., A & SIIERWOODS' Patent Ex. tansit,n Skirts, rur sale only by Glass Preserviug Jars, different. sizes, for aale by FIVER .51 V1t#44.44T3i4111 W - 440310335etig1f L 9 o .0.0 . .....-0. 0016 CENAIt u JOB OFFICE . t 0 4 OF TUE 0 .1 IC “AUNT. JOURNAL." g , 4 77. e largest and best : JOB OFFICE % dife IN THE COUNTY. 0 JOB-I,olth . 0 OF 0 e. 1 ; 501 Elliil2o°, , ‘ EXECUTED 0 ctit , War o 4 C'heCfp 08 use .' ' -... ..i5, ( 6 ) # '''' ED DE47201 0 0 It ..:1 THAN o 3l' 4 ornmagsv. (), ' II P PiItFECT SATIB -• •. .r\ . (. 0 ' 43 WARRAN... '.,, nt , V ..,) A l l •. • (a, kinds u ili'v 1 ' BLANKS °) 4-k,.,, . . MTh'VSTANTLY ON lIAND• 0 "V') c:',O=Go0e000o0 ‘9.)t3F'are#C4lfieftyk.:.),,* :••V V -Nr RAILROAD HOURS. TRAINS 1301 NU EAST. Mail T. Ex. T. I Past T. Train leaves P. M. A. M. P. M. Petersbnrg, 1.03 4.02 111.64 Huntingdon, 1.22 4.17 9.26 Mill Creek, 1.33 4.27 1.91 Mt. Union, 1.47 4.41 9.40 'l. tins Cots. West. 'Praia leaves P. M. A. M P. li Mt. Union, 4,32 6.45 8.20 Mill Creek 4.48 6.58 8.06 Iltnitingdon, 5.03 7.11 8.48 Petersburg, 5,:0 7.23 8.11.6 t H. K. NEFF,M. IN t ; located himself in WARILIONMAIOK in this county, would respectfully offer hie professional services to the chime of that pleas, and the country aolacent. REFFEIINNWM J. B. Luden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Willem, M. A. Henderson, " Win. P. Or bison, X., J. H. Dorsey, " Hon. James 0w1.., M. Stewart, " John Scott, Rog. Hon. George Taylor, _ flub 4111., • Jacob rd Geminill, U. D., Alexanchr John M'Culloch, " Patinturq. p 74 A. P. Wasom. R. Bnoom Pernissi t e WILSON & PETRIKINi ST7'ORJVEYS Latr, IitIiVTINGDON, PA. Practice in the several Courts of Ilnutingdre Blair, Cambria, Centre, Midii n and Juniata Cosa. ties. March 23, 1839. Cheapest "Job Printing" Office IX TIM COUNTY. We have now made such arrangements our Job gilled ad will enable no to do all kinds qr Job Printing at 20 per cent- cheaper rates '➢'uan any °nice in the County- Givt, ux u call. If nu don't give entire matialaa tion, no charge at all will he made. Sllk 11;lazlst ielapesttoci of fsme/ T .doirstwiu:ner.intow, is ss & McSturrina's. A LL-WOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, Lift na A ling Carpet. Also, Cocoa, Jute and AN• cot Mats, can he hail cheap at the store ct FlBlll.l MOMURT/Ja. grenteSt variety of the richest styiee 11 Dress Goods and Trimmings can uhvoya round ut the fashionuble store of FISHER & MCMCRTI/14. latest and nogltE7lBl:Vgg',.Clll,l:74, C LOAKS, Talnitm, Rigohettet, Victorinta Head Dresses, are sold at prices which up competition by Fiction & Motldrirma. ' 1151100 TS, SITORS, HATS and CAPS, do J !argon stock•ever brought to town fire teL Ing very cheap at Flll3ll En & McMunrati.- TitLAK NETS, Plaids, Flannels, Linsey'', as 4 prices, at the mammoth store of Ftattau do hicguaTsza., MOURNING COLLARS, of the bamboo eat etyler,just received by FISHER & Mcgtmilao„ • NEW AND CIIEA - .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE. DAVID GROVE informs the citizens Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public ger• erally, that lie has opened a Gr ocery Store or Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors went at Win. Orbison's residence, where he will at al times be.prepared to supply customers with ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, CHEAPER THAN THE VHEAPEST at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Twat, Molasses, Cheese, Spines, Confectionaries, Hums, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Suers, Tobac co, &c., &c.; in beet, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. As I am ilethrmined to sell cheaper than ths. cheapest, I want everybody to calland crumble my stuck and prices. DAVID GROVB. Huntingdon, July 29, '97.-Iy. IN BLAST AGAIN f 11111.1.1iligdou Foundry. ~ 111 (.1412 "lIIE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS M thod of inlorming their friends and the pub-. lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hut* ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful ap , erittion, and are prepared to furnish casting elf all kinds, of the best quality on the shortest Da t ice and most reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to cull and examine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't be heat, together with the Keystone, Hill side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand and ore manufacturing stoves, such as Cook, Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood. • HOLLOW -wawa consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &e., all of which will be sol cheap for cash or in ex change for country produce. Old metal taken fur new castings. By a strict attention to b ness stud desire to please, we hope to receive* ,bare of puline patronage. J. M. CIINNINGILLIL i DSO. tint ith 19e,t44•.