Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 06, 1858, Image 1

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J.. , t ' •
f t) , ) 11 , 1
jg s 107
Compounded entirely of Gums.
IA one of the best purgative and liver medi
deities now before the public, that site as a Ott
isitartie, easier, milder, and more effectual thou
,any titer medicine known. It is not only it Ca
thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the
Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach
end bowels to carry off that matter. than accent
4glishing two purposes effectually. without any of
the painful feelings experienced in the operation
of molt Cathartics. It stregthees the system at
the same time that it purge. it , and when taken
daily in moderate doges, will sticnghten and
[mild it up with uhnsual rapidity.
The Liver is one oil.; the principal regula
tire of the human bol‘ rly ; and when it per
fbrms its functions wel l l 0 the powers of the sys
teal are fully develop-4o ed. The stomach is
almost entirely depon-1.0 dent on the health) ,
cation of the Liver for -,;,,' ,". the proper perform
s.. of its function '. Ili When the stomach is
st fault, the bowels are r, at fault end the whole
system coffers in colt- cjg sequence or ono orgi.n
—the Liver— hawintim ceased to du its Amy.
Fee the diICASCA Olio shirt °rpm one of the
proprietors has made 1 .,.. it his study, inn prac
ties ohnore than twe.n.. ;,,..'. !y y ears , to Th a i some
remedy wherewith to) !counterilet Om many
ddrangenicii , to v.iiicli ee eel it i s li a bl e .
To prove trOrt this F, remedy in or last tilt
-4. tiny person ~....i troubicil with Liver
• 'n any of its', forms, Intl but to try
s•vert, Action 1P..., i 9 certain.
Complaint . -v610'11)11 morbid or bail
a hcitic and con.
~ • supplying in their
Those gums rem
. "no t iovii.:urating
Water fIVITI liie F. 7 stem lz
digest well,
place a heal by llow wlot .
she stomach, cacsing i tsr f oo d t o
pu'rifYing the blood,gi• r ..wing tone am. " 6
m 'the whole inaci.lned 114 rv, winnowing theca, •
•fghe disease, and of Ye trectinit a radical cure
One dose after Cu,- ..s ling is sathicient to re-
Hera the stomach and = low:cut the food from I
Airing and soaring. led! I
Bilious aitarks areli. cured, and u hot is
better, prevented, .. . the .occasional use of j
As Liner Inrigoratur.p. i
Only one doge to- h , n before em, t
piroVents Nightmare. l
Only eine dose token at nig
stele ueutl.;, and cures Cnsiiernere,
0,4 Joss t. en after each meal will c Ms
-ILTo:irtat Be re of tau teart . m , mittie tsi;i
perto•e Skein read:tile.
One bottle taken for female obsetractiunra•
sivae tka came of the disease, mid 1.111,
Weller CVO.
Only •out dote immediately relieve: Clolie,
One ewe often repented iv a sore cure rot.
eltolera Minims, and a preventive tit' Cholera.
,sr,laly one bottle is needed to throw Ott of
its system the effects of snedieine:M'ter a kin
ltWOne bottli, taken for 'Jaundice removes
ill -tallow:lege r.r unnatnral color froin the skin.
One chat taken n &hort time before eating
f, r 1
7, el!. ° .....
Otte do, cftei; rty.eatt et!tts Cl.rt.nitt Diet'
t'Acee in its rmrst 14 , ner, w .ile St''''"', ,I,'
Rowel corepir.inot yieN ti!nt,st to tl, fir, dote
One or two tI"FeS CIII , S attack , eat, nil le
Worms in ; there is no itr . er or speeq
iu remedy in the world, as it never
Cr A few hot,los cores dropsy, by ex , i , ing
site ahsorbei,:s.
teke pleesar, re,ommendi ngthis med
icine as R preventive for Fever tool Ague, Chill,
Tarim, and all F 0,13 of n It
operates with canonry, and thonsm,ds are
Ilia to testify to its w•omlerinl rinses.
All who ore it ere giving their re,
tOrnny Its its favor.
erMix water in the mouth •ccii ti,r inriro•
aim . , And toollow both togethe,
The Liver Invigorator.
scientific mcd o discover:, and is daily
working cures, almost too great to believe. It
finales if by magic, coon the fir-st done giving
",enelSt, .0 seldom morn thou Olt, Motile
is rr
gnired to core any kind of Liier conit,bint,
*um the worst jaundice or Dyspep,iu to a yob,
rano ticaducLo, all of which are the result ,!*
Csensed Liter.
a. SAMFORD, Proprietor, :145 Broadwpy.
*Ad by IL kleMatiiigill, St J. Read Iluntirgdon.
The undersigned citizens of the county of
Huntingdon, hmeby give notice that they intend
So make application to the next Legislature for
a Charter, for the creation of a Corporate hotly
Kith Honking or Discounting privileges, to Ito
be located in the Borough of Huntingdon, coun
ty of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania,
with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars,
with the specific olject of issuing Bank paper,
and doing all other things ordinarily pertaining
n Bank of issue•
W. B. &HOLED, B. MeMunrutz,
A. W. LlENEuicr, JNo. McCu ci.oo
U. Buuco rErnticin, 10,111 WiturrAKEß,
C..1,1Y $22.00 PER QUARTER
W'AL;ill, Principal,
'Pro t of Languages nild Philottoplip
Chas. S. Joslin. A.." ,
Prof of Latin. G rcel:, etc.
James W. Hughes,
Prof. of Matlienuttic. , :
Benlamin F. Bolick,
Adjunct Prof. of Mothemoties.
GeO. W. 'Linton.
Prof. of Vocal Music.
Mrs. M. DeN. WALSH, Preeeptresr.
Teacher of Bonny. history, Reading; etc.
Mut lE. RI Faulkner.
Teacher of Pettis Work. Painting, Drawing,
Miss D. L. •tanley,
'reacher of Pinno . MUBIC, Wax Fruit, Flerv,
Mrs. or. slarwin
Teacher or English Branches.
Miss .1. NI. Wallas.
Teacher of Primary English.
The (evilt success ofschool is extillor
dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the
hind over establitiictl, it is now the largest in
Shia liectior of the State. All branches are
taught, and students of all ages, and of both
saxes, are received. The expenses for a year
need not be store than $9O. Students can en.
ter whenever they wish. Address,
JOHN D. WALSH. Caseville,
Huntingdon Co., Pa.
_ M ACKEREL of ell Nov., Herring, &c., can
""" '"" emlling an
TrlrrlVlra7 6l7 EG le r„.
TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. I Does the very bland run cold in thy veins?
TERMS Art thou convinced of the evil of pr .fungi
l'he"llumrisonotiJouttsm.'is publishon at
i ' swearing 1 How many times host than
the following rates :
$1,30 blasphemed the God of heaven flaw
If paid in ntleunce
If paid within six months after the tine of I many times halt thou asked God to damn
subscribing l•' 'thee in the course of a year, a month, n day
lipoid before the expiration atilt, year, 2,00 ,
And two dollars and fifty cents if not pat and how many times in a sitte,le hoar
tillnfter the expiration of the year. Na suhserip_ hest thou called for damnation? rt. thou
nun taken for a less period than six months.
1. All subscriptions are continued until nib_ net yet in hell Wonder, 0, heavens,
erwise ordered, sad norittper will be disennti nu- nail he astonished, 0 earth, at Is • gond and
oil until arrearages are paid, except at the option
of the publisher. untiering of that God w'iove great Willie
2, Returned numbers are never received by ns. swearing persons so often and so awfury
All numbers sent us in that way are lest, and
corer accomplish the purpose of the profane ! Swenrer, he thankful that boil
3 . Persons wishing ii stop their has not answered thy prayer, thy min.
NU/ up arrearayes, nail seed It written or ,
verb tl order to that Minot, to the office el pith- dour prayer, that his mercy and pntienee
beerier, in linntingden.
! hare withheld the request of thy pollutee.
4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a
! lips ! Nev, let him henr another oath
lean or a proper notice.
5. Alter use or more numbers of a new your from thy unh a llowed tongue, 1,1.4 it should
have been forwarded. a new ymir has commene- h o t h y ,
01, and the paper will not be di,ontinned until n last I" n upon eart h, and
arrearage, are paid. :lee No. I. thy swearing prayer should he answer
111U Courts have derided that refusing total •
, e.f In hell. Oh , let thine omits be turned
from the office, ur reituiv.gatia
leaving it uncalled for, is cairns VALI,: cviJuuce into suppl len ions ! Repent and torn in .1e•
01 intentional fraud.
sirs who died Wswearers as well nil big
F , lll.criliets living in distant counties, or ' States, will ho required to pay invariably j murderers. it od then, old then (though
in advance. thins notyest hay.. sworn or many (Lahr or
Ci"Tlio above terms will he rigidly adhered
ta in all ellSe3. there are,dars in the heavens, nod aim'
upo, the sea-shore innuaterahle.') then
thou shalt find, to thy joy, that there is love
etiongh in his heart. ,rod 11.,•rit etifficte,i, In
his Wand to pardon the sine, and Cane
thy soul for ever
Sweerer canst thnit ever again kilns
p`u..we such a (3.1 and So v int as 1111,11—
[)o, not thy con.cieoce cry forbid !
Ever: so, Antett.—CHritis.h Nlesseager.
Le ehari.v.: at the following rates:
invertlon. 3 dn. .1,..
$ 37i * fill
Ax limes 01 . Icsl,
N.iphre, ($6 lisiesj 50 75 100
Two " ) IGO 150 OMI
000, Bmo. 12 Ulu.
$3 0,1 $3 011 $ . 6 00
500 . 0 00. 12 0 ' 1
8 00 12 00 i;1 111
19 00 18 00 27 00
^n 27 00 40 00
18 L.. *0 00 50 00
28 00 $4.00.
10tt,invss Cards or kin lives, or .
^ 4M.•~
One •
e 1.10103,
* (10.,
• ens the
Advertising and Job Work.
We \rook' tru.: ... : rtiaingcon•
inanity ❑nd .1!1 uthrr> ~ 1 ,0 wish to bring
tie pub
lie : that LI, largest eir
cuiatiau of any paper In tli county—that
i increasing;—utui Cult is
Igoal juts t h e hands of our u•caithieut citi•
\Vs would olio state that our facilities
for ex, curing oil Iciud, , of JOB I'IIINT-
INU an• i.qual to thaso of any other wile,.
;o done (wally,
r,,mpt;yolnd nt ra:ces which will ix
--- - -
V -2,1-A ‘Y./jA I,ll2PlLit)
ilea Oath },
...,... .... „..
:t ,r, r p,:t . y
! whetl,
ou t'.ll:,kest so r.r ti:ilie o.llll'
is a p.uyer—an appeal to the holy and al
God, whose naive thou dittet so
hupieu.dy i 3 ta u t• into thy lip,
. _
Arid what is thickest thou, swearer,
that Own do,t call for, when the awful int
toe...ions damn nod datotintion, roll so
cr , quvittly Irma thy prof'. tongue ?
Tr,rible swearer, white 1 tell thee!—thy
prayer contains tn•o parts : thou 'gayest,
that thou inayest be deprived of eter
nal ho nt , ss ; secondly, that thou may•
of,t he pluoged into tterual misery.
. .
When, therefore, thau calkst fur damna•
lien d, tlmu not, i • fort, ray ns follows;
10 h and ! thou heat power to punish me
in hell forever , therefore let nut one of my
sin( be forgiven! Let every oath that I
have sworn, - every IM that I have told,
every Sabbath that I have broken, nod 01l
the sins that I base come itted. either in
thought, word or deed, rise up in judge•
intuit against toe, and eternally condemn
me ! Let me never partake of thy salva•
ti to ! May my soul and body be depri
ved of all happines, both in this world and
that which is to come. Let me never en.
joy thy favor and thy friendship, nod Ica
ine never enter into the kingdom of l:rav
This is the first of thy I rayer. Let us
henr the second.
'Oh God, let me not only be shut out ut
heeven, hut also me be shut up in hell.
Nlay all the member* of ray body be terror•
ed with ita , unceivablo agony, nod all the
powers of my foul tormented with horror
turd despair, Inexpressible and eternal !
I,t toy dwelling he the blackness. and my
cntopanious accursed devils ! Pour down
thy hottest anger; exeoute all thy wrath
upon me; arm and send forth
all thy at rors aoinst me ; and fume, thy
fiery, the fearful indignation rest upon toe!
Be mine eternal enemy nod plague ; pun
ieh end torment me in hell for over, and
ever, and ever!'
Swearer, this is thy prayer! Oh, dread
ful itnprecation! Oh, horrible ! horrible !
most horrible 1 Plaspherniog man ! dour
thou like thy petition ? Art thou desirous
of eternal -torment I if no, swear on—
swear hard. Tho tnore oaths the time
misery, and perhaps, the sooner thou may
est be to hull. Art thou shocked at this
',niter. 2 Dost it harrow up thy soul 1
Tiy llostuu Tu.'. l4 Y,
It bus sePn. in t city. 1,
t "n gir l 4.
preb :..nt, in u flan,
u•siwciivuly, !Au , . Y' 9l "• whilv
t• vo•iubed but 13 and 1;1 : 7 ,1 ind ,4 . nr..l
th,ir iwight fro crow' to Holy. ho:
and .11 yot ;hey nro
all respects. symmetrically ma le,
ti.y and happy children, able to talk. Er,
(hoc, and pky like other children "(their
mg , .. \V lint it rvituirlinble iiholit the, Et
mar uc.•r, k the fact that their
lath, and moth. r aro mortals of or lontry
sist-r, throe i•ix yvars ag
h arowtii
tirr thr A ztocs, who mad,. so 'ouch ..xci
we hsie a row ynars since; fur they trnre
idiotic, while thc,c link girls nrt. bright
nod inwlligent, as well ns oimMotivm--
'roey were not Imported from obromd but
were born In one of the towns of 1101
sex county in this Stale of genuine Yaw'
Ices stock. They wilt not be 'wide n pith
libexhibition, but live natural in pri•
vacy, with their relations although they
might make a fortune for a showman.—
They weighed about Si eaidi :111. time
of 'heir birth, and continued to 2 rrnt. lilfe
other children until about tite iige of eig h•
teen treinths, when the arrel flu. develop
nt nt Logan. They each of them wear
without difficulty rings which were put
upon their lingers at thy ago of two ye-irs.
They are charmingly pretty children mid
i?ontribu'eil greatly to the enteraiiimei.t
the few friends inviled to meet them yi,ter
Burning of the Sterner Austria —an aw
ful Catrastophe.
Telegraphic despatcl , a Irmo Halifax
announce that the hurtling stilner N 'ell
on the 16th krt. was the Austria, and
flounces. terribl • wholesome dewnction
of li a among
. her crew awl passlngers..
Of nearly six hundred persons on board
tin. ill fated steamer only sixty eight ore
said to have escaped. Twelve of the al
ved have arrived at Malaita in the bark 1,
trio, arid hive communicated in elli,ence
of calamity almost unparalleled u+ the
destruction of life arid the frightful err
cumstances under which it occivred ---
The fire burke out in the steerage on thr
afternoon of the 13th. It rpre.l , l with
great rapidity, causing in its progress the
expla ion of the powder magazine, and
apparently cutting 01l nt once the escape
of thi; easseugers below. The greater
number of those WI board perisl ed miser
erably between decks, wilier suffocated or
our., to death, anti unable to reach upper
deck, where perhaps their chance of fi
nal ',cape would scarcely have been int
proved. Some few were pulled up dim'
venal itore, The flames in the meantime
spread so that even those on decit were
forced by twos. and threes to plunge into
the sea, wisher others awl the intijority of
those saved, took refuge, on the bowsprit
from whence alter some hours of exposure
they were rescued by the FiZ•ricli bark
i Nla rice. Others ivere..picked up from
the water, and twenty•two who 'had gut
In one of the metslic bouts, were suhse
queutly rescued. Two of thu boats were
lest in the attempt to use thew. As it is
undratood the stetttuer bed er,,ht metalic
boats on roard, it is possible that some
others wore launched, ,iiu! tli, r. i,, there- Explosion of an Antril—terifflo effects.
fare, still a shglit.chance that the, number The • Imago Times le•trns that in Lodt
of saved may yet be increased. For the a small village in Katie couety, an elec
latge propottnin of the prsetigers who lion was held on Frith') last, on the ques
below there is, however no hope. Shut tion of incorporating their town; that the
up in a furnace of (Lunt, anti smoke, a opposition to the co operation carried the
brief hilt terrible tote rvat of sufkrinzivot, , day, and were sn elated thereat that they
have ended the existence of hundreds tin procort•d an old anvil, charged it with
der circuinvtanc, of horror wlych it is gunpowder end fired it with great glee,
well for shuddering humanity no living eve thus celebrating their v . ctory. While a
witnessed Of the remnant site-d, o num • crowd of people was close about the anvil
her are shockingly !mimed. Six women it burst, with a tremendous report, one
colt' were re,cued, and three of these are piece milking Dr. William Kennedy, the
terribly hurried. I milt• surgeon in the place, and breaking
The fist of the not cntpriies only six-1 his kg. A fragment of iron. weighing
ty, red, one hundred and thirty six I about ten pounds, struck a white oak post
frer,ons accounted for. There are suppo• about six inches in diameter and cut it
sed o hove been 560 persons on hoard, I short sill' us effeciively as if hit by a twelve
and they may be classed a., follows pound cannon ball. Another piece,
to be toned • • • • • . 68 weighing 6 or 8 pounds, hit George
Ihtrit WIIO4C names aro known
Lam who.) name,' arc unknown
Brooks, a young man. the oldest son of
L. Brooks, of Lodi, and inflicted a wound
Total • - • • • • • . • 51;0 i which is evidently mania- • the hip bone
Total number lost
the wounded num carried his son home,
The Treaty with China.
hut fainted on beholding the extent of his
The treaty with China is reported to _
have been signed, on the 18th of June. nt
'Flemish', by the imnperitil commissioners
who go h3' the odd-sounding mimes of
K 1111,m , luttut. 'l'll,, treaty
tr..nty Dille art iclo+, someof which
ere the ,tipulatioos of the old treaty re
It will be observed that the American
treaty dyes not open all the putts of China
to our vessels, the only two new Dirk na.
lined Indu l t Nwatiin , 11111 i T. rivail. in For-
But any tiiiher ports that limy he
opened to Russia, Great Briton or l'ranc , ,
will also be opened to the United States
inythitions of the Russian tre ity
10 hi' ICOOWO in offieid cir
cies twfor,; the ss.l' ll v; of 1W 1),r841• ns
the Ire•ity 'mist hare boo,: rec e ived iit St.
i'utrr,lotrz, The treotici coon:hut.' by
1 0 ,1 Elgio o ul Boron Urns hone not yet
h, en•rec „„:t. canna, nnthinif is
i.fhliiely known of theL'Pr"vi'intis. Uri
are wade void e, it VIII he. impos
~, non wino ndcnoloyr fpvt•
Lein, d ht' the troiiell States, on the t,r,11:
of our rooky nosy la. untied by in cot.c.,
s;oso, !pude In ulliod powers. W • ert,
p!iic , •d nn n footing ns idtnwngwnr
us they
The United Mioistrr Is tlpiestdy
granted the right of no annual visit to
kin, with the privilt.,, of reiti•iiiiing there
as hifie :ts he 'soy dew 5 proper. Ilis of
int-reoutso to Co with .the Privy
tit;t : totoil, or one of its ifil'illhois &wily& for
pore If 3 p•riounent
l'vkio is CIIIICVIII . II to the representotivrs of
coli.•r powers, it wi!l he coric, &II to the
Aliiii,tor of the United 51104 hiromt4st..—
IN'tt do not wcognize to this, or ony other
surtil.ti of a.. treaty, provision for that
frr elltroilt Chin.' tt 'ltch WaS at first
r , tf, ht. see, rtxl
The I,;(loitTiuteti'.ittwitrr thor
oughly t.hiq'ttlieephig in Its tnin..latte•tits
do. ndvalitages to be ittrived to Bosnia
front the new tre.ity. Rll bill, lrl pones..
061,1 of the I l i o;!?tor, a navigable river lint
, rther from. Pekin than Pekin is !root
Conlon, •vill wield nil iiiiltwnce tit Pekin
from wli ch British interest will cutler
The Tones is alumwd for ..he tea-trade,
and I.r the maililf,letUreti of Leeds, with
whom the I, may comp-te in wdol
I. Ds' ~,ents, the leviathun of
Pro , tolg Roo, ,quare apprehends, will
tinver, China, ,ebi , per what they plea,
into the cur of the imperial government at
inspire the views of the Chinese
at.ll rub loco Boil of the advantages he ex
pecte.' to derive from the our The '1'1,11,,
sneers nt the peaceful police of the United
Statet , and Russia who follow in the rear
of the combatnots, no receive the benefit
of the war, twill out punkt paling in it.—
' Hot the Tittles should not forget the fal
It is not those who contest, for the prize
that nlways enjoy it. OthJts may chance
to curry ill the timils of victory.
Interesting to Newspaper Proprietors.
One of the Courts of thin State of Indi
ana, recently tqlle'it der ssion, which is
of interest tq all. newspiper proprietors
throughbot the Union, A. controversy ex
fisted relative to a charge for nil yanking,
between the comnitssieneri of Hamilton
county and the Patriot newspaper. It
was held by the Judge that .the publish
ed terms of newspapers, constitute a con
tract. If w. rk is given tc newspaper
publishes, without ii special contract con
travening the published terms, the pub
lisher can charge and receive vci.rding
to the terms published. It is riot neces
wiry to prov. what the work cost, or was
worth ; the publisher+ have it ri,ht to fix
the estimate value of their coluirms, and
if so fixed, no other question need he as
ked, but the prim, thus charged can be re.
covers 4.-
The Pike Peak Gold Region.
The lust received Omaha A'ebraskian
has the Mowing statement:
An old Mountaineer recently arrived at
Ruin, in the south part of the Territory,
britigMg with him $6,000 in gold dust.
which he hto dug and washed out near
Laramie Peak A friend of Mr. J. 13
Stwatinan, of Council Bluffs, immediately
communicated the fact to him. and Mr. S.
started at once for Rulo to ascertain the
full particulars. We learn %hitt he re
turned list evening. and that he intends to
start for the phi tegion in the course of
it couple of weeks
I' ..Moral le excitement efev•tilt. in tip,
City rind in 31r. Atm,-
wail will bo occontrinied by rt !flrg,,,ultu
her of persons from the respective towns.
Yesterday a man—whose name tee hove
forgotten • urrived in this coy front Ore
gon Territory. Ile left Fort. Laramie on
the t!ilti s pf Angul o and sags thou Itttle
teas talked of at the fort but the
At Laramie l'eak."
Ile saw humorous specimens of gold
found in that region, soinflif which were
valued as high as twenty-live dollars --
s,veral Calitornims who had stopped u
fete days at the font, started for the mules
about the tittl he left.
Society Islands•
It seems that the iiii.horities in these Is ,
lands are quarreling airiong themselves,
and to settle tomters ut last hccoonts the
party in pneyr r idierecl Consul Ow, n, of
the United States, to iurrender the islands
of Takla and Ottinteu to our government,
mid handed him official letters to that effect
fur transanis.,ion to Washington. This
onivement gave great offence to the repre
sentatives of England and Fran2v, who in
eyed it sort of revolution. in this state of
efl.drs the Fterich war Injg.llydrogrophe
arrived, and her commander took Mr. Tito
tints Croft and Mr. Jordan, Anterican chi.
Zoll` , , into custody, and conveyed them to
Timid, on account of their annexation pro
c'ivities The two islands under our rule
would form most important entteporls for
our wkdini,., fleet in the ['amide. as well an
convenient harbors for our war vessels.
neste r and party, who went in search of,
Mr. Thurston, the missing mronaut, have
returned and given up all hope
. of finding
him. Mr. Bannister thinks now that the
violent motion of the balloon swaying to
fro in the air. and its great elevation, (three
caused the unfortunate man to re
sign his hold and drop to the earth, to
which case he must have been dashed into
such minute particles as to lea,: but few
John Lutz not to be Executed•
The day had been fix* d by tile Gov
ernor for the murder of Richard O'-
Leary. However, a dispatch was re
ceived front Governor Packer respiting
Lutz. His fronds have been minter.
ass and particularly and zealous
in presenting hint as a fitting object for ex
ecutive clemency. The gallows for his
execution was in progress of erection and
artily completed.
nor The doer ors' fees, in New Orleans,
for a yellow fever case, is one hundred dol.
tars, more or less, kill or cure. II taken
in 8.11011, the doctor's attention is not re•
quid otter the fourth day. One. two.
aid three thousand dollars a week, is no
uncommon amount of fees for a good yel
low fever doctor.
811111rDuring an examination, a medical
student being naked the question—
hen does mortification ensue I" answer
ad---"11 hen you pop the question and era
nnewprorl "
Col. Forney's Speech.
We regret very much that we hove nut
room in the Joarnal for the whole of Col.
.Porney's able address, in vindication of
Popular Sovereignty and in reply to the
assaults of the Lecompton organs. As the
whole of the address would occupy all our
paper, we can only give nn abstract, which
we take from the New York Tribune:
He had intended to deliver the address
at a public meeting, but the multitude of
his duties rendered it impossinle. lie
commences by reviewing the part he took
at Tarrytown, and the causes which indu
ced him to mane the , speech which he did
He then alludes to the statement of The
Union, denying the conversation he is re
pro:muted to flare had with the President.
He says : SNot only did the conversation
take place. but many things that ware
"said were omitted in the Tarrytown
"speech. Among other thing the Pres
" ident said, 'lf you, Wallcr4 and Douglas
"'will unite in support of my Kansas poi.
"'icy. the people of Kansas will vote for
'• •at at the Oeotion an thotllmt of Decem•
"'bee. I know that you have the strong
"'side of the question, and that you can
"'carry off the people, but I appeal to you
.to stand with me, because, if l don't so
" 'here to my policy, Alabama, Georgia
"and Mississippi will probably secede
.• 'from the Union.' A few days after this
interview, a friend from Southern New
'. York visaed me (Forney) at Philadel
phia,saying that the President had de-
him to ammre me that the President
intended to make his Kansas volley
n test upon the party, and that no man
would be tolerated by the Adminiatra•
• tien who did not approve and support it."
Revrding The Union's nssertians that
lrs Ferticy's) statement of the cabinet
meeting io fake, Mr. Forney says that the
report of the conversation bettc-pn Walker
and the Cabinet was communic;:ted and
dt,cribed by Col. Simeon M. Johnson, one
of the editors of The Union. Mr For..
n..y then alludes to the attacks of The New
Fork R raid upon him, applying terms to
the editor of that paper far from compli
mentary. He next quitted from articles
that: bail apirarpd in The Ikea!! during
the Presidential campaign, saying that Mr.
Btielinnen once said film with much ex
citement, ' , Why sin I so traduced and put.-
.. stied by this infamous krfave ? Have I no
friends who will visit New York and
punish hith as he deserves ? His ears
.t should be titlcen off in the public stfeets,"
Subsequent to the election, when ye (For
ney) had putished a laustic article about
Bennett, Mr. Buchanan regretted the pub.
bication saying, .•I desire that Mr. Ben
" nett shall support my administration."'
Mr. Eorue.y then reviews the political
condition of the Union, claiming' that all.
the Democratic victories at the North
have been anti Lecotnpton, and con
cludes by predicting the complete over
throw of the President's rule in the com•
ing election in this State.
Our Army consists of about 18,000 men
of which the actual strengh Is leis than
10,000 men. Last year, the appropria•
Wins made for the support of the army,
the fortifications anti the Military Acade
my at West Point were $lO, 420,190,41.
The appropriations to the same pur
pose, for this year are $25,033,610,49
an increase of over six millions ! Lea
ving off $3,000,000 as the expenses of For
tifications at the Academy, there are left
$22,000.000 which are spent in maintsim
log 18,000 men. At this rate the Govern
ment pity per annum about twelve lam,
due.? dollars for each man.
Of course, most of this large sum finds
its way into the pockets of favored ■rtny
contractors, &c.--• Get. Sentinel,
The South Carolina Guardian publishes
a platform for the approaching campaign.
The principal plank is the dissolution
of the American Union, the perfect jade
pendence of the cotton growing States,
and the estaldishment and rigid enforee
ment of a non intercourse act, cutting ofi
all communication and trade between, the
people of the Northern States and the en
tire Southern section.
111111'The annual cost of the city govren
!neat of New York, k estimated at •16
000,010 per annum, $l6 each for every
man woman and child tr. the city.
Hoors.—The fashionsbles of Philadel
phia no longer wear hoops of any extent
They are worn so as to be scarcely per
croak, which gives th, ladies a neat
and graceful form. Large 'Mops are now
only were by the under ems,.
VOL. XXIII., NO. 4 0
From the Cambria Tribune.
will be seen by the official petition!** of
the Union Conference in to4fan44Per
S. S. Blair. Esq. of flollidayaiurg, :was
nominsted for a sent in the nezt 'Congress
from this Congressional district. Al thoug
thin result was not such its we had hoped
nod worked for—although we hey° been
chagrined dnd mortified at the rejection
of Cambric's just claims— , yet same stated
at the outset of the canvass, we wilt swp •
port the nominee and use nur best efforts to
elect him. We feel that, at a time like
this and in such a crisis es that which
now surrounds us, all personal and sec
tional fceling--oil considerations qt 1,41
pride and territorial rights—should be ig
nored, and, so far an possible, forgotton.
The welfare of the district and the suceees
of our time bartered principles should n u t
be made subservient to any consideration
whatever. Let us therefore bury past dif.
ferences and local predjudices. and deter
mine, oneeand all, to do all that Wercan to
save the District. Let us reflect serious
ly upon the consequences which would
follow the election in this District of a Free
'Trade Lecompton Dernacrit, and the re•
solve tvill take deep rent in the breast of
every true friend of the People's party--
the District shall be fleet& ,
Mr. Blair, the candidate nominated, is
a standard bearer eminently worthy of our
support—. n man who possesses those ele
ments of character so desirable in a pub.
lic servant. He if, honest, capable and
worthy ; a close student, a thorough bit.
sines‘ man; and one whose every action
is controlled by a sense of strict moral ac.
countability. None of those vices which
so often disgrace our public men, are his.
He is a finished scholar, a first-rate law.
yer, and an orator of .vide•apread reputi•
thin. Move than either or all of them
he is a true and tried friend of . the peop:e
in the war they are now waging against
the despotism and extravagance of the
present National Administration. He
, stands fairly and squarely apes every
plank of the People's platform...not as a
Republican, not as an American, but' as
Union man, knowing no line of distinc.
tins and ocknowledgetng no diversity of
principle between those who ho ve patriot.
ieolly resolved to stand or fell with the
Union organization. If elected, of which
there is now nn doubt, he will be a faithful
and energetic representative of the wish.
es of his constituents, and an honor to the
District and: State.
We have neither room nor time to say
more this week. We will only add, for
the satisfaction of our friends throughout
tho , Districyttedt , Nir Blair will receive the ,
kill party vote in this county.
At • meeting held September 28, 1858,
of the Committee of Corresponaence, aq.
pointed under the resolutions oru meeting
- 61*-the 15th of June last, of the friends of
Protection to Domestic Industry, inreapec
live of 4p, the following preamble and
resoluti vere adopted:--
Whereas, anonymous circulars have
been sent to various parts of the State, as
suming the guiss of friendship to the great
mea.ure of Protection, and asserting that
the LION, JOHN M. READ, now candidate
for Judgeship of the Supreme Court, had
in the year 1823, in the Legislature of the
State, voted agniust Protection—that he
had in the month of July, 1846, signed a
letter to Mr DALLAS, congnfulating him
on his casting vote in favor of the tariff of
that year--and generally, that he had been
and still continues to be, adverse to the
Protection of American Labor
3rid whereas, the opinions of Mr. Rxxv
in favor of free trade, thirty-five yeitra
since, were held by him then, in common
with DANIEL %I LINTER, and thousonds of
others, ninny of whom 'have since been
distinguished for their advocacy of protect
ive measures--experience having taught"
them, as it has taught him, the destructive
effects of the free trade policy:
and whereas, the nsserti on in relation
to the letter addressed to Mr.DALLAs, is
uttetly untrue—its falsehood haviub been
clearly exposed in an editorial of the North'
Therefore resolved, that we hold .Jousf.
M READ to be a deeided and earned Mend
such entitled to claim the votes of those of
his fellow•citizens who advocate that poli
cy: and that we therefore cgrdially recom•
mend hint to the support of all, who desire
a revision of the tariff.
301 IN W. O'NEILL.
sr St.e *there' MiJohn . M. Rostl' bo
sof on