qi #=... DU VALCS GALVANIC OIL, Prepared originally by Pro. H. DUV- ALL • formerly of thit College of Surgeone, at Paris I IS NOW OEFERED TO THE PUB LIC, or Fur the Cure of all sore and Pain ful Diseases._2o For instance—Pain or soreness in any part of the system, Rheumatism, pain in the back, breast or sides. healed breasts Neuralgia, Burns, Sprains, Head-ache. Cramp in the Stomach or any other dis ease that is SORE or PAINFUL, and it is only over this class of diseases we claim a VICTORY. We say positively to our patrons we ran relieve the sufferer 99 times nut of Ito. We would just say to the public, Prof. Du Vail was 26 years in bringing to this medicine superiority over all others. . . . cut otl the trade. All orders must be ad dressed to J. D. STONEROAD, Sole Agent for U. S., LEWISTOWN, PA. A aaram DR. JAMES 11[. ARRET, OF THE NEW YORK LUNG INFIRMARY My connection for the past eight years with the above Institution, as Cheif Physician, and a twelve yearn' course of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its kin• Bred diseases, together with my unrivalled op portunities and advanrage of pathological re tic arch—aided not a little by a perfect system I of Medical Inhalation—bas enabled me to ar rive at a decisive, direct, and successful course of treatment for the positive and radical cure of all disease of the Throat, Lungs, and Air- Passages. By Inhilation, the vapor and curs tive properties of medicines are directly addee• eed to the diseased organs and the integument, Ido not advise the use of Medical inhalation ..f any kind, to the exclusion of general treat. meat ; and although I consider it a useful ad- I javant in the proper management of those fear- I fat and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very necessary that each patient should have the benefit of both general and local treatment. The success of my treatment in the above di cease, and the high character of the nlstitution over which I have so long had the honor to preside, are too well known to need any eulogy or comment from me. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been long and liberally supported, and after due consideration, I have concluded to make such arrangements as will bring the benefits of my experience and treatment within the reach of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to visit me at my office. Hoping therefore that the arrangement will give en tire satisfaction, both to my profesinal brethern and the public, I would respectfully announce in conclusion, that /can now be consulted yer. sonally or by leper, on all diseases as above, and that the medicines, the same us used is the Institution, prepared to suit each inclividu. al case, Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhaling, &c. &c., will be farwarded by express to any part of the Uuited States or the Canada. xensis.—My terms of treatment by letter are as followings, vie; $l2 per month for each ~,Boni whleh will ipt.liirlp matlirizio an Inhaling Apparatus. Paymens as follows: $6 to be paid to Express Agent on receipt of the box of Medicine, and the balancesl* at the expiration of the month, if the patient be cured or is satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their ease, and their sy mptoms in full, can be treated as well by letter as by personal examination. Patients avail ir.g themselves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate and permanent releif, us he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters of advice promptly answered. For fur ther paticulars address JAMES M. JARRETT, M.D., No. B2O Breadway, cor. Twelfth St., N. Y. P.B.—Physicians and others visiting the city are respecfully invited to call at the In firmatory, where many interesting cases can be witnessed, and where our improved appara• tne for the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspected. A ug.4,'58.-6m: (Estate of John Morningstar, deed.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ETTERS of Administration on the estate of Li John Morningstar, late of Tod township, dee'd., having been gm ,ted to the undersign ed, he herehy notifies all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present the same duly authenticated for settlement. PHILIPS GARNER. 1 Admire• JOHN BEAVER. J August. 18. 58. 6t. TOWN ye COUNTRY.—WO notice as the warm weather grows apace, the denizens of pent up cities seek the unbrageous shades and sylvan scenes of the rural por tions of the country; per contra the in habitants of the country and dwellers among the enchanting scenery of nature, having a little leisure time, alter gathering in the fruits of the earth, turn their attention ci ty ward, for recteation or business purpo ses. To all such, perhaps no city in the union possesses so many charms as the City of Penn, with its many objects of beau• ty and art, Its magnificent water-works, its Academy of Music, Academy of Natural Science, Art Unions, Picture Galleries, Parks, Cemeteries, etc,; and last, though not least, that link between the present and glorious past, that revered relic of the "times that tried men's souts,"--•UId Inde pendence Hall. All are objects of unu sual interest to the intelligent visitor, afte. viewing which, a tew minutes might be profitably spent in the Heir Dressing Sa loons of George Tisurgaland, No. 29 South Sixth St., between Chestnut and Market, in admiring the light and beauti. ful "Gossamer Wig" and Toupee" of his make. George has a!so a 'Liquid Hair Dye" which is rapidly s iperseding all other in the market, (Estate of Enoch C hilcote dec.d.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. etters of Administration on the estate of En. och Chilcote, late of Todd township deed., having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to said es. tate to make immediate payment, and all those having claims will present the same duly authenticated for settlement. DAVID CLARKSON, A.dminististor do bonne non. kng.lll,lll. OE. Miscellaneous Advertisements. CONSUMPTION CURED. CONSUMPTION sr AN OLD INDIAN I Doc Ton UNCAS BRANT, CURED. while a ilimionary among 01.11 Indians of the Rocky Monnt- 1 ........ ains, discovered tt . ' RARE CONSUMPTION PLANT, that proves to be a certain cure for Consumption, CURED. Bronchitis, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Nervous After ... firms, Coi;ehti, Colds,— CONSURIPTIONIIacing now made Ills furtUne and retired from loudness, ho CURED. will send the precriptions and directions tor preparing the medicines free of charge to all CONSUMpAIONwho may desire it, and will mid to his agent, enclosing CURED. two stomps (6 cents). to pay the return letter, w4ll a des. eription or their symptom,— CONSUMPTIONTIie Old Do for Ens eared more Ilion 3000 coy. of Con n:JßEn. sumption alone, and hopes all " afflicted people will avail • • • thomselveS of this opoortuni- CONSUMPTiONty, us the Doctor wishes to do all the good he can heliwe he CURED. dies. Address all letters to DANIEL ADEN, Box 3531 P. 0., New York, Who is his sole agent. June 30th, 1858.-Iy. DOCIONMOWS A tev," DR. MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S IN DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the ma' I ter part of his life in travelling, having visited Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North America—has spent three years among the In dians of our Western country—it was in this way that the Indian Root Pillt were first din covered. Dr. Morse was the first man to es tablish the fact that all diseases arise from Im purity of ftf , f Vooci—that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the varidus passages heroine clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the dit ferent functions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and di seased; thus causing all pains sickness and distress of every name; our strength in exhaus ted, our health we are deprived of, and if na ture is not assisted in throwing off the stag nant humors, the blood will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will forever be blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant tic us that we have it in our power to put a medi cine in your reach, namely. Morse's Indian Root Pills. manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mountainous en& in Nature's garden, for the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which o pens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the finer putt of the corrup tion within. The second is a plant which is au Expectorant. that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs, and thus. in a soothing manner, performs its duty by throwing off phlegm, and other burnout from the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic which gives ease and dibuble strength to the kidneys; thus encout aged, they draw large a— mounts of impurity from the blood, which is then thrown ont beautifully by the urinary or , water passage, and which could u. t have been dischar , red m any other way. The fourth is cities of the Pills while engaged in purifying P the blood; the coarser particles of itnpuriry which cannot pass by the other outlets, ate thus taken up and conveyed off in great gnat, titian by the bowels. Froni the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse" Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach but become united with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely rcut out I am, ‘ :;:ause the system front all impurity, and the life of the body, si ;;;f:11 is the .Mood, b e . comes perfectly healthy; sonseque;;:!: all !!;'.. ness and pato is driven from the system, usi . they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are en distressed when sick, tied why so many 'lie, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which will open the natural passages for the disease to be cost one hence, a large quantity of food and other mat ter is lodged, and the etoinach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable ferments'. lion, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein mid artery, until life is taken front the body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have lid ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re storing millions of the sick to bloomisg health and happiness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain I and anguish, and whose feeble frames have een scorched by the bunting elements of ra• ging fever, and who have beets brought, us it were, within a step of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, Illtd it not. been for this great and wonderful medicine, Nlorss'a Indian Root Pills. Atter one or two doses had been taken, they were astonished. and sae solutely surprised, in witnessing their ell,irm• ing effects. Not only do they give iminedi• ate ease and strength, and take away all sick. nem, pain and anguish but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blond. Therefore, it will be shown, °Tue. jelly by those who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that deadly enemy—will take its flight, said the flush of youth and beauty will again retails' and the prospect of a long and happy life will 02,31'6 and brighten your days. CAUTION.—Beware of a counterfeit sign ed A. B. Moore. All4cnuine have the name of A. J. WHITE& CO .on each box. Aid, ' the signature of A. J. White & Co. All otit ere are spurious. A. J. WIIPIT le CO., Sole Proprietors 50 Leonard Street, New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines ter Agents wanted iu every town, village d hamlet in the laud. Parties desiring the anency will address asabove for terms. -.-. .........s. agtall Price 25 cents per box. five boxes will sent on receipt of 81, postage paid. beJOHN READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pa. December '6 '57:-6m. itg- To all wanting Farms, toe advertisement of Hammonton Lands.-Aug. 25.-6 t. ILK BONNETS of every variety and pH, S offering very cheap by Enturn & MeMracrfitz. TOW LINES and BOAT ROPES, for sale at the Hardware store of JAMES A. BROWN. T 1.1138 1 DRESS GOODS, of rich s t}ie art ?sr/Cm* at D. P. °WIN'S. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Gunsmith, hfcConnellstown, Pa. A atiphloghtle Salt. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases it it a certain cure. Get aby t and try it, ye who ere afiliettel. Miscellaneous Advertisements. PUBLIC BALE REAL ESTATE THE undersigned will offer at public sale on Friday th, 15th, day of October A. 1). 18- • 58, a valuable Farm of Limestone land, con- Mining ((bout one hundred tool fifty-three awes; ,ituste in l'yrone township, in the! county of Blair, and grate .r The estate of Samuel Dickson late ileel. About j ninety ReCCA thereofeleared fire cultivation, with ! R story and R half log dwel•l 11 how, a log ern, with a never-failing spring of limretooe water convenient, all apple orchard with oilier improvements, with a splendid appearanee of rich lead ore on the same. Situate about one half mile from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Persons wishing to vii,v said premises will call on either the uml3rsigned, or Thomas McMillan, who resides said rarm. JOHN M. DICKSON. /•:rerttlor. MARGARET DICKSON, Executrix. Aug. 25. 1855.-ts. P. S.—Holiblaysburg Register, cr py till Rule and forward bill to this °Mee. COOK STOVE. A SPLENDID INFEIV76OOIc STOVE rot sale at this office; it is calculated to burn wood or coal. VIAND 'OR The subscriber offers for sale a small farm in Henderson township, half a mile north east of the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining lauds of Jahn Simpson, Colestock, Rini others, con. tabling about ninety acres and allowance, twenty-five or thirty acres of which are cleared and under a good state of cultivation. The balance is well thnhered. There are on this property three never.failing springs of good water. The buildings consist of a ovrestory frame house and kitchen, and a log stable; a fine young apple orchard of grafted Terms made known by applying to the subscri. ben SAMUEL FRIEDLY. June2:l;sB,4m. A. H. C. BROCKEN, 22 CLIFF ST., NEW YORK, MANUFACTURI. OP Glass Ryriages, Ilouseepalhie Vi Graduated Measures. Nur. sing Bottles, etc. Glass WareUChemists,'OrtTggists. Perim tners, Phnto etc: Green GMs by the package. A fiber..-1 discount mule to the triale. Orders from Draggims and Dealers solicited. Price Liere scut application. Ang.4;sB. 3itk. 1100 TS &SHOES, HATS & CAPS, tiTt, LP largest stock 'tier brought to town, are sell ing vary cheap by . : cum& Ale:ldrimtnt. Az - ,:rxAtipArA, routiply. fffi j."Cf7 r 1 1 Eiw.4 The Alexandria Fnitudry Flask., Patters, &e , have been bought hy R. C. Me,Gm, The Foundry is in Must and 119 has all kiwi' nt ens tigns. Stoves nt all ttl . kinds Maehim, Ploughs, Kettles,tA l which 1,0 sell at the low— eat market priem. All kinds or Conn- try ;troth.. and old metal tacen in exchange at market price., R. C. May 26 1859. CHEAP GOODS. Ci if AA'!" IS Aff tr ALVA). FISHER & I%Ic:ILIRTRIE Have just received their s , eetitel stock of SUMMER GOODS, which will be sold of nt GREATLY REDUCED PRICER It comprises Summer Dress Gouda of every description, Prints. Gingham% Cottons, White Goods, Hosihry. Mitts, Trinonings. Marseille, Potent Extension Sin s, Hoops of ell s tr ulv Gu Boots & Shoes. end a large end genera.. •• • ~,,,,,;a•metat of all hinds or Goods sui table to the the community. iII'NTINGDON itAni ritin94. The Warm Springs at the case of WarrMi ' ' Ridge, live in les north of Huntingdon, overlook ing Standing Stone Creek. tool envirtmed by ro mantic hills and woodlands, have been leased by the lit taw proprietor of the Leanter Rouse. The extensive Hotel Mating, bath him-es. erected ut great exponve by tic nerel A P. Wilson, Intro been convicted—an:l the groves have been beautifully laid eat and adorned.— The Ilotel parlors and chambers airy awl com • fortably thrnished; and the pro-pen', from the verandahs fin• beauty, cannot he excelled. Poe half a intim. y , these Springs have been celebrated for their medicinal qualities, anti the great nature of the a•uters, in rheumatic end chro nic affections. The temperature of the seater being 691 degrees. re•alers the bathing delight ful and invigorating. In tie surrounding woods end mountains. gllllle aboLtills, and the finest fish are caught in Stone Creek. Persons in pur suit of health or • lecture, will find this a most delightful and healthful retreat; and its neariums to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the cheapness of the rates charged guests. give it a decided advantage over any other waering place in the State. The Proprietor has had years of experienee iu the bUtillBSS and no pains or trait h.e will he spa relto !nuke guests comfortable. Hacks runTrom Huntingdon toWarm Springs on the arrival or the different Railroad trains-- 141. e 25 cents. Families accommodated nt mo _ JOHN H. IJEHI), Proprietor. IliZt u i r n m gdt r :rne ne :t r li Patent Portable Fence. The rights of Hunt's Patent Portable or l'er !tannest Fence nod Gate Post, for Lots, limit and Township, can be secured for a allinn sum by calling on the Agent at Huntingdu 1. Go and see the model at once. It in decidedly the best Fence ever used. Nu Farmer nboa4l be without it. Call ye who would be benefit tett nod examine it for yoorselves. HENRY CORNPROPS r, tin• Huntingdon County. PREMIUMS AWARDEDIVE JOURNAL JOB OIT' t. AT TIIK I.A'IE YAM, Ft/11, rigi"-IM !RP !Mail Ili buy., rFartmt MINTING. /\TC:PTIC3EI. We request thee, of our eubseribt; whore. *ire their papiira.iii ittitriu us of Hint. ~ in their immediate neighborhoods who are subscriber, to the “Journal," and have tailed to meek, the same, since the stealing of our. pack-book. by ruffians on the 3d of February. N7V r at&-NTllllrlt WHEAT ANL) CORN wanted at th, office. Moto haying either can dispose a the same by calling soon. STOVE CROCKS, JARS, &e.,—a large stook for sale at manufacturers' prices b, JAMES A. BMWS. Miscellaneous Advertisements. New Card-Press. Having bought afoul ''CAILD.PIRESS," we are now prepared to print in the proportion of three cards in the tutee time that tiny other prone in the county can print one, conaequent y um can print them cheaper—if not done well we make nu charge at MI. We unit your pa. trunage. NZIW 5T033.11! NLW GOODS!! FINIIEIII HAVING re-apeiwil the METROPOLITAN ktinive ur "SAxTON'S" take Pk.— sure in netilieneing to their many frieial., that they have reee.ve.l a now and weli,electliti stock nt (binds. ellielt they feel confident will the dentanils of the public, and will ;trove u.it7eeptionithlo in STYLE nml QUALITY. .. _ . The line of Dress Goods einlilliees ID2 li ES A QUILLI:IX DRD‘ N DIES, . . LAWNS. PERCALES, &.c. CRAYS, BERMIES, BRILLIANTS, ALL WCOL DE LAINES. CRA VELLA MOHAIR, DANUBIAN, TAISE AND LA VELLA I.l.(yruN, D'imAGE, LusTnEs, ALPACCAS, PRINTS, GINGILIMS, . . _ We here a fine assortMent of Summer Alan. tillas, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An. tiques, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets, II siery, Ladies' Collars, lhoolkerehiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Whalebones lor Skirt, Reed Hoops, Brass do.. Skirt Cord, &c . A LSO -- ; ffekens, Osnahurg. bleached and un bleached Muslim; at ell Price , Colored fled White Cambrics, Buried sod Swiss \ln lint, Victoria Lawns, Sainsooks, Torleton and miuns other articles which comprise the line of White and Domestic Gum's. We itAVO French Clothe. Fancy Caselunerem, Sattinetts.lenne, Tweeds, Cottonades, Linens, Dedinis and Blue Drills. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, of every varjety and style. Also all kinds STRAW GOODS. A goud stock of GRUL ERIES, HARD & QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SIMES, Wood Itnd Willow-ware, which will he sold niso anal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, awl 4,1 kind:, of CHAIN. owl possess titrilitics in Om ',ranch n , trade utiequalloi he noy. We doie, nil pateling, Or parcels of Alerehamlise, FREE OF CHARGE, or the dpvote of the 11..e0l Tots and Pennsylvania Railroad,. Come 'ono, come all, nod e ,•n% owed that the "METnOI.OI.ITAN" is the plaVe to secure lil+hiuunl•le and Il.irobla goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. Apr.14,'58. STAGE LINE FROM rhambersburg to Mt, Union. The undersigned aware that a suspenhionof I the line or Stages over the road between Chambershurg and lilt, Union. cannot he hut disadrantageons to n /arye section of the coun try, has, et a considerable expense and trouble I.le arrangement s to run a line of Stages Trisweel. ly between the two points Good Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla ced on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Couches. The pruprietorof the line is disirous that it be maintained, and he therefore rolls upon the public generally to patronize it. conlis dent that it mill he Sir their marital advantage. Every attention necessary will he given. and "ibis'Siaga Thursday, and Satur day even4farkrnk i n'al Chambershurg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re fuming, leave Chanthersiotrg, the sumo night ' at 10 o'clock, arriving to Mt. Union the next eveaine in time tirr the ears. Between kit, Un ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily. eir Fare through $3; to intermedide points to proportion. JOIIN JAMISON Jun. 20th, 1858.—tr. New GoOds ! New Good., ALT D. P. (:WITS (114EP STORE. D. P. Gale has just returnd from Oda with the largest and most hanntiral as• surfing - 4Q or SPRING AN!) SUMMER GOODS, liver brouubi to Huntingdon, faallionable I)resella!thle nch BlnekSilks. roe Ladies unit '• 11l colnre and Fancy, All Wool Ile ) Spring Detains, Cl,ullie Delains • r): 7ge %D „.' ll 1 , 4111,) Levella Cloth, Debair, A Iparen. • line, Printed Berage, plain and fig nrc i. Lawns, and Prints of every de- ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin ges, Antiques, Gimps, Bildern, Buttons, Braids, Crapes, Reed & Brass Hoops, Skirt Cord. Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck des, Stock, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linea and Cotton Floss, Tidy Yarn, &e. Also the Lest and cheapest assortment of Col lars, and Undorsleeves, in town. 13ar'd and Plain Jaeonet, Mull Muslin. Swiss, Plain, Fig- ured, Skirt Held. Marseilles fur Capes, and a variety of white goods tau nnmerout to inen• tern. Spring and 'fliiliit Shawls, White Dela'. fur Capes. Mantillas. &e. Aloe, Clotho, Ciissimers. Cussinets. Tweeds. K. deans, Como IJrill, Ndokeens, Tielzeo,Tithle .v ( . 4 Also. a large hit of Hoene. ' 'et., &e. Itoots and Shoes, the largest and elm' pest assortment in tOWII • ARDW A R QtalrriltS -1,7.11.1%11, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Chums, Butter Bowls, Brooms. Brushes, Aie. Carpe ts, OH Cloths, Fish And Salt, Sugar, Cutfl:e. Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a country Store, Aly old yammers, and as ninny new ones AM van crowd in ore respectfully requestini lu eme and extonine my goods All kind's of Nuntry produce taken in ex elninge for goods, at the Itighemt market prices. liA V 11) 1./ WIN. April 21, 1858. D'h.l l ll LADD 'ir`./111142,1t CLOTH I NG ! A Ntw Assortment .Just Opened ! And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEA PEI( 'rim% Titr CIIEAPEB•r: n ROMAN respectfully in'orins his ensto , viers and the public generally, that he has just opened at his store-room in Market Square. Huntingdon, a splendid now stork of Ready- Clothing for Fall and Winter, which in will sell dumper Ilian the samp quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Yhtltolul• phia to. tiny ~titer establishment in the country. Nemo!. wiFbing to buy Clothing would at well to examine his stock before I urcha. slog olsewht... Also, •- Hats, Caps, whirls will he sold lower than at any other es• talilisliment in the county. Iluntingdon, April I. 1858. SPLENDID RAG CARPET for 37i ete. per yard at the cheup adore of Flamm & McMtrritte. "ZPHING SHAWLS and Mantillas of every et le et the Mwritorout MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Miss SOUTH WORTH, COLONEL 0. W. CROCKETT, CHARLES BURDETT THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, Bt. D., HENRY CLAPP. Jus., GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG, Mits. ANNA WIIELPLE Miss VIRGINIA VAUG Miss. DI. VERNON. Miss 11A1FIE CLARE, FINLEY 'MUNSON. Write mile fur the GOLUI N PItI7.E . GOLDN N PRIZE. GOLDN N PRIZE. GOLDIN PRIZE. GIrI.UN N P R I I E GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED. DEAN & Successors to Becket & Co. The New York Weekly Golden Prize is one of the largest and best !iterary papers of the any—an Imperial Quarto. containing eight pa ges, or torty columns, of the most interesting and feseinating reading molten, from the pens of the very first writers ot the day, ELEGANTLY ILLusTuATEt, iNEnT A PRESENT, Worth from 53 Cent. to $4OO 00, Will ha given to each subscriber immediately on reeeipt ,ot the subscription money. This is presented as ii' memento of Friendship, and not oe on inducement to obtain subscribers TERMS: 1 Copy far 1 year, $2 00 and I Present. 1 " 2 " 350 2 Presents. I " 3 5 00 5 5 8 00 5 " AND TO CLVIIB, 3 Copies, 1 year, 5 00 3 " _ _ 7 00 5 " 15 00 10 c. 30 00 21 " 10 44 4. 21 " " The articles to he given away are eon:prise:l in the following lint : 2 Packages of Gold, con'g $5OO 00 each. 5 do do do 200 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each. 10 Patent Lever Ilont'g Watches lOU 00 each. 20 Gold Watches 75 00 each. 50 du GO 00 each. 100 du 50 00 each. 300 Ladies' Gold Watches 35 GO each. 200 Silver Hunting Watches 30 00 each. 500 Silver Watches 010 00 to 25 00 each. 11100 G'ltl Guard, Chains $lO 00 to 30 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops. Breast Pins, Cuff Pins. Sleeve Buttons, Rings. Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil ver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 each. Wo will present to every person sending us 50 subscribers, $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth $4O: to any one sending us 100 subscribers, ut' $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth $9O. Every subscri'ier will also receive a present. Immediately on receipt of the money, the col ,rilier's name will be entered upon our book . and tioe present will be forwarded within One Week, by wail or express, post paid, Cr All eoinninnications should be addressed to BEAN & SALTER, Proprietors, 335 Broadway, New York. June 9.*:W,:—ltn.ly. 20 PER CENT. SAVED! I ! CO M PETENTRiblegitni;nOwdeciiled that at least 20 per cent. is saved by purchasing all lIARDWABE and PAINTS at the regular nritit tt 01 . 00 tt OF JAMES A. BROWN. To continue this public advantage the sub scriber-bus just returned from the East, with a complete stuck a HAI;OWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, HUMERI, HOLLOW-WARE, PAINTS, SADDLERY, ILLS, COACH TRIMMINGS. &e. Which he has carefully selected, and bough; at reduced prices, from the hest houses iu the United 'tttes. Thu 4 he is enabled to sell whole sale and retail extremely low. Country deal ers, Builder, blechunies, and the people goner. ally are respectfully invited to roll. All orders receive prompt attention. N.B.—Persona indebted to the late firm of James A. Bruno & Co., are requested to make immediate payment to JAS. A. BROWN, II u iegolon,Aprai,'sB. Dr. John IVloCullooh, ntrers his professional hi:ova:es to lb° citizens( Ilntnint doused vicinity. st, between 311.tni t onicry and Binh. : , ntingtion, Aug. 2u. I 4 %1.72 1 i - tall iiiialEal.D 4,...)4 us* it,— ! BUNTINGDON v June 13, 1857. !,,ZPLENI)II) Line of Dress Goods, onil raeins A 7 Roles of all kinds. Borages, Chulys, Law n u tired Brilliants, Chintzes, &e.. eau be found at the kfoTitorouTAN. SCYTHES, SNATEIS, BAK E,S, FORKS,AIe., A large assortment at the Hardware Store. JAMES A. BROWN. countrror raLarmas eon buy VD /THING Bata mein Huntingdon at Whole sale, an cheap as they can in the cities, as! 'Java a Wholesale et toe in Philadelphia. Apr.9,'56. H. ROMAN. NIANNO, BLANKS Lb ! A rini B LINKS A general assortment of _Blanks qf all de. xyriptants just printed lead jiir sale al the Journal Wee." A ppointm't of Referees, Common Bond, Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes Summons, Venable Notes, Executions, Constabll's Sales, Seire Faeias, Sulmumas, COW /dill II ts, I)eeds, Warrants, Mortgages, Commitments, Bond to idemnify Constable..te JOHN SCOTT. ' SAMUEL T. BROWN & 4 11CITir Ltqa®WiN o Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Unice summits that formerly occupied by John Scott, Oct. 19: 1853. WHALEBONE, REED AND BRASS Hoops and Reed Skirts, for sale at the cheap store of 1). I'. GWIN. A LE" . IrEII.COPIER FOR SALE. An excellent one roe side at this office. This s one of Adam' No. I Cam and Lever Press. B oom & SHOES, the largest and cheapest lo.sortment in town, at D. P. GWIN'S. I - I mi SHOES, cheaper at D. P. G WIN Ur than can be had In town. Call and se them lAWES COLLARS & UNDERS t"HEVR 4 in great variety at the cheap more or D. P. (MY. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS iloollrt-!7.A[agP MACHINE SHOP AND FRENCH BURR ; • MIL STONE ' A AN 11111\210 Yartilr @IV • Corner of Germantown Rond and Now Market Streets, on the North Pentoorlymila Rail Road, Philadelphia. Constantly on hood or mode to order, 6,1' fol• lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery. Woodward's Patent Portable Mill, and Smut Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Br., Duo. tem Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. Picrson's Patent Barrel Hoop and Moulding Mat:likes. Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill Spindles. WARRANTED, The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Barr & Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster Crushers. A I.SO SOLE OWNER OF Johnston% Patent Cast Metal Can. CAVE 1 11.25 1 1 Mg. 4341114 East and South-East of the Ohio and Alississip pi Rivers. Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Ground, from I to 2i lbs, of standard flour, which could not be bolted out on account the electrical adhesion to the Bran. NOTICE hereby warn all persons against infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa• tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons snaking, selling, or using nay Bran Ousters wish an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vie lation of the Lettere Patent of Joseph John star., dated April 246, 1854. THOMAS H. WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for all the above Machines for Sale. August 29, 1855. t. BLANKS.- - Always buy your Blanks at the •• Journal Office." We hare now prepared aye ry s,peritwartide of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, t . llll ENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC u. It•Ms.&e. BOOKS I L a i BOOKS ! 40,000 VOLUMES of new and popular Books, embracing every variety usually kept in a Philadelphia Bonk Store, and many of them at half the Pnblishcr:s retail price, thesubscriher now offers to the public. MI school books used in the county can bo bad in any quantities at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Lrtter and Wrapping Paper, wholesale or by the ream. 100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold Cases, trom $1 upwards. 100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. 100 splendid Port Monnaiesand Pocket Books at 20 co. and upwards. 8,000 PIECES WALL PAPER, of the latest and prettiest styles, jost received from Philadelphia and New York, prices from 10 etc. a piece eud aimards. .500licautifnily painted and gold gifted Win dote Shades at 44 clt. and upwards. The public I eve but to cull and examine, to be convinced that in buying of the above stock they will be pleased and also save money. , Re ; Vree't i r' ." \VM " .. " 66rOZ u Apr.23,'56. DEA NUTS.-5000 Bushels Wilmington Pou f nuts in btoro and for sale by WM. N. SHUGART), cr 101 North 3d street, Mils. noNFEcrnoNAßv.—pkon and tine Cm, lectionary tuant,i,etured and fur sale by WM. N. SIJUGA RD, 323 ur 191 North 3d street, Phila. TIANGES AND LEMONS.-500 hoxos Or • rnig,s and Leann. in stirs wild for saln by WM. N. SIIUGARD, 323 ur 191 North 3d street, Phila. 1.) ATSINS.-1,009 foxes Bondi and Layer I 1 Raisins in store and fur sale Wll. N. till CCiARD, 3NI Gr 191 rk'ort It 3(1 street, Hills. TIESTICS, DATES, PRUNES, CITRONS, , Currants, in store and for sale he WM. N. SUUGARD, 393 or 19; North ad etrett, Phila. .11.(1):Ilt.tie,r,IVi;%, li re end far /it NUTS e by Wlll. N. 8111.10A111), 5ept.9,'97.-ly. 323 or 191 N'tli 3d at.,r'hila itarzNa 1. % ( IC ) ' g X THE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Atli], inform farmers mid the public general. ly, that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the water wheels and machinery. They have put in five of the Improved Jon. val Turbine Water 11'heels, and can grind in all stages of the water, ana during the coldest weather, any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, nod farmers can have their own grain ground, and take it buck in a return loud, or they can be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop• pod feed. TUE 031 , 11TT 114[A011INZI is of an improved tnanufacture; and they will insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quali ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill. FISHER & 5101URTRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat atones are not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. -1 , ..^ . 77- DR. J R. HUYETT D thTT IS 71 ALEXANDRIA, RUAT. CO:, PA. April 1, 1857.-Iy. MENS' UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS Linen Shirt Brew., Ready-made Shim, white and fancy shirts, and collare, very cheap at D. P. OWIN'S. SILK BONNETS in great variety and cheap at OWIN'S. nost. P. (thiETl32ll. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Willattend to ell business entrusted to;bim.Of. fice nearly opposite the Cuurt House May u, 'Mt TIOUGLASS & SHERWOODS' Patent Ex tension Skirts, for sale only by Flan. & McMunnun. Glass Pretorving Jars, different sizes, for by MIikPAR k NIOKARTINII. -=-~ 0 0 II 413 I . l aiiiiii . 0 , , . LOB OFFICE A.- .OF THE 0 13 O*.RUNT. JOURNAL', k: 1 : The [argent and best :: ..* ( 0 ) JOB OFFICE '. 44 1 : IN THE COUNTY: 01 0 JOB-WORK ~ ~. to, or ~, ~. - 4 9 i VI, 1113 ElEffig..l 41 A li EXECUTED ar &T, A Cheap as.. ••••st , OD L 421711 I THAN , trautstisl l . g ••• . ........., ~.., 0 0 Fiii. WARM% . i:9 0 N. V)c ~ , d . _ r All kinds of u mot 4 ; BLANKS °. 0 .1, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 0 11) , .o.*oo*ooooctl 2 ,I ;ViiRYWYEeFf 6 e:.- ~ RAILROAD HOURO. I'mAtss GOING EAST. Mail 1. I Ex. 'l'. Fait Train leaves I'. M. A. M. P. M. Petersburg, LOG 4.02 LOY Huntingdon, 1.22 4.17 0.20 Mill Creek, 1.83 4.27 8.38 Mt. Union, 1.47 . 4.41 0.47 tms GOINU WV3t, Train leaves P. M. A. AI P. If NII. Union, 4.32 6.45 /.20 Mill Creek 4.48 6.58 8.164 Huntingdon, 5.u3 7.11 4.46 Petersburg, 5,,0 7.23 6.58 H. K. NEFF, M. D., uAVINO located himself in WAR it] My, Al in this county, would respectfully viler Lie professional services to the citizen. of that plsw and the country animent. REFFERENCES: J. B. Luden, M. D. Gen. A. M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Or bison, Dot J. H. Dorsey, " Hon. James Galan, M. Stewart, " John Scott, 1.. q. lion. George Taylor. . _ _ Huh Jacob M Gummill, M. D., Nexancti Julio M'Cullocb, . 4 Petersburg 11,074 A. P. Wicsox. R. R... 1 Psrctwat WILSON & PETRIKIN, JITTORIVEYS .1T L./IW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Practice in the several Courts of lluntingilma Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Jnuiota Code. ties. March 23, IBM. Cheapest "Job Printing" Office IN 'TIM couturv. Ire Aare now made such arranyements ui uns• Job ggiee as will enable ue to do all hinds ql Job Prial lug at 20 per cent. cheaper rates Titan any Unice in the County. Give us u call. If we don't give entire satiellss• Lion, no charge at all will be made. largest and cheapest stock of fancy Silk .2. and colored Straw Bonnets in town, is. 1 , 1811. & MCMICHTItIO/. A Lt.-wow., Ingrain, Venetian, List anal Rag Carpet. Also, Cocoa, Jute and AUi vett Mats, can be bad cheap at the store Ci FIBBER & 51CMCRTHUL. Frill.: greatest variety of the richest 'tyros I Dress Goods anti Trimmings eon always round at the fashionable store of Fistmn & MeNl slam. TI R IE , latest and newest style. Ladies' Collin, Ftsuen & Me3II:RTNIX'II. rILOAKS,ImaR, Itigolettes, Vietorirtu mid Head Dresses, are sold at prices which flay competition by FtPlll a & MCMUIZTE.a. BOOTS, SHOPS, HATS and CAPS, toy largest stock ever brought to ton•n are sell ing very cheap at FISHER & Mobleuntm B LANKETS, Flannels, liuseys, at al prices, at tho mammoth store of FISHER & NleMenittria. MOURNING COLLARS, of . est styler,just received by Henan & bfeMuaseas. NEW AND CRL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOCERY STORE GROVE informs the citizeus . of Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public gen erally, that he has opened a Grocery Store on Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of Win. Orbison's residence, where be will A t aN times be prepared to supply customers with ALL KINDS 01 GROCERIES, CHEAPER THAN Tilt VIIRAPEST at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teal,. Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Confectionariek, Hums, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Segars, Tobtte, co, &c., &c.; in fact, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. As I am determined to sell cheaper than tk. cheapest, I want everybody to call and examine my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE. Huntingdon, July 29, '57..1y. IN BLAST AGAIN IK fluutiu~duu ';tea ; • Foundry.. '1:110Pm. TUE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS thud of informing their triends and the pubs lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hun W . Foundry, and are now in successful op.. oration, and are prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of the best quality on the shortgatttfr. tire and most reasonable terms. Farmers aro invited to call and examine see Ploughs. We are manufacturing the. Hunter Plough, (this plough took the-premium at, the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, to 1855) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't be beat, together with the Keystone, Hill side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing stoves, such as gook Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood: . NOLLOW•W &BM consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &e,, all of which will he sold cheap for cash or in ex change fur country produce. Old metal taken for new castings. By a strict attention to busk rim and desire to please, we hope to receive • Aare of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM IHKI. Alnil Mb, 111411wrf. don, f"~e