Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 29, 1858, Image 3
~-~- - Ni St. EW StTTLEMENT.—A new settlement has ueen started at Hammonton ; New dersay, which for success and progress rivals anything we have Ntrd of in the West. There is a large 881 6~ ....Mina having objection to the West on account Of unhealthiness, distance and association, which embraces this new enterprise. The land is rt, genial amine, mrd the soil is said to be amongst the best jersey soil. Jersey, as will be seen by the agricultural statistics at tire Patent Office, is the first agricultural State in the Union tot the valve of lls frechicts. Ham motreon is within thirty /ROM of Philadelphia by railroad, and enjoys ma of the best markets le the'Union. The tide of foulgration to this place is lannense. as well from the west as from the North.—Ntury of the hest.grope grow. ore of Ohio have lorated, :with a view or mutt. sing wine. To Judge of its prodress, the Tap. viatica , thre year ego is numbered at 01;',p five , persons; it now tnmihdrs over eigh•,_ hundred eouls, has erre hundred and twr,nty.f ive b u ff. 'dings, three *tares, two thurches, Episcopal , and Nielltedistoammt mill, brick yard, marble :yard; public crhool. newspaper, dre., some twee Ny•fite miles or new 'roads ' , one & six square bong intpm•ved, a n , ,w railroad :nation. *and all the elemmts tat at., old place. We arc anti fled dttttYfii+ placo , aust pot.ese merit from attparifiel-A progress. Ie .ATAiNT9CIM32). • competent teachers to take chat ge of the /Schools of Carbon District fin. the coming son• .slim, liberal wages will bo given. Applicants •will meet the county Supt. at Conlinont on Thurs. Any, the 231 Sept. bet . . LEVI EVANS. See'y. of Board of Directors. Coalmont Sept. 13, 1838.-21. TRIVIEnriA TILE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has leased that old and well established l'Avsits; STAN.: known as the Mud ingdon Rinise, on thocornet of Miami Charles 1 • • Street, in the Borough of Hunting- g ; don. He has recently put the lawn through a thoro ugh course of repairs, and is now oqual tu any in this place. . . Ilia ;,,tn,E will always be stored with the beet the season eon afford, to suit the tastes end el retitei of his guests. His ItA ti will always he tilled with 'hake nud [lto STAHL. always attended by care. nil and attentive Ostlers. ilgrlle hopes by strict attention to business and a spirit of acconiatlation, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Sept. 15, 1838-Iy. t MeATHER. HORSE STOLEN, SSOREWARD. id, above rewanl will be paid by the under rigned fir the apprehen3ion r t the thief and re •curery of the Horse stolen from them. at Hun tingdon Furnace, 011 the night of the 3lst cf Au gust It st. Said Horse is It large due b.ry, about nine years old, with white hind cgs, left lords .hoof white, and white stripe in los fare, with rather light mane and tail. $25 will he paid for either the apprehention 01 the thief, or the recovery of the Bore, & J. H. SHOHNBEHGES. Huntingdon Furtnee, Sept. 1 I th, 1858.-3 t. . VALUABLE REAL ESTATE /ST MELA.3EI. HUN TI 11144 DON PA. ORPHANS COURT SALE. I N. l turmianco of OrtlerA ~f tto fsrptatie .1 Court ut the ,utinty of the •Troct:i ofSc., heivioullet ait• hate lu t:ud county, mar the of 'thintingdoli, will ire expo,eil to public tale an the preiciAcn. On Friday, September 24th. 183 S, As the property of DUN KKR, lute of said county. dee'd, to wit: 1. All that tract marked . (A) in the Diagram annexed to the return of tea Inquest, eootain ing 237 acres and 130 perches, it being the Mansion Farm of euid dec'd. About one half of this tract is cleared and under ealtivation ; about 40 acres of which is tneaduw. Rum ning water fur eattle, Ac., tuay bo readily in. traduced into almost every field upon this farm. There are upon it a two clone tram-, dwelling house a large brick bunt and other buildings. Also, a good orchard. 2. All that tract curbed (C) in sa!il Dim gram, containing 237 acres and cn p erc hes, and culled the Moore Farm. Somewhat more than half of this tract is cleared and under cul tivation; fair proportion of which is meadow. On account of the nentne,s of these two farms to the borough of Huntingdon and n large quantity of meadow upon each, they would be well canted for grazing (or stock farms. 3. All that true , marked II)) in said dia gram. containing 185 i1a,1132 pet ches 1 about one hall of Ibis tract is cleared cod under cub tivation, and has thereon erected two tenant Louses. 4. All that tract marl,l (1- . .; in raid Die :gram, containing 211 netcs. 87 perches I about 100 acres of this tract arc cleared and under cultivation. No buildings thereon. 5. All that tract marked (G) in said Dia gram, youtaining 119 acres; woodland. 6. All that tract marked (K) in said dia. gram, containiva 87 acres 147 perches wood. ?. 111 that tract marlted (L) in mid Dia gram containing 148 ecru, and 83 perch°. woodland. H. All that tract marked (M) in said Dia• -grata containing 117 acres 147 pet ches ; wood• land. 9. A lot of .'aid in the village of Smith &ld marked . ('); itt said Diagram, having Ahem-eon erected a small log stable. 10. An undividetdinterest in 11iInwood Acnd omy in Dublin townshp, the extent of which interest will be made known upon the day of sale. 11. All that tract marked (B) in said Dia gram containing 203 acres 39 perches and .called the "GeO'ard or Spring-house Farm." About one halt of this tract is cleared and ,bas thereon a dwellling house saw-mill, and an .eseellent spring of Water. .To he sold as the real edate of Josuha W. Kerr, dec'd. under his lust will. 12. All that tract marked in the said Dia. gram' with the letter (F) containing 179 acres 124 perches and called the "Creek Form."— About 811 acres thereof are cleared and a duel ling house thereon erected, the allele tired part of this tract is heavily timbered. To be sold 118 the real estate of theory M. Ker, dee'd. un der his last will. All these lands except Milnwood lie in one body near the borough of Huntingdon and *ill be sold together or separately so as to suit purchasers terms. Cue third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue to be payable with interest at ouch times as may be agreed upon on the day of sale, The unpaid purchase money to be Secured by bonds and mortgage. Bale to commence at ten o'clock of said day. Attendance will he given by DAVID S. ItER, TruAtso EN. here Meei 14358.—.1. QTONE CROCKS, JARS, &c.,—a large stock I '3 For rube at maolifacturers' prices by jAIM A. MOWN'. "Thick Darknees COWS the Earth. Aod Grovv Darkness the people. COMMA? 1121111,CMAN/CS And all.Othere, will take Notice! THAT they Nan . supply themselves, in any quantities with Jones' Far Famed Patent NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE or COAL OIL LAMPS, At the Wholesale and Retail HEAD QUAR TERS, South SECOND Street, The onlyplucc where exelnsive Agencies can be obtained for the Slates of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. These Lattips given light:equal in intensity of flame, and similar in - appearance to tins, and are claimed to he superior to all (Aber portable lights, now in use. No fear of Explosion—No offensive odor. --No smoke.—Very easily trim, tned.—As easily regulated as a Gon Can be adapted to all purimscs.—A ad better than all for a poor man,-50 per rem. cheaper than any other portable light, now in common Me. SOLE AC:ENVY Al SO, I•'Oit linapPd Patent HORill and Coal Oil Lamp. Slarl.amp, Oils, %Vicks, Shade, and every article in the line. S. E. SOUTHLAND, No. 38 Sontit Second Street, Philad. 5ept.8,..58.- • • (Evinte of John Mingler, deed.] ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICP, Letters of Administration on the estate of John Shingler, late of Todd township, dec'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against said estate will present the same for payment, and all persons indebted will make p:soment to JOHN E. KETTERMAN, Adner. Paradise Furnace, Sept. 8, 1858. Mountain Female Seminary. BIRMINGHAM. The Winter Teio of Mountain Female Se• urinary will open Oct. 28th. L. G. GRIER. Principal. Stqn.S;;;;..2in. rEsttda rf Dr. ,Ittroh dre.'d I AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, tippointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, to die• tribute the balance in the hands of Jane D. Crewit, Executrix of Alfred B. Crewit, deed. who was administrator of the estate of Dr. Ja cob Iluffman, late of the borough of Hunting. don deed., amongst those legally entitled there. to, hereby gives notice to all persons interested that he will attend at his 'ace in Huntingdon on Saturday the Pith September next, at 1 cluck p. m.. fir the purpose of making said dis tribution, ;viten and where all persons having claims against said estate are requested to pres. ent them to the undersigned nuditor or be do- barred Iron, coming in up. said fund. Tli EO. 11. CRENIER, .171flitor. Aug. 31M. THE HAMMONTON FARMER. A newspaper devoted to literature and agri comure, also setting forth hill accounts of the new settlemet of Hammonton, in New Jersey can he subscribed for at only 25 cts. per annum. Inclose r.t.gc stamps for the amount. Ail ere,. to Editor of the farmer Hamm,. ton k timid° Co. New .Jersey. Those a fishing cheap land of the very hest quality, in one of the healthiest awl most delightful climates in the Union, sec advetti,ement of Hammonton Lands.-2t Hammonton Lands, FiEW FACIA Nil gF.ll , l.Vmumm 11.1 OPPORTUNITY. TO AL'WANTING FARMS IN a healthy pin7e, twenty-five miles from Phil adelphia, en the Camden Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. An old estate has recently been opened for sale, and the first division of 10,000 acres divided up into farms of twenty acres up wards. The soil in of the best quality toot the production of halts, grains, &c. The price is slios2ol er acre, playable in easy quarter yearly inttalments, within a term of four years, with interest. 'lie terms ore mode easy, in order to ja. ere the rapid improvetnent of the hand, by en abling every industrious mnit to hay a farm. It la now being extensively improved by good roads and some of the hest citizens from New England and the Middle States are erecting laige tmprove silents. It is a scene of the, greatest improve ment out of Philadelphia. Seventv-live have been built in four months. Practical Mil , and business men from the length owl breadth of the Union are settling there. It is an important business piece, on account of its being Is the midst of a Brent market. Every article reined upon this land finds an immediate sale.— The water is excellent, nud no much thing an fe ver is known. . . The soil it a sendy or clay loom, eh!! a clay bottom and retentive of manures. It it tree of stones and is easily worked. It abounds largely in Ito phosphates, and such is its fertility that from the crops produced upon this land awl the large eras adjoining under cultivation, it will be foam' sot to be exc,llo anye here in the produc tion of crops most adapted to its market. The render man be pelt aware that the earliest and the best frui•s and vegetables come from New Jersey, which are annually exported t. the _ amount o f m il " . of "Nl' The WO, . FARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 MILES sides being in every way accessible fur fertilizers FROM I'll IL A DELPIIIA by Railroad in the has en abundant supply of the best quality of state of New Jersey. Soil among the host for muck manure. Agricultural purposes, being a good loans soil Lumber and building materials eon be bad on I with a clay buttons. The land is a large tract the st ot at n cheap price, from the mills. O her ! dividud into small farms, and hundred.; front all still ore now bring opened, and brick-yards I parts of the country are now se sling and hail started en the ground. A person con pin ap It ding. The crops can . he seen growing. Terms frame tenement for present convenience lin one ' f rom $l5 t o $2O p er acre , mo w° within fun• hundred dollars. On account of the extensive nears b y jestomee„,„ To rim, the pl eee _ emigration, this is she best course to pursue in or- Leave Vine St. Wharf at Phila. at if n. tn. by der to get II - place to live in a t fir s t. Carpenters Railroad fisr Hammonton, or address H. J. Byr ond tint tees Ore on hand to put up houi , es on the nes, by letter. Sue full advertisement in ain best terms. other soluturh-at. In settlitig 'rare the emigrant has many mire 1. [ages. Ile is within it few Mims' rde of the gre kt I PREMIUAIS .INIJ REGULATIONS cities in the Middle Status AM/ New England , Ike In nearhis old friends end associations ; he is in a , roe Tor settled country, where evert. improvement au I FOURTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION comfort of civilization is at hotel ; le is in a heal- or 'rota thy piing. and is not sulkject to the certain ty oi losing he , greeter part of his family and his own HUNT. CO. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. health by those malignant fever which make the 'ilk be held al Huntingdon, on Wednesday, graves of so many millions of the young cud , Thursday arid Friday, October tith, 7114 and hardy in Mr ow reigons away from home end ! ~h 1 858. friends. Besides, he has a mild climate and an 'I I open winter. REGULATIONS Thera are three trains daily to Philadelphia, All stock, articles and manufactures offered and to all those alio improve the railroad con, for. exhibition must be entered on the books, pant• gives a free ticket. ! anti on the Fair ground by Id 11. a Thursday, The reader will at once be strmk with the ad- in order to be admitted to competition and re vkliauges here presented, mid ask himself why the property has not been taken up before. The rea son is, it was never thrown in the market; and IIIllg• woless these statements were correct no one would Premiums will be awarded on Friday afrar he invited to examine the and before purchasing. ' noon. 'Phis all are expect.' to do. They will see the , Awarding Committees have the power of land wad. cultivation ; they will facet persons, scppl ding vac..., a, and ere requested to fur. no doubt, from their own neighborhood; they will nisi, detailed written reports. winless the improvements, end can judge at the Priers of Tickets for membership, 51. Sin character of the pupulatikkm Persons should gle admission, 25 cents. come prepared to purchase, as many are locating SUGGESTIONS. i and locations are nut held on refusal. ! The Hammonton Farmer, n monthly Literary I The Executive Committee have deemed it and Agricultural paper, containing full intermit- expedient the pre.ent year to-dispense with a lion or Hammonton, will be sent to each inqui- diseretikmaty Cominittee and award no prenti ear, and can be obtained et 25 mete per annum. a ins for article' nut inetktiknied in the lint. This Title indisIIIIIIIIII.• Wll"l'utee "ells given, arrangement is not intended to iiiierlbre with I Clear of all iimumbranec; when Purchas o . o lleY or prevent the exhibitiou of any article what- I is paid. Route to the land :—Leave Vine street eye ,. whorl; Philadelphia. fur Hammonton by railroad. The laude al the at S o ci ety are a presuk at 1. A. M., and 5i P. 111; when there inquire and the premiums awarded consequently light. ,' tor 51r. Byrnes, Boarding conveniences wit' be I found. Letters and applications can be addressed The A' 311 " 1 " ° " will rel y e V' the pub l ic spar 'it and l iberal to S. B. COUGHLIN, 202 South FIFTH Street • emadua of ear lellew.eitizee ' t o below Walnut. Philada. Maps and information sustain their own society, and by so doing to cheertully fundshed. ; elevate the industrial arts, and aviculture! im. Mar. 9.. rosermoro. movements in our midst. NEU ADVERTISEMENTS. GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! SPLENDID At 439 Chestnut St. The only Original Gift Book G. G. Evans would kiwi» his friends and the public that his Star Gift Book Store and Pub. lisping house is permanently established in Brown's splendid Iron Building,43o Chestnut st. two iloorq below Fifth, where the purchaser of each book, nt the regular retail price. will re seine one o f fhe following gills, valued a: front 25 cents to $100: IVmih. 550 Paten!. English Lever Gehl watch., $lOO 00 thch, 550 ?moot Author Lever Gold Watches, 50 " 400 T.tulina' Gol 1 Watches, 18k. 35 00 •g cages, 600 Silver Hunting Watches, warranted, 500 Parlor Timepieces, 1.500 6 ; 00 00 `; 500 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops aad 10 Of, 500 1.0 . los' Gold Bracelets, 5 00 to 12 00 " 500 Gents' Ve.t nod Yob Chains, 1U OU " 1000 Gold Locket.. (torgd size double case.) 10 00 " 2000 Gehl .mekets, (small size,) 2 00 " 1000 G‘.1,1 Pencil Cases, with G.. 1.1 Nos, 5 00 " 1000 Extra Gold Pons with cattes and holder, 9 50 2500 (101,1 P.ineils, (Ladies'.) 2 00 " 251'0 Pena, with Silver Pen cils, 2 50 " 2500 Ladies'9ol , l Pens, with Ca- ses and Holders, 6500 Old Rings, (Lilies,') - 2090 o.•nts' Gold Ring, 2 50 " 2500 Ladies' Gold Brestpins, 2 50 " 3500 Misses' Gold BLeastplns, I 50 " 3000 Pocket Knives, lOU " 2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs, 2 50 " 2000 Sets Gents' Gold Sleeve 2 50 " 2000 Pairs of Ladies Ear Drops, 2 50 " 0000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases, 5 00 15000 Ladies' Cameo, Jet, or Mosaic Pins, 5 00 " 2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Ping, 3000 Articles of Gold Jewelry, Gift Bnolts, &., &., not enumerated in the alm, worth from 25 cents to $25. Evans' new dat;logue, which is gent flee to all parts of the country, contains nil the most popular hooks of the day, and the newest pub lications, all of which will he sold as low as can be obtained at other stores. Agents wanted in ever• town in the Union,— Those desiring AO to net, can obtain full ',unio nism by addressing the above. N. 11.—ileing largely interested in publish ing books, and haying from other publishers iu immense tinsmith, fur cash, i am (molded to make larger discounts to Country Agents nod Book Dealers thin eau be had at any other house in time country. Any hook paltlxhed in the Un•ted States, the retail price of which is ono dollar and epoch will he looniptly sent, Gift included, on retieilA of pahliThers price. An extra $1 Hook and Gift given to any per tee ordering ten kooks to lie bon to one ad grem. Send fur a Catalogue. Addreac , G. 0. EV ANS, Publisher Aug. 31st, '59,3tu. 439 Chestnut St. Phila. pi:BLIT NOTICE. Notiee is hereby given, that 1 e:11.11 all per. sons from purchasing rrom Edward Cux, a note dated April, 1658,, and due on the 17th of De cember, 185;4, given by me, fur ton dollars, as I do not juiced to pay soil tote. .ELIZABEFII ,-3:1.1,5K Au .18.'uA.• ;t --~--- - NOTICE. A general meeting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Monmain road and Coal Company, will be held on Wed nesdity September 15th 1838 ut 111 o'clock, a. In., at the Philadelphia Exchange, Phila. to outsider the propriety of accepting theprorisions the act ttl . assembly, approval March 1701 138 Authorising the issue of prelered Stock, and for other busineas in relation to the inter ests of the Company. - . By order of the Board of directors, .1. P. AER'MEN WAII wanting to emigrate to a mill climate pond soil and fine market, see advertisements of ilammonton Lands.-Attg. 25.-ft. Not ice to Coal Purchasers. Tub; subscriber is now prepared to furnish it Coed & Coke at his bank at Lilly's Sta tion, on the Railroad, of as good quali ty ss eon he had on the mountain. I will run coal to Hollidaysburg, or any other point on t to lenv a. Ri' I, 11 application is nutde person- all or by Litter. I,SO—I will agree to deliver COKE 01 any h.!, in ears, at Ibur und a quart. emigrer hush- El viz :—Thirty-tive pound% to the bushel, or de liver it in my own ears, at any point desired. at ' the lowest possible rates. .. For either al the above nrtieles. addres3 J. licinkek, Cumbria ('aunty, where all oiulors will La propmply attended to. Aug. 25, 1858.6 t. Clan., 1— Horses. Best bred stallion, 24 best do., 3d best do., Best 2 year old, 2d hest do., 3d best do., Best gelding, 2 year old, 2,1 best do., 3d beet do., 1111 y, 24 best do., 3tl best do., Best colt 6 0301. old or under, 24 best do., 3d beat do., Best draught stallion, Bent 3 year old do., Best I year old do,, Beat under 1 year old., 2d beet do., Best filly, 3 year old, 2nd best do., 3d best do., - Bent colt 2 year old, 2d best do., Best brood mare, 2d best do., 3d best do., Bast yearling colt, 241 best dn., 3,1 best do., Best drought horse, 2.1 best do., 3d best do., Best riding do., 2(1 best do., Best pair match horses, 2.1 best do., Boottrottiug horse, 2,1 best do., Best family horse, 241 best do.. Best pair mules. 2d best do , I 50" I 00 •' Awarding Commitice.—Gen. S. Miles Green Jas. K. [lampoon, Abm. Lewis, Jas. S. Oaks, Dr. R. A. Miller. Class 2.—Neat Stock. 8000 T HORN . Best hall, 2d best do., Best cow, 2,1 best do., Best heifer, 2d best do., Best calf, 2d best do.; DEVON. Best bull, 21 best do., Best cow, 2d best do., Bost heifer, 2.1 best do., Best 2.1 best do., Brat 2il• [l , (10., bw, 2.1 llost do., Bost heifer, 2d he do., Best (lilt; 2& best do., Best. work oxen, 2d Lest dn., Best . Jllll, 2d L,,, Bei.t row. 211 beg do., 2 year ...I calf. 2‘l best d, du•ardiag Conidlittee.—Kenzie L. Green, Eli Wakefield, Pot, Livingston, Perry Moore, rho, Whittaker, dr. Ciasd 3.—/Logs, boar, 2tl hest do., 2tl best du., Best sow. 211 hest (10,1 Best litter of pigs, n 00 24 best do., Best ehester white, 2,1 lore, do. A tr , t,ling Conunittee.—Col, S. S. Wharton, Jima, Miller. (Creek.) Jnihua Greenland, John Garner, Jr., Benj. 1.. Neff. Vass 4. Sheep. Ileet 10t. , w00l buck (13nhervell) 5 00 21 best tin., 1 00 . _ . . . Br!t (10. : (;.olithdowil) 3,1 best do., Best line wool, 241 beit do. Beer do. owe, Ad beet do., Best lung•wool 40. 2d hest .ii, Best Southdown, Yd best do. Onmniiliee.—Geo. W. Speer, Dii• vid Rupert, John Jackson, Jas. :11,70w, David Class B.—Plowing, . , 2d do., 3d do., 41i do., Awarding Comngee.—John Colder, Jar. Wilsn..lolin ll...came, James R. Lane, Da• cid Barrick. Class 6.-3griculturd Implements. Brat plow, . 3 00 2d host clown, 1 00 Cost barrow, 2d beet do., Brat cultivator, 2 , 1 be:o 1 00 Best hillside plow, 2 00 2d best do., Best 2d best do., wheat drill, 2d hest do., . 200 Best complanter, 2 00 2d best do., . 1 00 Best mower and reaper, 3 00 2d hest do., 2 00 Bost horse-rake, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Awarding Committee.—John S. Isatt, Sam'l Wigtn, Geo. Wilson, Esq., (Tell) Jacob Sharper, Snail Stryker. Class7.—Grain. Best white wheat, 3 00 hest do., 2.00 3rl best do., 1 00 Best rod, 3 00 2d best do., . 2 00 :1,1 beat do., 1 00 Best yellow corn, 1 00 2d heat do., 60 Beat white do., 1 00 2d best do., 60 . __ Beet rye. 2d best do., Best mktg. 2a twa do., - , 11,v bnekwhetit, 2.1 do., Beal barley, l 00 - 2d best do., 50 Awarding Conitnitten.--David Dune. Robt. Tussoy, Thos. F. Stewart, Hays Hamilton, Jas. Entriken. Clan B.—Domestic Manufactures— Eatables. $7 00 4 00 Yellen on Horses. 3 00 1 00 Youatt. 2 00 1 00 Yountt. 2 00 1 00 Youatt. 3 00 2 00 1 00 'lest bread, 3 00 2d best do., 2 00 3d best do., 1 00 Best pound cake, 1 00 2,1 best do., 60 Best sponge cake, 1 00 2d beat do., 50 Beat jelly cake, l 00 3d best do., 50 Best pie, 1 00 3d best do., 60 Best butter, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 3d best do., 50 Best cheese, 1 00 2d beat do.. 50 Best domestic sugar, 1 00 2d beet do., 60 Best maple molasses, 1 00 3d best de., 60 Best. Sorghum molasses, 1 00 3d best do., 50 Best ripple butter, 1 00 2d best do., . • • 50 Best tomato ketchup, 1 00 3d best do., 50 Best honey, 1 00 3 , 1 best do„ 50 Best jelly, 1 00 3,1 best do., 50 Best preserves, L 00 2d best d0.,50 . . Best pickles, 1 00 3d beat do., 50 Best domestic wine, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 3,1 best do., 50 Best vinegar, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best barrel of flour, 2 00 2d best de., 1 00 Awarding Committee.—Wm. Dorris, Jr., Miss Fanny Neff, Mrs. Mary Neff, (Alexandria) Iliac llat.nalt Green, Geo, W. Johnston, Esq. Class 9—Household l'abrica. Best Carpet $2,00 3d best do., 1,00 Best Flannel,. 2,00 3d best do., 1,00 Beet Quilt, 2,00 2d best do., 1,00 3d best do., SO Best hearth rug, 1,00 3d best do., 50 Best pair wool. socks, 50 Best worsted seeks, 50 Best ornamental do., 50 Best needlework do., 1,00 3d best do., 50 Best hard soap, 1,00 2,1 best do., 50 Best candles, 1,00 2,1 1,, ,, t do., 50 5 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 , Alvarding Committee.—Joln, Porter of Al axondria '• Miss. Prudence Jackson; Miss. Emily J. Lose; A slim a ii. Gloss 10.—Foncy Needle and ornamental trod,•. BMA specimen of faney needlework, $l,OO 2d best do.. • 50 Best shell work, 1,00 2d best do., 50 Best ornamental needlework, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best 8,11.61 embroidery, 60 Best Crotchet work, 50 Rest lamp mat, 60 Best net work, 50 Best worsted quilt, 50 Best bead work, 50 Belt clilkiclitnif -14--- id Best embroidered slippers, 60 Awarding Comnutte —F. H. Lane; Miss. C. 'l'. Benedict, Miss. Sallie Shaver, Miss. An on, Porter, Geo. H. Steiner, Class— Media:deal Implements and Man agaetneers. Best two horse carriage, $2 00 " buggy, 1 00 " set of sitigla harness, I 00 '• do. farmirg harness, 1 00 " saddle told bridle, 1 00 " pair of boots, 1 00 " " shoes, 50 " side of role leather, 1 00 " kip and calf skin. 1 00 " side harness and upper leather,. 1 00 '' lot of cabinetware, 3 00 ' 1 and greatest variety tin ware, 1 00 " do. ago. .d earth ware, 1 00 washing tuaeltine, 50 " churn, 1 00 " meat vessel, 1 00 " specimen of marble work, 2 00 " cook stove, 1 00 " pair home shoes, 50 " corn broom.6o _ _ .. 5 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 __... -.—.... Awarding Committee—A. \V. Benedict, Sam H. Bell. Jacob Cresswell, A. Clark Nylon ; B. F. Hazlett. ClesB I•2—Fritits. Best and greatest variety of apples, 3 00 2d best do., 2 00 3d best do., 1 00 Best dozen of Fall apples, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Best winter do., 2 00 2d heat do., 1 00 Best and greatest variety of pears, 4 00 2tl best do., 2 00 Beat dozen of winter, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Beat fall do.. 2 00 2d best do., 1 60 Bost and greatest variety of pouches, 2 00 2d hest do., 100 . ~.. B at dozen do., Id best do., Best quinces, 2d best do., Best and greatest variety of plums, 2d beat do., Bek dozen do., 2d best do., Best and greatest variety of grapeq, 00 2d bel do., 3 00 3(1 best do., Best native grapes, 2d best do., Best foreign do.. 2d beet do., Best wild or fox do., 2d best do., Awarding Committee—Joua. 3,l 4 Williams, Thomas Fisher, James Galbraith. Joe. M. Ste vans, Andrew G. Neff. Class 13. Vegetables. Best mid greatest variety of potatoes, ,2 00 2d best d 0.,• 1 00 3d best do., 60. Best tteslinnttocks, , 1 00 mexieun,,. . 1 00 " pink eye, 1 00 " white, . 1 00 " red, _ . , 1 00 44 blue, 1 00 4 ' sweet, 1 00 2d best do., 5.1 Best tomatoes, 1 00 2d best do., 75 ,0d best do., 50 Best and greatest variety of tomatoes, 100 Best purple eggs, 50 2d best do., 25 Best peppers, 1 00 2d best do., 60 Best mange! weasel,. 1 00 2,1 best do., 60 Best rota bags, 1 00 t'd best do, 50 Best sugar beet, -- r — o 24 heat do., 60 Best tobacco, 1 00 2d best do , 60 a parsnips, 60 " carets, 60 Best turnips, 60 Best onions, 60 2d best do., 26 Best celery, 60 2a best do., 25 Best cauliflower, 60 2d beet do., 25 Best pumpkins, 60 24 best do, 25 Best pie do., 60 24 hest do., 25 Beet quatbep,6o • 24 best do., 25 B"st water melon, 60 2d best do., 25 Best muskmelon, 60 2d best do., 25 Beat beans. 60 2d best do., 25 Beet peas, 50 2d best do.. 25 A warding Commistee Dr. inn. M'Cul loch, Eiislia Shoemaker, Mrs. E Stitt, Miss Ruth Cummins, John Rnng. Class 14—Floral Department. Boo• display of flowers in bloom, 3 00 2d best do. -, 2 00 3d dost do.. 2 00 Best display of plants in bloom, 200 2d best do., 1 00 8d best do., 50 Best •Display of dahlias in bloom, 8 00 2d best do., 2 00 3d best do., 1 00 Best baguet of (lobelia, 50 Best. briquet of flowers, 50 2d best dn.. 25 Best floral design, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 3d best do., 50 Awarding Committee—Ed. Snare, Mrs. Jos M. Stevens, Miss Josephine Cress. well. Miss Margaret Duff, Col. J. A. Doyle Class 16—Poultry. Best and largest lot pure bred, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Best pair or two of shanghais, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best do. cochin chine, 1 00 2d best do.. 50 Best do. brstunapootra, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best do. dorkings, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best do. spangled hamburg. 1 00 2d beat do , 50 Best do. game of any variety, 1. 00 2,1 best do., 50 Best du poland, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best do. jars fowls, 1 00 2d beet co„ 50 Best do. mixed breed, I 00 2d best do., 50 Best turkey, 1 00 2d brat do , 50 Best ducks, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best geese, 1 00 II best d,,, 50 !lest guinea fowls, • ' 1 00 -' :0 warding Committee--Dr D. Hosts, 12, B. IV igtott, John Flener, Jas. !lender. sac, Jahn Myerley, D. Clarkson. G. W. Cranes, John Owens, Wm. K. Rehm, 'rho. P. Love. Class 16--Painting. Rest oil painting, 1 00 St best do., 50 Best lithograph in oil, 1 00 20 best do., 50 Best nil painting on glass, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best crayon drawing. 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best painting in water colors, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Awarding Committee-- Rev. A. NI. Bar nitz, Mrs. D. Blair, Miss Julia Miles. Miss Charlotte Kidder, Miss Ann Young. eirExhibitors are required to have their stock and articles entered on the books at the office before they are admit. ted to the ground. Any persons having any stock or artic les fur exhibition, can enter them nt cry time previous to the commencement of the Fair by notifying the Secretaries of the same, and in so doin.; they will be requi red to furnish as full informat.on, as posr-i -ble with regard to the age, pedegree, treat ment &c, of th: animals. Premiums shall in no coon be given where the animal or article is unworthy. JOHN O. WATSON, Prest. R. & I. P. Ram, Sec. D. W. CLARK'S ( FORMERLY EVANS & CLARK) GREAT GIFT BOOK STORE, 44 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. More Liberal Inducements than at any other similar Establish nient in the Country. Having located myself at Lancaster, Pa., where my ex wnses are not above one•fifth as great as then of similar, establishments, in New York or Philadeltlbia; and having had extensive experience is the business—being nearly four years a partner of 0, G. Evans, Esq., the originnator of the Gill Enterprise, I flutter myself that I can offer greater induce ments than any other concern in the United States. A gift worth from 25 cents to filoo will no company each Book at the time offered. Sir Agents wanted in every town in the United States to whom most liberal induce ments are offered. I have lately issued a new Catalogue, corer• ing 32 pages, embracing an infinite variety of Books of every description, a copy of which will be mailed, postage paid, upon application, to an 7 address in the United States. Let no one fail to send for a copy. Address D. W. CLARK, Lancaster. Pa. REFERENCES. We the uTiaer;i;;edC•itTzetieof Lancaster, so far as we are are acquainted with D. W. Clark, proprietor of the Gift Book Stare of this city, believe that any agrdernent he makes or may make, will be strictly fulfilled. We have never learned aught, save that the utmost sa tisfaction is given by his method of doing bits. iness. C H. BRENEMAN, Agent Conestoga Cotton Mills. J. I). SIEMER, Wholesale end Retail Grocer. W. G. Evass, Notary Public. HENRY C. WENTZ, Treasurer Lancaster City, A. B KARYFNAN, Insurance Agent. M. H. Rotuma, Job Printer. Aug. 1 e, LITERARY iItREAV. Au experienced Editor, a successful Author, and a thoroughly educated Lilerary Man, wea ry with t•venty-fivo years of & drudgery of Daily Journalism, has determined to hire out and sell his brains at retail, to those who may rerluire their services, in any honorable way. Merchants, Business Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, Offhand with Advertisements, (poetical or otherwise,) Notices, Cards, Circulars, or any species of ar ticles desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, 'roasts, Pam• phlets, Editorial Articles, Communications, and every sort of Brain-work, which they may find it inconvenient or troublesome to du them. .IVeg. Ladies and Gentlemen; of overy rank in so• ciety or occupation in life, =an san hare Letters written on any subject, vilietlici bilsiness or sentimental. The advertiser oil; also cciuduct or translate Correspondence of every kind, either English, French, Spanish, German or Latin. Poott y, Acrostics, for Albums, Notes, Billet. doux, Monodies, and Compositions of the most delicate and confidential character, incident to every possible circumstance or •-..ttent in life, will be furnished in inviolable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash. will he strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Liternry Bureau, Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. Aug.] 8,'68..1v SUFFERING HUMANITY READ' THIS: The undersigued takes this Method of infor ming the public kenerally that there Is no med icine now offered to the pblic that is (meal to DU VALL'S GALVANIC OIL in rehevaing suffering hutnanity. I was en observer of its effects in a friend of mtne, who suffered almost everything front a nruralgie affection which tesisted the best med ical treatment in Centre county. We applied freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and gave some inwardly, and in 20 minutes the pa tient was asleep, and when awaked was free free from pain, and contitted so.—This is a positive fact which I am willing to make good at any time. A case of FELON was cured in nearly the name length of time. J. 11, HAHN,Centre Hill. r. Centre county. Aug. 18 1888-ly ALTOONA, Blair co., July 3, '3B J. D STONI:ROAP, LeWhitONO, Dear Sir—Mr. Wm. Tunxnauctzt, who has been suffering several peers from rheumatism, got to ill that his friends And relatives were summoned to witness his death. I induced his friendis to try the virtue of your preparation—they did so, as the last re; sort agcl, to their astonishment end joy, he be gan t o improve, got better and better, and now, so far as I know, he is a hale and stout man. This is not the only case where the GaLvazatC Oct. has surpassed human expectations. In every case where I have recommended the Ott, it has done what it promises to do. Send ns another s2o's worth. Yours truly, 11. LEEER. Aug. 18, '5B-Iy, SAVINCI FUND. f it National SAFETY TINT Company. WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF THIRD, PEIRD2IIPMELA. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania. FIVE PE.R CENT INTEREST MONEY IN ANY SUM, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till* o'cloek. lIENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Tice President., WM. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS; Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster. Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry, Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee, Sarni. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Manes, Henry Dieffenderffer, Money is received' and payments made daily in gold without notice. The investments are made in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such class se curities as the Charter requires. Feb.24,'57. "t9caTanati.- TC7S 0F1F1C1173. , Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL.' Of lice at the late County FAIR, for the heat' CABO, BLANK AIM FAN tI.Y PRINTING?: Having recently received from the Restate a FAST ROWER PRESS, and a large variety of the most fashionable !Witting Material, which makes it one of the sort complete Printing Establishments in this section. Persons in want of auy kind of PLAIN OR FANals work, cannot do better than favor us with their patronage. We have facilities for execs• tins• in a superior manner any kind of PRINTING IN COLORS on the most reasonable terms. Those who may wish to obtain any stile of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS con be accommodated at this establishment at short notice. AUCTION BILLS, BILL HEADS, SHOW BILLS, CIRCULARS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS,' CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, Sc., &c., will be fuinished promptly, executed la he best style and at reasonable rates. sir Orders by express, mail or otheririee, will receive immediate attention. WM. RREWSTER. ionn POCKET KNIVES, tom of the uu best in the world, for sale by , JAMES A. C Y AN. Antiphlogistic Salt. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office. For all inflammatory diaaasea it is s certain cores Git a hoc and err ir , •e Mile ate 11/611YeA.