ate II litilig.4ll HlTratat. WM. BREWSTER, ED : HISfELLANEODS ADVERTISEMENTS, TERNS OF THE JOURNAL. • a fray weeks. There was a great curios-j %t hen Mrs. Maynard heard the story TERMS 4..clect * wto ity to see her and especially after it was I of 'Little Patchey.' she felt that she was The."IIUNTINODON JOURNAL' is puhlislien at !he following rates : THE CALICO CLOAK. dime**. hood. Rock." located about seven miles from Pe - If paid in advance $1,50 , PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. If paid within six months after the time of I 'Have you seen the new scholar 1' ask Soon after, Nlr Maynard gratified --.........--___ ru e near the foot of the rapids of the MinOir Compounded entirely of Gums. sawrrthhte 1 t d h e r s i e n r i v n i:g t n o c f i d r , : river. This rock may justly be regarded 1s one of the best purgative and liver flied' If ;mid Lame the ex pir a tio n o f th e year , gm eel Mary Lark, a girt of twelve or leerier isBY PETER SPORUM ESQ. Nees now before the public, that acts as a Ca- And two dollars and fifty cents if not pal yi.grg, as the run t o 'ur n( g grr,iip of school. W 'l' his P"IIIII wile Ironing nn his n". an quite a natural curiosity, and is also !Well, you see nether the 'poker' scrape t c s uli n ar on i rTe e o r t e e %bailie, easier, milder, and more effectual than (Wafter the expiration of the year. No subscrip.. 5:.,. was a IMy of great intellectual beau. d s t from wiwith the. tit. -any ther medicine known. It is not only a Cu- lion taken for a less period than six months, mates who were coining towards, the school me and Sal got along only midlin well, for Iyon 1 everybody (as they always are at 'Mamie bet a Liver remedy, ac ti ng tint on th e 1. All subscriptions are continued until nth- house ; 'she cuts the mum comical 6iint" SUM time, tell I made up my mind to fetch 'Liver to eject Its morbid, then on the stomach erwise.rdered, snd newer will be discontinus 'I These incidetas form an interesting 'fie Y u ever sow. Iles &oak is wide out of lil••• ... "- d' ,ply it in the young thin led, f I hived h harderan d '0 y seed bowels to carry off that matter. thus accent. eel unlit urreurages are puid, except at the option ;"-, things to a ur her . • i code in aboriginal history. P,'.;,!•. l .iig two purposes effectually , without any of of the publisher. 7 CaliCo, and her • hoes tire broqinis such . 'lli .."( ...1 I'ls wife, harder every day, an I had a idea that she ' t ,oral Ptittniltrts 1 . .. Starved Rook,, is composed of a large the painful feelings experienced in the operation 2. nritiroed numbers are never received by us. m d boys ~,,,,,, r t re. i-iris we'd, the Indies flocked b a d h. h • • el most Cathartics. It stregthens the ewe.. at All Lumbers sent us ii. th a 1,1,1 are lost, and ; - ' ll I ' - ' ' sorter sneaking kindness fur me, _ ._ ~.., _ _ mass of sandstone, rising from the we she same time that it purges it ,and wh e n token nev e r accomplish the purpose of the sender. I 'Oll yes, I've seen her,' repl .- bet. Isini Cho initnited to meet them ied Lucy '" " ! . hut how to duo the thing lip rite peaturee Fbr the Hitntingdon Journal. ter 's edge to a perpendiovlar height of daily in moderate thews, will strenghten and 3. Persons wishing to :don their subscriptions „, iii, next gathering of the sewing eir• build it up with unusual rapidity, must pug up arrearages, and mid a wrallen Or • ' Brooks. she is the new washer woinan's, me or ful. I get sum luv book, and red NO. 13-CONVERSATION. nearly two hundred feet. It is inaccessi. Ih s Liver is ono o the principal regula- , verliti order to that effect , to the MU° of pub. daughter. I shouldn't hove thought ii r. el '• 1 how the fellers got down on thar marrer- Nothing in our intercourse with the ble from the point fronting on the river would have taken her into the .Icio- . Wiles and talked like polio, en how the , world at large is so immediately interes- and can only be approached with ease from 'lees of the 11111111111 LO- 11V ; and when it per- ' Vivien in Huntingdon. ell Q il iv . arrived. and although it was Corms its functions well adm powers of the s l ays- I 4. Givin g notice to a postmaster is neither a 131. " wi ! 91, stormy. Mrs. Descre, Brown'. par. ten( are fully develops pt ed. The stomach is ; l eg ., e r a proper n o t i ce , I Benny, but I suppose he likes the money gals they tend gently full into the feller'e : Ling and in s tructiv e , as conversation, when ' one side. This approach is rugged and .almost entirety (tepee. hi m dent on th e healthy I 5. After One or more numbers of a new veer tha t , ,„,„. ,b,„„,„ b , b ,, , m,b , .. „. , I , ...,,,, ler fill, d with stud ine• faces. The 'action of the Li , . for .d, the P. P. Porl , rtn- have lie. forwarded. a new veal. 11118 (.11111111111111 , -' -- - - -' " - .... - - ' ' -'' " ' -' • 1 ann., but surnhow or other that way didn't directed to proper subjects. The recipro. 1 narrow„ and could be obstructed with lit e./ of its functions. WI When the stomach is sd. and the paper will not be . 1 % --scontinued uniil It is cleurer of curse . 11,11,011 I, carriiii2e n'as sent to the person :ate my notion. 1 sited mom how dad • cal communication of ideas is one of the : ale labor. at fault, the bowels are aat fault and the whole' „,.,.,„ r „ g „ „ re void. dye No. i. 11g. lift, l i re. \tit. mad, an d !it dim time l And the air rang with the loud laugh tifcoated her, but she set' It had bin so long' principal sources of intellectual wealth, The diameter of the surface of tde rock system suffers in con- 0 sequence or one ur •:.n 9he l'ourts have derided that refusing totake -the Liver- having art °eased to do iis duty . 7 a , e , 7 ,-, th• gisls. it e mewl. hrieuititz !be le 'Y w !Il it The . that she'd forgot all about it, (Uncle Jo i i rin ge r front the office, or retnnvivg andit ia one of the noblest privileges of th ~ is probably one hundred feet. It is mow For the diseases o f lip, th a t organ one 0 1 the 'e.,iin g it uncalled Ent', is ri