Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 22, 1858, Image 4
gummus. TEE IMPATIENT WIDOW, -AND MER PATIENT BEAV. Mrs. Perry was a widow. She was very Pretty and clever, but a little hasty. If a thing was to be done at all, she would say, why not do it at once, in a straightforward manner, without any circumlocution, or , dallying. She did not like beating the bush, when the bird could just as well be caught without that trouble. How foolish to waste powder and shot. Now Mr. Mellermid, had long "had his eye upon her;" any body could see that with hall an eye. But he was a large man, and large bodies move slow. He Waft large in person, and pompous in manner Great men—especially physically great men—shouldn't make themselves too cheap Moderation beat becomes rates of large "un derstanding," whether it id shown in the head or the feet. Mr. Mellerroid continued to make his calls, and send presents. He xas a mer chant, and "pretty well to do," as the nay• ing is,; that is, I suppose in rather comfort. able circumstances . Mr. Mellermid kept on "doing the polite, and sending his ben- efactions, till the widow was out of all pa tience. If he would only squeeze her hand, or say "my dear," just for once, it would be something to go upon. But he never betrayed any such symptoms of weakness or hurry. He had his own way of doing things. Great people should not behave like common folk. although all people do not have the same way of doing the srme thing. Still it was very provoking; for people kept saying, "Well, Mrs. Perry, when is it to be" am sure, you might tell us," "You are an long about it." "Every body sees he is dying for you." "Don't keep him waiting to long." "\len of his pretensions don't like to be trifled witls." "Mercy on me!" said the widow. to her self, "what shall I do? I can't stand this much longer. I must bring matters to a conclusion, and soon. too. There is Christ mas coming, then he will bo sure to send me some presents! I know what to do, Happy thought! I will get tip a quarrel, and try to rouse him out of his dreadful apathy. That mill :cad to some explana tion, when a flew tears, and a little hys terics, will do it all! so she solaced herself. 'Fite time drew nigh, when, sure enough, down came any quantity of nice things. a fine, plump turkey, raisins, currants, and ever so many brown paper panels! But when a great object is to be gained, com mensurate must be Ihe sacrifices. So that same day, the widow bought a large new baskct,—large enough to hold all the nice presents he had sent. In it she placed them, and sent them, with a sharp note, telling him she didn't want his presents. and he might keep them himself. "Now thought she, "the .slow coach, will come to ask how he has offended, and offer to make peace, and show some feel ing, if he has any sensibilit3 at all. And how pleasent, 0, how delightful, the 'mak ing up' will be!" So she impatiently waited for her patient lover, and wondered how he would begin, and what she should say in reply. The day passed on—The evening came and with it his well known knock. Mrs. Perry's heart went pit-a-pat, and thumped, and thumped, as if she should die. "Now for it," said Mrs. P. The maid rushed to the door. Mrs. P, listened %% ith breathless atten lion. ..It is him! He speaks! That well known voice, what does it say?" "Mr. Mellermid's compliments to Mrs. Perry, and here is her basket!" "What! gone? gone forever? Insensible brute!" exclaimed Mrs. Perry, the impa tient widow. MORMON TASTEC.--A rich man once complained in a cofee•house that he had three daughters, to whom he would give ten thousand dollars each and yet that he could find nobody to marry them. "With your lave, sir," said an Irishman, who was present, .stepping up and making a very respectful bow, take two of them." iir" A colored man named Charles Price, shot on the 11th of August, still survives at the Pennsylvania Hospital with a bullet in his brain, Price conver ses and eats fruity. or Have you ;lasted Hopas 1' as ked a lady of a green librarian, whose face was much swollen by the toothache. .No. ma'am; but I have had a blasted toothache !' lOWA firm at Utica, dram 40,000 frogs weekly for the Albany and New York markets. There is a million bushels of wheat of last year's crop, stored in Chi cago. 'Cincinnati is now the largaat horse market in the United States. A Hies llswr.—A hole in tho crown of your bar. Miscellaneous Advertisements. ,DOC I oti 0005' R. MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S IN ') DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the grew ter part of his lite in travelling, having visited Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North America—fins spent three years among the In dians of our Western country—it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first dis covered. Dr. Morse Was the first man to es. 1 tablish the fart that all diseases arise from Itn• I purity of the Blood—that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif fereut functions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and di sensed; thus causing all pains Meknes.; and distress of every name; our strength is exhaus• ted, our health we are deprived of, nod if na ture is not assisted in throwing off the stag. nant humors, the blood will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will forever he blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to' us that we have it in our power to put a medi cine in your reach, namely. .Morse's Indian Root Pills. manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mountainous cliffs in Natures garden, for the health and recovery of diseased Irian. One of the rents from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which e. pens The pores of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the liner parts of the corrup tion within. The second is a plant which se an Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothing manner, performs its duty by throwing off phlegm, and other humors from the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large a— mounts of impurity from the blood, which is then thrown out bouutifully by the urinary or water passage, and which could not have been i ! discharged in any other way. The fourth Is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other prop erties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impuriry which cannot pass by the other outlets, ate thus taken up and conveyed off in great roan , tities by the bowels. . . . . . Pron . ; the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse" Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach but become united with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely rcut out and cleanse the system from all impurity, and the life of the body, which is the blood, be comes perfectly healthy; consequently all tick ness and pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes co pore and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which will open the natural passages for the disease to be cast oue hence, a large quantity of food and other mat ter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermenta tion, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken front the body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have ad ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re• storing millions of the sick to blooming health and happiness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have ten scorched by the burning elements of ra• ging fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would • have been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morel's Indian Root Pills. After one or two doses had been taken, they were astonished, and ob. solutely surprised, in witnessing their chvrm• ing effects. Not only do they give immedi ate ease and strength, and take away all sick ness, pain and anguish but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blood. Therefore, it will be shown, espec• tally by those who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that deadly enemy—will take its flight, anti the flush of youth and beauty will again return and the prospect of a long and happy life will cher'sh and brighten your days. CAUTION.—Beware of a counterfeit sign ed 4. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHITE &CU, on each box. Ara I the signature of A. J. While & Co. All ota ere are spurious. A. J. WHITE & CO., Sole Proprietors 60 Leonard Street, New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines Agents wanted in every town, village d hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the tummy will address asabove for terms. *OW Price 25 rents per box. five boxes will sent on receipt of $l, postage paid. beJOUN READ, Agent Eunringclun, Pe. December '6's7:—em. COOK STOVE. A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE Pa sale at this office; h is calculated to burn wood sr seal. I‘TCOT I MEi, TO SCHOOL TEACHEHh & oinECTORS. On Monday, Aug, 2d, a Teacher's Claus will formed at the CassvilleSeminary—tuNon free. School Directors wishing to procure the servi ces of good teachers, the coming Winter will do well to make application to us. We will cheerfully make selections from the class, that will be likely to give entire satisfaction. Ad dress, John D. Walsh, Camille Huntingdon county Pa. July, 2811,-58-Im. LANZ* WOR Sala. The subscriber offers for sale a small farm in Henderson township, half a mile north east of the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of Jahn Simpson, Coleetock, and others, con. tabling about ninety acres and allowance, twenty-five or thirty acres of which are cleared and under a good state of cultivation. The balance is well timbered. There are on this property three never.failing springs of good water. The buildings consist of a two-story frame house and kitchen, and a log stable ; a fine young apple orchard of grafted fruit:— Terms made known by applying to the subscri. bee. SAMUEL FRIEDLY. June23;513,.4m. A. H. C. BROCKEN, 22 CLIFF ST., NEW YORK, MAXIMACTURER OV Glass Syringes, Bonnepathic Graduated Measures. Nur sing Bottles, etc. Gloss Ware for Chemists, Druggists, Perfu. mere, Photographers, etc. Green Glass by the package. A liberal discount made to the trade. Orders from Druggists and Dealers solicited. Price Lists sent on application. Aug.4,18.-3m. TOOTS &SHOES, HATS & CAPS, the largest stock ever brought to town, are sen tq nay steep 4 10 Irma. Miscellaneous Advertisements. I Miscellaneous Advertisements. AIMUNDELL WOUNSIAL 'file Alexandria Foundry Flasks,Patters, kc., have been bought by R. C. McGILL. The Foundry is in blest and li has all kinds of Cas• tigns. Stoves of all kinds, Machines, Ploughs, Kettles, &c., which he will sell at the low— A' est market prices. All kinds of Conn• try produce and old metal batten in exchange at market prices. R. C. McGILL May 26 1858. CHEAP GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS! ! FISHER & McMURTRIE Have just received their second stock of SUMMER GOODS, which will be sold of at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. It comprises Summer Dress Goods of every description, Prints, Ginghams, Cottons, White Goode, Hosiery, Nlitts, Trimmings. Marseilles, Patent Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, Straw Go sin, Boots & Shoes, and a Inree and general assortment of all kinds of Goods sui- table to the wants of the community. HUNTINGDON IVARN SPRINGS. The Warm Springs at the base of Warrior'. Ridge, five in les north of Huntingdon, overlook. iag Standing Stone Creek, and environed by re. mantic hills and woodlands, hove been leased by the to mer proprietor of the Learner Hutton. The extensive Hotel buildings, bath him..., &c., erected at great expence by Ge steal A P. Wilson, have been completed—and the groves have been beautifully laid out arid adorned.— The Hotel parlors and chambers airy and cam• Portably t l u•nished; and the provect, from the verandahs tbr beauty, cannot be excelled. For half it century, these Springs linve been celebrated for their medicinal qualities, and the great nature of the waters in rheumatic told chro nic affections. The temperature ot• the wafer being Sol degrees, renders the bathing delight ful and invigorating. In the surrounding woods and mountains. game almonds, nail the finest fish are caught in Stone Creek. Persons is pur suit of health or !ensure, will find this a most delightful and healthful retreat; and its 11C11131.8 to the Pennsylvania Raiiroad, and the cheapness of the rates charged guests. give it a decided advantage over any other watering place in the State. The Proprietor hoe had years of experience in the business and no pains or troub,e will be spa red to snake guests comfortable. Hacks run Irons ilontingtion to Warm Springs on the arrival of the different Railroad trains— faro 23 cents. Families accommodated at mo crate terms. JOHN R. HERD, Warm Springs near Huntingdon, June sth S Proprietor. SPLENDID RAG CARPET for 37} et, per yard at the cheap store of FIBIIEII & Mt:ram. QPIUNG SHAWLS and htnntillag of ovary , - , :stylo at d) 1i1,1101.01.11,N. New Card-Press. Having bought afoot *OAHU 1-11ESS." we are now prepared to print in t h e prcportim. (.1 three cards in the same timu that any other frem in the county can print one, cononywor y ire can print them cheaper—Jr d o ne or I we make no charge at nil. We ask your pa tronage. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS ! I FISHER & HAVING re-opened the :Itvritovoi.lTAN formerly known no "Saxton's" take plea— sure in announcing to their many friend.,that they have reee.ved a new and welbseleted stock of Goode, which they feel confident will satisfy the demands of the public, and wilt prove unexceptionable in rm..; and QUALITY. The line of Dress Got o he endnaeto ROBES A QUILLE IN ORGANDIES. LAWNS, PERCALES, &e. CHA LYS, BERAGES, BRILLIANTS, ALL WOOL DE LAINES. CRAVEI.LA MOHAIR. DANUBIAN, TAMISE, AND LA VELLA CLOTIIs, DEBAGE, LUSTRES, ALPACCAS, PRINTS, GINGIIAMS, ike. • - We have a fine assortment of Summer Man tillas, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An tiques, Ribbons, Mitts, Cloves, Gauntlets, II siery, Ladies' Collars, Hamikerehiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Whalebones for Skirts, Reed Hoops, Brass do., Skirt Curd. &c. Atso—Tickens, Osnahurg, bleached and tin hleached Muslims at all prices, Colored and White Camhrics, Barred and Swiss Muslim, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarletun and many other articles which comprise the line of White and Domestic Goods. We have French Cloths: Fancy Cassitneres, Sattinett.,Jemis, Tweeds, Cottonadcs, Linens, Denims and Blue Drills. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, of every varjety and style. Moo all kinds o STR.A.W GOODS. A good stock of GM BRIES, HARD & QIIEENSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Wood and Willow-ware, which will be SOld CHN.I.I, We nisi, deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess luciliticn in this brunch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all paokages or parcels of llerehandise. FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. Corns one, euwe all, and t.e cum hweil I Lai the "Meynoroi.iTAN" is tine place to hee,ll.l: fashionable and desirable goods, dispred of at the lowest rates. Apr.14,'58. Patent Portable Fence. The rights of Hunt's Patent Portable or Per manent Fence and Gate Post, for Lots, Fortes and Township, can be secured for a Fonell sum by calling on the Agent at kluntingdo (j 0 and see the model at outer. it. is decidedly the hest Fence ever used. No Farmer should be without it. Cull vs who would hr benefit ted and examine it fur yourseli es. HENRY CORN PROPS I`, Aye/a fur Huntin,duti County. PREMIUMS AWARBEDTHE JOURNAL JOB OFFIC i THE 323133 & ..g'S aaku 51-25,,n MINIM. We request those of our sub.ov.h , eive their papers,to iof•rm us of those lo it immediate neighborhoods who are to the "Journal," and have loaded to n, the same, since the stealing of our ii.C.1,60 by ruffians on the 3d of February. VV.II.I\TTMIZI! WHEAT AND CORN %ranted nt tin: office. Those having either can dispose of the same by calling goon. STAGE LINE FROM rhambersburg to Mt, Union 7The undersigned aware that a suspensionof the line of Stages over the road between Chambersiturg and Mt, Union. cannot he but disadvantageous ton large section of the coun try, has. at a considerable expense and trouble made arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points Gond Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla ced on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietor of the line is disirous that it be maintained, and he therefore calls upon the public generally to patronize it, confi dent that it ill be for their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will be given, and the running of the Stages will be regular. Ali' Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday Thursday, and Satutday evenings. arriving at Chambersburg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re turning, leave Chambersburg, the same night at to o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the next °vetting in time for the cars. Between Mt, Un ion and Shade Gap the line will he daily. $ Fare through $3 ;to inte•tnediate points in proportion. JOHN JAMISON Jan. 20th, 1858.-0. Miss SOUTHWORTII, COLONEL G. W. CROCEETT, CHARLES BURDETT THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CLAPP, Jure., GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG, Mits. ANNA WIIELPLE Miss VIRGINIA VAUG Mns. DI. VERNON, Miss HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, Write only for the GOLDEN PR ZE. GOLDEN PR ZE. CO-LDEN PR NE. GOLDEN NE. GOLDEN PR NE. GOLDEN Pit Z.; CMG 101112,2 0 DENTISf ut4topx.Nos44..ri, pa. June 13, 1K37. •,,ZPLENI)II) Line of Dress Goods, end nicht!' Robes of all kinds, Beruges, Chalys, Lawn olored llrillinnts, Chintzes, eon 1,,, !mind at the METROPOLITAN. SCYTHES, S N A THS, It AXES, FO It Ii S, S e . , A lar,:c na. , aitnent at the Hardware Store. JAMES A. BROWN. 4 ° i CtiGT= 7:RT r:EALEIts can buy CLtalllNli front we in Hoot ingdon at Whole quit:, as cheap ar ti,cy can it. the cities, nal have u Wholesale ca tit it. l'hilud , lphiu. H. ROMAN. N BLANKS I BLANKS dGl l a`lL'io A fienernl ans../ !Relit ty Blanks of all de. ript 11MS just piloted and /n+• sale at the "li , aranl 11t/ire. of 11,cferees, (`nmrenn Bond • to ft.,lct, es, Judgment Notes ~.,antllollS, 'endue Notes, veutions, Constolth's Ftteitss, Sultronits, Deeds, IV ...rants, Mortgages. Cononittneots, Bond to itietnoiry constitm,.. •h SCOT, ' SAMUEL T. IlicowN g..1%®'U'4 1 07/E9 Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., (Alice same as dolt formerly occupied by John Scott, Egg. ),r. 19. 1853. New Goods ! New Goods ! AT D. P. GAVIN'S CHAEP STORE. D. P. Grin Ims just returml from Philutiul• phis with the largest anti most bountiful Os. sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks. and Fancy, All Wool de Loins, (all colors) Spring Delslas, (titanic Detains. Betimes. (all colors) Levelly Cloth, Dcheiste. Admen, Pup. lips, Printed Berages.Brilliants, Malin and lig. nre.i. Ginghams, Lawns, and Prints of every de scription. . _ _ ALSO. a large tot of dress Trimmings, Frin ges, Antiques, Gimps, Ril,imn , Buttons, Braids, Crapes, Reed & Beast Hoops, Skirt Card. Silk and Linen hntulkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linen and Cw.tum Floss, Tidy Yarn, &e. Also the best and cheapest assortment of Col. ars, and Undersleeres, in town. need and Plain Jacenet, Mull Muslin, Swiss. Plain, Fig ured, Skirt Bcltt• Marseilles for Copes, and a variety of white goods too macros , : to men. lion. Spring and Tit:hit Shawls, White I)elaine for Cope.. itlantillas, &c. Alen, Cloths, flosritners. Cassinets. Twee , is, Jeans, MuslinF, Cotton Drill, Nank..ens, Ticken.T.iblo Diapers, Flannel., &es s A 1.., large It ol Bonnets, Flat, &e. ritoetS I%tioc6, the largest and cheat pen n•••••rtlitotnt 11l t.lWn• , II A3l W.AitII, Q 7.12121213 1,7; ituek,,,, BRAels, (Thur., llrmaa , [trusties, 4c. Carpets, 17:Gt12fi. lihi, nal Salt, Sugar, 'I ~ ,and all 1412011 S u-tially kept in a ea,lemers, mid us many .w ones us et owd in are respectfully requestecliu mute aim examine mv goods Ali kinds of euuutry produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID P. GWIN. April 11, 1858. V 1110421 CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened ! And will be sold 30 per oent. ('H EA PIKII4 TH AN HEA PEST! 1.1 BOMAN re-pertfullt in'ortna Ilia eustu- L , niers and the puhlie generally, that he hoe Ow opened at his siere•rooin in Market Square- Iltudinadon.a splendid new stuck of Ready made I iclhipg for Pall and Winter, , !..t ,fie.per , fion the tame quality t:. „ , pur,,,,e,1 al retail in ~ I,k ~,t,11,110 went in tho country. ' 1 1 . ..1.1, 1%1 , 1111, 111 Illiy elOthing wll , ll I ,h, ..sol stuck before' .111.., liars, laps, will he gold lower than at any other , ,I.ll+ltitiriil in the county. April 1. 1858. .11)11:5 COLLARS & UNDERS VERVIi 14 to great variety at the cheep store of D. P. SWIM MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS THE GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED. DEAN & SALTER, Successors to !Becket & The New York Weekly Gulden I' is one of the lairgett and best :iterary papers of the day—an Imperial Quarto. containing eight pa ges, or forty colonies, of the most interesting anti fescinating reading matter, from the pens of the very first writers of the day, ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK, A PRESENT, Worth from 53 Cents to $4OO 00, Will ba given to each subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription money. This is presented as a memento of Friendship, and not as uu inducement to obtain subscribers TERMS: 1 Copy for I year, $2 00 and I Present. 1 " 2 " 3 50 2 Presents. I C 4 3 44 5 00 5 " I CI 5 CI 800 5 " AND TO cLons, 3 Copies, 1 year, 5 00 3 " 5 td 700 5 a 10 " e• 15 00 10 a 21 ~ o 30 00 21 a The articles to he given away are comprised in the following list : 2 Packages of Gold, con'g $5OO 00 each. 5 do do do 200 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each. 10 Patent Lever llunt'g Watches 100 00 each. 20 Gold Watches 75 00 each. 50 do 60 00 each. 100 do 50 00 each. 300 Ladies' Gail Watches 35 00 each. 200 Silver Hunting Watches 30 00 each. 500 Silver Watches SlO 00 to 25 00 each. lOM G'11:1 Guard, Chains $lO 00 to no 00 each Gold Locket;, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Souls, Watch Kays, Gold and Sil ver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 each. We will present to every person sending us 50 subscribers, $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth $4O: in any 'me sending us 100 subscribers, at $2 wet,. a Gold Watch, worth $9O. Every st,eri:., will also receive a present. Immediately ou receipt of the money, the sulicrilier's name will he entered upon our book , and tl.e present will be forwarded within one week, by mail or exprass, post paid, Itir Ail communications should be addressed to DEAN & SALTER, Proprietors, 335 Broadway, New York. June 9, 'sB:— THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY EVER KNOWN TO MAN! 1-.XLVDOEMY'fiI 1 NI PRO V ED BLOOD-SEARCHER. HR. L S )SEY has discovered a remedy that will cure all diseases arising tram impure Wool, which is the foundation of all diseaser. I will warrant it to cure all the withitnnamed diseases, such as INFIA MMATORY RHEUMATISM. Sercy'nhi, Humors ollhe Skin, Tumors, Uleers on the Head or Body, and all Break•oals on the Fare. And it will alas cure all Indolent Ulcers of many years standing; Sore Mouth, caused from using mureury. and will ',ellen. mercury, from the system. When the IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER operates on mercury, all other impurities of the blood will be Recut from the system, awl it purifies the blood ss pure so vegetable ine'icine can make it; bud when t h e blued is pure, the man woman or child, will take no disease, for the impure blood which is the cause of disease, is gone. it will also cure all Debilitated Diseases, such as drive from a derangement or the liver; it will bring the liver into a Imanhy action, and will restore the ',idiom to IWII.IIII. F 111- SA LE Ill' John Rend. Huntingdon.— Jos. P. ll.ton, Cassvilla. Jos. John6ton, Pe tersburg. Silas Cresswell . !demob'''. Wm. Davis, Shaversville. Fronds., Iran Co. Greens- Mug Furnace. Boddie & Stewart, West Bar ron. Sand. W. Myna, Saulsburg. It. Mc- Money. Mc Alovys fort. Elias Musser. NMl aryl- fury. Joseph Douglass, MeConnellstown. J. D. Ilidbrick & Co- Marklesburg. Wm. Leas, Shirleysburg. Orhison, Orbleu ma. D. 11. Morrison & Co. Blain' Mills. M. A. RObiSIIII & Co. Shnde Gap. Lyra Short & Co. Baldeagle. H. C. Walker, Alexandria. Jas. Clark & Son, Birmingham. F. M, Bell & Co. Warriormark. G. 11. Stiller, Snruee Creek. .1. W. :Vattern, Meehanieksville.— Sand. Matters, Mechanicsville. Huntingdon, Feb. 24th, 1858.—Gm 20 prim CENT. SATED ! ! ! COMPETENT ,lITOGES bare now decided that at least 20 per cent. in saved by purchasing all HARDWARE end PAINTS at the regular HARDWARE STORE OF JAM ES A. BROWN. T. cond..o this puhlic ttavantage the sub .eriber hits just returned from the East, with a piste stud. t.f HAI;DWAIIE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, CUTLERY, HOLLOW -WARE, PAINTS, SADDLERY, OILS, COACH TRIMMINGS, &e. Which he has carefully selected, and bought at reduced prices, front the hest houses in the United Stales. Thus he is enabled to sell whole sale and retail extremely tow. Country deal ers, Builders, Mechunies, and the people gener ally are respectfully invited to call. All order, reels prompt attention. N.B.—Persons indebted to the late firm James A. Brown A ( 7 0, arc requested to nolhe illantedlele payment to JAS. A. BROWN, Hootingdon,Apr.B,'sB. Dr. John McCulloch, niters his prufessiiinal services to the citizens I ULI mai ',Edo:land vicinity. Office, on Hill st. betwecn cionicry and Bath. , n Aug. 20, 1855. H ALI, HONE, REED AND BRASS V V Hoops and Reed Skirts, for Cole at the eh cup store of I). GWIN. A LETTER-COPIER FOR SALE. An excellent one Mr sale at this office. This 8 one of Adams' No. 1 Cam and Lever Press, BOOTS & SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town, at D. P. GWIN'S. GUNI SIIOER, cheaper at 1). P. G WIN than can he had in town. Call and to .4 at i phlogistic Salt. ' this celrbioWd medicine is for sale at the Journal t fflice Fur all inflammatory diseases it is 14 pure. Get a lire and try it, ye who are afflicted. 1 000 POCKET KNIVES, some of the Best in the world, for sale by JAMES A. WN. I , OW LINES and BOAT ROPES, to, sale at the ilattlware btore or JAMES A. BROWN. `TONE. CROCKS, JARS, large stock L. , for 601st st manufacturers' prices by JAMES A. BROWN. T trl3l3' DRESS GOODS, of rich et l e 'l4 sad rano heap et D. P. (MIN'S. MIKELLANEOUSAKERTISEMENTS zyoogimam[pgs MACHINE SHOP AND FRENCH A BEHR Aix A 7? MILL STONE :I'? IDIAMTLIWOM. Corner of Germantown Road and New Market Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand or made to order, the fol lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery. Woodward's Patent Portable Mills nnd Smut Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bra Due• tars. Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. Pierson's Patent Barrel Hoop and Moulding Machines. Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill Spindles. WARRANTED, The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr & Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster Crushers. ALSO SOLE OWNER OF Johnstone Patent Cast Metal Can- cave i 1257.1 IiTATTIPp East and ouch - EE of the Ohio an Mississip- pi Rivers. Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Ground, from I to 21 lbs, of standard flour, which could not be bolted out on account of the electrical adhesion to the Bran. NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa. tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vie lotion of the Letters Patent of Joseph John stor., dated April 24th, 1854. THOMAS B. 'WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for all the shove Machines for Sale. A ugust 29, 1855. BLANKS.--Always buy your Blanks at the " Journal Office." We have now prepared aye ry wyeriorartiele of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, JUDGMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC U. lONSAr. BOOKS! BOOKS! 40000 VOLUMES of new and popular Books, embracing. every variety usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and ninny of them at half the Publisher's retail price, thesubseriber now offers to the public. All school books used in the county can he had in any guantines at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper, wholesale or by the ream. 100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold Cases, trout $1 upwards. 100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. 100 splenslitt Port Alonnaiesand Pocket Books at 20 ets. and upwards. 3.000 PIECES WAIL PAPER, of the latest and prettiest styles, just received from Philadelphia and New York, mires from to cts. piece and upwards. beautitnll3 painted and gold gilted Win dow Shades ut 44 ets. and upwards. The public l nee but to call and examine, to be convinced that in buying of the above stock they wII be pleased and also save money. Re the place. corner of Montgomery and Railroad streets AVM. COLON. Apr.25,'56. I JEANUTS.-5000 Bitslirls Wilmington Pea. nuts in store and for side by WM. N. SIIUGARD, cr 191 'North 3d street, Phila. tIONFECTIONARY.—PIain and fine Con• feetionary munu:itetured and ror sale b y WM. N. tiIIUGARD, 323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. I RANGES AND LEMOSS.-500 bc....2 Or • ranges snd Lemons in store and for sale !.y WAL N. SHUGARD, 323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. l) AISINS.-1,000 Boxes Bunch and Layer 1, Raisins in store and for sale hy. Wlll. N. SiIUGART), 323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. F's•DATES, PRUNES, CITRONS, Currants, in storo oud for sale by WM. N. SIIUGARD, 323 or 191 North 3d btretr, Phila. A LMONDS, WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS and Filberts in store and for sale by Wlll. N. SIIUGARI), 5ept.9,'57.-ly. 323 or 191 N'tla 3d st., nibs xuNtrumaitou c ~r%~ ~i 9 , 3 HE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon 1 Mill, inform fnrmere and the public general. that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the water wheels and machinery. They have put in five of the Improved Jon•. vnl Turbine tauter Wheels, and can grind in all stages of the water, ants during the coldest. weigher. any and all kinds of groin. . They are prepared to sell, and have no Lotted for sale at all times. at market rates, nil Lind a FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and larmers can have their own grain gi , ind, and take it hack in a return load, or they rail be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop ped teed. THE MUT 'MACHINE is of an improved manufacture; and they will insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quail ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill. FISHER & McMURTRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. 44•-6414.• DR. J R. HUYETT Z N s ; ALEXANDRIA, HUAT. CO., PA. April 1, 1857.-Iy. MENS' UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS Linen Shirt Breasts, Resdy-mode Shirts, white and fancy shirts, and enlists, very cheap at 1). P. OWIN'S. SILK BONNETS in great variety and cheap at 0. P. OWIN'S. 1 1 110 t. (tLIEPE3MIIIOII* ATTORNEY-1T LA ll', Willattend to ell buyineos entrusted tohint.Of% flee nearly opposite the Court House May 5. WV TIOUGI.S SS & SIIERWOOMPPatent Ex. tension Skirts, fur wale only by Flatten & McMunnum. Glass Preserving ,Inca, different sizes, for swlah r lYflu ha I MolgUialtillk I%a - t All kinds of 6 fi 4 , BLANKS orisTANlnir OY UAXD. g o : . occoo.ooocaomo 11 RAILROAD HOURS. TRAINS GOIRO EAST. Mail T. I Ex. T. I fast I'. Train leaves P. M. A. M. P. M. Petersburg, 1.06 4.02 8.01 Huntingdon, 1.22 4.17 8.20 Mill Creek, 1.33 4.27 838 Mt. Union, 1.47 4.41 8.47 1 %INS Gone; Weal. Train leaves P. M. A. M P. X Mt. Union, 4.32 6.43 8.56 Mill Creek 4.48 6.58 8.88 Huntingdon, 5.03 7.11 8.48 Petersburg, 5,:0 7.23 8.68 U. K. NEFF, M. D., WAVING located hints& in WAaetonMAat 11 in this county, would respectfully alir his professional services to the citizens of that pine. and the eountry aojarent. REFFERENCEM J. B. Laden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Or mson, E n . J. 11. Dorsey, " /lon. James Gwiun, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq Hen. George Taylor, Ruh Jacob M Gemmill, M. P., /1/examb John M'Culloeh, Petersburg ♦p74 do., "4 A. P. Wits°. R. Bacon PliTlll44lll WILSON & PETRIKIN, .d7TOR.IVEYS 47' LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Practice in the several Courts of Hunt'Nolan Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata Cosa• ties. March 23, MS. Cheapest "Job relating" Olke IN TMAZ COVNI/T. We hem now wade such arrangements in one Job (Bice as will enable us lo do all kinds a/ Job Printing at 20 per cent. cheaper rates Than any Unice in the County. Give us u call. If no don't give entire to t isfem• tiun, no charge at all will ha mode. mnE Iftrgest and elleapeit ,took of fancy Silk and colored Straw Bonnets in town, is as FISLIER & DIC+URT Rita. ALL -WOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, Liet and Hag Carpet. Also, Cocoa, Jute and Ala coot Mats, eau be had cheap at the store ct FISHER Ii UcAiverao rINEIE greatest varlet y of the richest styles A. P ]tress Goods anti 'trimmings can always found at the fashionable store of Fantle ic AlcMcitrase. T H. latest and newest styles Ladies' Collate, Figura( & MclSlctrints's. 01.0AKS, Talmas, Rigolettes, Vietoriros and Head Dresses, are sold at prices which 41.1.1 competition by Fesitno & McMuaTsua. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS end CAPS, the largest stock ever brought to tcrun are .s ing very cheep at FISHER & McMnirrnts. DLA NKETS, Plnitls, Flannels, Linseys, as al prices, at the mammoth store of Flan Lit Bt. Morrass MOURNING COLLARS, of the bmdsea est received by Fimar it MoMouton. NEW AND CIIEA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE VII) (iItOVE informs the citizens• ei Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public gee, (Tally, that he has opened a Grocery Store on Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of Wm. Orbison's residence, where he will at all times be prepared to supply customers with ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, CHEAPER THAN TIIE CHEAPEST , at wholesale and retail. Sugars,Coffee, T!aa, Molasses, Cheese, Spites, onfectionartima Hams, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Sonars, Tobao. co, &c., Ste.; in fact, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. As I ant determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest, I want everybody to calland mulles my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE. Huntingdon, July 29,'57:1y. IN BLAST AGAIN 1 Huntingdon Foundry.. 111 Tim SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME " thod of inlorming their Wends and the pa's lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt. ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful sp eration, and ere prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of the best quality on the 'hottest no- tice and most reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and examine our Ploughs. We are menutecturing the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the Iluutingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) Men Ilinitor's celebrated Cutter Plough, whick can't be beat. together with the Keystone, Hill side, end Bershear Ploughs. We have on hand and are manulecturing Stoves, such as Cook, Parlor and Oleo stoves for coal cr wood. BOLLOW-WilltEl consisting of Betties ' Boilers, Skillet., &e., all of whirls will be sold cheep for cash or in ex change fur country produce. Old metal taken fur hew castings. By a strict attention to busi ness and desire to please, we hope to receive • abate of puh'ic patronage. J. M. CUNNINWsI4.II 4 BIM, April 1111), 181 .a