Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 22, 1858, Image 3
GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! IirLII,IIIDID farlirgis 1 At 439 Chestnut Si. The only 01-191001 GO Book Store.• G. G. Evens would irform his friends and the public that his Star Gift Book Store Anil Pub lishing house is perniiinetitiy esiiiblislied in Brown's alilindid Iron Building, 639 Ch es t nut at. two doors below Fifth, 'where the purchaser of each book, at the regular retail price. will re ceive one of the following gills, valued at from 26 coots to $lOO : Wort/. 550 Patent EPglish Lever Gold Watches, $lOO 00 each. 550 Patent Anchor Lever Gold Watches, 50 a 400. Ladies' Gol 1 Watches, 18k. eases, 35 00 " 600 Silver Bunting \Vetches, warranted, 15 00 " 500 Parlor Timepieces. lu 00 " 500 Cameo Sets. Ear Crops and Pins, 10 00 " 5@D Lai ies' Gold Bracelets, 5 DO to 12 00 •• 500 Gents' Vest and Fob Chains, 10 Ou 1000 Gold Lockets (large size • double ease.) 10 00 'I 2000, Gobi ..soekets, (small sine.) a 00 a 1000 'Gold Pencil Cases, with. Gold Pens, 8 00 IS 1000 Extra Gold Pens with eases • and holders, 8 50 " 8000 Gold Pencils, (Ladies'.) f 00 " 9580 Gold Pens; with Silver Pen cils, 2500 Ladies' Gold Pens, with Ca . ses and Holders, 1 50 " 6500 Gld Rings, (Ladies,') t 00 •• sooa Gents' Gold Ring, 2 so " 2300 Ladies' Gold Brestpins, 9 50 " 3500 Misses' Gold BLeastpins, 1 50 " sOOO Pocket Knives, we " 2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs,2 50 45 2000 Sets Gents' Gold 'Moore Buttons, 2 50 " 2000 Pairs of Ladies Ear Drops, 2 50 • POOO Ladies' I'eurl Card Cases, 5 15000 Ladies' Canton, Jet, or Mosaic Pint, 6 00 " MO Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Pins, • 1000 Articles of Gold Jewelry, Gift Bank, 5,, et., not 'enumerated in the ahoy., worth from 25 cents to $25. Event' new Cat dog.. which is sent flee to all parts of the country, eontahH nll the most Popular books of the day end the newest pub lications, all of which will lie sold us low us urn be obtained at other stores. Agents wanted in every town in the Colon, — Tlloeo desiring so to act, con obtain full partir whirs by addressing the above. N. B.—Being largely interested ir. .1)0.1:- leg books, and huying from other publisheis in immense quantities, tier cash, I not nil 1,1 to make larger discounts to Country Agents and Book Dealers than can he had at any other house in the country. Any hook published in the Un tel Staten, the • retail price of which is ono dollar and upwards will be.proinptly sent, Gilt included, on receipt • of publishers price. An extru $1 Book and Gift given to .y per son orderirg ten hooks to be sent to one ad -dress. . Send for a Catalogue. Mitres., G. 0. EVANS, Publisloms) Aug. 31st, '50.-35a. 439 Chestnut St. Phila. PUBLIC NOTIl!E. i The Executive Commitfre Intv., deemed it Notice is hereby given, that I warn all pee• expedient the pee,ta pmr to dila...• with a sons from purchasing, from Edward Cox, a. 4 dtieretionaly Cut mittpu and award mi pwilli dated April, 1838, and due on the 17th or He- kme for article t not mentinael in the li t. This cember, 1850, given by me, foe tea dollars,. ' ttrren.,tit, , ,r dt n.O intend,d ut in,r , 'err, with I do not inland to pay said note. ur proeat thy uxiii.b;tiou of aL,y article wile, ELIZABETH SHANK. ener Aug.lP,'3B,llt Hammonton Lands, YEW ENGLAND SETTLEMENT. RARE OPPORTUNITY. TO ALT, WANTING FARMS Tti a healthy pl.e, twenty-live miles from Phil '. adelphia, an the Cainden Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. An out estate has recently liven opened for sale, and th a first division of 10.00 a acres divided up into farms of twenty acres up wards. The soil is of the hest quality air the production of bolts, grains, &c. The price is slsas2o per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly instalments, within a term of four years, with 111 interest. The terms are made easy, in order 10 insure the rapid improvement or the hold, by en abling every industrious man to buy a farm. It is now being extensively improved by good roads and some of the hest citizens from New England and the Middle States are erecting lingo tniprove ments. It is a scene of the greatest improve ment out of Philadelphia. Seventy-live lieu,s have been built in four months. Priotical i'ar mere and business men from the length toot COMMON STOCK. Be breadth of the Uttion are settling there. Ii is asas. t draught stallion, 7 00 important business ;due, on account of its M big ii,,t 3 year old do., 4 00 in the midst of a great market. Every article P.est 1 year old do., 2 00 raised upon this land findsan immediate sato.— , lio , t mei , 1 year old., 3 OU The waster is excellent, and no such thing as fa- ' 2d li,st do.. 2 0:1 Ter is known. ' lio , i (illy, 3 year old, 3 00 The soil is a sandy or clay loam, with a clay 2,,,1 6,,,i d o ., 2 00 bottom end retentive of manures. It is free of 2,1 best do., Youatt. stones and is easily worked. It abounds hugely Best colt 2 year old, '3 1. 1 0 in the phosphates, and such is its rerplity that 2,16,, do., 2 01/ from the crops produced upon this l ~and and the IS iSt brood mare, 5 00 large area adjoining under cultivation, it will lia and .t to lie excelled anywhere in the prialue- 2d beat do., 3 (10 bon of crops most adapted to its market. 33 best do., 2 00 The render may be well nware ant the errliess Best yearling colt, 2 00 and the best rrui , s and vegetables come front New 2rl best do., 1 OU Jersey, which are annually exported to the 3 , 1 best do., Youatt. amount of millions of dollars. The lamp, be- Beat draught horse, 3 00 sides being in every ;say accessible for fertilizer. 2tl hest do , 2 o_o has en abundant supply or the best quality at gd hest d o ., 1 00 muck manure. Best riding do., 4 OU Lutnber anti building mnterinls rain he loti on 2d hest do., 2 00 the slot et a cheap price, from the mills. 0 her lt.',t p a ir match horses, li 00 mill are now being opened, and brick-yards I.eing , ~ 2d best no., 4 011 started on the ground. A person eau put lip a r , frame tenement for present convenience rot one i."'!" 1,11,11 /2 hors., 3 00 hundred dollars. On amount or the extensive 2 . 1 best do 2 00 emigration, this is the best course to pursue in or• hest ramilY hone; 3 01.1 der to get a place to lire in at first. Carl/ewers 2,1 bent do., 2 00 and builders are on hand to put up homes on the Bast pair mules. 4 00 best terms. 2d beat do., , 2 00 • ~..,,,, hero the ileigrant has many wives- .4unroVatj Committee.— Gen. S. Miles Green ill 6 0“••.. ' ••• hill. ' :' ,, lu of tile Fre it Jan. K. Hampton, ebbs. Lewis, Joe. S. Oaks, i ...,:i. He is within a lea .. taaalattu , 4 Dr, B. A, Miller. clt:es in the Middle Status and New .... e , le near his old friendsand associations ; he is in .. Classi.—Mat .904. Settled country, where every improvement an I 1 SHORT UOUN pomfort of civilization is at bassist ; i e is in a heal • shy place, and is not subject to the certainty of Best bull, losing the greater part of his Wilily Milt Ito emu 24 b e ., do., health by those malignant fever which inuke the n „, ~,.,,, graves of as many millions of the young and ',',',„;;" t. " d /. , hardy in far off reiguns amity from home and `.. " Best heifer . , friend.. Besides, he lion 11 Iliad elitists Wei an 2/I beat do., open winter. There are three trains daily to Philadelphia, , Best calf, and to all those who imi.rove the railroad coal. ! 2tl best do., pant. gives a free ticket. The reader will at once be struck with the ad- Best hull, vantages hero presented, and ask himself why the 2/1 best do., property has not been taken up before. The rem I Beat cow, son is, it was never thrown in Oar market ; and ' 2d hest (10., sinless these statements were correct no one would Br ,t heifer, be invited to examine the land haters purehming. !' '"'• "`""'r We all are expected to do. They will see the 31 hest dm, land under cultivation ; they will meet persons, Held ealf• DO doubt, from their own neighborhood ; they will 211 heat do., witness the improvements, and can judge of the , iiteracter of the population. Persons should Best bull, ewe premed to purchase, us many are locating 2,1 best do., and locations are not held on refusal. The Huninionten Fanner, a monthly Literary B e' t .. w / Best d., and Agricultutal paper, containing full informa tion of Hammonton, will he sent to each inqui- 1 p, t heifer, ter, and can be obtained at 25 cents per amino. 'lot best do., Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given, Beat calf, clear of all ineutubrance; when purchase money 2d best do., is paid. Route to the land i—Leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia. for Hammonton by railroad at 7i, A. M., and Si P. M; when there inquire I.e.R.'' work oxen, tor Mr. Byrnes, Boarding conveniences will be lti best do., ' found. Letters and applications can be teldressed "(IA * null, to S. B. COUGHLIN, 202 South PIPIT Street 2d b eat do., below Walnut. Philada. Maps and information ; Beat cow, abeerfully furnished. ' 2,1 best do., " Asp fa ilieforerib. Ilene WAN. 2 year n iot NEW AUVRTISEMENTS. I%TC:OribIEM. 2d best du., 1 00 • Awarding Cowntifica,—,Kenaie I. Gra t a, A getterel nieetitt, nf tl.e ,Stoel.holtfere of g n ov . kaiL . ld. p,,,,,..1,1,44i.,,,,,.purry Dl roar, the Ilimttigtl.ol and Broad T. tp 'Alton ult. jlll , l rhos. ‘vii , ,,,i,,,,, Jr. rend . and Ct.' C.,111.a11y, will 1,.• 1..•1,1 .11 . e.• ttesdny September I stit 1858 to 111 o'clock. a. Cure :I. —liege. on., at the Plittallelphill Ex111:111,1, Phila. 111 B. st hair, 5 00 consider the propriety .I'ra:cawing theptovisiona 2d hoyt do.. 0 of the net o tuamaltly, approved March 17th 3,1 la,,110.• . 2 1 1 0 f 0 1858 A 1011,1,41 0, the ismte of prefered Stock, 11 , 8 t row, 4 t 0 and for miter businesa in relation to the inter. 2,1 hest do., 2 00 ante of the Company. , Ilea litter of pigs, 3 50 By order of the Board of directors. ' 2 . 1 hull do, 2 00 .1. P. AERTSEN Sec. It. o ch •stcr white, 3 00 lint do., 2 Oil t; .1 limk,tiire, :i 00 2.1 Iwo do , 2 00 !v. , ',., g C.onimPleP.—Col, S. S. Wharton, • , , '.: , •,.. (Creek ) J t,liutt Greenland, John :., , Jr., Ilm.j. L. N..if. a s -PAll wonting to emigrate to a mild eli.n.ur 1,01111 soil 1.1 title Market. see 1111Verlinell,as tlananonton latuds.• As g. 25.-65. Notice to Coal itiirclinsers. THE qiii,,Hber iv uuw prepared 1.. 1 . 11r1;IIIIi Coat Si. Coke at his h:n :it Sta tion, on the Punted. Itintraad, i f an ,0141 duali ty . eon be hail en the mountain. I sill run coal to I inllidayslowg, or min other point on t e Penn'. Riii.natd, if application is made person ally or he liter. ,51.20-1 will agree to deliver COKF. el in ear, at jar awl a gum*, celes per 1,1,4. • trf viz t—Thirty-live round+ to the bushel. ttr I - liver it in my "so ears, st any point desired, at the lowt, posOile rotes. Fur either 4,t' the above roblre f. NIMONI(O.E, Ilemloek, Clutihria Conuty, l'a, whero all ordpra will ber propiniily attended to. Aug. 25, 1858.61. ISO" FARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 NIMES 1 . 1 - 111..ADELl'IlLt by Railro ti in the state of New Jersey. Soil sunup.; the best for Agricultural purposes, heist; a g., .1 loam with a ..lily button,. The bind i 4 a large tr a ., di% bled into small farms. and hundreds from all parts or the country. cut now se Hilt, and (hog. The crops eau be seen growing. Terms trout $l5 to $2O per acre, payablo within boar Yours hY installments. To visit the plaee— Leave Vine it,. IVllarf at Phila. at 7h a. to. by Railroad for littitattenton, or ad.irei., 11..1 8.,- be latter. See lull advertisement in an - other euluttin.-2t. • PRLMIUMS AND. REGULATIONS FOURTH ANNUAL EXIIMITION lIT\T. CO. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. lb be had at float implwt. nit Wed norday, rharsdo y and Friday, October 6M, 714 0.1 6111, IUSS. REGUL.ITIONS All stock, articles lutd mailufiteturei orro,d for exhibition must he entered on ttud on the Fatir grutawl by I? M. or Tiee:ably, in order to let ailniitteil to competition a w l re wain until the close of the Fair on Fritlity eve• . . . I. 7 recuitnnii will ha awarded on Friday after 11,9011. Awarding Cam nth te.of have the power of fff.ififif , t vacancins, and are requested to fin•. 'Hell critics reports. Pricen of 'rickets for tneuthership, $l. Sin. gle adtaission, 2 vents. SIiGGESTIONS. The funds uf the Society are at present It.x and the premiums awarded consequently light. ASSOCItIoIIUtI will rely upon the pnLlic spir is anal liht.rul emoltiet to (Pa tellow eittzem, to ttIIAAILI their oVill Soot•Itly, untl by . Si o t !even. the industrial art.!, ItgrICIIII.UrIti iut prtorVIOCIIIS in our Cities 1— //ord.. 15,0 br 2.1 I.eht du., boit flo., . , fleot 2 gene old, 2cl bent do., 3d best do., Best gelding, 2 yenr old, 2,1 be, do., 3d be, dn., Boot filly, • 2d boot do., itil beet do., Be, colt ti mos. old or under, 2il beet do., 3d best do., ALDERNEY. 00t41101.1. I 2,1 bext ISi~,+[Dolt, .1 -.Rhrxp. huvk (I3.lkl'Nl•II) i , ~ , ,I utiikinwn) ~.'.i .r ~ ~ 1, !,, , I 1. .1, 1.1 !,, Cluns B. ilowinp. d, 4 (14) I 1;•••1 d-zoo of witdpr, do., :i Ut) 1 241 b., (h., 2 DO i 14,4 fall do.. flu,. 1. DO I 2.1 1,....t do., !warding Cummitee.—.lolin Co'dcr. , la:.' 13, , ti1ti,1 w.t ales . ) var'ety of pe:telles,li Ilerhe,mw, Jmbes It. 1.311 e, Dit. 1 V .•. -,1 .hi , t id liarrick, Cla. 6.-3grieultural lin l .l ni• 3 im Ul I,,:+t lik•st harrow, 2,1 b,•st .10.. 13 , s , ut,llivator, 21 2.1 11,st .10., 2.1 241 b.... do.. and r. Wigton, t;eo. Suing 8:0 ht r. Chi,s7.—Grairt. Best white wheat, 1,e61 11.1 be, Best red, 2d best do., :Id lie, do., Beg yellow corn, 2,1 best do., Best white do., 2.1 hem rye. 2tl best Beg 24 beg do., Bout bile!C wheat, 2.1 hug do., Hem barley, hI best Awardin;t eintunittee.—Ditvid Dlill. IIIUS. Stvwart, Buys Et.trikpa. [lass 8. —Dume , ic Monetlactures Butables. 4 00 Yountt oo II rasa. est bread, 2.1 i , e,i, do., 3d best d.i., Best pt uud cake, 2 , 1 b,•et. lit -,L ,rtmge cake, ::d bent do., Best jelly cake, 2d best do., B. at ?A best do., tics' batter, 3d best do., 3d best do., Bost cheese, 3d best 11.. Best tbot,,,tic auger, 2tl Beal tonidu molasses, 2d best dc., Brat Sorgitunt toolimes, 2d best dii., LSrsinppie batter, 3d best do., Beet toonno ketchup, 3d best do., 2d hest do. licit jelly, 2il best 11,,,, • Best preserve., 2d best do., Best puck tis, 2.1 bast do., Ite,.dono.stic Wine, •.d best do., 3,1 b.,' do., vt,,ecar, 3d best do., Best barrel of flour, 2.1 best Awitriliiig Cow ittoe.—Wtn. Dorris, .1 Fanny NAL Mrs. Mary Nell, (Alex 11.d.n.tit Breen, Geo, W. Juliiistui CiasN anochuld Fabrics. 1 00 YouKtt. 2 00 1 00 Yount. 2 00 1 00 Younit. 3 00 Best Cm pet 2 , 1 hest Best Flannel, 2•t hest do., bang " • guilt , 2d bost 34 hest do., Be. hearth suit, 211 best do., Best pair woolen socks, Best worsted socks, Best rn natnental Best needlework du., 2,1 best do., Best hard soap, 211 best do. Best eninlies, 24 bent Anmeding Commillee.—Johji Porn , amindria ; Miss. Pruden, Jucl.sot Emily J. Love; Miss. Sarah A. Lee; 5 00 I Asl tttttt it. 3 00 Class 10.—Pitney Needle and or, 4 00 tv" . 3 00 Best specimen of fancy needlework, 3 00 , 24 best do 2 00 Best shell work, 2 0 0 2d hest do., 1 00 Best ornamental needlework, 2,1 best, do., Best seheneil embroidery, 6 00 Best Crotchet work, 4 00 Best lamp mut, 5 00 Best net work, 3 00 Best worsted quilt, 4 00 Best bead work. 3 001 Best silk embroidery, 3 OS Boa nitomus. 5 od 3 OU 4 00 $ 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 V 00 2 00 1 00 Bent 1. 1. ,,, Ki1,te , 1 , 11111,S, .114 la, ollog die —P. H. Lane; Mint, C. T. 100111,11, SUMO Shaver, sial. An. na, (}.'ii. H. Steiner, Class ifecitanicta,lngentents and Man. Best two liiivse carriage, liwzay, ant singla harness, Strait, g harness, " saddlr.:ti„l bridle, " pair ui hauls, " shoes, 4, Mile (if sale leather, 1 00 kip and calf skin, 1 00 " side harness and tipper leather, 109 " tut iif ettinetware, 3 00 Mid ,jri•latest variety tin ware, 1 00 " tl,t. astotio and earth ware, 1 00 •. washing machine, 60 1 00 meat vessel. 1 00 epeemien oinoirble work, e. ok stove. 00 3 110 5 00 3 00 5 (10 3 • Do horse Nhoes, A W ilnne,lirl. Snip H. IS,II. I avoly Cr,ssweil, A. Om( Myton, R. Cla4B 12—Fruits. Bost mid variety o! apples, 2,1 3,1 do. ..7 . , •11 al 1%0 apples, iii .1 Awl ,r..riti,t veriety t.rf !wars, ..r/...11 dr 1 , 1 .t.•=l 11,. aid gretttllSl variety of t, .i•, , t , ..1 ,ri variety of emu " t tht.. •;: A. • .',N .1 -.1 ~,,* t - t t il. M :t. b ' l 2 (;;1,1) 75 • .i of tomatued. 1 oi, 1, , 1;. - ` I. paritti tit rot 4, 3 00 2 00 l ou • tup.ips, l!'• 1. '40011.4, ".. do.. 0.. cauliflower, 5 „ do., „„ It, d „„ pie 00 1 2.1 lost do., 50 I Hest sq.u.shes, 1 00 I l'.l 50 11., ivuter melon. 1 00 brst do., So 111, inu,katelon. 1 tHi b 110., 1 00 I bt.,t la ans. ' hest do., 1 ~,, . . -- ,11 1,1 ileA di), 25 1 l"' %wording rontnitstee— Dr. Jon. M 'rid I •rl,, V,' isha Shoemakor, Mrs. E Stitt, Miss 1 °,'„-' Utah en:lnnis, John gong. Chi. s 14—/Yoi al 1 0i) 50 1',..- iti,,piny of flowers in blown, 801 1 ' Oil ".1 10.5 t do., 2 00 :in :H .'e-t do., 2 00 100 ro 51 iliAploy of plants in bloom, 200 lid •2,1 11,•st do , 1 00 2 00 1 Zld beet do, 50 1 00 Nest ii• play of dohs as in bloom, 800 tat•. 1 00 . 211 hest „ 11,. 2 nil 00 i }id best ila.. 1 00 2 00 : 11,1, hogort of daloilia, 50 I 0 0 Pwo bmilitat of f10W , ., 50 Jr.. 'I”. ' •.:(1 hest do . ''',', xa11', ,, 1 ,, / 8.-51 floral design, 2 110 m; l ' - ' l. I.d 11,4 do., 1 ‘,41 50 Administrator do bonus nom ~...2 , 1 . .1d hc•rt do . ' . ' .1w ...rho,: 1 'morn Itte. , — Ed Snare, Ni c ,r, A. , ••18: 18 . Gt• roar •, .. ~ 2.0,, ...., st ts o•von, 11 , s. •Irerephi,,... c 11 e ,.,„ .11'ERARY BIJItE.III. - ~. • ~,1 , . , ii , N i,,,,,,,,,„, D u ll . CA J A D o o,, An c•• perieheed Ed.t,.. air A li!ii or, 2,n0 i C .404 15 --Plattity. 1 andß tlamougltly educated Literary Nitro, wk.. . ' ry 44 oh r•verlty•live years of the rlrtabrery of lilt Best awl largos, trot pure bred. .looraalism, has determined to hire out '° :2 1 hest. do., 2 1 O l' t4l, ', l ' -' ,, it rt i'3' ,..,•li his britios at rotail. to those who may 1 • i: ' 8.-st pie or two of Aungliais, I 1h i require their services, in any honorable way. hd ' Alen trams, Itr.sines. leut, Inventors. nod 1 pi, 3,0i.i . - , d . 11,1•1'' ' -,d, will be supplied, off hand " LI ••t (I' , hit , f ili " a ' 0 5 ' . 1 ,,.. ~,,, 0 c 0... c r , ! , with ~ , ,k, , ,,i,,,,,,,, (poetical or otherwise,) 50 •-d ho-t do.. - ' N. :1•••... C.0.d., C,r , slam. or try species of itr• IMO 11 , st do. hr4limepootra, i ~,, i ,,,, ....!, -,, , ,i. 3" f.ct I,c o do,, '" ('oliticri•o , will be supplied with Speeches, 1,1 !" 114-.1 do dorkitrgs ; 1 ,"' ltvparnt, li,-.-„Mill., I. , •tters Toasts, P a m, *: , l la st du., .i), pl,lets. Editorial . Articles, dommuoicutions, 1•1 ..: 13• e t do spangled hamburg . I th , nod ewe ry sort of lirriirework, which they way .1 ) :, t , ti ,d it inemvenient or troublestarne to do then, • • i -.I be e do, . rr 4,1 A • • 1 rkives. a; Atlas, lit t•I tit, game , f any 1 ,, , Variety, I,, i die, and Gentlemen, of every rank in so• It:chard , 2rl hr st do , 5 , ' chop or °unveil. 11 life, 2RII have Letters 8,—.1 /lei !WNW ', 1 (19 , Wrilloa on nay subject, whether !tattiness or itt4o.avisial ~1 1 .. s .. 3.1. 50 sewininntal. . $l,llO tioc4 do. ja ea fowl, 1 00 . The ad ou•VOSer will 0. , conduct, or translate 50 Correspondence of every Irbil, either English, 10 '241 r err, / 00 Freuch, Spanish, German or 1.111111. 1.00 ll',, do. cv . ixt- , 1 breed, ('nutty,('nutty,Acrostics, for Allmore JS'otes. Billet -50 24 hem do. t ' 0 ' ' Mrx, Monodies, and Compositions of the most 1 00 Be, 1 "orl;ey, 0 0 delicate and imnfuleutial character, incident to 50 '2,1 1 , , s , do , 50 every possible cirmonstanee ur 44vetrt is life, . l : i 11 , et II orbs. 1 00 w,ll he furnished in roviolable concnieuce, by '',l b , ' do., 50 writing to the uodersiwied, and explaining 50 1 00 their wishes. 50 R. at ueese, 5 0 Orders by mail. accompanied with cash. will 50 •2 , 1 host d.. 1 0 0 be *icily ...a pr...iloy attended to Address 50 . Best guinea (owls, J. TIIOMPSUN, Literary Bureau, 50 i 2d best do . 50 I Boa 2285 Philadelphia I'. 0. 1 Pa. 4. Awarding Cornmittee--Dr I), Houtz, A.c.E.18.'68,17 H, B. Wigton, John Finney, ht. Bender- I son, .111 m Myerley, D. Clarkvon. G W. entffluv. John Owens, Win. K. Rabin, 'rho. P. Love, Goss 16—Painting. Bost oil pointing, 2.d best do., $2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 •at lithograph in oil, best do.. It oil !minting on glass, 2d best do.. (3,•st cram' drawing. al best do. Best pointing in water colors, :2tl best do , A wsrding Committee— Rev. A. 'M. Rir nitz, Mrs. I") lUair . Miss Ju in Charlotte Kidder, 11iss Ann Young CiSr - E'xhibiiiirs are required to have thew stork and articleq entered on the husks at the Mike Were they are admit ted to the pronto!. Any uersoos having any stock nr • les for exhitiiiion con etticr them at ar y t i,, e prrviuus to th, cuinitimicent •ut of the Fair the Secretaries of the snow and ill so 'loin they will he reqtti• red m I no pas '- Me with tevard to the nee, pedigree, treat ment &c o tit; an tools. l'rt.itc‘nnt: OW; in 110 case be given wi:ery thr mom .1 ur utiworihy. Icy, IN C. WA'l sON, l'rest. St. I P. liAmEv. Sec. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 11t11TTSIFY READ 'rIILS: I Lintersi,ned takes this :11..thoti 4' juror. rho tiitrii is nu incil t,h to the t .htic that is vie:tt to pt: ALT:i it kI.VAXIC OIL in re:tureitt4 ,nti, hatnanity. ; ver of its effect, in a friend of a t tae, 10 1 11 SllllllOll e , rrything trout a tour ion whielt e-ist,i the blotused iral teeattneot in Centre t.oonty. We applied freely the (1111V , II1il. 10 tat• painful am, and g,rt• T., 1110 111 , 111 . 111 Y, 11.1 in 20 minute. the pa -61111 %141.1 1 ,1 11 4 1 1.1., t•tul wilt tt 11,,114: W/1s Fret. free :o! cootine.l ,0 —This 1, 110,iliV0 11 I ant ittat.e :loud at any tr., .1 ea:, of 1. I.LON wit, ellrell in nearly the s.u.te length ul J. 11. 11A II N.rentre 11111. Centre county. ALTOONA. 131.1ir July 3,155. .1. 1) Sroxy.noto, Les,t, , toa it. lkat Sir-111r. Wm. TI,IINIIAVOII, Win has been ,allt ring several 1 %ear , tr, rbetimntiqn, got ,n ill that 1.14 friends and tt true ,unionoted to ~i tLIONEI Ilia death. 1 ihilficeil bin Oit.ll4lQ to try the vlrta t , or year preparation—the ant mt. L< 1110 Net re; stet t.etl. to their astonshment mud joy. he lie- t, pot I otter and better, and now, Au.•. lA 1858,1 y I knini, be is n hall« unit ;out tr.nn. Thin i> n,,t tl c "nll% CMne where the tiAtxiNie surna,ml human exnertittion+. In Drury ease wi, I hurt reenniireinled the Ott., it has done wino it itrumisis to do. Sent] us niunher S2o'et worth. I on I no I no I i , u 10G 1 01) I 00 Yours truly, 11. LEII1:11, Aug. le, '5B-Iy. D. 111% CLUMPS (E.ntmERLY L :ANS L CLARK) GREAT GIFT BOOK STORE, 44 North Queen Street, LANCASTHR, More Liberal Inducements than at any other similar Establishment in the Count ry. linviutt locnted myseli nt Lancaster, Po., where my expenses are ma shore one-fifth As eat 144 those of similar establishments, in Now York or Philsticlphin; and having laud extensive experience in the business--being nearly time years a partner of G. G. Evans, Esq., the nrieitatntor of the Gill Enterprise, I flatter myself that I out offer greater induce. moos flans any other concern in the United States. 1 1W 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 100 A gilt worth from 25 emits to 5.4100 will ac company each Book at the time offered. Ile...Agent , ' wanted in every town in the Unitt , tl &idea to whom most liberal iminem locos ore olfeuell. _ I have lately issued /I new Catalogne, corer• bIV. 32 paves. endulteitn! an infinite variety of itrstks of every description, n copy which um he mailed. posts, paid, upon application, to any address in the United States. Let no toe fall to send fora rep, Address D. W. CI.,'.iIC. Lancaster, Pa. REFER ENCEIii. We the uudist,t2nril ',liens of Lareaster, so fire us we tor are attlunittted with Cho. proprietor of the Gift Book St we of this vin, Le het,. that 111, aureemeut he makes will be ,trietly fulfilled. We have never ;icht. save that the utmost Po. ti~lhoiin: by his method of doing bus. C. 11. Ilm:s..mAN, Agent Conestoza Cotton J. It SKII.VS, Wholesale nod Retail Grocer, W. (I. Ectno. NllttlrY I I 1: , !, C. W 1,17. Trenstnor !monster City, t•; r)tnS. losoronee Agent. M. NI. rffil , tElt, Job Printer. An, Is. ',NB.-Ln. Erhoe of E,me.4 Chilcole dead.) ACIIIINISTRITOR'S NOTICE. tti A•boi.ti.ration oil the estata of Es. tab Chileme, late id Todd township deed., baying hero netted to the undersigned. he hereby u,aHies all fir,otis indebted tat said es• tote to make immediate payment, sad all ,tan' having claims will pres,,it the same duly atithelitivated for DA VII) CLARKSON, (Emit,le of John Illorningslar, dec'd.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - TTTJ•dRS of Administration nn the estate of ' JJ John Morningstar, late of Tod township, deed., haring been gra-tted to the undersign cd, lie hereby notifies all persona indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and; those haring chants will present the same duly ; autbentiented for settletnent. PHILIPS GARNER' Admin JOEIN BEAVER. August. 18. 58. 6t. 1 00l 50 1 00 Toww vs CouNntv.—Ws notice as the warm weather grows apace, the denizens of pent up cities seek the unbrugeous &aides and sylvan scenes of the rural por tions of the country; per contra the its habitants of the country and dwellers among tho enchanting bcenery of nature, having a little leisure time, alter gathering in the fruits of the earth, turn their attention ci ty ward, fur recreation or business purpo- SVA. To all such, perhaps no city in the union possesses so many charms no the City of t'enn, with its many objects of beau ty aid art, Its magnificent water-works, its Academy of Music, Academy of Natural Science, Art * Unions, Picture Galleries. Parks, Cemeteries, etc.; and lust, though not least, that link between the present end glorious past, that revered relic of th "times that tried tnen't souis,"—Old lode pendence Hall. All are objects of unu seal interest to the intelligent visitor, afte' eiewin, which, a tee minutes might be profit:o,ly qierit in the I/air Dressing Si. )tittris of George Thurgalund, No. 20 South Sixth St , between CheAnut and Market, in admiring the light and beauti• ful "Gos,nmer Wig" and Toupee" of his make. George has also a .Ltquid Heir Dye" which is rapidly s iperseding all other in the market. a - 6aia D DR. JAMES 111. JARRET, OF rite NEW YORK LUNG INFIRMARY My connection fur the past eight years with the above Institution, as Cheif Physician, and te else years' course of steady devotion to the Cure el Pulmonary Consumption and its kin deed diseases, together with my unrivalled op -portuttities and advatirnee of pathological re- H. arch—nit - led not a little by a perfect system of ireflieul Inhalation-1w enabled one to ar rive at a derisive, direct, tool successful course of treatment fur the positive awl radical cure of till disease of the Throat, Longs, and "lie n...wilts. By Inhilation, the vapor and cura tive properties of medicines are directly arldes sed to the diseased org.s and the integument. 1 do nut advise the use of Medical tribulation of any kind, to the exclusion of geio,ral treat. meat ; and although I consider it a useful ad juvant in the proper management of those fear. till mid often laitul diseases, yet I deem it very necessary that rock patient should have the benefit of both yeneral tied local treatment. 'rite suecess cf lily treetment in the above di- tease, anti the high character at' the nlstitution over which I hove so lung hod the honor to preside, are too well known to need any eulogy or continent from toe, At the solicitation of teeny private and . professional friends, through whose philanthrop ic aid the above charity has been lung and liberally supported, and after duo consideration, 1 have concluded to make such arrangements as will bring the benefits of my experience arid treatment within the reach of all, arid not confine myself, as heretofore. to ' those only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able, to visit me nt. my naive. Hoping , therefore that the arrangement will give etc i tire satisfaction, both to my prefesinal brethern and the public, I would respectfully tom..ce in conclusion, that I eau now he conetilted per. usually 0,1.i/idler, 011 till discuses no above, nt d them the medicines, the sat. us used in the litstitution, prepared to snit each ittdividic ail cm, lahicling Vapors. Medical Inhaling, &e., will be f. irwarded by express to any part et the Cubed States or the Calladll.4. TNlt3lB.—My terms of treatment by letter tire us followings, viol $l2 per 111011111 fur e:o,li patient. which will include medicine sti:licient fur tOOO month*s use; also, Inhaling Vapor, and nn Inhaling A pram.. l'a)mens ss i(1110.1 $ll to he paid to Express Agent on receipt of the Lox of Medicine, and the haltineese it the espitution of the month, if the patient the cured or is satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a toll history of their case, and their sy mptoms in lull, can lei treated as well by letter as by personal examination. Patients mail thencelves of De Jarrett's treatment may rely apes immediate and permaneet releif, us he seldom has to treat a ease over thirty days. Letters of tel vice promptly answered. her fur. titer paticulars address .lA/iIES M. JARRETT, M.D., No : 820 Breadway, ear. Twelfth St., N. Y. . _ P.3.—Physieisnit . and others visiting th y are respeefully invited to cull at the Ii inanity. where many interesting mtses en witnessed, and where our improued upper, s for the inhidation of medicated vapor en seen and inspected. A ue.4.'38.4im. Du VALI 'S GALVANIC OIL, Prrparedorigimilly by Pro. H. D U I "•.1/.1. formerly ut thu College of Surgeons, at l'itrbi IS NOW OFFERED 7'o TIIE PCB ICI" For the Cure ! 11111 sore and 'Pain ful Diseases.. 4 eFr 81 instance—Pain or soreness in any pert of the system, Rheumatism, pain n the buck, breast or sides, boated breasts Is feuralgia, Burns, Sprains, dead-aelia (Cramp in the Stomach or any lulu, dis ease that is SORE or PAINYIIL, and it is only over this class of diseases we Oahu a VICTORY. We say positively to our Pollone'we can relieve the sufferer 99 time. , out of 100. We would just say to the public, Prof. Da Vall was 26 years, in bringing to this medicine superiority, over all others. I'ri,•o 50 ets. per bottle—i per rentl cut oft the trade. All orders event he ad dressed to J. D. STONE Sole Age. lor U. S . , LEWISTOWN, PA.' Aug.18;58.-ly. ,SEPH DOPG LAS, Gunsmith ," Meeoaaullatown, Pa. A uttplillogistic Salt. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office. For all iiillauttuatory di.eues it is a certain cure. (Jul abe c and try it, ye who are afflicted. . . IWV 1 OCvh,T KNIVh.S, some of the 'UV best in the world. for sale by J.ka.t.ts 4 . t•ww. SAVING FUND. k - National SAFETY TIIEST company. LNET STREET, 1 SOUTIT-IVEAT CORNER OP THIRD, TRISRD2II4II42. 111C(11 poi al 1.(1 by the ante of Pennsylvanitt. FIVE PER CENT INTEREST 18 lIECEIVF.I) IN ANY SUM, Large or small, and interest paid from rbe day ilersit to the day of withdrawal; . The othee is open every day from 9 o'clodk in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings 011.8 ' o'clock. I [ION. HENRY L. BENNF.E, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice , WM. J. REED, Secrtherg. . OfRECTURS . F. Carroll Brewster. Joseph B. B4rry; Francis Leo Joseph Yerles ' Henry Diellenclerlrer, oh payments made daily lion. Henry L. Brinier, Edward L. Carter, ltol,ert L. Selfridge, saml. K. Ashton, C. Landreth :11ting, Money ie received ani in gold without in rice. made in Real 'Estate meg, and such class Hi requires. The investments are Hortcng.s, Ground Rei ;;UritleTas the Charter ri Feb.24.'57. ",O(YD 4,5112E1a" ax>33 C)3H7I7'IC,EII. Premiums n•.vnrded the "JOERSTAt" Of fice at the late County FAIR, for the best CARD, OrIAISUIC AND 72:178,'Y PRINTING?: ihiyin g recently received from the Eastern Cite-, a PASS' rolAtta PRESS, a large variety of the must filxhional# Material, which makes it one of the most comtlem Printing Establishments in this section. Pees O. in want of any kind of PMAIN EANGN work, cannot du better than favor us with their patronage. We have facilities for °leen• tin, inn Ten nner PRINTING IN COLORS ttn the most reasonable terms. Those who may wish to latish, any style of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can he accommodated at this establishmeat at short. notice. SUCTION BILLS, BILL HEADS, SHOW BILLS, • CIRCULARS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, • PROGRAMIII ES, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, • CARDS, &c., will be rittrikhed promptly', exec..ted in he best style and tit reasonable rates. ei2l•.: Orders by express, mail or otherwise, will receive immediate attention. W)1: CONSUMPTION CURED. CONSUMPTIO N UNCAS BRANT, CURED. while A Missionary among the D 6r ,AN OLD INDTAt Indians of the Rocky Mount. discovered a RARE CONSUMPTION ANT, that proves to ho a certain cure for Consumption, Brune:this, Asthma, 'Aver CURED. Complaint, Nervous Affec tions, Coughs, Colds, ikc i — CONSUMPTIONIiaving now mode his fortune and retired from business, he will imuil the prescriptions and CURED. directions for preparing the ineditiues five of Charge - to all CONSUMPAIONwho may desire it, and will tend to. his agent, enclosing CURED it;',Cr'ett‘t'inrnettere,"w"3.*rtreer- . • rription of their gypi COASCUPTIONThe Ohl Do-tor la jl— s cure d s more then 3000 cures rf co - CURE,. sumrtiou alone . ilopoB all " utlbete , ! petl . pl . o kill nvnil - . themselves of . this opportuni- CONSUMPTIONIy , us the Doctor wishes to do all the go.KI he can before he dies. Address all letters to DANIEL A DEE, Ilax 3531 I'. 0., New York, Who is his sole ugent.• June 00th, 1858..1y. CURED. PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE. TtlE undersiLined will offer at public sale on Friday ilia thtli, day of October A. D. 18- 58, a valuable Farm of Limestone land, con tainiog about tine hundred and tifty-three situate in Tyrone township, In the county of Blair, and elate of Pennsylvania. Tde estate of Samuel Dickson late deed, About ninety acres thereofeleared fir cultivation, with a story and u half log dwell ng house, a lug are, with u never-failing spring of limestono water convenient. an apple orchard with other improvements, with a splendid appearance of rich lead are on the same. Situate about ono half mile from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Persons wishing to view said premises will call on either the uftlarsigned, or Thomas • McMillan. who resides on said farm. JOHN 51. DICKSON. Ereenfor. MARGARET DICKSON, Essentri.v. Aug. 55. I 858.-ts. S.—llullidayshurg Register, cr py till solo and forward bill to this attire. Dissolution of Partnership. rrliE Plottlership of 51c5lanMill & Stuith,in the Drag and Grocery business, was dis solved on the 19th day of August 1859 by mu tual consent, The business will still be carried on by 8 S. Smith, in whose hands the Books and Accounts will remain for settlement mid cul lection. IiENRY MeNIANIGILL, Iluutmgdon, P. SAMUEL S. ssavrii fo all wanting Forme, m°"' ILK BONNETS of every variety and price S Wieri"g very cheep ItP y auts & MAX TO:the' Vs l ; . l;: a S wu a i V iitc vA i T itorEs,. bale JA:\I ' ES A. BROWN. STONE COCKS, JARS, faur stock fur sale at cusoutucfurers' prives by JAMES A. BROWN. T 11138' DRESS GOODS,of rich sql. U , f icepw e D. Y. GWlrs,