Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 08, 1858, Image 2

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11 lA.) •
.fer,4 l -
1463 tkmkialk
t 4,,
Editor and Proprietor.
Wednesday' morning . September 8, 1858.
The Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Jouenal, in great
er than the Globe and Am
erican combined.
H. B. waarox.
Or CA113111.1.E.
*v n. K. RUM,
R. McDivirr, Levi ET•EII,
J. GRIFFITH, JED. A. Doti,e,
lA. F. CAMPBELT., T. E. Oeuisox,
W. H. Goesueu, Geo. W 11.3 , Emi,
Do. J. A. SHADE, OIL. A. Kerr; .
The Huntingdon JOU. oi. for (me year, and
either of the Magazines for the same period
will be rent to the address of any subscriber
to be paid in advance an follows
eus year, .Godell's Lady's Bo ?: I:4 , 1
The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and
Putnam's Monthly, fir one year, 50
The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family
Magazine ands Gazette of Faehion, fur one ynnr
The Journal and Lady'. Home Magazine,
for one year, $2 75
The Journal and Peterson's Magazine. for
SOO year, $2 75
Ivo Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for one
year, $3 50
List of Premiums
Desolution of Partnership.
Public Sale.
liatiiiiin.tion Lands.
Notice to Coal Purchesers.
DuVall's Galvanic Oil.
"-Scientific Atnerican.
Great Gift Boor Store.
Puhlrc Notice.
Administrator's Notice.
Administrator's Notice.
Literary Bureau.
A Card.
A. H, C Bracken.
Agncultoral Meeting.
Register's Notices.
Cheap Goads.
Consumption Cured.
Warm Springs.
Bank Notice.
Dentist.—Dr. R. A. Miller.
Novel and Extraordinary.
Administrator's Notice.
The Golden Prize.
Bair Restorative.
A Prize for Everybody.
Foundry.-12 C. McGill.
Cloth. Cleaning -Zichanah Johnson.
Portable Fence—H. Corn, robot.
Drugs.—McMattigel & Smith.
Wigs & Toupees.—Gen. Thurgaland
Sewing Machine —Grover & B.tkt.r.
Cook Stovt..—Call at this Office.
Liver Invigorator.
To Merchants and Farmers.
Saving Fund.
Stage Line.
Dr. llanlman.—To Invalids.
Dr. John McCulloch.
Cassville Seminary.
Burr Mill Stones.
H. Roman.—Clothing.
Dry Goods —Fisher & McMurtne.
Nicholas' Bank Note Reporter.
Hardware.—J. A. Crown.
Dentist —Dr. J. R. fluyett.
Attorneys.—Scott & Brown.
Paper lianging.—Rowell& Bro's.
Letter Coppier (or sale.
Electric Oil.
Lindsey'. Blond Searcher.
Dry Goods —D P. Gwin.
Anttphlogistic Salt.
Hooke.—W, Colon.
Huntingdon Mill.
Foundry.—Cunningham & Bre.
Irry Goodi &c•—David Grove.
Attorney.—T. P. Campbe,l.
Railroad rime.
Dr. H. K. Nen.
Attorney. - Wilson & Petrikin.
Elsnisew Wilma Pill..
A dreadful accide"t assort,' to David
Myerley and his two daughiers who resided
neer Cousins ,in this county, on Monday
:he 6 h inst.
They had been et this place on business,
and when returneug home in their two
none wagon, encourvered the , migrant
train of cars at the crossing about ten
miles below this place. The crossing is
so situated that nether party could see any
distance, the wagon was just cleverly n•
croft' the road when the train came ins gly,
and the horses becoming very much fr,gl,
tenet', pranced and backed the wagon on
the track just no the train came up, the
engine struck the wagon with such faros
as to thlow Mr. kiyerlev and eldest daugh
ter on the ground and the younger daugh•
r was 'thrown upon the cow catcher, the
force of :he train by some 'scans thsenga
ged the horses, snit the wagon was mop.
tutted ins tho canal.
Mr. Nlyerley lingered about twenty -
eight or thirty hours, and died. Ile wit.,
strut sixty two years td ago The elder
dnughter 1 ,, a widow. and although or vere.
ly injured, will probably recover. The
younger 'laughter is able to be about
MURDER AriortsaTewN.--On Saturday
last, we are informed. a murder was emu.
mitted by a young inn., at the above place.
The cases of it is said to have been some
dispute about a young lady. An allorca
tion took place. ir. which one stabl?el the
other. Fie was arrested and token to the
KrOn Monday night, the freight train
on the Huntingdon and Broad Top R H..
ran over and killed a steer, about nineteen
miles front this place. which in c ittibing
an embankment, slippeo, end rolled down
against the cars, and got under the pits.
Fenger car, whic t was the last in the train
and knocked the front truck (ruin under it.
The car was dragged some disianc- with
the one end on the trail,. It W.IS consid
erably damaged, but fortunately none of
the passengers were injured.
rer'On Friday bat, a man, name ten
known, step,into the shop of George
'I homes , in Midace. and asked his son
who was the only one in the ship at the
time. to fetch a pitcher of fresh wirier,
complaining that what was in it 'vas too
warm. 'Tae boy went, and in hi+ miser..
the titan opened the drawer and took from
it five or six dollars and disappeared. Fie
was pursued but not arrested.
on Friday last, in the emigrant train. bring
ing with him a prisoner Irons that place.—
On striving within a half mile of town, the
train stopped to wait for a train
down. The constable, wishing in go untie
as soon es possible, conclud d to w ilk to
town, end according started with his prix
otter; they had walked some distance. and
were walking be,ide a coal train when the
prisoner. watching his opportunity. ran utt
der these, and up a hill on the other side.
pursued hy the constable, who tired at hint
twice, but did tint recapture him.
Jounml M •teria Dleaicn.—'l'hia pr
riodicul i+ now tielore us The °Nora of
this Journal is to give articles no t•uhj••cts
of importance to the \l••dtca: Profes.oon,
notices of new preparation=, &c In a
word, it will he invaluable to the 'ascii
:inner Of medicine, pot ht•co rv. &c. Puh
bAleti at New Lebanon. N. V. by I liter,
& Cu., at 25 cents fur 12 number..
The fVesient 4 , 11 P rliser.—Thie is the
name of a paper recetnly Warted iu Pitts
burg, by NI. Akinson, to be putilbin , ,:
monthly at 24 cents per annum, devoted to
Advertising and Literary selections
Mai; Journal of Health .—Wr are
receipt ul the September number if una
valuable periodical; published by W. W
Hall. 11 D.. 42 Irving Place, York
■t per annum ; sp• eimen numbers, lU
The aim of this periodical is ••to shim
how Disense may he avoided. The 6,l!wv
ing nre the contents of the September
Action in Emergencies ; Swallowing
Worn's; Getting Wet ;•Coiiiiitnes and 31e
Ions; ; • heap Perininev ;
Coffee Flenithfu I ; i.siunitnering Rene dies;
Sumner Recreations; Dangers hietljlio;
Hot Bread; Night Air Precau
.ions ; Agues Prevented ; Ecieiomy of
Food; Ali timid Lives of A thintic Tulegrn ph
The rit zees of Dotal, Cromwell, Clay
hod Springfield townships met in 0dd....
Ma. at the Donde of Jamas S. liorkei. A 'iv..
26th, for the purpose id inking stock Sri
the making of the Woad Top and Sher
1111111'8 Valley RAOl'O7lll, alio to,, the
propriety til cbangehig the Westerii end
of the It , ad, and locating it on anew route
that has been esploted and found pracica
hie, mitring the di-truce some 15 to ',21.1
I. Iles less than by the route first explored
via 131.11111. (altios, Fort Lit. leinti, &c.
The meeting iris called to miler, an I
Daniel Teague, E,11., chosen President and
Dr 3. A Shade, Seen tory.
A detail of the late explorAtior. of the
new route W5B toooeil to the 'nee:
Sargent's School Monthly —The Sep I trig . attowittg
I.lBt by col...clung a Hi the
temher norther of this excellent pertodicii I
main track 118 laid dowii in L+nynnnu's
is now 1....t0re us; it should he an Ornate
of ever) dwelling. Published in Bo.ton, aar. V• at a pain. roast of ter • 811ad" Hnun
Mass., by Philips, Sampson &Cu., at SI t !Hissing stror Houk hill hi/114We arid
Pe-annum. Scottsville, an entirely fesisitile route can
Mir Wr have received the first number
or a new paper, called ' , School iita , Home
Journal," of Literature, Science. Ait an''
Education. Published !notably. by Mar.
CIIFI W illson , 321 Briadway, N. Y , Price,
one dollar a year in advance.
Fruit Cultur.—or, a Ott de to the Cultive
tion end Management of Fruit 'Pre a,
with drecriptinne .1 Fruits, and n vuri•
rty of usrful Miscellaneous 1-loo,hold
It. ceipt3; full• iiloste.ted By Thomas
Gr •go, New York : Fowler and Wells
publibbere. Pric by 111811. paper, 80
crots; cloth. 50 cent,.
Eograrings._wo have reor i vpd from be had to Broad •I_Olt 18 toil, ilehrer thiill
the publibber+, M . Oakanoth and Co,, by Burnt Cabins, with but one or two
No. 119 and 114 William Bt., N. Y., a bridges, inatad of 11 , 1 or 20, ea on the Burnt
very tine ~teel plow ritgriving of • 112,•rt
Borne." from :he celebnited ioemp, by Ai
exmukv Namoyih pvmrd in I z•,7
Also o twooofol trio. ••'l e rtior
0 G..,,." This is a liF• h .cutr.•.—
Earh ..f tlo. ribose tire '2 I by tr ,
"Sir Walior Senit's
Edieborell ; 5h hr• lls inshi.n
Al , O, The Palace ht WeAnninsterr 23
by 38 inchom.
Also, l'he City nf the Great King,
7.5 by 38 inchet.
Thit,e pictitrittt will hen nr:notit in
rint; ru rine: and it in th. , r.f rho
MossrA ask -milli toil (7... 11'114i-hors of
Eatt.rson and Putnam's M4tztzintt. to pr..-
si , no in ~very Titre, donor sittptcriht.": it fin,.
ste-I Wale engrovin7.
WoceAsiosAL, or th- l'hilailell.hia
Preur. letuns that fir. Buchanan ao I
Lancw , her (lurin, the present month, -for
the purpo, of nalistinz to re nreailize the
Democratic phalanx, which hiut hren an
s , ,attered hY re.cnmpinnistr."
areeni,vt. out nine favorite and ex
rellent weekly came in We nit Saturday no
essentially improved and I,•jiivenateil that
tve fed bound to direct e.p. e t a' ' mention
to it. The Ohm Brach has for a long
line been the (hymne family newspaper.
hut , it now puts forward new nod sirrinl
cl 'hurt to public favor. Alihninzh Rome of
those whose labors have hitherto made
t he Olin' Ii mirh sn popular retire from
the estahlittiment. it largt• and valuable ac
cession has been made to the editorial and
publishing mnnatre nt. The Olive
linineh a ill hi•reufter be published by
Milo,. Henry Ditiphant, who has n long
lime been the principal editor awl puldish..
er and is widely and favorably hi-mail, and
G-orge 1.,. Dix. Mr. I lix in, and his h,•.•11
for nian% years. collated anti the load
ing publishing fir,n l'hi I Sampson
& Co.. inn] in that capacity has file:lhies
tint associations that fe•v publishers cult
boast—besides bring Sliatvlit non intimate
association with the principal litetary said
publishing uentleinen of th,• contort.. lo• is
himself an editor and writer of muck x
peiience. Nleors. C. C. El. new. an I
1. T Trowbridge will have the primal.'
di•nrial llllEElgrinent of die Ohne ll eur rh
cad it nerds nothing tar her said :o its •r,
Le puldic Coral& nee le Ihut il••1, ronent
of the urw,l)npur. Nlit ,, y i. eau ••t pop
tilat author; iil.•
, ry'nre r0u0v,..,% il. co ,tribator-, 113 par
Livd, di psi rt.sit•iits p.ip..r will
devoted In sp , ctlie it pie,
for dimp•st,, news. wit nl/.5 &C
hi OW lUD' I ,101 . 1rA aDi 1 .1 ,0 0 thiuk
beaufiliol :31 .tre',. "will, a
and P'eg:111• heist' toil in
grill.' lip in Aivit• , i 1 I'it . r
ant. st .. men ontlooz lo r th. f)/i. P
Itranch from 11 , ioff vi•itrd
JitiellP of new atill:eribera. and
all ih.• patrpillige that limy lu. besmwrrl “o
Douglas on the Washington Unior
Th f . 1 If., S. A. Itotight:r..ertitly omit,
it sree.ii mt Nlititooli 111.. in which sa id;
' 1 have never ',tercel' the 11 . ,tt,I,Ingi,a t
Union helm, I have such a halibut,
NtiCit a C,1111,111/I—SIICh n II Is ,211 st for the
corruption 111.1 t hangs around it for the
cm rapt purposes to which it is 411,1,1,i•ii—••
for the base agents that rule and Cootr• I
that I did ant wish to trust nit:sell in «x
ptt•e•ing my opinion before an nutli.nwe
alum it; but follow Its lead, and the ror
rapt gang that cuntrd it and will tea l
th e D numeral ic party It-mo 6•r. +old not w.
Iv break drown those that it profess• to
denounce, hut disgrace the Athuitti,tratnit
which it prolesves to hupptirt o hilt. it Its
fIOUI/CYS ire lendinz r«"
This. in,' ',rodent of the exp.], of lay.
ing ih.• sante. of ohich no reit moue t et
hero mode with any deure • of accuracy
is ...Omitted to iIY ris follow, :
l'uce deep sett wire yr toile,
Price spur, yarn and iron wire per
Price outside tnr per mile,
Total per toile,
Pr re 4,n00 miles
Price 10 tl..rp ,•en cable
s', per nule. 11,500
For 25 wiles .hare itt 1,450
$1,212 suo
Total cost,
SI 4;•8.v5i1
Fir the Journal.
n)11 , 0
R, v• rid able Ftddressys Been. f1e!,v,,,,1
owl the mttst Ittingitine t.htic'patit.hs xsith
regard to the ;brunt were i oluiged. inns
mach as the prj , et ^1 too tk only a oirt.
ele link inn go rat chitin of rondo ;11rently
oinde eonnereitor the NI ist•is•irpi V;tlh.V
whit the Atl note senhnnr.i. by a fine of
travel some 70 tidies less than any Iliad
now In existence. or that is proctic•tble
S nor right thrusand dollars of stack was
subscihed no I a delevate, James E
gmr niiminted to attrod n meeting
of the Ihrecmrs of the Broad Tit, nod
Sherman's V ller Bond, at Wnrm Spring , ,
Perry conmy. Sep.. 2d, nod there pres.•nt
the projvcoort of the new• route, arid also
pr••neut the wrahi's of the people m the vi•
cinny it. traverses. and their desire to co•
opera ie.
Othor ntoctings wero appointed. and it
is ex...ctn.' that if lb.. Board of Directors
hold nor any logics, that. viginlini
flit tell] ho trade at once In run up the
animist of st..,:k to a large aunt. and also
socorn rt•lon , t4s qlona the proposed route,
twiny of
.which were already ithtatincti and
prosentnd to toe Mt oing.
11 . hen i , is conshlorod that a portion of Ti t o
Ealstorn owl nl the liond, is already tin.
dor rootract. and hoeing wailed on, and
that tin- nano is wnm h twat,. r than any
other in an 1.1, enli,iv It
cattle. there can is. no rt , ssottsiti.• ditititi. of
its lilllttiate cmitpiellon mind final t.itext.,,
The ,idt , titrinut.s following in the malts of
tho 11.w1 are too mititotons an , ' Clear to
need specifying.
n It, Hiler,on ip, 1
t% aqvd )•- , os I
Illo(T•911od $Oll,
That Ih , hriihr h • i PI; in • have Phined,
I ilini , k thee .I,i hoar iive thrown
M, , u, d helll, d ..y y . mind.
I than': thrtl v,
my rr•••••01 hvarl in then n•joive,
wi.i I I ,V.., my V.v. ;
Thee will I 1..v0, my 1...r1 my
Then will nut v
Aml thorns niirl perplex my ',mil.
when Inv heart Find 0,41, decay,
Tim, Amu I limp, in endlirs day.
Rotroftt iwnonth his wines,
And in his Vl4 Vl' 01.116.1,
This mon. exalt; Ow King of ICings
Than all your works beside.
i Nl' ,
etiri'r• i hot linl h Inun i. FON to hoVM
two, filirfl ,II lo lilF Inst, Ow
S Jour.,/ thi• hialtslo LeCiimpl in
hill wmild ht' the Itrolllr of
hen IPI• Wq first r,,,h,1
him 13 , 1furd, eiglrs of
K,ori ip•oplt• had old ag:iiost his pro-
j"el. !to wa• comp!t•ted) taken shark. and
Ow his only true) friends were
in the South. We are eenl to see the
l're.nlemt .•nntinee In his senses at last.
Ili. remark is trite to the letter. Buchan
all hes no friends in the• North—and is
d Iv all Gut the slave.eit?•ers, and
31 few offire hunting. pr.hticienes, such as
li•g-er .lon.•+ and Co., who use hint , n
,drance their own selfish ?merest..
numher of the A livioy Evening Joeviial
l'Hurti.ow WI ID it lieuhat u wonderful
Pr.-Meta wr have in Air. liecrreses., ua
the following %cords:
Ile entered the White Ilouso nit h n
pro ise of to ICanens 1111 hi. lips,
and +t scheme for enslaving it in his pocket.
Ile declared war ngaemt eirrulating notes,
sod in six weeks was tesuing them him.
self. Berme the ink was my with witch
he pledged .41connuty," he hod drained
the treasury of its Its dollar. Before the
primers were done stereotyping his il.fle x•
ibis determinmion never to borrow, he was
in nail street soliciting a Ina,
lie congratulated the country upon the
final end of slavery and he has
heen togitnting tt ever sinc, lie ord red
Ihauld+u? to sin', the fillillow.•rs nod then
re called him for doiu it. 1A alk, of Ni...
ememst he lortmotitetc.l nn otrlow. and teat.
dared him the horqfkolitit.g.if
!louse. Walk, of Intisits he forriehed
with writeu instineitims and turned him
one for of eyn. 2 them.
[lo wnh•tt.•ta ilia troop. trout [job, there
iok. , rl .,l 7 , lii ii i , o n a:il
in v
lure in Defter
re h.•
nil on• pence Ile sell, r.r:q :it the %V.,t
! for II lib.' of It 11•11 1. root to order to hot;
te . . at .he East tett woes their value—lris
iii both 17,11.,8 vockeii.f the
‘l , ll. I , C . I, (7111111111.1 y iti•knig for
lean. frivate% t ell wi I not floe those
he ton , either On t h e rill., Id tfrieh on to
int r °sten:Oily to catch the Sli:r. hut with
private ordure in the enidnin's to taut
'nn ,
if the sort.l;lunoing to be the
arosl hugul oh ['residents. he has xpelit
more 1111111 +lily of hi,. Itry dreupznw. Aosu
tutu to he shore party prep/dices, lie
'nukes 'mai: 'whip the busts or his toe,
talitilis 10 dieter.
suri•tw Report of the Poor Elnunr
Vihiting Cuounitte will appear in our next
Shocking Death of a Young Lady.
I spelt°, Sept. 2 —Alit , Nlntil.
d.i ri,twelf. ilnuiditer of Judge Chicken,
met with is shocking death lost nigh?. She
lied been of 0 wedding nt the house or,
Rev. and won returning
home about 11 o clock in n vehicle driven
by I, young min named Weriz The
horse fink fright at a light in (*root of eon
fors tovern, in thin ',lice. nod ran till
r• in broke in the effort to siop him
twd :11r. IVertz then junip..d out to try
nod al rest his progress. The hurse wheel
ed suddenly nod ran &Imo the street about
a Winked turd, Nils,. Cladwell leaped
out, and 111 with violetre upon her head.
She wits taken up insensible and ctrned
Lt her home, where she expired at two
elec. this morning 11 , 11'111g never ,poker.
word limn the time the accident ocrurred
'he was a hes, a Intl and amiable girl o ,
about fwenty years ()rage, and her shock•
ing dealt has caused the greatest grief
suing her hinge circle of iriolies
oF ACCEPTANCE.—The follow
lug e , the letter of.lotis NI. ItEAD, mldress'
1,1 to Giv. A. II Reeder, ['resident of .11e
Stale Convention. voceptirm the
notuutatuou for Judge of the Supreme
I'u,LADEEPHIA July 27. 1858.
DICAR . 1It: —I rect, vet' this horn lig your
01 t t. 241 b ntst.. infornnou in.' of
ntv onnoininu.: tonnination by th- people's
C .r.v,•ntinu n+vnthlyd of I birrt-borir for
nth•:.. of .111.1 g, of Supmitt. Unurt• nod
it ropy of the resolution• ptloooll
ht body. which 1 'Nye rend with oral
c., r.. I cordially opprov. , of Ole ,rit on, Ills
vert,itt pollrt expressed in thrill, nod
nor, It oith great , tiffoletice the nontina
thits tendered toe. If , •Irete.i, I elln
it. y pruntisn, sn Nr no toy tatilliv win her
mit, ti intim-It I tool Noltfol ut
the dime, of this high jod'ettil , •file , •.
I MIA Vety rt•spe.llullt 0,1 truly vitro
• Joitri lirAD
Thr of the Pooplr's Strut.
I . ...volition [lnn. A. II Reeder. has on.
g gentlemen to act
'Lite rol Committee for the pres-
eta r.nopstiro:
Henry NI roller. Philadelphia.
Charl •s A Close, do.
11'111 IC. 1 Lino, da•
Alillo ord. do
I 'reluii t Chester.
Jo , n S Brown. Din lestown.
Il.•nrc Knit!. Allentown.
laa .c. Eckert, Reading.
Kota. Ad Palmer.
llhrioht. Nlaneh Chunk,
A. K. Pecktopo, Tu , khatutock.
11..,ry U. Clout, W.lksharre.
John Mei henna Warren
( ivory, I r , ,,„ 1
Lemuel odd Carin.l...
Jul,a 5515!, "nn.hollocken,
IC oi lower. I I .fishurg.
A S Lancaster.
Olive r I):cliey. do,
I.h•vol :111..11. York.
I)eud 11eNlorirle,
Alexatnler Si llio, Etwnslaug.
harp in l'helu.. Kul alining.
Eitrar Conan Greenslatrir
11'in Mekention. 11)41.E:ion.
'I homes Nl. Slarshall. Pin , •burg.
Bola 13.17nroachan.
John N. Porviance, Hader.
55 I . NI. Siephrornn, Mercer.
A 11r. e 11'11,10,1 9 ,er. Meadville.
Philp Clover Si ration v Ile
.1. E. Mee.
Kr•w Ern LEM ENT.— A Pew Roth mem hus
beet ...fled tat flommonton New Joro. y , which
forta:ll,es.sati atoll progress rivals stop hing we h
(1 ' in the West. There is a kr, emu
grotion having oldeetion to the West on IVelllllll
of unhealthiness. distance and iiil,oCllll4lll.
which this new ekterprise. The loud
is inn gems! elimnte, tat d the sml is void to he
orns,ngst the hest Jersey soil. Jer..ey, us '4Oll
he seen by the tigritalaltaatul statistics sat the
Palk,' °nil., is the first agriettlitirld Sod•• in
the Union for the value alb, prorlitets. Flom
mouton is %hidn thirty miles of P ilodelphitt
by railrottd. nod enjoys one of the hest markets
ill for Union. The tide of emigration to this
plot, is itninonse. no well fr.•nt the west ua
from tls, Noll h.-11ftiny of the best grope }row
ers Ohio hove 1..10,1, with n view of mak
ing wine. To ,lodge of ite progress, the pop
1,1., ion Or, pane 'iota is numbered at only five
I.ersetal it now numbers (tier eight hundred
souls. laes one hundred and twenty five Mill.
diIIVS. three ,tores, two eloirehes. Episcopal
awl Methodist, steno , mill, hriek pod. marble
var .', mill it• school. tiewspoper, &e., ROMP twen
tvfivn 1111 , ..s of of w roods opened. six srpotre
s heir e 2 improved. n new railroad motion.
and till the elements of 1111 aid pulse, %VP fire
s, rslied 111111 this !doer musi posseso merit from
it, ~..iittrdleled progress.
MARRIED.—On Tupstinv
by M Barnete, Mr. Jfimps Mulls
..erm•y, to Mi. Wheal. Ricke r or
Ott the 22htst. by Simeon Wright Is y , Mr
Phi.ip C. flu-itell to Shall Kezinh E. alit:we.
all Ore Marl tewoahip
Oh hurstlaty. Ow 19th bleb. by Ito,. S.
li id. Mr. A I,,bi.w .1. Nl..rrison, to Miss Anita
July :8, 18 14.
PLOUR—•Superfiee. per berrel, $5 50(4,,6 00
•• Lxrru •• 5 50Q06 00
family 25(0 50
Rye (••luny end Cann 4 00
Wiwatt—ro.l, per bw.liel, • 12+@I 30
4. White a 1 3561 40
[lye 77
C. .rti $8
Oat A 4, 43
Clot 44,,, , e41 $4 34®4 50 per 64 pounds
Timoiby 'geed
per bunliel
Teachers or a good and Moral character, and
well glialilipd to 'leach the various bran dies
tau_lic in COllllllllll SCIIOOI3 will be employed,
and 'receive lib,•ral wages, by applying lemma.
diately. By order of the Board of Directors.
Wyst tp., Sep. 8, 1 5118.
'• Thick Darkness covers the Earth.
And Gross Darkness the people.
And all Other. will take Notice , .
THAT they emu Nupply ihomm,vem, iii tpy
Jones' Far Famed Patent
At the Wholegit - Ie . :11:i 111?, t D QUAR
Somb SECOND Street,
The onlyplare where exclusive Agencies can
be obtained hrr the States or Pennsylvania,
Now .I.•r.ev Hurl It•lnwaru. . .
I..oicps give a light equal in intensity of
Hume. and similar in appearance to (Jas. and
are 01111111,1 Ili he superior to all other portable
li 110 a M use. N.. fear of EsploA.,,, —Na
offensive odor. —No smoke. —Very easily
ined.—As easily regulated as a Gas Light.—
e au be adapted to all pimp etes.—And better
than all for it Ito, man.-59 per cent. eill'ap,r
than any taller pors Ode light, now in elllllllloll
Knopf's Paten! Rosin and Coal Oil
Ille - I , mps, Oils, %Vicks. Sherle, and every
article in the line. S. E. SOL/ 1111,A NO,
N. 38 South Second Street, Philads.
(Exiole of John Shinyler.dro'dl
Letters Atliniviimnittott r•vtate of
John Shingler, lute of townslnp.
li.ving been granted to the undermigned. nll
penions huvin claim upuiust Said estate will
peettent the su itr fur payment. and all I ersuns
indented will maim imetnent to
JOHN E. fTERMAN, Adin'r.
Parade.e Furnnee, Sept. 8,1858.
Mountain Female seminary.
The Winter Tn or Mountain 'Female Se
'Pinery ail! open Out. 28th.
L. G. GRIER. Principle.
r V•a"le c , Or. .lornh Harman, drp'd 1-
'I tie utier,o,ned A tallow, urptt,o .1 41111'
()rplinti's Court or Iluitti.gdon 1 . 0”111y,1 , 11.11S.
11'0111111111Y 1 / 1 11111$CP it. the 1111 , 11,1 •
.illllO 11.
1 . 1 . ..W11, Executrix of Allred It. (rewit. dee'd.
who wn+nd ii,, nirutor of the estate tat 1)r. Ja
volt lute of the borough of Hunting.
it.,,, dee'd., nitiongso those legality entitled there
to, hereby gives owtice lo nil [terming interested
lint I e will nilovid of In+ Iltantingdon
1.11 Sitturdny the 2ith zieptenther next, nt I
e!iieli p. in.. tl.r the of inAking timid (Hs.
trillion., when tied where till per:ons booing
agiiiiA said estaiti• tire requested to pres
etit them to the imilersiaited totilittir or be in.
bottled front coining in upon said fond.
Aug. 31 at. lASS.-4t. A uditor.
A newspaper iievinaii to iiteratare nn 1 neri
enlctttro. alt., 11.rth full ariaaiar4 of Om
nrw setiletnet of 1611/111011114 , , in New Jere}
::: . ' lt l ie . :l , t s is i i ... t e d l' i:,..:.::,:i:;: t , , , it s f .. ,7 ,, s r ,i, „ „7, jr .
~t 2 1 , 5 , ,, er : 11:1, 1 );(t i t : Et4 0 . t : i l i i t r Z i il i i i ,
~,,,N . o t t . rl , l , , en , l i a .u h re e h re . l , l4i r V r e o ri n , ,
1 1 , ! .d 111 . t .. I rd w c tir o n n, a a ll i to e t e;
Co New Jersey. Those ‘‘ W h atts: (Leap lend (11 dated April. 158, and due on the 1 7th of D.
the very 'lest quality, in one of the healthiest .einber, 1858, given by me, for tetidullarsiaa
an•l most delightful (Innate , . in the Union, set , dt, mist intend
advertisement of' Hammonton Lands.-It
ITALIA BLE A lig .1 8,'.58.•?.t.
.440.111.1.11UnCrUa Lanlile,
n. ri Ii h i l l i/ I 11. 1 114 NEW LAGLAND SE ITLEMENT.
TNT 30 Al_P{..
II lo :1, TI A 4.1 00 Ai PA.
ORPHANS. --..-- CO URT .- --
TO ALT, WA NTINGEA.R MS - SALE. 1 N o s e tralthy pla,e, twenty-five miles from Phil-
I N pursuance of Orders of the I 'rphans' (meltedr,ht!':: vi l: h : i4 L : o rn ta t" haa ti : it r y llill f ;e a V t :
I Court of the mtt , a fitiatm , ( l ” , the for sale, and th e first division oh 10.000
Traci- of 1..0d, &,, 10,..i0nr0,r 11010 , 1i/011. I, it• 111TenlaViiti!.1 up into farms of twenty acres up-
Mite ill $10111,111111:S, 4101 near the borough 01 word... The .nil t, ,tf. the b e ,,, tymiity for ibis
Ilmitingdon, will be exposed 10 pu b lic sale sit prodnetion id I lilts. grains, &e. The price le
the premises
.815..550 rer acre, payable in easy quarter yearly
On Friday, September .24111. ISSS, ..T.. l ^',""T':h ie " within a 1 7 ,11 . of k , w Years, with
As the property of .1011 N KER, lute of said :n!erPaßiiie cupid i t r o n i i tr 7 v r omen n t i o 7,"i s t •: , lan i frV i i . l l . . y r an t . o .
comity. dec'd • 10 wit:
aiding every industrious man robin a form. Xi
1. All that tract marked (A) in the Diagrani i s „„„. b e i ng extensiv e ly i t ,,,,y,,,,! b y ee m road .
1111, , X.'d 10 the return or tile Inque'st. contain en d some „f the b e ,, ettir.em , from N. go . England
Mg 237 net camial 1:111 perclimi, it being the m i d th e middle Spites e r e er eet h it ik ige tetproy „,
Mansion Forts of said deed. About one half mem, It is a scene or th e great e n t t ,,,,,,,,,
or .hi, tract is Ord.,' and cade t coltivai;m i ; meat out or Philadelphia. Seventy-Ore how.
about 411 tiered of which is inetolow. lino. hove been built in four months. Practical far.
~,., water for ratt l e , A,,,,, tiny' 1,, re,,,Thy in. mere and Inv:um. men from the length and
troducell into almost court' field Nom this torn . breadth of the Colon are settling there. It fs an
set- up.n it u two
„defy le .., ~,,..„11,„„, important business pl me, on account ot its hying
1 Inoise a large brick 1110'11 11101 other buildoigs. in the, midst of a great mirk., Every artiele
Also, H good 011 I'llA. raised upon this land Hudson immediate sale.—
i Y. All that tract !narked (C) in said Din.
T water is excellent, and no meth thing as fe
ye, , kow ..
grout. containing . 237 acres and 68 perches. The volt h, sandy or
rins , ~,___,
_,,,_,, a
and called the loore Farm. Somewhat more b ottom „„,) retentive of oomm , e ::" i t 1 1- . ., ,,a l
than Mlt' or this tract i s o,,„ re d ~„d ~,de r eel. otiose and is easily worked. It abounds lorgely
1 tivittion, a fair proportion or which it meadow. in the phosphates, and such is its fertlity that
Un au coon! or the noir.b of these two farm., tram the crops produced alum this land and the
to the borough of Huntingdon mid a large largo area adjoining under talaillatj aa it w ill b e
quantity or meadow upon each, they would be fend nut to he excelledanyn here in the produc
well rmited for grazing or stock theists. tine of crops most adapted to its nia..ket.
gr 1 . 1 , . ,,. 1 . 1: , 1 , 11 .ii t t i r g ac is t 5 t i 11 , 1 , 1: - ., k .. :1 : 1 2 I t i ! isr i e t i t i, t l N tai ; d i.
b d ,, ii , i ,,
Arn :l l l: h t e rt i . , 4 ,, n s li :i , : f •
ii t .u n i a .s v
a li i u m w , ;l l l ze a n ‘ i t i i ) t i t e e ,
e tl: b a i l i t io tl; .r e on ea t earliest
one bait 01 thin tract is cleared and under col
s : iii c i i . e ut ", , : t.ii i: g t.
iiili.e4.E.7 ::!:::,.:,:iiele,r::::;e7.l.thoteerd.fiearitiiiitt:::
t h i ,,u L ,.. , mad his thereon erected twu tenant
h. tatebundent supply of the best quality .f
4.. Al: that tract marked (E) in said Dim muck manure.
, gram, containing 214 acres, 117 perched in'', tit 1,„„,1„. rand building mnteri ,
eau he boil
101 l meres of this tract are eleared and under ti e a of at a cheap price , fr.m the mills. Other
ielastication. Nit buildings thereon. mg; ore now icing opend, and brick• Yards being
5. All that tract mark•4l (Ii) in acid Din. started till the ground. A person can put up a
, gram, containing 119 aeres; woodland. frame tenement for present convenience ter one
, 11. All that fillet stoked (K) in said dim. Immired dollar , On account of the extensive
gr' 7 " : I'
tint t fti
in.:::.,87::::, 1 ( 4 , ,, 7 ) 1 7, 1 :7 1 7: r i n 't i l 11 gil:Cn'tfio..l'teur;istPithiri:el"ionittiol ih?iin‘b.deestiOneptiaututriiBuerpa7l;oPune:'.insrePoPiannt:ehrre;
~ hest terms.
woodland, m.
gram ...mining 148 ner.i "'ld 83 porches in settling here the emigrant has any advert
rages. Ile is within a few hou s'i'de of the great
8. All that tract inatlied (M) in said Dia• Cities in the Middle States and New England ,he
gram containing 117 acres 147 poi:hes; wooil• i n a , . i . I,j, old friend/Nun! associations; he is in •
i land.
settled country, where arol., improvement end
r 9. A lot a ground in the village of Sinitle comfort of civilization is at hand ;le iii in a heal
finld marked (0) in said Diagram, having thy phe.e, Hod is net subject to the certainty of
thereon erected ii small log stable. 10-ing the greater part of his family and his own
10. An undivided interest in Milnwond Aead he alth '3; t h".e ma l i gna, i n! fence which rook. the
ettly in Dithlin township, the extent (it wkich r li' t7i:: : f it : " „tt l . " 7,,", Y gt l i t e lL e ° , l ,, L ,l 3 ," fi t ., l , l , lY,7 o 7 , g o n a l l
interest will be made knovu upon the day of friends. Besides, he bras a mild climite and as
• .1... . ,
. s . ~i,pti winter.
, 11. All flint 1 rm•l meAvd ( 11 1 hi en lo Int , There ore three trains daily to Philadelphia.
gotta containing 203 acres 39 perches mei and to n'l those oho ins rove the railroad cora
called the - 1.011(rd tar Sprillg•llialtie Fa 1.111." pane gives a tree ticket.
About our: hall or thin tract is neared and The render will at once he struck with thew!.
h as ii,,,,,ii a dwellling home saw-niill, nod an vantages here presented, and ask himself why the
' __,..„,,.,
sprispring,, of Water. 'l',, b e ,„1,1., 4 t h e plopetty hits not been taken up hefore. • The rea
-1 real estate L ao ., w , ii,,,, r, deeid. under Mill is. it was never thrown in the market; and
1 his loot will. unless these Ffillolllolo.4 were correct no one would
• • ite invited to examine the land before porehasing.
1 12. All that Into marked in the said Dia. ,
laud uode a t r" eu t i ' Mi l io e i d i I ( t ' they u:iirill'enYmewtinpereso."l rho grim
l 4 i r e with
I le : i and " i"
: (tilled ( V)
l 7 te liil " ll e h r i ' i 'P li k g Fl7.:ltilL(.l.—" uu doubt, from their own i d ;they will
, About 80 net, thereof are cleared end it ilwel• e ,„„ e ,,,, the imi ,,, orommm„,
~.. j.ige
~, this
, ling thereon erected, tho uncleared part , e b ee ,,,,, er „f th e populafi al. Persons should
ol this trod is heavil • y limber. cl. To he sold ' name weltered to purchase, as many are locating
, as the real estate of 11,,0ry 14. Ker, dee'd. 1110 , and locations urn not held on refwal.
der his last will.l Ihu 1111111111oldial Farmer, a efouthly.Literary
All these leech; except %Inwood lie in one and Aglicultusel Intl er, ouitaitiing tell iukitunt.
body twar the borough or Huntingdon and non of Ilanittiontott, will be sent tu.stiteh legal
will be sold together or separately so as to suit , re , end i'ell he "'' , "illed at 2, ceet 3 peraleoo ,
puretasera term, .. tie third of the purehase .1.1 :„. i : , 1 1 ' i ti l t .:: , ;le; W urr"nt. 1 .4 , givens
money to be paid 011 Callfil.llllllloll of the rah,. Fleur. ' "' ' - 7 ; .1, Pi•l':''.e money
I: paid. Route to the nail .—oeave Vine street,
and the residue to heinis•nlile with interest at whorl, Philinielphia..tbr Ilanomailiat by railroad
i t t u r s h al t e i . mel l' i h n eTt h i S pii h irl ' p ' i r ir7h d ait u rtn n oolli.eylhetodbuley ta,lir7.siir.AB.)3'lll.le.a","llsusariilitilig'itarawlytiteint."%nis thivillthbre.
secured by bonds arid mortgage.
found. Letters and appimationit rum be ~,hire . ,..,1
Sale to commenue at ten o'clock of said day. to S. B. COULIIILIN, 202 South FIFTH Street
t: A tendatice will be given by below Walnut. Pliilade- ftlntin . * nod lofonsittinti
DAVID S. Ems, Trustee efe. i cheerfully furnished.
Avg. 31r, 01158.--3 t Log. SI, 11184...11at
$1 62
spzimunD calm
At 430 Chestnut St. The only Original Gill Boa
G. G Evans would irrorm his friends and the
plt , .lic the 1.14 Stur Gift Hook Store. und Pub.
nod, 1.011, permanent y established
;•, 1 , ndid Ir. Building, 439 Chestnut st.
t wo door. helow Fifth, wino e the purchaser of
euo l i hook, at the regular retail price. will re.
sews (me if 11. e fullowing Ott., veined 0: Ilea
25 cents $100:
550 Patent English Lover Gold
Watclic, $lOO 00 um&
550 Patent Anchor LPvor Gold
Watches, 5 0 1 .
400 Ladies' Gol I Watches, 18k.
SS 00 ..
600 Silver Hunting Watches,
warranted. 16 00
500 Parlor Titnepiecea. 10 00 t.
500 Cameo Sets. Ear Drnps and
firm, 10 00
son 1.., Brarelet., 5 00 to 12 00 t.
son Vet anti no, Chains, 1u ou 4.
1000 Gold I.,nrkett (large sine '
rear.) 10 00 "
5(100 6 , 4.1 ~, t eketP, (PmallPize.) 3 00
1000 Onlil Pencil Cases, with
field relol,
1000 Extra C4.,11l Pent, with cafe.
2 , 00 (1.4.1
25(0 001.1 Pool, with Si.ver Pen.
2500 Ladies' Gold Pens, with Ca
ses Holders, 1 50 "
6500 Ghl (Ladies,') 1 00
2000 Gems' Gold Ring, 2 50 "
2000 LillliPS' Gold Bresrpins, 2 50 "
moo 1101 , 1 Ikeastpins, 1 50 "
3000 Poeket Knives, 100 "
2000 Set, Gents' Gold Bosons
2000 5.44 Gents' Gold Weer.
flutton , , 9 50 "
2000 l'sirs of Ladies Ear Drops, 2 50
°OOO ',Who.' Pearl (lard Cans, "
15000 Ladle , ' Cameo, Jet, or
Nlosaie Pins,
2500 lao!ies' Shawl and Ribbon
5000 Artielos of Gold Jewelry, Gift Books, a.,
0., not enumerated in the aboro, words
Irrun 25 cents to $25.
Evetw' new Ont &tine, which is sent flee to
all pi its of the e onatr v. cotaina all the 111091
i•opular honks of the day, BE4 th., newest pub.
Heath., all of which will he sold AS lOW as eari
1.0,0410.11 at other store*.
Agents wanted in every town in the Union...-
Those deviling vo to net, can obtain full perste
ulars by athlretning the above.
N. 0;4 7 -Being largely interested in publish
ing lirOki and buying from other publishers in
inonatifenuantiti., for cash, I am enabled to
tnnhe larger di-counts to Country Agents and
finult, Dealer.: th.ta can be had at any other
h stye in the country.
Any hook p. 114416.1 in the Un ted States. the
retail price of which is one dollar and upward.
will he prionptly tent, Gilt included i ,on receipt
of rtoli•hers price.
An extra $1 Book mid Gift given to any per•
in indering ten binds to be sent to one ado
Send fur a C4talontie.
Ant, 31tt, '58.-3id. 439 Chestnut St. Phil*.
5 00 "
3 b 0"
2 00"
9 50 "
II 50"
s oa ,•