iht 1141,1filli4u IR TiallrliaL ra A lit) WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. T CIZT INVI TOR ! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. Compounded entirely of Gums. . I 3 one of the best ',argotic; and liver medi cines now before the public, that acts as a Ca thartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any flier medicine known. It is not only a Ca thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach and bowels to carry oft that matter. thus aecom, I plishing two purposes effectually . without !fly of , the painful feelings experienced in the c,,peration of moat Catitreics. It stregthons eoe system at it same time that it purge:: it , and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strenghten and build it up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one o the y principal regula tors of the human ho- rii tly ; and when it per forms its functions well 0 the powers of the sys tem are fully develop- 1.4 ed. The stomach is almost entirely depen- ~,,e dent on the healthy action of the Liver f0r;,..," the proper perform ance of its functions. When the stomach is at fault, the bowels are 0 stealth and the whole system suffers in con- 0 sequence of one organ —the Liver— having !.q ceased to do ha duty. For the diseases o Oa that organ one of the proprietors has made os it his study, in a prao deco} more than teen- 67, ty years, to find some remedy wherewith tol counteract elm many derangements to which, Id it is liable. To prove that this r o remedy is at last dis covered any person 7 troubled with Liver Complaint in any . 0hm..." forms, has but to try a bottle and convietion , ..," is certain. These gum remove 1 . 1 all morbid or bed matter from the system z supplying in their place a heal by flow cs., of bile, invigorating the etomamh, causing lill food to digest well, purifying the blood.gi- M ving tone and health to the whole machine-ry, removing the cease of the disease, and of- L = ' erecting a radical cure (inc dose after eat- ing is stteliicient to re lieve the stomach and M !prevent the food from rising and souring. 10 Bilious attacks ewer cured, and what is hotter,. prevented, by „ the occastOt use of the Liver Invigorator. 211-1 Only one dose ta. ; ;;; i kon Info e ter get prevents Nightmare. Iml Only one *dose taken at night, le , ,ens the bowels melt , ' and cures Costiveness. One dose taken after each meal will cue Dys pepsia. 'One dose of loco teaspoonfuls will eel ys remove Sick Headache. . One bottle taken be female olnictructionrc moves the canoe of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. Only one dose immediately relieves Cholie, while_ _ . One dose often repented is a titre curt for Cholera Morbut, anti a preventive of Cholera. fir Only ono bottle is needed to throw out of the system the effects of inedieine:after a long sickness. GT'One bottle taken for Jaundice removes •Il sallowness or unnatnral color from the skin. One dose taken to short time before caking gives vigor to the appetite, and makes fouilat . _ . •• rtdat Id-te,ilceo.ren.catcd cures Chi oniy Di Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks cwt.- ed.. 11 Worms in Children ; there is no surer or speed. lea remedy in the world, as it never WIS. Crib few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasnre in rocommendi ngthis med icine as a preventive fur Fever and Ague, Chill, Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It. operates with certainty, and thousands are wil • ling to testify to its wondertnl virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous tes timony in its favor. water in the mouth with the Invigo• mon and swallow hoth'togethet. The Liver Invigorator. Is a scientific medical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cares us if by magic, even the lirsst dose giving benefit, wad seldom more than one bottle is re quired to cure any kind of Liver complaint, from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com mon Ileadnehe, all of which are the result of a diseased Liter. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. SANronn, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N.Y. Sold by 11. AleManigill, .Y:J. Read Huntingdon. BANK NOTICE. - The undersigned citizens of the county of Huntingdon, he.eby give notice that they intend to make application to the next Degislnture for o Charter, for the creation of n Corporate hotly with Bunking or Discounting privileges, to be styled "Tim lintruxonox COUNTY BANN," to he located in the Borough of Huntingdon, coun ty of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, with the specific object of issuing Bank paper, and doing nil other things ordinarily pertaining to a Bonk of issue. W. B. ZHIOLER, Davin Br. tn, J. SEWELL STEWART, WM. MCMUNTROI, 'Time,. H. CREMEIt, A. W. BENEDICT, R. Barna PETNIKIN, B. E. Melltittni., A. JOHNSTON, WM. COLON, JAMES MAGUIRE, GHAFFIU. MILLER, JNO. MCCULLOC I JOAN WHITTAKER, CAMPOELL, THE CASSVILLE SEMINARY. ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER THE PRESENT FACULTY. IL McN. WALBIII, Principal, Prot Of Languages nod Philosophy. Chas. S. Joslin. A. 21, Prof. of ,re etc. James W. H ughes, Prof. of Mathematieg. Alc,niamin F. Houck. Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics. Gen. W. Linton, Prof. of Vocal Music. Mrs. M. ItleN. WAL4l, — Preeeptrestif Teacher of Botany. History, Reading; etc. Miss E. M. Faulkner, Teacher of Pens Work, Painting, Drawing, Miss D. L. Stanley, Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Floes, Mrs. Dr. Darwin. Teacher of English Branches. Mies J. M. Walsh. Teacher of Primary English. The tecent success of this school is extraor dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the kind ever established, it is now the largest in this section of the State. All branches are taught, and students of all ages, and of both sexes, are received. The expenses for e. year need not be more than $9O. Students can en• ter whenever they wish: Address, JOHN D. WALSH, Casswille, Huntingdon Co., Pa. Jime23,'sB. MACKEREL of all s., Herring, &c., can be bad of th best quality, by calling on Frsucu & McMutyr Brameol 2 ,oVES & mons c N ho. p. P. (MI'S TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. I TERMS The c HUNTINGDON JOURNAL' is published it the following rates If paid in advance $1,50 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing 1,75 If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till. after the expiration of the year. No subscrip iton taken for a less period than six months. I. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordered, and no paper will be discontinu ed, until arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. 2. Returned numbers aro never received by us. 1 All numbers sent us in that way are lost, and never accomplish the purpose of the sender. 3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions, must pay up arrearages, and send a mitten or verbal order to that ellbct, to the office of pub lication in Iluntingdon 4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a legal or a proper notice. it, After ono or more numbers of a new year have been forwarded, a new year has commenc ed, and the paper will not be discontinued until arreurages are paid. See N o. I. The Courts have decided that refusing to take a uewspaper from the office, or removing and leaving it uncalled for, is ruts, FACIE evidence of intentional fraud. Subscribers living in distant counties, or it) other States, will be required to pay invariably in advance. 'The above terms will be rigidly adhered to in all cases. ADVER'IIBIM!IENTS Will be charged at the following rates I Insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 371 $ 50 One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00 Two " (32 " ) 100 150 _2 00 • 3 mo. 0 mo. 12 mo. One square, $3 09 $5 00 $8 00 Two squares, 500 800 12 00 4column, 800 12 00 18 00 . . . .. .., . ..... 12 00 18 00 • 27 00 18 00 27 00 40 00 do., do., 28 00 40 00 50 00 Business Cavils of six lines, or less, $4.00. Advertising and Job Work. We would remind the Advertising com munity and 111 others who wish to bring their business eitenbively before the pub lic, that the Journal has the largest cir culation of any paper in the county—that it is o mstuntly increasing;—and that is goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi zens. ,We would also state thut our facilities for executing all kinds of JOB PRINT ING are equal to those of any other office hrid Job Work entr_ua i romptly, and at prices which will be satisfactory. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, 1858-59 The successful laying of the trans-At 'antic Telegraphic Cable marks a new era in the Itisto-y of Human Progress. Hence firth, Europe, Western Asia and North ern Africa lie within an hour's d,stance from our shores, ana the battle which de cides the fate of a kingdom the capture of o Vienna or Gibraltar, the all of a dynas ty, the triumph of a usurpation, the - birth of an heir to royalty, the death of a Nich olas or Wellington, in any county which touches the Mediterranean, the Euxine, the Black or the German Ocean, will be published in New York the next morning, if not on the very day of its occurrence. In a moment as it were, we have been thrown into the immediate intellectual neighborhood of the whole civilized and a large portion of the semi-barbarous world. The rise and fall of stocks in Lon don or Paris will henceforth be reported ted frotn day to day in the journals of our sea-board cities. The boldest operators in Wall street will refuse to buy or sell until they have read the quotations of that day's business on the Royal Exchange and the Bourne, whose trasnactions will have closed en hour or so before ours can begin A revolution in Paris, an impor tant vote in Parliament, an insurrection in Italy, a fire in Constantinople, will be discussed around the breakfast tables of New York a few hours after its occur rence. A mighty though silent transfor mation in the conditions of human exist ence has boon effected by the little wiro stretching across the ocean's b:d from the coast of Ireland to that of British Amer ica, and one inevitable result of this must be an unexampled community of feeling and interest among the nations of Chris and a consequent desire for a more intimate acquaintance with each other's doing through the medium of the News paper Press, It seems hardly possible that thousands should not henceforth regu larly read their own jounals, who have hitherto loon content wills an occasional glence at those takan by their neighbors white many who have hitherto been con tent with a Weekly issue will now require a Semi-Weekly or Daily. In short, intel ligence, always a vital element of growth in wisdom, success in business, or enjoy ment in life, has now become indispensa ble to all. —The New York Tribune, now more titan seveteen years old, which was the first journal in the world that appeared regularly on an imperial eight page sheet • " LIBICRTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND tNOICPARABLII. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1858. at so low a price as two cents, and which has attained the unparaled aggregate of more than 200,000 subscriptions, respect. fully solicits its share of the new patron age which the Metropolitan Press is henceforth constrained at a heavy week ly cost, to deserve. It asks especially the patronage and active favor of Repub-1 licans—of those who hate till forms of , oppresion, and desire that every rational being shall be free to employ his facilities • in such innocent manner as he shall deem best—of those who would extend Libertr and limit Slavery—but it further appeals likewise to all who look and labor for the return of National thrift, plenty, prosperi ty, through the protection of American Industry by wisely discriminating duties! on Imports—all who favor National Pro grass through internal developement and melioration rather than by external ag gression and extension--all who would I rather have the National resources days ted to the construction of a Railroad to the Pacific than to purchase or conquest of Mexico, Nicaragua or Cuba--all who would retrench radically our present mei dinate Federal expenditures by abolishing or immensely reducing the Army and Na vy, and expending the money thus saved on works of beneficence which will en dure to bless our children—all who pro founedly realize that "Righteousness alteth a nation," and that no rest advan tage can ever accrue. to any person or community from acquisitions or success achieved by means which contravene the laws of Eternal Right, The free allot ment of limited portions of the Public Lands to Actual Settlers thereon, and ev ery hopeful plan intended to diminish the sum of human misery train dearth of em ployment or inadequate recompence.•-ev cry scheme especially that seeks to help the unfortunate by enabling and teaching them to help themselves—must conimand our earnest Sympathy and co-operation. Within the present year, the tribune hue provided itself mitt it new and faster Press ate cost of 18i30,000. merely that paper aliay or :tea earlier tans tney-orner wise might do. With correspondents at the most important points throughout the civil zed world, and a staff of writers oho. sen from among the best in the country, we believe that even those who dislike the politics of our sheet concede to it frankness in avowing it , convictions nod ability in maintaining them. We appeal then, to those who believe that an increas ed circulation orthe Tribune would con duce to the political, intellectual and mor al well-being of the Repub'ic, to aid its in effecting such increase. As we employ no travelling solicitors of subscriptions, we ask our presenf patrons in every lo cality to speak to their neighbors and friends in our behalf; we shall gladly re ceive from any friend lists of those who would receive and read a specimen copy of one of our editions. and shall be partic ularly grateful to those who may send us such names from post offices at which we have now no subscribers. Whatever ad ditions may thus be made to our circula tion shall be parnleled by increased efforts and expenditures to make our issues more valuable and useful than they have hither to been. The Tribune is printed on a large impe- 1 rial sheet, folded in quarto form, and mail ed to subscribers on the following • TERMS: Daily Tribune, per annum $5 SEM I.WEEELY TRIBUNE. One Copy one year s3 Two Copies, use year Five Copies, one year Ten Copies, one year to one address - 20 WEEKLY TRIBUNE. One Copy, one year Three Copies, one year Five Comes, one year - • • • • 8 Ten Copies, one year - • • • 12 Twenty Copies, to one address at the rate of Si per annum - • • • 20 Twenty Copies, to address of each sub scriber, and any larger number at the rate of $l2O each • - - •• • 24 Any petson sending us a club of twenty or more will be entitled to an extra copy. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms always cash in advance. All letters to be addressed to HORACE GREELEY b Co., Tribune Buildings, Nassau•st., New-York. New• York, Sept. 1858. Singular Arilhmeiical Fact.•-Any num ber of figures you may wish to multiply by 5 will give the same result if divided by 2, a much quicker operation ; but you must remember to annex a cipher to the answer when there is no remainder, and whenever there is a remainder, whatever it may be, annex a 5 to the answer. Mul tiply 464 by 5, and the ar.swer will be 2320 ; divide the same number by 2, and you have 232, and as there is no remain der, you add a cipher. Now take 257, and multiply by 5, the answer is 1785. On dividing this by 2, there is 178 and a re• mainder ; you, therefore place a 5 at the end of the line, and the result is again 1785 VAN AMBURGH'S ZOOLOGICAL & EQUESTRIAN COMPANY, From the Broadway Theatre, New-York. Cr . THE REGULAR BILLS of thl. prodigious Establishment, which had unprecedented success et the Broadway Theatre, centain the details of the rstroor• theory scenes performed, and In which appear the fel lowing attractions—the must wondrous ever known. IVILL EXIHRIT AT HUNTINGDON SEPTEMBER 16th, IS6S, FOR ONE DAY ONLY. Also, at BELLEVILLE, Sept. 16th,, Doors open at H and 7 o'clock, P. NI ddmission 25 cents. No half price. ....-- .......,,„.,„.....,...--.. -..----- ,1 „ , ..\ -.., , - - .•:',.- :- i - '''(" I, ' - r.:, . „ , ? : ;;;..is„. , '--... , , : f if , 1 • 1 Att , , The Best Performing Elephant! „) the ti'orld. I'IPPO Stilt. THE ONLY PAIR of ROYAL BENGAL TIGERS In "merle, u.l the !urge. ewer t Ann utivr, per 11.ruung iu Cuger r :Ili LION'S, T....1_1C P.A.1.2,1DE3, as 331 . 2..A.Z1L1.A.1\T 'I'IG-MIELS, Under the connolind nr the Purim Frcf.LANEORTHY, villa ENTERS the CAGES r kli !: ...z. 7.7 . i 1 11 1 li ~,W l i I .\' -,.:4 •-- - , ..d;: . 1 f f-- 7 '4,71,,,L . :± , 10 ~,. “ ,. ...: , ..1, • . . ' . A CIRCUS of STAR ARTISTS ! Including EATON STONE; W. W nunim,e, tins NIEOLO FAMII.Y, 4ln and.el , Mom. NICOI.O, and 31a.tnra AI.PIIONSo, SMIASTIa N. •nd ALMA ; their IXIOS, Allndln and Wallah ; onelr ;site PONIES; Alaoter FRANK; ;TON STONE; Men , ..114 FREO ER ICES; Prat, INOWORTIfY from A.;ley'•, THE PEOPLE ' S CLOWN, DEN SSOPE, a7.111,,,C3V.!;•,..0PM4yr•tkrA,..t.0. , ;'1 , : ,:l o , 11m; rho, Ow einAllett Clown fa the word. obly Nix roan old ; noel Sio•orp. lllunns, MAACiimovr. WHERLes. NoilroN, NA sr., IlAvArco, &,aci the Monkey JOCZO ' 1 /, „ ;:rl , - \4: ~. ~ , t i r ._. , The NAME of the FAR - FAED LlOil - TAMER, 'TAN* AMEtT-TRal-I, fa • immne.° of tI, superiuily of this establishment. eme.----- Two Porformaaceo Mach Day! 'lll PROCESSON will be proceled by 116 ineornus Mrsic CilAßto,lreson by ~fight eelll otedaialotg the NEW•VORK BRASS 11.:,:11. lad by pis secomplithed rxict, n BEAR IN 21INEr that Cats hit the .fit[ AT t2033t . %N V' trotn the FIROAD. ‹ilk't"rlE.,:t•rsco:, nIV-TOltll errl. 57 Cnn Pie '..4. account. albs A... tt.,l ',carom Aool ,*acct Pbcdtanp. "ANOTHER HATTIILL, JOEL•" A short yarn was spun to us last even ing, of and concerning the experiments in milling of a couple of friends of ours, now or lately sojourn!ng, for health and pleas• ure at the Talladega Springs. It is unne cessary to give the names of these gentle men, but for convenience we will call them respectively, John and Joel. They, it may be remarked, have great similarity of tastes, and among other penchants, are cc , ry fond of fishing ; and everybody knows that the vicinity of Talledega Springs of. fern fine opportunity to the skillful knight of the fly. Thus John and Joel —there being no religious services at he Springs that day —went out, Sunday efore last, to the 'nill of Mr. P—, a mile or two down the creek, with a view to a dinner of small trout and bream. With them went their invited guest, Mr. Smith, and "Miles" .'contrived" them down a bottle or two of The party was snug ; the wind was pro pitious f and the fish altogether am iablo.— A cosy, nice dinner of brown and crisp mountain fish was soon washed down with a few glasses of champagne ; and then ci• gars were lit. As the smoke curled lan guidly about their noses, Satan, (who was invisibly prevent, without an ,nvitation) sugszested to John, that that mill wan .11 slow coach,' and couldn't cut much lumber; and John expressed the same opinion to Joel. Joel thought differently, and ao did Smith. 'Let's try her,' said John. 'Agreed,' said Joel and Smith It was short work ; a large pine log lay at right angles across the carriage of the mill ; and it was agreed to 'let her rip" through this. Accordjngly, the gate was raised and immediately the stillness of 'thii gratul old woods' was broken by the rapid sharp strokes of the saw. In a minute the log was brought up and the saw went rapidly through. 'Now stop her,' said Joel—and Smith and John essayed to do so. But the mill wouldn't be stopped, but went clattering away. as hard as ever ! 'Stop her, John, or by the Lord she'll split herself in two,' shouted John. But all the fixtures were obstinate and refused to yield to the exertions of John and Smith. On went the saw, while John and Joel per. spired. Presently the carriage presented some metallic obstruction to the passage of thu saw, out "true as steel," it went against the obstruction—and then the teeth flew. [Some pieces of mill-iron had been left upon the carriage way.] But yet it oeas• ea not— up and down ! up and down ! the true steel to the dull oast iron, until sudden ly a small flame broke out among the dust and splinters near the point of contact. 'Great G—d, John,' said Joel, 'the infn nal machine la on fire. What shall we dot' 'Run down to the creek and bring up your hat full of water,' said John. Joel looked affectionately at his handsome tile. which is always kept neatly brushed, but submitting to a dire necessity he straight way made it n fire bucket and commenced fighting the /mei. Johr. and Smith's straws wore unavailable; nevertheless, they did all those wild, inconsiderate things which twos: persons will do, in case of fire when there is no possibility of doing any good. Still that toothless saw ripped on, sing ing a demon song as it scraped against the dull cast iron. And the fire kept gaining to little Joel lat ored faithfully, and every two minutes brought up Ina hat full of water and threw it upon the fire. John stood despairingly leaning-against a post in the mill, and hallooed to his friend, as he seem- I d to 7oll4l,B"hsiVltu r Air ((Ming $l2OO apiece, if ii burns" 'Besides my hat !' said Joel ; but he brought the water and poured it go. On went the devilish saw, raking, rasp ing and tearing itself to pieces. At th's juncture, Mr. P., the owner of the mill, having seen the smoke, name down to the mill, and with great difficulty the saw was slapped and the fire put out. Joel was grieviously "Wawa" with carry. jag water in his hat, and John was quite used up with excitement, while Smith was breathless from his exertions at come lever which he supposad might have some influ ence in quieting the demon saw. 'Gentlemen,' said the proprietor, very politely, 'it is easy enough to see why you couldn't stop the saw after you set it a-go ing. This mill bas some new arrangements which I can easily explain -' 'For Heaven's sake, Mr. P.' said John, no explanations on that point! It's the first mill I ever set a•going and /shallne ver start another Just send us your bill for the damages, and let's say no more about it,' 'rho 'boys' paid $6O for not knowing how to stop n saw, and that night John, in a feverish sleep, (he has that blessing, chills and fever) shouted to his room-mate-- 'One more hat-full, Joel !" Log of the Cable Expedition, TRINITY BAY, Aug. 7 Field's lug states that the Niagara arri• ved at the rendezvous on the 23d, Valor ous 25th, Gordon 27th, and Agamemnon 28th; splice multi on the afternoon of the 29th; at 7:45 in and the electricians repot ted want of continuity in the cable, but in sulation perfect; kept on paying out, and at 11:30 Niagara received perfect signal s from Agamemnon. Thirtieth; distance run eighty-nine miles; paid out 131 miles; depth of water 1550 to 1975 fathoms.-- Thtrty-first ; distance run 137 miles; paid out 159 miles; depth varying from 1757 to 2200 fathoms. First; distance 145 Miles, payed out 161; depth 1950 to 2400 fath oms. Second ; distance run 154 miles, payed out 177, depth 1600 to 2300. Ni agara getting light and rolling much, not considered safe, carry sail to steady the ship, for in case of any accident it might be necessary to atop the ship soon as possi ble. At 3:38 in the morning imperfect in sulation detected in sending and receiving signals. All right at 8:40 ; fault in ward room, or in about sixty miles Irvin lower end, which was cut and taken out of the circuit. Third distance, 147 miles payed out, 56.1 depth, 740 to 1820 fathoms, At eleven o'clock !Prelims, we received a sig• nal from the A4amemnon ; was in two bun ' Bred fathoms a water. At ten o'clock in tht: evening the Niagara was in the same depth. Fourth —Disiance 146 miles, paid out 144 ; depth under 200 fathoms. Made land at the entrance to Trinity Byy at 8 in the morning. Entered Bay at 12:30.--- Fifth---at 1:45 in the morning, anchored at the distance of 4 miles ; paid out 61 miles; total paid out, 11116 miles ; distance 882 miles. At 2 in the morning, landed and informed the telegraphers that the fleet had arrived. At 2:45 received signal from Agamemnon. She paid oyt 1,010 miles; 5:15 morning.. cable landed ; 6 in the mor. ning—carried telegraph house where strong current received from the other side of the Atlantic. Captain Hudson read prayers and made remarks. One in the afternoon --Gordon fired the, royal salute of 21 guns. Sixth—received strong electric signals from V►lentia Bay all day. Note---Landed here in Woods untii the instruments were ready and perfectly ad. justed. Communications cannot pass be tween the Continents, but the electric cur rent passes freely. There may be an in terruption of communication for a few days. A Sentimental Robber. A night or two or two ago, a fair, sweet girl, residing on Race, rear of Fourth St., wns partially awakened from her slumbers by a man in her chamber, but not fully aroused, she lay with closed lips for a mi nute, when, the sound being repeated, she started up and saw, by the light of the little , jet upon the gas-burner, a man's form dis appearing through the window. She screamed involuntarily, and her father, armed with a revolver, was in her room in a few moments, greatly ajigated and alarm ed, questioning his loMNaughter us to this cause of her fear: She told him what had frightened her, and he ran to the open window, looked out upon the balcony and into the yard, but could see nothing of the terrible man, the midnight robber, and dis turber of the dove eyed darling's rest . The parent was disposed to think his dough ter bad been dreaming, that her iinagina tiTl 14. .Uir*.e.4.7l.llP.l.WPON9t,Rlitish . hew seen all she had stated. Her father was still incredulous, when, in looking around, he observed upon his daughter's dressing bureau, where a beautiful enameled watch, a pair of heavy bracelets, a diamond ring, and a necklace were lying, a slip of paper on which was wlitten : Fairest, Dearest Girl : I came here to rob, but your beauty has made me honest for the time. I saw these jewels, but be• keying them yours, I could not take them. I have stolen what I value more—three delicious kisses from your unconscious lips, Do not be offended; they were gen tle and innocent. AN UNKNOWN LOVER. This story sounds romantic, we are aware, and perhaps some of our matter-of fact readers will be skeptical in relation thereto, but we are assured upon the best authority that it is strictly veracious, and we publish it as an evidence that the age of gallantry and sentiment is not at an end ; that the race of Rinaldo Rinaldiui is not extinct-1. 0. Della, A Knook Down Argument. A certain man went to a dervish and proposed three qu :glans : First.---i. Why do they say God is ornni• present 1 Ido not see him in any place; show me where he Is. Second•••" Why is a man punished for crimes, since whatever he does proceeds from God ? Man has no free will for he cannot do anything contrary to the will of God, and if he had power he would do everything for his own good. Third--•" How can God punish Satan in hell-fire, since he is formed of that ele ment T and what impression can fire make on itself ?" The dervish took up a large clod of earth, and struck him on the head with it. The man went to the cudi and said "I proposed three questions to such a dervish, who flung a clod of earth at my head which made my head ache." The cads having sent for she dervish, asked him : _ ..... , •'Why did you throw that clod of earth at his head, instead of answering his questions ?" The dervish replied : "The clod of earth was an answer to his speech. Ale says ha has a pain in his head—let him show it to me and I will make God visible to him. And why does he exhibit a complaint against met What. ever I did was the apt of God, and I did not strike without the will ofGod.— liat power do I poem! Ar.d es he is compounded of the earth, how can he suf fer from that element! The man was confounded, and the ca di was highly pleased with the dervish's. answer. VOL: 50(III. NO. $101: Illysteriois Min' in New York. [From the New York Courier of July 30.] A report was current in the city onThurs day that Mr. John V. James had died very suddenly and mysteriously at hie residence N 0.69 Amity street, and that his remain's' had been conveyed in a clandestine man ner to Albany, the place of his nativity. What added still more to the mystery; was the fact £hat his death waitinnotinced in the Herald or T , ndav, as having taken place on Su •. ;ening, when in fact he was well at that time, and continued ao up to within a few hours of his deceasei which took place on Tilestay eierilao Mr- James had been addicted ro easels in the use of ardenispirits, and was in the habit of partaking of powerful medicines. It is supposed'that he intended ooinmitiog suicide on eanday riight, and after having penned a notice of his death' and sent ii to the Herald, his courage failed bim, and he posponed the , deed., The following i, the notice referred to: 'Died.—On Sunday evening, July 25th Mr. John V. hurley, of Albany." "This sentence will occasion many a sad heart among those who kn ew him. He was one of the kindest and gentlest of human beings. For the last three years Mr. Japes has beeo'connected with the Ores,: The * last lines that ever he wrote were on the death of his friend, Lieutenant Gas ton, who fell with Captain Tayloi, of whose death a feeling and eloquent paragraph was publihsed in yesterday's Herald. Mr James was only twenty years of age' of the time of his death. Hod he only lived he would haqe made a name for himself among the where of his cuuntry." On the morniug subseqent to his death, a wagon containing a coffin was driven up to N 0.67 At/my street. 'Phe coffin was taken into the house, in about fifteen min utes afterwards brought out, placed upon the wagon and driven off. The act was notiord 'oy person, residing in the neigh ' borhoud, and finally came to the knowl edge of inspector Dilks, 15th Police Dis trict, who endeavored to get information at the house where deceased had resided, te "'Sacrum, mom tircy LIM3 - 7710U, rt puss ',torrent examination of the body, and as r r d h i t decided was o f a r a , n t ion of M r , G. certained that death was caused by deliri um tremens, accelerated by the strong teed-. icines he had been in fhe habit of using. ' On the certificate given by one of these gentlemen, the body was taken for inter ' ment to Albany, where most of the rela tives rf deceased reside. There is but lit tle doubt, however, from the circomstan• above named, that the deceased committed I suicide. For e man of his years, Mt. JR- . considerable taspo a s b t. ility it , a i m s i ted stated;t possessed e t Is w e t p. R. James, the English novelist,' The Wheat Crop. The wheat prop in the several Stater, may be considered an harvested and par tially ready for market. We can, there fore, give the following returns with some degree of certainty Mew York—The crop is under the last year's about fifteen per cent., but the quali ty is much better. Perinsy/vanin.—The crop is fully an av erage one, but ten per cent. lees than last year per acre. Maryland--The crop is an average one but less per acre, and better in quality than last year. Virginia •: The wheat crop' in this State is twenty per cent, lees than last year for the amount at ground in cultivation, and the quality not much superior. North Caralina—The crop in this State is probably nearer ten iced. (Wine than in any other. The yield' being fully fifty per cent. less than last yeh.r, and poor in quality. Kentucky—The crop is above the aver age, but less than last year, the quality is, however, unsurpassed. Thanessee --'rhe crop is a good one, but under the average in the yield per acre. The quality is goad. Missauri—The amount of the Wheat crop in this State is not fully known, bin it will generally compare well per acre with the other Western States. Ohio—The yield of wheat per acre is fully twenty per cent. less than last year, but from the increase of land in cultivation the decrease from an average crop will not much exceed ten percent. lowa- The accounts front the centre of the State in regard to the Wheat crop are very gloomy. The crop will hardly aver age ten bushels to the acre. Oats are ge. uerally a failure. illinois—ln Southern Illinois the yield of wheut is about a fair average, rather un der than over. 'I he winter has been gen erally successful, and spring wheat the re verse. In other pans of the State the yield will be over half the usual crop. Indiana—ln Indiana the yield of wheat has been from one half to two•thirds on the average crop. Minnesota—• The yiela of wheat in this State is of better quality than UMW, and in quantity nearly two-thirds the wittal crop. Michigan—The yield of Wheat in Mi chigan is over two-thirds an average crop, and generally of good quality. • Wisconsia•-•The crop of Wheat is up to the average, the greater extent in cultiva• • lion compensating for any deficiency in the yftld per acr..•- Pittsburg Journal. a