wr. THE TRADE-A PARLOR GA)fE. One of the party must be selected to open the game, who does so by saying : "I have apprenticed my sou to, (naming the trade, and the first thing he made (or used) was (mentioning the initial letters of the article.) Whoever discovers the article alluded to takes the next turn. We will suppose a number of persons are playing, and the agreed upon begins with : "I apprenti ced my son to a cabinet maker and the very first thing he made was an "A• C." "Arm chair," exclaims a player, and Chic being correct, it becomes his turn, and he says. "I apprenticed my eon to a dry good store, and the first thing he sold was a piece of P. M." "Paper muslin." "No ; try it again." "Was it printed." "No, you are not right yet.,' "P. M. I can't think of anything else beginning with P. M." "Will you give it up V .. Yea is the general cry." '•lt was a pink merino, Now it is my turn again, ns you did not guess it. I ap- prenticed my son to a grocer ; and the first thing he sold was B• of C." ' , Box of Candles," some one says; who without delay continues. apprenticsd my eon to a hardware man and the first thing he sold was a 13. 8.,, "Blower stand." ‘.Well, I apprenticed my son to a con fectioner; and the first thing he made was C. C." ' , Cocoanut nut cakes." “No ! guess again," "It must be cream candy, then." "Yes that is right." "I apprenticed my daughter to n dress• maker, and the first thing she made was a B. S. B." "Black silk basque," says another, and so the gaine goes on, the question s and answers passing rapidly from one to anoth er. It aflords a variety, sometimes, to give out the initial letters of any articles that are in the room where the parties are playiag.—Piterson's Nlagazine. A SINGULAR WILL. Judge Morris has shown us, says the New Haven Journal, the following copy • of a will recorded on the New Haven pro: btZte records : .‘ln the name of God, sole Governor of all worlds, Jesus Christ, the Holy alto ens kverve ninpatice, vanste, I nrones, Powers, Virtues, Angels Archangels, Cherub'm and Seraphim; Amen. 1, Di. • vid Ogden, of New Haven, in the State of • Connecticut, being in uncommon gond health and spirits, arid in my right mind and wits, do, in the following manner • make thin my !art will and testament.— Imprimis, My body, this mass composed of flesh blood, artertes, bones, cartilages, fibres, and God wnt not all besides, I corn mit, when dressed in my best suit of black clothes, to its deep, dnrk, silent grave— 'tie a dietunl house I am to dwell in, yea, a mournful one ; thtlelore, the dress for mourning is the most proper one fur me. Thus let this body be dressed for its coffin which I pray to be made of sound ma hogany wood, and not ornamented with brass nails and tin plates, telling my name ago or death—my head will tell these things to the itlyl II tire in the grave. "When this mass of corruption is thus .equipped, let it be borne on the shoulders of four sturday youths to its long home, the narrow grave whom I would, should be rewarded for their trouble with a de cent pair of gloves each. By the way Should David Edwards, the Sunday next after my exit, conceive eithi't my death or ' my life to merit a set mon, a short sermon prayer, or a few hymns to be sent up to the throne of all pitying and merciful God. praythee let it be done ; and for his trouble and good services in the solemn business, give him my best wishes for his welware, accompanied with n compliment of £8.4. New York currency. Item---My soul, God grant. if I have any or ever had it may wing its flh.,lit to heaven, be placed conspicuously among the stars, fly on the wings of the wind, feed the beitsts of the field, the birds of the air, the insects of the earth, or the fishes of the agoutis deep waters, upon the whole I give my soul to God. Item.---It is my will and pleasure theta monument worth ZlO, be erected in the burying ground in New Haven, to my momory, the motto and epitaph for which leave wholly to the discretion of my worthy friend and brother, Pierpnint Ed wards; Esq." Then follow the bequest, ttc. Mirk may seem strange, but it is a fact that men generally aro much inure afraid of women. than women are of men ; and fearing to break the ice' is a fruitful cause of old bachelorism. ger A company of gentlemen at, Rocky Point Rhode Island, caught seven• wen sharks one evening last week. 611rThere are said to be from twelve In fourteen hundred houses scant tn Boston and its immediate soberbe. MISCELLANEOUS ADVEINISEMENTS. SAN It rOIVOA. The subscriber ofihrs for sale* small farm its Henderson township, half a mile north east of the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of Jahn ;inflow', Colestmk, and others, con- Wining aboui, ninety acres atid allowance, twenty-five or thirty acres of w ;!"hare cleared and under a good state of cultivation. the balance is well timbered. There are on this property three never-failing springs nf•good water. The buildings consist of a two-story frame house and kitchen, and a log stable ; fine young apple orchard of grafted fruit.— Terms made known by applyinv to the aultscri ber. SAMUEL FRIEL)LY. June23;liB,•4m. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, COMPLETELY PRESERVED TO THE GREATEST AGE. And who that is gray would not bare it re stored to former color; or bryld. but would later tie growth restored. or trouhled with 'tendril if and itching hut would have it removed or trmt hied with scrofula, scald head, or other e o flour, but would ho cured, or with sick licailacl.c (neuralgia) but would be cured. It "iii also remove all pimples from the face and akin. Prot. Wood's Hair Itt somatic° will do all this, see circular and the following. ANN Annon, November 5,1856. NO, 0. J. WOOD-08ar Sir. 1 hate heard much said of the wonderful otkets of your (lair Re4torittive, but having been so often cheated by quackery and nostrums, heir dyes, Sr., I leer disposed to lriot a your Restorative in the SWIM category with the thousand and one loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Law rence county some months since. when you gone mu such assurance as induced do trial ot your Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and en tirely white. and berme exhautoing one of your large bottle, her hair war restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color. and had thicken ed' and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the bead ; she continues to use it, not simply because of its beautifyMg effects !m -on the hair, but because of its healthful influ ence upon the head and Inintl. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative. with the happiest °fleets ; therefi.re. my skepti cism end doubts in reference to its character are entirely removed ; and I can and lie 1110/1 Medi any and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from what: or gray (by reason of sickness or age,) to origi nal color and beauty, and hr all young persons who would have thc it hair benefit 41. Vury truly antl gratefully yours. SOLOMON MANN, num, noon : It was a long time after I saw you ut Blissfield rTfore I got the bottle of Re•- atorutivo for which you gave me an order upon your agent in Detroit. and when i got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, at the surest test of its power. It has done tut that you secured me it wool , ' do and otliqr. , of toy family and friend., having witnessed, its effects , are now using and, recommending - its toe to wh ere xs entitled to the highest considerati•ot you , claim f; r it. Again, rery respectfully and truly rnurs ' SOLOMON MANN CARLYLE, 111. June 28, 1852. I have used Prof. 0. •,. Wood's Hair Restor ative, and have admired it wonderful effects My hair was becoming, as I thought, premature ly Won but by the 430 of his Restorative it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt psrnumently so. S. Illtr.co.r. ex• Senator. 17. S. V. a. rr UV U & CO., Proprietor.. 312 Broad way, N. Y., •(in the great y, w;„. Establishment) and 114 Market shoat, St. Luuis Mo , and solithy all good Druggists. June2,'sB.-3m. AZRZXA,NDRIA rOIINDat. )1•••• rtatsPfad4 The Alexandria Foundry Flasks,Patters, &c , have keen bought by IL C. McGm.. The Foundry is in blast and ha has all kinds ol Cas inos. Stevent all as, kinds. Machines, Pinnghs, Kettles, s." s i Cc.. &e., whin!' he will sell at the low— OW est market prices. All kinds 01' Conn 'a try prink., 1111.1 aid metal inane in exchange at market prices. K. U. McUILL May 26 1858. CHEAP GOODS, GREAT BARGAINS ! ! FISHER & MeMURTRIE flavejust received their second stock of SUMMER GOODS, which will he sold of at GII&IDLY REDUCED PRICER. It comprises Summer Dress G o als of every description, Prints,Gingham, Cottons, Whim Goods, Hosiery. itts, Trimmings. Marseilles, Patent Extension Skirts, Hoopq of all kinds, Straw Go sin, Boots & Shoes. and a lark and general assortment or all kinds of Goods sal• table to the wants of the community. lIINTINGDON WARN SPRINGS. The Warm Springs et the lave of Warrior'. Ridge, tire in lee 11011111/i IlUntilllooll, overlook ing Standing Stone Creek, and entironed by cu.. mantic hills and woodlands, have been by the fo titer proprietor u,i the Learner ilott.e. The extensive Hotel buildings, bath lain-es. &e., tweeted at great expuce by lie rend A P. Wilson, hare been completed—awl the grerei here been beautifully laid out and adorned.— , The Hotel 'wk. and eliamhers airy end tota -1 fortably Furnished; and the pro.per', own the 1 verandahs fur beauty, cannot he excelled. , For half a century, these Springs have ivcn colehruted for their medicinal qualiti,s, and the great nsture el the waters in rheumatic and chro nic affections. The temperature of the water being eel degrees. renders the bathing delight ful old invigorating. In the surrounding woods and mountains. game abounds, and the finest tish are caught is Stone Creek. Persons in pur suit of health or lensure, will find thi• a most delightful 4111 i healthful retreat; and its nearness to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the cheapness of the rates charged guests. give it a decided advantage over Any other watering place in the State. The Proprietor has had years of experience in the business and nu pains or truuMe will be spa red to tusk° guests cointlirtable. Harks run Rom I lantingdon to Warm Springs on the urriv,il of the different Railroad trains— fare 25 cents. Families aceommislated at mo orate terms. JOHN H. HERO, Warm Springs near Z Huntingdon, June sth S SPLENDID RAG CARPET for 371 ets. per yard at the cheep store of FIBIIER & McMutant. PRING SHAWLS and Mantillas of every `:stele ut the METROPOLITAN. New Card-Press. Having bought a fast I'ItESS," we are now prepared to print in the prcportion of three cards in the same time that any other lress in the county can print one, consequent y' we can print them cheaper—if out done well we make an Mims* M all. We sub your pa ' Imp, NEW ETWILD I NEW 000E3 I I MIsiI:I,I,ANEOLS ADVERTISEMENTS .• & AVING re-opened the AILTILOPOLITAN Formerly known .•.SAXTON'tI" the plea sllre in annotineing to their sonny friend., that they hove rem veal a noun null well.sdeetul stock of (mods, which they feel confiding will otttisly the demands of LIM public, Heil will prove • uoexceptionahle in STYLE, and QUALITY. 'Melina of Deems Goods mobil, ROBES A QUILLE IN ORGANDIES, '.AWN,, I'r.RCALES, C lIA LY S. '„,..7*GES, BRILLIANTS. Al.l. \\'l .„, ANI) I,A -DANl3l3l:‘,:,ul•atAllE, i VEI.I.A 1`1.(li . ::`• • • LusTHEs„ PRINTS. he. It• We he,' fine aw:ornilt•lkt r.l Summer otn- Mks, Shawls, Dr,. Frintzeh, An tiques. Min,. (ilia es. liaintrets, 11:111.1kereltiels, Buttons, Flto,, Sew', Silk. lutlebentut for Skirts, 12,1 , 1 11,.,p5. itraFS do.. Skirt Curd. A1.,1-Tiekens. f hinalling. un at all prices. Colure.l end White finned end Swiss Marline, Vionri,t Lawns. Nninsookg, 'l'arletun and penny ot h er ~,u•ie s whir h comprise the line of White and I iiiinestic Gum's. We have French Cloths, Fancy Cossimeres, ito•to , ,.lenns. 'Needs, Cottonades, I.inens, Denims nod Moe Drills HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, ° I every varjety style. Also all kinds o STRAW GOODS. A good stork of GROI MRCS, 11.11:1) & QUEENSWARE, BOOTS kt, SHOES, Wood and Willow-ware, We , tko deal in I . I.AtiTER, FISH, SALT, end 10 kinds 01* GRAIN, null I , os ,e s s in this ',Enoch ll' trade ittlegealled by any. %re deliver all patellees or parcels AierehniliNe. FREE 01 , CHARGE. at the dew. 01' the Blond Top 1111.1 l'enttiylvamie Railroads. Coma one, come all, nod he VOll% ince(' that the ..1114.Te0rt31.1 ri," is the place to recare lhaluionehle null de, t Able good's, di,po,ed at the lo,yeNt rates. Patent Portable Fence. The rights of Huac Putuln Portal), l'.•. 11111.11.1i1 Fence and Gate Post, for I, and TOWlisilip, cuu br..ecvu•ed ~;: - by engine . ue the Ageta at lluu tit) mod see the haalel at Oltee. the hest l ee, .:•rcr 1101.11. So I. (I , ii... 1.1 be willeiat it. Call 3e who here is, led uod f•Xlitlillit• II litr y 0111,01,4. 111:\1t COHN PI:OPS ,Lent fur lluuliu due Cuuuly. New Drug end Grocery :zterc I'll Iii:1 dthirs wum ul the Cotiri Deniers in Drugs, (Awl - 16.d, I 1p! yin Paints, VarilislTe,, Oils. Sia, A1c.,1,01. Wine nud Bno,ilv ail,. 13,, arttele ll.r C , muclorat..(l 1.y.• inaliitig Soap, ultin Cofii.e, Tea. _ . . . Viliegnr, I i h, kilt, Cithclivs, of all 1,1,1, 1.0 ulitlttnvr tt wool ev,ry lliit.g ttrnuily li,•pt in Store, those who ursine pore tit.tl licit, will 41,. w.. 11 I,y tli a cull. ,NI.Ly ',18:-1y, PREMIUMS AWA R BED THE L JOB OFFA Timm Enowr 11 PRINIMG. IN.TOc:,•I'I r1 . 7117t I 11 , $SI• 111 our bubserd24s whore (sive their papers.to inf.ro, ot those in their imtnediate neighborhoods who nee to the ••Jourtittl," end hove felled to reveiv, the some, since the St...Hil_ of nor pack...hook. 1,3 ruffians on the 3d of Fehronry. :VV.A,N7I7 -3GID! wiiffAl AN Li 47,10., at office. Thneo Nixing citiu•r can dispose of thi Blom by calling soon. STAGE LINE ' FROM rhambersburg to Mt, Union ri,he titian d nee II nt it ...pension& 11 e over the road between Chanther , htirg end Union. enema lie hut dhottlllllllllgeiltis is n Ifirve or the Cla, try. hits. tit n e.insiderithle expense and troehle mac arrangements to run it line a Stlge. the two point. , (heel thirties untl e..nifrt,thle Stnueg have been P 1 4 , - cod on the route. aid experienced and trti , drivers will eper , nntu,l the running or the (.sac h em. The l roprietor of the 1110111 that it he in:dm:tined, and he thornier, cell , Neat Ile. nubile renerelly to tintronize it. eolith lent 0,1 it i• ill he lite their mutual aily,mtngt. leery ititeuti , n Ileel,,try will he thorutining of the brnoee twill be regular. Stage.: leave Mt. U • . every Tites,l,l Tinos,lay, Mid Santulli!, evenings. ChaliherAloirg the next day at 2 o'clock. It. tubing. leave Chumbershurg, the saute nig . at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the n,•! evening in time for the ears. Between Nit, U ion and SIIIIIIr Gap the line will be daily. tir Fore through $3 ; to intermetii..te poin in proportion. JOHN JAMISON Jun. 20th, 1828.—tf. MIRS SOUTIIWORTii, COLONLI. G. W. I'lliirKETT, citAiti,Es BURDETT TIIONIAS DUNN EN(iI,ISII. M. 0. IIENI(Y CLAPP Ju.s., GEORGE A11N01.1), SAIUI , II, YDUNG. Mils. ANNA NVIIKLPLE Miss VIRGINIA VAIRI Mss. DI. VERNON. Miss BATTU.. ( LAKE, FINLEY .10,,NSoN, Write "illy fpr the G01.I)I N PR ZE. GOLDI• N PR ZE. GOI.UI N PN 7.E . GOLli N PH ZE. N PR ZE. GOLDEN Pit Z LA. Ell. 411.1kniil GILILLZ Proprieior. DENTISf MatBI32MODON 4 June 13, 1857. QI'LEN I +ID Linv of Dress Go.als, end ratios I." Holies of nil knols. Borogeo. 1,001, olored Brilliants, Chintz,. on I.t found at the kaltlM/LITAN SOYTH Eh, S N A T H S, RAKES, FORKS,Ice., A large aaaorttnent at the. kinrdwart. Store. 3AMRB A. BROWN. GOLDEN PRIZE, ILLUSTRATED. DEAN & SUCCeBPOrg to Becket & CO. The New York Weekly Goldeo Ytize I, one of the lergett and hest iteeary pomp of the ,lay—an Imperial Quarto. containing eight mt tp,,, or lolly eollllllll4, of the moot interesting l'eseinatiteg reading matter. from the pelts of the very tiro wrtter3 of the day. ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATE! , FVERT WEEK , A PRESENT, Worth from 53 Cents to $4OO 00. given to each subsoil:sr ininoolintely subscription money. Thin is reipt of ‘,.. and not presented as a toettarnto as OU inducement to obtain Kibberit“..... TERMS: I Copy for I year, $2 nu and I Present. 1 2 " 3 50 2 Presents, I 44 3 dc 5 00 5 I " 5 it 800 5 " AND TO OLT., 5 00 S " 7 00 5 " 15 00 10 " 21 " :1000 21 " The articles to he given away are comprised in the fullowing list : 2 Package,. of Gold, con'g $5OO 00 each 5 'la In do 200 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each. 10 Patent Lever Ilmieg Watches 1011 00 each. 20 (hAil Watches 75 00 each. 511 do 60 00 cacti. 100 Is. 50 00 each. 3011 Chdil Watches 35 1 1 11 each. 200 Silver Ilootine I Wat"het l 30 011 each. 500 'liver W.ochc, 'OlO 00 to 55 00 1,111. 110 1 111.1 'lllO. $lO 00 to :in , I 0 111 , 111 linleVlC . 1114011, V.3,1' 141111 S. e:IS. Itilitil, Woreh 11ohl cod SO ", rhombic, owl :• toriety of other arocies, worth frolo 50 rents lo $l5 each. J Copies, I year, 5 " We ti ill iiretent tit every lienoltl sundial; 50 ttiiiiiteri!ierg. $2 envh. al th.lal Wall4l. Word, $4O: SO buy us lOU suletrriliets. lit $2 Witte!, worth $5O. Every sitti•eriiier will itiso receive a iiresent. • • ttnln on receipt Dr the money, the Nu' name will he entere.l noon nor I k nod t e oret.ent will he lomtir.led within tote eeek, I, mail or expra,q. purr odd, ei.; All eontinottien the'. slinnltl he addressed to PEAS & SALTER, 5:15 lirinelwily. New York. • June 9, '58,-111,1s. Xs S. , BLANKS I BLANKS 1 gs V 241 , geherat !r lilt. de. alt, Nate at the ' , hob Coeinion bond I. E. Nok•a Veiolee Notes, Consts,l,il's Sales, 5111,1111,11118, M•oleagea, 1101. d oiitleasui , y r.oistable. Ate Colo 11. \t.\\l I..0"1 . I 1., 1,1•1/1t1 L.l l J f ilovt: for rule, lu ..unsumere and the trade, the i.s..e . te.ele I.t Paper II n, iufe, liurdere, tie,Jrai wen, &e.. it the h tlii it Suite, 11e. , ;oil: the sit. 6.1 n , leettee of the trade t., very heaulifel article ua pupet of • G 6.1.1) 111.\'1,f) It' SHALES, I.ii Ii the% ale t tr nlet v , ~..1 0,,T.• I .111. JOHN SCOTT. SAMUEL T. linowt4 11011MTili f , Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Office sanitt an that formerly occupied by JUhn So•Ott, Esq. • 1 c•t. 19. 1853. New Goods ! New Goods ID. P. GWJN' (TLIEP STORE, I). Clain besjust return,' from Wm with the largest and most beautiful as• sortment or SPRING kliD SUMMER GOODS, Ever hrotielit to .I!tintingd.on, consisting of the most latshionalile Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks. and Fancy. All Wool In Laing, (nll colors) Spring Delains, Challis I)elitins. lleritges. (all colors) Leven. Cloth, Debnize, Alpticest, lip lilts, Printed Iteraqs, Rrtlliante. olefin and Limns, 11111 i Prints of every de scription. A I.S1), it large lot of dress Trimmings, Frio; ge, A ittiiptes, Gimps, R•iilion, Buttons, 1;11ml, Crapes, Reed & Brass (loops, Skirt Cord. Silk and Linen handkerchiefs. Neel tics, Stock. 741.11 . , Frcoel. ,1 Cotton, Lilies and Cut? Flo,. Tidy Yion. 11,,,t, assortment of Col ors. ml.l town. Ilitr'il nml Nhoi I,l g . tired, H. 1 Iteltt• for C awl a IP: 10(,:i tee Ithinerott, to men. S i a in, a. tt Slut,.ls, White Delake for &e. t 1. , I ',silvers. Cassiat.ts. tls. Ma-fit, Comm bill, N.tak. ens, 11:tattl, .Nlstt. a hour ot Flat. &r. cot , Km c rt, I.!E anti 0.t.” pi.. i iiii,..r 4 t z tt i t in tow. 14. • gurrrve It ets. Tub, li.kets Chetin-• Butler Itimk, Bloom% &,••• I.• Oil Anti Salt. Sugar, •:* Tea. Mulat.t.t.s, nati s gt.a.sls li-1111113 hcl I eisllllll%\ M) old g .1-10111V..111111 Mall) • .11111111)4 111 ire re•peelfulty re 1,1111,,,,,. my gc..ath MI khol , of Country prieluee taken in ex elottuge titr pods, us the highest market pew., DAVID I'. (MIN. April 21. 1858, 'kIAILI - fAnD 7i.iliiTAß CLOTHING! Atw Asserlnvel Just Openoil And will be sold 30 per cent. I HI .1. I•1.II 'I II IN lII' ItEAVI.ST! I I ji,•l n l 1,1 , 1 ,h, tilllrP•roetsiti in Market N.111111,- 111111111 , ,,,,, Splenllia new hung: of Iteinly ininte 114.11111 for Fall and IVinter, %%1.1, I t •,, eeli I !leaner 'halt the seine tie:airy of Geod. cite ttrula,ilall.l . Ctliii its Pi is or it the country. rig to hay Clothing woohl lu well 'o rnl i 001111111 M hie Mork liaure I •tielia. eleg else,hote. Also, Hats, Caps, vvhio, will he .1.1,1 lower then at any other es• tahhAlonr lit in the county. untitattlun, Apral I. ItlsB. variety slLkc e t_TN , 'N ery lET cee of every variety and3prine 10. P. OVAL °ft " 6 • h Timis 4 Mot4mmigg. Tun oRtATEsT MEDICAL. DISCOVERY ' lima KNOWN TO MANI Plot Chas. DeGratlthi ,ELEcrincor L This great disenvety i 9 now Venting a great BLOOD-SEARCHER • sensation among the Medical It math. ' of Etc rope and thin country. It will cure the folio, • ing (not everything): IYrtrtanted to NIR. LINDSEY has discovered a remedy that ' Cure Perri. and Ague in one tiny. Cute chille will mire oil diseases ariaiug trom impure in five minute. Cure Croup m one night.— mood. which is the inundation of all diseases. Core Delanoss in two to four thiyg. Cure hurn9 I will warrant it to cure all the within•eamed and Scalds in len minutes, Cum Sprains, diseases, such as Wounds and hrnises in from one to three days. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM, I " N Cure Nllamination in one day. Cure Benoit _ Chrmoc Sertfoht, Humors qt . the :hin, Minors, gin. Croup, Tooth Ache, Burns. in 10 minutes. Oars an the Thad or Body, and all I Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abseens, in ten Breuk-only on the Fore. days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, letter, in one to : And it will Ono core ell Indolent Uleerz of three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff Neck. Ague many years standing I Sore Mouth, canned from in nue day. Cure Felons, Broken Breast, Salt uning mareary, and will eradicate mercury, Elt.un, in three to xis days. cure Quinzy, the Tilein• When the IMPItOVEB Palpitation, Pleurisy, in on' to ten dart. Cure ' 4 CM:a operates on mercury, Muhl., Palsy, Gout, Erysipelns, ill bye to 20 • t.in n d will be'sweot days. Cure Frosted Feet, Chiblains, Chronic Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Sore Throat. Scarlet rued the lame mode to walk, by it few rno Grath's) in mild and N.dicine fur 111.001! nll other itepoinies of tot; from rho• 01011.111, and it purities the oe.. pun, as vegetable tne 4 ivine eat) nothe ii ; and when the blood is pure. the moo woman or child. will lake DO disease, for the Immo,• blood wl ich is the t of disease, is gone. It will alio vitro all I.h.bilititled I ) ISP.P.I, ouch as from n derangement or the liver; it will ;lie liver into a healthy action, and will rest..,'.• nhr ;anion,' to lntith. 1.1,1, S.' 1.1.: fIY John Rend, Tiontinadtm.— Jo-. I'. Ileston, Cassville. Jos..lohnotoo, l'e ier.loire. Silas Cresswell Dcbtunrhill. Wan• Shaversville. Freedom bon Co Greens mire 1 0 ttenuee. Iteddle & Steault , We%t !tar n, ti.onl. W. Mytou, 81.11-I.urg. It. MC MeAlevys tort. Elei, MeAser,AleAl ns,- toot. Joseph Douglas, lleCoenell , town. .1. 10. llothrirk &Co A10r1de , 100 , ,.... \%'m. 13. Shirlinsburg. '1 hos. 111.1.1i.0n, 11e1.1so -1113. H. Morrison X; lilitirs Mills. NI. A. holism) & Co. node (lop, 'Atli Short & Co. lifildeligle. 11. I'. Walker, 41:IPX11 riti• In., Clark & Soo. 134,1111101 nm. F. NI, !tell & Warriorinstk. (I. it. Stiller, Sertice Creek. .1. W. Mallen, AI 3elianieksville.— Saml. Marrero, Altehaniesville, Iluntingdun, Feb. 24th, 1858.—Gm. 20 PCP CENT. SAVED ! !! CoMPETENT .11:1)(11.:S have niiw decide,' Unit st trust 20 per rem. is ssvell by purchasing MI HARM% ARE and PAINTS at the regular uttRDIATARE STORE JAIIII S A. BROWN. ti.is Nuhlic eilvithtage tht sub juet returned from the Eitt,t, with a complete ~t.,,1, tii AIECOANICS"rOOLS, HOLLOW- wOOO, SADDLERY, CUTLERY, I'mNis, . ( :9ACII ' fItIMAIIN., &C. Which he has carefully selected, and bought at reduced prices, frtnt the best houses in the United States. Thu: he is enabled to sell ,hole sale and retail extremely loo•. Country deal erg, littilliers. illechAvitc.. and the people getter. ally are respectiully ins ited to call. All orders receive pi ompt attention. N.B.—l'ersons italebtud to fife late firm of James A. Brut , n & ro., are requested to make immediate payment to JAS. A. BROWN, llitatingdon,Apr.B,'sB. mAc'''.lilTN -°I '2'HOP AND FRENCH , BURR STONE hiLA T2 1 1.1 9 4r aftL Corner of Oermatitown Itottd and I e. Narket Streets, on the V urth l'etinsyletutut Hatt Road, Philadelphia. Constantly eu hand or ;ude to ottler, the fol. lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery. Wt;odw'arti's Futent Portable Mills and Stnin Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Due. lets. Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. rierson's Potent Barrel Hoopand Moulding Nlnehites. Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill Spindles. WARRANTED, Th, hest Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Barr & Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster Crushers. ALSO SOLE OWNER OV Joltietton , 4 Patent Cast Metal Caw MIL). liqjgn lap East nett South-Enat of the Ohio Mtasisaip• pi Rivers, Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Ground, from 1 to 2i lbs.'uf standard floor, which could not he bolted out on account of ihe electrical adhesion to the Br.. NoTICE :—T hereby warn all persona against infrinping my rights, secured by Letters In. ten: no above, as I will prosecute all perm,: malting, selling, or using any Bran Dusters with an Iron or Coot Metal Concave it: cies lotion of the Letters Patent of Joseph John. son., dated April 24th. 1854. TII OM AS 13. WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. 11.—State and County Patent Rights for thy olove Machines Tut :Sale. August 29,1835. t. BLANKS.. .Always nay yaw Blanks at tip •;ouritt,l tiow preitaired u wt. ry 4 ,, peril.rairtiele of lILANIi E I DS,Iit\ IH ON .1I NO'rES. SUNI ,NS', Dr. John McCulloch, ur 1. ..,.. prUie.slllll/11 Nen tut, to 1110 I'4. . IZ. ()thee, oh lull st, M ntgom ry ant) Nth. . Atte. 29. 18:6. Av tiALEBONE, HEED AND BRAViS Hunpe and Reed Skirts, 'or sale at the cheep ,t..iet,f P. ()MIN. A I.EI TER-COPIER FOR SALE. An excellent one ar sale at this office. This s one of Adam: No. 1 Cam and Lecor Press. Boors & SHOES, the largest and cheapest its,ortment in town, at D. P. GIVIN'S. rt_UNI SHOES, cheaper at D. P. G WIN than can ha bad in town. C4ll and an Aa t iplilog hale Salt, This celebrated medicine is for sale at the oral Uhler. For all inflammatory diNeaies it is la count care. Get abe a and try it, re 6,. are 1000 POC . KET KNIVES, some of the best the World. for solo by LAMES A. WN. 1 11 , 0 W LINES and BOAT ROPES, tot tale L at the Ihedware atone of JAMES A. BROWN. QTON K CROCKS, JARS, large stock 13 fur salts at ntoulucturcrs' laic. I, JAMES A. BitOIVN. fIIiSPLES GOOD, of rich l aire;7c:atlla. iNCELLA NEOLS A DI ERTISEMENTS Fever, bottles. This tin pleasant. :Ind is a great lam.;; children teething, &e. Ladies should ao ( 190 it. It always leaves you better than it finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. Afflicted Thirteen Teo. s and Cured in One Week. Rev. James Temple. Pliiln(lplphiu, Julie 9111, 1856. Prof. De Grath : 1 have been a ict ed for thirteen years with Neuralgia and other pain• foil coin Idaho.. and nave been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for many years lit.ss Last week I got a bottle of your "Elec. hi, Oil." The first night I slept soundly sod well, and to day I stn lihe a new man. My wili• could not believe her eyes. Your Elec. Iris Oil its done in one week what the physi• ohms of Philadelphia filled to do in thmeen years. Gratefully yours. REV. JAMES TEMPLE, 310 South street. DEAFNESS CURED. • New Haven, May 19th, 185 G. Prof. De Gratin My brother has been deaf three years. Alto trying many thing., he us• ed your Oil a few time,. and it cared bite en• tirely. CLIFFORD it SCRANTON. There are numerous imitations sprung up on the .reputation that my aniclo has acquired, The public must beware. They are worthless, Fur sal Jubu Read, Huntingdon. Aug.5.'57.• ', /Aro BOORS! BOOKS! 40 !1!1!1 v(o.um ES of new and popular trn Rooks, embracing every variety usually kept in a Philadelphia Rook Store, and many or them at linifthe Publisher's retail price, thesiiscrilier now offers to the public. . . All school hooka used in the county can be Ind in any quantities at retail and wholesale Kies. lonlscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper, rholesnlu or by the min. 100 superior Gold Pees with Silver and Gold Cases, from $1 upward, 100 Pocket and Pen knives of Hoge.' and others' hest manufacture. 100 splendid Port Monnaiesand Pocket Books it 20 rts. nod upwards. . . 3.000 PIECES WALL PAPER, of the latest and prettiest styles, just received Prom Philadelphia and New York, p r i ces fro . to e t a . a piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and gold gilted Win dow Shades at 44 ets. and upwards. The public I ace but to call end examine, to be convinced that in buying of the above stock they wll be pleased and also save money. Re• member the place, corner of Montgomery and Iteilroad streets WM. COLON. Apr.23,%16. I )IiANUTS.-5009 Bush. Is Wilmington Yea• I nuts in store and for sale by W\l. N. 811UGA111), or 191 North 3d street, Phila. CONFECTIONARY.—PIain end fine Con. fectionary manu:netured and for sale by WM. N. SIIUGA111), 329 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. INANGNS AND LEMONS.-500 boxes ) • ranges and Lemons in st t.re end for sale by WM. N. SIIUGARI), 323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. 1) ATBINS.-1,000 Boxes Bunch and Layer I Raisins in store and for sale hv. WM. N. SHUGART), 329 or 191 Nt.rth 3d street, Phila. FIGS, DATES, PRUNES, CITRONS, Currants, in store and for sale.by WM. N. SHUGARD, 393 or 101 North 3d »trait, Phila. A LMONDS, WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS a. mid Filberts in store and for sale by WM. N. SIIUGAIDO, 5ept.9,'57.-ly. 323 or 191 N'th 3d et.,Phila Taz nusirstusnon agy i 4(l‘ • I , IIE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill, inform farmers and the public general. Iv. that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the water wheels and machinery. They have put in five of the Improved Jon rid Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all stones of the water, nun during the coldest wrath.. net and all kinds o f gram. They are prepared to sell, and have on hand for vale at all time, at market rates. all kiwi of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and fat n.ers can have their own grain ground, end take it beck in a return lead, or they can he furnished in exchange at a moment's noose an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop ped teed. TEEM 01MM IMEACIIINE is of an improved I,l.am:titre; and they will insure II FULL TURN OUT of sup e ri o r qua il ty to every bushel of groin left at their mill. FISHER & MeMURTRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. mig DR. J R. HUYETT tl4 ll r tior; ALEXANDRIA, IMAM. CO, PA. April 1, I ti37.—ly. MENS' UNDERSH IRTS AN!) DRAWERS Linen Shirt lireivrts, Remly-naidu Shirt, white and fancy shirts, and collar', very cheap at D. P. W IN'S. SILK BONNETS in great variety and cheap at I). P. OWIN'S. Irmt. Po @I ET ATTORNEY AT LAW, Willattend to all business entrusted to;hitn. Of fice nearly opposite tho Court House May 5.'53 IPUtil ASS & SHERWOODS' Patent Ex. tension Skirts, for sale only he nen. & MobNETBIE. Chen Preserving Jars, different sines. for rite try 0 *NEAP JOB OFFICE OF THE 0 ▪ . 6 RUNT. JOURNAL." ° 0 o o The largest and Net 0 ° 4 ° , JOB OFFICE ( 4 (,)) IN THE COUNTY: u o o JOB-WORK u o 0 OF :alga EUEDV„ 0 EXECUTED ( , ) ) . /ls Cheap art. G o iari2 gATI72III ° THAN °0 Irma asst. ° PIIIIIIWT 21.212 '. • N t 5 WARM A b.) Li All kinds of °, k 3 BLANKS .`', A" .kj CONS PANT!, ON HAND. I, . k t, 0.........-. ,), I,4.',VVVVEVVVI RAILROAD HOURS, TRAIN/ GOING ELI?. Mail T. I Ex. T. I Fan T. Train leaves P. M. A. M. Y. M. Petersburg. 1.06 4.02 eLoa Huntingdon, 1.22 4.11 8.26 Mill Creek, 1.13 4.2 T 6.32 Mt. Union, . 1.41 4.41 8.4 t '1 Anis (lobo West. Train lvitves P. M. A. ht P. AL Mt. Union, 4.32 6.45 8.28 Mill Greek 4.48 6.58 8.3$ kluntingdoo, 5.u3 7.11 5.46 Petersburg, 5,0 7.23 8.88 K. K. NEFF,M. D.. TjAVIN“ located himself in WAIIIIIORMAIL4 al in this county, would respectfully offer• his professional services to the citizens of that placsv and the eountry 11(1.n:cent. URFI , BIOiNVEM J. B. Laden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Villsion, M.A. Henderson, 66 Wm. P. Omit., Elbi. J. H. Dorsey, 16 Hon. Jaws , Owiun,, M. Stewart, 66 John Scott, Ley, Hon. George Taylor. ~wb.lti. RUM Jacob M Oemmill, M. D., Alcrangs. John M'Calloab, 1, Petsribwry 104 A. P. WiLsox. R. Bayou Pilaw; WILSON & PETRIKIN, ATTORNEYS .AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, Prentice in the several Courts of Huntingdes. Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata Coes. ties. March 93, 1859. Cheapest "Job Printing" Oflks LIM TICE: COMITIifs We have now made szteh arrangements is ear Jab (eke us will enable vs to do all kind. of Job Printing at 20 per cent. cheaper rates 'than any Office in the County. Give us.. call. If we don't gine entire aatithe , Lion, no charge at all will be made. gnu: largest and cheapest stock of fancy Bilk 11 and colored Straw Bonnets in town, Is as FINISH & McMullan's. ALL -WOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, List eel Bag Carpet. Also, Cocoa, Jute and Lill cots Blots, can be bad cheap at the tune ct Fianna & Aledintcraut. THE greatest variety of the richest iffy lise Dress Goode and Trimming' can always found ut the fashionable store of Fan. Mafirarltei. T HE latcst and newest styles Ludt.' Collars o Fisitzx & hivMoitrata'a. eILOAKS, Trims, Illgolettes. Vietorires Dead Dresses, ore sold et !dies+ which defy competition by FIPRIM & MCMURTAIL ROOTS, SHOTS, HATS and CAPE, thee largeet stuck ever brought to town are sell ing very cheap at FISIIER & MCP&U.TIIII. 13%,",..N..K.,'.1:1;e1?„ai1'.1.7;niarne", LimOmt, at 11 It of Fiou. & McMoatau. MMORNING COLLARS, of th e handsaw est viyler, just received by Fauna &Mt:revue. NEW AND CHEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE. DAVID GROVE informs the citizens el Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public pa. entity, thnt he has opened a Grocery Store on Hill rarer', Huntingdon, a few doors west of Wm. Orhison's residence, where he will at all times he prepared to supple customers with ALL KINDS O. GROCERIES, CIIKAPER THAN THE CIICAPEST at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, '1'1.4 Molasses, Cheese, Spines, Confectionanes, Hants, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Segars, Tobee. co, &c., &c.; in fact, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. As I am determined to sell cheaper than th• cheapest, I want everybody to callaudexamiue my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE, Huntingdon, July 29, IN BLAST AGAIN I 410 12 Iluntingdon 1„„, • ;_tll ,, Foundry. 7rnE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS MI. thud of informing their friends and the pub. lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt. ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful sp. oration, and nre prepared to furnish casting of all kinds',.of the best quality on theahortestno tico and most reasonable terms. Fanners are invited to call and examine nee Ploughs. We are mnnunteturing the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't he beat. together with the Keystone, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing stoves, each as Cook. Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood. ' BOLLOW-WELRE coneliting of Kettles ' Boiler., Skillets, fic., sU of which will be sold cheap for cash or in so. change for country produce. Old metal taken , for wow castings. By a strict attention to buil nese and desire to please, wo hope to receive a share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM e IISO 88, 1110011.44.