Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 01, 1858, Image 1

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TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. ;on her hind legs, her body extendde up
TERMS the tree, grow ling fiercely, the lad nearly
The"litirisonna Joni...) is publisher, it exhausted, clinging to the tree only a few
PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. the following rates: • feet up, with the blood streaming from his
Compounded entirely a Gums. If paid in advance *1,50 '
11 one of the best purgative and liver metli If paid within six months after the 'I.. of , lac tinned foot. On approaching to the res
- eines now before the public, that acts as a Ca- subscribing 1.75 ! ear of his sum the irfuriated beast lamed
!thartic, ...jet', milder, and more effectual than . 1/ paid before theirition of the veer , 2 , 00
any titer medicine known. It is not only a C.,..upon him, but he, with a club in band,
And two dollar47(l ' oft , cents it' not' pid
thartic, but a Liver remedy, actin g first Di the ti I after the expiration of the year. No subscrip- showed a hold front, although not of breath
Liver to eject its morbid, thou no t , :b stomach l i on taken for a less period than six mouths.
and bowels to carry off that mats.a r .,l,,,,,, awan . w ith running. His eldest bon now arrly.ed
I. All subscriptions are continued until nth
two olree*.ually, without any of amine ordered, sa d n o paper will be discontina- I rota another part of the farm.. wl:,en thee
she painful feelings enperienced in the operation ed, tmtil arrearages are paid, except at the option , . • , .
of most Catharties. It stregthens the system at o f th e publisher.l oin in rescuing veor , , hi s n ., •
0. ,
the same time that it purges it , and when taken 2. Returned numbers are never received by us. , treat.
,daily in moderato doses, will strenghten and All nambers sent us in Ch it way are lost, and
httild it up with unusual rapidity. never accomplish the purpose of the Render. i Meanwhile 1 10 ;veral other persons arrived
Flu . iLiver is one oci i a the principal regula- 3. p erson s wishing to stop their sithscriPtiofist !on tile Ur,',,, and a lat, ) , w as despatched for
tors::: :ea human 1 .,0-rt dy; and when it per- must pay up arreurages, and send a written or , , •
w i ns itSrUbetlow4 well 6 the powers of the sys- verbal o r d e r to th at. e ff ect, to the o ffi ce or pith- i . " d ata, Wm. and Walter Walcom, who
tem are fully o .,evelop l ist ed. The stomach is ti,,,, i i , thasiingdais
1 ,. , were Sebn on the spot, with a diig of more
almost anti; sly depen-i ret s dent on the ImahltV 4. G iving notice to a postmaster is neit . er a i . . .
of the Liver for ; a 4 t h e p ro p er petform- legal or a proper notice. I usual size and courage, whieh unine
*nee of its functions. WI When the stomach is 5. After',ne or more numbers oet a new 5 ., : ,, r
a t feult, the bowels are 0 at fault and the whole have been forwarded, a new yr, h as ~,,,,,-ona. diaiely seized the bear by the root of the
system suffers in ton- 0 sequence of one argon ed. and the paper will not
—the Liver— having s e s, ceased to do its duty. ar ,„„ rag „ are ~,,id . s „ ve No. ~
te discostf,;atted until ear, and in the struggle brought him to the
For the diseases of Oa that organ one of the The Courts hate t ee ht,..;, th ! :,,,,,,,, Ang
~,,,,he i g i round. Bruin now got hold on the shout
proprietors ha; made a e it Isis study. in a prise a newspaper fr.: 4 „ s h e ag aa, , a . rem,,,,,,, and wer of the dog, and nipped him so tight as
tics of more than twen-,: - . ty years, to Mid some
remedy wherewith tol counteract the malty 0 , i,,,,,..., ,, ,.
~ ~_
I"' fag 4 7 " ;ralla! '" lb' , is l'. l m A l'cll; evik , fice to make him relinquish his hold. But
.. aii ..1 [mu ..
derangements to which te it is liable.
.sultseribers living in distant counties, or in i
1 th.r courage of bruin gave way, and she
To prove that this 7, remedy is at last dist
other States, will be required to pay invariably ,' Made fin .stteitipt to tree, when • , k.ceper"
•overed any person 7.: troubled with Liv'er t „ miv ,, n ,.
.Complent its any or its.... forms, hoe bat to try cif The above terms will be rigidly adhered ' again
I ' seized her by tho thigh and brought
.4 bottle and conviction 7, is certain.
These gums remove ^ 1 all morbid nr had
in their t°
andlle r back.
-matter from the system z supplyingcetded She ab li :i: v t nif!lo'rlit'ef-"firva )siege elm,
e a k i n til
, place a heal by flow •• of bile, invigorating
---........--....„-- ..... ..._
:the stomach, causing food to s e e, we ll,
musing ^ digest well, be charged at the following rittes, perched in a crotch to seas her iissailiiiits.
:purifying the Islood,gi- 14! sing tone and health . ' """"".• 2 '''• 3 ' l '. , A omit was then despatched for two of our
-to the whole machine: ea ry, retnoving thecause , 8,1); lines .r le. , $ 25 $ 37i $ :' , ll .
of the disease, andel rs. 7 fleeting a radical cure I ( ,'lle Mu 11..., (16 lines') 50 75 len Noorods, who, by a joint attack both in
One dose after eat. ,'^ ing is stifilicient to re- , Two " ( 32 " ) 100 150 200 front and rear, brought her bearship to the
llove the stomach and M iprevent the food from , round by u well directed fire.
,rising and souring. 140. g
Bilious attacks aril. cured, and what is
letter, prevented, by s the occasional use of i
tthe Liver Invigorator.,g
Only ono dose ta.:l o ,ken before tvg et
!prevents Nightmare. Mei I
Only one dose taken at night, In -ens the
bayous gently, and cures Costivenees„
One cruse taken after each meal will c e
. .
- - -
fir One dose of te o tenspoonfule Will eat ys
remove Sick Headache.
One bottle taken for female obsetructionre..
moves the canee of the di,ease, and makes a
perfect cure.
Only one dose immediately reliests ebony,
One dose often repented is a sore cure for
Cholera illorhue, and a preventive of Cholera.
tEr Only one bottle is needed to throw out of
the ayetem the eft'enta of medicine:after a long
,a ' One bottle taken for Jaundice removes
all sa ,llownesa or unnatnnil color from the skim
One th:4o taken 9 0
. short time before eating
g i ves rigor t ,4 , the appetite, and makes fetal digest
One dose often . repeated cures Chronic Diar-
Arms in its worst forms, while Summer and
Bowel complaints yieW almost to the first dose.
One or two dotes cues attacks cowed by
Worms in Children ; there is no surer or speed
so.ii•ist. ly rev, aN.
air A bottles curet dropsy', .1 exciting
the absorbents.
We take pleasure in recomniondi ngthis med
icine as a preventive fkr Fever and Ague, Chill,
Toner, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It
operates with certainty, and thonsainlii are ail-
Ling to testify to its won.lerfol virtues.
All who use it are giving their unanimous tes
timony in its favor.
ei'Mix water in the mouth with the Invigo.
stor, and swallow both togctliet.
The Liver Invigorator.
I. a scientific medical discovery, and it daily
working eures, thuov. too great to believe. It
cares as if by magic, even the tirsAt diner giving .
benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is re.
gaited to cure 1111/ Lind of Liver romplAint,
from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com
mon Headache, all of which are the result of a
diseased Liver.
BP. Ss:snout), Proprietor,34o Broadway, N•Y.
Sold by 11. Mcklanigill, 3.1. Read Huntingdon.
The undersigned eitizons of the county of
Huntingdon, hereby give notice that they intend
to make application to the next Legislature Inc
-a Charter, for the creation of a Corporate body
with Banking or Discounting I.PIVBCE , 'S, to b e
styled "Tun lIENTINGDON Comm . BANK," to
be located in the Borough of Huntingdon, coun
ty of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania,
with a capital of ono hundred thousand (toilers,
with the specific ohject of issuing Bank patter,
and doing all other things ordinarily pertaining
to a Bank or issue.
W. B. ZEIGLER, B. E. McMunmur,
R. BRUCE Persons, bunt WIIITTABER,
I , llcN. WALSH, Principal.
Prot of Languages and Philosophy.
Chas. S. Joslin. A. In ,
Prof. of Latin. Greek, etc.
James W. Hughes,
Prof of Mathematics.
fieniamin F. Houck.
Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics.
GaO. W. Linton,
Prof. of Vocal Musk.
Hrs. M. DeN. WALSH, Preceptrese,
Teacher of Botany* History, Reading; etc.
Hiss E. DI. Faulkner.
Teacher of Pellie Work, Painting, Drawing,
Min D. L. ' , tanley,
Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Fier's,
lira. Dr. Darwin
Teacher of English Branches.
Kies J. ii. Walsh.
Teacher of Primary English.
The tecent success of this school is extraor•
ainsry. Besides being the cheapest one of the
tied ever established, it is now the largest in
title section of the State. All branches ere
taught, and students of all ages, and of both
sexes, are received. The expenses for a /ear
seed not be more than 590. Students can en•
tier whenever thee wish. Address.
i gl op Co., lle,
M — - -
ACKEREL of all Nos., Herring, &c., can
be had of the best quality, by calling on
Tiwxs t4.9r1. T:43
3 ivo. 6 mu. 12 100.
$3 OJ $5 00 $8 00
5 00 8 00 12 011
8 00 12 00 18 110
12 00 18 00 27 00
18 00 27 00 40 00
One square,
Two squares,
do., 28 1.10 40 00 50 mi
Business Curds of six lines, or less, $4.00.
Advertising and Job Work.
We would remind the Advertising com
munity and all others who wish to bring
their business ixteti.ively before the pub
lic, that the Journal has the largest cir
culation of any toper in the county—that
it is c Instantly increnstn that is
goes into the hands of ou r wealthiest citi
IVe would oleo state that our facilities
for executing all kinds of .YOU PRINT
ING are equal to those of ;toy other (ace
lathe county; and all .)oh v,l' or crocus .
ed our hands will be dot neatly,
promptly, and at price; w filch will be
*titCt , VAC Mill.
iti complity with two it three
A Boy's Encountbr . with a Bear.
'protectors,' who wore moutited
Mr. 1) :McPhail glues the Cello sing
alter the .astiitio of herders driving cattle
particula, of an encounter with a bear,
which took piece in the township of Ful- nes" tamales wire sit de ' llunP nt. elmh.
lerton, cn WedneS4lll3, the 13th tilt. On ing chat severe' of them had blankets
the morning of tit e day mentioned, Mr. octopi,' around theta alter the fashion o f
I m mo, s quaws. Tt.ey had probably taken
James Fovter, farraer, on lot No 4, West
Mitchell road, heard a hog making con- the by-road to avoid rilt,ervat , tm, atel, , up.
on meeting a stranger, fl Alighted from
siderable noi‘e, and sent his son George, :e
the road, evidently censcitius that they
lad tit some fifteen tars of age, to ere
were not in suitable coedits.. for a strati
what was the matter, when, on running
to the scene of the trouble, the lad saw gets g ine • is the °ffievr's stor y' nod
what lie supposed to be a large black dog in view of what l have myself s eem here.
belonging to Mr. McPhail, on whose land , have no difficulty in realizing us truth."
the combat was being waged. tearing at I CORRECT SPEAKING.
the neck of a hot; belonging to Mr. Mc- I We advise all young people to acquire
Plttl, anti with the intention of releasing in early lite the habit of using correct lan
, his pigship, threw a stick at the ruthless guage, both in speaking and waling. mid
agressor, when, to his consternation, a to abandon as early as possible say u<e of
huge bear, instead of The supposed dog. snug words and phrases The longer
relinquished his bold upon the hog and t h ey live, the sill edifficult the nequist
inadiffor himself. lieing totally unarmed L ion of good language will be; nail if the
and no assistance within a quarter of a golden age of youth, the prOlier tor
mile. he at once made for a rimnll iron wood the acquisition of goad language, be pass
tree of about five inches in diameter. led in its abuse, the untortunate victim ol
Having got up the tree, what was his neglected education is. very probahla,
terror when he saw the huge hear pursuing d oome d is talk slang lot life. Money is
hastily upon the b r ,, ne h ea of the sapling. t not necessary to rocnre this education.
Having recovered his breath he screamed Every titan has it in his power. He has
for help, and in or der to retard the progress merely to use the language which he reads
of his assailant began to shake the sapling, i hs t ea d of the slang which he hears. to
but bruin had clutched the branches with form his taste from the best speakers and
an iron grip, and evidently calculated up- poets of the country; to treasure up choice
on a dainty mortal for breakfast, and con• pliarses in his inemory, and Inibituate him
'lotted to raise paw utter paw on the bran- self to their use—avoiding at the same
ches, till he approached so near ao tube al , time, that predantic precision and bombast
most within reach. The poor lad scream- which shots rather the weakness of a vain
ed lustily, and endeavored to break off ambition than the polish of an educated
some of the branches by kicking them
down with his bare feet. In this he par
tinily succeeded, when the beta made a
vigorous stretch of her muscles and naiad
the hid by the loot, sinking one of her fangs
under the bull of the great toe on the right
foot, arid slightly scratching the side of the
foot with her other nipper teeth.
At this juncture the shaking to and front
of the sapling with their united weight up
on it, caused it to 'oend over until the top
nearly approached the ground, when, pro•
videutially, the monster lost his hold, nod
young Foster, bravely clinging to his grnsp
with unshaken nerve, way elevated by the
raising of the sapling Bruin, however,
did no! lose her determination to ream. up•
on his body, and again sprang to the tree,
but was evidently too much fatigued to
rise on so slender a ludder, At this stage
of the comes!, the lad's lathe► reached thy
' pet, anti au or this huge monster standing
- -
Mr. Simonton. the Salt Luke correspon
dent of the New York Times, writing on
the 10th of July, says: , The seem, among
the returning refugees upon the road con
firm all you have already heard of the ex
treine poverty of many of the peopl?,,
Any number of reunites, old and young are
seen pmsing along bare foot, with scarce•
ly enough of clothing upon them to covor
their person , , and the few rag.• they have
of the coarsest tnaterial. Many are en•
tin ly withmt even a calico gow it, veering
a course pe ttcolit, I•oto,titoes made of
Pc lot pattern of old carpet, or a Warn out
coverl , t, and a c.slico or mush'. wait.
which their beet rfotts catmot coal: up the
r.quireinenis M modesty. An army offi
cer who Warn Ili twit the oilier tiny, on
his return to camp. pas:ed over a road.
the west side of Jordan, which is Ices
LillS side. Suddmily hz , ca,m• iimin it emu
pans of a dozen or more I , nodes, walk
ing slung the rood on their return Iron
The Beautiful Prayer.
We lately read of a hue girl who used
to sn the Lord's Prayer, and an , f it in n
very solemn winner. Whin. nix years
old, she exclaimed one night, alter having
sad her prayers,', What a beautiful pray
er that is! We can say it any time. in any
place, in the closet, in the room, in the
street, in the church and everywhere, and
God hears it at all times. We can pray
At also when we are at work."
She was then silted if she die so.
..Oh, yes," she replied, .often, some.
times I go away aMtie and say it, and
sometimes iNthcr midst of plays, I think it,
all over.
The mum les "of the human jaw
exert a force of four hundred ant thirty.
two pounds, and thorn) of mastiffs wolves,
etc., far more
Warning to Young Girls. W.7 he Frederick Old.) Examiner •
A Ib,
n, lancholy story is told ay the Sing I well „ay,:
Sing Chronirle: "Experience has shown that there can
odi will, perhaps, he rercollectq, by mint he but two great political parties to a I'res-1
of our reader s that - , u.•.per,t attemptwas idential contest in this country. and that
inside in F. b;roary, ;857, by f•air or five - a third party, however conservative and
convict!, confined in the Siog i tr ,on patriotic its principles may be, cai , not
escape crowing the river on I. tee. hope to prevail. until the leading issue or
But one of their numb • r , intwev e r i,sues of he pending contest are rma•
T;inailis Sinclair. (and.) t 1 io hi c , th - cteed iie tidy disposed ni by the fiat of the pee. ;
ed in getingawa:,,, the others tieing speed. ,d e through the ballet box."
Winslow has managed to keer tiway The jot.) in the Kirkpatrich
until last week, when information was re. pois
onl.lg case in Philadelphia on Monday re.
turned a verdict acquitttng Josiah G. Jones
rowed by the laticers of the prison, that a
;Ind lizabeth Yardley, and convicting
kilo* answering his description was cur,
flood in jail in Boston on suspicion of bur. the principals, Robert B. and Sarah Kirk.
gi patrick,this wife, on the twelfth and
ry. An officer was at once dispatched,
mid on Friday
teenth counts of the indictment, assault
returned with the run- !
away. ",mn,".e feint will expire on the with intent to kill Edwin Kirlepatrick and
his wife. Robert and Edwin are broth•
of September acct, hut an indictment
pending agnmet hit . for attenipting to'ers. The case is altogether one of the
r nn
another occasion. on this he' elitist extraordinary on record. The par
ties convicted are out on bail, pending the
will be tried, and probably convicted. and
motion for a new trial.
enteticed in another term of five years'
' impriioninent. We undet,tand that since nor Senator Bigler's severe de nunci- the world with scientific researches or won• 1 his side and make Ehe ; and h. tole her to
his escape Wind, li/ has been married to a ation of Dunkss cod his friends. has cal. derful discoveries ; he may illuminate and , eat all de apples 'ceiating dem in de mid
rii, p, et i.'e y eoor. 'Ay of Bost,. tyliu. it . led out (ruin ti.e Arens the following damn- , enrapture thousands of attentive hearers . dle oh de orchard ; dem he want for de win
' Heim., o ie. tot,' y i g i inr am of lit eharac• ging expose of that Senator's course on with descriptions of the beauties of teve- I tet apples.
ter at the irate of her i i ii i rtinge, nod trim is tiie Kansas question. It in an extrott lotion, and may point enticingly to
i debluen he daL e d , e s
i t i .i i n . rc s l ei l t te u go i :i c sitiz; ., c o l;
vow in the deepest dkiress. : front a letter of Btyder to Secretary Stan- ' yinths of rectitudo trodden by a persecuted i
, de snake. and he find Ebe a P n' hei tole her;
i When pi ~ on ladies marry men whom ton, dated Aug. 1-Ith. 1857.. • Saviour ; yet so much mare powerr"l ,5 '`Ehtt why for you not eat de apples in de
Ithey know huh- or nothirrt 0f as many ore •Itilco my special regards to Governor ' esample then precept, that, if he practice middle ob de orehard."
c" , l'in''''llY lion. and get °ll,l'ed. they Walker, and say to hint that he has the not what he preaches, he becomes power- Ebe says. •‘Detti de lord's winter ap.
are entitled to ne sympathy whatever. It popular heart with him thrutighout the less in advancing the cause of truth, plea " But de debble saps, "I tole yeti
is a great pity, tint that is all. They ore entire country, except only the museum I "0, 'tis a pleasant thing to see, to eat dem, case day's de beat apples in
twins! constantly warned by Cases such us S u u:h. Should his programme succeed, I A moo of prudent heart; de orchard." So Elm eat de apples and
Whose thoughts, and lips, and life agree guy Adam ti bite, itrid den de debble, hi •
the above, but moors full into similar puts, he will have the most enviable prominence
To act a useful part."
and so on to the end ref the chapter Some o my man in the notion. The Admin. ;
Childhood, seine people might say, was , go
B a* •.ii a ie y. by de Lord he cum home, and
one says, a a Fliall Iteeper should .11 his istration is a little weak in the knees,
he ca'l Attain he lay low, so de Lord call
too early a stage of life to look for pru.
goads nu credit to n person of Whose char. and winces under the Southern thunder,
deuce. I think not so. It is not prudent [Tait) , You Adam 1 ." say, C•Hen Lord 1"
ncier he way uninformed. why shell data but they toast stind up to the work.
women he rated the seine. who surrenders _
for children to disregard the advice of their arid de Lor' say, "Who stole de winter
...-....-..- .--
Bur it is suppwed that the lightning p arents , and neither will thuy if the de- a pp les 1" Adam tole him, "Don't know
her person ton man of whose antecedents Ebe, he 'spect." So de Lor. call ; “Ebe
which killed Miss Nancy Godfrey in Cam- gree of. prudence equal to their undersuan. lay low. de Lor' call again. ..You Ebe I"
she is in ignorance? We hove a case of
the kind, with the intros:melte women a• bridge. Mass , while sitting ii t her chain- ding is instilled Into the from day to day. Et, ~,y, 'llea Lor !"—De Lor' say, veld
have noticed, in our mind's eye tit present. b--r window, was atiracted by the metal. "As the twig is bent the tree inclines," stole de winner apples'?" Erie tole him,
- "Don't know—Adorn, she spurt So de
in her hoops, which was partly melted end it is only by this early mounts that a
l i Vill the girls lake warning, and not link Lnr' cinch em boff, and trove dem over de
id her artificial teeth, which were found positive, permanent habit may be formed,
Mr destinies with any smocell-toneued ''''
fence, and he tole 'ern. “Go work for yoUt
at seine distance from her. True it is, that people, when at waturity,
stranger whit miry try to charm them, as a
blacksnakeel, does his prey ? Tropical Fruits "
in Pennsylvania. chap, cod can be taught, both by advice ,
_,. e .. E :-
,gh — _t ligcs of Love.—At three - ----7ceisesee---
T h . , wrights,,io,. ( l's.) star psec srcs that and the dear experience h we all must share I
yenrs of ego wo love our mothers; at sit
711 .
; the milt:tendon of figs has li:terse-Led a
~....., we. , ( 5.. : , . . ' d uel many citizens of York county. Mr.
° I1C 1" e flll5 ; while journey ing on. Cut these are never
such steadfast, abiding lessons as these our fathers; at ten, holidays; at' ixteen;
ny .0011.4.111 1/-0 ll 41 ,-, .. s , ll 1•111,011 ti, , , ,
1 , 1.51 ii O\ LOU l'Y —The opposition fin.-st crop of this sense° lies ripened, and 'r'l 'he prudence of a man defer - reth his an ' l i i;*e'"r l'' ' " 3 1 11/ : Y671'''' ' 36.f.c?). " 'ci t eW ;
'from,:ncoti rso Iv cc. :Ilis is condensed
con, mit.) of this coailly nominated W. gee, " saith Solomon, and the , " wisdom of
the tree is now loaded with a pretty fullp ract ical writer who has caper!.
w sell,rs for Ass-rribly. Mr. Sellers is the prudent is to understand his waye."
enced them all.
~, e and crop. Mr. sainuel Maxwells, in
the (h.r of the Fulton Reptc/ilicclot. it Beware then of idleness, tasty intimacies, :
Lancaster county, has been trying other
He lass fi,,, gro „i n ,.., . 1 _ social scandial. imaginary wants, false ,
...grilosue is a 7,trong believer in gust
d lee, and intelligent gentleman, and will ~x i, „; , „,„t s
Is.' If it were not for It ein hs
hopes, or vielent bursts of temper, for all
o tir , it rate Laigi-liiiur. A resolution mond tree. which, hint stetson, produred ak ul s. a .lh e nt would keep people from roiling
these are characteristics of impru d ence, - out of bed they t 1'
f ' f but this nw hen areas eep
was whetted endorsing the emir, oft 01. very air croy o nuts. seaso n
M'Ciure lest winter and ap Meting con- liit , , hilt , the lunch tree, w hi c h i t re ,, cni and a want of laurel government. Learn ;
frees to act with the Franklin county con bloc both in appearance end leaf. entirely "To govern with a self control
ferees in the noininatioa of a L'g i ' l° "" faded to brine forth any fruit.
Eiich wild and baneful passion of the soul ;
Curb the strong impulse of all fierce desire
And keep alive affection's purer fire."
This excellent trait is not a-garb tha t
eau he put on, or laid aside at convenience,
therefore it is not" natural, but an acquit".
ed virtue. Like the kingdom of Heaven
it must be diligently sought for. Friends
and readers, to be prudent, you must be
hind, obedient, watchful and pions, and
then you will be "wise in heart" "and
' they" says Solomon, "shall be called pru
' "The good man's way is Code delight
He orders all the steps aright;
Of him that moves by His command.
The' be sometimes may be distressed,
Yet shall he ne'er be quite oppressed.
For Clod uphold hitn with his hand."
A TICMEDY FOR B TS. To one pint of
TION. 1 stronif sage tea nix i•ne pint of molasses
end iiilil tram two to four ounces of pow.
We are informed that under the article •
an tiered alien, and pour it down; In from
of the consiitutien of Pennsylvania,
amendment to the constoulloll will be pro. ; two in 1 . ." , "'in' give a good don' of oil
posed to the Semite and House o f H ere ;or salts. unless it works off without. It
seater Lt •s at their ancroachieg session, !s ; very difficult to drench sonic horses; they
will ens swallow when put into their
proviMg for the change of the second ,
section of the lif li orticle rotating,„ the : menthe. In that case pour it in at the
election of the. J ulicia i y o f p i ,„,, 5y1 ,,,,, , nose, if it common drench that is not too 1
whiskey, turpentine, soap, &c.,
nut, nail ',meting. with smite modification, ' stron g;
ong. to t
o ro sr
the g rit di.ino in regard to the Judges, es nro g ive by the hose.
o ,, ibruc ,,, i iii the c . w .0., o f 1711 0„,x . FOR !),TEMPER —Give a horse one or
N. Gracile. two ounces of our, twice a d ty, put it in
-......-........10-0- -
-- ' their mouths off of the tar paddle, and they
•I'llE FRANKLIN RAILROAD will generalry swallow it. When he swells
Another sale of Ow ' l "ned•ivani. pur , ion ' under the throat, smoke his nose well With
tit the Franklin Railroad is announced to ' cotton rugs, feathers, &c., to forward the I —..........—__
Some Neßees.—Never al use one who
take place in Chambersburg, on Friday. ' discharge of matter, arid When that begins
the 20th inst., the late purchaser having ito appear , poor a tablespoonful of tincture was once your bosom friend, however bit
failed to comply with the provisions of lof camphor into each ear once a day. Hia ter now.
the act of Assembly. •food should be light—green if to be had Never hire servants who go in pairs--
_ ..........-- --
with brand and oats, with a spoonful of '
as sisters cousins or anything else.
itIIS: 4 OURI. Returns from all the '' Never insult poverty.
oistrio , o of Misouri chow that the whole. ; tincture of camphor in his bran every day,
The camphor in the ears and food may ki N d ever speak contemptuously of woman.
seven districts have cleated Buchatianite ' .
democrats to Con rest' b y very large nut I not need to be given more than every oth.
.er day; you must be guided by the urgency Never speak of your father as the old
jorities. ' man.
of the case.
KENTUCKY Er.earroN.—Returns hove I I Mev•ir eat a hearty supper.
been received from 43 couoties, con sin Fon Coac. Dissolve as innch salt as . Never stop to talk in the church aisle
trig more than buff the population of the ' will do in a pint of warm water, then add after service is over.
State. There bar been a Democratic gain ' a phi , of vinegar; give the horse halt the Never smile at the expense of your re
in 19, anti u Dettiocrat,c loss in 24 coun mixture, and if that does not relieve him ligion or your Bible.
ties. It is supposed the aggregate vote in half MI hour, give nun the balance and ' Never tube a second nap.'
will stand abort the same as last year, a cure may be expected. i Never reply to the epithet of a drunk.
when the Democrats carried the State. A Dutch cure by which many hones , ard. a fool or &fellow.
__.....-..-.....____ .
New Ratlroad Arraagament : have been cured, it to urinate into tl a rig ht Nom - take an atom when you are not
• 6 .
A new arrang-ment, of some inportance shoe and pour it into the left ear, cr, rice hun .:ry ; it is suicidal
to passengers, will go into eflect on the versa. ----
Pennsylvania Railroad. on and after the' POR FOUNDER—A recent sounder may
first of September. Under the new a. he easily cured by giving, if a large borne
rangernent passlangers can procure tickets a pint (risen. dissolved to water, at a sin•
to and front ail regular stations where the gle drench; give him exercise but no wa
ter fur a few beers after, and sparingly for
Cowl any has an agent, at ono-half cent
ert'vo;feed light, and green would
per mile less thou the rates to b.... c h arged Z, day
in the care. After that date passengers e preferable. _
tell promote their own convenience and lIIIrAn innocent young eportsmtv, in
save sixteen per cent, by purchasing tick- order to shim a squirrel on the top of a
eta before entering the cars. tree, climbed another close by ; and on be.
war There is iron «oilmen in the blood ing asked the reason of so foolish a freak,
,of turfy-two men, to snake a plaughahear, said : ' , That he didn't went to strain hie
weighing twenty-four pounds. gun by so long a shot,'
Pont `,”liniaturts.
Prudence ;s that faculty which combines
wisdom, reason, discretion and common
sense in our moral conduct. end in the
intuiduement of the affairs of our mundane
existence. It is the of:boring of a clear
cod hwarvolent heart, and by it the past
present and future are regarded as equally
important as guides for thoughts, and deeds
to come. By prudence the various dia
p'•asattons of Providence msy be met, and
endured properly, and rendered beneficial
to us in their several spheres, and man
through its influence may at any time be
prepared to leave this temporal state, and
enter joyfully into the mansions of the
Prudence is not always the consequence
of shining talents, bright genius, or pro.
found learning, for "with the Intents of an
angel." says Dr. Young, "man may be a
fool." An educated person may astonish
Thr happiest man in the world is
the man w•th just wealth enough to keep
him in apirita, and just children enough to
make him industrious,
so, A Yanaee editor says that he li
ked to die le fin ; to see a drinkin' chap
trying' to pocket the shudow of a swinging
blip fur a pocket handkerchief.
SIM French princess being told that
the poor in Paris tier') dying of starvation
said : •!tt hat silly people ! Before I'd
[tote... I'd set brffti , r hreat4 sad mutton
A Colored Discourse
A correspondent of the Knickerbocker,
who writes (rain Mansfield, Ohio, sends
the following , discourse," for the entire
authority of which he vouches without re
serve, having taken is from the thick lips
of she reverend orator himself.
fly tex, brethren an' sisters, will be
found in de fus chapter oh Genesis an de
ttventy•neben;h werse : 'Au' de Lord make
Adam.' 1 tole you how be make him ;he
make him out ob clay, and when he git
dry he br sve into him de brefl ob life. He
put htm in de garden ob Eden, an set him
in de corner oh de lot, an he tole him to
eat all de apples 'cepiing dem in de middle
ob de orchard ; dein he want for de winter
Byrne by, Adam he be lonesome. So de
Lord make Ebe. I tole you how he make
her. Ile glb Adam loddilum till he get
sound asleep, den he gouge a rib out ob
geL, An Irish servant observing her
mistress feeding a pct female canary, as•
ked •How long it took them craters to
hatch ?' 'Three weeks,' was the reply,
'Och ! share, that is the same as any other
fowl, except a pig.
Ir:7 2 ' Somebody, we believe Punch,
wrote the following despatch for the Closed
to send to the President, after the cable
broke : Mr Buchanan—on earth, Peace
—overboard, another piece.'
Foe SwceNwv . rake equal parte of
good whiskey and pure clear spirits of tor
pentine, choke well, and pour on a small
quantity and rub it in, whether shoulder
or hip; then bathe it in well with a ho t
iron, You will most likely have to con.
fine the horse to keep him from biting the
part. Keep him out of the weather, feed
light and let him rest.
"travelling over a Western rail,
roan, seated in a baggage car, smoking a
Havana,' a nervous individual entered
the car and oeinmenced overhauling the
bum°. The baggage master, after eye
ing him a moment, accosted him with—,
'What'9 wanting sir?'
am looking for my trunk; demurely
answered the nervous man.
will take care of your trunk ate—
that is my busines,' retorted B. M.
'Oh! I am aware of that, sir, but I would_
always muoh rather ke.:p my trunk under
my rye
Well. then, sir, you should have been
born nn el ' pliant, and then you could have
your trunk antler yore eye all the time!"
The nervous man suddenly varnosed.
In raising the hear t abov e dispair. an
old fiddle is worth four doctors and two
drug shops.
for Twn boys of seventeen recently
fought a duel at Marksville, La. They
fired thre.• times with pistols, at.ten paces
one hurt.
writ has been alsteM76 7 iat a chattering
little soul in a large body is like 'swallow
in a barn—the twitter takes up more room
titan the bird.
A REMEDY FOD. Auus••Ae this is the sea
son when ',limy are troubled with the ague
and fever' perhups our readers would like
to know a simple, safe and sure curet--
Put a teaspoonful of grated wild turnip
into two table spoonfulls of brandy, sweet
en and just take before the fit COME on.
Try it a few times. and you mill bare Mo
move se•.