6Diumn. He that by the plough tomb( thrice, Ilimse(t . , must either hold or drive.- BIICIEWHIAT. Any time up to the middle of July, will, do to sow this voluable grain, and almost any cliscription of soil, dry, and not abso• lately barron, will yield n tolerable cro,ii provided it be moist enough to sprout the seed and get it above the ground. A shower or two, and the dews will bring it on afterwards. We have even raised a good crop of buCkwheat when sowed in a ury time in July, Bud it did nqt come up until the middle of August. The ground need not be plowed until nearly ready to sow, as the fresher the earth, the more readily will the seed ger. minute. It should, however, be light and ffine. Half a bushel to three pecks of seed to the acre is sufficient, as the stalk branches out like a tree, and the grain is borne on very tendril, Cool September nights fill and mature the grain. Early sown, and blooming in the hottest weather the seed is apt to blast in forming, and hence s light crop; but if fully set in ear ly September, before a frost, it rapidly fills and gives a bountiful yield. When ready to cut, which may be done while some of the latter kernels are yet green, it should according to its bulk on the ground, be carefully cut with a cradle or scythe, and lie a day of two to dry, and then be carefully forked together into little stalks to cure, and not taken in until the stalks are fully dry. It can then be thresh ~c 1 in a machihe more effectually than in any other mode, although it is easily beat out with the flail. When cleaned up, spread it thin on the floor, that it mny thoroughly dry since being late in the sea son, it to more liable to damp than the ear_ tier cut grain. Well stored, and kept dry the straw is a tolerable fodder for young stock of any kind, and sheep will eat it greedily for a change. We have fed tons of it advanta• geously to our Winter stock, while for cattle bedding nothing is better. The virtues of buckwheat as a table food we need not enumera.e. Buckwheat cakes are a luxury wherever known; and for poultry, the ungrourd grain is excel lent. As pig, cattle, or horse feed it is bet. ter ground than fed whole, and wher. ground is substantial and nutritious,— Some farmers have a prejudice against.' growing buckwheat, as it "fouls" the land for the succceeding crop. Others think it injures the land in its fertility. From long expertence, we think otherwise. It kills wire-worrms, leaves the soil light and free, and is crop of Winter rye stay be sowed immediately on its stubble to• good advrntege. We believe in buckwheat ; as one of the stables of an annual ferns crop.-- [American Agriculturist. Cows son sews,—Traveling a few days in Missouri, in sections were the cows have a wide range, we heard a new enticement to bring the cows home regularly at evening. That was, feeding them with sugar the same as you would with salt. A little handfiill a t evening, at the same time of day, would bring them back to the gate with a regularity as unfailing us the sun. After they are well. trained in sugateating, it may be united every other night. A half-dozen notable house wives assured me that the fact was well worth knowing.— Ohio Pursuer. DISEASE A3lOOO CARTLE.—CattIe aro dying, off at a fearful rate in Brooklyn and Parma. Ohio. A strange disease has broken out among them, and nobody knows what it is About a dozen valuable cows have died in Brooklyn of this disease since Sunday. In parma the other day a man was badly poison ed in skinning a cow that had died of this signlar disorder. His right band became so inflamed and swollen that it was feared he would have to suffer amputation Signs of a Good Crop of Apples. Some years asnce, an old gentleman en tered the orchard of his neighbor, in the month of May, when the trees were in full bloom, and the trees generally filled .vith blossoms. After making a circuit of the orchard he remarked;—''Well I see that you are to have but few apples this year." Pointing to one full of blossoms•-." You will have none on that tree." Pointing to another equally full--You will have a peck on that." Keeping a note of his remarks it was found in the autumn that his pre. dictions were correct. On inquiry for in dications, he said that the red apple blos soms indicated fruit and white did not. The general redness of the blossoms this season is a gcod Pori mouth Jour nal. Colic in Sheep. We find in an English paper the follow. ing remedy of colic in sheep: I•I have a number of sheep feeding on Swede tur nips with cut hay. An unusual number having been attacked with colic, and eve ry case proving fatal, I determined to try the following remedy: 'ten drops of laud. annul, ten drops of essence of peppermint, one tea-spoonful of spirits of serpentine, and one table-spoonful of sweet oil.' I has,: in no instance found this tail to pro duce a cure within a couple of hours, al though the sheep have been perfectly par alizcd, and limb!: to statist." MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. SAND tOR The subscriber oilers fur sale a small farm in Henderson township, half a mile north east of the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of Jahn Simpson, Colestock, and others, con. tabling shout ninety acres and allowance, twenty-five i 4 thirty acres of whichare cleared and under a good state of cultivation. The balance is well timbered. There are nn this property three never-failing springs of good water. The buildings consist of a two-story frame house and kitchen, and a log stable; a fine young apple orchard of grafted fruit.— Terms made known by applying to the subscri ber. SAMUEL FRIEDLY. Juae23,'sB,4m. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, COMPLETELY PRESERVED TO TILE GREATEST AGE. And who that is gray would not have it re stored to former color; or bald, but would have tie growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would have it removed. or trou bled with scrofula, scald head, or other erup tions, hat would he cured, or with sick headache (neuralgia) but would he cured. It will also remove all pimples from the face and skin. Prof. ,Wood's flair Restorative will do all this, see circular and the following. ANN Aunon, November 5,1856. Poop. 0. J. Noon—Dear Sir. I have heard much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair Restorative, but having been so often cheated by quackery and nostrums, hair dyes, &c., I woo disposed to plat e your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and one loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Law rence county some months since, when yon gave mu such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative in my family—Scot by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and en tirely white, and before exhausting one of your large bottles, her hair war restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thicken eds and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the bead ; she continues to use it, not simply because of its beautify;ng effects up on the hair, but because of its healthful influ ence upon the head and mind, Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative. with the happiest effects ; therefore, my skepti cism and doubts in reference to its character 11113 entirely removed; end I can and do most cordi ally and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored film white or gray (by reason of sickness or age,) to origi nal color and beauty, and by all young persons who would have their hair beautiful. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. FRIEND Wont' t It was a long time after I saw you at Illissfield before I got the bottle of Re storative for which you gave me an order upon your agent in Detroit, and when I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, as the surest test of its power. It has done all that you tosured me it would du : and othors or my family and friends, having witnessed its effects' are now acing and recommending its use to oth ers as entitled to the highest consideration you claim for it. Again, very respeetruld6Ltzlwira, CAUL-LE, 111, June 29, 1852, I have used Prof. 0..1. WOod's Hair Restor ative, and have admired it wonderful effects.— My hair was becoming, as I thought, premature ly gray, hut by the use of his Restorative it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt permanently so. S. BRESSE. ex. Senator. U. S. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broad way, N. Y., (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment) and 114 Market street, St. Louis Mo., and sold by all good Druggists. June2,'sB.-din. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY, t lr f. 61111.41.;`;;.,: The Alexondria Foundry Flasks, Patters, &c., Lave been bought by R. C. McGILL. The Foundry is in blast and he has all kinds of Can tips. Stoves of all kind, Machines, Ploughs, Kettles, &c.. which he will sell at the low— est market prices. All kinds of Coon• . try produce and old metal taxon in exchange in market prices. R. C. McGILL May 26 1858. CHEAP GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS! ! FISHER & MeMURTRIE Have just received their second stock of SUMMER GOODS, which will be sold of at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. It comprises Summer Dress Goods of every description, Prints, Ginghams, Cottons, White Goods, Hosiery, Mitts, Trimmings, Marseilles, Patent Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, Straw Goxls, Boots & Shoes, and a large and general assortment of all kinds of Goods and. table to the wants .if the community. INNTINGDON WARN SPRINGS. The Warm Springs at the base of Warrior'. Ridge, five m les north of Huntingdon, overlook ing Standing Stone Creek, and environed by ro mantic hills and woodlands, have been leased by the fw mer proprietor of the Learner House. The extensive Hotel buildings, bath houses, &e., erected at great expence by Ge floral A I'. Wilson, have been completed—and the groves have been beautifully laid out and adorned.— The Hotel ;tailors and chambers airy and com fortably furnished; and the prospect, from the verandahs for beauty, cannot be excelled. For half a century, these Springs have been celebrated for their medicinal qualities, end the great nature at the waters in rheumatic end chro nic affections. The temperature of the water being 691 degrees, renders the bathing delight ful and invigorating. In the surrounding woods and mountains, game abounds, and the finest fish are caught in Stone Creek. Persons in pur suit of health or t leaser°, will find this a most delightful and healthful retreat; and its nearness to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the cheapness of the rates charged guests, give it a decided advantage over any other watering place in the State. a The Proprietor hits bad years of experience in the business and no pains or trout),e will be spa rest to make guests comfortable. flacks run from Huntingdon to Warm Springs on the arrival of the different Railroad trains— fare 25 cents. Families accommodated at mo erulc terms. JOHN R. HERD, Warm Swings near 2 Proprielor. Huntingdon, June sth SPLENDID RAG CARPET for al cts. pet yard at the cheap store of FINHER & MCMI.II:TRIE. SPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas of every style at the METROPOLITAN. New Card-Press. Having bought a fast ''CARD PRESS," we are, now prepared to print in the prcportion of three cards in the name time that any other Press in the county can print one, consequent ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well we make no charge at all. We ask your pa. t ronage. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! FISHER & Hetlf tIITHIE HAVING re•upened the METROPOLITAN formerly known as "Saxton's" take plea— sure in announcing to their many friends, that they have received a new and well•sclected stock of Goods; which they feel confident will satisfy the demands of the public, and will prove unexceptionable is STYLE and QUALITY. . . The fine of Dress Goods einln.sess ROBES A QIJILLE IN ORGANDIES. LAWNS, PERCALES, Re. C lIA LYS, DER AGES, BRILLIANTS, ALL WoOL DE LAINES, CRAVELLA MoIIAIR, DANUBIAN, TAMISE. AND LA VELLA CLOTHS, DEBAGE, LUSTRES, ALPACCAS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, &c. We here a fine assortment of Summer Man tillas, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An tiques, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets, 11,- siery, Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Whalebones for Skirts, Reed Hoops, Brass do., Skirt Cord, &c. Atso—Tickens, Osnaburg, bleached and un bleached Muslins at all prices, Colored and White Cambrics, Barred and Swiss Muslim, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and many other articles which comprise the line of White and Domestic Gam's. We have French Cloths, Fancy Cassimcres, Sattinett4, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottoned., Linens, Denims and Blue Drills. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, or every varjety and style. Also all kinds o STRAW GOODS. A good stock of GROI. ERIES, HARD & QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & S 111 0 ES, Wood and Willow-ware, which will he sold Cll., We nlso deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds or GRAIN, and possess facilities in this branch a' trade unequalled by any. We deliver all pacLapcs or parcels of Merchandise, FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. Come one, come all, and be convinced that the "METROPOLITAN” is the place to secure thshionahle and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. Apr.14,'58, Patent Portable Fence. The rights in I I ma's Potent Portable or Per ailment Fence :tod Gate Post, for Lots, Farms and Township, can be secured for a small sum by calling on the Agent at Huntingdon. Go and see the model at once. It is decidedly the best Fence ever used. No Fortner should be without it. Call ye who would be benefit ted and exa mine it for yourselves. HENRY et R N PROPS r, Agent , • fur Huntingdon County. GREAT STORM ! New Drug and Grocery Store M'MANIGIL. SMITH & CO., Hill St., 5 doors west of the Court house, Huntingdon. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wine and Brandy of the Best article for medical uses, Concentrated lye for making Soap, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines also Coffee, fen, Chocolate, Sugar Molasses, Vinegar, lA, Salt, Hour, Cracliers, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Raisins, Tobacco, Cigars, Syr. ups of all kinds for summer drinks in a word every thing uennily kept in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire pure and Genuine ar ticles will do well by giving us a call. .M:q 19, PREMIUMS AWARDED THE JOURNAL JOB OFFICE TAM 3133056ril (312] 2511 W PRINTitle. NOTICE. We request those of our subscribers who re eive their papers, to inform us of those in their immediate neighborhoods who are subscriber: to the "Journal," and have failed to recciv, the same, since the stealing of our pack•hook b 3 ruffians on the 3d of February. "W+lV . l . Mrd) WHEAT A 1) COHN wattled at tilt. Ace. Thosa having either can dispose of the ovine by calling soon. STAGE LINE FROM Chambersburg to Mt, Union The undersigned aware that a suspension of the line of Stages over the road between Chamber:llmm and Mt, Union, cannot be hut disadrantageous to a large section of the coun try, has, nt a considerable expense and trouble made arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points Good Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla ced on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietorof the line is disirous that it be maintained, and he therefore calls upon the public generally to patronize it. confi dent that it will be for their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will he given, and the running of the Stages will ho regular. $' Stages leave Mt, Union, every Tuesday Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arriving at Chambersburg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re turning, leave Chambershurg, the same night at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the next eveaing in time for the cars. Between Mt, Un ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily. 2fir Fare through $8; to intermediate points in proportion. JOHN JAMISON Jan. 20th, 1858.—1 f. Miss SOUTH WORTH, CoLosisi. G. W. CROCKETT, CHARLES BURDETT THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CLAI'P, Jux., GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG, Mos. ANNA WHELPLE Miss VIRGINIA VAUG Mos. DI. VERNON, Miss HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, Write only for the GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE 111. 11111111%113.0 DENTISii; autizzsopoN, PA. June 13, 1857. `tYLlsNllll) 1) 7 Goo an dlso ,IZgesgae, ;t olored Brilliants, Chintzes, &c.. can ho found et the M ET ROPOLITAN. SMYTHES, SNATLIS, RAKES, FORKS,&e., A large assortment at the Hardware Store. JAMES A. BROWN. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS TIIE GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED. DEAN & SALTER, Successors to Becket & Co, The New York Weekly Golden Pulse is one of the largett and hest literary papers of the doy—an Imperial Quarto. containing eight pa ges, or forty columns, of the most interesting and festinating reading matter, from the pens of the very first writers of the day, ELEOANTLY ILLUSTRATED EVERT WEEK, A PRESENT, Worth from 53 Centg to $4OO 00, Will ha given to enel: 7:iiiseriher immediately on reeeipt of the subscription money. This is presented as n memento or Friendship, and not ns nn inducement to obtain subscribers TERMS: 1 Copy for 1 year, $2 00 and 1 Present. 2 • 3 50 2 Presents. 44 3 ft 5 00 5 " I 46 5 It 5 00 5 " AND TO CLUBS, 3 Copies, I year, 500 3 " 5 •` '• 7 00 5 11 10 " 15 00 10 1, 21 " 30 00 21 " The articles to be given away are comprised in the following list : 2 Packages of?old, con'g $5OO 00 each. 5 do do do 200 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each. 10 Patent Lever Hatnt'g Watches 100 00 each. 20 Gold Watches* 75 00 each. 50 do 60 00 each. 100 do 50 00 each. 300 Ladies' Geld Watches 35 00 each. 200 Silver Hunting Watches 50 00 catch. 500 Silver Watches 610 00 to 25 00 each. 1000 G'ld Guard, Chains-$lO 00 to 30 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops. Breast Pins, Cuff Pins. Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil ver Thainhles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 each. We will present to every person sending as 50 subscribers, $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth $4O: to any one sending us 100 subscribers, at $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth $OO. livery subscriber will also receive a present. Immediately on receipt of the money, the s ulicriher's name will he entered upon our book , and the present will be forwarded within one week, by mail or express, post paid, GT All communications should be addressed to DEAN & HALTER, Proprietors, 335 13roadway, New York. Juno 9, 'sB:—lnhly. NKANNOw BLANKS I BLANKS I R 3 a a 51 .1 general assortment ry . Blanks of all de• seriptions just printed. and /br sale al the "Journal (Wee." A ppoi tittle% of Referees, Common Bond, Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes Summons, 'Vend. Notes, Executions, Constalill's Sales, &ire Facias, Subptenns, Coin plaints, Deeds, Warrants, Mortgages Commitments, Bond to idemnify Constaltle, li@V/211, DLIICYEETAIR&!ip MANUFACTURERS AND INFORTERs OF Papl 21 t 111'.111. Au. 622 Uldentnal Street, Philadelphia., Rove for sale, to consumers and the trade, the largest assortment of Paper Hangings. Borders, Decorations, he., in the United States. They ask the special atteotion of the trade to a new and yen• ben a r ticle on pullet of Wild) which they are it is slating. Sept.' . 37..1.114. JOHN SCOTT, P , ANIIIEL T. BunwN EarD\Vni, Attorneys at Law, Ilw►tingdon, Pa., Ottice same as that lormerly occupied by John Scott, Esq. to., 19. 185:1. New Goods ! New Goods AT L. I'. 1.111/VS CHAEP STORE. D. Gwin has just rnturntl fruits Philudul• ',bin with the largest and must beautiful ns• sortment of SPRING AID SUMMER GOODS, Ever brought to Ifuntingdon, . consisting of the mutt fashionable Dress Goods Mr Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks. and Fancy, All Wool de Lains ' (all colors) Spring DORM, Phallic Delain, forages, (all colors) Levelly Cloth, Demise, Alpacca, Pop. line, Printed Bernges,Brilliants, plain and fig nreA Gingham, Lawns, nod Prints el every de scription. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin ges, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids, Crapes, Reed & Brass Hoops, Skirt Cord. Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linen and Caton Floss, Tidy Yarn, &c. Also the host and cheapest assortment of Col ors, and Undorsleeves, in town. Bar'd and Plain Jaeonet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain, Fig ured, Skirt Beltt• Marseilles for Capes, and a variety of whito goods too numerous ( to men• tion. String and Thibit Shawls, White Deluine for Capes. Mantillas, &c. Also, Cloths, Casshners, Cassinets, Tweeds, K. Jeans, Muslins, Cotton Drill, Nankeens, Ticken, Table Diapers, Flannels, &Cs Also. a large lot of Bonnets, Flat, Hats, &c. Boots and Shoes, the largest and elms pest assortment in town. H A RDW.A.11.33, QUEENS WARE, Buckets, Tubs, • Baskets, Chums, Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, &c. Carps ts, Oil Cloths, Fish nod Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. Mx :Old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in ore respectfully request.; to come and examine my goods All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID P. GWIN. April 21, 1858. D ' 2ll AHD MIEMEII CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened And will be sold 80 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! — ROMAN7espectfully Worms his custo 11, more and the public generally, that he has lust opened at his store-room in Market Square- Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for Fall and Winter, which ho will sell cheaper than the stone quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment ho the couutry. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before sing elsewhere. Also, Hats, Caps, which will be sold lower than at any other es tahliehtnent in the county. Huntingdon, April 1. 1858. LADZES' COLLARS & UNDERSLEEVE in great variety at the cheep store of D. P. GSM. THE MISCELLANEOUS SOVEETISEMENTS GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY ' EVLR KNOWN TO MAN! 1 Prof. Chas. Defrrath's r_ixiva"si-se-usi ELECTRIC OIL. INIPRO V ED This great discovery is now creating a great BLOOD-SEARCHER. sensation among s of Eu -1 le w a ill i et t i c r: lt t i he follow ing (not everything): Warranted to HR. LINDSEY has discovered a remedy that Cure Fever and Ague in one day. Curechills bil will cure all diseases arising from impure in five minutes. Cure Croup in one night.— blood, which is the foundation of all disc... Cure Deafness in two to four days. Cureburns I will warrant it to cure all the withirmiamedand Scalds in ten minutes. Cure Sprains, diseases, such as I Wound. and Bruises in from°ne to three days. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM, Cure In fl ammation in one day. Cure Neural- Chrome SerrAta, Humors of the Skin t l'amors 1 , I gia, Croup, Tooth Ache, Burns, in 10 minutes. Ulcers on the Head or Body, and all Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofuir , bscess, in ten Break-oats on the Face. days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, Tatter, in one to And it will also cure all Indolent Ulcers of , three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff Neck, Ague marry years standing; Sore Mouth, caused from in one day. Cure Felons, Broken Breast,Salt tieing mercury, mid will eradicate mercury, Rheum, in three to six days. Cure Quinsy, from the system. When the IMPROVED Palpitation, Pleurisy, in one to ten days. Cure BLOOD SEARCHER operntes on mercury, Asthma, Palsy, Gout, Erysipelas, in live to 20 all other impurities of the blood will be sweat days. Cure Frosted Feet, Chiblains, Chronic from the system, and it purifies the blood as Rheumatism,Stiff Joints, Sore Throat, Scarlet pure as vegetabe mehicine enn telllce it; and Fever, and t he lame made to walk, by a few when the blood is pure, the man woman or bottles. This Oil (De Grath's) is mild and child, will take no disease, for the impure blood I pleasant, and is a great family Medicine fur which is the cause of disease, is gone. It willchildren teething, &e. Ladies should all use I also cure all Debilitated Diseases , such as it. It always leaves you better than it finds drive front a derangement of the liver; it will I you, and one bottle often cures entirely. bring the liver into a healthy action, and will restore the patient to health. ' Afflicted Thirteen Rare and Cured in One FOR SALE BY John Read, Iluntingdon.— Week. ' Jos. P. Heaton, Cassville. Jos. Johnston, Pe- Rev. James Temple. tendowg. Silas Cresswell Manorbill. Wm. Philadelphia, June 9th, 1858. Davis, Shaversville. Freedom Iron Co. Greens- Prof. De Grath : I have been afflicted for 'burg Furnace. Reddle & Stewart, West Bar- thirteen years with Neuralgia arid other pain ree. Semi. W. Myton, Saulsburg. It. Mc - NI complaints, and Diane been unable tosleep Burney, kleAlavys tort. Elias Musser, McAl aya fort. Joseph Douglass, MeConnellll,ant,o.l soundly or want .y distance for many years IA AS Last week I got a bottle of your "Elec. Jell. Rothrick & Co. Marklesburg. trie Oil." The first night I slept soundly and TARR, Shirleystrurg. Thos. Orbison, Orldso ma. I). H. Morrison & Co. 13Iairs Mills. 111, well, and to-day lam like a new man. My A. Robison & Co. Shade Gap. Lytn Short wif e "'ld tint believe lire eyes. Your El " . & Co. Baldengle. B. C. Walker, Alexandria. Inc Chick & Son, Birmingham. F. 111, Bell tore Oil has done in one week what the physi cians of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen & Co. Warriormark. G. it. Stiner, Spruce years. Gratefully yours. Creek. .1. W. Matters, Blechanicksville.— REV. JAMES TEMPLE, Saint. Matters, Mechanicsville. 310 South greet. Huntingdon, Feb. 24th, 1828.—em. DEAFNESS CURED. New Haven, May 19th, 1856. Prof. De Grath: My brother has been deaf three years. Afte trying marry things, he us ed your Oil a few times, and it cured him en tirely. CLIFFORD & SCRANTON. There are numerous imitations sprung op on the reputation that my article has acquired, The public must ben•are. They are worthless, For sal • John Read, Huntingdon. Ang.5,'57... 20 PER CENT. SAVED! !! COMPETENT JUDGES have now decided that at least 20 per cent. is saved by purchasing all DAM/WARE and PAINTS at the regular lIMIDIIVARE BTOSE JAMES A. BROWN. To continue this public advantage the sub scriber has just returned from the East, with a complete stuck 11A1;DIVARE, MECIIANLIDS"POOLS, CUTLERY, HOLLOW -WARE, PAINTS, SADDLERY, COACH TRIMMINGS, Ste. Which ho has carefully selected, and bought at reduced prices, front the best houses in the United States. Thus he is enabled to sell whole sale and retail extremely b.w. Country dent ere, Builders, Mechanics, and the people gener ally are respectfully invited to call. All orders receive prompt attention. \.B.—Persons indebtud to the late firm of James A. Brown S. Co., are requested to make immediate payment to JA S. A. BROWN, 11 tui t ingdon,A pr.8,'58. -- VACIERUDIM MACHINE SHOP AND FRENCH B URR MILL STONE ifiLA ' _l \ -11/fratiff Clint Corn, of (;)•rniantown Road and New Market Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, • Philadelphia. Constantly on hand or made to miler, the fol , Towing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery Wo;iduCird's P . :dent Portable Mills and Smiii Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Coneavo Bran Dus , lets. Stover's Putout Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. Pierson's Patent Barrel iloopand Moulding Ninelikes. Improved Bridge Steps nod Bushes for Mill Spindles. WARRANTED. The best Anchor Brand Bokin; Cloth Burr Caro Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plastor Crushers. ALSO SOLE OWNER OF • Jolu►ston , s Patent Cast Metal Con- cave man litfignmi ? East and South• East of the Ohio and Miasissip• pi Rivers. Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Oround, from 1 to 2i lbs, of standard flour, which could not be bolted out on account of the electrical adhesion to the Bran. NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa. tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons snaking, selling, or using any Brun Dusters with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in yin. lotion of the Letters Patent of Joseph John. slat., dated April 24th, 1854. THOMAS B, WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. B.—State and County Patent Rights foe all the above Machines for Sale. August 29, 1855. - . BLANKS.--Always buy your Elamite at the "Journal Office." We have now prepared ave ry snperiorarticle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, JD/ %GIVIENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC U . i .1\ S. &e. Dr. John IVloCullooh, niters his professional services to the citizens( Ufluntingdon and vicinity. Office, on Mill at. between Montgomery and Bath. untingdon, /Cog. 29, 1855. WHALEBONE, REED AND BRASS Hoop. and Reed Skirts, tor sale at the cheap store of 1). P. GWIN. A LETTER-COPIER FOR SALE. An excellent one for sale at this office. This one of Adams' No. 1 Cam and Lever Prose. BOOTS & SIIOES, the largest and cheapest asaortineut in town, at D. P. GWIN'S. GUM 8110 ES, cheaper at D. P. G WIN, than can be had in town. Call and se them Antiphlogistic Salt. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office. Fur all inflammatory diseases it is a certain cure. Get a box and try it, ye who are afflicted. 1.01-1(1 POC KET . KNIVES, some of the VLF best m the world, for sale by JAMES A. 'WN, TOW LINES and BOAT ROPES, toi sale at the Hai dware store of JAMES A. BROWN. STONE CROCKS, JARS, &c.,—u large stock for sale at manatiketurers' prices by JAMES A. BROWN. T trPIS' DRESS GOODS, of rich style urf ter, o beep et D. P. GAVIN'S. SILK BONNETS of every variety and3price offering very cheap by Ftear:a & Mc MERTRIZ. irfto BOOKS! r BOOKS! 40,000 VOLUMES of now and popular Books, embracing every variety usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and many of them at half the Publisher's retail price, the subscriber now oilers to the public. All school books used in the county can be had in any quantittes at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper, wholesale or by the ream. too superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold Cases, trom II upwards. 100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. 100 splendid Port Aluminium' Pocket Books at 20 els. and upwards. 3.000 PIECES WALL PAPER, of the latest end prettiest styled, jest received from Philadelphia and New York, prices from 10 ets. a piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and gold gifted Win dow Shades at 44 cts. and upwards. The piddle I eve but to call and examine, to be convinced that in buying .of the above stock they w.ll be pleased and also save money. Re meintu, the place, corner of Montgomery and Railroad Orceta W5l. COLON. A pr.:l3,' 50. l_ • 1 )EANUTS.-5000 Bushels Wilmington Pea nuts in store and for sale by WM. N. SIIUGARD, '3 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. CIONFECTIONARY.—PIain and fine Con• feetionory manufactured and for sale by WAI. N. SIIUGARD, 323 or 191 North 3d street, Philo. / qtANGES AND LEMONS.-500 boxes Or- U`runges ind Lemons in store and for solo b;• WM. N. SDUGARD, 323 or 191 North On street, Phila. AISINS.-1,000 Boxes Bunch and Lnyer 11 'Raisins in store and for stile by. WM. N. SIUBGARD, 323 or 191 Notch 3d street, Phila. FI"'DATES, PRUNES, CITRONS, Currants, in store anti for satin by WM. N. SIIUGARD, 323 or 193 North Ott wet!, Phila. ALMONDS, WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS and Filberts in store end for sale by WM. N. SIIUGARD, 5ept.9,'57.-ly. 323 or 191 N'th 3d st., Phila Tr:KZ HITNIESNOIIOOI c parY• TM?, undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill, inform farmers and the public general. that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the water wheels and machinery. They have put in five of the Improved Jon• val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all stages of the water, anti during the coldest weather, any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to sell, and have on band for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS and farmers can have their own grain ground, and take it back in a return load, or they can be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop. ped feed. • TEM °MUT MACBIND is of an improved manufacture; and they will insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quali ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill.• FISHER k McMURTRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 185 G. DR. J R. HUYETT 4 asaaaa D:Xfite 'SST; ALEXANDRIA, HUAI% CO., PA. April 1,1857.—1 y. MENS' UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS Linen Shirt Breasts, Ready-made Shirts, white and fancy shirts, and collars, very cheap at D. P. GWIN'S. SILK BONNETS in great variety and cheap at 1). P. GWIN'S. 11110 , 611. T. @LIEPI3MII,OO. ATTORNEY AT LAIV, Willattend to all business entrusted to:him. Of flee nearly opposite the Court House May 5,'53 DOUGLASS & SHERWOODS' Patent Ex tension Skirts, for sale only by 1 , 16111111 & MOMURTRIE. Glass Preeerving Jars, different sizes, for sale by FISITF.II & AIreMITTITRIE. o THE „ :PERFEcT sATIS.•• ' • r 3111 .. o WARRAN . 0 'NY 0 O All kinds of (,), BLANKS OCONSTANnY ON HAND. 11 4 0c0c00c00=0 , ..1. , 1 11 'll e t 3 RAILROAD HOURS. MAI. Goixu EAsT. Mail T. I Ex. T. I Fast T. leaves P. M. A. M. P. M. tersburg, 1.06 4.02 8.05 intingdon, 1.22 4.17 8.20 II Creek, 1.23 4.27 8.33 Union, 1.47 4.41 8.47 '1 41. GOING \Vest. t loaves P. M. A. let P. U . . Union, 4.32 6.45 8.20 II Creek 4.48 6.58 8.33 intingdon o 5.03 7.11 H. 45 terabarg, 5,; 0 7.23 8.58 Train Mt. Mill Hui Pet H. K. NEFF, M. D., HAVING located himself in WARRIORMAIM in this county, would respectfully otter his professional services to the citizens °Nutt plays and the country anjut•ent. REFFEREN,EII: J. B. Luden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Ornison, Esq J. H. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinn, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. Hon. George Taylor. . . Ilia, Jacob M Column!, M. D., Aleranth John M'Culloch, Peteraburg p7-I don, I', A. P. WILSON. R. BRUCE PETUMN IVILSON & PETRIKIN, 4T7'ORIVEYS 4T L4W, HUNTINGDON, P.I. Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mitllin and Juniatn Conn ties. March 23, 1853. Cheapest "Job Printing' , Office IME COURTIN Ire hare vow made arch arrangements in our Job tyliee as will enable no to do all hinds qt . Job Printing at 20 per cent. cheaper rates Than any Office in the County. - Give use call. If a•o don't give entire satisilie tip., no charge at all will he made. T lll. largest and cheapest stock of fancy Silk 11 and colored Straw Bonnets its sewn, is at Fission a 14101ruTntE's. A LL-IVOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, List mid Hag Carpet. Also, Cocoa, Jute and Al'i con Blots, can be lied cheap at the loom el neural & BleßlenTinit. iety of THI grea test ooi::n r Trimmings th erk e .h a e n st al t ja i rs found at the thshionable store of Fisimo & MCMUIITHIE. Milli latest and newest styles Ladies' Collars, It! 1 0 1811 ER & pleltirwrnin's. CLOAKS, Tatum, Itigolettes, Victorious and Head Dresses, are sold st prices which defy competition by FISHER & MCMINIMIE. DIVOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, tho largest stock ever brought to town are sell ing very cheap at Faama & McMcarute. BLANKETS, Plaids, Flannels, Liners, al al prices, at the mammoth store of Fianna & McAluaTitin. MOURNING COLLARS, of the handsets est siylerjust received by FISHER & MEMUIrrItIE. NEW AND CHEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE. DAVID GROVE, informs the citizens of Huntingdon and, vicinity, and the public gen erally, that he has opened a Grocery Store on Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of Wm. Orbison's resi dence, where he will at all times be pretarcd supp le customers with ALL AINDS OF GROCERIES, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Molasses, Cheese, Spiess, Confectionaries, Hams, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Sugars, Tobac co, &e., ,tc.; in tact, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. As I am determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest, I want everybody to call and examine my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE, Huntingdon, July 29, 's7:ly. IN BLAST AGAIN I nunun g don Foundry. raEli,pux - THE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME. thod of informing their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful 3p - eration, find are prepnred to furnish casting of all kinds, of the beat quality on the shortest no t ice and most reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and examine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't be beat, together with the Keystone, Hill side; and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook, Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood. IZOLLOW-W4RE consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or in ex change for country produce. Old metal taken for new castings. By a strict attention to busi ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. April :10, 1N56.-11'. ='~`=