Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 18, 1858, Image 3

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The undereigieaktieetitis Method of infor
ming the public generally that there is no med
icine now offered to the phlic that is &feel to
DU VALL'S GALVANIC OIL in relieveing
suffering humanity.
I was en observer of its effects in a friend of
mine, who suffered almost everything from a
nruralgic affection which resisted the best med
ical treatment in Centre county. We applied
freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, end
gave some inwardlyiand in 20 minutes the pa
tient was asleep, and when awaked was free free
from pain, and confined so.—This is a positive
fact which I am willing to make good nt any
time. A case of Fimon was cured in nearly the
same length of time.
.1. IL 11AHN,Centre Hill.
July 13, 1858-1 y... Centre county.
Aurocrm, Blair co., July 3,'58.
J. D STox►aosn, Lewistown,
Dear 'Sir--11.4. Wm.
Tonstnxton, who has been suffering several
years from rheumatism, got so ill that his friends
and relatives were summoned to witness his
depth. I induced his friends to try the virtue
of your preparation.—they did so, as the last re;
sort awl, to their astonishment and joy, ho be
gan t o improve, got better null better, and now,
so far as I know he is a hale and stout man.
This is not the only case where the GALVANIC
Utt has surpassed htiman expectations. In
every case where I have recommended the Out,
it has done what it promises to do. Send us
another s2o's worth.
Youra truly, H. LEITER
.lu'y 14, '3e—if:
44 North Queen Street,
More Liberal inducements than at any
otber similar Establishment in the
• Country.
Having located . myself at Lancaster. Pa.,
where toy expenses aro not above one•fifth ns
great as those of similar establishments, in
New York or Philadelphia ; and having had
extensive experience in the business—being
nearly four years a partner of G, G. Evans.
Esq., the origninator of the Gift Enterprise, I
flatter myself that I can offer greater Woes
ments than any other concern in the United
A gilt worth from 25 cents to .4100 will no.
company each Book at the lime offered.
ser A vents wanted in every town in the
United State to whoto most liberal induce.
melds are offered.
1 have lately issued n now Catalogue, cover
ing 32 pages, embracing an infinite variety of
Books of every description, a copy of which
will be mailed, postage paid, upon application,
to any address in the 'United States. Let uo
one tail to send for a copy. Address
D. W. CLARK, Lancaster, Pa.
We the undersigned citizens of Lur, C/tßif.r,
so far as we are ore acquainted with D. W.
Clark, proprietor of the Gift Book Stare of
this city, believe that any agreement he makes
nr may make, will be strictly fulfilled. We have
never learnei: aught, save that the utmost sa•
rtisfaction is given by his method of doing bus•
C. tI..I3I:tESESIAN t Agent. Conestoga Cotton
.1. D. SICILE9, A'boleaale nod Retail Grocer,
W. G. EVA XS, Notary Public.
iirtatT C. WENTZ, Yrensorer Lancaster City.
A. B KAUFFMAN, InSurattee Agent.
M. M. Rolmtot, Job Peioier.
Aug. 18,.7.8.:-Irn..
Notice is horeby That 11 warn al; per.
aunt from 'ma-eh:Laing from Edward Cox, a nate
,Mord April. iesB, and due on ;he Mb of De.
ember, 1838, given by um. li.r ten &Mira,.
- I do not intend to pay still gulp.
A ug.18,*58.41t.
(Elgre of Enoch C bilcote ih;c.d.)
otters of Administrati,o, nn t Es
orb Chiloot°, late of Todd township dee'd.,
Laing been granted to the undersigned, he
hereby notifies all persons indebted to said es•
tate to make immediate paymiatt, and all
those having claims will present the same duly
authenticated tar settlement.
Administrator de Lentil Roo.
A 'IRA 8,'58. • Gt. •
• -- cerintt - Aav nuttExu.
An experienced Editor, a successful Author,
and a thoroughly educated Literary Man, wen.
ry with twenty.tivo years of the drudgery of
I)uily &commalent, has olet1•1111111C11 it Jove out
and sell his brains at retail, t o than ,ho may
require their ,1•1, lees, in any romersl,l, ony.
Merebnms, Dasines4 Men, les emets, and
dealers of every kind, will be supplied, off hand
with Advertisements, (poetical or otherwise,)
Notices, Card., Circulars, or ary species of ar
tides desired.
POiititinila will. he supplied with Sp. o.
jteporbs, Desolations, Leiters, Pau.
rblets, Editorial Articles, Cioninanientions,
and every sort of Britilework, which they may
find it ineJnveilierir or troublesome to do iln•m
Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rook in so
ciety or occupation in life, yan hove Letter:
written on any subject, whether business or
The advertiser will also conduct or translate
Correspondence of every kind, either Hagfish,
French, Spanish, Germ. or Latin.
Poetry, Acrostics, for Albums, Notes, Millet•
denx, Bonodies, and Compositions of the most
delicate and confidential character, incident to
every possible circumstance or event in life,
will he furnished in inviolable confidence, by
writivg to the undersigned, and explaining
their wishes.
Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will
he strictly and promptly attended to. Address
J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau,
Box 2285 Philadelphia I'. 0., Pa.
A ug.18,'58..1y.
Prepared originally by Po. 11. !CI =ALL
I" formerly of the Cottage of Surgeons,
at Paris.
Air' For the Cure of all sore and 2ain
ful Diseasos..Mi
IFor instance—Pain or soreness in any
part of the system, Rheumatism, pain
in the back, breast or sides. healed breasts
Neuralgia, Burns, Sprains, Head-ache,
Cramp in the Stomach or any other dis
ease that is SORE or PAINFUL, and
lit is only over this class of diseases we
claim a VICTORY. No say positively
to our patrons we can relieve the sufferer
99 times out 01'100. We would just say
to the publie, Prof. Du Volt was IG years
in bringing to this modiciue superiority
over all others.
Price 50 cts. per bottle—% per cent
cut off the trade. All orders must he ad
'dressed to J. D. STONEROAD,
Sole Agent for U. S.,
LawisTowN, PA.
(Estate of lohn Morningstar, dec'd.) I Tun Strts:-Is formed with thousands of
ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. pores in every inch of surface whose office it it
to carry off' the impurities of the blood—the
ETTERS of Administration on the estate of
Li John Morningstar, late of Tod township, acicnowledged cause of all diseases of mankind
decd., baring been graoted to the undersign- —when tho skin is dry and parched—when it is
ed, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to covered with eruptions—when it is cold and
said estate to make immediate payment, and ciarniay_rwb" there is Inward fever or m ain •
those having CiairllB will present the same duly
authenticated for settlement. motion—it is impossible for the skin under
PHILIPS GARNER these circumstances to perform its proper func-
lions and to carry off the impurities from the
August. 18. 58. Gt. body as designated by our Creator.
Mosre's Indian Root Pills remove these ob
structions, and produce free and healthy blood,
remove the ernptions from the skin, and cause
it to brighten with the flush of youth and beau.
t y. Beauty so [puck admired and loved, Beam
ly without paints and cosmetics—but beauty
produced by health and happiness. Dr. IL's
Indian Root Pills arc sold by all Dealers in
TOWN VS COUNTRY.—Ws notice as the
warm weather grows apace, the dimizens
of pent up cities seek the unbrageous
shades and sylvan scenes of the rural por- I
tions of the °gantry ; per contra the in
habitants of the country and dwellers among
the enchanting scenery of nature, having
a little leisure time, alter gathering in the
fruits of the earth, turn their attention ci•
ty ward, for recreation or business purpo
ses. To all such, perhaps no city to the
union possesses so many charms as the
City of Fenn, with its many objects of beau
ty at d art. Its magnificent wuter-works, its
Academy of Music, Academy of Natural
Science, Art Unions, Picture Galleries,
Parks, Cemeteries, etc,; and last, though
not lutist, that link between the present
and glorious past, that revered relic of tho
mimes that tried ,nen'a SOU 19,"-•• Old Inde
pendence Flail. All are objects of unu•
octal interest to the intelligent visitor, alto
vtewing which, a tew minutes might be
profitably spent in the Hair Dressing Sa
loons of George Thurgaland, No. 29
South Sixth St., between Chestnut and
Market, in admiring the light and beauti
ful "Gummier Wig" and Toupee" of
his make. George has also a tLiquid
Hair Dye" whirls is rapidly s tperseding
all other in the nmrket.
OF Tilt:
My connection fur the past eight years with
the above Institution, as Cheif Physician, and
it twelve years' course of steady devotion to the
Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its kin•
dred 'diseases, together with My umivalled op
portunities and adVanrage of pathological re
in arch—aided not a little by a perfect system
of Medical inhatation—has enabled me to ar
rive tun decisive, direct, and saccessful course
or treatment far the positive and radical cure
all disease of the /kiwi, Lttyyu, and Air-
Pa.mages. By Inhilatioa, the vapur and cura
tive properties of medicines nee directly added-
Bed to the diseased organs and the integument.
Ido not advise the use of Medical Inhalation
of any kind, to the e*clasion uf general treat.
meat ; and although I consider it a useful ad•
juviod in the roper otniotgement of those tear.
..d onto' tidal yet I deem it very
ileco,sary that curls pinielit should have thu
bcucfit ot both general and local treatmem.
The success of any tre:il meta in the above di•
seta..e, sail the high cliararter or the
seer a hich I have O . J long h a d tho h3nor
pro,:.tle, art. too well known to need any et.' .:y
ur comment trout me. At thu
many private and profes,iwitil frit:ll,ls, throliA%
wliose philahtia..pie 16,1 tilt oho% e charity
b.. long and ,uppurt, ri, and
Inc C1 , 11:11111,11 ion, I hay, concluded to make
ILI1,11,21.1111.1:1, bring the beneli , s sI
, lepiiiwrit within the r,,,11
id . lid ii t, CHIP heretrarl, It,
I httalt ttll 'A It , ' Ittt olttl till: infirmary, Jr tdlt)
;;I:M :0 ~.1 um to my Mlle. llomoj
iM•reror, tlmt the arrattgoortit will giro ro•
,toi,ML Om, I) Ith to my protit,inal bratlimm
mot th , tmltlic, I would respeetfolly announce
dolt Twit mop be twits/tiled it,.
, tottm//), o.• kt/ MI all I.ll4l'llses ti alt.,.
. „
..1 tlot the I.l,•ffieines, the saute us use l 111
OW L n ittim, prepared to suit ea ch individa
al case. handing. Vapots, Medie4l Inhaling,
Ae. Av., will be express to any.
.0 the l'unol Stunts or the Camulas.—ltfy tern.: .0 treatment by lent t me
ns followings. vi,t t $l2 per mouth for earh
patient, whin.. trill include notdicitte snflicient
for one mouth's use; also, Inhaling Vapor, and
nu Inhering Apparatus. Pa3tnens as follows:
$0 to be loud to Express Agent on r••ceipt of
the boN of M• :mud the halanct6r at the
expiration of t h e mont h,it the patient be cured
or is satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by
giving is full history of their case, and their sy•
oleo.ts in lull, can be trotted as well by letter
Hi by personal examination. Patients avail.
ii.;: themselves of Dr. Jarrot's treatment may
rely upon immediate and permanent relcif, as
he seldom has to t reat 11. ruse over thirty days.
Letters of advice promptly answered. For lute
flier paticulara address
829 . 1.1reatiway, con Twelfth Si., N.'l'
P.S.—Plovsieians and others visiting the
city are respeefully invited to call at the
firmatory, where many interesting cases can
be witnessed, and where our improued appara
tus for the inhalation of medicated vapor eun
he wen and inspeet,d.
Glass Syringes, llonseepathic Vials,
Graduated Measures. Nur-
sh2g !fettles, etc.
tl less Ware for Chemists, Druggists, Perfu
mers, Photographers, etc. Green Ohm by the
package. A liberal discount made to the trade.
Orders from Druggists and Dealers solicited.
Price Lists sent on application.
Agricultural Meeting.
A regular meeting of the Huntingdon coon.
ty Agricultural Society will, according to pre
vials appointment, be held in the Court
House, in the borough of Huntingilcio, on
Wednesday evening of the first week of the
August Court (11th inst.)
As arrangements are then and there to be
made to consider the propriety of holding a
County Agricultural Fair, and a list of premi
ums for the same to be prepared for publica
tion, together with other bueincss of impor•
lance consented with the Association, a full
and fair attendance on the part of the officers
and the citizens generally and of all who may
feel interested in the subject throughout the
county, is earnestly requested.
By Order of the Executive Commhee.
R. McDivitt, Seo'y.
A ug.4,'58.
is t roouNTßT DEALERs can bay
!LOTIIING from me in Huntingdon at Whole
tie, an cheap as they can in the cities, as! havo
Wholesale si no in Phi.ladelphin.
past we have been advertising the above named
Hair Restorative, and month by mouth its sale
hail gradually increased, until it now commands
a more ready sale than any other article of its
kind, giving in almost every instance entire sa
tisfaction. A clergyman, resident in a neigh
boring town, who had for years suffered with a
burning sensation in the head, with an occa
sionally dry, itching humor, which premature
ly turned the hair gray, and latterly causing it
t o come off rapidly, leaving the crown bore al
most, seeing the advertisement of the article,
was induced to try it, and now, after the use of
two bottles only, his hair has turned quite dark
and is very soft, the scalp clean, and the re
cently bald spot covered with is beittliiilll growth
of silky darts hair, the sight of which, with hue
commendation of the Itestorative, will coit.
mood au increased sa,e. We would state to
any who may wish to know, that we are per
initted privately, to give the mane of the indi
vidual to wilts° ease we refer.
On Monday, Aug, 2d, a Teacher's Class will
(mined at the Ctutsville Seminary—tui..ionfree.
School Directors wishing to procure the survi•
o,s of good teachers, the wining Winter will
do well to make application to us. We will
cheerfully make selections from the class, that
will be likely to give entire satisfaction. Ad
dress, John D. Walsh, Cassville flumingdon
county Pa.
July, 28th .58— I in.
4th llrigude iu d 1 k lit . ; - ;;MM, of Penna.
Militia, all Itrigatle nod Commissioned
officers :u•e ordered to meet in Huntingdon, un
the 11th day of August it 111 o'clock A. M. in
full Unitbrin for Drill of Inspeotion and !nuke
arrangements relative to the Sotto eiieamp
ment, at Williamport, and other business of
By order of the Brigadier General,
Brigade Inspectors office, i D. ci10 . r5 ,,,,
July 21;111, A. D., l S.lB. 1" .
a - cx 4C>3E'UFr'ICM.
Premien - It awarded the "JOURNAL' Of
lice at the late County FAIR, for the hest
Ilavitig recently received from the 1".“-ti rte
l o r,o. variety of most fiothitoroW ,
which inaken it one eel
e:otillet• io :' •
st 4,n.: din t ). Void o!
Avopli. cannot 1111 111(13 favor 114 %, ;;),
their patronage. We have for exec.
iing in a supi,ior ',mi.,. any 1:;11,1 t;
,i„• most reasomtble terms. Those who
111:, i• 1110 Sir or
c:m he accommodated at this establishment at
shert notice.
Arrriox BILLS,
CARDS, . .
• nsill be famished pomptly, executed in the
best style mid at vet0:0,1.14 rat..
'Orders by express, mail tr otherwit,e,
will receive immediate attention.
cuREn. while u Missionary atnouu
Indians of the Rocky Mount
• pins,discovered I RANH
CONSUMPTIONPLNT, that proves tft ha a
certain cure ror Consumption,
CURED. Bronchitis, Aston's. Liver
Complaint, Nervous Are.;
tions, Coughs, Colds, Arc.—
CONSIMPTIONBsving now made his fortune
and retired from ' , minces, he
CURED will send the prosc r iptions sod
t ducettons lur preparing the
medicines free iCatargstuall
CONSUMPANNwIio may desire it, and will
send to his agent, enclosing
CURED, tw9 ""mP s c"" ). I° 14 Y
the return letter, with a des-
cription of theirsyniptoina.—
CONSOMPTIONTho (lid Dodo;. has cured
'more than 3000 cum of Con-
CuREn. stonVion alone, and hopes all
u afflicted people will avail
themselveS of . thi. opponent-
CONSEMPTIONty, as the Doctor wishes to do
all the good ho can before lie
CORED. dies. Address all letters to
Box 3531 P. 0., New York,
Who is his sole agent.
June 30th, 18p8: ly.
McComiclistown, Pa.
sale at this office; it is calculated to burn wood
or coal.
largest stock ever brought to town., are sell
ing very ,I',^P by limy& MehlußTuir.
Have just. received their second stock of
which will be sold of at
It comprises Summer Dress Goods of every
description, Prints, Ginghams, Cottons, White
Goods, Hosiery, Mitts, Trimmings, Marseilles,
Patent Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds,
Straw Goa d s, Home & Shoes, nod a large and
general assortment of all kinds of Goods oai•
table to the wants of the community.
The Warta Springs at the base of Warrior'.
Ridge, five m les north of Huntingdon, overlook
ing Stranding Steno Creek. and environed by re- I
mantic hills and woodlands, have been leased
by the twiner proprietor of the Leauter House.
The extensive Hotel buildings, both houses,
&c., erected ut great expellee by General A P.
Wilson, have been completed—and the groves
have been beautifully laid out and adorned.— I
The Hotel perlors and chambers airy and cent
fortably furnislanh and the prospcet, from the
verandahs for beauty, cannot he excelled. I
For half a century, these Springs hove been
celebrated fpr their medicinal qualitiss, and the
great nature of the waters in rhcutnatic end chru
nit: affections. The temperature of the WOW'
being 691 degrees, renders the bathing delight-
ful and invigorating. In the surrounding woods
end mountains, game abounds, and the lineal
gbh are caught in Stone Creek. Perm,ns in per
suit of health or I leaser; will find this n most
delightful and healthful retreat;' end its nearness
to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the cheapness
of the rates cherged guests, give it n decided
advantage neer any ether watering place in the
Thy Proprietor has had years of experience in
the business and no pains or trotting will be spa
red to make guests comfortable.
flacks runiront Iluntingdonto Warm Springs
on the arrival of the different Railroad trains—
fare 25 rent,. Fatuities accommodated atulc
erate tel., JOHN R. HERD,
Warm Springs near
Huntingdon, Juno bah -
I ‘l4 0 / A N.S I - Ig9
nit. MORSE, the inventor of MDIISE'S !N
-DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the glen.- -
ter part of his hie in travelling, having, visited ;
Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North
America--has spent three veers antong the In-
diens of our Western country—sit was in this
way that the Indian Root. PiUl were first dis
covered. Dr. Morse was the first man to Os.
tablish the fact that all diseases arise from
pnrity of the Illood—that our strength, health
and life depended upon this vital fluid.
When the various passages become clog; f
and do not act in perfect harmony with the
fermi functions ttf the body, the blood Insp.;
its action, becomes thick, corrupted and di
sensed; thus camung all pains sickness and ;
distress of every name- '
our strength is ;
ted, our health we are deprived of, and if nit.
tore is not assisted in throwing off the stag.
mint humors, the blood will become choked
and cease to act, and thus" our light of lift will
forever be blown out. How important then
that we should keep the various passages of
the body free arid open. And how pleasant ht
is that we hone it in our power iii-put a medi
vine in your reach, namely. Moose's Indian
Root Pills. inanollictun..l from plants and roots
which grew or .. tittd the inotottninoos elide in
Nature's garde, hie the Itoolth and recovery
of diseased woo. Oi.e of the roots from which
these rills RI, wade is it Sadorilic, which o•
pelts !be pores or the akin, tool assists Nature
in throwing out the liner petit of the correle
lion witbitt. The second i, a plant which is
out Est:et:tor:mt. that opens tied unclogs tint
istssage t.O Ilte awl lion. in n soothing
,ea,.,,, , :•• duty by throwing otl
: from the lungs by
;; • ;bird is u Diuretic
• strength to the
the, I• 1. i•E it t: , they drew large a—
inounts'or impurity !'runt the blood, which is
thee thrown tint botottirtilly by the, urinary or
ptts:mge, tool which could w t. hove beim
tlkelittr,tl in any other way. The fourth to
Cathartie, and acestupailieg the other prop•
ernes or the Pills while wigneed in purifying
the blood; the courser particles of impuriry
which cannot pints by the other outlets, 'lto
thus token up and conveyed °W in great gran'
titit, by the bowels.
Fro , the shove, it is shown that Dr. Morse'
India. Root Pills not only enter the stotench
but become united with the :food, for they find
wily to every part, and completely rout out
null cleanse the system from all impurity, and
the life of the Ink, which is the blood, be
comes inertly healthy; consequently till sick
ness ,rod pout is driven from the• system, for
they eltlillet reuinin when the body heroines
so p!.re end clear.
The reason why people are so o.;xtressed
when sick, and why so many die, is because
they do not get a medicine which will pious to
the afflicted parts,. and which will open the
newel passages for the disease to he cent .10
, hence, a large r,nantity of flfoll and other mat
ter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines
are literally overflowing with Iho corrupted
mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentii•
lion, constantly mixing with the blood, which
throws the corrupted matter through every
vein and artery, until life is taken from tl,'
body by disease. 1)r. Morse's Pills have ad
ded iiitheinselves victory upon victory, by re
storing millions of the sick to blooming health
and happiness. Yes, thousands who have
been reeked or tormented with sickness, pain
and niqtaish;itild whose feeble frames have
een score lied by the burning elements of et,
ging fever end who have been brought, its it
were, within a step of the silent grave, now
stand ready to testify that they would have
been nutuhered with the dead, had it not been
for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse's
Indian Rout Pills. After one or two doses
had been taken, they were astonished, and ab
solutely surprised, in witnessing their chum
ing effects. Not only do they give
ate ease and strength, and take army all sick
ness, psis and anguish but they at ours go to
work at the fotodation of the disease, which is
the blood. Therefore, it will be shown, °spec.
tally by those who use these Pills, that they
will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that
deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the
flush of youth and beauty will again return.
and the prospect of a long and happy life will
cheesh and brighten your days.
CAU'T'lON.—Beware of a counterfeit sign.
ed A. B. Moore. All genuine hove the name
of A.. 1. WHITE &CO, on each box. Also
the signature of A. J. While & Co. All oth
ers are spurious.
A. J. VI HI, I , E
& CO., Sole Proprietors,
50 Leonard Street, New York.
Dr. Morse's Indian Root PIN are sold by
lal dealers in Medicines
tilir Agents wanted in every town, village
and hamlet in the laud. Parties desiring the
agency will address as above for terms.
gir Price 25 cents per box, five boxes will
he sent on receipt of $l, postage paid.
JOHN READ, Agent Huntingdon, pp,
December '6 '57;-sm.
. -
Grey Hair to its Natural Color.
This aitonishing and unequalled preparation
has never failed to produce a growth on Bahl
Pleads, when used Recording to the direction,
and torn hair hack to its original color, after
having' become gray, and reinstate it in all its
original health, lustre, softness and beauty. Re
moves at once all scurf, dandruff' and uneleiveint
itching, scrofula, eruptions and feverish heat
front the settle. It also prevents the hair Irmo
becoming unhealthy nod falling off, and !settee
nets as a perfect HAIN INVIOONATOR AND TO
A gentleman of Boston writes to his friend
in New Bedford thus:
To your inquiries I would reply, Mot when I
first commenced to use Professor Wood's Hair
Restorative, my hair was almost white, and had
been en for the last ten veers find it woo very
thin on the top of my hend, 'and very (nose, and
pulled out very freely ; list I found that before
I hail used all the screed bottle, (which was
eight weeks) my hair was entirely ehatiged to
its original color, light brown, and is now tree
from (I,,ndrior nno (pito moist. I have heti my
hair cut tire or six times since the change, and
hove never seen anything like while heir starts
in; from the roots; end it is now as thick n
it ever wus,and does not come out all. It has
proved in my coon nll that I could n IA to ask.
July 1, 1855. Yours. etc.
[From the Roston Herald.]
S031.111::0 WORT!! KNowtxo.--By using
Profes,nr Wood's Flair liestorativo, gray hair
can be permanently restored to its original color.
'the F hj ui etl certificate from Johnson & Stone
Gardiner, Maine. is but one of the many in
stances that aro daily coming to our knowledge,
of its wonderful effects.
Gin MI., Maine, Juno 22, 1835.
Stn :—I hove used two bottles of Pruf.
Wood's Hair lic,torative, rind cat truly say it is
tic greatest di,rcrero• of the age for restoring
owl changing the hair. BefOre using it, I was
a at of sevoiry. hair has now attained
it, wighml color, You van recommend it to the
world without the least tear, as my case was one
of the worst kind.
Yu us, respeeifully,
Professor 0. J. Wood.
Alnssnelinsetts, Jon. 12, 1835. Sin :-LHaring, made' a trial of your
(lair Itestorative, it gives me plentife to say
that 111 effeig luPt been excellent in removing in
flammation, dandruff, and a 'constant iyhing
witliteli 1 have been troubled fr 17.
ebildlMod ; and lam ake restored my hair ,which
wai becoming wey, ttt Its original (Mori nice
n , ml no mime article with anything like the
okasure and profit. Yours truly.
.1. K.
Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfield
Professor Wood.
[ Drool the 'lissouri Democrat.]
Wol)l,'S hAllt DYE.—Thig ad:arable ar
ticle is raphlly improving the hair. No article
of a similar kind, now before the public, enjoys
a better re potation as a restorative and invigo
rating hair wnie. Its peculiar chemical quali
ties have a berefleial client upon the growth and
charneter of the hair, giving a silky and glossy
texture to shot which was formerlS• of n coarse
owl try nature. It has, ids°, we understand, a
tendeney tO preserve the youthful color and
of of Ilse hair, eel destroying ur counter
acting the elnets of old ago. With such recom
mendations ill lin favor, we hardly perceive how
any holy or gentleman should he without
unide nat adjunct to their toilet.
0..1. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway
N. Y., & 114 Mm•kot at., St. Louis, Missouri.
Sold in ilindinislon by JO. 111:AD, and 11.
Mulll4stoiLL, nail by Druggists everywhere.
Fob. 10.1454.-3 m.
Orphans , Court Sale.
lbw , &late o/ 4131 ES CLARK. der'd
y virtue of 4, plurius order of the Orphans'
Court o f ftnntingdon County will be cop .sci
to sale by public outcry, on the premises, on
Sa:urddy, the 10111 . day Jigy, next,
the hours of 2 and o'clock, I'. M.—
A I t of ground in the borough of Shirleys
burg, fronting on Main street sixty feet and ex
hack ut right ungies thereto, (ma hundred and
ferty feet ; being No. in the plan of said
town, adjoining lot of Ignite Shurrer on the
north, and havi - tg thereon erected a
Story'Log Da:cring Hatay,
Terms el Sale.—Une•tbird of the purchase
money to be puid on confirmation 0t sale, and
the balaneu in two ripull annual payments,
with interest, to be secured by tho bonds and
mortgage of the purchaser.
.1011 N M. CLARK, Mtn',
.1tint.23:58. at.
l'aii..tact.eatA, July 28, 1858.
FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $1 50Q,5 . 00
" Extra " " 87(0 25
family " 5 50(a6 00
Rye Flour and Cow Meal :1 75
1(410 20
12;,c:1 35
Whent—rpil, per bushel,
White "
Rye ‘; 68
Corn ~ 71
Oat ti 41
Cleverßee.l $1 3 , 3@./t 50 per 64 pounds
$1 62
31.117M0 FL U
41.061 , 1
4 #( 0 1.-ygt Company.
pc.r bvslio
Incorporated by the State of Pansylvania.
11~►''1 large or small, and interest paid from the
day or deposit to the day of withdrawal.
The office is open every day from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon,
and on Mut e ly and Thursday evenings till tl
ROBERT SELF RIDGE, Vice President,
WM. J. REED, Secretary.
lion. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Curter, Joseph B. Bury,
Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Leo,
. -
iiamL K. Ashton, I Joseph Yerk . es,
C. Landreth Munns, Henry Dietfenderffer,
Money is received and payments made daily
In gold without nctice.
The investments are made in Real Estate
Mortgages, Ground Rente; and such class se
curities as the Charter requires.
New Card-Press.
Having bought a fast ''CARD PRESS," we
are now prepared to print in the proportion. ul
three cards in the same time that any other
press in the county can print one, consequent
ly we can print them cheaper--if not done well
we make no charge at all. Ws url your
cent. in the second ; but in the third stage
GROVER & DAIMON . impossible to save more than five per cent, 10
CELEIIIt %TED the Longs are TO cut np by the disease as to bid
FAMILY SEWING MACHINE* defiance) to medical skill. Even, however, in the
495 BROADWAY, NEW YORE, -'.! F extraordinary re
-730 to si t li nrs ' u l ta a n i g "" tt n "f rit r g d' this fearful scourge
730 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA . whio, annually Z tr e a n y m ufgety-fire thousand
..... ~., - - , ~,, .. ' persons in the United States alone ; and a am ,
ECirThese Mschines nre now justly ndmitteel reef es'enistion shows that of the present ponti
ff) be the best in use for Family Sewing, ma. lotion of the earth, eighty millions are deethted
king a new, strong, and elastic stich, which wit! ill rill the Cons u mpti v e
s graves.
xter rip, even if every fourth stitc hl be cut -- ' Tr"IY the 'O' er of death hm r arrow so 6.,
Circulars sent on application by letter. i tat us Consumption. In nil emit has been the
Agents wanted. pent enemy of life, toe it spires neither age nor
Felt.l7 '53,3m. I sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beauti
I ful. the gracelial and the gifted. By the help o
I tlist Stipmne Being from W bunt commit every
. _ .
good nod perleet gilt, I am enabled to over 141
Ij,Elt,'l'Olt'S NOTICE. i 0, nini,ol 11 permanent and speedy cure in
Nil ice is hr,viiy given ' diet letters testanie,, ' t'etleompt ion. 'Cho first cause of tubercles is
'cry on the last will of llel,rt Cummins, !so- • from ,dipure Wood, noddle immediate etfectpro
of Jackson township, Ilee ' d.' hove been (lei, dimeit hy 'their deposition in the lungs is to pre
issued to the totth,ietted. All perm.el ititiel;. rent the free ndmission ut air into the air cella,
term to the e,titte of void dee'd. are requested In' Wilifdl CIIIISCS a weakened vitality through the
oche i,,,,,,,A,,,, payment, nod all 1,„ v i,,,,, tr,tire s:.i.tern. 'flien surely it is more nitionel
Claims against it, to present then: properly au• : to ex, '" g reater e m" tl ' in medicine ' enterin g
• the cavities of the lungs than those administered
thentimited for seoleinent to
, thrditch the stomach ; the patient will aiwona
HA Mt7EL Cli MM I N. ' 'll` • ' t find the lam s free and the breathing e asy, 'trier
sT E 1111 IT Cumm 1 N 8, '''''"• ll "' i Inhaling renedies. Thus, inhalation is a local
J . " 0... ll', Jutel 23d. 1858.-14. ' retileil, nevertheless it acts constitutionally and
with mote poorer and eertaintv than remedies
administered I,:j the Stolllll,ll. I ' o prove theposs-
(kbdate of Barbara Hiteman, deed.)
. - .
Adto i n ititratoiN Notice, eriul und di •-c,, iOlue nee rd this mode oradmin.
Notiee is hereby given that letters testa man- I i`il'Ill. 11 i : ... i . :IJ-1 it 1. , "-', T l'li , irenwb"l':ni
minutes, ,e"p''Ll'alYiy,,dine;
tau with tho will 41 ;tkex ,(1 . have b"" g r ""'" I 1 7, ' ,. ' i y ut ' t c irCnerrOus sesiyin, to that a limb may be
1p Om antkrsigneo, on the estate of Barbara I ' amputated without the slightest pain ; inhaling
Liiletnait. late or Morris township. MI pet* i the ordinary burning gas will destroy IA in a
sons 111l:1111A to said estate, will therefore make re „. h „..,,.
immediate PaYmellt , and thine baying claims The inhalation of itninuinia will rouse the sq.
will present them duly ntithenticitu for settle. I tem when fainting or apparently dead. The a
!neut. liA VI It STE WA RT, , dnr of many (4* the medieinee is perce ptibla in
Junol 6,'55.-Ilt.* die skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and
To Merchants and ]Farmers. convincing proof ol the constitutional effects of
inhalation is the tact that sicisaaxa isultvaye pro•
GROUND PLAI;STER cam he boil at the 'loved i„.,„„bi ng ib it hd e .....i s tilt poeidivic
Huntingdon Flour and Mu s ty, mills, in tiny evidence dint peeler remedies, carefully prepar
sirithle quantity, on and ;Oster the lot day 01 cm ,„, d th i ,' the lungs
March, 114511. \Fe deliver it PRIM OF ClIA11,11.: I I
,tlOllll, ii 1.01.11. the happiest results '1 Du t ing
On the cars at the denots of the Patinsy It anis
and Broad Top Railroads. eighteen yew,' practice, many thousands suffer
ing from diseases of the lungs and throat, have
FISHER S.. n ens mulct my cure, and Lave eft:locd many
remarkable cures, even after the sußerers had
'men prommuced in the last stages, which 1017
A 110.1IESTEAD FOR $lO. con;un t ption is no longer a fls•
ad disrme. My tinotnent concurnption
FOR SALE and fonnded on long experience and a
In the "Gold Region" and other portions of , timrungli
Vilginia, the following rams and Bail ! the ! ' of tnbr,
' m71.111 y, varcoiSs . lorins of disease
ding Lots, in Shares. to wit: I t ha t ,initilate colisiouptinn, and apply the proper
1 Farm 100 netts, gold mine is 100 acres. ' rarely brim; mistaken even in a single
4 Farina of 60 acres each, arc 250 ni,e. This IMniliarity, in connection wit.ll
, ... ..,... , ,
25 " 40 " " 1000 " ! min put hologiou I and titiereQeopic discoveries ea
-70 " 20 .• 4‘ .
MU " ' Uhl, etc to rcHere the lungs from the elects of
150 '"
10 " .• laoo ~ : contracted Hie., t., enlnrio the chest, purify
250 " 5 ,•• * 1250 " i the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving
500 ‘. ;$ 61. 64 1000 '• ! energy and tone to the make systura.
250 Bitiltrg lots iA. sts. and sq. 710 " : Medicines with full directions writ to coy pert
'no " " looxloo " 925 " !of the united States and Cumulus by patients
2500 " " 50x100 "
925 " . i
communicating their symptoms by letter. But
5000 " " 25.1:100 " 55') •' foe cure would he more certain if the patient
, should pay one a visit, which would give me art
10,000 Shares, entounting to 10,000 ties ! opportunity to examine the lungs anti inahle rr...,
Certificates of the above Shares, (with Bonds , t l ;: e ir ti s , ojti; , ,, ,c , e v o iL: ,kt .,: a l 4. e g e r t e: d te , i , .. it e t e Lo r ii ilin iu ty y , : e n e d
for the immediate execution and delivery ut the ,
Decils,) bare been enclosed in 10,000 envelopes, . tt'g t he r eti e" ? BPI.'
exactly alike, .a sealed; which, after being t;. N'. ti It A 11 A 51, M. D. ,
well mixed up, have been numbered on the Ont. OFEICE, 1131 FILBERT STREET', (Old N 0.109,)
side from I to 10,000 inclusive, No that no rine Below Twelfth,
knows the contents of any platten'. envelope. VIIILADELPHIA, rA,
They will be sold ut 510 each, without reference ; • ,, t4 it' r 5, 4,57.—t.ei
. .
to ulna they contain, and sent to shy
one mai Of ollaiscase • the great, first cause
king application, Unexceptionable Titles nil . • '
, ling,: 11,nt neglect of Nature's lairs.
in all eases be „tiven•
sir rriqtt NOT
The largest Farm, containing a Gold lathe iv .
valued at $30,009, and the smallest sired Build-
When it core es guaranteed in all stages of
ing Lots have been selling at $lO moth. !Inn- SECRET DISEASES.
Aced: h ave : th em !, been told „petit these terms . ' Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures. (Beets
Whilst all stand the same chance of getting the ~,,,e h Diabetes, Diseases of the EiclneY and
Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Serofulo.
Farms, every purelitiser is guaranteed one of
these lots at least. Every other purchaser is Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the
bound to get one of ut least double its size and l•anl , • Throat. Nose nod Eyes, Ulcers npnn
value. Every fourth purchaser our of at least the Body or Limbs, Caterers, Dropsy, Epilep
putdrople its nice and value. Whilst ever
tic Fits, St, Vita's Dance, nail all diseases RH
tooth purethisor will gee form ruilei'lg iii value . sing from a derangement of the Sexual Organs.
from $OOO tip to $30,1100.. These births end Such as Nein acts 'Trembling, Less of :t4enso-
Lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a ey. Loss of P.,* cr, General Weakness, Dimness
suflleient number being reserved, the increase "1 Vision, tactic l'ecelinc sputa "n13.4.'1ng bete to
in the value of which will compensate forth° the eyes 1,- , s of Sight. WitkefillneSs, Dyspen
present sacrifice. The net Procee'ls ere to he sin. t , ris,ase, Eruptions noon the Fate,
opened to local improvements, such Ds Schools, , ' ~ m the back anti head, Female irregulari.
Factories, Mills, &c. Any number of Shares arc, nod all improper dischurgesfrom both sexes,
eon he iii L eii l e y l a d, y l e t aa le s„ , a secure a Farm It matters not arum what cause the disease origi
noted, however long standing or obstinate the
ta , e at least ten shares. The certificates can
be obtained by paying onc-half and the Deeds ease, rreorery is eerlthit, and in it shorter time
by paying theother half. . tioni a permunent cure can be effected by soy
g,i`-'70,000 Acres of Lund, in Inrge or simill "titer armament, even after the disease has Laf-.
tracts can also be had at privets calm and moth tied the skill of eminent physicians and resisted
the most reasunithle terms. Some of it is high- ' all 'heir oceaoceans e" of Cam ' The medicine ' am
ly „in, need. Agents
winite , everywhere pleasant without ode - , causing no sickness nod
to sell these hinds. Liberal inducements will be free hem mercu r y or linlsmn. During twenty
given, For full particthars apply to years of practice, I bare rescued from the jaws
E. BAUDER, ..f Death teeny thousands, trho, in the last sta
r, llositi, Caroline ca, Cie, , ges of the above mentiored doctors hail Went
deceit tilt ty their physicians to die, •thioli war
- rants me in promising to the sitilicted, wha 1 . 3 3'
cure. Secret diseases are the
place themselves under my care, n perfect and
i n remor i ng ~,,,,,,,,m , or i rreg . ; greatest Cl,lllieN tO ICIIIIII. lIS OQ' are the dna
. cause. of Consumption. Scrofula and many eth
rl:itirliitlh.lslitidte menses.
, er diseases and should ben terror to the hug
These Pills ere nothing new, but have been • man Broil 1 . Asa permanent cure ia scarcely
used ilk the doctors fur many years, both in ! ~,,,,. o w,, ~d, , majority o r m e ea ., m u m , id.,
•Franceand America, with nu parallelled success; , to the hands of incompetent persons, who not
nod he is urged by mous thousand ladies, who . only fail to cure the diseases but ruin the con
have eacd them, to Rinke the Pills public, leer I shunt., tilling the sybleati with mercury, which
the alleviation of those suffering from any irre• with the disease, lia.tens the sufferer into ft ribs
gentrifies of whatever native, as well as to pre- : Pill Cimmthintitth•
om.teeney tothose hid ,
whose b ea m, 1 lint should the dis 7ase and the treatment sot
will not permit on increase of family.
cause deto It speedily and the victim marries, the
petweeot fentities
supposiii ,,, them , , dismise is entailed open the children. who are
. . i born with feeble constitutions, mitt th
i x ,.. ll ,:gi f= ,, Cfl a l s ifize4 p l
~r , i . ~ , , c o ,uci.(:iii, r an.p,.ve, ,:t huey n vices
.;),,,,,, he t
t e n
s momenti tsctt.
affections of the skin. Eyes. Throat and
r, Ulcers, Eruptions, and oth
eL'ungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of
tl•ie.tiiiizit:•ib t h e iri 1 t y
ni tt i ct d e i r ,e, l s he wo il i b l o d ve pr n e d , r e n , o tt n n it t i; :u t i t . l:
chief I o health; otherwise these Pills are recoil, ' seat:ring mid consigning them to an early
mended. Full std explicit directions nectitn• gm,.
pony etteli box. Price. $1 per box. Sell-abuse is another formidable enemy to
Sold wholesale itterbtail by ' health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of
JOHN READ, General Agent ' honey diseases causes so destructive a drain
for Huntingdon Co.. Pu. upon tn. system, drawing its thousands °Evict
1 have nppointed Dr. John Rend Sole agent thus throngli a few years of sutkring down toms
the energies of lik,
1 i a t tainiely grant. It destroys the Nervous sys
for the side of illy French Periodical Golden
Pills, for the borough and county of Hunting. i „a h n i . : v :V i l e n i l i l i ' n . , r'''' awe '
don. All orders must be addressed to him 1 development of e d r i a e. " :;tiTeln " : ' , l ll:7U ' atle a Plral r
lie will supply deader: at the proprietor's Pr/ ; Huge, society, business, and ;II earthly liai pi:
ces, and send the Pills to ladies (corylclenthrlty ; mess, end kuves the eutferer wrecked in bod y '
by return until, to any part of the United States, ; and mind, predisposed to consumption and o
on receipt of $l, enclosed to him through the , train of evils more to be dreaded than death it-
Huntingdon posboflice. Fur farther partieu. : seif. With the fullest confidence I assure the
hers get a circular of the Agents--sold by drug. ' Rawl unite victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy
gists evii;cl;ne'liglettilittre is
each box. 1 l ' l l l ' e d git i n .n d H o u l ' i e ti t t ' e t tit cu u re f Zi n nou ha t e p tl itte cul ti d ee ' s an n d ly ' p i a
, ticubs c er u he restored to.rohnst.vieorous health.
Broadway P. 0., New York. Patent
iv t ie thte . d me cautioned uguiust the use of
themes, for there are so many ingeni-
Ju1y29;57.•1y. ous snares in the entombs of the public prints
300 KEGS PAINTS• i to (limb and rob the unwary sufferers that mil-
White Lead, (pure) $3 50 per keg. 1 lions have their constitutions ruined by the vile
t°" (extra) 275 " " I coninonnds of %tacit doctors, or the equally poi-
Philadelphia Zinc Paint, 240 " " ! semen: ncstrunia ;ended as "Patent Nledieines."
Best Snow White. 268 " " ! I Intro carefully analyzed Many of the so-called
Ohs, &e., and all kinds 01 Hattotys. , lth and Patent Medicines told find that nearly all of
building materiels in proportion, at the 'Hard- i them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one
ware Stare" of ,7. A. li{(O.W.N. & CO. ; i.f the strongest preparations of nitavery and a
Huntingdon, Anr.3;513.-0, , deadly :poison, which instead of curing the die.
ease disables the system for life.
LlDEPOlgi.ratire (l3 N 23
0 00 , Three-fourths or the patent medicines note its
Ai 1.4.'58.
' me are put up by unprincipled and igt;;;;Ji.e;
CONSUMPTION . ~., who do nut understand even the alphabet
Alkli all Or the ti . angs and Throat, of iak•ria mcdica, and are equally us destitute
ARN rearm:al, i of any knowledge of the human system. haviug
CUR IDLE HY iNIKA CATION. , only one object is view, and that to make mom
Which conveys the remedies to the cavities in ey regardless of consequences.
the lungs through the air passages, and coming Irregularities and all diseases of males and
in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes Il wales treated Ott principles established by
the tubercular mutter, allays the cough, causes twenty years of practice, and sanetiourit by
a free end easy ,pertoration, heals the lungs, thousands of the most, venial kable cures. bledl
purities the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the clues with full diimaions soot to any part of this
nervous system, giving that tone and energy so United States and Canadas, by patients commit
indispensable tar the restoration of health. To nicating their symptoms bi_letter. Business
be able to state confidently that Consumption is correspondence strictly confidential. Address.
curable by inhalation. is to me a source of mud- I J. SUMMERVILLE, M. D.,
lo)ed pleasure. It is as much under the c.n. , o.isico, No. 1131 k'nuEar Sr., (Oil N 0.102.),
trul el medical treatment as tiny other formid- ' Below Twelfth,
Aside disease ; ninety out of every hundred ca. NyII.ADELPHIA.:
Iv.; can hu currd in. the 6,frot Rage., ..el fitly per A ag.N,' .
'nay he immediately detected in the Mood.