w. NuntinOn \\ ‘,...,,1/' -. -___ v i.„0„...,..% rs_. ..,p_.,, W3l. IFlREwirrEn, Editor and Proprietor. Wednesday Mornmg August 18, 1.868, The Circulation of the Hun tingdon Journal, is great er than the Globe and Am erican combined. PEOPLE'S TICKET FOR SUPREME JUDGE. JOHN M. READ, OF PHILADELPHIA. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM E. FRAZER, OP FAYKTTE COUNTY. PEOPLE'S COUNTY TICKET. FOR ASSEMBLY, B. R. WIGTON, OW CROMWELL TOWNSHIP. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JOHN FLENNER, OF HENDERSON TOWNSHIP. FOR POOR-HOUSE DIRECTOR, DAVID CLARKSON, OF CASSVIL LE. FOR AUDITOR, T. W. GRAFFIIIB, OE BIRMINGHAM. FOR CORONER, WIIII. R. RAIIM, OD HUNTINGDON. COUNTY COMMITTEE. B. F. PATTON. • MAJ. W. MOORE, NAT'L LYTLE, JOHN CUMMINS, S MILES GREEN, JACOB HALLMAN, P. LINING...TON, DAVID HAWN, itcHIN P. STEWART, A.. 3. NEFF, . McDIVITT, LEVI EVANS, SIIII'L PEIGHTAL, RALPH CROTSLET, .TAW. ENTRIEEN, ADAM HEATER, .T. GRIFFITH, Jivo. A. DOYLE, M. F. CAMPBELL, T. E. ORBISON, W. H. GORSUCH, GEO. WILSON, ESQ., ISAAC WOLVERTON, J. A. HALL, Dk. J. A. SHADE, COL. A. KEITH, CLUBBI'IQ WITH MAGAZINES The Huntingdon JOURNAL tar one year, and either of the Magazines for the same period will ho sent to the address of any subscriber Ao be paid in advance as follows : Oulry;10, r..,1u • 0 floL. frir The Journal and Graham's Magazine, for one year, $3 50 The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly, for one year, $3 30 The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family Magazine and Gazdte of Fashion, fur one year $350 The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine, for oue year, $2 75 2he Journal and Peterson's Magazine, (or axle year, S 2 75 The Journal and Allanlie atonally, for one year, tiS 50 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Du Vall's Galvanic Oil. Scientific American. Great Gift Boos Store. Publrc Notice. Administrator's Notice. Administrator's Notice. Literary Bureau. A Card. A. El, C. Brocken. • Agricultoml Meeting. Notice. Attention. Register's Notices. Cheap Goods. Consumption Cured Warm Springs. Bank Notice. Dentist.—Dr. R. A. Miller. Oil Paintir gs to be given away. Novel and Extraordinory. Administrator's Notice. ilrir Restorative- The Golden Prize. Hair Restorative. Notice. A Prize for Everybody. Foundry.—R. C. McGill. Cloth-Cleaning -Zechariah Johnson. Portable Fence—H. Cornprobst. Drugs.—McManigel & Smith. Wigs & Toupees.—Geo. Thurgaland Sewing Machine.—Grover & Baker. Cook Stove.—Call at this Office. Liver invigorator. To Merchants and Farmers. Saving Fund. Stage Line. Dr. Hardman.—To Invalids, Gunsmitbing. Dr. John McCulloch. Cassville Seminary. Burr Mill Stones. H. Roman.—Clothing. Dry Goods.—Fioher & McMurtne. Nicholas' Bank Note Reporter. Hardware.—J. A. Brown. Dentist.—Dr. J. R. Iluyett. Attorneys.—Scott & Brown. Paper Hanging.—Howell & Bro's. Letter Coppier for sale. Electric Oil. Lindsey's Blood Searcher. Dry Goods.—D. P. Gwin. Antiphlogistic Salt. Books.—W. Colon. Huntingdon Mill. Foundry.—Cunningham & Bro. Dry Goods &c•—David Grove. Attorney.—T. P. Campbell. Consumption.—G. W. Graham. Suffer not.—l. Summerville. Railroad rime. n. S. Nett. Attorneys. -Wilson & Petrikin. Duponco's Golden Pills. *Reed the pew Avertisements in tu. day's paper. PEOPLES COUNTY CONVENTION. This was, in many respects, the most important Nominating Convention held in this county for some years; and it is conce ded to have been one of the most intelli , gent, prudent, independent, and honest po litical bodies ever associated in the county. It was just such a convention as we expec ted from the solid yeomanry and warking men of Old Huntingdon; it was composed , of just such men as the crisis to our local polltice demanded. The proceedings were harinsneoua and dignified; and out of a number of highly respectable candidates put in nomination for the several offices by their respective friends, there was no difficulty in forming a good ticket. Such a ticket has been presented to the Peoples party for their suffrsges; a ticket entirely ' disconnected with any past or present fac tion either in town or country; a ticket that will receive the undivided, cordial appro bation and support of all candid opponents of Locofoco misrule and extravigance.— A very few extra Republicans may. per haps, ruurmer a little because three•fourths of the candidates put in nomination hereto. fore acted with the American wing of the I united party. But these few, if there be such, will be reconciled by the reflection, that names are as nothing when principles and interests are identical. If, then, the nominees are sincerely opposed to the slave labor, free-trade policy of the Locofo cos and unreservedly in favor of a sound American policy— if they are above suspi cion on these vital ; oints—no true Repub lican will refuse his vote or influence to se cure their election. All a Republican re. qnires in a candidate, is integrity to these cordial principles of his political faith, nail respectabl. business and moral fitness for the office. Honesty and capacity being se cured. he cares nothing for by-gone names and mere party distinctions. No iotelli gent man will pretend to douflt the position of the People. ticket on these questions; no reasonable man can take exceptions to the capacity or character of the nominees; therefore we guarantee nn undivided Re publican support for the ticket, though principally composed of Americans. • -But, on the other hand, it is rumored that some drnericans are dissatisfied be cause the Republicans are represented at all on the county ticket ! This rumor we ' , consider unreasonable, absurd, and a clan-, der on the Americans. We do not believe it, We know, indeed, that in the guise of Americanism, unprincipled men, here the enemy at every elecfon . . These - are of the lowest order of Locofocos, the scav engers who do the dirtiest work of the par ty Jar a consideration. There are now precious few of these Judases in the glori ous American camp, and these few are de prived of their leader. We care little for their opposition. We never counted on their support. They hove no principles or feelings in {lemony with the paaintic masses that compose the People's party. They are wool-dyed, or ruts-bought Loco locos, every one of tnem. Their instincts are selfish, sordid, and render them Inca pable of any other political connection than that in which they are found. Here we are willing inlet them remain. For eve• ry vote their Jesuitism can seduce from public interest and the right, five honest Democrats will shake off the shackles of a once noble, but now corrupt and degraded organization; and rally to the rescue of the people from the fangs of the politician.— In every aspect of the case our ticket must 1 be elected. The people have done their duty well at the primary election, the convention has nobly done its duty, and the whole work will be ratified on the second Tuesday of October by such a majoritp as will make the servitors of Slavery and Popery “trem• ble in their boots." An extended notice of our candidates will be found in another column. The names of Messrs. Williamson, Blair, Stewart, Benedict and others were presented for Congress; and on the first ballot tbe Convention declared its prefer ence for Mr. Williamson. The ninnies. lion was afterwards made unanimous, and the nominee appointed Gen. Watson, Dr. McMurtrie and P. C. Swoope, Bsq., his conferees, who were confirmed by the Con. vention. DROWNED. -M r. George Householder waa drownea in Plummer's Dam, Trough Creek, near Newinarg, this county. on Tuesday, the 3d inet, lie and another inns had been fishing, after which he went in to take a wash. After being to the we te.r some time, his companion heard him calling for help, but before he could ren der him any assistance, ho sank, and was not found for more than an hour afterward He is said to have been a gdod swimmer, and must have been seized with the cramp. He was about twenty five years of age, and had been married about two months. sarl'he Cosmopelvtan Art Journal for March and June, double number, is on our table. This is a large quarto periodical containing 160 pages of choice literature, published by the Cosmopolitan Art Asso ciation, at the following rives : To one ad dress for one year $2 strictly in advance. Single numbers 50 cents. Three copies one year $5. No deviation from these terms, except to subscribers of the Cos mopolitan Art Aisociation. Address all communications to I'. L. Derby, Actuary C. A. A., 5.18 Broadway, Now York. THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATES It is one of the most widely received of aphorisms that t.in union there is strength." It was in the knowledge of its infallibility that our Revolutionary fathers, the people of the old colonies of 1776, united them. selves in their opposition to the encroach ments of their common enemy. It was in the light of its truth that the framers of our constitution brought forth that great charter of human rights, under which the government of this vast Union of States and interest is now so happily conducted. Its froth, no individual has yet had the hardihood to deny ; the light cf reason and of common sense reveals it in all the na kedness of its truthful importance to the world. It applios to the perpetuation ut the po.ver of political parties as well as to that of governments. Then Americar. Republicans of Hun tingdon county, let us appropriate the full measure of its importance to ourselves; let us join our hearts and our hands in the accomplishment of a common end to all of us pregnant ,with importance; upon cur success depends the triumph or defeat of what every man, above all things else, should hold dear, and which every man. who retains the full exercise of reason, va- Iues—PRINCIPLE. Then, in the face of this truth, Ameri can Republicans, shall we yield to the sag. gestions of the disaffected low, who, as e have said before,.are indirectly affording their influence to the Locofoco party, and madly trail the banner of our principle in the dust, or shall we unite in its elevation to the highest point to be attained by hon• orable victory, by the support of the tick et which our Convention has submitted tc To our candidate for the Legislature, no unprejudiced individual can raise a single objection. Ile is brought directly from the ranks of the people at the urgent soli citations of his friends Ile is no profes sional office seeker, who, at the firs: op pearance of disappointment upon the hori zon of his prospects, has turned, Arnold like, traitor to the friends who hitherto supported him, and to the principles which he may have professed to have held ; but a man who has ever preserved the integri ty of his avowed principles, and who hos ' ever vindicated them to the best of his ability. Unfortunately, our Legislative bodies have sadly degenerated within the last fetv years, by the election of men as our representative, who are so lost to all to n r . "irC i o"nA7l4a i ror a nkt t e c tPo not widt to be understood as referring to any ,iaiticuliir case) and even now, in this age of hglit and knowledge, the finger of scorn i, to lug pointed at our Legislators. Citi zen, of Pennsylvania! shall this state of tiii,'es continue I Shall we vindicate our by sending honest men to Harris bur We hope, we know we can. Mr. tg,:m is just the twin to vindicate the hun , .iv of the people, and whose elevated tone of character will at once repudiate sulticion at his Integrity. We feel the tank unbounded confidence in Mr. Wig ton, and we trust that the suffrages of the hon. at votes of Huntingdon county, on the secon.l Tuesday of October will pro. claim!o toe world mat they are cast in ap• preciation of his integrity Mr. Wigton has lw..ys oppii,ed Locorocoism —has never idet.tified hilusell with the support of their principles. In him then, American Re pul,iicuns, there is no cause for dissatisfac tion, lle an American Republican firm ly attut,lied to sound principles, and above all else, be is an honest man. The possi bility at complaint then being avoided by the nominalon of Mr. Wigton, we will see who her our tastes and requirements are so hell met in the other nominations of I our Convention. JOHN FLENNER, who is our nominee fur County Commissioner, who lives in Heti d.:rioti township, is fully competent to ful fil the duties of the office tor the following reo•nns : First, Ho is a strictly honest man ; second, he is and always was an in- telligent business roan; third, He is a goad financier in conducting his own busi• and the interests of our county im peratively demand the election of just such a man ; and he is entitled to the vote of every American Republican in the coun ty fur the following reasons, as well as those which we have just stated: first, he has always been identified with the inter ests of opposition to Locofocoism : second, he is a sound American Rupublicar. ; third, two yearn ago he was the regular nominee of the American party for the same office, but was sacrificed to the intorests of the party, to which he submitted without a a murmur. Surely, then, no objection is made to bim. David Clarkson. Esq., of Cassville, our candidate for Poor Diroctor, is equally ho nest and competent and has nearly parallel claims upon the party. The same may be said of William. K. Rahm, our candidate for Coroner. In the selection of Thomas V. Grffius, of Franklin township, for Auditor, the Convention evinced a feeling of regard for the interes. of the county. A strictly ho- nest business man, a ready acceuntaat, can never fail to command the suffrages of his lellow•citisetts. With ouch a tkket in the field, against not a single individual upon which can there be raised a solitary objection, in the support of which there is no reason why we should not unite. can there be the slightest doubt entertained se to our suc cess. No, not at all. BOOK TABLE mg:rho Pennsylvania School Journal for August is before us, and should be in the hands of every teacher and lover of learning. Published in Lancaster at 81 per annum. Dar Godev's Lady's Book (or Soptem. ber is on our table, which contains one hundred pages of choice reading matter every month, with the newest style of ta. shions—Godey spares no pains or expense to make it one of the besrliterary periodi cals. fildrErnersou's Magazine for August is now before us. This popular Magazine contai s n vast deal of the most choice rea• ding matter for the family circle. See our club list. ear Nterson's Magazine for Septem ber is now before us. This magazine still retains its high character. "Open your mouth and shut your eyes." is a beautiful steel engraving. This number contains forty-eight articles and foray embellish ments, with a great variety of reading 'natter, and rill for two dollars a year. elllr Grahams Magazine for Septem ber is now before us. This work still continues to keep even pace with its con tempora , ies of the same price. See our club list for prices. For the Journal. Ir. Editor Flaring been present at a Sabbath School Celebration near Saltine, Clny Township on the ith inst, and believing you to he a lover of such things as well as myself. I thought it would not be altogether wino ceptable, perhaps, to yourself and roe• ders, to give a pssing notice of it. Let me say t'n•as quite a grand affair.-- If you could have seen the Saboath Schools' of that vicinity to the number of six, in one procession bearing tasteful banners appropriately inscribed approaching the beautiful grove previously selected and fitted up for that occasion, you would have said so too, The exercises were opened with pray• er by the Rev. Mr. Elderdice, who then .....ntor,niiaina address. anti who was followed by Mr. Miller, showing th, advantages and blessings resulting from the Sunday School cause. Then came the dinner. This to me was the most interesting part of the exer cis?. I think Mr. A PEOPLE HOAXED. r. Editor, if you come up to I The good people of Martinsburg, Vir• this table so heavily ladened with the sub and neighborhood had quite a joi stantials of life, under the depressed spir ous time of it, on Thursday last, in cele• it of the general cry of •.bard times,' i ; kitting the transmission of ihs first rues the sage between Queen Viotoria and presi would have forgotten it all Really display, and quantity of rakes and pies.;,lent ouch.. The printers had brniglit exhibited nit that occasion did great credit, I to the Fair Ones of Clay Township. out with speed extras rnounsing the great eveet, and all business was cuspentled. Front the I?,publican we learn that— W hen all had fully regailed themselves, I and were again seated, we were entertain _ despatches were addressed t•, ed with a very appropriate address deliv• Mayor Anthony S. Chambers, Esq., wh o erect by Rev. Mr. Ilpyde, followed by immediately made arrangements to have Messrs. J. B. Moreland, Jns. 'Turner, Dr. a public demonstration in honor of the 13. D. and F. Baird, D. Heck. success of the enterprise. The county The cheerful countenances of all res• court being then is session, the despatch es were laid 4efore that body, who orde.- despatch cut evidently betokened the joy and satis faction experienced upon this festine oc ed them to be spread upon the minutes casion. • thereof. John Blair Rage, Esq., made I think. Mr. Editor, you could scarcely, an elequent speech, and the court immedi find a more beautiful and romantic spot ately ad journed. The courthouse and than this Saltillu Grove the various church bells in town tolled ONE PRESENT. for fifteen mimes, and we poor deals Otittrat Terrible Affair . Bin, boys shot by an Obi 11fan.-1 he Pittsburg Journal of Saturday has the fol. lowing particulars of an unfortunate affair. Mr. Robert McC urdy, an old and well known citizen, resident on Carpenter's al ley, on the east side of the Trinity church grounds, was married yesterday afternoon to a young lady of some 23 or 24 years of age. This disparity in the ages of the cople excited remark amoung the neigh- Fors, who expressed their feelings with out reserve, at what they considered an unnatural union. It seems that the boys fully sympathised with the feelings of the older people. In the evening a number of them, perhaps fifteen or twenty, gash ' ered about Mr. Men] rdy's residence, and commenced pelting the house with brick bats and stones, some of which were thrown through the windoweand doors. Mr. Mc- Curdy went out and remonstrated with them ' warning them to go away, but they paid no attention to him. The company present were much alarmed, fearing per ! gond injury from the mob without. Mr. ' McCnrdy then seized a pistol, heavily lon ' ded with shot, and fired upon the crowd, wounding, as we are iniormed,eight of the boys. Two of these are named David and Sims, sans of Mr. David Sims, on Virgin alley, Their feet, legs and thighs are liter alley covered with shot wounds,• and their injuries are very severe. Six other boys were slightly wounded. The affair is nn unfortunate one, and will bring regret and anguish to all concerned nit that the boys commlted a great ontrage. in nssailing the house ns they did, no one will deny; that Mr. McCurdy did right in taking the law into his own hands, we will not affirm—but no one will regret the occurrence more than he. He has been I resident of this city for nearly forty years and has borne the character of a peaceable citizen. He was for many years the sex- ton of Trinity Church. Sales of Public Lands in the Teritory of Kansas. In pursuance of law, it is hereby de clared that public sales will be held, as made known in the notice of postponement dated May 27. 1853, at the undermention ed Land Cffices in the Territory of Kan sas toAvit: 31 the Land tre at Lecomplon, corm mencing on Monuay the first day of No. vember !text. St the Law? Office at Lecompton, com mencing on Monday, the fifteenth day of N Ivember next .1t the Land Office a Kick pro, con fleeing on Monday, the first day of No vember next. St Me Laid Office at Kiekapoo, com• moving no Monday, the 19th day of No- vember next Land oppropriated b 3 low for the use schools, m ilitary and wher purposes, will be excluded from sales. The flinging of the sbove lands will be rommeneed on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order in !vhict they are advertised until the whole sl ell have bet:u offered, and Cie mks thus c!osed ; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this twenty first day of July, 1858. By order of the President : THOS. A. HENDRICLS, Commissioner of the Ge.neral Land Office NOTICE TO PRP EMPTION IMANTS Every person entitled to the right of preemption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of townships above enumerated is reqired to establish the same the satisfaction of the register and receiv er of the proper land office, and make pay ment therefor es soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and' before the day up potnted for the commencement of the pub. tic sale of the binds embracing the tract claimed; otherwise such claims will be forfeited. 'l'llo3, A. HENDRICKS, Comtnissierer of the Generul Lent Offic, put out extraa all in genius and English enterprise," It won not until joy had exhausted itself that the trick was discovered. ionor of "It steins that some wags, tired of the humdrum quietness of the the town, wish ing to raise a public demonstration at the expense of our city farhers and the print ers. penned the despatches and placed them on the take of the telegraph opera. tor, in his to nipornry absence, whn going is his office shortly after, and seeing the letter addressed to the Mayor lying on his table, and thinking some one had left a note to be seta to that gentleman, prompt ly sent it to him and thus caused all the fun." PALACE. AT LONDON, August 12. 058 'Pt. Ilea JAMES BUCHANAN, President Uni• ted Slates: Conte let 119 talk together. American genius and English enterprise have this tiny joined together the Old and the New World. Let us hope that they may be as closely allied in the bonds of peace. liar mony and kindred feeling. VICTORIA. I BEDFORD SPRINGS, August 12. 1858. To VICTORIA, Queen of England; New England accepts with gladness the hand of fellowship ptoffered by Old England; and if even discord or diversity of interest should threaten this alliance, let our tannage be, "entreat me not to leave thee or return from following thee." for the interests of thy people shall be the in terests of my people, and "thy God shall be my God." IllirNlerchants,lTusiness men, inven tors, and dealers of every kind, tvill be suppliers off hand with advertisements, no tices, cards, or any article desired. hire advert,sement ..Literary Bureau' in another column. Skeleton, of Men Ten Feet High. Mr. William D. Frazer writes — to The Cincinnati Gazette from Winchester, Tnd. that a half a mile north west of that place there is an old fort, including about thirty six ncrei of ground within the fortification The mound in the centre is about twenty five feet high, while the fort or breastwork is only abcut fifteen feet. Directly east and west atilt. mounds are open or gate ways, around which are other forts. A quarter of a mile northwest of the fort is the burying ground, where bones have been exhumed of men that were perhaps ten feet tall. Any one who doubts the latter statement, he says,- may call at his office and see the evidence. Atlantic Telegraph Cable ! Last evenings mail brought us the as surance of the complete success of this unparalelied nchieveinent of science, to gether with Queen Victoria's message to the President and his reply. The news threw our vs:laity quiet village Into nt blaze of exciteitient: bells were rung, sa lutes fired, and bonfires kindled. An ist. prompts meeting of many hundred nssem. bled in the Dimond where speeches were made by Messrs. Campbell, Stqwurt and IVidnisson, ens several of the clergy. he utmost enthwin;:s pervaded the vast :milt:tilde present The addreses were appropriate to the great and joyous occu sine and the meeting closed with a hymn of praise and an eloquent pra yer. We have not room for store extended reinorks this morning, hut we hope to be able to give our renders a synopsis of :he prncee. dings next week. Dr. Coggswell 'Still Lives In our last number, we stated that the Autiphlngistic Salt, the great remedy for rheumatism, had been on sale at the drti..; store of Mr. Illanding—bia that his sup ply had become exhausted. In reply u• our inquiry. whether 'l3t. C. still and if co, whether he intends to our citizens with his confessedly valuable medicine we have received the following. Front this interesting article, we infer that his popular medical Salt will soon be for sole in every town in this State . —Prot•i• (1, nee ddveri iser. Medical News --The following com munication from Mr. Raymand a gentle man well known in this community, we most cheerfully lay before our readers.— He has just relinquished a lucrative voca. lion to become the. State Agent for a new end popular Medicine. His greet reasons for changing his business, present a strong to:Omni:nal in favor of the article. Suc cess attend him.—Manehester (V. 11.) 111 i, rat, alter:int. or the delegates elected to attend you olio., meetiiig of the Farmers' High School in uquare or two, briefly to state why I re- ease of their inability to attend. linqUish tt good business, and enter upon al nn untried one—viz : the General A gime! , parpu lur se uf r mak ruw in; ri:rther - arranpv• for the State of New Hampshire and Cr.e 0. bon on motion - • moat. for the sale of Dr. Doggswell's i iINO, C. WA] ,d./N, R. Mei), re v , Medical Salt. Previoaly, however, let int, say that in consequence to the great de• . mand ler this extraordinary tactlicine from WEDNIN,AY EVESINIi, 11th inst. I , ,,,etive committee met plirsilant io all parts of the United States find Provin • 011 , Ve d orptudzid by rippoitii ces, Dr. C., (contrary to his original in- (leo. Jiteksim, Esq ,to the chair, and . J. tendon) has found it necessary to appoint F. t' ' , 'l l 'he un h,ll, s- ns 'cre i ' itg t ;e7 . responsible agents in the sons were namml ap. differ.' Sates . a Committee of Arraneele:ito for the throughout the Union. ; coming A ticnlharal Fair, wish pucrer to fill Ist. My own pers.onol recovery front a n.l. Simpson Alrica. Henry Cur Decor , viz: nprtibst, inflamatory disease of many years stand- M. F. Griffith,oinipbell and Alex. P.n.!, Esq. tied !rem, ems for the Mg; which lend defied the power a all Cunun win, also appoint • other medicines, and baffled the skill of ed, which will be published, with the list of the best physicians induced me to appiypremiums, as early as possible. for this agency I Resolved, That .r Annual Fair commence yer na edday. 6th of October next, 2d. l am confident that its pecuniary lanthisd con a tinue W three nes days. advantage to rte will nut be lees than the 1 tin t i : s . ; 7 l Z l . , , n;fli ti . „ l , l , business which I gave up. ed, and on the Fair grou he nd by 12 u'vbfel: Thursday of the second day of the exhibition, I know that this medicine is wot• - 1 in order to be admitted to competition. thy the confidence of the public. I have I GE personal knowledge of a severe case of J. F. Rester, SecO. JACKSON, Pres't. 'y. Neuralgia and Scrofula, of several years standing, which was entirely cured by merican I chronic Pn . c . k4g. O . know of n case of .41r. r. 1:i. ........ _. .. ...... - ... . „ sudden cold, with every prospect of n ra- / 0 LURIE FOURTEEN ging fever. when after the usual remedies BEGINS SEPTEMBER II ISIS. had been applied without the slightest re. lief, my personal application of this medi I DIE CIIAN I C S. NVENT 0 R 8, eine effected a complete cure in twenty- Manufacturers and Farmers. . four hours. I know of another instarre n 1 headache, which had afflicted the inch. The Scientific American has reached its vidunl periodically for the fourteenth year, and will enter upon a New past twenty Volume on the 11th of September. It in the years. which was cured by this medicine. only weekly publication of the kind now ism, These truly wonderful cures, together ed in this country, and it h as a very extensive circulation in all the States in the Union. It iuot, h.truso m uo rt r i i i , g ( l ,, t , s t u e rs i o n s i e ci f t r i o , T ei !ts title with others of which 1 have personal k y n s o . tv s l , e .r dr i s r u o c a h t, n ß s hp l n u il m a n m ti n s i m at , io s it r o v f sip th e e ;he column., it so deals with the, grearei:et ° i[; going on fit the scientific, mechanic:lml and industrial worlds, as to plense and instruct en. s ln e s v , , l re nfl a tm se n .) in e ti n o d n a o l f so t h m e y K o i dwnne)c,su. cure n v o e r a y . bore mentioned, induced me to accept cry one. If the mechante or adiwan wishes this Agency. to know the hest machine in use, or how to t itka any substance employ ed is los business if the House -wife wishes to get a recipe Agencies solicited on liberal commission Application Mr County and 'fawn main. a good eblor, &e.—if rho Inventorterms. wishes to know what is ping on in the way 'l'ruly yours, G. F. Raymond. of improvements—if the Manufacturer wishes Manchester. N. 11. June. 1858. to keep posted with the (hues, and to employ -.....--.....-....... the best facilities in his Im:iness—if the Man familial'. with the progress made in the chemi, BELLEFONTE —The military of of Lcieure and Study wishes to keep himself cal labrittory,nr in the construction of tele. Centre Huntingdon, and adjacent districts instead of participating in the Willimns port enenmpment, have made arrange- a g tid P it ' iliii „a s:titelrner a m li rli dfl ' la r ma ' w"a c Ines 1111 applican builtofand II h d'd ces, peace war—alt 1 eui eBl er• tnents for a camit at Bellefonte, to corn- 1 manta on the 20th of September. ate eau lie foetid in the Scientific American, --...........---- and not elsewhere. They are here presented Many cases of Dysentery., in its most severe in a reliable and interesting forms, adapted LI t form, have been cured by the administration tie comprehension or minds unlearned in the of Du Vam.'s GALVANIC GIN. Cholera For- higher branches of science and art. has mid all diseases of the bowels are relieved TERMS :—Ono copy, one year, $2; One in a short time by a few drop, of GaLvANIC am, SIX months, $l. Five copies, six months Om. --.......—____ 84 ; Tea copies, six months, $8 ; Ten cop. ies, twelve months, $l6; Fifteen copies, ENGLAND AND AMERICA. twelve months, $22; Twenty copies, twelve THE CONNECTION Cl tiI , IPLE lE. months. $2B, in advance. THE QUEEN'BMESEACE. Specimen copies sent gratuitously for in i speetion. Southern and Western money, or I Postage stamps, taken :or subscriptions. REPLY OF THE PRLSIDEN'I'. le. Letters should be directed to The following dispatch, received Mon- MUNN & Co, 128 Fultomst., N.Y. doy afternoon, announced to the public that , Kir Messrs. Munn & Co. are extensively engaged in procuring patents for new invert• the labors of the electricians at Trinity Bay 6 0 ,, an d w ill a d u i aa i nven t or ., witho u i t h ine was crowned with success, end tne first :in regard to the novelty of their improve men sage from the Queen to the President ' mente. of the Unitod States had flashed moss the Atlantic cable. CYRTD STATION, TRINITY BAY, N. F.. Jug 16 —To the directors of the Atlantic Telegraph Company :—Europe and Amer. ica are united by telegraph. 'Glory to God in the highest. On earth peace, good will toward men." Signd by the Directors of the Telegraph Company of Great Britain. Thu inessage from Queen Victoria to the President can follows: "QUEEN'S MESSAGE!" To the Honorable. the President of the United States, “Iler Majesty desires to congratulate ihe president upon the successful completion of his great intesnutional work, in which the. Queen lies taken the deepest interest!' THE PRESIDENTS REPLY. WAIIIHNO rox, Aug. 16.—The Presi— dent of the United States cordially reeiproca• tea the congratulations of Her Majesty, the • Queen, on the MCCss of the great mtermstion• al enterprise accomplished by the science, skill , and indomitable energy n the two countries. It is n triumph more glorious, because more useful, thou was ever won by the conqueror of the field of battle. May the Atlantic Tele graph Company, under the blessing of Ben. yen, prove to ben bond of perpetual peace and friendship between the kindred nations, and an. snstrument destined by Divine Provid ence to dittote religion, civilization, liberty and law throughout the world. In t his view, will not all the tuitions of Christendom spontaneoualy unite iu the declaration that it shall be for ever neutral, and that its communications shall beheld sacred in passing to the places of their destination in the midst of hostilities. Agricultural Meeting. A regular meeting of the Hu7tingdan Co.. Agricultural Society wns held in the Court. House in this place on Tuesday evening the, 10th inst. President Jno. C. Watson in the chair, The minutes of the last meeting were rend and approved. The Society then proceeded to nppnint elec tors to represent this county at a meeting of, ihe Farmers' High School, to, be held in Sep. tember next. The following persons were np. pointed said Conitnittee Gen. S. Miles Green, Gen. Gee. W. Speer and Theo. Melva:cr.. The Committee appointed at the list meet.- ing to prepuce premiums for the coming Agri, col t oral Exhibltion presented n list which wan rt,tl by the Secretary, and after some alteration awl amendment was ndopted and ordered for publication in the county pipers as hereto. fore. The following resolutions were offered and edopteg : _ Resolved, That the Treasurer be hereafter authorized to supply all per Sons wishitg to do so with a copy or copies of any of our van.. dard Agricultural Journals, to he selected by themgelves, instead of the cash premiums awarded. Resolved, That Iron. Jona. McWilliams, lute. President of this Society, be requested, it consistent with his private arrangements, to attend the next meeting of the Penn'a State Agricultural Society, as the Reprossentta• tire of the Huntingdon County Agricultural Society, end note whatever may be deemed of interest in n Report to our next regular meet. lug, and that Gen. S. Miles Green be his alter time. Res°la 1 , Tim VA met Grnllius, Esq., George. Jeekson. and Him. JO.. McWilliams be thet • 5(11.3(ENT1363i znietuctiy. PIIOSPECTGS,