• \ .. Ii /Ikr / 1 7<\e , t 1 1 fIL ott A- w'; .. . . /, WM . BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL, TERMS The "HUNTINGDON JoURNAI.' is published tho following rates I If paid in advance p 1,40 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing 1,75 If paid bcfbre the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars anti fifty cents if not paid ,till after the expiration of the year. No subscrip lien taken for a less period than six months. I. All subscriptions are continued until oth ,omise ordered, sad no paper will be diseentinu 'ad, until arre.aro yes are pail, except at the option of the publisher. j .2. 'Returned numNers are never rec, iced by Os. All nr.mbers sent us in that way are lost, and 110 , us accomplish the purpose of the sender. 8. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions, must pry op arrearnyes, anti send a written or verbal order to Clint effect, to the office or pub lication in Huntingdon 4. 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Advertising and Job Work. We would remind the Advertising com munity and all others who wish to bring their business extensively before the pub lic, that the Journal has the largest cir culation of any paper in the county—thy* •it is o instantly increasing;—and that is goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi zens. We would also state that our facilities .for executing all kinds of JOB PRINT ING are equal to those of any other office inthe county; and all Job Work enty ed to our hands will be done neatly, promptly, nod at prices which will be .satisfactory. *tttct gactrp. MY CHILDREN. flare you seen Annie and Kitty, Two merry childrun of mine? AU that is winning and pretty Their little persons combine. Annie in kissing and clinging Dozens of times in a day,— Chattering,laughing, and singing, Romping, and roasting away. Annie knows all of her neighbors, Dainty and dirty alike— Learns all their talk, and 'be jokers,' Says she 'adores like Mike I' Annie goes mad for a flower, Eager to pluck and destroy,— .Cuts paper dolls by the hour, Always her model—n boy .Annie is full of her fancies, Tells most remarkable 1104, (Innocent little romances) Startling in one of her size, Three little prayers we have taught her, Graded from winter to spring! • 'Oh, you should listen my daughter Saying them all in a string l Bitty—uls, how my heart blesses Kitty, my lily, my rose! Wary of all my caresses, Chary of all she bestows, .tovett quiet places, Whispers sweet sermons to chairs, And, w;th the, gravest of faces, Ti.;aeitc's old Carlo his prayers. ltfatronly, motherly creature ! Oh, what a doll she has built— Guiltless of figure or feature— ' Out of her own little quiet! Nought must come near it to wake it; Noise must not pi,' it alarm ; Acid when she sleeps she must take it Into her bed, on her arm. I titty is shy of a caller, Uttering never a word I put when elope in the pailor, Talks to herself like a bird. Kitty is contrary rather, And with a comical smile, Mutters "I won't to her father, Eyeing him slyly the while. Levin Lone more than the other • Isn't the thing I confess; And t observe that their mother Makes no distinction in dress. Preference must be improper In a relation like this; I wouldn't toss up a copper— (Kitty, come give Inc a kiss !) —Atlantic Monthly. for those blessed words have not yet been I The Ifee of Tobacco. 1 KANSAS. spoken, but they are spoken when Were it possible for a being who bad I governed, SOIL, CROPS, PiIICES, dec. ' , The soul, freed from its cumbrous prison resided upon our globe to visit the itthabi• of clay. tints of a planet where seven I Correspondence of The N. Y. Tribune. Greets the etereal morn of a heavenly ana to tell them that a vile weed was in ST. GEORGE, POtawata.,}4, IC. T.,1 day." general use among the inhabitants of the July 15, ' ISSB. At last, when "the earth is consumed I globe it had left, which afforded no nour- ! *• * Our eist years crops have been _ consumed without nltogether selleving the "In the beginnibg," deeper than Egyp_ by fire, and the earth passes away with a Himont; that this weed was cultivated i great noise," the light will return to 11,- wiLl' 'mum's.' c.' it* tine darkness was that which enveloped .; that was no import- 1 , ' ' people front their embarrassinems Demi.' the earth. ven, and shine with eenewed splendors a . ant article of emit esercie that the want of . stoned by the sacking of the country. leo ; Na twinkling star relieved the solemn round the ' , Great White Throne." country was ever sealed so fast and wish I it produced real rilisery; that its note was darkness of the sky, ner tiny ray from There for an eternity will it shine re . extrenwly nauseous; that it was unfriend. Ins nelustrtous a population as this, and the the fire fly's feeble lamp enlivened the fleeted on the pure and happy faces the lv to health and! Morals; and that its u !improvements almost beggar fiction to dis. use , was attended with a consi d era bl e loss of ' chaos ; but all tuns silent heavy darkness. WA. cribs them. I li mos lived in prairie cows., I tries before; hut of all the countries I have ' Around the throne of the mighty God The Oldest Bible in America. time and property; the account would be ' !hou g h incredible nod the anther of it , ever seen, this rewards the toils of the • was collected all light, which there shown • Is IS a volume of 600 ',ages. coned.. ' husbandman the best; and with the lea s , . with illimitable eplendor. would probable be exeleded from society ing the whole Bible in ihe Latin langua g e. Al last the omnipotent voice of the lt belongs to the Rev. Dr. Duffield ' of 13e: I fur relining a t ail I lave it from the authofity of lie '. Creator pronounced the words ••leet there iron. The beek is untie ei •• I f II tune In no one view is it possilda to eon• 'ta lIY of '") ilaim ' ilable a aa ' Herald of Freedom (by the by, a good be light," and from the throne there issue I an d t h e prin t ing is ' a l l ,10,,i:ibe,YhuaLie„,,,71, paper) that fi fty seven bushels at wheat Tinplate the creature man iii a more ab• I have been barveeted te the 4lere psis zum• I ed a vast fl ood of glowing radiance which ! n pen and inl, .Every le t ' ci '. surd m u d ridiculous light than in his at• decended on the swift whip of morning to •e s seaps,,,„e c annot '1,„1,;:i, 1 ,1„ 1 ,: n d r , ' , " :: e l ; , t a elni ! '"' to I•°"Acti° mar, anti such crops of corn, potatoes and other yeeitables I think cannot be beat illume the earth. rim progress of h a bit in the use of . •'" , e . e , i e ,, , i auy intperfectior. in form, from the printed 'filen arose a mig,lity shout of joy from letters of the day. The she se of the 1 t tot is exec iy the eame as in the ii e f even 'a the -merla -aam' on thin the assembled host of heaven, and 'God ! tore is of course different•fM l at those rto '',. , : . spirituous liquors. I The slaves of it b •-°! , Miesissippi, and hurlers have spread 1 ! 111 ' themselves this seas., and hays planted - I sae, it is good." by using it only after dinner; then, during the whole titterers/el and evening: after I I s t '• I in use, but in no other respect can they Darkness drew her sombre mantle I he distinguished frozn printed matter. 'Uli:' illy from twenty to one hundred around her, and fled affrighted to the se- leiter is of about the sante size us that il.l Hard en or e.,.., which is now silking, and wards before dinner , then, before break. the appearance is ma' there will be a ; cret caverns of the earth. fast, and, filially, during the whole night „ •. • , I ! ,which this article is printed, which will I knew a lady who had i assert through The light danced messily on the spark- ' give an idea o f die d , if i ca i ty 0 , f.rir,ing. great surplus; but it cannot be put in mar. ling waves and penetrated the deep ocean. I - . so perfect a work. 'rhe uninense amount , lief in tiine to meet the land ealee 'rhere ; all these steeme, ctrl mewl o Iva, regu. ' '. . Softly it called the hidden verdure from lady too or three times every night to are thousand's of claims worth from $5OO ' the cold bosom of the earth, and joyfully of labor may be conceived front the fact io i O .OOO and $3,000, many with larg e it was obeyed, , there are two columns on each page, eadi °°l° P ° ' ° her 'Y' tem ' vitt ' fn'm closes al i m provements, and the owners not able to The merry insect sported on its wing, 1 of which lacks only about six letters of be-, " dr The appetite for tobacco is e holly nrtifi- raise the means to seem them. There ' and life was throughout the regions of the : Mg as wide ns the columns of th:s paper. I person wits ever born with a earth. lire. however, speenlators in seine places : They will average sixty lines to the column • eiel* No relish for it even in those persons who n the Territory with warrants, • loaning ; Water disolved into vapor and fl oated ns • The columns numbering 1 3 00, we have them at various rates, tatting mortenges fleecy clouds in the air. shout 72,000 lines in the whole I die Na- " I '' "welt attached to il nature: it . ""`" r t rrel i e eet " i l e ' for them- -some of which I have seen '' - recover, her aisrenh to It ceas e s t o bin- I Then the s wen colors bent in a loving thing short of a life tune could accomplishding the mortgagee to pay $3OO at the' embrace across the sky, forming the rain• such a work. This is so invariably true. that a disrolish re cording, ; be agreeaple in every febrile indisposition. bow arch and parted to do their appointed The date of this book ieA. D. 910. It to it is often a sign of an erre:se:Mg. and ' end of the year, with costs of I was consequently made 560 years befure interests, &c., tit. they must loose their work. a return of the app, for it, a sign of a I3IldS, and a chance for the holders to be e s The red painted with fairy pencil the printing was invetited, and is ;OS years deporting fever. I emceed sets' to inert role, of Aurora, kissed the delicate petals old. There is robalily nothing on t h is lion some of the ! itifle••nces of the habitu el ! I out of reach a time of payments, thereby I nels•ng it impossible to have them re•l of the flowers then divided into the see, continent in the shape of a book, equal to • l deemed. Now if the system is left in the I and left a glowing blush on the sea shell's it in age. The vellumupon which it is use of tobacco '' l ' °° " L ' L '' hands of these Audis, our enemies may cheek. hinted is of the finest leted, and is made mg smokieg and chtfWioss iesthirst . This 1. Gee of the usual - I • yet steal a march on us . The remedy le Green leaved quick-ly over the earth, of the steins of yowl , lambs and kids, thirst catince be allry,.-I"hy water , for uo ' m nbi)nt to pral' - I 11 - I!tat n ! touching trees and grass with as refreshing dressed and rubbed frith penile steno • lever Ger ra,1,....., .aak• . . - - ---, ~ • •,. la ti ttttt IL in t”liicilitit . . I.llllie L l '''''' ''-. . 't '''' ... . ' ~'.,,-,, : :, A' :', ..,,, n' ` to every coo n y -, , inde'd der toads an frogs, lobed after the mouth and throe l'elMw sewing to the sunsefsey and than common pique., being a medium bo• . hay° been wi t h a • arr ,: ll .- , ii, let out on mortgage se. ; it der ...sage made of togs, exprieeti to the stimulus of the smoke or ,t isn't good to eat, !Vat, pencilled ,t 'with its bright golden hue; tween that and the drawing paper now in juice of tobacco. A desire, of course, is curities at ,;e , for 100. acre warrants, at I Cutsm else tin glide d gt•ntly to rho peeping stars, use. The fine veins in the skin are dis. , say from 10 to 0 0 per cent per annum, ' Schmidt ' end left her color in far strong lor in their mellowed rays LiOetly visible in many places. .1 pencil he ii these, when and have the arrangements so made that; Now I've a liddel shtore, taken between meals, soon lead to intern ineved dm g the seashore on the shining mark seas drawn by the operator to guidel.7n it sits petnee der door, pt shall he made in the same coon-' ntoy pR. perstiee nnd drunkenness. - sends and sought the dark caraesso or the construction of each line. . The nee of tobacco, more especially ty where the lands are situated. And by ell Ises der prandy schnapps, an pretzel oda Yd.. Schmidt; the earth at last, where it left its inngic nal- ; ges have these lines visible on their whole . "" , - this system of operation we will be be- Un I clinks 11l batty soon press en the glittering metal. surface, no effort having been made to rub in em " in g' disP°s" to id'eness' nod idle- Sriended indeed, mid these philanthropists I ness has been considered the root of all lief a lager bier salon, Blue spread the heavens with its soft, theta out. Two lines running up and ; will be ninply pnid for theia benevolent ' 'An idle man's bruin," says the I. den cot bloat money 1 vet make, lob emir°, then rested on the bosoin down divide the columns with mathemati-; evil ' ' actions. We would like to see men of , celebrated and original Mr. 13unyon, Schmidt ; Of the clear, transp merit waters. eel a ccu racy. At the beginning of vaeli . the devil's workshup." " id ! means coming in, as there is much value.- Perish. went to the overburdened vine, chapter, highly colored ornamental letters ' ble land yet unocupied and splendin open. 3. The use of tobacco is necessarily and left its tint . the luscious grape. ! ere placed. These are the only merle', of I lugs fee those wishing to eo into the mil- I Violet abashed fled to a modest flow'ret the division or chapters. There save connected with the neglect of cleanliness. no , I ling business. Steam mills under present Tobacco more especially when used . ! and hid in its jeweled cup. subdivisions lota verses, the chapter run- I ' 1 taws get one fourth Inc toll; water mills, in sniolming, is generally offensive to those Orange, ea it pass over the fields, color- Mug through in one paragraph to the end, I one eighth. Grain is high, lumber 140 per ~ ed the hale wild flowers with its brilliant and t people who do not use it. To s make is ee descriptive headings. thousand much nics wages 12 50 to tsl cempany, under such circumsta noes , is a hue, then sought the delicious fruits of the This invaluable relic was presented to per dny, and the people are preparing to South, and smiled upon them. I Dr. Duffield, by Lewis Cass, Jr., our Alin-, breech of good manners: now, manners sow wheat extensively thi s senson• I Again were the colors sent on their min- I jester Resident of Rome. Ile procured it have an influence upon morals. Trwy ' with others, have experiment with it, and also when man was created. of a Greek nook who brought it fr o mmay be considered the out posts of virtue.l the ! habit of oflendin the senses of friends I can say that I never saw it excelled iu Red tinged the rich blood which COOT- i G ree k convent of St. Catharine at the loot A g Eastern Ohio. I have;also tried fruit trees cannot by the use of tobacco, , sed through hie veins, pressed his cheek lof Ile Sinai. Mr. Cass befriended this or strang ers an d the Osage orange, and inany other be indul g ed herefore, g with the glow of health, and lingered mi. I monk, who teas in trouble, dual lie, in re• t herefore , wi•h innocence. Itusefull things which have answered my raptured on the lips of a life long kiss. turn, presented him with the volume we produces a went of respect to our fellow highest expectations. The ISlansus River creatures, and this nlways disposes tn un- Blue dwelt in the mild radiance of his have described. According to Isis story, it has been navigable for small boats all this kind and unjust behavior towards them. beaming eye. Yellow danced in the wit ,is the ts'Orli of one of the ancient monk season, and lisp ones could navigate it Who ever knew a rude man coinpletely v}• ringlets of his hair, and the seven col. scribes in the convent above named. When par; of the Vine, and at this time it would or uniformly moral. ors uniting in a beautiful combinanon, left it Leconte known that Mr. Cuss was par- float the largest Alp in he Atlantic Ocean i In reviewing the account that has been their snowy impress on his noble brow. thug with it, and that it was going out of ; lit con be navigated with boats (any season) ,gieen of the disagreeable and mi s chievous 'nen God the maker, pronouced in lo w - , the country, the reline sum of efe,ooo was ' bust expressly for it. The Kansas Vai -1 effects of tobacco, we are led to inquire; Mg tones those thrilling words, ••Let i offered hits for it by the monks of the ci• ; ley is one of the finest, richest and most what are its U3OS upon our globe, for we there be light,' and living light from the ty of Rome. This was of course refueed, • heedful valleys on the globe, and healthy are assured that nothing exists in vain,— Divine Seirit Illumined man's Ironic, and for the pleasure of placing an inestimable I ' also, end is destined to be a principal ay. • Poison is •relative ' i he I,Fgaille an immortal being. a relic in the hands of one who Cat) ap• ' ' and the tonal I erase fin• the tide of the floating Millions He looked at the earth and saw the preciute its value so well as our learned di- tepxiaus plants hat ' been discovered iii ' 1 1 westward bound on their mission, people. ford sustenance to certain animals. 13ut ; springing fl owers and the creeping rep - 'vine, Dr. Duffield. At the time of the late ing the eastern slopes of the Reek Moun. what aniline] besides man trill take tobacco , tiles. Ho gazed above him one beheld fire in the Doctor's house, this book was pains, where the antelope, de and buffalo into his mouth? flosses, the vast ocean swelling and dashing, and thrown into the street among others, and cats, dogs. and even hogs, refuse to taste °°"'s• sheep, now quietly feed in countless numbers, , the tall forest trees covering the earth for ! came very near being lost, It was picked I I soon to give place to bleating sheep and it. Flies, mosquitoes, and the mo th are ; many miles, and affording shade to the in- 1 up on the sidewnlk by one who receeniz. lowing cattle, and the wilderness be made clines! ! from it- But let us not arraign to blesses like the rose, numerable animals that dwelt in peace ed it ns one of Dr. Duffield's most value- ! I the wisde and economy of nature in the , „ and harmony. De raised his eyes to the' ble relic', and preserved it. A orMARKABLII ' , COLD HOLE."—la production of this plaint. Modern trued- ' I heavenly vault stud ded with stars, and' -- --•- what is known as the Swntara Gap, in the strove in vein to penetrate the mysterious I A Hint to the Ladies. lets hare at lust discovered that it coast'. ! Blue Mountains, on the borders of the curtain. ThUll men named. IV Ito ' It is very rarely indeed, that a confirtn• : tides the food of a solitary and filthy wild county,is whet is called 'Cold Hole '--• could be the author of these wondrous ed flirt ever gets married. Ninety-nine east, well known in the deserts of Af r i ca 1 r ~. .. . celled 'Cold . ".. 1 Lebanon Comm sees, this • hole' in things?" and a mighty voice replied It is out of every hundred old =lids may ut_ by the name of the ROCK GOAT i only eighteen inches in depth, but even in I—the First and the Last." And man tribute their ancient loneliness to juvenile 'I shall conclude these observations by I the hottest days of Sum m er the sir in it worshiped the great "I am," for he felt levity It is very certain that few men make relating, nn anecdote of the late Dr. Frank- i i ' ' uncomfortably cold. A teem' is v ery y . , oeinan 1 a selection from b a ll rooms or env other lin. A low months before his death he • that he was his maker. • tested it, the other day, with a tbermome. But soon the clouds obscured the light, ; place of gaiety; and ns few are influen- , declared to one of his friends that h e had ! , e k e mercur y i ter. In or di nary shade the mercure stood the temptt;r came with his insinuating : red by what may be called showing off in never used tobacco to any way in t h e 1 of 00 de gr ee s. Il e . , tOO degrees. tie removed the titer the streets, or other allurements of dress, coarse of his long life, and that he was dis. whets, and man forget his God. I mometer to this hole, and in about an Then dune Death the King of Dark. our opinion is that ninety-nine hundredths posed to belleVe there was not much [Mean, Lour, without an ch.• in the outside ness, to take the place of the lost Light. of all the finery which women load and tare to derived from it, for that he hall , ' itinn i snhere the Y t 'e mercury fell to fifty de. But God was merciful, and sent the decorate their persons with, go for noth • never met wit h a man who used it who " ~ roes . Ile then placed. the thermometer glorious Sun of Righteousness to, drive ing, so tar as husband catching is concern- advised him to follow his exiimple.—Ben. m ,-.-. sporng water, and it went up to 5o de. ed; ' here and how then, do men find jurnin hush. darkness away forever, ' green. Why the air in this hole is so esld The heavenly decree "let there be light their wives ? The quiet homes of parents D -”...- IGNIFIED.— Ihe Syracuse Journal, has nut been explained, but there appears has been twilled every time a new soul is and guardians, at the fireside, where the wishing to tell the editor of the Albany ,to ben current of air ascending from be. born into the kingdom of Christ, and domestic graces and feelings are alone Kuiekel•horker the' he lies, . avoids that ! neath, probably fr.i an tender-ground cold whenever the light of intelligence beanie I demonstrated. These are the charms vulgurity by the severer method de scrip. !spring -liar, Telegraph. upon the soul though often in mercy the which most surely attract the high as well turul reference, and assures the Albany I ---e,......-..---- Good Father's voice remaining admit, and as humble. Against these all the finery instil that "he is perfectly well aware that e gap- 'lllero is only one bad wife in the the weeping friends, and the heart broken i and airs in the world sink into insignifi- i ho is guilty of the sin fol. which AR - UGI • husband. as , world and every crusty thinks mother lament the birth of as idiot child, I coney. —Beeelsiors • I was struck dawn by an indignant Deity." that she bee fallen to hie let *deo pliscellaiv. The following beautiful essay, wag read by a young lady, at a recent examination in one of the Seminaries in Missouri. LET THERE BE LIGHT, 6, LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGTX)N, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1858. ° A)IIM.O VDU Voctcp. THEPHILOSOPHICAL DUTCHMAN. BY MYNIIITII VON KROUPLIM I've a tollar vot I spend, 130 t I've nothing fur to lend, For I nefer borrows noting, dont you see, Yuhn Schmidt. I've a ',ready little from, hod I've vriends in blenty now, 1, - r. a lot of preddy children at mine knee, Volts Schmidt. I hid noting to desire, Von I sit peside nine vire, Cn I semoke mineself into n schleeping state, Vol, Schmidt ; so happy vot can be, So you listen now to me, 1711 191 dell you vol 1 love, lot vot I hate, Yohn Schmidt. I love der lager bier, Ven it's gout, un isn't dear, I can trinks 'pout sixty glasses in a tay, Yulin Schtniudt; But I hates der liquor law, (South a thug I neler saw,) could take our schnapps uu lager all %ray Yolui Schmidt. I love a Deutsch. song, 'Pout u hundred verses long, Mit a ghorns for a thousand voices, toe, Wm Schmidt ; But 1 hate der snuffle psalm, Vot isn't worth a,-Kreuther, Fur to sing it makes your yore grow lung tut ;due. Yohn Schmidt. I hive some Deutscheu food, Yaw I I likes it bully good, Der speeh ua sauerkrout, on saint slough, Yoko Schmitz Dot 11 hate der milk of sehwill, I.To der meat dey ucicr kill, Par it dies refire dey're dime to hit a knock, Yohn Submit, I love the rendcly fllowers, Vet grows in ganien bowers; ;h, un lin von enough I've got, I vill.puy a, "house un lot," Un a corner grocery" I'll hove pesides, Yuhn Schmidt Den so happy I vill pc, Mit mine sehildren pf mine knee, Mit mine money, un my frow, but mit no pride 'Van Schmidt. brat gliniatarts. NO. 11-CURIOSITY. Of all the traits and passions in the cha- I size. ratter of man none has such striking lea. t Sweet olive oil is ft certain cure for the tares as curiosity, and none are morebite of a rattlesnake. *Apply -It internally scantly visible. it is a principle which and externally, operates continually, nod it is universal Rats and other vermin are kept away throughout the word. The student is in foam grain by a sprinkling of garlic when a great measure actuated by it while in- backing the sheaves. tently and in silence poring both night , Money skillfully expended in drying and day over the volumes of a remote land by draining or otherwise, will be re age ; the chill in its advancement to the turned with ample interest. age of discretion, and the traveller in To cure scratches on a horse, wash the scorch of new worlds, and other objects of legs with warm soapsuds. rod then with attraction, unknown before, aro alike us'- I oecf brine. Two applications will cure god on by this propelling power, In al- lin the worst case. most every circumstance, situation, or pe.Timber cut in the spring and expos• rind of time, we may perceive its power- I the weather with the bark on, decays ful influence upon the mind by means of • ell to much sooner than it cut in the fall. the actions of the body. Experiments show apples to be equal liut however universal and powerful to potatoes to improve hogs, and decidedly this trait may he, it is only when connec• preferable for feeding wile. ted with laudable purposes that its exer else should be t:mcouraged and approved Wild onions may be destroyed by culti vating corn, ploughing and leaving the of. Otherwise it would tend to pervert field in its ploughed state all whiter. our deeds into nets of sin, and thus go.. quer our sense of duty, Here it may bu necessary to enumerate some of the inc thuds by which a tribute is improperly paid to curiosity, and which degrades us below the level of righteous human digni ty, The man whose curiosity leads him to mingle in a crowd of acquaintances merely to ascertain their various opinions of his own actions, uses it from a spirit of self-vanity. l'he one who minds the busi ness of others to the neglect of his own, the religionist who is not satisfied with the plain revelations of the Scriptures, but searcheth unwearily for that which may pervert their meaning to ridicule or contra diction, and which tendeth not necessarily to salvation. These with many other in stances in everyday life are censurable, and tend to decrease the ratio of real heft piness in the world.. 'Turning to contem VOL. XXIII. NO. 34 plate its use in a worthy manner, curiosity becomes the parent of many useful inven ttons, arts and sciences. It has cherished the tree of knowledge, and endeavors to spread its branches ever all the earth. Man has thus been led into the intricate mazes of philosophy, provved his ideas—whether correct or incorrect—by researches into the arena of Nature, whose progress in ei ther the animate or inanimate sphere he has noted, but without lessening his desire for increased opportunities of operation. Certainly there is in our nature other in. centives to virtue, but none so wbll calcu lated to improve and enlarge our store of knowtodge,, because one object to its gaze is no sooner attained, than another is pre sented with equal claims to attention, It was this among other motives, that led Co lumbus through the vast expanse of wa ter to explore space for a new world, which seemed almost a certainty to his expectant eyes. Curiosity, too, in opening the Rook of Knowledge to man, led Newton to dis cover the revolutions of the planets, where by the phenomena of the starry system was solved, and Galilee was in the same manner brought to think, and we know the light he has left behind him to guide his fellow-men. Franklin made the lightning useful to man, and Fulton showed how the seas could he traversed by steam. lit fact, my friends, uninfluenced by curiosi• ty all our scientific researches would be I laid aside, and praiseworthy deeds in va rious spheres, would be consigned to the oblivion of past things, Dr. Johnson says curiosity is, in great and generous minds, the first passion, and the last, and it al ways predominates in proportion to the strength of the mental faculties. Guide well yourself in this respect, dear readers and "be not curious in unnecessa- I matters—but "whatsoever thy hand find eth (of good) to do, ao it with all thy might." EDUCATOR litl ‘t.t/M1ti44t14.• He that by Mc plough would thrive, must either hold or drive." Hints to Farmers. Tomatoes make oxellent preserves Toads ate the very best protection of cabbage against lice. Plants when drooping are revived by a few grains of camphor. Pears are greatly improved by grafting on the mountain ash. Sul i iltur is valuable in preserving gra &c. from insects. • Lard never spoils in warm tvether if it cooked enough in frying out. In feeding with corn, 6(.1 pounds ground will go no far as 160 pounds in the kernel. Corn meal should never be ground very fine. It injures the richness of it Turnips of small size have double the nutritious matter that large ones have. Huta Bags is tho only root that increa ses its nutritious qualities as it increases in TOMATO PingsEvEs.—Take the round yellow variety as soon as ripe, scald and peel; then to seven pounds of tomatoes add seven pounds of white sugar, and let thorn stand over night. Take the tomat oes out of the sugar, and boil the syrup, removeing the scum. Put tr the tomat oes, and boil gently fifteen or twenty, lain utes, remove the fruit again and boil until the syrup thickens. On closing, put the fruit into jars and pour the syrup over it. and you will have something to please the laste of the most fastidious. REMEDY roil TrisilovEN.—Cattle pas turing on clover in a wet state are are apl to become bloated. l have reliereq them in a short time bg simply placing a straw band in their Mouth as a bit, and tying it over the head. In their endeavors to , get it out the wind is expeited from the ' stomach.— C o trot ry Grath/nem