Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 11, 1858, Image 4

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    Store & Dwelling to Rent at Broad
Top City.
The fine large Stone Store and i,welling at
Broad Top City is now offered for rent on ver
y acc3mmodating terms, and is one of the best
Stores to the County of Huntingdon. A very
fine business can be done nt this place with
the Mines now in operation below Broad Top
City, and also with the surrounding country,
as there is no good Store within many miles
of this place, and any one keeping a gold
Stock of Provisions and Goods suitable for
Country use can undoubtedly da a very fine
business. To a good Tenant the Store and
Dwelling will be rented on easy terms.
Apply to
J. M. CLAIM, Ag,ent
Broad Top City
June 16,'58.-6t.
RAG CARPET furet'.
yard at
TI-3111 333ErIE°
\Vo request those of our mihscribc; whore•
eive their papers,to inf.rm us of those in their
immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers
to the "Journal," and have failed to sense
the sante, since the stealing of our pack-hook,
by ruffians on the ltd of February.
WHEAT A D CORN wanted at this
office. Those having either can dispose of the
same by calling soon.
Chambersburg to
.Mt, Union
The umiersigncti aware that a su,penston of
the lino of Stages over the road between
Chambersburg and Mt, Union, cannot he but
disadrantageous to a forge section of the coun
try, has, at a considerable expense and trouble
made arrangements to run a line of Stages
Tri-weekly between the two points Good
Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla
cod on the route, and experienced anti trusty
drivers will superintend the running of the
Coaches. The proprietorof the iine is disirous
that it be maintained, and Ito therefore calls
upon the public generally to patronize it. conti
tient that it will be - for their mutual advantage.
Every attention necessary will be given, and
the running of the binges will be regular.
• Stages leave Mt, talon, every Tuesday
- Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arrictig . at
!Chambersburg the next day at 2 o'clock.
tarning, leave Chatnbersburg, the same night
atatO o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the next
'evening in time for the cars. Between Mt, Un
ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily.
▪ Faro through $3; to intermedl,te points
in proportion. JOHN JAMISON.
Jan. 20th, 1858.--tf.
Grey Hair to its Natural Color.
This astonishing and unequalled preparation
has never failed to produce a growth on Bold
Beads, when used according to the direction,
and turn hair hack to its original color, ;Star
having become gray, and reinstate it in all its
original health, lustre, softness and beauty. Re
moves at once all scurf, dandruff and unpleasant
itching, scrofula, eruptions and feverish heat
from the scalp. It also prevents the hair limn
becoming unhealthy and falling Mr, and henco
acts as a perfect HAIR INVIGORATOR AN D
A gentleman of Boston writes to his friend
in New Bedford tires:
eel your inquiries I would reply, that when I
first commented to use Professor Wood's Ilair
Resanrative, my hair was almost white, and had
be en. so for the Inst ten years and it was very
dint on tin top of my bead, and very Icoso ' and
%Allied out very freely; but I found that befort
Ji had used all the second bottle, (which wee
eight weeks) my hair was entirely changed to
its original color, light browP, and is now fn.,
from dandruff and quite inctst.• 1 boots had my
hair cut five or six time., since the change, and
have never seen anything like white hair
ing from the roots; and it is now as thick os
it ever was, and does not come out all. It has
. proved in my case all that I could Wish to ask.
July I, 1855. Yours, etc.
A New Assortutalt Ju:st OpeuP(!!
i And will be sold SO per cent.
1 1.15E.411.E1e If II AN 'l'lllll 4:114,::% 1.1.:"Pll
TT EQ.\ lAN respectfully in'orins ilk Vll,O- j T HP;
i 11 , iners and the public generally, that Ile
' 1:' E
just opened tit his store-roma in Market Square- of ®v D
Iluntingdonot . splendid new stock of Neady- 1. 11 L IT !-.; T l!, A 'r 2 D..
' imbie
tlothirig let' Fall and ll'into', • DI:1174 & 5.14.17e1 , R,
,--- 1 which lie will sell cheaper than the smile yutlity filtocessors to liget•kiet 4 , .. Co.
"Gilt , omit, Maine, June 55, 1855. ler Goods can lie purchased at retail lit Pitil , oltn- IThe 'N. - , Vora I',',lci,. Gold e n l'ii, i s oe
D E xa - Stn t.--I have used two bottles of Prof. ; phin or ally 'Ail, m!tablisimmut in the yeeet , y• lor ti. .largest and lie, .:iteritry p s p er , o r ii,.
Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is Persons wishing . to buy Clothing woiCel do i ,1„,_„,, i r „,, er i„l 0,1 „,„,„ . c „,,,,,,,,,,•,,,,,, , H.
the greatest disceverl of the age I .o r restoring,' well to call and examine his stock bef u re 2 •teeita- 1 gee , or forty colitins, of the most interest in
and changing the hair. Before using it, I was I sing elsewherr. Also, 1 and fe,cit:ating rending inntter.l'rotothe pens,.
a man of seventy. My hair has note attainedl Hats, Caps, the very first writer; ol the day,
its original color, You can recommend it to the 1
which will be sold louver timn at any other es• t "..";''' Ly 1L1. 1.41. .. , ...' 1, .. , W 1 .,,,,
world without the least fear, as my cam was one 1 A PR ES ENT,
of the worst kind. i tadishment in . the coMity. . . - Worth from 53 Cents to $lOO 00.
. Iluntingdon, April I. 18:i8.
Yeats, respectfully, Will 1,. gi'ven to each subscriber inunediatcly
DANIEL N. MURPHY. 1 !on receipt of the subscription money. This is
Professor O. J. Wood. 1 Patant Portable Fence, pre,ented as It memento a Friendship, and not
Baomotema,Massachusetm, Jan. 12, 1855.1 us an inducement to °built subscribers
DEAR SIR f--Raving mode a trial of your i 'rho rights or Iluot',, Patent Portable n.e Peri l
Hair Restorative, It gives me pleasure to say manent Fetter and tittle Post, for Lots, Ferrite
that its effect has been excellent in removing in. ! nna Township, can be secured c.o. a small stun i 1 Copy for I year, $5 00 and 1 Present.
Commotion, dandruff, and a constant itching 'by calling on the Agent at Huntin,4•loe. (lo , I ::
, 2 :', ' 350 2 Presents.
5 00 5 6 ,
hendency,witittch I bare been troubled ft -m ! and see the inodel at once. It i, decidedly 1 1 „ ' .1 ,',
o 8 00 5 6,
childhood; and has also restored my hair which (the best Fetico rose used. No Farmer should i
was becoming grey, to its original colorl ' ,. have '• be without it. Call ye who would be benefit- !.. ,-, • AND TO C 1.1,1113,
nsed no other article with anything like the •.• ....opies, I year, 500 3 4,
tell and examine it foe yourselves. 1 5 . 6 700 5 "
pleasure and profit. Yours truly, HENRY CORNPROPA r, .1 ,- ;e,tt Ito ', ‘•
J. K. IiRAGG, 15 00 10
for Huntingdon County. i2l 44 •,f 30 00 at 4i
Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfield,
.- - - - - I The articles to bo given away nee comprised
Professor Wood.
-- i GI , 1 -, , \ T r c . 1 ) 11101) - 5 r , i ., ii i the foilowing , list : ,
[From the Missouri Demoent.] , IL, .I_, f . v , , Y . : I, .I . i _ 'aekages ol Imbl, con g $5OO 00 each.
WOOD'S HAIR DYE.—This admirable y. i 5 do 'en ih, 2oti il l each.
i mprov i ng sh e f o il, N o art i c le ! New rreg and Grocery Store.. 110 do do do
tide in rapidly 100 00 each.
l 10 Patent Lever linnet; Watches 100 00 each.
of a ,traitor kind, note before the public, enjoys 1. 111'111A NIG 11, Oil 15'11 A CO., 1101 St., 5
55 Gold IVatchea
a better reputation as a restorative and invigo- ' doom west atilt: Court, Howie, llntitingdon. 75 00 cad,
-eating hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical quail- ! Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dve Stuffs, 5 ,„ ° „ (I,' 00 00 each.
ties have a beneficial died upon the growth and , Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Opts. Turpentine, I '"" l'l) 50 00 cock.
300 Ladies' Gold Watches
character of the hair, giving a silky and gles , 9 ' Fluid, Alcohol, Wine and Brandy °ldle Best ?,„ 5 !! ,.,,, ti lint , n , w,,,,,eg 35 Ott each.
texture to that which was formerly 20 00 each. •
0110 Silver Watches $lO 00 to 25 00 ecch.
°I a canoes ' article fur medical uses, Concentrated Lye for I
and dry nature. It has, also, we understand, a Icor, G'l4l Gnarl' Chains $lO 00 to 30 00 each
making Sonp, Glass, Putty, Potent Medieines i
tendency to preserve the youthful color and ap-
also Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Sugar,' Mid..., Gold Lockets,'it I
pearenee of the hair, and destroying or counter- ,_ ~ . „, ~. Flour, Crackers, ~, , _ ill east
i'ee . uts. Brooches, tins
acting the cflettt of old age. With such reeeni. ,im 1 ai, Irish, Nur,
. ~si ins, : pious, ill east Pins, Cull Pm, Sleeve Buttons,
mendations in its favor, we hardly perceive bow Candies, Figs, Raisins, Tobacco, Cigars, Syr-' Rings, Shirt Sttul3, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil
any lady or gentle... should be without so val. tips doll kinds foe summer drinks in a word ! ver 'flumbles, and n variety of other articles,
noble an adjunct to their toilet. every thing tit:tinily kept in a Drug or Grocery i worth from 50 cents to $l5 each.
O.J. WOOD & CO.,Proprietors, 312 Broadway Store, those who desire pure anti Genuine nr-I We will present to every person sending us
5,1 subs...bees, 2 nuch , "n l ' l Wllteh• worth 1'1(1N F. citocKS, JARS, &c.,--tt large stock
N. y.,& 114 Market st. St. Louis, Alissoftri. Delos will do well by giving us a call.
Sold in Huntingdon by LON READ, and 11. : May 19, ',sB:—ly. $4O: to any ono sending us 100 subscribers, at :
$2 each, a Gold Watch, worth 8'...0. ';very the sate at manufacturers' prices by
Mol•Lution.L, and by Druggists everywhere. ! -. • . , ~ ~, , JAMES A. BROIVN.
Feb. 10,1858,-3m. Mar.25,'57.-ly i, NOVEI. AND EXTIII.4.OIIDINA lIY ! , ,iin.."ar will a.ii receive a present. 1
READ I READ! READ ! I I . Immediately cm receipt or the money, the
AVUX.A.N.P.RI A, f 0 UN-9ltt. I .&; ,- .l...lADleclit e. Amur s iber's UMW will be entered upon our 1
, usr. SS - 4..A. altrik MMt . 4 Am. 5...: wo r ' N 1 b0 " (1. " , and the present will be forward within
i 4 ,,i i klil*
, ;ll'''. 1 The test chance for a lady or gentleman to one week, by ma il or exposes, post
p,,,, ,
' make money ever offered, without interl'ering. , eiyAll communications should be addressed to
ITC , Cali ! with their regulor business. We will send full I DEAN & SALTER, Proprietors,
pttrtietilats free. Address 335 Broadway, New York.
The Alexandria Foundry nuke, Patters, &e., , HOWARD GRAY & CO., 1 , j „„ n , j, . ss , 1 I
ni. y. • i TIOP.GLA SS :1, SIIERWOODS' Patent Ex
have been bought by It. C. McGima The 1 Box 138 Columbus, Ohio. I
Foundry is in blast and he has all kinds of Cas- , him:l6;sB;Q.. - 1.- -, teusien Skirts, Me solo only by
signs. stoves of all kinds, Machines, ! . ; Jlll4 Erf, -, !A 11,'_!, ] g_i cij 21 'a i 'I-'
• 1 'f?lil I
.-J....-.1 .4 . - FM HER & ALCM r irr MI,
Ploughs, Kettles, & c., &e,, whi•dt he QPRING SILIIVLS and Mantilla, of every . • .--
will.sell at the low- est market prices. 0 sty l e a ; rho METIIOI4II ur.ts. .
All kinds of Conn. . try produce and DENTIST, , Glass Preserving Jars, different, tor
. sale by FISHER & mcmumitiE.
s .:, XllOl to HATS i CAPS,llta .
i ---
old metal taxon in exchange at market prices. T ADZES' COLLARS &UN DI:I•S 1.1. F. VD
R, C. MCGILL .IA in great variety at the cheep store of • .41:0.- 1: , ;7t :1. tfi AA tj Nt; '.1 ) ; ,: 1 ir " )T"
- •
D. P. GWIN. lune 13, 1857. , hugest stock .roc brought to town, arc sell
ing very cheap by DI tn. r& !Wilk at am.
LUrom the Boston Herald.]
SomEtitiNo WoRTIr KNoWING.L.Bv using
Professor Wood's nair Restorative, filmy hair
can be permanently restored to its original cok.r.
The subjoined certificate from johns. & Sts,te
Gardiner, Maine. is but coo of the mally
stances that are daily coining to our Loowledge,
of its wonderful effects.
May 26 1858.
New Goody New 440041.4
D. P. Gwin hns just rettand Irons Philndel•
pliiit with the largest and most beautiful as.
surttnent or
liver brougbt to thottingilon,
. . . • :
consisting Of the m o st fitshionablO
fur Ladies and (lentlemen, such as Black Silk,
and Fancy, All Wool de Loins, (all colors)
Spring Delains, Cliallie Delains. Berne, (all
colors) Levella Cloth, Dehaize, Alpacea..Pop
lins, Printed Bcrages, Brilliant, pinin and fig
ured, Ginghams, Lamle, and Prints of every de
se pt
ALSO, a large lot of dress TritniningS, Fain
ges, Antiques, (luting, Ribbon, Buttons, Braol4,
Crapes, Reed R Brass Hoops, Skirt Cord. Silk
•tnt Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock,
Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linen and
ectton Floss, Tidy Yarn, &e.
Also the hest and cheapest assortment of Coi
tus, and Undersleeves, in town. Bar'd and
Plaint daronet, Mall Mnslin, Swiss. Plain, Fig
ured, Skirt Beltt• Marseilles for CApe:, and a
variety of whin) foods too numerous to turn•
Spring and Th:hit Shawls, White DeJails! for
Capes, Mantillas, he.
CluthA, Cas.sitners, T woe d s ,
K„Jesna, Muslin, Cotton Drill, Nankeens,
Tieken,Table Diapers, Flannels. hes
Algo; a large lot of lionnets, Flat, &c.
Boots and Shoes, the largest and elle4
post assortmont in town.
1) TAT 22. 717, QtaI:EINS-
ViTAB.3.2;, Buckets, Tubs, Ba6ket,,,
Butter Bovl,, Brown u. Brusile;, t 9,
Oil Cloths, 'EA cud Salt, Sugar, Cotree,
Ten, Nlolasseo, and all gotuli immunity kept in a
cotnory Store.
old customers, and as many new ones. as
can crowd in :HT respectfully request.: to come
and examine my
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change for uudc, at thu iiigh,t market prices.
DAVID t'. 1;WIS.
April 21, 1853.
BMW kiT-011:!..1! :11TMIAT GC.IO2i)S !
ate METito fl, LT AN
rorloeri:i known ":3.tx - roS':!."
tome in announcing. to their really thnt
they bare received a new and welt-select.-1
sto c k of Goods, which they feel comillent will
satisfy the demands of the and will ;rove
uuexeeptionable in srvi.i, .11 ~ ,ALIT V.
The line or Dre,3 Goods c 111! ;1,4 •
YELL A CLOTIIt;, 1)1;1;,101 , ,,
We heve a line asso:"lnient a Summer
titles, Shawls, Drc3l Tt Fring ,,, ,
tiques,RilMen,,, Mitts, GI, 0,
• siery, Ladies' Collars, littniker , lders . , Buitons,
IflOsis, Sewing Silk, Whaleho:le , lor shi r t,
Reed !loops, Brass do., Skirt
ALso--Tiekens, Osnalmrg, ble.o.died void an
; bleached Nuslins it all prices, and
White Cana:wies, hatred sod Swiss ;lollies,
' Victoria Lawns, .Nltinseeks, 'redone and ,
other article wah. , k compri,e, the line of
and Domestic (300 e,
! We have French ;limbs, Fancy Ca. , :inieres,
Sattinetts,Tetus, Tweeds, Cottemles, Lisiens,
Denims and Woe Drilie.
of every varjoty and style'. Ahm 9
A good stock of
Wood oud ous yoer itizoihs at tl
which will In: sold '• dunenal•
i:ll.pared r ,
•leof PI 1\ PONI ,
;4.\ .vv. ;
:nd oti hi.,th or GRAIN. and'po,sess '
I I,le, ,
in thls trude env. ,
1 i
. .
deliver Parcel' UCKS lN tILOVES ehra
FREE OP A at the depoti of th: j I). I'. t . . , 1`; I N'r;
Rroad Top awl Penii3ylvaaill Railroads.
, Come one, come oil, and he convinced Dr. Sohn McCulloch,
the ".Nl , ;(uoi•ot.tTAN" is; the Oat. to ..ere 011:er, his nrnlessiontil services to ,tie rill. i't
fashion:llde and desirable g.9utl, disposed of Itt
the rowe., „tn A.luil9,,ionery aml Bad
Apr. l4 ; s, .u,i:iit„Au;. 29, I
a -
_ tin
11LL STONE •,J?-
11112 1 ,11 118
Coritcr tiernittliturm Itoad ait4l New Milli:et
utt t North - Pennsylvania hold,
('bustantir ou liana or made to 0t.1,r, the fol.
lowingnpproved Flour Mill ".>.lnchinery.
i'utent Portal)l6 Mills alulStn;it
Johnston's Patent Iron Conc.., Bran Dus
Stover's Patent Puel Saving Corn Kilns.
Putent Barnet Iluopand Moulding
Improved I.lvidge Steps and :;wakes for Mill
The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth, Burr &
Cnliro Mill Stnnea. Corn, Colo, and Plaster
..Ynittaston , s Patent Cast 119,4 al Con-
D 7 11,..41T-1
Ea,t aid of the Ohio \ li is rill
pi Rivers.
V:urrunted to take out or the offal of evc,y
from 1 to 23 11)s, of stand:ll4
flour, which could not be bolted out on neeouut
or !he eleetrical adhosioe. to the Bran.
xoTaq: hereby warn all pa,. against
ittr , i ,, , , tittg my righta, 1.. item
•ftut as a hove, as 1. witl prosotuto
sellin,r, or using nay Bran Dust,rA
widt an Iron or ('sit Metal Conoave in vit,
lation of the Letter, Patcnt of ,loseph John
datoti April 21th, 1854.
I'IIU11:1S It, WOODWARD, Proprietor.
N. 13.—State and County Pateot Hight, too
all the above Maelkines for Sale.
JouN SAmum, Ih,ON
(k @TT [is DI ID 7/
Attorneys at Law,
ly urt tti.ied by'in
I, A T.l AC
( 1 . /Emil, y• all (it
J,O Fa• mile at the
Ct;:n Rion 11 and
( . 111111 , 1,111i
W Z.:,
Cuultnit ft:flit:4, Bond to bit:lnlay Constal.ll!„
L t d I'. ) \ ' :11 %. ' 8
11 ::'::s Y., To iffnj : t l ' ,llk - .1 ;) -
i i.,
L Kl.ld i ' I !l i:l l. l...i. , Li T r l i iit 1 , 1 1.j i :i
/ 1 1) 11 A 1 1 1 1 1:All i ( 1 1 .
I F ,
;;,.., 0
. .o. 622 Chedbuit Nrect, Phut/dap/tiff.,
t., suid the trade, the
,nt uf Parer I.langing,, P,,,rdors,
Iry `i'
~t a>'on
„. .
in the Unitc(l
n.itentiun of tin, trade
v.sry article on pniiet ul
61.11 JYP:ll,,ir
;~ ~~
-~ ~ -,
V V llecd th
eh yap store of U\\'l\.
A 0 excell,it. 010 , 1 . 0; ,110 00'0. TI:
07 0 01 ...LIM, ' :No. I (..1111 1.1141 I.ovor
riot Chas. DeGrath's
This teem discovery is now creating nicer al
acnnation among the Medical l'aeultimi of Em.
rope and this country. It will cure the fultow•
ing (not everytliM,): Warranted In
Core Fever and Ague in one day. Cureehilla
in live tau m tn, Cure Croup in one night.—
Core Deafness in two to four days. Care burns
and Scalds in ten !ninnies. Cure Sprains,
Wounds and Bruises in from one to there days.
Core Inhumation in one day. Core Neural.
gin, Croup, Tooth Ache, Burns, in 10 minutes.
Cure Ifemorrhaue, :;rroful,, Abscess, in ten
days. Core Praises, Wounds, Tester, in one to
three, days. Cure Ear Aerie, slur Neck, Acme
in nne day. Cure Felons, Broken lirea,t,l'ialt
Rheum, in three to six days. urn
Palpitatio, Pleurisy, in,n, to ten days. Cure
Asthum., flout, Er,ipelas, in live to 20
days. Cure Fecund Feet, Chiblains, Chronic
Rheumati , n, Still' Joints, Seen Throat, Scarlet
Fever, au th, lame made to walk, by a few
bottles. 'chin Oil (lie (lrath's) in mild and
p!eagant, and is a vincat family Medicine. fur
LadieA sh ~thl all tme
it. It alway h seen •you better than it finds
colt, and one W . I. cures entirely.
.I . o7retcd ourlee, I%_nn and Cured in One
jiIIILOS Temple.
lie : I have niiiieteil Col
thirteen year, Neu,ilgia nlltl ..tlier
c.:tepLiii.Li, mid Ilmve been tinalile
soundly or wnlk atly di.onttei, malty year,
I,:ist wee], I got a Lott!, of yonr
trio Oil;"11, lint night I i.;lept boitmily nil
well, and tii day 1 um 1ii10,5 ntnn.
wit.: Lolieve her op,. - Your I;i,,
trio Lli! ha, (Lin • in 11110 ,V 11,01,.. iv bat ill, PllySi•
6.. ca. rho,..!.iphia to do in thirnen
year, youn-i,
! , oath street.
111 . ..11 , N6•;S
1 1.411, iSi•;„
Do Grath: 2,1 y I,• 1,3 been deal
three year,. :Irv, :Ninny- thing,, he th..•
c,l your Oil aft,it cured vu.
tiroly. (:1.1.1:01;1)
nr” up oh
th, thn: ariir Ic !,.t.:
The 1111,lic They arc
Fir val • IZesol,
EVI,II 1•::::01VN TO MAN!
T 4 Q - E)
ESTR:I7I7, -
8LC01 , ,-.SEARCILEit.
~i f lz• I,INI it , L.:, ',nay flint
ylwill (~„.,• al di front iiiipuro
i.; tiii: of till
I will wiiriatit it tii ,tire :al the withiii•tiameil
1:',1.' i,.\
, /,'tthior, i!ithe
B.ily, and all
Tare. ,
t! 1,111 , !(•1.t. 1. 7 1c,rg uC
; cwis,,l from
will erntlieato 111,1,111 . ,
th, PEO V El)
01 ,, ,,1CH on mercury,
tile 10(10.1 will be swevt
the blocd
nu make it; ttlid
I i l'
Awl it
ina,y 3
I l.w•111
SALE BY Iltinlielrdeli--
•Ti.s. I'. 11.• at.,,
gilas reciswell Mar,orliill. 11'n Davis. Shaversville. .nt
Iron Co.Cterio
St.r.viat, West
al. W. : , 11,11, B.
Irirt. Elias
::v . vs fort.
1. 1). 1100.ri,CC.-. Co. \VIII. 1,
Ili:, 1).11. :1 5.., Co.
Cu. lint. .1.‘,11 Short
& Co. I!. C.
1,. Cl. , d: &
C•o. C. 11.
I;. P.
( , :`f.l). I. j; j
tHul Cali e ill 1 ,. .11. sCall
for salo r!,, ,
. :LH iiillnirmatGry •.::ISC'S
I'll,. Get a 1,, 11,1 try it,
'2O CENT. SAVED! ! !
cl IT;TENT .1 nom
ltt least 20 per eeat. is saved I.y par.dtasin,
ell red PAINTS at the regular
J ra ;11 s Na 40 W .
1,/ ntinue. this public advantage the sub
seri;,,r has just returned front thr Eurt, with n
routpkto stuck a
IlAt,nw.v.:, • MECIIANICS"Ioots,
Hof LOW-WAltn,
COACH T 1,1311NG,,
(It s,
\Welt he lint; carefully selected, and ',Ought
at reduced prices, from the hest houses in the
railed States. Thai he is enabled to sell whole
sale and retail extremely leer. Country deal
ers, Builders, Meelmuirs, and the people t,ener
ally are resperthilly invited .to call.
All orders receive prompt attention.
. .
N.B.—Persons in;lehte:l to the late firm of
.James A. liroe n & Co., are requested to mAke
immediate payment to JAS. A. BROWN,
lonn POCEE7 KNIVES, some of the
V V best in int, *orld, for solo by
MOW LINES and BOAT ROPES, toi sale
1 at tho Hai dw;:ru store of
T 11 DItESSGOODS, or rich style
(41LK BONNET:; of overy variety and 0 . 1,1
1.3 aerifig very cheuP bY
FtsitEn & MOT eirrnm.
BOOKS! (414, BOOKS!!
40 000 VOLUMES of now and popular last stages, Inhalation nffOlAs o , ara. rdinnr Y' '''.,-
. 1 Books, embracing every variety lief to the suffering attending this foorfulsoourg` -
usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and Which annually destroys ninety sure thousand
many of them at half the Publisher's retail price, ' persons in the United States alone ; ni.`d a ear
the subscriber nor.' offers to the pablic. I rein ca'culation shows that of the present
All school book, used in the county eon be lation of the earth, eighty millions are dash:led
had in Any quantiues at retail end wholesale to till the Consumptive's graves.
rates. Foolscap, letter and Wrapping Paper, Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fa
wholerle or by the ream. tal on Consumption. In all ages it has been the
Inv superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold ; great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor
Cases, front SI upwards. i sex, but sweeps'oll alike the heave, the heauti
-100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' and : ful, the graceful mu: the gifted. By the help 0
others' best manufacture. . that Supremo Beim , from whom e,tmeth every
160 ,popdid port Munnaiesund Pocket hooka
at 20 eta. land upwards.
3,00,0 PW.A7ES WA LL PAPT.II, of
the latest and prettiest stylel, just received from
Philadelphia and New York, prices from 10 els.
wpiece nod upwards..
500 beautiful!) painted and gold gilled Win
dow Shades at 44 as. and upwards.
The public 1 are but to call awl examine, to
he convinced that in buying of the• above stock
they 1,11 be pleased and elan save money. Rc
tnentl the place, earner of Montgomery nod
11,,iiroad streets W5l. COLON.
1 WANUTS.-5000 Bushels Wilmington Pea
tailss in store and for sal: by
52 or 191 North ad street, Phil:,
ONFECTIONAIIY.—PIain and line Con.
fectionary nianu:actored aril for sale ity
323 or 191 North 3,1 street, Phila.
)11ANGES AND J,11:110NS.-500 bc-x, Or
j"rouges ,rll Lemons in stare all,' for rale by
WAI. N. Slll.loAli I),
322 ere 191 North 3.1 street,
I) AISINS.-1,(100 Rnxee Thmeb nml Lope
Unisiti3 illtore nrol for sole in.
WM. ti. CHU GAM),
r. 23 or IUI Norib
eurritirt3, 1,, ST(11 , sa l e
V. .. SIFUGA.bII),
:.13 .1:1 :!(1 ,trcLt,
i anti Fi11,120, i i r sale by
- •th 311 st.,
Sept. 9,
. IJ 11 'lt,
et) G -4 " •
rill . ' ttoder,i,»,tl owners of the linntingdt,
' D. ini . ornl larnier3 soul the pohliegeneral•
Ir. th,t 11,y Lave their now toil! in rtinnin,
order, with all the numb,. improvements in th,
and ntaehin,r,
'Hwy. have put in live a file Improved Jon•
rill Turbine Water 'Wheels, and can grind in
sta,es of the wat,r, anu durln2; the coldest
went!, r. any and all
They ere pre•l•nred :o and Irlve nit hand
fm• sale nt all inarl,, rat,. , . all kind of
and tarn,ri can 1,:v„ their own ..;rain ground,
and take it in it. r;durn load, ic th,y can
b.! d iu eN,:hao;:e at a monvoirg noti,
an oqull quontity of llour and Bean or chop
I/1 all improvr,l Inannra(mr., aa.l Cao... will
in.inre 1,1, 1 . OCT fd quaii
ty (I, every 1).11,1 or tiothe left at tlwir
11.--The atone, arse not twit,
11M,ii,:rdom December 10, IP,
r 13 ,1 \ST lAGAri
L. 1 4 1 rl 9
, It 7;
1F099119 1 r5 . •
'1',11U ,. . THIS :kIT.:
17 !hot, of inlortnin, their iriviolg eel the lee
lie eel:or:illy, havo relittilt the Mint
owl are 11(1 . .l . in 31
- .
rto .
prrpttre.l to furnish I,l`tlng of
oil i i lt, of the ?plan ty nn the t,rtest
t itt tlthi 11100 t reasotht 1. le terms.
I , ,tritivri ::ye, invited to ecll and exionino nttr
We ILI, incuntlieturing the Hinder
piotetit took tl.c pr.e.innt tit C.,
ttintinction (tt.unty :It.tviettltttni in Itt:ts)
ISO Ilunter'd evlettrattel Cutter Ploue'.l, which
.th't lit Dent, lottellter with the Keystone. 11111-
ide. NVe hove on bond
tiro inatittineturing stove,. such as Gook,
' O Ol, tied Olive stoves for coal er
twill br %old r!,rop for calk or in ex•
„ mu t, pr,,lnev. Old metal takri:
1,1 deF 1 1,, PU to Eureiv ,,
A ~re
••••• •
11 , ihiorinA tie eiti,ens of
Iftudingdcn the ptddie gen.
tlod I;•! lins opened C.iorery St., on
stro,t, .1), few do,r, west of
011d,0,..t reddence, whore he v,UI et nil
times In. pe, , p,i,d FIIII , IF el,itOmf,s
KIVP:i (4' GROCELVE: , ',
C•1111,1:11 TILVS TIIE
Sall-abuse is another formidable enemy to
health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of
Inman diseases °noses so thistructiye a drain
upon tot ,ystem, drawing; its thonsands al vie:
thus through a few years of suffering down to 00
untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys
tem, rapidly wastes away the energies oflife,
causes mental derangement, preventi the proper
development of the system, disqualifies for roar
slave, society, business, find all earthly happi
ness, and leaves the sulllirer wrecked in body
and mind, preilispontl to constimpthm and a
train of CVIIS more to be dreaded than death it
self. With the fullest confidence I assure the
or,fortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy
and permanent cure eau be effected, and with
rho abandonment of ruinous practices my pa-'
I limits can be restored to robust, vigorous health.
BONNETS in groat varlety nail cheap 'file afflicted are cautioned against the use of
1J ut D. P. OW IN'S. Patent 3letlicines, for there are so many ingeni
ous snares in the columns of the public whits
[ i ; a;,..2aliri) , - 13 La _ to catch and rob the unwary su ff erers that mil
'. lions have their constitutions ruined by the vile
ATTORNE'Y AT LAN; compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi
sonous nostrums vended as "Patent Aledicines."
Willattend to all business entrusted to:him. Of- have carefully analyzed many of the so-called
tier' nearly opposite the Court Musa
May 5. '5:l Patent Alt:divines and find, that nearly all of
them contain Corrqsfve Sublimate, which is ono
of the strongest preparations of mercury anal n.
aiDEPtifilr2ilJ deadly poison, which instead of caring the dis
ease disables the system for life.
CONSUI/IPTIOIi Three-room's or the patent medicines now in
And all Diseases of lie Lungs and Tliroal, s ":,„ ° .::"„ 1 , 1 1 ) : 0 1 `:, 1 :„ 1 ",; . t t ::: l e .i T; i „", i 1 V o "',! e d n i TT A T p 1 2:1 r e i
'olio POSITIVELY o frunterin medico, and are equally as destititto
CUILIBLE BY INIIALATION. of any knowledge of the human system, having
i Which conveys the remedies to the cavities in only one object in view, and that to make mon
, the lungs through the air passages, and coming ey regardless of consequences.
in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes Irregularities and all tifseases of males and
' the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes females treated ou principles established by
a free and easy expectoraiion, heals the lungs, twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by
purities thelilood, imparts renewed vitality to rho 'thousands of the most remarkable cures.
nervous system, giving that tone and energy so eines with full dins:dons sent to any part of the,
indispensable for rho restoration of health. To United States and Canadas, by patients manta
,be able to state confidently.that Constunption is skating limit symptoms by letter. Business
eatable by inhalation. is to me a source of until- correspondence strictly confidential. # Address
toyed pleasure. It is as much under the min- J SUDIAIId li V I.]. L DI. D.,
trot of medical treatment as any other fin mid- I Of.vice, No. 1131 FILBENT ST., (Old N 0.105.)
able disease ; nimity out of every hundred Cu- Below Twelfth, •
ties can be cured in the lira stages,
and fifty per
cont. in the seconfl ; but in the thir d
,slagct is A ug.5,',',7.• Iy.
nl u hole,hle neat Sugar,,
Chee,o, Confcctionnri,
llroonm, Itacloot4, Sesmr,
co, &c., &c.; very article a6ually loop
inn (;roceey Stork..
As I tun iletertnit,ed to sell elle:Ter
ehearest, I want everybody to enllttnd exantie
me steel: and price, DA V II) Cili.OVE.
llentingdon, July 29, '57.4y.
1 , 1- Linen Shirt Breasts, Ready-made Shirt,
whit%) and fancy shirts, and collars . , very chew)
ut D. P. CWIN'S.
- -
good and retract gift, I am enal) to O'er to
the afflicted a permanent and speedy core
. .
Consumption. The first, cause of tubereh, i
from impure blood, end the immediate effect pro
duced by their deposition in the lungs is to pro
! vent the free admission of air huts the air
which causes a weakened vitality through the
entire systole. Then surely it is more rational
to expect greater good train medicines entering
the cavities of the lungs than these administered
through the stomach ; the patient will 'Away: ,
lied the lungs free and the breathing easy, after
labeling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local
remedy, nevertheless it vets constitutionally and
! with more power and certainty than remedies
administered by the stomach. re prove the pow
,' refill and direct Witte nee c.l this mode ofadmin
istration, chloroform inhaled will entirely de
stroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing
the entire nervous systole, so that a limb mar be'
amputated without the slightest pain; Minding
the ordinary burning gees will destroy lift: in a
few 110111,
I The inhalation of ameiGnia will rouse the sys
tem when fainting or apparently dead. The a
dor of many of the medicines is perceptible in
the skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and
may be immediately detected to the Lined. A
, convincing proof of the cotrlitutional effects of
iehnlation, is the Met that sickness is elways pro.
duced by breathing foul air—is not this positive
evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepar
'etl and judiciously administered thro' the lungs
:Amid produce the happiest results ? During,
I eighteen years' practice, many thousands surfer
fug from diseases of the lungs and throat, have
hers under lay care, and I have ellected many
remarkable Caere, even alter the sufferers had
been pronounced in the last stages, which hilly
srithties ine that consumption is no longer a fa
tal discuss. illy treamient of consumption is
original, and founded on long experience and ci
th'rounit inreFtigatirm. She perfeet acquaintance
with the nature of tub,reles, enables me to
di alng.uPdt, readily, the various terms of dkea,e
I that ,initilate censtouption, and apply the proper •
rummies, rarelv !ming mistaken oven in a single
rate.. This fa,iilierity, in connection with ree
-1 Min pathological and microscopic di%coveries en
hides me to relieve the lunge from the effects of
contracted eltesta, to enlarga the chest, purify
the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving I
energy and hem to the entire system.
:11edicines with full directions:quit to any part
of the United l'. , tates :out Canning by patients
communicating :heir symptoms by letter. But
flee cure would he mere certain if the patient
should pay me at visit, which steed give me on
opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me t
to prescribe with much greater certainty, end j
then the Mire could he ellected without my see
ing the patient again.
G.W.(7RAIIAM,M. 1) ~
OFFICE, 1131 FII.I.ItT . STI:LET, (OM N 0.109,)
llelow Twelfth,
August 5, '857.-Iy.
Of all disease ; the greet, fir,t cause
Sixings front neglect of Nature's laws,
PiTiFFEr. ft:49111
When cure gintrantecil in till stagc3
::Es-nET msEAsEs.
l 4 a.ll.Altnse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, (beets
(;ravel, I:ialtetes, Diseases of the lii,lncr anal
Ill:Maier, IllienartatiPm,
Pains in the liners and Ankles, I)igenFea of the
'l'llroat, Nose not Eycs, Blears open
the Body er Limbs, Cnneer,, I)ropsy,
tie Pita, St. Vitzt . ii lanTlVe, anal all diseases
derangement of the . lieximl Organs. ,
;:pelt at Nervous Trenalding, Loss of Men,.
ry, I,e, or l',wer, Clenerti \Vcaltness, Efinancs.,
of with peculiar ,Pirt.l appearing before i
the Q`3 I.• a of Sight, \Vakrittlness, DyYpen
sia. • ~hease, upon the Fare,
au the hack anal I:ead, Female irregalui•
les, teal all improper t!;:cl• bath sexe,
It matters rot from wh: t rattan the
noted, however long standing or Phstinnte Et,
rent, rier,etrg is certain, awl iu n short, tinicl
than n vermancnt cure can be ellected by any
ether tremment, even after flag disease fans hal.
lot the :hill of eminent phy:iciana and reskted
all their Incons of mire. Vita media:hug are
plen,tut without odor, causing. no 'sickness and
free froth mercnry During twenty
yen,: r,t . pratniee, I hare renctied frees Ilan jaws
of I feath ninny thou.:ids, who, in the Int t sta
ges of the übnrc tnentlaanetl dinCittitin had been
Buren tip by their idaysiehms to alio, whieh war
rants one in moaning to the afflicted, who may
pl.teu themselves under my earn, n perfect and
sy.edy cure. Secret ekeases are the
greatest enemies to health. as they are the tir..t
can:, of Camsumption s Scrofula anal many oth
er disco:es, mid should lie a terror to the hat
toot faintly. Asa permanent cure in scarcely
evcr effected, at majority of the ca:cs tailing in
to the hanals of incompetent per,ens, who not
only Mil to cure the ili,eascs but ruin the con
tilling the system with mercury, which
with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a ra
pid Consumption.
lint should the albs...ace anal tit, treathicut not
cause death speeilil v anal the Victim marries, the
di:eaSe in entailed upon the children, who ire
I,,yn with feeble constitutions, anal the current
alf lit . , teal by n vitas :vide!' betrays itself
in Serof,,ln. 'letter, Ulcers, Eruptions. anal oth
er Mfeetions of the skin. Eyes, Throat lied
Lungs, entailiOg open then: a brief exi,tenee of
' ,tr u i ng a n d consigning th van to an ern ly
r )
4 - $ -
e 4
< ! ~.;$ 3 ,
q 4 `0
<3; 9 VII:01 133 Z ; - . 3. '4. ,
....1; O°I,EcT HAM ' -
.0 0 WARRAN • .i) .t.
.141 0 Ao kinds of !,
41 g BLANKS ::
4 . 1 ° ' i , p
o,,oNsTA vt,y 0, ILO r.• 0 „,
''' °Cooo,Co.oopc,.. 4,0
sIAC;F:S-Rfr . eg r . SaPR' .147
: ~,; f , . 41 . . ...i ii' -. 0 . V .1 4 . V " ki' C .' •
Tam:. Gam; li.ts•r.
Mail T. I Ex. T. I Fast T.
Tmin leaves P. M. A. M. P. M.
Petorsburg, 1.00 4.02 8.05
Huntingdon, 1.22 417 8.20
Mill Crook, 1.23 4.27 8.33
Mt. Union, 1.47 4.41 8.47
'J. '‘tss Come West.
'4'rain loaves P M. A. 71 P. bI
Mt. Union, 32 • 6.45 8.20
Mill Creel; 48 6.58 8:33
Huntingdon, .03 • 7.11 8.45
Petersburg, 5, z 0
.7.23 8.58
K, NEFF, Ph D.,
LTAVI NG located himself in WARRIORMARK
.1 t in this county, would respectfully offer his
professional setwices to the citizens of has place
nod Ito country atumtent.
.T. 13. I'm,len, M. I). Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Win. P. °chicon, Esq.
J. 11. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinn,
M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq.
liun.ijcorbc Taylor.
&Ica M Genunill, M. 1)., Atexandi
.101111 M'Culloch, " Petersburg
'don, Pu,
Wri.soN. R. Bacon PETRIKIL
,11701LNEYS .47' LSIV,
Pi...tiro in the several Courts of nnntingdon,
u k i r , caruhrin, Centre, Mitllin and JuniateCoun.
March Nips.
A RE iffi4mbio in removing stoppages or irreg.
n ul.trite, of the menses.
These fills are nothing now, but have been:
used by the doctors for many years, both in,
Fra, 111111 inericn, with un parallelled eueeeten
and he is urgud by many thousand ladies, who:
have rased them, In cake the Pills public, for
the alleviation of those suffering front any are
gularitiva of ts hater, nature, as well auto pre
vtolt crew:alley to those ladies whose health
,d 1 nut permit an increase of family.
Pregtotnt females or those supposing them•
,olvt, so, ore cautioned against these Pills
w! , 1 1 '• lao taut, as the proprietor assumes no.
rr,•podhility after the above admonition, al..
h their mildness ovould prevent any mit,
thi.•: to health! etherwide these Pills are recom,
d. explicit directions aerate
Ivory cock hoe. Prier, $1 per box.
bold whole:ado and retail by
.1011 N BEAD, General Agent
rot Huntingdon Co., Pa.
I have appointed Dr. John Bead Sole agent
for the sale of my French Periodical Golden
thr the borough and county of Hunting.
dun. II orders must be addressed to him
Ili, will supply dealers at the proprietor's pH
ce,t, and send the Pills to ladies (volyidentially -
by return m:dd to any part of the United States,
on receipt of $l, enclosed to him through the
lluntir. don post.ollice. For 'further purlieu.
tars get a circular of rho Agents—sold by drug
gl,d,4 everywhere.
:.\l3 , signature is written on each box.
Broadway P. 0., New York.
White Lead, (pure) $2 50 per keg.
" " (extra) 275 " "
Philadelphia Zinn Paint, 2 40 "
Hest Snow White, 2 68 "
&c., and all kinds of IlAnowmal and
building materials in proportion at the "Hard
want Store" of J. A. DROWN & CO,
Huntingdon, Apr.8;58.-tt,
heapest "Job Printing , ' Office'
qt;F:O7,.. C:OIiNVT.
ire hare now made such arrangements in OUP
Job Vice as will enable on to do all kinds of
Job Printing at 20 per cent,
cheaper rates
Than any Office in the County,
Give us a call. II re don't give entire satiate°.
thin, no charge at all will be made.
rl , l hl largest and cheapest stock of fancy Silk
And colored Straw Bonnets in town,.is at
A LL -WOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, List and
Rag Carpet. Also, Cocoa, Jute and Alii
cott Mats, can be had cheap at tho store ci
T HE greatest variety of the richest styles
Dress Goods and Trimmings can always
found at the fashionable store of
THE latest and newest styles Ladies' Collars,
C LOAKS, Talmo, Rigolettes, Victoria.. and
Head Dresses, arc sold at prices which defy
competition by Fission &Tsui.
litrgeet stock! over brought to town are sell
ing very cheap at Flamm As Mclllnarais.
BL A NKETS, Plaids, Flannels, Linsoys, at al
priCCB, ut the mammoth store of
MOURNING COLLARS, of tho handsom
est styler,just received by
zNIif2 PW :
April 1, 1857,-1 y.