Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 28, 1858, Image 2

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    1#) , lomat.
m 1 4.•1110011 (- On the county ; a ticket that will be ac- I For the Journal.
' ceptable to every conscientious voter, and ! Mt. Editor—We would recimonend t o
i ... .)
. that will be triumphantly elected over tiny thii voters .of this county, GEonnE W.
,----,,,t.... ~,, ,L, , f c - t r ticket the free.iracle, slave•srel. slave-la'air CoaNziaus, of rromwvll town,hip, Its it
. -'. ("';•\.• P,... '''v', ; ' . .!,: • ; party can bring into the fiel I; If ..stet. suitable person to be iniminited for County
--1 . --.,„ ~ ''' ' ;'''" .: : 4r l'....., o- nil vigilance is the price of liberty•'. -if Commi,sioner at the People's Convention,
i I,, A Ts' ' ...: -' 7 ; . .- 1 • this sotitimitnt, long since received as an to meet on the 10th of August next.
-'' ' NkCY-Xy.-R.1.V0 4 , •./ • axiom, was true in t'ines gone by, it is A Nr() I'ER.
s er 'tkkc*,-Wri:iii...-*. '1 more emphatically true now, when th rti- Cromwell tp.. July 27, 1858.
'''' k \"„i'L ling party of the notion is wielding the ; ~,
RAILROAD ACCIDE ' N';-- 01).! tiny last.
------=' mighty power of thin government, its
P" ; week. W Him Wilion,, a linikesinan on
tronage and its treasure, to crush the inter
' the. Ilurningilon nnil Broad Top litaitroid,
7- , ens of freo whin, labor, and extend negro
Wednesday Morning
.July 28, 1882 h on d ege.--w h en bre a d is t ake n ou t o f the w hile Idle coophog a train of cars at the 11 un•
; linguini depot, is as so unfortunate as to
The Circulation of the Hun- m o uth. of American mechanics and latn.• ,
have his hand caught tiv the [minuet., and
tingdon Journal, is great- rersto ends!' European capttalisis and feed
er than the Globe and Am- European paupers - when the whole potv• , badly crushed. perhaps amputation may
erican combined. be required.
or and policy of the government .r , cane- ~...„,,,..,.........„.,,.
ted to promote the interests of three hun
dred thinsand cotton and sugar planters BOOK TABLE .
Editor and Proprietor,
The Huutinl dun JOURNAL tbr one year, and
either of the Magazines for the same period
will be sent to the address of any subscriber
to be paid in advance as follows :
The Journal and Godcy's Lady's Book, for
one year, $3 50
The Journal and Graham's Magazine, (or
one year,
The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and
littnant's Monthly, fur ono year, $3 5U
The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family
Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, for one year
The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine,
tor one year, $2 75
2he barna:: and Peterson's Magazine, ior
oun year, $2 75
The Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for 0,,,.
year, $3 3.
Du. C. W. MOORE,
Register's Notices.
Cheap Goods.
Consumption Cured.
Warm Springs.
Bank Notice.
Dentist.—Dr. R A. Miller.
Oil Paintir gs to be given away.
Novel and Extra ordinary.
rir liestorati ye-
The Gulden Prize.
Hair Restorative.
A Prize for Everybody.
Foundry.—R C. McGill.
Cloth-Cleaning —Zachuritsh Johnson.
Portable Fence—H. Cern, robot.
Drugs.—McManigei &
Wigs & Toupees.—Geo. Thurgau nil
Sewing Machine —Grover & B,,kt r.
Cook Stove.—Call at this Office.
Liver invigorator.
To Merchants and Farmers.
Saving Fund. •
Stage Line.
Dr. Hardman.—To Invalids,
Dr. John McCulloch.
Casey'lle Seminary.
Burr Mill Stones,
11. Hointin.—Clothrng.
Dry Goods.—Fisher & McMonne.
Nicholas' Bank Note Reporter.
Hardware.—J. A. Crowe.
Deutiet.—Dr. J. R. lloyett.
Attorneys.—Scott & Brown.
Puper & Bro's.
Letter Coppier for sale.
Electric Oil.
Lindsey's Blood Searcher.
Dry Goode —D. P. °win.
Antiphlogistic Salt.
Huntingdon Mill.
Foundry,—Cunningham & Bro.
1 try Goods &c•—David Grove.
Attorney.—T. P. Caniphe,l.
Consumption.—G. W. Graham.
Suffer uot.—l. Summerville.
Railroad lime.
Dr. K. K. Nell.
Attorneys. - Wilson & Pettit:in.
Duponco*s Golden Pills.
But little more than a week hence the
important duly will devolve on the free
men of this county, of choosing Delegutes
to the County Convention. Are they pre
pared to discharge that duty ; or will they
permit a few selfish office-seekers to rally
their retainers, puck a convention, and a . -
grin distract the honest voters of the coon
ty by presenting objectionable candidates
for their euflrages ? To secure no honest
and capable convention and acceptable
candidates for county and district officers,
nothing is necessary but a goo t tarn out
at the delegate election next Saturday
week. Will the farmers and other sub•
mantis' citizens spare an hour or two on
that day sod exert their influence to send
up honest men to the convention ; or will
they grudge the lime end commit the , ----- •
whole mutter to effete demagogues , bar. I A CAMP fdEErING.
room loafers and pot-house poli•icians ?-- I There will be u held on
We truet the remembrance of part disas-
Iluntingdon Cir uit,
ters, resulting from indifference in this b e . seven it lee west of au the
belt, will arouse the "bone and sin e w° o f ground owned by Mr. Bethiel, culled
the county on the ith proximo, and that "Pleovitot Grove," by Ili , Methodist E.
we shall have such a CarrOntion as will Church. to commence on Friday, Auguet
redeem the misdoings of the last, each a 20th. Ministers sad people of the edjoie
convention us will consolidate the opposi• tug circuit, and stat ens urn cordially mei.
lion to Locefecoletn ; that will nominate a ted to attend. A. BARNLTZ..
ticket, reflecting credit on themselves; and I Huntingdon, July 28, 1858,
and slave breeders—when the expanses of "
-come Gazalc.• I. L+ the tole of a
government are increased fumy o r fifty mil. u ptULIV little monthly timing of thirty tw,
lions a year, and office-holders are amass
moutons, devoted to Ittratur.., Sc.. &c.
ing princely fortunes while the farmer, the
Issued by J. NV. Bradley, ' fib North b'ourtii
mechanic, the miner are crushed to the phihdri.iipu, 25
cr . ,
earth by the free trade and slave later po for
copy. '
icy of the ruling party-,when 411 these.:
_ .
ueidrncesof corruption, if wrong and ruin The 1111a,die.-• Thin Fyn] ir monthly
are seen and felt-• surely that voice of fir August hue come to us laden with it,
warning will be heeded by a suffering i:ttpictive variely of the most popular liter
ple. Let “vigilance," then, he nur MOtto, ature Srnd $1 to I?iiilips, I,uapnou &
in the coming camp. ign. Let us reinem: Co., 13 Winter at.. Biaton, ur se.e our doh
her that vigilance. to be nettling iuu.t bo. list.
gin with the primary election, There
arc corrupt men in all parties. There ore Rome •Ih.. Ladie,'
corrupt hangers-on in any party thrt pro. Nlagazinelor Attu :is'. is t.n.wr table. As
n 11141017.i1it . , this trill coin, t.c.• titytott
tnises success to unworthy aspirants. There
bly with ony other e pi:, to ed
are such in the People's party of
dun county. The vi,ilnnce of intelligent bead Li to T. S. Arthur & Co.,
votersiiiu,t protect she 'only from wl
is intrigues of these men ; and the time
and the phi& to make vi,lance effective
$3 50
against their schemes -we repeat it -is
rhrddegale,lction. If this he neglec
ted the t eriest demngngue may secure »
nominotion over honest men. We need
not portray The consetit c..s. Instances
must be painlutly fresh• in the rr mein.
hrance of those whom We address. Shall
these instances be multiplied' Shull these
painful reminiscences lie eerpeto lied ?
Friends of social virtue and integrity a-
mong men, friends of American intere.ts
and freemen's rights, we hope not. We
hope you will feel your responsibility, in
this !Hotter, go to the delegate election,
vote for honest deleptes, such as will 'eel
their respomibility and form a ticket that
honest omen can 'option ar this and you
i not DM; strike a deathblow to Locitfoco I
fall in the Sone and nation ; but you will
drive from our racks some of the worn
nut party bucks that have for years Siting
tte mil I•strws about our necks arta have
alrea,ty well nigh borne us down arid
ropde us an easy prey to our ever vigi t oot
and unscrupulous ene my. Go to the
polls, then, on Saturday the 7th, and t,,ho
your neighbor with you Discharge your
duty so that day and all will 1,0 wt II in
old Huntingdon " The reproach f our
party will be removed, our political skies
will he bright, and victory, most as:4l,llly.
will perch on out port fiod banner.
. The Dtquocratic Con eention which ow t
nt Ebensburg a short time since, indorses
the inlantous Kansas policy of the Adwin
Thar results:inns as publislwd in the
Ebensburg Democrat, read thus :
Resolved, That while we have undimi
nished confidence in the patrio•isin. abili
ty .d thorough Democracy of J7111)03
chaaan. nit his public acts 'neet our
approbation, nod demonstrate
that in urging his claims for the Presiden
ci, Pensollvittna prop••r estimate
upon the merits of the min.
Resolved. That 4 1 . while wo feel prou I
of the past political history of our patriet•
ic Chief Magistrate, we rejoice to set. in
his official conduct in rebid., to our int,
nal Jitt and external dangers: ample
proof that in hi ii the Deflii,Criic f the
Nation have selected a oil it tvlin a•t;t no te
ly guide the ship of 8ou.• tit o ig4 the pe
rils of the times into the haven sl safely.
The comments of the Democrat nee en
follow. They are exultant and straight
..None of our readers, we are confident
have forgotten the views expressed by .14-.
Buchanan, in his general message last Do
! camber, with regard to the admission of
I{ansus into the Union under the Lecottip.
I ton Constitution. tt e, then, regardless of
a formidable opposition arrayed 'wants! its,
I boldly and fearlessly sustained hint The
Convention endorsed our course witli
garu to the . National Atiotioistration We
feel proud, we think we have reason to
leel proud. of the unqualified endorseoomt
of our course by the bore st Democracy of
Cambria. The unti-Lecomptoottes in the
Convention did not dare to vote aphis!.
the resolutions. 'Dell wee airoi /to do
is; they knew they lucre ut the minori
lattly's Ila k Not Re, oet,....Thr, 18
diti Mk' 11 Vine Dcfrct... pub.
in l'iolu.kliitiht ut $ prr on
IVe Inv. milt lui tiwt,
11Uin, in ndVilliV
to examine it thoroughly. but fru,ti
or.sri vaner we are led to thud,: it au ux,!.
klll 11,tertor
The Acquittal of McKee.
l'ht. Jury .10.000 M Kee..
(Indicted for the murder ol Prol,l,llis
13. , hr of 133,Itiniofe, in this City, a 6.a.
weeks 'eau.. into Court a hide ft. r
ti.ii o'clock on Saturday. aft, having. In•tt
out some forty stx hours, with a verdict of
acquittul—the priontu.r Was ditch
by proelwila von . and left Court in c.t,ort.
ny with several of his r . lthy,. The
vin,t nnT of lipprotmtion
or dirapprob,ition, the vortlict wis r:Tei
crei io ,i!enee. Ihe case of, otie
a jury were likely to disagree, and iii which
,rdict of acquittal might he , •xpl.cted
from Lie rule of low Ilya it • hette•r nine
ti tune gmliy shwa.' escape than that one
itinoce,:t wan
V, ry um
ny, ouistile a Ow jury. were fro. vvidencr dint uc
cu,ed was guilty, and tluiL thu evsdvuo•
Nag iIhOUL 110 pa rung . :10 could be 1.4 in A
o.loe of iiitirilt4 commie d tinric,' llu cir
bich 'narked OW of l'itifen
sur I.34vhr : Vl'e hove nu disposition in
comment upon this case, now tliepostul ul,
further thou that the accusei , by lea
ding a better lile iii the futon., :Om,
the inercilul view token of his ease' by the
jury has resu.teil in no lisrat to the cum
inunity,—Pitisburg Dbiputch.
Fight in Kentucky.
A mu idtirtTiis affray occurri 7 d in Ander
too county List Frid.iy. Two young men
I v the Oat. of Miller. residents of tt nut.
logien county, went tii Liiwrenceburg nn l
there co me 1.0 conflict with othi r. ht the
annmof Lorcy, residents of And , ruoii.--
Tii 11 of the . burcyi were Ont dead, mid
wounded by the Millers. A third
man, whose name we did not li•oro, was
hot (lend by the .11.11eis 'rite ‘i tilers
are now in jitLut liverenctiburg. und the
jill is go:trite] by it la rge bully of toen,--
loterte excitement prevails. 11t4
fear. of nn mhtclt 111/011 the jail. but we
h-p- that the 'Hiatus will remain when•
t tire, and take due Cur, u I 1,,v
Goid cit.zeits tihuuld olio It from the et
,ponbibility of opening prit•ou,, either Ln
get the pri,nuers ut Itb river to ex• ruts
ti cm. • File low .01011111 nil,
Utile% tills Lr du.le :to
lite or property. Larry uiuu %V uLI r.
I'l,e In-come Ins own code. his na 11 judge
and Ins own jury. whica would be tin: and
of boOlt•ty nod govern..ill
Presidential Candidates.
Th.. New Volk not, that if
r. Bunion.. the wuy tlo• Dew
°era. ‘vill give their c.....1i.11te
South. Coovetoooi to ....i.....•1.1 at
nod the moot. 1.1 g.. mere it ill
be %Vise, (looter nod Virgoon,
of Luuisiuna, nod Stephens, of
Georgl. l , Alootig ilii upp..illoo toiors
ore Seworil. Banks, Chase nod .1.1,1 g • Mn•
Lein, while,
, Xlr. Crittenden has many admirers,
Rho regard him se pre-eminently titinlitint
to red. , . in the country. nod the party fr to
the cribs of sectionnh.,,'
I , Is also. the Tim s
evident LIDO. but Olit. Oppo,ooll
ontolnlatr will or run in 1860. for do. no
essity of Lit , case. to nay nothing 111 into,
motives, will I ring :iie li.opublicans and
Americans tagetlier.'
Murder of a Slave.
The Memphis Ava la riche giv,t the de
tiii•s of tho fiendish trernmeat a an. of
Mrs. Stork. in that city, mist n , ,?, his death.
It sqs
"It apm.ars that the negro man Ittmlpm,
al'odvil to cs tv to his death rum
ptiriltdirlivnt it.cidvq d ;11 the 11,1 , 1114 orit lira
di,ll ovt.r,e,r Wm. S lootarmo.ry
am , the earthier s ire• returned a verd , ct
accorthagly Tar ulls•nc cunuuitt d i.y
the drres.rl WIIS a temporary nh•once
front Mbar, Attal the punishment talatittio.
tered was it sefi , s of severe whippings iin
e•x,uupled almost in the catalogue of crn,•l
-ty. One wttaess ~.lAtefi dm the first pun•
coasisteil of five hundred sallies,
and that the dree4s,•d was tll.ll 10 t h e
SM.e eh:tract., of punishment every day
for a period ol 041.1 , 13.5.
Tuts murky %tie , nalosi the
wish of 31rs Stark. the owner of the :I , lle,
111111 8-rtoril to he Simply in accordance
will% the fiendi h tit the overseer.
When it %vas aNcertui.,Kl that the tit qr,l
would the rcoundrehy overs,,r
his escort.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Tile June report of lin, excellent int
I rovement t.hows el 00114110011 to
to. hißtiy proo l o eihnings
for tlo month. wer, $123.1U8 ; to iues2B.
:269 in advance of tl:e net earnings of June
January I.t, to
July lAI were 7.7 , 737. whi.:ll ;.,in
cn•snt,r the ',one period of last yen'', of
Tilt. Canal de•rnrim, , nt. fr.rt August 1,
1857, t heti t h 14,41..1
tit Stat. , .11...4
ly 1, ISSB, slums a 11,1 ear, 111. ol $:.9
Cc it new nrra.vemenr, the pam:i.tiv..,r
are In III!. through hi.houj chuuge.
between l'hi iuklphia and Pittsburg. thus
sicir.l! trouble to p.isivties,s, nod eiiithiti,g
lit CogitYliiv to with thesrrt•irt s
of se vend of their coothicioN.
sootttloittss of - blotto. prompt t
to tilt. tint•• table, the m•tttl•• ortoly omit, rs
rm.! uctor, !It•toltott from (lost. tool
Ilf 111111111..1 ill Ih , •
Ind .01111illa places, the 1111Ve (01/11,1 noth
ing in n l l our juurneyitigs ui surp.tsst,
very liule to etitutl. Lie I 'cu nit' len !tin iii
;old ns regards tuttlanchuty tii-a-.ter, f do
ctintsunut, bconkv. &c., tins rond remit(
knitly tree. Th,, gre4t car, bestowed ul•
sures snfetj•,
I.•nrn front the 'li y.intlut Argos
thn• the hen. hon.d if tor
condurting and etttiva,:ing the tc. mint 1,1
the Election in Kan+ns to; the 2d of An
t;o•t, have tool tt unee•iiia. n i i ta•u••d the
fontill instruct,. to lII , ' j•lliat, Mid cletli7,
of the V.lni , /fle precfnets •I•I e only rhnnre
If) the 13 , 1111*Illre fonn.•r ....
the sob-6011ton ii atris Di•trtc'. l t.oio y
in iddco of ‘Vo.r. No ellori , .s. ‘‘'too
mod, from the idoo lira ador ted TIo•
Jodz sor r tluir d to molt!. (d c..:tdy
~;:ti l 0 (Wyo . . t
I. A hs. •r
sons %vim • hull Nwtl 1•11. c. •1 , 1
'. A lint HIP;
tvlio he 6.11, '!
who 01,1111111,1 ,pm, n•fo 4, to /111.1 V, II;
Ow, v. 1,8 ; A 11-1 of Ow it mt.,
re.,111• bees of al! -hill v.... 0
h, tug 3,) 1 . 4 ,4 ,t.. 1
C:1•11.S 111 r ulgo rtliotred to no 1,. CO ri y
~t,iur to, three Collies a,
I,s--nio• to ll,' I ni4llitto.4l to illt•
.rf the • I%.rrii.,ry ilk ",'•
'oil to I
ttl it;
t milled lit Inter it, r.• i
ci he lit, 11,1 Clerk,
. .
Titv 611)..t. onle,
lii xli duos v01..r shall ho chat
day of 1.11,11011. iii. ord••r In
lie entill•d 0 V.. he 11111'1 nn.w••r tinder
wok r iollowing ytirs , itons in tin:
ollinu:rn•e . .
I 11,,, t•nn horn a resilont of tlu•
•I'rrriiory• of Ic,,usns six lost past.
nirl ore you a citiiru if the ilditud
‘re rill n re , i lent of ;hi c.oody: nr
of at Clunit tt 1111 s 1w4.11 ill t ICI.. I ill
I lok ridinty hr the lithird of I
erA for the lillq Fier:tom
3 Are von 21 years of age
And the fulltitving question. in the iteg
Mice :
4. hour you ViAril It and• [III.CIII
lo utllition to the übove goes
5. R'hor.• v, r..sCgl,
1.1, in reply ifi llle s .i.l rifieblion
persnii 1111•41ni! 111 Volt. :•11.111 • l Ile 111 , . • C
1.0,1 tfiwn.d.ip find rar which he
r.,file , cif the pl., 111 .OWO or where
he r. ri I. r. of Icfu.lll to fifisfi , r
•Ih. , .1 01.11 ,i 11.4.• re•ColVe his
In.; 1.01.911 thil' In 1111 , , COllllll., 11
fio :•firoey Ilu , Ifinfii titttl., :14e 11,•fifi so
011 , •rififf to yule shall zioe fififil
fir of reNfil.fifi, the ',Ours of
..ftli •efit it, preserve the
1111f41, of lie bfidfit lox.
',Veilin g .
n Lay tti Itturteett, 11,e,1
arc n .in knock,' it loaisu brick Iro it the
c triter Id n church. nod the brick. itl full•
itur, rlrltclt the 1)31n !lie knt ihe neck,
to the lima., but out &ilia fatal in.
jury. Another itttlivilluttl, on the twine
eVeitlisz, 14,1 t Rionida C. 11 1 ,11.• directlt• in
ut cutikctionery Mare, which w.ty flat rl
tint firewwk,itettung the tt rick ut
U. blur, gettiug up u pyrotechnic th:lll.y
-nut •proutizetl in the bilk," arid bluwiug
tilts sweetmeats in all directions.
THE W 1101, 1 ,; DUI'Y OF A BENI
0' 'R %T.-- nt n recent Suite Convention
in a delegate maned Bonny held
the kilowing ego:ill:16c language in rela
tion in thn doty of Deitincr:it. who iwpire
tognil st.oidnig and distinction in the
rank: of the party. We hope. our Diann
ri.norrs will study clirefully the
polt) ,, lei I down in thii doclarioino. an d
prop r.. tnhe wtlrthy reeinioiite
of that lit n¢uiahing title--11 go d Dean
acme.' It runs ihwe
It ii cltatticteristic of II rod Dionserni
_lint he is as perfect hi oat thence ns
iilroihite in C tmottatul. %VIM, h e . is
a private• in the• oinks he feels it to he his
dnt.t• in • nh•;y .lie beh,ls leis puirty;
when he is promoted to letelerdop he• en.
implicit oh. to • the authority
, vhi.di his helm vested in him Wit. ,
elected Buchniniin ni
t h.. united stntes we niso nt the , nine tittle
..I , cted hint Pre,i nt rf th, D , nin.rfrie
pa ; and he, together with the Cnbittet
nal , he Deouicrutic Sensitors and the •re
,• n.niives to Congress. HIT tribunals which
OP. partv itself set lit, it 1866 In flechire
;i7 , ra r nee Denv,eradc doctpincs a., Dem
A Harmsting Exploit,
letii.rcorors to its with
mai duo., but the l'o,t ()like stiiittp on. the ,
0111 of 'tr . livrlopr lw,k, liko 31t.r.
evr-burg. aid as the sante accontintnyn.g
tho Itatter is that of an old Franklin c-unty
tvt.. vri-suale that it culture
teat place:
'•A or w boat cackle off here
yesterday that cannot b. beaten in the
Pispin in NI icb,l 'r"-
of Lt. acne
w.,1 wheat Irolut , un rine to hall no
In , ur b.lorr. :tin s t. Tha,cyth, u• , •,1
any nrid.. to rt drift forokbetl by Cron,
to )le-srs. Nllllord & Co r of Ckiy , v.ll(..
county. N,,v York, Ind %v.'s \v..,1
h.1 , •.1 I.y, L. Lei iy, Ili , re2ular
c•.t. ~ ;as eleven feet %yid.• ond four nod
h.II fret drip. nod the
10-4 round fresh ii.,l vian roils virtilia it
and n h elf Get trifle ca hurl
dr,d Hild fill}'rd m iU,riy s
Urn•ue•r is thi• Mall I.MIL cut len :rcx.•s
la,l •ear trar this
'Then• is u , ,t a doubt as to the quawitv
or :lc ro: tt, IL (%1i carefully
an I he c,,hidir n u II cre mon
in .hr snow time. If it hal not been for a
-..hower of raia that fell about five o'clock.
ceffily, lo a g*.nd,
out! ..f our cities wos to
II i I slid in a fi,w hours c•xpirt , (l..
lusri r. who rally 1 to set. Ow ai,iffittl,
deSll , ll lilt' 11%VilOr to ,•xatsitive i's death. lie did so. 11;.t.1
(nnd in the xtnutnch six bolls,
I,v,uri foiir pound,
T. r. , of a ivir4l suhaauce P.S. I Ilg
of limo., rind ns 11t.:Ivy
nu 01 tilt, ‘vur, Ow ° dine
Hie Oho lid,. A Friend %t
hill of the Idiot 1) , •two, think
Hot firth tl of tile ut it :it ilie trinitern frail
tirtr,elt•itertl Jolitiqtto 'mil mitered Stilt
.1 ...lot City will) his tinny fill Ole 91ith nntl
mode in itetit'qiiort.irs it ere. IL. II:RI is
solid ti njmnintrottion invitina the Mormons
to it, ro to their heittes, which thus far
FRANKLIN COUNTY -•••••0 ‘171,111., lh " r "re fill 'lone
.1., the' ;11 , 1g 1 , 111 11111.'11 11, ufmill .Isill'
I t. I U p ror ;, , r II
iiitil.,tm. • iyz d
Le tt chviiteNt —N. .I'. Cupp,.
tloilitl..rht,r,it, the harri ..f 'lr. Jitc.,ll
_en. r l Lvtterkminy towitslop tvti 141.110: It
hglitniiiv, and .toirely coostiowil, ut
g..,10.r with on comet'', coo:liming of a
f l omitily Inc. intplimeins, &v.,
:til some five loads of whom,
of the "preselit crop -Mr. George By•
ers, of liainilton township, who, will. n
ro,ides his inotlO•r, on ‘Ved.
oe.llAy MINI, wink• in the net of stve.•l int!
a room, f, II mot til‘no. , t Intl only
On the• 1011..tring. on oved cal red art n
while eor ogeil iu lotoviou .rune 111 II field
' of Mr, Uglow, 'war Cliatober,loirir mud
wltliout hiving exibited any previous spill)
tow, dropped, kith ,Cyllle iu halal, nut
expired almost in,t-itoly.
AN A Li.tusToß was recen:ly liillrel sa
Now °Helms anti its flrnh rtinlird nud rnt•
en I.y several young men who were no. in
the secret. An noon as the weal •sun fair
ly over oho secret wit. blown; , fl short, the
Idkrnior tons let 0111 of the frying pin into
ile• fire, In ether words. the avt.,t, were
nslied hew •d lolboator mew. nod
In fore the qn , could he ioiswer , d the
Ntooc.rbs or him u dozen of 'hew locoed
r• I.ellions. This nronsi•d the bile of t e
wind, p.trly, and there are
,Wines of nt leit•t two duels consequent
thereon. leVlin ootild have thought th at
ucli d hind sc•nild have been origionti•d by
• an .111.2ntor try?"
Tim w:LD Plaenas in Marital courtly,
Obin, are lurF,il y s‘veeping the I..te Wan
ted rem fields and devnitring even• grain.
Ono wan I ist t.ixteen Beres, an Slier eigh
Jaen, number ten, antlao n. They can
Ilia be driven Runny, l'ut when fired at tb,y
only use to light again within tt few rid,
ds a..d ol theta lisee
been .1:m0 treed ttithin alewd.yh by
the citizens, but the numbers du not seem
to thutihish in the least,
gar Queen Victoria iv 40 years old,
and the Einpresi Eugenie 3d.
rigr Hien. were five hundred an•t fifty
lire, dem ha in New York hint week, be-
III) iiier , a.ue of one hundred and eleven
over the pr.•vinnn week.
M'G•n. Quitman, died at
Natelicz. Mos . nn gaturdy halt, of the
discuse contrtrt.•d ht• him, with ninny
other, nt..he But 1 Washington
a the mater of 1857.
ear An inlikeeptr observed n position
UII I V tine spur, and inquirred the rea•
son, • Why, what would he the use of
another said the postilion, if one aid,• of
the horse goes, the other side can't lag be.
war Fr,inklin Clf!trty—We notice in
the Chainhershurg papers a letter from
(Jul A. K, Clare. declining the Con
gre,si nal nomination The Repository
intimates that he will be a candidate for
readectnin to the Legislature.
Cer A young Lady in Lancaster,
bourn; font,' in love. has twice token laud,
;min to herself because her snittiments
are reciprocated. Fairish .girl! She
nuuld, to pick her flint and try a short cu
Ind again, Who bus nut beTil d!sappOhl
Ca r ' A fishing party nt Chorlestnn S
C. knird thrve sh.uks , un Thuniday huh
(I.IM of which rr•a., at inansler. favaiiriag
ricer thiro , n f..•et in Ipagth, and tamer
lima a horse In girth. The party ripped
him; op. n and found a sailor's pso
inol nth, r in his mow.
vll, (tower you told 113 yrotr
%%laid, was a go o d place for huutin,
Now. we've intinpod through it rof
Worm, owl ' , Mild no game.' 'Just so: wi.ll
I ea Iculaii.d. as a general thing., the less
*ilt! Litt , is. the m w , hunting you hove
11:_r A wittio,. d to the sttind
gil'. ir.ti.nony. II a ving his
plow., hi. turned to Ow couns.•l at iii. bar,
awl t,,,tifyi,.e• very ;wide
ii. ingnPr~, ;Say, strung,r, which old., nun
fr2r" The Chicago Dentarrot. Redub,
lictirs plum Dotiwerilic witecedews,
, gt•M in on extended on dhle nrticle, the
rt....n00n tit or Colonel Fr..111'.111 .S the
C1,141.1:111' t f the Oppn.ition il, ISOII.
rter A Spirituel Funeral tut, 111 , 14 ni
Lowell lately over the retunins of 1 11.
Smith 111i,s Venom Houston prayed and
the dead throtteh le r.
wlie and iinuily of the ch•ce . B9oe, instend
of putou t! on block drrv,,•d ui wh - te with
tvlia , ,liawls and bunntt, triann,d
earput of twc•ity ono fi3roncoi 'n ihr
r:111..y it the Schuylkill. only tour or five.
1,, nr.• in blost, cud oar or Ir a of
tie se propose stoppiort ut,lem: the. dt.intind
1,, ir. , cl improve.. No wonder the cool
h , iiiess i.. priardst. , (l, and thoti.ands of
VVIII 1 , 111,:111. , 11 .:,!!tut t of employownt.—
,100.0.c,n 1)1,11.Ct.'11.
I:3%• news from Utah I y
ror 1 few weeks since, fAy•
cock of Bradford, Enc.lnn& undermilc to
walk len miles and th riiw five inns weight
over his le u i in the space of two ' nurS,
Ile neenittph..ll,l his ex , rnordittary fist in
feartuh.ur.•s less than the dine. I• 1 the
fir,' hour he walked six miles, airl threw
India hundred weight over 'tend 1.20 times.
nyr Th, D.•rnoerittio Silt Crow cation
made the following nornittatinnq: For
Governor, tiviiry Keyes; Lieutt4innt
Governor. Lyman, State Trens•
urer J. V. TlntrPtitn.
ICP Four boxes nl penches of fine flue.
or and niiiteitrittice. from Kitlintn. S.C.
nod two boxes from IVondwitrd.S (!., were
L'llPl"'d on board the steamer N.ishville,
which left l'itlirlPstrin o s Sittorduy after
noon loci, for New York.
Efr Nearly ull the snicirles in th's
ennntry are by !nreigners. Yankees rarely
if ever make nwny with illettit•o'yes. fur'
tinily every one 'kinks he has n chance
of 1.4...1412 Pr , sident----it any rue, his
nrinov lita him anon, just to see what he
,I 1 rIIIIIN (11,
Lo•rr.n room \1 cxica New Otlenrui.
Saitint.l v 4. 48514 --The Striltll
- Gt•iti rttl IG , sh h••E ',lived here
Irmo with Rio Grendu dr tee
to :lie t.'1,4 mot'
.9,1 0 Look Polosi hod been captured
Lt• ihr Constituiiiiiiiihois under
Vol turn, and it woo nitnnritil that Gm.
Zttnli,tiiti hnd . riltintilitited the City of
11r ico, The ',Rimini were shout to
the City. _
/Mr A Quit doro: Kona correspon•
dent of a piper mentions some
of the mime-, of Indian girls about there,
such as Polly Bigfool, Mary Mud rater,
Nua Joanyeakp, Polly Litwoen the•logs
lei.; Sally Sinifiro ; nod adds. liidian girls
to•ie ol any umbi inn will MA sorry In
thaw, for most of the tills: , have become
diui.ka n and worthless. 'Phi y tho.efore
tarn their slue to tt bite alliances, and to
be dimippointed iu u white love A doubly
pain u
In our country every man is, and ought
to ben politician. Note tricky demagogue,
but one familiar with the silence of Gine
eremeni—with our own Democratic, sys
tem as organized and administered—with
the conduct of our officinl servants; end
with the wants and necessities of the mil
how, whose time is spent in toil—who live
0..1y to lobar, and desire above every thing
else, the prosperity of their country.
For seine cause, industry has been com
pelled to stop wink. The produce of the
farmer is without a market—the inaunfac
turers hove been forced to discharge their
o peratives—commerce has almost ceased,
nod with more money in the country,
there is less that passes from hand to hind.
'floe poor must beg. fora day's work, to
earn their daily meal, end be refused.
Citizens I for ail this there is a cause
somewhere in the machinery of the laws
or their administration. Is it not because
we have bought too touch, nod sold too
lisle! Uontinuil purchases from for
eign markets. have filled our own. and there
is no labor for our artisans. and consequent
ly no 'nanny to be circulated among them.
It was never so. when our manufariories
were proiecti;(l from this loreign competi
tion, Pennsylvanians ! and especially tile
citizens of our ceunty, have always suffer.
ed io trade and business when this state
of things existed,
For once, in our history, the truth is ap
parent Some of the favorites of Power;
tile columns of the present Natioual
noootr advocate free trade. The low
juggle of pretending to be in favor of is
ii•iiiectiv. tariff is now abandoned; and
Free Trine is avowed ; and the questio n
comes hock to you, fellow citizens,—Will
you secure a market /or the pr.dluel of
Sniericati or rf Foreign labor Thai
question mutt • be. - once more answered.— ,
Your vote in October next will be the an.
A government to only truly .Republicats
when the Rulers obey the wishjs of thie
he moment their Rulers endea
vor to force the people to obey them, it is a
tyranny. It is only until within n lets
years that the Nation.' Atiministratio r ,
boldly mode known its purposes to cure e
the people to submit to its demands. Thu
mask has been thrown off: The power of
the present Administration has Ewen freely
told unblushingly used to crush the spirit of
Freedom in Kansas. Farce and Fraud
ho c.. struck hands. The People of linitsmt
a•kid to be permitted to some upon Ow,
Constitution It was denied, runt l'resi•
dent liitehnnen tcok the field Ma special
ou•.ssnge, urging, its the excuse for the.
tv meg:that an early settlement of the.trou•
bins in Kansas was of vast importance, and
to secure any State Government would
certainly produce that end, 'rho minions
of Bitch 'non used every npplinnee, with•
out success, until the "English Swi hilt,"
nal its accerni :toying babes, compelled
the P,mple of Wansas to accept the fraud,
or ::toy out of the Un•ou for five rears.
has. in one act, Congress and Buchanan
himself:have written jai, howl" on every
lord of that special message, which pre
tended that . e•early sett lenient". was ago
LW. was dt'siredi The tribes oflered in
that Bill, ii offered in Pennsylvania, to se.
cure a Pennsylintiiin eiection, would send
these who much: offers to prison :Menthe
knoum t, isht l / 4 s of a constituency be till/3
disregarded and trampled on ? It is for.
the Freemen of our State to nurwer.
A County Convention appointed the on ,
dersigned a County Committee to issue it
:all for a numinating Convention to issue
a coil for a rinini noting Convention. Ac.
tom, that call, we havd deemed it
prop,ir to preface it by the preceding re
in , rlcs, hoping thus in secure attention to
the interests involved. The bold, manly
and united action of the true men of every
political creed, who agree upon the ques
tions above submitted, will secure the nom
ination of a County and District Tibet ac
ceptable to all, and which shall reflect hen.
or upon the Convention. We ask of all,
who sympathize with these views, to an
earnest effort to union and success.
1,1 hereby culled, to be compoied 'el two
De!dotes from each township, borough,
end special Election District, to meet in
II u ti neon on
Tuesday, Sugnst.loth,
at one o'cleck, on said day ; and the citi-
I zees of the said Township, Boroughs and
ltlection Districts, who d. sire the triumph
of the tights of the people over the wrongs
of a foolish and oppressive Administration
wl o wish to so far protect our own menu.
Reines that they can compete with those
from a Foreign market, and who are oppo
sed to the Kansas policy of the National
Adininistraiinn, are requested to meet, at
the places of holdinT mirth elections,
on Saturduy the 7th .ftuyust, to elect tivo
Delegates to meet in said Convention, t,
nominate a ticket for the support of to ,
people, and to' d 3 such other things
full and effective organization may require.
D McMonne, John Whittaker,
Dr. C W. Moore, Nathaniel Lytle,
Hen. W. lohnsten, R. B. Wigton,
H Hamilton, Wm. P. Orbison.
Interesting reading matter can be (cow',
on all sides of this paper,