itingtw ;Anti • WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. Store & Dwelling to Rent at Broad Top City. The fine large Stone Store and dwelling at Broad Top City is now offered for rent on ver y nccammodating terms, and is one of the best Stores in the County of Huntingdon. A very fine business can be done at this place with the Mines now in operation below Broad Top City, and also with the surrounding country, as there is no good Store within many stiles of this place, and any one keeping a pond Stock of Provisiontf and Goods suitable fur Country use can undoubtedly de a very fine business. To a good Tenant the Store and Dwelling will be rented on easy terms. Apply to J. M. CLARK, Agent Broad Top City June 16,'68,-6t. ``SPLENDID RAG CARPET fur 37i ets. per 17 yard at the cheap store of Flamm & MoMonique. PREMIUMS AWARDED THE JOURNAL JOB OFFICE AT THE LATE FAIR, FOR TIE3DEI 3133M5190 LITIR ar_os3 Tanlv PaltsiTlNG. I\TCY'ritsCM.: We request those of our subscribers who re• eive their paifers, to infirm us of those in their immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers to the "Journal," cud have faded to receive the same, since the stealing of our pack-hook, b 3 millions or, the 3d of February. N 767 :.IVrI9MI2I! WHEAT AND CORN wanted at this office. Those having either can dispose of the same by calling soon. STAGE LINE FROM Chambersburg to Mt, Union riche undersigned or are that n suspension of the line of Stages over the road between Elionthershurg and Mt, Union, cannot ho but flisadrantageouw to a large 'croon of the conn try, has, at a considerable expanse and tronblo made arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points Good Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla ced en the mute; and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend tho running of the Coaches. The proprietorof the line is disirons that it be maintained, and he therefore calls upon the public generally to patronize it. confi dent that it will be for their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will lie given, and the running of the Stages will he regular. Rs- Stages leave Mt, Union. every Tuesday 'flint sday, and Sattoday evenings, arririm: at Cliambershiwg the next day at 2 o'clock. He mming, leave Chambersburg, the same night at to o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the next cresting in time tiir the cars. Between Mt, Cat ion and Shade Gap tho lino will be daily. er Fare through $3 ; to iittermer!i,to points in proportion. JOHN .I,l".llSfiN Jnn. 206, 1958.—tf. HAIR RESTORATIVE. PRODUCIN(: 11AIR ON 11A1.1) HEADS, Grey Hair . to its Natural Color. astonishing ttud unequalled preparation has never foiled to produce n growth on Bald Bends, when used necot•diug to the direction, end turn hair back to it: ortginnl color, after having Rewrite gray, and reinstate it in all original health, lustre, softness and heanty. Re moves at once all scurf, thtudrell'lml impleasam itching, scrofula, eruption 3 and re VeriS h halt from the scalp. It also prevents the hair Itom ..becoming unhealthy and off, and hence, nets non perfect Bain totioonavon .toe To :rte. _ . . A gentleman of Boston writes to ilk friend in Now Bedford thus: o your inquiries I would reply, thee when I first commenced to use Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, inc hair was almost white, and had been so for the last ten years and it was very thin on the top of my head, pH Vary (noon, koil pulled out very freely; hut I found that before I bed used all tho second bottle, (which wes eight weeks) my heir was entirely changed to its original color, light brown, nod is now free from dandruff and gotta moist. I have had my • hair cut fivo or six times since the change, and have never sects anything like White heir start ing from the- roots ; and it is now as thick as it ever was,and does not route out nil. 1 t has proved in m case all that I could wish to ask. July 1, - 1855. Tours, etc. [Front the Boston Floral.] SOMETHING Wotan KNOWING.—By using Professor Wood's flair Restorative, gray hair ran be permanently restored to Ito original color. The suhjoined certificate from Johnson & Stone Gardiner, Maine. is but one of the many in- stances that are daily coming to our knowledge, of its wonderful effects.' GA, Mains, June 22, 1855. DEAII SIR I—l have used two bottles of Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is the greatest discovery of the ago for restoring uud changing the hair. Before using it, I was man of seventy. Sly hair has now attained its oeiginal color, You can recommend it to the world without the least fear, as my case was ono of the worst kind. You. ' respectfully, ' DANIEL N. MURPHY. Professor O. J. Wood. BROOKFIELD, Massachusetts, Jan. 12, 1855. Dame. Sin t—Having made a trial of your hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say that its effect bus been excellent is restoring is flummation, dandruff, and a constant itching hendency, withich I have been troubled fr m childhood; and has also restored my hair ,which was becoming grey, to its original color]e have mod no other article with anything like the pleasure and profit. Yours truly. J. IC. BRAGG, Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfield, Professor Wood. [From the Missouri Democrat.] WOOD'S HAIR DYB.—This admirable ar ticle is rapidly improving the hair. No article of a similar kind, now before the public, enjoys a better reputation as a restorative and invigo rating hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical quail ties have a beneficial ()fleet upon the growth and chatacter of the hair, giving a silky and glossy texture to that which was formerly of a coerce and dry nature. It has, also, we understand, a tendency to preserve the youthful color and ap pearance of the hair, and destroying or counter acting the effects of old age. With such recom mendations in its favor, we hardlyperceive how any lady or gentleman should be without so val uable an adjunct to their toilet. O.J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway N. Y., & 114 Market at., St. Louis, Missouri. Sold in Huntingdon by JOHN READ, and IL 111cMan1aiLL, and by Druggists everywhere. 7 . .0, In, MS.-MTh Mar.25,'37.• I y TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. TERMS The "Hun'minnow JOURNAL' is publish:n the following rates : if paid in advance $1,50 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing 1 ,75 If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till after tho expiration of the year. No subscrip- tion taken for a less period than six months. I. All subscriptions are continued mail otb ertvise ordered, and nopaper will he discontinu ed, until arrenrages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. • 2. Returned numbers ore never received by us. All numbers sent us in that way are loot, and never accomplish the purpose of the sender. 3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions, must poll tot or:v(lEll9 , es, and send a tura!en or verbal order to that effect, to the &lice of pub licationin Huntingdon 4. Giving nottee toe postmaster is neither it e gal or n prop:, notice. 5. After one or more numbers of a new year have 1 , .,en forwarded, a new year has commen, ed s and the paper will not be diSCOnthllled until term:raw., are paid. Sea No. I. The Courts hoer ileeitical that refusing to take a newspaper from the oflice, or removing and leaving it uncalled for, is PRIM rACIN evitlenee of intentional fraud: Subscribers liVing in distant counties, or in other Slates, will be required to pay invariably in advance. aboya terms will he winery() to in rill cases. A DVEIIITIS4 T 111;NTS Will be charged at the rates . . 1 in , ertion. 2 .10. 11.10. Six lines or less, $ 23 $ 3i $ 50 One square, (10 lines,) 50 75 100 Two " (32 " ) .1 00 150 200 . • S ino. 6 zno. 12 mu. One square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 Two squares, 500 800 12 00 column, 800 15 00 18 00 i In., 1 do., 12 00 18 00 57 00 18 00 27 00 40 00 1 do., 28 00 40 00 50 00 Business Cords of sin lines, or loss, $4.00. Advertising and Job Work. IVe wuufd remind the Advertising com munity and all others who wish to bring their business extensiiely befora the pub lie ; that the Journal has the largest cir culation of any paper in the county—that it is a instantly increasing;—and that goes into thokands of our wealthiest citi zero. We would also state that our facilities for executing all kinds of JOB PRINT ING are equal to those of any other office lathe county;; and all *Job tt um antra,. etf to our hands will be done yrmnptly, Mid at priers which will be sat it fuck 'clcct ot>>. From Ltralley'3 Rome Gautte THEE BUTCHER BOY,S LOVE, Oh, limen to toy tale in verse, Prepare to wipe your eve, For yod are most hard hearted, It yon doesn't take and er There was IL lovely market girl, Wlto had a market cart, Who looked open a hotelier's boy, And woo his verdant heart. His eyes was dark as blots of Her hazel eyes was blue, His hair W. or is chestnut brown, ed her's was golden too. He was a tall and manly youth, A very bands ;ma feller. His ehristian name was Pater 13rou , And ber's was Isabella. lie used to squint across at her, When she was shelling peas, And think that every customer Should go down on his knees. He'd pick her out the finest bits, Of meat intuit sweet and tender, And ho would rather talk to her Than go upon a bender. Imagine then this butcher's woe, One sunny market day, To find that Jsabella Jones Front market stayed away. And the next week he heard a tale Of grief most bitter,!earrted By Mr. Jones to Mr. Smith, That Isabel was married. He tore his hair, he raved and swore He stamped with both his feet, He screamed with passion as ho tore Both up and down the street. He vowed he'd something desperate do, He would not stop to think, But rushed into a neighboring store, And Olt re he—"took a drink," egi'The landlord of a hotel at Brigh ton, entered in an angry mood, :he sleep ing apartment of a boards t, and said, "Now, sir, I avant you to pay your bill, and you must. I've asked you for it of ten enough ; and I tell you now, that you don't leave my house till you pay it !" "Good !" said his lodger ; "just put that in writing; make a regular agreement of it; stay with you as long as I live." Plautarch says, in his life of Al exander that the Babylonians used, in those days, to sleep on skins filled with water. The Boston Times adds that in these days men sleep co skins filled with li quor. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. .sriect risteliann. A Yankee in a Cotton Mill. A raw, straw [noted, sandy-whiskered six footer—one of the purely u:tinivated— cnmc to yesterday from Greene, with a load of wood foe the factory company. Having piled his wood to the satisfaction of the °verso r, he hated his team with is bundle of green grass, brought all the way from home for that purpose, and then having in vested a portion of his wood proceeds in root beer and gingerbread at Hain's, he started to see the -city"—filling his coun• tenance rapidly with gingerbread and cheWing tt rapidly as he went. He reviewed the iron foundry and ma chine shop, and was ;us; opposite the warp mill as the hands were going back from dinner. The girls were hurrying ! in, only as Newry girls can hurry, aril Jonathan—unaccustomed to such an nrrny • of plaid shawls and hood bonnets—de•posi ted his goad stick nu the chairs. and stalk• ed in "to see what the trotible was." The clattering machinery and the move ments cf the operatives bewildered him for the moment but Virg of an inquiring turn of mind, and seeing much that calcu lated to perplex one whose observations in ' mechanics had been mostly confined to threshing machines and corn shellert•. he began to push vigorous inquiries in all di r.(tio,s. In this way he made himself itc (painted successively with the external and internal economy of the various Ina ' chines through which cotton wrap progres ses in the course of its manufacture—tho "picker," "beater," "clap winder." "dant., ler" and .'speeder," and finally readied 1110! "breakers" and .•finishers," just as the card stripper wan ruing through the oper anon, technically termed 'stripping flits " Iu doing this, the largo cylinder of the card is exposed to view and is seen revol ving with a very pretty buzz. Not con templating the "poetry of notion" at a safe distance, he must needs introduce hint view. This movement brought his nether habiliments in clangorous proximity to the R . , aring of the next .1,1, and 'thereby , Yeou, sny ! She goes purity, t.l7,n't she, boss ?' said Jonathon, inquiringly. •She don't do anyt. ing eke,' reepondod the stripper, •hat you must he very careful ho v you move around amongst this hard ware. 'Twas only last week, sir. that a promising young loan from Minot, a ant dent at the academy here, was drawn in to that curd, sir, and before any a,iAtance could reach'hitn, he was run through. and manufactured in,o No. 16 -auper extra' cotton wrap yarn.' I s.wm.w ! 1 bTeve you're jokin'!' ,tuttered Jonathan. • 'Fact, sir,' continued the stripper, 'and Iris aiscoasolato mother came down two days ago, and got five bunches of that yarn as Melancholy relics.' , By the mighty ! that can't be true said Jonathan. • 'Fact, sir, fact ! and each of his fellow students purchased a skein apiece, to be set its lockets and worn in remembrance of departed worth.' 'ls that the treuth, now ? Was he roil. ly !we Med, spun and sot in lockets ?' A sense of personal danger here shot across, our hero's mind, and he began to retreat precipitately without waiting for an answer. There was not much • room to spare betwixt himself and the card behind. Another step backward completed the cer emony of introducion. His untvhispera bles being of largo calibre, the proce is of snarling them up into a hard knot was no ways slow. Jonathan gave tongue instnn• ter, and by the twentieth gytatien.ot the embodirnent, the MUSIC Has most meltali- ! u•r-d-e-r !! Let go ! yenu hurt! Blunt your picture, let go! Ain't yet ashamed. Git eout ! taint pooty ! dar nation seize ye ! Let alone on me. can't ye. dote!' The gearing by this time had wound 'him up so that he was obliged to stand on tiptoe. His hands were revolving vlgnr. ously behind him, though he dared not venturu them too near the seat of war.-- The card stripper ran off the belt, bat the mornentutn cylinder kept revolving ned the green one, supposing it in full operation, burst out anew. 'Oh, stop her ! Stop her, won't ye !• - Stop her, dew! I ain't well, and I orter be to hum. Father wnnts the steers and mother's going to bake. Stop the tarns], masheen, can't yo t Dew. Oh deer, I'll be keerded and spun, and sot into lockets. 0! how I wish I was tew hum.' The card was stopped at last, but Jona than's clothes were so entangled in the gea ring. that it was no small task to extricate him . , lan Othello, be ''wee not easily HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, loosed'," and it was only by cutting out the whole of the contested territory :hat he was finally released. What are you Aboui here ?' asked the overseer, entering. 'Nothing, sir, only "stripping flatts,' an swered the stripper. Jonathan, not caring 'to resume his 'pur suit of knowledge under difficulties," a pair of overhauls aver' charitably loaned him, and he started with his steers on a fast walk toward home. giving a series of short kicks with either log as he went, as if to assure himself that he had brought away his full complement of limbs front the ..cussed mnsheen."-- Yankee Blade, A Temperance Lecture, "Some folks say it is right to drink nlco hot becnuse it is n good creature to God. Well grant that it is so—solo castor oil, and so is vinegar n good creature of God; but that is not sufficient renson for a per sons to drink it liner or four, or a dozen of times a dny! A dog is in good cram.° of God—but suopo,ne a dug goes :sad nod bites n man or a womnin, would you let him alone, because, as'you se), he is n good crdture! Wiluld you be satisfied with cutting Millis tail, or would you knoc him on the [wad and pitch him in the street? Now, alcohol is more than n mad dog; for a bite from a mod dog only des troys life, while a bite from alchy destroys reason, reputmion, life, and everything eke, besides dragging clown family of ,he bitten into to poverty oath want. ---- • "But alcliv doesn't bite a mouthful at , first.—When he first snapped at me he only tickled me a little. I liked it firer rote, and was anxious to got another bite The old areal of it tyrant kept nibbling at lily heels en though he didn't neon to hurt ine, while I fool, kept coaxing 'lint on, till at last he gave me a snap in earnest and took the elbows out of my coat —Next be took the crown out of my hat, the shoes of my feet, the money ou t iltiekl-'.-14(1111hi}l pocket„ utp %eitri ,g through stre.te, perfectly a victim to alchy-probia --hu• I signen the pledge and got cured; and ir there is any man here who has been bitter. 119 1 tens, let him take this tototal medicine and I'll warrant hint a speedy lot allowing Moulin! is a gond creature of God, are there not other crentures. too such as beef. pork. puddings, pies, clothes don't rs and others of the "some sort?" Now, shall a limn drink wLhis key because it is o good creature, and go without a Loud, Ill,olsOine Wife, nod well.dressed children? No sir-ee? As for Ise, give me gond Mei' and pudding, good pork and s ail:lige. good friends. good clothes, and good wilo - nnd children, (or rathar than mind I will try and make them good) and king nlchy may go to Texas, for all I care. "Some ear' bet wine is a good creature because our Saviour once turned water Very mil; but then he didn't turn ruin logwood, coculus indicus and cock roaches, into wine, no some _people do. He turned water into wine. -111 ow, if any wine bibhing apologist will take a gallon or a barrel of pure water, and,by praying over it, or in any other way convert it into first rote wino, tin the boy rs will go in form swig of it!' The Tides• Minty persons still seem to be much perplexed with the phenomena of the ti des. They cannot understand why they are higher at one time than another. nor why they rise to the height of sixty feet in the Bay of Fumlny, forty feet in the ports o f Bristol, England, and St. Melo, France, and only rise to a few feet in height in New York and other places, whila they are scarcely perceptible in the Kiltic and other sees. Descartes was the first philosopher who advanced the theory that the tides were due to the influence of the moon. but Newton was the first to work out the problem and discover the true cause. Descartes believed that the to eon acted no the waters of the ocean by pressure; Newton demonstreted that it ac ted upon the ocean by attraction ; that, tastes d of pressing the waters, it rolled them up ditectly . unarm it, and also'nt its antipodes nt the same time, thou producing the two tides every day. The titles are caused by the ntiroction of both the sun and moon, if this earth had no moon. the attraction of the sun would produce two tides every day. but their ebb and flow ' would take plane ns the same hours reg ularly, not varying as they do now; these tides would also be much smaller than those of the moon. Although the mass of I the sun is far greater than that of the moon I and although attraction is in proportion to the mess, yet it is always inversely as the square of the distance.—As the sun, there lore, is four hundred times distant than than the moon, the attraction of the wa ters of the sea towards the sun is found to be about three times less than that of the moon; and the tides produced by the sun would therefore be three times less than those of the moon. There are only two ocean tides. the lunar and solar, but the killer is absorbed by the former, which is wholly observable in respect to time, the solar only as it influences the height of the tidal wave. That caused by the moon in three times greeter than that of the sun, and it follows the n eon's motion around t he earth, rising and falling every twelve hours, and each succeeoing tide later I.y three quarters of an hour than the drece ding one, exactly in accordance with the position of the moon, or as it is commonly called, "its rising and Bening." Some times there are very low and at other ti mes very high tides-• that is, their height i 3 not uniform. 'Phi: is caused by the po sition of the sun and moon relative to the earth. Thus, as at the time of the New eon the sun end the moon being to the ',IMP parts of the heavens - the tides pro duced in the ocean are then the highest, because they are equal to the sum of the two tiles:- i soar and solar; This should also take place nt the time of the full in .on, when our satellite is opposite the sun, the attractive force being equal and opposite in producieg the tidal wave. This is found to be the case. The titles ore gfeater nt new and full moon thin) at !first and last quarters, as during the latter periods the attraction of the sun not actin g in unison with that of the moon tends to lower the tides. Reasoning fron'this data it will natu rally be inferred that whew the the sur. and moon are equally distant from the two poles of the globe, such as at times of the equinox., in March and September, thir tides would be greatest. This is also found to be the case, thus demonstrating me the sea are due to the attraction of the inoon sport the waters of the ocean. The difference in the heights of the tides at va rio is places is due to the peculiar forma tion of the sea coasts. They are very higli in the Bay of Fdriday, because en immense quantity of water is piled in a tvidc•mmrthed sorrow space, in the same instiller that a certain quantity of water will rise higher in a narro w thaw a wide channel. Some have advanced popular belief against the lunar influences causing tide namely, that the is a tideless sea. This is net strictly true. -'rho oceta tides, owing to the norrow passage Into the :Mediterranean at Gibralter scarce ly affect this sea, but for all this, there are tides obiervable at some places. At Vi enna they sometimes rise to two feet, and in the Faro of Alessena to twenty inches. Seinclific .thnerican. YOUNG wopIAi',THOOD. Young womanhood !...the sweet moon on the horizon's verge ; a thought matured but not uttered ; a conception warm and glowing, not embodied; the rich halo which precedes tho rising sun ; the rosy dawn that bespeaks the ripening peach; a flow• er••• A flower that is not quite a flower,, Yet is no Inure a bud, Hallher's Hyperion. Young womanhood !---molasses touched with a little brimstone. spread on broad not buttered; u•being all joints and and uncles not filled out; an unformed form, deformed by stays---a . pallid thing that loves the ri pening peach•-•a young woman--- A iv.intan which is not quite a woman, Yet tiothing more than a gal. hrooklgn News, Young womanho d !--•p half moon not yet riz ; a cake baked, but not turned; hot corn, ap hot and smoking, not yet solid-- a rich curdle which precedes the coining butter— the thickening down upon a gee lin's back, that bespeaks the future goose --•a butterfly-•- A butterfly which in trot a bnterfly, Yet ain't a caterpillar no how you can fix it. Sunday Metes. Now comes our turn. Young woman hood !.- a giggle, something short of a horse laugh—small potatoes half grown--n body and limbs developed with padding--•the ex hibition of bone and muscle enough for a matrimonial squabble —substantial finger nails that bespeak first-rate scratching•--a gander-- A gander which is not quite a gander, And yet is not a goose. New Orleans Picaynne. While it is on the way we may as well give it a shove ;so here goes. Young wo. manhoood...a red blackberry, just green enough to be sour as vinegar...a persimmo n not yet frosted, yet ready to 'Tucker" anybody's mouth who touches her...a sum. thin' which is neither fish, flesh, nor red 858. herring...a "betweenitv" too abstract for even a politician---a cat— A cat which is not quite a cat, And yet iv not a kitten. Baltimore. $lO, Now comes ur. Young womanhood— chicken in the shell--•a 'small potato' that isn't fit for family use---a piece of green live timber--•a herring half scorched over the fire---a moving sack of nothing, tied around the middle---a young idea about ta king the Moot-- a luoifer match not yet ignited--•a saucy cackling ben•-- A hen which is not qui'e a hen, Nor aim an old roosternurther. Cuff ceville Intelligencer. Good lick! If it's agree fout," gen tleman, consider us II); we take one chance in that investment to a dead moral cer tainty, wether we win or loose by the in vestment. Here goes! Young womanhood! —werry small tur nips, few in a hill, hard to dig, and when dug not worth shucks— a buckwheat cake badly dons on one side, and nary drop of molasses in the house--.undeveloped crinm torturer---general teaser-in chief to the whole family—embryo ball rosin ornament---oyster shells, with the oyster jest swallowed— an undeveloped rat "in poinc of fact." as Nlicatvber would say. A cunning. sharp-eyed little mice, That would be dear at any prise Natchez Nitric,. Young womanhood ?--a moving mass of undeveloped •be auty, well supplied with tongue--n thing composed of powder, hoops flowers and flounces--a substance to be by turns pitted, loved and flattered--a puff of vanity, void of so R. substances, well calcu lated to decieve- a pigeon.. A Pigeon which'in not a Pigeon, Yet 'twill not do to call it a squab. JacLon Vag, We must have .'a finger on the pie," if we get it burned for our impudence. Young uotrannhood ?-- a proof sheet with but one error to be corrected---a gin .ger-cake not quite done, but will do t o along if a fellow hasn't time to wait-411111r sugar—a five.frane piece that will answer the place of a dollar rather than take a ragged bill -•a strawberry•-- A strawberry that is not quite ripe, Yet is no longer green. Shrlyville Expositor. Young womanhood ?--"A thing of beau ty, n joy forever"-•-an object that lends to virtue. yet lures to vice--•worthy at the highest price, yet deserties the severest censure•-a modest rose, blushing and lov ly—a blighted Upah, threating* and des tructive--a small keg•--an expanded hogs head-•-a thought of heaven, with much to remind you ul earth--•heaven's greatest blessing, man's worst tormentor—in short, a strange compound of good and bad.— Young womanhood•-- , A dream which is not a dream, And yet not quite reality. Cineinnalti Times. Now comes our here we go. Young womanhood ?...a shinning star beaming out softly between the rifted cloud an angel without wingt...a something in. computable, the value of w . hich c.ann.ot be esti•nnted•••an epemera, not living two days alike.— A thing of benuty—n joy always. Until it comes to footing up store bills. Boston Traveller KISSING IN PARIS. Paris ought to bu a perfect Paradise to young bachelors who are fopil of kissing the ladies, according to a letter of a corres. pondant writing front ti.ere. Our corres pondent says: *.The Omit universal custom of kiss. ing, in Paris, seems at first singular to a stranger, coming from a country whets the proprieties of life rarely permit you to take a lady's hand much less to salute her. In France. t r kiss a lady with whom you are not intimate, on meeting her is very common; especially is this the case if she is a married lady. Not only that members of the family, hut all the guests exyeci invariably to salute the lady of the Louse on corning down in the mornin;;. But though the modest American mad. perhaps, escape tha iweinony on ordina ry occasions, yet, New Year's rr.orn. ing. it is imperative. On that morning came down to my office rigout 9 o'clock. "I sat down, quietly bidding Madame bonjour as on ordinary occasion. In a few moments she was at my elbow, with. Mons B f fain angry with you." expressed , of course a regret and ig norance of having given her any reason, it is because you did not emdrace; me this morning, when you came down." Madame was a Indy of perhaps, twenty eight with jet I lack glossy hair, and e clear, fair complexion. She was very beautiful—had she been plain, I could have felt less embarrassed. She waited, as though expecting me to atone for my neglect, but hew could I before the wholp vol.. xxin. NO. 31 tablet Ism, all this time, trembling ir my seat At length Madame said: "Mons B. embrnsez mot." The worst had come. 1 arose trembling pot my white, bloodless lipe, all grease with butter and wet with coffee, (for in m ; embarrassment had dropped my napin,) to those of Madame. This was my, first Prench kiss. Poor fellow ! We can immagine hi, embarrassmentjust as well as if we ha-. 1 been present• In the same predicament we should have fainted—in the ladv', The Printing Office. The Printing Office has indeed proved a better college to many a boy, has grad sated !nom useful and conspicuous mete - Eters of society, hos brought more intel lect out and tinned it into , more generated more active and elevated thin.... it; than ninny of the literary colleges of the country. The present Governor of Penn sylvania, Wm. P. Packer, graduated ia whn might be justly styled the 'Tour Boy's College," a printing office, as did also our distinguished United States Sen ator, Simon Cameron, and the eminent Pennsylvania jurist, Ellis Lewis, besides n host of other brilliant minds whose tal ents have adroned high positions in the Cabinet,:on the Bench and at the Bap.— A boy who commences in such a school as the printing office will have his talent and ideas brought out ; and, if he is a care• ful observer. experience in his profession will contribute more toward an education than can be obtained, in utmost any other• Manner. 'There is both truth and poetry in the following which we find in Watson's Poetical auestions."l'he aw hoes name is not given "Some go to church jast for a walk Some go there to laugh and talk, Some go there the time to spend, Some go there to meet a friend, Some go to learn the parson's name, Some go there to wound his famo. Some go there for speculation, Some go there for ohse_r_vatirm... • list few go there to. worship God." mar- What do you do to make yourself look delicate ?" said one young woman, with an eruption on her face, to another, who looked like one of the departed. "W hy." said she, "sometimes leatslate pencils and chalk, and then for a change I drink vinegar and chew green tea. When these tail, I lace tighter, and wear the thin nest soled shoes I can buy." eigr Mr. John Adams, a Post Master in Texas, has been detected in embezzlement. Three of his clerks proved to have been involved with him, "In Adam's fall They sinned all." Itter.l don't care so much for the bugs' said Mr. Woamley to the head of the gen teel priiate family in which he resides, 'but the fact is, marm, r haven't got the blood to spare, you see that yoursolf." 81111 —, What is matter with Mr. Johnson' eyes T . 'Why, he has injured his sight by looking through a thick•bottomed tuni. bier." air Quoth Patrick of the • Yankee-- '.Be dad, if he was cast away on a desolate island, he'd get up the next mornin' an!, go round sellin' mops to the inhabaapta." pci- The Washington Union says that. the Administration has its hands full. The Louisville Journal says that one would suppose from the very rapid disappear ance of the public money from the Nation l Treasury, that the Administration and all its officers have their hands full. I One of the best looking girls in a certain seminary, is a red•headedgirl from Vermont. Out of compliment to her hair, they call her the 'torch of love.' Rather more poetic than complimentary. can marry any girl I please,". said a young fellow bosatingly. "Very true," replied his waggish companion, 'for you can't please any.' 1111rA cortespontlint in speaking of a celebrated Iv nger,says:—.4-ler, voice is de. licious—pure as the moonlight, and as tender as a three shilling shirt." • ICP"Plain faced girls should dress plainly," remarked. Miss. Leslio. Was the e ever a young lady who was willtng to admit that she had a plain face? ilirA good action is never thrown away, and perhaps that is the reason wty we hnd so few of them. Sir A youug gentlemand who flew in• to a pas awn, had his wings clipped. fir An Irishman was about to marry a Southern girl for her property. “Will'you take this woman to be your wedded wifet" said the minister. Wee, your riverenee, and•the ringers too said Pat.