;~--- Damages for Refusing a Vote• A suit which has heretofore excited no little interest has just been decided in War ren county. At the election for State offs• cars on tne 14th of October, 1856, a 'col. ored man" named Jesse Beckley, some few shades darker than alabaster. offered his vote at the Fourth Ward polls, and it was refused by the Judges—Rufus K. Paine, William 11. Glass, and Michael Cleary—upon the ground that he was not "a citizen of the the United States," accor ding to the meaning of the act of Con gress. Beckley hod token several friends with him us witnesses to the tendet of his vote and•its refusal by the judges, for the purpose of testing the question in the court s in case he was not permitted to vote. Up ton the same day, after his ballot had been rejected, he commenced suit against the election judged laying his damages at one .thous and dollars. The city assumed the responsibility of the defence, and ihstruc. f ed the city solictor to contest the claim. The case was tried three times in the court of this city, and in each instance the jitry failed to agree.—Upon a motion by Beck. ley's counsel, the venue was changed to Warren county, and the case came up fur trial on Mondaj morning last. The city was repres inted by Judge Hart and Mr. Probasco, and the plaintiff' by Messrs. Getchell and Chambers. The case occu pied the attention of the court for ne trly two days, when the jury returned a ver dict for the plaintiff of five hawked Al. Mrs. A new trial 'wits granted by :he 'court.—Cincinnalli Gaz. Ancient and Modern Beauties. The progress of . art and taste is elect ic in our progressive age, and inventions for multiplying whatever exalts or embellishes civilized life, outstrip the inert vivid iuiri• gination. The human hair; in all ages of the world, bus been proper'y considered the greatest natural ornament to inan.— Puinters have considered years devoted to delineating its various lights and shades on cenvass, as labor worthily bestowed end time well spent. Poets have eulogized it, end Byron who possessed on this subject the sentiments of our own times has devo ted some of his richest gems to the hair. How great then the loss ' inconvenience, end annoyance experienced by those who have from sickness or age, become bald ; and bow deserving to be held in grateful ,remembrance lie, whose inventive genius supplies the detects of nature, and with skillful artifice restores the counterpart of Nature's handiwork. We were bad to this, train of thought by paving n ensue' visit to the iluir Dressing Salocns of Oro. THURGALAND, Ni'. '29 South Sixth St:, Philadelphia, and examining his exquisite ly finished “Gossamer Wig" and Toupee. Thew! articles are so cunningly devise, flint they are worn with pert et comfort end ease, giving ventilation to the scalp, end cannot be detected front . the natural heir. They are of airy lightnms., and the hair used possesses the soft, glossy appear ance of natural, healthy hair. We say in conclusion to our readers, when in the ci ty fail not to pay a visit to the I lair•dress ing rooms of GEORGE TetnioALAND. "411 i 1J a - C>l3 C:O3P3P9CIOIO. Pretniuma awarded the "JOURNAL' Or flee at the late Comity FAIR, fur the best CABO, IMAMS, Ann EANZY REINTING Having recently received front the Eastern Cities, a el' POWER 13E88,' and a large variety of the most fashionable Printing Material, which makes it one of the most complete Printing EstabliAments in this section. Persons in want of any kind of PLAIN 0 7 .R TANZY work, cannot do better than favor us with their patronage. We have 'facilities for execu ting in a superior !canner any kind-of PRINTING IN COLORS on the most reasonable terms. Those who may wish to Alain any style of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can' be accommodated at this establishment at short notice. AUCTION BILLS, BILL HEADS, SHOW BILLS, CIRCULARS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, &c., will be famished promptly, executed in the best style and at reasonable rates. Stir Orders by express, mail or otherwise, will receive immediate attention. WM. RREWSTER. BRIGADIER GENERAL'S OFFICE, XANDILIA, June 22d, 1858. 4th Brigade, 14th Diviaion, Pa. Volunteers. The following persona have been appointed Staff officers Aid-dt,Catnp, E. L. Everhart, Quarter• Master, P. McAteer, Pay-Master, Grafi. Miller, Surgeon, Daniel Houtz, Judge Advocate, A. S. Harrison, R. C. MeGILL, Brigadier-General. Huntingdon Furnace, June 22d, 1858. Ist Battalion, 4th Brigade, 14th Div. Pa. Vol. The following Hauled persons have been ap pointed by the Brigadier-General as Staff al- CON. Adjutant, John S. Miller, Quarter-Master, Wtn. B. Zeigler, Surgeon, Jno. M.Stonebraker, • Assistant Surgeon, George Huyett, Sergeant Major, David R. Wilson, Q. M. Sergeant, S. A. Crisswell, Drum Major, John Wallace, GEO. W. DARE, Major. June 30th, 1858. ! AILADELPHIA MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, May 12, 1858. FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $4 25®4 37 •• " Extra " 4 50®5 75 family 6 4 75(05 50 bye Flour and Corn Meal 3 31 1 03@ 1 lE(c3i Rye II 63 Corn It 71 • Oats 4 . 41 Cluverseed $1 33@1 .50 per 64 pounds Timothy seed - Flux " per bushel $1 62 Wheat—red, per bushel, ~ White " CONSUAIPTION CURED. CONSUMPTION OW AN OLD INDIAN DooTon, UNCAS BRANT, while a Missionary among the CUREu. Indians of the Rocky 'Mount . sins discoveredßAßE CONSUMPTIONPLANT, Clot proves to he 0 certain cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Liver CURED. Camden., Nervous Affec tions, Coughs,- Colds, fitc.— CONSUMPTIONHAvhig now mode his fortune and retired from business, he n will send the prescriptions sod "R E.. directions for preparing the ;;li;ines freer' Aurge'to till coNsumpAlONwho only desire fir, anti refill tend to his agent, enclosing ct RED. r e e t t i n in r i n psen w t i s t ? ; t t i o d ,ay letter, e: eription or their itymptams. CONSUMPTIONThe Old Dcwor, has eared more than 3000 cases of No- CURE.. somption Mono, and hopes all aftiieted people will avail theinselveCi of . this opportuni- CONSUMPTIONtv as the Doctor wishes to do all the good he can before he CURED. dies. Address all letters to DANIEL ADEE, Bin 3531 P. 0., Now Yoik, NA' ho is Ilk sole agent. lICNTINGDON WARM SPRINGS. The Warm Springs at the mesa of Warrior'- Ridge, lire to les north of Huntingdon, overlook ing Standing Stone Creek, and environed by ro mantic hills and woodlands, have been leased by the looter proprietor of the Learner House. The extensive Hotel buildings, bath homes, Stc., erected nt greet expellee by Ge floral A P. Wilson, hare been completed—and the groves have been beautifully laid out and adorned.— The Hotel parlors end ehtunbers nit/ and com fortably furnished; and the prosper', front time verandahs Mr beauty, cannot be excelled. For half n century, these Springs have been celebrated kw their medicinal liunliOzs, and the guest nature of the waters in rheumatic and chro nic eneetions. The temperature of the water being 691 degrees, renders the bathing delight ful and invigorating. In the surrounding woods 111111 mountains. game abounds, and the finest Mb are caught in Stone Creek. Permt ain pur suit of Modal or t hat are, will find thi. n most delightful and healthful retreat; and its nearness to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the cheapness of the rates charged guests, giro it a decided advantage over any other watering place in the State. Proprietor has had years of experience in the business and no pains or tronieo will be spa red to make guests eamiti rtable. flecks run irons Huntingdon to Warm Springs on the of the different Railroad trains— litre 25 cents. Families accommodated et mo end,: terms. JOHN R. IIERI), W u rni Springs near Iluntingdoll, Juno sth S BANK NOTICE. mplersignuil citizons of the county of Huntingdon, ha ,chy giro notice that they intend to make application to the, next Legislature time a Charter, for the creation of a Corporate body with Banking or Miscounting privileges, to he styled '•Tun If I:NTT:a:WON COUNTY BANK," to he located in the Borough of llumingil.n, coun ty of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania, whit a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, with the specific of of inning [lank paper, and doing ail other things ordinarily pertaining to a Bank of issuo. W. B. Ziwit.Hic, B. i.. MeNlrnlnuu. riu lir, in, A. JOIINSTON, .1. SLwEl.i. SrEwAnT, ‘Vv. Cot.., NV,i. c L JAmEs 'num. 11. CHEMEII, GICAFFIUS A. W. Ilusilnur, , H. 1:1:1•CI: I'I,I4IIIEIN, Ir. UN \V THOMAS P. GROVER &WIER'S CELEIMATED FAMILY SEW;NG MACHINES. .195 DUDA lA% AY, NEW YOLK 730 CH ESTN UT ST., PHILADELPHIA .Ir4Y - These Machines not now justly admitted to be Om best in use for Family Sewing, ins. king a new, strong, and elastic stich Which will tot' rift, even it' every fourth stitch be cut.— Circulars se at on application by letter. AgentA walited, re1).17;58,3m. nzo,ls 21.Z81$ Noviox. moncE IS lIIMEBYGIV EN TO ALL .L.N persons interested that the following named persons have tattled their aceounts in the Iteg. ister's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will he presented for continuation nod allowance, at an Orphans' Court to he held at Huntingdon, in and for the County di-hinting. don, on Woctuesday rho 11th day of August next, to wit: 1 David S. Ker, eector, &c., of Dear) , M. tier, late of theborough of Huntingdon, deekl., who was kin life tune sole Adminis• trator of his litter the Hon. John tier, late of Walker township dee'd. 2. David Snare, Esq., Crtistee appointed by the Orphan's' Court, to sell the real estate of Jacob Afritia, late of the borough of Hun. tingdon dee'd. 3. Israel Smiley, Executor, Ac.,of John Smiley, late of Brady township, deed._ • A. B. F. Foust, Exeenior, &e., or Peter Fipple, late of Shin!) , township. der.tl., O. Joon C. Couch, Administrator of Ann S. Hays, hap of Barreo township, dee'd. 6. David H. Campbell, Executor, Ac., of Solomon Moyer, late of Penh township, doe'd. 7. David H. Campbell, ono of the Adminifo trators of 'Thomas Enyeart. late of Penn tp. 8. Guardianship account of D IL Campbell, guardian of theminor children of Adam Oar. tier, deed, laic of Penn tp., dec'd. HENRY GLAZIER, Register. Register's (Vice. 1 • Iluntingdonjuly 14 1853. J CHEAP GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS! ! . FISHER & IGNIURTRIE Hove jitst'received their second stock of SUMMER GOODS, which will be sold of at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. It comprises Summer Dress Gooda of every description, Prints, Ginghams, Cottons, White Goods, Hosiery, Mitts, Trimmings, Marseilles, Potent Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, Straw Goods, Boots & Shoes, and a largo and general assortmeht of all kinds of Goods sui table to the wants of the community. DROCIIA AND WOOL SHAWLS, fine 1) and elicap at . D. I'. °WIN'S. 9cdr•Nature never looked more lovely than at the present time. Old Mother Earth has led on her best looks and gavest attire, the bald places on her ancient "poll," she has effectual ly covered from view, with the luxurious gam. tore of Spring. Just. so, only substituting Art for Nature, our friendlt vomit: TRUIWALAND, of No. 29 South Sixth St., is covering the bald heads of mankind in general, with his exquisite ly light, graceful and comfortable "Gossamer Wigs," and Toupees. Our readers, who have had the misfortune to lose this natural orna. meet, the hair, should call at his dressing rooms in Philadelphia and examine ibr themselves the superiority of the articles of his !mike over those of any ether manufacturer. His Liquid flair Dye continues deservedly popular, being free from all deleterious qualities, and impart. ing to the hair and whispers 'a soft, glossy, appearance. George bas'also•tnany other useful toilet articles, which he offers to the combining two vet:) , desirable qualities, to wit :—excellence and cheapness. Let all our readers who design visiting Philadelphia give him a call. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. rik WZNA 11.1 4 -"!- V- Vv."% 11'6 the inveat or of MOID;E'S• 1 :‘;'• DI A N ititt a PILLS, has spent the ;fres.; ter part aids hie in travelling, having vkited ; Europe, Asia, mid Africa, as WPii as North A werica.—lins spent three years amiwg the In. rif our Western eountry—it wwi in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first dis covertol. Dr. Morse was the first Man to es• tablish the fact that all climeses arise frem Im purity of the Blood—that out strength, health and life depended upon this ;vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and tin not net in perfect harmony with the dif• ferett functions of the body, tile blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and di sensed; thus causing all pains sickness mid distress of every name. ' oar strength is exhaus• , • ted, our health are deprived of, and if iin• ; ture is not assisted in throwing off the stag. nant 'minors, the blood will become choked and erase to net, and thtis our light of life will ; forever be blown out. Ilow important then I that we should keep the various passages of the hotly free and open. And how pleasant to ns that we have it in our power to put atnedi• Moo in your reach, namely, Morse's Indian • Root Pills. mai; am:tared from plants and roots which grow around the umentainons cliffs in Nature's garden, fire the health nod recovery of diseased man. 'Clue of the roots from which these Pills um finale is a Sudorific, which w pear the pores of the shut, and assists Nature in throwing out the fitter parte of the romme thin width'. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant. that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs, and thus. in a soothing manner, performs its duty by throwing off phlegm, and other; Iminom from the lungs by copious spitting. The third in a Dion tic whielt gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encomaged, they draw largo a— mounts of impurity from the blood, whieli ie then thrown nut bountifully by the urinary or water possage, and which could 0, t have been discharged in :toy other way. The fourth is is Cathartic, and accompanies the Whet prop. males of tie Pills while engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impuriry whieh cannot pass by the other .outlets, ate than taken up and conveyed oft in great plan titles by the hOWels.• • Proprietor, From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse'• Indian Root Pills not °lily enter the stomach bat become united with the blood, foe they Mel way to every part, and completely rent oio and cleanse the system from all imputity. and ! the life of the Maly, which is the blood, be( I comes perfectly healthy; sonsequently all sick miss and pale is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes I Imre and clear. The rod.e why people are so distressed. when sick. and why 80 aunty die, is because', they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afilieled parts. and which will open the enteral passages Mr the disease to he east one honce,la large quantity of Mod and other mat ler is lodged, sod the stomach and its estihes tire literally overfl ow km with the corrupted mass; thus uudergoing'disagreeable ferments( ' tion, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted Matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken limn the body by disease. Dr. ,Moue's Pills have ad ' led to themselves victory upon victory, by re. storing-millions or the sick to blooming health and happiness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have een scare bed by the burning elements of ra• ging fever, and who have been brought, no it were, within a step of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify tied they would have been (lumbered with the dead, had it not been Me this great and wonderful tne(licine, Morse's lialihn Hoot Pills, After one or two doses had been take., they were astonished, end ale sultuely surprised, in witnessing their eliarm. ing (Alec:is. Not only do they give imteedi• ate ease and strength, and take away all sick ness, pain and anguish but they at once ), , ,o to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blood. Therefore, it will he shown, espec ially by those who use these Pills, that they Will so cleanse and purity, that disease—that deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the flush of youth nod beauty will again return• and the prospect of a long and happy, life will cher'sh and brighten your days. CAUTION.—Beware of a counterfeit sign. oil A. 33. Moore. All genuine have the 08003 of A. J. WHITE bCO, on each box. Also the signa , nre of J. White & Co. All slim( ens ure sjourions ,, A. J. Will B & CO., Sole Proprietors, MI Leonard Street, New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines SEP Agents wan ted in every town, village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the agency will addrees as above for terms, • ear Price 23 cents per box. five boxes will be dent on receipt of $l, postage paid. JOHN HEAD, Agent Huntingdon, Pa. December 'ts, XF•7E AYI]I Y.A. FOUNDRY. .~~ ~... ~'~ ~u~e The Alexandria Foundry Flasks, Patters, &e., have been bought by It. C. McGILL. The Foundry is in blast and he has all kinds of Cos . - tigns. Stoves of all . kinds, Machines, Ploughs, Kettles,2. L., &c.. &c., which he will sell at the low— est market prices. All kinds of Coon• try produce and old metal tecen in exchange at market prices. R. C. McGILL Muy 26 1858. fIOUGLASS & SHERWOODS' Patent Ex tension Skirts, for sale only by FISHER & Mc:Mutant. Glass Preserving Jnrs ' different sizes, for sale by FISHER & McMURTRIE. THE CASSYILLE SEM MARY ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER THE PRESENT FACULTY, M. McN. , WALiill, Principal, Prot of Languages .d Philosophy. Chas. P. Joslin. A. M, Prof. of Latin. Greek, etc. James W: Hughes, Prof. of Mutheinatics. Benjamin F. Houck. Adjunct Prof. of,Nintlieniatic,. GeO. W. Linton. Prof. of Vocal Music. Mrs. M. "nc\i. WALSII, Precrptress, Teacher of if omit, Diatury,Rea(ling; etc. 111 Isa E. In Faulkner, 'Teacher or Pellls Work, Painting, Drawing, Miss D. L. Stanley, Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, l'hYrs, Mrs. Dr. Darwin l,her of English• Dranches, MAR .1. M. Walsh, 'Puncher of Primary English. '['ha recent sueeess of this school is estrnor. dinary. Besides heink• the cheapest one of the kind ever eStititlis,hetl, it is now the largest in this seetine of the Stain. All "brunches are Wight, and students of nil ages, nnd et hod, ore received. The esrenses for rt. year need nut be more than $9O. Students can mr ter whenever they wish. Address. JOUN D. WALSD, engsville, linsoiNvloo Co., Pa. .111.23;58. 1:i tl ;74 ).° .SAItE.. The 'subscriber offers fir sale a small farm in Heinle:men township, half a mile north cast of the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of .I.llm Simpson, Culestoek. awl atheist, eon. tabling about ninety acres and allowance. twenty-tive or thirty acres of which are cleared and 'under P. good state of cultivation. 'The balance is Well timbered. There are on' this properly three never.failitt7 springs of goad' water. The buildings co.it4 of 'll. twotstory frame' house 'and kitchen, and a to stable ; fine young apple orchard of grafted fruit.— Term s mode known by applying to the subscri•' tier. SAMUEL. FRIMMIC. Orplaaas' Court Sale, Mgt, Estqle o/ .1.4.31 ES CL.II RK. der 13v virtue of a plorius Ora, ol Chort of Ilnotingdon County will l lip ~• I to ,010 by public outcry, on the pretni,s, on Saturday, the 101 h doy of Ittlib next, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. M.— A lot or ground in the borough of Shirley:, burg, 'fronting on Main street siXty foot and en. bank nt right angles thereto. 1111 I! }Mildred and forty bet; being No. in the phut or said town, colj,rining lot of Isaac Sil:lrrer On the north. and /13Vi thereon erected a Two Story Log Thodling thmse, Terms of Salo.—One-third of lie 'pendia, money to be paid on conCuntion of .le. and the balance in two equal annual payments. with interest, to be mecum] by tho Mlt.= and mortgage of the part±tr.,... =,hHN M. CLARK, Mer. June23,*58..3t, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that letters testamen tary on the last will of Robert Cummins, law of . ..I:lel:sou township, deed.' hove been dolt' issued to the mulermigned. All pornous boleti• tel to the estate of said deed. are requested to make immediate payment, and all haring riniotn ngiiiiiNt it, to propent ti ein properly Ito• thentientm settlement to SAMUEL CUMMIN , 1 c . , ST ER II IT CUMMINS, "x"Ii 10 . 0. Joel:sou t p., June n,1.18514.-lit. (!::dale of Barba r o Ililemon, ileC(l.) d 111 ill istratt,es Notice. N.,1,0 giVl.ll thilt Irttets t..s.tant,i tnry with the will tir.itt•xetl. have 1,, grulited to the undersigned. on the l'Staie !Noun, late or MI IrolS 11,11,111 r. 1. , q• lots itidt•ltted to snit! immediate payment, and these intvitigAiliiiino will present, them duly nalletit it•towl for ~ ,t t le. motif, - DAVID sTEwAitT, A neAuTeruL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, COMPLETELY PRESEEVED TO THE 'GREATEST All E. And who that is gray would not have it re stored to Ihrmer color; or bald, but would have tl a growth restored, or trbahled with dandruff and itching but would bare it iemorml. or iron bled with scrofula, scold Jimul, or other twitp thm, but would be cured, or with sick headache (neuralgia) but would be cured. It wants° remora all pimples from the face and skin. Prof. Wood's Hair Ihstoratire will do all this, see circular and the following. Ann A noon, November 5,1856. • Poor. 0. J. Wooo—Dear Sir. I tort heard *mul said of the wonderful etreets of seer Hair Re-torntive, hut having }teen so often theater: by quackery nod no:trouts, hair dyes, Sze., I W. disposed to plate your Restorative in the same category with the thou.,' and one loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met yen in Law ranee courtly some Immtlis • sitice, when yon gave, me such assurance indnced do trial of your Restorative in my inmily—first by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and en tirely white. and. before exhausting one of your large bottles, her hair was restored nearly to Its original beautiful brown color, and had thicken edt and ,become benutiful and glossy upon, pith entirely over the head; she continues to use it, not simply 'became of its beautify* effects up on the heir, hoc because of its healthful Milli on. 'upon the head and mind, Others or my family and friends are using your Restorative. with the brim - tick effects I thcrecore. my skepti cism and doubts in reference to its character are entirely removed ; and I can and do most cordi• ally and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from white Or gray (by reason of sickness or age,) to origi nal color and beauty, and by all young persons who would have their hair licantil Very truly and t rntefully yours, SOLOMON MANN, FRIEND WOOD : It was a twig time after I sew you at Bliss&ld hefore I got the bottle of Re storative for which you gave me en order upon your agent in Detroit, and when I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hale, us the surest test of its power. It has done all that you assured me it would do: and Others of my family and triendS, haring witnessed its effects' are now u•ing Hod recommending its use to oth ers as entitled to the highest consideration you claim ft r it. Again,.very respectfully and truly anur4 ' SOLOMON MANN CARL YLE. 111, Juno. 20, 1852. I have used Prof. .I,l , ;d's Hai; Restor ative,' and him admired it wonderful effects.— My hair was becoming, lrs I thought, remnant ly gray, hut by the use of his Restorative it hen resumed its original color, and, I have nu doubt permanently to. S. BRESSE. ox Senator. U. S. _ ... 0. J. wool) & CO., Proprietor., 312 Brood way, N. 1%, (in the great N. Y. Who Roiling I Establishment) awl 114 Market street, St. Louis orMii , and cold by all good Druggists. Jutte2,'sB.-3tn. MACKEREL of ell Nos., Herring, &c., can be had of the best quality, by ceiling on Frew. & MestrnTaTE. l'IlE LIVER , INVIGORATOR ! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. Compounded entirely of Gums. 1 to one of the beet purgative and liver meal l eines now before the public, that nets as a Ca thartic, easier, milikr, and more effectual than , any titer medicine known: It is not only a Ca- • thartie, but a Liver remedv,.ncting first on the ; l.iver to elect its morbid, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that matter. thus accom- 1 plishine two purposes effectually. without any of the pamful feelings experienced in the operation of most Cathartics. It sire gthens the system at , the same TRIPd that it purges it . 0111 i when token l daily in moderate dens, will strenghten mud build it up with nominal rapidity. The Liver is one off 4 the principal revile- 1 tors of the human , lio- 1 am tly ; and when it per- foruis its functions weld: the powers of the sys- , ;ern are fully develop-lix cd. The stomach is 1 almost entirely depen- 1 ,0 dent nnthe healthy action of the Liver fur ~—' like proper perform-' once of its fnuctions. a 1 When the stotmich is l at fault, the bowels arc 0 Int fault and the whole I system sulfurs hi con- ,;.p., sequence of or, orgi.n —the ',leer— having's. icensed to do its ditty. For the• diseases 010. that organ one of the proprietors has ninde ~,, if his study, inn prat:- 1 tive ol more then twen-, ,7.1 ty years, to find ..6 remedy wherewith tot counteract the many I derangement, LO whitin g lit is HOW. • i TO prove that. this c 7.3 ireinedy is at Itio di, '. covered any. pernOtt„ —. troubled with Liver 1 Complaint in any o•its , r forms, has lint to try a bottle and vonvictionl . .,' . ,is certain. These gums removelm !al morbid or had I matter from the system ~,., Hpplying in their place it heal by flit, Inf bile, invigorating 1 the stomach, ceasing R fond to digest well, purifying the blood,gi- M ,ving tone and health to the whole machine- .as ry, removing the ennse of the disease, and of r tlbeting. a. radical cure. One dose alter eat-'t,.. ing in stithicient to rc- I lien° the stomach and i - -, I p ee rent,the feed f rom rising and enuring. 10. Bilious attacks orel cured, not what is hotter, prevented, by . the occnsional use of the Liver Invigorator. 1:4 \ ' (July one dose la-,,,)ten before coining prevents Nightmare. 'Only one dose token at night, to - ens the bet,li gently, and mires Costiveness. . - One dose taken after each meal will e e lits i.,2_l2.t.•_. . _ nue dose of two teaspoonfuls wiil Nays .move Sick lictuincise, ()1,, bottle takcn for female oliretractionre m,•,,•: glni ranee of the disease, and makes 1 ••t"l.•'t cure. • Only one doge immediately reliereA Cliolic, while One dose often repeated is n sure core for Cholera Modal., anti A preventive of Cholera. Cr Only one bottle is needed to throw• out of thn system the effects of medielne:after a long siekness. he bottle taken for Jaundice removes nll snllowness or unnatnral color from the skin. One heat token n short tinie before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest One dose often repented cores Chronic, Dinr then in its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel complaints yield almost, to the first dose. One or twu doses cores attacks caused by Worinn.in Children; there is no surer or speed imometly in the world, as it scree Stile. CiVA few bottles cures dropsy, by exeiling the absorbents. We take ideastatie in MOM:1100i Ilgt med. leine . n prdventive for Fever eel Agee. Chill, Fever, end ell Fevers or e Bilious Type. It operates with Illy:minty, end thousands are ell. ling to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous Les- Oniony in it? favor. . _ . ei 4 PNlix tenter in the month with the invigo etc r, end ,wallow both togetbet. •The Liver Invigorator Ix a scientific medical discovery, and is doily working cures, ahnost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, oven the firsot do, giving hearth, and seldom more than one bottle is re- ['aired to core oar kind of Liver complaint, front the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia run coin mon headache, nil of which ore the result of a diseased Liver. DOLLAR PER 1201. HT:. flit. sANt:O HD. 'Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N•Y, Sold by 11. &:J. Read Ilituritigdott Apr.7.'58.-I v. ci'TO Pr. Hardman, Analytical Physician. Physicinn for Diseases of the Lungs, Throat. and Deart—Formerly Mysieinn to the CINCINNATI MARINE 110SITPAL, Oleo to IN VA 1 . .11)K RETREAT. Author of `•Letting IS COMING See billowing Card. MAY Appointments 1/r. Ilardman, Physician for di:else of the I.lngs (formerly Physician to eilleillllllli Ma rine klospital,) will be its attendance At his moms as follows Huntingdon, Jackson, Hotel, Sunday,Tune 27th Dr. 11. is compelled to make this month's visit on Sunday or disappoint the sick. Dr. Denim. treats Consumption,. Bronchi tis, Asthma, Lairryngittis and all diseases of the throat and ItingA, by utedicnl Inhalation, lately used in the liromton Hospital, London. The :rent point in the treatment of all hymn mala dies is to get at the disease in the direct man ner. All medicines aro estimated by their ac tion 111.01 the r rgan requiring relief. This is the import...lit feet open which Inhalation is ba sed. If the stomach is diseased Mite medicine directly into the stomach. lithe lungs ore diseased, breathe or inhale meiliCated va pors directly into the Mugs. Medicines are the antidotes to disease and should he implied to the very seat or disease. Inhalation is the np pliention or this principle to the tteatment the lungs, Ihr it gives as direct atress to does, intricate air cells and tithes which lie out of reach of ever, other means of administering medicines. 'file reason that Consumption, and other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re sisted all treatment lets heen beimuse they had never been epproached in a direct manner by medicine. They were intended to net upon the lungs and yet were applied to the stomach.— Their action was intended to be local, and yet. they were sb administered that they should not act constistotionully, expending immediate and principal action upon the untittending stomach, whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were un molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in direct con toot with the disease, without the disadveutage of tiny violent action. Its appli cation it simple, that it cam ho employed by the youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de gree with the strength, domfort, or business of the patient. o . rittot DISH AtIES TREATED.—III relation IC. the following diseases, either when eumpli• rated with lung affections existing alone, I ulso invite consultation. I usually find theta prompt ly curable. Prolapsas and all other forms ofFeinale eeln , plaints, Irregularities and Weakness. S. D. HARDMAN. M. D. Julie 3, 1838. - • New Card-Press. Having bought u Just ''CARD PRESS," wo are now prepared to print in the proportion of three cards in the sitine time that any other press in the county can print bile, consequent. ly we can print them 'clieapim—if kid done well we matzo no charge at all. We ask your pa tronage. ~ PLENDID Line of Dress Goods, eml racing L. , Holies of all kinds, Dosages. Chilly!, Lawns olored Brilliants, Chintzes, &r.. enn he 'burnt at the nittntorouren. SOY [ " H E S, SNATHS, RAKES, FORKS ,&c., large assortment at the Hardware Store JAMES A. BROWN. TIII: GOLDEN PRIZE. L L S T TE D . i)LLIN & I.Ttie; Successors to pftll‘o & The New York. Weekly tiulden Thin in one of the largeni and hest literary papers of. the day—an Imperial Quarto, containing eight pa ges, or forty columns, of the most interesting' and feseinating rending matter, front the pens of the very first writers al the day, A PRESENT, Worth from i 3 Cents to $4OO 00, Will lo given to each subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription money. Thin is ! presented an a memento of Friendship, and not its tin inducement to obtain subscribers T E 1 M S: I Copy for) cent, S 2 00 nod I Present. I " 2 " 1 50 2 Presents. 3 t: 5 00 5 A AO 5 AND TO CLUBS, 5 00 a R Copies, I yenr, 10 " 4 . 15 00 10 44 21 " 4: 30 00 21 ' " The articles to be given nway toe comprised in the ti)!lowing list : 2 Peeknges of Gold, con'g $5OO 00 me . 5 do t'.o do 200 00.cacli. li) do do do 100 00 end, 10 Patent Lever tioneg IV:itches 100 00 end,. 00 Gold WUICile3 75 00 each. 50 do 60 00 each. 101) do 50 00 each. 300 Ladies' Gold Watches 35 ( 1 0 each. 200 Silver Hunting Watches 30 00 each. f.OO Silver Watches i.'lo 00 tv 25 00 etch. 1000 (i'l,l Guard, Chains $lO 00 to 30 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve ButtooF, Bingo, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil ver Thimbles, and a variety 'of other worth front 50. cents to $l5 each. We will present to every person sending ns 90 subscribers, $2 each, u Gold Watch, worth $4O: to any one seeding ns 100 subscribers; at $2 each, a Gold . Watch, worth $9O. liver: snbscriber will also receive n present. Immediately on receipt of the money, the m crilicr's name will be entered upon our book and tl a present will be forwarded within one neck, by mail or exprass, post Icy All e'on6todeations r sitottld be nthit'essed DEAN dr. SALTER, Proprietors, 335 Broadway, Now York. -1 m.l v, D11112F11, ) DENTISt'; I , I7UNT IN .0-1) 11,, 'I? June 13, 1 ti 37. A HOMESTEAD FOR $lO, FOR SALE In "Cold Region" and other portions of Virginia, the following Farina and Bail ding Luis, in Shares, to wit: 1 Fce:n 100 aetes, gala 'nine is 100 arras. 4 Forms of 60 acres each, arc 250 fr, " 40 " 1000 ao 70 " 20 .. « 1,100 " 1250 1000 500 64 4, 4 ' 250 Bnihrg lota A•A. sts. and sq, 1350 ‘• 00 " 2500 `• • 4 50x 100 • • 5000 • • 4. 25x100 10,000 Shares, amounting to 10,000 tic's. Certificates of ;lie above Shares, (with Bonds for the immediate exuention and delivery of the Deedso have been enclosed in 10,000 envelopes. exactly alike, anti sealed ; which, alter being well mixed up. have been numbered on the one e from' I to 10,000 itichmive, so that no one knows the contents of any particular envelope. They will he told at $lO eftell, without releren, to m hat they contain, and sent to ahy one ma king application, Unexceptionable Titles will In till cases be givon. 'rhe largest Farm. containing a Gold Mine valued at 030,000, and the smallest sieed Let, have been selling at $lO each. &et!, have already been sold upon these term , . Whilst all stand the sumo chance of getting the Farms, every purchaser is guaranteed our of these lots at least. Every etherpnrchaseris bound to get one of at least doable its a 17.0 and value. I•;very fourth purchaser one of at le..st quadruple its size and value. Whilst every tooth porch.or will get it rani ranging in . value front S.2OU up to $30,000. These farms and Lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of which se-ill compensate for the present tigerlike. The net proceeds are to be applied to local improvements, such as Schools, Factories, Mills, &e. Any number of Shares ran be taken by individuals, — to secure s Farm mi.e at least ten shares. The certificates can ho obtained by paying one-half :ind the Devils by paying theother half. • t4' 70;0 0 U Acres of Land, in large or small triers can also be had at prianta sale. and upon the most reasonable term, - Some of it is high ly improml. Agents are wanted everywhere to sell theNc lands. Liberal inducements will bo given. For full particulars apply to E. BAUDER, Port 110101, Caroline no. Va. Apr 4 T :MI ES Cu LLANS, Ticnost in or , n , Sam.t‘ the • SAVING FUND, PAM PER GMT MEREST NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST COI.. OF THIRD, Inempornted by the State of Pennsylvania. mosEY IS ItEcEtvED IN ANV SUM, -1- ,1 large or smell, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The (Alice Is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternapci, and 'on Monday end Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. DON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President, 1V M. J. REED, Secretary. . DIRECTORS t Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph H. Berry, Hobert L. Selfridge, Francis Leo, Sand. N. Ashton, Joseph yerkes,_ _ C. T;atidroth Mains, I Heti& Diell'en'derffer, Money is received and payments made daily without ty tiec. The investments are made in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such class se• clarifies as elm Charter requires. , Feb.24,'57. Miss SOUTHWORTH, C 61.0,1.1. G. W. CROCKETT, CHARLES UURDETT THOMAS DI'NN ENGLISH, M. D HENRY CLAPP, Jim, GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YouNG, Mns. ANNA WHELPLE Miss VIRGINIA VAULI MiiS. DI. V1•"IINON, Miss HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, Write only for the GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. COOK I§-TOVE. , A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE rof sale at this office; it is calculated to burn wood or ronl.. To Merchants and Fanners. GROUND PLASTER can ha had et the Huntingdon Flour and Plaster Mille, in any de sirable quantity. 011 end after the in day of March, 185 F. We deliver it FREE OF imAncla on the cart at the .tenets of the Pennsylvania and Broad Top Railroads. & I'VicittURTRIE. Fah.24,'5 Z. store Dwelling to !tent st Broad Top city. nt I.l•nt on ver 0111' of the beet ih o , `I 11 , 7.1ii), ,, W• A very II:II, at }llk phlee viih 1 InOpPratiOn -b1 . 11,W Brend city, 11111111;40 WIIII eoitht.ry, ns 111,1, IA 110 j2l/1/C1 Store within tunny miles out al, unn loopiog a good ~IProvi,iuns nr.d C0r41 , 3 Nuitable for totintry Ilse ran undo ,, l.tedl_ do a very fine To n good TPan at are Store Riot ranted on easy terraN, \ ppl t J. M. CLARK, Agrnt 11111.1 lrop Olt! June 16, '58.-6t. cIPLENDID RAG CAliPtit for 37cts. per yarl at the cheep !tyre of McMcnTnin, PREMIUMS Ain R PED T EIE JOURNAL JOB OFFICI' AT T,ll F. I'M:, 1,11: "VI-3CM 313ME•Wir' :A 818 iir PRINTING. NTC:)"I' I ICM. We rotTu7t those of our subsere7s v.hors• vivo their papers, to inf.rin no of those in their iminwliate neighborhoods who are subscrkbqrs r- • - • ,- to the “Journal,' anci him' failed to rfleei o ro the aunt, since the'stcaling of our Fuel:A/oak, ht rullians on the Id of Pehruare. N.AT..II.IOTarM3I:>! WIII.:AT AND CORN. - wanted at thin having either can dispose of the 111 . 11 I.c cgHing soon. STAGE LINE FROM C . hainbersburg to Mt, Union . _ rpi,c undersigned aware that a suspension of the line of Stages over the rood between Chaniliersburg and Mt, Union, cannot be but disoilrontageotts to a large section of the soon try, has, at a considerable expense anal trouble made arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri- weekly between the two points Good' llorses ond coinfortalife Stages hove been pla ced on the route, and experienced .and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the .Coaci.e.i. The proprietor of the line is disiroos butt it 1.. c maintained, *milt° therefore colts 11 , 11 111.. 11111.11 C genet/111Y to patronize it. conli .,.•ot Coat it sail ha far their mutual advantage. Every :mention necessary will be given; mid tier int.:tag of the Soices will he regnlor. • leave Mt. Union. every Tite , lay • Thio :,ad Saturday evenings, 1.5 Ci.l•ll' , ,•,!ltll . ff 010 next nay at 2 Welock. RV • arc Chambersburg, the some night ti , arrivim% at Mt. Union Ilia next :e rime for the cots.. Between Mt, Mt • Gap the line will ho daily. through $3; to intermediote point, io regime; iion. .10IIN JANIISON. .I.ln. 185S.—,tf. HAIR RESTORATIVE PRODUCING HAIR ON BALD ROADS, Grey Hair to its Natural Color. astonishing and nuegnalled preporatiou has never failed to product: a growth on Ileld when used 'ricoording to the direction, niul turn hair hack to its original color, allot baring become gray, and reinstate it in all its us iginal health, lustre, softnerls and beauty. Ile moves at once all ceerl; dantVta and unpleasant s trusts the e r r a o l l;:tla, it er it tiLtio p n rc s ve it n n t , s l t r e e ah r lent betottling unhealthy and falling off, and hence ants us it perfect Il.sta INVIGORATOR AND To ; Nie. . - A gentlemen of Boston writea to his friend in New Bedford tints :' To your inquiries I would reply, that when I first COIIIIIICIWWI to nse Professor Wood's Mir Restorative, its hair was almost white, and had been so for the last ten scars and it was very thin .On the top of my bead, and very loose, and pullet out very freely ; but I found that before I told used ell the second bottle, (whielr woo right weeks) my hair was entirely changed to its original color, light brown, and is now free from 'ilitcdrell and finite inois't: I hays he'd my hair cat live or six times since the change, and have news seen anything like white Ilua start ing from the rents; nnil it is now as thick as 4t ever was, and does not come out all. It hat I proved in my case all that I could wish to ask. July 1, 1853. Yours, etc. [From the Boston lierald.] Swamimu Wotan KNOWII.7O.—By using Pro lessor Wood'd .11air Restorative, gray hair can be permanently restored to its original color. The subjoined certificate from Johnson & §tone Gardiner, Maine. is but ono of the many in stances that are doily coming to our knowledge, of its wonderful effects. GAP .. I!CER, Maine, June 22, 18:,!; .tn Sin t—l have used two bottle; of Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is the greatest disecvery of the age the restoring and changing the hair. Before using it, I was a man of seventy. My lutirlints - tieelattained its twiginal color, Yon con recommendlt to the world without the lust fear, us my cueo was ono of the worst kind. Touts, respectfully, DANIEL R. MURPHY Professor 0. J. Wood. BROOKFIELD, 31aSsachusetts, Jao. 12, 1845. DEAR Stu :—Having made trial of your Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to any that its edict has been excellent in removing in flammation, dandrull; and a constant. iWhing !tendency, withich I hove been troubleil fe tat childhood ; nod has also restored my hair ,which was becoming grey, to its original color!. have used no other article with , anything like the pleasure and profit. Yoy's:trulyt Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfleld, Professor Wood. [From the. Missouri Democrat.] WOOD'S HAIR DYE.—'Phis sdinirable ar ticle is rapidly improving the lidir.. No article of n similar land, now before the publib; enjoys a better reputation as a restorative and invigo rating hair tonic. Its peculiar choosiest quali ties have a beneficial effect upeu the growth and character or the hair, giving a silky and glossy texture to shut which was forinerly of a coarse and dry nature. It has, also, ire understand, a tendency to preserve the youthful color and ap pearante of the hair, find destroyingur counter acting the effects of old age. With such recom mendations in its favor, sod hardly perceive hop nay lady or gentleman should he without soval uable paiadjlmet to their toilet. 0. J. NY 0(.11) & CO., Proprietor., 312 Broadway N. Y., & 114 Market et., St. Louie, Mieeouri. Sold in Hnntingdon by Joni. %an, and H. MoManton., and by lernmpets everywhere. I•eb. In; 'Mir