Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 21, 1858, Image 1

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    111,t Hunting/bon \-470.,,:L1via1t.
New Goods ! New Goods !
D. P. Gwin has just returnd from Philadel.
phis with tile largest and most beautiful as.
sortment of
Ever brought to Huntingdon,
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as flack Silks.
and Fancy. All Wool de Loins,
(all colors)
Spring Helains, Challis Delains. forages,(all
colors) Levellit Cloth, Deludes, Alpacca, Pop
lins, Printed Barnes. Brilliants, plain and fig
ural. Gingbams, Loans, and Prints of every de
AL;SH, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Erin
ges,'Antiques, Gimps. Ribbon, Buttons, Braids,
Crapes, Reed es Bras Huops, Skirt Cord. Silk
and Linen handkerchief's, Neck ties, Stock,
French Working Cotton, Lines and
Cotton Floes, Tidy Yarn, &o.
Also the hest tint' chenpest assortment of Cot
ars, and Undorsleeves, in town. Ber'd and
Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain, Fig
tared, Skirt Beltt• Marseilles fur Capes, and a
variety of white goods too numerous to 111011.
Spring and Thibit Shawls, White Delaine for
Capes. Nlitutillas, &c.
Also, Cloths, Cessimers, Cassinets, Tweeds,
K. Jeans, Muslim, Cotton Drill, Nankeens,
Ticken, Table Divers. Flannels, &es
Also. a large lot of Bonnets ' Flat, Hats, &c.
Zoots and Shoes, the largest end chea
pest assortment in town.
IX A B. D MT A 33. (10101111T$-
WARE, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns,
Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, Sc. Carpe ts.
Oil Cloths, Fish end Salt, Sugar, Coffee,
Ten, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a
country Store.
sly old customers, end as ninny new ones es
can crowd in are respectfully requested to come
and examine my goods.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, et the highest market prices.
April 21, 1853.
FISHER & mcmuirrnic
formerly known as "SAxrox's" take plea
sure in announcing to their trinnyfliend4 ' that
they have received now and welt•selected
stock nf Goode, which they feel confident Till
satisfy the demands orate public, and will prove
ttuceiitionajslu in•arTLE and QUALITY.
The fine of Drees Goode erni;ntees
We have a tine asmrtment of Summer: Man
tillas, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An
tiques. BiMums, Mittr o -Oloves, Cianutivis, J
siery, Ladies' Collars, Bandkerchic a, Buttons,
Floss, Sowing Silk, IVlutlehoncs for Skirtg,
Heed Mops, Brass do., Skirt Cord. Sc.
ALso—Tickens, Osnahurg, bleachol and on-
Munched Musßps at all prices, Colored and
White Cambrics, Barred and Swiss Muslim:,
Victoria Lnwns, Nainsooks, Tarletott and many
other Articles which comprin mite line of White
and Domestic Gout's.
We have Ftcnch Clutha, Faucy
Sattinettv, Jeans, Tweeds, Cot tonaden, Linens,
Denims and Blue Drills.
of every varjety awl style.
.Also all kinds
A good stoelc
Wood and Willow-Ware,
ha SOLI Clll,l,
Wo also deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT,
nod all kinds of GRAIN, and pulse:. ihvilities
in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We
deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise,
FREE 1W CHARGE, nt the depots of the
Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads.
Come one, come all, and he convinced that
the "MurnorotxrAN" is the place to secure
fashionable and desirable gods, disposed of at
the lowest rates.
pdd Llu9D ryUl(l ]4
- • .
A New Assortment Just Opened !
And will be sold 30 per cent.
rj ROMAN respectfully inlorms his canto
mers and the public generally, that he has
just opened at his store-room in Market Square-
Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready
Clothing for Fall and Winter,
which he will sell dimmer then tile same quality
of Goods can be purthaqed at retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in the ...try.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
n ell to call and examine his sleek before !
g elsewhere. Also,
Hats, Caps,
which will be mold lower then at coy other as•
tablishownt in the county.
Huntingdon, April 1. Mg.
Patent Portable Fence.
The rights of Hunt's Patent Portable or Per
manent Fence and Gate Post, for Lots, Farms
and Township, can be secured for a small sutra
by calling on the Agent at Huntingdon. Go
and see the model at once. It is decidedly
the beat Fence ever used. No Farmer should
be without it. Call ye who would be benefit.
ted and examine it fur yourselves.
for Huntingdon County.
_BToRm !
- 341 - sing and Grocery Store.
i'MANIGILT, SMITH & CO.,Hill St., 5
doors west of the Court House; Huntingdon.
peelers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs,
Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Spts. turpentine,
Fluid, Alcohol, Wine and Brandy of the Best
article for medical uses, Concentrated Lye for
making Sonp, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines
also Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Sugar, Molasses,
Vinegar. Fish, Salt, Flour, Crackers, Nuts,
Candies, Figs, Raisins, Tobacco, Cigars, Syr.
ups of all kinds for summer drinks in a word
every thing usually kept in a Drug or Grocery
Store, those who desire pure and Genuine ar•
tidies will do well by giving use call.
Idly 19, ',58:-Iy.
SPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas of every
style at the Maraorot WAN.
The'lllosTmonoNJoonsar,' is published a
the following rotes :
If paid in advance $1,50
If paid within six mouths after the time of
subscribing 1,75
. .
If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00
And two dollar& and fifty cents if not paid
till after the expiration of the year. No subscrip
tion taken for a less period than six months.
I. All subscriptions are continued until oth
erwise ordered, sad no paper will ho discontinu
ed, wily arrearages are paid, except at Hie option
of the publisher.
2. Returned numbers are never received by no.
All nuinhers emit us in that way are lost, nod
never accomplish the purpose of the sender.
3. l'orsons wishing to stop their subscriptions,
mustpay vp a rrearafp, and send a Written or
verbal order to that °net, to the office of pub
lication in Huntingdon
4. Giving notice too postmaster is neither a
egal or a proper notice.
5. After one or more numbers of a new year
have been forwarded, a new year hoe comma.-
ad, and the paper will not he discontinued until
orrcarege, are paid. See No. 1.
The Courts have decided that refusing to take
a newspaper Iron, the office, or ',moving and
leaving it uncalled for, is ram A FACIE evidence
of intentional fraud.
Subscribers living in dikant counties, or in
other Sutton, will be required to pay invariably
in mimic°.
• iaa The above terms will be rigidly mlliered
to in all eases.
Will be charged at the tollo;lng;ittes
I insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
Six lines or Icon, $ 25 $ 37i $ 50
Ono square, (11l lines,) 50 75 I 00
Two " (32 `‘ ) 100 150 2UO
3 mo. 6 filo. 12 mu.
One square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 (Jo
rwo squares, 500 800 12 00
I column, 800 12 00 18 00
lit, 12 00 18 00 27 U 0
18 00 27 00 40 00
1 do., 28 00 40 00 50 00
Business Cards of six lines, or loss, $4.00.
Advertising and Job Work ,
V 0 would remind the Advertising com
munity rind all others who wish to bring
their business extensively •before the pub
lie ; that the Jour ant has the largest cir
culation of any paper in the county—that
it is c instantly increasing;—and that i
goes into the. hands of our wealthiest citi
We would also state that our facilities
for executing all kinds of JOB PRINT
ING are equal to those of any other office
inthe county; and all Job %York entrus
ed to our hands will be done neatly,
rromptly, and at rites which will be
flat goctrß.
The world for sale I—Hang out the sign;
Call every traveller here to me ;
Who'll buy this brave rotate of mine,
And set me from eartlitfhondage free"
'Ds going!—yes, I mean to fling
The bauble from toy noel away
sell it, ahatarr it bring; .
The World. 01 auction here today
It is a glerions thing to see;
Ah, it has cheated me so sore 1
It is not whist it seems to be
For sale! It shall he mine no more.
Come, turn it o'er and view it well ;
I would not have you purchase dear;
'Pie going—going! I must sell!
Who bids ? Who' the Splendid Tear!
Here's Wealth in glittering heaps of gel
Who bids? lint let um) tell you fair,
A buser lot was never sold ;
Who'll buy the very heaps of Care ? •
And here, spread out in broad domain,
A goodly landscape all may trace;
Hall, cottage, tree, field, hell and plain;
Wh II buy himself a Burial Place I
Here's Love, the dreamy potent spell
That beauty flings around the heart I
I know its power, alas, too well I
'Tis going I Love and I must part I
Must purr I What can I more with Lore?
MI over the enchanter's reign !
Who'll boy the plumeless dying dove,
An hour of Illiss—an ago of Puin
And Friendship—rarest gent of earth,
Whoe'er had; found the jewel his?)
Frail, fickle, false and little worth,
Who bids fur friendship—an it in!
'Tie y oine—going!—Hear the call ;
Once, twice, and thrice !—'Tie very low !
'Twas once my hope, my stay, my all.
But now the brokers staff must go!
Ambition, Fashion, Show and Pride
-1 part from all forever now ;
Grief, in an overwhelming tide,
Han taught my heart to bow.
Poor heart I distracted, ah, so long,
And still its aching throb to bear ;
Bow broken, that was once so strong
How heavy, once 80 Bee from care.
No more for me life's fitful dream ;
Bright vision, vanishing away
My bark requires a deeper stream ;
• My sinking soul a surer stay,
By Death, stern Sherif I all bereft,
I weep, yet humbly kiss the rod;
The best of all I still have left—
10:7* One reason why the world is not
reformed tt because evere man is beta on
reforming others and never thinhe of refer•
ming hinmlf.
"Unnumbered suppliants crowd preferment's
Athirst for wealth, and burning to be great:
Delusive Fortune hears the incessant call,
They mount, they shine, evaporate and
[Dr. Johnson's Works.
The soul of man is slow in its resolu•
lion, and still more languid in the execution
of its plans, Our passions, therefore. are
given to rouse it into action, and to unite
vigor in the exercise of its faculties. Im
portant ends. we may reasonably suppose,
our Heavenly Pusher has in view in phi.
cing such a means of earthly power in
our control in such appropriate and varied
forms. Not the least of all ourpossioas
or inward proclivities is that sub-division
called Ambition—u principle ever bold,
fearless, and' persevering, which when
rightly used leafs to honor. wealth and
f me, but if wrongly guided seeks man
deeper and deeper in the gulf of sin.
"Ambition first sprung from your blest abodes,
The fault of angels and of gods;
Thence to their images on each it flow,,
And in their breasts or kings ant► hero. s glows.
Most souls 'tis true, but peep out onee an ago
Dull, sullen pris'ners in the body's rage,
. .
Dun lights of life, that burn a length of years,
Like Eastern kings a lazy matt they keep
rd qlose confiu'd to their own palace, sleep."
We can easily believe that in ancient,
times, it was necessary that barbarous na.
titian should be conquered, and civilized li
that the arts, and sciences should be bro't
to light, fostered and improved and that the
knowledge possessed should be transmitted
in volumes to us. NlVre virtue, then.
without the impelling principle of 'which I
speak, is too inactive to effect this imd ;
but the love of fame, like the beasts of a
noonday sun upon a torpid animal, gives
vigor to great endowments, and oft engages
men, contrary to their so-called natural,
inclinations in a course of honorable, urn
ful conduct. But Fame being a high pin
nacle of the Temple of Honor few rirhte
suety attain its summit, and yet the, passion
of its aspirants is untiring and universal.
Thousands have not the talent to command
general admiration. Thousands by too'
high hopes lose their aim, and fa I back in
to obscurity And a still greater number
are betrayed into views which lessen their
reputation, and this), destroy their Idols as
fast Its they are built up by their imngina•
tion. A secret tumult is raised In the breast
and an ultimatum sought for which in real
ity is too empty to satisfy them. Differ•
eat objects may allay other desires, but an
increasing love of fame, produces only in
pleasure which excites new projects in the
mind, and urges the weary body to attempt
their occomplishment. But, ns Ambition
is ever subject to disappointment, so the
laurels of a well earned reputation are ex
posed to the shrivelling blast oh detraction,
An illustrious character draws a multitude
of eyes upon him, all disposed to inspect
with the keenest eyes, and inspect, if pos.
Bible. In a disadvantageous light, even the
sisal lest errors. , Heroes, statesmen, sages,
and divinei have all been scanned nod
sinown forth in a malicious seirit and even
our own beloved Washington, was for
long time the butt fur the shaft of envy
11oppy is he who deaf to the strife of ton
gues, enjoys in peace the plaudits of his
Maker. The most laudable Arnhitinn
rhea, is to be wise 'mum salvat in," aind
1111111'S greatest wisdom is to be good. Eve
ry virtue rt quires a proper place, time and
opportunity for exeieise. Some of our
virtues may only be seen in the prosperous
hour, poverty obscures sonic, but God will
I reward us for all. Many tit,' pride ruin
their fellow men by extravagance All
honors, and monaments here Tbna will de
stroy, but a g od na se lives tit Eternity .
Turn then, 0, it eu, of Ambition, thy stri
' vings into this channel. If yours here of
life is limited, fill it with merit, or if you
move in filet wed state, seek still the ap•
pinuse of your God. Then shall all hoar
tbat roost flattering, happy answer of your
Saviour, “Well done thou good and faith•
ful servant, eater thou into. the jay of the
Lord." St. Matthew, 25th chap. 2l at v.
eir , You have a ionsidurnble Cloat'ne
population in this village. havn't you ?'
asked it etratiger of one of the citizen, of
a village on the Nlississippi. 'Well—
ah rn yes, rather so.' replied the latter.
•about hull the year the water is up to the
second window.'
INDIANTrrt. IS a strong. proba
bility that a lout; snd blumly war will 1111
low the Indian outrages on, our North wes•
tern frontier. Thu recent deka( of Ooh
riteptoe will serve to encourage the hostile
tribes. • The Indiana appear to be in an ex
cited state throughout the whole of our
western frontier, from Minnesota to Ari-
cittt )41istellanD.
"If I Were a Man."
Don't I wish that I were a man !
Wouldn't I seeth beaver hatted population
an example of brilliant perfection.—
Wouldn't I make myself generally agreea
ble to nil the ladies, and talk to lent ns if
they liiid souls above bonne-sal What n
glorious man I should make !
wouldn't !mind on the hotel steps and
puti clouds of villainous tobacco smoke
into the eyes of all the pretty girls that
past spit out the pavements to spoil their
little shoes mud injure their tempers.
I wouldn't set my huge heels down cm
trains of their silken dresses, to tear 'curt
half olT; und I think I'm not quite su re,
but I think—l'd knock down the first brute
who dared complain of the circumference
of their garments
And when they come into n car or omni
bus, I wouldn't stick my rinse into n news.
paper, nr look abstractedly out of the win.
dow, nor get up grumbling. , Always the
way with women r Not a bit of it ! I'd
spring up like a patent India rubber ball
all end if the old bachelor on the right
hand vide, and the spruce cleric on the left
hand side didn't compress themselves into
the smallest possible space, 'o make room
for the crinolines, I'd know the reason
why !
And then, when I get married (for to
whet end was I created, if not to ply the
mdinor's bills of some blessed little bi,t of
wuna! kind !) wouldn't I make n model
husbmd. Do you suppose I should both
er her sweet life out of her, by grumbling
because a paltry button had dropped off a
shirt collar, or a string off a dickey ? Do
you think I'd explode like a camphine
lamp:every time I found a rip in toy glove
I'd like• to sea myself stooping to any such
I wouldn't consult the almanac every
time she bought a new bonnet, to see just
how many weeks she had worn the old
one ; and I wouldn't snarl like a croon ti
rer cat whenever the coffee happened to
coot or the rt.e!stenir as it I
wasted her to abase herself in dust and
aches; and burn up her rosy little face be
fore the kitchen fire, while I sat with my
heels on the tulle, reading th•-• paper to
the next room. I wouldn't use profane
language when she asked rue to button op
her sweet little gaiter boots, or It asteut her
gloves, or even to carry her parcels down
lireadway. on a rainy day—whicli last I
consider to be an infallibl. test of patience
and meekness.
' I wouldn't gorge myself with wine and
oysters and cigars a a fashionable down
town rt staurnnt, while my wife dined at
home on cold mutton, and then look as
block as nn overcharged thundercloud.
when the grocerer's 'little bill' came to ;
I wouldn't expend a small fortune in di
amond shirt•studs, extravagant broadcloth
and fancy canes, and then • mutter about
'hard times.' when she ventured to ask ow'
fur a half dollar to buy cheek for the babes
And I rather think I'd go shopping with
her, ton, when she hinual to that elect in•
stead of inventing excuses q,butu Smith
Brown, or the club,-aye. and pay her
bills, too, without screwing up my mouth
as if I had the cramp in my lace ! Arid
if sho looked into s shop window add ad.
mired a thirty dollar collar, I'd walk
straight in and buy it for her, histeud or
feigning to be absorbed in the signs (typo_
site, and 'forgetting to her' what she
said. •
When I came home at night. I wouldn't
make a bear of myself, behind the eve
trite paper and answer savagely, when she
timidly asked who I was reading, •wotaeet
can't understand politics!' No, indeed
I would read her all the anecdotes, play
with the children, pul: the bit ssy's ears.
and tell her how becoming her new silk
was That's the way to keep the wo
man good natured, take my word for it,
and vhat prettier sight is there in all the
world then a good humored women?—
Mind I don't ask the incorrigible old Bach•
Oars ; first because it isn't any of their
business and second because they're not
indges of the article. But pat the clues•
tion to any sensible fellow between the a
ges of eighteen and twenty eight. and see
whet he'll soy !
I'd make a point of always asking my
wife's advice before I went to vote, arid
doing ju-t as she said about it—then I'd
be sure to he always right. And if any
bachelor friend of mine had the impudence
to ask we to an oyster supper, without in.
eluding ray wife in the invitation, do you
suppose I'd go 1 Ask my mother in-law
about that. •
I wouldn't go evening parties, and flirt
desperately with other ladies, and talk a
boat 'toy poor, dear wife, whore,. ill hesl9l
Precluded her enjoyment of society,' when
I knew very well that she was sitting nt
home alone with the cat, and crying her
eyes out over one of sty ragged old
Good gracious! what a wide• field for
tinprovern mt there is among the benight
ed sons of Adam ! It puts me complete
ly out of breath to think of hell the roform
I'd make. Oh 3if I were Only a man.
Mind what you Say before Children.
It is alnays well to avoid saying every
thing that is improper; hut it is especially
so before children, And here parents, us
well us others, are often in fault, !.bildren
have as many ears as grown persons, and
they are generally niece attentive to what
to said before thew What they hear, they
are very apt to repeat ; and as they have
no discretion. and not sufficient knowledge
of the world to dl-guise anyffiing. it is
generally found that •children and fools
speak the truth."
See that boys eyes glisten when you are
speaking of a n. , ighhor in a language you
could not wish to be repeated. He does
not fully understand whatquu mean, but
he will renieinb,r every .vord ; and it will
be strange if he does not cause you to blush
by the repithion.
A gentleman was in the habit of calling
at a neighbor's house, and the lady had al,
ways expressed great pleasure front his
calls. One day, just after she had remark.
ed to him, as usual, her happiness from
his visit, her little boy entered the room.--
The gentleman took lion on tits knee and
'Are you not glad to see me, George V
'No, sir,' replied the boy.
'\Vhy not, my little min?'
'Become mother don't wont you to come,'
said George.
Here the mother became crimson, and
looked diggers nt her little son. Bo he
ow nothing. and therefore replied—
• Bemis, she said yesterday she wish
ed thin old bor. wouldn't cell here ntain."
That .wns ennugh. The gentit;inn's
hat was anon in requisition, and he left
nod it Will prevail."
Another little child looked sharply in t h e
face of n visitor, and being tasked what she
np.ant by it, replied,
.1 wonted to sea if you had a drop in
your eye ; I heard mother soy you had,
A boy once asked one of his father's
guests who it wns that lived next door to
him, and when he heard his name, inquir
ed it he was not n fool.
( No, my little friend,* replied the guest,
'he is not n fol; but a very sensible man•
But whp did you oak diet question ?'
'Because,' replied the boy, 'mother sold
tie other day you wore next door to u fool;
and l wonted to know who lived next thor
to You.'
Names of tiro Months.
The names of the mouths were given
by the 11011014 s.
Januery, the first month, wits so called
from Janus, nn ancient king of Italy, who
was deified after his death. and is derived
front the Latin ward Janunrius. Febtin
ry is deriv.,l from the Latin word Februn,
to purify; hence Februarios. fur in this
month the ancient Ramona offered up ex.
pintory sacrifices for the Purifcation of
peas le. March, the third month,
anciently the first month, is derived train
the word Mars the God of war. April is
so called (roan the Latin Aprilis, that is,
opening: in this month, the Vega
table world opens and buds forth. May is
derived from the Latin word Majorca, so
called by Romulus to respect toward the
Senators; hence Mains or May. June is
from the Latin wor.i Jumus.the youngest
of the people July is derived (rain the
Latin word Julius, and woe so named in
honor of Julius Cesar. August was so
culled in honor of the emperor Augustus.
Septeinher;the ninth momh, from the Lat
in word Septein, or seven, being the see.
enth month from March. October, the
tenth month, (rain the Latin word Octo,
the eighth; hence October. November,
from the Latin Nuvern, nine; being the
ninth month from March. December, the
twelfth month, limn the Lotin decere ten:
so called because it was the tenth (rots
March, which was anciently the begin.
ping of the year.
Bucks I ,OUPITY.—A youg man named ,
Healy, residing in Falsington, Bucks coup
ty, Pn.wasahno.timmedianely killed, a
day or two since, by a mowing
which he was operating. It appears that
voittething had girt wrong with the knives
in uttempting Oo fis, which. Mr. Healy sat
dawn in front til them. The itiachine was
in gear, at the time, and something occur
ring which started the horses, the unfortu
malt wan literally cut to pieces itr-ah. in
stant. Both of his legs Wem cot nff gbot•r:
the knee,.
PRESIDENTIAL HAIR.-111 the Patent Of
fice at Washington, there are many objects
of interest connected with the government,
and those who administered its affairs in
times gone by. While examining some of
these objects at curiosity, when in Wash
ington in December last, there was • noth
ing that strut ‘ us so forcibly as the sum•
plea, or small locks of tutu taken from the
heads of difTerrnt chief magnstrates. from
Washington down to Pr , silent Pierce,
secured in a (raise covered wah glass.
Here is, in fact a part and parcel of what
once constituted the living bodies of those
illustrious individuals, whose names are
as familiar as household words, but who
now live only in history and the remem
brance of the past. The hair of Wash
ington is of n pure white, fine and suiNih
in its appearance. That of John Adams
is naarly the same color, though a tittle
coarser• The hair of Jefferson is of a dif
orent character, being a mixture of white
and auburn, or a sandy brown, and rather
cots roe. In his youth. Mr. Jefferson's hair
was remarkable fur its bright color, The
hair of Madison is coarse, and of a mixed
whir• and dark. 'The hair of Monroe is a
handsoine dark auburn, smooth and free
;coin any admixture whatever. De is the
only President except Pierce, whose hair
had undergone no change in color. Thp
hair ofJohn Quincy Adams is some what
peculiar, being course, and of yellowish
gray color. The hair of 'etieral Jackson
is almost a perfect white but coarse in
its character, as might ho supposed by
those who have examined the portraits of
the old hero. Tha hair of Van Iluren is
white in oppearanc t. The hair of Gene' ,
Jackson is a fino whit:, with a slight ad•
mixture of black. The hair of John Tyler
is a mixture of white ana brown. 'rite
hair of James K, Polk is almost a pure
white. The hair of General Taylor is
white, with a slight admixture of brown.
•I'he hair of Milliard Fillmore, is, on the
other baud, brown, with a slight ndii.ixt are
of white. 'I he hair of Franklin Pierce is
n dark brown, of which lie as a plentiful
erne• Tha liner a .--)
perfectly e,•hite silken.
What I have Never Known.
I have never known a poor mau to ob•
LIM a premium at a fair, where there was
rich son to compete with hint:
I home never known a minister of the
Gospel to be called from a higher to a.
lower salary.
1 have never known a merchant town
thine his conversation with a poor man
when a rich man enters his store.
I have never known a white headed of
fice hunter to be very conversant with a
poor mon after the election. I have never
known any man to admit anybody to be
better than himself.
have never known a rich man but
what was respected for his riches.
1 have never known a man to be better
than be should be.
1 have never known a fashion too ridlcu•
lons to be follow•'d.
I have never known a system of reli.
giun too absord to foil followers.
I have never known the order of nature
revrifsed to pleat e any num.
ARSISTRONO COUNTY —.I terrible event
oceured nn Sanday 4th last nt the church
.tithe Rev. Mr. Galbraith, (United Pres
byterian.) of Freeport, Armstrong county.
The Rev. gentleman wns in the posture
and act o( prayer when the church edifice
where the congregation were worshiping
was struck by lightning. A Mrs. Rama
ley was instantly killed, rind her two broth
r•rs, Israel and Geo. Watson, severely but
not dangerously injured. ltobt. Morris,
Who occupied a seat in front of Mrs. Ram •
aley, was severely injured. but it was
thought he would recover,.
DEMOCRACY IN lOWA.—The lowa Suite
Dt , tnocratic Convention met last week,—
They nominated a half•and•half ticket—
but split, badly on platform. A resolution
endorsing Suchtuian and Lecoinpton woo
rejected by a vote of 163 to 105, where.
upon the Buchanan minority withdrew
and organized souther convention, when
they •passed resolutions to their hearts'
DURING the month of June the coinage
at the United States mint, in fr'hiladelphia
amounted to 1111,070,80, or 3,358,570 pie
ces; of the latter there were '2,500,000 cop
pers, 820,000 in silver, and 88,597 in gold,
The old coinage waa all double eagles,
and the silver all half dollars and quar
ger What cor:stiTties Patriotism I—A
small article which holds about a pint, that
lawyeas take to warm them up on tl •
voL No.*ge
Treasures of the Nasty Deep.
The editor of the Cincinnati Gazette
has been luxuriating on a bottle of Rhine
wine which woe it part of the contents
off* three.gallon jury, which was on Thurs.
day vsurreasl from the bed of the Mi
mi canal, sixteen inches below the sur
face, by a laboror named McCabe. It had
probably Brien drcovpd overboard froth
some pawing boat, and the washings of
the dirt bud completely Imbedded it. The
li9Uid was good old German wine, with
not a headache to a hogshead of it. In ad
dition to the three•gal;ou jug, there was
found the same day in the bed of the ca
nal, a lady's gold watch, a five franc piece,
a leather purse with SO in gold, and sev
eral quarters, a Bavarian krcutzer, and
other small coin.
DAKIS. WEesTan was once calld up by
an old gentleman from Natv.ucliet, to tui•
dertake a cause for hinr, the argument of
which was approaching, and his cleat ask
eel -.ghat would be , his terms. "Why,'
said Mr. W cannot argue it under
one thousand dollars; for, although tho
case is not a heavy one, it will require toe
to hang about the court for a week, and I
should be as willing to be actually enga
ged for a week as to lose my time In this
way." "Well," said the client, "if I give
you a thousand dollars, will you argue any
oiher in which you might be employed?"
-Certainly," said the advocate. The bar
gain was closed. The old man, having nn
eye to business, applied to several persons
in Nantucket who had cases on the issue
iat, and made his own terms for Mr. Web
ster,s serviced, and actually received four
hundred dollars beyond what he hnd patd;
and, besides that, gained his own cause
Webster's Reports.
One evening, not many years ago, Nhilt
the Supreme Court was holding its sessioe
in Somerset comity, some of the legal bre•
thren were warming their legs before a
blazi g fire in a rural tavern ; and conver
sing upon upon various matters pertaining
e tthd t tc&hrotit fi a tiffila %%Int
travail with some great thought, broke out
by asking if any of his brethren could re
lieve him from his trouble.
I wish,' said he, 'to commence an action
againat a boy who was caught stealing ap
ples I find no case of the kind in any of
the Reports, and I nm at a loss for a prece
The landlord overheard the quentior
and informed the verdant that he knew
a cnse just in point,
'A h V said Bacon, 'in whose Report.
shall! find it V
'ln Webster's,' said the landlord ver
, Webster's Reports? Well, now yot
speak of it, I think I do remember some
thing like it there. Do you know the vol
'Yes. I do; I have is copy in the house
it you would like to see it.'
I would be greatly obliged to you for it,
as I have left mine at home
The landlord stepped out, and soon re
turned with Wel stor's Spelling Book, ant
turning to the story--'An old man found
rude boy on one of his trees stealing al
ples'— passed the book to his friend, wh
threw it into the fire, in the midst of moat
and laughter, and speedily'raude his dis
A Smart Ito7l
Dr. Wayland. of Brown tritirersity, had
a boy about six years old, who was anything
but a fool. Ile Doctor had placed him us.
der the care of one df the students,with a
charge that he should not go out without
permission from his tutor.
'May Igo out? at length inquired our
'No,' was the Inconic reply.
•A few minutes pause fullowed.
'May 1 go out?' again inquired the boy.
No,' was again the response..
The miniature edition of the Doctor
slowly rose from his seat, took up hie cap,
and pushed for the door.
'Stop.' said the tutowdo you know
what no nivans
'Yes,' said ('barley, 'it is aparticle of a
negation. and two of them coming togther
are equivalent to on affirmative.'
Ells wit was bin pnssport.
11:7. One of our finest writers says that
the nightly duet come down upon us like
blessings.' How very differently the dai
ly dues come down in these hard time.
fir Alen are frequently like tea—thei r
real strength and goodness not being
proderly drawn out, until they have been
a short time in hot water.