KANSAS has been well termed "the grave of the Governors." A telegrphic dispatch informs us that Gov. J. W. Denver, the latest of the individuals who have figured in that arduous position, will resig his office after the August election. No rea sons are given; but is known that he has had a difficult and perilous task, with small compensation. The list of . Governors in that territory includes Shannon, Reeder, Geary, Walker, Stanton, and Denver, and then we have besides the regency of John Calhoun—What a trouble we shall get rid of when Kansas becomes a State! The Kansas Daily ledger says: The evidence adduced on the part of the prose cution, so far (rain exonerating Cen. Lane from culpability, places him in a position 'far worse than we at first sdpposed him to occupy in the affair. The .vhole tenor of the testimony goes to show that the homi -tide teas not committed in the heat of pas• also, under the impulse J i the moment, but that it was the settled design of Lane , •to kill Jenkins, should he ever trespass 'upon the property which he (Lane) claim- The' Buchanan Democracy of Vermont met yesterday. and nominated Nenry Dey - es for Goveinor. We venture to add by guess that they did not pass - Lecompton resolves, nor approve •in any way the .ne farious attempt to force an obnoxious and elected Constitution upon Kansas. They probably acted on the principal that ".Least said is zooneat "mended." Anoint and Modem Beauties. The progress of art and taste is electic in our progressive age, and inventions for multiplying whatever exalts or embellishes' 'civilized life, outstrip the inset vivid lination. The human hair; in all ages of the world, has been proper'y considered the greatest natural ornament to mon.— : Painters have considered years devoted to delineating its various lights and shades on cenvass, as labor worthily bestowed and tune well spent. Poets hove eulogized it, and Byron who possessed on this subject the sentiments of our own times has deco. ted some of his richest gems to the hair. How great then the loss, inconvenience, and annoyance experienced by those who have from sickness or age, becoiee bald; and how deserving to b held in grateful remembrance he ; whose inventive genius supplies the detects of nature, and with skillful artifice restores the counterpart of Nature's handiwork. We were lad to this. train of thought by paving a casual visit to the Ilair Dressing Salociis of Otto. THUROALAND, 1.9 South Sixth St., Philadelphia, and exiilllining his exquisite ly finished "Gossamer W'ig" and Toupee, 'flies,: articles are so cunningly devise., that they are worn with perfrct comfort and ease, giving ventilation to the scalp, and cannot be detected from the natural hair. They are of airy lightness; and the hair used possesses the soft, glossy appear ance of natural, healthy hair. We say in conclusion to our readers, when-iu the ci ty fail not to pay a visit to the tlair-dress ing rooms of GEORGE THUROALAND. " ,OCJ h_0121" ax:)ms Premiums atvarde.l the "JOURNAL' Of Lice at the late County FAIIL, fur the brat CARD I NtANIC AND EANGY PRlNriaNz.• . Having recently received from the En.tern Cities, a VAST POWER PRESS, and a large variety of the must fildhimiable Printing Material, which makes it one of the !nog cornpieta Printing Establishments in this section. Persons in want of any hind of PLAIN OR TANTA' work, cannot do bettor than favor us with their patronage. We have facilities for exert, Ling in a superior manner any kind of PRINTING IN COLORS on the most reasonable terms. Those who tufty wish to obtain any style of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can be accommodated at this establishment at short notice. AUCTION BILLS, BILL HEADS, SHOW BILLS, CIRC UL A RS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, PROG RAM 111 ES, PAN P IIL ETS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, &c., &C., will be furnished prom ptly, executed in the best style and at reasonable rates. W' Orders by express, mail or otherwise, will receive immediate attention. WM. RREWSTER. BRIGADIER GENERAL'S OFFICE, AL 'CANARIA, Juno 22d, 1858. 4th Brigade, 14th Division, Pa. Volunteers. The following persons have been appointed Staff officers : Aid-de-Camp, E. L. Everhart, Quarter• Master, P. McAteer, Pay• Master, Grafius Miller, Surgeon, Daniel Houtz, Judge Advocate, ' A. S. Elarrison, R. C. McGILL, Brigadier. General. Huntingdon Furnace, June 22d, 1858. Ist Battalion, 4th Brigade, 14th Div. Pa. Vol. The following toped persons have been ap pointed by the Brigadier•Geneml as Staff offi cers. Adjutant, John S. Miller, Quarter-Master, Wm. B. Zeigler, Surgeon. Jon. M.Stonebraker, Assistant Surgeon, George Huyott, Sergeant Major, David R. Wilson, Q. M. Sergeant, S. A. Cromwell, Drum Major, John Wallace, GEO. W. DARE, Major, June 30th, 1858. ? ..IILADELPHIA MARKETS. PIIILADIMPUIA, May 12, 1858. FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $4 25(34 3 7 Extra _" s . ( . l qfr! 76 " " family 4 . 4 7565 50 nye Flour and Corn Meal 3 31 IVllent—red, per bushel, I 0501 " White " 1 1.501 Cloverseed 39a1 50 per C 4 pounds Timothy seed Flax " per bushel $1 62 CONSUMPTION CURED. CONSUMPTION Cr AN OLD INDIAN Doc Ton, I:NO AS BRANT, CURED— While a Missionery among Chi Indians or the Rocky Mount . Dins, discovered n RAM?, CONSUMPTiONPLANT, that proves to he a certain cure For Consumption, 13rouchitis, Asthma. Liver UURE.. Complaint, Nervuux. dons, Coll2llti, Colds, &C.— CONSUIIIPTIOIIII:IVingnu s 1111IdC bts fordine and retircil from business, be • CURED ,sill ••,coll ti c prescriptious unil dirCCtluOS lilt' preparing . tI medicines ji.ec tdc . hargrrto ail CoNsUMpAIONwito may desire ir, and will soul to Ids agent, enclosing CURED. two swop; (6 -. coots). to pa; . the 1 . 0111 . 11 letter, %Ott' tt lleS• eripti. of theirsymptoum— CONSUMPTIONTIio OW Dotar l e ts cured more titan 3000 casts of Con- CUR ED. ,:// fli r t ion alum, and Wipes all afflicted people will avail ' • • • . . themselves or this Op CONSFAIPTIONTy, us the Doctor wishes to do all the good he can helore ho CURIA/. dies. Mike.s all letters to DANIEL A DEE, Box 3531 I'. 0., New York, Who io his sole agent. HUNTINGDON WARM SPRINGS. The Warm Springs at the rinse of Warrior'. Ridge, tine m lee north of Iluntimplon,overlook big Standing Stone Creek, and enviruned by ro mantic hills and woodlands, hove [teen leasad by the former proprietor of the Learner noose. The extensive Hotel building:, WO, Wines. &e., erected at great exruce by Go neral A P. Wilson, have been completed—and the groves have been beautifully lard out mid adorned.— The I lutel 'milers and chambers airy and cam • fortably furnished; and the prospeei, front th e verandahs for beauty, cannot be excelled. Far half n century, these Springs linve been celebrated fur their medicinal qualitin, and the great nature id the waters in rheumatic and chro nic elections. The temperature of the water being Goa Oegrees, retulet, the bathing delight ful and infigorating. In the surrounding woods and o m ontains. gave abounds, and the finest fish are eanght in Stone Creek. Persons in lm. suit of hi alth 4.1. , leasme, will find rhi.,l most delightful and healthful retreat; and its nearness to the I'ennsn Ivania Railroad, and the cheapness of the rates charged guests, give it a decided advuntage over any other watering place in the State. Proprietor ins had years .4'o,qm:clones in the business and no pain. , or mutton will he spa red to make guests ettmnirtable. Harks run trout I luntingtlun to Warm Springs on the arrival of the ditrerent Railroad trains— titre 25 emits. Families accommodated et mo eral? terms. JOHN It. HEIM, l'ropriciar Warm Springs near Huntingdon, June 501 BANK NOTICE. The undersigned citizens of the county of Ilawtingdon, lie. eliy give tioi;et, that they intend to make appiwation to the I,,,klatara fur a Charter, in the creation Corporate hotly with Bunking or DISCO.' ,rivilegss, to he styled "l'itKlloN.riitoutts COUNTY BANK," to be located in the Borough of Huntingdon. coun ty of Illintingdon, and State or Pennsylvania, with a capital at lint. hundred thousand dollars, with the specific o jeet of isqting Hank paper, and doing ad other things ordinarily pertaining to it Bank of is.ine. W. IS. Zittoz.mt, B. E. 'AleNlutrrittc. It.tylu lit. to, A. Je11i.,10,1, • J. SEWELL STEWAIET, WM. COL. , N, WTI. JAMES T111..i.. 11. CREMER, UHArFlus MILLEN, A. W. BENEDICT, Jso. Aleeto.Loc 11. 111tCCL • l'Eruncix, JOHN WIIITTAKER, 'foostAs I'. CAMPBELL. • GuOVER & • FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 730 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADLI.PHIA GiaY.These Machines 111 . 0 now justly admitted to be the best in use for Family Sewing, sin• Icing a new, strong, and elastic stick, which will sir rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut.— Circuturs sent on application by leiter. Agents wanted. Feb.17,'38.41in. 11140zownws NOTIC.r. \Tuna: IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALT. Di persons interested that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Reg ister's Office ut Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for codlirination and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to he held at Huntingdon, in aim] fur the County of Huntinp dun, on Wednesday the 11th day of August next, to wit: 1 David S. Ker, Exector, Se., of Henry Ker, late of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd., who was in his life time solo Adminis trator of his fater the Hon. John Ker, late of Walker township deed. 2. atvid Snare, Esq., rrustee appointed by the Orphan's Court, to sell the rem estate of Jacob Africa, late of the borough of Hun. tingdon dee'd. 3. Israel Smiley, Executor, &c., of John Smiley, late of Brady township, dec'd. 4. B. I'. Foust, Executor, &c., of Peter ipplo, lute of Shirty township. dee'd., S. Joon C. Couch, Admtnistrator of Ann S. Hays, Into of Barroe township, deed. 6. David H. Campbell, Executor, &e., of Solomon Moyer, late of Penn township, dec'd. 'I. David H. Campbell, one of the Adminis trators of Thomas Enyeart. late of Pettit tp. 8. Guardianship account of D H. Campbell, guardian of thetninof children of Adam Gar. ner, decd, late of Penn tp., dec'd. HENRY GLAZIER, Register. Register's Wiee. litintiligdo)tditly 14 1833.1 CHEAP GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS! ! FISHER & MUMURTRIE Have just received their second stock of SUMMER GOODS, which will be sold of at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. It comprises Summer Dress Goods of every description, Prints, Gingham% Cottons, White Goods, Hosiery, Mitts, Trimmings, Marseilles, Patent Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, Straw Gods, Boots k Shoes, and a largo and general assortment of all kinds of Goode suf. table to the wants ~f the community. Glass Preserving Jars, different sizes, for sale by FISHER k McMURTRIE. ror Nature never kohl more lovely then 'l'lia C nSFI LIFI SEM IN CRY. at the present time. Old Mother Earth has ONLY 1322.50 PER QUARTER put on her best looks and garest, attire, the bald Places on her ancient .1)A," she has effectual. , THE PRESENT FACULTY. ly covered from view, with the luxurious gem; WALII, Principal tore of Spring. Just so, only substituting Art , Prot or Lanzunm .0 Philosophy, for Nature, our friend ()rouse THURGALAND, Cites. N. Joann. A. :la , of No. 29 South Sixth St., is covering the bald Prof. of Latin. Greek, etc. W. Hughes, heads of mankind in general, with his exquisite Prof. at iieuitivs. ly light, graceful end comfortable "Gossamer Benjamin F. Houck. Wigs," and Toupees. Our readers, who have of Mathematics had the misfortune to lose this natural urns- Gov. We Linton, pra. of Vocal meet, the hair, should call at his dressing rooms in Philadelphia and examine Pm themselves the superiority of the articles of his make over those of any other mauufactured. His LiqUill Hair Dye continues deservedly popular, being free from all deleted°. qualities, and import leg to the hair and whiskers a soft, glossy, life like appearance. Genyge has ale° tunny other useful toilet articles, which he offers to the pub lic, combining two very desirable qualities, to wit : —excelleore and cheapness. Let all our readers who vision;; Philadelphia give him a call, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS, AIS VII ' l/, A 130 . Aa TeNS. --) . 0 1 ~ Dvt. the inventor of 111111SE'S IN I)IA N 1100" f PILLS, hes spent the grot• ter part of his ble in travelling, having visited Europe, Asia. nod .11'rics, its well as North Ameriett--.lt. Smolt !hive years attion:.; the lit diens of our NVtistern country—it was in this way that tee !runnel Root l'ills were Hest ills covertiel. 1)1.. Morse wets the first unto to es tablish the fact that all diseases arise front Im purity of the Blood—that itur strength, health and life depended spat this vital Ilithl. %Viten the verb,u passages become clogged, and do not net in perfect harmony with the dit ferce.t functions eel the body, the blood Isees its action, becomes thick, corrupted and di ceased; thus causing all pains sickness foul distress tel every name; our strength is extnt, ted, our health we are deprived of. and it' na ture is not assisted in throwing id the stag aunt humors, the blood will is amigo choked cease to act, and thus our light of life will forever be blown out. flow imports., then that we should keep the various pee.rtears eel the body free and spelt. And how pleas:tat to uy that we have it in our power lit poi a meth- Cis° is year, reach, namely. Morse's 11..11.1,1 limit Pills, manufactured frog illwit,;o.ll rota, which grow around the motottaitiotts cliffs in Nature's garden, for the 'militia awl recovery of diseased man. - Ont. of the roots from whicit these fills are made is a Sittlorifie. which to pens the pores or the, skin, and assists Nuoire tan throwing ont. the liner parts of the corrup• this with's. The secotel is a plant which is lice Expectorant, that opens and unclogs th passage to the lungs, unit thus, its tt suothitt, manner, performs its duty by thretwitig off phlegm. and other Manors front the lungs by copicuS spitting. The third is a Dairen,. which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus eitcoutaged, they draw large a— mounts of impurity from the blood, which is then thrown ant houtaitlilly by Cut urinary or water passage, end wliielt could n t have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and aceumpanies the other prop miles of the Pills while engaged in purityis, theltlood; the coarser' particles of impuriry which cannot pass by the other outlets, ale Chas taken up ainel conveyed Ml' in great glom tithes lip the bowels. From the above, it is shown that Dr. .1.1orsel• Indian Hoot Pills not only t 111,1 , 1, SlOlllllOl hot 1.2111....: 111111.1 with the !11,,ni1, for they find way to evcry part, and completely rest out and cleanse the i..attitti from all ottpurii, and the life al the body. which is the blood, be comes perfeetly healthy; sonsettnently all sick ties,: mid tome is driven front the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so ;etre slid clear. 'lice reason why people are see distressed whoa sick, and why so malty elk, is because tley do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which will open the natural passages lie the disease to be cost one hence, a large geeeeeetity of food. need other neat ter is lodged, and the stomitelt and intestines ere literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable ferments• tion, constantly mixing with the Wood, which throws the corrupt,' nuttier through every vein and artery, until lite is taken from the holy by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have ad ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re storing minions or Ilk sick to leloomiug health and happiness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, psiu end anguish, and whose feeble frames have eel score hod ley the burning elements of eet ging rtver. tout who have been brought, as it were, within a step of the silent crave, now stand ready to testify t list they would have been numbered with the don:!. had it out been for this and wonderful medicine, Morst.'s Indian Root Pills. Ifni,- out, or two doses laud been taken, they wile U01111 . .11011, Allil 1111 sedately surprised, ill 1t1111,,,111, their chars, ing effects. Not tally flu they give immetli• ate ease and strength. and take away all sick eras, pain and anguish but they at ones go to work at the foundeition of the disease, which is the blood. Therelbre, it will he shown, o:epee. ially by those who use those l'ills, that they will so cleanse and purify, that disease—thal • deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the flush of youth need Inanity trill again return aud the prospect of et long and happy life will eheresh end brighten your days. CAU'flON.—Beware of a counterfeit. big,ll. ed A. 11. Moore. Aid genuine have the 1111111 C ref A. J. WHITE k CO, on each box. Also the sit/raw/ire of A. J. C'e.e, All 0111- era are smirker. , A. 3. 11'1. & CO., Sole rap., elnrs, 50 Leonord Street. New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are • sold lay all dealers in Medicines Se . '" ',gents wanted in ercry town, village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the tigeney will address as above for terms. ger Price 25 cents per box, five boxes will be sent on receipt of $l, postage paid, JOHN READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pa. December '6's7:—Gm. A,IIXANDRIA. FOUNDRY. .Ntwlt f•Wai The Alexandria Foundry Flasks, Palters, &c., have been bought by H. C. Mc The Foundry is in blast and 119 has ell kinds of Cas- tigns. Stoves of all kinds. Machines, Ploughs, Kettles, &e.. &c., which he will sell at the low— r' est market prices. MI kinds of Conn• try produce and old metal tattoo in exchange at market prices. R. C. I May 26 1858. 1 SILK BONNETS of avail: variety and priac offering very cheap by Nteutsn & - R OI:GLASS & SIIERWOODS' Putout Ex- xACKEREL of ell Nus., Herring, &c., can tension Skirts, for sale only by I IVI be hail of the best quality, by calling on FISHER & MCMCIII.IIIE. FTIOTNR & MCMVIITRIL Mrs. NI. 'lc3l. W Ii iVh Precepiress, 'l'.a,•hp, of Volans. II ist"ry, Hewling; etc. Miss L•'. M Faulkner. "'earlier or Penis Work. Painting, Drawing, Miss D. L. • laulrY. 'readier of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Ficirs, Mrs. ME. esarwin. Penehrr or En lisp Branches. Itlip.s J. 31. Walsh. Teacher of Primary English. The recent success or this Neho,il. is extutrit (Hoary. Besides being the cheapest one of the kind ever estnitli*•hcd, it is WM' the lat•gest U this seethe of the State. :111 branch, lir taught, 1.1,1 students u 11,1., and of 1,4' ,use:, ere rct•eiectl. ' HU! poll i•t 1;11' you need not he mitre time : 911. ';;wlems can cc ter thou wi s h. Addr.. s s. JOHN D. IVALSII, 1 leoliegtl.et Co., Pa. 'U4I , D ron sAL,E. The subscriber (airs for sale a small fart in Henderson township. half a mile north ear of the borough or lItooingtIon,1111j41litill:;,' Mai of .I.tho Simpson. Colestttek, end °theist, em taittiog about ninety aeres and 11.11.11111,1V1 tWellty•ii ve or thirty WhiCh are clear° and tinder good state of ,ahiv.ition. Th h ba., WPII timliested. There are an th , property throe nover lailiog springs or goo water. Tht, vo.ist of hi two.itor frame house otol knight, and a b.g smith.; line pinup apple orchard of grafted fruit.- Terms made known by appleing ttiiite soleter SAMUEL ITT EI,LY. 01 pha 11S . COIIII Sale, Reirl Esdate J.9:1/ES Br virtue of a Florins order ot th. t (art of Huntingdon County will to :oae by public outcry, oa the -. So/witty, the lull. dui/ the hotar,, a 2 awl 4 ,•.:. l'. NI.-- lot or ground in the 11-n,o ~• trooting on %in Ntreet Aixty 1., owl ex Int.• 1; !Wales thereto. on hundred nod forty root i being No. in 1110 pine or ',lid town. d • joiuing lot of leave Sh.trrer on the tiorth.tuol hnri •g thereon ererltd n 7,v0 Slory Log flotts, nolns ttt Sok.—Oto , lhir.l or 11, I ,ireha:o 111011, I. ho IN,hlclu cotqh,inoi,m.a sßfo, awl th.• halnitet+ in two Komi nuunul .••yooo,ts, with ioter,t, to ho seeur,il I v tho awl ....... el' the perelinser. MAI'S M. t'l,lll.K. EX NOTICE. Sulks , is hrrrl.. t!ivt s. ty,tn mon. tary on lire In,t will or iAlto.ll tt dm oodot , i2n.l. All 11,1,•11- t,•,i to the ostut,• ot r01 1 .1..5tp.1 111:llii. ,111 lotving ogninst it, 101,1,vwit them properly attt (11\1111N•, t F , sTEltal.i. cum I NA, f ip .1000 23,1. 1858.-61. E.vhole 11 11 41ct..(1.) tl in i 1 ,, t tor , A Nil ice. 1; h,•11.1., Otni t.. 6 ,11111.11- Mr,' Willi the wit: ot .1. hay. I r o t • the onderAig•ilt.l, ilo , Into ofM.r., is tiot \II 1,:i• snns indebted to said emu', will III• littintedinte pitylnent. and tliose lin \ill, ,lam,, will present. Own) duly nilthetitietited Itiv !Tient. DAVID sTEw.kitor, A BEA I. 7 TIVUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, COPAPLETIILY PRIMERVIED TO THE GREATEST AGE. And who that in gray wtmlol not have it re stored to rorttier volor; 1W but would have tl e growth restored. or unaided with dandruff and itching. but Wlllll.l It ore it removed or trot,- loled with scrofula, scull bead, or other erup tions, lout would he cured, or with sick headache (neuralgia) loot would be cured. It will also remove all pimples from therm. and skin. Prot. Wood's Hair storative will do all this, see circular and lie lidlowina. ;,NN ARDOR, November 5.1856. Poor. ). .1. Woott—l)ear Sir. I have heard ut.di sail the wonderful effects of your Hair lic•trative, lout having been so often cl.eattr. by quackery wool tio.strums, hair dyes, &v.. I was to plat e your Restorative in .{lto game category with the thousand awl one loudly num inucd .;sack remedies, uttril I met you in Law- ITTIM county .1111 t! 111.1111/i, Sllll, Wlllll p/11 gave ants such as-,1,1110•0.:0• 111.111t,1 th t Ci;,l 111 your ReSTIMICIVi. in 71, I . ollloy-Ih, by or, wife, who, yin, thin awl en- 111 in do , c riii , ented enres ehronio fireisone rho, in it , not, damns, while Sommer and large lioitles. Ler hair was ici.toreil nearly to l' 111, 1 111 1 111 1iIi 1 i 111 i• yield almost to the first dose. original loeaut int] I,rown color. anol hall thicken- ()tie or two .1..-ca env., attacks can. ed by 111101 beco.oe beautiful and glossy anon. and W llllllB in Chii.h , n , Owl" is no ' , o'er or speed entirely over the Iliad ; she contiiiiies t o. ite , i t , ie.' remedy in the world. as it never rail, not simply lieeanso of it: heautify l ng etr,ts torgrA 1 .14 w 111111111, cures ddropsy, by c.cciling on the hair. 1111 r of its healthful lade- floe absorbents. coax upon the heal anti mind. Others of my I We take pleasure in recommendi tigthis nied family 4111.1 1 . 1 are using your iteqmutive. 11 Preventive Fever nod Ago , Chill, I with the balmiest edicts; th.lefore, my skepti- raver, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It cisat and dooln; rethrence to its character me operates with certainty. and thousands ere wit- entirely remove.] ...id cm] and do mo-t coral- 'ling to. testify !or, its wenderlnl virtues. ally un.l eunl IcofiuHy recommend its use by a ll All ho use it ave giving their unanimous tes ;rho would have their half restored Irani whit. limony iii or „y (by ~,,son of sickness ar ' , go o fr4 - 'lix water in the mouth with the Invigo nal color and beauty. and by all young persons 11101 r, nod ''‘valh'"' both t.gethet• who would have tho to sir b•atutit 'I. The Liver Invigorator. .1 Very truly and Frntern ly yours, n evientille medical discovery and is daily SOLOMON MANN. • • working cores. too groat to °alter°. It cur., a.s il' by magic. evert the first dose giving I .oenelit, and scliloin more than one bottle is re- tittired to core al, kind or Liver complaint, 11.1,11, the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a cool own Headache, all of which are the result of 0 d.soased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER ItOTTLE. it. 1. 1 .44.y0uti. Propr.ii.or, 34.5 Broailway.N.r. 1 Sold by 11. IleAlattigill, A J. Road Huntingdon. I Apr.7.'58.-1 v. Futnun Wool) : It was n long limo oiler I saw you et Illisstit Id • elbre I gut 5551 Itottle or - storative ter which you gay, MI, tin order tin , ,n your. intent in Dettoit. and when ; got it concluded to try it Ms Ictir, a.: the b..rest test of its power. It has done nd th,tt you tu.surctl not it would do : and other.: of ofy fdtnily and trim's, having witne,oled its ere now a.ing and reconttnending 010 to Oth ers es entitled to the highest couuldcration you claim li r it. Again, eery raepec•tfully and truly your., SOLOMON MANN. eAItLYLE, 111, June 28, 1252. I hare usedlti's Itestor wire, 111111 bane 11311111rell it wonderful eirtiets.— Al) hair was lit:coining, ll` , 1 thmielit, ti,,iiitture ly gray, but by the mu or ilk I{,,, , tor.itive it ha. resumed its original color, and, I have nu dunk pbritianClitly BU. S. IntESSE. ex Senithir. I:. S. 0. J., W 001) & CO., I'mprivn,,,, 312 was, N. Y., (in due gi . e.d N. Y, 11.1 r, 1l fling Es..aldjahnagn) unit I (4 Market man, St. Lou , and told by all good Drugvits. Jann2,'3l3,3in. T HE PRIZE FOR EVERYBODY GOLDEN PRIZE. SUFIRCRIRI , B FOR TUB NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS. ILLUsTRATED. DEAN Li.: S41:11.; t. A ERAVTITTLI.Y . ILLUSTRATED' Successors to Ilecket & Co. The New York t% eeklv Golden Pile° is one • ranrizvirr•sziw::•.Aem • of the lareett and ,best • Itentry onperg of the The New York Weekly Press is one of the ges, or forty columns, of the most interesting hest liternry papers of the day, A large quarto and fcseinating reading matter. from the pens of containing twenty mei, or sixty colomoe. or , the very first writers of the day, entertaining !natter ; end elegantly illustrated , ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED snotty WEEK. every week, A Gift worth from 50 cents to $lOOO 00 will Worth fro A m P s l( 3 l ('! S en E t N s to $4OO 00, be sent to each subscriber on receipt or the sub. Will ha given to each subscriber immediately scription money. lon receipt of the subscription money. This is presented us a meumnto of Friend,hip, and not ns an inducement to obtain subscribers TERMS: I Inopy for 1 vent, $2 00 end I Present. 2 3 50 2 Presents. ; fig 3 o 5 00 5 " I I: 5 gi 0 00 5 l• AND TO CLUBS, TERMS-IN ADVANCE 1 ropy 1 year, 0101 I {lilt• copies " 3 gifts $2 00 The ankles to he distributed are comprised ill the thllo wing list: I U S. Treasury Note, $lOOO CO. 00 3 " 00 5 " 15 00 10 " 21 " 30 00 21 " The articles to be given away are comprised in the Ibllowing list 2 Parkages of Gold, colig 0500 00 each. 5 do eo do 200 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each. 10 Patina Lever Rune,: Watches 100 00 each. 20 Gold Watch. 75 on each. 50 do 50 00 each. 1 100 do 50 00 each. WO Ladies' Gold Wittelic3 35 200 Silver /hinting Watches 50 30 each. 500 Silver Watches ellO 00 to 25 00 each. I 1000 (.'ld Gaard, Chains $lO 00 to 30 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops. Breast. Pins, Carl Pins Sleeve Buttons, Woes. Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and ver'l'lnmbles. and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 eitell. Wemill present to every person sending tts 50 subscribers, $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth $4O: to any 'ate sending us 100 sub.:critic., at $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth M. Every sult,crilter will oho receive a present. Immediately on receipt of the money, the sul nom will he entered upon our book ,and tl e present will be forwarded within one week, by mail or express, post !mid, eontmm~it•ations should he addressed to I)EAN & SALTER, Proprietors, 335 Broadway, New York. cut tit June 9,'58:--11,1 • 2 do. do. do.. 500 00, covlt 5 do. do. do. 200 00, each 10 do. do. du, 100 00. ouch 10 Par: Lev. c's 001011 es 100 00, oncli 20 Gold Wtat.lies, 75 00, earli N 110, each 3,0 Ludipq 11,1,1 NVoolles, 85 011. Cavil 200 ,iiver loon. f•ai. watches, :10 00, each row 15.,t(10,, $l5 00 to 25 00, each 1(1011 (101,1 /bll and' 17,1e:11111, 10 (01 to 30 00, each 1000 Gold Pon: & Pencils 5 00 to 15 00, each ()old Locket, Bracelets Brooches, Mo . -aropi Breast Pant, roll' Pins. Sleeve 13nttons. Rings, Shirt Staffs. Watch ICevs, Ctalfl,nnol Sit 'or Thimi.les, tool a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 tit each. Ito rereipt of the subscription money, the set... Owes name will be entered upon our hied, opposite n miniher, and the gift eurres ith that number will be forward.' within one week to hint, by mail or express, There is neither humbug nor lottery about every subscriber is sure of II prize of value. We prefer to make this liberal dis trilmtbm among them instead of giving a large cu tom b,b.n to Agents, giving to the snhscri her the &lumina that would go to time Agent, and in many cases n hum bell fold more All communications should I UWE, 211 CENTRE ST.. N 1: W YI , IIIC. llny 26, 1858. ly. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR ! PREPARED BY 88. •-.INFORD. Compottn:7ed entirely of Gums. 13 out• - or the hest purgative end liver ntedi tines nnn• heiorc the public, that :lets HS it C., timrtie, easier, nt Ilc and mere er,'cetital than ;my tier medicine known. It if, not only n Ilirtic., hat it Liver remedy, acting first on ti,,, .. - Liver to fleet it , morbid. Elicit on the stomach ati.l liowels to carry off that matter. thus two purtioeen effectually. without nun 0( thr ii.otirtil feelings experience i in t he operation imi , t Cathartic , . It stregthen , the system at the Slllllo time that it purgus it , tool when taken sloth in moderate il, sen. will streughten loiiltl it op with unusual rapidity. . . •. i.e r is ont. 011416 e principal regltla tor , or rile 1111111.1.11 botal 4IV when it pCP 111 1.1 . ti its functions well the Illneers of the sY4 ithee,t el.t.rtdt - ',eta im the healthy netiati or the t, the pruner petlorm nnu•e of Ili , hiliction, trw tf ile. the sinntnch is it; fault, the bowel, or.• v iitt fluilt tool tint whole in von. '4; stinence of non °twat , liarii , ,,,' i veLsca to .1,0 i:s duty. Roc t h,, dh.eas t , tied organ one Of the proarieiorg e lit his sui,iy. in mon! on% . ..ars. to mid route remedy WhereWitil ;eii.1111,1 . ...t the ninny tkerntn,etbents to a liichl it is liable. 'l,, !dote that. this at last di:- COVered atly person',_!`"unfit Liver in any bas hut to try a lie eertnin. TLC. t uni, r.onovcl l.. fell rn.rhiA or loyl matter thou tho sy , 10111!, I , upply Mg in their pi, oo hr 1.1 Of hi le, ilivigorutiitg 011111.11 . 11. 1;110 to 41ipx•t well, purifying the hio , ai,i:El•ving tone owl health to Ilo; removing theemse oi end or 7! Ilieetin4 u radiral core. "'ter me. II e" ; eve front the food fro r,„;,,, 4 and ' , wiring. I ~ . . linlions wracks nre 1 20, cured, nn.l whnt is Ire :tee, prevented. Ity . the occasional see of the Liver In vigorator. 4 tin I . y me do, ta-1^ ken before etirin g I prevents Nightmare. ' i. • • • • Only one dose taken at night,. 1., ens the l‘o , ‘ els goal, and cures Costiveness. One slots taken alter each meal will c c Des pep2a. erotic dose or two teaspoonfuls will lau3s remove Sick Headache. Ore bottle token for female olretructioure moves the canoe of the disease, and makes a pei:cet care. Only one dose immediately relieves Cholie, while One doge often repeated is a sure cure for Cholera Morhus, end a preventive of Cholerit. eiV'Otay one horde in needed to throw out of the systen, the effects of molitineofter a long sieknes, 'One bottle taken for .inandieo removes all sallowness or unnator.il color trom the skin. lne !Iwo] taken a slew' tone heloro givc• vigor to the appetite, atul makes fowl digest New C a d - Press, Having tap ,lit - t:411:0 we are now prepatc,', to print in the prcportion of lira: cards in th, se:,• , time that any oti ,55 press in the county 515 print one, eonsequent• ly we can print them else er—il' not done well we make no charge at all. We ask year pa tronage. I.7IPLF.NDff Line of Dross Goods, end racing L./ Notes of nil kinds, forages Cholys, Lawns ' °tonal Brilliants, Chintzes. ie.. ran be found at the METROPOLITAN. SCYT EI E S, SNATHB, RAKES, FORKS,Lc., A large assortment at the Hardware Store. JAMES A. BROWN. deb•—nn ii perint QUarto. containing! eight pa, Et 00 15 00 .30 00 3 Copies, I year, DA. 1 .a., 2 1 11].iin - fi..V&tEr.-13,1 DENTIST' ~ RUNTINGDON t Pk, June A HOMESTEAD FOR $lO. Foil SALE In the "Gold !legion" and other portions of Virginia, the. Following Farms anti Buil ding Lots, in gliares. to wit: rtwa, too on, us, gull mine is 100 sere, 4 Fan. (WO deres . e.teh, are 250 " •25 " 40 " " 1000 " 70 " 20 " 1400 " 150 " 10 " laoo `• 250 •` 5 44 4., 1250 " boo " a 41. I{ loon '• 250 iluild'g iota A. its. and sq. 710 " 1350 " " 100x100 " 925 " 2500 " 50x100 " 925 •• 5000 " " 25x100 " 959 " 10,000 :Shares, umoantiug to 10,000 op.'s Certificates of the above Shares, (with Bonds for the immediate execution and delivery of the ieeds,),lnive been enclosed in 111,000 envelopes, erectly alike, and scaled; which, after being well mixed up, have been numbered on the MIL- S, 0 from I to 10.000 inclusive, so thm no one knows the contents of env particular envelope. They will he said at $lO eneh, without reference to w hat they contain, end sent to ith y one ma king application, Unexceptionable Titles will in all eaten lie given. I The largest Farm. containing a Gold Mine is ! rained at $lO.OOO, and the smallest sized ituitd mg Lots have heel: oiling at - $lO each. lltln dreds have al re.ioi bi en sold upon these terms. Whilst all stand the same chance of ;:eating the Farms, every purchaser is guarante,sl one of these Tuts at least. livery other purchaser is bound to get ono of at heist double its size Awl ethic. Every Muth purchaser one or at quadruoie its size and salute. t every tenth purr lacer will get a farm ranenig in value from $2OO up to satl,ooo. These farms and Lots are sold suchen', to induce settlements, a sufficient number liejcg reserved, t h e increase in the value of which will compensate roe the present sserifice. The net proceeds are to be implied to Meal improvements, such us Schools, Site. Factories. AIM, be. Any number of Shares A gentleman) of Boston writes to his friend e au I o taken h individuals to secure a Farm i n N ow Rednnti thus t ta eat least um shares. The certificates can T„ none inquiries I would reply, tint when r lie obtuined by paying one-half, and the Deeds I first commenced to use Professor Wood's Hair by paying theuther half. Restorative, my hair was almost white, and had C 4 .10,00 0 Acres of band, in large or small i been so for this last ten years and it was very triers eau else be had at privets tale. and upon thin on the top of my head, and very loose, and the most reasonable terms. Some of it is high- I relied eat very freely; but I found that hefine ly implored. Agents aro wanted everywhere I had used ell the second honk., (which Won to sea these lands. . Liberal inducements will be eight' weeks) my hair was entirely changed to given. Fur toll particulars imply to its original rotor, light brown, end is now free R. BAUDER, and quite moist. I have had my Port Royal, Caroline to. Var hair eat five or six times since the change, and have never seen anything like white hair start . ing from the roots; and it is now as thick as T . ADI . CS COLLARS, newest styles in ['real it ever was, and does not come out all. It has sis 4 variety at I Ile I "" nrM ' ITAN. prOVCII iu my also all that I could wish to ask. BouTsC E 11.\'1'ssIli , S, 's & c.ll's, thel July 1, 1835, Yours, etc, largest stock suer brought turf/WU. arc , rig very diem, hr Fisill,no McMutir [From the Boston Herald.] SAVING FUND, SU:U.IIISG WORTH KNOW INO.—By using P rofessor Wt.od's Nair Restorative, grity hair iginal color. F I VE rEn GENT INTEREsT Stone Gardiner, Maine, is but one of the many in. NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO. stances that are daily coming to our knowledge WA LNUT STREET, uf its wonderful elleets SOUTII.WEST COW:LI{ OF TIMM PIifILADI 'nem by the 81;11r of xIONEY 11FAIEIVEI) IN ANY SUM, lame or small, and interest paid from the day or deposit to the day of withdrawal. The °nice is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 5 O'clock in the arternatm, awl on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. 110 N. HENRY L. BENNER, President, noBERT sELFRIDGE, Tice President, WM. J. HEED, &cram., bIItEC'fHBS t lion. Henry L. 13enner, F. Carroll Brewster, 'Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry, Boller, L. Selfridge, Francis Lee, Send. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Munns, Henry Dietlenderffer , Money in received and pttyments made daily without notice. • The investments are made in Real Estato Mortgages, 'Ground Rents, and such class se curities ns the Charter requires. Feb.24,'57; Miss SOUTIIWIJRTH, CoLomit. G. W. CRoCKETT, • CHARLES BURDETT THOHAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D HENR' CLAP(', 'lux., GEORGE AIINoLD, SAMUEL YoUNG. Miss. \ NNA WIIELPLE Miss VIRGINIA VAUG 1)1. VERNON. Mtee lIATTIE CLARE, FINLLY JIAINSON, Write only for the GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. COOK STOVE. A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE lor sale at this office; it is calculated to born wood or coal. To Merchants and Farmers. GROUND PLASTER can he had et the Huntingdon Flour and Plaster Mills, in any de pirahle gnantitv. on ettd niter the let day of March, 1858. We deliver it ram: or CHARGE on the care M the denote of the Pennsylvania and Broad Top Railroad, FISHER & MeMEETRiE. reh.24,'57. Storo dt Dwelling to Itent at Broad Top City. The fine large Stone Store and dwelling at Broad Top Cite is now offered for rent en vor y nccnmmodnting terms, card is one.of the best Stores in the County of Huntingdon. • A very fine business can be done at this place with the Mines now in operation below Broad Top City. and also with the surrounding country, es there in no pond Store within many miles of this place, and any one keeping a goad Stark of Provisions and Goods suitable for Country use can undoubtedly do n very fine bushiest. To a good Tenant the Store and IF.volling will be rented on easy terms, Apply to , - J. NI, CLARK, A fumt Broad Top City Junk: 16, '68.-6t. QPLENDID RAG CARPET for 3 ets. per and t rho cheap store of F/8111,11 & PREMIUMS W A .BED THE JOURNAL JOB OFFICE AT TI tAIE FAIII, rOtt. THE 321Merr 2.1 Z 2.1D.J PRINTING. those of our subscribers who re eive their papors.to ,m us of those in their immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers to the "Journal," and have faded to receive the same, since the stealing of oar pack-hook, runisns on the :hi of February. "W.AINT9MMID: WIT EA AND CORN wanted ut dna 11. 'JUR,' haring either can divose of the me I,y ailing soon. STAGE LINE FROM Chambersburg to Mt, Union 91 be undersigned aware that a satspension of 1 the line of Stones over the road between el.mbershurg and Mt, Union, cannot ho but dismtrantageons to n large aaection of the coun try, hna, at a considerable expense and trouble mode tierangements to run a line of Stages Tai-weekly between the two points Good Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla ced on the route, anal experienced nod trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietorof the tine is disirous date it be maintained, and ho therefore calls upon tho nubile generally to patronize it. confi dent that it will be fiat their mutual advantage. Every 'attention necessary will be given, and the mulling' ot the stages will be regulate. er Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday Thursday, and Satui lay evenirgs. arriving at Claarnberabarg the next day at 0 o'clock. He mming:. leave Chow bershiirg, the same night at to clock, arriving at Mc Maenad., next eveeing in time for the cars. Between Mt, Un ion anal Shade Gap the line will be daily. 1 ' Fare through S 3 ; tat intermediate points in proportion. JOIN JAMISON. Jan. 20th, 1058.—tr. HAIR RESTORATIVE, PRODUCING HAIR ON HALO HEADS Grey Hair to its Natural Color. ngtonishing and um:mulled preparation has never fined to produce n growth on Bald II eta, when used according to the direction, and tarn latch to its original color, after having become gray, and reinstate it in all its original Iteulth, lustre, softness and beanty. Re mves at once all scurf dandruff and unpleasant itching, scrofula, eruptions and feverish heat from the scalp. It also prevents the hair from becoming unhealthy and filling off, and hence orto as a perfect HAIR INVIGORATOR AND To- mutt, Maine, June 22, 1955. DEAR Sin t—l have used two bottles of Prof. Wood's, Hair Hestorative, and can truly any it is the' grvutest discovery of the age for restoring awl changing the hair. Before using it, I was a wan of seventy. My hair has now attained its o.lginal color, You can recommend it to tho world without the least fear, as any case was ono of the wont kind. You' s, respect fully, DANIEL N. MURPHY Professor 0. J. Wood. BROOKFIELD, Massachusetts, Jan. 12, 185 r,. DE. Stu :—Having made a trial cif yuur Flair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say that its effect has been excellent in removing In flammation, dandruff, and a ocaistant itching bendency, withich l have born troubled fc childhood ; and Lan alto restored my hairwhich was becoming grey, to its original color 4. have used no other article with anything like the *awe and profit. Yours truly. J. K. BRAGG, Pastor of the Orthodox Choreh, lirookiteld, Protestor Wood, [From the Missouri Democrat.] W OOD'S HAIR DTE.—Th is admirable ar ticle is rapidly Improving the hair. No article Sir a similar kind, now before the public, enjoys a better reputation as a restorative and invigo rating hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical quali ties have a leneficial effect upon the growth and character of the hair, giving a silky and glossy texture to that which was formerly of a coarse and dry Data. It has, also, we understand, a tendency to preserve the youthful color and' ap pearance of tlio hair, and destroying or coaster. acting the effects of all age. With such recom mendations in its favor, we hardly perceive how anv body or gentleman should he without so val uable an adjunct to their toilet. 0. WOOD Proprietor v, 310 Broadway N. Y., & 114 Market st., St. Louis, Missouri. Sold its Huntingdon by lonia READ, and MCMAKIO3I.I., and by Druggists everywhere. Feb. 10,1858.-3 m. Mar.25.'57.- IV.