Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 14, 1858, Image 2

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    ttntingb . on Mount
-- •
Editor and Proprietor,
Wednesday Morning July 14, 1858.
The Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Journal, is great
er than the Globe and Am
erican combined.
The Huntingdon JOURNA I, for one year, and
either of the Magazines for the same period
will be sent to the address of any subscriber
to be paid in advance as follows :
The Journal and Godey's Lady's Book, for !
one Oar,
$3 50
The Journal and Graham's Magazine, for
one year, • $3 50
The Journal and Emerson's Muyaane and
lithium's Monthly, fur one year, $3 50
The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family
Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, for one year
$3 50
The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine,
for one year, 's2 76
The Journal and Peterson's Magazine, for
ene year, $2 75
The Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for one
year, $3 50
Register's Notices.
Cheap Goods.
Consumption Cured.
Warm Springs.
Bank Notice.
Dentist.—Dr. R. A. Miller.
Oil Paintirgs to be given away.
Novel and Extraordinery.
Administrator's Notice.
Hrir Restorative.
The Golden Prize.
Hair Restorative.
A Prize for Everybody.
Foundry-.—R C. McGill.
Cloth-Cleaning —Zechariah Johnson.
Portable Fence—Fl. Cornprobst.
Drugs.—McManigel & Smith.
Wigs & Toupees.—Geo. Thurgaland
Sewing Machine.;—Grover & Baker.
Cook Stove.—Call at this Office.
Liver Invigorator.
To Merchants and Farmers.
Saving Fund.
Stage Line.
Dr. Hardman.—To Invalids.
Dr. John McCulloch.
Cassville Seminary.
Burr Mill Stones.
Nicholas' Bank Note Reporter.
Hardware.—J. A. Brown.
Dentist. Dr. J. R. Huyett.
Attorneys.—Scott & Brown.
Paper Ilanging.—llowell & Bro's.
Letter Coppier for sale.
Electric Oil.
Lindsey's Blood Searcher.
Dry Goods —D. P. Gwin.
Antiphlogistic Salt.
Books.--W, Colon.
Huntingdon Mill.
Foundry.—Cunningham & Bro.
Dry Goods &c'—David Grove.
Attorney.—T. P. Campbell.
Consumption.—G. W. Graham.
Suffer not.-1.. Summerville.
Railroad time.
Dr. H. K. Neff.
Attorneys. —Wilson & Petrikin.
Duponco's Golden Pills.
Whereas Frederick W.
Krumschield, my Indented
Apprentice to the Printing
business, has left my employ
without my consent—all per
sons are hereby notified and
forewarned not to employ
him, harbor him, or trust him,
as they will be proceeded a
gainst according to law.
Huntingdonjune 25,1858.
The United American, Republican, and
People's Committee of Superintendence for
the City of Philadelphia, earnestly deCirous to
extend and perpetuate that union of the ele
ments of opposition to the present National
Administration, which in this City has lately
resulted in such brilliant success, do hereby
respectfully suggest, and recommend to the
State Committees representing those several
elements of opposition, that they cull upon the
Citizens of Pennsylvania, who are . opposed to
the present National Administration; espec
ially to its despotic and fraudulent Lecompton
policy, and its wilful neglect of the just claims
of domestic industry; and who aro in favor of
the Sovereignty of the People over their own
local concerns; of American institutions as
against the policy and intrigues of foreign
Governments, and of adequate protection to
our home labor, to assemble n their respect
ive Senatorial and Representative Districts to
choose delegates to a State Convention, to
meet at Harrisburg, in the Hall of the House
of Representatives, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of Wed.
uesday the 14th day of July, 1858, to nomi
nate Candidates for Judge of the Supreme
Court, and Canal Commissioner.
J. R. lkstitozx,
G. A. COFFEY; Vice Presidents.
M. . Summate, 1
J. R. Lys Se " et " i "'
Philadelphia, May 20, 1858.
In view of the above recommendation, and
its genets! acceptance, I hereby withdraw the
call for a State Convention, issued by me, far
the Bth of July next, and earnestly request the
American Republicans of the State to accept
it, end participate in the election of Delegates
to said Convention.
By order of the State Committee.
Chairman A. R. S. Com.
CARLIaI,E, May 31,1858.
76 the Americans of' lenneylnania
The above recommendation having been sub
mitted to me for my approval. lifter consult.:
tion with the majority of the members of the
American State Committee, and a large ruin
bne. of the prominent Atnericans of the State,
I cheerfully adopt it as our call for a State
Convention, and urge the members of the
American party throughout the State to parti
eipate in the election of Delegates.
Chairman of American State Com,
Clearfield, May 29, ISM.
Inasmuch as the above recommendation and
calls point out the plain road to practical, de
cisive, arid enduring victory over the present
National Administration and its tyrannical and
sectional policy, I therefore request the Repub
licans of Pennsylvania to unite in the el.,ctien
of Delegates to the above Convention.
Chairman of the Republican Stale Coin.
r''' , .; , •A71 , 11. June 1, 1858.
In our country every man is, and o , i
to be a politician. Not a tricky demagogue,
but me familiar with the science of Gov
emote ni—with our own Democratic sys
tem as organized and administered—with
the conduct of our official servants ; and
with the wants and necessities of the 'nil
lions, whose time is spent in toil—who live
only to labor, and desire above every thing
else, the prosperity of their country.
For some cause, industry has been com•
pelled to stop woilc. The produce of the
farmer is without a market—the muunfac
turers have been forced to discharge their
operatives—commerce has almost ceased.
and with more money in the country.
there is less that passes from hand to hand.
The poor roust beg fora day's work, to
earn their daily meal, and be refused.
Citizens I for, all this there is a cause
somewhere in the machine') of the laws
or their administration. Is it not bemuse
we have bought too much, and sold too
little! Continual purchases from for.
eign markets, have filled our own, and there
is np labor for our artisans, and consequent
ly no money to be circulated among them
It was never so, when our manufartories
were protected from this loreign competi
tion, Pennsylvanians ! and especially the
citizens of our county, have ultvays sutler.
• t ,o
For once. in our history, the truth is op.
parent. Some of the favorites of Pow , .r;
too ❑unions of the present Natiounl Ad
ininstration, advocate free trade. The low
juggle of pretending to be in favor of a
protective tariff is now abandoned; and
Free Tram, is avowed ; and the question
comes back to you, fellow citizens,—Wia
you neeure a market /or th? pr,duct of
1 merican or of Foreign labor? This
question moot be once more answered.--
Your vote in October next will be the an.
SW. T.
A government is only truly Republican
when the Rulers obey the wishes of the
Peryle. The moment their Rulers endea
vor to force the people to obey them, it is a
tyranny. It is only until within a few
years that tho National Administration
boldly made known its purposes to coerce'
the people to submit to its demands. The
mask has been thrown off. The power of
the present Administration has been freely
and unblushingly used to crush the spirit of
Freedom in Kansas. Force and Fratld
have struck hands. The People of Kansas
asked to be permuted to vote upon their
Constitution. It was denied, and Presi
dent Buchanan took the field in a special
message, - urging, as the excuse for the
wrong, that an early settlement of the tins
bless in Kansas was of vast importance, arid
to secure any State Government would
certainly produce that end. 'l'he minions
of Buchanan used every applian ce, with
out success, until the "English Swindle."
and its accompanying bribes, compelled
the People of Kansas to accept the fraud,
or stay out of the Cif on for five years.
Thus, in one act, Congress anti Buchanan'
himself. have written .jals , liooll" on every
lord of that special message, which pre
tended that an “early settlement" was all
that was desired, The bribes offered in
that Bull, if offered in Pennsylvania, to se
cure a Pennsyluania election. would send
those who made offers to prison Shall the
known wishes of a constituency he thus
disregarded and trampled on 1 It is fur
the Freemen of our State to aurwer.
A County Convention appointed the un
dersigned a County Committee to issue a
:lull for a nominating Convention to issue
a call for a nominating Convention. Ac
corni anyiiig that call, we havd deemed it
proper to preface it by the preceding re
marks, hoping thus to secure attention to
the interests involved. The bold, manly
and united action of thr true men of every
political creed, who agree upon the ques
tions above submitted, will secure the nom
ination of a County and District Tibet ac
ceptable to all, and which shall reflect host•
or upon the Convention. We ask of all,
who sympathize with these views, to an
earnest effort to union and ,ucce,-.
h hereby called, to be composed of two
Delegates from each township, borough,
and speoial Election District, to meet in
Huntingdon on
Tuesday, Su gnst 10th,
at one o'clock, on said day ; and the citi
zens of the said Township, Botoughs and
Election Districts, who d. sire the irtinnph
of the rights of the people over the wrongs
of a foolish rind oppressive Administration
who wish to so far protect our own manu
factures that they can compete with
from a Foreign market, and who are oppm
st , d to the Kansas policy of the Notional
Adullnistrotion, are requested to tneet, et
the usual places of holding soh elections,
on Saturday the 7th .9uyust, to elect two
Delegates to meet in said Convention. to
nominate a ticket for the support of the
people, and to do such other things ns
full and effective organization may require.
D McMoirtrie, John Whittaker,
Dr. C W. Moore, Neithquiel Lytle,
Geo. W. Johnston, R. B Wiaton.
H. Hamilton, Wm. P. Orbison,
grar.'Straws," as an old adage has it,
always shows which way the wind blows
A new paper lately start •LI in Tyrone
City, purports to be intensely American
and altogether averse to Union igaiiist the
common enemy. • Its opposition to Le
en:up:on upon the .sueface is creditutd..,
yet the solicitude evinced for tome of its
old Locofoco friends, would indicate a la
de hankering slier the flesh pots of Egypt.
Why is the editor cherry of the sacrifice
that would be made of his bosom fri-nd
Jesse Crawford, who is brought forward
by the Globe for Congress ? Is it cot
transparent !hot the antic, dents of the edi
for have not been entirely or radicaly re
moved ? Must not Locoloco Leuompton•
ism slyer some one as n sacrifice upon the
alter of its own erection? And why ob
ject to one who is an uncontaminated Lo
cofiico Surely Mr. Buchanan dont want
the Lcompon slaves to burn inc.mse to him
and rooke a mongrel offering I We want
IN an American Republican Coins man
to see the enemy of freedom, and of free.
labor do their own business in their own
way, and when they offer one of their own
"dyed in the wool" Lecotapion nice fur
Congress, not to interfere. But the editor
errs in saying that Mr. Crawford is brat
forward by the Globe, that p per takes the
article from the Standard. All we have
to say to the editor of the Star, is don't
let your first love so wrap your affections
as to throw discord into the ranks of the.
Union Party.
iggsr - Fussed through nur town.— Sen
atnr Simon Cameron and family, passed
through this place on Monday evening the
sth en route to Bedford Springs.
err Rev John of In:nuclei
phis also passed through this place fur
Bedford Springs.
ffir Quite 'en neditinn.—The now
plank welk leading from the Huntingdon
Mill t • the retire House in West Hun
tmgdon. This improvement is very lunch
needed, both by the public end those red
ding in that part of the town—es the
walking was very slavish anti disagreeable
in wet weather
The following taunt was given i the
general Celehration on the 3.1. The la.
dies of Huntingdon may their virtues in•
crease like their hoops, and their vices in.
crease like their bonnets.
HARVEST —The formers are now hn
ally engaged in making hoy, and cubing•
groin. The wheat crops throughout the
county will he utmost a tadure ; requiring,
as cue learn, in route places, about ten doz
en sheaves to make a bushel. To the cos
uol observer the fidds present ii tine op
['venture, indicating the belief that the
yetld will he tut yau ordinary crop, but
upon examination. it is found that the grain
is well nigh destroyed by the weevil
The crops of hay will be as good us could
be desired.
gar . The Standing Stone Literary So.
ciety" of this Borough, is prospering line
ly. ft numbers, we warn. about thirty
members, and comprises some of the test
talent of the town. It is an excellent field
for our young men who are preparing
themselves far future usefulness Some
of the ablest and most eloquent debaters
our country has ever produced. reedier.!
their early training in associations like
this. 'Cher first great oratorical effort
Henry Clay made, w..s after the conch)
ston of a discussion'to which he listened
in a literary society in Kentucky. The
nut ject was thought to be exhausted before
he arose, but he had not proceeded far. un
til the extensive knowledge, which his dis
criminating mind brought to its investiga•
tion, convinced all who heard him that
there was a vast field yet unexplored.
sel . We receiver: a-most excellent cons.
municetion from Porter Township last
evening but too lute for the present issue,
it will apperr in our next.
ipz7t. Denune & Co's celebrated Indian
Troupe performed in this place yesterday.
They displayed the Indian manners up to
nature also a very interesting Dramatic
entertainment, they are well worthy a lib.
era] patronage.
I'RTER•ONB I ACIAZINE --Pt.terson is al
ways punctual with his richly laden Alag
acme ; Phis is the August number, and
is surprising that so much reading lustier
can be furnished for two dollars. See our
club list. •
GRAHAMS MACIAZINE.—Grahrim for 4 u
gust is, no usual, filled with the cost clinics
mading matter, awl the engravings are up
to future. Published in Phi'udelphin, nt
$3 per annum. See our clubbing lion
A Few Hints.
Icennedy'i Rank Note Review is pub
lisped in Pittsburgh. Monthly Semi itlonth•
ly, and Weekly by J. W, Ke nedY.
'I he Monthly is published for the low
price of $l. Semi-Monly $1,50. and
Wei•lcy flt 3 joys viably in advance tt e
are favored with the Weeekly edition, and
would highly recommend all business nien
to get it It constitutes a complete fines
cial record-- and contains the roost accu
rate Market Reprts. Every week it
gives over n column of descriptions of new
Counterfeits, which furnishes you timely
wariiiiig of their existence. and intuits to
&ate tt theta. It is net possible for .t he
Monthly issue of the Review to keep you
fully poster in these important matters—no
reasonable inns will expect it. Counter
fells are fenfully on the increase, and the
person engaged in the nefarious business
usually springs into circulation new noes
immediately after our Monthly is sent to
you, vhich, containing no description of
them you are disposed to find fault with
it -but you should remember that we can
not describe a counterfeit before it has an
existence ? 'rite subscriber to the Week.
ly is informed in time of the first appear
sore of all descriptors of frauds in the,
shape of bank bills, or any failures, or im
portant changes in the rates discount, and
is suppliad with accurate weekly Market
Reports— in short, the Wrikly
furnish .s him such itirormation that is of
the highest importance to him as a man
If you are a subscriber to the monthly
Review. and with the Weekly, all that is
requisite to atiect the change, is to send
mother dollar. which amount and whine,
er may be due you on the Monthly, will
be dlaced to your credit on your Weely
Ea the Jourpol,
N 1 r. Editor
On Friday afternoon, 2d of July, 1 left
the "Ancient Borough" for the quiet nod
over hill and dale I arrived safely at my
dentinution about 10 o'clock at night. Very
much fatigued with toy jmirtiey l retired
to rent and soundly till idiom 4 o ciiick
when I %sus aroused from iny pleas art
dreams by the beating of drums—singing
of hells, and the tiring of guns in cannot,
monition of the anniversary of American
The citizens of Cii,sville mere resolved
to c.lebrate the 3d (the 4th filling on Sun
day) in • [mintier well worthy the (fencer.
darts of the “Sirea of '76
About 10 o'clock the procession Ginned
on Water btreet, and piuceeded to the old
camp.ground" abriut one touter of a
ini , n front town. fhc exerctses were
opened with prayer h{• Ron. J. Elderdise
—ither which •he Decldrin ion el Indepen
deuce was read by Prot Al McN. Walsh
of Cassville Seminary, in an eloquent and
inie.t , lly intoner; followed by singing and
Mr James Beyer then delivered the
tar finned speech of Patric.. !henry. made
in the days of the Revolution—and which
aroused American pa/viols' to a sense ot
British wrung and oppression. Patriotic
song and manic. Dr. J. H Wintrode arts
then introduced and delivered a ve'y pa
triotic address. rich in thought, and fall of
soul.siirring eloquence. Rev. Geo. Rouse
also delivered us interestin ; an eloquent
Sabbath School address. About '2l o'clock
the procession returned to town, to enjoy
something more substantial.
At 4 o'clock the "Horse Company"
made its appearance, and delighted the cit
izent by a demonstration of its equestrian
At 7 o'clock the -Faculty Tea" (a new
tea lately discovered) cams 'iii at which
quite a cumber was present, and passed the
time pleasantly by enjoying t he good things
served up for the occasion—giving toasts
—and making speeches full and overflow
ing with patriotism.
The fit, works were necessarily post
poned. from the fact that there were none.
P.S.—Since writing the above I learn
that Mrs Sheriff Greenland rec ived an
injury at the social party on th 'evening
of the 3d—happily it was not serious.
The Rev J. I. T. C o olidge, for sixteen
years enstor of the Thirteenth Congrega
tional Unitarian Church in Boston, having
accepted the creed held by the Orthodox
churches. Ia st Sunday parted fent his
congregation by preaching a farewell ser
mon. He gave the reasons for the change
in his belief, and said that Uniiarianism
led to irreverence, irreligion, and disbe
' lief.
These springs five miles north of Hun
tingdon recently leased by I 'ol. Herd--are
attracting crouds of visitors--The medic
inal qualities of these splendid waters pure
air, beauty of scenery &c. with the very
superior table furnished by Col Herd com
bine to make all guests pleased. These
wno go once aro certain if possible to re
We tithe pleasure in copying from the
Hollidayo.urg Register:
The Warm Springs of Wilsonia.
Editor.--As I kung :here beats in
your bosom a v.•ry benevolent heart; I feel
assured, that you will permit me to call
the attention of the sick and the pleasure
kving toot scene, in our swoet valley of
Juniata, whore both health and pleasure,
may most certainly be found. I allude to
the •'Warm Springs,. ns they long have
been called, near Huntingdon. Having
visited the Om., I can speak from person
al observation of the attractions of this spot.
There are several springs here gushing
in close vicinity, front the saute hill; and
yet some of diem warm. and medicinal.
others cold as ice water, and perfectly soft
and pure.
For the last half century these springs
have been known, and more or less resor
ted to. Indeed about 1810, they began
to he quite a place of resort for invalids;
tied continued so for many years, until*
Bedford antrother places inure easy of ac
cess, and presenting better accommoda
tions, loomed into importance. Bot note
that the Springs near Huntingdon have
fallen into halt is that have put the place
compatible and attractive condition; end
since they mire note more eerily accesable
by rail road than Bedford: 1 shall he sur
prised if their merits do not command
public attention. 1n the' , Literary Muse
u.n" of 1810, published in Pit iladelphia
by Win H. Smith & Moses Conan, there
tan notice of these springs, and an analy
sis of the water of the principal warm
spring ; by Thomas Duncan Smith 11. D.
Front this we extract the following. '-'l'eni
perat ore of the waters Qv they coins front
the rock 681 deg.—Specific gravity exact
ly that of pure rain water--taste soft and
sitiouth--not differing front other soft wa
ter when first drunk. Some short time
after drinking the saliva is secreted freely
and it taste like th it of tarter emetic can
b.• perceived. They agree perfectly well
atilt the weakest stomach, and after repea
led drinking, because agreeable. Their
sensit le opt , ration IS, they increase prespi
. ration, nod gently promote evacuations.
it to them who hate long labored under
its loss. The effects produced by mixing
it with various substances are-- with mar
ode vitriolic acids white vitriol, cormisive
subli:tette. alun and volatile alkeis, at first
lieoi pearl blue, Which in two hours be
coine several shades deeper. With Wear
caustic a thick muddy witite, which by
degrees turned black, till it become entire
ly block." Not being much of an invalid,
your present correspondent tested its both
ing qualities chielly--•nod I must say that
a sweeter bath—witdmore plensent results
I never enjoyed. It was truly a luxiity.
The v..ner is so abundant-of such pleas.
not t..mpertiture, producing after the bath
is over such a delightful glow --that it is
worth it ride from Hol lidaysburg
,or liar
ri ‘burg just to exp eri .nce it.
This scenery uround this favored retreat
of t(nein is magnificent. Some nountains
Warriors Ridge Ind Jack's Montuin. all in
sight, tvith hills nud dales. and brooks. and
woods and wilds, interspersed with cul iva•
ted and uncultivated territnrry, impart a
wild beauty to the region.; end the drives
around the place bring you through land
scapes of ever varying impressiveness.
Visit I rim told abound in Sinn,. Creek and
the brooks that ore tributaiy; phonsonts
cod squirrels and other game are found in
the woods ; and t cannot imagine why
these ‘:rings, now made so accessible by
the Penna. R. R. should not become a
place of favorite resort. The region a•
bounds with everything the makes a table
attractive and Col. Hurd well known in
our place, ns the very competent and obli
ging head of the Learner House, is now
the tn.tnager of the Hotel at Wilsonia
By the by, thrs name "Wiloonia" is a
fancy of my own---and I dont know wheth•
er it will lie accepted by the proprietors
and the public or not. But I hove so cal
led it, because the "Warm Springs" is a
name not sufficiently definite; because
the name is euphonious; and beams. I
know of no reason why this delightful
spot should not take the name of its own
er alto at a great expense has enlarged
end renewed the Hotel , bath Houses &c,
beatified the grounds and indeed entirely
..onvated the place. If the pliblic agree
with me, then, the place will he known
las the "tt arm Springs of Wilsnnia," af•
h er the liberal proprietor Gen. A P. Wil-
I have no doubt at all, thrt these waters
have been wade to gush. by the tire:it
Creator. for benificent end ; and I feel that
in telling toy experittllC..B of the
mas of the place. I am conferring a bene
fit upon those who are inquiring for a
pleasant summer resort, and especially
upon the invalid.
6tntral fan
Acquittal of Gen, Lane.
The Lea;r.iworth Daily Ledger of the
2d instant announces the acquittal of Gen.
Lane of the charge of killing Jenkins.—
The decision of the Court wits to this ef
fect ;
'ln making out a case against the defen
dant, it was necessary, first, no prove that
a murder had been committed; and second
ly, by General Lane. The prosecution
had (ailed to establish the first. The Court
were unanimously of the opinion that no
murder had been committed; and as the
Territory having failed to establish the
primary fact, the only charge contained in
the affidavit, the defendant, General Lane,
was accordingly discharged."
correspondent of the Ledger, writing
from Lawrence, where the trial was helo,
"'I he decision, though generally expec
ted, is not universally approved. Col. S.
S. W. Eldridge denounces it bitterly. Lie
told Justice Lad J. just after the decision,
that if he (Eldridge) wits ever brought
belere him, and convicted of any crime, he
would shoe him as cure as fate "
['here is nothing in this decision to
prevent the Grand Jury indicting Lane, if
so disposed.. By express statutory provi
sins, the evidence, together with the de•
damn, must be submitted to them by the
Clerk of the District Court. The exami
nation honing been so full, and, withal,so
fair, it is very doubtful whether the Grand
Jury will ever cause another proceeding,
on the same charge, to be instituted."
The Ledger further remarks, editorial.
ly : .
The Court were unanimous in their opi•
nion, and we lee) fully justified in saying
that the evidence adduced for and against
the prisoner warranted them in arriving at
the Collalusion they did.
We have read the entire testimony care
fully and impartially, and arrived at the
see, conclu.ion several days since.
e defy any lawyer in the country to
come to any other conclusion ; alter a Care"
ful and impir.ial rending of the testimony.
We are no political friend of General
Lane's. We despise :very political senti•
mint that he over uttered, at the same
time, as a public journalist, we feel tt in•
cuinhent upon us as a pudic duty to assent
to the judgment of the xamining Court,
and to accord to theta all praise. Colonel
Jenkins was a particular friend of ours,
nod we are free to confess that our sympa
tines aro to mat airocurni, out we oeterint
tied to hear the final result ere we spoke
one word.
The kstimony proves conclusively that
Col. Jenkins was the aggressor, accompa
nied by three friends. nil armed ; and th-it
the party were closing in on Gen. Lane,
and ac ual y shot at him twice ere he show
signs of self protection, and the Ilion who
would not protect himself, if in his power
to do no, would prove to the world that be
was unfit to live, and too contemptible to
die. Gen. Lane acted just as every man
should act under like circumstances, and
public opinion will sustain him.
We dismiss this subject from our col•
umns with the remark that, let the man he
n friend or foe of ours, in a case of life or
-death, we will endeavor to do him justice,
°though the heavens fall."
From Mexico
The Bnrk Brilliant from Vera Cruz hits
has arrived. bringing files of the papers of
that city to the 26th ult.
Business was prostrate.
The vomito prevailed among the soldie
ry, but the health of the citizens Was in a
good tonditiqn.
An earthquake occurred on the 18th, kil
ling fifty persons.
Advices from the City of Mexico state
that the British and French Ministers ad.
vise the payment of th., torc-d loan.
Tne protest of the Amencan Minister,
Mr Forsyth. opposes the payment of the
lour, and demanded his passports. He is
awaiting instructions.
I :calends Vidaurri and Garza were mar.
ching upon the Capitol.
Gen, Echeagarny had retreated to Jala
pa. Gen. Omllus having ordered the San
Louis Potosi sales to he closed, he has been
recoiled by Z deals. Ihe contribution
will be stringently enforced.
The dates front Yucatan ant to the 30th
The government had imposed a duty of
fifty cents on the barrel, upon fur dgn anal
home flour, from the 18th of August. An
earthquake had been felt at Mtnatitlan.
Missouri l'olitios
The Republicans of the to:. Louis Con
gressional district, in convention lust Mon
day, tioniinated the Has. Freak
.Blair. Jr.,
for re election to Congress by acclumntion.
Resolutions Were adopted re-affirming the
the doctrine of Thorns' Jefferson, denvin
clog the action of the administration, op
posing negro equality, advocating th t ex.
tinction of Slavery in Missouri, and the
removal of negroes from the State. Three
full tickets are now in the field : Anterl.
can, 4epublicun and Democratic. There
will be Republican candidates for Congress
in nearly or quite every district in the
Movemonts of Troops.
St. Louis, Friday July 9. IESB
We have dispatehes from Loaventvortb
to the 6 in-it., by the United States express
to Booneville. They say the special mes
senger mimed in a previous dispatch reach
ed the fort Yesterday with the official or
ders for Gen. Harney, which went for
ward this morning per Capt. Simpson --
The orders direct the following move
ments Eight companies of the 2d Dra
goons, with Majors Phelps and Reynold's
Lotteries and artillery and the sth 10th,
and prohly the 7th Regiments of Infantry
to remain in Utah. The 4th Artillery and
two companies of the 2d Dragoons to oc
cupy th , District of the Platte.
The Ist Cavalry is directed to remain
on the plains as late as practicable and
make excursions among the Indian and
them in subjeetton. The 6th or 7th in
fnntry proceeds to Oregon in view of the
recent hostilities. Majors Ilarris and
Hunt's Batteries are ordered to re return
to Fort Leavenworth The corps of en•
gineers now with the battalion of the 6th
Infantry are to return to West Point alter
completing the work of opening a road to
Camp Scott via the Cheyenne Pass. The
troops which accompanied Copt Marcy
from New Mexico are to rerun ti that de•
Brig. Gen. Harney is ordered to return
to St. Louis and assume the command of
the department of the West, unless he
may have received intelligence of the for
citdo opposition of the Mormons to the ar
my now in Utah. in which case ho is em
powered te"send forward the whole of the
reinforcements and continue with them to
Utah, or return to take command of his
department, ns lie may prefer. •
Lieut. Col. Crossman•and Capts. Turn•
ley and Paige are. assigned to duty to
Captain Hancock is ordered to proceed,
with a regiment of infantry to 1111 Pa.
The officers of the Typographical En.
giners, hitherto assig ned to duty with the
troops in Utah, are ordered to report to
Gen. Johnston.
The recruits and officers detained for
the corps now in Utah are to proceed to
that department.
Assisttant Adjutant (;en. Buell remains
attached to the staff of Gen. Harney.
Fillibustering Movements.
A decree issued by . the senate of the
State of Salvador, Central America, nn•
notincos in the preamble that the fillibus
ters are preparing two expeditions—one
to Mobile and the other in California—a
gainst Central America, which threatens
in a positive manner its independence and
nationality. The preamble goes on to say
very sensibly, that the weakness and •dis
tracted condition of the Central American
States invites such outrages, and that until
t hey unite under on confederation nod
form u strong defensive arry they can ex
pect no peace or aafety. This has long
been palpable to all the rest of the world
and at length it seems to have., crept into
the heads of politicians more immediately
pverested. ..General efforts are in pro.
cressnow to Salvador. Nicaragua, Costa
Rica and Hondunis. to form a national un
; but Guatemala, the most populous,
fluusishing, and powerful of all the States,
has hitherto been opposed to it, in conse
quence of the despotic sway exercised
there by Carrera, whose influence would
sink to case of a union.
CifirA FRENCH SHIP, called the Regi
na Corti, seized by an English Cruiser ofi
the African coast, had on board two hun
dred and sixty five negroes, shipped as Af
rican apprentices, who, it is stated were
shipped from Liberia, with the consent of
the President of that Republic, and were
nearly sufficontly well educated to read
and write ; a circumstance indicating
suspicion that they all primarily emigrated
from this country. It is suggested that
the American Colinization Society might
more profitably undertake the supplying
of the French colonies with laborers direct
,from this country, as it is an expensive,
roundabout way to send the free negroes
first to Africa then allow them to be re ex
ported to the French colonies.
Kentcicy Alessengrr mentions a freak of
nature which is about parallel in the onl
ine! kingdom. It is a colt with only one
eye. It was foaled on the farm of Mr.
Roberts, in Madison county. The eye is
considerably lager than the usual size,
and in the midd:e of the forehead.
ear correspondent of St. Louis Democrat
says that "affairs in Kansas are I ecoining
quiet," and that men of both parties are
beginning to see that the supremacy of
the law is better than every man being
his own avenger. This is the best news
we have had from Kansas Territory for a
long time.
by M ti li te ß ß ß ev lE . Thursday thel
m T. Green
Gr s e t e , n io t s o t
MissAnoa J. Carothers, of Walker Town
On the 11th inst., by Simeon Wrght, Esq.,
Mr. George \ V. Hazzard, to Miss Miriam E.
Greenland, all of Union township.
On the Bth inst., by Henry Brewster, Esq.,
Mr. John Catherwood, of Edward Furnace, to
•Emeline, daughter of Mr. B. Garron, of the
same place.