Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 14, 1858, Image 1

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New Goods
New Goods !
D. P. Gwin has just returnd from I'hiladel•
phia with the largest and most beautiful as•
'sortment of
Ever brought to Huntingdon,
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods
'for Ladles and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks.
and Fancy,All Wool do Loins, (all colors)
Spring Dlains, 'Mollie Detains., Garages, (all
colors) Levella Cloth,, Delmize, Alpacea, Pop
lins, Printed Berages,Grilliants, plain and fig
ured, Ginghams, Lawns, and Prints of every de
ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin
ges, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids,
Crapes, Reed & Bra,. Hoops, Skirt Cord, Silk
'and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck tics, Stock,
Zephyr, French Working Cotton LlllOl4 and
Cotton Floss, Tidy Yarn, Re.
Also the best and cheapest assortment of Col
ors, and Undersleeves, in town. Gar's] and
Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss. Plain, Fig
ured, Skirt Geist. Marseilles l'or Capes, and a
variety of white goods too numerous to nice.
Spring and Thibit Shawls, Whitt, 'Maine fur
Capes, Mantillas, &c.
Also, Cloths, Cassimors, Cassinets, Tweeds,
K. Jeans,Muslims, Cotton Drill, Nankeens,
Ticken,ltblo Diapers, Flannels. &cs
Also, a largo lot of Bonnets,Fins, Hats, &c.
Boots and Shoes, nieargest and chea
pest assortment in town.
WERE, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churn,,
Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, &c. Carlin ts,
Oil Cloths, Fish and Salt, Sugar, Cutihe,
Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a
country Store.
My old customers, and as many new ones ns
can crowd in are respectfully requested to come
and examine my goods.
All kinds of Country produce token Di ex•
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
April 21, 1858.
formerly known as "S.tx•rox's" take plea—
sure in announcing to their many trio '
ntli that
they have received a new and welt-selected
stock et Goods, which they feel confident will
satisfy the demands of the public, and will prove
unexceptionable in STY. and QUALVE,
The line of Dress Goods emblem,
DE LAINES, • ORAN' ELLA :‘lttllallt,
We hare a line assortment of Summer Man
tillas, shawls, Dress Trimmings - , ranges, A ii
tifities, Ribbons, Mitts, Cloves, Gauntlets, II ..-
inery, Ladies' Collars, Handkcrchic's, Buttons,
Floss, Sowing Silk, Whalebones for Skirts,
Reed Hoops, Brass do., Skirt Cord, &e.
Al.Bo—Tiekona, Osnaborip bleached and on
hleached Muslins at all prices, Colored and
White Cambrics, Barred nod Swiss Musa.,
Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and many
other articles which comprise the line of White
and Domestic Gum's.
We hare French Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres,
Sat tinetts,Jeans, Tweeds, Cuitonades, Linens,
Denims and Blue Drills.
or every radey and style. Also all kinds u
A good stuck of
Wood and 'Wino V1 , 1111%11 re,
which will be sold Co v.
We vim deal in PLASTER, FISH, SA LT,
and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess litciliries
in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We
deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise,
FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots
_of the
Broad Top and - Pcmisylvania Railroads.
Come one, coma all, and be convinced that
the “31ETIMPOLITAN" it the place to secure
fashionable and desirable gdods, disposed or at
the lowest rates.
[Pan 2ND Wli`iTl.,'lll
A New Assortment Just Opened 1
And will be sold 30 per cent.
ROMAN respectfully in his costs
mars and the public generally, that he has
just opened at his store-room is Market
Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready
made .
Clothing for Fall and Winter,
which he will sell cheaper than the sante quality
Of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in tho country.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would du
well to call and examine his stock before! neeli
eiel; elsewhere. Also,
Hats, Caps,
Which will be sold lower than at any other as•
tablishment in the county.
Huntingdon, April 1. 1858.
Patent Portable Fence.
The rights of Hunt's Patent Portable or Per
manent Fence and Gnte Post, for Lots, Farms
and Township, can bo secured for n small sum
by canto on the Agent nt Huntingdon.
and see the model at once. It is decidedly
the best Fence'ever used. No Farmer should
be without it. Call yo who would be benefit
ted and examine it for yourselves.
for Huntingdon County.
New Drug and Grocery Store.
WMANIGIC, SMITH Si CO., llill St., 5
doors west of the Court House, Huntingdon.
Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs,
Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Spts. Turpentine,
Fluid, Alcohol, Wine and Brandy of the Best
article for medical uses, Concentrated Lye for
making Soap, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines
also Coffee,Tea, Chocolate, Sugar, Molasses,
Vinegar, sh, Salt, Flour, Crackers, Nuts,
Candies, Figs, Raisins, Tobacco, Cigars, Syr
ups of all kinds for summer drinks in a word
every thing usually kept in a Drug or Grocery
Store, those who desire pure and Genuine ar
ticles will do well by giving us a call.
May 19, 'sB:—ly.
LiPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas of oreiy
style at the METROPOLITAN.
The "Iluxml000r: ,JOURNAI) is plll,fiShOli
tho following rates:
If paid in ndvance sl,lso
If paid within six months after the timo of
. subscribing 1,75
. .
If paid befor; the expiration of tiro year, 2,0(1
And two dollars and fifty cents it a not' paid
till aftor the expirntionof the year. No subscrip
tion token for a less period titan six months.
. _
I. All subscriptions are continued until oth
erwise ordered, and nopaper will ho discontinu
ed, until arrearages ere paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
2. Returned numbers are nercr received by us.
All numbers sent us in tlitt way are /, and
never accomplish the purpose tit' the sooner.
it. Persons tvishint to stop their• subscriptions,
must/rem,/ arreurage, and send a written or
verbal order to that circa, to the Mike or pub
lication in Hunting:den •
4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a
egnl ovtt proper notice. •
- 5. Mir; olio or more numbers of a now year
havu been forwarded, a new year has commenc
ed, and the paper will not N discontinued until
ar,..c . ,!ratifs are paid. See No. I.
The Courts Intro derided that refusing to take
a newspaper from the office, or removing and
leaving it uncalled for, is PUIMA FACIE .1001 co
of intentional fraud.
Subscribers living in distant counties, or in
other Slotcs,•will bo required to pay invariably
in advance.
Cir The above terms will be rigidly adhered
to in all eases.
. .
Will be charged at the followiag rate
insertion. 2 do. a
$ 25 $ 371 • $
Six lilies or less,
One square, (1611.90 50 75 1 00
Twu " " ) 100 150 200
3 Inc). 0 mo. 12 mo.
$3 00 $5 00 $9 00
5 00 8 00 10 00
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IS 00 18 00 57 00
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on. s q uare,
+ column,
(10., s'B 00 40 00 50 00
Business Cards of six lines, or less, $4.00.
Advertising and Job Work.
We would remind the Advertising corn.
!nullity and all others who wish to bring
their liusihess extensively before the pub
lie, that' the Journal has the largest cir
culation of any paper m the county—that
it is a instantly increruing;—and that • i
goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi
We ‘voultl also state that our facilities
for executing ull kinds of JOB PRINT.
ING are equal 10 those of any.other office
intl t e county; and all Job Work antra,-
UMW,: Ott MAIO ,
rogiTtly, anti at prices which win
:cicct tor~r.
A. Romantic And Pathetio Story of Real
'Nu! Ulevt;land HcraW relates the fol
lowing affecting narrative, which is rep•
resented to be no Ices true titan strange:—
~W e yesterday learned the denounce
ment of a painful story. equal to the most
thrilling rename() in interest, but with the
circumstances and actors of which we
were personally well acquainted.
I'Sonie twelve years ago, two young
men, named Clyma nod Paul, lived in a
small village not fat from the Feu coast,
in the extreme west of England. Got h
were miners and workers in the same mine
near the village. Both paid their address
es to the same maiden, though not with
equal success. elynia prospered so well
in his suit that a day was appointed ler
the nuptials, and in due course the bands
of marriage were asked in the village
church on the first of the three Sundays
1 1 prescribed by the English canon law,
"Before iho second Sundaycame round
the rivals met at a . vv rattling match in the
village, and it chanced that the turn came
for theta to wrestle together Paull was
excited and endeavored to give his success
ful rival in love a 'wicked fall,' but his
eagerness worked his defeat. no was
thrown to the ground amid the shouts of
the villagers. On springing to his feet,
he swore that he would be and
that Clynia should never ma rry his niten •
ded bride. From that day ho tonic to
drinking deeply, and hurled imprecations
on his rival.
'The day before that fixed for the mar
riage. Paull told all his itcquaintences that
he wonld be at the wedding. and would
find means to prevent its taking
Knowing his determined character, Clytna
appeared alarmed at the threat, and got
some friends to into:cede with Paull, but
in vain.
"Late that night, Clyma loft the house
of his inteneed bride for his own cottage.
The way lay across U patch of barren
moor, where there were several pine shafts
which had been deserted, and the bot.oins
of whose black depths were now covered
with several fathoms of water. About
the same hour, Paull was seen crossing
to the same patch of moor I room another di
rection. A miner, who passed a little la-
ter toward the mine where he worked—it
being his iu n for night work—averred,
the next day; that he heard a noise, as if
of a dispute and scuffle, but it was to dark
to distinguish any one.
"Tile marriage was to take place ut 11
o'clock in the morning at ten village church
Long before teat hour the village was the
scene of-great excitement, The hat and
nee kerchief of paull—the latter torn and
bloody—bad been found near the deepest
of the nbandoned pitshafts, and of Paull
himself nothing could be !bend. nor had he
been seen since he went towards the moor
on the preceding night. The ground
where the • articles had been found bore
traces of a scuffle having taken place, and
to crown the whole, two buttons recogniz
ea as belonging to Clyma's coat were dis
covered ionoung the earth and stones. To
those ominous facts elyina could only re
ply that he hail met Paull nt the place
mentioned, during• the night; that high
wordi were Mowed by a scuffle; and that
ho had beaten Paull, who had retired cur
sing him
"'Phi:, account was not considered sat•
isfactory. and %yam was taken into cus
tody to await further develofments. Sev
eral days passed away; an examination
was made of the pit and the surrounding
locality, but no trace could be found of the
body. It Wits argued, however, 'that if a
stone was auac hed to the body before it
was thrown into the pit, so as to sink it
there would be no probability of its ever
being found. After several examinations
before a magistrate, the neared was re
leased front custody, but only to be -shun:
ned as a murderer by the whole commu
"In the meantime the intended bride
became sick though excitement; a violent
fever was succeeded by a wasting illness,
and after lingering some months, she died
of a broken heart. These accumulated
ills were too touch for the unhappy object
of general suspicion, and in less than twelvo
months after what would have bee his wed
ding day, he became the inmate of an in
sane asylum, %%here he still remains a
hepeless lunatiC.
"Amoung the relatives of Clytna was a
ter, married to a farmer who, two or
t -ree yt ars after the unhappy occurrence
r rated above, removed to this country
',bout ten days since this sister,
while!ai,i. taking the cars in Chicago
for home, suddenly encountered the sop•
posed murdered non. tier excitement
was.intense. drawing him to one tide,
she made herseliknown to Paull, and was
immediately recognised by him.
6 The explanation given by him of his
dvappearance was that he had met Clyma
on the eventful night with the purpose of
beating and disfiguring him so that he
could not marry on the succeeding day,
bat that his rival was more than a match
fur hint. Burning with rage at his dis•
comfiture, he had rushed off without know
ing or caring what became of himself, and
on reaching the Reach, had taken nu old
leaky boat and pulled directly out to sea.
Next morning. when the boat was nearly
sinking, he was picked up by an mtwartl
bound ship, which took him to New Or.
leans. Since then be had resided several
yearn i California and in the United Sta.
:es, anti become moderately :MI, and was
now on his way to his native home, with
which he had maintained a communica
tion since his abrupt departure. On lest n
ing the sad events which had occurred in
the meantime,. immediately accompanied
the sister to her home in Illinois, and, af
;er the necessary arrangements were made
he started with her for England, in order
to repair, as far as possible, the mischief
which had been done.
"They passed through Cleveland last
evening on their way east; aed happening
accidently to meat them at the depot, we
learned the sequel to the sad story, with
the earlier portions of which we were al
readt• acquainted.
They go sun joyful, yet mournful er
rand. The good name of the unhappy
cendenmed can be reclaimed, but none
can restore his shattered reason, or rescue
the 'broken-hearted dead front her early
gin ye."
Some low weeks ago I strolled mto tho
counting room of a friend. Ile being nb•
sent, I commenced u chat with his clerk,
when a goolt looking 'cullord pusson' en•
!Aired dotlid his castor and suid--
atlas' Bob can you la me a quarter till
this arternoon, and I will pay hint ear
Alas' Ilub applied Isis dexter to his pock.
et, but it made 'no sign.' I turned.
.Well Buck, you look tolerably honest
but, as I don't know you, if you give me
security, I'll lend you a quarter.'
. His eye brightened us lie usked•—
'Nas' Bob will you go my security ?'
.Yes' ropliecilYob. •
1 forked over. Some tune afterwards,
wending the same way, of I was about to
enter AN office, the identical 13ucic stood
before me.
'Buck, where's my quarter? You didc't
pay me as you promised.'
'No, rah, but 1 gift you s'curity.'
'Well, but want you to pay—me 1
lent you the quarter.'
'bat's true, ash, but it am the custom
down here to 'must de s'curity lust.'
I loft.—Spirit of the
.clett 01is..cdtaitil.
A Mule Bewitched.
The popular idea seems to be.that the
long eared tribe have been deprived of the
power of speech since the days of Ballwin,
but we had this morning ocular and auri
cular proof of the fallacy of this belief.—
As we were coming down Bond street; we
noticed a little this side of the Planter's
Hotel a crowd collected around the wagon
of a countryman, and stepped up to learn
if possible the cause of the excitement
Tim wagon was drawn by a couple of
mules, one of them a rather bad-looking
specimen, who seemed to hail front a re
gion where corn and oats aro rarities; the
other decidedly batter looking, and giving
unmistakeable evidence of having been
better fed. The wagon was loaded with
the delightful esculent—se popular in the
South—tweet potatoes. Prominent in the
crowd we noticed a little black eyed, gray.
haired man, who was busily engaged when
we come up, in negotiating a trade for one
of the mules, and strange to say, for the
poorest looking one.
'Now, my friend,' said the little man,
want this . mule, I have a firsi-rate match
for him, and want to make out the pair.—
Ho, old in he'?'
'Five years old last spring,' promptly re.
plied the countryman.
'Cully, what a hu! cried the mule, prick
ing up his ears.
Countryman started—the crowd looked
frightened, and ono or two colored gentle
men incontinently fled, as if the devil were
of the party.
'Who—who was that V asked the dealer
in potatoes at length, having somewhat re•
covered his voice and senses.
.Why me,' promptly respohded the
'What are you lying about,' continued
the mule, •you know you had toe fifteen
There, my friend,' said the little man,
m, s " u ' l 1.., '" . " 1 "
to hi
‘l . ll be darned if I know what to make
of you or the mule,' exclaimed the CUM,
trytnan, know he is only five years old
for I raised him myself,'
There, you he again,' said the mule
"Take that,' exclaim,' the now infuria
ted owner, forgetting his fear for a mo%
meat, and striking the animal over the
'Don't do that again.' cried the mule,
will kick you!'
The countryman's eyes almost popped
out of hit head, nod there is no telling
what would have been the result,,had nut
some 0110 arrived, who recognized the little
man it, Signor Blitz, the well-known Nla
gician and Ventriloquist, whioh explained
the mystery and relived the countryman—
.artguNta Dispatch.
A Good One,
An old 'tar,' noted fur his natural geni
us in the art of lying—in fact he hod be
come the subject of proverb—a sort of a
Tom Pepper. Every person he met was
sure to get a "stretcher" from him before
he left him go,
One day, as an eccentric merchant, who
had always 'got ft lie out of old Jo.' as he
was in the habit of saying, saw Jo en
route fur his lodgings. lie hailed old Jo
with a 'good morning„ Squire.'
.Quod, morning, sir,' said Jo:.
•1 have been looking, for you ell the mor.
thing,' said the merchant.
'l.ookin' fa me,
'Yea, we want you to give is a 'soaker'
before you pass.'
'Come, old fellow, that won't do. it
would surely rain if you passed without
telling one.'
litlvo% Unto; what have you too do.
.11e1 to go to a funeral at tau o'clock.'
Who's dead 1'
'Squire C—'
'ls it possible said the merchant and
immediately went to his room. forgot all
about the arrangement ho had made to
meet one of his debtors, loin whom he e:r•
pected a nice 'haul' at a certain hotel in
the city that day ; put on his funeral habil
iment, and strolled across the country, soul
two miles, to Squire C—'s. But instead
of seeing Squire C— Wrapped up in
white linen, us he expected, he found him
iu the garden, hoeing his potatoes. Just
I then he saw the point I—and with double
quickstep, struck a march for home. He
arrived just in time to miss the city train.
That evening lie received a communim
tion that ho had been non-suited. Poor
1 fellow t p 5 gone one "soaker" and no
thing in return, save the prospect of flue
Condensed History of Steam.
About two hundred and eighty pears B.
C. Elero of Alexandria formed a toy which
exhibited some of the powers of steam,
and was moved by its powers.
A. D. 450, Anthemius. an architect, ar
ranged several chauldrons of water, ouch
covered with the wide bottom of a leathern
tube which rose to a narrow top, with pipes
Extended to rafters of the adjoining build
ing. A firo was kindled beneath the caul
drons, and the house t‘ns shaken by the
efforts of the steam in ascending the tubes.
This is the first notice of the power of
steam recorded.
In 1543, Juno 17, Blasco C.Garoy tried
a steamboat of 200 tons with tolerable suc
cess at Barcelona, Spain, It consisted of a
cauldron of boiling water, and a movable
wheel on each side of the ship. It was
laid aside as impracticable. A present,
however, was made to Garoy.
The first idea of a steam engine in Eng
land was in the Murquis of Worchester's
II istory of Inventions, A. D. 1603.
In 1710 Newcomen made the firat steam
engine in England.
In 1718 patents were granted to Savory
for the first application of the Steamlin-
In 1764 James Watts made the first per
fect stearwengine in England.
In 173 G Jonathan Hulls set forth tier
idea of steam navigation.
In 1778 Thomas Paine first proposed
this application in America.
In 1781 Marquis Jouflroy constructed
one on the Soone.
In 1785 oyo Atncricnns published a
tv prlc on it,
In 1759 William Symington made a voy
age in one on the Forth and Clyde Canal,
In 1802 this experiment was repeated.
In 1787 John Fitch of Philadelphia. na
vigated n boat by a steam engine oh the
In 1783 Robert Fulton first began to op.
I lly Isis aiwntion to steam.
In 1793 Oliver Evans,a native of Phil.
constructed a locomotive strain
!p travel 9 . 12 . n elenm turnpikeroad
lantic was the Savatinah, in the month of
June, ISIO, from Charleston to Liverpool.
Arkansas ! the State of • II the South
ern confederacy worst ridaen by dema•
gogues and politicians. Rich in her soil
and mineral Wealth, and poorest in every
thing like internal improvements and
commercial facilities of all kinds. Her
public roads are piginires, and her rivers'
innocent of any improvement save those
afforded by nature. Jogging along over
one of these self a= roads, I broke nay
1 buggy trying to drive round a suspicious
spot where some philanthropist had erect
ed a hickory sapling, bearing the °mai
cious words :
Delayed and bvntghted, I at last reach
ed a log house, whose blazing tire-light
!bra' the open door promised comfoit, and
ll' I guessed Latva, some half•dozen her
:es hitched at the gate indicated that some
thing was going on. I hailed ; Ilaluo,
w ho lives here ?'
g Ale, Bob Woods. What do you
'Supper and lodging, if you can accom
mediae me.'
This brought Bob Woods to the gate,
where he proceeded to inform me that his
darter Melindy was about getting married
but he'd us lief make a dollar as not, of I'd
feed my horse myself and sleep on a corn
husk shake down afore the fire. I jump
ed at the offer, and out of my buggy fed
washed toy hands and went
in to see the fun. I was made at home in
a moment. The idea of an 'Orleett feller'
currying and feeding his own horse, was
something emir tly new, and I was a fa
vorite instanter. guaranteed by a promi
nent invitation to 'liquor.' Ihe parson
hubibbed, drew an enormous red bandana
across his lips, and and announced that
.he was ready to talk when the rest was.'
This brought forth the happy couple. The
groom was a lanky specimen in home
spun, and led his bride by the hand. She
.vas a bouncing, rosy-ceheeked damsel,
iollowing a step or two behind : foiling Qv
idently in a novel position. 'You Melitidy
take your finger out of your mouth.' Me
lindy cast a defiant look at her maternal
relative, withdrew the offending member
wiped it on her apron and quickened her
pace. The young parson, alter some lit
' do trouble, ..rranged them to his saasfac•
lion• and proceeded :
'John Stribnor, do you take Melindy
Woods, in the the presence of these wit
nesses, to be your lawful wedded wife ?'
'That's wot I'm here for,' answered Mr.
Stribnor, craming his hands into his
breeches pockets.
.You will pleuse answer yes or no.'
.Yes or no, promply returnee the gen
.No, no! soy yes.'
a.s, then casting a sheepish look
around him.
, Nlelincly Woods.'
.Y.a s
'Wait a moment, please. Melindy
Woods, do you take John Stribner, in the
presence of these witnesses, to be your
lawful wedded husband ?'
'1 reckin.'
'Thou in the pressnco of the witnesses
spoken, of, I do declare you Irian an' wife,
'cordin to the laws of Arlcansaw an' tlie
G'ospili an' root's thus jined let no man
put in sunder,'
The Parson turned awny, flushed and
excited, but was recalled by a query from
Mr. Stribner.
'Must I kiss her now, Gedrge
'As you please, John she's yours now.
up your moat,
. . .
Shan't do it! Right hero ofore folks
John did not argue the point, but sidled
up to thn grinning group where [ was
standing, and proposed that us boys should
take some (whislcey,) Nleen
while I herd Melody's triumphant voice
among some of he• companions. 'Kiss !
humph ! Jawn's turned fool I blieve.'
I slept on the corn husk shakedown
afore the fire sour.dly that night, being
separated from the bridal apartment
by a curtain extemporized for the occasion.
From behind its Lids I heard 'Jawn's' re
monstrating voice, followed by a host of
living apologies from Melindy for the re
fused kiss. I'll take my 'affydavy' that
he received that mu a hundred fold, with
An Elegant Extract,
'Generation after generation,' says a
fine writer, have felt as we feel now, and
their lives were as our own• They pm.
ed away hire vapor, while Nature wore
the same aspec: of beauty as when our Cre•
ator commtvided her to be. The heavens
shall be as bright over our graves as they
'Will have the tilt', same it iractia; for oni
offspring yet unborn, that she had once
fur our children. Yet a little while and
all this will have happened. The throb•
Ling heart will be stiilled, and we shall be
at ri-et. Out funeral will find its way
and the prayers will be said, and our
friends trill all r turn, and we shall be
left behind in silence and darkness for the
worms. And it may be for a short time
we shall be spokes of as things of life
will creep in, and our names will soon be
forgotten. Qays trill continue to move on,
and laughter and song will be heard in
the room in which we died ; and the eye
that mourned for us will be dried, and
glisten ogaira whh joy, and even our chil•
dren will cease to think of us, and will not
remember to lisp our names. Then we
shall have become. to the touching lan.
gunge of the Psalmist, 'rot gotten and clean
gone out of mind.
13yard Taylor, on his way to Bergen, in
Norway, says :—.We took on board lour
or live lepers, on, their way to the hospital
at Bergen. A piece of oil cloth had been
thrown over some spars to shield them front
the rain, and they sat on deck, avoided by
the other passengers, a melancholy pic•
I tore of disease and shame. One was a
boy of fourteen, upon whose war, like ex
crescenees wore beginning to appear while
a woman who seemed to be his mother,
Wan hideously swollen and gisfi'gured. A
man, crouching down with his head be
tween his hands, endeavored to bide the
semied and knotted mass of protruding
blue flesh which had once been a human
face.— '('he forms of leprosy, elephantsia•
, ors, and kindred diseases which I have
seen in the East and in the tropical coun•
'tries; are not nearly so horrible. For
these unfortunates there was no hope.—
Some years snore or less of a life to which
they could look forward. No cure has
yet been discovered for this terrible dis•
ease. There are two hospitals here one
of which contains about five hundred pa
bents, while the other, which has recently
been erected fob the reception of cases in
in the !learner stages, who may be subject
ed to experimental courses of treatmen t
has already one hundred This form or
leprosy is supposed to be produced partly
by exclusiue diet of salt fish, and partly by
want of personal cleanliness. The latter
is the test probable cause, and one does
not wonder at the result after he had a lit
tle experience of Norwegian filth. It is
the wonderful curse which falls upon
these beastly habits of life.'
or The vot. in Maine for the Prohib
itory Law is about 35,00 ; fur the License
nw, 1000. A very light vote.
Off Mit His Head.
A breathlessly excited individual rush.
cd into the Police Commissioner's office,
yesterday and Inquired for the chief.
, What do you want of hint ?' inquired
an impassive officer.
I vents,' said he, with a Teutonic ac.
cent, rants ein baper to dill a tam tog
vot pitea me in the leg.'
4 ish, you wish an order of execution
issued against a vicious canine ?' said the
'No, I tussant want no such tin. I
yams a I aper to tell me to kill to tam pup.
Ile bite my leg so pad, I have got to by
drophope, nod will kill him, or I goes mat
to It, now I see,' said the impassive tem
perament, •you require authority to proceed
with force of arms against _the dangeroui
'Mein Got, no —dat ;oh not vot 1 vants.
I rants him to make me a baper so van I
kills to tog he can nicht go inter do boli ce
coin. and shwear (Taints me,'
'The dog ?'
'Nein—not to tog—te man vot own to
tog. You see if I kill him---.
'What, 'he man ?'
'Nero—te tog, Und to moo sues ma
for de brice of the tog, den I vant's to law
on mein side, dyer seo ?'
'Oh yes,' said the officer who was quiet
ly chick ling at the caution evinced by the
German and intent on exhausting his pa
tience; .then you want to get a warrant
to arrest the aeon who owns the dog, so
that the animal may not again attack
'No, nc. Got for Mtn; yeti Bits every
thing by the tail,' cried larger bier, who
began to think the officer was gizzing him.
'1 dink you vents to make chokes of me.
Dunder blitzen ! I vents shustice, not
chokes. I vents to cut the tam tog's head
off. and if shustice will no give me a baper
I cut his head ofranyhow.'
And the lover of saurkrout started to
leave the office ; but meeting the •Jeaf uV
Bolice' at the door, he conversed with hint'
in the (iermnn dialect. main
the vicious animal. •
As he was golng ow, ho mgt the imps
sive officer.
right T he inquired. •
.Yah, ell right. I goes shtmight off to'
to owner of to tog and l ill him.'
, ‘Vlint, the owner?'
'No to tog. You make tam fool
yourself by saying tog yen I means man;
and von I mean man you say tug. Now
you gone to ter tuyvel !' And the Ger
man incontinently hurried away to mete
out vengeance to the animal who hat:terms
ed him itt his 'glorious path.'
A Monizu's TEAit —There is SI touch
ing sweetness in a mother's tears, when
they fall upon the face of her dying babe
which no eye can behold without imbibing
its influence. Upon such a hallowed
ground the foot of profanity dares not ap
proach. Infidelity itself is silent, and for
bears its scoffings. And here woman dis
plays not her weakness. but her strength.
It is that Strength of attachment which can
never, in its full intensity be realized. It
is perenial, dependent upon no climate, no
changes—but alike in storm and sunshine
it knows no shadow of turning. A father
when he sees hi, child going down to the
dark vally, will weep when the shadow of
death has fully coins over him ; and the
lost parting knell falls on his ear, he may
say, go down to the grave of my son
mourning.' But the hurry of business
drives him ilea) , ; the tear is Wiped from
Iris eye, and if when Ito turns from his fire=
side, the vacancy in the family circle rd . -
minds hint of his loss, the succeeding day
blunts the poignancy of his grief, until at
length it finds no permanance in his breast'
Not so with her who his borne and nour-'
fished tha tender blossom. It lives in the
heart whero it was first entwthed in the
dreaming hours Of night. She sees its
pluyiful mirth or heard its plaintive cries,
she seeks it in the morning and goes to the'
grove to weep there.
Der A gentleman Was one day arratiL
ging music for a young Isdy to whom lid
was paying his addrerrs,
'Pray, Miss D-,' said ho, , what
time do you prefer 1'
.011,' she replied, carelessly, 'any time
will) do , but the quicker the better.'
OF 'Pompey what am dat goes when
de wagon goes, stops when de wagon stops
it am no use to de wagon, yot de wagon'
can't go , vithout it 1'
'1 gobs dat up, Clem.'
'Why, de noise, eh course,'
ge'Snooks says the ladies no longer
"Out their caps" to catch the beau—they
spread their skirts.