Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 07, 1858, Image 2

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Prof, Chas. DeGratles
ELEC r C .0 I L .
This great discovery is now creating agreat
sensation among the Medical Faculties of hu.
rope and thin country. It will cure the follow.
ing (not everything) Warranted to
Cure Fever and Ague in one day. Curechills
in five minutes. Cure Croup in ono night,—
Core Deafness in two to four days. Cure burns
.d &Wein ten minutes. Cure Sprains,
Wounds and Bruises in from one to three days.:
`Cure Inflammation in one day. Cure Neural.
gin, Croup, Tooth Ache, Burns ' in 10 minutes.
Cure Hemorrhage, Senile's, Abseess, in ten
clays. Cure Bruises, Wounds, Tetter, iu one to
three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff Neck, Ague
in-one day. Cure Felons, Broken Brenst,Salt
Ithe eu, is three to six days. Cum Quinsy,
Palpitation, Pleurisy, in one to ten clays. Cure
Asthma, Palsy, Omit, Erysipelas, in five to 20
days. Cure Frosted Feet, Chiblains, Chronic
Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Sore Throat, Scarlet
'Fever, and the lame made to walk, by a few
bottles. This Oil (De Grath's) is mild and
pleasant, and is a great family Medicine for
children teething, &c. Ladies should all use
it. It always leaves you better than it finds
• you, and one bottle often cures entirely.
.Alflicied Thirteen Yeats and Cured in One
• Week.
Ite‘: Yam6s Tempi!:
Philadelphia, dune filth, 1856.
Prof. De Grath I have been afflicted, for
thirteen years with Neuralgia and other pain
ful complaints and I have been unable to sleep
soundly or walk any distance for many years
dials Last week I got a bottle of your "Elec
tric Oil." The first Hight I slept soundly and
well, nod today lum like a new man. My
wife could not believe Imer eyes. Your Eke
trio Oil has done in one week what the physi
cians of Philadelphia lulled to do in thirty.
years. Oratelalli yours,
310 South stmt.
New Haven, May 19th, 18,R.
Prof. De Grath: My brother has been drat
three years. A fte trying•many things, he us
ed your Oil a few limes, and it cured him en.
There are numerous imitations sprung up on
the reputation that my article has acquired,
The public must beware. They are worthless,
.For sal Jan Head, Huntingdon,
LINT 31:3151070"ta i
I! lll,\ I
lin. LINDSEY has discovered a remedy thu
IR will cure all discuses arising from itapor
blood, which is the tuundathal of all disc;:so:
1 will warrant it to cure oil thc
diseases, such ris
Chronic Scrlfulu, Humor., r;1 . 11, Tr, 'nor
Ulcers au Oic Head or Body, aqd u!;
Break outs on the Mire.
And it will alto core all ludo nt fleet, of.
many years standing; Sore Month, caused from
using murenrv, and will erailimite Isere:try,
front the sysion. When the IMPROVED
BLOOD SEARCHER operates on mercury,
all other impurities of the Lluud will be went
front the system, and it wilt., the blood a,
pare as vegetable me 4 ieine con make it ; and
when the blood is pitro, the non woman or
child, will take no disease, for the impure blood
which is the valise of disease, is ,rove. h will
Also cure all Debilitated Dkeives, such as
drive front a derangement of the liver; it will
bring the liver into a healthy action, and will
restore the patient to health.
FOR SALE BY John Read, llnntirtgdon.
Jos.l'. Heaton, Cassville. Jos. Johnston, Pe
teraburg. Silas Cresswell . Manorhill. Warr
Davis, Shaversville. Freed,un Iron Co. (Ireens
burg Furnace. Beddlo & Stewart, West Ma
roc. Sand. W. Myton, Saulsburg. R. Mc-
Burney, McAllavys tort. Elias Musser, MeAl
nvys fort. Joseph I)onel:ism, MeConnellstown.
J. D. Rudnick & Co. Alarklesburg. Win. 11.
Leas, Shirleyshurg. Thos. (Wilson, ()rid.-
um. D. H. Morrison & Co. Blairs Mills. M.
A. Robison kCo. Shale Clop. Lycra Short
& Co. Ilaldengle. H. C. Walker, Alexandria.
Jas. Clark & Son, Birmingham. F. M, Bell
& Co. Warriormark. G. 11. Sillier, Sp toes
Creek. J. W. Mitten!, Moehanicksvill,--
Coml. Matters, Meelmnicsville•
Huntingdon, Yob. 2.41J:1858.—nm
ROOTS & SHOES, the largest and cheapest
assortment in town, of
D. P. owlys.
GM SHOES, cheaper at 1). I'. 0 WIN
then can bit had in town. Call and se
Antiphlogistic Salt
This celebrated medicine in for stile ut the
Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases
it is a certain cure. Get ahe a and try it,
who arc afflicted.
20 PER CENT. SAVED ! 2 2 f
COMPETENT JUDGES have now decided I T HIS
new hands, and the present owners
that at least 20 per cent. is .:iced by purchasing i are determined to make it. a first class Institu•
all HARDWARE and PA INTS at the regular lion. The majority of the new faculty are al-
HADWARE 31ga i ready on hand, and students will be received as
R 'in- as the.' w" to come.
youe g kitties and gentlemen intending to go
, to school will do well to write to vs believe cow
JAMES A. BROWN. eluding to go elsewhere. There is 710 cheaper,
To continue this public advantage the sob. and ire believe //site trill be 110 better school
scriber has just returned from the East, with a „ ow ll,„„ 0 „,„
complete stock cf
I3oth sexes me received, all branches taught
CUTLERY, HOLLOW -WARE, i and students eau enter at any time.
i Foe further intormtion address
Which he has carefully selected, and bought Cassville, Huntingdon Co, Pa.
at reduced prices, front the best houses in the : December 9,
United States. Thus he is enabled to sell whole-'
sale and retail extremely low. Country deal- BLANKS,.AIways buy your Blanks at the
ere, Builders, Mechanics, and the people goner. ,` Journal Office." We have now prepared ave
ally are respectfully invited to call. . sy saperiorarticle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS,
All orders receive prompt attention. I JUDGMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC U-
N.B.—Persons indebted to the lute firmof 'i it tN S. gte.
James A. Brown & Co., are requested to make ! It UCKS IN OLOVES & Buvreehea
immedlate payment to . JAS. A. BROWN, , J.- , D. P. GWIN'S
1000 POCKET KNIVES, sonic of the
best in the world. for sale by
at the Hardware storer
TONE CROCKS, JARS, &c.,—a large stock
for sale at manufacturers' prices by
CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole
sale as cheap as they can in the cities, asl have
a lifholcsale si ire in Philadelphia.
T iDIES' DRESS GOODS, of rich styl e I Apr.9,'56. H. ROMAN.
-Li sail tar 7 a heap at D. P. G WIN'S.
and cheap at D. P. GAVIN'S.
Q ILK BONNETS of every variety and price
offering very cheap by
Fiance & hIcM Entrain.
tension Skirts, for sale only by
FISH. & bleMunintu.
MACKEREL of aft Nos., Herring, &c., can
be bad of the beet quality, by calling on
Fromm & MoMr RIE.
MILL STONE -2---.--
Corner of Germantown ton and ew Market
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road,
• Philadelphia.
Constantly on hand or made to older, the fol•
lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery.
Woodward's Potent Portable Mills and Smut
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Duo.
Stover's Potent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns.
Pierson's Patent Barrel Hoopand Moulding
Improved Bridge Steps and Noshes for Mill
The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr &
Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster
- • •
JollntstotVs Patent Cast Metal Con-
East awl South.Enst of the Ohio nod Missinsip.
pi Rivers.
Warranted to take out of the offal of every
Bushel Ground, from Ito 2 lbs, of standard
flour, which could not be bolted nut on account
or the electrical udhesior, to the Bran.
NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against
infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa
tent as above, an I will prosecute all persons
making, .selling, or using any Bran Dusters
with no Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio
lation of Ow Letters Patent of Joseph John
slot., dated April 24th, 1824.
THOMAS 11. WOOl /WARD, Proprietor.
N. IL—State and County Patent Bights for
all the above Machines forSulc.
August 29, 1855.
13111(07/ 1 1.1,
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office enure as dint formerly occupied by John
:Scott, Esq.
(Pm 19. 1851.
L A I , i $
:15 I] E
Blanks n/ all de
"uxf 1,10,1 and tin' sale al Ike
• -.l,,nennl
Common Bond,.
.lodgment Notes
Vend. Notes,
ConstAll's Sales,
Commitments, 13nml to idninnify
,',l , poilltl . l ! , 11t .
NOtielt to
i,N , ,101011 S,
L I ?
_% 221 II) 1,1 21'45
G s. 'lre Wei Street,' Philadelphia.,
ITave fur salo, to consumers and the trade. th
largest assortment it Paper Hangings, Borders
Decorations, ate., in the rnited State:.
'l'hey ask the special attention of the trade
to anon' and very beautiful article on met of
G !) 117.VD(i W N/1.1 IMW,
I,ltielt they lire it tr ttincittg,
IX/ HA lA:MINE. IiEF.I) AND rilt,Vi , j
V V Hoops tool iiek(l Shirts. for nt the
cheap ,torct at 11. GWIN.
An excellent one lin• foie nt this °Mee. 'chi:
is one of Ailatrn.' No. I Cm Lod Lerer leer..
01114' $119.5 0 per Quarter.
Professor of Longonges ntiti Philosophy
Herr Karl Borkenheini,
P, of. of Gervioo . A.,141,aie
M. Eugene cnivaul,
Prqessor of Pouch oral Pietro Music.
*Tallies . W. Hughes,
je.•sor of illollfruzatics, etc.
Mrs. M. MO. Walsh, Pieceptress.
Gr. elan Painting, Botany, History etc.
Miss E. Faulkner,
Alonochromatics. Painting., Drawing, etc.
Miss Anna M. Gray,
Piano Music and French.
Miss Jennie M. Walsh,
Primary English,
McConitellstown, Pm
Dr. John McCulloch,
nil t. his professional services to the rttiscnsr
Ulluntingffim and vicinity. Office, on ill st.
between Montgomery and Bath.
untingtlon, Aug. 29, 1855.
N. MoN. Walsh. Prinoipal.
This school for young Indies anti gentlemen
is probably the cheapest one of the kind in the
ecamtry. The expenses per year fbr board,
room rent, furniture, fuel and tuition in common
English me only $BB.
Piano Music is only $o per quarter. All
the languages and the osnamentals are proper;
tionally cheap. For other information address
John D. Walsh, Cassville, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
The next quarter commences Monday, Jan.
eery 18th., 1851 4 .
isiy•Natura never looked more lovely than THE CASSVILI.E SEMINARY. ingmagrimpapy _ r 'HIE
at the present time. Old Mother Earth has ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER 41 A P
put on her best looks and garest attire, the bald ILLUSTRATED.
places on her ancient "poll," she has effectual- . THE PRESENT FACULTY. ) NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS. iiLAN'is"."S;iii..irErc;
ly oovered from view, with the luxurious grunt, M. McN. WALSII, Principal, ILLUSTRATE D Successors to Reelect & Co. ' A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE f.
tore of Sprhig. Jug so, only SlibStituting Art Prot a I.Atiguagest and Philosophy. The New It'iWk Weekly GO , . nice is one sale nt this office; it is calculated to burn woe
r AIVZILTNE,VIT APE R. a the largett and hest literary petters of the •or coal.
for Nature, our friend 6 FOIIUE T111,111.1.AN1 , , Chas. S. Joslin. A. Ni ,
Prof of Latin, Greek, etc. day—an Imperial Quarto, containing eight pa- ---„. --
of No. 29 South Sixth St., is covering the hold
James W. Hughes The New York Weekly Press is one of the Rev,
.oc . forty columns, of the most interesting wo Merchants and Farmers.
heads of mankind in general, with his exquisite P ro f . r f mathe„,,,,i„.'and tesonattag marlin , . matter, frcmi the pen= of GROUND PLASTER can be had at t;
lest literary papers of the day. A large quarto
the :rry first writers 41 the day,
ly light, graceful and comfortable "Gossamer . Benjamin F. Houck. containing twenty pages, or Sixty columns, of Huntingdon Flour and Plaster Mills, in any d.
F: I VF:ltt WI:1:1::
Wigs," and Toupees. Our readers, who have Adjunct 1'... 0 . a Mathematic' ' entertaining natter; and elegantly illustrated 1 '''''''''''. v,pir.,,,_:A.T.,_,, sirable quaotity.. on and after the Istria day
',S •,. 1,
(:eO. W . every week. Worth lII= 53 CelllF to $4OO 00, March, 1858, A\ 0 deliver it rat. or cuauc
had the misfortune to lose this natural orna- I Alum. A Gift worth from 50 cents to $lOOO Oil Will • „.., ,
~.. on the rat, at the &tads of the Penasylvani
meat, the hair, should call at his dressing rooms be sent to each subscriber on rCecipt of the snit, '" ' "'. '"..Ln, to erh,-I..seriberinimet,li.ii.. , nii, Brond To l , ILIIImittl:I•
,on ieeeipt to toe sit:ism:loam looney. ;Ins 1.: • • FISHER. o Me M URI' IHE
iti Philadelphia and examine for themselves the Mist 31. MeN. WALSII, ereeeptress, seriptirm money. , presented as a memento of Friendship, awl not
lowlier of Bottum Distort., Itemlitt, me.
superiority of the articles of his make over , tt, sit imltteenirtit to ollsinstabseribers '
TERMS—Is nov,vccE:
Mien E. NI Fatulletter: '
those of any other uniuullteturer. Ills Liquid Teacher of Penis Work, Painting, Drawing, I I copy t your, ~,,,i i gilt so (~ TEE M S
Hair Dye confine. deservedly popular, being Miss D. L. Stanley, 1 a i:op i ej ~301., iOO 1 Copy for I year, S.-12 no and I Present
free front all deleterious qualities, and impart. Teacher of Piano Nlesic, Wax Fruit, Flo'rs, 54, t. 5 " - 2.. a5O .! Present
'Mrs. Dr. Darwin. '.:, " " to " l3 00 1 -4 tt
'ing to the hair and whiskers a soft, glossy, life- t. i .,, n o i , or ~,, , ,,,,,,j , urnoo l io! ,. 1 •• 5
21 `• an ott .
like appearance. Gettr4e has also many other MSS .1. M. AVaish,
useful toilet articles, which lie offers to the pub- I Teacher of Prim:ley English.
- - j lie, combining two very desirable qualities, to -----ss-ass-...--
wit : —excellence and cheapness. Let all our I diai l2r . tecent success of this school is extzaor- I
) Besitles Ming the cheapest use of the
renders who design visiting Philadelphia give I kiwi ever established, it is now the largest in
/vA 1
% - sowk, ,
VON dr 1 5 f)% i 1
'esoAaVi k # 1 I
Dii,MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S IN
DIAN 1100 T PILLS, ho s spent the grin-
tee part or his me in travelling. having visited i
Europe, Asia, and A fritet, an well an North 1
America--has spent Olive years among 0., in- • !
dians el oar Western country—it was in this
way that the Indian Root l'ills were firs . i dis
covered. Dr. Morse was the first tuan, to es•
widish the fact that all diseasan arise fro.lnt
purity of the 'lined—that our strength, lualth
and life depended mem thin •.:ital fluid.
When the various passa,ges become, clogged,
and do not, net in perfect harmony with the, dif•
feret.t functions of the body, the blood loses I
its action, becomes thick, corrupted and li
t.eastl; thus ceasing all pains sickness and
distress of every name; our sternal in ex.lati,
ted, our health we are deprived of, and iF na•
lure is tea assisted in thruwing Mr the stag•
unnt 111111101,, the blood will I,,,entne choked
and Mr.,. to act, mot the our light of life will
lover, he blown out. How important then
that we should keep the various passages of
tire body free and open. A lid bow pleasant to
us that we hat:e it in our power to put a medi
cine in your leach, namly. Morse's Indian
Root Pills. manufactured from plant,: and rotas
which grew aroand the mountainous clin in
Nature's garden, for tl.a health and recovery
of disused Ina.. One of t roots from which
these Pills are made is a Sudorific, Which o•
pens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature
in throwing°ut the finer pads of the corrup
tion within. The second is a plant which is
an Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the
passage to the MIT, and thus, in a soothing
minter, Intrforms . its duty 1,!.x thynwing oil
phlegm. tit ,l other Minims front the ! lungs by
cup! alto spitting. 71• he third 'is a Diuretic
, which gives ease and double strength to the
kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large a—
mounts of impurity fl•ont the bitted, • which is
then thrown nut bountifully by the urinary or
water passage, and which could it t have been
disthar ; ,cd in.any other way. The fourth is,
Cathartic, and accompanies the other more l
ernes ci the Pills while engaged in purifying
the the coarser 'testicles of impuriry
which C4lllllot rain by the other 0411,9, ate
titts taken up ant,l conveyed, tar in great quum
titles by the bowels.
FroM the aboVe, it is shown that Itr, Morse'
Indiau (lout Pills not only t Titer the stomach
100 beeome united with its :timid, Mr they lind
wav to every. part, tool completely routtool
anti cleanse the system from nil impurity; and
the lift: of the body, whielt is the blood, he.
comes perfectly healthy; consequently all sick
end pain is driveu from the system, for
tiwy ummut, renotio when the body hero tics
pule and clear.
The r,ason why people RI'S as distressed
when siek, and why so man, die, is because
they do not get a tnedieinewhieli will pass to
the nillieted parts, and which will open the
natural, passages fur the disease to be cost one
hence. n huge quatttity let llacl and other mat
ter is lodged, and the stomach and intestips
are literally overflowing with the corrupted
mess; thus uhdergoing disagreenbla rmenta•
lion, constantly mixing with the Mittel, which.
throws the corrupted matter through every
vein :tad artery, until life is taken from the
body by ins... Dr. Morse's Pills have ad
ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re
storing millions or the sick to blooming health
and happiness. Yes, thousands who have
been racked or tormented with sickness, pain
and anguish, and whose feeble frames lave
een score heti by the burning elements of ra•
ging ticver t and who have been brought, as it
were, within a step of the silent grave, now
stand ready to testify that they would have
been numbered with the dead, had it not been
for this great and wonderful medicine, Morsc's
Indian Root Pills. After one or two doses
hind been taken, they were astonished, and ab.
solutely surprised, in witnessing their charm
ing effects. Not only do they give immedi
ate ease nod strength, and take away all sick
ness, pain and anguish but they at once go to
work at the tbundntion of the disease, which is
the blood: Therefore, it will be shown, espec
iaßy Icy those who use these Pills, that they
will SO cleanse and purity, that disease—that
deadly enemy.—will take its flight, and the
Hush of youth cud beauty will again return
and the prospect of a long and happy life will
cherish end brighten your days.
CAUTION.—Beware of a counterfeit sign
ed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name
of A. J. witirrE & Co, on each box. Also
the sigoamie of A. J. White Co. All oth
ers are spurious.
A. J. WHITE & CO., Sole Proprietors,
50 Leonard Street, New York.
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold Icy
all dealers in Medicines
Ike Agents wanted in every town, village
and hamlet in the lend. Parties desiring the
I agency will address as above for terms.
Ser Price 25 cents per box. five boxes will
be sent on receipt of $l, postage paid.
JOHN READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pa.
December '6 's7t—flm.
GnovEn 4 ILtKER'S
730 cuEsTxt:T Al'., P!ih.ADELPHIA
These :11.11ines are now justly admitted
to be the best in use for Fussily Sewing, ma•
king a new, strong, and elestie stick, which will
NOT rip, even it every fourth stitch be cut.—
Circulars sent on application by letter.
Agents wanted.
F ORKS,&e.,
A large assortment at the Hardware Store.
need not be tufo thnn "JO. studcuts cull en
ter whenever thee A,11111,38,
JOHN D. WA lAD, Cassv ille,
Huntingdon Co.,
.1 ,
The tothseriher oilers for sah,t a small farm
iu Henderson township, half a mile north east
of the borough of Huntingdon, ajjMning lands
of tl.tlin Simpson, Cfolestoolc, and others, com
Mining about ninety notes and allow:me,
twouty-tive or thirty acres of whi t' - rote cleared
and un d er n good Mute of ooilivation. The
haltuate in well timbered. There nix: on this
property throe neee,tailing• sminge of good
water. The building, cutlSiot of a two-story
trame house a n d kimhen, and a 100. s t a bl e a
line young apple nrelnird of grafied fruit --
Terms made known by applying to thu subsoil.
Orphans' Court Salk
Equle 0/ J.:IMES CL.IPA7. der.(l.
virtue of n plurbiN nruh•r of Ih t irphante
Court of fluntiowion County will he expnsol•
.;Ile by public outcry, On the premiers, on
Saturday, the 101 h day of Jul.,, next,
between the hours of 2 and o'clock. P. M.—
lot of ground in the borough of Shirleys
bur,, fronting ou Main street sixty feel and ex•
hack nt right angles thereto, one hundred and
forty feet ; being No. in the plan of said
town, adjoining lot of Isaac Sharrer on the
north, and havilg thereon erected a
Two Story Log Dufrlling House.
Terms M Salo.—One-third of the purchase
0101107 to he paid onlontirmation of sale, and
the balance. 11l two 4cinel annual payments.
with interest, to be ,e,turffil:liy till, bonds and
mortgage of the ptivellue;.
.101 IN Jl. CLA I
Notice is hereby given, that letters testamen
tary on the last Will sir Robert Cummins, lute
of ,Inelifent township; let ii.' have hems duly .
issued to the undersigned.. All persons indef.).
led to the wattle of said dee'd. arc requested to
make immediate payment, and all having
slains against it, to present them properly no•
thenticated liar settlement ID
STEIL RI 'l' CUNiM j "'"'"°"'
.liielision tp., tine 23d. 1145 S.—lit.
of Barhae. 111 k au, dec . d.)
Admainistrator , A Notice.
Nuti,e is hereby given that letters testamen•
Wry with the will atmexed. have been granted
to the undersigned, on the estate of Barbara
11iImam, late of Morris township. MI per.
sons indebted to will ',late, will thereftwe make
immediate pity luen t, and thus° having claims
will present them duly iennql for settle
ment. STEWART,
.1 Ale
COMPLETELY anuuzavr=n ,
And whn that is gray would not have it re
stored to fUnlner color, ; or bald, but would have
tie growth restored, or troubled with dandruff
and itching but would hang it removed. or iron
himl with scrofula, scald head, or other erup
tions, lint would 6e cured, or . with sick headache
(neuralgia) hat would be cured. It will 01,0
remove al i pimples from the taco and skin. Proh
Wood's Bair Restorative will do all this, too
circular and tic following.
ANN Attuon, November 5,1856.
Poor••. Woon , --Dear Sir. I hove heanl
much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair
Reiterative, but having been oh often cheated
by quackery and noetroms, hair dyer, fir., I was
disposed to plaits your Itestovoive in the Same
category with the thousand and one loudly trum
peted quack remedies, until I met pin in Law
rence county some mouths cinch, when yon
gave me such assurance as induced tic trial pt
yonr Restorative in my family—ties, by nip good
wife, whose hair had hemte veer thin and en
tirely whit, and before exhausthig rune of your
large bottles, her hair win; restored nearly to its
original beautiful brown c dor, and had thicken
edll and becomd beautiful and glossy upon, and
entirely over the head ; she continues to use it,
not sitnply becanse of its heaasifying effects up
on the hair, but because of its healthful lellu
eece• upon the head and 'Mind, Others of my
family and friends are using your Restorative.
with the happiest etThets ; therefore, my skepti
cism and doubts in reference to its cMsracter are
entirely removed ; and I can and do most cordi
ally and confidentially recommend its use by all
who would have their hair restored from white
or gray (by reason of sickness or age,) to origi
nal color and beastly, and by all young persons
who would have their hair IseautiLal.
truly aittl 'gratefully yours
FICIEND WOW, : It was a long time after I saw
you at plisstield hefOre I got the bottle of Re
storative for which you gave me nn order upon
your agent in Detroit, and when I got it we
concluded to try it on Mrs. Nlitnn's hair, as the
sorest test of its power. It has done all that
you aysured me it would du: and others of my
tinnily find friends, having witnessed it, effects
are new using and recommending its use to oth
ers as entitled to the highest consideration yOg
claim for it, _ . .
Azpiii, very respeetfuldiviii2oos(lrt)la7iN.
Having bought afloat "CARD•PRESS," we
flAncycE, 111, Juno 28, 1852. .
I tare used Prof. O.J. Wood's Hair Restor-
I are now prepared to print in the prcportiou of
alive, and have admired it wonderful elleetec— j three curds in the same time that, any other
My hair was becoming, as I thought, premature- press in the county can print one, consequent
ly gray, but by the usa of his Restorative it has ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well
resumed its original color, and, I hayo'ne doubt jwe make no charge at all. Wu ask your pa- •
psrtnanently so. 'votive.
0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors. 312 Broad- J READ READ: READ
way, N. Y., (in the great 'N. Y.' Wire Railing .
Establishment) and 114 Market Meet, St. Louis J OBIZVAIng NX-W.
Mo., and sold by all good Druggists . The best chance for at' lady or gentleman to
June2,'sB.-§tn. make money ever ofihred, without iliterliqing
_ with their regular business. We will send full
PLENDID Line of Dress Goods, cant racing Partirelnis free. Address
kJ Robes of all kinds, Berages, Chalys, Lawns HOWARD GRAY C Clt.,
(stored Brilliants,' Chintses,'&c.. can be found Iso.t 138 Columbus, Ohio.
at the METROPOLITAN. Jun816;38:60
The articles to he flistribtited ore entwinedultirs,trot
in the following lint :
S 1 000 00. 10 44 C. 15 00 10 "
500 00, well .21 " 39 00 01 '
200 (10, each The articles to 1.0 given away arc compti ,
100 00, enc.', ia the thllowing list :
ie. 100 00, each • 2 l'nekagcq of Gold, con'g S:100 no ea,
I U. S. Treasury Note
2 do. do. do.
5 do. do. do.
L() do. du. do.
10 Pat. Leo. h'g e's
" . ' I) , I , MOiS. ' l ' .l a, ~, 10, 1 Tcimill the store as
100 11 • 50 110, each 10 •
Patent Lever Ilitneg Watches 100 00 •
each. ~ „. .„ , , ,
. i melon , . will Fns rent, on easv terms.
300 Ladies 11,1,1 Watches, 35 00. each 20 Gold \\ratchet 75 00 cult. r• • •
200 Silver hun. ens. watches, 80 00, each .:,0 is ' ' 00 00 each. .1 Ildv to
300 Silver watches, $l3 00 to 25 OU, each lot Is 50 00 each.,j. M. CLARK. A. ii
1000 Gold guard, Ibb and • 800 Ladies' Gobi Watches 85 en each. Brood 'l' op City
Vest clinins, IO 00 to 30 00, earl, 200 Silver Hunting Watches 30 Oil each. , Jane lii, .10:,--01.
1000 Gold Pen, S.: Pencils 5 00 to 15 00, each , 5110, Silver Winches $lO. 00 w 25 00 each.,LtyLENOID RAG CARPET (Jr 31 ets. 1
Gold Lockets, Brovelats Brooches, Ear-drops (000 ( rid (;33ra, (:halts $lO 00 to 80 00 inch CI sect it t the cheap 0, 0 of
P.,rcust Pius, Gulf Pins Sleeve Buttons. Kings, Gold Loekets, Bracelets, Brooches, Err :
. FISHER & 'NI eNI i: e a 101,.
Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Hill et Drops, Ilreast Pins, Call Pins. Sleeve Gallon'.
Thimbles, and a viirietv of other 'articles, worth UM,. Shirt Studs, Winch Keys, Gold and Sit-' PREMIUMS
I om 50 cents to $l5 10 each. ver Thimle, and a variety of other articles ••••,
On receipt or the subscription money, the worth from SUo cents to $l5 each.
subscriber's name, will bo entered upon our We will present to every person sending v„.: or THE 1., r. rAllt, roc:
bcoks opposite a number, and the gilt corms- :,0 siil,eril•ers, $2 end', a Gem W n wh, wor th
minding with that number will be forwarded : $4O: to Iltly 'MU sending us 100 stilmi..ritictsi, at , _ "I":3E3C_ . M 1330 'l ll
within ...week to hito, by mail or express, is 2 encl., a Gold Watch, worth $9O. Every ',.. ,A j,ll,it ~..‘ ,)1, 11 y .:-.\ ,Nri.,•:,
post-paid. subscribe, will also receive a present. • '7 r \ .1411 , 1 -,11-1
1 , - ..r.& I-V.IJ ,1
There is neither humbug nor lottery alinot Immediately on receipt of the money, the ! IIIINTIIIO.
the above, ns every subscriber is sure of a prize sa I•ailier's outrie will be entered upon oar !
or value. We prefer to make this liberal dis-..;. . bock , and 11. c present will be forwarded within ; -----.....14,—• .
tri , 41.C.00 1011014; them instead or giving 3 iltrgl,l ono week, by nun! or esprass, post paid, 1 DICY'rliM..
CUIIIIIIISSIC7I to Agents, giving to the subserl CCS•A II communicationould be addressed to ;
~, 1,,,„, 4 „,„ 1 We request those or our subscribers who r ,
her the amount ilea would go to the Agent, DEAN & SALTER, Proprietors, ' •• - • ,1&•
:135 B r „ n d wny, smi,... title . i eive their paper,to inf.rtn no of thus r , in the
and in ninny erase; n hundred fold more. i l.;
All Mtminunientions should 1111 seta to I . ; imtnedinte neighborhoods who eve subscribe'
Juno 9, .58.— Ito the ".louritnl," nod here fltiled to recoil'
DANIEL ADEE, Publisher,
211 CENTEX ST., NEW YORK. ' w . f., ID 'A it ri_ I - , viii 1 1 1 1 .12:1- 5 11 i b he ~ , 31 , ! , ,, sii. , -, ,), -,:ra f lii , , ,g .i .f 0,, . , pftek" 4 . l4
Moy 21;, 1858.• ly. L . -/..1.1, L 1:,... f. 11.1..., 3 11111011,01 1.. k. ..1 0 i ttunt.
. WII 1.... f AND collN wont,sl rat thi
TY:WTI PI 01, Q N PA, . 0qi,.,.. 'Those having either can tlisrinse of lb
.111110 13, 18.57. ;MO by 1 . 1:11111g, 1.0011.
THE £..10 'Eli
Compounded entirely of Gums. , run SALE .
I, one of the best purgative and liver medi In lIIC `TOW ri.egioll u fi nd Other 11(11'6011S Of
, C hambersburg to Mt, Uni
tines now before the public, !het acts as a Cif- : Virginia, this 101 lowing liajing and Bid,.
.. •
~, --,
!barbs, easier, milder, and more effectual than I'M' LOIS, ill Siltll'eg. to wit : ' 1 . , he,,,,ii 'two, lb. e suspension;
any dam medicine known. It is not only a Ca- 1 t , - the line of Shiites over the road betwee
tliartie, but a Li•,:er remedy, acting first on the ' I Furst 100 omen, gold mine is 100 tti'l , "• rhamliersharg and Mt, Union, cannot be in
Liver to eject itslnochtd, then on the stomach I 4 race anti sores each, are 250 '• il i s :taro it tageous to it /arse section of the coot
, 4.
oral bowels to carry off that matter. than aceoni- 1 25 '• 40 , I'M " tar. lots. at 0 considerabie expense and trout,'
'dishing two purposes effectually, without any of 70 ' 20 " l4Oll 4: , made arrangements to run a line of Stag
the painful feelings experienced ill I lie operation 150 " t 0 `" taint '' 'Fri-weekly between the two points Go,
of most Catharties. It stregthens the system at 0 50 " 5 " " 1250 " ! (torsos 1111 - 11 . comfortable Stages have been pl
the same tiete Met it purges it , and when taken 5 00 " Malt " red en the vt,....te, and experience , ' and trus
dully in moderate doses, will streughten andl 05 ° " 1111 . 1. 11 10, i i A. ,•,,,. ...,! .1. 710 " ,lain ore will SUperintend the relining of tl ,
build it up with unusual rapiality. I 1 ItIM " " 1 isix 100 t• 0 115 " rune'!,,. The proprietarnf the line is disirm
'f he Liver ',.; one or.; the priecipal regale- 1 2500 " .' 5418100 " 925 " . tl i , n t it be maintained, and I. therefore col'
tors of the Imo,in ho- e l ilv ; anti when it per- 1 51 . 10 . " ' t •.! , - 5,,0, 0 , " 950 " upon the politic generally to pat rouite it. cont.
Ihrms its hineti , rms wel d!' the powers of the vs- I ------ .Iyiit that it will be for their mutual adventags
tent ore fully ilevelop.,'ol mi. Thin s t omac h i s 110,000 Shares, cmoanting to 1 11 , 000 tte' , . Every alto mien necessary will be given, sh
almost entirely thipen- 1 ,0 dent on the healthy' Certificates of the above Slaters, ovith llond; the running iil thel,ltaer, will he regular.
111111011 Or 111 C !.feel . Mr ..; tile proper perform- 1 for the immediate execution mul deliver,! of the rir Stage,: h•at... lit, Union, every 'i'oestli
I once of its Ilinetions. tail When the stomach is I Deeds,) have been enclosed in 1 o,oo6.oivellye, Tieirsiley, ned Salto day evenings, azriving
at fault, the bowels are 0 at Molt and the whole exactly alike, and sealed; which, eller I,eing 1'11,.!..,..h.:g, the next day„ at _
,o'clock. li,
system sullbrs in COll- Z sequence of one org. 1 well mixed lip, have been numbered on the intt- taming, I enve Clutunber , l.nirg, the sale nigh
—the Liver— having nix ceased to do its duty. ! 0.10 from I 11/ 10,1100 inclusive, so that no one at 111 o'yleek, arriving et Mt. E.. the nex
For the diseases of it that °goo one oi the ; knows the contents of any particular envelme. ! evcaing in time Ilir the ear , . Between :%lt, 1:r
1 proprietors has inutile 2. it his study, in it prima. They will he sold at filo each, without reference n iti4 and Shade Gap the hoe will be daily.
' tieeofinore than twen, ,-,.. ty years, to find some to 0 bet they contain, 0.1 sent to shy one I nitt- I I!,W Floe through $3; to, interinedinte pain'
remedy wherewith to .00 imteract the ninny king appliention, Unexceptionable Title's will .in proportion. JOIIN .1 AMISt iN.
! derangements to whieh g ;it is liable. lin ell cases he given. I Jllll. 20th, 1858.—tr.
T,, prove that this : I veit.eily is at last dis- , The hugest Farm. containing 0 Gold Mine ii ! --
covered any person .7' , 0 . .00.1 with Liver 1 valued at 820,000, and tel smallest sized Build- ! ,
rim ; ; t:e 'No HAIR ()N BALI) lIEA I,S,
Complaint in any or ii,'. liorztig,'lt.,. bat to try' ing I.titin have [teen selling at SI. cue!, Ilan- ! AND RESToltiNo
a but Ile 111111ronvictioni c l iis verging, ! tired: have already been sold upon these mi.,
1 Tl.eo , gams reinovel i. nll morlii.l im bud i IVlnilst all stand the stone clear' of getting the Grey Hair to its Natural Colo!
matter lints the sPacaog supplying in 6'40 Forms, every l"lrchic'ec is goaratireed oat al' astonishing and unequaled prep:trial,
place a heal by Cowl ••••, of bile, invigorating 1
least these ot, at least. Every other purchaser is l' l ` ~ ,,,,I* - l atie. , to produce a fe"lh ea na'
the stomach, cansine,aul fond to digest well, bound to get one of at double its size mud hc ,,l • when used cccuclting to ° e dic"tic°
notifying the hloonl,gi•ig wing tone unit Intalth 1 value. Every fourth purchaser one or tut le, 11 " 1 '.°ll hair burl; to ° , l '' l l o.ltl c PtCct oft!
10 the whole imieliine• 1 ai, rv, volleying thecitinte 1 qttailruple its size end „d, Urfa,! every . Li vin g lieee.nle gray, ai d reinstate it in all i.
, 4 •,li e ,tt e ,,,,, , am ; e r. i r , i t„,.,;„, ~ radical enc . ,. I L cad, purchaser „ill got a / arm ~,,,,,,i,,,,, i t , „d ue original henlth,
all stmt',
and beauty. Et
t one dose ntler eat-I ing is stilliicient to re, from 0200 up to $50,000. These hums end . 111 '''''" 't once c° s'"it,ol°.°Lia and "'Oen.°
lints th e stomach andle ipretett the food from Lots are sold so cheap to induce hettlement, it 11 '''''''iin 5e., 611 " , l er';i n .' l ' "' i ' l frveris,ll fret
' rising ant souring. I.! ' sa lh e im it imiiihm. being reeer ,..,,,i , the i ii ",,,,,, frond the sc alp . t aiso prevents the eau. ire
Bilious attacks are Z eared, and what is 1 ill the valne of which will compensate fur the
\ bri.aioing unhealthy and falling nn', anti hem
hotter, prevented, 1,, . the tneensional use of linden! sletilice. The net proc6eils ace to lie 1 , a" n Perfect limn l llyinotts , ult At. , To
the Liver Invigorator.!. . am Ted to loyal impi•ovements, such as .'heat,, . Ntc•
lln ly one dose to- 1-4 .ken before eti dug n.
conlnn e t h t: t r , i l eA,
ei : , ,l l l , l y ls in
( h ri c v . i i 1 i
. .i , k o z — i t i o n 1 n , n l e i ce
r e e l'
Furst hlires in : N. ' ,
c‘ it y ' l . ' u n t e l , Cl, l o lt i t , l i t
„1 0 1, 1. ,,.. 8 : '.?' ! ... wi1t . 7 t" . 1 . 11 "! ' , del .
! prevents Sighttuarc. I.' l j
linty ono dose taken at night, to •0113 the I tut e iit least ten sbores.' The certificates eau !, 1 o Mull' "limn. I wou ld 1,1.13, t h at ‘ ll e n .
bowers gently, and cures (7ostiveness. Ihe obtained by paying une- Leif. and the Deeds ' f irst I. '""."'" ee ' i , to , ". ', k:'''''," r , W ,'"'' ', 11 ,'
One dose token drier each meal trill c e Dvs- 1 by paying the other half, tiestor tore, 111 V wt.' I,IS 11111111. elite, nnu ha
. t i
pepsin. •'1 .-i ) -70,i),H, Acre.; or Land, in large or small heed 1 '" 1111. thel
ly improved. - Agents are wanted evedrev loose, an
Slob Headache. hlt4 too ,?
and . " l.ssil ' lti it
p . flity heutl 1. c .. ...,,r0ne deco of two teaspoonfuls wiil taus' !farm also be had at private sale, and upon ,
thin en the top
1 the most reasonablo terms. Some of it is high- ' }'
Pulled nut rev Irc'ln Inn 1 fonutl that !tarot
One bottle taken the female obsetritetionrdt Yhere 1 I "d used all the second bottle, (which wt
1111/I,S the canee of the disease, and makes 0 Ito sell these lands. k., culars apply to i ,..„, : ,„ 1 ,,,, Lin , n ,,, win Inc I eight weeks) toy hair was entirely changed I
perleet cure. given: I' m full Parti
its original color, light brown, und is now fie
1 , r
Italy one dose immediately relieves Choli. 1 Ii; i', A , DER, I from ilaudruff and quite moist. I have hail m
, while ~,, H., 5e3 , ,, , , cfiro . ,ine
00. Vii 1 hate out bee or six times sineo tile Change, an
! pro
(tau dose often repeated is a sure mire e : Atir;.t,':an.- ,,,n . ' have nein r seen anything like White hair start
: cholera Morbus, amp a preventive of Ckolerit. , : ing from the roots; mil it Is now. its thick e
grtrOnly one bottle is needed to throw out of 1A1)1 Ell c1 , 14.A1t8, neive•t slyliis in yteat 0 r , e , wn , and 4loos not Cottle oat all. It lie
the system, the sneers of medicine:niter a long -lA_ variety at the m ~
e; .„,,,,,,,, ~.„, proved in ley CAS a all that I could wish to ask,
siekness. • -••-. lily I, 18.55. Veers, etc.
'One Made tak.m for Jaundive remove- ,
all sallowness or uthatural color from the skim
' One dose talten n short time before eating
gives n igor to the appetite, and males Mod dig',
One dose often repented cures Chronic Diar
flora in its worst forms, while Summer mid
Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose.
One or two doses mires attacks soused hp
Wprms in Children ; there is on surer or speed
lea remedy in the world, as lt never t'fiks
GrA 'few bottles caress dropsy, by 'exeititn,
the absorbents.
We take pleasure in recomtnentli ;whist Inea
ieine es a preventive fin Fever and Ague, Mil,
Fever, and all Fere;.4 of a Bilious Type. It
operates with certainty, and thousands; are vvil•
ling to testify to its wonderful virtaesi.
All who use it are giving their annuitants tes•
timony in its favor.
Cr Mix water in the mouth with the lusigo
ato r, mid swallow both togethet.
The Liver Invigorator.
Is a scientific mealiest' discovery, and is daily
working cures, almost too great to believe. It
cures us if by magic, even the tirsst dose giving
benefit, and seldom dere than one bottle is re
quired to rare any kind at Liver complaint, 1
from the worst jaundice or ByePoPlo to it own - 1
noon Headache, all of which are the result of a
diseased Liver.
BK. Sanvotio, Proprietor,34s Broadway, N•Y..
Sold by 11. Ale:Rankin, J. Read Huntingdon.
New Card-Press.
& sitoirs &
-I , largest stock ,ver brought to to o. are sell
ug very rheiip by n& Mc Mi ow. [Fr " . the 130:' ,1 , .1 11 PraH•
S,3ll.lllisti 11'o Will Icsteuttqu.-131' flint -
SAVING FUND, Wood's Hair Reittorstive. gra,. hai
.•an Inc I ,,, mauently re , dured to its anginal eolot
stances that aro daily cowing 0.) our knowledge
or it: wondereul ' effect,. '
some-WEST ( . 1.1,1,5; Or 51111511, GAlt iv sit, Alain°, June 22, 185,.
lii. so Si is : , --I hate used two bottles of Prot.
'PTIJIALIII - .1 . Pi112 , ~-...cs Hair Restorative, and ean - truly .y it is
t i ,„„,,,,,,,,1 e d by the Ante or Venlisyhania. Ih r greatest discovery of the age for restpring
M()NEI' IS RECEIVED IN ANY. 14UNI, and changing the' hair. Before using it, I was
lot go or small, and interest paid from the d man of seventy. My heir has now outlined
day of deposit to Ilse day of withdrawal. its o..iginal color, You can recommend it to the
The otlico is open every day front 9 o' c lo c k world without the least fear,. my rate was one
is the morning till 5 o'clock is the adorn Boa. of tlic worst kind.
its Monday and Thursday evenings till s Soros, respectfully,
o'clock. ' DANIEL N. Al(. , Kl'lly.
110 N. IIENRY 1.. BENNER, i'tc,i , /,, ,, , , Professor 0: J. Wood.
ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Pn-sai. I.'. It ustoustmm, Massachusetts, Jun. 12, 18.55.
W11..1. It EEI), Secretacq. .Do ste. 'Stu t--Ilaving made a trial of your
DIRECTORS : Hair Restorative, 11 gives ine pleastira to say
lion. Ilenry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, ' that its effect has been eY,eollent in rotuoving in-
Edward 1.. Carter; . Josupt; IL Barry, ' Ihoumation, da . nsltull, and u constant itching
Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee. , !tendency, wtth 1:
ich I have been 1,1./led fr•oi
Sant. K. Ashton. Joseph Y '
erkes . childhood; and dins also restored naylihir - .which
C. Landreth Atunns, . Henry Dielientlerffer, . I
woo becoming grey, to its original colitei r : have
Money is received and payinems mud° daily mod no other artielo with anything like the
without notice.' i pleasure and profit. Yours Italy,
The investments aro.' mask in lieu) Estate' • 'r.T. K. BRAGG,
Mortgages, Ground Bents, an, i l such class sc. Pastor of the Orthodox 'Church, Brookfield,
eurities as the Cli.trter requires. Professor Wood.' ' '
W. Clii,CKE'rE,
Miks V11{“INIA VAUJ,
.Nlits. 1)1. VERNON,
Miss 11Ar1'lE CLARE,
Write only for Hie
000 e 2TOVE,
Store & Dwelling to Rent at Bioa'
Top City.
The fine large Stone Store and Quelling e
;,:roild Top Cite is now offered for rent on ve•
y nee munntlitting terms, it twe of the ber
Stores in the Cot7nly nt . lintitirt,,hin. A ver
tine business (.an bt den., at this idstee sYi•
the now inoperotioo below Brow! T.
City, nod nice with the ,tirrntindier eountr
94 inert, is NI good ,tore within 91Any mil
of this place, nod any ot, lieepiog a pOt
Steel: of Provisions nod Good.; suitable
[From the Missouri Dem.rat.l
W ;WS HAIR admi'rable er
ode in ropitiy imprpling the hair. No article
of a similar kind, now before the public, enjoys
it better reputation as. a restorative and, invigo
rating hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical quail
tics love a Iceueticial efloct upon the growth and
character of the hair, giving a silky and glossy
texture to that which was formerly of,a coarse
and dry nature. It hue, also, we understand, •
tendency to preserve the youthful color and ap
pearance of the hair, and destroying or 'counter
acting the effects of uld age. With such recom
mendations in its favor, we hardly perceive Ito%
anv lady or gentleman should be without so val
uable an adjunct to their toilet.
cc ,1, wo()p,e. CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway
& 114 Market st., St. Louie, Missouri.
Sold iu Aluntiugdon hy JOIIN READ, and H.'
Jlt MOCteu t, end Icy Druggiste everywhere.
Feb. he, rm. 3m.
— .a