Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 30, 1858, Image 3

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    Sioux Indians.
Quite a sensation was created, yester•
day afternoon, by the passage through the
city of several omnibuses filled with Indi
ans; who were on their road to New York.
Most of them were in full Indian costume,
paint; feathers and all, while others were
in half citizen's dress.
The savages whooped as they passed
through the streets. These Indians are a
delegation of Sioux who have , been ,at
Washington., The pnrty
,consists of n
band• of twenty-seven chiefs, under the
care of the agents of the Government, the
Messrs.. lichertus, with their interpreter
Mr, N. R. Brown. They are generally of
powerful frame, averaging little below six
The delegation includes the ~rincipal
chiefs end warriors of the Minnesota bands.
Among them is Wubchas, a son of the cele
brated Indian chief of the same name,
who long ago held sway over all the tribes
of the Mississippi. He is the he td chief.
The next in Importance is the Little Crow;
Who. being a very shrewd and eloquent
man, has been the most conspicuous nt
Washington. His fame as one of the lea
ding men in the war upon the Inkapaduta ,
tribe, has spread throughout the Stat.s,
and his name lens often figured in the news
papers. Some or the younger chiefs ore
rather handsome specimens of their race,
and while in Washington nn little stien•
don was paid diem by the ladies. A mong
the warriors there are two who were em-
liloyed, in company with a third Indian,
etlso with the delegation, to attempt the
rescue of Miss Gardner, who had been
Carried ofi from Spirit Like and held cap
tive by a warrior•band in the Far West.
They accomplished their errand, at the
risk of their lives, and appear to derive
much gratification from the opportunity
thus afforded thein of showing their good
will towards the whites. The delegation
is on its way borne to the bead waters of
the Minnesota,
rierThey have a two headed girl in
Louisville. From the description given
by the Democrat of that city, she must be
n young lady capable of getting up tt
vote party on her own individual resour
ces. The Democrat says:.
"She is the embodiment of all that is
extraordinary and strange, having two
finely formed beans, very imeliigent and
of a most lively and amiable disp
She sings very prettily and with tooth her
mouths. talks and walks well; and always
interests her visitors to a great degree.
There is no chance of n doubt but that she
is the greatest curiosity ever witnessed,
and should be seen by everybody.—
From the Httrrixbtn•/
Some Snake.—We sow a 511 ah C, this f
ternoon, in the carriage shop of Mr. Flem
ing, which knocks the spots off onything
m the snake line we have seen seen for
some time. It has two heads and tw o
tails—it is ,even feet tong, and measures
8 indict around the thickoit portion of the.
body. If anybody wants to see it they
can do so by calling nt Mr. Fleming's es.
tobliAment. Capt. Sires informed us that
the animal is supposed to have been dis•
covered one night, shortly after ti Chinese
performance, by the gentleman who viol
red it. No
ITrpuir.s,—Chi Stan rdny evening the nine
ter was let oat of the Canal level at this
place for the purpose of still . I.•wering the
miter sill at the lock. Heavily loaded
boats could mint get out of the luck, hereto
fore, unless the I ick-keeper would open
the wickets nod swell them out Et• the
force of the water:
The Feenn d ity of Flies•
The. flies are begining to become amer
ces and tronblesome. The streets nod the
houses will soon be full of them. The
ingenuity of mon has not yet invested
agents that con destroy them as fast as
they come. Nor is this to wondered at,
when it is known that from a single fly
more than two millions of these pests are
produced in one summer The rapidity
and the multiplicit) with which they in
crease m..y be learned from the following
4 .iiiet
A fly lays four times during the
summer, each time eighty eggs,
which makes 320
Half of these are supposed to be
females, so that each of the four
broods produces forty: .
1. First eighth, of the forty le•
males of the first brood also lays
four times in the course of the
summer, which makes
The first eighth of these, or 1,600
females„ three times 384,000
The second eighth twice 250,000
The third and fourth eighth at least
once each 256,000
1. The seconb eighth, or the forty
females of the second brood, lay
three times, the produce of
which is
One sixth of these, or 1,600 fe
males, three times
The second sixth. twice
The third, once
3. The third eigeth, or the forty fe-
males of the third brood, lay
twice, and produce 6,400
One fourth of these, or 1,600 fe
males ' lay twice more
4. The fourth eighth, or forty fe
males, of the fourth brood. once 3,200
Half these, or 1,600 females, at
least once 128,000
'Fetal produce of a :Jingle fly iu --
Use summer 2,080,320
Railroad Car slopped by a Frog.—
Those who have traveled over the Fifth
and sixth street Peesenger Railroad, to its
northern terminus at Frnnkford, are aware
that there are quite a number of pones
along the upper section.—These ponds
abound with frogs, who nightly hold Ital
ian concerts for the benefit of all persons
who don't understand the language. It
appears, however, that one of the conduc-
tors, who by the the way is a clever, en
ergstic arccommodating, man, and who un.
derstnnds the Innguage, stopped his car a
night or two since, in consequence of an
old frog colt ing out in hoarse tones,. hold
.up ! hold up ! ! hold itp ! ! I—The night
was dark, and the gloom was only relieved
by the rays from the red light on the front
of the ear. The Conductor, willing to ac.
commodate all persons who wish to avnil
themselves of travling by railroad, waited
anxiously for the customer to loom up from
the darkness, but no one came. field up!
hold up!! still rung upon the midnight
air. lam holding up, clouted out the
Conductor, why don't you come? After
waiting patiently fir several minutes, the
truth became apparent. The Conductor
considered himself sold, and with the pas
sengers in the car, enjoyed a hearty
Bar The most awkward thing in or out
of ail creation is a woman trying to run.
They can't do it. If there are two ar
rangements in the world that were never
made for fileetunss on the pedal, they are
woman and ducks.
DIVA!' interesting breach of promise
case was lately tried at Louisville. Miss
Maria Cummings sued Sir. Allen Sutton
fur courting her for tiara e years, and then
marrying another sweetheart. The jury
gave. Miss Maria damages to the meant
of iv-!,000.
11413 , 12, 1' 4 58.
—Superfine. per barrel, $4 2i0t,4 ;17
Extra " •1 500,5 75
4 750tai 60
:1 :11
Fl O( 11.
Rye Flour and Coin Meal
Wlient—red,per bushel,
WhU 3
$4 I a per 64 pounds
CI overseed
'Fimudby twed
per bushel
Dueron, UNCAS BRAN f,
flies. diieovered a RARE
CONSUMPTIONPLANT, that Proves to be
certain cure for Couviimption,
cr am 1 3ron ei tis
Istlne, Liver
( , 01pin . nt, Nervous AG-
and re' ::i t ; I. !I ' s ' • tlm , l'in c e
u RED. jil send the p .reseriptiotTs and
directions fur pi:cp . /wing ilia
medicines free y* elarge .- to all
CONSUMPAIONwho oily dusiru ii, uud will
rnd to his agent, enclosing
(Tarn, two stomps (ti colts). to pity
I , the return later, w,tllll
• ,
rription of their symptoms.—
CONSUMPTIONI'hu oil Do-tor has cored
mote !lion 30011 rased fy . COll-
u 11E0. Whine ,ie ,lll l, ,!lop C a 3 ,ll!l
lihctcd 1111
themselves of this opportioni-
CONSUIIIIMONty, as the Doctor wishes to do
ell the good he eno before he
dies. Address n II letters to
Box 3531 P. 0., Now York,
Who is iiiq sole egent.
The Warm Springs at t he base of Warrior'.
Ridge, live in les north of Huntingdon, overlook
ing Standing Stone Creek, and enviruned by ro
mantic hills 141 woodlands, have been leased
by the to tnt•r proprietor of the Learner House.
The ;intensive Hotel buildings, bath houses,
erected at great expsuce by Go 'lend' A P.
Wilson, have Peen completed—and the grovel
have Leen beautifully laid out tool adorned.—
The Hotel Mort and chambers airy sad cos..
tiirtably lusnished; awl the prospect, from the
vcrinuldis for beauty, cannot Ins excelled.
For half n century, these Springs hays been
celebrated for their medicinal qualities, and the
great nature (lithe waters in rheumatic 11111 i chro
nic affections. The temperature of the water
being 104 degrees, renders the bathing delight
ful and invigorating. In the surrounding woods
and mountains, game abounds, and the finest
fish are caught in Stone Creek. Persons in pur
suit of health or 5 'ensure, will find this a most
delightful and healthful retreat; mid its nearness
to the Pennsylvania. Railroad, and the cheapness
of the rules charged guests, give it a d e mo
advantage over any other watering place in the
State. .
Ike Proprietor has had years of experience in
the business and no pains or timid., will ho spa
red to mike guests comfortable.
flacks run from Huntingdon to Warm Springs
on the arrival of the different Railroad trains—
faro Yi cents. Families accommodated ut ma-
Mite MM. JOHN H. !WED,
Warm Springs near
Huntingdon, Jana sth
The undersigned citizens of the county of
Huntingdon, 110 .eby give notice that they intend
'to woke application to the next Legislature fur
Charter, for the creation of a Corporate body
with Banking or Discounting privileges, to be
lie located in the Borough of Huntingdon, comi
ty of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania,
with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars,
with the specific object of issuing Bank paper,
and doing all other things ordinarily pertaining
to a Bank or issue.
B. E. hicHuaTRIE,
DAVID Bi. in,
J. SEWELI. S;mwmur, Wm. COLON,
Vo. Mel%liminum, JAMES Alioutn,
A. W. BENEDICT, Jxo. Mc ,
Altanti&SUßlA VOUS%) liTe
The Alexandria Foundry Flasks, Patters, &c.,
have been bought by It. C. AloCit.c. The
Foundry is in blast and he has all kinds of Cue
tigns. Stoves ol all kinds, Machines,
Ploughs, Kettles, & c.. &c., which be
will sell at the low— Oct market prices.
All kinds of Conn , try produce and
old metal buten in exc singe at market prices.
May 26 MR.
OrNature never looked more lovely than THE CASSVILLE SEMINARY. Veaftrif- figliganeragNal
at the present time. Old Mother Earth has APRIZE FOR EVERYBODY
ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER wit° Bunsen's. FOR Tile
put on her best looks and Rarest attire, the bald
places on her ancient "poll," she has effectual- THE PRESENT FACULTY. I NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS.
ly covered from view, with the luxurious garna-1 meN.
tare of Spring. Just so, only substituting Art Prot of Lionruages and Philosophy.
for Nature, our friend GEORGE TnunuALAxD, I Chas. S. Joslin. A. RI,
of No. 29 South Sixth St., is covering the bald etc.
James W.
heads of mankind in general, with his exquisite prof. o f M ath „,„„ t i o ,.'
ly light, graceful and comfortable "Gossamer Benlainin F. Houck.
Wigs," and Toupees. Our readers, who haveeV:V. Linton,
l ref. or 11Iathematics
, G
had the misfortune to lose this natural orna- pia. a yociti mum ,
ment, the hair, should call at his dressing rooms
in Philadelphia and examine for themselves the
superiority of the articles of his make over
those of any other mituufacturer. Ilis Liquid
flair Dye continues deservedly popular, being
free from all deleterious qualities, and impart.
ing to the hair and whiskers a soft, glossy, life
like appearance. George hiss also many other
useful toilet articles, which he offers to the pub
lic, combining two very desirable qualities, to
wit i—excellence and cheapness. Let all our
readers who design visiting Philadelphia give
him a call
, z.ociow‘tviksls
w t esiM 4 Oit‘,S
R. MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S 1':-
D lAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the grea•
ter part of his life in travelling, having visited
Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North
America--has spent three years among the In.
dians of our Western country—it was in this
way that the Indian Root Pills were first dis•
covered. • Dr. Morse was the first met to es•
tallish the fact that all diseases arise from Ito
purity of the Blood—thnt our strength, health
and life depended upon this vital fluid.
When the various passages become clogged,
and do not net in perfect harmony whh the dif•
terct.t functions of the body. the blood lanes
its action, becomes thick, corrupted and di
sensed; tints canstng, all pains sielcuess and
distress of every name• ' our strength is exhaus•
ted, our health we are deprived of, and if na.
titre is not assisted in throwing off the atag•
mint humors, the blood will become choked
and cease to act, and thus our light of life will
forever be blown out. How important then
that we should keep the various passages of
thehody free and open. And hew pleasant to
us that we have it in our power to put a medi
cine in tour reach, namely. Morse's Indian
Root Pills. manufactured from plants and roots
which grow around the mountainous cliffs in
Nature's garden, for the health and recovery
l ot diseased man. One of the roots from which
these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which o•
pens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature
in throwing out the finer parts of the corrup
tion within. The second is a plant which is
inn Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the
passage to the hing,s, and thus. in a soothing
manner, performs its duty by throwing off
phlegm, and other humors front the lungs lip
copious seitthig. The third is a tfinite
which gives ease and double strength to the
kidneys; thus comet aged, they draw large a—
mounts of impuri'y front the blood, which is
Olen thrown tint bote:tifully by Cie urinary or
water passage, and which could nt t have been
discharged in any other war. The fourth is
and aecampanlea tithe' prop.
reties ()Nine fills while engaged id purifying
ihe Wood; the coats, particies of ?ail uriry
which cannot pasA by the other outlet., ate
thus when up and conveyed till iat grout u•
titles by the bowels.
From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse'
Indian Root Pills not only enter the stemnch
but become united with the blood, for they find
way to every part, and completely treat out
cleamie the from all impurity. and
the life of the hotly, which is the blood, be
comes perfectly healthy; consequently all sick. and HMI is drivel/ from the srseeni, for
;hey ealitiot, remain when the holy becomes
so pore and clear.
90®1 05
1 0.5(4, 15
$1 50
'the reatuin why people are so distressed
when sick, nod why so many die, is because
they do tint get tt medicine which will pass to
the afflicted parts. and which will open the
natural passages for the disease to be cast one
hence, a targe quantity.of thud and other mat
ter is lodged, and the stomach awl intestines
ore literally overflowing with the corrupted
tines; thus undergoing disagreeable ferments.•
tine. constantly slitting with the blood, which
throws the corrupted matter through every
vein and artery, until life is taken from the
body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have ad
ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re
storing millions of the sick to blooming health
and Ifilppiltess. Yes, thousands who have
been racked ur tormented with sickness, pain
and anguish, and whose feeble Triunes have
een score lied by the burning elements el ra•
ging Giver, and who have been brought, as it
were, within a step of the silent grave, now
stand ready to testify that they would have
been numbered with the :lead, had it :tot been
for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse's
Indian Root Pills. After one or two doses
had bees taken, they were astonished, and ah•
solutely surprised, in witnessing their charm
ing effects. Not only do they give inuuedi•
ate ease and strength, and take away till sick ;
mess, pain and anguish but they at once go to
work at the foundation of the disease, which is
the blond. 'therefore, it will be shown, e=pee.
laity by those whouse these Pills, that they
will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that
deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the
flush of youth and beauty will again return.
and the prospect of a long and happy lite will
cher:shmulbrighten your days. - .
CAUTION.Bewiire of ti counterfeit sign
ed A. R. Moore. All genuine have the name
of A. J. WHITE &CO. on each box. Also
the signa , nre of A. J. While A Co. All oth
ers are spurio
A. J. WHITE& CO Sole Proprietors,
50 Leonard Street, New York.
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by
all dealers in Medicines
ler Agents wanted in every town, village
and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the
agency will address as above for terms.
gar Price 25 cents per box. five boxes will
be sent on receipt of SI. postage paid.
JOHN READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pa.
December '6'57:-6m.
NW - These Machines are now justly admitted
to be the best in use for Family Sewing, ma..
king a new, strong, and elastic such, which will
NOT rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut.—
Circulars sent on application by letter.
Agents wanted.
Feb.l7 ,'58..3m.
S N A T H S,
A large assortment, at tbeliarilware Store.
Mrs. M. NeN. WALSH, Preeeptress,
Teteher of Bomar. History, Reading; etc.
Miss E. 111 Faulkner,.
Teacher of Penis Work Painting, Drawing, , i copy
1 year,
01 0 1 , g
, $
2 00
Miss D. L. Stanley, - I
s copies " 3 gifts "i 110
Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Pliirs, , :, i‘ , 5 6.
Mrs. Dr. Darwin it , ..: ~ 10 ~ l3 00
Teacher of Ein•lish Branches:. xl " " 21 " 3O on
Miss J. M. Walsh. The articles to he distributed arc comprised
Teacher of Primary English. in the following list:
lU. S. Treasu r y Nre, VOW 00.
The recent success of this school is exnor• ;
° Ut, .
, 0. O. 500 00. each
;Unary. Besides being the cheapest 0110 of the I 5 do. do. do. 200 00, each
kind ever established, it is now the largest in 1 n, d o. d o. .d o. tOO 00, each
this section of the State. All branches are' 10 Pat. Lev. h'g c's watches 100 on, each
taught, and students of all ages, and of both I 20 Gold WiltitheS, 75 00, each
sexes, are .received. The expenses fur a year • 50 ,' 60 00, each
need not be more than $OO. Students can en. ! lon " 41 , 50 es, each
ter whenever they wish. Address, , 309 Ladies Gold Watches, 35 00, each
JOHN D. WALSH, Cassville, ! 200 Silver lion. ea, watches, 30 110, each
7untitigdoit Co., P a , ! 500 Sifter watches, $l5 00 to 25 00, each
' 1000 Gold . gourd, fob and
Vest chainslo 00 to 30 00, encli
1000 Gold !'ens S. Pencils 5 On to 13 110, each
Gold Lockets, Brneelets Brooches, Esr-drops
Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons. Rings,
Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil 'or
Thimbles, and a variety of other articles, worth
from 50 cents to $l5 00 each.
On receipt of the subscription money, the
sidiscrilier's name will be entered upon our
books opposite s amber, and the gift corres
ponding with that number will ho forwarded
within one week to him, by mail or express,
There is neither humbug nor lottery about
the above, as every subscriber is sure of ii prize
of value. We peeler to make this liberal dis
tribution among them instead of giving a large
.ITIITII.IOI to Agents, giving to the subscri
ber the amount that would go to the Agent.
and in many cases a hundred fold more.
All mnintanications should lie Ma to
DANIEL AUER, Publisher,
3lay 20, 1858. • ly.
.1 une'23,*sB.
ZON Okla.
The subscriber offers for sole a small farm
in lienderson township, half a mile northeast
of the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining lands
of Jahn Simpson, Colestock, and others, con.
Mining about ninety acres and allowance,
twentplivu or thirty acres of which are cleared
and under a good state of cultivation. The
balance is well timbered. There are an this
property three nevenlailing, springs of good
water. The buildings consist of a twn•story
frame house and kitehenotud a log stable ; a
fine young apple orchard of grafted fruit.—
Terms made known by applying to the suhscri•
J e23;58,..1in.
Orphans' Court Male.
Real Estate of J.IMRS CLARK. der',l
Bv virtue or n ',furies order ul the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon County will be cup .sei
to sale by public outcry, on the premises, on
Saturday, the 1011 i day of July, next,
between the hours of 2 and .1 o'clock, P. M.—
A lot of ground in the borough of Shirleys•
burg, fronting on Main street sixty feet awl ex•
back at right angles thereto, one hundred and
forty feet : being No. in the plan of said
town, adjoining lot of Isaac Shurrer on the
north, and lutvi Ig thereon erected a
Two Story Log Dwelling House:
Terms of Salc.—Onedhird of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and
the balance in two equal annual payminits,
with interest, to be secured by dm bends and
mortgage or the purchaser.
.101 IN M. CLARK, Adm . ,
Notice is hereby given, that letters testnmen.
tory on the lost will of Robert Cummins, late
of Jackson township, deed. , have been duly
issued to the undersigned. All persons i n
ted to the estate of said dee'd. are rekiiested to
make immediate payment, I(nd all having
claims against it, to present them properly au.
thenticated for sett lotorot to
M [EL Cr IN` ,
ST I.: I t NS. f " x "" t "''
docks.' tp., June 23(1. It B.—lit.
(Estate of Barbara Ifilrmnu, deed.)
Administrator's Notice.
NUtit'e is hereby given that loiters IeSIRIIII,II.
tary with 1111, will some Ned. bare been granted
to the undersigned, mtthe estate of Barbara
1E1.1., Into Morris township. All per
sons indebted to sail estate, will therefore make
immediate payment, nod those haring claims
will present them duly nut hentiennal for settle
And who that is gray would not bare it re
stored to former color; or bald, but w o w hone
tl c growth restored, or troubled with dandrull
and itching but would have it removed. or trou
bled with scrofula, scald bead, or other erup
tions, but would be cured, or with sick headache
(neuralgia) but would be cured. It will also
censure all pimples from the litre and skin. Prot.
Wood's flair Restorative will do all this, see
circular and the following.
ANN Almon, November 5,1856.
Pnoy. O. J. Woov—Wear sir. I ha's, board
much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair
Restorative, but having been so ellen chute':
by quackery and nostrums, hair tlyei, &v., I was
disposed to plate your Restorative in the same
category with the thousand and ono loudly trum
peted quack remedies, until I met you in Law
rence county some months since, when yon
gave mu such nssurimee us induced the trial of
your Restorative in my family—first by any goad
wife, whom hair had become very thin und en
tirely white, and before exhausting one of your
large bottles. her heir was restored nearly to its
original beautiful brown color, and hail thicken
odp become beautiful end glossy upon, and
entirely over the head ; she continues to use it,
nut simply because of its beautiry;ng (greets up
on the hair, but because of its healthful influ
ence upon the head and mind, Others of my
family and IM•ionde are using your Restorative.
with tberhappiest effects ; therefore, my skepti
cism and doubts in reference to its character are
entirely coloured ; and I can and do most cordi
ally and confidentially recommend its use by all
who would have their hair restored limn white
or gray (by mason of sickness or age,) to origi
nal color end beauty, and by all youlig persons
who would have their hair liventif
Very truly end gratefully yours,
Fingan WOOD It was a long time after I saw
you nt Blissfield before I got the bottle of Re
storative for which you gave ion an order upon
your agent in Detroit, and when i got it we
concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, as the
surest test of its power. It has done all that
you assured me it would do : and others of my
family and friends, having witnessed its eilects•
are now using and recommending its use to oth
ers as entitled to the highest consideration you
claim for it.
Again, very respectfully and truly yours,
CAuvrix,.lp, June 28, 1832
I have used Prof. O. J. 'Wo'od's Hai; Restor
ative, and have admired it wonderful effects.—
My hair was becoming, as I thought, premature
ly gray, but by the use of his Restorative it has
resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt
permanently to.
S. BRESSE. ox• Senator. U. S.
0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broad
way, N. Y., (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing
Establishment) and 114 Market street, St. Louie,
Mo., and sold by all good Druggists.
sZPLENDID Line of Dress Goods, eml racing
'J . Robes of all kinds, Berages, Clialvs, , Lawne
°lured Brilliants, Chintzes,
_&r.. can be found M
The New York Weekly Press is one of the
best literary papers of the day. A large quarto
containing twenty pages, or Sixty column, of
entertaining matter; and elegantly illustrated
every week.
A Gift worth from 50 cents to 51000 00 will
be sent to each subscriber on receipt of thin sub
scription money.
l'ompounded entirely of Gums.
I, one of the best purgative and liver tnedi
eines now hello, the public, that nets as a Ca
thartic, easier, milder, end more effectual than
any thee medicine known. It is not only n Ca
thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the
Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach
and bowels to carry oft' flint matter. thus accom
plishing two purposes effectually, without any of
the painful feelings experienced in the operation
of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system tit
the same time that it purges it , and when taken
daily in moderate• doses, will strengliten mid
build it up with unusual rapidity.
The Liver is one oil.; the principal regula
tors of the human bo- bil sly; and when it per
forms its functions well Cr' the powers of the sys
tem are fully develop- S ed. The stomach is
almost entirely tlepen-
40 dent on the healthy
action of the Liver fur L'i the proper ties lur in -
once of its functions. II When the stomach is
at fault, the bowels are 0 at limit and the whole
system cutters in inn- 0 sequence of ono °rpm
_ S i te Li ver — h a vi ng !. eessed to do its duty.
Fur the diseases 01t0. that organ one of the
proprietors has mad+r it his study, in it prae•
rice of more the is twen- r.. 1 ty years, to lint some
remedy wherewith to} counteract the many
derangements to which M it is liable.
To prove that this , remedy is Ilt last dis
covered Any permit',.....7 troubled with Liver
Complaint in any Wits 11. fortn4, has Ins to try
a loottle and conviction..., is certain.
These gums remove lig all morbid or bud
matter from the system z supplying itt their
plaice a heal by flow vs of Idle, invigorating
the stomach, causing R food to digest well,
purifying the blood,gi- X ring tone and health
to the whole machine.. ry, removing the cause
of the disease, and el. 1 . .. !forting a radical care.
ime dun after Ca- - log is StliblUiellt its no
!i, l . Ile Stotlllll4lUllll M ll,resent the Bud from
i . .smi.: mid souring. 10.1
.__ . . . .
liiliuns int ache urelV. cured, and what is
hotel, prevented, hyl the 0000010001 use of
Liver Invigorator.jg
Only ono dote ta-l s ,. l ken before etiring
pr,venre Nightntsre.
one dose taken at night, lo ens the
h,. ,•k gently, and cures Costiveness.
One dose token alter each meal will c env,
r Ono dune of two teaspoonfuls will Nuys
remove Sick Ileadaelic.
One bottle taken for female obseiructionre.
moves the canoe of the disease, and mikes a
perleet cure.
r only one dose immediately relieves Chat!,
tine dose often repented is a ante cure for
Cholera Mortals. and a preventive of Cholera.
rOnly one Wale is needed to throw out of
the system the effects of medicine:after a long
IWO. bottle taken for Jaundice removes
all sallowness or unnatural color front the skin.
Otto dose taken a short time before eating
given vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest
()no dose often repeated cures Clu•onic Nar
di°sa in its worst forms, while Summer and
Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose.
One or 'two ibises cures attacks enured
Worms in Children ; there is no surer or speed
lea remedy in the world, as it never fails.
WA few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting
the absorbents.
We take pleasure in reeemmendi ngt his med
icine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill,
Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Typo. It
operates with certainty, mid thousands are
testify to its wunilerinl virtues.
All who use it are giving their iumuimetts tes
timony in its favor.
CiOtix water in the month with the Invigo
ato r, and swallow both together.
The Liver Invigorator.
Is a scientific medical discovery, and is daily
working cures, almost too great to believe. It
cures os if by tough., even the &sift done giving
benefit, mod seldom more than one bottle is re
quired to cure any kind of Liver complaint,
from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com
mon] Ilendirche, all of which are the result or a
diseased Liver.
PRICE ONE DOLLAR PElt BOTTLE. The investments are mode in Real Estate
Du. SANFORD, Proprietor, 34s Broadway, N.Y. Mortgages , Ground Rents, out such class en-
Sold by 11. MeManigill, &J. Redd Huntingdon. entities as the Charter *squires.
Apr.7.'58..1y. Feb.24,'57.
New Card-Press. Muss SOUTH - WOR
R H,
Having bought fifes/ "CARD•PItESS" , we CHARLES BURDETT
are now prepared to print itt the prcportion of THOMAS I)UNN ENGLISH, M. D.,
three cards in the same time that any other HENRY CLAPP, Jtuv,,
press in the county can print one, consequent. - GEORGE ARNOLD,
ly we can print diem cheaper—if not done INell . SAMUEL YOUNG, •
we make no charge at all. We ask your pa- Mos. ANNA WHELPLE
tronage. Mute VIRGINIA VALO
SOMMitlakila BMW. Write only for the
The best chance for a lady or gentleman to 6 OLDEN PIIIZI.
make money ever offered, without interfering GOLDEN ['RINI.
with their regular business. We will semi full GOLDEN PRIZI.
particulate free. Address
Box 138 CoTumbus. Ohio. GOLDEN PRIZI.
Golt D E N I' B IZ E.
I tam. 1 6;58,61,.
Successors to Becket & Co.
The New• Y.'S ' Gulden hire is one
of the largett and best literary papers of the
day—an Imperial Quarto, containing eight pa
ges, or forty columns, of the most interesting
and fescinating rending matter, from the pens of
the very first writers of the day,
Worth from 53 Cents to $4OO 00,
Will given to each subscriber immediately
on rteeird of the subscription monev. This is
presented no n memento of Friendship, and not
as an inducement - to obtain subscribers
I etl.y rur I year, *2 00 and I Present.
I 6• 2 " A 50 2 Present,
5 00 5
500 3 "
7 00 5 ••
15 00 10 '•
30 00 21
The articles to lee given away are comprised
in she following list t
2 Packages of Gold, coefg $5OO 00 each.
5 do du do 200 00 each.
10 do do do 100 00 each.
10 Patent Lever Ilunt'g Wretches 100 00 each.
20 Gold Watch. 75 00 each.
50 do 00 00 each.
100 do 50 00 each.
300 TAM.' Gold Wardle. 35 00 each.
200 Silver Hunting Watches 30 00 each.
500 Silver Watches $lO 00 to 25 00 each.
lutal O'ld Guard, Chains $lO 00 to 30 00 each
Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear
Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins. Sleeve Buttons,
Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and
ver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles,
worth from 50 cents to $l5 ends.
3 Coyien, yenr,
We wilt present to every person sending us
50 subscribers, $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth
$4O: to any one sending us 100 subscribers, at
$2 each, a Gold Watch, worth $9O. Every
subscriber will also receive a present. .
Immediately on reveipt of the money, the
sit I criber's name will be entered upon our
hook and dm present will he forwarded within
one week, by mail or expross, post paid,
. •, .
All communications should be addressed to
• DEAN & SALTER, Proprietors,
835 Broadway, New York.
June 9, *:,8:-11u.1 y.
Dal. M, AIIII@CPB Ofllllolo
June 13, 1357.
111 Region" and oilier portions of
Virginia, the following Farms and Buil
ding Lots, in Shares, to wit :
1 Farm 100 Imes, gold mins is 100 acres.
4 Farms 01'60 acres each, are 250 ‘'
25 " 40 " " 1000
70 " 211 "
150 " 10 '• 250 " 5 44
5110 "
250 Baihra lots A. sts. and s
1350 : 42 000"0:
10,000 Shaves, amounting to 10,000 ac's.
Certificates of the above Shores, (with Bonds
, for the immediate execution and delivery of the
Deeds,) have been enclosed in 10,000 envelopes,
exactly alike, and sealed; which, after being
well mixed up, have been numbered on the out
051c to 110 1 0,000 111C10SiVe? so that no ouu
knows the contents of any particular envelope.
They will lie soh! at $lO each, without reference
to ' , shot they contain, nod sent to ahv one ma
king application, Unexceptionable * Titles will
! in all cases he given.
The largest 'Term. containing a Gold Mine is
coined at $30,000, and the smallest sized Build
ing Lets have been selling nt $lO earl, Bt,
dreds have already been sold upon these terms.
Whilst all stand the HMO chance of getting the.
Farms, every purchaser is guaranteed One of
these lots at least. Every other purchaser is
hound to get one of at least double its size and
value. Every fourth purchaser one or at least
quadruple its size and value., Whilst every
tenth purchaser will get a thrill ranging in value
from $2OO up to $30,000. These fitrn.s and
Lots tire sold so cheap to induce settlements, n
sufficient number being reserved, the increase
in the value or which will compensate toe the
present sserifice. The net proceeds arc to be
applied to local improvements, such as' Schools,
Factories, Mills, Cr.. Any number or Shares
eon be taken by individuals,—to secure a Farm
tale at least ten shares. The certificates van
he obtained by paying one-hulf, and the Deeds
by pitying theother half.
'gelid — Au Acres of Lund, in urge or small
tracts can also he had at privet a sale. and upon
the snout reasonable terms. Some of it is high
ly implored. Agents are wanted everywhere
to sell nhese lands. Liberal inducements will lie
given. For full partictllani apply to
fort Royal, Caroline eu. Fa,
• .
LAMES COLLARS, newest styles in 'rent
variety tic the • METROPOLITAN.
BOUTS - 1 - 1110 Es, HATS ee CAPS, the
largest stock ever brought to town, are acn
e!! very eheap by Fisuen& MeMtoroak.
Incorporated by the State of honeylmola.
IVA large or small, and interest paid from the
day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
Tke office is open every day from U o'clock
in the morning till 5 o'clock in the aftern3on,
and tin Monday end Thursday evenings till 8
lION. HENRY L. BENNER, President,
ROBERT sELFRIDGE, Fire President,
\VM. J. REED, Secretary.
Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Bvrry,
Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee,
Saml. K. Ashton, Joseph Yorker,
C. Landreth Manna, Henry Dietrendertrer,
Money it received and payments made daily
without urtiee.
little at this office; it is calculated to barn wood
or coal.
To Merchants and Partners
GROUND PLASTER can be had at the
Huntingdon Flour and Plaster Mille, in any de
sirable quantity,. on and after the tat day 01
March, 1855. We deliver it race or CHARMS
on the cars at the dooms of the Pennsylvania
and Brand Top Railroads.
Feb. 2
Store &. Dwelling to Rent at Broad
Top City.
The line large Stone Store and dwelling at
Broad Top City is now offered for rent on ver
y are tinmodating terms, and it one of th t , beat
- Stores in the County of Huntingdon. , A very
fine business ran be done at this place with
the Mines now in operation below Brood Top
City, and also with the surrounding country,
as there it no good Store within many miler
of this place, and any one keeping a good
Stock of Provisions and Goods suitable for
Country use min undoubtedly do a very fine
business. To a good Tenant the Store and
Dwelling will be rented on easy terms.
.hpply to.
3. M. CLARK, Agent
Broad Top City
June 16, '58.-61. .
QPLENDID RAG CARPET for 371 ets. per
van] ut the cheap store of
l'nomn MeNltierum.
• A 1 ) . "1 , 211
We request those of our subscrilijs nho re•
eive their papers, to inf.rm us of those in their
immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers
to the "Journal," and hare failed to receive
the same, since the stealing of our peek-book,
ruffians o:a the 34 of February.
.w . A.w.wmx)!
WHEAT TIS 7 I7) — (TORN wanted at this
oien. Thoss having either eau dispose of the
s by calling soon.
hambersburg to Mt, Union
Th 13 undersigned aware that siispension of
J. the line of Stages over the road between
Chum hersburg end Alt, Union, cannot be but
disadrantageous to a large section of the coun
try, has, at a considerable expense and trouble
made nrrangements to run u line of Stages
Tri-weekly between the two points Good
Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla
ced an the route, null experienced and trusty
drivers will superintend the running or the
Collo3s. The proprietor of the line is disirous
that it lie maintained, and ha therefore calls
upon the public generally to patronize it. confi
dent that it will be their mutual advantage.
Every' attend.m necessary will be given, and
the running of the Stages will be regular.
bir Stages leave Alt, Union, every Tuesday
Thursday, nod Saturday evenings, arriving at
Chandiershurg the next tiny at 2 o'clock. He
' turbing, leave Chambersburg, the same night
at Itt o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the next
evsaing in thou liar the cars. Between Alt, Us
ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily.
QV' Fare through $3; to intermediate points
in proportion. JOHN JAMISON.
• •
pitoin . riN(; 'IA lit oN BALI) HEADS,
Grey Hair to its Natural Color,
This astonishing and uneamiled preparation
has never failed to produce a growth on Bald
Heads, when .need according to the direction,
and torn hair back to its original color, after
having become gray. and reinstate It in all its
original health, lustre. softness and beauty. Re
moves at once all scurf, dandrufr nod unpleasant
itching, scrofula, eruptions and feverish heat
from the scalp. It else prevents the hair Irani
becoming unhealthy and billing oil, and hence
acts as a perfect HAIR INvtoounron ANU TO-
A gentleman of Bu.,tun writ. to Ilk friend
in New Red lord thus:
To your inquiries 1 would reply, that whets 1
first commenced Cu, use Professor Wood's flair
Restorative, my hair was almost white, and had
been su or the last ten years and it was very
thin Im the top of my head, and very loose, and
pulled out very freely ; but 1 found that before
I had used all the second bottle, (which wet
right weeks) toy hair was entirely changed to
its original color, light brown, and is nuw free
front dandruff and quite moist. I ?awn had my
hair cut five or six times since the change, and
have never seen anything like white hair start
ing from the roois ; and it is now as thick as
it ever WItS, H lid does nut come out all. lt has
proved in say cane all that I could wish to ask.
July I, 1855. Yours, ate.
From the Roston Herald.]
Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, gray hair
can bopermanently restored to its original color.
Tho subjoined certificate from Johnson & Stone
Gardiner, Maine. is but ono of the many in
stances that are daily coming to our knowledge,
of its wonderful effects.
GAlt mu, Maine, June 22 , 1855.
DE MI Silt have used tut, bottles of Prot.
Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is
tho greatest disccvcry of the age fur restoring
and changing the hair. Before using it, I was
a matt of seventy. My hair has now attained
its miginal color, You can recommend it to the
world without the least tear, as my rate was ono
of the worst kind.
Yours, respectfully,
Professor 0. J. Wood.
lismouviELD, Massachusetts, Jan. 12, 1855.
Dr. to Stu :—Having made a trial of your
Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say
that its effect has been excellent in removing in
flammation, dandruff, and a constant itching
hendeney, withtch I have been troubled fr ni
childhood ; and has also restored my hair ,which
was becoming grey, to its original coital. have
sued no other article with anything like the
pleasure and profit. Yours truly.
Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfield,
Professor Wood.
[From the Missouri Democrat.]
WOOD'S HAIR DYE.—This admirable ar
ticle is rapidly improving the hair. No article
of a similar kind, now before the public, enjoys
it better reputation an is restorative and invigo
rating hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical quali
: ties have a beneficial effect upon the growth and
character of the hair, giving a silky and glossy
1 texture to that which was formerlY of a coarse
and dry nature. It has, also, we understand, a
tendency to preserve the youthful color and ap-
I of the hair, and destroying or counter
acting the effects of old age. With such recom
tnentlations in its favor, we hardly perceive how
any lady or gentleman should he without so val
uable an adjunct to their toilet.
I O. J. W OO U & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway
N. V., & 114 Market st., St. Louis, Missouri.
Sold in Huntingdon by JOHN READ, and H.
Nlc3lax tofu, aud by Druggists everywhere.
• Feb. tn, 1858.-31 n.