Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 30, 1858, Image 1

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    ! I ' r
11 1 .•
. ,
• 3,
J to
•• „ ,$, d ,
„ , 4
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New Goods I New Goods I „
AT i Ihe "linsiTitinnos Jounstab' is publishes a
the following rates :
D. P. GW . IN , S CIISEP STORE. ' IV paid in advance *1,40
If paid within six months after the time or
D. P. Gwin bas just returnd front Philndel- subscribing 1,75
phia with the largest and most Install's! as- Ii paid before the expiration of the year,•2,oo
sortment of And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
Cli after the expiration of the year. No subscrip
, ton taken for a lose than in.
Ever brought to Huntingdon,
consisting of the clout fashionable Dress Goods I I. MI 'lll'seriPtit'us-It" continued """ rilh
, en...kJ ordered, Ind no paper will be diseontina
for Ladies and Gentlemen, smelt as Black Silk' I nil, wail am arages ore paid; except at the option
and Fancy All -Wool de Loins, (all colors)
of the publisher.
Spring Detains, Challis Detains. Decagon, (all - 1
2. Rehourd numbers are never receiver; by us.
1.01 ors) Lorena Cloth, Debaise, Alpaeca, Pop• 1
tins, Printed Derages, Brilliants, pla i n and t i g . 1 l .. l . l .. n_a_rel c t o rr n s il s ,i e ls a i t ,
u t r li p i o t s ny f
area, Ginghams, Lawns, and Prints of every do- " c '' .. ‘..
:3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions,
...intim,. must 141 . 11 Hp 11111,1 rage, MI Sella 11 written or
ALSO, a large lot ofdress Tritnmings,Frin
ges, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids, 1 , ate_rb ."''i 7 , l ,, o i r:le i r in t , , , , , t , . 4 a , t io e , tTect, to the otliee of pub-
Crapes, Reed & Brass Hoops, Skirt Cord. Silk i '"
and Linen -handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock, i
_l, , I.:l „ itiingn . t . i . c . c o t . r :, n . postmaster is neither a
Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Lines and : ego ] or
nuni , ,cos . 0 ,
it new
C.3tton Floss, 'fitly Yarn, I. , , .
have been Unwanted, a now year has comments.
Also the hest and cheapest assortment of Col
ors, and Undersleeves, in town. Barbi and 1 T . 1 . 3 ., ! ( 1.. 1 . '1 ,. 1 , 1 . „.. ,. , 1 .. : . , , , ,': ;,i ,, , ,... 1 . , 1 ' . d .. , il . . , coilthlucd "I"
Plain "c""et ' Mu" """"' Swis s,6ll ' Fig- I "" 1
l ' e "* Cu ' u ' r ' t ' S I hM d ' er7d3::l " th:a refusing tutakt
1" " I ' Ski" Bell ' . Ml ' 3 ' 6ll" l'or (apes, „,,,u,'„La I a new ,pa per l'roin the office, or ronuni Pg. ant .
variety of "he goods too !'"' nerull ” - '''''". leaving it unrolled Col., 151.:51,14},CM
e v a d e t
Spring anti Tidbit Shawls, White Delaino for of 'ilivi"'n'd fraud.
Capes. Mantillas, Le. tinbsyribers living in distant counties, or it
~t,,,. 5 , ,,,,,a, will be roinira to pay invoriabl;
Also, Cloths, Cassitners, Cassinets, Tweeds, 1
~',,....„... '
K. deans, Muslims, Cotton Drill, Nankeens, l ' ' '' i , i ',' 1 1 e v ' ,, , , ,, e, to..
will be i . igidiy adhere,
Tiehen, 'Lilac Diapers Flannels. Lea
Also, a large lot of lloileets, Flat, nets, &e. t,. ie :di udses.
roots and Shoes, the largest and ekes
pest assortment in town.
HA AD W A IE, 47.7mwegs-
WARD, Dockets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns, 1
Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, 4 .• Cm'lle l , '
Oil Cloths, Fi,li :Intl Salt, Sugar, Coffee, i
Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a
co batty Store.
Ms old customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in are respectfully request.; to come
and examine my goods
All kinds ol' Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, at the. highest market prices.
April 21, 11373;.;,
risuEat & Nen
HAVING ro.0„e„. the M ET It O POLIT AN
home known an "S.,,ros'n'' take plea—
sure in an ionneing to th e ir many Vrimule that
they I are received it new and weli•seleeted
stook ot Goods, which they fuel vontident wiil
satisfy the demands of the public, and will prove
vuexceptionalde in s•rylm nod cw,trry.
The line 01 Dre, Goods embraces
VELLA C 1. 0 .1115, DEBAGE,
.I.r:TRES., A Lit 4 cc.„vt
PRINTS, GIN tiliA ke.
We hove p Cme ansurtzurot . ol Summer Mac
shawl, Preen Trimm ings. nines, An
tiques, 'Ribbons elitn, alll gets,
t.iery, Ladies' &B are, IlatincreLi , tA, Buttnn9,
Foss, Sewing Silk, Whalebones Sr Skirt , ,
Reed Mops, Bruen do., Skirt Cold, Sc.
Atmo—Tirkenn, Onnithurg, bleachul and 1111 -
bleached nt all ',titles, Colore.l
White Cambries, 'lamed and Swine
Victoria Lawns, Nein:melte, Tarleton end ninny
other articloi which uoinprim the line uf White
and I)oroestie ("
We have ' , rend' Cloths, Fancy Ca,,itisere.
Sattinett,,Jentis, cells; Coltunit.lvs,
I)eninis nod flue Drills.
of every varjety and style. Also all Limb; u
A good stock or •
WWI ERIE, 111111) & (ttEENfi)l'lliE,
Wood and liVillow-wavv,
will bow rm. ,
We •iise deal in I'LAsTEII, FISII, SA
rllld Ull kind, ul IiIIAIN. 1111.1
in this branch el mole une,ttalle.l be any. W.•
deliver all IMO6:IgeS I. I . pilTlis
FREE liP CHARGE, la the depots of
' Broad 'Fop sell Pennsylvania
one, 001110 and he eimviiieeil
the “MwritoPoixt.ts" is the 'dove to se , •iire
fashionable nod desirable goods, disre,etl or et.
the lowest rates.
V 2 161 2HD V./ RN A
A New Assortment Just Opened !
And will be sold 30 per cont.
ROMAN respectfully in'brals his mitt,-
. Mery 1111 , 1 die public go,erally, that he has
just opened at his MOM-TOMO in Market Square-
Huntingdon, it splendid now stock of Reedy
Chilling for Fall and Winter,
which lie will sift' Lhcaper then the same quality
of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in the counter.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing wood an
well to call and examine his stock before) Ircha elsewhere. Also,
Hats, Caps,
which will be sold lower than at any other es.
lablieliment in the county.
jinntingdon, April 1. 1858.
Patent x clitable Fence.
The righta a I Intit'A Paten'
An anent Fence and Cate Poet, for Lot,, •'arms
and Townehip, can 110 at:eared fur a small ;
by eallin7 on tho Agent at Huntingdo:i. Go
And see the model tit once. It is decidedly
the beat Fence ever used. No, Farmer should
Ittt without it. Call ye who would be benefit•
ded and examine it for yourselves.
for Huntingdon Cow),
GRE sToillif
New Drug and Grocery store.
IrmANiu IL. slum d CO., Hill St., 5
doors west of the Court House, Huntingdon.
'Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stull's,
Paints, Varnishes, tlils, Spts. Turpentine,
Fluid, Alcohol, Wine and Brandy of the Rest
article for medical uses, Concentrated Lye (or'
making Soap, Glass, Potty, Patent Medicines
also Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Sugar, Molasses,
Vinegar, Fish, Salt, Flour, Crackers, Nuts,
Caudies, Figs, Raisins, Tobacco, Cigars, Sy,
ups of all kinds for smuttier drinks in a word
every thing urnally kept in a Drug or Grocery
Store, those who desire pore and= Genuine no•
ticks will do well by giving US a call.
May 19, '59:--Iy.
4ACKEREL of P.ll Nos., lierring, Sc., van
111 Im hod of the best quality, by calling on
FVsllllltk MI•MrItTIII6.
Will he charged at the fullowing rate
I ithortion. Y do. :1
Six iin,s or les:
111:e ,oluore, (10 lines,) i 0 75
Twu '• (32 " ) 100 150
1 63. 11 100. 12 on.
$3 01 1,5 00 $8 00
500 8110 12 00
8 00 12 00 18 00
r st'inare,,
do.: 12 00 13 00 27 00
Flu., 18 00 27 00 40 00
I do., 28 00 40 00 50 DO
Ilt,ioess Cartl,ll six lines, or less, $4.00.
Advertising and Job Work.
We would remind the Advertising com
munity and all others who wish to bring
their Lusatess t lye ly e the pub
lie. that the Joteraul has the largest cir
culation of any paper in the counts—that
it is c instantly iorrearing; —and that it
goes hits the hands of our wealth'oot eiti
trout l ulso stale that our facilitio,
C !I' . 1: g 01 Jon
; ;.: to those of any other office
, ! all Job Work entrus
! bo done acuity,
t.t • which will be
:: I'h'f t , toii .
w:. .
:y.vkwayl, never so
mgreeM..lo, as %viten
ti.ey re making love. A friend is a lux
ury, a .mband ditto, I suppose; out. that I
,ut,•rini; t..nt class of human beings tlenom.
inat, d .4lovqrs — are terrible horea. It
does very viii for tvoineu to blush and
look flustered 110,' and then when scca
s it It desirab:e; but to site a man
with Lie face its tel as a ripe cherry, and
r, ',Heel of strong, mindedness, self.
inascalitie dignity, done up
'lath and starched linen, qua
king fitim the too of his boot to the top of
Ilk shirt collar, his mouth awry, and his
longue twi§ted into ennvolsien.s, in the
vain ,Itowitt to soy so:nuthing sweet— 0
giv,ioll. ,
,aucy Sophie Lynn aloud to
he,ull a , she• sat swinging backwards and
forwards before the window, half buried
in the cushions of a luxuriant are chair,
nil playing with a delicate ivory fun
which lay upon her lap.
It also seems so strange, not to ray
tiresome." she continuel, with a running
musical laugh, `after one has waltzed and
sung, quoted poetry and tallied nonsense,
with coy body till one is puzzled to know
which one of the two is most heartless,
one's self or one's companion, to hear him
come down plump on the subject of mat•
%Moony, no though that was the legitimate
1C5114 of every such insipid acrinaintance?
For my part I never had a letter (here So
phie fluttered her fan nod looked pleased ;
for she had morn than one,) that I wasn't
‘ of after he proposed. There was
Capt. Morris—[ thought ham the hand ,
sourest torn in the whole circle of my as
.quointance, until he went on his bilges to
toe and swore he should die if I didn't
take pity on him. Somehow he always
(coked like a fright to me afterwards.
Then there was Dr. Wilkins—he was re
ally agreeable, and people said very learn
ed, I was delighted with him fora time
but he spoiled it all with that offer of his—
what long winded adjectives ! and how the
poor fellow blushed, puffed and perspired!
He called me an mdorable creature,' and
hiccoughed in the middle of 'adorable.'
Horrors I I have hated him ever since,
Then there was a—'
Mere Sophie. started. herd the
door bell ring. With a nervous sluing she
stood before her mirror, smoothing down
her brown hair with a taste truly comical.
'lt won't do to weal interested,' oho
-- • --=---a---- -- - ----s-s-- **- ._ _ -_. ._ __ - - _
__ _ _ _ __
said, as she took a finishing survey of ker son why you treat my suit so scornfully, her di s ordered curls with a gentle a 'tithing I went. He it is who surely fails of succss, Wives Wanted.
1 iti every (excepts pecuniary) view. This , Our roving tellow-citizsns who hare
person in the glass, and shook out, with I you are less the noble woman than I tho't motion,
her plump. jewelled fingers, the folds .of you.' "Harry and l"—another sot--•quarredi he may, but does not necessarily, fail in found a home on the borders of - militation
her airy muslin dress. Sophte's head was averted, end n suspi- led two or three weeks ago. I was wilful ! nut - tieing. Born in the bumble walks of or beyond, in Kansas, Nebraska, Arizona,
•I'he moment afterwards, when n ser- mous moisture glistened in her eyes ns and rude, just as it was natural for nee to life , lie becomes used to adversity in its Ac., are beginning to find out that s i ng l e
vast entered is, announce Mr. Harry Ains- I Harry ceased speaking. Ats! why is it I be, and be got angry. 1 don't think lie i s l many fortes, and inured to hardships. De. blessedness is it very miserable state of ex
lee, she was back to her old seat by the I that we sometimes hold our highest hap• going to for give me, he hasn't been here I stituts of wealth "necessity becomes the isteitee And the bachelors o f Kaunas h ave
window, rocking and playing with bee fan I pinass so lightly--carrying it earek•ssly since,' mother of invention," and he awakens ev- advertised for better-halves in such an hon.
apparently ns unconcerned and listless no in our heeds as though it wore but dross, Sophie felt herself drawn in n closer em- i cry dormant fsooltY to bear the brunt of- eet, straightforward sad sensible manner ,
though that name had not sent a quicker staking it all upon an idle caprice ! brace, and was sure Kate pitied her. life. By engaging Perseverance As a pie- that we give them the benefit of the lour
thrill to her heart, or the betraying critn• ll hen she turned her countenance tow- .1 would not have owned it usanybody neer ; Industry eerie attendant, and Faith oaf's circulation gratuitously. We copy
~,s a guiding star, lie boldly pushes forward from the 7'ectiniseti Settler:
s on ell over her pretty face. 'Tell him I arils him again, the same mocking Belt if it had not been just as it is,' she coati
will lie down presently,' she said. ' w:l9 in her eyes, the same coquetish smile I sued, rubbing ices little white hands into and none can baffle, or outdo his efforts. ,‘ !ranted immediately.—A .right.ernart
The girl disappeared and Sophie flung breathed from her red lips. ; her eyes; 'but I think I love him almost as Go thou, my friends, and do likewise, chance' of smart Yankee girls, to become
open the window, that the cool fresh air ' 'Speaking of heiresses,' said Sophie, -I do you and father and. "Amidst a world of hopes and fears,
other.' wives of as many men in Kansas 'ferrite
washing, ironing, cooking and making
A wild of mires, and toils, and tears i
'night fun away the extra rosiness front her , 'There's Helen Myrtle, whose fath e r i s A kiss dropped on Soplue',.s glossy head,
Where foes alarm, and dangers threat, I.y. Said girls must understand the art of
mane nappy, even should that home prove
complexion, worth twice as much as mine. Perimps and tighter was she held. Sie wundered
And pleasures kill, and glories cheat; ' , ,
Moy never pleasure, wealth, or pride,
Then , he went again to the mirror, and ' you hod better transfer your attention t o that 'Cote was se silent, but still kept her i l
then composing her,bright eager, happy her, Mr. Ainslee. The difference in our face hidden in the vine:. i Allure any wand'ring sot aside; en unhewed log house, with one room—
face into an expression of demureness, de- dowries would no doubt be quite an in- 'lle asked me to b e his wif e ,' s h e coral- 1 But through this maze of mortal ill small at that. It is dosirable that they
scended to the parlor. A smile broke ducement, and possibly she might consid• ! tied, 'asked iiii• no nobody else ever did-1 Safe lead me to thy Heavenly Bill. ' should understand the management of chit
over her features, and she reached out both 'or your case more seriously than I have in such a manly wityr a titat he made me feel I EDUCATOR. ; dreg, or they must be, like the Irish girl,
hands to the guests; hut as if sudden'} ; done.' as though I ought to have been the one to ''''r'''''''''""" e asy to teach.
--i ,
rgcollecting herself, she drew them back • Like au insulted prince. Harry Ainslee plead instsad of him, I could not bear '
'''S tl.t.C.t i ttl e Cellallge ' "Salary not very large for the first few
again, and with n formal bow of recogni. ; wood up before her--the hot, fiery, 'rube- that; and 1 auswerea him us I should not. d"." ' isa .._, a l • ' ! years; not more than three or four calico
tins, she passed him and seated herself in • nnnt blood dnshed in a fierce torrent over Ile thought it was because he was poor, -- ----- gowns and a sun bonnet But after we
a further corner of the room. his face----his arms crossed tightly upon mid I urns rmh •; and all the time I was Methuselah. get our land paid for, and some fencing
Did Methuselah live on the earth nine
It tuns very evident that something was his breast as if to keep his hea r t from bur- thinkteg I would rather live in a cottage and breaking done, will build for you more
hundred and sixty•nine years ? Were the
wrong with Sophie; that she had 'nude ! sting, with uprising indignation---his corn- with him, than in the ,grandest palace in pleasant homes, set out fruit trees, build
I „,,, year, in the days of Moses and the proph•
up her mind either not to be pleased, or pre'ssed, end his dsrk eves belling. So.. the world with any other tn., only arbors, (for the children to play in) set out
ens as long as they are now ? Were days
not to please. Could abe that she had ride, cruel Sophie ! You added one drop too proud to tell him so to his face, What grape vines, Ac. Then we will go down
and years in Bible times. literal or figura
for,een what was coming ?—that a pre- too much to your cup of sercaent. You can Ida ? Tell me, Kate, you are much the hill of life together; and we shall enjoy
live ! These questions are frequently ills
sentient of that visit and its result had trespassed upon his forbearance one iitile better t han I nu'. and you never getio's our good things all the better for having
cussed, but not always satisfactorily sol
dictated the merry speeches in her chain- ! step further then would have dared, h a d trouble. I am sure I shall db . : if you do earned them.
veil .
bar? Ile that as it may, a half hour had ! you known his proud and sensitive na- mit.' "What say you, girls? Had you not
To the present short-lived race it seems
not elapsed before that Flerry Ainelee's ' tore. Look up, dear, and I'll tell you.' rather become !overland honored helpmates
to be inconceivnblo that, that in the earlier
hand and fortune. (which latter by the Not till he had gone -s-gotte without n 's'ophie did look up, with a start, and of us sons of toil, than retain the beauty
history of the world men should have lie
way, was nothing wonderfel.) were in the ' single word if expostulation, leuving only the next inoment, with a little scream, ler- of your white hands and becorne , old
veil SO long, But no ono has ever given „ a id s •Ii
same place where Capt. Morris' and Dr. • o vav, , coed bye,' and the mentors of ped into the arms--not of sister Kate ; but
us a sound reason why they she'd not, We "Far furtherparticulars, come and see
Wilkin's bud been before deers. Li:: ii lk filet, to Wend for liiin—did the HarryAl"slee 1: ha ve never yet heard a scientific reason to
'The fi rst man that I over heard say thraightle girl 'snit. to n realizations of Sophie declares to this day, the!. she has for yourselves. We shall be found at our
stath things without making a fool of him- • what she had done. Then a quick, terrd Dever forgiven either of them, though she t he C "" lrar Y• claims, keeping each, and if you will give
1)r. Alcott, the celebrated vegetarian
self,' muttered Sophie emphatically from ble fear shot through her heart, and she has I'''" \h's• Aloslee nearly two Yeltrs• us notice of your coming, we will aweep
who is En 0(1,01 accused of advocatiug 0 , an d b r i ng
behind her fan, as she sat blushing., fllld ,would hilt, glees every curl on her brown 7" ---------•••""''''""-"-*2•2.
in an extra chunk of wood
; a ss; - ;sae; .. . , l i r as bread and saso•dust puddings," but
evidently gratified, yet without deigning head to have Mal him to=ile her one short i 'ln r‘l llllllltar '`
for you to sit on."
I, t s si s ,' . j I,
,s , who itt reality does not recommend bran -
any reply to the gallant straight forward ! moment lounger, -;‘,..;_, stass.
bread at all , and who is opposed to pun- Rich Men of Old.
speech in which her lower had risked his ' ,p s h a „. i . „h a , an , I "amid „f ? ii„ ' '• • • •. _ , ----- . '. ••.
NO- 0.--sELF-DEPENDENOL. dings of all kinds, argues that it Methusa- C -nestle possessed in landed property, a
all of hope. ' will be backagainwithin• , •
* wi
Ile 01.1 ,, ht. to do penance for the - twit • - •
e I • ' I ) Louis, "rid '" hul'lraunal'''!'k''' ""'''''' she Co. Almighty that man ..itoold 1.. entirely ,a gilt have outlived hies, had they been ns amount of money skives and furniture,
way he manages his tones... Ile's ult.- ' muttered to herself as the street d'''''r el. itt.lependent of hi% fellow roan,he should ' rig idly • observant of the .conditions of which amounted to an e I - ll'
qua sum. e us
gether too calm to suit tite,' And S 1,!, s ec! after him; yet a eigh that was hell nb„ mes h . 0 ,, , s , 1 ' ' I 1 3•
me he at present is.— heads. ed to say that a citizen who had not a sub
shoo her curly hem] mcile i r oy, is! i ,, ,! 90b, l'ollowed the W 01,19, .cl could ' llerry sal a& e ' er our purs uit, 'i or oree salmi titre' And? Vil. bi ..
Inlaid 111, tO sue Gient sum to s wort any army of a legion
her fan before her for a screen—di 1 he have seen the beautiful pair a eves that " . '
. ' * • .
Itie may be, success depends greatly upon the medical et. or the physiologist who did not deserve the title of a rich man,—
ferget what she had been ettyins, •I. watched It so eagerly as he W•ent the ~,,„e as e i se ra A mei , ems pos s ess every can give a resson why it is impossible for The philosopher Seneca had a fortune of
(wonder if I could snore the way bid Uo- long street, or the bright lace th"t Ironed edvantege of weal th . or high birth- yet ir , a Luntim being to live a I.llnLlSand years. '517.500,010. Tiberias at his death, left
•le donee used to in church ?' site saute - away out through the part,- 3 bins!, with 1 • ,I• - sa l e! •u; . o n these wi . hout ma king 'aa ; f a I I • Is! •1 • - APS 1 9 0 000 Th d b f Milo
fir 1, it 9 ,,,,, ~, . I V 9 - 111c1111 0 Cal.(' np ii osos .sa mason. sii , , . eets s amoun
quized. Mouldn't it be ! fun ?—nut such a Wait! leek, as he disa •
fpeared, t t any pltysicel exeritou to promote hit dm ; All the arguments that mate le advanced tollo $3,000,000. Caesar, before he care
wouldn't it plague Barry if he ihouela II inielit have been hie, turn to triumph.
a sires, he will ulwnye be su!:j, , ct to o,isam. , ~gainst this position must be dra Nll front tared upon any uffice, owed $14,975,000•
had been asleep whits he wasnilking?' In 'Pit , ' of •:•;.Phi , ' , pr,.pli,•eY• twenty ponamme. Weirlth, though it may afford ! human experience. 'rids proves the pre- Ile had purchased the friendship of Cotio
Sopide's blue eyes daticml with eup• four hours did cot bring beck Harry'• transitory assistance, if used with diecre• ' sent average age of the human family to foe $ 9 .500, end that of Lucius Paulus for
pressed merriment as she gave two or Hays matured into weeks, and still be did lion, still nore freallently overburthens the b e thirty years or I L' s , And if we look $1,500.000. At the time of the assassins
three heavy breathings, and toPowed them not come, nor In all that time did she see eileminary of character, if it does not alto- lute the causes which are destroying the non of Julius Caesar, Anthony was in debt
up with a nasal explo,aon worthy of an him. And now she began to think le•r•
palter iti the time of need. And noble ' human race tit this moment, es well as ab• to the amount of $15,000,000; he owed
orthodox '.a"c"s. It Will well done—end self quite a martyr and act necordinaly, pedkree or entity titles, captivating us breviatiog the tea Urel period.); existence, this stun to the ides of March, and it was
uricully done---and lima Harry sprang i i , f act . s h e did f ig nimost an y h ero n,-
they smn itintes'are become a• any • ; 1 .1 • wdi wend •i• wi • thi • rice do's pint to the kalend - of April • li • squander
built upright—surprised, mortified, chit- would have done under the eircutn - '•
' i •
• - - • . s e aman
) ( L;
' ' L ..
' '''
' t
' t ""' liable to be extinguushed in this the.cuuti- net cease to live at all. ed $730,000,000, A ppius squandered in
gritted. Human nature could ,stand it no , 5 _...,
grew little and interesting. :111tri• try 0/ ,h, f ree. I No one will contend that Methesaleh li- debauchery $2 500 000 finding, on exami
longer, and Sophie gave vent to her mirth non b ega n ~, 5 „,„.,,,, delicacies - . . . • •
•' ' '"'
- the t. Glore partially any' brighten our earth- • wed A thousand years contrary to the laws nation ef• the state 'of affeirs, that he had
in a burst of triumphant laughter. tempt Sophie's palate. •The poor deer ly r• r• ' but it forms no tutor our futuse 1 •f• the I •of • . onl • A-100 000 poisoned himself
onu titre—andl tuts mimic per- s i „ because
Yo-u little witch—you mischief—you
,chill was getting se thin.' In van) S a ' Ll. '
• I'
•°- exis tence , except it be the glorifying in mit one person to live so long, why will not he considered that sum insu ffi cient for his
spirit of evil !' exclaimed the riSieved phie protested that She bad na up an - ' •
e• ' , doing unto others as ye would:would tillit On Slime Inns permit other persons under maistenance• Caesar gave Satulla, the
Harry, as he sprang to her side nail caught i„ v„;„ pa pa 1, ro „ g h i • P'
gifts j
m "" 1 "-V rt°' they should do unto us." In travelling similar circumstances to live es long or mother of Brutus , a peed of the value of
her by the arm with "grip that amide her piled up costly dresse s before his pet, S
‘- thee' the j •c of life it summa to be the 1 • -
•of Saoooo ! Cleopatra, at an entertain
scream. 'You deserve a shaking, for your, or abstracted 'thank volt,' wns „,,, ; f „:„ I : " ,,: Y ti , ' . . 004''..
501n0 11164111th, It is true Lisa millions of children are meat gave is Antoisyli pearl worth $4OO,
behavior f Then lowering his voice, he ,he only recompense Is suer K,,,, ~, --- I- - •••`•-• gain,
. n''
'et,• period, or slues' of progress, a euttintit of born into the •veilt! every year, without vi ' and h. swallowed it. -
added gravely :
gesled that hurry's ahsc ''"'• e was in any di ti it•tion whe re LL's map rest amid their t• l't !enought ~1 •th • '
! o curry , through s
' never have done tormenting ' routines connected with het altered de• •'
I ! ' ';
• .
1,1111 . ,5, ill,
.etm,ider their happine. cow- period a nifaticy. A inajur .
ity are born
me ? If you love ine, can you not be get, , meanor, Sophie would ts.,B her ringleted
pi ns Slimy wish to build a intintinwitt with so low u grade of consucutienal Sta
orous enough to tell me so 1 nail if you do head with an air of supreme iittliffereoce ther e , to record a histary of their ev.tful mina as to le., unable to grow tip to fully
not, ant [nut at least worthy of a candid ~ 1 • . d • . • 1 '
Hi. go away an my ()ter It, lour) at a journey, to Timm loose who will succeed ' meters 11111111iothi even under the most fa
refusal ?' . . : tar.. Everybody thought something .,
them. S uc h i a pu r po se cornet Is acc.u curable
circumstances. And a those who
Worths sprang to Sophie 'l3 ilps that would , was t h e ,„„,,, e , „al, s sp ha., So p hie
phshedi without personal effort, our will have the reputation of tlyiug of old ago g
have do. credit to her womanly nature, „ino„g the rest, this be eflectutil ex cept constant and unti- titer years do not often number tiireesco e
and rondo her lover's heart bound with
Versusten I • I, ' '
; se an.. penitence sem.. itt Here riches may be a ludo titles :and tee
rapture, for the whole depthe of her being . ;,', , Lieu. ~ ~ , had etas, • ' ' , , ; old
etipput•tauts us ., isms Ante who ;,,, ea s e ,. % wt ., fa il in :he preecutieo ; 1, as Stetensaost un men at fifty or
were stirred and drawn towards him as
mile so meal thesoiti l t• ,f the true mys- it this et•and ultimatuin'of life, et, general •, sixty ? Was he gray-headed and super
fluity never before had been
man. !
u . gy,e niu I d ( snow e i_ . .. so ~I s sophie , yet so shasowsr, from dependence upon entwined ut eixty-nine ? Wne he known
But she could not quite give up her
i srhaps she could s a ve :, h er what to do, outwitrd assistance, tient others gait, by , alliOlig men as old mut for nine hundred
railery then. She would go one step fur- f a r' .. . , f ore ve r A ,
1 ° gl'•e a 'ma's al' seame d . C '' self rt•liance only. The one whose infancy ; years? Na. lie was a young luau at
titer from him ere she laid her hand in
tiry da • more and more of an tippet-bi- has been ;nursed in the lap of luxury, lie- three hued:sal. At one hundred years he
his, and told him he was dearer than all I 3 '
lbUitY. gips with a flattering prospect. I?rosperi• was but it :goy, and not an 'aid boy,' tattier,
the world beside. So she checkt•tit the
1 a %ISM you come into the garden with my :dels upon him her sweetest smiles, ' but a well-gro via thrills developed, whole
tender response that trembled on her tongue
and flinging all Isis grasp, with a mocking l '"'" K "'" 1' she asked, in u. trembling and his whole life is spread out before his ' some hoy.
gesture and a ringing laugh, danced ! v,oice of her sister one day, about a month imaginative eye, like a beautiful landscape
ttcross the room to the Wane. !after her trouble with Harry, 'I have same clothed in the most attractive garb. How
She vented herself, she ran her fingers i thing et importance la tell you,' then could he dream that clouds would
gracefully over the keys, and broke out's 'Go away, darling, and I will be with ever deform the view, or mar his pleasure?
in a wild, brilliant, delimit song, that made you in a few ninin.litSt' replied Kate, Cll. His heart being thus delighted, he wanders
her listener's ears niggle as lie good watch•
dug ti searchi n g glance at Sophie's flushed with loiteritig steps through the fields of
ing her, and choking back the indignant ' l ' l ' l" and swollen eyes. indulgenne. But onward Time soon chan•
words that came crowding to his lips for , Itteming swiftly alung the garden paths sTee Ids smooth oven path, for a more rug
utterance, as if from fear of pureuit. Sophie turned gad . road. Obstacles arise and increase,
'Sophie, listen to the I' he said at length ' aside into her favortie arbor, stud flitiging and his ascent to the eminesco he seeks to
no she paused from sheer exhaustion. 'ls , herself down on at low seat, buried tier , gmn seems almost beyond his power. Dio
n generous—is ittjuet, to trifle win' are so? head among the cool ewes, and gave her- . heartened we may soon behold him retra•
to turn into ridicule the emotion of a heart , self up to a paroxysm of passionate grief. I cing his stems, and lotiging for the ease und
that offers you its most reverent affee- !So. she heard steps approaching. and . ' comfort of his youthful years, The veil
bone ?' arm was twitted teudetly mooed her wrist ! of indolence soon shuts him from our sight
I have loved you, because beneath thts ' and a warm hand wits laid caressingly on but turn we to another more energetic and
volatile surface character of yours, 1 thu'i. I her drooped head. ' ndventurous, than our first example. Ile
I saw truthfulness and simplicity, purity ! .0, Kate, Kate I' she cried iti agony of I easily gains the top round of the ladder cif
of soul, und a warm current of tender, we- ; her rept•ntance, '1 am itt•rfectly wretched. fame or glory, but his 'usual being, pushups
manly feelinos, that would bathe with ! You don't kianv
,wity, though set lave, not sufhciently and substantially cultivated
blessings the whole life of him whose came very near guessing attics or three his a sown ts as transitory. as wart'' tis
hand was so fortunate as to touch its so tine s. Harry said I— steps townrti the goal of ambition. A altill,
cret springs, Yeu are au heiress, and I ! Hers a convulsive sub interrupted her, let . mite paint to one compelled to depend
only it poor student; but if that is the E. und the timid upon her baud pasted ever s olely upon Ins own exertieue ter advsuss
e 4 - 1
\lethuselah did not live in a densely
populated city ; nor was the country in his
time filled with the poisonous ntiasms ul
slaughter houses, distilleries, cote-stables,
pigpens and graveyards. Nor were the
people continually poisoning themselves
with fiery stimulants and palsying narcot
ics, Nor was the food in those Mimes ad
ulterated and vitiated in all possible way s
to suit the purposos of commerce, and in
sure profits of dealers. Nor did doctors
then poison people through and _through
with powerful drugs, if perchance they
became sick. Nor did learned men in
those days teach us that lager bier and al
whol were useful and nutritious foods and
beverages. Nor were men permitted, as
now, to walk abroad and puff the poison
of tobacco smoke into the whole atmos
phere Mon lived in purity, purity luso.
red heahh, health gave strength, strength
secured long life. '0 fot the good old Jays
ut and Eve,' and of 7tletlin_cLiii
An Obstinate Juror Brought, Bound'
At Santa Cruz. California, recently a
fellow juror, and utter stranger to all his
laother jurors. was RlaCed upon the jury
who disaniA from the virdict agreed to by
the other eleven. They came to a . joint
conclusion of guilty without delay, but the
stranger. pertinacmusly held out against
theta, Alter uo hour of argument, with
no avail. if was at lust proposed ihar the
jury should return a verdict of ' , guilty by
eleven jurymen, who believe the other
use to he a confederate of the prisoner,
out as great a rascal." ended it:
stranger saw twenty vigiluucu committees
iu his mind's eye, and in five minutes the
jive u4a miLtis • e' • Hy returned a verdict of
F. PlltqUaLlsal 1111NOUNCED.—QUita a
commotion was recently excited amoung
the Spirituali,ds of Plimouth, Mass., by
the unnonceinent of Miss Lizzie Dotes,
the principal medium of that place, she
could not conscientiously speak to them
again us a medium. She said that
' , She feared That she had been laboring
under a delusion, and as she considered
herself responsible to God for what her
,lips uttered, and for the influence Which
her words exerted upon those who heard
her, she was unwilling to be Iliad° the me
i diuin of any titter spirit than her own.
,lf,' said she 'the angel Gabriel should
stand by my side, and ask me to deliver
inesage to you from hits, I should reply.
Gabriel speak for yourself? klereafter I
shall only address you in sty own uaturaL
and canzcious state.'
MrLook at tl.t. List pAgt-