~=" lamer* golitinn. He that by Me plough would thrive, liintielj; wilt ( either hold or dribe." The Potato Rot—How it may be Pre. vented. The general prevalence, all over the country, of the disease known as the pots. to rot, has greatly unpaired th, value of the crop, and prevented many farmers from cnltivating to the same extent as was for merly done. So serious has been the evil to the agricultural interests, that both men of science and the practical farmers have given much attention to investigating the cause el the potato disease, and to the discovery of a remedy. A day or two since, we received a let ter from lrtvin Sampson, Esq., a very in• telligent farmer, who has tilled the soil all the days of his life, in the rich country near New Wilmington, in Lawrence coun ty, in which he gives us whit ha cleims as a sixtple, and cheap preventive of the potato rot. He is satisfied, from experi ments which he himself has made, that the following is a sure remedy for the evil: 'rake a double handful of well rotted oak wood, and aoatter it upon the seed po tatoes in the hill, and then cover with earth in the usual manner, and there will be no signs of rot. He made the discovery three years ago, in a clearing, just made and planted with potatoci. He observed that where the roots of the potato ...acne in contact with ashes, the hill was entirely rotten, but that in adjoining hills where the roots came in contact with the old rotten oak wood of the clearing, every po tato was sound and dry. In hills where there was neither ashes nor decayed oak wood, the potatoes were about one half rotten. Takii% the hint from these ob servations, 4r. Sampson has tested the discovery for three years past, and has never found a diseased potato in the hills where the pulverized oak wood has been applied, and in patches where there were no decayed p itatoes, the roots were found to grow larger and healthier, and of a bet ter flavor where the oak wood was used, than where it was not. Mr, S. is but a plain practical farmer, and does not at tempt to give a scientific reason for this result, but simply announces the fact, and the result of his experiments. It is well known that the oak possesses high anti septic and other peculiar qualities, as tan nin enters largely into its composition. It is for scientific men to ascertain what is the peculiar principle which produces this result. The farmer can avail himself of the knowledge of the fact that it do s prevent the rot, for Mr Sampson's state ments are fully reliable. Eve ry one who cultivates the soil, in this part of the coun try at least, can readily obtain rotten oak wood in sufficient quantities to make the experiment for himself with all the pota toes he may plant.—The discovery is an important one,and we hope our readers in the country districts will try the exper iment this season and, communicate to us in the fall the result for publication.—Ex. change. PRESERVING FLOWERS. u r fair read ers, all of whom, we know, long flowers— the season of which is now at hand—will be int-'rested in the following manner of preserving them from wilting. which a cotemporary assures us is highly success ful. The plan is this :—Procure a flat dish of porcelain, into which pour water; place upon it a vase of flowers, and all over the vase a hell glass with its rim in the water. The air that surrounds the flowers being confined beneath the bell glass, is constantly moist with water, that rises into it in the form of vapor. As fast as the wa'.er becomes . condensed it runs down the side of the bell glass; so as to prevent it evaporating into the air of the sitting room, the atmosphere around the flowers is continually damp. 'rhe plan is designated the .Hopean Apparatus.'— The experiment may be tried on a small scale by inverting a tumbler over a rose bud in a saucer of water. Remedy for the Cumuli°. An old farmer in Haverferd informs us that he has discovered a certain remedy against the ravages of the Curculio, one of the most dangerous enemies to differ_ ant kinds of fruit the farmer and nursery man have to contend with. His plan is to take lime and slake it to the coma tense of thin whitewash. 'Phis wash he sprinkles liberally over the fruit trees in the month of May, as soon as the blossoms fall, and whilo the dew is on, or the trees are wet from a shower. The method of applying it is by means of rr common gar den pump, or syringe, such as is used to wash windows. Our informant states t hat, after an experience of six years, he is iatisfied that it is effective. The ex periment is easily tried, and the cost, if it fails, does not amount to anything. For peaches, pears, plums and cherri,s, it is equally valuable. NEW PAINT.— To get rid of the 'smell of paint, put a handful of hay in a pail of water, and let it stand in the room—or roast a few grains of coffee in the roam— •r bring them in directly after being roe,. 11. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. ZYUM 77,6a,11 9 MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS, MACHIN E SHOP PDG it% sof. Chas. erat NICHOLAS' BA N - K -N O - T - E- AND FRENCH E LE(, 1 1 I RIC OIL, • REPORTER, ISSUED FROM . .. , BURR .ax. NO. '7O WALL STREET NEW YORK. , 111 111 Isll This great discovery is now creating, a greet IS the most correct and reliable work of the ''''' ...r.a,.... "'' ' MIT I-. STONE - ' • : _J ' sensation among the Medical Faculties of Eit 4- - rope and this country. It will cure the follow :I. kind ever published. It is the only Repor- ; aung y,ml..i. mu . ing (not everything ): Warranted to ter published in Wall street, And contains a Cure Fever and Ague in one day. Curechille list of all the Bunks in the United States and Corner of Germantown Road and New Marketi n five minutee. Cure Croup in one night.— Canada, Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, I Cure Deafness in two to four days. Cure burns rInMII.IIIII3. Philadelphia. I and Scalds, in ten minutes. Cure Sprains, Monthly Reporter ( with Coin Chun and Pos. Constantly on hand or made to order , the fol-Wounds end Bruises in from one to three days. cage pre-paid) SI 00 lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery.' Cure Inflammation in one day. Cure Neural- Semi-Monthly 2OO 1 Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Smut igin. Croup, Tooth Ache, Burns, in 10 minutes. To every yearly subscriber is given a wag- Ilechines. I Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess, in ten nificent . Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Dun. days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, Tester, in one to Coln Chart of Thirty Six Pages, tore, „ three days. Cure Enr Ache, Stiff Neck, Ague which contains beautifully engraved toe similes Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. in one fifty. Cure Felons, Broken Breast, Salt of all the coins in the world. Pierson's Patent Barrel Hoopand Moulding ,Rheum, in three to six days. 'jure Quinsy, taf'NUMerone Frande.AB having been practised upon the community, by Batlike.. Palpitation, Pleurisy, in ons to ten day,. Care the publishers of certain Bank Rote Reporters Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes Tor Mill Asthma, Paley, Gout, 'Erysipelas, in Ova to 20 having quoted as good, numerous fraudulent Spindles. clays. Cure Frosted Feet, Chiblains, Chronic and swindling affairs, miscalled Ranks, the I WARRANTED, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints Sore Throat, Scarlet publishers of this, j The beet Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr & Fever, and the lame n ude to walk, by a few The Only Reliable Reporter, Calico Mill Stones, Corn, Cole and Plaster i bottles. This Oil (De Grath's) is mild and call attention to the following first class Crushers. I pleasant, .d is a great fancily Medicine fur REFERENCES. ALSO SOLE OWNER OF children teething, &c. Ladies should all use NEW Yoex.—Daniel Drew, Banker; Morris : Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Con- it. It always leaves you better than it finds Ketchum, Marine Bank, U. S. Life Insurat co i c ave you, and one bottle often cores entirely. Company, J. EMI°, Secretary; Howard Fire i Insurance Cumpany—J. T. Skidmore, Prey, Datas2 T11.1&,..t`1f Ea t , Afflicted Thirteen rears and Cored in One Caleb O. Halstead, Pres. Montanan Bank; East and South-East of the Ohio and Mississip. Pbeek. Manhattan Life Insurance Company, C. Y. '' . Rev. James Temple. pi Rivers. Wimple, jrey; Mechanics' Bank, G. De An , II arranted to take out of the offal of every Philadelphia, June Mil t MG. ' gelis, Cashier; Geo. Field Cushier Williams burgh City Bank. .shei Ground, from Ito 21 Its, of standard I Prof. De Grath : I have been afflicted for N. 11.—We hay at our office all money lit ; dour, which could not be bolted out on account thirteen years with Neuralgia and other pain: the prices quoted in the Reporter. We also of the electrical adhesion. to the Bran. I fel complaints, and Have been unable to sleep pay special attention to the purchase and sale I— soundly or walk .y distance for many years of LAND WAR It x NTS. I NOTICE :—I hereby worn all persons against , dies Last week I get a bottle of your nElec- A. NICHOLAS & CO.. Rankers. infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa- I tric Oil.” 'The first night I slept soundly and Nu. 75 all street, New York City i tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons well, and to:tiny I 901 like a new man. My Apr. 7, '5B:-31n. making, selling, or using tiny Bran Dusters h wife could not believe her eyes. Your Mee - --- --- ' with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vie- Inc Oil has done in one week what the physi. ST.A.GE LINE. laden of the Letters Patent of Joseph Johii• chins of Philadelphia tidied to do in thirteen slur., dated April 24th, 1854. years. Gratefully yours, FROM THOMAS 13, WOODWARD, Proprietor. REV. JAMES TEMPLE, Chambersburg to Mt, Union N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for I 310 South street. . ... . i all the above Machines for Sale. DEAFNESS CURED. , he undersigie:d a, are that a suspensi. of August 29, 1835. , I New Haven, May 191 h, 1850. -L the line 51' Stages over the road betweenl , . - Prof. De Grath: My brother has been deaf Chambersburg and Mt, Union. cannot ho but 1 '''"' '-''''„ ''''? SAMUEL T. Brows three years. Afte trying ninny things, Ile us. disadrantageous to a large section of the co.- I ed your Oil a few times. audit cured him en• try, has, at a considerable expense and trouble I CG44 3 132CM51, tirely. CLIFFORD & SCRANTON. made arrangements to run a line of Selves : Attorneys at Law, There are numerous imitations sprung up on Tri-weekly between the two points Good the reputation that my article has acquired, Horses and comfortable Stages have been plc 11l Pa., The public must beware. They aro worthless, cod on the route, and experienced and trusty : Office camas that formerly occupied by John For sale by John Read, Huntingdon. drivers will superintend the running of the S.", Etlti• Coaches. The proprietorof the fine is disirous Oct. 19, 1853. , Aug.5,'57.-Iym. -- that it be maintained, and he therefore cells upon the public generally to patronize it. COEti. It XI ANKS,,, THE dent that it will be for their rnutual advantage. BLANKS I BLANKS!, GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY EVER KNOWN TO MAN: Every attention necessary will be given, and the running of the Stages will he reula. g.) . 1a B 111 . _____ isr Stages leave Mt, Union, every Tuesday LIIST3DSI3O7L".S. A general anortmetil of Blanks of all de. Thar eaoy, and Saturday eeenings, arriving at lAll'il,i t•. ii Chambershurg the next day at 2 o'clock. Ile- si'Milnis /list e th lied and fb , sale al the , BLOOD SL' , turning, .leave Chainbershurg, the same night , "-,.",?,./ Wi,t,:„ .., .onatnnersuurg, um..ig,... .... - -- at 10 o' clock, arriving at Mt. Union the next A ppointm tof Referees, Common Bond, MR . LINDSEY has discovered a remedy that everting in time for the cars. Between Mt, Um Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes will cure all diseases arising from impure ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily. ~a mmons, Vend. Notes, Nnstabll's Sales, blood, which is the foundation of all diseases. CT Fare through $3 ; to intermediate point:. Executions, in proportion. JOIIN JAMISON. tire Facia., SubpLenns, I will warrant it to cure all the withimnamed diseases, suck as J.. 20th, 1850.—tf. (*.nahthas, . Deeds, INFLAMMATORY RIIEUMATISNI, TO BE GIVEN AIIA Y ! commitment., Bond til idemuify Constable ! c & ' Chromic Set Villa, Humors glthe Skia, Tumors, Ulcers on the Bead or' Body, and all All of the Splendid lany2ll D av i n in , Breakouts on the Face. Oil, PAINTINGe TIANUFACTU PERS AND IMPORTERS ~I , - t- , , man y y ears And also standitia• • Sore Mouth caused from 7 .. P .A EP 12 112 El fb II al.l .r. - 1 ..11,. Hs . • a ' ..ll' mg mtucury, an 1%1 eradicate mercury, '°. 122 Ciodula • Streeir /la/mid/Alai from the system. When the IMPROVED Have for sale, to consumers and the trade, the. BLOOD S 2 ARC HER operates . mercury, largest assortment of Paper Hangings, Borders, all ot h er 4.4.116. of the blood will be sweet Decorations, Or., in the United States. from the system, and it purifies the blood as They ask the special attention of the trade Porn as vegetable me icion can =knit i nod to a now and very beautiful article on pap' of "'lwo the blood is P.., the . 1 . won.. or • GGLD WIND° IV SILT DES, . child, will lake no disease, for the impure blood w hich they are it.trAlucing, which is The cause of disease, is gone. It will Sept.l6, 57..12m. also core ..;1 Debilitated &senses, such ns drive front a derangement of the liver; tt will WHALEBONE, REED AND — BRASS bring the liver...a a healthy action, and will hoops and Reed Skirts, um stile at the restore the Uatinnt to health. cheap store of D. I'. GAVIN. FOR SALE BY John Rend, Iluntingdon.— JOS. P. Beaton, Cassville. Jo s . Johnston, re- A LETTER-COPIER FOR SALE. tersburg. Silas Cresswell Manorliill. War An excellent one for sale at this attire. l'liiii Davis, Shaversville. Freedrim Iron Co. Greens is one of Adams' No. 1 Cam end Lever Press. ourg Furnace. Beadle & Stewart, West Bar - ree. Sued. W. Myton, Saulsburg, 11. Mc 0488VILLE BEMINAIIN Burney, IlleAlal•ys tort. Elias Musser, MeAl + avys fort. Joseph Douglass, MeConnellstown. J. D. Rudnick & Co. Illerklesburg. Win. B. Only $19..14 per tinarter. Lens, Shirleysliurg. Thos. Orhison, Orb's.- THE NEW tACIULTIC. ma. D. H. Morrison & Co. Theirs Mills. M. N. lIIcN. 'WALSH. Principal. ~ A. Robison & Co. Shade Gap. Lyon Short Cu. lialdengle. H. C.. Walker, Alexandria. Professor of Lanernarres and Philosophy e e Jas. If & Son, Birminehnm. F. M, Bell Herr Karl Rockenheim, & Co. Warriormark. G. 11. Shaer, Spruce Pie/. of German Language t' Literature. Creek. J.' W. Menem, Maebanicksville.— M. Eugene Chlvaut, Saml. Menem, rilechaniesville. Huntingdon, Feb. 24th, 1858.-6 m. Professor of french and Piano Music. --- James W. Hughes, B OOTS & SIIOEB, the largest and cheapest Prlessor of' Mathematics, etc. 1 assortment in town, at %%lib rieli Gilt Frames, now on exhibition ut SIZENANTIOAEI GALLERY, NO. 61S BROADWAY. TO BE GIVEN A WAY. TheprOprietc7rsirif Oda beautiful collection of paintings are also owners of a huge tract of land lying in the flourishing village of Cedar Creek, Va., 90 miles by railroad front Wash ington, and in the immediate vicinity of the cel ebrated • Sulphur. Iron and Alum Springs, noted for their efficucy in the cure of Bronchial and Cutaneous Diseases. This land, upon which have been erected A STONE FLOUR MILL, 2 SAW MILLS and 15 DWELLINGS, at an expense of from $5OO to $5,000 each, they now .offer for sale in alterunte lots. The Price of Each Lot is $lO, for which a Warranty Drell, free end clear of ineumbranee is given, Together with awe Of the Oil Paintings on Exhibition, whirls alone is worth the suns paid, mid would adorn any gettleman's parlor, whilst the Lot may cot• Min one of the Buildings above named. Pamphlets containing a Map, and explaining more lolly the motive, and object to be attained by making this apparent sacrifice of a portion of their property, can be seen at the ollice of this paper. Parties remitting by moil will receive their deeds by return post, and their Pictures by uch conveyances as they may direct. They will be particular in sending their orders to name the County and State in which they to. side, as it is necessary, fur us to forward the pictures without delay. A building loan will be made to those deal. ring it, ogee' to one half the cost of the build. in ig to be erected. Bunk notes should be enclosed in presence of the Post Master, in order to avoid risk. Address, LtjCAS, BOWEN & CO., No. 61M Broadway, New York. REFERENCES RESPECTING TITLE TO ABOVE NA MED PROPERTY. Francis H. Upton, Attorney at Law, 68 Wall street, New York City. Phillip Williams, Esq., Attorney at Law, Winchester, Va. E. ItAmereau. Attorney at Law, 68 Wall etreet, New York: Apr. 7, '5B:-3m. SAVING PIIND, FIVE PER CENT INTEREST ' NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO. WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF THIRD, PIIIII2MINILI2. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania. MONEY IS RECEIVED IN ANY SUM, large or small, and interest paid front the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the aftern3on, and on Monthly and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Fire President, WM. J. REED, Secretory. DIRECTORS: OOUNTILIT DEAMERs can buy I cLuTiIINO from me in Huntingdon at Whole- sale, as cheep as they can in the cities, ad hava a Wholesale et ire in Philadelphia. Apr.o,'s6. H. ROMAN. CASSVILLE SEMINARY, M. MoN. Walsh. Prii oipal. made in Real Estate I This school for young ladies and gentlemen lets, and such el ass so- is probably the cheapest one of the kind in the •equires. country. The expenses per year for board, 1 room rent, furnitnre, fuel and tuition in common .0001 C STOVE. English aae only $BB. Piano Music is only $5 per quarter. All RP§the languages and the oanamentalsare proper tionally cheap. For other information address i J o h ' , D. Walsh, Cassville, Huntingdon Co., Pm A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE for I The next quarter commences Monday, Jan. sale at this office; it is calculated to burn wood nary 18th., 0458. or coal. Jeo.l/017. lion. Henry L. Benner, Edward L. Carter, Robert L. Selfridge, Semi. K. Ashton, C. Landreth Munns ' Money is received am without urtiee. The investments are Mortgagee, Ground Eel curities as the Charter ri Feb.24,'57. F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Berry, Francis Lee, Joseph Yerkes, Henry Dieffenderfrer, i 41 payments made daily I THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. , Mrs. M. MeN. Walsh, Preceptress. ca VII SHOES, cheaper at D. P. G an Gr. cian Painting, Botany, History etc. LT ann can be had in town. Call and se Miss E. Faulkner, them .Ilionochromatics, Painting, Drawing, etc. Miss Anna M. Gray, Ant iphlogistic Salt. Piano Music and French. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Miss Jennie M. Walsh, Journal Office. For all inflammatory disease: Primary English. ' it is a certain cure. Get abea .d try it, ye who are afflicted. ______ THIS SCHOOL HAS LATELY PASSED into new hands, and the present owners are determined to make it a first class Tustin, lion. The majority of the new faculty are al• ready on hand, and student% will be received as soon no they wish to come. Young !tidies 'and gentlemen intending to go to school will do well to write to us beture con cluding to go elsewhere. There is no cheaper, and we believe there will• be no better school now than ours. Both sexes me received, all branches taught and students can enter at any time. . . . . For lurther information, nadress JOEIN 1). WALSH, Camille, Huntingdon Co, Pa. December 9,1857.. tr. BLANKS...AIways buy your Blanks at the ,' Journal Office." We hare now prepared are ry saperiorartiele of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, J UIIGMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC U. ( , N S. &e. LOICtiIN GLOVES ttnll..l jUbEPII DUCOLAS, Gunsmith, hlceounellatown, Pa. Dr. John McCulloch, Offen his professional services to the citizen. Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, on Hill at. between Montgomery and Bath. untinitilon, Aug. 29, 1955. D. P. GIVIN'S. 20 PER CENT. SAVED ! ! ! COMPETENT JUDGES ilaVe now decided that at least 20 por cent. is Cap ,I by purchasing all HARDWARE and PAINTS tho regular 811UttAtit ZTORE JAMES A. BROWN. To continuo this public advantage the sole scriber has just returned l'rom the East, with a complete t.tect. L. HARDWARE, ISIECIIANICS"rOOTA, CETLEHT, BoLLow-waue, PAINTS, SAULLEItY, OIL C T S, OACII RIMMINGS, &e Which he has carefully selected, and honk at reduced prices, front the best houses in the United States. Thus he is enabled to tell whole. sale nod retail extremely low. Country deal. era, Builders, Meehanies, and the people genet ally are respectfully invited to call. 4 . 111 orders receive prompt attention. . _ N.B.—Persons indebted to the lute firm of Janice A. Brown & Co., aro requested to make immediate payment to JAS. A. BROWN, Ilentingdon,Apr.S,'SB. 1.000 POCKET KNIVES, some of the best in the world, for sale by JAMES' A. 'WN. TOW LINES and BOAT ROPES, tot sale at the Ilai &are store of JAMES A. BR CM N QTONE CROCKS, JARS; &c. ,—a large stock 1.-/ for eate At manufacturers' prices by JAMES A. BROWN. T tr.17.8' DRESS GOODS, of rich styl e - 1 - 4 etl rer7 cheap at D. P. ,GWIN'S. BIIOCHA AND WOOL SHAWLS, fi ne and cheap at D. P. GWIN'S. SILK BONNETS of event variety and priori offering very cheap by FIksHER & MCMORTRIE. TIOUGLASS & WEI - MOODS' Patent Ex• tension Skirts, for sale only by Fisuza & /kleblunritix. ;;;PLENDID Line of Dress Goode, eml raring 1 ,1 Robes of all kinds, Berages, Chals, Lawn. Colored Brilliant., Chintzes, &c.. min be found at the AfitTaoror.vrAN. BOOKS! a. BOOKS! 40,000 VOLUMES of new and popular I3ooks, embracing every variety usually kept in a Philadelphia Souk Store, and many of them at !inim Publisher's retail price, thesubseriber now offers to the public. . . All school books used in the county can be had in any quantities at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper, wholesale or by the ream. 100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold Cases, tram $1 upwards. 100 Pocket end Pen knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. . _ . 100 splendid Port Illounnicsand Pocket Books at 20 cts. and upwards. 3,000 Mi.:LES WALL PAPER,'of the latest and prettiest styles, jest received Prom Philadelphia end New York, prices rEOM t 0 ets. a piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and gold gilled Win dow Shades nt 44 ets. and upwards. The public lave but to call and examine, to be convinced that in buying of the above stock they te 11 be pleased and also save money. Re- Member the plaice, corner of Montgomery and 'Railroad streets WM. COLON. Apr.23,'56. )EANUTS.-5000 Bushels Wilmington Pea. nuts in store and for solo by WM. N. SIIUGARD, 323 or 191 North 3d street, Philo IoNFECTIONARY.—PIain and line Con , k.) fectionary manuandured and fiir solo by WM. N. SUNGARI), . 323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. ANGES AND LEMONS.-500 boxes Or- U'ranges and Lemons in store and for sale by 'WM. N. SHUGARD, 323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. AISINS.-1,000 Duxes "Nada and Layer Raisins in store natal for solo by. WM. N. SIIITGARD, 323 or 191 North 3d street ? Phila. j.IGS, DATES, PRUNES, CITRONS ; Currents, in store nod for sole by • WM. N. SUUGARD, 323 or 191 North 8d street, rhila. k r.., , i o o. l B e;tl V i A . L st N or U e T n S wit f C or ß ,, E a lk e tri NliT Wlll. N. SIIUGAI2I), 5ept.9,'37.-Iy. 323 or 191 N'th 3d ot.,Phila. TUZ NUNTINanON P'fX ) . liE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon 7 Mill, inform farmers and the public general. ly, that they now have their new trill in running ordeh, with all the modern improvetnents in thin water wheels and machinery. They have put in five of the Improved Jon val TurLino Water Wheels, and eon grind hi all singes of the water, wen during the eulde,t weather. any and uII hinds of grain. . - They are prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS and farmers can have their own grain ground, nod take it hack in a return load, or they can he furnished in exchange at a moment's notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop. pcd Ned. afECIV IVZ /ICU XNE is ofun improved manufacture; and they a ll insure a FULA, Tuirs oCTT of superior quail ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill. FISHER, & McIICRTRIE. N. 8.--The Buckwheat stones are not guile ready. Huntingdon, Dpeember 10, 1000. • IN BLAST AGAIA I F try Huntingdon rIMIE SUBSCRIBERS 'rAKE THIS ME thud of inlorming their friends and the lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful sp oration, am are prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of the best quality on the shortest no tice and most reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call end examine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter ('lough, (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) also Ilunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't he beat, Together with the Kcystono,lllll - and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand aud are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook, Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood. noxmow-willtEl °misting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &e., 1.11 I which will ho sold cheap for .411 or in en hangs fur country produce. Old metal taken Or now castings. By a strict attention to husi less and desire to please, we hope to receive a I.are of public patronage. J. 31. CUNISINGIIA3I & 11110. April 30, 1856.—tf. NEW AND CHEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROVERY STORE LA VI) GRUVI i;tforiirs the ertizOTis . of Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public yen orally, that he has opened a Grocery Store on hill Street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of Wm. Orbison's residence, where he will at nil thane be prepared to supple customers with JILL KINDS OF GROCERIES, • eIIEAPER T 1.41 1 ,1 TIIE CHEAPEN; at. wholesale and retail. Sugars,CoWee, Tens, Molasses, Cheese, Spises, onfectioaries, Hams, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Segura, Tobac co, &c., &c.; in fact, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. As I am determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest, I want everybody to odiumd examine my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE. Huntingdon, July 29, '57..1y. HENS' UN DERSH nas AND min Wins Linen Shirt Breasts, Reedy-made Shirts, white and fancy shirts, and collars, very cheap at D. LAVIN'S. SILK BONNETS in treutl;arii,e.tyGiti4lNe,ltlie.lip iraip.A.l.cti.tazo , [3%ll6. ATTORNEY .IT LA W, Willattend to all business entrusted to:him. Of tiee nearly opposite the Court House May 1.'53 LlElP®faVaill7 mmaanmat. CONSUMPTION And all Diseases of the Lungs and Throat, AltE POSITIVELY CURABLE HT INHALATION. Which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air passages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy otpectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving that tone and energy so indispensable tor the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation. is to me a source of unal lo3ed pleasure. It is as much under the ma trol of medical treatment as any other formid able diseaso ; ninety out of every hundred ca ses can be eared is the first stages, and fifty per cent. in the second ; brit In the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the Lungs ere so cut up by the disc., as tc hid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stage% Inhalation affords extraordinary re- Sono the suffering, attending this fearful sconrgo which anneally destroys nineiy-five thousand' persons in the Uditcd States alone ; and a cor rect ca'culation elthats that of the present popu lotion of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive's graves. Truly the quiver o! death line no arrow so fa tal as Consumption. Intell ages it hns been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither ego one sex, but sweeps o il the br,lve, the bentiti fill, the graceful and the gifted. I,IY the help o that Supreme Being from whotn ceistllh every good and perfect gift, I em enabled to MTh , In the afflicted a permanent and speedy core In Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect pro duced by their deposition in the lungs is to pre vent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational , to expect greater good from medicines entering ' the cavities of the lungs than those administered through the stomach; the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally and with more potter and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the pow erlul anti direct influence of this mode of admin. istration, chloroform inhaled will entirely de stroy sensibility in ft few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be amputated without the slightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the sp.- 1 tem when faintMg or apparently dead. The o / dor of many of the medicines is perce ',tibia in the sktn a Jew minutes after bring inhaled, end maybe immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always pro • aimed by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepar ed and judiciously administered then' the longs should produce the happiest t•esults 2 During cighteen years' prectice, many thousands sulfur ing from diseases of the lungs and fluent, have been under my chre, and I have eflimted many remavimb le cures, even after the sullerers had been pronounced in the last stages, which hilly satislies mo that consumption is no longer a tit bit disease. My treatment of consumption is ,~ri.;imr 1, and founded on long experience and a tlmrough investigation. My perfect negnaintanee with the nature of tubercles, &e., enables me to ilhdingnish, readily, iho various forms or disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even inn single case. This familiarity, in connection with cer tain pathological and microscopic discoveries en ables non to relieve the lungs from the cßets of contracted chests, to Wargo the chest, purity the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent M ivy part ' of the United StateS and Cumulus by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. lint the clue would be more certain if the patient should pay men visit, which would give Otto an opportunity to examine the lungs nail enable Otto to prescribe with much greater certainty, and diem the cure could be 'Armed without any see ing the patient G. W. GRAHAM, / M •1)., . . OFFICE, 1131 1..11.111,11T STMA:T, (Old NU.109,) .11elow 7welllll, 1 . 1111. A DELPIJIA, 1 . .1 August 5, '7157.-1 r. Of all disease ; Ike great, first cause tivring, from lieglej 'Anture's laws, SUFFER NOT NVLeu a cure is guaranteed in All stages of SLCItET DISEASES. Seli-Abuse, Nervous Ilelolity, (,legit Dinhetes, Diseases of the hidney na, 'Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrorule Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of ti, Longs, Throat, Nose and Eycs, Ulcers apt, the Body or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy, Epilep Tic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases net vine. from a cleranment al' the Sexual Organ, Such as Nervous Trembling, Lois of Memo ry, Loss of P/mer, General Weeklies., Dimness of Vision, with peetiliar spots appearing before the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dystiem. Liver Disc.°, Eruptions upon the Face, Pain in the back and head, Female irregulari ties, end nil improper dischargestimm both sexes. • It metiers not troth what noose the disease noted, however long standing or obstinate the vase, /leaver!, is cerluin, and in a shorter tiii i i• than n permanent cure can he ettected by oilier treatment, even after the disease has the skill of emitictit physicians and real-mil all their means of cure. The medicines lir , pleasant without odor, cirnsinv no sickness ,ii• i free iron/ mercury or balsam. During twenty 1 years of practice, I have rescued from thy jeers • of Death ninny thousands, who, in the last stn gums of the above mentioned diseases lied been given up by their physielons to die, which war- rants tie in prrimising to the a/filleted, who may ' Once themselves ceder my cure, n parfeet and most speedy more. Secret oh -tidies urn the greatest enemies to health, ns day cretin tir.3 eau,' al COIISUMPtiOII. Scrofula nod many mil -1 or diremies ‘ and should be it terror to trio hil -1 man "Is a Dertmtuelit CUM i 8 scarcely ever cllbetef, n majority of the cares lolling in- I to the hands of incompetent persons, who nut only fail to core the diseases bet ruin the cur -1 stitution, tilling the system with mercury, which with the disease, hastens the sufferer into tt ru pid Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment nut cause death speedily and the victim marries, the • diMllBO is entailed upon the children, who are burn with feeble constitutions, mot the current life corrupted by it virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, 'letter,Ulcers, Elllpli4/11, MI Call , HMI:Ili/11S of ie 'skim lives. Throat soil Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of ' , untiring and consigning them to en early Self-nbuse is another formidable enemy to la:alth, for nothing else in the dread entslogue Lumen diseases causes so destructive a drnin upon Ilk. system, drawing its tbou,nds of vie: tints through a few yours of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys tem, rapidly wages away the energies of , ife, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies for mar riage, society, business, mid all earthly happi ness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, medisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to he circuited than death it self. With the fullest confidence I miser', the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy and permanent earn can be offectedoud with the almndontnent of ruinous practices my pa , Semis can be restored to robust, vb.orous health. The Pilliett4 are m otioned against the one of Patent Medicines, for there are so many ingeni ous snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary separate that mil lions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi. croons ncsn•utits vended as "Patent 'Medicines." I have carefully analyzed many of the so-called Patent Medicines and find Iliac stoutly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which in Quo of the strongest preparations of mercury :dui a deadly poison, which instead of curing the dis. ease disables the system for life. 'lltreo•tburths of the patent medi•,ines now in use are put up by unprincipled anti ignorant per• sons, alto do nut understand eV. the &alphabet niateria inedica, and are equally as destitute of any knowledge of the human system. having only ono object in view, and that to make mon ey regardless of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of melee and females treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remai kable cures. Medi cines with full dile...ions sent to any part of the United &tans and Canadas, by patients commu nicating theii symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential.• Address J. SUMMERVILLE, M. D., Ornsco, No. 1131 FILBERT Sr., (Old N 0.109.) Below Twelfth, ?fiILADELPHIA.: A ug.3,47.• ty. WAAAAAMOAti; 4 o .cpoo . ooczoccSdoo ( 1 COLA, a JOB OFFICE 0 OF TM: 0 4' , ' o "HUNT. JOURNAL." o o 0 The largest and last : 4' . . ( 0 ) JOB OFFICE ?) t? : , IN 4THE COUlt - TY ° 0 : 4, 4„o•JOB-WORK ki 414, OF 1 ''474 °N,ILLEL narow:..i ) ), ati; , 0 EXECUTED 0 '' 4. ) ( 0 ) As Cheap as the Cheapest ED De.rTtin g C - 0 4 , 0 THAN Q Vit , 4 4 ' 0 wax ;tzar. `' at 4,, ( 0 ) OERFECT SAT!, '• . ~. I. (' . 0 WARMAN —Ay :-Pi. A 414 0 . o All kinds oft' BLANKS 0 t 1 , to 15:.15i.17 %:' H 2.1% 0 :1 , ilP %ll l 4r VVt i V r t ‘4.'''' .• -) V ' C---. 1. RAILROAD HOURS, TIIAINS GOING EAST. Mail 1. I.lx. T. fast 'rain leaves _l'. M. A. M. P. M. Petersburg, 1.46 4.02 8.05 Huntingdon, 2.02 4.17 8.28 Mill Creek, 2.13 4.27 8.33. Mt. Union. 2.27 4.11 8.47. TRAINS GOING West. P.M.A. M P. M 4.56 6.45 8.2 U 5.13 6.58 8.3.4 5.27 7.11 8.45 5,1:1 7.23 8.58 11. K. NEFF, M. Train learns Mi. Union, Mill Creek Iluntingdun, Petershiir;., AVIN CA located himself in WAIII.I7IMARK 1 in this county, would respectfully otter his professional services to the citizens of that place mid the country nap:cent. REFFIMEN,ES: J. I. Ludun, M. I). Gen. A. P. Wilson M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Or bison, Wilson, .J. 11. Dorsey, " Lion. James Givinn, Al. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. Ilea. George Taylor. - . Illuntinydun, Pu. Jam), M Geminill, M. D., Alexandria. John M'Culloch, " Petersburg. Ap7,'52-tf. A. P. WILSON. R. 111111 CO PSTIWCAN WILSON & PETRIKIN, • 47T0 10 EYS 1.41 V, HUN77NGDON, PA. ?mile.) in the several Courts of Huntingdon lil.iir, Caudillo, Centre, UitlGnandJuniataConn. March 23, 1853. A CARD TO THI LADIES. DU. DUPOVCO , B (OLI)1IN rii.i.s A BE infallible in reinoviustopptgea or irreg wariie. of the menses, -- These Pills are nothing new, hot have been used by the doctors for many years, both in France and Anterior', with unpamllelled success; and hr is urged by many thousand ladies, who have used them, to mule the Pills public, for the alleviation of those suffering from any irre gularities sit hhatever nature, as well as to pre vent pregnancy to those ladies whose health will lot permit an increase of family. Pregnant females or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while pregnant, as the proprietor assumes no responsibility slur the shoo admonition, al th‘meh their mildness would prevent any mis• to health: otherwise then,, Pills are recom• hded. Full and explicit directions accom• each box. Price. $1 per box. wholesale and retail by JOHN READ, General Agent for Huntingdon Co.. 1?a. more. appointed Dr. John Reed Sole agent le r the sok, of my French Periodical Golden Pills, for the borough and county of Hunting don.. All orders assist be addressed to him He will supply dealers at the proprietor's pri • ces, and send the Pills to ladies frolfitlentially by return mail, to anypart of the United States, on receipt of $l, enclosed to him through the Huntingdon postAdtice. For further para.'. bars get a circular of the Agents--sold by drug gists everywhere. ,0 2 ). fitly signature is written on oath box, J. DUPONCO, liroutlatty P. 0., New York, Ju1y29;57..1y, 300 KEGS PAINTS. - - White Lead, (pure) $2 50 par kair. " " (extra) 2 75 " Philadelphia Zinc Paint, 240 " " Best Snow White, 2 68 " &c., and nil kinds of HARDWARE and building miteriols in liroportion ' at the "Hard ware Store" of J. A. BROWN & CO. Bunting, Apr.8,'58.-tf, Cheapest “Job Printing , ' Office IN 'SRN UOUNTIC. Ire hare now made such arrangements in our Job (?gee en will enable us to do all kinds of Job Printing at 20 per cent. cheaper rates Than any Office in the County. 0 ice us a call. If we don't give entire malefic ti,4l, no charge at all will be made. rl I H largest and cheapest fitO:a of fancy Silk and co :red Straw 13traneis in town, is at Fisitcit & McAlunTnin'a. ALL-WOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, List and, ling Car , ,:,et. Also, Cocoa, Jute and AlR— you Mats, can be littaoheap at the store ci Fisit;.:R & licifu7tr-inc. THE greatest Variety of the richest styles Dritss Goods and Trimmings eon always b found nt the inshionahle store of Fie Mal & MOMURTRIE. • T HE , latest and newest styles Ladies' Collars, aFlatten &lunpain'e. C OAKS, Talmns, Itigolettes, Vietoriros and Bend Drams, are sold nt prices which defy competition.by Emma & IticisdunTuts, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, the largest stock ever brought to town are sell— ing very cheap at Emu. & Itieblunritin. BLANKETS, Plaids, Flannels, Linsey., at al prices, at the mammoth store of Fistuat &IcMunTata. MOURNING COLLARS, of the handeom• eat sty ler, just received by & MCMURTRIR. -- 7 DR. J R. HUYETT i liaaaa• It AN TA A AIL ; ALL:NAND WA, liluAT. CO., PAL April 1, 1.57.-Iy. ;r,. -~