New Method ofEntraoting Teeth With I The Probate Court and Marriage Li out Pain.—it is the application of the gal- • senses.—The Probate Court of this coun vanie current, excited by a small battery, . ty is as good at issuing marriage licenses such as is used for medicinal purposes— as the Gretna Green Blacksmith was at one of the poles attached to the extracting tying hymeneal knots. Yesterday, J o hn forceps, and the other held in the hand, Evans and Mary Niles, of Indiana, made A little apparatns is attached, by which a request for a license, 'rite lady was the operator with his foot causes the cir- only 15 years old, and the would-be hus• 'cult to be closed as he applies the instil- band was just able to swear he was over meta. The electrical current is small to 21. Dr Hiram Cox was appointed Guar. quantity, causing but a slight and not un- dian of Mary, and gave his consent to the pleasant sentlation when the poles are held issuing of the licnse, The license was one in each hand. There is nothing, obtained, and John and Mary were subse therefore, at all alarming in the applies q uently made man and wile. They can tion. When the forceps are placed upon now face the "old folks" from whom they the tooth, the operator treads upon a little ran away.—Cia. Gazelle. spring, wind! closes the break in the wire Suspension Oiatatimor - e — Bank. and at the same instant draw the t00th.,,,8, •--June 19. -Thr The effect appears to be simply benumb ing to the nerve, the shock being too tri fling for the relief to be ascribed to this 'distracting the attention of the patient. Should it prove what certainly scents pro bable, it will %e the best agent ever yet applied—perfectly harmless, acting only 1 during the time of the operation, and af- i fect;ng only the nerve •itself, which in or-1 dinary cases transmits the pain. Nor will the application be limited to the'ex traction of teeth, for it seems equally well , To Prevent Convulsions. y R. MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S IN- i adapteti to most surgical apt rations, the : The following curious anode for prevent- D DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the pea. tonductlng•Wire being attached to the lan.' ing d c cavu'iion, comnlonly called 'ant," t h _ r .p" t p , ins nut i 4 ' lf t r r i li n7 lli s ng ; I t i r i n t4 s f tr e ifil cet or other instrument equally as well n , i is given in the lust number of the Charles Am eri ca—loss spent Ojai ( ;ears ' ttmong the In- o the dentist's forceps. ton Melical Join nel and Review, in a long diem of our Western coutg—it was in this : way that the Indian Root !'ills were first dis- I The N. Y. Herald on Buchanan. article on the treat/item of epilepsy, by covered. Dr. Morse was the first man to es- i William M. CorneliM. ID of Boston:--- tallish the fact that all diseases arise front Ira- The redoubtable James Gordon Bennet.. , t'l have employed various means to ward Pri:lirditlTS:rdeiltld leo,rial.-potiliettitanri vital health editor of the delectable New York Her- Aiil, and who, whatever else he may h are , off an epileptic attack for the time bj:ing. When the various passages become clogged, , Stretching the muscles powerfully trill faikd in accom; lishing, has been inveri i and i d l e r ::: t et t i t o e n t s i I: , r e utt ,,,,,, , r,n ai , : y t i ltre hi tl se if ; ably shrewd enough to sh if t b ra sar i s to generally prevent an attack: for example, • its action, becomes thick, corrupted and di when the aura commences in the grew. toe , the popular breeze, thus pitches into Pres- i : sensed; thuscausing all our sleknes x s im a , n , :l or in the leg, strong traction, or elongating deprived of, card if nu: ident HuctiANAN, after having assisted his ' ted, our he:lr we are election, and colittibuted as much as any the toe. or stretching the inuscles of the tore is not assisted in throwing off the stag leg will Carry the patient over the threat i laiiiitellincotT.tclrabilirdttivsilolurlTiegoirof lift o tok w e i ll i ober malt to the success of the Democrat riled attack for the time, or when the p lc party in the last Ntitional contest. Find ' forever be blown out. How important then tient has premonitory syintoins of an at- ing the Administration had rendered MO t t ta e t b iz sh f.r o t u e ld an k , e i ep the vr i iv o zas i sate , s of tuck, opening the jaws ns in itchy ns can obnoxious to a large majority of the coun• us•that Y lve have itl i i ) i e o n ;r power to pleasant n ' t ' e ' ili ° - be done, and placing some hard substance eine in your reach, namely. Morse' s Indian try, in its peraisten edherel:ce to ti::' Kan between the teeth, w keep the mouth open 1 w ll i t , t i , e t li P;l r l o s , . v ir ro n i t i i i t . lyt i lir e, ed ni f o 'ro n n u i t T i l i u o n t t i s s tti c u i l i i r r i t n s Sas policy, Bennett imincdiately tacit:lt 1 ,-! . 11 !tare the desired effect. I have had I Nature's garden, for the health and recovery about, and is now quite as viritlea. in de f the roots from which nunciution ad Inc was formerly in praise. one paiient who, by my advice, carried a t o hese !'ilia r ire s tinid ( e )n i e s?i. Sudorific, which o We give below bin latest performance in 1 ,ioce of iron wii,!? him for a year, I-Nr.(4(1)1 pens the limes of the skin, mid assists Natur; ou l t i t , l c ie se litier d irrts of the i corrup. this line.—lt will be seen from the con- the pi-pose of exi t Z•ding the jaws to their :in i l , h , r , 7 l l ,i n i g . second aanFilintiitnetivo.i,iselt the atop sentence, that the !lame of the Sen• utinctst enpacity, and It...r i .:n 2- them thus a t Ti Expecto'rant, that ator CAMERON is mentioned in connection expanded. When he his' felt eltet he passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothini with the next Presidency, as the basis of a calls the 'little spasms,' which have us i.:- , n ,: l i t , l .,,','„ r ' , ) ,, e , 1 1 .6) „ 1. ,M. 1 1: 3 „,„ (1 0 ":If i ., 1 ,?:, the looms '.,', !union which would senile the question of ally- been the precursors of the great ones, C o pi,,tis spitting. The third is a Diuretic party asci whiney for ninny years to come. lor the 'fits,' he has immediately drawn I whiei, mire: PA,V3 and double strength to the l'he fulowing is the extract:— from his pocket the iron wedge, opened te kk e lr e T :P e s ii ,T r i ' ;; ll l, ? ..:t e i d i'li t e lle lilo d u l. S w which a is The last Presidential election, from his mouth to its utmost width, and placed their thrown tut bourdi`fully by Ibis urinary or the divitions of that popular vote, estab kh thh wedge between his teeth. Ile then `ply. passe "" 4 . ll l i ' ieb r id , i ll,' t h r,, o rt i C e i n . ed the convic:irin in the public mind that becomes quiet, goes about his buslness, or ( ~' & l7gie," X Y e eenne i r p aw d e. ' s the other prop not only a majority, but an overwhelming gives himself no further trouble about the erties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of imperil. ) . iniijorky of the people (tithe United Suites convulsion, an d has none." which eannot s pass by the other outlets, ate are opposed to the Democtatic party, tt e thus taken all and conveyed off in grout rpm have heretofore shown that sincd the year A LADY tells this story—f had been out in , 'hies by the bowels. 1836 the Democratic has been a mujority (T i tle. un visit, and while there I found a : i l' i t: t o n ni ß t o h o e t a i l i t i t.e, no it i is oi s i l i tow ,-u n te tur LDr. ,o 3 . l n o i r a s e e h '• party, and that its successes in 1814. 1852 fk,',ll, ki t e,' t a ,', l . l o i ' l c ' hi l l d j i .: l° ,l.. l 7 r a c a , ( l :: l t i. a p ia l:_ iiia g bet become united with the Wood, for they find t d v i ili e tte t v n e s ri t f i a o r g t, sat:rid, from n nllre i l i y n rout and and 1856, resulted to t from its own in about the ownership a puss, I proposed, rtu. ' P at u n t il herent strength, but from the disseu-Aona it Was agreed, that the hotly should be the bar the life of the holy, which is the riici lr o il ii,' 'l end divisions and conflicting factions of the 1 by and EDDIE, the eldest—but only three • comes perfectly healthy; sonsequently all sick. , i t t h e e s , s ;innidiii&nirtei remain when from th e system, for oppositioti. 51r. Buchanan ass thus slip- years—should be the sole proprietor of the i vhen the body becomes pet in between two con fl icting opposition trig and beautiful tail. Ennis rather ()Wee- s o 'pure and clear. factions which, if united, would have de- ten at first, to this division, asiteting him oil The reason why people are so distressed tviea i lick, and why so many die, is . because with an extremely small share of the animal, Mated him by a ; °puler majority of near but soon became recouciled to the division, nail they 9 ""t get " " 1 "" 2 "' e . ' d uel! 'II pass '9 ly four hundred tdoesand votes. , the afflicted parts. and which viii open the quite ie•oud el his ownership in the graceful 1,, • I passages iby t he o c f li t s o e o tr a t n o d b: t r e s i t one oln view of the popular strength of the terminus of the kitten. One day, soot after, I hence, a forces , when united, t would 1 Imaid the poor puss making . ii dreadful mew- I ter iml:lg a er mid Lomeli and ititesZe t s appear Ont. nothing no prevent their sue ina, arid -I coiled out to Euu,'„.:_,There. my l are literally overflowitig whh the corrupted cm its 48 0, provided they coalesce upon sou, yeti are hurting iny part of the kitten, I ' ri s „ N e t o h n u l u i l i t tl i ; ri'g d lic re tl e t:too f ri, r ni aTi t e a h . a common ticket and it common practical heard her cry." "No, I didn't mother: I trod 1 throws the corrupted mixing matter through every 1 vein and artery, until life is taken from the policy of tetrenclanteit mid reform, North on my part. and your part hollrred .'" I body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have ad, and Souih. inn this end, howevt r, none -........ led to themselves victory upon victory, by re. of iheir out landing .cand Hates will answer - : I I) Ducar ox , l o tutas.—Win.. H. lieonard, M storing millions of the sick to blooming health tor Seteard, Banks, Chase, Hale, Critten , true,' us ir Occult meek, Pa., that the and happiness. Yes, thousands who have wile . ot Patrick Leary, who re sides near John- been racked or tormented with sickness, pain den, Bell, and even Freinout, would be en- • }.cak e Uanr, gave birth to three living girls on and anguish, and whose feeble frames have owiab-reil with section..l or factious diiii• Saturday eight, May 30, all of which are doing een score lied by the burning elements of ra• tulties which could not be recor, fled well. fine weight of the three is about twenty , gorge fe m v i e d r , , in ati ß d m tv e h p o i r, Ve s e i iii ei b it rou r g a l , i . t e , its in 4 But some new candidate, occupying a cen. four pounds I I stand ready to testify that they fould' have I been numbered with the dead, had it not been trill mud criiservative Fosition, geographi• i . for this groat and wonderful medicine Morse's Ins RieintsT MAN 1N EN(11/AEIL—lie is the cal and politically, or Datnocratic antece ' Indian Root, Pills. After one or two doges Marquis of Westrninister. His wealth is esti d-nts, and possesses, of admited alalities-- had been taken, they were astonished, rind ab• incited nt, 21,000,000: sterling, or $105,000,000; solute) y surprised, in witnessing their charm some such a 1111111, for example, as Came :and his annual income at 700,000. ing effects. Not only do they give iminedi• roil, of Pensylvenia--might be made the... ate ease and strength, and take away all sick basis of a fusion which would not only set- Disease of the Stomach. mess, paint and anguish but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease' s which is tie the question in 1860, but the question The stomach is the most liable to getout the blood. Therefore, it will be shown, espec• of party ascendancy for many years to of order. Hence how important that no ially by those who use Miele Pills, that they come." diseased matter clog its 3peration, which well so cleanse and urify, that disease—that deadly enemy—will P take 'its fli.lit, and the would cause nausea and distress by our flush of youth and beauty will again return , food. It also weakens the brain, destroys adtle n p t rsset of a long andhappy life will the memory, creates pains and dimness, ch e etah c , 1/. yrioN . _ brighten CAUTION.—Beware w fir ° e u r ot' a " c'ounterfeit si , n• and various afflictions in the head. It pro- ed A. B. Moore, All genuine have the mane (Incas great ditliculty in hreuthing and i aA. J. WHITE& CO ,on each box. Also j J. White .5t Co. All mi l . pwallming. Sometimes fainting and fits ! l e u r e s :::g ' s '( :) f eri e on l s. 11.. trill ensue ; also bad breath, restlessness I A. J. WHITE & CO., Sole Proprietors, and great loss of strength. It not itnme- Dr. Morse's I s lf i di l' a e nTo r o d 4. l l . l7: l 'a l' re 'e w ar k l;v diately attended to, the blood will carry the all dealers in Medicines disease through the whole system, and I mi tt , inlegten'ell'aTitingetriYe.trt. village death will end the work. From 2to 5 I agency' will address as above for tei s n i r g. of hese Pills a day will keep the digestive I SW Price 25 cents per box. five boxes will I organs in a healthp condition, and unclog be sent on receipt of $l, postage paid. JOHN READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pa. or carry away all impure matter, and thee- December '6'57:-6m. loughly restore and cleanse the stomach; ' at the same time the Pills will so purify • OIIOVER la BAKER'S the blood, as to drive all manner of disease ' CELEBRATED from the system. 1 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 1 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ___ 710 CIIESTNITT ST., PHILADELPHIA .IILADELPHIA MARKETS. : ' PHILADELPHIA, May 12, , •e.,eaxo .' lefirThese M achmes are now justly admitted to be the best in use for Family Sewin r, a- FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $4 25,4 37 king a new, strong ' and elastic stick, which Till .In E xtra ~ ~ 450 a 5 75 NUT, r i p ' even if every fourth stitch be cut.— family .. 4 76 5 60 „ „ "','• Circulars sent on application by letter. . Rye Flour and Coin 51eal Agents wanted. pe1).17,'09.41. , IV 90®1 00 I 1 05®1 15 I Rye 66 SCYTHES, Corn 71 SNATHS, Oats 0 38 RAKES, Cloverseed $4 386}4 50 per 64 pounds. : F 0 It K S , S. e . , Timothy geed I A large assortment at the Hardware Store. Flax " 81 30 JAMES A. BROWN. Convention in Illinois SPRINGFIELD, Id., June 10.--The State convention Administration Democrats as .Bembled to-day. Two hundred anti • nine ty three delegates, representing forty eight counties were in attendance, Jchrl lass was nominated as State Treasurer, and ex•Giovernor Reynolds as Superintendent Af.PAtblic Instructions. 'BeanWinona affirming their adherence Ito the Cincinnati Platform, and reaffirming the principles of non•intervention in ter ,ritorial affairs, exposing concentration o yower in the hands of the central govern ment, depreciating slavery agitation, con demning Senator Douglas, characterizing the course of the opposition to the Admin- istration to overweening conceit, and de nouncing the principles of the Repot bit can party as unpatriotic, and tending to the dissolution of the Union, and denoun cing the late British outrages, were pas sed, rdr Each roader of this paper is re• quested to procure a new subscriber and send the name and money to this office. Recollect only one dollar and fifty cents a year, and rosy be sent in postage stamps- Address, Wiit. BREWSTIKR, Huntingdon. -JALTI MORE, ...—ru e American 1 useful toilet eruct., which he o ff ers to the pub- ; Teacher of Primary English. ..,-- Bank of this city suspended specie p a y . I lie, combining two very de sirable qualiti t ea ' ° I .--...-...... , The recent success of this school is extraor meths this morning. I wit :—excellence and elienpnesB, b e t all our dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the [From another Correspondent ] I readers who design visiting Philadelphia give Mini ever established, it is now the largest in , this section of the Stnte. All branches are Baurtmorte, Juno 19.--l'he American . hint a call. , iatteht. and students of all awes, and of both ~. . . . • . Bank, which lately opened in this city under doubtful circumstances, closed its MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENI doors this morning. It is supposed to • C cmo wsmitsx have considerabh circulation in the West. I Its funds have all been drawn from thel ‘ ANANI tS I Bank of Commerce. Wheat—red, per bushel, ~ White " , r !Nobel iforNature never looked more lovely than " THE CAMILLE SEMINARY. at the present time. 01,1 Mother Earth has ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER. put on her best looks and grvest attire, the bald Places on her ancient "poll," she has effectual- • THE PRESENT FACULTY. ly covered from view, with the luxurious gam- • M. McN. WALSH, Principal, tore of Spring. Just so, only substituting Art Prot of Languages and Philosophy. for Nature, our friend GEORGE TuutioscAND, Miff, of Latin. i l:rs t s i r G s. re f e i k, A. M, et of No. 29 South Sixth St., is covering the bald James W. Hughes, heads of manlcind in general, with his exquisite Prof. of Mathematics. ly light, graceful and comfortable "Gossamer Beni ambit F. Houck. Wigs," and Toupees. Our readers, who have Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics. • had the misfortune to lose this natural onto- Geo. W. Linto n, p rof. a V oca l M us i c. meat, the hair, should call at his dressing rooms - -• in Philadelphia and examine for themselves the. ; Mr!). B. RCN. WALSH, Preccptress, 'lhe of Botany. H superiority of the articles of his snake over Miss eac E. r M Fautlkner,istory, Reading; etc. those of ally other manufacturer. His Liquid ! Teacher of Pais Work, Painting, Drawing, Hair Dye continues deservedly popular, being Miss D. L. Stanley, Fruit, Flo rs, free from all deleterious qualities, and impart. Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Mrs. Dr. Darwin in gto the hair and whiskers a soft, glossy, life- Teacher of English Branches. . like appearance. George has also many other Miss J. 111. Walslt, sexev, are received. The expenses fir a year need not be more than $9O. Students can Cn• ter whenever they wish. Address, _ JOHN D..WALSIL Lanvin°, Huntingdon Co., Pa. JuneWsP, I.ADITh TOli SALE. The subscriber tern for sale n small farm in Henderson township, half a mile northeast of the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of Jahn Simphon, Colestock, and others, con. tanning about ninety acres nod allowance, twenty-five or thirty acres of which are cleared and under a good state of cultivation. The balance -is well timbered. There ore on this property three never-failing springs of good water. The buildings consist of a two-story frame house and kitchen, and a log stable ; a line young apple orchard of grafted fruit. T erms made known by applying to the subscri• bee. SAMUEL FRI E DIX. Junc2il;sB,•9m. Orphans , Court Sate. Real Estate of JriILIES CL Hliti,dee'd. By virtue of a ;during order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County will be expesei to sole by public outcry, on the premises, on I Saturday, the 10th day of July, next, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. N.— A lot of ground in the borough of Shirleys burg, fronting on Main street sixty feet and ex back at right angles thereto, ono hundred and fortg feet; being No. in the plan of snid , town, adjoining lot of Isaac Sharrer on the ' north, and havi tg thereon erected Two Story Log Dwelling House. Terms of Sah.—One-third of the purchase money to bo paid on confirmation of kale, and the halnnee in too equal nmittal payments. with interest, to lie secured by the bonds and inortgsge of the purchaser. JOHN M. CLARK, Adm'r. Jime2n.'sB..nt. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice-is hereby given. that letters testamen tary on the last will of Robert Cummins, late of Jackson township, dee'd' have been duly issued to the undersigned. All persons indeb ted to the estate of said d&m. are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against it, to present them properly au thenticated for settlement to SAMUEL CUMM 1/0 ,1 rxecutois STERRIT CUMMINS, J ' Jackson Ip., June 23d, 1858.-6 t. "' (Eslate of Durban'. Mem. ' deed.) Administrator's Notice. Notive is hereby given that letters testanu•n tnry with the will annexed. have been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of Barbara Hamm, late of Morris township. All per sons indebted to said estate, will therefore make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. DAVID STEWART, Junelti,'sB.-St . ._.. • A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF RICH GLOSSY HAIR COMPLETELY PRESERVED' TO THE GREATEST AGE. And who that is gray would not have it re stored to former color ; or hold, but would have tl c growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would have it removed, or trou bled with scrofula, scald head, or other erup tions, but would be cured, or with sick headache (neuralgia) but would he cured. It will also remove all pimples from the face and skin. Prot. Wood's flair Restorative will do all this, see circular and the following. Ana ARBOR, Novetnber 5,1856. Poor. 0. J. Wooo—Wear Sir I ha'va heard much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair Restorative, but basing been so often cheater'. by quackery and nostrums, hair dyes, &c., I was disposed to plat e your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and one loudly trum paled quack remedies, until I met you is Law rence county some mouths since, when yen gave me such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had became very thin and en tirely white, end before exhausting one of your large bottles, her hair was restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thicken , mil and become beautiful and glossy upon, find entirely over the bead ; she continues to use it, not simply because of its bcautify;ng effects up on the Fair, but because of its healthful influ ence upon the head and mind. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative. with the happiest effects ; therefore my skepti cism and doubts in reference to its Character ore entirely removed ; and I can and do meet cordi ally and confidentially recommend its use by all WhO wgttid hart their hair restored from white or gtny (by reason of sickness or age,) to origi nal color and beauty, and by all young persons who would have their hair beautifal. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. Fnstmn WOOD : It was a long time after I saw you at Blissfield before I got the bottle of Re storative for which you gave me nn order upon your agent in Detroit, and when I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, as the surest test of ita power. It has done all that you assured me it would du: and others of my family and friends, having witnessed its abets are now using and recommending its use to oth ers as entitled to the highest consideratimi yuu claim for it. Again, very respectfully and truly MIN, SOLOMON MANN, CARLTLE,III, June 28, 1852. I have used Prof. 0. J. 'Wo . od's Rai; Restor ative, and have admired it wonderful (+treas.— /Sly hair was becoming, as I thought, preinaturo iy gray, hut by the use of his Restorative it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt permanently so. S. * BRESSE. ox• Senator. U. S. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 13road way, N. Y., (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment) and 114 Market street, St. Louis Mo., and sold by all good Druggists. Jnne2,'sB.-3ni. LADIES' COLLA RS & UNDERSLEEVB in groat variety at the cheap store of D. P. OWIE. SPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas of every style at the M.TROPOLITAN. A PRIZE FOR EVERYBODY WUO SUBSCRIBES FOR TOO NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS. A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED rasszrorNEw PAP II R. ____ The New York Weekly Press is one of the best literary papers of the day. A longs quarto containing twenty pages, or Sixty columns, of entertaining matter; end elegantly illustrated every week. A Gift worth from 50 cents to $lOOO go will be sent to each subscriber on receipt of the sub scription money. TERMS—IN ADVANCE I copy t year, nod I gift 3 copies " 3 gifts 5 tf tt 5 t 21 " . - • The aidees to be distributed arc comprised in the following list: 1 U. S. Treasury Note. $lOOO 00. 2 do. do. do. 500 00, cash 5 do. do. do. 200 00, each 10 do. do. do, 100 00, each 10 Put. Lev. h'g c's watches 100 00, each 20 Gold Watches, 75'00, each 50 " 00 00, each 100 " 50 00, each 309 Ladies Gold Watches, 35 00, each 200 Silver hon. watches, . 30 00, each 500 Silver watches, $l5 00 to 25 00, each 1000 Gold guard, fob and Vest chains, 10 00 to 30 00, each 1000 Gold Pens &Pencils 5 00 to 15 00, each Gold Lockets, Bracelets Brooches, Ear-drops Broast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil ter Thimbles, and a variety of other ankles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 00 each. On receipt of the Subscription money, the subscriber's name will be entered upon our books opposite a number, end the gilt corres ponding a ith that number will lie forwarded within ono week to hiin, by mail (Jr express, post . paid. There is neither humbug nor lottery about the above, as every subscriber is sure of u prize or value. We prefer to make this liberal dis tribution among them instead of giving a large CO mmissicn to Agents, giving to the subscri ber the amount that would go to the Agent, and in many eases a hundred fold more. All communications should be scut to DANIEL. ADEE, Publisher, 211 CENTRE ST., NEW MIK. May 26, 1858.-Iy. TILE LIVER INVIGORATOR ! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD, Compounded entirely of Gums. I 3 one of the best purgative and liver medi eines now before the public, that acts its a Ca thank, easier, milder, and more effectual than any titer medicine known. It is not only a Ca thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid ; then of the stomach and bowels to carry oft' that matter. thus accom plishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful footings experienced in the operation of most Cathartics. It stregatens the system at the same lilac that it purges it, and when taken daily in moderate doses, will stronghten and build it up with unusual rapidity. I The Liver is one oil.; the principal regula tors of the human bate dy ; and when it per forms its functions well * the powers of the sys tem are fully develop-1S ed. The stomach is almost entirely depen- 1 ,0 dent on the healthy action of the Liver fort. 7, the proper perform ance of its functions.isi When the stomach is at fault, the bowels are :` at fault and the whole system suffers in con- 0 sequence of one orgt.n —the Liver— having 0, ceased to do its duty. For the diseases o Or that organ one et the proprietors has made gs it his study, in a fn., lice of more than twen-, i rg ty years, to find some remedy wherewith tol counteract the many derangements to whiehig 'it is liable. To prove that this remedy is at last dis covered any person ,'. troubled with Liver Complaint in any of its I.' forms, has hat to try a bottle and conviction ll".., is certain. These gums remove 1 . 1 all morbid or bad matter from the system z supplying in their place a 'leanly flow r. of bile, invigorating the stomach, causin g . R'l food to digest well, purifying the blood,gt- 14 sing tone and health to the whole machine- = ry, removing the cause of the disease, and cf. r, el:rang a radical cure. Ono dose after eat- = ing is suffileient to re lieve the stomnch and M iprevent the food from tiskg and souring. 1 1 0 Bilious attacks firer cured, and whet is better prevented, by „ the occasional use of the Liver Invigorator. ed Only one dose ta-,72, i ken before oaring prevents Nightmare. P. i Only one dodo taken at night, loosens the bowels gently, and cures Costiveness. One dose taken after each meal will cure Dys, pepsin. WOne dose of two teaspoonfuls will alnays remove Sick Ileadnehe. Otto bottle taken for female obstruction re moves the ennee of the disease, ral tusks a - perfect cure. Only one dose immediately relieves ;Cholie, while One dose often repented is a hare cure for Cholera - Eforl;;:nnd npreventire of Cholera. a - Only one bottle is needed to throw oat of the system the effects of medicine:after n long sickness. _ _ CWOnc bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallowness or unnatural color from the skin. Otto dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest well. . Ono dose often repented cores Chronic Ma rital% in its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures atmeks varied by Worms in Children ; there is no surer or speed• ie•t remedy in the World, as it never fails. A few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. • We take pleasure in recommendi ngthis med icine as a preventive fot• Fever and Ague, Chill, Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It operates with certainty, and thousunds are tril ling to testily to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous tes timony in its facer. (Fa'Mix water in the mouth with the luvigo• ate r ; and swallow both togethet. The Liver Invigorator. Is a scientific medical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures es if by magic, even the firast dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is re quired to, cure anv kind of Liver complaint, from the worst jaundice oc Dyspepsia to a rota mon Headache, all of which are the result of a diseased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. RH. SANroun, Proprietor,34s Broadway, N•Y Sold by 11. McMnnigill, J. Road Huntingdon Apr.7.'58.-Iy. New Card-Press. Having bought a fast "CARDPRESS," we are now prepared to print in tho proportion of three cards in the same time that any other press in the county can print one, consequent• ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well we make no charge at nil.. We ask your pa tronage. _ NOVEL. AND EXTRAOUDINAItin READ: RE AD ! READII somvrouit Tlia . best chance for a Indy or gentleman to makdtimoney ever offered, without interfering with their regular business, Wo will send full particulate free. Address HOWARD GRAY & Bon 138 Columbus, Ohio. luttelli;3B4o .. • THE MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMEITS GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED. COOK 'MOVE. DEAN 61. SAIL'..Eit, MeeCesnors fini • Decket & Co. I . The New York Weekly Gulden Pt igo is One • • . • ' of the largest and hest literary papers of the I A SPLENDID W STOVE for day—an Imperial Quarto ' containing eight pa- safe at this office; it is calculated to burn wood ges, or forty columns, of the most interesting or coal. and feseimiting reading- mntter, from the pens of ___-- the very first writen of the day, , . li fi .bi l t i ii i n ) .g U ,l N onna l) nl: P ilio„ l :7 A ,n ti_ .B. T l E l_ R ir es t.,e, n , Ar_t b i e ll,: liti ir d s .n ti ,. t y; t i l e ie : To Merchants and Tanners. ELEUANTLY 11.1.1 . STRATED eve. wt... A PRESENT, Worth from 5) Conn to $4OO 00, Will ha given to each subscriber immediately .ic reb , ;4 58. we on nail i T7 . , - . : , . a ; e c . :: , ; oi r , on receipt of the subscription monq. Thit ia on the ears at the deaths or the Pennsylvania presented as n memento of Friendship, and not nail Broad Tap , :iiimipi, .. Pennsylvanians an inducement to obtain subscribers FISHER Sc MeMUILTRIE TE 1251 S:. I Copy fur I year, $2 00 and I Present $2 09 • 5 00 • 8 00 •15 00 •30 00 - ,----. • 1 "• 2 " 35 " 2 l're " .l°s * . Store & Dwelling to Rent at Broad 1 44 3 44 sun 5 I ~, 5 " Bon 5 .• Top City. AND TO cults, The tine large Stone Store and 4welling at 3 Copies, 1 gent, 5 00 3 " Ileimil Top Cite in now offerpil for rent 1)11 vet , 5 44 4. 7 Ott 5 " ! v nee mamndming terms, nu it I, olio of iltf, best 10 ‘, " 15 On in ". Stores in the County of Hitioingdon• A very 21 ':" :to O n 21 " • . oe business con he done nt this pia., with The nrtieles to be given away h ay arc comprised the Mines now in operation belie.: Posisil Top in the following list t it Packages of Gold, eini'g $5OO 00 each. City, and also with the surrounding country, 5 no t'.. do 10 do • do do 200 00 each. 1 M , ; there is nn good Store within tunny miles lout on ~,,,,h, of this place, and any one keeping a good to Patent Lever Ilunt'g Watches 100 on each. Stock of Provisions and Goods suitable for 20 Gold Watelte3 75 00 each. Country line ean undoubtedly do a very line 50 do GO 00 etch. ' h minesn. Tn n goal Tenants the Store and 100 do 50 fin end.. Dwelling will be rentedeasy terms. 300 Ladies' Gold Watches 3S 00 each. Apply to 200 Silver Hooting Watches 80 00 each. J. NI. CIARK, Agent 500 Silver Watches 010 00 to 25 00 each. Brond Top City Moo Old Guard, Chains $lO 00 to 30 OW each Cold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear June ", Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, S PLENDID RAG CARPET for 371 els. per Rings,Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil- yard at the cheap store of v.. 1111.108, and a variety of other articles, I • FISHER & MCMITISTRIK. worth front 50 cents to $l3 each. We will present to every person sending us PREMIUMS 50 subscribers, $2 each, at Gold Watch, worth AWARDED 'IME JOURN 11 JOB OFFICE $4O: to any one sending us 100 subscribers, ut $2 ouch, a Gold Watch, worth $OO. Every AT THE LATE FAIR, FOR subscriber will also receive a present. Timm 333EDErz Immediately on receipt of the money, the I r .„ sub cribm's name will lie eptered upon our aRE amo yAnfiry book .nod the present will be forwarded within one week, by mail or expross, post paid, PRINTING. IffeA All communications should he addressed to DEAN & SALTER, Proprietors, •- 335 Broadway, New York. INTCriIIC333. - We request those of our subscribers who re• aib l ugpan lingdag, I eine their papers, to inf•rin us of those iu their DENTIS ; immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers , the "Journal," and have holed to receive the same, since the stealing of our pack-book. . TX, N GD. O N , ruffians on the :id or February. June 13,1837. NAT 4. 1NTTIE1170: H A HOMESTEAD FOR $lO. . WEAT A D CORN wanted at this FOR SALE 'office. Those having either can dispose of the 111 the "Sold Region" and other portions of sinw calling soon. Virginia, the following Farms and Buil- ST AGE L I N - E Min g Lots, in Shares, to wit: I' It OM •••• - - - Farm 100 acres, gold mine is 100 acres. Chambersburg to Mt, Union Farms of 60 ucres each, are 250 25 " 70 " 150 " ~.,.. . —., 500 " 3 46 <4 1000 .• ' disadrantageas to a large section of the coon -250 Build'g lots iA. sts. and sq. 710 " I try, bas, at a considerable expense end trouble 1350 . " 100x100 " 925 " I made arrangements to run a line of Stages 2500 " " 50x100 " 925 " Tri-weekly between the two points Good 5000 6 ' " 25x100 " 050 " Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla- cod on the route, and expeiienee , l and trusty 7 5 0 ,,C ,O te 7 etifi S inic l a m mt r ee e .d s o , iar ti t t et n h oi e, : cb tii i : ,, c,: ico l n o suhia,dred,e, l(i l , 7o ,i , rt o hy oo l3ot a ? c nt ` i s li drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietor of the line is disirous that it he mnintained, tent he therefore calls Deeds ' ) have been enclosed in 10,000 envelopes, I upon the Public generally to patronize it. coot exactly alike, and sealed ; which, after being dent that it will be Ibr their mutual advontage. well mixed up, have been numbered on the out- Every attention necessary will he given, o n e. well from 1 to 10,000 inclusive, so that no ono the running of the Stages will he regular. knows the contents of any particular envelope.Ce Stages leave Mt, Union, every Tuesday They will be sold nt $lO each. without reliirenen Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arriving at to Mint they contain, and sent to ahv one ma- Cliambersburg the next day at 2 o'clock. Ra king application, Unexceptionable 'Titles will turning, leave Chambershurg, the same night in nll cases he given. t at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the next The largest Farm. containing a Gold Mine is evening in time for the cars. Between Mt, Un valued at $30,0011, and the smallest sized Build- ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily. ing Lots have been selling at $lO each. Hun- IFir Fore through $3; to intermediate points dreds have already been sold upon these terms. l° proportion. JOBS JAMISON. Whilst all stand the seine chance of getting the Jan. 20th, 1850.—tf. Farms, every' purchaser is guaranteed one of these lots at least. Every other purchaser is hound to get one of at least double its size and value. Every Marti, purchaser one of at le.,st quadruple its size and value. Whilst every tenth purchaser will get n term ranging in value front $2OO up to $30,000. These farms and Lots ore sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sutllcient number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will compensate for the present sacrifice. The net proceeds are to ho applied to local improvements, such as Schools, Factories, !Bills, &c. Any number of Shares can be taken by individuals,—to secure n Farm tate nt least ten shares. The certificates can he obtained by paying one-half, and the Deeds by paying theother half. 10 - 70,000 Acres of Land, in large or small tracts can also be had at privata sale, and upon the most reasonable terms. Some of it is high ly improved. Agents are wanted everywhere to sell these lands. Liberal inducements will be given. For full particulars apply to E. BAUDER, Fort Royal, Caroline co. Va, LAMES COLLAIIS, newe,t styles in mat variety at the Mwritoetti.trms. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, the largeq stock over brought to town, ere sell op very cheep by Ftsnutt& WSNevem. SAVING FUND, tv I'M CENT INTEREZT NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO WALNUT STREET, sounl•wEsT COnS ER OF THIRD, MIII.OI2IIPTILLA. Incorporated by a State of Pennsylvania. MONEY IS ncEivED IN ANY SUM, lurgo or small, and interesepaid front the day of deppsit to the day of withdrawal. The office is open every day front 9 o'clock in the marring till 5 o'clock in the aftern3on, out on Monday and Thursday evenings till y o'clock. LION. HENRY T.. BENNER, President . , ROBEIIT SELFRIDGE, Fier President, WM. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS ; lion. Henry L. Benner, F. Hamill Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Bury, Hobert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee, Sand. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth 111111111 S, Henry Diettenderffer, Money is received and payments made daily without notice. The investments are made in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such class se curities as the Charter requires. F0b.24,'57. Mies SOUTYWORTH, Commr. G. W. CROCKETT, CHARLES BURDETT THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CLAPP, JUN., GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG, Mns. ANNA WIIELPLE Mies VIRGINIA VAUG Mne. DI. VERNON, Miss nArnE CLARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, Write only for the GOLDEN PR LE. GOLDEN PR IL. GOLDEN PR ZE. GOLDEN PR ZE. GOLDEN PR lE. GOLDEN PR NE. F'ch.l~t; :~:. 1000 " 1400 " • The undersigned nwnre that u sw•pensionnt 1000 the line of Stages over the rood between I:270 " cThaulbersburg and Mt, titian, cannot be but --- (SrTO INVALIDS... Dr. llardman, Analytical Physician. Physician for Diseases of the Lungs, Throat and Heart—Poi merly Physician to the CINCINNATI MARINE HOSPITAL, also to INVA LIDS RETREAT, Author of "Lettets r invalids," IS COMING. See iollowing Card. MAY Appointments. ' Dr. Hardman, Physician for disease of the Lungs, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma rine llospital,) will be in attendance at his rooms as follows t Huntingdon,Jackson's Hotel, Sundahlune 27th Dr. 11. Ls compelled to make this month's visit on Sunday or disappoint the sick. Dr. Hardman treats Consumption, Bronchi tis, Asthma, Larryngittis and all diseases of the throat and Inngs, by medical Inhalation, lately used in the Bromton Hospital, London. The cruet point in the treatment of all human mala dies is io get at the disease in the direct man ner. All medicines are estimated by their ac tion upon the a man requiring relief. This is the important fact upon which Inhalation is ba sed. If the stomach is diseased we take medicine directly into the stomach. lithe lungs are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va pors directly into the lung,. Medicines are the antidotes to disease and should he applied to the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap lineation of this principle to the treatment of the lungs, for it gives us direct access to those inu•icote air cells and tubes which lie out of reach of every other means of administering medicines. The reason that Consumption, and other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re sisted all treatment bits been because they had never been approached in n direct manner by medicine. They were intended to act upon the lungs and yet were applied to tho stomach.— Their action was intended to lie local, and yet. they were so administered that they should not act constistutionally, expending immediate and principal action upon the unollending stomach, whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were Un molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in direct contact with the discuss, without the disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli- cutouts is simple, that it can be employed by the youngest intent or feeblest invalid. It does not derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de gree with the strength, comfort, or business of the patient. Om. MR:issue TfittAryo.—ln relation to the tidlowing di9 canes, either when compli cated .• tls lung affections existing alone, I also invite consultation. I usually find them Prompt ly curable. Prolapsus and all other forms of Female emu ' plaints, Irregularities and Weakness. , Palpitation and all other forms of Heart Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all ether disease. of Stomach and bowels, &c. All disease% of the eye and ear. Neuralgia, Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.-- No charge for consultation. S. D. HARDMAN, M. D. June 3, 1858. AItEXANDSZA, Touxuat. Tim Alexandria Foundry Flasks, Patters, &c., have ',eon bought by R. C. MoGILL. The Foundry is in blast and he has al lkinds of Can signs. Stoves of all kind., Machines. Plough., Kettles, &c.. &c. , _ which he will sell at the low- est market prices. All kinds of Colin- try produce and old metal taken in exchange at market prices. It. C. McGILL May 26 1856. - -77