Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 23, 1858, Image 1

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    at thiattition ,alltilitli.
New Goods ! New Goods !
D. P. Gwin has just return,' from Philadel.
phia with the largest and most beautiful as.
sortment of
Ever brought to Huntingdon,
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods
for Ladies And Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
and Fancy, All Wool Loins, (all colors)
Spring De!sins, Challis Delain, Berages, (all
'cobra) Lavelle Cloth, Debniae, Alpaces, Pop
-I,us, Printed Berages, Brilliants, plain and fig-
Gingliams, Lawns, and Prints of every de
scription. •
ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin
ges, Antiques, amps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids,
Crapes, Reed & Brass ”oops,i3kirt Cord. Silk
And Linen handkerchiefs, Nock ties, Stock,
:Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linea and
Cotton Floss, Tidy Yarn, &c.
Also the hest and cheapest assortment of
:ars, and Undersleeves, in town., Bar 7 a anu
- Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain, Fig
ured, Skirt Beltt• Marseilles for Capes, and a
variety of white goods too numerous to
Spring and Tidbit Shawls, While 'Maine for
tapes, Mantillas, &c. . .
. - . . .
Also, Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Tweeds,
K. Jeans, Marlins, Cotton Drill, Nankeens,
'Tick., Table Diapers, Flannels, &es
Also, a large lot at Bonnets,Flat, Hats, &c.
Boots and Shoes, thelargest and ch.
Test assortment in town.
Altzruir .6. R QUEENS
WARE, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns,
Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, &c. Carpe Is.
Oil Cloths, Fish end Snit, Sugar, entree,
Tea, Molasses, end ell goods usually kept in a
omuntry Store.
My old customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in are respectfully requested to come
and examine wy goods.
All kinds of Country produce taken in cc'
.clitinge for goods, at the highest market prices.
April 21,
FORTIER 111c111111TRIE
NUM ly known no f. ,, Ax•roN's" take idea— I
sure in an muncing to their many Friends that
they I aye received a new and welliselemed
stock ni Goods, which they feel confident will
satiety the demands of the public, and will prove
inuexceptionable in Seri, awl QuALlri.
The line of Dress 0,4,1, einlitnees
DAN 17111 A N. AND LA-
We have a fine assortment of Slimmer :Also
lilies, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringe!, An
tiques, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves,
stery, Ladies' Collars. Ilanilkerehiels, Ditttons,
Floes, Sewing Silk, Whnielionce
Reed fillOpß, Brays sits., Skirt
ALso—Tiekens, bleachu•l and no
%leached Muslins nt all I,riees, Colored :in,'
White Cambric-., Barked end Swiss
Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleion and malty
other articles which comprise die line of White
and Domestic
We Frcuili Cloth,
Sal 1 illet L , ,k3., T. Cols. Cot ,11,1ra,
Denims and Blue Drills.
it every variety awl s•y;, , . Aisu all kinds of
A bunt stool,
1iI1011;111ES, 11.1111) QUEENSII llt I.:,
I.loo'l's 110 ES,
Wood and i 0 W.. 1011 re,
valiirli will be sold Cu.,
We :liso deal in 'PLASTER, FISH, SALT,
Hod u.l kind, of t.',11.11.N. and posto.. fitvilities
Os dos brand' of trade une.itial!ed liv !my. IVe
deliver nil Intel,ogr. , or parcel". of Merchandise,
FREE OF CIIAIWE, at die depot.; .r the
Broad Top and Peoussivaeia Railroads.
Come 00,, voine all, :tad in,ed t h a t
the "Nli , ..ritorouviN" is t!lo place to t , COIIII,
thsltionalle ni atmiraide Ilt
the loweet rates.
J Phe A
[TT TT ..W7
1111 N
A New Assortment Just Opened
And will be sold 30 per oent.
ROMAN respectfully in his
niers and the public generally, that Ile has
just opened at his store-roam In Market Squaru-
Iluntingdon t u splendid new stock of Ready
Cie Ming for Fall and Winter,
which ho will sell cheaper than the same quality
tel Goods can be purchased ut retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in the country.
Persons wishing : to buy Clothing would do
.0,11 to call and examine his stock ureha
s,g, elsewhere. Also,
Hale, Caps,
which will he sold lower than at any other as•
tabliehment in the county,
Iluntinud,,n, April I. 1858.
Patent Portable Fence,
The rights ; .of hunt's Patent Portable or Per.
mascot Penman() Gate Post, for Lots, Farms
.and Town hip, can be seemed for a small stun
lby whiny( on the Agent at Huntingdon. Go
and see, the model at once. It is decidedly
the best Penes ever used. No Partner should
be without tf. ' Call who would be benefit
ted and examine it for yourselves. .
for Huntingdon County.
New Drug and GrOdery Store.
doors west of the Court House, Huntingdon.
Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, ..Dye Stuffs,
Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Silts. Turpentine,
Fluid, Alcohol, Wine anatrandy of the nest
article for medical uses, Concentrated Lye for
snaking Soap, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines
also Coffee, fen, Chocolate, Sugar, Molasses,
Vinegar, Fish, Salt, Flour, Crackers, Nuts,
Candies, Figs,- Raisins, Tobacco, Cigars, Syr
ups of all kinds for summer drinks in a word
every thing usually kept it, a Drug or Grocery
Store, those who desire pure and Genuine ar
ticles will do well by giving us a call.
May 19, 'sB:—ly.
MACKEREL of all Non., Herring, &0., can
be bad of the best quality, by calling on
Fromm & MeMourn's.
The"llmiTtuonos: JOURNAL' IS published a
the following rates :
If paid in advance $1,50
If paid within six months after the time of
subscribing 1,75
If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00
And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
ti 1 after the expiration of the year. No subscrip
tion token for a less period than six months.
I. All subscriptions are continued until oth
erwise ordered, and nopaper will he discontinu
ed, until arrearagea are paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
.2. Returned southern are never received by us.
All numbers sent us in tbit way are lost, • and
never accomplish the purpose of the sender.
3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions, ,
must pny up arra:rages, and send a written or
verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub
lication in Huntingdon
4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a
legal or n proper notice.
5. After one or more numbers of a now year
have been forwarded, a new year has commenc
,34; no t h e paper c:!!! not be discontinued until
arrearages are paid. See No. I.
The Courts hove decided that refusing to take
a newspaper from the office, or removi tug and
leaving it uncalled for, is Plll3l A FACIE evidence
of intentional fraud.
Subscribers living in distant counties, or in
other States, will be required to pay invariably
bt ndvance.
Ci'The above terms will be rigidly adhere.
t , in all cases.
Will be charged at the following rates
11113111011. 2 do. 3 do.
Six lines or less, S 25 $ 37i $ 50
0110 square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00
Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200
3 mo. 0 mo. 12 mo.
One square, $3 03 $5 00 $0 00
ram squares, 5 00 8 00 12 00
column, 8 . 00 12 00 18 00
12 00 18 00 27 00
18 OO • 1i 00 • 46 66
do.", 28 00 40 00 50 00
Bo6iness (aids of six linos, or less, $4.00.
Advertising and Job Work.
We would remind the Advertising com
munity and all others who wish to bring
their business exit.. ively befere the pub
lie ; that the Journal has the ,largest cir
culstilM of any paper in the 'county--:that
it c mstantly increasing;—and that it
goon into the hands.of our wealthiest citi
woull also state that our facilities
for exi:coting all kind: , of JOB PRINT.
LNG are quill to those of any other office
inihe con tin; and all Joh Work outrus
cJ nor hand, will be done neatly,
nimptly, and at prices which will be
We Will Marry this Fall•
gay her a rove—and I gave her a ring,•
A mi I asked her to marry tne then
Hut she sent them nil back, the insensible thing
And she said she had no notion of men.
I told her ovcans of money and goods,
And tried her to fright %Ott) n grtml,
But site nnswere•.l she wasn't litoa„;lit up in thi
I ;lulled her It baggage and everething bad--
1 slighted her features and form;
fill nt length I succeeded in gelling her mad,.
And she raged liken sea in a storm,
And then in a moment 1 turned and smiled,
And called her my angel and all;
Awl she fell in my arms like a wearisome child
Ai, l exclaimed "We aril/ ina,ry
c3lL'' Cltft c 7 44. I)
Tompkins is n small man. Without vi
olation the nicest shade of truth, (might
describe him ai a very small man. He
stands scarcely five feet in height, and is
proportionately diminutive in circumstance
But. mentally, what a difference ! He is
one of the most self.complacent men to ex•
istence. He conceives himself, intellectu
ally, a giant. He throws his little form
into all possible poses of dignity, in or der
to give shape and consistence to his own
consciousness of personal importance. He
knits his brows, and looks as truculent ns
Hercules, in order to convey to others a
full conception of his individual conse
Tompliins, of course, married a very
large, woman. NI rs. 'l'. is at least a foot
taller than her august husband.
She is rotund, jolly, plump, adipose, and
the very picture of good humor. Her face
is always robed in a smile; and rottvith
standing her size, she is exceedingly timid
modest, Felf-sacrificing, unobtrusive She
cower i beneath the awful glance of her ti
ny spouse. Her merriest laiigh shrivels
up to a whimper beneath his dignified
Tompkins ie jealous of his wife ; not
that he has any substantial reason, for she
is the most correct little—l mean big—wo
men in the world. But his selfish nature,
and his tremendous estimation of himself;
teach hi, blood to boil at the bare idea of
any other human being daring to revel in
a smile that he conceives to be his own
private property. Mrs. 'compktns, to do
her justice, seldom does smile when her
. .
been made of a ton of cost iron, and he PROFANITY. ' BLEEP DELICIOUS. , •HIJWAN altOWTH.—From the mechart:
compelled to endure the weight without , Why should a being made in the image ;
ism of a mite
M hat person of mature years can look ' to the of a man. there are
' "
flinching, he could not have maMtained iof the Creator, and endowed with facet- inherent evidences cf the same great,qrsa
on n sleeping child, and not envy the un- '
conscious luxury of that undisturbed re• ' tiog Mind—great in Wisdom, grin* in
that stiff, immobile position more appropri. Urn which lift him above the brunt, conde
ately. acend to indulge in the debasing habit Of Power. and great in His Beneficence
pose, especially if it is one's own chi la it ~, - •
However, I explained to him that we i swearing. It does not add one inch, much rees grow most in surenf er .time, a n d so
is none other thnn a pure delight to the
less a cubit to his stature ; it does not indi
had awaited him in the picture gallery' parental beholder. do men. Iu summer, there is warmth, re
until perfectly tired out, and we had coins , cote courage, manliness, endurance, honor, '
A lady correspondent writes : 'From la""n` opening , building
down to see the Fresnel light. fortitude or magnanimity, on the contrary growth; in winter there is the alto to
utter exhaustion, I slept all night like on !
'And I have stood here for too hours !' the braggart and the coward swear beyond for Id --the great manufactories cf the
infant. How ineffably soothing and re
he fairly groaned, while down system have to do increased work, in or
ouch si d e all measure.
freshing was that sleep, three nights since '
Phispower of resting, even for one brief ,der to . keep the body warm. It is often
of his lice came trickling a stream of thick Profanity is not forbidden be the Divine
perspiration that looked very like soup. , late alone; the amenities of polished inter- 1. . P I
feel ! PO cold in winter, that most of the frrmer's
night, encouraged me greatly.
even now, wasted as f am, if I could only tone during the !fay, is expended in., keep
'Oh, pshaw !' I replied, at last; 'd en % . course and the sanctities of home alike
play the ghost any longer, then, but come condemn it. If a man will swear, let him i , ing up the fires. his the same in the hu
refreshing sleep; if I cou ld root,
do it in privacy of his chamber. so that the
up stairs to the rest.' could get well.'
l'he excellent writer was suffering from I man body: extra labor must be done by
the multitudinous workman, whose busi
contagion of his example may not infect
I grasped his arm as I made this re
no specially dangerous or criticnl malady; , ness it is to keep the wheels of life in mos
mark; but a cry of agony from 'Tompkins his fellows and beget them in the habit
which is so di sgus ti ng to himself. No ones
but from a general derangement of the t l "' • , can eat a forth more
made me drop it nt once.' In vinter, we
• h you?' , veracity is helped by profanity, and if in
is'and require more sleep by a full hour. rn
'W'hat on earth is the waiter with
f exclaimed. 'Are you ill? Are you any rose it should be, it is only soother whole nervous s y stem . The incide n t
recorded for the purpose of bringing to i the twenty-four. So that he who is so
evidence that the swearer's character need
the reader's mind the duty of habitual systematic as logo to bed at the same hour
the remainder of us should go earlier and ' mild ? Or are you only enacting Othello
: bolstering up by the very device which
await his coming. We engaged to meet , without the burnt cork.' thankfulness for any abihty ho may hav e ! and leave it at the same hour, does a vi
to go to bed, to fall asleep within ten min
has undermined it. and thus the more he .
him, at six, either up in the picture , 'Can you keep a secret t' he hoarsely olence to his constitution, which will tell
, ores, and know nothing more until thel
!swears, the more he must swear to be be undeniably in the direction of debility and
l ery , or down, under the dome, beside the , whispered. •
lieved at all.
gray morning breaks----a deep and warm . premature . de . cay.
great fountain. I really forgot which was ' 'Certainly I can,'
The habit of swearing prevail, to a fear
gratitude should well up constantly from
~ ,
the meeting-place, and this forgetfulness, • 'ls there a private room convenient PI
fill extent. Even the fair lips of women '
the Give r of all good for tripling" and the lisapl ng' 'spread
it will be seen, led to mischief. he hissed into my ear, as though he were
i the unfelt bliss of a whole night's sleep.
a loving heart to l out 'exigently; but Oil the time of the sear
, are sorketitnes sullied by the hot oaths of I and yellow leer' comes on, their growth
‘Ve neat at five. We wondered all a serpent.
Some persons are put to sleep be hav- ,
wants- passion, or defiled by the utterance of bias-' ~ becomes more feeble, then ceases, and
about the building. We examined all the 'Upon my 300, the little wretch
leg the soles of the feet rubbed g gently •
phemy in ordinary conversation.. And from they die! The hair grows fastest in auto
curiosities, We finally ascended the pie. to fight an Arkansas duel,' thought I. I
a soft, bore hand, when o p iate s mode men and women the children learn to lisp
wild, mar, mer, and the young. A finger nail is
ture•gnllet)t, and there, in the crowd, Mrs. 'Two in a roost—knife in hand-1441as i
Wu know of no better plan for securing
with irreverent accent their maker's name
Tompkins and I got separated from the put out—door locked—best man crawl i
let me , and curse their own souls. renewed in a hundred and thirty-two days
rest of the party. For an hour or more out least mutilated, Na matter; good sleep to persons not specially hive. ,in winter, but requires only a hundred and
, -- There is nothing more shocking than
lid thou to observe the following:
we walked the gallery 011 was weary, I see what it does tnean.'i sixteen of warm weather. And no light
lake a very light supper, not later !
profanity among the aged and the young 1 „ ,
nod so was she, hut no Tompkins was via- I Under the various stairways in the hastens vegetation, so it is known that the
among the former, because of their pros. ' '
ibis. At length I proposed that she nod I I r.lrystal Palace private rooms had been than sin P. M. hair grows faster in the day time than in
'miry to the grave, among the latter, be- .
the b are feet b e fore
should go down to the main floor and wit. I constructed for the use of the attendants
with fire for the night; and the beautiful principal holds
the . las t t ieat mire feet a. Lire,
ness a curious optical effect I had observed !of thy various d 'partmcnts. nod many a cause they have just entered upon that • g oad as to our moral bein g. We all es
existence which needs above all [Liege else fifteen m l inutes before bed time.
some time before. of the Fresnel light. I , jolly time has there been 'in those roosts S Occupy a wine •
pand and grow into - the Plc.eneis of our
noble teacnings of virtue. A profane ; d‘uw
or door a Large mots ' Greet Father, in proportion na 'chard
had noticed that, by standing on the berth , unkno ail to time multitude without. Man
old man and a profane child are two of the party open, and the fire place
step 01 , the loft hand side of the right win- y a shout of mirth, ninny a chiming toast, unclost keeps up the warts summer time in oar
saddest eights in the whole intelligent ere- hearts-- Go to bed at a regular hour.
ding stairway from the grand aisle, and many a song has been indulged in, in those hearts-- while the sun light ofa life that is
ation. But profanity does not stop and
looking' thence, for a moment, steadily nt ' quiet, secluded spots, which the crowd 5. Get up the moment of waking next pure and true, dispels th . clouds and dark
' rest with etese content. It is not uncom- ness of wrong doing, anti creates an alums
the ariificial light in question, everything has heard but could not trac to its locali• morning, at whatever time that may be.
, moo to hear those who were the symbols •
oio . i phere fit for the breath of angels."... Ha /Ts
you t r,nzed at for several minutes afterwards I ty• , O. Do not on any account slee p
of death upon their person use language
imppenred to be corrugated into wrinkles ! To one of these nooks I led him. 'Pomp. It in the
day time. a ----•
I Journal of Malik
which in moments of hilarity, should ne- me at in
Mrs. Tompkins thought this would be kips foll Owed me with a slow, solemn, up. The result of these observances will be,
delightful, and she laughed out joyously at right, measured step. Mrs. T ver polute their tongues.ompkins in all cases where there is not a serious di
theJust think of it for a moment. A son ,
__ .
In ui body or mind, that the person
idea of making everybody wrinkled in came trembling behind all. Once in the
has lost his father, or perhaps his mother
the Crystal Pubic., the young ns well as private room, 'Tompkins turned gravely
ew days, go to sleep promptly,
a few weeks ago, and now, with the crape
the old. Away we went—site und I--chat and said : the very moment that nature
ti g aloud in the- liveliest, happiest m bound about his hat, the sable habiliments '
an- 'You wonder at my conduct ? You has had all the repose needed.
ner imaginable. Just as we reached-the :era astonished nt my, strange demeanor? of mourning, he goes about the concerns of I
fife, cursing as though he had not followed I Twenty Six Years in Prison.
floor, and got to the doing, beside the foun- • You think me bordering on lunacy ? You ,
tain, there stood Tompkins himself ! would like to be made acquainted with ' his parent to the grave, and wept over its , We yesterday received a call from Bar.
new, the prisoner pardoned out by the
' sod the tears of sorrow. As soon might
He simply said. as one stopped short be- the cause ?'
! we expect to hear the sound of revelry is. legislature after a confinement of 26 years
fore hint ;'I have waited here, by your ap- I nodded my head with as touch non•
suing from the house of death as to hear In the prison r t Wethersfield. He ex
poinunt nt, for two hours !' chalance as I could muster,
His voice runs honase with suppressed 'Then, behold !' he coarsely exclaimed nn oath fall from such a man. and at such a ' pre,ses a good deal of gratitude to the
time many friends who interested themselves
emotion. His face was pallid with anger. with a buts r, mocking laugh, that mad; • w
to get him released. The outer world ap-
He glanced first at roe and then at his wife my blood sun cold; and, lifting his hat very I Thu habit of Swearing may be over. '
as if he wnuld transfix us both with the carefully from his cranium, :here stood, • come, Duty, decency, respectability, re- pears to hint very diffferent from what it
lighteing of his indignation. Pont Mrs. balanced on his head, a dish containing a quire that it should be banished from soci- does to those accustomed to mingle in its
every day changes. The wonderful chnn-
T.! I thou:At she would have swooned two shilling oyster stew ! ety, but to purge it from society it must be
awny. i Ind I not been been thunderstruck Tompkins was too parsimonious to go eradicated from the individual Man, and to 'gas and inventions E f the last 25 years, are
''all new to him, and are looked upon by
at the unexpected meeting, I sh . ould have into the saloon of the Crystal Palace. lb., d o this an effort must be made. This mat.
hnw-hawed right out, and most immoder • had aetually gone out of doors, eaten ti ter may be accomplished, by every one re- ! him wit". about the same tlegree of wonder
'utely. As it was, his look and marine! stew, and I ought another• for his wife• solving that he will swear no more. •asif he had just risen from the dead, after
1 a sleep of a quarter of a century. He ve e r
surprised me. I did not know what to The latter he had brought Into the build. , !Thou shalt not take the name of the '
think of them. ing, in the dish, currying it st..adily upon Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will er, a
ra na il yeorsta er
tr d a ay. s of cars. aw a prinHe'ing
was press
ad, in ta
'That l'etnpains was jealous was pulpa- his head, inside of Isis hat. For two mom not hold hint guiltless who talceth his
' ken to the depot nt noon to see the express
ble and sellevident ; and had Mrs. Tcmp• !ill hourq he •had stood under the dome " 0 " 1 " i" vai"." ' train come in, and was of ourse !. much
Lino been a guilty creature, she Could not waiting for her to come, with this dish on --- . astonished nt the sight,— I
lforda Cour
:move manifested more 4prvhension and his head. afraid to move lest he should
more remorse. That we were both.per, spill its contents--afraid to he touched to
reedy innocent of even an improper tho't the moving jam. lest it might spill over
I- knew; and yet, it was awkward to be hint ! And what I thought was•perspira
encountered by a jealous man, under cir• tion running down his cheeks, was soup
cumstances so embarrassing. indeed.
"lord and master" is in the vicinity. She
trembles too much to indulge in such a
luxury. She stand in too much awo of the
irritable little controllers of her earthly des
tiny. Ilcw Mrs. Topkins ever chanced to
marry stitch an
. individual is a mystery
to some. Others say he determined to have
her to increase his consequence. Man and
wife being one in law, their mingled pro.
portions, he, argue°, gave him bulk, height
and breadth—just what 'ne lacked: So he
called on her one .ay, said ho loved he r
dearly, and threatened her with dire and
untemitting_ vengeance if she refused his
hand. The poor woman wedded him to
get rid of her fright !
Tompltins and I got up quite a party to
visit the Crystal Palace one evening, when
it MIS yet in the zenith of its glory. Tom
kins could not leave his place of business
until utter dark: so it was arranged that
But still, it was not jealousy only that i• Didn't hire. Tompkins laugh, at the de.
afflicted him at this moment. What was nouornent ! Didn't Tompkins himself
it? Jealousy choked his utterance, Joel- laugh, us the stew went down his throat i
ousy made his eyes so fl ash with fiery instead of his whiskers ! *Didn't I laugh 1
gleams of vengeance. Jealousy had con- ,at his perplexity and his meanness, both so '
jured up that thunder cloud on his brow, well punished on this occasion ! And
a den& which, had he not been a pigmy, don't I slit oys laugh at 'Tompkins when
might have been alarming. Burk was not I ask him dhow he carried his soup 5'
jealousy that made him stand in such an
awkward position. It was not jealousy, it "Wall," said a headed blubering Jona.
was clearly something else, beside jealous-
than. the other day, Soky has gin me the
y that kept him erect, almost motionless, sack: by gravy, I've lost her.
as if made of marble--neither turning his "Lost her! how?" inquired his sympa.
head to the right nor to the left--his body , thizing frieod.
only shrinking stiffly, within itself, as the ~ I laid soft soap on her so thicic that the ,
crowd passed by--shrinking as it were in.ritter got so proud she wouldn't speak to
vo'untarily from the touch of all, as sir."
if the slightest jar would disarrange his
limbs, or the faintest shock pulverize him A LADY asked a noted doctor if he did
not think the small bonnets the ladies wore
on the spot, What could be the ma'ter
with hint? had a tendency to produce congestion of
the brain. "01i, no," replied ale, "ladies
, I have been e Biting here by your ap
who have any brains won't wear them.
pointment,' he hoarsely repeated. But not .
a motion of his head—not a gesture--not a • "Am I not a littleX?" inquired a lady
step toward us, or frosts the spot he occu-
who was a little short and corpulent, of a
pied, did he make. I was completely be-
crusty old bachelor.
wildered by his strange conduct. Could „ you look more like a big tub?" was
',he have gone insane ? Or was he only the blunt reply. 0! hoops.
gathering up the necessary quiet energy to
kill me on the spot for keeping his wife in Itillr'Sammy,' said a Dutch grocer to
good company until he should arrive ? his son one morning :
I looked at h:m again. 'There he stood ; •Ish de prandy all watered 5'
as if his limbs had turned suodenly into 'Yah.'
stone. His eyes moved. His brews con- 'Veil, is de shugar all sanded ?'
treated. His cheeks distended. Rage 'Yah.'
discolored his lips. But, in all other re• 'Yell den, come into brayers.'
sped; he seemed paralyzed, Had his hat I 'Yak.'
The Mysteries of Courtship.
'Sully, don't I like you ?"
"Ln! Jim, I reckon so?"
"But Fu n ass POVDRTY.—Pciverty TOW strong
don't you know it. Sally? Don't
ly to fun: A man is never so full of jo
you think I'd tear the eyes out of any
ken as when he is reduced to one shirt
toin cat that 'ud dare to look at you for
a second?" nod two potatoes. iVelth is taciturn and
“Pspect you would." rratful—Stack grokers wauld no sooner
,t W e ll, the fact of t it is Sally, I—'
, indulge in a hearty laugh than they would
lend money
on a second mortags "
"Oh hush! don't gay anymore !"
Nature is a groat believer in compensations
• want you, to-night, to—'"
hat! so soon ? Oh, no—impOssible! Whose to whom she sends wealth she sad
rather and mother would be so angry dies with lawsuits and dyspepsia. The
with me, if—"
poor never indulge in a woodcock, but then
"How? Be mad for doing me such a fa. they have a style of appetite that converts
a number three mackarel into a salmOn,
vor as to M--"
"Yes ! dear me ! Oh, what a feeling!" and that is quite as well.
"But there is some mistake, Sally, for A MARRIAGE AT BSTIIANT *-A young
all I want to have you to do is to mend my man of Bethany, of highly respectable
t rowsers!" connections and an only son, being about
Sally could hear no more. She threw to leave his home for South America, made
up her arms, and screaming histe rically a few culls upon his acquaintances, when
fainted away as dead as a log. ' a young desperately attached to hits, and
car An old'lady •of my acquaintance tneanness to plan with some of her liAttOCi •
has four daughters with the following na' ales to drug him and have him taken to a
toes; Clementrna, Withelmina, Martinia, low Justice of the Peace, who is a disgrace
and Mitzi!) Ann. 1 remarked to her, on to the oftLse, where the mart i age ceremony
hearing them, that the last was a very w a s performed.—Hartfurd Commit.
singular name, and asked her how she
come to think of it. "Why, you see," A CHIMNEY, built in 1793, in an old
she said. "I got tired of fancy names, and house in Northamten, Mass ,on being tn.
concluded to give her a good Scripture ken down a few weeks since, furnished'
one." "Ah!" I said thoughtfully, taxing bricks enough to build three modern chitn•
memory to recall the portion of Holy Wrtt neys. an underpinning to the house, a
in which it appeared. '‘l cannot temem. cistern, eight 'piers in the celhir and s
her ever reeing it there." "Well," she drain three hundred feet long, besides a
replied, , convincingly," you don't read wagon load sold and tot on hand.
your Bible then. Didn't you ever hear
• W hat is the reason said one Irish
of “Alazin Grace how sweet the sound!' I tnaft
to anot her, that you and your wile
041 remembered it, nud acknuwl
are always disagreeing 'Because,' repli•
e unheard-of forgetfulness.
d Pat' 'we aro both of one mind—shee
Nor The weather is extremely warm. whets to be master. and so do I."
ant. .
as her last means of gdning him, had the
Stai'Why, Charley,' said a Yankee: to a
negro preacher 'you can't even tell who
made the monkey ?'
'Oh yes, I can massa.'
'Well, who mode the monkey ?
.Why. masse, the same one made the
monkey that made you.'
Death to the Bed Buge.
A correspondent of the Christian ad.
vacate is answerable for the following' re
ceipt for destroying bed bugs: "Thor
oughly fumigate every room with brim
stone.Tri do this, first stop the flues of
chimneys, open the doors of closets, &c.,
and so arrange beds and bedclothes as to
leave all the bedsteads completely uncov
ered. Next, heat an old pot or skillet, so
that brimstone will instantly blaze when
dropped into it. Set the pot thus heated
on the hearth, or in any safe place in the
, room; drop into it three or four of
roll brim-tone; leave the room, close the
door, and let it stay closed at least three
or four hours. The smoke of the burning
brimstone will soon fill the room end eve
ry crevice in it, and it will comp! Italy ex
terminate the bugs."
CHEESE-MAKING.—The perfection of
cheese making consists in separating the
curd and butter in one mass from the wa
ter and sugar; these lnst ought to be whol
ly token out in the way. In well made
chew this is eflectually performed, as may
be easily tested by toasting; age also caus
es this separation.
The cheese tub being put in its place in
the dairy, ladder is put across it, and a
large thin canvass covers the tub and lad:
der, to catch any of the milk that may
drop From the pail, and to prevent dirt fal
ling into the tub. Above this, and upon
the sieve, through which the milk is strain
ed, II the milk should not be of a tem.
peruture of 85 deg., a portion of it is put
into a deep tin, kept for the purpose, and
placed in a boiler used au a hot water bath
by Which means the whole is warmed
to a propel degree. It is of the utmost
importance to attend to this; for if the milk
is not worsted' enough when the rennent
is put into it, th. cheese will be “tenderer,"
and will bulge out in the edge, which
pails its appearance, and a great quantity
of verpment of small curd be found in the
whey leads, which is so much curd lost.
if on the othe r hand, the milk is to warm,
i it will cause the cheese to "heave" , or
ferment, which infures both its appear.
once and quality —From McHenry'. Liv
erpool Circular.
rerThis tenement to let, inquire next
door. The place was in a dilapidated,
wretched oondition. Banneeter, however
inquired the rent, doe, These particulars
gained, he asked-- •
'Do you let anything with it?'
'No, was the reply, 'why do you ask?'
'Because,' said the wit, 'if you let it
slime it will tumble down.