Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 16, 1858, Image 4

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    lamas' (Column.
He that by the plough would thrive,
Eimoelj; must either hold or drive."
To Manage a Rearing Borne.
Whenever you perceive; horse's in
clination to rear, separate your reins and
prepare for hit. The instant he is about
to rise, slacken one hand, and bend or twist
his head with the other, keeping your
hands low. this bending campels hint to
move a hind leg, and of a nece,itty, bring
his fore feet down. Instantly twist 'him
completely round, two or three times,
which will cavil's° him very much, and
completely throw him off his guard. The
moment you have finished twisting him
round, Wine his head in thettirection you
wish to proceed, apply the spurs, and he
will not fail fo go forward. If the shun
tion be convenient, press hint into a gallop
and apply the whip and spurs two or three
times severely. The horse will not, per.
Imps, be quite satisfied with the def am,
but may fm I disposed to try again for time
mastery. Should this be the case, you
hove only to twist him, etc„ as before, and
you will find that in the second struggle
be will be more wittily subdued than on
the former occasion; is feet, you will sue
Aim quell under the operation. ft rarely
happens that a rearing horse, after having
been treated in the way described. will
retort to this trick a third time.—Brit4sh
Fruit Trees,
There is a practic.e among the Swiss I
and Germans of boring into the ground
among the roots of fruit trees, (with. en in•
strument made for the purpose,) and pour
ing in liquid manure to furde the tree for.
ward, and also enable it to resist the
drought of dry weather. 1.1411't practi ed
this for four years with srane floe Seckel
pears, in dry land, with grand success. A
void this after September first, as it will
induce a second growth late in the WI,
which will be quite irregular end very lia
ble to be winter killed. The instalment
l use is the common iron bar, which. can
be driven in among the roots without in—
jury. Take for a wash,.(as 1 but' nn 'spe
cial' manures,) to three fourths of a barrel
of water, four qnarts of ashes, two quarts
of lime. two shovelsfull of night soil—stir
up well, and pour into holes made as ;t
-here, what the tree requires. Soap suds
are capital for this purpose.
Grubs and M ire Worms in Corn Fields.—
Sword land, ploughed in the Spring for
Corn, is often founil filled with worm s
which are sure to make great havoc with
the seed unless they are exterminated.
The following is an excellent remedy :
After turning under the sod sow broad
cast a bushel and a half of fine salt to the
acre, and harrow It is, following with the
roller. Soak the seed in tepid water
about eighteen hours, Dissolve two oun
ces of sal ammoniac and add it to the wa.
ter. Tins amount will answer far a bush
el of seed. Plant the cons soon after
owing the sait. The seed will gertni
nate quickly anti the plants will come
forward at once. listween the salt and
the ammonia, the corn will suffer little
front the worms.
AorrA PLANTS. --Et is a —remarka
ble fact, according to 'tie chemistry of
the world,' that trees which eve regal ir
ly shaken every dny in the green home,
grow more rapidly and are stronger than
others which are kept unngitated.
THISTLES. -If thistles ore cut when in
full blossom, are catefnlly kept down duo ,
the season, they will be greatly weakened
and it few ropititions will entirele destroy
them. No weed is more troublesome
than the thistle, especially when by long
neglect it has become thoroughly radica
tad, and allowed to spread its long roots
lilac a net work through the soil. When
this is the case, the work of eradication
can only be thoroughly aimed by dig
ging, care being taken to remove all the
fibres, and clear them from the grotrud by
burning or hauling them ofl.—When cut
green, and put into tba hog yard, . they
make an mellow manure.
PRESERVING FLowcas.—Oar fair rend
ers', all of whom, we know, love, flowers—
the Benson of which in now at hand—will
be int-rested in the following manner of
preserving them from wilting. which a
cotemparary assures us is highly success.
ful. The plan is this :—Procure a flat
dish of porcelain, into which pour water;
place upon it a vase of flowers, and rill
over the vase a bell glass with its rim in
the water. The sir that surrounds the
flowers bring confined beneath the bell
glass, is et:instantly moist with water, that
riseslnto it in the form of vapor. As fast
as the water becomes condensed it runs
down the side of ;V bell glass; sp as to
prevent it evaporating into the air of the
sitting room, the atmosphere around the
flowers is continually damp. The plait
is designated the •Ropean Apparatus..—
The experiment may be tried on a small
scale by inverting a tumbler over a rose
bud in a saucer of water.
Mr The weeth , •r is oxtreanely %Ism
MACnINE SHOP - Pigr. "a'.
:.. iO,lll, . 11 (:.4 . . , Thi s . great discovery is now et•entiug n great
~: . .m iu sToNE.. , 4.,. sensation among the Mediettl Faculties of tt•
rope and this country, it will cure the follow- :
~.. ~,,,,--,,i , N w I ipg (not everything) t Warranted to
511,111P.11,1Y2T1 u it)1.12, II a ; • Cte, Fever cued Ague in one atty. Cure chills
Corner ut Germantown Bond a n d New Marliet :i n fi ve „ini„nie. Cure Croup in one , n i ehi. _
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania nail Road, : Cure DrtllliCee in two to tour days:l:llre burns
Philadelphia. ; and Scalds in ten tuientes., Care Sprains,
COn3tlinrit7 Ott httlid Or toady to eider, the fill- ' Mionitas and Bruises in from nue to three days.
lowinir highly approved Flour Nlill Machinery. Cure Inflammation in one cloy. Cure Neural.
ht eedwara's Patent Portable Mills and Smut gin. Croup, 'Tooth Ache Bur.. in lit minutes.
MaehiliPS. I Core Hemorrhage, Seri:full AI:-e, -:,. i:i I. 0
Johnston's PatEnt iron Concave Uran Dos- (Ilya. Cure Bruises, Won'tls, Te, ••. :,, ,••• to
ter,. I three 'lays. Curti l':st. Ache. , 4 ti:: •-.:• • ' , .... , e
Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Core Kilns. !in one, tiny. Cure !:, :. - . I:.. :•••.• L., , ~:-.,!,
Picrson'a Patent Barrel littepand nun:ding ! Rheum, in three to -,, ::.,,... .',,,. ,;•, - , i Palpitation, Pleurisy, in ott •to teit •!:•y,. If. •
improved Bridge Steps and Buslies for Mill • Asthma, Palsy. Gout, F,rysipelns, in lea t ... •
Spindle. I i dr,VO Cure Frosttil Feet, Chiltiait•s, Chrtm
• • •
WARRAN'TEti, 1 lineunnoistri, Still doints, Sure Throne tit :,, •
'rite haat Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr & ' F.•ter. nod the lame made to walk, by a ,i• ...
Calico Mill St... Corn, Cole anti Plaster im'Wes. This Oil Ole Ornill'.) i. mild "•' ,l
ermine.. i pleasant. and is a great
Meilieito , for
A I,SO SOLE OWNER OF , t.ltildreti teething, ar rest lattliea shotthi oil 11,tt
Jolinslosea riltetst Cost Ititttat Con- ...S. It always leaven you better than it foals
(late yaw, and 000 bottle ',lieu cares mit irTly.
Lts'irP2ll7.l LOT,I - 19f1 - , , T,,,, ,
East and South•Eust of the Onto end Mlssissips I
pi Rivers. , Rev. James Tr imam
Warranted to take oat of the offal of every I Philittleleltin, attee ha,. ls'rbt.
Bushel (ironed. from Ito 21 Ilts. of stundu.l , • Prof. De Groili i .1 bum. been i,111, , - ,, 1 Mr
flour, which email not lot bolted out on account : thirteen pairs with Neurttl,iii a n d ecl. , I,mi
of the electrical atikesior, to the Bran. fill complaints. stud 111., beencocogn i seor• '•. • t•vp
• ---••••••• soundly or it-nil( any distance ler cm- ~,,,,
Wrier. .—I nervily warn all persona againit ;dt +is Lust sec!: I in , . lonic of to ' ' - '
infringing my nty rights, secured by ',Hort 1 . 0. 1,1 • Oil.'' TM , lira night I sit-;,t 80, I! , cc , •i
tent as above, as I will prosecute all persoi:a ed, and to any 1 actin 1;1.- n. n , -co el:‘,.. ..
making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters I wife cimii tot , believe her e 3.. .i . . ,,, ' l':
wth an Iron or Coot Metal Colleat, in vie.; trio 1,51 has done in tote week %hut the 1 ~, .:
lotion of the Loiters Patent of Joseph J9lind , lat. of I liiladulciiin failed io do in iliirc ,,,
arena, dated April 2-111 t, I 55.1. • years. Urotendiv yours.
Tit ()NIA SIL WOODWARD, rPropritastr. i RLy. dAmEs 'TEMPLE.
N. 11.—State and Counts Patent Rights fa' , :lin South street.
all the above Maelanos forSale.i
DE.' NESS t'relli.
August. 29, 1122. t • New 1ine..,,.'. , • ''''' . I - , .
. Pra. De Grain M
: t• I , ,•• ,
, • . • •• . ,• ••
flu,. tea,'.... :Ai, I,:r,
_: ~,,,• , : , , , r : ..
.ed clot. Oil aI. w I 1,,, • ~.: . ~ . .• • •• •
Attorneys at Law, Tnert Kee „ I ,
Huntingdon, ra., ; 16, .. q .,,,,,i,,,, ~,,,, ~... c; -,,,,. '1.,1, 111 1 11i1,11,
Office same. that lornieriy occupied by ,1.0,,, fhe 1. 1 . 1 i , ' 1,,,,,, 1 ... ,,,, • ''v ar ,1,3 " , b! . '
Scott, Esq. , i For sale by .loins liml, iluiliitsg , bm.
()et. 15, 1853. I Aug.'
1 10 GS
A fiewe . al. asmo•intehl qlhonks ,q 1 all de. ,
erripions just priuied Emil for 601 c al (la B LOOD-SE RcHER.
"Juvrnal (Vice." I "
Appintni t or Referees, Common Rim&
Notice to Referees, jownent Note . MR . L14D51.:1: has discovered ti remedy !hat
mill cure all distasw; arising. Irmo iti.pere
Summons, Vendee Notes,
Wood, which is the 'foundation of 011
Executions, Constabll's Sales' I will warrant hto cure all the withilenamed
Seim Fat:jos, Subpoenas,
diseases, soon as
Complaints, Deeds,
Warrants, Mortgages, l , , „
Commitments, Bond tottlemnlfy Constalile, .C o C id .... ' , Ti/ 11 w Alum.. grate nit?, rallmi' B ,
l'icerd me tha lbygd or Body, awl a%l
wirg,l7l Freak-out: , ou au, Foe,
„ } " J , An..l it will nl,o core all Indolent Ulcers of
a is , La E i a l id it , „ , 10 years . stiutiv; , : ‘ i%\ r b i ari , li n, c . itu i sed Boni
An. 622 Uhedout &reel, Puiludelphia., d
Have for sale, to consumers and th e trade, th e i 81,001) SEARCHER operates on mercury,
largest assortment of Purer Hangings, Borders, all other impurities of lie blond will he sweet
Decorations, Ac., in the United States. \ from the system, and it purities the blond or
They ark the special attention of the trad e ns vegetable me Melon can make it 1 and
to a new and eery beantifulprtiele on paper of when the hired is Pere, the hle,reeatte or
GI,LD ItINDO ii' lake 110 disease, fin' the impure blood
which they are it Widening, I which is the canoe of disease, is gone. It will
Sept.l4's7.-1 2 io. also cure all Debilitated Diseases, such us
drive from a derangement of the liver; tt will
W HALEBONE REED AND BRASS bring the liver into a healthy action, untl will
V V Hoops and ' Reed .Skirts, tor sale at the restore the patient to health.
cheap • tore of D. P. owiN. EQII SALE BY John Road. Huntingdon.—
Jos. I'. Heaton, Cassrille. Jos. Johnston, l'e-
A LETTEB.COPIER FOR SALE. I tershurg. Sills Cresswell Manorhill. Wirn•
An excellent one for sale at this office. This I Davie, Shaversville• Freedom Iron Co. Greens
is one of Adams' Na. 1 Can, Lever Press. nurg Furnace. Reddle & Stewart, West Bar
- ree. Sand. W. Pty.', Soulsbur. It Me-
SENIUIt, Barney. MeAlavys tort. Elias Musser, AIM
tort.ayes ass, M
Joseph DouelcConnelfsto9.
Only 519.5 0 per Quarter.
61. Mc%. Principal.
„fl Am l zt po gr es and Philosophy
Herr Karl Rockenhelm,
P a/. of German languages literature.
M. Eugenie ChivauK
Pr,p , sBor of Pooch sod Piano Music.
Janes W. Hughes,
Pqe.alor of MathematieN, etc
Mrs. Mt McN. Walsh, Pree , press.
Gr. dun Painting, Botany, liistolw tic
Miss E. Faulkner,
itiow.rhronitnieg. Pointing, Drawing, e'c.
Miss Anna M. Gray,
PiLi, Aluv , c and French.
Miss Jennie Pi. Walsh,
Primary English
jinn, new hands, and thci pwnont. owners
are determined to make it n first chi. Justine
tien. 'lite majority of the new faculty are cl
rrody on baud, nod 4111 , 11'lit, will I received.
soon an they with tome.
Young hidies and gentlemen intending to go
to school will do well to write to us beton• vow
elud,iag to go elsewhere. There is on ellthtper,
and tre leolitte litre trill be no Letter admen
now than ours,
Both sexes ore received, all knnehes laugh'
and students cult enter at any time.
For further information, 'abbess
Ihnethigfler. .
December 9, 1857..0'.
311..ANliS,Always buy your Blank. at. tia•
" Jentroal (Mice." We have . now prepartal aye
ty v.pettionatiele of BLANK DEEDS, It, tNI
BUCKS ULOVLS t Allll , eGat
1)..P. MVIN,s
j ()Shell DUI LAS, G ',haulm 6,
Mt Uanual!atowil, Pa.
Dr. John McCulloch,
now his professional servivee tu the citLeenai
Utliuntingdun and vicinity. ()thee, nu
between Muntgotnery and Bath.
untingdon, Aug. gti, 1855.
Ciff COUNTRY DEtax.n. ran Itsr
CLOTHING from Inc in Iluntingtbsn ut Whole .
stile ' as cheep as they can in the sal hare
a Whuluatle st ere In Philadelphia.
Apr.9,'56. 11. ROMAN.
M. MO. Walsh. Priroipal.
This sehoul fur young ladies and gentlemen
is probably the cheapest ono of the kind in the
country. The expenses per year for board,
room runt, furniture. fuel and tuition in common
English ate only $BB.
rineo meek wily $5 per quarter,All I DOHGLA & SHERWOODS' Patent Ex
tension Skirts, fur sale only by
the languages and tho othamentals are propor ' FustiEu. &
tionally cheap. For other information address
John D. Walsh, Ilantin g"" co, Pa. ZPLENDID Line of Dress Goods, ems nicht
The next quarter commences Monday, Jan.o Bobo. err nil kinds, Refuges, CI; I pt, • Lewes g
nary 18th, 1858. Colored Brilliants, Chinthes,&c.. ran be found
Jan.15,'87. at the id NITRO POLITAW.
A . §;hied Pqrs and Caret in
Wee 4*.
.1;11. liotbriek & Cu. Marklesburg. Wm. 11.
Leas, Shirlersburg. Thos. Orbisur, Orl.lso
ma. 1). 11. :Morrison & Co.llldirs 11.1111 s.
A. Itol.iwo & Co. Shed° Cop. I,yt.n Short
& Cu. 11;:bleag1e. 11. C. Walker, Alexendrin.
& Son, Birroiot:l , :tro. F. Al. Doi
K. AS'arriornourk. (i. p. Stitier. ti, tuwe
Creek. .1. W. Mitten:,l.lchat.ichss Mr.--
Semi. Aliment, MeehttnieAville.
11 nut ingtlon, Feb. 24th, 1058.—Nu.
110()TS & SHOES, the largest ,11:11 elau:•e,
ii,..Timetit in town, at
D. P. GIViN•S.
A iitiviologistic Salt.
This celebrated medicine i. for
Jentmil (;thee. For all intlantientor,
ii is a certain cure. liet a la.x and try it.
are afflicted.
'~ol'►'le CENT. NAVIED!!!
./ 1 . 1 7i; ES here
thot at kn. 1,111. •11,11 1P1,11 . 1111:41 , ,
111 i 11.A\111,1,1 NE 111 11 PAIN . I, al the r,nlar
JAMES A. 11 It 4) IV X.
To ,00to,00 ' ado. 0,4
i 'l , lll tht mi . l4
scriber jtud, rummy
1111. 11,106' ' D/016
110IL0W• WARE,
PAINTS, 'SAM 1.11,,
Whit.ll 1,0 lee vart'floly Atje 1., ,, ,i...1,.1 1, , t
at liClllll •11 t4 . 11 . 1.A, 11,111 Ille lit - •! •
Ulliti Thu:, lie ott ,11
salt. It, tl retail wary
11 , 11111.'4., pet.ple
ally tar ritstwet , llll it.sit, , ,l 1,, I.
All 111 °, 01 I i'VeiVO I.lllllli 1111010011.
11,t, Tale llltattl
Juntes A. llrott tt & ant tetott,tt'll b, 11 , 01,t3
Irayinuilt tt, (AS. A. I.lltliWN,
1000 I'OCEEI KNI VES, c mu ut 11. e
,„0 ,ilje Icy
,I:\ \I LS A.
trow usEs nmi no,vr llorEs, to, ci le, Ltutlwuru.tuieof
JAMES A. 111;(11VN
4.:f E CROCKS. JARS. lap e 6tuck
1, fur Stilt, uc 111111111410,,,,5' J.,
.IASLI.: Lit , )W N.
TrnsolutEss GOODS, of ril' ..tyle
at! 7tl, cheep at D. P. OWIN'S.
and cheep at D. P. (MIN'S.
BONNETS of every variety and price
17 °Hering very cheap by
Eiswirt & MCMURTRIE.
TILE founile; of this Celebrated Institution,
otters the most certain, speedy, and only
effectual remeny in the world for Glects, Stric
tures, Seminal WeakneAs. Pain in the Loins,
Constitutional I na , ilitv, Impotency, Weakness
of the Peek end Lint! , +. Affections of the Mil
neys, Paloirmton or the lieart.l4yspepsia, Nor
yoll,l I . Di•ease of the head, Throat,
iv o ,-4; or Skin ; amt all those serious and melan
choly distataers arising front the destxuetive
if rl,troya both body and
robl. Those Sell,' :ilia , itirtary practices are
wore Coalt i their tirtiet , arta the song of the
Spells to the !moil., 1 , 1, su es , bli g h t i ng t h e i r
net, hratinet ren d er i ng .
men i,•.
1'1,1, , , 'Merl, •
espe: r 11 . • I 'lO victims of Sal.
item: • •• • • i lestruetive habit
• e untimely grave
• the most exalted
. ,
, .
• . • •. trite might oth
• • : • • • • •, ',tit senates wiAll
,• • • ‘vaked to ecataity
• all conlidenco
, . .
M .1., ...1 ..•, men conrompla
,,,,, ••• .1' physient wenk•
tit &C.,i11011111
, 1 , 1 . . .1..1.114t0n.
r iho cal, a Dr.
u; in Iris 110110 t
nily rely iirtin his skill
11 I
I , llleciS,
11;'I ligor restored
•I j „ ~; , T .o. If V must frequetitly
• i • • • mu thw vier' ni of
• ... , .1.. 'I :I persons are too
• ~. ~,...a heitig aware of
, Ine•1 gat tnay ensue.—
xl.O ti.,,1 the soliject will pre
trtni to ti... 1 • ; nt' rr, )cre .,ti m , is
improper habit
being deprived
• .• ..f ',run ing, the most no-
.:•ii. to mind turd ho
, ..• ; ' ;., Fy-rcio hccool.'s dentogtol , tft
.•, . •• wc..koned, rieryoo4
, , „ ,•, ;. 11 . 4111 P, cough sywp-
Prerlvriek Street, se
•trvet. East side, up
uhs, %dug the nulue
i4,lkti the pines.
No Mvio • DRUGS.
$::. ...... }.37~
Mewher Of Surgeons,
ee.elien.• et* tro 'nest eminent
r en, ee, et IL.. l lilt,/ ?1 , 1 , 1 the Kreuter
Leif ill!, Ilk II:, 61'1'11 the tirSt
114111,10 . 1.1,1. i,, rhit RIO eke
where. 1 , 114 ell..eted ' , 111.' Or the 111.11 it
that ere I'Ver ICI. , is. 111111, trollibled
with ritlgling in the 'lend .Itl.l eArs when asleep,
greet eeev.nemess, twine% :deemed at sudden
iltieris, with i'reiltiont
ittieliiied smile:lint, with i:eriiiigepent or wind,
were eured
When tie ihisguitiljti nn l iiiipr,:lept votary
ul'tdeesure he hes imbibed the ore Is of this
painful disco>, a to too often happens that an
ill-timed sense of shame, or dread 01 discovery,
deters him froth etittlyine to those who from t,d
(Mitten mid ret , pectithility, 4:n11 111011 u befrieutl
bitholeleying oil l the eulistitutiiinel symptoms
this lit•trtil disease Inalkeiheir uppearenne,
such as n:Cerittell sore threat. diseuned nose,
noeturnal pain, in the Moil and limbs, dimness
of sight, drainers, tootle, :l t h e %hie hones, end
arms, tdittelies out the head, faeti mid extremities,
prow est•ing ttitlt frielittni rapidity, till nt lost
the palate of the 'tomtit or th, hoo t , of the nose
tall itt, nod the victim anriti disease he
ettliteet a horrid olijeet
tienth puts it period tutu: ilri•tufhil sufferings,
sending hit,. to "tlitit limo., trim) whetieu no
,tardier rtlitrus,” To suet, therefore, • Dr.
I.,,ervt, the Most
inviolable seert:ey, and fruit: his extensive proe•
tine itt the first Hospital,: of Europe anti Ameri
co, he eau cuetiovutly levon.tml n safe and
speedy mire to the unfortunate vietint of this hot
It- is a melancholy fact that fall v i t y.
tines to this boatel owiug to the unskil
fulness of ienorant pietwiaers oho hr the use of
Tat ~leaillt• potion Mercury, ruin the eons i
tution. and either send the unl'ortunate Potterer
to an untimely grave, or make the re,i4u, of hit
life mher.hle.
'lake Particular Aaticu
I I S• 1, all 11 , 0 ,%1111 have injurv.l
then,,,,,A iu.hkent•i
;111(1 . 111 1)0•1 ' ,1;: :• , •
I ,t,tl
in the
, 'Mcts,..7lr pow-
. .
•rhe vilrwr, cm ft, ',hill
. I, 1., 1..• Ot 111P11101,,
• ‘:: till 17t•11le,:ii:, 1,1 liN Fta•
I : ti let Slivirty. tirll 1 1 1,ti
1,111:1 tr, • some, .Ithe
t I '•I eau 1145
, • heothh•
1.1 • lltht , lll tile
to 1.. ; toillthos
3, t . o'n
11•221,11%, I , II,IICAS
r-1,, Sl'euliTtess,
I IWINI it:Art.ll 91)ee.lily
11, I
Ibillbg ea,
.• by !I certain prac
„,, „ rtryiently
or al •oltool
,•• , „• • , relt,OVeo when a
reb.l,:rs marri,u
sold, anal 11011 A Nhould
aiply Imti,...tio.ty. •
NA 111 II 1.11 111.1111 V.HOIL: MOO, the Itll pt , 01 Ilia
1 . 1.111111', tlllll 11, 1 1111 . 1/11g u 1 111 ,1 1 . 1111 . 011,14 NllOlllll be
~atria II 11..111 1.11 1.r../1.1 . 1,1N 111111 0010,1111.13. Of
111.• 11 11.1. ileviatilig bull! It. path
lintary ihaial g aat certain secret habit
boOore L'Ulllollllllllt 1114
r,•:!‘,l il , ut it •1•1111 , 1 iillll.l anfl fully
The tlitl,t lo proillUte 1.111111-
1:1,11,11 1111011 t jun,.
I, 10 at nu:try pligrilmtge,
I.e rwiwri .lurke. to tin, viuw; the
~,,,, nll.ullrlacll with 1 1.1 1 1111 . ,1111 , 1 Idled
n 1111 ilia iiitlyoulioly it:111,114m that thIllittiop111(1132
111 t 1 r 1.11,1,1c11 Wffil uur uwn.
OFFICE Nib. Sl)111 . 11 FICEI)EI(ICK ST.
BA 1;1'13101W, 311).
l'e• hint atgerc.
The many thousimils curinl at this Institution
within the last 15 f ears, unil the numerous im
portant liperailiolls perrolll.l Ily, Dr.
the Ileportara I,l* the pa
pers, 0111 u,nut other persona, uotieee Of whteh
have appemvil again and again before the pub
-1.1, is usullieieut guarantee to the afflicted.
N. B. There are so many ignorant and
worthless tiuillks advertising themselves a s
Physical., ruining the health ut the already Id ,
thew!. Dr. Johns'ntlefiellS it necessary to say to
those ittiacqo.anted with his reputation that his
Diplomas ulau)s hang in his office.
ge TAKE NOTICIi.—A II letters must be p.
paw, 11110 contain a postage stamp for the reply
or no answer will Litt scut.
June IP 1007147.
BOOKS! i t- 9z - v,t BOOKS!
4U((fl VOl. MRS of new and popular
fill Books,embracinn ere, variety
usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and
many of them at Willie Publisher's retail price,
the subscriber now °tiers to the public.
All school books used in the county can be
bad in any quantittes at retail and wholesale
rates. Foolscap, Lrtter and Wrapping Paper,
wholesale or by the ream.
loft superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold
Cases, from SI upwards.
WO Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' a nd
others' hest manufacture.,
100 splendid Purt Mounaissand Pocket Books
at 20 cis. and upwards.
the latest and prettiest styles, just received tram
Philadelphia and New York, prices train In ets.
a piece and upwards.
500 beautif u lly painted and geld gifted Ma
llow Shades at 44 et, and upwards.
Thu public I nye but to cell and examine, t.n
be courineed 'hat in haying of the above stork
they wll he pleated and also sel, money. Re
member the place, corner of Mentgomm: and
Rwilroud momenta WM. COLON.
Apr.2X,'s6. •
DEA N UTS.-6000 Bushels Wilmington Pee.
.1„. huts je store end lii• sale by
WM. Y. tillU(iAßl),
323 or ipi North ad street, Phila.
PONVECTIONARY.—PIoin and fine Cun
1„..) rectlonttry rusultstetttre4l end t't3r sale Lr
323 or 191 North 34.1 street, Plirai.
OJIANGU S AND LEMONS.-500h , sere 0,-
rungeb kral Lemon in stue *led for sale by
323 or 191 North ail street, Phila.
I)MSINS.-1,0110 Boxes Bunch and Layer
Raisins in store and for sale Ay,
523 or 191 North 3d street, Phila.
Currouts, in store and for pnle he
323 or 191 Forth weir, Philo.
and Filbert's in ,tore an l rm. gailu
\VM. N. Sill'(t,1111).
32:l or 191 N'th 311 st.,llliLt.
7 1attX11Z!_+7074 AI
411 ,
c 4, •
owners undersigned own% of the Huntingdon
L Mill, inform farmers ami the milil;cgenerul•
ly, that they now hart:their new lain in running
order, with all the modern improvetnnuts in the
water wheels and machinery.
They have put in live of the Improved Jon
vat Turbine Water Wheels, nod von grind is
all stages of the wakw, ova daring the coldest
weather, any and all kinds of g rim.
They aro prepared to sell, and lam on hand
for sale at all times, ntAnarkrt rates, all kind of
_ .
and fartrera can have their own grain graaad,
mid take it back in a return hutch or they cue
be furnished in exchange at a wrnent'a tnic°
an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop•
red iced. . .
or all disease ; the greet, first came
Springs from neglect of Nature's 1 , 11,,,
sICI , FEIe Noir
Whet.. core t, guaranteed in all steles of
Sell-Ahnse. Nervous Deisility. Sirietures, Cslress J •,...
: Ore , el, Diabetes, Di , Can..s (Atha liilllll-:' and : r.••,1 us: 1i,,, ~,„.5„,..,
Madder, Aloireesial Rheims:WA:l, Ss•ro:',,la, .. r..„ : „. : ~..„,
, T, a, ,,,,,, ,,,
~ ,:, ,, ,,,,,,,N.,,i4;, ,
Pains isi the Bier,; 11.111111de, 11)1S,IISCi of tle ~,,:: s S. sieges' Isy many Lob
, Limps, Three', Nose tied Eyts, Ulcers upon 1,,,,,, ~,h h . ,, , , , a, ~.,
~.0 „:
~.,:,. i , iik
Huntingdon, kleceinher 10, 1966: the ' Ilody! er i•la Il 'r: C.l " . 's i' ' '" P'Y , E l 'il " ' " ' ilia HU: :viz,
s., 1' goo ssi. : l , i in , fr, , nt 1
' tic Fits, tit. Vite's Deeee, end fill dismisses asi- '
~,i u ii,,,, • , ` - , ; .
i,..,,,,;.,. sop
IN BLAST AGM - 1! l'liiht;ioiiiii,,..tT,te.Toß.::.!..r..”„ivriii,',;„o,s,.%x:3.,',.l,,r,f.-:,::,t;,.,", , ~:.,„,,...„ to flee,., , calla:
ry, Loss of I , ,wer, *aural Weakness, Moines: , i wIII ,". l' , "!:, 1 "'I iecreose of !am Sly..
'ltrf.r'kt"l74. :of \lrina: with nrealiar 'VIIs appearing before : I regissilit Ms.:isles to . ilio, , i , sit , , , p.s:ll:
Illtizetlawdoit 1,.... - "tik, IFOilittdirY• ! the eyes, Less of Sighl, Wsikeritineis, Dyspers• ' suites so, era eamlosiesi age.;„,,. hi,„
,:v I I ,:i :ssl4 1 n i,,,, Liver Disease, Eriiptiens upon the lave, I while i.ri,,,1,..,1, as the prota:e.lor a.i. , 1:
Pain in the baek end head, reinale Irreesiluri• : rs , :sia ,, , , loli.v :Ace des 1111:0, ;..',t; iilli,
ri'llE SUBSCRIBER'S TAKE TIIIS ME.. c i i t t i s ,:a, it t i i i e d i.s et i l Lt i t n i t r iv o t; u pe w r
I , , l , l l tic e l , T u ir c es ti r: u . . o , l , l , ..t , t o i 7: ig ee i. . : s's: - . .,1: 51.5 . 1, , I'. ,: ~. ..,!
lie gtheonder(nifil Y in.Th'antlitnee y thh"oirneftlrecti';'"'il'tnlittehell'" ' "'"'l: noted, however long standing or elstil,l, I A ,e ,„ l. -, ,
~ .., . ~,L , I ,: :'. •.r •. '
ingslon Foundry, and are now in sueeensfutup- ca „, , ~,„,,,...1 i „,, a i N, ~,,,I i„ . ,1,,,„ .
Crttt 10, and are,prepured to furnish casting of than a permanent rune ~,,„ b a e g„.,,,, ~.. ~ , ! • -:,.. • •• • , ....,.! : • ~
all kinds, of the best quality on the shortest no - ether tree:mem, even utter the disease los: , I • - -'
' ' ' ' ''
;;' ''''",.''
tine end most reasonable terms. lied the skill of eminent physicians and reol•• , ,
Partnere are invited to call and examine, our ill their locus „f nu,. 'ft,e ma di a i„, „,,.
Ploughs, We are alentllitelltring the Hunter piens:nit . .yitliont odor, cu using no sickness anol , ,
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the :pis, 1:01t, mercury or bal.11). During twenty ,I , ,- •,'' . , . ',
!' , ,'.• .
Huntingdon County Agrieulturel Mar, in 1855 ) i.
~.. a pvaetire, I hate rescued tiom the jaw's , • , , ~ :. :.,. , .
Hies Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which - ,,5! Dees!, sonny 0,,,,,,end5, who, in the Wl' ~,,,,.. ~,,,,.
'an't be heat, together with the Keystone, hill- g i n of the ~1,,,,,, tocotior ed d,,,,,,,,,,,, l i ed 1,,,,,, i 1,. .:, .
side. end Berslicar Ploughs. We have on hand given up by their physicians to die, gide]) e rr. s ~..., , : ,
end are manaffletaring minve.: Earl' a. Cook: ' rants um in promising to the efilimedoelso may s
Porter and office stoves for coal cr wood. piece thon.selves ender toy care, e perfect mei
HVELOW-W ADE tnnst speedy cure. Secret oinesises are the
. . „ oi , N 5,,.,,,,, hhe
~,h grentest uenliess to heity, an they are the lir.t
: .00nsisting of K e ttle s, ... er • " i '• •,' , " e.a.a olt.onsetnotion, hero:tile inld many nth
of which will he sold cheep tar esi,li or in ex-
, fir disemca, end slim:lst ban terror to the in.
dumps for country produce. Old metal taken , man h i nNh i y. ...
As a uermeneist cote is scarcely ': - •' '•• ,'" 1 , 1 "' , ' , • .• ,•
~i s e n t i v w ca i n e t n iii , gn.
r lly please,a,es, st r ict
nh a o l l t ,c et: at t ention s 1;1
e t e o e tsi
i , n: i;
~ ,, , , . ,,,.o ,w h i, .,,, ,i i a t ii i i , , ,ig
~, I
i v eho ,,..ay
o o to r
ii t t h . c i,oo , n , st
~,, , ,, , „ , i , i ,) , , , 0 g
u i zi !' ! . .• .
Oa' e of puhlic patronage.
only hill to cure the diseases but ruin the en , - ' . 1 . , 1'9.'.',..'. lv.
J. M. CUNNINGIIAI & lIRO. siderion, tilling the system with mercury, a Ishii ' .. 3 '
April n
.0, 1856.-tf. . ; wills the (Stone, hostels the etitlercr into a ra- i •
••• _
-` ()1) Si FANS ' IPA AAi 'lt'S',
----- . phi Consumption.
NEW AND CHEAP i But slm's' the disease and the treatment not ".I'" ' ' ' L'' „'' '• ( i "'") $2 ,si !, '
WHOLESALE AND RETAIL eat,. death Apt:edify and ti.e victim illerrits, ale ' , 0.
',.) 2 75
' GRO . CERY sfronE. I
,*„.,,. J. eisteil.l epee the children • who tiro l'hiuh''' ' !! ! :!!' !"!!'"''' .."L'ii• 2 do
! Levu with feeble constittions, find the ogirreist : o I,
DA VII.) GROVE informs the citizens of ',',. I g e t i e r:q.",, t ?' l i ' i li.t i. ': ; 111,1 .. bogey's heft' i : a '5: i: ' ,: : , : : : : . ‘ , : ; ' , ' ,.. ': , ; :1, 1 . i . p k i ., i ::::,,, u .,:,, 1 , 1• : -' , II ; I :i :::` ,
Huntingdon and vicinity, and the piiii4e Aelt• t ,"ff.,,,,,,,,,;, ~( 1 . ' 0; 0 ~ic i ; ' 1? "11" 11 . 'll I 'W. , • u are S 1,,t t." ..I J. A. lilit:WN &
i. %yet, asset an d !
coolly, that be has opened a (4ificery Store on Lusts, a„,aiii„“ upon I l iaa , a -4511 ax i tient „ u of i lluoiti:ge.i..., Api..8,'5,1.•t1,
Hill street, Irtint,ingslon, a few :biers west of . ~,,14,.!,,, ',ad e„,,,,: ga h„, th en , h a ah , a ,,,1,, ; -
Wm. Hrhisfin's residence where he will at all gi.t.,e, ' I.l:raimsl ~J Gb l'rloting" at
1 times he. prepared to stipp‘r customers with Sell-alsonc in iinothet formidable enemy to ' 4 i. . e ' 'T
kl t G Ott r.i T y„.
41,1, KIND'S OF 611()CARIES, , Iseelth, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of „ ,
I Linn/. diseases causes so destructive a droin 'I , '''','"". '''''' "" Y: ''' '' ' , /i "I."'" l l' "' " ,''''
tat wholesale and retail. Seger., Coffee, Teaa, ! upon tine system, drawing its thuitsunds of vie: 1 ,Irv„ 'SI' , s 1 :, I r , I °mods' I, to ,1 , .. all ki,
m 0t „,,,,,,, , chee ,, , p i„ , c on f ect i„„,,i,„ , . tiles through a tow years of minoring down to fill 3,01, I s riag , E . ra gat go pee
5„,,,„.„ , T ,, b „,. 1 untimely cave. It deters:ye the Nervous syn. • 1
Hams, Salt, Broome, litsvkets,
1:'.,.., ~.. ;„ ~
.„.,,,.„ ,„,,,,,,, fiscally h h ,„, I simpl es Wllhte& agey the energies ot !Se, 0te.14 leer r
, :6
..,,"; . ,;:g t ;;,, —. : . --, -- s , ' , , m e n t ali!erttligernelit, p . reven . U! die pruner , .a.,,,,,. 1 ,... a . , ,,, Eit . Is. the
sim elopes., of the system, shsimalines Gtr iner-
1 • A. la m d.
eloonhied to colt el. e".' i. Pth the risme, 'moiety, business,
• and ell earthly Jiappi• i '''''' "' . I'IIII• Ii .“' Ilon ' t giro entire s .,
cheapest, I want everybody to veil itini examibe : ~,,,,,, tend leaves the eufihrer wreck, i h , , a ,,, ! :so, I o s•bsage ss, sill will be masts,
Inv Mock and prices. DA VII) CHU V1;1.• , load nil: d, m edisposed to consumption nod n:-- - - -
.11 tiolitiptiOtt ~i lily 29, 'snely,.. mini of evils more to Ice dreaded then death 11, i i l . I•t , ~.,,,, aced ,- L. ~, I, t .le - I , or bts) ,
sof. With the fattest eullibleitee I assure the • rud s co. sod 5i,,,, a' I:oor ois in 0,
A/TENS' UNDERNNIRTSANI ) "A‘VCItS , übfort umite Wo e of SelkAintse that it speedy i Pi:sob:, & OleAlnii,
and permanent cure elm he elfeettel, and with '
ljj-eshiteLeisinglinfeSnie')irstslitir"ts",btasn'dloTlllSarl'ion':!eers'Srililitrla'" ' till, abandonment of :nine. practices lny pa. ' A 1.1.- woof., Int:ram, 'Venetian. J.
at H• r• UWIN 's • ! tient, can be restored to robust. vigorous I.e,ltli. ' .t% Rag (!stpet. Also, Cocoa, Jots lo
' The afflicted me cautioned against dig t.,e of eon Mats, eao he b e d elo•ao nu da. sows
51!. , , , K BONNETS in greet variety nest cheap ,
~ Putout Mediehies, for there ere se many lege.- ! I 1 . 111 • It & sIlo ,1 ""
1). I • k ' " IN -'
ous :snares in the eultiums of the pufflic prints
if Li.rlD.l o ♦Gi. it2lfilgilliiLL6. l'ilo'h' l lt: , ,"`:„:7';,..t h ,."„,l';u";i7,',',".s,"„l l ,e,:Mitrol,"4l; i 'r 0 . ,F, ', , ,,','.",10":.",1::::, - .4 l 'liv...;'„'..,Vi'.'. g rmive',:ei:l,r,
I st TTORNEY AT LA II:, ! comps:moils of quack doeters, or the equelly poi- : toned et the liislijoindslr store of
Willattend to all business entrusted to libri• Of- I nonous metre:us vended ass -. Patent Aleeicines.” I Emits:is & MeNI um
' I nun carefully unelyged many of the so-,,bled
flee neatly imps:mitt the Court Houses . , l'atent Medicines 1,14 find that ntuirly all of I , I' II E latest and now,- , t stile. T. , hlirs' I
May 11. 'WI
thew colaaill Corrosive Sublimate, which i. on" ; -'• . Iftenitii a. Slos4t wen , of the stgungest preparetiona of mercury nod 0,
UtiIITtIETPTIPEr C/118.1(i;6nSirs u 4 dumbly poison, oforb instead of curing the
- CL O AKS, Ta int s, Rigolettes, Viets , ri ,
ease apathies the i•ysteni for Lilo. 11..1.1 litcs,ts, toy .4.1 at iviee. whi
CONSUMPTION Tii,. ., ,,,,,t1.:, et the patent medicines now in eusepttitisse by Ft-iikts & 11Icftlo,.
low ere put up by unprincipled end ignorant per.
And all Diseases of the Longs and Throat, ~,,,,„, tutu ai, utia.nodod even•
the uitiloil•iti Di Ili••s 1 . S 110! S, II ATS and CAI
Ann PORITIVELY ammonia medico, and are ./". I ,l' as Ovetstlitt: 4-1 lar,,t stook evur kr.weltr to ro"o 8
CURABLE H nsiALATIoN. :01 utry 1,11..1.1 4 6 of VIC 11111111111 HyStenl. hero% is, very ellen], ni Fimuivt Oi Plc : Mutt
Which conveys the remedies to the cavities in "..! ono °Wert as view, mid that to make ewer
the lungs through the air pun:sages, 41111 Colllllllg l ey regardless of eunaeqUenolia. 1 ! LA N K vrs, rt,,i,t, Fho,nek. J.itipey
in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes Irregularities and all diseases of males and• Al prices, at tae mammoth splllllll
the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes . Tousles treated us principles establishes! by I.lsooo & .%IcAluo
a tree and easy ~ c pertorution, heals the lunge, : twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by
I purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to :be thousands or the must reusaikoble curers. 1l.1:- it I 0 ros iNt; et i ',LA, Its, of the Ise
I nervous system, giving that tone Wail energy iia elites with 11,11 dile...ions sent to any putt of the i/- 1, nst, hi; Icy, just 1.14-sired is
I indispensable or the restoration of health. To ' Clued O we. and ‘aanada.s by Paticittii croon. - lisiikat & AleMt! II
I be able to state confidently that Consumiltion it Inicating theft symptoms by triter. liti,ilievs
I curable by inhalation. is to me a source 40.41- Cuireanundonce strictly contideastial. Aniit,ss
r loved pleasure. It is an much under the eon- J . SUfd DI I, It V 1 LL IS, Dl. li.,
* DR. J R. HUY
, tool of medical treatment es any other formid. Olylek, Nu. 11111 Fli.usta Sc., (Old N 0.100,..) ' 1. -- 1
able discuss: ; ninety out of every hutisli•ed ca- lielow Twelfth, i 4l 44N1 5,
see can be cared in the lion stegus, um! filly per I 1 7.111LAI)ELIVIIIA.; i AI ALLAAN Al ItiA, lit -.T. eft,
rent In the second ; line In the third stage it is A. 51.6.467.•,/, April I, 1 tibr —ly.
TEM 1.1111710 na 91 CIZINXI
is of an improved manufheture; atod they wilt
.inure xll 7 U. TURN OUT of aupvior pitai
ty to every bushed of grain left at Our
N. p,.-- the Buckwheat atones are not quite
impossihle to save More than eve per cent., for .
the Lunge are no rat np by the disease es to bid
defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the
last strum, Inhalation affords extraordinary re
lief to the 'offering attending this Awful scourge
which annually destroys ninety-floe thotimand
persona in the United States alone ; and a noes
reet shows that of the present popu
lation of the earth, nighty minions arc destined
to fill the Consumptive's graves.
Truly the quiver of iljult has no screw so fn
tal en Consumption. In all ages it hes been the •
great enemy of life for it 'Titres neither ego mu.
sex, but sweeps ntinlike the brave, the beauti
ful, the greeeful end the gifted. By the help n •
that Supreme Being front whom enxieth every
goal end perfect gift, I em enabled to offer tn
the afflicted a permanent end speedy care in ,
enesumptlnn. The fleet cruse of tubercles ia
from impure !dotal. end the immediate
duce(' by their dopes - idiot in the lungs in to pre
vent the free admiesion ot air into the air cellA,
which ceases n weakened vitelity through the
entire system. 'Dam surely it is more rational
in expect greeter gram, trout medicines enterim,
the eevities of the lungs than these administered
through the stomach ; the patient will elways
find the lungs free end the breething easy, aftr,r •
inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhelation it n Imo l
remedy, nevertheless it net, constitutionally end
with 'core power and certainty than rentedins
administered by the stomach. To prove the pow
erlul end direct halite nee adds mode of ichnin.
buretion, eldnrofortu inhaled will entirely de
. etroy seneibility inn OM minutes, pertilyning
the entire nemitts system, no dint a limb titer 118 j
~mituitult,(l without the slightest pain; inhaling •
the erdittary burning gas will destroy life in c
few hunt,.
The lull:114(10A of ainnitioin will rouse the
tent e6cu C . ...tiring or apparently dead. The o
dor of miter of lice nieilieittes It permit Wilde in
ti. c clan a tow minutes after being inhaled, :mil
may be immediately detected in the blood. A
convincing proof of the annotitutlonal effects of
inlialitenn, is the tact that sickness is nlways
oared by breathing foul air—is not this positive
evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepay-
eil and judiciously administered Oro' the lunge
bnahi protium, the happiest results 4 Dm tag 1
eighteen years' practice, many thousand...Teti.
frion lii•unses of the lungs and ,Moat, have
e•Hri. care, nild i ..avo etihuted many
ri ma viol le even otter the autlerers had
is the Iva stages, which tally
kr., me consumption is no longer a ni•
11 . C.I . ffirla of consumption is
11110131. Mill I ' 4ll - 1111 1 1 i 1.11 11.11, 1 experience and
110111161 RM.
"f nO.OITICS. enaiiies see 1.1
FLudily, the various Points of ttiieiim:
that simulate and apply the proper
LIZ ,V Mistaken 0,1 in a siege
ease. 1.111, litettli,:rity, it: ,eneeetion tvitli
fejt: owl noerowepie
übles tttC to ri.lieve !lie lungs limn the elierin ttl
contracted, to eit!erg., the chest, Itarjtr
the bleed, import to it rtmen . c.l
energy and tone to the entire system.
Alenieilles nit], fall .I,teetions sent ie arty part
of the United Stun, .1..1 Ctimeins by patients
I:ollllllunit,itirg :heir syniptetnn I,y leitc.•
Cee cure lionlai be mate eellein if the In tient
slioulti pay toe a totell.l give me au
epportfitity to ttnetaine :he lain:', ittel viial lc nie
touch gle.iter eertnitity. stet
then the vati• ceithl tlit-ettni nithout nib y
lag tile patient attain.
• U. W . f.i D .
i)iFicti., 1131 P 11.1.31 1. Slim., (C/111 No. 10.).)
11,b,sv fret i 6,
August 5, 'Bs7.—iy.
o.ce=c — , ti
a C P a
cer, 0 0
fr I, 0 0 ti
o.i nurn. JOURNAL." 0 f d
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1: ; 1 : lELERILOg
4 2 ;2, 11 ~ls Ch.or on /he. m/.8t, 1 0 ) r k ;
• 21018 DrETN Ch
THAN 0 c
1# x
<:•.; All kinds of
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1 :
htivislotor,4, 1 .1,;
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.1. Ai
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Mal Cr,
'II Mil 1.1,
doll, 5.27
NUFT, u, D.,
P. I. ;;
A1..1. it, iillers,lat, • • ;;;. . ;
At, :41,11vat t,
.1..01, 31 Culniniii, NI. I .I'.
A. I'. AV 11.40 N. 1:. I; r•,-
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