Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 09, 1858, Image 2

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    `ipuntinghn *anal.
Editor and Proprietor.
Wednesday Morning June 9, LB5B,
The Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Journal, is great
er than the Globe and Am
erican combined.
The Huntingdon JOURNAL for one year, and
either of the Magazines for the same period
will be sent to the address of any subscriber
to be paid in advance as follows
The Journal and Godey's Lad Ye Book, for
ono year, $3 50
The Journal and Graham's Magazine, for
one year, $3 50
The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and
Putnam's Monthly, fur one year, $3 50
The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family
Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, fur one year
$3 50
The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine,
for one year, $2 75
The Journal and Peterson's Magazine, for
one year, $2 75
The Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for one
year, $3 50
Partner wonted.
Hrir Restorative.
The Golden Prize.
Hair Restorative.
Public Sale.
A Prize for Everybody.
Foundry.—R. C. McGill.
Cloth-Cleaning —Zechariah Johnson.
List of Retailers.
Portable Fence—H. Cornprobst.
Drugs.—McManigel & Smith.
Orphan's Court Sale.—G. H. Stewart
Wigs & Toupees.—. Geo. Thurgaland.
Sewing Machine.—Grover & Baker.
To Contractors.—H. W. Miller.
Cook Stove.—Call at this Office.
Sale of Unseated Lands.
Burders History of all Nations.
Dentist.—Dr. R. A. Miller.
Horse Taming.
Oil Paintirgs to be given away.
Catawba Brandy.
Liver Invigorator.
To Merchants and Farmers.
Saving Fund.
Stage Line.
Dr. Hardman.—To Invalids.
Dr. John McCulloch.
Cassinile Seminary.
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills.
Dry Goods.—Fisher & Mc Mantle.
Nicholas' Bank Note Reporter.
Hardware.--J. A. Brown.
Dentist.—Dr. J. R. lluyett.
Attorneys.—Scott & Brown,
Paper Hanging.—llowell & Bro's.
Letter Coppier for sale.
Electric Oil.
Lindsey's Blood Searcher.
Dry Goods —D. P. Gwin.
Antiphlogistic Salt.
Books.—W, Colon.
Huntingdon Mill.
Foundry.—Cunningham & Bro.
my Goods &c.—David Grove.
Attorney.—T. P. Campbell.
Consumption.—G. W. Graham.
Suffer not.—l. Summerville.
Lock Hospital.
'Railroad lime.
Dr. H. K. Neff.
Attorneys. —Wilson & Petriken.
Duponco's Golden Pills.
The Citizens of Philadelphia and of the sev
eral counties of the Commonwealth opposed to
the 'Lecompton Swindle,' and the despotic pol•
icy of the National Administration in forcing
upon the people of Kansas a Constitution in
defiance of their known wishes, and in subs-er
sion of the great right of self government; and
in favor of a Sound American policy in oppo.
sition to the policy and intrigues of foreign
governments, ars requested to send Delegates,
equal in number to their Representatives and
Senators, in the State Legislature, to meet in
Convention, at Harrisburg, in the Hall of the
House of Representatives; on THURSDAY,
THE BTH DAY OF JUL,Y, A. D., 1858, at
2 o'clock, P. H., to nominate State Officers,
and transact such other business as the exig
encies may demand.
By order of the State Committee.
LEMUEL TODD, Chairman.
Attest: —Enivettn M'PuzasoN, Sec'y.
It is manifest to every free citizen,
whether attached to the Whig, Democrat.
Ic, Republican, or American party, that
the course of the National Administration,
deserves the rebuke of a tree people. To
secure that end union of action is all that
is needed. _
We therefore, call upon the citizens of
the several to nships, who are opposed to
the present National Administration; es
pecially to its despotic and fraudulent Le
compton policy; and its wilful neglect of
the just claims of domestic industry; and
who are in favor of the sovereignty of the
People over their own local concerns; of
American institutions as against the policy
a nd intrigues of foreign Governments; and
of adequate proCection to ou r home labor,
to meet in Township Meeting at the place
of holding their general elections on Sat
urday. the 26th, of June, to elect two del.
egates to meet in Convention in hunting•
don on Wednesday the 30th., of June to
elect a delegate to represent them in the
State Convention at Harrisburg on the
1-Ith., of July; and to appoint conferees to
elect a senatorial delegate; and for the fu r- T oUR BOOK TABLE. ' plated resignation. If this be the case, an. I
they purpose of consultation as to the most I rfXrSargent's School Monthly for June other will soon be added to the already round
prudent and efficient means to unite the is on our table. This is one of the best number of ex-Governors of Kansas.
Clerks are now at work under the direction
People in their action against the great publications for instructing the youth of
of Babcock and Deitzler, ' et cop ying from the re
wrongs purposed by the National Adinin- our land that has come to our notice, and
turns of the election for del egates P to the Lear.
istration upon the rights of a free people. we think it is deserving of an extensive pa. enworth Constitutional Convention, wnich was
%V, P. Orbison,
A. Willoughby, tronage. Send SI to the address of Epes very full, the names of the Judges of the differ.
MP. Campbell, Benj. Gralius, Sargent, Boston, Mass. eat precincts, which will be presented in be.
John Reed, J. C. Watson, - - • half of the Free State men for reappointment-
A. W. Benedict, J. Geo. Jules, (Mr We have received a little book,
at least, such of them as reside at localities
T. Fisher, J. P. Carman, published in Boston, by William Hunt,
where other reliable Free State men are not
D. Dunn. D. Snare, giving full instruction huw to mice good 'mown. If the two above mentioned Commis-
J. H. Thompson. W. Rot hrocic, Bread light without yeast, or powders. sioners can bring it about, there will be one
J. Williamson, R. A. Miller,
Receipts for plain cooking, Hints on health Pm-Slavery and two Free State Judges at
E. C. Summers, P. Swoope,
N. Williams, 'l',G. Strickler, &c. Address a letter containing 10 cts., each of the election precincts.
J. W. Witten], W. Williams, , to William Hunt, Boston, Mass. Up to the latest account there had yet been
John Whittaker, P. C Swoope, no collision Letwcen the Border Ruffians and
W. S. Hildebrand, T. H. Cremer, PETERSON'S MAGAZINE —The July RIM- the Free State men at Moneka, since the mar"
John Read, . IV. Summers, ber of this popula periodical is received. der of five of the latter. The desire of yen -
J. S. Stewart, W. Ra hin , Mrs AIM S. Stephens, we see, bi g'ns a ' geance is yet, if ever, to be appeased. No or.
J. F. Barney, D. M 'Mu rtrie,
Jos Steel, SS. Smith , t hrillin g,„ ~.
J. M't 'ulloc'h, Original Novelet, entitled "Km ganized company, but numerous independent
volunteers have left Lawrence for the scene of
R.lll'Hivitt, YIIPLIP's IJAUGHTER." II ereafter, M rs.
G. Hartley, D. Blair, S. w'll write exclusively for "Petersog's
Henry Glazier, H. Cornprobst, 1 Magazine," her own having been merged
G. W. Garrettson. C. Couts. into it, and her fine corps of contributo re
The Kansas Election.
W. Carmon, Jno. F. Miller, transferred to it also. This makes "Pe-
The Board of Commissioners, appointed en-
H. Williams, L. Meredith.„der the English bill, for carrying out the elec.
F. 1-1. Lane, D. Rupert, . terson unapproachable in literary merit. tion elation of that act, are Gov. Denver, Hugh
Geo. H. Nash, P. Marks, A new volume begins with the July num- T. Walsh, Secretary of the Territory, W. Weir
Robt. Carmon, J. S. Griffith, ber. Now is the time to subscribe. Tense United States District Attorney, IV. Babcock,
S. Bennet. '52.00 per annum; or, Eight copies for President of the Council, and G. IV. Deitzler,
. ___
.. . . .
El'ig9 . " By reference to another part of to- $lO.OO. Address Chas. J. Peterson, 300 Speaker of the House of Representatives. They
day's paper it will be seen that the time of , Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. A. speci. met on Monday or Tuesday of week before
i last, and were sworn in by Judge Cato. They
the Harrisburg Union Meeting has been men may be seen at this o ffi ce..
have fined on the lint Monday in August as
changed from the Bth of July to the 14th. See our club list.
_,..„,........... 1 the day for the election on the English bill,
The auspices under which the meeting is --
to assemble are also changed, the original (actual. Iltivs.
call b superseded by a more potent ut-
pointed a committee of three to draw up a •
terance, embodying the hearty concurrence • Accident by a Freshet. programme for the election, adjourned until
of all the elements of honest hcstility to the On, Tuesdry, the 22nd ult., the mail. the 31st instant. The committee consist o f
':al-administration of "ten cent Jimmy" coach of Ole John Jamison was immer- Messrs. Deitzler, Walsh and Weir. The first !
and his desperate adherents. Republi- ged, both horses drowned, and the coach named tins already written to Mr. H. J. Ad. i
cans, American Republicans ; and distinc- almost totally destroyed by the force of 111113, Mayor of Leavenworth city, and Gover
tive Americans have all magnanimously the current. nor elect under the Leavenworth Constitution'
laid their minor differences on the altar of By the exceedingly heavy rains of that for the names of proper persons i to a o s i jii t tl i f e
Patriotism and bared their arm for a united es . oi el ecti on, at the era prec incts .
day, an unusual and sudden rise was or.
county. Three judges are to preside at each '
and successful conflict with the enemies caeioned in Shade Creek, in this county,
precis - set, and Mr. Deitzler requires that one of ,
of sound Republican government and true
time siJminees for each precinct shall be a pro-
American interests. As we intimated last overflowing its banks, and causing a strong
current of water to pass down a ravine Slavery man. This is fair towards the pro
week, and in response to this glorious
crossing the road a few perches North of slavery party, for they constitute not more
movement by the State party organizations the bridge crossing said creek in the Shade than onedifth of the population of that cuss
voice of division, heretofore an unfor- ' Gap.
This ravine, we learn, was partly try.
tunate element of weakness in our party
filled with embankment to accommodate -....00-6-. - - .
in this county, has been hushed into si • 1 the road crossing it, through which a Indian Battle at Shakopee.
lence. Noble oearts, for a time politically chasm was made. by the force of the cur. Front the .31tintesstion, Extra.
estranged, have agreed to bury past unitn. ' rent, several Net deep. The existence of
In addition to the dispatch sent us by our May 28, 1858.
portant preferences and mistaken prejudi- ,
the breach was unknown to the teamster,
special correspondent at Shakopee, our repo,
ces in the grave of oblivion, and to unite,
who was at the time (about 10 o'clock at
as one man, to strike down the men and :,_ N : m : :
ingot; passing t h at point in t h e di rect i on c a(,,,,, affair, by a personal visit to the spot.
party who have impoverished our treasu
of Shade Cap, direct from Mount Union. It seems that the Chippewas. numbering,
ties, paralized our industry, stained our Lh e a
horses suddenly plunged into the according to different enumerations monde of
borders with the blood of freemen despoil
breach, dragging the coach in also, and them at houses where they passed. 150 to 200
ea of their rights; exalted slave, over free. warriors, arrived in tine woods o e p o p t o i sit r r n t g o l M ve tt d r..
labor, fostered despotism at home, and dis- before aid was obtained both the horses
were drowned, and all swept down the
phY l ' tr iat ' " . l d it i l t g a ' ant. concealed ' 11:til dayibilmt
graced our name before the civilized world 'cimpa by
-the eicsq p. i ii ag ly . eTft .... curr r ent
iy, "7 , ,l tr i d " i i kyidasaiti , fratm , timfamons 4,,,xt. ,. :
inaugerated this concerted action; al: hon•
tenger Occupied the coach at the time, the killing of one of their 'miller, at dtl,l
- to the patriots who stand ready to sus
who, together with the driver, ellbcted a break, who was fishing in a canoe on the south
fain this important movement. Nothing '
safe retreat. The mail bag, baggage, &C. side of the river, by shooting him dead.' Time
now is necessary but prompt and judicious'
were recovered next day, without having squaw immediately fled to time tepees, which
action, to cement and make lasting, the
suffered much damage. The gentleman are about a mile below town, and gave time
natural fellowship of Americans and boo. ' alarm, when the Sioux warriors to time number
who was passenger, iris said, lost port of
est Democrats with the well tried Repub his instruments, which are not yet found-
of 40 or 50 seized their guns, and at once pro.
lie.arrs of this county; to array them in sob seeded to t h e ferry under cover of time bashes
i.e being a civil engineer, nod on a proles
id phalanx against the already shattered on the south bank. A rapid fi re then cute
ranks of a ruthless foe—the din , serving ,
t zeze t d dt li c e it ttzti no tli d e ant ho a s ,,, ti o le to tr i b th s er acr rt o r s t s the
estimated at from $3OO to $3OO. Th e
slavery-worshipping Locofoco party and i
. coach was a perfect wreck.—Hersd 1. . account of the distance. The Chippe P was Y fell
its demoralized officials and leaders. Lest l
back however. and the Sioux in a body crossed
us then, have prompt, judicious action. l KANSAS.
Let us see to it, that we have a full meet.
• ANOTHER GOVERNOR DISGUSTED, ,on the ferry, atui the !Nude again c ansnenee
n the tim ber with it murderous ferocity, and
Correspo)tdence of the Melting Post. i
ing on the 2Gth inst. Let that meeting
LAWRENCE, K. T., May 2G, 1858. lasted about fi ve hours.
see to it, that capable and honest, true and , -.......--- •
Ile efforts of Messrs. Babcock, Deitzler and
tried men—men above suspicion, be stint' - Boy Bitten by a Snake.
Weir to convene the Board of Commissioners
as delegates to the State Convention. LetOn last Saturday, as Mr. Levi Brubaker, of
appointed by the English bill have finally pro
the voters of the several distric s, espec- red successful, and a day has been fixed on , Warwick township, and his son, a lad about
Tally those of the rural districts, see to it, which to vote the Lecompton Constitution ' twelve years of age, were walking through his
that they send good men to the County down, or up, wheat field, the boy being some distance be-
ConvEllitiOn in August. And above all This was consummated yesterday, and in the I hind his father, on is sudden screamed with
terror. His father hastening back, found that
let that convention, when tines rubles, see ' 111°"iiLomdawn",:tre'd , a monstrous black snake had coiled around
upon Gov. G t o h y re' De g n e v i e 'm r le a n t l ; n i i n ;
to it, that the ticket they nominate for ,ho ve
formee him that they wereready to hold a the boy's foot and leg—the boy being without
county officers, be composed of just such ' shoes—and bit him in a dreadful manlier. Mr.
meeting of the Board. The Governor objet
men as we have here designated—menßrubaker having to support the boy, who
ted without at first giving his reasons. He fir near
in whom the honest, unselfish masses have nally, however, exhibited a letter of' instrue- ly fainted with fright and pain, could not Nl
confidence—and our word for it, that tick- L ions from Gen. Cass the point of which was low the snake and kill it. After bringing the
et will be triumphantly elected by a ma- , contained in the following sentence: 'You had home he made an application of saiaratus
jority unprecedented its Huntingdon coon , will not, of course, convene the Board untildissolved in whiskey, which effectually remo.
ty. In concluding, for the present, successor the sur °f 51 • Wier shall have q unlined'' ved the poison. The teeth of the snake are
marked large arid deep above and ..helow on
congratulate, our friends that a firm adhe. Th!y r s .t tat o e f d, th in e
B re: a i r y :l :l:n they consti t ute d
foot.—Last. Herald.
recce to principle is, at last, destined to re•
go ahea d—that Mr. Wier was certainly the At. ; .....-.0-.....--_____
ceive its reward. Let the Lecompton torney General of Kansas until his successor ' An Affectionate Husband.
swindlers who have preferred party and was appointed and installed. If that had not i Harlan ilyde, of Greenville, Conn., lost his
plunder to justice and their countries weal, yet occurred, the Administration and not they, , third wife one year agc. About a week since
quail bs fore the portents of the times. were responsible for the delay. he went to the cemetery, dug open the grave,
Governor Denver finally reluctantly acqui - opened the coffin and took out—what?—a set
,The m araudin spirit g still prevails eseed, and a meeti sg was held, at which it was of false teeth, for the sake of the gold plate!
in our borough. One scorning last week agreed that the first Monday in August (the Ilyde confesses, and justifies nitnself. He me
there were discovers dat the corn-crib of 22 of the month) should be the day of the elec. about fifty years of age, house carpenter by
Nicholas Decker, three bags filled with tion It should be observed that this is the trade, in comfortablecircumstances as to prop
corn. It is supposed that whilst in the act day of the State election in Missouri, when it erty, and a member of a Christian church. It
of filling the bags, the villains became is supposed every Pro-Slavery vote will be nee• is currently reported that he tried to get the
frightened and fled; leaving the bags at ded at home to defeat the Emancipationists. , teeth out as she lay dead in the house before
the crib. The day was selected with reference to this ; the funeral, but the rigid muscles would not
_ . __
-- ‘"•-• •
•. I. fact by Messrs. Babcock and Deitzler, G o , relax. The women of Greenville wish to tar
DISCHAROED.--The trial Denver seeing the design, but interposing no and feather hiam.
objection. ----..--••••• 41...------•
of General Walker was concluded on The Board then adjourned to meet '
again next Monday, when the precincts will be Terrible Tornado in Illinois.
Thursday The jury disagreed--standing
I defined and the judges of election appointed. Moxmouut, 111., May 31; 1858.
ten for acquittal and two for conviction.
One significant incident in this connection ' A terrible tornado passed over the village of
Judge Campbell's charge was extremely I must mention. In reply to a remark of Mr. 1 Bllison, twelve miles south of here, last night.
partial and stringent. A new trial was ' Deitzler, that he was disposed to deal so fairly Every house in the place was blown down, and
urged immediately by General Walker. in the matter of appointing election judges, 'liken persons were killed and several fatally
The District Attorney has entered a nolle that even Denver's party could not complain, injured. Tho village contains 500 inhabitants
prosequi in the case of Gen. Walker. Gov. Denver stamped his foot emphatically, and report mays that none of them escaped in
and said. 'I want it distinctly understood, gen- jury. It is impossible to procure the psalm
A BORDER WAS..—Thirty boxes of ITIUS- tletnen, that lam neither for nor against this lays t, night. The excitement in the vicinity
kets have been shipped from Jefferson Ci- Constitution.' The Governor further said that is intense.
ty to the border counties, in charge of , it was•his intention to resign at no distar.t day. ---........-----
It is intimated, that seeing how utterly repug- Dr Each render of this paper is re-
Quartermaster General Hackney and In
ntthLecommptontii,eZetche people, and how
Blakey, with the inferred I ° a ,
quoted to procure a new subscriber and
design of repelling the invasion of Mitt.
: send the name and money to this o ffi ce.
l i te e has It e om P e t disgusted it wT:h t e le :holo s b t use
souri by marauding bands from Kansas. Recollect only one dollar and fifty cents a
nese, and is unwilling to soil his hands with
It is probable that the militia in some of
, the dirty work which the Administration may ' year, and may be sent in postage stamps
the western counties may be called out, ' hereafter require of him, Hence his contem- Address, WM. BREWSTER, Huntingdon.
;tate el
the same day t
in Missouri,
The Board of Commissioners having ap
leetio❑ comes of
Tue LECOMPTONITES DISSATISFIED.—. A wel 111115521=1111453016 •
informed correspondent on the river side of A PRIZE FOR EVERYBODY
tho county writes that the introductory address WIIO PUBSCRIHES FOR THE
of Mr. Davis, the new proprietor of the Demol NEW YORK WEEKLY PRES&
cral, is "nn explosive shell thrown into the A BEAUTIFULLY
ranks of the Democracy. The f aithful are re• ILLUSTRATEI)
solved to start another paper, unless ho chan- 7AIVIELTNEW PAPER
gee hie course. One leading Democrat, it is
said, is willing to subscribe $5OO, and others
the same amount. So there's fun ahead for
the boys, while the leaders of the Democracy
are fighting for the inside track."—Bucks co.,
The Kansas Outrages,
A correspondent says:—"Montgomery's
mounted corps at Sugar creek, are undoubted.
ly a small band of highwayman—and we hope
that no respctable New York or St. Louis
journal will undertake to apologize for their
petty rasealities. But the attempt to fasten
their acts upon the Free State men of the Ter
ritory is simply absurd.—There are a few con
gregated bad men who levy black mail indis -
cried nately." The writer makes mention, as ,
follows, of one of their recent exploits:
"A Kentuckian of the name of Quidnuck,
(the name may not be spelled correctly,) a
stranger in the Territory, was travelling in
the neghborhood of Sugar Creek„ when he was
set upon by a band of these marauders. He
was in search of a claim to settle upon with his '
family, having previously sold his property in
Kentucky. With one pistol to his breast, and
one to his aide, they interrogated him as to his
business. Pretending to be dissatisfied with
his answers, they ordered him to open a small
valise, which he carried in his hand. He was
not sufficiently prompt it seems, so they snatch.
ed it from him and opened it themselves. It
contained his clothing and $305 in gold coin,
the latter in a pocket book. They took both
• the money and CA clothes, and as they rode
off toldhim to leave the Territory.
More Swindling Stopped,
13y a recent decision of the Postmaster
General, all letters addressed to persons
or firms known to be fictitious, are to be at
once forwarded to the Dead Letter Office. j
instead of being delivered to any person '
professing to represent the fictitious con -
cern. All communications addre sed to
C. E Todd & Co., Huntingdon & Co ,
Dr. H. James, the 'Retired Physician,'
:Monett & Co., Yr. Wallace, Dr. Le Brun
Dr. De Lorene, and a number of other bo
gus lottery, quacic medicine, and obscene
publication swindlers, will hereafter be
sent at once to Washington, and the mon-
ey they may contain returned to the send
aer 'l've three - cUt - s left,' said a loaf
er, , so I will buy a paper wi'h it.' 'What
paper 'A paper of tobacco,' rt plied
the loafer.
Car The following toast was recentl!,
given : 'The Ladies— May we all
the girls we please, and please all the girls
we kiss.'
Se... Nature never looked more lovely than
at the present time. Old Mother Earth has
put on her best looks and gayest attfre, the bald
places " b al l ."Figg
tore of Spring. Just so, only substituting Art
for Nature, our friend GEOOOx Tutwat.aNn,
of No. 29 South Sixth St., is covering the bald
heads of mankind in general, with his exquisite.
ly light, graceful and comfortable "possamer
Wigs," and Toupees. Our readers, who have
had the misfortune to lose this natural orna
ment, the hair, should call at his dressing rootns
in Philadelphia and examine fur themselves the
superiority of the articles or his make ovtr
those of any other mauttMeturer. His Liquid
flair Dye continues deservedly popular, being
tree from all deleterious qualities, and impart
ing to the hair and whispers a soft, glossy, life
like appearance. George has also musty other
useful toilet articles, which he offers to the pub.
lie, combining two very desirable qualities, to
wit:—excellence and cheapness. Let all our
readers who design visiting Philadelphia give
him a call.
FLOSR—Superfiuo. per barrel, $1 25@,34 37
" . Extra " 4 50015 75
fiunily ‘. 4 87e5 50
Rye Flour and Coln Meal :3 25
Wheat—red, per bushel,
" White "
1 00R1 08
1 15611 25
Corn . •
Oats n 30
CI overseed $4 39(i_64 50 per 64 pounds.
Timothy seed
Flax '
per bushel
Orphans' Court Sale,
will be exposed at Public Sale on
SATURDAY, E the sth. day of Juno next,
on the premises, all that certain lot of grouni
situate in Porter township, near the borough
of Alexandria, adjoining lands of Philip Boos.
lough on the North and West, land of James
M'Clure on the South West, land of C. Her
lash on the south East and the Hartslcg bury.
mg ground on the South containing Ten
Acres be the same more or less. To be sold
in pursuance of as Order of the Orphans'
Court of Hantingdon County, as the property
of Ann Stewart late of the said borough of
Alexandria deceased. Sale to commence at
two o'clock P. M. of said day.
Terms Ste to be made known on the day of
sale. GEO H. STEIWAR,T, Executor.
May 12, '584-3t.
An opportunity offers for an active Business
Man who can command a Capital of $15,000
to $20,000, to take the place of a RETIRING
SILENT Partner in a well established PRO
MORE. The Business is at this time in a
highly prosperous condition.
Address with real name "Produce Commis
sion Merchant, Baltimore.'
June 3,'58:-3t.
Wt. These Machines are now justly admitted
to be the best in use for Family Sewing, ma
king a new, strong, and elastic stick, which will
NOT rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut.—
Circulars sent on application by letter.
Agents wanted.
1 , 0).17;a: 3m.
The Now York Weekly Press is one of the
best literary papers of the day. A large quarto
containing twenty pages, or Sixty columns, of
entertaining matter; and elegantly illustrated
every week.
A Gift worth from 50 cents to $lOOO 00 will
be sent to each subscriber on receipt of the sub
scription money.
I ropy I year, and 1 gift.
3 copies " 3 gifts
5 14 o 5 rr
10 w ti 10 "
2,u u 21 "
The articles to be distributed are comprised
in the following list:
1 U. S. Treasury Note, $lOOO 00.
2 do. do. do. 500 00, each
5 do. do. do. 200 00, each
10 do. do. do, 100 00, each
to Pan Lev. 11); c's watches 100 00, each
20 Gold Watches, 75 00, each
30 44 44 00 00, each
100 44 44 50 00, each
309 Ladies Gold Watches, 35 00, each
200 Silver hon. can. watches, 30 00, each
500 Silver watches, $l5 110 to 25 0 0 , each
1000 Gold guard, fob and
Vest chains, 10 00 to 30 00, each
1000 Gold Pens& Pencils 5 00 to 15 00, each
Gold Lockets, Bracelets Brooches, Ear-drops
Breast Pins, Cuff Pitts, Sleeve Buttons, Rings,
Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver
Thimbles, and it varier' of other 'articles, worth
from 50 cents to $l5 tni eeli.
On receipt of the subscription money, the
subscriber's name will be entered upon our
books opposite a number, and the gift corres
ponding with that number will lie forwarded
within one week to him, by mail or express,
There is neither humbug nor lottery about
the above, as every subscriber is sure of a prize
of value. We prefer to make this liberal dis
tribution among them instead of giving n !lime
commission to Agents, giving to the .nb"•ri
bee the amount that would go to the Agent.
and in many cases a hundred fold more.
All communications should be sent to
DANIEL ADEE, Publisher,
211 CENTRE Si'., NEW YOlth:
May 214 1858.•ly.
All persons knowing themselves indebtod to
the firm of Iloutz & Grating will settle their ac
counts with the surviving partner, Dr. D. Houtz,
11. 61111qt:8, Adml•.
And who that is gray would not base it re
stored to former color; or bald, but would have
tl.o growth restored, or troubled with dandruff
and itching but would have it removed. or trou
bled with scrofula, scald hood, or other erup
tions, but would he cared, or with sick hendache
(neureleitt) hut would he cured. It will also
remove all pimples front the thee and skin. Prot.
Wood's Hair Restorative will do all this, ore
circular and the following.
ANN Annon, November 5, 18513.
Poor. 0. J. Nl' ooD—Denr Sir. I have hem
much sail or tide wonderitil cabers of your Hai
Restorative, lint having been so o ft en rhea,„
by quackery nod nostrums, hair dyes, Sc., I wa
disposed to plate your Restorative i n t h e sate
iliollbann MI one lawny tram
peed quack remedies, until I met you in Law
rence county some mouths since, when 30
gave me such assurance as imlnced the trial c
your Restorative in my family—first by my goo
wire, whose hair had ',mono very thin and en
tirely white, and before exhausting one of you
large bottles. her hair was restored nearly to it
original beautiful brown color, and had.thieken
cull anti become beautiful and glossy upon, can
entirely over the head ; she continues to use ii
not simply because of its henutifylng offsets op
on the I ail, but because of its healthful Mau
once upon the head rind mind.• Others of tu
fancily and friends are dicing your Restonitive
m it: the happiest clients ; therefore. my skepti
data and doubts in reference to its character ar
entirely removed ; and I can and do mast cord;
ally au•l confidentially recommend its use by a!
who would hare their hair restored from whit
or gray (Icy reason of sickness or age,) to origi
nal color and beauty, and Icy all young person
who weak' have 'their hair beautiful
Very traly and
yi`lll . 4,
Fitt.° Noon It was a long time after Ism
you nt Missileld I.efore I got the bottle or Re
storative for which you gave me en order npni
your agent in Detroit, and when ; _•ot it w,
concluded to try it oa Mrs. Mann's hole, as tin
surest test of its power. 11 has done ad thn
you avitred me it wou!,l do: and otirre: tzt:,
family and friends, having witnessed its eirect,
aro now using and recommending its use to oth
ere as entitled to the highest consideration not
claim for it.
Again, very respectfully and truly yOll3.
lA1()1 , ;
$1 60
CARLYLE, 111, June 28, 1852.
I have used Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair Restor
ative, and have admired it wonderful effects.—
My hair was becoming, as I thought, premature
ly gray, but by the ass of his 12,4torative it Int;
resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt
permanently so.
S. BRESSE. ex• Senator. U. S.
0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broad
way, N. Y., (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing
Establishment) and 114 Market street, St. Louis
Mo., and sold by all good Druggists.
largest stock sver brought to town, are sell
ing very cheap by Ftsnma McMuuruta.
Cototsm. G. W. CROCKETT,
Write only for the
BEAN & - S - A - 1. 1 1'EB;
Successors to Becket & Co.
„ -
The New YciiiiWeekly Golden Pike is one
of the largeet and boot literary papers of she
day—an Imperial Quarto, containing eight pa
ges, or forty columns, f the most interesting
and fascinating reading matter, front the pens of
the very first writers of the day,
Worth from 53 Ewe to $4OO 00,
Will ha given to each subscriber immediately
on receipt of the subscription money, This in
Presented as a memento of Friendship, and not
as en inducement to obtain subscribers
TERMS: ---
1 Copy for 1 year, $2 00 and I Present.
4 . 2 14 3 50 2 Presents.
I 6C 3 gi 5 00 5
" 5 " . 800 5 " •
5 00 . 3 "
7 00 5 "
15 00 10 "
30 00 21 "
The articles to be given away are comprised
in the following list :
2 Packages of Gold, coteg $5OO 00 each.
5 do do do 200 00 each.
10 do do do 100 00 each.
10 Patent Lever llont'g Watches 100 00 each.
20 Gold Watch. 75 00 each.
50 do 60 00 each.
100 do 50 00 each.
3 Copies, 1 year,
5 fi C.
10 << C•
300 Ladies' Gold Watches 35 00 each.
200 Silver Hunting Watches 30 00 each.
500 Silver Watches .010 00 to 25 00 each.
1000 G'ld Guard, Chains $lO 00 to 30 00 each
Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear
Drops, Brfivit Pins, Cuff Phis, Sleeve Buttons,
Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil
ver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles,
worth from 50 cents to $l5 each.
.$2 00
• 500
• 8 00
•15 00
•30 00
We will present to every person sending es
50 subscribers, $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth
$4O: to any one sending us 100 subscribers, ut
$2 each,
a Gold Watch, worth $9O. Evers
subscriber will also receive a present.
minediutely on receipt of the money, the
name will be entered upon our
book , nod the present will be forwarded within
one week, by mail or exprass, post paid,
r .
tfir All communications shou l d be addressed to
DEAN St HALTER, Proprietors,
&t 5 Broadway, Now York.
Tho properly of Dr. Wm. Grath., deed.,
late of Alexandria, will be sold on Tuesday,
the flt h day or Jane, at 2 o'clock.
It. G1i.11 , 11.75,
Junes,'sB.4 t.
Compounded entirely of Gums.
Ia one of the best pnrgntivc and liver motif •
eines•nov before the public, that nets no a Ca
thartic,, easier, milder, end niece effectual than
any titer medicine known. It is not only a Ca
thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on di,
Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach
and bowels to carry oil that mattcr.thus accom
plishing two purposes effectually. without soy of
the painful feelings experienced in the operation
of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system at
the same time that it purges it , and when taken
laity in moderate doses, will strenghten nod
build it tip with unusual rapidity.
_ .
- - . ,
The Liver is one oft.; the principal regula
tors of the human boTel dy ; and when it per
functions -•
forms its well a the powers of thosyss
tem are fully develop-4i oil. The stomach is
almost entirely depen-l it o dent on the healthy
action of tire Liver for„,l the proper perform
ance of its functions. W When the stomnelt is
at tattle, the, bawds are 2 at fasts and the whole
system SIG:s in eon- y sequencoof one °rpm ,
—the Liver— having utisi ceased to de its duty.-
For the diseases o ri,” that organ one of thw
proprietoro hat made - 0 it 116 Andy, ini,prat,
live of mere the n twos. ;.,, !y years, to tind'soutte
remedy wherewith to) • momenta the many
derangonentt to which te it is liable.
To prove that this
_ O 7 remedy is nt last dis
covered any person ~..7' troubled with Liver
Complaint in any of its le. fortes, has bat to tryy,
a bottle and conviction . .. , is certain.
These hors remove eel all r,:o f hi,l. a n . Sad'
matter from the system z ,mpplying is their
place n heal by flow .., a bile, h iv i,,, tt i ng
the stomach , ( - arising 12 ford to digest. well,
purifying the 1,10,,,1,gi- sonar tone and hesltlt
to the whole machine- ~ rv, removing theenuse
of the dise-tre. nd of L! (teeth.; a radical cure.
(Me dose liner eat- .t. in;; is softiluient to re
neve the stomach and K prevent the food from.
rasing end souring. let!
Wiens :weeks are Z eared, and what is.
hotter, prevented, by. the occasional use oti•
the Liver loviwtrator so
tinily One dote ta-1,, , k enk before Miring.
prevents Nightmare. if.l
Only one dose taken at night, looitenA the
ho , vols gently, and cares Cootivenees.
Otte dem taken after each meal will cure Dys-
Pelnil•_ . . _
CrOne dose or two tenspoonful3 will alAnys
remove Sick Ileadacho.
One battle taken far female obstruction re
moves the ennee el' the disease, and makes it
• Only one dose immediately raliccos Cliolie,
thin dose awn repented ii n sure rim ihr
Cholera Merlins, and u preventive or Cholera.
(4Only 01113 bottle is needed to throw out of
the system the effects of medicine after n long
bottle taken rorll iCO rotnm•es
all sallowness or unnatural color from the skin.
One dose taken it chart time before eating;
direr vigor to the appetite, and makes tool digest
Ono dose often repeated cures Chronic Pinr
dries in its worst Milos, while Sommer imd
Dowel complaints yield almost to the first dose.
two O,ITS eati , :td by
Worms in Children; there is no surer or speed
le, remedy in the world, as it never Wis.
CirA few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting
f• tl:"1,01011,
, Lthe ;il,,nre in reemnaientin:.; this io et:-
icthe :is a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill,
ao , l :!1 Vel, 111 n Hiro, Ty;.e. It
operates with veil:Limy, and tlio.ands are wil
ling to testify to its wonderful virtues.
All who use it are giving their unanimous tes
timonyio its favor.
Mix water in the month with the Invigo.
rotor, anal swallow both togethet.
The Liver Invigorator.
Is a scientific medical discovery, and is daily
working cures, almost too great to believe. It
cures as if by magic, even the tirsst dose giving
benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is re
quired to cure any kind of Liver complaint,
trotn the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com
mon Headache, all of which are the result of
diseased Liver.
Dn. SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N.Y.
Sold by H. MoManigill, & J. Road Huntingdon,
Auditor's Notice
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to die•
tribute the balance in the hands of Thomas dc
Martin West., Exectors of William Weston,
deceased, amongst those having claims there
upon, hereby gives notice to all persons inter
ested, that he has appointed Friday, the 18th
day of June next, at ono o'clock is the after
noon for the hearing of parties, &c., at Isis of
fice in the borough of Huntingdon, at which
time and place all those having claims upon
said balance are requested to present them to
the undersigned, or be thereafter barred from
receiving .y part of said fund.
JOHN REED, Auditor,
AlgtZAtinitt& rounpar.
The Alexandria Foundry Flasks, Patters, &c.,
have been bought by R. C. McGILL. The
Foundry is in blast and he has all kinds of Cas
tigns. Stoves of all kinds, Machines,
Ploughs, Kettles, a' &e.. &c., which he
will sell at the low— .
est market prices.
All kinds of Coon- try produce and
old metal taxes in exchange at market prices.
May 26 1858
SPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas of every
style at the