Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 09, 1858, Image 1

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    Z ..,c Huntingbon 'roll,T)ltit,
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I and told his blushing bride, "Thou must I t y,..„,..1 1 ; „,•,,,..„,•„,„5 5 ,„,,,, 55 , I Somebody's Dead
i obey !" or he would undoubtedly have ' tat 111 •J I tax fl .. There is black crape on the door; some
missed securing hie fair bride, with the
__________ body's dead. Yes, from within has fallen
snug little fortune of the one half of crea- 80. B.—EMPLOYMENT. another chip from the block of humanity,
Lion, and then he would have been doomed .By the sweat of thy brow shall thou and the axe-man, Death, is swinging his
to wander and wander on with no resting- earn thy bread." weapon for another blow. There! the
The first wedding—what a funny titre Place. I verily believe he spoke in this In order to fulfil the obvious intention of bell is tolling, somebody's dead; slow rolls
they must have had. This occurred about manner: "Mrs. Adam, do just as you our Creator in placing us upon this earth, the sounds, and how they resound, reach•
the eigth day of January, in the year one Please and I will do the same; for in this every minute of time should be well occu- ing clear Into the heart of the thoughtful !
about six thousand years since. Now I
way we will insure our lasting felicity." 1 pied, except those hours necessary for The coffin maker is fixing a coffin;
presume all will want to know how every- I They required no officious clergyman to sleep. The necessity of this is, that la- body's dead. The beautifully polished
thing came off, As it was the first wed- Perform the ceremony, lengthened in pro-, bar dispels the dull lassitude produced by box must soon moulder and rot; the worms
ding, everything would be original. I n portion to their fees. Their vows were inertia, it circulates the blood more freely, will crawl over it—worms the only witnes
novel style I must commence with the days uttered beneath the canopy of heaven ; adds to our health, comfort, and wealth, . ses of mortality drooping away, departing
of courtship; and as it was not very long- I then the bond was framed which naught and diminishes many of the temptations ' from shape and substance. There goes
thy, (as all should be) I have not much to I but death could sever. The feathered we are all more or less subject to. Disap• the hearse; somebody's dead. Ab, that's
write on t hat score. One day being all the I choir, perching on the hedge of Paradise, pointments, accidents, or troubles, are to the last ride, and the passenger will not
time that was necessary, to get through the burst forth in one long glad song of praise, some extent unavoidable, but to an indus- come back, the stay away is eternal. Some
preliminaries to the consummation of the The ceremony concluded, they had no trous person the knowledge of the approach body's dead all the time; mankind are dy
nuptial tie—l have forgotten the precise 1 carriage-ride with railroad speed, over hill of sorrow, or the trial itself, can be endured mg; the earth is our producer and consu
language Mr. Adam used in addressing ; and dale, but tenderly he clasped hersnow- with a serenity which might to a casual ob. ' mer, and will tie no crape upon the door,
; Miss Eve on this delicate subject—for it ' white hand, and, leaning on his arm, they server seem almost impossible. An idle and wear no black in mourning for our loss.
was a long time ago, and my memory is I promenaded down the bordered walks to mon is a blank in the world, for he lives While we are dying, she smiles, and
somewhat treacherous; but one thing I the rich collation prepared for the oocasion ' for no definite purpose, and he who con• laughs, and dances forward in her perpet
, can assure you of, that Miss Eve did net by the hand of Nature. There was no , tents himself with money and lands, nei- ual joy.
say no, sir, when . she meant yes. And costly wines served in golden goblets on- ; ther using his head or hands, but'clings to ----sese....-...--
did not want time to consid •r about the
silver-plate, but the pure crystal brook Ivan the title of "gentleman" is worse than use- A Few Things that Everybody ought
to Know.
all they wished to quench their thirst, and less. During the season of youth, the
; proposition, or the transaction would not A quart of peas, sown in a shallow box
I hue been coucluded in one day. Finally the delicious fruit, hanging on every proper employment of what is called "lei
fifteen inches wide by eighteen long, at
at' the vows and proles ations of unending branch, consumed their only nourishment sure hours" should by no means be neglec
any time of the year and cut ofl when
undying love were made as they were sea- The re intruded no tensing friends or tin ted. 'Thus not only will they be attracted
about four or five inches high, and boiled
ted in a shady bower in the garden of Eden. welcome guests to mar their felicity. But from vicious pursuits, or unprofitable com.
like spinnach, with a little salt makes a
It was a beautiful day. The sun rose ell alone they wandered from holier to Pany, but a more complete preparation
t delicious dish. The tops of Jerusalem re
in unclouded splendor, to glanden, with its bower ; egotistical they already were (as Will be attained for their subsequent entry
ichokes, cut off about six inches long, and
I refulg;•nt rays, the primeval wedding any. I
all newly married persons are sure to be- into the ministry, the counting-house, the
boiled like other greens. makes a capital
The sweet scented flowers were in full come) they realized that now their happi• Governmental offices, or the many benevo
dish, which partakes, in some degree, of
bloom ; the white rose, ;emblem of purity, ness tuns without alloy. Kindred spirits ' lent enterprises set before them during
the flavor of the root. Boiled water cress
united for life ; true, pure love dwelt in ! life. The mind, well stored with know!
alsothe borders of he gard m ; the vio• also makes a wholesome and delicious dish.
let, lily, and winding honeysuckle, display. cab heart, and they were supremely hap, edge, and subjected to the control of truth,
It must not, however, be over-boiled; for
• is the, greatest agent of power, as well as
ed richly colored leaves in their most at• PY* impaired constitutions it is invaluable. In
tractive forms on this most momentous ; 'fheir example has been followed by ev• • comfort, man can have, Then why delay
morn. Momentous it has proved to mil- cry one ; (too fast again—not every one, the improvement of it ? A skeptic may April and May, late potatoes should always
lions of human souls, for if Grandmother but nearl y every one) of the human fami- , here taterrupt me, and remark that, 'the -be peeled some ten or twelve hours, and
Eve had only coquetted our venerable ly since, but only need in fora to suit air- ' times are so hard that neither employment steeped in cold spring water before they
Grandfather Adam, he might have been i cumstances, of hands or head can be effected 1 And Thisi
are co oked. s a great improvement;
doomed to wander to .another sphere to :As there were no pap.irs—that is news. it makes potato nearly 1 I will reply that to some extent, this is true the as good as these
win his lady love. But she was not wise :—published then, their hyrnenial 1 but even when the b o d y su ff ers for want of dug in October.—The proper way to make
(or silly) enough for that, and young aft., notice was not published ; but if there had', the necessities which will support it, the acu of good tea is a matter of some kn.
Adam had not learned as yet the flatteries I presume the following would bo a fac-si- ' mind may still be enlarged and occupied portance. The plan which I have pritc
, of fulsome, deceptive language ; "and were
mile of the notice : in the contemplation of God's works, and tised for these twelve months is this:—The
being sincere, their days of courtship were ; MARRIED —ln the Garden of Eden, through the means of various free reading tea-pot is at once filled up with boiling ma
being td stand five minutes before it is
necessarily short. There was no 5t.... of their .free..,eiti ,sej 's • ^• I iirri n ilortgiTineiiiii!li;•lll - in this;ibe nine-
... ,.. ,,, g mamma day re January, in the year o f the world used; the leaves gradually sink to the hot
to century. to guide the future genera-' .
one,Mr. Adam, aged three days, to Miss
,to crave approval from, and they were re- tions. We live not for the mortal part tom. The result is that the tea leaves are ;
Eve, aged one day. The groom and bride .
' tiered of aor 'rid of trouble on that score, alone. We have an immortal soul tomcat. not scalded, as they are when boiling wa- I MARY MALONEY'S IDEA OF A LOVER.- -
are immensely wealthy, their marriage pe r -
iNo croaking prophetic uncles or aunts, to 'l'hen how much ought we to prize the ' ter is poured over them, and you get all ' What are you singing for?" said Ito
tion consisting of the whole world. A .
disturb the scene ;no cold-hearted bache- , ft of time, for "vet a little while, and the I the true flavor of the tea. In truth, much Mar
long life, joy unbounded, and innumerable g l . h is hand lesstee is • d inthisthan y d
Maloney. -
a require
lots to chill the atmosphere ; no fault-find- ' archangel will lift up his hand and pro
blessings attend them through lif e, w e 'der the old and common practice. because my heart feels happy."
• ing maidens to disturb the arrangements ;claim the time shall be no more."
'no mischief making friends to try their James Cuthill, Lindon ' , Happy, are you Mary Maloney? Let
Cool Impudence. want it the most, and yet use it the worst,
constancy ;no rivals to excite Jealousy ; no Yesterday afternoon a genteel l oo king but must account for its disposal at the
m man walked into me see; you don't own a foot of land in
LETTER lover's quarrels to settle, to snake them bet.
the bar at the Wood- judgment day. "Except the Lord build •
t er friends afterwar ds. ru ff House, and called for a whiskey c o d - the house they labor in vain that build it." I A writer to a New York paper , who pro- " Foot of land, is it?" she cried with a
The bride was extremely young—only d s .—
y Re was served, and after he drank "My heart was fashioned by thy hand, fesses to be a 'reformed burglar,' gives a hearty Irish laugh. "Oh, what a band ye
one . day old—a little too young to suit the My service is thy due ; hint as to how two thirds of the burgla• be after joking; why I haven't a penny, let
the toddy, he obtained a cigar, and sat
fastidious taste of the gentlemen now-a- 0, make thy servant understand ries of dwellings are accomplished in that alone the land."
down by ' the fire and leisurely pulled it
days, and rather too early for the ladies of away .— He then called for another toddy, I The duties he must do. city Ile says : "Your mother is dead!"
j the present age to undertake the manage
and having placed it beneath his vest, be How doth the little busy bee It is done mainly by the lovers and ..God rest yer soul yes;" replied Mary
ment of domestic affairs, without a house- ltnprove each shining hour, swe'thearts of the servant girls who are Maloney, with a touch of genuine pathos,
calmly buttoned h is coat, pulled on his
keeper, and I am certain Ido not know And gather honey all the day employed in the house, and by acquain- .may the angels make her bed in heaven;'
nleves, and turning to the bar k eeper ,
where Mrs. Ade m could have procured
said— From every opening flower. , tances made in the evening, while stand- ..Your brother is still a hard case, I
one, by the extreme total scarcity of do- ; In works of labor and of skill ,in in the court yards of the dwellings to suppose. .
'I a
m ready.'
mestics, and as her intended was satisfied I I would be busy too; •make the act uni ta
; ; n oce of some ono whom iiAh, you may will say that. Tee nosh,
'You are ready, are you I' replied the
I with her attainments, all would be right. I per Satan finds some mischief still ; they do not know. All these acquaint. ing bat drink, drink, drink, and beating
• bar•keeper; 'well sir, your bill is twenty F o r idle hands to do."
I presume it would not be a great underta- I
an and lovers, or cousins and brothers, his or wife, that she is. the creature: "
five cents.' Then "so teach us, to number our
king to superintend the culinary depart- , Lord, as we were called, gain admittance in the "You have to little
pay your sister's
'I am aware of that fact ,' replied the a
_P days, that we may apply our hearts unto I houses, make all the love we can, and then b oard: ,
meat, as Adam had not time as yet to
foldinghis arms and turn i ng
• make a great variety of cooking utensils, t rnn, theo t l urning hi s face wisdom," that thus we may truly appreci. • after learning all we want to know, rob ' , Sure the bit creature, she '
and do e sa good
one of the mighty troubles of a housewife toward
Roodfor w hat
now am ready .' ate the brevity of time, the frailty of our the house; this is the cause of our success little girl, is Hinny, willing to whatever
na ore, and the durability of that life which
(how I wish all gentlemen, before they or w . , Warn ell against these lovers, brothers, I I h I
"Po be y kicked out. Ham t a darned is "hid with Christ in God ," and whichaxes her don't grudge the .noney what
dare wed. had the same to do, and Tam cous ins,&c. , andadvise• • '
visiting th e ser. gees for that."
cent—couldn't do without liquor—been alone can continue when all things here
certain he would not grumble at the scar- vents to be stopped, and there will be less You haven't many fashionable dress
served like a gent; ain't ashamed of my must EDUCA'fOR.
city of dishes—l wonder if I 'ongre:spass away. burglaries. I have robbed in three years es either, Mar "
y Maloney.
poverty; take your pay sir; kick me out.'
' could not pass a law to that e ff ect ?) ' l'henineteen houses, but am now reformed by
The Bar keeper, finding that the chap Mir Adverti ling liberally, demon. "Fashionable, is it? 0, yes, I put a
parlor was arranged ; with taste; but stop,the spiriturl revivals, and have one to •
, , mast, o bliged rt withseveral . stra the o fa c ommun ity, a
was in ea rnest, hit tea prosper i ty a piece of whalebone in my skirt, and me
, they had no residence erected yet; they my trade of locksmith
applications of boot toe, lastly adminis- ; well as the business tact and enterprise ' calico gown looks as big as the great la
were still in delightful Eden. _______..-s,,esss----
tered. The idler bore it in good part, of him, who, from a successful experi- dies. But then ye says true, I Won't but
But the wedding—that is •vhat I have firer A Schoolmaster, wishing his u•
and after being kicked into the street, 1 ence in its advantages, knows well how to pat two gowns to me back, two shoes to me
attempted to describe. There stands that oils to have a clear idea of faith, illustrated
corned round,
made a polite bow t 3 the estimate its vast influence upon his art, ' i ' t . , feet, and one bonnet to me head, barring
youthful pair, with hearts warmed into a thus: 'Here is an apple; you see it, •
bar-keeper, and then, apparently in a mechanism or vocation in life.
• ' The main , the old hood ye gave me."
living life, by the first, beet, purest, holiest and therefore you know it is there; but, Y ou h a ven 't 's OU lover,Ma ryMalon ey.
sauntered down thestreet , I moth fortunes which have been made •
merry snoo d,
feeling of human nature. And now theywhen I place it under this tea cup, you !
••0 be oflwid any
Mary Moloney
' Anierica, within the past decade of yea rs .
are prepared for the ceremony which , ger Man looks upon life just as he by useful inventions, P medicines an d .. I have faith that it is there, though you no
getting a lover thine days whe n the hard
would make them one. In those days of . does upon woman—there is no living with chancey, have all been coined b the pub ; longer see it.' lads seemed to under
times is come. No, no, thank heaven l
simplicity and economy Mr. Adam had not them, and he can't live without them. He :lac •
press through the use of printers' type •
Y stand perfectly; and the next time the .
ter eked .W t is f 'Lb?' theya in ' t got that to trouble me yet, nor I
to trudge away miles to a clerk's o ffi ce to will run after theirs, and rather than be '
and ink alone. Thus it is that the eyeof tons a ea al an- a
went it. ,,
steered, with one accord, 'An apple under don't
' procure a license, that would cost one-half held, will lose his coat tail and character; a stranger rests upon the columns of any
a tea cup.' "What on earth, then have you got t o
dollar; for I opine he had none to give; kiss them for love, and kiss them for lead-'. cpaper as the sure index of its ad- , .0-.0 411.-410 make you happy? A drunken brother, a
but, speaking to his bride thus,—"Art'
inghim into trou bl e. So is li fe. Hepar- I
1 - . l ar THE Sunday .dtlas, in a fit of poor helpless sister, no mother, no father,
thou willing to become my wife ; for thee , takes of its pleasures, and then curses it , 3 . e p itomeof the neighborhood's' l•
.ii inte -Revolutionary enthusiasm, says: . , no lover; why where do you get all your
' and thee only do I love; I will be constast 1 for its pain; gathers boquets of bliss, and ligence and progression; until ' affords to 'Hurrah for the the gals of '76! happiness from?"
' and true while life lasts—wilt thou be m
Y ,when their blossoms have laded, fin d s
he the attentive observer of its pages what 'Thunder V cries a New Jersey paper, 'The Lord be praised, Miss, it growed
helpmate and lawful wedded wife !" I
- I himself in possession of a bunch of briars e
Cowp r would have termed in truth-- " A 'that's too darned old. No '
no—hurrah up in me. Give me a bit of sunshine, a
could not distinctly hear all of the teem - which is all owing to a little incident that - • •
map of busy life,----its fluctuations and its for the gals of 17 I ' clean flure, plenty of work, and a sup at
blng bride'sresponse, but a slight incline
occurred in Paradise whenman • sass as i
, vast concerns.' Besides this public invi. the right time, and I'm made. That makes
i lion of the head and a few low murmured ,
green as a tobacco worm, and as unsuspi- • thepurchaserbythedisposerof
ninon to - me laugh and sing ,sad then if deed trou•
Go, heartless girl—thoult smile to-morrow, words constituted an affirmntive ; I did not' dim as a tree toad in a thunder storm, eat almost to bashfulness. was once asked
m' his wares. is a sure guarantee of franknessble comes, why, God helpin' me, I'll try
As I sad never been ; hear her say she would obey her husband ' He wee t o ld
to increase and multiply, and and honesty upon I I th e part o f the latter, by a country apothecary of a contrary char- ,to keep my heart up. Sure it would be a
And spurn thy lover's words of sorrow, I and
I do not believe she said any such •
so he accordingly increased his cares and '
; which inures to a mutual advantage. To octet, in a public assembly, and in a tone sad thing if Patrick McGrue should take
For those of happier men.
g. e neve tat to amo ern inno-
I thin Ib I . h bed • caress, and multiplied his miseries, and • . • sufficient to catch the attention of the it into his head to come ancl ax me, but
benefit those who appreciate the advanta-
A darker destiny thy page, vation incompatable with the letter of the ' peopled the world with a parcel of can- • whole company, "Hos it happened that the Lord will& I'd try to bear up under
of advertising,we call attention to the
'g as
Of coming years may tell; , compact To love devotedly was all that !
1 didates for peldition. and I am one of them. ' various advertisements in the columns of 1 the patriarchs lived to such an old age ?" n ''
God help thee in thy pilgrimage, was required of them, and as this was the , _ _ -10 . 0 ro which he immediately replied, "Per.
Journal. There are many business .
Loved being—fare thee well. '
first wedding, all subsequent one should I 16," An old lady being at a loss for a the
e n
j in u llti ntin don county
who would taps they took no physic." The aposhe
....... ... ...
Dir Why is the heart of a tree like a pattern therefrom. I have not the remo- I pincushion, made use of an onion. On
I find it largely t o g their advantage if they eery was vanquished.
Ia,YACKEREL of all Nos., Herring, ....c., can , dog's tail ? Because it is the farthest from ' test suspicion in my mind that Mr. Adam I the following morning she found that all I paid more attention to the matter of adver
-v. be had of the best quality, by calling on (he ba r k.l styled himself the "Lord of Creation;' the needles had tears in their eyes. • tieing,
Festive Si MeMownim. ,
New Goods ! New Goods !
D. P. Gwin has just roturnd from Philadel
phia with the largest and most beautiful as
sortment of
Ever brought to Huntingdon,
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
and Fancy, All Wool de Lains, (all colors)
Spring Helaine, Cha!lie Delain., Berages, (all
Colors) Levella Cloth, Debaize, Alpacca, Pop
!Has, Printed Berages, Brilliants, plain and fig
ured , Ginghams, Lawns, and Prints of every de
ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin
ges, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids,
Crapes, Reed & Brass Hoops, Skirt Cord, Silk
and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock,
Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linen and
Cetton Floss, Tidy Yarn, &c.
' Also the beet and cheapest assortment of Col
ors, and Undereleeves, in town. Bar'd and
Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain, Fig
ured, Skirt Beltt• Marseilles for Capes, and a
variety of white goods too numerous to men
Spring and Thibit Shawls, Whito Domaine for
Cam, Mantillas, _ . _
AlsO, Cloths, Cassimors, Cassinets, Tweeds,
K. Jeans, Muslins, Cotton Drill, Nankeens,
Ticken, Table Diapers, Flannels, &es
Also, a large lot of Bonnets, Flat, Hats, &c.
Boots and Shoes, the largest and thee
pest assortment in town.
WARE, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns,
Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, &c. Carpe ts.
OIL Cloths, Fish and Salt, Sugar, Coffee,
Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a
country Store.
My old customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in are respectfully requested to come
and examine my goods.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
April 21, 1858.
formerly known on "SAXTON'S . take plea— I
sure in announcing to their many friends, that
they have received a new and well-selected
stock of Goode, which they feel confident will I
satisfy the demands of the public, and will prove 4
unexceptionable in STYLE nod QUALITY.
Thq line of Dress Goods embraces
We have a fine assortment of Summer Man
tillas, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An
tiques, Ribbons Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets,
siery, Ladies' dollars, Handkerchiefs,
Floss, Sewing Silk, Whalebones fo r Skirts,
Reed Hoops, Brass do., Skirt Cosa, eke.
A—Tickens, Osnaburg, bleached and un
bleached Muslins nt all prices, Colored and
White Cumbrics, Barred and Swiss Muslins,
Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and many
other articles which comprise the line of IVliite
and Domestic Goot's.
We leave French Cloths, Fancy Ca.ssimeres
Sat tinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonudes, Linens,
Denims and Blue Drills.
of every variety and style. Also all kinds of
A good stock of
Wood and Willow-ware,
which will be sold Cann'.
WO also deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT,
end all kinds of GRAIN, and possess facilities
in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We
deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise,
FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the ,
Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads.
Come one, come all, and be convinced that
the "MwrnoroirrAN" is the place to secure
fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at
the lowest rates.
Mlll, ABM W0054E111
A New Assortment Juht Opened !
And will be sold 30 per cent.
LT ROMAN respectfully inrorms his custo-
AA, mars and the public generally, that he has
just opened at his store-room in Market Square- •
Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready
Clothing for Fall and Winter,
which he will sell cheaper than the same 9uality •
of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in the country. ;
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would da
well to call and examine his stock before 1 nrcha
bil% elsewhere. Also,
Hats, Caps,
which will be sold lower than at any other es
in the county.
Huntingdon, April 1. 1858.
Patent Portable Fence.
The rights of Hunt's Patent Portable or Per
manent Fence and Gate Post, for Lots, Farms
and Township, can be secured for a small sum
by calliny on the Agent at Huntingdon. Go
and see the model at once. It is decidedly
the best Fence ever used. No Farmer should
be without it. Call ye who would be benefit
ted and examine it for yourselves.
for Huntingdon County.
New Drug and Grocery Store.
M'MANIGIL, SMITH & CO., Hill St., 5
doors went of the Court House, Huntingdon.
Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs,
Paints, Varnishes, Oils,Spts. Turpentine,
Fluid, Alcohol, Wine an Brandy of the Best
article for medical uses, Concentrated Lye for
making Soap, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines'
also Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Sugar, Molasses,
Vinegar, Fish, Salt, Flour, Crackers, Nuts,T
Candies, Figs, Raisins, Tobacco, Cigars, Syr .
ups of all kinds for summer drinks in a word
every thing usually kept in a Drug or Grocery
Store, those who desire pure and Genuine ar
tides will do well by giving us a call.
May 19, 'sBi—ly.
The "HUNTINODON JOURNAL' is published at
the following rates t
If paid in advance $lOlO
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goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi
We would also state that our facilities
for excuting all kinds- of JOB PRINT
ING are equal to those of any other office
inthe county; and all Job Work entrus
ed to our hands will be done neatly,
promptly, and at prices which will be
ant iefuotory.
,*tlett gottrg.
Forgive thee? yes, I do forgive thee,
And bless thee as we part ;
And pray that years may never leave thee,
My agony of heart.
I call no shadowy malison
Upon thy fair young brow :
But would thy life would ever run
As sunwardly as now.
I know that I have knelt too lowly,
For smiles so oft withdrawn—
That trusting love received too slowly
The lessons of thy scorn.
That thou hast had thy triumph hour
Unquestioned and complete,
When prompted by a spell of power,
I knelt me at thy feet.
'Tis over now—thy charm is broken,
The feverish dream bath fled;
And palled away lik words unspoken
The vows that I have said.
I give thee back thy plighted word i
Its tones of love shall be
Like music by the slumbered heard,
A dreamers melody.
Go now—the light of hope upon thee;
Thy lover's claims are o'er ;
A thousand smiles thy charms have won thee
They'll win a thousand more.
For beauty hath a charmed spell
Upon the human will ;
Though fruits the heart it vans so well,
It bath its homage still.
Go, blue•eyed girl ; the proud shall meet thee
Aud gladden in thy smile,
And flattery's pleasant hp shall greet thee,
With the bland words of guile.
Go, try the recklessness of earth,
With that young heart of thine;
And lavish its uuwasted mirth
On pleasure's every shrine.
Thy pleasant path may yet be shaded,
A shadow cross thy sun ;
The rosy wreaths which love bath braided
Fall from thee one by one.
The flattering vows may pass away,
The lives of love be broken,
And manhood's evil scorn repay
The fondness thou hest spoken.
*titct *taxi.
Mr A penny savud is twice earned
A Real Native.
The ignorance of this country amonS
otherwise well-informed English folks was
curiously illustrated in the case of General
W-, (a good fellow, but bogus general)
who visited England a few years ago. Ha
ving occasion to pars a few days in a pro
vincial town. which boasted its literary co
terie, he received an invitation through an
acquaintance from Mies Blue Stocking to
attend a soiree. The general of course
went, and being a fine, handsome, agreea
ble fellow, he was quite a lion.
In the course of the evening, Miss Blue,
who had managed to secure his undivided
attention, tapped him playfully with her
fan, and said, "Do you know that you
are a naughty man
.How so, madam,' asked the general.
'Why for deceiving us all so; only eve
ry one in the room has not seen as much
as I.'
The general became nervous and tho't
of course, that he must have committed
some faux pas; but as the lady seemed
kind and forgiving, he determined to prove
the matter.
.My dear lady, I am very sorry if 1 have
been guilty of any dereliction; do tell me,
that I may apologize !'
Oh !'said Miss Blue, 'it's only oraten•
ding to be an American !'
'Pretending to be an American ! But I
am an American, madam.'
'Yes, perhaps you live there, but you
are not a native, you know.'
'On my honor, madam, a real live na•
tive of the groat State of New York.'
'That will do for the company to think,
general,' said the literary lady, 'and of
course I shall not undeceive them ; but you
must know I had a very distinguished A
merican gentleman, who was a native, to
lunch with me this morning, arid I was so
sorry I could not have him to meet with
you to-night. But he was not at all like
you. His raven hair curled in such beau
tilul ringlets around his head, and his com
plexi on was dark, very dark, a perfect
Othello of a fellow;
begging the lady not to expose his little
ruse, in trying to pass MI for an American
he got into a corner and enjoyed his laugh.
The last speech upset my gravity. The
idea of looking upon a lover as an afflic
tion was so droll. But she was evidently
sincere, having before her the example of
her sisters's husband and her drunken bro