ffintinghn N" 7 ,/ :-.::--,---- -_,,-.. t 4. -.. -‘---,,,) . •--.-i%.,( koNvi tE .T.t i ,.. . N-!-- .~'~, yM. iIitEWS'EER, Editor and Proprietor. --- Wednesday Morning June 2, 1858, The Circulation of the Hun tingdon Journal, is great- ' er than the Globe and Am erican combined. CLUBBING WITH MAGAZINES. The Huntingdon JOURNAL for oneyear, and either of the Magazines for the same period will be sent to the address of any subscriber to be paid in advance as follows : The Journal and Godey's Lady's Book, for one year, $3 50 The Journal and Graham's Magazine, for one year, $3 50 The Journal. and Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly, for one year, $3 50 The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family Magazine and Gazette of _Fashion, fur one year $3 50 The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine, for one year, $2 75 Vag Journal and Peleraon Magazine, for ono year, The Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for one year, $3 50 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. The Golden Prize. Hair Restorative. Public Sale. Notice. A Prize for Everybody. Foundry.—R. C. McGill. Cloth-Cleaning —Zechariah Johnson. List of Retailers. Portable Fence—H. Cornprobst. Drugs.—McManigel & Smith. Orphan's Court Sale.—G. H. Stewart Wigs & Tout ees.—Geo. Thurgaland. Sewing Machine.—Grover & Baker. To Contractors.—H. W. Miller. Cook Stove.—Call at this Office. Sale of Unseated Lands. Borders History of all Nations. Dentist.—Dr. R. A. Miller. Horse Taming. Oil Paintir gs to be given away. Catawba Brandy. Liver Invigorator. To Merchants and Farmers. Saving Fund. Stage Line. Dr. Hardman.—To Invalids. Gunsmithing. Dr. John McCulloch. Cassville Seminary. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. Burr Mill Stones. H. Ronan.—Clothing. Dry Goods.—Fibher & McMurtne. Nicholas' Bank Note Reporter. Hardware.—J. A. Brown. Dentist.—Dr. J. R. Iluyett. Attorneys.—Scott & Brown. Paper Hanging.—Howell & Bro's. Letter Coppier for sale. Electric Oil. Lindsey's Blood Searcher. Dry Goods.—D. P. Gwin. Antiphlogistic Salt. Boolcs.—W. Colon. Huntingdon Mill. Foundry.—Cunningham & Bro. flry Goods &c•—David Grove. Attorney.—T. P. Campbell. Consumption.—G. W. Graham. Suffer not.-1. Summerville. Lock Hospital. •Rd !road rime. Dr. H. K. Neff. Attorneys. —Wilson & Petriken. Duponco's Golden Pills. . STATE CONVENTION 'The Citizens of Philadelphia and of the sev eral counties of the Commonwealth opposed to the ‘Lecompton Swindle,' and the despotic poi icy of the Rational Administration in forcing upon the people of Kansas a Constitution in defiance of their known wishes, and in subcer sins of the great right of self government; and in favor of a Sound American policy in oppo sition to the policy and intrigues of foreign governments, are requested to send Delegates, equal in number to their Representatives and Senators, in the State Legislator', to meet in Convention, at Harrisburg, in the Hall of the House of Representatives, on THURSDAY, THE BTH DAY OF JULY, A. D., 1858, at 2 o'clock, P. M. to nominate State Officers, and transact such other business as the exig. envies may demand. By order of the State Committee. LEMUEL TODD, Chairman. Attest: -EDWARD M'Pu ERSON, Sec'y. Mr The Shire — ysiurg Herald thinks strange that several of his exchanges did not give the Herald credit for the notice of the death of Simnn Meloy, which oc. curred near Shade Gap, As for ourself, we copied from the Harrisburg Telegraph which credited the article to the Ship pensburg Nettle, and having previously heard something of the accident we chan ged the location to Huntingdon county, in stead of Cumberland county. CHIEF JUSTICE TANEY.—The Wash• ington correspondent of the Press, says there is ground for the rumor that Chief Justice Taney is about to resign, and states that the names of Attorney General Black, Justice Ellis Lewis, Ruverdy Johnson and James A, Bayard, are canvassed in com .100 whit the position. THE HARRISBURG CONVENTION. We have li etofore directed attention to 6tntral gettis. the Call, by the Chairman of the Union _ _ State Committee, for a "State Convention I Tornado At The West. of nll lbw e who are opposed to the present From the Chicago Tribune of May 15. national administration and the Lecomp- The gale of Thursday evening was in some ton swindle, to meet in Harrisburg on the portions of the State of unprecedented violence. Bth of July, to nominate State officers and It covered a large extent of territory, asd every transact euoh business as the exi encies where its track is marked with painful dam may demand." Amongst the first and age to property, and perhaps, as further intel ligence will show loss of life. It seems to firmest appointments of the frauds and have crossed the Mississippi near Oq u awka, I misgovernments of the Loco oco party 3 and to have extended eastward at last as far amongst the most undisguised ar.d uocom- as McLane county, where we hear of some of promising enemies of the outrages, past its disastrous effects. In the west there was and present, perpetrated on the rights of much hail accompanying the wind, and every free labor and our free institutions, by where a great fall of rain. We hear that at those who elected James Buohanan—stands Lexington, on the line of tt.e St. Louis, Altos, the incorruptible Republican party of this and Chicago road, the storm was terrfic. In a letter below we are told of its freaks ' with the county, the noble band of patriots who bat train; and an informant at our elbow says that tied for Fremont and freedoms, in '56 nearly every house in the village was unroofed against open and secret foes. Approving, or blown . down. The air was loaded with the as we do, the call to all the enemies of wreck which was made; the heavens were black Locofoco aggression and the friends of a v ith clouds which were pouring out destruction sound Am :rican policy, we can assure and more than one who was there felt that the our friends throughout the State, that end of all things was at hand. If Lexington 4 .01 d Huntingdon" will be represented has escaped with great loss of life the fact is most wonderful of all ; l in the-Peoples Convention on the Bth letter from Lexing proximo. Whether our delegates shall toi l ! 1 1 Z7f:r d tta i rc v l ' ed i b " y l a Y n °finer of the road. he appointed by our County Cotnmittee, LEXINGTON, fAx 13, 1858. or by Mass Meeting of the party, is now This evening; about six o'clock, we we were under consideration, and will be animist- visited by a severe stone, accompanied by the ced iu our next paper, I most fearful thunder and lightning neer expo. The distinctive Americans, we observe have notified their Committee to meet on the 11th inst. to take action on the stibject $"2 75 Ear On Tuesday night of last week the dwelling house of Mr Thomas Fisher of this place was entered by burglars, their ingress was by a window which happen ed to not be fastened. A bold venture was made into the bed roam, and while Mr. Fisher was enrap tured in the enjoyment of morphius, the villain or villians stole from him a gold watch, which cost $l6O. On the same night, and no doubt by the same villians, the dwelling house of J. P. Anderson Esq., was entered and a booty of $2O in money carried off. After the above operations the burglars made good their escape. Cutting Timber for Posts. Tho American Agriculturist gives the .following thiails of an experiment in set ting posts, by E. Haines of N. J. Those cut in June and Set green lasted fifteen years and over, Those set dry lasted only five. The time in which the dry posts were cut is not stated. It was prob ably in Spring before the leaves started. We regard mid-Summer, as the best time for posts The bottoms should be char red upon the outside. They should in the ground the top end downwards. The charring should extend a little above the surface of the ground. ear A writer in the New York Times recently intimated that Mr. Forney's Phil adelphia Press is about to surrender its opposition to the Lecompton policy of the administration. This Mr. Forney indig nantly denies. He says 'lt would afford us great pleasure to agree with the gener al administration on this Kansas question; but this will never be, until the adminis tration is true to itself, and to the pledges upon which it was elevated to power.' OIIR ' II - o ' ol{ TABLE. DV — The June number of the Ameri can Agriculturist has made its appearance laden with every information requisite for the farmer. After subscribing for The Huntingdon Journal, they cannot do anything better than subscribing for the American Agri culturist, Send $1 to Orange Judd E. 1., and he trill send it to you for one year. Dar Bank Note Review, and Counter. feit Detector fur June, makes its appear ance with a description of forty nine new Counterfeit and altered notes. Au the country is, at this time, flooded with counterfeit and altered nolos, it is essen tial that every body should send fur the Review published nt Pittsburg by J. W. Kennedy, at $1 per annum. ger We have received the first num ber of a new paper started in New York called the Printer.' It is a monthly News. paper, devoted to the interest of the .Art preservation of all Arts.' This is a very neat well got an Quarto, containing 16 pa ges, particularly interesting to the Artist &c. The subscription price is $1 per an nual. Published by Henry & Hunting. ton, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York. gar The present number of Emerson's Magazine for June, elms the sixth vol ume. The next volume commencing with the July number, will be decidedly ice proved upon the volume now closing, as it will have better paper, better Press work, better illustrations, and a more care ful superintendence in all its departments. The price of this excellent Magazine is V year. Address Oaksmith & Co., 112 William St. New York. nor Peterson's I:ounterfeit Detector for June is at hand. It is very handsome ly got up, and gives an account of thirty new counterfeits that has come to light ' since their last issue. The monthly issue comes at $1 per annum. Address B. Peterson & Brothers, 806 Chestnut bt Philadelphia. rienced here. The storm lasted about twenty minutes, and after it had to all appearance cleared up it was succeeded by the most ter rific wind ever known in this section of the State, the rain fell in torrents, and nearly every house in Lexington was unroofed and a number of them blown down. The passenger traits from St. Louis, by which I send this, was blown from the track and cars tipped over, but, with, the exception of a few slight flesh wounds, the passengers were uninjured. Be. fore the train capsized all the car windows on the windwurd side were blown out, the en. gineer and fireman were both blown from the engine, and a brakeman was also blown off the cars. 'the storm struck the train a short distance 'north room here. We learn from a passenger on the above capsized trails that great damage was done by the tornado itt the junction of the Peoria and Oquaw•ka roads with the St. Louis Alton, and Chicago railroads. Both station houses were unroofed. five or six emty freight ears were blown from the track, dwelling houses were unroofed, moved bodily twenty or thirty feet, or entirely demolished, and yet, amid all this wide spread disaster, he could learn of no one seriously injured. We cut from the j curial of last evening an account of the effects of the storm at the West which agrees with information received by la ter trains. GaLestititto.—Tee storm was severe along , the Chicago Burlington and Quincy railroad At Galesburg it was terrible. The engine hunts of the railroad company and two chur ches just completed were blown down, and a number of dwelling houses were unroofed. Three cars standing on the track were blown off and turned upside down. The amount of the damages at Galesburg is estimated at $4O SErNature never looked more lovely than 000. No lives lost. at the present time. Old Mother Earth h. Oetrawxx.—Two steam mills were ruined - at Oquawka and ten houses unroofed, besides i llhe latter stated that the policy of the Gov- I put on her best looks and gayest attfre, the held other damage done. Damages estimated ascertai at er i tuent would be to sell all the public lands ' places on her ancient "pull," she has effectual from $lO 000 to 15,000.50 fur Possible during the present year fur the per Ily covered from view, with the luxurious gae as ecl no lives wet, lust. poses of revenue, m but consented to defer the lure of Spring. Just so, only substituting Art an• Nature, our friend Li! once TRUREALAND, sales in Kansas until November first and fl 6 GAI.VA.-4 this place a large two-story ‘ of No. 29 South Sixth St., is covering the bald teetith when they will take place. The Corn• dwelling house was rendered a complete ruin ; , ss i oners l e f t f or New Y or k on nu n : heads of mankind in general, with his exquisite. Y for a portion of Mr. Babcock's dwelling was also nu light, arse eful and comfurtitble "Gossamer of securing theloans needed. I IY the purpose i .,.... ..... blown down. Nearly all the out houses in the I Wigs," and Toupees. Our readers, who have village wore upset. tlie wind carried large FROM KANSAS. . had the misfortune to lose this natural ma boxes, lumber, barrels, Sc, into the,air as if meat, the hair, should call at his dressing rooms they were paper. A large church was moved from its fOundation abou to lout. EXCITING NEWS. in Philadelphia and examine for themselves the ....----- -„ 'rERRIBLE TRAGEDY. superiority of the articles of his make over MENDOTA.-Ihre the storm was so furious, those of any other mauufacturer. His Liquid and while in progress the railroad engine house Five Men Killed by a Gang. Hair Dye continues deservedly popubtr, being might fire and was consumed, toge.her with the locomotive Rocket. LEAVENWORTH CITY. May 24thI free from all deleterious qualities, and impart , While this severe gale was raging the rain via BooxsviLLE, May 26th. f tug to the hair and whiskers a soft, glossy, life andA singe has just arrived from Lawrence, like appearance. George has also !natty other hail poured down in a perfect sheet. It i bringing the Republican, "extra," which con• useful toilet articles, which he offers to the pub. was terriffe. We have not as yet heard of . r tams a letter dated from Moneka. Lynn county lie, combining two very desirable qualities, to any disaster on the lakes. lon the 24th, giving an account of the alleged • wit:—excellence and cheapness. Let all our Prom one of our c iti zens w h o was i n Peoria I perpetration of a daring outrage. The letter ! readers who design visiting Philadelphia give at the time we learn the hurricane struck the I states that on the 19tlioa party or prceslavery I hits a call. city at about five o'cloelc in Or: evening. In I men, from Missouri, came into the trading tearA letter from a young friend on his way the twinkling ofan eye f i f te e n or twenty houses I poet, situated on the road from Fort Scott to to Kansas, written on a steamboat on the Mis• were unroofed, every church spire in the city Leavenworth (where it crosses the Osage), and sonri, May 16, says: ' blown down, three canal boats loaded with took two men, named Andrews sod Campbell, "Emigrants are pouring into Kansas by lumber sunk, and the steamer Olin, with twee- I prisoners. • thousands. Steamboats cannot Le made long tyone passengers on board, made a complete I The band then in arched forward and farther i and large enough to carry all that apply for wreck, her cabin being entirely away. And 'up captured a Mr. Stillwell, recently from Towel passage. This boat refused more than two what seems really miraculcus is the fact that a n d a men named Reed; and continued on the hundred yesterday, and sill they come. Six but one life was lost in all its furious disorgani.. road towards Kansas City, till they had taken I boats per day leave St. Louis, with an average zillion of matter and utter demolition of gr.- I twelve men prix mem of two hundred passengers each, fur Kansas utres. It is said that a little child was lost I The party then halted in a deep ravine, when 1 and Nebraska." from off the wrecked steamer. The lumber is ' the prisoners (with the exception of Mr. An- ; —We have similar advioes through other the yards was blown all over the city, the guts drone, who had been dismissed from custody,) I channels. Kansas and Missouri seem to be lamps were all blown down, and the signs were were formed in a line and fired upon. Five of , taking the lead in this year's emigration. sent flying in every direction; windows and i thim were killed. namely—Messrs. Stillwell, _______......._____ ___ gable ends were smashed in, whole trains of I 1 Ross, Colchester, Robinson and Campbell; and I Mendicants. A gentleman in Cincinnati, during the past' were blown off the track, and the beautiful Col. • s i x were wounded. • I winter, being annoyed by numerous applicants logo building upon the bluff utterly demolished- : Alter the ILEUM II h p -s- ment of this bloody for altns, adopted the following plan to test 0-00-0 I work, the band rode off. what Legal Rate. proportion of the number wore actually The affair had created intense excitement at in want. Heave gave each b eggar an order on Attorney General Black says : lease of Lawrence and the vicinity, and a force was his wife to supply them with as much food as land for one year from the first of April does being organized to pursue the perpetrators of he or she could eat, and to give them a basket not expire until the first of: pril following. It th e o u t rages , full to carry away. He states that only out of would expire on the 3 lot of March, r i• tht 3 day I General Lane was at Lawrence, but it was thirty-six applicants honored the draft on his on which the term began were not excluded. not knows. whether he would participate in the , 1 larder. We think if this plan were universally When a bill is payable ten days after sight, pursuit, adopted, the "occupatiou" of the professional the day of presentation hen the decree of the icourt s not OTC of the t ne act ett, The contested Probate Judgeship was dad-. beggar, like that of Othello, would be "gone." W quires an The today by Judge Lecotnption in fitvor of I to be done within four days, the party cannot Mr. Gardner, and adverse to Mr. Perkins. be put in contempt until the expiration of four ANOTIIER VERSION OF TIIE AFFAIR. whole days after the day on which the decree The Westport correepondeet of the Republi is dated. When a policy of insurance stipu. ems gives a totally different version of the affair lutes for two days notice of a fire, the day of re p orte d f rom L eavenwor th, fire is not included. A right by statue to re- From this account, it appears that Capt. deem lands sold fur taxes within sixty days :‘ Hamilton and some twenty others, who had after the sale, does not include the day of been driven from Lyon county by Montgomery's sale. These urn a few of th ) innumerable men, after placing their families in safety in cases to which the American courts have ap. miseouri, determined to return to the territory plied the general principle, where tune is to to look after and protect their property. be computed from an act done, the day on On approaching Chouteau's trading poet, on which the act is done shall be excluded, un. the morning of the 19th, the party stationed less it is apparent that a different computation at that place mistaking they for Montgomery's ass iuteutled..—Chastb. Repository. men, came out to meet them, when they were Execution of a Murderer at Harrisburg. HAIIIIISRURG, May 21.—William Williams, convicted of ihe murder of John Hendricks, at the upper end of this county is May last, was executed to day in the prison yard. The oc casion drew a large crowd of people to town, and about seventy obtained admission into the jail to witness the melancholy spectacle, among whom was William A. Crabb, of Philadelphia, who occupied a position close to the scaffold. A large crowd was outside, and the roofs of the houses oeorloohing the prison yard were filled with people, anxious to witness the exe cution. Some of these positions were rented at fifty cents and a dollar each. The prisoner was attended by the Rev. Messrs. Bartine, Marty and Marquet. The wife, three children, and sister of the condemned visited the prisoner yesterday and this morning. He exhibited but little feeling, evincing a solid indifference. The prisoner was brought out of his cell and placed on the scaffold at ton minutes of twelve o'clock, dressed in a shroud of white flannel, and wearing a cap. He uttered not a word, except simply to reply 'Yes,' when asked whether the minister should pray for him. A brief prayer was then made by Dr. Bar. trine, after which an appropriate hymn was sung. The drop then fell and the prisoner was launched into eternity. The Kansas Election. From the St. Lonix Democrat. Information derived by us from private sour ces, of the late Kansas election, is to the effec t that the vote was very small, and that the op position has very likely carried the Territory against the Leavenworth Constitution. The following letter, however, from a correspon dent at Quindarn, looks tho other way : QUINDARO, May 18. A very small vote was polled here to day. The State ticket 'received only about sixty votes—the Constitution fifty three. Two or three Slave Democrats drummed up all the drunken Wyandotts they could, and by making some believe they were voting against Lecompton, and others that they were voting against negroes, succeeded in gettin4 about seventy votes against the Constitution. If our friends had been active the straight vote might have been doubled. I presume the vote for and against will be very nearly equal in this county. There will also be considerable opposition in Jefferson, Johnson, Unn and Franklin counties. In the Territory there will probably be fifteen hundred votes adverse to the Con. stitution, and perhaps six thousand in favot, making the vote about the sante as that. of Oregon. The English dodge is received with a right spirit in every portion of the Territory. It will be voted down with a vengeance. Kansas Land Bales. WASIIINCITOY, May 20.-4lessrs. Morrow, Branaeomb and Winchell. Commissioners appointed at the Settles' Mass Convention in Kansas, to procure a postponement of the land sales, or procure a loon fund for the squatters, have had, in company with Mr. Parrott, Dele gate from Kansas, an interview with the Preel• dent, who intimated his willingness to post pone the sales till October if they thought best but desired them to call on the Secretary of the Interior. all taken prisoners by Hamilton's party. MARRIED, From one of the prisoners Capt. Hamilton On Thursday 29th ult., nt the residence of learned that the robbers (Montgomery's band) the Brides father near Coalmont, by Levi Er' were stationed at the Snyders, a forfeited house ens Eeq., MR. ANDREW MOFFATT. Freight Conductor on the Huntingdon and a short distance from Choutean's post. Broad Top Rail Road, to MISS MARY ANN Under promise that that they would return DONELSON, daughter of Mr. Andrew Don home, the prisoners were released and d,smis. elson sed Capt. Hamilton's party then proceeded to the Snyder House, which is situated in a ra vine, flanked by rocked walls. Dividing ilto two parties, they approached it in opposite di- , o n F r id ay, the 28th inst., of Consumption, reetions, when hearing a gun on the opposite Ma. EDWARD WOODS, aged 40 years. side of the hill, they charged on the spot, when Died at his resides ece in Jackson Township they discovered the noel, whom they had first Huntingdon Co. on the morning of the 27 ult released. rho latter had partially armed then, ROBERT CUMMINS in the 73rd year of his selves at a neighboring house, and taken a age . short cut to Snyder's house. -- A fight ensue, resulting in the deatlrof ten i . 1 -IILADELPRIA MARKETS. of the robbers, among whom was Capt. Reed, 1 - PHILADELPHIA, May 12, 1868. one of Montgomery's Board of Commissioners, FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $4 25014 37 before whom his prisoners are tied. " Extra " " 4 50®5 75 In a few minutes, the main Lime in Snyder's “ fondly 1 . 4 87®5 50 house rushed to the woods and escaped. Rye Flour and Corn Meal 3 25 The correspondent of the Republican, who Wheat—red, per bushel, 1 00®1 08 gives the above account, distinctly states that 11 White " 1 15101,1 25 not a Missourian took part in the affair, and Rye 66 s 71 Oats that Hamilton's party was solely composed of I Corti 4S 38 the men who had been driven from the territo- , cinvorneed $4 38®4 50 per 64 pounds. ry a few dayLbefore. : Timothy seed Flax " per bushel $1 50 Setus tems. Railroad Ca malty. A few nights since, a United States soldier, bound with his company for Leavenworth, lien• sax, accidentally fell off the Railroad 'Bridge, at Harper's Ferry, into the Potomac liver, a distance of thirty feet. The night being dark, the soldier came out of the car, and walked off the platform on what he supposed to be the ground, until he found himself in chaos. When he struck the water his hat floated down the stream, and when the soldier blew the water from his mouth, instead of making immedi ately for shore, he swam after his beaver, caught it, and paddled towards the shore with out a scratch. The feat astonished all who witnessed it, and created a tremendous excite. meet.—Har. Telegraph Another American Vessel Fired Into. Now YORK, May 2G.—The brig New Era arrived from Mantanzas reports that on the 24th of April, she was boarded by an °Meer from a British War Steamer, i.nd on the 18th inst. had three shots fired at her by another British War Steamer. The Captain did not heave to, nod consequently escaped being boarded. THE USURY BILL SIGNED. We learn from a special dispatch to the Philadelphia Even;ng Bulletin, tha' Gov. Packer has approved the 'Usury Bill,' or as it is entitled, 'the bill regulating the rate of interest,' passed by the last Legis lature.—lt was supposed that the bill would fail to become a law, in conse quence of the announcemerit made by Gov. Packer, in his Inaugural, that he would sign or return all bills within ten days af ter their submission to hint for approval. —Har. Tel. BEAUTIFUL RAM—This is one of the great• est ornaments which man or woman could best of. A splendid head of hair, a luxuri ance of hair, if it be in a high state of health, glossy, and thick, no matter what its colour be so that it is natural, is an attraction that will not escape the envy of those who are bald, and gray hair is unnatural till one is in the neigh. boahood of four score and ten short of that it is a disease. We would remedy this disease. and in what way? How could we restore gray hair to its original health! Use Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, for sale at all the drug stor es, it restores the hair it restores its health. and When that is reproduced, its beauty, its origi nal color, its luxuriance and gloss is sure to follow. Wood's Restorative is the only Valua ble Hair Preperatiou. See Advertisement. gi it)), $20,000. PARTNER WANTED An opportunity offers for an active Business Man who can command a Capital of $15,000 to 520,000, to take the place of a RETIRING SILENT Partner in a well established PRO DUCE COMMISSION HOUSE in BALTI MORE. The Business is at this time in a highly prosperous condition. Address with roal name "Produce Commis. sion Merchant, Baltimore." June 3,'08:-2t. GROWER & 'BAKER'S CELEBRATED • FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 495 •BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 'l3O CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA Dar These Machines are now justly admitted In be the best in use for Family Sewing, ma. Icing a new, strong, and elastic stint), which will 2.1 r rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut.— Circulars sent on application by letter. Agents wanted. Feb.17,'58,3m. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, COMPZETELY PRESERVED TO TILE GItEATEST AGE. And who that is gray would not have it ro stored to former color; or hold, but would have tl e growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would horn it removed. or trou bled with scrofula, scald heed, or other erup tions, but would ho cured, or with sick headache (neut Mein) but would he cured. It will elm remove all pimples from-the faro and skin. I'rol. Wood's flair Rrstorative will do all this, see circular and the following. ANN Almon, November ii, 1850. Poor. 0..1. WOOD—D . .r Sir. I Ita've heard much said of the wonderful effects of your flair Restorative, but having been so often cheater: by quackery and nostrums, hair dyes, the., I was disposed to plate your Restorative in the some ' Category with the thousand and one loudly trim ' peted quack remedies, until I met you in Law ' renco county some months since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the trial 01 your Restorative in my family—tirst by my good wife, whose hair hail bocontt very thin and en tirely whits, and 11011111 exhonsSing one of yottr large bottles, her hair Min restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had.thicken ed and . become beautiful and glossy upon, anti entirely over the head t she continues to use it, not sloply because of its ticalltiVng offsets nip. on the hair. but because of its healthful influ ence upon the head and mind,. Others o f my family and friends ore using your Restorative. with the happiest effects ; therefore. my skepti cism nod doubts in reference to its character arc entirely removed ; and I can and do most cordi ally oral confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from white or gray (by reason of sickness or age.,) to origi nal color and beauty, and by all young persons who would have their hair beautilal. Very truly and gratefully iimrs, SOLOMON MANN FRIEND ROOD : It inns a lung time after I saw yon nt Blisstield bolero I got tho bottle of Re storative for which you gave mo an order upon ' your agent in Detroit, and when I got it wo concluded to try it on Mrs. Munn's hair, as the surest test of its power. It has done all that , you assured me it would do ; and others of my fatuity and friends, having witnessed its effects' are now using and recommending its use to oth ars as entitled to the highest consideration you claim fur it. • ..... •,• Again, very respeVfully ;mil truly yours, SOLOMON MANN, CARLYJ.E, 111, Juno 28, 1852. I have used Prof. 0. J. 'Wo'od's Hai; Restor ative, and have admired it wonderful effects.— My hair was becoming, as 'Thought, premature ly gray, but by tbo use of his Restorative it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt psrmanently so. S. BRESSE. ex• Senator. U. S. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broad way, N. Y., (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment) and 114 Market street, St. Louis Mo., and sold by, all good Druggists. June2,'sB.-3m. bliss SOUTHWORTII, COLON. G. W. CROCKETT, CHARLES BURDETT THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CLAPP, Jim., GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG, Mus. ANNA WHELPLE Miss VIRGINIA VAUG Mite. DI. VERNON, Mies HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, Write only for the G6I,IIEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GiLDEN PRIZE . GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED. DEAN & SAI.N`ED; Successors to Becket & Co. Tho New York WiraifFiSeiden Mize is one of the largest and best literary papers of the day—an Imperial Quarto, containing eight pa ges, or forty columns, of the moat interesting and fascinating reading matter, from the pens of the very first writers of the day, ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED WEEK. A PRESENT, Worth from 53 Cents to $4OO 00, Will ba given to each subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription money. This is presented as a memento of Friendship, and not as an inducement to obtain subscribers TERMS: Copy for I yenr, $2 00 and I Preaent. I 2 " 3 50 2 Preaento If 3 « 5 00 5 " 6, 5 6, 8 00 5 AND TO MAW, . 3 Copies, 1 year, 500 3 " 5 " 4 700 5 " 10 " '• 15 00 10 " 21 " 30 00 21 " The articles to be given away are comprised in the following list : 2 Packopms of Gold, con'g $5OO 00 each. 5 do do do 200 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each. 10 Patent Lever Fluneg Watches 100 00 each. 20 Gold Watches 75 00 each. 50 do 00 00 each. 100 do 50 00 each. 300 Ladies' Gold Watches 35 00 each. 200 Silver Hunting Wntches 30 00 each. 500 Silver Watches 010 00 to 25 00 each. 1000 G'ld Guard, Chains $lO 00 to 30 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins. Sleeve ByttonS, Eines Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silt. tor T himbles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 each. We will present to every person sending us 50 subscribers, $2 tech, a Gold Watch, worth $4O: to any one sending ns 100 subscribers, at $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth $9O. Every subscriber will also receive n present. — lmmediately on receipt of * the money, the subscriber's name will be entered upon our book , and the present will In forwarded within one week, by mail or expross, post paid, War All communications should be addressed to DEAN & SALTER, Proprietors, 333 Broadway, New York. PUBLIC SALE. The property of Dr. Wm. Grafius, deed., late of Alexandria, will he sold on Tuesday, the Bth day of June, at 2 o'clock. 11. GRAMM Adm'r. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of Houtz & Grates will settle their ac counts with the surviving partner, Dr. D. HOutz, or 11. GRAMS, Adm'r. June2,'sB.-3t. A PRIZE FOR EVERYBODY WHO SUBSCRIBES FOU NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS. A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED AMILYNEWSPAPEn. The New York Weekly Press is one of the best literary papers of the day. A large quarto containing twenty pages, or Sixty columns, of entertaining mat ter ; and elegantly illustrated every week. A Gift worth from 50 cents to $lOOO 00 will be sent to each subscriber on receipt of the sub scription money. TERMS-IN ADVANCE I copy 1 year, and 1 gift• 3 copies at 3 gifts• tr IU " 10 " •• • Y 1 " " 21 " •• • • The nrlicles to be distributed are comprised in the following list: 1•U. S. Treasury Note, $lOOO 00• .$2OO • 5 00• • 8 00 •1:f 00 •90 00 2 do. d 0... do. 500 00, each 5 do. do. db. 200 00, each. 10 do. do. do, 100 00, each 10 Pat. Lev. leg es watches 100 00, each 20 Gold Watches, 75 00, each 50 60 00, each 100 ,‘ 50 00, each 300 Ladies Gold Watches, 25 00, each 200 Silver hon. ens. watches, 30 00, each 500 Silver watches, $l5 00 to 23 00, each 1000 Gold , guard, fob and Vest ',mins, 10 00 to 30 00, each 1060 Gold Pens &Pencils 5 00 to 15 00 ; each Gold Locket+, Bracelets Brooches, Ear-drops 111,:+t Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons. Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Kers, Gold and Sil rer Thind.les, nnd a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to Sl5 ( 0 each. lln receipt of the subscription money, the licriber's 00.00 will be entered upon our opposite a number, and the gift cones pond ;og with that number will be forwarded withio ono week to him, by mail or express, There is neither lablibug nor lottery about the above, as every subscriber is sure of s prize or via.. We prefer to make this liberal dis tribution among them instead of giving a hugt co nnuissicn to Agents, giving to the subscri 1., the amount that would go to the Agent and in many eases a hundred fold more. All communications should Ito scut to DANIEL ADEE, Pub 211 CENTRE ST., NEW YORK. May 26, 1858.4 y. T01TN152.1. The Alexandria Foundry Flasks, Patters, &c., have been bought by R. C. McGILL. The Foundry is in blast and hs has allkinds of CaS tigli, Stoves rd all kinds, Machines, Ploughs, Kettles, - &c.. &c., which ho will sell at the low- est market prices. All kinds of Conn- try produce and old metal taken in exchange at market prices. R. C. McGILL May 26 1858, Orphans' Court Sale. THERE will be exposed at Public Sale on SATURDAY, the sth. day of June next, on the premises, all that certain lot of ground situate in Porter township, near the borough of Alexandria, adjoining lands of Philip Bout. lough on the North and West, land of James M'Cluro on the South West, land of C. Har nigh on the south East and the Hartsicg bury. log ground on the South containing Ten Acres bo the same more or less. To be sold in pursuance of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon Couißy, as the • property of Ann Stewart late of the said borough of Alexandria deceased. Sale to commence at two o'clock P. H. of said day. Terms she to be made known on the day of sale. GEO H. STEWART, Executor. Slay 12,'58:.-3t. OH YES ! OH YES ! ! MR. ZACHARIAH JOHNSON Has opened a room No. 110 Church Street near the German Reformed Church, where he can be found at any time, prepared to clean clothes in the best style. Lie can make old garments look like new. Also white-washing done with neatness and dispatch. He will also attend to . public and private waiting. At, per. son desi ring his services can leave their adilress. May19,'68..1m. Auditor's Notioe The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to dis tribute the balance in the hands of Thomas & Martin Weston, Exectors of William Weston, deceased, amongst those having claims there- upon, hereby gives notice to all persons inter ested, that he has appointed Friday, the 18th day of June next, at one o'clock in the after noon for the hearing of parties, &c., at his of fice in the borough of Huntingdon, at which time and place all those having claims upon said balance are requested to present thorn to the undersigned, or be thereafter barred from receiving any part of said fund. JOHN REED, Auditor. May19,'58.4t. L =