t ' • I r WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. TERNS OF TIIE JOURNAL, TERMS Tho"HtIiTINODON JOURNAL' is published at the following rates : If paid in advance $1,11,0 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing 1,75 Ti pair! before the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty rents if not paid till after the expiration of the year. No aubserip tion taken for a lees period than six months. I. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordered, And no paper will ho discontinu ed, until arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. 2. Returned umbers are never received by us. All umbers sent on in 01 it way are lost, and .never accomplish the purpose of the sender. 3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions, mart)/ up arrearages, end send a written or verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub lication in Huntingdon 4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a legal or n proper notice. 5. After one or more numbers of a new year have been forwarded, n. new year has commene• ed, and the paper will net be discontinued until arrearages are paid. See No. 1. . . . The 13ourts . have decided that refusing to take a newspaper from the office, or removing and leaving it uncalled for, is PHIMA FACII: evidence of intentional fraud, Subscribers living, in distant counties, or in oilier States . , will be required to pity invariably in advance. lEN The above terms will be rigidly adhered to in all eases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be charged nt the following rates I ingertton. 2 do. 3 .10. Six lines or less, S 25 $ 37i $ 50 One Ritmo, (IS lines,) 50 75 I 00 Tr. (32 ) 100 I 50 200 3 mo. 0 ino. 12 nto. 03 Oi $5 00 $8 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 8 00 12 00 18 00 12 00 18 00 27 00 18 00 27 00 40 00 one squdre, Two squares, column, do., 1. 28 00 40 00 50 00 Business Cards of six linos, or less, 0000. Advertising and Job Work. We would remind the Advertising cons• munity and all others who wish to bring, their business extensively before the pub lic, that the Journal has the largest cir culation ninny paper in tho county—that it is o instantly increasing;—and that it goo.; into the buds of our wealthiest citi- 11, would dlso state that our facilities for ex,-ton , n2 all kitel, of JOB PRINT JN(4 nn T aal to those of any other office nit , . cunnt ;,:ol all .101) IVerk nutria— will be d o ne ueatly and 1,1. prices which will Ec *tic(t The Four Constitutions of Kansas. TOP Ell: .1 , ,tern n..• 1 watt , With an WA, the tooth of a serpent, A .A 1 t•pes of a bat, lx,otnpiun'a own siiter, :\u,l n bastard nt that I The Frog. t tinniest thiPgs that lii In woodland, marsh or bug, That creep the go .and, or tly the air, The looniest is the Frog I Thu trog—the "seientitiesest" Of Norm's handy work; The frog, that neither walks, nor runs, But "goes it" with a jerk. With pants and 04 ant of bottle-green, A yellow limey vest, He plunges into mud and mire, All in his "Sunday's beat :" When he sits down' he's standing up, As Paddy Quin once said ; And, Ihr "convenience" sake, he wears His eyes a'top his head ! You see hits sitting on a log, Above the "vasty deep ;" You feel frielined to say, "Old chap, 'Just look before you leap I" You raise your cane to hit His uglyloohiog mug, .11ut ere you get it half way up, A down he goes—Tier•chog P' *elect *torg. ROW TO BARN A HOME• SY HARRY CLOVER. The other evening I come home with an extra ten dollar bill in my pocket—money that I had earned by out•of.houra work.— The tact le, I'm a clerk in a dowu•town store, at n salary of 'GOO per twin, and pretty wile and a baby to support out of I suppose this income will sound ama. aini,ly small to our too arid three thousand dollar office-holders, but neverthe less we contrive to live cousfottably upon it, We live on one floor of an unpretending little house, for which we pay $l5O per annum and Kitty—my wife, you'll understand— does all her own work ; so that we lay up a neat little sum every year. I've got a balance of two or three hundred dollars at the savings bank, the hoard of beveral years, and it is astonishing how rich I feel. Why, Rothschild himself isn't a circum stance to me ! Well. I came home with my extra bill, and showed it triumphantly to Kitty who. of course, was delighted with my industry and thrift. 'Now, my love,' said I, 'just add this to our account at the bank, and with interest at the end of the year—' Forthwith I commenced casting interest and calculating in my brain ; Kitty was si. lent and musing and rocked the cradle with her foot. 'l've been thinking. Harry,' -she said, after a moment's pause. 'that since you got this extra money we might afford to get a new rug. This is getting dreadfully shab by, dear. you must see-' I looked dolefully at the rug; it wss worn and shabby enough, that was a fact. can get a beautiful new velvet pattern for seven dollars,' ?esumed my wife. • 'Velvet—seven dollars!' groaned I. 'Well, then, a common tutted, rug, like would only cost three,' said my cautions better half, who, seeing she couldn't carry her first ambitious point, wisely withdrew her guns. 'That's more sensible" said I. Well, we'll see about it.' 'And there is another thing If want,' continued my wife, putting her head coax ingly on my shoulder, 'and it's not extra. vagnut, either.' 'What is it ?' I asked, softening very rapidly. •I saw such a lovely silt dross pattern on Canal street, this morning, and I can get it for six dollars—only six dollars; Harry ! It is the cheapest thing I ever saw.' 'But haven't you got a ve•y pretty gre ,, n silk dress ?' 'That old thing ! Why, Harry, I've worn it ever since we have been married.' 'ls it soiled, or raggee •No, of course ; but who wants to wear the same green dress forever? Everybody knows it's the only silk I hnvo.' Well, what then V 'That's just a man's question,' pouted Kitty. •And I itippsoe you have not obser ved how old•lnshioned my bonnet is now • .11'hy I thought it looked very neat and tneeful* since you pot on that black velvet winter trimming.' Of coarse—you men have no taste in arch matters.' .We were silent for a moment ; I ant afraid we brth felt n little cross; and out of imam with each other. In fact, on my j.,urney home, I had entertained serious thought s of exchanging my old silver watch for a inapt modern time.; kce of g.tld, and hid mentally appropritted the CO to furthering that purpose. Savings bank reflections had come later. As we sat be-faro our fire, each wrapped in thought, our neighbor, Mr. Wilmot, knocked at the door. He was employed ut the sonic store as mpself, and his wife was an old family friend. '1 want you to congratulate me,' he said, taking a seat. have purchased that lit tle cottage out on the Bloomington road to. day.' 'What ! that beautiful little wooden with the piazza and lawn, and fruit garden be hind V exclaimed Kitty, a Imrnt envionsly. , Is it possible ?' I cried. A little cottage home of my . own, jun% like that I had often admired on the Bloomington road, had al. , ways been the one crowning ambition of my life—a distant and almcsi. hopeless point, but no less earnestly desired. 'Why, Wilmot,' said I, 'haw did this happen ? You've only been in buginess eight or ten years longer than I, ate salary bat n trifle larger than mine, yet I could as soon buy up the mint as purchase a cot tage that' , Well.' said my neighbor, 'we have all been working to this end for years My wife has earned, patched, mended and sa ved—we have lived on ' , lain fare, and done with the cheapest things. But the 'nap, charm cf the whole affair was that we laid aside every penny that was not needed by actual, positive want. Yes, I have seen my wife lay by red coppers one by one.' 'Well, you are a lucky fellow,' said I, with a sigh. -Times are hard, you know, just now ; the owner was not what you call an econo mical man, and he was glad to sell even at a moderate price. So you see that even 'hard times' have helped me When our neighbor was gone, Kitty and i I looked ineaningly at one another. Harry,' said she, 'the rug isn't so bad " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND after all, and my green silk will do for a year longer, with care.' 'We will set aside all imaginary wants.' 'The ten dollar bill must go to the bank,' said Kitty, 'and I'll economize the coppers just as Mrs. Wilmot did. 0, how happy she will be among the roses in that cottage garden this springs ' Our merry tea-kettle sung us a cheerful little song over the glowing five that nignt and the burden was 'Eeconoiny and a nice home of your own among the roses and the country air !' *elect `Pisteilnp. Slang Telma. Tho use of slang, so prevalent among 1 , the half educated and fast portions of the community, is pret y well hit off in the following paragraph : "If you wish to be 'A No 1' woman, yon have got to toe the mark,' and be less 'highfalutin.' You may sing tslightually' 'like a martingal ; you may 'spin street yarn' a: the rate of ten knots an hour; you may 'talk like a book ;' you may dance as if you were on a 'regular breakdown;' and play the piano 'mighty fine,' but tell you' you 'can't come to tea.' You may be handsome, but you can't get in.' You might just as well 'cave in,' first as last, and 'abrquatulate,' for you can't 'put it thro' tany way you fix it.' If you ima• gine that you may ‘go it while you are young, for when you get old you can't,' you 'don't come it' 'by a long chalk ' up' now, nod do the 'straight thing.' and I will 'set you down' as 'one of the women we road of.' 'lf you come 'o the scratch,' why I must • 'let you slide.' But if you have a 'sneaking notion' for being a tregu lar brick' there is no other way —'not as knows on,'—no sirreo. Koss !' If n young man should 'kind 'o shine op to you; and you should 'cotton to him,' and he should hear you say 'by the jumping Moses,' or 'by the living jingo, or 'my goodness, or vow,' or 'go it Betsey, I'll hold rut* bon net,' or 'mind put eye,' or 'hit 'nn again', or 'take me away,' or dry up, now,' or 'cut stick,' 'or give him particular fits,' he would certainly 'evaporate.' MANGE ANIMAL A strange animal has been taken in Trimble county, Ky. It is described as being about the size of a common cat, with very short legs, short tail, and a thick' short head, resemling thot of a ball puppy Its skin is coated with the finest fur, blue color, which they sold for $5. It has been seen by several persons, but none can tell what it is. The old one has been seen and chased to her den. She is about the size of a small dog ; her bead and ttl very much res.mbles that animal's in i-ngth and shape. A large number of sheep ho. nes aro Raloo be lying about her den. It is said she will jump from one tree top to another, like a squirrel. Prices of Labor in California . The Ban Francisco Times gives a care fully prepareed table estimating the re wards of labor in San Francisco, from which we learn that black-smith rec,ive from $4 to $6 per day ; ship smiths $5 to $0 ; gunsmiths $4 to $5 ; gas fitters $1 ; house carpenters $3 to $6 ; ship carpenters $5 to $6; tin workers $3 to $4 ; cooper:, $1 to $0; sign painters $5; house paint ers $1 ; sailmakers $5 ;stone masons $1 to 5; bricklayers 4to 6 ; hodman 2.50 to 3 ; plasterers 4 to 2 ; coal heavers 2 to 3 ; day laborers 2.25 to 3 ; millers 4 to 5 ; harness makers 2.50 to 4 ; shoemakers 2 50 to 4 ; bootmakers 3.40 to 4 ; watchmakers 5 to 6; jewelers 4 to 6; lapidaries 5 to 8 ; seam stresses (to go out) 3 to 4; waters 30 to 40 per mouth ; cooks 50 to 85 per month ; chambertnaids 25 to 30 ; engineers 150; firemen 60 to G 0; seamen's wages BO pe r month ; teamsters 50 to 60 ; butchers 60 to 100; barbers 60 to 100 , upholsters GO to 100 ; paper-hangers 50 to 100 ; clerks 75 to 100 ; book-keepers 85 to 150 ; bar keepers 35 to 100; servant girls (with board) 25 to 35; farm hands 30 to 40; gardeners 35 to 60. Fraud on the Post Moe Department. The examination at New York city, of William Fuller, charged with forging a draft for $5OOO on the General Post Of fice Department, purporting to be drawn by James Reeside, to 1885, was conclu ded on F, iday last, before United States Commissioner Betts. The accused was committed to answer at court, in default of $5OOO bail. illigr Two hundred barrels of eggs are shipped daily from Pittsburg to the east. QUEER.—'ThaiiCer; should be so many single ladies In our town, and yet all of them be constantly surrounded by bows. LEVEE, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1858. HUNTINGDON cennali Commercial ;lOWA—'I HE MIN. iT May 17, 1858. ord of the gold ~x• CorPeepondence of the TUE GriLD IMES E RA!. WEAtau IN T Marion county lowa, You have doubtless I . I have covek Ufll .1 rid to the my reliable state to make. There hick I co opider in• filament in this vicini ded that it was but pi. country, to give as meat as it is possib aro many wild motors jurious to repeat. I arable pains and exi diggings which are • in two miles of tide county. and will star At Coalport, five mill of course reddish gra ing light blue clay, g i ad in fine particles.' round or irregular, an I have seen larger th e Mica and iron pyri vicinity, and delud. several Californians, .druggists, have exam true particles, arid gold. As yet no ext bran undertaken ther Two miles below ten from here on the is anothet party at of California, is the They have a rocker ing the gravel from I have been at work with only tolerable s says that he think when the waters fall. Lye been to oonnid t . t.se to vtsit thole Bing worked with• jlace, and Marie. hove Bet,. distant, in a hill and sand overlay id is_ being procur• They are usually none of them that i the head of a pin. exist in the same (the ignorant. But and. jewelers, and bed and tested the onounee them fine ided operations have d'llook, and about einoine river, there ork. Dr. ll' illiains radar of the party. i work, and are wash. a hill side. They ow about ten days, loess. Dr. W illi a nts lit will pay to shuft A mile below WAren's mill, and six 'Mies east of here, w arty have found tar. ger pieces of coarse old, Lut none larger than a pea. They are found in gravel in a side hill, in a Varrow vein of black sand. Dr. Warren a nd others are very sanguine of success, * and intend shafting They are only patio' . g. as pet, with van-- hag success. The !Vest day's earnings has been only $5; Sid many, who are en tirely ignorant, lose 'their small particles in washit , g, and make utmost nothing The most successful washer rs an old Californian, who isbmking good wages. Small particles have also been found on the stream, about three miles west of here but not enough t' pay. I have also seen gold got from White Breast, about twenty miles from here, but in small particles. And, I understand, gold has been found near liroxvire en the Competine, and have heard that they are turning that stream. You will see that I endorse all but the last sentence of the last paragraph as hav ing been under my personal knowledge. The question now remaining is, will it pay? I cannot say. Whet, the streams are law. er !here will he some shafting done,' and we can then tell heat a. We feel confident enou g h here expend some labor and capi tal in end, coring to test the matter. Whilst I am writing about mineral wealth I might mention that !her., are sir coal banks and three limo kilns in active opt. ration within six miles of this town. I have seen iron ore of fair quality about seven miles from here, and feel confident that by boring in the Demoine valley, salt water can be reached in five hundred feet. One man bored much lees than that a few miles from here, bat he had no tu• Ling, and could not keep out the fresh wa. ter. The mixed water, however, made salt by boiling in cauldrons. I have looked carefully for lead ore las t week, but hnve found only a blossom yet, which I consider very good. The Indi ans are said to have got their lend in this vicinity for many years, and come here every fall, but they work in the night, and we have not yet found their inine. 11 we find it I will let you know. We have here a high, healthy, rolling and very fertile country. There is abun dance of timber and excellent water. We yet labor under inconvensence of market. but two railroads surveyed through this place are finished within seve ty mites of us, afici grading is being done nearer. The Demoine has been in excellent navigablk condition this spring, and has brought up thousands of tons of freight and carried dtl large quantities of bacon, lead, flour, but ter and eggs. Rents and property are now very low, on account of the pressure - cheaper than they have been for several years. Pota toes are worth 10 cents a bushel; flour $3 a barrel; bacon 7 cuts; born 10 cents; wheat 80 cents; butter 10 cents; eggs 4 cents Average cattle, five years old, $2O. Hor ses of same age, $lOO. Improved farms from 10 to 28 an ncre, and raw prairie, Bto 10. Town :property can be bought for cosh for less than cost. As each statements should have a name ntiacbod, I subscribe mine, and will cheer• fully answer letters from persons intern ding to emigrate west. EDWIN H. GRANT. 11z 4P: ' 7- • BASHFULYEAS. Who has not knows, either from his own sad experience, or from the observa tion of other !elks' sad experience, the miseries of a faithful, man? He is sub. jected to a thousand pangs daily, yet re ceives less sympathy, perhaps, than any other sufferer. It is the custom of the world to laugh at bashfulness. exert while commisseratin,tr it, nnd laughter is the so• rest thing a timid man can encounter. To see the poor wretch enter a room lull of company, is as good—or as bad—as a play. Blushing and stammering, unable t look up, feeling as if he were all hands and feet, and as if every person present was scrutinizing the minutest details of hi., personal appearance, he essays to spook at least three words of salutation. But he has no words in I.tm—they have all flown, nnd left his mind vacant. When he does think of them, they are always the wrong ones, and he finds to his horror that his voice is missing. In a sort of spasmodic croak, he blurts out the first sentence that ;irises, and feels that he has excited still more attention A Indy says •how is your mother ?' sad he, expecting a metenrologicni remark, says. 'very slur Imy inneed 1' If the remark refers to the weather, he blandly replies, 'quite well, I thank you !' and so forth, to the end of the evening. Ile crawls, a-. soon as pos sible, into it corner, behind the piano, or into a window recess,. nnd remains in dumb retirement, trying to dispose of his Minds nnd feet, and wondering if. be shall ever be able to enter a potty ensily; nnd to deport himself like other people. How he envies the freedom and mac it faire of the dashing young society men— heroes of a hundred balls--masters of a score of• accomplishnients--fellows who rattle off a polka at the piano, carve n turkey at supper, aance the varsovienne or lancers, curry on a flirtation, and buzz it bottle of chameagne, all with the same free and easy sell-possession. Then, too, when the bashful man is surprised sud denly, whit a picture of unhappiness lie presents. Suppose him to be sitting with a few inale friends talking, laughing, and enjoying the greatest po.mible flow of ani• mai spirits, when a lady unexpectedly en— ters the room. How quickly the bashful one wilts down ! lie breaks off in the middle of n laugh or a word, and after a Jimmy 'good morning,' if it is night, or 'good evening,' if it is morning, settles down into a total Mobility to act or speak, Yet there is hope for all these unfortu nates, however near to di spair they may feel. They cannot, to be sure, overcome their diffidence all at once, nor without doing themselves some violence at first. but everything worth doing is difficult Such persons should seek every opportu nity of mingling with lively society, and, if they dare, should even court embarrassi ng satiations. They will find their bash fulness wear rapidly away, mid • trill tic. quire, almost before they know it, an ea sy and graceful .bearing, in a comparative• ly brief period. Important Discovery. Among the important discoveries con s taiitly being made by the coast survey. the office here has just received intelli gence of a new channel leading into St. George's Sound and Apalachicola Bay. in Florida, with four feet more water on the bar than nt the entrance commonly u,ed. This new ohnnnel is close under the eastern end of Dog Island.. This discovery is worth perhaps mil lions of dollars to the people of. that sec tion, and is but one of a blinder charnct frequently following the labors of tie coast survey. That department is render. ing more service to commerce, navigation, science, and humanity that be possi bly counted by dollars and cents, and, un der the albs direction of .its distinguished superinmndent and his corps of essiAants, is adding more real reputation to the country than most of its other institu' ions 'combined Poverty of Statesmen, Statesmen who are worthy of the appel• lotion given Ulm; generally secure for tunes. They devote themselves to pursuits which, if honestly adhered to, rarely yield rich rest suds. Jefferson died comparatively poor. In deed, if Congress hod not purchased his. library. and given for it five times its value he would, with difficulty, have kept the wolf from his door. Madison saved none, and was compara tively rich. To add to his fortunes, how. ever, or rather those of his widow, Con gress purchased his manuscript papers, and paid thirty thousand dollars for them. James Monroe, the sixth President of the United States, died in the city of New York, no poor that his remains found n resting_* pare through the charity of one of the citizens. They remain in a cemetery in Second S'reet, but no monument marks the spot where they repose. John Quincy Adams left some hundred and fifty thouonnd dollars, the result of in• dustry, prudence and inheritance. He was a man of method and economy. Merlin Van Buren is very ri.th. Thro out his political life. he hns studiously look ed nut far his own interest. It is not be lieved that he ever spent thirty shillings to politics. H is party shook the bush and he caught the bird. True to the instincts of his nature he believes that charity is a cheat. Daniel Webster squandered some mil lions in his lifetime, the product of his pro fession and his political speculations. He died, le.eving his property to his friends. The former sold for less than menty thou. sand dollars. Henry Clay left a very handsome es tate. It probably exceeded one hundred thousand dollars. Ile was a prudent man ager, and scrupulous honest man. James K. Polk left about one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars; fifty thousand of which he saved from the Preaulency of four years. .Ithn Tyler was worth fifty thousand defers. Before he reached the i'residcn• cy he was a bankrupt. In office, he has handed his means, and then married a rich wife, • Zachary Taylor left one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Millard Fillmore is a wealthy man, and keep. his money in a very strong nod safe box. It will never be wasted in specula tion or squandered in vice. E7x•President Pierce saved some fifty thousand dollars :rom.his term of service. Col. Thomas IT. Beaton, we are sorry to soy, died poor. He was anxious that Congress should purchase one thousand co. pies of Abridgement of the Congressional debates, for distribution among the various State libraries and foreign exchanges ; he was of the opinion that such a purchase would tend to diffuse a knowledge of the political history of the comitry. Two members of the House of It .presentatives have the matter under consideration, by his request, and trill bring it, an early day before Congress, with, as they think, geOd assurance of success. TEE DEVIL A DEMOCRAT. One of the most uncompromising Dem ocrats in town furnished us the following election item, and says it is trite A son of the Emerald Isle, with a block carpet bag in his hand, stepped into a dore last Saturday while the election was going on, and asked the proprietoa to write him a ticket.— "Very well," said the merchant, sup pose you wish to vote the Democratic tick •Yes," answered the M denies. '•1CeII, Lea•is Mills for Sheriff. '•ls he a Ditnecrat ?" “Yes." •George W. Hunt for Trustee." 'ertainly." The Devil for Register." "Arrah, now, is he Dimocrat ?" ..oh, yes; of ccurse," "Then, be dad, that's me ticket-11i vote for liitn And when the votes for Register were counted, they stood, for llerndon 340 ; for Johnson 70 ; for Butler 61 ; and for the Devil 1. A COMPROMISE WOMAN.--The Rich mond South say:, :— , Our pen recoils from the duty—yet it is our province to record the revolting fact, that n while woman in Mecklenburg county, Virginia, become the mother, a few days since, of four children, two of whom were of her own color, and the other two black.' sem is said that coursing is an irreg• tiler, active transitive verb, indlcative mood present tense' third person, singular num ber, and—agrees with all the girls in town. Wonder if it does 1 MrMarried, in Michigan, Mr. Hen ry Bills to Miss Mary Small. We hope the issue of small bills is not prohibited in that State. Mr Several lottery ticket vendors were nabbed in Pittsburg, lust week, and were bound over to answer. Cle — The present Administration has squandered the punk funds to such a de• gree, that there is no money to be had to carry on the Government work. Several hundred turn were discharged (row the Navy Yarn at Portsmouth, lust week, be cause there were no funds to pay for their work. Wir Farmer's column on fourth page VOL. XXIII. NO. 23 gIISCELLANEOUSADVERTISEMENTE. New Goods ! New Goods AT H. P. GWISPS CELIEP STORE. D. P. (lain has just return,' from Philadel phia with the largest and most beautiful as sortment of SPRING AND . f4UaIIIIER GOODS, Ey!! broughtty Huntingdon, consisting of the mus t fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and• Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, and Fancy All Wool de Loins, (all colors) Spring Dalai., Challis 'Mains. Burnes, (all colors) Lorena Cloth, Dehaize, Alpfteen, Pop lins,. Printed Berages, BrAiiintv, plain nod fig ured. Gingham, Lawns, nod Prints of every de scription. --- Al SO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin ges, Antignes, Gimps, Buttons, Braids, Crapes, Rued & Brass Hoops, Skirt Cord, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linen unit C.Aton Floss, Tidy Tarn, &c. Also the best and cheapest assortment of Col ors, and (hidersleaves, in town. Bar'd ant! Plain Jaeonet, Mull Muslin, Swiss. Plain, Ft,- ured, Skirt Beltt• Marseilles for Capes, the I a variety of white hoods too numerous to men tion. Spring and Tidbit Shawls, White Delainn fur Capes. Mantillas, &c. Alec, Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. Tweeds, K. Jeans, Mushily, Cotton Drill, Ninkoens, Tick., Table Diapers, Flannels, &es ~llso. a largelat of Bonnets, Flat, lints, &c. Loots and Shoes, thelarge;t antl act, peat ussortment in town. EL tl PL D V 7 A. WARD, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, &c. Carps us. Oil Cloths, Fish end Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Ten, Iluln,ses, and all goods usually kept in IA country Store. My old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requestml to come and examine my 'goods All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID I'. GWIN. April 2 1 s 1858. NEW STORM! NMW GOODS!! FISIIER ItlertittltTlßlE HAVING re-opened the METROPOLITAN Mrmerly known as "S.txtox's" take plea sure in autumn - icing to their many friends, that they have received a now and well-selected stock of Goods, whieh they feel confident will satisfy the demands of the public, and will prove unexceptionable in uncut and QUALITY. - . The line or Dress Goods emhraces LOBES A (VALLE IN ORGANDIES. LAWNS, PEIICA LES, &e. ClI, LYS, SEP AGES, BRILLIANTS, ALL WOOL DI: LAINES, CRA VELLA MOHAIR, DANUBIAN, TAMISE, AND LA VELLA CLOTHS, DEBAGE, LusTREs, ALPACCAS, PRINTS, GINGHANIS, &c. WC Lure a tine assortment of Summer Man tillas, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An tiques, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets, siery, Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Whalebones for Skirts, Reed Hoops, Braes do., Skirt Cord, &c. A Lso—Tiekens, Osnaburg, bleached and un bleached Moslins at all prices, Colored and White Cambries, Barred and Swiss Basil., Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and many other articles which comprise the line of White and Domestic Goat's. We have French Cloths, Funey Cassimere,,, Sat,inutts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottoundes, Linens, Denims and Blue Drills. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, of every varjety nod style. Also all kinds of STRAW GOODS. A good stock of URN ERIES, HARD & QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SBOBS, Wood and IVillow-ware, mbieb will be sohl Cu 1,1, We gist, deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess facilities in this branch of trade unequalled by any. Wu deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise, FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the Broad Top nod Pennsylvania Railroads. Come one, come all, and he convinced that the "AINTHOPOLITAN" is the place to secure limhionable and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. TlOETital CLOTHING ! New Assortment Just Opened And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! HROMAN respectfully leering his caste , mars and the public generally, that he has lost opened at his store-room in Market Square- II untingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready made tlothing for Fail and IVlnter, which he will sell cheaper than the seine quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before I welt.. sing elsewhere. Also, Hats, Caps, which will be sold lower than at any other on. tablishment in the county. Huntingdon, April 1:1858. Patent Portable Fence. The rights of Hunt's Patent Portable or Per. mascot Fence and Gate Post, for Lots, Farina and Township, can be secured for a small sum by calling on the Agent at Huntingdon. Go and see the model at once. It is decidedly the best Fence ever used. No Farmer should be without it. Cull ye who would be benefit ted and examine it for yourselves. HENRY CORNPROPS C, Agent for Huntingdon County. GREAT STORM ! - New - 51 7 tig and NI'MANIGIC, SMITH it CO.; Hill St., 5 doors west of the Court House, Huntingdon. Dealers is Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Spts. lurpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, R'ine•and Brandy of the Beat article for medical uses, Concentrated Lye for making Sear, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines also Cabe, len, Chocolate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish, Salt, Flour, Crackers, Nuts, Caudies, Figs, Raisins, Tobacco, Cigars, Syr ups of all kinds for summer drinks in it word every thing ueually kept in in Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire pure and Uenuitte ar ticles will do well by giviug us rt cull. May 19, '5B t— Iy. . IVIACKEREL of ell Nos., Herring, &c., CAD .0 1 - be bud of the best quality, by calling on Flaunt &Sic:Hearn&