Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 26, 1858, Image 4

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i../1 5 1'alirir/2 1 ..r1 1 11PE-'..i
. 3110•IiE414 S Ple. 11 NTS. ' IiFi! , ..ti:O4,.`INEOUS ABVIAITISIMENTS. 4 ,7 * - 4 -,x.
AI kc i j i 1 - 7 : o' 1 - 4 : c 1,., LT il D Iviiite Lund. I, , p x u r i , V ) $2 50 per keg.
275 .' •i Prof., Cit.. Ottitaiatleis - •
HOOKS • assil,
1 1.1 N .I. .).11‘..11..
ANIiFitENCII Philadelphia Zine Paint, 4() ()0 0 vi"' ES °I . new and IrP!' 1111.
Best ';now White, 2 'r . i r i ' i: :: .Ft 1 . l '-' t
C' I'R I. (J r '.5 r 1 • Books, embracing every
BURR . .
-.!. 4.. . ,),,,, &,.., and all kinds 01 11,,,,,WA,u, at m , 1 1 .4 . u,tially kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and
, Ili il vest. diicovery is now cresting A iZre.t 110111 V Of them at battik,: Publisher's retail price,
'fi‘, 1 2 • 44.- ,. M1111 Srl'ONF •A
f- ' ' ''''''''''''''''''''' in i'"'"" i ""' at the " lia " l• scosition atin,K the Medical Futilities tit Eh , the, sultseriber now otters to the public.
, •. -,...- l. . .. WRIT :7 , 1," vl J.. 0. BIM l'S'N K CO.
, rope soil this addintry. It will cure the follow- ill school books used in the county can be
-I ...-4 ' 4 " ' Ilinitingdon. Apv., , ,'55.-0,
111.1.1111111J'IL\11 . 3"'S;O: r_tf:Y<, alica v e,t ~J ob Printing" Office i,r . ,, ,, i , ,, ,. ,t 7 , .71 a 11 , i i t ,f): ,,
.. Wtirrolted to , load in any apiantines lit rattail and wholesale
• ~` 1 , , ~, . A A , •,,, ~,,,, 4,, y. c ur ,. „da m rates. Foolscap, Letter aud Wrapping Paper,
Corm, 0: 11. rionntown hood and Ni-ov Mcoi.e. io }lce militates. Cure Croup in one night.— ".voles tie of h3.' the roam. . .
Strccts.. the North PennsVlV:llll7l, Bail Bond, g N l':111, e - QtaNTV, , (' o re 1,,.,,,„,„ i n ~, ~,, 1 ,,„, ,lota c „,•,. i„,,„, 100 superior Gold Pens w i th Silver and Geld
Philadelphia. i , ~ • , Cones, trona $1 upwards.
c , Ire loved VW- ~, , eio ~,,,, e i ,,,,,,,,,,,( • 1., i, • 1 , 1 ,.'.' 1 '',"l'l' in "....""' ‘d urf ', ` 1 l" '''''' tam Fochet and Pen knives of Rogers' and
Constontiv on hand or mode io order. the eo• ~. .. ''•'• - '- • - dt , '•• - •"- ' ' c.,,,,,,.., min 1'1ni . ,,,,r. 111 1 . .1111011e 10 11,00 dot's. others , b„ si s , ture.
lowing higliir itpproved Flour Mill Mac.hil,ry. '' ' ' ... '. " 0.1 trill emilds us 1,5 sir, all ki,th', , ;1' , c„,.,. 1„1.,,,,i,,,, i,, ~i , ,, 0,, y. c ur , N, :iu .,,t.
ith ,
Woodward's Potent Portable, Mills and Smut ,31 efts L'aiiviitag at e 0 per eclat. ri.• 1),,,, 1 , I'"'lli A i'll'. ll"l'IN• in I' , ''','''" ~. .20 eta. tool upwards.
Machines. . Cure fleno.rrhs,te, Sevorill, Altse,s. In tett 3,000 riE t •E, ‘ ,., 4 1,E PAPER, o f
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Ites- cheaper vales
• , I , vt• t . O , . 0 '1 ,1, , W ,11 1‘ 1, , TO 0 ' 1 : , i'l " 11 " 0 : the ink. and prettiest styles,just received from
ters. ' lltilll. , 1 1 . 1 Y (Attics in 11114, C0ut. 1 3 . • il: , ' , . ~,,,, Chao Coe Atln•, :•.':'.:1: N:ei,. A 'one Philadelphia and New York, prices front 10 ets.
Stover's Potent Fuel Saving Corn Kiln, i (ii ,,, us n coll. If IVe don't give satire , A I kr, •1 in ci,e d:O , . Cuce Vciaies, !!Takeo It veast, Salt a Piece and upwards.
Pierson's Patent Barrel }loop and .NI otalditiAt tioo, tio charge IV. tall Will be made. t ltheion, in three to six cloys. `dm, Uninoy, 50t1 bcautillally pointed and gold gifted Win-
Machiltes. I , Palpitation, I'leuriss, io on-: to ten days. Cure' .I. , y,, , S e il l i , i i dea at 44 .... ~n , 'inward. .
Improved Brialge Steps and Bushes fur 'NUB , TUE 11111,,1 and cliciiliv 6 t ttlick of tliili'Y Silk I Asthma, Palsy. (lout, Errdpolas, in five to 20 . .ti .1, is I ave but to call land examine, to
be enllVilleed that in buying of the above, stock
Spindles. mid evicted :..itraw Bonnets in town. is at 14. • t , .a ‘• c. •1 t• . Chr o nic
WARII,ANTED, ' •13...• '- "" ."' s ` l " ''''''' - " I
FISHER & MCINIVRTRIE', 1,1 o i •• . ~••1' I • I .; ~,,r e T1,,,,,t tsccilet ' • - • .
1 tidii'llaii.d'idi -li . '"Il ,"- • , ', ' ', - mewl', the plat., corner of Montgomery and
The hest Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr .k. 1 LL-woor Illgnllll, 'Welled/111, LiSt aIVI ' Y"', r ' "" d ,', ll ,`' li ",',","`" e "' '''''"'' ''','.:' '''', 1-h•ilrinni street!' WM. COLON.
Calico :gill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster A „ a ,. ~„,.,;„,.. A ,,„,,,,,,,,
,),,,.„,,, A ,,,_ ~,,,,,e, This (1. k. ), (t ruth's)' : ""'" ":, ,Ipr....ta,'sn,
Crushers. colt Alms, can be had elleap ltt the :.tons cl l'i"i'''"'ili al. is a greld family :1 ' .( . 1. " . r ,':' lea •
FISHER & McAlutriac. , ..Sc
. . ~
children teethin, e. Ladies should all l, e , ,I,Aali 18.-5000 Bushels Wilmington Pen
lit. It ulaaya lean., you better thou it foe!, . A loos •in store, nod Be sale by
-•• ic e d one lentle olten mats entircly• , NVM. N. SIIUGARD,
:12:3 UV till North tkl street, Phila.
Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Coat
cave. - rilllE great°.t variety of tile richest styles
IRA S\ -1 D1.J.71'U1T113,9 1 Dress t:oods nod l'rionnings Cllll alWilyS I ,
! -i.t.'icti,/ :bo i l , . Ti.;irs
East and South-lies the Ohio and Mississip- 1 ' lull ' la ' fl u' r-st''.i.i.k.e sm.' °.'
IthilElt & MC:\ICUTRIE. 1 11',1..
Warranted to take out of the offal of every ' 9 , 11 E !area and newest styles Ladies' Collars, ' Philad , lphia, Jen, ;41, ISsti..
Bushel Cr,tund. from Ito 21 lbs, of standard _L a Bence & MeiIII,IITILIC, , I',i•r. IL.` (f ',0., ; I have hoeu fl clot 1,,r
Rout., which could not he bolt,' out on account t 11::::. t a vea., sit tt Neuralgia :led other I..nin , ,
, “,,
of the electrical ailliesior, le the Bran. ar•tr,(lA l ,..S, Tolonts, lligoletles, Vietorir, .cl j. , t ., ~,,:,i„1,,, ~„. „ 1 i i,„,,,1,,,,,,, ~,,,,i,l, to ,a,ei, ,' , '
r.,r,,, tn.] I st, re .d for sale by
1 , Iliad Dre,ses, are sold t o, p r i ce , w ht,_:, o,;iy ;,ity iit• wall: any di lance for lastly pars ' ' 't• - •
' ' ' AVM. N. SHUGART),
NOTICE t-1 hereby warn all person', against competition by Ftsimit &11 MUIIMIE. ~,,,, 'L a , ~.„,.!., 1 . ,0 I, home 01 your -Elect-'
323 or 191 North 3,1 street, Phila.
infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa- ! , ,
lOUs HAT-; and CAI'S tla, tli '' " IL" .1.1. '''''' l ' i - 11l 1 ' l 'l' l ruill ' llY Riul
tent n.s above,
as I'll! prosecute all l a ' Nal ' s ' 8 U 1 ( : ) ,;, 2 , ' : ' ,..; :. ' tt l xlt tt;t: brought to town ate sell- ,' "'lit 1 .. 1 it' 'l'‘:.: 1 ,.."",'h , It ''''''' ."'`‘'• ~,I Y f.) A 1.81 NS —1,1)00 Boxes Bunch and Layer
malting, selling, or using any Brun I)usters 1 .
' g eery ,leap at .I. l. , :slFit tt's McAlturnit.. I wit , owl , 1 '.. 1 . twill's , i'er ryes. '-our '''''''''' 1 11, ltaislas in store nod for tulle by.
with an Iron or Cast Meliti C. 1 1,,,,, i ,, vio- ; "1-
‘ll- . ' ' ' .
lotion of the Letters Patent of Jo.iepli John-•' , • •'.la, ph a I Lih, to du in thirteen i :;..,:l or 191 I‘urtl, 3d street, Phil',
111 T ANlirrti I'lli 14 Ignore] , ,! :t;' ! ei ,, n , GI . l'11:., 1 i l 1
stor, , tinted April 24411, I 85!. ;li prices, at the mammoth store of ; ;,•I)i,. Griti.i idly yours,
TTIOMAS B, WOODAVARD, Proprietor. t FISHER & MCM1:1,1,11,. I li EV. aI.A.)IES TEMPLE, 1 T'lt.:S, PATES, 1111'NES, CITRONS,
N. B.—State and County Patent Rights fo,
all the above Machines for Sale. • Iv Al.:, SHUGART).
Cui 3 l l E o o South street.' ,1,. Ctirronts, in store :Itl 1,,r rule by
I :,‘,,s t.r 191 North : - itl street, Phila.
August 29, 1835. New 1.1:1,1,11, May 19th, 183 a, ,
deaf '
t'ttt!tt •: 11 '. , l'l'"'leee Il l', lirera , l ' \ I,AIoN BS. WAT,NUTS. CREAM NUTS
Aft , trYing man) . t" ,l ' , '. Its' I ~'„,) filberts in store. nod for sale by
few tinter. owl it Hired hint eti-; -,-- AVM. lA. SIitTGAITO.
Cl.ll , Ft HID & Stlt.\ NTON. ! setit.9.'s7.-Iv. ':;:i3tit• 191 N'th ad st., Philo.
ArrOCIINING f.'OI.I.ARS, of the handsont.
t ' • , -L est styleF, just recei‘e.l ity‘
FoittAt & ATeMtio mg. '
II ZIN I I LY11 1 :4 "I`l i.lll`,
CI JO ' FP 1 N( 1 1
_ ... T , T r f 'Tor Oil a
' tIT,T y II. DR. JR. I-lUYE '
A New %ssorlincnt Just Open?d! l') ',..,', 14 li I g V
i AI.ENANIDICIA. lIIL.T. CO., l'A 0,, ~ ,I ...tuti.,
And will be sold 30 per cent. 1 Alan 1, D'37.---ly.' 'lle , . '.',.• in
HROMAN respectlially m
in'ors his misto- • 1,,,,,, SCOTT,
leers mid the public getter:lllc, that he has :
just opened tit his store-roost! in Bucket Sinn,- ,- ,©`Tiff ;,.. srfsoV2B9 'l',lflt.: ,
. . „ .
Huntingdon, a Fplcudid new stock of Ileml - Attorneys at La.v.r, ...-, , - ..•,i , 1 owl,' Or :hp Hllllllll4Oll
1 , ', , :.: , :1i. , T 11.'.1111'. , .1, 11 . 1: , 1% . 1',11I ri .1 1 ‘ , 1 1 !. , ~11 ~ , - n
made 1.`,",,,; 1:'..; ov, :, To : 5 t . , ,,, ,: '• Mill, inform farmers and the ththliegneral-
Clothing for Fall and IVitil2r, I Huntingdon, Pa., ____. • Is. that they now hove their stew mill in running
which he will sell cheaper than the saute qualite ( 1...c.,...... 11 . 11.1111 . ,t Y ....Pied by -- - • , ,a -4 - pii:Ekralfl 2 , lk,7 , r,F.,3 order, with all the moclern improvements in the
of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philsolei- '''''. -I '''l• _ , 1M1'1;o, 1..11 v.,ier wheels and machinery.
Oda or any other establishment in the coollti... ''''• 1 " , • I 5.3. Thor haie pm in five of the Improved Jon•
Perseus wishing to bay Clothing would do - ::„ 11"4.0,7100.1t-r.11.1-11:..k11CIIER. ~„1 "'titbit.. Wits, 11 Reel,. mid can grind in
well to call and examine his stock before 1 at-el,a- 1 r t/ 14 A X p, :4 ..,,
sing clsewher , Also, 7'l 1 . LIN 1,, , i .', 1.:1. ,:i: , ~,,,,,. al, c,, dy IMO ' l , l . l . '"in-"''' . . l. t . ) : , " , , i '; i t . . : l i l ,l l , l " . 4 f , tu , r ,i i . ..: i g n iho coldest
Hats, Caps, BLANKS I
, BLANK.; i 1‘ , 1' , .: ,,,, - ,,,,,,, , ,,,,, -,,,,, ,-- i-Pi -.7;1'..! . ...t.".Y . .' •,Y..;;,.;,.e.„,,,trid
• .....,,,n; • i•,.1..,... ,I;itioo or ;;1i di,,,,,5. , '3 .w is , P•o , ,o bell, . 3 •). .
which will be sold lower than at any other c a. LIS 1.1 ii\ 11 i l l .ill 4 , . i „ i ;, ‘ ,.;::tr:,,',., ~.'; ffirn: all the wiiii i it. ,,,,,,,,, t i for sale at rill Imo,. at market i.ttes, an kind 01
t:tblishment in the county. , A tenet d.,..,, ~tort Of .1 illllll, ,!/ ~,r 'e• 1 ,
Huntingdon, April 1. 1F358. I .wriiiiioas j/,/ /,r [inert oini ii.,• ../.', al Co '' , •,,,,,, ~ ~,,,,,,,,,,,, lullr m : ,Tism , , LO
nJuda lial ( yfiec: ' (.. ~.• ~ r„1,,.. H,,,,,,, r .,71,, , ~,, , .in , 7 , ,,,,,,,5, and faint, mill 'MVO their own grain ground
B " It ( 1 ) ;!:.te S st 's'tocSin(;‘)•le'rSl,lin-I'gs'lrttSte&to‘Z‘,‘li'sellle- .:,.11!!'1!! C L . :1,' 1 1 ,.: . ,, i , , , t (. `',', , '"' 5 ' e '''''' l '''' l . . • ~,, !•.• /I , ••‘? , T . Bodll, 'id ' ,ll 1 and lake; iI I ''' H ' l '' a velar " 1(.4 cir 'h.). call
Judgment, : , /...,,,,/, „,, l b. F„,, ibe furnished in eXCIMII, at a moment's untie[
ilg very cheap by Flamm & MeMuttrum. ';„ „ . Vendtte Notes, ~ • ••. . -1 1 1 hat CI • fan equal quaillit) el l'lsur and Bran or chop
~ a ~.:,. lk HO ello :II 1, , l, :IOS 0 ,
~ , ' ' ''' " ' l '' ' ' ; s " l3 ' , ' mi t ily p,,1, slatoliog ; ,-;‘,...• 'Auld, c0.,...1 w ed Ice 1.
t) ' ing met tire, and will crodicam nwrestry, I Ta 2 :4il, F,;,3/1.7.';‘,E1 nanonETlNg
FISIIEIt & ItIcIVIERTRII: ~,q.1,,i, ~,-. 1 . ,1,,
' 1 ,,, ‘ , L • ~,,,,,, VI. , iht. IMPROVII- 1 i, ocatt ititto,,,l maultfactitco,• and they wit
ITAN ING re-opened the METROPOLITLI.N 1 \ . ..'llti t tl , ', ,
~ , : , ..,
~ s , . a„_....... . li Lt..; s ..0....,R1:11ER operates on , mercury, ; •,,,,,,,,, „ FL . 1 , 1, Tv R N o ulp a super i or qiii di
-..l formerly known ns .tt,Ax-rox's" take plea- - ,....'i11. w 1'' ' ' ' ''' '' ' ..
'' ' ''' ' ,•i t!,, r ilt.l•uritie3 a il, blood wllt Le shcit t , t ,, ~,,, ~ ,,,,,i,,,t ~u ~,,a., left at their mill.
sure in announcing to their many friends, that : --- ... _
they have received a MOW and well-selected . , , 0,...., , ,
...,,•„J ,
_, , ~
~',.:::', !:' , e ,:, ' . ` , .': , "::: , . 1. .. 1.. , -1 ,,, , i ,..i, 1 , ' , .. L .1 , 1 :';':' 1 i : , ':: k ' , :1 . , '" ; ' 1 ,, : . , :, - • Flt;li Elt & AI.III.TItTRIE
stock of Goods, which they feel confident will 1 N. 11.- •'I he lin. I , wheat b:11111, ore not quit
saki) . the demands of the public, and will pre, ;
~ "
~, ,-,,,- , , i I .', '. c.- I ...,, --. i li' " i i": '':
:"I '' I ""'• il". tw a t,, "*","'"" ' l ' 1 „„„..iy. .
unexceptionable in STYLE and QUALITY. ...1 -1.:- -3 .---1.-12, -Li .i '. IA ....1 1 ~..., _:,. I. 1, ..1. •., .1, .• !. : . .: ~....... 1 , 1 . .t• ~,Tu.1:!•:,,l , II ati ll.,.l.•st. D.‘i•cm'ocr 10, I ..."0;•
The line of Dress Goods embraces 1
, i 11,.,,, 1,, . ~, Ic, consume,: ,L,, , ', ~ •,,, . ,' , ' • . ~ ~, ter I ~-..,:: pi A., ~....;'u ~;,'Ai,,:t.,
LAWNS, PERCALES, &e. COAL) S, 1 .,,,,,,, :, . t met:tot' Paper I! ~ _.: -. :• .: , . ' : ' ' '
,end w•! '•:. f ~i- -. 0 i e 3,12 it; i
DERAGES, BRILLIANTS, 111.1. \S'OOl., i ~,,,,,,,,,,,, : &,.. ii , Ilie ~i ,,, ,
~,,, ,
ItANUSIAN, TANIISE, AND LA- 1,: ..,, ~ ' '
allay ... . , "2 , . 4 .i . 717.. -' . ;:ii
1 ., ato ~,. , . , . , ; ta , .,.
~ , , „ , , ~ !.. :,..'
~' ' l .' ..'
. 1 " . ,,:'''',. : ' ''..lli:a.;dost ...., , ,,..,,,,',„i',:l Volitidi'3'.
LusTims, ALrAcc..,.. ~ I1.\1)111{ .',,! : . ... 4T - 4•4 1.-, .
PHINTS, GINGIL's ,: ..: &,.. , ‘...1 , 1.c1, !' ttr )(loci:, l:..1 : , ~, i - ,:,:•.,. ' i 111 . . l.,l'il, , l'lllllLitl -1 TARE TIIIS MT
Walleye a fine assortment of Sur; .. 'i ~ :' , . .:. . ;;: ; .iii . I. : •;; ;; i.; •- .- , thmi er if niiinie•i; their friends and the psi
B l ue, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, L. 1:,.. .. '1 -
:,. - ,
.Imy 11.1 v, rel,Mit the Ilan
tiques, Ribbons, 'alias, Cloves, C. ~. -, i i . . , ; . . , .: ; . . ,,, ~ . , ;. ~,.. : , , . ,
~ . , Anil nre i 0,.. in successful a
siery, Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Butts, : , , : ' . . , , '
.. , . ;, ~ , , ~ ~... ~, ~ r 1.1ei.,c,1 I, 1.,ri1i1411 rusting
Floss, Sewing Silk, Whalebones fur Skirt , i . , 5 ... ', : .. , :t t „ ,:„,„: : i , ~. ,:. , ~ , ,: 2. . ~ :, . ,
.: , ~. , .., : '•• ~ she shortest n
Reed Coops, Brass do., Skirt Cord, Cr. .ll contcolpintiog mot: : .5 .. ~ ,
_„,..e' i ' 1 ".: ~ : . '1 le .( ~ .• .: , -
AtAo—'ficketni, Osnithurg, bleached and nn - ' elim i„,„. t • o „, ~,,,,,,, , , , t . :: ,
,: I. : , !,, ~: ~ . I' 1.. ..,: :, ,• ,t ~.. Ce. I,:.: ,- , ;•• ..,.
bleached Muslins at all prices, Colored and i (20 ,,,,,, ,, ~,,,,,,,,,.....',
White Canibries, Barred and Swiss Muslim:, I ,-,,,. 25, ,`•` t . , " i, '
Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Torten))) and ninny I •`` • • ;
other articles Which comprise the line of White NA7 II A LEBON E, LELA) '•.' : ..' s '
and Domestic Gum's. VV Hoops and Reed t'his'.. C• '
We have French Cloths, Fancy Cos...nacres ; , ( .1, e „,.,,, 0t ., o r
Sattinetts,Jettns, 'l' weeds, Cot tonade.,, LinenS, ;
Denims and Blue Drills. ,ti 1 ETTER-CCrlrr '
It one for ,, .[:e , . ; '
HATS, CAPS AN]) BONI/01'S, ~' '' '''' m . .•. • . i; ... ~'.. ~ • •
is one of 11,1 ams• No. I tare ..,11..". .. I • . - • "' " "'•• ' " • '
of every . varjety .d style. Also all kinds of -
STRAW GOODS. 1 OlteStattli SElViltlliftsi+..,_.,:, ' ;(,„
A good stork of • i 6 ii \ i
GROt FRIES, H 1111) & QUELASIVARE!, I Only $119.5 0 per. lltiortier. , ,
ti,,,,, , ,
BOOTS & 8110515,.
I 111. IlleN. IVAI,SII. Principal.
Proressor of I,mo:tinges owl PI , i'... , ci 313 7"
Wood and Willow-ware, 1
which will be sold Cu., , Herr hail liorlienheint,
We AISO deal in PLASTER, FISIT, SALT, ; p, n/. of German Language 4. Lireearuei• i i; is a certain care.
and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess facilities : M. Eugene Chivaut, , who are sffli , icd.
in this branch of trade unequalled by tiny. We [
deliver nil packages or parcels of Alerehandise, i I j rqf' s.l. °./Fo i nch und Piano 31a , ir.! .. 20 p r ... 1, (1 .- INT , SAD - E1)1 1 !
FREE OF CHARGE, at file depots of the ! James W. Hughes, 1 Co NI P l'iT I.: NT.I I; Ill; ES have stns derided
Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. l'rriessor of illath,maticB, etc . Hurt ,o. is.. 255 per reot• is saved by purchasing
Cottle one, come all, and he convinced that 1I all lIARDII AllE mid l'A 'N . J.'s at the regular
the "METROPOLITAN" is the place to secure
-fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at ...,. . ~ . .
' Mrs. M. Ma. Walsh, Pier, press.
B It' t• i 1 uAatnAillat STORE
the lowest rates. u , c,/,2 1 amtmg, Many, 18 oiy e c ,
Apr.14;58. . Miss E. Faulkner, ..)v
Jilonochromatic, Painting, Drools.' etc. J A ill 1.: K s A . F.,. H cil W Ili
NICHOLAS' BANK NOTE Miss Anna M. Cray, coulee,. this wilily.: 'oh:tillage thesub
' Frl irer lots
• jost returned front the East, with a
REPouTER, ISSUEIT FROIII Piaui) Music and French. ! ( .„„, 1 , 1 ,,,, ~,,,,,I „,
MSS Jennie Ili. 'Walsh, 11,..,,,,,,,, )).,...., , ,,es , Too.,
No. '7O WALL STREET NEWYORK. ~ 1 i'rimary En , l sh. CriLi.,-, HOLLOW-WARE,
IS thel
ever most corrt and reliable work of
.tic -- 7 .--
~ , , , : ['Ours, ~,,
:::: , Firmmiscs, & .. e.
published. It is the only Repor- IDS SCIIOOI, lIAS LA 1 1,1.1 PAS,I.II whio :"., , c . ''` ''''; '
1 lists eil ref tlll, se.ectell, null bought
ter published in Wall street, And contains a Ti n t o ~,,,,, lintels, d an- the present '''''''' at reduced prices, frola . tllo best houses in the
list of all the Banks in the United States mid orc determined to males it a firid class Instith•
The majority of the new hiculty United States. Thus he is enabled to sell whole-
Canada, lion .
''''..'- ' sstle and retail extremely low. Country deal-
TIERIVIESI . ready on band, and students will bs received as , cis, Bu i lders, f,leelianics, and the people getter-
Monthly Reporter (with Coin Chart and pe, soon it , ,b
w i s h to „ me ,
ally ;tit re , pectMlly invited to call.
time pre-paid) • . BI I'm ! v,,,,,.g. Indic, all 1 gentlemen lot ,fliting logo I Al; tellers receive prompt attention.
Semi-Monthly 2 no l to school will do well to write to . below COM ,' N.B.—Person , iistlehtvil 10 1110 1:110 firm 01
To every yearly subscriber is given a stag- , eitidii ,„, ~) ~, ,il,,,„l iere , Th,,,, i., ,m (ma t ur,! Jame , A. Brown & I '..., kl . , reline:4.l it, Millie
nifiemit I and .i . re I (I', re Ca , e wi ll be 77 r, beaer school , iiiittledlitt, payment 1,1 ,lAS. A. BROWN,
Coin Chart of Thirty Six Page, I „ " ' I Iluotingdon,Apr.a,': , B.
which contains beautifully engraved Mc 6111111eS .. "'" coils
of all the coins in the world. Both se are received, all brandies taught
SerNumeroun Fratids.K,7 , and students eau enter at any time. 1000 I:t?,ri l .', F t7,. \'‘.'„l!!\.',l•,'),s.'sal,,ll); of the
having been practised upon the community, by I For further inlortnation, address
the publishers of certain Bank Note Reporter,: JOHN D. WAI,SII, 1 .1 AAILS .1. N.
hiving quoted as ;good, numerous fraudulent I Caltsville, Ilantingdm Go, I'a. I .
io 'X,
l'lys ,S
:' II AT i
and swindling aflitirs, miscalled Banks, the I Decinter 9, 1557.-tf, ltle ilatlwre store of
publishers of this, •
The Only Reliable Reporter, 1 !BEAN liS.--Alwitys buy your Blanks at the i TAMES A. BROWN.
salt attention to the following first class "Journal Office." We have now prepared acc ,
-, ‘21 . 1 . 0NE CROCKS, JARS, &c.,—rt large stock
REFERENCES. 1 ry snperiorarticle of BLANK Di', 111 ):‘: DI, . 0 for stile at manufacturers' prices by
New YOBK.—aniel Drew, Banker; Morris JI. v GMENT NOTES, SUIVI o NS', I.: X 1.:1'1'. : JAMES A. BITOWN,
Retelium, Marine Bank, U. S. Life Insurance I 'I II .Nli. &r. I
Company, 3. Ithlie, Secretary; noward F. , . ; DUCKS IN GLOVES & :3: II" I'' , i;„; I trr- - ss , DRESS GOODS, of rich style
Insurance Company-1. T. Skidmore, Pre , , ~ i 7 D. I'. OW IN'S J-I ,g 1 ter - , - cheap lit D. P. GRIN'S.
Caleb O. Halstead, Pres. Manhattan Bank; i -------- - . - - ---
M - - -- -
anhattan Life Insurance Company,( C. y li
U( , i NOTiCE. - --
BOA a N , All'LS, tine
Weniple, See'y; Mechanics' Bank, G. I/e .1k ii . i s ~.0, A .1 OlittN E 55( k\ SADDLE .1:: I t
and C
cheap ll et IT WOOL SII
galls, Cashier; Geo. rated, Cashier William,- 1',.. :MI:. H -_ARNESS-MAKER,' in want of cin- _
d _--
burgh City Bank. playment, can hear of a favorable sit- BONNETS of every variety and price
N. B.—We hay at our silica all money at Icif iei by applying at this office. • li- , of very cheap by
the prices quoted in the Reporter. We also V, 1,.1 7. l . Imiteu & 111c5Iuttintie.
pay special attention to the purchase and sale
of LAND WAIIR.INTS. 11,.' , 1:1'il DOVGLAS, Gu tI.
nsmith, , TIOUG I SS & SIIERWOODS' Patent En-
A. NICHOLAS & CO.. Bankers, MeConnellstown, Pa. -LI tension Skirts, for sale only by
N. 70 Wall street, New York City. I FISHER It MullienTiou.
Apr. 7, '5B:-3m. , — Dr. John McCulloch,
lien , his Pr.f.ssi.... l service. to th. citiz ..., I.Z . PLENI)II) Li. of Dress Goods, CM! racing
SPLENDID RAG CARPET for 37 i ets. per ' 011 tintingdon and vicinity. Office, on Hill st. 13 Robes of all kinds, Berages , , Chnlys, Lawns
yard at the cheap store of I betx reit Muntgoinery and Bath. I Colored Brilliants, Chintzes, he.. eats be found
Fames 8., ith.m...,..„,,.. 1 inititu, , lon, Aug. 89, 1855. t the - Mrrnoromr.or.
1111:11,01.14 111111;111011S Spr:ll:',4 lip WI , 1: ‘- : . ' ......_ ' •• - _ • _ .
t that my article. hitA r.i,ieh.. , th ' .4, :1.7: r . 3 ,:i ig 7 , 17 -, i A 4. p 0 N
,o, h,were. They ere werthle,s, : '''' * • ,
ri , , ) )
e Jobe Ile:01, Iluntiel;don. (4:l. 1 li '4ll li •
1 ym. - i • c,- . ,...,'' f: - ._, (---""' , - - - 7.. '
AutipltiogiiMie Salt.
ineitif•ine i; for sale nt the
Journal I itlifof. I , fir fill inflammatory ili,eases
tie , . try it, 3
impossible to save more than fire per cent., for
the Longs are so cut up by the disease as to hid-- _ ... ---
--al _ .
defiance to medic skill. Rven, however, in the BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL.
last stages, Inhalation affords extraordinary re
lief-to the 8111 . 113aillg nttending this fearful scourge' DOC- TOR JOHNSTON. .
which annually destroys ninety-five thousand I FrIlE foinidet of this Celebrated Institution,
persons in the United States alone ; and a cur- j offers the most certain, speedy, and only
sect eiticulntion shows that of the present pope- effectual remedy in the world for Meets, Stele
lotion of the earth, eight,' millions ore destined t u r e s, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins,
to till the Consumptive's graves. • Constitutional Debility, Itnpoteney, Weakness
Truly the quiver of detail Menlo arrow so le - of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kid
tiff as Consumption, In all ages it hns been the neys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner
great enemy of life, for it spares neither age our volts Irritability, Disease of the head, Thront,
sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beauti- Nose or Skin ; and nll those serious and lonian
fill, the graceful mid the gifted. By the help o choly disorders arising from the destructive
that Supreme Being from whom cometh every habits of Youth, which destroys both hotly anti
good and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to mind. These secret and solitary practices are
the afflicted a permanent end speedy cure in more fatal to their violins than the song of she
Consumption. The first muse of tubercles is Syrens to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their
from impure blood, aniline immediate effect pro- I most briliiant hopes of anticipations, rendering
dosed by their deposition in the lungs is to pre- marriag e , &e., impassible.
vent the fr. admission of air into the air cells,
Young Men,
which causes a weakened vitality through the
entire system. Then surely it is more rntional especially, who have become the victims of Stil
t° expect greater good from medicines entering tarp Vice, that dreadful and destruCtive habit
the cavities or the lungs than those administered which ',mutiny sweeps to an untimely grave
through the stomach ; the patient will always thousands of young men of the most exalted
find the lungs free and the breathing easy, alter talents, and 'brilliant intellect, who might oth-
Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local erwise have entranced listening senates with
remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally and the thunder; of eloquence, or waked to ecstasy
with more power and certainty than remedies i the living lyre, any call with all confidence.
administered by the stomach. To prove the pow- Marriage.
oriel and direct influence
1 1 1 1 is Mode of ailinin
ta 'age, being aware or physical weak
stroy sensibility in a few : minutes, parislyzing
debility, deferinities, he., should
istration, chloroform inhae will entirely de- , Al nri•ied • persons, or young men contempla.
the entire nervous system, so that a limb ffray : , Isl.
amputated without the slightest pain; itiliali l 4
• un tie NNIIO . lat. himself under the care of Dr.
,: ' ' ''. ii s ietlinteiv consult Dr. Johnston.
the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a i Johnst on an y
confide in
his 1,,,,,,,,
few hours.
The i n halation of ammonia will rouse the sys-
tem when tainting or apparently dead. The o- as o Physician.
a gentl ' e n man, Y and confidently rely upon his skill
dor of many of the medicines is perceptible in Organic Weakness.
the sktn a low minutes after being inhaled, and I inmedintely cured, and full vigor restored,
may lie immediately deteeted in the Mood. A I
This disease is the penalty most frequently
convincing proof of the constitutional effects of pe w b y those who have became the victim of :
inhalation ' is the fact that sickness is always pro• improper indurgencies. Young persons are too
(timed by breathing rout air—is not this positive , apt to commit excesses from not being ateare of
evidence that Proper remedies , mt, r e lnli Y, i m , e i mr- ' the dreadful consequence that may ensue.— i
es"l"l•ludieklusb. administered l'lr°' lie mu g s Now. who that understands the subject will pre-
should produce the happiest results 7 During tend to deny that the power of Procreation is
eighteen years' practice, many-thousands suffer- lust venues by those,falling into improper habit'
ing front diseases of the lungs and bloat, have Iliat by the prudent. Besides being deprived
been under iny care, and I save effected many
of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the mast .-
R 111111.1,111,10 ettres,even after the sufferers had
shots and destructive symptaMs in Inill,l 311111 ho
been prononneed in the lest stages, which fully
de arise. The system becomes deranged ,the
satislies me that consumption is no longer it fa.
. physical end mental powers weakened, nervous •
tan disease. My treatment of consumption .
liability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in
original, and founded on long experience and a digestien a wasting of the frame, cough symp
thorough investigation. My perfect nequitintance
of 6 .sumption.
with the nature of tubercles, he., enables me to tentso- Office Na. 7, Smith Frederick Street, se
dis""guisll' 1.1 " 1"Y ' lim ' nit "' r°ll "' clis disc" '
t ic doors from B„ltinmre street. East side, mi
that 'it'll"' cmisl"° " °° ' and "Pi'. the proper the steps. Be „„rtimilar In observing the name
reincilies, rarely being mistaketueven in a singlo
case. ;phi s s as is m i ty, i n sosseet i on w i t i, ~,,,.. , and itumber, or you Will IlliStllke rho place.
min pathological and microscopic discoveries en- , ~..,•• C i a n i e te w u ar i r r c d h l in N l : ‘ 7 s i l, a o Y u e • s nRuGs.
aides me to relieve the lungs tit m the e ffe cts of '"
contracted chests, to calarga the chest, purify ' Dr. Johnston,
the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving Meatier of the Royal College of Surgeons,
energy and mile to the (mine system. I Lend., graduate from one of the most eminent
aledfrims with full directions seat to any Part C o ll e ges or the United Suites, and the greater
of the linked States and Camulas by patients port of whose life has been spent in the first ilos- :
communicating their symptoms by letter. But pitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and else
the cure would Ito more certam ii the patient where, has effected some of the most astonish -
elmilill pay toe 11 visit , "'hi"' "'mid Ore me aim ing cures that were ever known, many troubled
opportunity to examine the Mugs and enable etc with tinging in t h e testa ,unit sites „.se„ asleep,
to prescribe with much greater certainty, and want - nervousness , being slimmed at aa,maa
then the cure could he effect e d without my sec - sounds, end bashfulness, with frequent blushing
ing the patient again. ' attended sometimes with derangement of mind,
0 • W • ° it A 11 A M , M • D • , I were cured immediately.
Onctet, 1131 Ensitsti STIII,IT, (Old No. I 09,) • Certain klisease
Below Twelfth, 1 When the misguided and imprudent votary
PHILADELPHIA, PA. : of pleasure finds he line imbibed the snails of this
August 5, i557.-Iy. ' miiiiful disease. it to too often happens that en
ill-titned sense of shot., or dread of d iseovery,
Of all disease ; the great, first cause deters him from applying to those who from ed.
Springs front neglect of Nature's laws. minion foul respeotability, can alone berrieed
SIFE icoac his, delaying tin the constitutional symptoms
' of tilis horrid disease mantes theirappeni•aime,
When a c u re is gnarnnteed in all stages of
such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose,
SECRET DISEASES. nocturnal pities in the head and Ihnl7s, dimness
Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Civets of sight, deuthess, nodes on the shin bones, and
Gravel, Diabetes, Disenstis of the Kidney mid • ItalllS, WWI. On tea head, face and extremities,
Bladder, !Mercurial Rheumatism, Scroluln, " progressing with frightful rapidity, till at laSt
Paths in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the the palate or the mouth or the bones of the mate
Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon fall in, and the victim or this awful tii3OftSo be
lie Body or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy, Epilep- comes a. horrid object of commiseration, till
be Fits, St. Vita's Dance, mid till diseases a ci- death puts a period to his tireitilfhl sufferings, by
'lug from a derangement of the . Sexual Organs. sending him to "that bourne from whence .
Such as Nervous 'frunibling, Loss of Memo- traveller returns," Tu such, therefore, Dr.
• Loss of I , ,cer, (4,1..4 Weakness, Dimness Johnston pledges himself to preserve the must
of Vision, with peculiar spots appenring liet;fte inviolable secrecy, and from his extensive pis t e
J . the eNCS, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspeu- ' lice in the first Hospitals of Europe and A meth.
sia, 'Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the ' , nee, " ca, he can confidently recommend a safe mid
„„ Pain in the buck end head. Female irregulari- ' speedy cure to the nitfortunate victim of this Inn
'AK l ': T HIS '''''' ties, 1111C1 all improper diselnagestrom both sexes. rid disease.
.., their friends and the pith- t.matters not from whet cause the disease mist- It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall vie
., .
11, that the uss. , ~••t-•..'-.
ma'., however long standitig .0r ehstiume the tiles to this horrid disease owing to the unskil
;se, r,coverg is certain, and in a shorter time thhiess of ignorant pretenders who by the use of
111111 a permanent cure can lie effei•ted by sny that deadly poison Mercury, rain the cons.i-
Mier treatment, even :liter the disease has liar. taboo, and eitlicesend the unfortunate sufferer
fled the skill of eminent physicians told resisted to alt u ntimely grave, or ma k e the reside, of his
all their incites of cure. The 111etiiailltS :11,` Ils e m i sera bl e .
pleasant without odor, cousin im sickness a n d , 'fake Particular Notice.
frail f'oe """ an y or lthit ''"" h rthrliM tastily Dr. J.. addresses all those who have injured
years of visual., I have rescued front Ills laws ~......„,....,,,,„ b ., im5 ,..,, e ,. ~,,,,,,.,„n si. „. •
or Death many thousands, who, in the last sus- l'"';iq ' c' ' , ' c'' ' , :ro Li. ora : ol . l iliem.'„inti'i;
ges of the above mentimed diseases had been ,
enders produced by early habits of youth, viz t I
given "P : ) y tileir ,P, ll Y slei " l i ls u , l ,,T"' ',fllit,'ll tsar- ' Weakness of the Back dud Limbs, Paths in the
rants me at pronosmg to toe m.eten, w ho may ,
head, Dimness or sight, Loss of MIISCUIttr pow
place themselves under my care, a perfect and
er, Palpitation of the Heurt Dyspepsia, Nervous
1""t speedy l ,'""' S ", r , " ai "" s " " re II "' , Irritability Derangements of the Digestive
greatest • enetmos to hemtm as they are the lino ,
Functions, '- 4eneral Debility Symptoms of Con-'
eause or Consumption, Scroruln .d many tali- sic., ~...
er diseases, and should be a tenor to the hit- , "'" 1 "
roan family. Asa permanent cure is scarcely
11 l
to be dreaded; Loss or memory, Con
effects on the mind
ever effected, a majority or the eases tailing in-
are much
e e
to the hands of incompetent persons, who nut ' fusion all lene, Depression of SPiri s t; R . .vil For
only Sidi only Sidi to cure the diseases but ruin the coo- ;hailing., Aversion to Society, bell
i Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are sonic of the
stitution, filling the system with mercury, which
with the disease, hastens the sufferer into at rat- cells
pitl Consumption.
Thousands of persons or ni l
ages, can now
bulge what is the Ctn.° of their declining health.
But should the disease and the treatment not . .
cause death speedily and the victim marries, the b ecom i ng w ea k, pale and
disease is entailed upon the children, who ere 1 emnehlm d, hare eing"l""Piteatrenee about th e
Losing their vigor,
horn with feeble constitutions, and the current I eyes, tough 111111 sYmteltle of emte"mlninn•
of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself Dr. Johnston% Invigorating 'tense
in Scrofula, 'letter, Ulcers, Eruptions. and oth- Ay' for Organic Weakness. •
er a ffections of the skin. Eyes. Thrust and By this great and important remedy, weakness
Lungs, entailing upon them a brier existence of ' o f th o organs is speedily cured and full vigor sc.
suffering and consigning them to an early 1 stases. Thousands o f the most debilitated and
nervous who bad lost all hope have been int-
Sell-abuse is another formidable enemy to
' inediately relieved. All Impediments to Mar.
I;nbfee . 41 " g el" in the 'rend catalogue a I rinse, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nen
leinittiuii diseases rouses so destructive it distill woos Irritability, Tremblings and Weakness,
upon ttic system, drawing its thousands (Wyk.: I or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily
thus through a few years of suffering down to en cured by Doctor Johnston.
untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys- Young lien,
tent,rapidly wastes owor the energies of who have injured themselves by in certain prac
causes mental derangement, prevents the proper
tier indulged in when alone—a habit ftequently
development of the system, disqualifies for mar- learned from evil companions, or at school—the
risge, society, business, and all earthly haimi- effects of which are nightly felt, even when a
ness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body sleep, and if not cured renders marriage impos
and mind; predisposed to cousumption and it sible, and destroys both mind and body, should
train of evils more to be dreaded than death it- apply immediately.
self. With the fullest confidence 1 assure the What a pity theta young num, the hope of his
mainlinete victims or Self-Abuse that it speedy country, and the darling of his parents should ho
and pornument cure c a n he effected, and with snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa-
life by the consequence ordeviating i'1•0111 the path
tients can be restored to robust, viperous health. I of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit
The afflicted are cautioned against the use of 1
51 1 1 , 1 , , , K BONNETS in gretttnv.arii ,e . i' l ' AVlN e ' ' Sf P Such persons before contemplating
Patent Medicines, for there are so many iugeni- Such p ersons
oos snares in the columns of the public prints , . Mar r iage.. ..
the most necessary requisites to promote' conne
it, to catch and rob the un w a ry sufferers that mil- should reflect that a s ou n d mind and 1 ody are
irlifs.)...s.[P.(kLiiiiii:F . l3ll—. lions have Weir constitutions ruined by the vile
A 770 IiNE l' AT LA II; conipounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi.. , hial happiness... Indeed without these ? the Jour-
Iney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
sown. nestrums vended as "Patent !Medicines."
Willattend to all business entrusted to:him. Of- I have carefully analyzed many of the so-eslied the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
lice nearly opposite the Court House Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of mind becomes shadowed with despair, 1111t1 filled
May 5. '53 them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one with the melancholy reflection that the hap iiness
sesi ., ss --- s s s of the strongest preparation ' of mercury and a or another becomes blighted with our own ' .
UTLDifilietralilllf iiDU....l® Vlblfll.l o deadly poison, which instead of curing th e dis- OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK ST.
ease disables the system for life.
CONSIEMI"II4Vii Three-fourths of the patent medicines now in BALTIMORE, MD.
, use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant per- To Strangers.
And all Diseases of die Lungs and Throa t , noes, w 1
ho do not understand oven the alphabet I The many thousands cured at this Institution
SRL POSITIVIA, of materia inedica, and are equally as destitute within the last 15 years, and the numerous in.
CUILIi ISLE 111( INHALATION. of any knowledge of the human system. having portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr.
Which conveys th e remedies to t h e cavities in only one object in view, and that to make
,moo- Johnston , witnessed by the Repcjiters of the pa.
the lungs through the air passages, and coming ! ey regardless of consequences. pars, and many other persons, notices of which
in direct c 0... with 11 1 0 disease, neutralizes ' Irregularities and all diseases of males and have appeated again and again before the pub
the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes ' females treated on principles established byi lle, ha a sufficient guarantee to the af fl icted.
it free and easy ..xpectoration, heals the lungs, twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by 1 N. B. There are so many ignorant and
purities the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the thousands or the most remarkable cures. :Medi
i worthless quacks advertising themselves as
nervetis system, giving that tone and energy so clues with full dire,sions sent to any part of the , rh y m e's' , ruining the health of the already al ,
indispensable tor the restoration of health. To United States and Colludes, by pan.. sermon-
Meted. Dr. Jolins'n deems it necessary to any to
be able to state confidently that Consumption is nicuting theft symptoms by letter. Business I
those unacqueinted with his reputation that his
curable by inhalation. is to the it soaroa of unal- : correspondence strictly wintidential. Address 1
Itsied plessure. It is as much under the sun- I J . SUAIAIIS It V 11. L IS, Al. D.,
ilripTsice NoTion.—All letters must be pos
I Diplom*. always hang in Iris office.
trot of medieal tremolot an any tither formid. I OFFICE, No. 1181 FILBERT Sr., (Ohl No. 1119.)
able disease ; ninety out of every smoked ea- Below Twelfth,l ps id, mind cousin a postage stamp for the reply
I lies Cllll 110 cured it+ the first lasses, and fifty per • :".111LADELP lIIA. ort e fill , S7egl lt 4lll I
y. Yellt.
cern, in ore pr,,,,A ; bet in the tone ft Is I Atig.s,l4..ty. . •
mid Ca,
f iONFECTIONAPV.--,Plain and fine Con.
V./ feel ionary animii:;tetitred and fin solo by
323 or I N,,rth Sd street, Phila.
. •• Keystone, 1101.
6;;;;; ;;`A'd linveon luta
;;,. ;of, in;;,..;;t8111,,,n, ns Cook,
~;• Kettles, ltdiler, Skillets, &e.,itll
i;•, eliniiii rash or in ex
. country ta . ,aluco. ttltl metal taken
.ca . castings. Ily n strict attention to hush
an.l desire to pler,c, V..e hope to receive
,•:' 1.1110.1 e
.1. :N11 , ;(;11ANI & 8120.
D. P. (p P';,.
upet 11.1 1). (. t
Llti ill to u.
citizens of
:tiel the public gen•
rolly, 11:ot Ito ha; opoued a Giocery Store or
Iliil st,ot, 11 uffiingiltai, a row doors west a!
where Ile will at al
times he proprotl supply customers wills
ul X11...1,.; , .!.• ;;,.,1 retail. Stigitt, Coffee, TeaS,
Droutns, !•:egars, Tobue.
co, &c., ex.; in tact, every article usually kepi
iu it Gtvo•ry Stare.
As 1 sin detmnitied to sell Oiesper than tie
cheapest, 1 walla everybody to call and examini
as stock and prices. DAVID GROVE.
Huutinpdon, July 29,
I I Linen Shirt Breasts, Beady-made Shirts,
white and fancy shirts, autl collar, vary cheap
ut D. I'. GWIN'I3.
l examine nut
tng he Huntei
111 ,
e premium at tie
' Fair, in 1855
]'lough, whit]
,tov, foe cr utott
7.11C1,7.0.1:ej.. II" 4,11 E
9 0 ....—,...- —.....0 0 7 k ,
o c k 1;A. r o ~..
,: so
4 t ( ) ) JOB OFFICE (,)) c,;_os
~` 1 g 0 o
OF VIII (,:pi,
... "HUNT. JOURNAL. " C' A ) '
<ili3 ° O
The largest and but g ir
4 41 t ° , JOB OFFICE °, .,.!. 1)
4 " rx TIM CO laTr. u f- v.F>
0 4 , 0 0 .10113-TIOEM v ;.t,:, ,, '
4 g EXECUTED U ` 1,1 "
0 (e,
, , o ;1s Chore p as the , 7te0p,.4. ~ ~•3,
ig . ZaralD tkYrtrAffs :), :t ,
0 THAN ' 'Jii.
<fy, 00 ~,, ;V. !E; ki 11 S r.,.. 0) ,li ,
,- , ;41 p(:Hp., ,VPI,VACTION I, (-) 10>
`) 6 ,
4. i 1, o All kinds of : t f '
I.' (1) BLANKS g 3' ,, '
`'' , ..7,:; g Vi,NST,N, Y
‘I7 A) f) C. OC. ~..:. C
42 ,
` , !'i'. ri: .-. „LAN
Mail T. I Ex. T. I FA,. 'l'.
Imin 1,1,124 i'. M. A. M. I'. NI.
l'eter.i! .111%4, 1.111 .1.02
Huntingdon, 2.02 4.17 7.20
Mill Cr,lc, 2.13 4.27 8.33
Mt. union, 2 ; 27 1.11 17
P. M. 1. M P. \I
4.56 6.45 0.20
1:1 0.58 8.51
Train loave s
Mt. Union,
Mill Cr..•l;
servici, ' Oft
and the country atu
I.ulletl, NI. D. ! 3 . IYiI
ar r y s . ol, • •
.lid:11 E,q
,I, t.:.ol.)suill, 31. D.,
" Pet,
A. I'. Wir.sox.
41 1 11,340 N & PETtt.I.IN,
./.111 . 01?..NEYS .111
ju the several
c entre , ',llk, and Juniahn
used by the Lholori . for
I'rlthe, iid Aln,lie:l, with II!
vent ore:Tunne!y to 01 ,
will not. iwymit On incr,
l'rogitmat fentaki ur
a:. F
thltaVll 11,1 x
lit!' to othorwi,o
mendol. 101 l and expli , •it
potty rttclt hon. Pr . ,* rbo
Suld - wboleiale at:d tail by
• JOHN (;r.. n rot
fur II .11 ugili
I have appointed lir. John IZeu
for the vale of toy French Periodical t;olthl
the the borough awl coyly i lunting
don. All orders nut: t be midrrssed to Lim
He will supply dealer, ttt the pt./
ces, and send the Pills to 1 , 1 1 1i0:4 (r,,,r/l le,rlittlly
by return mail, to any part the tithed
on receipt or SI, rech, , ,ed to him throe, h the.
Hamingdon post•ollice. Par further paaicu
tars get a circular of the Agents--sold 0.1,, •
gists everywhere.
C. , 11' illy sigmtture written so ,on - .
,l. Ia:PON ".'O,
Broadway P. 0., Nov
New Goods New Goods
D. P. Gwin ha , just rotund from Philadel
phis with the largest and must beautiful us.
sortment of
Ever brought to !!tintingdpn,
consiqing of the most fashionabl e Dress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
and Fancy,All Wool de Loins, (all colors)
Spring Deoins, Chine Delait, Berages, (all
colors) Levi,Ha Cloth, Debnize, Alpacca, Pop
lins, Printed Hempen, Brilliants, plain and
urc,i. Gingliams, Lawns, and Prints of every de
ASO, n large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin
ge,, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids,
Crapes, Reed & Brass Hoops, Skirt Cord, Silk
nod Linen handkerchiefs, Neel: ties, Stuck,
Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linea and
C,trou Floss, Tidy Yarn, Sc.
Also the best nod cheapest assortment of Col
ors, and Undersleeves, in town. Bor'd and
Hain Jaconet, Moll Muslin, Swiss. Plain, Fig
ured, Skirt Beltt• Marseilles for Woes, and a
variety of white goods too numerous to mew
Spring and Tidbit Shawls, White DeMine fot.
Capes, Mantillas, &c.
Also, Cloths, Casshncrs, Cassinets. Tweeds,
K. .leans, Mustier, Cotton Drill, Nankeens,
Ticket', Talk Diapers, Flannels_, &es
Also. '
large lot 01 Bonnets Flat, Hats, &c.
• 'Boots and Shoes, the largest and chea
pest assorlinunt in town.
Ti 1. R D EST A 11. E, QT.II32IINTS
i3y 4,13,23, Buckets, Tubs,. Baskets, Churns,
Butter Bowls, Brooms. Brushes, &v. Carpe ts,
Oil Cloths, .11 . 611 111111 Salt, Sugar, Coffee,
Ten, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a
country Store.
My old customers, and as minty new ones as
van crowd in arc respectfully requester'. to come
and examine lay goods
All kinds of Country produce taken in ens
change for goods, at the hilliest market prices.
April 21, 1858.
CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole
sale,•as cheap an they can in thu cities, asi havu
a Wholesale at ire in Philadelphia
In great varies"' at Ole cheap store of