AuntingVon critrit at. %I'M. lIIIEWsren, Editor and Proprietor Wednesday Morning May 26, 1858. The Circulation of the Hun tingdon Journal, is great er than the Globe and Am erican combined. CLUBBING WITH MAGAZINES. The Huntingdon JOURNAL for one year, and either of the Magazines for the same period will be sent to the address of any subscriber to be paid in advance as follows : The Journal and Godey's Lady's Boob•, for one year, $3 50 The Journal and Graham's Magazine, for one year, $3 50 The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly, fur one year, $3 50 The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, fur one year $3 50 The Journal and Lady's Home 'Magazine, for one year, $2 75 The Journal and Petersons Magazine, for One year, $2 75 The Journal and Atlantic Monthly, fOr on year, INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. A Prize for Everybody. Foundry.—R. C. McGill. Cloth-Cleaning .—Zachanah Johnson. List of Retailers. Portable Fence—H. Cornprobst. Drugs.—McManigel & Smith. Orphan's Court Sale.—G. H. Stewart Wigs & Toupees.—Geo. Thurgaland Sewing Machine.—Grover & Baker. To Contractors.—H. W. Miller. Cook Stove.—Call at this Office. Sale of Unseated Lands. Burders History of all Nations. Dentist.—Dr. R. A. Miller. Horse Taming. Oil Paintirgs to be given away. Catawba Brandy. Liver Invigorator. To Merchants and Farmers. Saving Fund. Stage Line. Dr. Hardman.—To Invalids. Gunsmi thing. Dr. John McCulloch. Cassville Seminary. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. Burr Mill Stones. 111 H. Roman.—Clothing. Dry Goods.—Fisher & McMurtrte. Nicholas' Bank Note Reporter. Hardware —J. A. Brown. Dentist.—Dr. J. R. Eluyett. Attorneys.—Scott & Brown. Paper Hanging.—Howell & Bro's. Letter Coppier for snle. Electric Oil. Lindsey's Blood Searcher. Dry Goods —D. P. Gwin. Antiphlogistic Salt. Books.—W. Colon. Huntingdon Mill. Foundry.—Cunningham & Bro. my Goods &c•—David Grove. Attorney.—T. P. Campbell. Consumption.—G. W. Graham. Suffer not.—l. Summerville. Lock Hospital. Railroad lime. Dr. H. K. Nell. Attorneys. -Wilson & l'etriken. Duponco's Golden Pills. STATE CONVENTION. The Citizens of Philadelphia and of the ses , eral counties of the Commonwealth opposed to the 'Lecompton and the despotic pol icy of the National Administrsticn in forcing upon the people of Kansas a Constitution in defiance of their known wishes, and in subver sion of the great right of self government; and in favor of a Sound American policy in orpo• sition to the policy and intrigues of foreign governments, ar, requested to send Delegates, equal in number to their Representatives and Senators, in the State Legislature, to meet in Convention, at Harrisburg, in the Hall of the House of Representatives. on THURSDAY, THE BTH DAY OF JULY, A. D., 1858, at 2 o'clock, P. H. to nominate State Officers, and transact such other business as the exig• caries may demand. - By order of the State Committee. LEMUEL TODD, Chairman. Attest :—EnwAan 111'PHERSON, Sec'y. j Each reader of this paper is re quested to procure a ne or subscriber and eend the name and money to this office. Recollect only one dollar and fifty cents a year, and may be sent in postage stamps Address, WM. BREWSTER, Huntingdon. INFORMATION WANTED. Of John Hicks, who left hirleysburg,i ogo to Huntingdon, on the first day of January last, and has not been heard of since. He is between 30 and 35 years of age; slender made; about 5 feet 0 or 8 inches high; fair complexion; and is a pot ter by trade. Any person knowing Of his whereabouts will confer a favor to his wife, with two small children, by giving information to Samuel Backus, Shirleys• burg, Huntingdon county, Pa. Editors East and West please publish the above, and serve the cause of humanity.--Shir. OUR BOOK TABLE we We have received from the en• terprising Publishers, T. B Peterson & Brothers, a copy of A Tate of Norway, by James A. Maitland. This work has re ceived the unqualified approbation of WASHINGTON IRVING, a detailed ac count of which we gave in the Hunting. don Journal, on the 24th of March. A perfect facsimile of th, letter that Wash ington Irving (under date of December 12th 1857,) did write to the author of .Sar. taroe,' is now bound in every copy of the Book, for the inspection of the curious, so that nosy all persons can obtain a perfect tac•simile of one of the letters of this great author. It is published in one large duo decimo volume, bound in cloth, for $1.25. Send to T. B. Peterson & Brothers, No. 306 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. Mr The June number of the SIMI? tie Monthly.—This stands at the head of ell literary Monthlies. The contents of the June number is : Chesucco,,k; La- Cautatrice; Gottfried Wilhelm; Von Lei, bnitz, Lon Leo; Letter Writing; The rat. °combs of Rome; Bentrce; Metempsy chosis; Crawford and Sculpture; Asirva• dam the Brahmin; Whet are we going to melee; Shipwreck; The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table; The President's Prophe cy of Peace; Literary Notices. l'rom the Maths., Patriot. Reconstruction of Parties. The New York Commercial Advertiser, one UNITED STATES POLICE GAZETTE. amongst the soutalest and most conservative We have received the first number of journals of the North—a paper whirls, through the first volume of a paper of the above all mutations of parties, claimed to be Whig name, published in Philadelphia by F. A. only—has given its attention to the above sub. Drovin & Co. It is as its name imports. ject. In an editorial on Saturday last the ad. to be devoted principally to the Police an• " r " tiser sa Y ss nals of this country and Europe. We have more than once remarked that there can be only two great permanent point- Reports of extraordinary arrests and cal parties in the United States—the party of criminal trials will, of course, form a lea. the Administration, and the party of the op ding feature. Lawyers will be attracted pOsition. Wore glad to see this sentiment by dissertations upon important legal ques. gaining ground in all sections of the country lions. nod that there is a manifest disposition to turn it to practical account. The Richmond State Convention. Whig, a few days ago, put the truth in a very clear light, declaring that a reconstruction of Our readers will observe that the tippet. parties—in other words the formation. of a nen ts of the National and State Adminis- new party—was the great and permanent tte- Orations design holding a State Conven• cessity of the times; and boldly affirming that lion on the Bth day of July next, for the 06 a party, uniting holiest and good men in purpose of nominating a candidate for the all parts of the Union, would find abundant re. Supreme Bench, and we presume also one crabs i n th e south as well as in the North and person to fill the office of Canal C RIM iS. East and We'n•" sinner. Although the latter office is en- The editor then introduces some well.timed timely usele - ss, yet, as the Senate refused remarks of the Buffalo Advertise', also a pure. to abolish the same, no doubt with a view l i Y n o , c° u l p is o e i r i v t a h e tinesa niAe American journal, ail:a:ell:re:Lt.. of keeping a few men at the expense of fore given publicity to these comments, but the State, it might be well also for the op- there are some points which may be appiopri ponents of the measure to nominate a man ately introduced on the present occasion. for that office. Our I3u ffalo contemporary remark si—The times -- are propitious for the movement. The action T The State Canals. • of the Republicans in congress, on the Critter The Governor has transferred the re. den amendment, has freed that party from the main ing portion of the Public Works to harsh imputations of sectionalism, and it can appeal no longer to the passions of a section. the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Comps. - ny. The State has therefore divested tt• On that ground they were frankly and consis tently met by the South Americans and Doug self of all her public property, and we las Democrat a. Out of this united action has hope it will be a I ing time ere it lends grown a spirit of harmony, North and South, its aid to any old or new improvements. and it only remains for the people to sustain Let us now be careful and appropriate their Congressional representatives in the pu• the revenues of the State towards the liq• aitiun they have taken, and reward them for uidation of the State debt, and we shall the sacrifices they have made. What is need. very soon be relieved from the payment ed is an tir g unizatiun s p ringing fro! " the yes. of Stale taxes. plc without regard to old putty differences. , There is no good reason why the antipathies - 04.41. Ar • - of the past should cumber the action of the A Fatal Casualty by Fare. On Saturday morning, the 15th lust„ a ' A future. The work should begin at home, and each locality should assume the responsibility sad accident occurred in the family of tot itself. Joel Tompkins, of this village. A child "All that is Heeled is a union in good kith of about 1.1 months of age, was left in the on the platform of opposition. Affirmative room in care of an elder brother, between measures will arise in due time, bet they should 6 and 7 pence old, while the mother wa s ho left to the Inn mouialog influences • of unto. absent attending to matters in the garden. elation and a large charity should be exercised The clothing of the child, by some means ° , l lut im u d r ::: , I , ) , ' , il : l l ' e r ,,,, d l l , fi l l ' i, r , e a n e c ie e s . iii N t 7 i l e n '''' ,, . , : . "' i l i i not precisely known. but supposed ,to i this case as in all others. Wine good iii 3 e . as ' • hove been occasioned by a Pine splint ems have been defeated by the attempt to with which it was sporting with fire at construct panty I ,: a tio rm , than by :env eifier the store, became ignited, and before re menus. lief c• tilt be i• fiord ed it teas sn horribly “Simple opposition is not tanfreq,und I, ..1, burned us to terminate its life in a few ailirmatiou. It ~s 10 m ( ~ , i -, • -•1;,, , , 1,. l: , hours after. The elder child, on seeing slam!' tax, nod `d"" 1 " 1 ' ""'"''''''''' ''' " . ' the fire, ran to summon the mother, but units g rew ou be i " d ei"'" l ''''' ''''" '• •'' iii. : .il er . to ee ,i,i imposition build up a posi ive polio,, eh. h ~,,.. ~,e, u . it ,p, ,tioilv yours, she only arrived in time to witness the a . m .,. . ". t•• A NIVEL ‘‘ sterner , Mayor. u i ton ot the 'voila.' mangled condition of her affectionate off The New Yolk Advertiser, alladwg to the Since the Al. , ' oils in type, we observe that spring. The grandmother' of the chile. above , caps: 'old Siii,ds or I.i'e' has suddenly'run out' from ter . from Ow a' I ''. l•shadowleas in .s. leaving behind him a the wife of Esq. Backus, who reside in aWe most heartily subscribe to these wise the '''''''e s ''' ' ' ' iscoese , , . . , unhealed world. Not all apartment of the same house, hearing and patriotic suggestion. We are tar more d ''' eveu 10.. . Ce :., Indica, or East In ure screams of the su ff erer, was the fiat concerned about the thing titan time name, and to come to its aid, and, in the effort to ex• are perfectly willing to exercise a largo charity di '', 11 """ ' •.' ' ' ''''' yed his only daligh' is able to arrest the mys , ' • on minor points of difference. While those linguist' this fire, and divest It of its burn terms prowess ty which . grow who u ',it'd would limn no irresistable app „- fragments of clothing, had her hands mid less, Instil it entirely disappeared. His salon to thin party despotism under which the severely burned. The little sufferer en. coun ry buffers, ore disputing. soil indulging 'saints of life' he has, however, converted into t dured the most excruciating agony untilgold, and the possession a one hundred thou. in jealousies one of the other, an Adiniatistra. death Caine to its relief in about 8 hours lion that has proved false to true democratic nand dollars consoles him for his compulsory after the occurrence.—He was the youn• principles is strengthening itself, and consoli. flight limn the gaieties of New York. There. gest of the faultily. This casuality should' dating its party, by any unscrupulous use of its tired physician' is not the only masquerade in tend as a warning to mothers and nurses immense patronage, and unless all who oppse which bl. the ed deTted . B . ro a w l ;i— H his m real name— to be cautious in absenting from children name— its very y rui l t j t r iZ P i t i l iflue ra e l e l es "r o i fte a it u d t M " i e n d - taught ns Igu tl ' "e peop le low to me r cury who to they can have access to fire, a s istration's tactics will produce a political deg- gold' he was Prof. Jas. T. Horne, who adver. accidents therefrom so frequently occur. radation from which it will take the country lines that he will show anybody the way to —Shirleysburg Herald. years to recover. It has become the iinperativo make $l,OOO a year, if not more, upon the re duty of every patriot to forego every personal cuipt ur a certain sum in postage stamps, sr About the first of April a notice consideration and everything but subtsant!..l which, coming duly to hand, the applicants are /vas inserted in the Journal of the dissolu• principles, in order to check this downward bent a recipe for the manufacture of artificial honey, and the right to sell it in any county lion of the partnership under the firm of progress of the Government, here the du ic ma •• select the two costing $5. time is eminently propitious for the w I ) a- • $1•Gill & Cross. Our workmen misun• • commencement of such reconstruction of mu, 'rho enterprising Brown is also Madame Julie derstood the arrangement, and instead of ties. It is not a thing to be accomplished in a Mellville. whin lies lately received from France inserting Geo. M'Gill's advertisement, theday. It is not desirable that the new party some splendid cosmetics. These facts have old advertisement was continued should be hastily constructed. But it is time just been brought to light by the New York Gen. McGill euntinues to carry on the fur the matter to be di s cus se d by Oh o p eo pl e , Police, who are now in eager pursuit of the re. Foundry business at the old stand, in all and by the presses which rep:esents th e ale. hired and retiring physician. It appears that its various operations, and will be pleased meats °couch an opposition party." there w. nu Cannabis Indies in the medicine he "By such diseusstbn alone can the people of Brown. but merely a compound of liquorice to accommodate all who limy give him a slippery elm decoction, and honey, costing six. call. See his adv ertisement in another ,eC„ P r " r: ' , f actio . ira ' r e r l i l v w . "" l„ti u m "' „ " ,, l u7; teen cents, bottle and all, and for which he column. efficiently act in. concert in the Presidential charged $2. His 'Regulating and Purifying 1 .• . struggle of 1868, must understand each ether Pill,' and 'Excelsior Ointment of India,' were err lion. J. Covede has our thanks 1 and have no reservation or concealment in made on the same' ' principle, and sold for as for Public Documents. ' their mutual alliance. This state ,of feeling ' many dollars as they cost him cents. The most Bar- We publish to day a number of excellent extracts from leaning Journals North and South. The sentiments contained in them .mi. nently recommend their consideration to men of all parties, who are opposed to Slavery extension, and we cheerfully trans fer them to our columns. That the vote and mnnly adherence to principle, nod nationality. of the Repub. licans nnd Americans. manifests the same liminess to fraud and Shivery, is abun dantly manifest. The vote of both' these parties on the Crittenthm Amendment against the Lerompion iniquity, and swin dle. shows conchisively that there is but one great object to he obtained, (Tr., tlOO to the extetition of Slavery. This vote dkcloses the greet fact, that Republi canism and Americanism is the gertn of freedom. and Nationality And that Lo color() Denincrpcy aloe,. is sectional We endorse heartily the moon ,i 1 ;,11 rame• opposing this Sectional Deinceracy. snd Slavery propogandisin and mernr till tai nor considerntions to so d , sirable mitten. Let the people discuss thest• sentiments. They make parties, and they are opposed to Slavery. Let us have no; on ! Are we not all Republicans and Am ericans ? can be brought about, not by conference be tween leaders alone of the parties to be uni• ted, by discs scion among the people themsel. ves—he cordial agreement of the "tank and tile," which are the strength of all political parties. Leaders are apt to have ambitious projects and personal interests in which the r ank and file do not participate, and we be. lieve in the popular voice in the formation of a party as well as the election of a President." It cannot t,o denied that the democratic is truly a sectional party. In proof of this, one of its papers, now at baud. in an article upon the "growing unity at the South" remarks: "We think our friend of the Richmom7 ex aminer does not make an over estimate, when he ,,es Imo the three fourths of the peo ple of Virginia are now indontificd, or co-ope rating. with the Denoteratte party. The same is true throughout the South. Indeed it zooid I not be otherwise. From no othcrtparty at the North do our rights receive any recognition or i s d o t e portlier', Whig, there rthern American, in Congress, who :!! . fully and completely will the . . • ,1;, and oth i the t.,( t remains that .rn ~ i ven in Con• by a Demo. 1.1 lbl , 1.01 , 1 , , • • I'l . this. fiwy see more. 1 is begot by ownion i . 1 1• , .11,111,1 opposition, dis poses the. ex i- )ennwratie partizans of tlw south. • : • ...ttiou with the anti. and betrays them tb theoreetiettl and lieinocran, ~r into fearful practical." Herein exists 1. The people of this country want no sectional Dein 4.iracy united to protect the South, and no Northern combs. nation to guard the North. Nor do the inter. est of our great nation require ouch lines of d istinction They have already had their evil day too palpably mode manifest. and thanks be to Providence, sober, reflective judgment is coming to the rescue. The masses in every quarter and of all parties—those in whom re. ally exist power—are sickened with agitation, and anxious fur the formation of a Union pro tectorate, conservative in its aim and end. This must be so, and henceforward all factions or parties arraying themselves against each oth er, bounded by geographical lines, are certain of defeat. There must be a harmonious, lib• oral, conservative unity, looking to paramount leading principles of truth, in whose embrace rests the good of all, the safety and perma nence of our institutions, regardless of parti. zan minies or local differencea.• Such an organization would soften and fi• nally do away with, embittered sectional strifes it would afford an opportunity for all good citizens every where to see and realize their own best interest, place our Government in a stronger position by inaugurating an admints• Ustion consonant with honesty and suited to the whole people, The time is near at hand demanding such a movement, and not so far distant when it will assume commanding pro portione. Ontral Dttus. The Quaok Impostor. 'Old Doctor James'—'whose sands of life are nearly run out,' and who advertises so ex• tensivtily, is thus shown up by a recent letter to a New York paper : Onandaga Co., N. Y,, April 23, ISSB. I noticed in the Tribune of the 22nd inst., on advertisement purporting to be from Old in, dames, of Jersey City. As the whole mat ter is an imposition, 1 hope you will expose it. Ms following is his wily of operating :—You enclose hits one shilling, and he will send you a recipe; but after you have got the recipe you will discover one article in it that cannot he hod ; in that case you have to send to him for the medicine ready prepared, at $2 per bottle. Some or my costomeis having rend his adver- tisement, requested me io send for some of his medicines. I sent, and at the same tane wrote to Mayor Westcott, to line oat about the con cern. He sent me an answer, a copy of which 1 enclose for pobliention, hoping you will ex pose the concern at as early a day as possible. A. ilmnit.w. Map - Ws ?glee, Jersey City. March 15, 1858 A Mini., l .-11,+nrSir ;—I am in re pi of yd, laver, and in reply wnuld nay .• •i• is 1-0 ',Non its tild Dr. James • :I, •.,.•• I :Iv, hio an old !DIM in employs • t, • hiin. Tin whale matter is well magnificent of his cosmetics, 'The Milk of Ro• A Snon.—Thackeray thus daguerreo GROVER & BAKER'S sex and Extract of Elder Blossoms,' turns out types the animal Snob, in speaking of En- CEMIII It rren to have been n mixture of magnesia andmlecs• , glisb society : FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. hol, costing him about eight cents—price s'4 a i t.)l snob is that :nen or woman who is 495 BROADWAY, NEW YOBK. bottle. It remains to be seen under what new always pretending to be something better 799 CHESTNUT ST.. l'llll.A DELPIIIA disguise the retired physician' will make his „ ~,, „-„ especially richer or store fashionable— giirThese Nlnchines • ore c. . next appearance before the public. End of the Mormon Rebellion. %: than they are. It is one who thinks his to be the best in use for litt: • king it new. strong. and Oast', The news of the termination of the ormon own position in life contemptible, and 1 N OT even „or, bombM always yearning and striving to force ci rei d a P r ' s setrt 0,, n pp lirntion by I, rebellion without bloodshed will be hailed with himself into one above , joy all over the country. It juts cost a 1arg 0 Fe11.17;58.4 without the edu- Agents wawa. tm. anm of money anti net a link sufferinging on the cation or characteristics which belong to part of the forces at Camp Scott in prepare- lit ; one who looks down upon, despises - tions to put down this rebellion; but it has 1 and overrides his inferiors, or even equals shown that the Government is capable of ex of his own standing, and is ever ready to ' traonlinary efforts and of punishing insubordi. worship, fawn upon and flatter a rich to nation even upon its remotest frontier. The titled man, not because he is a good mans news will, so soon as it is :authenticated, put a wise roan, or a Christian man, but be , a stop to further military movements in that cause he has the luck to be a rich or con , direction. Supplies may lie needed, .d probably be sent forward, for the subsistence se q uential man of the troops now in Utah Territory; but all other preparations will be suspended, and the troops which have been concentrated at Fort Leavenworth and Jefferson Barracks will again be distributed to their old posts. Vast expen ditures have been made in getting ready for i this expedition; but the supplies of provisions, munitions of war, horses, and animals will not , be lost to the Government, and a tremendous draft. upon the Treasury will be stopped. The early termination of this expedition will make a material difference in all Mr. Secretary Cobbs estimates for the demands upon the Treasury for a year to come. It will make also a very material difference in the calculations by in. dividuals of their profits under contracts will, , the Government; Lut they will have to submit to this disappointment. We take it as certain also that the President will not avail himself of the power given to him to call into service the three regiments of volunteers authorized by a law of the present Congress; and here will be a saving at once of 54,500,000. These t I curtailments in the anticipated demands upon the Treasury came moat opportunely, and IF ill make, in the aggregate, a difference in the year's expenditure of at least fifteen millions of dollars.—Sf. Louis Republican. ligirNature never looked more lovely than at the present time. Old Mother Earth has put on her best looks and gavest attire, the bald places on her ancient "poll," also has effectual ly covered from view, with the luxurious gar.- tore of Spring. Just so, only substituting Art for Nature, our friend V FOsua THUIWALAND, of No. 29 South Sixth St., is covering the bald heads of mankind in general, with his exquisite. ly light, grac dui and comfortable "Gossamer Wigs," and Toupees. Our renders, who have had the misfortune to lose this natural orna ment, the hair, should call at his dressing rooms in Philadelphia and examine for themselves the superiority of the articles of his make over those of any other manufacturer. His Liquid Hair Dye continues deservedly popular, being free from all deleterious qualities, and impart. ing to the hair and whiskers a soft, glossy, life like appearance. George has also many other Useful toilet articles, which he offers to the pub lic, combining two very desirable qualities, to wit :—excellence and cheapness. Let all our readers who design visiting Philadelphia give him a call. Pius *ems. Struck by Lightning. On Saturday morning last, a violent thunder shower raved in the upper end of Cumberland county. The thunder and lightning is said to have been the severest experienced in that sec tion of the country for many years. In Ship pensburg, the barn of Mr. Anderson, was fired by the lightning and consumed, with twit Other barns adjoining the same. The stock confined in the stables, and the principal contents the buildings, we are pleased to state, were saved. The gable end of a large brick duel. ling house, in the same place, was struck by the lightning and considerably damaged. The streets and roads were entirely flooded with the rain.—liar. Telegraph. The Dead Returning to Life Last week, a colored man — named Jas. M' . Ginty, in the employ of Col. Jamison, of Blairs. vile, went to the country and while there took sick, and to all human appearances died. Grave clothes were procured, and every preparation was made for his burial, when lo I symptoms of returning life appeared, and his attendants for his interment ceased their arrangements. After having lain in a trance for over an hour without any perceptible motion of the heart, lungs or pulse, he again returned to conscious. ness and feeling, and is now going about, at. tending to his accustomed business. He states that while he was in this state, he could hear all that was going on, but was entirely unable to speak or move. Here is another case for scientific investigation. The new District Attorney sf Kansas, Mr. Davis. turns out to ben whol. ly untrustworthy person, jut as was sus• pected when the change was made. GETTING ALARMED.-A recent letter I from Washington to the N. 1. Tribune, says :—.The Philadelphia election has so alarmed the Democratic managers here that they have made arrangements for sending into Pennsylvania under frank, curing the coming Summer. one million of Democratic speeches and documents. The Republicans should take early and efficient steps to counteract Ibis Immense infusion of falsities' At Chambersburg, Pa., on Thursday night, fire was seen to issue from a stable of James M'Kesson, immediately in the rear of the new public school house, and upon the alarm being given, fire companies were .soon on the ground, and succeeded in arresting the flames before they had gained much headway. After the fire was extinguished, a disgraceful riot sprung up between the two companies, and for some time, lists, stones and spanners were freely used, and cut heads and bloody no. see was the order of the night.— lrar.Tel. Tremendous Hail Storm. We gave notice on Monday of the hail storm that visited Fleming on Saturday the 12th. The Hon. John L Brinkerhoff of Owasco, in. forms us that the storm passed over that town with great fury and doing great damage. In Owaseo village the two churches were badly damaged; in one over two hundred lights were knocked out, and the building was very seri• ously injured. Several small barns were taken from their foundations; two or three dwellings were unroofed, and orchards in many places were uprooted. Fences were leveled, and in one instance a heavf rail was taken up in the strong arms of the storm and carried twenty rods fr h in its former position. The storm on Saturday was the heaviest that has visited this county in years. [Auburn Advertiser. Gang of Horse Thieves. From information received, we are induced to believe that tl.ere is a gang of horse-thieves and counterfeiters organized in the counties of Lancaster, York and Cumberland, and that there are some members of :he gang within a short distance of this placo, on the opposite side of the river, from the fact that several hor ses have been stolen in the neighborhood on , the Cumberland side, and taken to Maryland and Virginia for sale.—Harrisburg Telegraph. Death of Gen. Pereifer F. Smith. ST. Loris, May 19. The Republican has received a despatch an nouncing the death of Gen. Persifer h' Smith, the commander of the Utah forces, at the head quarters at Port Leavenworth, at half-past 12 o'clock on Sunday night. The officers of the steamer Dickey, just ar. rived at Booneville; report that the remains of Gen. Smith were at Leavenworth for the East on Wednesday. General Harney succeeds to the command. Dar The Legislature of Wisconsin, in obe• dience to the expressed wish of a majority of the people of the State, has passed a bill re• establishing the death penalty for murder. 5 The New Comet, discovered three weeks ago at the Observatory in Cambridge, Moss., is found to be rapidly receding from both the sun and the earth. Itiarrittr On the 4th inst. by Rev. 0. B. Thayer, nt the residence of Dr. John B. Porter, Cherry Grove, Carroll co., 111. DR. J. K. EBERLE of Amboy City, Lee co., 111. formerly of Hunt• ingdon en., Pa. to Miss MERAB SHIPLEY formerly of Baltimore, Md. ~x~~, On the ltb inst., JULIA MART/lA, youngest dnughte if Samuel and Rebecca Smith. aged one y r, nine months and twentylve days. AILADELPRIA MARKETS. PIIILADk:LPIIIA, May 12, 1838. FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, 84 25(834 37 " Extra " " 4 5000 75 " family 4 87a5 50 Rye Flour and Corn Meal 3 25 Wheat—red, per bushel, 1 00®1 08 " White " 1 15®1 25 Rye 66 Corn 41 71 Oats 14 38 CI everseed $4 38®4 50 per 64 pounds. Timothy seed Flax " per bushel sl 50 LITTELL'S LIVING AGE ENLARGED SERIES Stanford & Delisser, New York In noticing the recent enlargement and oth er itnprovents in Lillelre Living Age, we glad ly take the opportunity to commend this ster ling work to the especial attention of our read. ers. Money spent for the "Living Age" is well spent ; for it is unquestionably both the best and cheapest periodical ever offered to the public. This is not merely our individual opinion, it is the concurrent testimony of tile Press through. out the country; it must, therefore, be the true estimate, The work is issued every Saturday, eighty pages, double columns, 12 cents each, or $5 per annum, post paid, to any address. It is a work that supplies the very marrow and essence of all the renowned British periodical literature of the day, consisting of the clubs rate and stately essays of the Quarterlies, the masterly criticisms of Blackwood, and the lighter articles of Dieken's "Household Words" and scores of 3ther popular Journals; its can tents being not only of interest to-day, but of imperishable value. The numbers for the ; year, forming five large octavo volumes, pre. sent a complete Encyclopredia of Literature, reflecting the spirit and genius of the age in which we live. To sac that such a work is in- dispensable to every library, is not enough ; it is an essential to every intelligent finnily cir cle, to professional men, .d to all who are ed-' nesting themselves. Hoping that what we have said will awaken a fresh and deeper pram. field interest in this long-established and excel. lent work, we shall content ourselves with sim• ply referring to the fact that many of the rep• resentative men of the country have bortrr the strongest testimony to its superiority; among them, J. Q. Adams, Henry Clay, Daniel Web. ster, Chancellor Kent, Prof. Sparks, Justice Story, W. 11. Prescott, Geo: Bancroft, Geo. , Ticknor, Bishop Potter, Rev. Dr. Bethune,' Ile, Albert Sorties, kc. ih• 81.11 . 111,. 11 , f, will he 'Alt.— • ....I.l=l A PlelZt; FOR IFITCRYII(2)IE 1,110 St!MCKIM A FOR TM: NEW TOR 1( WEE tir i RES", A IMAUTIFIILLY I r, 1, ri s T 1? A Tb: I) FATS LTA 157331.:V5P.4.2 1 311 R, The Now York Weekly - Press is ono of the best literary paper: of the day. A loran quarto containing twenty pages, er Sixty colmnas, of entertaining matter; and elegantly illu strum , every week. A Gift worth from 50 cents to 11000 00 will be sent to each subscriber on receipt of the sub scription money. TERMS-IN ADVANCTE 1 copy 1 year, nod I gift $2 00' 3 copies " 3 gifts 5 00 5 if o 5 10 " " 10 " l5 00 21 21 " 3OOll The articles to he distributed arc comprised' in the following list: 1 U. S. Treasury Note. $lOOO 00. 2 do. do.' do. 5 do. do. do. 10 do. do. 410, 500 00, each 200 00, each 100 00, each 10 Pat. Lev. li'g c's watches 100 00, each 20 Gold Watches, 75 00, each 50 " " 00 00, each 100 " " 50 00, each 309 Ladies Gold Watches, 35 00, each 200 Silver hun. cas. watches, 30 00, each 500 Silver watches, $l5 00 to 25 00, each 1000 Gold , guard, fob and Vest eclair's, 10 00 to 30 00, each 1000 Goldl'ens &Pencils 5 00 to 15 00, each ... . Gold Lockets, Bracelets Brooches, F.aifilrops Breast fine, Colt Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Si lier Thimbles, end a veriety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 00 each. On receipt of the subscription money, the subscriber's name will he entered upon our books opposite a number, and the gilt corers pondihg with that lumber will be forwarded within one week to him, by mil or express, post-paid. There is neither humbug nor lottery about the above, as every subscriber is sure or n prize of value. We prefer to make this liberal dis• tribution among them instead of giving a lore, commission to Agents, giving to the subscri her the nmount that would go to the Agent and in many cases a hundred fold more. All communications should be sent to DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, 211 CENTRE ST., NEW TImE May 26, 1558.•1y. ditAZZANDRIA FOUNDRY, ~~ The Alexandria Foundry Flask, MittriN, &f. have lwen bought by lt. C. Me 'rho Foundry is in blast and he has al Ildrob, ol Cas tigns. Stoves of all kinds. Marhia , ,, Plough., lan will si ll nt ti, kw—" est nouliet All kind,. of Coan• try prolio‘, .... old metal omen in exchange at market mire.. R. C. McGII.L. May 26 1818. Orphans' Court Sale THEM?, will he exposer] nt Public Sale on SAI'URDAY, the sth. day of Ines neNt, on the premises. all hut certain lot situate in Porter township near th of Alexandria. otljttiniwz ten '.• ..r p lough on the North awl It o u. 1:111 , 1 Welkin. MI ill.. South Vt'io.t. hold ot - C. ti nish on the south Itlosi owl the I bost. • I n ing ground nn the South ettnlitutitt.-. Acres ho the stone more or less. To iu pursuance ~ 4 an ()else of the orplitt Court of Huntitiztlon County. 113 010 pr., of Ann Stewart hue of the sail Alexandria deceased. Stile to ettannet.ce two o'clock P. NI. said flay. Terms Se to he intide kte;wo o n th e d•,n of sale. 1.1 CO IL S f EIV Alt f . &cm/ for. May 12. '58:.-3t. • OH YES OH YES ! ! MR. ZAC ARIAH JOHNSON Has opened a room No. 110 Chnrch Street near the German Reformed Church, where ha can be found at any time, prepared to clean clothes in the hest style. He can make old garments look like new. Also white.washing done with neatness and dispatch. He will also attend to public and private waiting. Anr per- son desiring his services can leave their address. May I 9,'58,1m. Auditor's Notice , Tha undersigned Auditor. appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to dis tribute the balance in the hands of Thomas & Martin Westoe,. Exectors of William Weston, deceased, amongst those having claims there upon, hereby gives notice to all ',croons inter ested, that lie has appointed Friday, the 18th day of June next, at ono o'clock in the after noon for the hearing of parties, &c., at his of fice in the borough of Huntingdon, at which time and place all those having claims spots said balance are requested to present them to the undersigned, or be thereafter barred from receiving any part of said fund. JOHN REED, Auditor. May19,'58..4t. Patent Portable Fence. The rights of Hunt's Patent Portable or Per manent Fence and Gate Post, for Lots, Farms and Township, can be secured for a small sum by calling on the Agent at Huntingdon. Go and see the model nt once. It is decidedly .the best Fence ever used. No Former should be without it. Call ye who would be benefit ted and examine it for yourselves. HENRY CORNPROPBr, Agent for Huntingdon County. GRP, \II STORM ! - Now Drug and Grocery dlore 1101ANIG11.. SMITH & CO., Hill St., & doors west (tribe Court House, Huntingdon. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Spts. Turpentine, Fluid. Alcohol, Wine and Beastly of the Best article thr medical uses, Concentrated Lye for making Soap, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines also Coffee, Tea. Chocolate, Saga, Molasses, Visitor. Fish, Salt, Flour, Crackers, Nate, Candies, Figs, Raisins, Tobacco. Cigars, Syr ups shall kiwis for summer drinks in a word every thing mistily kept is a Drug or oesorry Store, those who desire pure and Genuine ar ticles will do well by giving us a call. May 19. MACliEltlif. of II Nos., Herring, &c., can be bed of the beet quality. be eelling on Fraftrll . & MCMCATRIR. ,