Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 26, 1858, Image 1

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    4 04 ! A
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, ED-
elect ,storg.
'Mother.! mother! Jim Olarke is con- , -, t
in' hum with Sall !' T. 1,0 I; a t ma tut
'ls he !' exclaimed the old lady in reply,
%declare I didn't think the sap head NO. "
knew enough !'
Reader, we didn't 'go in.' Integrity is the . of all that is
How Nike Came Near Losing Sally, noble. and praiseworthy in mankind. Lit
,We were between sixteen and seven- but Didn't. erally It means /woody. but it is honesty
tern years of age, when the event about 'Say, have you heard the news 1' of feeling, intention. language, and action,
to be related, transpired, and as a d 'What news 9 ' much more then that contracted
tion of our person at that time is abso- 'Why, Mike Hans and Sally Brown get .enc • •
e which SO often posseses 'll the world
intely essential to the point of our story, married last evening.' for tierightness and is so, only in one pie
we give it ns concisely as the subject 'The natten ! yon don't say so ?' ticular sense.
will snow. in reference, then, to that pc- 'Yes, as sure as you live ; but between j 'Who steals my purse stems trash—ti, noise
rind, to say that we were 'green,' i e t h e you arid me, Mike came mighty near not thing, nothiag,
usual acceptation of the term, would give getting ba I"WrIS 'll3 his, and hash°. slave to thou.
reader but a poor idea of the figure 'Row wits that?'
But ha that filches from me my fond name,
we displayed. Rather imagine a tall, 'Why I came very near getting her my-
Robs me of that which not enriches him
Iran, cadaverous, swarthy looking chop, self.' And makes me pour indeed.
with legs like apair of tongs,counte. 'You ?'
nance about as expressive ns n plate of
. 'Yes , I'll tell you about it. You see Other qualities may add to the se/se "nr
of a man's character, or enhance his social
Dutch cheese, a mouth that came very Mike and me went over to the Bethel toe,,
position but if this attribute is wanting ,
near making an island of all the head tine, house one evening to prayer meeting
eir l ,
us ,
all tre dies ant, He tint feeci•
above it, ,e face covered with a furze that for no other purpose than of going home
nate the vast world. end thousand:: iney
looked very much like the down on a with Sally. I saw him as soon as I'd got
bow before the shrine of his intellect, elo•
newly hatched goslin, with a gait that led in, and he saw Ine, so we both knew what .
rinence, velour or art. but if tie proves tin
t the beholder to believe that we designed we might depend on.
worthy of /rust he anus/ be degraded in
Ito travel down both rides of the street at 'When meeting was out we both made , . , .
the eyes or ,
the reenteous. !Win,
the same time. end you hove a correct da- a dive for the door to go in for the chance,;
to believe that nmenantne or lefty
giterreotvpc of ;Teems in the seventeenth but us good luck would have it, he got „ iece ~e e „..„,
, year of his age tangled in among the people, and I cot
Ono dvlr, tg l " ln Y ni g ht in the nmth of him out " slick us a whistle. II I motel stud yet cm eiterfeits there are, i„,base
Demuth r, we chanced to lie at 'spelling ,t pile of gold it wouldn't have pleased me „ ono ,. Hi.
who rests
on a
selvair me a thousand miles from Bald. ono whit better, for you see I was already dial
tvutsvilie, our eyes fell upon n in love with the gal. We talked and with a ft , arks , tlio.nity which the
'fairy form' that immediately set our sus- laughed along ns merry as crickets; and orato r , ritteeeiiiito into ceptible heart in a dleze. She was six. bat for the fact that there hail been a show- patio iht ,
tiutidi~y and ran
teen, or thereabouts, with bright eyes, red et- of rain the evening before. which lied tii . ttetteito, which foot ., over cettaitri. for
cheeks, and cherry lips, wild° the nburn left puddles here and there indhe road,' ctnisciuus rootittido
itito , to „
itt. to
ringlets clustered inn wealth of ran- everything- would have been as it should ,
sion axonal hpr laiettudful head, and her he. mien are obliged to honor him. They
person, to our ravished imagination, ens "For my part I didn't cttee for the pad h-oh, movie
more perfect in form and outline than the dles—in fact I'm not sure but I'd rather
ahoy ,. oit , itt
moor faultless statue ever chiseled by the have had them there, for each one of th, to of their awn
sculptor's art. As we gazed, our feel- mad„ it imcessnry for me to tyke Sally in tottoi , ted throioniite , the ,.
Ines, which had never before aspired girl my arms, and leap over, which, by the trit , t stiiiit a ;tau isi
were, were fully aroused, nod we deter- way, was anything but disagreenble. It
ran,. the :tystein he net, uprit 1.3 ,trrt
mined to go home with her that night, or would certainly have done you good to see
Ilia friends increase without his courtin,.
perish in the attempt. As soon, therefore ,me peel on the ateony every time I came to favor, and has praa . r , s , w „ iti , h
as school was dismissed, end our 'fled y ! one of these puddles I done it for the e,
•or vhe slow, it 3 . 1111.1.
love" suitably honnetted and chinked, press purpose of hurting the feelings of
we nppronched to miler our services, as Mike, r ho was following along eft., t ,
onntmnplaten, and then it was that we in :lie crowd ns sober ns a judge. Of
learned an important lesson, viz : the di f- course Sally end I led the way all the
ferm•nre between resolving and doing. As t ime. It was very dark, so dark we could
wr neared her, we were seized with par . scarcely see the ground, yet we could see
dial blindness—red, blue, green stud gel all the puddles of water very plainly by
lour lights fleshed neon our vision, end reflection—as they looked white.
appenred and disappeared like witches in Seen after we entered the !awn, run
rrset his a phqntasmagorm, our knees smote to- nine, up by Tom Smith's I eaw en untisu-
Aence of a gether litre Belchazzar's when he dis- ally large' puddle. Telling Sally to hold
sage reply: covered the hand writing on the wall, her temper, I took her around the waist
The doe- I while our heart thumped with apparently and made an awful leap. Do you think I
Amine; the es much force as if it were driving ten lit safe on the other side? No sir; I lit
him malts penny nails into our ribs. We in the with one leg on either side of an old white
seeps on till meantime managed to mumble over some cow that lay in the road, and which I had
.nother man thing which is known perhaps to the re tnistook for a puddle of water. The old
The Doctor cording angel, bat certainly not to US, at cow being doubtless as much surprised ns
seine sort the same time poking out our elbow as myself, sprang up, bind feet first, and in
ood; he gets r.early at right angles with our body as the next instant Sally and I found ourselves
gets worse our physical conformation would permit. landed our heads. But that was not the
that man's I The night air blew keenly, which sex- worst of it—one of the old brute's horns
the doctor's ved in some sort to revive us; and as our caught in the strap of my waistcoat, and
One year I senses returned, what were our sense- away she went dragging me don the lawn
leep, dig up times on findme the cherished object our roaring like a lion. I suppose she had
tut nubbins. first love clinging to our arm with all the dragged nem fifty paces before hold broke
ay, the rain tenacity n drowning man is said to catch loose : but as the road was smooth, I sus.
have a crap. a , a straw !—Talk of elysinn, nr sliding tamed but little injury The only serious
I upon fifty dewn rainbows, or feeding on German injury that I had received was an internal
have been in flutes ! What are such 'pheelinks' in one, and that was caused by that Sally gave
in the east comparison to those mighty ones that when we lit on our heads' ft went through
Its star stands • swelled our bosom, nigh on to the burs- me like a knife, for I had no idea but that
her I saw it; tine off of our waistcoat buttons I Our the girl moss killed.
ffin keep the happiness was sublime, sublimity, sub. As soon as I could clear the dirt from
ter turn out. timely sublimated; and every person who my eyes, I hurried back to learn the worst
He makes has ever felt
.th • divine throbhings of a In a very little while I learned it, but in
it well for a newly fledged love principle, fully Uildet• a different way from what I had expected.
lx and stand wands the world of bliss couched in the There came Sally down along the other
an and stars fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh words at side of the lawn swinging on Mike's arm,
the while. • the comm ncement of this sentence. and laughing fat to kill herself. Don't you
;es one man Well, we punned on pleasantly towards think I was mad? I hadn't n word to
our Sally's home, talking of love and Cove say, but just dropped back and 'cut across
and dart and part, until so courageous had the fields and left them - ,
we become, that we actually proposed to : 'A few nights ago I called upon Sally
ilgo in and sit awhile,' to which our Dul- with n determination to pop the question
cinea graciously assented. Absn, for us ! and bring matters to a close. let mt over
I hew soon were we to he reminded the, the whole rigmarole, and she listened to
I .the course of true love never did ruin ice till I was through, and then with one
smooth.' k of the most provoking laughs you ever
Sully held n brother of some tea sum. heard, she looked up arid raid I was a lit
niers, who accompanied us along the way tie too late—she was engaged. Mike had
and WEIS in wonderful high spirits nt the got the .heels of nw, and nothing under
i , en of his sister having a beau, and he the sun but the old cow was the cause of
would walk around us frequently, giggling i t .
in the height of his glee, and eyeing us
as closely as if ourself and Sally were the
world renowned Siamese twins, and be
vas taking his first look. Billy, by th
way, was a stubbed, dahlia headed boy.
whose habiliments would have made the
fortunes of any two dealers in mob rags.
At length we reached the oars, and
while we were letting them down, Billy
shot pas- us and tore for the house, as if
pursued by n thousand bulls of Bastian.
Ile flung open the door with a bang, and
exclaimed at the top of his voice—
published at
• • • $1,50
time of
o year, 2,00
if not paid
to subae•ip.
ix mouths.
d until nth
t the option
•rrl by us.
lust, told
Wriffrn or
ice or pith-
is neither II
11 IleW year
tintied wad
ising to tid.o
inoci in, mid
!in evidence
Ily adhered
10. du.
3 $ 50
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1 1 $tk 110
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10 114 00
Iri • 27 011
111 411 00
is, ;$4.11i1.
.inin; cent
to bring
the pub
1.1 ti it it
thie,t citi-
other office
u iii Lc
d sends the
motion ."
is here fur
ireSti on the
glory of God
is handiwork.
h, and night
and fox hop-
Said the
one minute
Said the
!ninnies one
cnn eat it in
torucious gen
ast me a week,
d a hull a sec.
I his patience,
which threw
ig his absence
to frust ins rne •
ton was cats n
he got hack?
ear AN Irish 'gentleman' had occa
sion to visit the South souse time since.
When he returned, h. remarked to a (Heim
that the Southern people were very ext raw.
stmt. Upon beingnskod why so, remark
ed that where he staid they had a ca.,elle.
slick worth eleven hundred dollars.
'Why, how in the world could it cost
dint much?' inquired a friend.
'Och, be gorry! it was nuthin' moron n
big nage,. fellow holdin' a . torch for us to
eat by.'
e l jaW
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11 / 04'• . ,40Y (11'''::1 ''':l" / -', 4i . ,.. 1
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1,4 gl It l': Ht: f i., , , ik ~... 1
JT, , 7 11 .).:,,' -••••• $ .
IVO. 7,
The public, have often been
searching for true merit, but it is ina for a
Crtni, for when the true recipients of its
favors are found, they transplant the fal,
deceivers. Corrupt
,the wadi/ nt farge
may in a measure be, still it cannot with
hold approbation or reword from those
whose conduct has been inn rked by
ried integrity. They show no vanity, nrr
are they at all times guided by their affec
lions--which sometimes fix the semblance
of virtue upon nets of loose unstable na
ture, and hence, following the narrow
path 'which leads to life eternal' they ftre
always the seine—trusty friends, lid sties
I ate relations, conscientious traders, and
picas Christians. rnspiriou haunts not
stinh minds, for in ...ealing with twig's
bcirs, candour governs both their actions,
and feelings They do no wron!+,•, nor
look for suolt in others. 4 Bless'd are they
Hdet, dr, hunger, and thirst, after rigl,t
eonsness, fur the; • shall be filled.' St.
illatthetv, b rh., fith , v,
In many parts of Eng,laud. wh.w
fairies still maintain their prelim'.
milkmaids sprinkle water—the true d
scendant of holy water—about the dairy.
to prevent the little people from clippie
their whiskers in the milk pairs dims
the night.—Tho souse persons are al—
persuaded that witches often pre: •r
broomstick tine handsome horses, soil ;:e
-cordingly take them from the stable, ,i,•l
ride them over earth and water ell
Omagh they are always very ,
bring them lock held, the tonna,
prevent this, the postns fltUdiOUSl}
up every aperture in walls and door, by
which a witch might he supposed to ,•114t.
uu tdarance. Still the toentl.ess of this
sisterhood tire so ing . enious and powerful
that they get into the stables uev,,tle
and ride the horses so furnotsly ilott they
shimi , 11, t1 - ton wool , ' be ~1 , • •, 0 '', 1 l. ',id, of Me' ct,ititt.titt to run emit him,
cheat the poor printer and then—'
.' to recommend his o.ottlerful medicine to
Bang tint's the il ier.inl out tines the all who are 010,1 with ceughs, colds,
father and husband grumbling like a bear ; ,,,ti i , n , i n t„ . ,.. i , creatures, b ou , s .bi ni . so , i n .
with .1 sore head. I wish children 1 . - ti.tittimition of the florex, refusal of the
how 10 1147questions.' kt,lncys to respond to the jells of the mu-
,ittt, noun'trutle. vacant feeling. in the •
' rinir". In the great inter.,t ~.•:, •'. ;.„-.••
h,•:•.I. such as lack of brains, etc. To 1
prt,,,l, 111 this country wit, 1 . 1 'it Hi .•.
t',.. - ~, rilill ill, desirous of chanty. I
new yershin of th t Scriptures, we i. ~.t.
~ no w ,- . or chatettriff hushinds and
no doubt thou many of our readers toil '''' ' .. ,
t. %. ives. all too are anxious to visit tot,
vt•ry cordially welcome. no account, given
.•r :tide of Joraitu, this medicine is confi• i Corn.
sitlit?other page of this paper by a COTIA.
,!•iiliv EcCoallilead.d. To those . persons I Much Indian Corn is every season de
;P'""l'in lit ""1"^"."' of a . Heir work ( " i , t r i io tithe a lively interest in natural history ''''Y '2ll 6). not paying attention to the
the Wilde whose pubbcanon has just bt'en
When cunt is planted in the latter part of
commenced in Ch..,rntitity. ~,,,,,
would ;Moire them to throw thern.elves Late of the rho ground when plant e d,—
„ill soon see I April os is frequently done, it is bette'r
Into the arms of the retired clergyman and I
no foss a scitulor than Cheplier {inn en •
, th,t it should be in its ordinary dry state.
they may be assured they
proposes not only a new translation of both letliant - and rhinoceros
the Old and New Testaments, but an ex- ' I '
.......„...... I
moist end wet, or just before a rain
: And tic), if planted when the griund is
egetic commentnry nod elaborate ili,ini- UN” Each reinter of this pa per is re- ! rely,
sitions upon various scriptural subjects.' tin ,ted to procure a new subscriber nod `„akin , * the seed until it becomes soft and
.1 portion of the first volume only hm a
as send the name nd money to this office. then burying it in wet soil, is curtain to
answer. been publ;shod, but it can scarcely fail to a
Recollect only one dollar . and fifty cent, 1
:•cati,e a large prtqmrtion of it to rot.
Well, I'll tell. you. Emigronts in a be examined with careful attention by year, nd may be sent in postage stamps I
sort . of cross between a ground-hog and a lettrued Men in all Christina COMMuni- i Address, We IIuaWSTER, Ilant:agri, ,,
. i P.,
gralt , hopper, and is very boil on gross .' I ties,
ure found in the morning tretnkehr; rt
over left covered with swvat.—
lIVYVr to meur to the worth
locking out the wholesouw air , uucy pr
du,. this etrect.
Ear Ch. o Jerry Downs, ou% in Califor—
sin was reading the news to 01,1111' alldoz
en of his neighbors. He read to them thy•
item of intelligence that the gra s s -A “s t'rrt•
short en the plaines, cud it was feared'
that the emigrants would fan• badiy.
'Emigrant.! what's tlteo•i?' u,ked one
of the
'Don•t you ialow? Don't you 7 Don't you
Ile afikector each, and received a negative
Mind Your Own Business.
This saying. has so much /„.„ squ „i e • It is death in Copland to - marry n maid
and bluntness about it, that it amines al-
without the consent of hor parents or
most impertinent, to sensitive ears. But friends. When a young man has formed
an attachment for a female, :the fashion is
not ithstanding that, it contains the germ
of the very truest of all systems of phi l o.. t o appoint their friends to meet to behold
sophy. Somebody once said; very taus- t he two young parties run a race together. '
ticaliy nod very wisely. How few troub-
The maid is allowed in starting the ad
les we would have, if we fretted as little vantage of one third part of the race, so
that it is impossible, except willing of her
about min, people's affair:ft as we do about
tnir own!" And so it is—half the bother-
self, that she should be overtaken. If the
maid outrun her suitor, the [natter is en.
;buts and vexations of this vexed and both.
ea world, arise (torn our interference, one ded; he must never have her, it being
w•th the other. The divine Golden hale penal for the man to renew the notion of
is capable of being translated very nearly marriage. But if the virgin has an On
into tin sanie sentence as °Mind your tion for him, though at first she runs fast
own business, and let other folks alone.''
to try the truth of his love, she will,—
tt , certainly desire
others to keep aloof without Atlanta's golden ball to retard her
front our nflitirs, for it is a singular phenom-
speed—pretend sortie carnality, and make
coon that nobody ever takes "good advice.' a voluntary halt before she comes to
Generally-, those who nab for it, are the the cud of the race. Thus none are
la,t ones to follow it. Then if we do no compelled to marry against their own
wills; and that is the cause that in this
we would be done by. Anuld certainly
Ineep 111. CI,, out of other pee-
poor counery the married people are rich
t _ , , o
es we
would er i n their non contentment than in other
that ili 'ioniddti uittc ~," — T hat was lands, where so many foreed matches
when asked what make feigned love, and cause real no happi
he thou : Jilt of giving advice, said, ”I al ness.—Cust"'s Ot Nali°"3*
,ays lind out what it man wanly to do, ' Rules for Self Government.
Ind thrii tlilvise him by all means to do it!' : The , pru d e , o ld gerit i emai .w . . „ a i d.
~ mi upon it, that old fellow's advice turns out to be no other than the verita
,,, alwdys respected. It requires a vq.'l Id, Lomlon Punch himself, who, in hie
inatchle,s merriment and jocose style lay
mutualrut mel intimate friendship, .0 allow of
eth down his 'prudent' directions as fol.
exchange of good•notured ad.
~ ..,;d even then, the relation is apt lows :
nt he pretty severely tested by them. It Always sit next to the carver, if you con
:, common sa",•imr... in the west, that there 1 eta dinner.
i, rime a mai in I , ;,,tosky who acquir- Ask no woman h er age.
an iminci,e !mune by minding bin : 113 e civil with all uncles and aunts.
~'i irk
and we feel sure that the Never joke with a policeman.
maxi,n originat,d in something more than Take no notes or gold with you to
HIP, imagination. At all events, no harm fancy bazaar—nothing hut silver.
~.old rice from such a courw—, and it is ' Your oldest hat of course, for an even
than probable, that very excellent ing party.
,alto [eight be the fruit, if everybody Don't play at chest with a widow.
tr mild follow the example of this Kentucky , Never contradict a man who stutters.
myth, nod "mind their own business, let- Make friends with the steward on board
Wig Other folks ' Ulone . . " there's no knowing how 3 , 10 n
A. PUZZLING 'POEM." you may be placed in his power.
Properly punctuated, the following non-
Keep your own secrets. Tell no lin
sf•ii,e becomes SallSlbl rhyme, and ja , man beings. dye your whiskers.
Write riot one more letter than you can
ioub.i.s, as true as it is atria[., though •
it now stands we admit that it is very heir' The man who keeps up a large
corions if true :
cor,spondence is a. martyr tied, not to
i I
I saw a pigeon making bread;
I saw a girl composed of thread;
I saw a towel one mile square;
I sawn meadow in the sir;
I saw a rocket walk a mile;
I saw a pony make a file;
1 saw a blacksmith in a box;
I saw au orange kill an ox;
I Sal,' a butcher triode of steel;
I saw a penknife dance a reel;
F•aw a sailor twelve feet high;
I. saw a ladder in a pie;
I s::w an apple fly away;
I saw a sparrow making bay;
I saw a farmer like a dog;
I saw o puppy mixing grog;
I saw three men ivho saw these too.
:\ nd 'will confirm what I t-11 you.
Sharp Shooting. ;laving a cough, she finally fell into the
'Father, what does a p r i nter live on ?' hands of the "retired clergyman, who,
'Live on [—like other folio; why do 1 , sands of life' had nearly run out." She
you ask ?' parchasi'd a bottle or hi. C nalu, [oshttc
e you said you hadn't paid nay- from which i•he gained strength, judgeimr,
,ir your paper, and the printer still from the viole ore of her cough. Ott taking
the second botle, her strenth so increased
that he was able to cwagit all day and
night, without interruption. The third
bottle landed her in Heaven.
Thus, in a brief •part of time the fond
Huns of inure than a
it to you.'
•Fife spank that boy.'
.1 shan't do ii.'
• 13ecause there is no r. , ason '
'lto so? IFh. .t (1., you ot. 0!. ?
juia this, the boy is 6iiiart, t l : d f,,r
Guher, and i'nu can't deny ; • ..n.l a hall
(peer talk and I wish-- . • • 1 k : !.. . •
't care wt•hat you n•i.•h. y '• • , ,• ',t. L kilo
s •nqh In see that a tutu , • „ ;
1 1 , 1
' 1 • 1
Marriage in Lapland.
the stake, but to the post.
Wind up your conduct, like your watch
once a day, ox mining minutely whether
you are 'fast' at 'slow
Old Sande of Life.
Dr. Hall, of the Journal of heal?h, who I
has investigated the matter, and analyzed
the drugs, finds that the mixture for tvhich
Old Sauds of life' charges two dollars.
when made from the very purest and mo.t
extensive materials used, costs exactly
sixteen cents. bottle and all. And he furth
ermore charges, as do natty others, that
it is a deliterisns article at Lest. The
lotctng from the Gleaner is a severe rap,
Messrs. Editors--Permit me, through
your columns, to hear testimony to a val.
outdo medicine. My great aunt has been
striving to reach heaven for twenty years.
l' A
.:-.., i i;
:.•' IV,
t .
1 • I p
) ~.f , -' clk
,farmers' 05,11imn.
Ile that by the plough would thrive,
Himself, must either hold or drive."
Weaning Calves.
This year I have fed five calves with
half the labor and better success than I
fed three last year. My plan is to let the
calf be with the cow until the third day ;
then take it away, and commence feeding.
Then I take good hay and put it in a ket
tle and steep it well until the liquid is of a
dark green color. The liquid is sweet,
and a very naturrl nourishment. Add
about one•haif of this liquid or hay tea to
half of milk. Pour th I hay tea into the
milk while warm, co as to heat the milk to
the right temperature.' The old process Is
inure apt to burn, and it will sour sco:,:r,
,Alter two or three weeks, I fed them sour
milk with the bay tea mixture occasional
ly. 1 feed them about eight quarts apiece,
three times a day. for about two weeks ;
then I think twice a day will answer r
find that calves fed in this way thrive bet
ter and are fatter, and more hardy than
when fed on new mtik alone. or allowed
to run with the cow, and it is also more
protit;ible to the farmer. I made from four
to live dollars a week front the five cows
by selling milk. The nutritive qualities
token from the milk are supplied by the
hay tea.
Use of Limo as a Fertilizer.
It becomes now a matter of curiosity to
ascettain if we can, how the use of lime
as a fertilizer came first into use among us.
By agitating the subject now, among our
varieu, country papers, and "oldest
'bitantr," we may probably elicit sufficient
facts to establish the earliest history of its
use, and by whom first suggested.
Our attention has been called Lo this sub
ject from the reading In the American
Journal ,17 Science, a review of Ruffin's
Essay on Calcareous Manures. In that
article, it is stated that the German iutmi•
grants from Palatinate first brought it in
our coumry. A gentleman of our Sc.
(luminance, sent to that journal an expres
-1.0 of his doubts of such early use of it
~,German settlers; and since then, noth,
tog further, so far as we have known har
As reasons for disareditng,rlZuffin's ac•
count of its origin, we have to say, to wit;
In Lancaster county, filly yearn ago, lime
was very little used by the German de
scendants. The same can be said of the
farmers in Be rks county. The same of the
farmers in the upper part of Montgomery
county. Chester county seems to have
chiefly set the example of its earliest use
there ; and that too, not among the Ger.
Gmlann descendants peculiarly. It has
bee'n a tradition of Ghester county that the
earliest lime used there for building purpo
ses was brought out from England. And
now, th"re is a house in IV illistown, owned
by the Garret family, built abont the year
1700, which the deseendruto say wit. built
from Milne so imported.
These are ingoirks which some of your
nomerowi readers .vnuld like to investi
glt, and it po,sible,setthl. AutucoLa.
Sheep Tick Destroyer
Malty nl my neighbors, in order to free
their sheep and lambs of that disgusting
and troublesome insect, the lqicki" rippl)
spirit, of turpentine, which is a most wea
hcnintx application, and although - eff..ctual
in re nt oong the evil, it i:ljurtts:the animal
alma, as much am would the evil itself, it
nor rvinored. My plan is to give rev
hunk, aft, she,uing the sheep, a thorough
weAting in New England rum---u
which, while it ilmost instantaneously de-
:toys the '•tick," leaves the animals brisk
and IRely, without any subsequent depres
sion or loss of eneogy and health. This
is by no means nn expensive application,
two gallons of good liquor; worth forty
cents per gallon, being enough for fifty
lambs, if properly applied. No tick can
exist in a lock of wool which has been
thoroughly wet Nith this rum, or any oth
er distilled liquor. Alcohol, in a concen
trated state, is surto death to the insect.--
Sheer-Rhenrina should be done in warn
weather after the 20th ol the Month.