Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 19, 1858, Image 1

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While rending recently no account of
the frightful massacre of several white fa
milies by the Black•Fuot Indians. we were
reminded of a thrilling event which oc•
curred in the "Wild West," a short time
subsequent to the Revolution, in which a
highly accomplished young lady, the I
daughter of n distinguished officer of the
American Army, played an important part.
Tim story being of a most thrilling nature,
and in a strising 111 timer the
"Perils of the Birder," we have concluded
t o give an extract from it as origin illy pub.
lished, as follows :
The angle on the right hank of the Great
Kanawha; formed by its junolon with the
Ohio, is called Point Pleasant. and is a
place of historical note. Here, on the 10th
cf October, 1774. during what is known
an Lard Duninoro's War, was fought one of
tho fiercest and most desperate batiks that
over took plrce between the Virginians
and their forest foes.
After the baste in question, in which
the Indians were defeated with great loss,
a fort was hers erected by the victors,
which became a post of great importance
throughout the sanguinary scenes of strife
which almost immediately followed, and
which in this section of the country were
c ontinued for many years after shot estab
lishment of peace which acknowledged
the United Colonies of America a free and
independent nation.
At the binding of the fort, on the day
our story opens, was fastened a flat-boat of
the kind used by the early navigators of
the Western rivers.
Upon the deck of this boat, at the mo
ment we present the scene to the reader.
stood five individuals, alike engaged in
watching a group of persons, mostly fe
males, who were slowly approaching the
landing. Of these five, one was a stout,
sleek negro, in partial livery, and evident
ly a house or holy servant ; three were
boatmen and borderers, as indicated by
their rough, bronzed visages and coarse at•
tire ; but the fifth was a young man, some
two and twenty years of age, of a fine
commanding person, and a clear, open, in.
telligent countenance; and In the lofty car
riage of his head—in the gleam of his
largo, bright, hazel eye—there was some
thing which denoted one of superior mind;
but as we shall have occasion in the course
of our narrative to fully set forth who and
what Eugeus Fairfax wan, we will leave
!'h m for the present and turn to the approa
thing group, whom he seeined to be regar
ding with lively interest.
Of this group, composed of a middle•
aged man and four females, with a bl ck
female servant following some five or six
paces in the rear, there was one whom the
most casual eye would have singled out
and rested upon with pleasure. The lady
in question was apparently about twenty
years of age, of a slender and graceful fi•
gore, and of that peculiar cast of fe..ture
which, besides being beautiful in every
neament, rarely fails to affect the beholder
with something like a charm.
Her travelling costume—a fine brown
high in the neck, buttoned closely
over the bosom and coming down to her
smell pretty feet, withoni trailing on the
ground—was both neat and becoming ; and
with her riding•cap and its waving ostrich
plume, set gaily aoove her flowing curls,
her appearance contracted lorcibly with
th e rough, unpolished looks of those of her
sex beside her, with their linsey bed gowns
scarlet flannel petticoats, and bleached h.
nen caps.
.oh, Blanche,' said one of the mere
venerable of her female companions, pur
suing a conversation which had been main
witted since quitting Or , open fort behind
them. 'I cannot bear to let von go : fur it
just seems to me as if something were go
trig in happen to you, and when I feel that
way. something generally does happen.'
'Well, aunt.' rwurned Blanche. with a
light laugh, „do not doubt in the-least
that something w:11 happen, for I expect
one of these days to reach my dear father
and blessed mother, and give them such
an embrace as is due from a dutiful dough
ter to h .r parents, and that will be some
thing that has not happened for two long
years at least.'
'But 1 don't mean that, Blanche,' return
ed the other, soine.wlnt petulantly ; 'and
you just laugh like a gay and thoughtless
girl. when you ought to be serious. Be
cause you have come safe thus far ; through
a partially settled country, you think. per
haps. your own pretty face will ward off
danger in the more perilous wilderness—
,but I warn you that a fearful journey is be
fore you ! Scarcely a boat descends the
Ohm, that does not encounter more or less
peril from the savages that prowl slang ei•
t her shore; and some of them that go down
freighted with human life, are heard of on
more, and none ever return to tell the tale.'
'But vhy repeat this to no, dear aunt.'
returne.l Blanche, with a more serous air,
.when you know it is my destiny. either
good or bdd, to attempt the voyage? My
parents have sent (or me to join them in
their new home, end it is my duty to go to
them, he the peril whet it finny.'
'You never did know what it was to
fear!' pursued the good woman, rather
proudly. 'No,' she repented, turning to
the others, 'Blanche Bertrand never did
know whet it was to fear, I believe !'
'Just like her father !' joined in the hus•
band of the matron, the brother of Blanche's
mother, the commander of the stntien, and
the middle aged gentleman mentioned as
one of the party ; 'a true daughter of a
soldier. Her father, Colonel Philip Ben
trend, God bless him for a true heart ! ne
ver did seem to know what it tons to fear
—and Blanche is just Hire hint.'
By this time the parties had reached the
boat, nod the young mutt already described
—Eugene Fairfax, secretary of Blanche's
father—at once stepped forward, and, in a
polite and deferential manner. offered his
hand to the different females, to assist them
on board. The hand of Blanche WWI the
last to touch his—and then but slightly, as
she sprung quickly and lightly to the deck
—but a close observer might hove detec
ted the slight flush which mantled his mi.
ble, expressive features as his eye for a
single instant met hers She night her
self have seen it—perhaps she did—but
there wits no corresponding glow on her
own bright, pretty face, es she inquired in
the calm, dignified tone of one having the
right to put the question, and who might
also have been aware of the inequality to
position between herself and him she ad-
"Eugene, is everything prepared for I I
our departure I h will not du for our boat '
to spring aleak again, as it did coming down
the- Kanawha—for it will not be safe for
us, I am told. to touch either shore between
the different forts and trading posts on our
route, this side of our destination, the
Falls of the Ohio.'
'No indeed 1' rejoined her aunt, quickly
tit will beau much as our lives are worth to
very ure a foot from the main current of the
Ohio—for news reached us only the other
day, that many boats had been attacked
this spring, and several lost, with all on
iNoone feels more concerned about the
safe passage of Miss rind • then my
self.' replied Eugene, in a def •rential tone;
and since our arrival here, I have left no
thing undone that I thought 'night possibly
add to her security and comfort.'
That is true to my personal knowledge'
joined in the uncle of Blanche, .and I
thank you in behalf of my fair kinswoman.
There will, perhaps,' he pursued. 'be no
great clanger, at, long as you keep the cur
rent ; but your watch must not be neglec
ted for a single moment, either night or
day ; and do not, I mos, solemnly charge
and warn you, under any circumstances•
or any pretence whatsoever, suffer your
selves to he decoyed to the shore r
'I hope we understand our duty better.
'colonel; said one of the men, respect
.1 doubt it not' replied the commander
of the Point; .1 believe you are all faithful
and true men, or you would riot have been
selected by the agent of Colonel &wank
for taking down More ppecious fre•ght than
you ever envied before ; but still the wise s t
and best of men have lost their lives by
giving ear to the most earnest appeals of
humanity. You understand what I mean?
White men, apparently in the greatest
distress, will hail your boat, representing
themselves as having just escaped Iron the
Indians, and beg of you, (or t h lover
God. in the most piteous tones, to crane to
' their relies; but turn n deaf ear to them—
' to cinch and all of them—even should you
' know the pleaders to he of your kin ;tor
in such a case your own brother might de hilt in his side, inflicting 0 severe but r im ilenuer, and that there wits a possibility of
ceive you—not wilfully and vriluniarily, fetal remind. The infurieleil heat at k• ening the current
-I,ertmps—but because of being gmided en one.. turner: upon Eugene. end n de a dly •Tie n that possibility a c .rtainty,
by the savages, themselve• conceeled Yes struggle ensued. But it was n short one. mid a shall be the hest night's work you
such things have been known ns one friend 'I he polished blade of the knife played ever perfume-el !' rejoined Eugene, in a
being thus used to lure nenther to his de. Mu k and forth like lightning fl ishes and quick exrit d tone.
struction : and so be cautious, viedant. at every 1 lunge it was buried to the hilt • W e'll do the hest we can, Cap's,' was
brave rind true, and may th e g oo d God in the panther's hndv. who sone fell to the response; 'hut no Inns can be sartin of
keep you from all harm ' the deck, drngging the dauntless Engene the current of this here crooked stream in
As he finished speakin, Blanche procee with hen On seeing her pr tertor fall. a fogey nide.' •
ded to take an affectionate farewell of all, Blanche uttered another shriek tutd rushed A long silence followed—the voyagers
receiving many a tender message for her to his aid; bit assistance from stouter artist slowly drifting down through n misty
parents from those who held them in love tens nt hand. The bowm e n got hi•r e d darkness impenetrable to the eye—when,
and veneration; and the boat swung nut, ro und end the savage monster t e es stidderik . our you , g commander, who was
:mil began to float doOn the current. now ally hacked in pi. ceB with th e ir h o ly, standing near th , bow. felt the extended
fairly entered upon the moat dangerous an d b at o n ., and Eugene. oft ered wt.!,
portion of a long and perilous journey. blood was dritegiel from under his carcase brush his face. He serried. with nn excln-
The father of Blench°, Colonel Philip s u ppo s ing him in be d ea d nr mor t a ll y intoine of alarm, and at the same moment
was a native of Virginia. and a descendant wounded. Blanche threw her arms nround the bitumen nn the mitt called out :
of one of the Hugenot refugees. who fled hisemck and gave tray to a pessionate here, boys! we're agin the
from their native land after the revocation burst of grief But he woe riot dearl—he shore as sure es death !'
of the edict o f N en - ein ;en. li e hod was not even hurt, with the exception of a •I'llen followed n scene of hurried and
been an officer of some note during the few slight bC nitolirs. The blond with vizir)us confusion, the voices of the three
, Revolution—a warm political and personal w hi c h h e was covere d was t h e p ant h er ., hentmen minding together in loud, quick,
friend of the author of the Decl ;ration of not his own. But Blanche's embrace was excited times.
Independence—and a gen tl e ma n who had his—n priceless treasure—an index of her 'iish riff the bow !' cried one.
always steed high in the esteem of his as heart's emotions end affections. It tas Quick ! altogether, now ! over 'with
socintes and cotemporaries. 1 to color his whole future life, as will be her !' shemed another.
Though at one time a inn's of wealth. seen in the progress of our s.nry. 1 .The de'll's in it ! she's runnine a-
Colonel Bertrand had lost much, and suf- I slowly and silently, save the occasional ground here on a mud ly bottom!' alum t
fered much. through British invasion ; and creak. dip, and plash of the steersmen's yelled n third
when, shortly after the close of the war, oar, the boat of out vnyngers was borne Mentitione the laden boat was brushing
he bed met with af w more serious rover- along upon the bosom of the current, on along ,gains projecting bush. , d over
sea, he had been fain to accept a grant of the third night of the ',cage. The hour revelling limbs, and every eminent get.
land, near the falls of the Ohio. now Louis. tens waxing late. and Eugene, the only tine Inure and more entangled while; the
viii;', tendered him by Virginia. which one astir except the welch, toms suddenly long poles and sweetie of the beenuen, as
then held juhsdiction over the entire terri- startled by n rough band being plead up_ they attempted to push her off, were often
tory now constituting the State of Ken. on his shoulder, necomennied by the word plunged Without touching henna, into
tucky. in the gruff voice of the boatman : , whet appeared to be a soft, clayey mud,
The grant had ded . ded the Colonel up- '1 say. Cap'n, here's trouble! groin which they were only extricated by
on seeking his new possessions and buil- 'What is it. Dick ?' inquired Eugene, such an outlay of strength as tench,: still
ding up a new home in the then Far West starting to his feet more to draw it- clumsy craft upon the
and as Ins wife had insisted upon accent- 1 'Don't you see thnr's a heavy frig r Intel, they %visited to avoid. At length,
ponying hum on his hrst tour, he had es. sing that'll soon killer us up so thick that scarcely more than a minute from the first
seated to h r desire, on conditine that We won't he able to tell a white man from alarm, there was n kind of settling trigeth-
Blanche should he left among her friends. a nigger?' replied the boatman—Dick et. as it were, and the boat became fast
till such time as a piece could he prepared Winter be name —a tall, bony. mu:scuba, and immovable.
which might in some degree he considered athletic specimen of his class. The fed was announced by Dick Win
a fit abode for one so carefully and tender- 'Good heaven! so there is !' exclaimed ter, in his characteristic manner—who ad
ly reared. Eugene, looking off upon the dready ;sin- ded, with an oath. that it was just what he
Illanche would gladly hare gone with ty waters. 'ft must have gathered very expected. For a moment er two a deed
her pareets; but on this point her father suddenly, for all was clear a minute tigie silence followed. as if each comprehended
had been in .xorable—declaring that she What ua to be done now ? This is sortie- that the matter was one to be viewed in a
would have to remain at the East till he thing I was not prepared for, on such a very serious light.
should see proper to send for her; and as night as this ' I'll get OVl'r the bew, and try to git the
he was a man of positive character, and a I 'lt looks trouhlous, Cap'n. allots.' Inv of the land with my feet,' said Tom
rigid disciplinarian. the matter had been returned Dick;' but we're in for't, that's Harris; end forthwith he set about the not
settled without argument. sartin, and I s'pose we'll have to make very pl. ascot undertaking.
When Colonel Bewail I removed to the the best on't.' I At this wetter,' &teeme heard les name
West, Eugene Fairfnx, as we have seen. .13tut what is to be dune ?—what do you pronounced by a voice that seldom failed
accompanied him; and coning of age advise?' asked Eugene, in a quick. exc. 10 eaCite a peculidr emotion in hie breast,
shortly after, he had accepted the liberal ted tone, that indicated scone degree of and new sent a strange thrill through ev
eller of his noble benefactor, to remain elem. era nerve; and hetet-Meg below. he found
with him in the capacity of private sec- 'Why. of yeti wor'nt an skeered about Blanche, fully dressed, with a light in her
retary nod confidential agent. Oe taking the young lady, and it warn't so dead agin hand, standing just outside of her cabin,
possession of his grant, the Colonel had the enters from head quarters. my pien in the regular passage which led length
almost immediately erected a fort, aria of. would he aof tin and easy one-I'd jut-t xis. , through the center of the boat.
fered such inducements to settlers as to run over to the Kalmuck shore, and tie i I have heard something Eugene,' she
speedily collect around him quite a little , ' I said sigh to know that we have met
community—o l which. as a twitter of , 'No, no ' said Eugene, positively; 'that with en accident, but not sufficient to ful
course, he became the head and chief; will never do ! I would not think of such ly comprehend its nature.' •
and to supply the wan t s of hie own fd:111 a thing fore moment ! We MUM. keep •Utifortutiately,stbout two hours ago,'
ly and others, and increase his gains in a In the ()tweet by nll means !' replied Eugene, 'we suddenly became in.
I. gitimate way, he had opened a store, and ' .Ef you can,' rejoined the boatman; but valved in it dense fug; end in spite of our
filled it with pods from the Eastern Inert, when it guts so dark as we can't melt one every precaution and care, we have run
which goods were transported by la u d thing from ,'other, it'll be powerful bard ag-ou. d—it may be against the Ohio
over the mountains to the Kanawha. and to do; and of we don't run agin a bar or shere—ti may be egamet an island—it is
thence by water to the Fulls of the Ohio, bank afore morning. in spite of the heat o' au dark we can't tell But he not alarmed
whence their removal to Fort Bertrand be- us, be the luckiest go that ever I had . Aliss Blanche,' he hurriedly added;
came an easy matter. To purchase lend a hand in. See, Cap's—it's thickening trust we snail soon be afloat again; though
I shii, these goods, mid deliver n pnckage of 1 up free; we can't see eyther hank at all, lin any erent,the darkness is sufficient to
letters to friends in the East. Eugene had. nor the water nether; the stars is gettin' conceal us from the savages, even were
been thrice dts•ntched —his thirst CMII , TII` • don nod it looks as if thar war a cloud all they in the vicinity.'
sine also extending to the escorting ot the round Its? ' 'I know little of Indians,' returned
benistitul heiress. with her serva#ts to her 'I see! I see !,• retuned Eugene exci- Blanche; 'but I have always understood
new home. This last ciminiition had tedly Merciful Heaven ! I hope no ac that they ore somewhat remarkable for
heen an fir executed at the litj chosen cident will befall us here—and vet my , heir actiteneta of hearing; and if each is
pa the opening of our story. as to bring heart almost miseives me ! - for this, I die the case, there would be no necessity of
the different parties to the moot of the lieve. to the most dangerous part of our their being very near, to be made ncquain
great Kanawha. whence the r tier has jouritev--the vicinity where inns' of our ted with our locality. judging from the
seen them rdowly floating off pen the boats have been captured b. the nava- loud voices I heard a few minutes ago'
mill. glossy bosom of 'tie belle rivers ' ges ' 'I fear we've be'en rather imprudent,'
The slay, which wet; nn Hull ;oils one . Saving this Eugene hastened below, said Eugene, in a deprecating tone; 'but
passed without nnythirg occur mg war. wh re he found the other boatmen sleep- in t. e excitement—' ,
thy of note. until near four o'cl ck. wh e n tug so soundly as to require crmiderahle Ills words were cut suddenly short by
as Blituche wits sit ending on thefore por t effort on his part to wike them. At last several loud voices of alarm fro ti without,
ol the deck gazing at the 1 0 4 1 . r scene getting them fair y roused, he informed followed by a quick nod heavy trampling
which sorrounded her, she Raw! a seem them. almost in a whisper. for he did not across the deck ; and the next moment Seth
.ugly flying body suddenly lenge a bath core to disturb the others. that,' heavy fog Bolter and Dick Winter burst into the
of a gigentic tree (whose o;ghtv brunches had suddenly arisen. and he wished their passage, Inc former exclaiming:
extended far over the river. and hear which
the boat was then swayed by the notion
of the current.) and alight wit h p crnsh up-
on the deck of the boat, not ,tore than
eight feet from her. One glani4ie suffved
to slow her what the object wits. and to
freeze the blood in her veins. The glow
ing eyes of n huge panther met her gaze
The suddenness of the shock which this
discovery gave her woo overotvering.
With a deafening shriek she fell upon her
knees and clasped her hands before her
breast The panther crouched for his
deadly leap hut ere he sprang the hunt
ing knife of Eugene Fairfax (who, with
the steersman. wits the only permit nn
deck besides Bluache ) wn. hunted in the
presence on th ck. mmedmtely. .We've run plum into a red nigger's
.A Inc. Cep'n r exclaimed one, in a nest, Cop'n, and Torn Harris is already
tone which indicated that he oornpr.hen. butch-red and scalped I'
ded the peril with the word. And even as he spoke, as if in confirma
,lln.l) !' returned Eugene; 'there is no tion of his dreadful intellmgence, there
neves.ity for waking the others, and hay. arose a series of wild, piercing, demoniac
ing a scene Up! and follow me, with- al yells, followed by a dead and ominous
ou: a word , silence.
Ile elided Ivick to the deck, and was So far we have followed the lovely hero
almost immediately joined by the boat. ine lino her friends in this adventure ; kilt
men to wheel lie briefly made- known his the foregoing is till that we can publish in
our columns. The balance of the narra•
hopes and fears tine can only be found in the New York
i hey thought, like their companion. Ledger, the great family paper. which can
that the boat a mild he safest if 'wide fast he Own.' at all the periodical stores
to al, overhanging limb of the Kentucky where papers are sold. Remember to ask
for the .4,dr:e1.." dated May 22nd, and in
shop': frankly admitted that this could
ant now
be done without difficulty and it y
ii : r t e . t f v r i o l the cu
white i t
t i t e n . u v a . t a i (T it of the ri a
7 011r111
thi re are no hook.s.oreo or news offices
convenient to where you re iide the pub
'', her of the Ledger will send you a co..y
by mud. if you will send him live cents in
a leiter, Address, Robert Bonner, Ledger
Office, 44 Ann Street. New Yon This
story is entitled, 'Perils of the Birder,"
and grows more and more interesting us it
goes on.
Another State Admitted
The Ilouse of Representatives yester.
day finally passed th. bill, which had previ.
ously gone through the Senat for the ad
mission 01 Minnesota into the Union as a
State, and we thus have now n galaxy of
thirty two stars to emblazon upon the na
ICc.neuo aLri in
cuter in under the recent act of Congress,
there will be still stouter State sovereign
ty toudd to the list. Minnesota had al
reedy made choice of her senators and rep.
resentrAtves in anticipation of her admis
sion, and they will most likely take their
settle in rongress to day. Gen Shields
and Mr. Rice arc the Senators. The bill,
we believe, allows the State two Represen
tative,, tho' Minnesota claimed three
When will signs and wonders cease ?
Not till the destroying angel shall clip short
the thread of time. and the heavens be
robed together as a scroll. Not a day pas
ses but we see good and bad signs, as the
following will show :
It is a good sign to see a man doing an
act of charity to his fellows.
It is a bad sign to hear him boastiog of
It is a good sign to see an honest man
wearing his old clothes.
It is a hod sign to see them filling the
Wes in the windows
It is a good sign to seen inan wiping the
perspiration front his face.
It is a had sign to see him wipe his
chops as he comes out of a cellar.
It is a grind siert to see a women dressed
with ours and nvotn,s.
It is a bud sign to see her husband sued
(or her finery.
It is a gond sign to see a man advertise
in the paper.
It is a bad sigr. to see the sheriff adver
tise for him.
It is a good sign to 9 . `13 a man sending
his children to school. •
It is o bad sign to see them educated at
evening schools, on the public squares.
ICrA farmer was asked why he did not
subscribe for a newspaper. , •Elecause,"
said he,' when father died, he left me a
good many, and 1 have not read them then'
A MODEL TENANT.— •Jimmy get some
kindlin', and be makin' a tire '
+laze, sir, I canst—Misther O'Brien
used up the bannister yesterday.'
•Tne bannister gone ! then go on the
roo' and try the vartue of them shiugles.'
Exit Jimmy.
In a week afterwards Mr Murphy want
'a redackshin rent--•kao why 1 the roof
leaks t
Mr The weekly receipts of the Lo don
Time., for advertising alone amounts to
9r21,000. One firm for the advertising of
two articles, pay two .thousand dollars an
lier A rolling stone gathers no moss•
larnurst dolumn.
He that by the plough would thrive,
Himself: mat either hold or drive."
In breaking n colt, we should first en
deavor to make him conscious of whit is
required of him. Fettering him with a
halter for the first time, placing the saddle
upon its back, fastening the girths, are all
matters of paramount importance, demon•
ding the grentest degree of patience, per•
severance, and an intuitive knowledge of
his Miosyncracies.
Before putt a halter upon a colt, he
intuit be rendered familiar with it by car
t sting him and permit4ing him to exam
ine the article with his nose. Then place
a portion of it over his head, occasionally
giving it a slight pull, and in a few min
utes he will be accustomed to these liber
ties, and then the halter may be fasted on
properly. To teach him to lead is anoth
er difficulty. Stand a little on one side,
rub his nose and forehead, take bold of the
strap and pull gently, end at the same time
touch hint very lightly with the end of a
long whip across his hind legs. This will
make him stet( and advance a few steps.
Repeat Vie operation several times, and he
will soon learn to follow you by simply
pulling the halter. The process of sad
dling and bridling is similar. The mouth
of the colt should be frequently handled,
alter which introduce a plain snaffle
tureen his teeth and hold it there with ono
hand and caress him with the other. Af
ter a time he will allow the bridle to be pla
ced upon him. The saddle can now be
brought in and rubbed against his nose.
his neck, and his legs; next hang the stir
rup strap across his back, and gradually
insinuate the saddle into its place. The
girth should not be fastened until he becalm.
es thoroughly acquainted with the saddle.
Tn. first time the girth is buckled it should
be done so loosly as not to attract his atten
tion: subsequently it can be tightened with.
out inspiring him with fear, which if las.
cried immediately it would most certainly
J.. t., thin "sooner the wildest colt can
he effectually subjugated by such impel . .
Ic"ptible degrees that he gives tacit obedi.
once belore he is aware of his altered con
One of the greatest troubles in bee keep
ing appears to be the want of suitable food
early in the Spring to enable,the swarm
to prepare for a new colony that may go
out early enough in the season to lay up,
not only then own stores for Winter but a
surplus for their owner. Many swarms
that have an abundance of honey for their
own use and to spare in the Spring, are
inactive for weeks after the Spring has b.:-
come warm enough for them to work, be
cause they have nothing to work upon.
The first bu4ness is not to gather honey,
but pollen, to make bread for the young
bens. So, although the weather is warm
enough, and bees lively enough, until the
buds afford pollen they have nothing to
work upon to produce early swarms. This
is n serious dra check in late seasons, and
in s tur ions where pollen-producing plants
are not plenty.
Mr. E. T. Sturtevant. of Cleveland O
hm, claims that he has discovered a reme
dy for this difficulty, and that he can bring
forward his bees some two monthq earlier
and get good swarms the first of May.
His plan is to feed his bees with unbolted
rye meal, strewn upon boards convenient
to the hive, the bees pitching into it at once
and working diligently, and to such an
earnest way as fairly to scramble over
one another. It is a hint worthy the atten
tion nf all bee keepers.
If you would have a good return from a
small quantity of land, you must feed it.
'['he same laws that govern tho animal
wcrld will be found to operate favorably
upon the soil. Well kept horses or oxen
are able to perform the labor required:
while they that have been left to "take
care of themselves," will inevitably "give
out" the moment the nose of the plow en
ter the furrow. Don't deal nut the pram .
lum by spoonsful, but be just and genet.
ous. Far better for you if half the ground
be fertilized, than though the whole recei
ved homeopathic doses.
Plow deep and you will plow well.
Many a farmer has forsaken the old home
stead, has given up the "worn out," lands
and sought a fresh tenpin?: place in the
West, who could have mute a new and
profitable farm by the proper application
of the means in his possession. Go down
and are what the centuries have been ac
cumulating to reward the labors of the ar
dent seeker. "Dig deep to find gold.' teed
the old motto, end we aro not aware of
principle more worthy of forming the first
section of the Farmer's Creed,
Breaking Colts.
New Peed for Bees.
Manure Well