Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 12, 1858, Image 3

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otrxii Lenz Dnownn.—Miss Mary Culp
a beautiful and accomplished young lady, was
drowned not week in the Little Chiques a
Mount Joy, Lancaster county, Pa. She, in
company with Miss Mary M ventured
out upon the stream in a skiff. The boat, un .
fortunately, upset, precipitating them both into•
the creek, which nt that time, owing to the re
cent rains, was quite swollen and rapid. Miss
McNeal caught at a limb and supported herself
until she was rescued. After dredging the
stream for some time, Miss Cnlp's dead body
WM found with her arms clamped firmly around
a floating log, and was loosened with the great.
°° There are hundreds of remedies sold at
g re, purporting e all d
)fella able
e.srerirasTovery best
I r ,T:own,
till we MO lost faith in them all.
out there is one exception.
We speak of Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, which)
came to tie recommended for Liver COMplaitos
and all diseases seising from a diseased Liver.
The testlmonials of to many of our Physicians
in laver, induced as to try it. and now con.
vii tiou is certain that it 18 one of the greatest
blessings ever given to Dyspeptics. for it ;wide
a complete cure before the first bottle was to.
ken, and now we can oat anything eatable
without trouble, while before nothing bet the
lightest food would digest., and often that gave
pain. Now what we want to say to our readers
Ist, if Liver Complaint or Dyspepsia trouble you
do not fail to try this the greatest remedy in
the world.—Ex. For sale at Smith & MeMan•
Air The gossatner wigs and toupees menu•
factored by George Thurgaland are so superb
or to any others made, fit those who wear
them are loud in their praise. They are of a
feathery lightness and so skillfully wrought
that detection is impossible. Gentlemen are
invited to call at his Hair Dressing Rooms,
No 29 south Sixth street and examine them.
eorge bas 10. a Liquid Hair Dye, entirely
free from deleterious quallities, and pays pm
timidar attention to Dyeing Hair and Whisirers
l'un.AmarniA, Mity 12, 1888,
FLOUR—Seperfine. per barrel, $4 50114 62
Fxtra " " 4 75n5 00
5 25n6 20
3 25
family ..
nye Flour
u 111t.ul
Wbuut— rell, re bushel,
C: rti
Timothy siaql
Flax .`
$1 3'.. , a4 50 per 6.1 pondti;
per bushel
/These Machines are now jnstly admitted
to be the hest in use for Funnily Sewing, ma
king a new, strong, nod elastic stick, which will
NI, rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut.—
CUT:II,s sent us application by Inter.
Agents wanted.
To Contractors
Thu COMIIIi6FIOIIOB of Huntingdon County
will receive sealed proposals at their tiWee in
Huntingdon, up to one o clock on Tuesday, he
25th inst., for repairing the Trough Creek
Bridge. near Wilson 3; Garner's Mill. A new
Fier is to lie constructed of good hail stone.—
'lle span on the west side of the river to Le
place! in a straight position, and till weather
to tin taken down so as to ineasure
six ft et on the floor of the linitice. By order
-of the ere. H. W.,
May 12;58. 3t. Clerk.
winEl3o 3E13E1
131 TB fri
reTor,t those to our subscribers who re•
eivo their paper., to inf•fan us of those in their
immediate neighborhoods who now subscribers
to the "Jonrual," and have faded to receive
the same, mince the stealing. Of our pack-book,
by ruffians on the 3d of February.
nrOcir-41.1N4T r i m M317)!
WHEAT AND CORN wanted at this
&lino. having tither ean dispose of II •
same by (1011114 snni,
New Card-Press.
Having bought n fast "CARD PRESS," we
are now prepared to mint in the prcportion at
three cards in the same time that any other
press in the county can print one, consequent•
ly we can print them cheaper—if nit done well
we make no charge at all: We ask your pa
sole at this office; it is calculated to burn wood
or coal.
LAMES COLLARS, newe , t Rtylem in erent
variety nt the MLTHOPOLITA.
Bheuznat!Ern s Last Groan
I will, on receipt of 1), send a recipe, sim
ple, safe, and easily compounded, which I
warrant to cure the rheumatism in twenty fuur
Box 271 Woupuo, Wis.
Wite.ness, By an act cf the General Assert,
bly of the Catninottwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled 'An act to amend an act directing the
mode of selling unseated lands for faxes and
other purposes,' passed 13th March, 1-15. nod
the o , her at ts, upon the subject, the Treasu•
tors of the several Counties within this Cutn•
monwealth, are directed to commence on the
21 Monday in June, in the year 1816, and at
the expiration of every two years thereafter,
and adjourn from day to day, if it be necessary
to do so, and make public sale of the whole or
any port of such tract of unseated land, situ•
ate us the proper comity, as will pay the ar
rearages of the tuxes which shall then have re
mained due or unpaid for the space of one
year before, together with all costs necessarily
accruing by reason of such delinquency, &c.
Therefore, I, (F. H. Lane.) Treasurer of the
county of Buntingden, do hereby give notice
that itpcm the following tracts of unseated
hind, situate as hereinafter described, the sea
eral. sums stated are the arrearages of taxes,
respectively, due and unpaid for one year; sad
that in pursuance of the direction of the afore.
sold act of Assembly, I shall or. Monday. the
14th day of June, next, at the Court House,
in the borough of Huntingdon, commence the
Public Sale of the whole ur ally part of such
trusts of unseated landb, upon which, all or
any port of the taxes herein specified shall
then be due, and continue ouch sale by ad.
j , llll,llleili until all the tracts upon which the
taxes shall remain dtm or unpaid, be sold
F. 11. LANE,
Treas. of Hunt. co., Pa.
Trenourer's Office,t
April Ist., 1838 f
Amount rf taxes due and unpaid on Me fol•
lowing tracts of Unseated Lunde, up to and
including Me year 1854.
Barren Township. Tax.
War'tees or Owners. Acres, Perch. Amt.
W. Shannon & Ash, 597 132 16 97
GPO. Bingham. 433 83 11 19
Wm. ,r, 150 1 91
bun A. Wri..flit & Co., MO
C. Newitigham, 400
Lewin jgow,
Jesse hawking, 44G 10
Robert Watson, 379 2 61
John IVmson, 402 2 76
Wm. Watson, . 425 1 23
Andres , Bell, 43 39 1 22
.._ llO
4 65
Jame!, Wat'son,
David Caldwell, 400 9 08
Sall' UPI Caldwell, 400 9 00
Samuel Harstoek, 400 78 5 20
Ed ward Nash, 299 98 4 II
. .
Julia -Nash, ' 289 110 3 94
Henry Sill, 207 . 2 i 7
Samuel Morrison, 297 135 4 31
John Fried, 400 5 20
Sarah Harstoek, jr,, 430 11 52
Jacob Barriek, 405 10 94
3111Iy liarriek, 190 1 81
Sarah Ilarrick, , 400 10 80
Pew Ilarsioek, 400 10 80
1-:tae Harstock, 400 10 80
Elizabeth lint st ock, 400 10 80
Mary Fried, 400 5 20
11 ugh Morrison, 200 2 Di
Neal Clark, 157 7 55
Andrea , Sell, 207 5 03
John Sell, 207 3 33
Abriihnin Wright, 409 18 44
Abraham Green. 280 105 16 52
Lane Green, 332 61 20 78
Thomas Green, 24.1 63 14 59
John Green, 269 56 15 88
.101[11 E,7nris,
1 10:11 I'4
1 '2 3:tl 25
Joshua Cole,
Thomas Grcen, sen., 303 108 11 09
Zuelinriah Chaney, 232 1:19 13 12
Ephraim Galbraith, 413 126 8 09
George Green, 283 31 13 89
.lohn Dunn, 440 . 11 78
1 50 I
Robert Dunn, 440 11 88
____ Thomas Green, 50 6 43
Titus Harvey, 415 88 1 55
John Forrest, 400 1 50
George Willi:h., 17 28
Frnn• lin
John Canna, 92 20 13 30
Jahn Partner, (Honk) 11 I 07
J M'Cahan & re:rikon, 100 19 40
lainei :11,1:1elland, 39 17 7 34
Win. ()sinker, 30 9 12
DilVid CilltlWell,
g. P. TWIT,
i'enry Gates,
John Fritz,
John Whitehend,
Hopewell Townahip.
Abram Levi, •
Mara Levi: 205 55
Allow Levi, 207 56
Sari;li I.i,i, !tl2 50
David Slower, 106 57
tiiiinid Ilerriiig, 200 50
Pei, Herring, 210 58
11;0,1,30 Herring, 97 73
Pot, 223
Ismie Wampier, 174
SlllK.maker, 202
tifinliti4 I hiviA, 240
1,, lt.l6lpr, ' 180
Colo,d lintel, 200
Ili.itry !rotes, 200
Jarli,ion l'omi.hip.
Thonmq Purmrr, 400
George Fo.wver, 400 1 GO
Hillary !biker, 413 3 00
ll'hoimis Russell, 400 3 00
Thomas Rs Lion, 400 3 00
David, 400 3 00
Ephraim .liMen, 400 3 00
.1.11111,1111111 l'riestly, 437 65 3 31
Robert Johnston, 400 3 00
Charles Caldwell, 400 3 00
James Deane, 422 115 3 15
Henry Conan, 400 3 00
John Adams, 400 3 00
Henry West, 400 3 00
Alexunder Johnston, 4UO 3 00
Hugh Johnston, 400 3 00
Thomas McCune, 400 3 00
John Russell, 400 3 00
John illtleiioll, 400 3 00
James West, 400 3 00
Samuel Steel, 400 3 U 0
Witt. Steel, 400 3 00
Samuel Gamin, 420 24 3 15
Ala ahem Deane, 395 69 2'96
Samuel Marshall, 400 1 GO
Robert Caldwell, 400 3 36
John Fulton. 400 3 00
Johli Galbraith, 400 3 00
Joseph McCune, 400 3 00
George Wice, 400 1 60
Iberia Township.
Robert G. Stewart, 23 92
Oneida. Tow•nehip.
Elisha Shoemaker,
Robert Young, 353 2 8.;
John Kerr, 100 14 91
John Jackson, 1291 S 84
• Penn Township.
h Miller,Josep
..... 79
- --
402 3 00
397 3 00
Porter Township.
Jane Sells.
Peter Shafer,
Ruth Green, 400 3 00
Henry Green, '277 2 06
Eleazer Wit Ousters, 46 60 69
Wm. Smith, 402 18 09
Mary Kennedy dt Hugh
Coen, 319 9 56
John S. !sett, 294 8 81
Shirley Township.
James McMillin, 956 64 1 71
Peter Wertz, 411 80 1 64
Benjamin Brown, 240 120 2 14
Daniel Shindle, 375 1 44
`km uel Kennedy, 414} 2 85
IV, & J, Puttmstin, 175 35
Springfield Township.
Nathan Crd, 420 102 3 36
J. Ord, (part in Dublin) 450 1 31
Samuel Cu 16.111, 9 14
Stacy Yuung, 414 150 2 07
Tell Township.
355 129 2 63
114 10 3 10
Simon Putter,
John Poise,
Adam Clow, 431 30
George Trnman, 395 113
Jiihn Caldwell, 34 4 31
Win. Anderson, 150
Tod Township
. . .- ..
Jacob Cresswell, 107. 86
do. do. 80 68
do. do. 30 1 20
Win. Spring, 400 6 30
Benjamin Price. (part) 200 1 60
Merry Alexander, 400 3 20
Daniel Neweumer, 100 ' 7 00
Semi. Barkly & Win. W.
Edwards, 400 19 80
do, do. 400 lo 20
Inane Huston, 400 98 18 110
Nancy Davi:4, 909 13 97
genry Rionds, 55 27 10
Cool: dt Elder, 133 2 14
3,11111 Singer, 436 15 43
A. S. Iluisell, 76 2 20
Wm. Shealy, 439 12 82
rbilip Wii,er, 11l 10 31
' ... —.
Benjamin Rush, 400 12 06
Phi , ip Stein, 400 12 08
Jonathan Jones 400 12 06
Owen Jones, . 400 12 06
Thomas Denton, 371 II 01
Br. S. Mown., 456 13 23
Richard Mowan, 432 12 76
Win. Mowan, 418 12 47
James Mowan, 336 9 89
Isaac Mown,, 394 10 60
Thomas Mowan, 398 14 70
Francis Moa., 448 8 05
Sally Chambers, 431 14 64
Robert Chambers, 455 14 48
Nancy Chatahers, 3(19 12 58
Samuel Chambers, 405 10 99
James CluL l l ll lllNi 400 1:1 63
Bold. Callender's heirs, : , 0 1 90
John Musser, 400 14 12
HARI; Irvin, 347 12 29
Neal Clark, (now Amos) 150 6 75
Berndt,llur & Everhart,
(Anderson & Horton,) 100 9. 05
John I'. linker, ' 150 9 30
.1. S. Stewart. 15 3 23
Jountihnit Houston, 400 IS 00
Martin Michael, 27 37
Jonathan Few, 1(10 • 7 60
John Philips, 390 27 34
triteirge Buchanan, 311 24 25
David I,npsley, 353 is 50
. . ... _..... ... ....
John Chitinbe-rs,
.14.1111 Brown,' 173 78 75
Nluttlnpv Atkinson, 440 7 60
itrzeti D. is, 400 18 0
James Witur, • 400 10 00
Samuel Cornelius, 395 8 12 53
J. Dougherty & D. %V.
. .
Speer, 439 51 19 73
du. do. 438 49 19 73
Speer & Martin, 76 77
Eliel Smith, 152 1 22
Sarah Ilatrisock, 406 11 07
Teropy Shatter, 250 2 00
2t9 143 ' 11 27
264 140 1:1 58
.10101 Pried, 400 13 72
Thomas litehelier, 150 1 2 54 20
John Illati, 400 12 02
Win. Man, 400 10 55
John 'Murphy, 490 15 05
sliehael Martin, 417 17 32
liou,,heriv S Schell ; 25 9 lU
ilainihou'ik Evans, 39 1 Id
Union 'Township.
tinninel Caldwell, 300
lidin Bell, 192 102
iihur Fen, 435 109
obeli Bell, 204 77
bow. Dell. 210 110
brxbnul Nell, 400 78
I rederiek Sell, 400 78
i ober! Fee. 181 78
Sills, 420
1 cujuwiu Islliott, 37 18
bruin 400 70
.I.iseph Nlorrison, 400 78
Ceveolioven, 288 69
1 nose .Morririiii, 87
Walker 'Township.
cam 437 18
null. Caldwell, 1011
West Town
john Sbncinalcir, le3
in. Mitelleoor,
'1 homes Milehenor,
23 74
9 34
174 140
The following real estate l'i.t/I1 which rel,ith.
I I crly 1 . 1,11;III 11110101 In . lOWA S11311( . 11,1.
pay I the several col
eltair,,,l with 11, with the
XeS thereon as,e,seil 1.1. the 1855 MA
1 156, will be sold us iiiiNento,l hoots, in purse
•ee ot the do emit.. of the torty•tirst Keetion
of the net, of Assembly, entitled "tin .irt t‘i re
duce the State Ilebt, sold to int orranie Ilse
l'enitsylvitnitt Canal and 1{111101:01
approved the 20th of April, 1811,
llrady Township.
J. F. Clairol!, 8
Win. Bun Estate, 206
Jae. Riots Estate, 90
J.. Drake's Estate, 10
Wise & 10
Fidler &Minute, 210
&wee 'Baylisliin
Allen Green, 153
Franklin Township,
Porter Wilson,
Elmo Boise,
Henderson Township,
Wilson &
Jackson Township.
John Henry, 100
Springfield Township,
i. ithrnhall's Heirs, 8
11 , bert Romney, 82
Hendermun J. Wharton, 100
tenon Coale& 370
A, Lane's heirs et al 448
Tell Township.
Patterson's Heirs, 150
• Walker Township.
E. B. Pike ik J. Gardner 1100
12 00
RELIGIONS, with AM:11111,i 14 CI ~ 11111.
flie+4 and Customs, or the Form, of W o
or the several Nations ut the World. Willi
large additions, by Joel Porker, lk
Complete in one large octavo volume, of
over 700 pliers, and illustrated with hand.
some Engravings. Price only $3.
'Ws work will be found to contain an int•
partial account of the history and tin ms of
worship of all religious denominations, both
ancient and modern. The author has had at,
cess to the denominational publications the
different creeds, and gives their relixious VieW4
and doctrines withoui any bias on his part.
This will he the means al rentleriox the work
useful for reference, aud it should find a place
in the library of every littnily:-Christian
D®' The above hook will he forwarded free
of ex pence to ant• pentaa needing the Retail
price to the Publiahera.
April 29, '5B.
Q,PRING SHAWLS and Mantillas of every
style at the MnTROPOLtrAts.
MACKEREL of Xll N.., Herring. &c., can
be had of the best qualitv, hv calling on
Freeem . it MoMverew.
D4lO Z. 21.1F,'_iffit'l rfiliilitii,
lIUNT - 11:10isi, PA
Juhe 13, U 37.
A 110.1:9.53 I, ti) FOIL 810.
rue ,ALE
In Ihe ''Geld ling4lo" siul oilier poi., of
1111 rulhourkg farra ana
ding LOlB, in tioall's. tll :
burin 1011 an, mule ie 100 .1. re:.
4 Farms 460 acres eiLets, aro 250 "
25 " 40 " 10011
70 " 211 " 1400 "
150 " 10 " < 1:1110 ••
250 " 5 44 1250 "
500 " 3 4644 "
250 BuiliVg lots A. sts. stol sq. 710 "
1350 " " 100x100 " 525 "
2500 " " 500100 " • 525
5000 " " 25/000 " 0.511
1041011 tiltnrep, uo.o,ooinu to
Certificates of the ali,.ve Sitars+. (wife
A, thy uniiitulinte the
I)eeils,) hese beenc uria-cdl in 111,000 ellVe,e,oe,
exactly ulik,, leht sealed ; ;clece, slier 11.1,
well 1111X1'.1 up. have twee neniiicrol tei the MC
'e fruit, I to 10.00 U su tllnt nu Me'
kllOl , 'S the ,•I.ntruts ut . part f0i1... eliVeielte.
Tilt, will t c `eel at 4 , 10 cncll, without relerruct•
to u t , ley 1,111..111, to alit lele 111,1
kine uppliediew, l'texceldi.eitliiie Cities .;ill
ill all ''‘
I , aritt. containing It thti I .:11,1, i.
v a l ue d ki t 000, at,' the .autttlo-t tild-
Itig 1.0, hat, In etl twilia,; at In ent•ll.
ItaVt: lo elI ,tOl , l t .e .t. ter, -.
Whilst till stolid the same elt,tilvt• • , f th.•
ever I,:t•er .r. 1171! OM' r'
lIS sIZU •
leigh gslor O lit gt.t (ono rtot it. t.t.ot•
front tt:tOtt up to tttio,ool).,,
le. stn.! Nsslsi NO
belt g rt-tttrt . t. , l. ill, twit t,-t•
111 it.e smut. Of I , •hiell .1 I Co•l,t • I •I' I
14.1/I.oi IU .suooo,.
NU. A..y tut.t.4.,
ugh no ere It
tit U 111 it:OM tett Nltitres. t,trillot.ttt,
Ito olttniut, 111 ming tme-liust sins! the
lsy paying illostlier
400 18 00
. .
70.000 AOW 01 Lam!, itt large. or mull
tlgt•lS .11 aim; be had at •ilik.. an , l u,111:1
the IlittA reasonable terms. Some of .11- 11.4 1.
ty intl.. ovl4l. toe wattled het..
to I the. Mods. Liberal in•ltt, Item ,
given. For full p.trtiemars autos to
Taming the moist Viejo.;
Unmanageable Horses,
h% Sir..). $. lidreylll 11111„ 1 , e, xllll
Ity tn3..1 at X. 65 567 Wa , r• St.. Nun• V.,rk.
is eredli, al etoliplete revoitired, hi
of 11 . .1i11111U 111E111111. liillllU Ir•11tr• 01,11i.111
I'l,r 1111 1 .11, arc aril.. 111 thr jr..
filen! rrllicll 11.1 , , ,X 1 ,1•1111111 in .../11.e
-I.t thee 11.1r111.11iiig
pru.lur.•,' hr the will ol mon orer the loose,—
Ily he ail,lr.l colt or 1111 111,...1 VI
(4011,110,e. i , l :11,1:1_1. 111:1.1. 11, 'Ailed ill 11 ri!..
11011 E, a• t , i ..bcy the slight,' 1.,11 . .1
01 hi, ittlister.
14 10
4 15
15 714
4 85
14 40
8 Ah
11 18
witer 1111.. VlvlOllA steltleire, i
-414e11 just 1 . 10.. V. 11141 leartis to in proper.
ti..ti 111 V, ieettee ; al.l it i 44,
to wine," I. high degree 4.1 ietelleet wltee
kfo• the 1 . 011101.1 e 1 . 01111 . 01 01 111.01 al, 11 . 10.11
011, tltortmeltl . v tettined lie never
I ill t.,k, ilie 61 11 st
A me....t.d. 1111,0 11111110 e, .111 1111 lie 11111.
lie 1 1 0 .11, 10141 Win 1.01011, 1111111,1,1, I,IV. 01 , 1
;Alt MS 1101111 1/eIW,II 1115 11111.1 fuel 111 1 111.
101111, .111 11.411.11 1;1111 , 1111101 111t.o, 1 . 01.
11110 with 1,1•0. 1111.1 :It Will thee 14.14.1.; .Atli
flee iesteelllo .11 . 11:110, 1111 It, 0101 ,1101
Will I . OIIIOV 111111 ,1111'W ere
15 60
14 41
7 20
11 51
Be thi , proem., Ilu i. complutely Itroken
fear or ear:, ton .1,11:ot. eoltui, ill . :toy mom
jeet uy eat. Ode horses Ituve tm.•ll rll io~ , ~l
from fright. mei lives Lure Weil SAl•r.ll, I 1.. el
el. 11% le Ivo.
big I. Inure 111eadeli ittig.overit.ilole
1111• I I e•, stile Itl re Vt . .% c:. , e,
till e 11• e ' , were! 1111 1,1,1•1,
11% 1. lials hillier, c . 1.11111e1114, Ilse I'l'k' 114$1•-e
11,1111er, 111 111, emlutry. lour ir..• eX
i•ted lur vent "tes to A1 . ..1141 l 111....1s1;
khulc 111,1111:111..11 iu prtoteti lurnl,au ..1,11 . 1, tie
11.101 . .111A, 11. .111:, 110 , 1 cull pr.mtieu it to
mom 'Stumm the lemt i.ijoQ to Ititte,ll' or low e.
uoll u ill -cut toe ~tote to .Illy 4111.11,i ou
of tise Mithrs 11 i. Ills s.llllO that 11 . .
is 1111 , 1 . lii 111 E.,1.11i1l null F.alive I.,
11 i r 2
24 64
23 :5
9 19
,‘ re7-I,4,thilly dint. I callito,r tiotder•
take as-tear w!sit,
al., 4111.111 r. 11. 11. .1101,TIttiNtI,
1 50
3 72
5 50
1 23
4 90
3 12
Apr.14;58 .2m. NLw "RH Curv.
with tiro Gilt Fr.ones, now tin exhibition tit
SHEN': Al xi 01111 GALLEtItY,
Th.. proprietors or thi.. InNintiful collection
of pnintingtt arc :W... °wi! Nof a Idrge t rant of
hoot llotiriAling village of Cvdni•
V,. JO 1.1:11, Ily
iil‘d io the 1111111eIllitte vicinity of thy eel
sulphur. Ir•bta and .1
natal lOC their etlie.tes in tin, cure fit Br wen id
i• 1,111.1 11,1 II ,1111 It 'Wen • roeted
15 111\' S. at all 1,1101, Ili . fruits
$.O to $S.t 01) rach. olrur 1111.
iittvrintli. I.its.
The Pilot) of Each Lot is $lO,
" hot, ...too., or
. t4il ell, Together tt It, Otte 01
ti.t. till I a 11111.u...11 EXl•thi Joel' I.l•tre
is 11,11 . 111 .0.11,1 any
ge. tI" I 11. the Lllt Oily et/11 -
t•till Itile tit the 'Wieling , 1111111 . .. 11.11110,1
l'attophlen.t,ntaitting a Nlap, 11111: explaining
more Ittliy the lihniVe, and olti.tlt to he
by making thi. app.tront sacrifice of n intriitni
ot their property, eau I/0 yeGp lt the office ui
flit:. paper. . . . .
. .
l'ariies remitting by maq will revel,. their
deeds by return few, told 'heir Piet..., b.
iieli cuiteeyiiiiees us they inu) three'. I It.
will he purlietilar in sending 'heir order.,
'none the County and Slate in which 11.. y 11.•
side. ItS IL is necessary, fur us to forwiiiil
inenires within! delay.
A building loan will b., ;node to n1i,1.0 dem
ring it. equal to one half the eiiat of the build•
ing w be erected.
Bank iit., should be enclosed in preAti nee
of the Post %oiler, in order to avoid risk.
No. 618 Bruodue), New York.
224 Nth., Ser'il. St.
Francis H. Upton, Attorney at Law, 68
Wall h 'Nut. Now City.
Phillip Williams, Esq., Attorney at Law,
Winchester, Va. •
E. H. L'Ainereau, Attorney at Law, 68
street, New York.
I Apr. 7,'88:-3m.
11141 ELIANI.:OI'I lIIVERTIm:3IEvrs,
i reeiovi, the le,ehey
. , 11.iii:V. NVi•
l' It a pill..
1.111111,0. , itelicio tIo ; 0,1111.11 e
will prove
tiil Iwo Ailiarait- • lots Cal
111 Barri•ls 11114 11111. in It .10, 11,i It i.i.11 . 1111 , ti by
L 01.11 1 .117, I.ymts. nut' liy id. .1.
iti Nii. :19 qq ii. tli.•
iii Mai., 111111 1.1:1 11 ' ttiti
anil 11114 11 1• • a It all 1111 , 1! 111111 1 . :1, 11 .1 /1n
ll 11.11., , 1111,11,1 111 . 111.11.11,11M1S 11111gx, 111111 118 Slll . ll
linvu 111:11 . 1i1•11 14111111, US 1111.111 W 1 111 . 1'08 Gi•
Veii 11111111 f my lintid at my titlitirt [signed.]
1 - 11 RAM Cl/X, ii. I).,
liisia•dor of
1(1.0011 ile.s,
huve tweived a bottle of Lyons'
(tbioo Catu,,ba I:ranoly, fornimliell by SFr.
ooi • L. , odip.u.t. N V., for annoy.
I lino; it too conboin only hue
. ,d,i,•11 exist in pun linouly. The
I 111,tained Inon it is .17.00.
ooiltle too be lime lininoly with-
. uu. U.N..' of it is delicate
M. 1).,
V, It II It) not
.• . Os, but ',vett excels the best imported
in purity mid flavor. It is iu tact the
randy hitown. This statement is fully
l htdi.' ( . I . oilkilieti imin s of Mir
Milli) !slots, some
,Itt• 111 . 13rILII;IV, eau ualy
11 nn I.1•1111e plat. The Ca
, }loud qualities
the 11.• st imporkell I.ititita, awl is of
Ii 1 , 111 . 1, i 114.1 Attia.ri..r flavor. It . then,
t.t. hi the
attgo ot ptilt•
tallhh.tti that
as that whivii it has ti:o. with
i•-t, awl that ila. that. is far
haaat, alwn oar awn Li
will plit uti eild to 'twit. iiiiptirtutioil From
0.1,341. 111 Nll•litcitml iittrpost, Ihia I.lrawly
and ha , lohg 111.e.1.1.
.z A is n Sovtroizoitiol Sore wetly for
• ; I , lotoloney, Low Spirits, LiLogtior,
. .
Port Lloyd!. Car.dole
The, %\ Ines ,ire;tade in ti7e teighborhood
t cinetattaii, and are guarantied to he the
1.1. re et the (iatla and ate eminently cal
ensatell for invalids, and percons who require a
4cittle stimulant, and lit' Sacramental purposes
a li,vcrage will be tumid equal, it' not su
per., to the best imported.
l'riee for Dittudy and Wines, $1,23
Quoit llottle.
liberal discount made to the trade...RN
.\ ddress .101 IN ItEA D, Druggist.
-,- - - - - - •
1111.:i;.‘111 , :l) BY 1)11. -
ANl , olti).
l'11.111;ottu,le(1 eneirely of Gums.
1. 1111 , 1/1 ll , l' 1 1, S; 1 , 111,111 re 101 , 1 'WI, 1111111
1 , 1 , 1, 1111 , 1 1,111, (11, I,lille, ,I,sl 0,1. ~.: g (':1-
1111111 , •. 1'.1•11.1 . , 11111 , 11•1'. 1111,1 1111/1T • 111•1•11111 11:111
11 . , 1.11, 11 1, 11 , 111 e 1 •110 VII. II IS 11111.1111 y 11 r.l-
1.1.11111.. hill II I.IVCI . 1,1111.11 y. 111•IIIII, lint 1111 flit!
Lill, 1.. ...101 . 1 it , 11111 E 1,11. 111111 1111 rho i.timi•koli
Au I li..,•lst•i 1,11 . 1 . .1 . ,iir Ma; .11,0,11111 S 1 0 1, 11
,Si.lll 11,11 1111 , 1,11.1•. (111•1•111.11. y. ,111111111 ant Or
1 , ..• 1 , .0111111 1 . 1,1111,i 1'X11.1 . 111111 . 11 1 111, Ile 11 , 0 1 . ,1 1 .11
,1 . l r-1 l',1111:111,ei. If , reelii , •ll , Ille , /51.,11 at
1,. -Am, now te - it I woe,: 11 . an.l , lien t.11,1:11
.1.1111 111 11.1.11•1,11 e 11 , •,:s. IVIII •1.1 . 1;11..IIIIVII .110
11111 , 1 it 111/ II 1111 11111,11:I1 rapidity.
'flee, olio 0f1..; the prilwinal rei;olit
tor- of the 1111111,e 1111-1. .I , ; in ‘lll O l 11 I,ol'-
101'01. 11,1111.1•11 , 1.11• IVe.l 11 1110 11 , ,,1'S . 1 1111 , • Hy,
t , •.,, ...,1,•11, ,1,,,,i, • fp ~.i. T,,,, •,... lt, IS
.11111., i•ht trot) . .I..peil.l ii t .1.•111 011 Ih 1,
.1,1011 111 Ilse I.ll'l 1111
.... 1110, 1110,1, 1101,1,1,
11 , l• 111 11S llllit'l,l/11, 1 1 .1 l'lll.lll 1110 sI,II/1.11.11 IS
1 ...11.1. 110, 1,,e - el, er.• . 4
lilt I..iit am' 111• 1 1. 111 e.
~,,•ol .1111,4 in cOll- 1 4 ,w,liitwe oi ,1110 11 1;;..11
—the I.lVer Ilarllll,ollll , eel,e 1 to ilo 11, duty.
1, 111 111 11 .11,11ses otii. allot organ ono 01 110 1
pro.o . iviorn lin.: medic e it hi: stools. 111 it proe
aloe of wore the litwett•. ~ years. to find •olle
re , n p i i t wherewith top ,ritunteraut tee Ilielly
deralli.elvilt• to %Odell g i lt i.. , liahle.
1 , . , e (hut tin ,
..,...., , remedy is 00 lost dim
, any 1,1,1,1111
__77 I... ra ided ~di, !Aver'
(7.01, 1:1101all, t lii i PP, .d ilh ✓l.d.iii,, ha , hot to try
0 •,,I Ile 1111li i•. 11, 1 ,111.1 1 1 . 11 IS certain.'r ti.. , . gu.s. 1 . 1 . 1.. ,, ,... :ill morlii,l or :lad
tear xi' 1.0111 11, • slew - it .„,,,,l s . ra , i n t h,i,
pt 1 • 1 .. 11 11,1 1 11 . , 11111 Is k ot hilt, ilivi,ratiiig
the shoo 111, iiii.o_ imi f,..,.1 ~, 111,e.1 well.
pm if, log 11,i.1,11101,gi-'g •101110, lime and 1.0111110
(10 1110• w....1i, 011.1,1, Ay I, 1 . ..11101 ill, OW CAI,
It, lilt . , Il e ~ .ii. poop xi L . lre , •tii, a radical cur:.
1110 .10, :dn.,. , l i n , 1: solliiciout to re
l.., liw , h01• , 1•I1 awl e-i iplevent ilia food ) • ritin
r wale land sonfint: lie!
It lion. , w 'awl. itroll. cured, nn.i whin in
, na.v
lit . the oeellnitelill use of
the Liver I la , 02., , ,aa..r
. 14
I a,ly .I.,s e to- , 1
i ken before retiring
pie,lll , Nit......1iar0. . 1 1
they one 0.1. e take.) at iliefit, 100.te11 ,1 the
110 , , yin ;;.•etlV. anti eel . , I•'u-harness.
Ih• dose taken after eat. tneal will till' , D , s.
Willar doge of taro teaspoonfuls will 010ays
remove nick lietnioehe
Igor little Nilicli tic Iviee'd. 01-treetioe I'n
-111,1r0, fix ellawe of the disa,ose, al tol attak,s 0
rml vet cute.
I nay one dose ittnnediately relieves Cholie,
I hie thew often repented is 0 sore cure for
t'ioaler. Ntorhus. toll II preVelithe or )`holes.
gip olly 011 e lonitle i. 1111 , 114 111 (1111 , V out of ,
tise s, melt, tow elleetA of medicine alter aa lung 1
Gc,,,,, ',writ, token for .11natadiee removes
oil so ilow,ess or onanttural color trona the skin.
Iliw do., token it pill tel thou before eatiog
give• , igor to the appetite. and tnaakes food digest
All or the Splendid
leo tite , e erten repented cures Chronic Dior
in its worst forms, while Slimmer and
Hon l e ..... 'Maims yield utmost to flits first dose.
One or two ilow+ cure.: ntr:n•k. t•att VII by
W. 1 1 .111 ., in Children; there ..r speed
reme•h in tile world. an tt serer 6614.
I t bottles eta. druoy, by exciting
the atlmsrbesitt4
We Like plen,nrn in reeommendin, tlii,ried
ieine its it preventive for Fever and Ague. Chili,
Fever. and nil Fover4 of a 8i11... "'yin:. It
opepites r. itir ....Willi, it I tle.tisands are oil •
lii tg3 tiltwen
All who ive it itro giving their
filo.). in iv+ favor.
t+;'\fix water in the month with the brig°.
rotor, 401.1 swallow both logethel.
The Liver Invigorator.
Is a medielil discovery. and is ilnily
work i i•gre.. ulna.t too great to believe. It
..s by mecle. corn the limit dose giving
more than one bottle is re
go cud cure on: kind of Liver complaint,
Irian the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to u com
mon I leadache, all of which are the result of a
dowased 1.i% cr.
Du. SAril0111). Proprietur, 945 BrOddWay, N•Y
bold by 11. MoblanigilL Huntingdon.
tics. I i l.llilßit ttilll7
'h r vi
2s Sixth tttttlti ttitit
! , 17
111.0 , ]wk. lrly 28, 1857.
;• eit,u!ar.
BRANI)Y has lona
.;:, ntol the iotroduption
:‘, t‘, sniiersi•de
compounds hith
Also Volt SALE,
I,:shelbVs Celebrated Still and
sparkling 1 liampagne.
T II II v, - Eat
311s11:1,1,A NEW'S .1111'ERTISE01ENTE:
To Werchants and rarmers.
IIIIOUNI) PLASI'ER can he had at the
Flnatint don Flour and fluster. tills. in any 4in-
Firahle gliantitv. on and after the Ist day 1/I
March. 1858. kv, deliver it rune OF CHARM,
at tie cart at the .11,1111,1 of the PennsyiVallia
/11111 Broad Top Itailroad,
801:rn-wnsT COHN. OF TIIIRD,
lurulpttrnit'd by th.. Shte or l'elinsylv3
IV I hove or stnall, and interest paid from the
Clay of ‘11,...81t to the of withdrawal.
The office It open every day from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
and on .Nlollhly and Thursday evenings till 8
110 N. lIENHY L. lIF,NNER, President,
ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice i'resideet,
%VAL .1. REEI), Secretory.
inliEC'foßS ;
11..11.1 . y L. Benner, F. Cerro!! Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, .I.,seph B. Barry,
Hobert E. SrWridge, Frawis Le,
. .
Sam'. IC. Amhton: Jo,eph Yerl:es,
C. Landreth N 1..., I Ileum Diettenderffer,
Moues is reCCi'•ed Inc 1,1.11,1L11b made dull;
without to tice.
The inveminents are made in Real Estate
Mortgages, Gronad Rents, and Well CI RSS se
curities as the Charter requires.
It. NiIltSE, the inventor of MORSE'S IN-
U NAN 11001' PILLS, line spent the grea
ler part of his hie in travelling, having visited
Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North
America--has spent three years among the In
dians of our Western country—it was in this
way that the Indian Root Pills were first dig.
covered. Dr. Morse was the first man to es
'oldish the fart that all diseases arise from Im
purity of the 1310nd—dud our strength, health
mid life depended upon this vital fluid.
Wieni the various passages become clogged,
mid do not act in perfect harmony with the dif
feeect functions cif the body, the blood loses
its action, becomes thick, corrupted and di•
sensed; thus causing all pains sickness and
ill-tress of every name; our strength is exhaus
t...l, our health we lire deprived of, and if nu
iiire is not assisted in throwing off the stag•
Snot humors, the blood will become choked
and cease to act, and thus our light of life will
forever be blown out. How important then
that we should keep the variaus passages of
the holy lie uud open. kow pleasant to
us that ay have it in our power to put a medi
cine it, ‘iiiir temb, munely. ,Slorse's Indian
lloot Pills, tomitifiictureil from plants and roots
which grew itreund the mountainous cliffs in
fine I)i,enses „I the Lungs, Throat for the h
no of the. I nd
df. r
om "q!rr ,
and Ileart—Fienterly Physieilin to the I ill diseased man.
C'l N I'INN A I 'LVLINE noseiTAL, also ' hese
pens I,,;'lts,ourrc mode is
e; uftheskin, nod assistsl,„l1 ch o•
il :L r.
to INVALIDS RETREAT, lit throwing out the finer parts of the eberup-
Author of "Lettets a Invalids," IS COMING. ;1„,, within . The second i s a pl an t, which is
See hollowing Card us Expectorant. that opens and unclogs rho
MAY Appointments. passage to the Mugs, and thus, in 11 soothing
me ter, pet:rot...4 its duly , by Hiro . wiii r g
Dr. Hardman, Physiehm tor disease of the
butts, (Minn rly Phy,•iciatt to ( . 11161 , 110i Ma- : the 9 ,
Ilti,nital.) will he in attendance at lii•s
rooms ns thlit‘,,, whi,•h Fives ease nod double strength to the
Ilionitiedon—lnekson's 'late', Monday, May us. kidney.; thus eneomaged, they draw large a—
Leaktowe, Notional lintel. 25. f mounts or impurity from the blood, ..rhich is
Eximange Hotel, ‘• 27. ; then thrown out bountifully by the; urinary or
nears Consumption, water passage, and whirl, could to t have been
and all diseases of the , ;; .;, .l u,r ' u ace 'other way. ''ho (earth is
..lid n Cathartic. awl Se',, the other prop
itsea in the Brom., Hospital, I.tainon. „ hp while engaged i n purifying
ereai 1..0M hi the trestment et' all tman mold.
t ass by the other outlets, are
k A t. t . l
re"7"7 particle s of imrrit y .
riot. n
~Fan Tl , i , is dares taken all and conveyed oft tn g!ent
c by the bowels.
met uprii wide!, Itiloilati. h.,. •. •
,I,estomach'en t u b e 1.1,m the above, it is shown [lint Dr. Moron's
incdieine direetiv into the stemach. ti,l,e 11111,,i holi.lll Item Pills teat "lily enter the stomach;
dt.e thsett•tst, ht•etithe or inhale medicated 's- hilt become united with the blood, for they find
pot . . drolly Mid the lung, Metlieitte , ice the way io every part, and completely. rent out
am .(etc. to disease awl should he itoelicil to ;nail cleanse the system from all impurity. and
the ern' seal of tidelntion is the di.! life of the holy, which is the blood, be
, mi . ctn. of thk Profeiele to the teesnocn‘ of, comes perfectly healthy; consequently all Biel:•
tae nom', I'm' it etre , us direc t !less and pain is driven from the system, for
intricate air cells and tulles whieli lie out 01 , when the body become
reori, of every meons or administering -
mediemes. The erns.." that COlisilitiption, MI.I noore
mud clear.
0 ,1 0 .,..ij, e , t , es the 1 00 ,, h ere , o li,,, re . 'he reason wile people are so distressed
1-red all treatment ha.. been beCIII had when sick. and why so ninny ( lie, is bee..e
been approached in a direct imeMer by ithey do not get a medicine which will puss to
mcmcine. They were intended to act upon the the afflicted parts, atid'whieli will open the
lim e s end yet were needed to the stomach.— !intend passages fur the diSetIFP to he rust ellt
'Their teloled to h e M ea l, . 0 1 , hence. n large quantity of rood and other mat
li.ey were so administered that they should IRA ter in lialged, and the stomach and intestines
, ie i emotolutioimily. expending immediate and I are literally overflowing with the corrupted
la...eq.:if aide. lipon the illiolletoliog Stollidell, I mass; tin,s undergoing di , agreenbie ferment.,
iitnkt the tout ulcers within the lungs Were till
, tlOll, constantly mixing with the blood, which
mote •ted. Inhalation m .., beings the motive. in
the throws the eurrinited matter throueh ever
doe, contaot ,cell, the disease, without toe ; ~
disadvimtage ofofany violent settee:. Its appli. . •
and artery, not. toe Is taken fro. the
1001 v la Dr. Nurse ' s - have tid
e:mon is simple, that it eau he employed by the • . . •• • , Pills
Nottiliett imam or feeblest invalid. It does not led loll'"fosclye"ictorY upon victory, by re•
deron g e the stomach, or interfere in the lutist de- storing millions of the sick to bloomif„er health
gi ee with the strength, comfort, or business of eel happiness. Yes, thousands who have
the patient. been curbed pr tormented with sickness, pull
in.. Disttcscs l'unoTre.—ln relation and anguish, and whose feeble I . llllllln have
to the tiillowing disease, either when e.aldi - I eel scorched by the burning elements of ril
-1 ging fever, and who have been brought, it
voted with lung atlections exi-ting &ono, I also
invite consultation. t usually tied them Prowl'. I were, within It step or the silent grave, now
curahle. I stand reedy to testify that they would have
Proldpsus and all other forms of Female coin- '
plaints, Irreguntrities and Weakness. be. numbered with the dead, had it not been
Di„,„, o, L iver c ompla i nts, uni t 11111 tan Runt. Pills. After one or two doses
l'ulpit„tion and all „thee forms ill Heart 5551 'N°l°l'4°l medicine, 14°...'m
other iliAnises el Stomach 1111(1 hOWels, &e. had been taken, they were astonished, and ale
All iliscm4. , or the eye and ear. Neuralgia, sulutely surprised, in witnessing their charm
flpilepsy and all litrins of nervous discus,— lug effects. Not only do they give immedi-
No tor consultation. ate ease and st rim gill, and take away all sick.
S. D. 11,111 DIAN, M. IL eels, pain and anguish lint they at once go to
work at the foundation of the disease ; which is
Chambersburg - to Mt, Union
. _
THello 1 , 1,11111 11, are that a suspensionof
the tine of Stages timer the road between
Chantlierslia, and Alt, Union. cannot he but
disadrantageous too /urge ,ertion of the mom
try, has. nt a considerable expense and trouble
ole arrangements to run a line of Stages
'Fri-weekly between the two points Good
Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla
ced on the route, and experienced and trusty
driver: will supernitml the running of the
Coaches. The proprietorof the tine is disirous
that it he niaii.t.dued, and he therefore mills
upon the peld iv generally to patronize it. confi
dent that if will be fir their mutual advantage.
Every attention necessary will he given, and
themania;; of the Stages will he regale,
C I , Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday
Titer Sday, and Satuiday evenings. arriving at
Ch,i,herdiurg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re
terhieg. I rain ClialeheeSherg, the union eight
at 10 allied, arriving at Sit. Union the next
em ening in time the the ears. Beta een Mt, Un
ion and Shade Gap the line will he daily.
Cs' Fare through $3 ; to intermettiide points
in proportion. JUIIN JAMIOOS.
Jan. 20th, 1050.—ff.
Cre.X*To iNvALIDs.
Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician,
June 3, 1857,
I the blood. Therelitre, Pt will be shown, °spec.
11111LANk8...Always buy yuur Blanks at the , h o ly b y t h rwe who use these Pills, that they
.. " 51 ""`" " th "' " W 5 "a" now prepared 555 'will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that
Q a..periurarticle til BLA NE DEEDS, 110 N DS, 1 0
JLi qiNIENT staIis,SUAINIoNS', EXEC! .. 1 •e . ) S
Iffil • (mein —will take its Hight, .d the
.1 Nti. &c. i (lush of youth and beauty will again return,
I nod the prospect of a long and happy life will
1). I
B UC K S IN CLOVES & 1,111"1”4 e x li
„ ;,ei s ;; -
i cliet. l ,ll nod brighten your days.
;- CAITION.-11cware of a counterfeit sign•
NOTICE. ' ori A. /I. .Voore. All genuine have the name
' of AJ W
.. HITE & CO. on elicit box. Also A .IDE It NEAM A N SA DDLE AN D
II Alt X ESS—M Ali ER, in want or ctn. i t h e ai. i .ta ore ,!/ .1. J. White d; Cu. All oth -
phi) mew, can hear of a favorable sit. , ere or ,, ~,,,,,,,,„
natlon by applying at this office. A. J. WIIITE & CO., Sole Proprietor.,
Feb.l7. 50 Leonard Street, Ness York.
JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Gunsmith, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are told by
51,-c„ e n e , o „.„ . p a. all dealers in Medicines
Its Agents wanted in every town, village
Dr. John McCulloch, land hamlet in the laud. Parties desiring the
O'ler,lnsproie,monal service, to tile citizens, I agent, will address as above for terms.
i I untingdon and vicinity. Office, un hill at., i t iy. P r i e .,. 25 cen t s p er b ox , fh.,, h ex , w ilt
between Montgomery and Bath. be sent oil receipt of $l, postage paid.
"... e d.... Ann. 29. 0455. - , JOHN HEAD, Agent Huntingdon, Pa.
DI.P.011.1.1 . 1'16;11 OF 1 BII'IIPALIISIIIP. Decenilicr .6 '37.—Gm.
The partnership lierinotore existaie between •
the undersigned, under the firm of Kes.ocr. Eby CASSVILLE SEMIIVA/U. ----.
a co., eras this day dissolved by mutual con- M. McE. Walsh. PnLcipal.
sent. Thuse knowing theinselvis billowed to 'Phis school tar young ladies and gentlemen
the said firm, either by a n te or book 4c...tut, is probably the cheapest one of the kind is the
are requested to call and settle the same with country. The expenses per year tits board.
Leonard G Kessler, who alone is authorized to room rent, furniture. fuel and tuition in common
use the tunic of the Bras in settlement of the English ' Jo ..,,, osebusiness. .
Piano Music is only $5 per quarter. All
the languages and the ornamentals are propor
tionally cheap. For other information address
John D. Walsh, Cassville, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
The next quarter commences Monday, Jam.
nary 18th., 1858.'.
The Wain°a> will be continued at the old
stand by Geo. Eby, Jr.
1.1111 Creek, AIO•il 14, 111V0,4t.
Only 1519.5 0 per Quarter.
M. AIM WAI,sII. Principal.
Professor of Lorzunges and Philosophy.
Ilerr Karl Bockenheim,
Pi o/. of German Language 4 , Literature.
M. Eugene Chivaut,
Professor of F'rench and Piano Music.
James W. Hughes,
Pr , :lc,sor of Mathematics, etc.
Mrs. M. McV. Walsh,_
_ .
Dr, cinn Painting, Botany, History etc.
E. Faulkner,
Atmorlirontalic., Paiining, Drawing, etc.
Miss Anna M. Gray,
Pinnn Maid,: and French,
Miss Jeanie N. Walsh,
firimary English,
into new hands, and the present owner*
nee determined to make it 0 lire elms Institu
tion. The majority of the new faculty are al
ready on hand, and stutrent , will be received ati
stunt ni they wish to come.
Young Itdi.o Rol gentlemen intending to gu
to sullool will do well to wile to of before eon•
eluding to go elsewhere. Mere to no cheaper,
and we believe there will be no better school
110th SV.XI, are received, all branches taught
and students can enter at any tinee.
Fur further information, address
Iluntingdon Co, Pa.
December 9., 1837.4.