Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 05, 1858, Image 4

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    WOCERJ2EIO 2 g
Corner of er p l
mantown Roa and Iv ew
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road,
Constantly on hand or made to older, the fol
lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery.
Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Stunt
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Dus
ters. _ _ _ .
Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns.
Pierson's Patent Barrel Hoopand Moulding
Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill
The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr k
Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster
Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Con-
East coat ouch-East otlthe Ohio and Ilmissip.
pi Rivers.
Warranted to take out of the offal of every
Bushel Ground, from 1 to 21 lbs, of standard
flour, which could not be bolted out on account
of the electrical adhesioc to the Bran.
NOTICE hereby warn all persons against
infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa
test as above, as I will prosecute all persons
making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters
with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in via.
lation of the Letters Patent of Joseph John
atm., dated April 24th, 1854.
N. L.—State and County Patent Rights for
all the above Machines for Sale.
August 29, 1855.
4AIID MlETfle3l
A New Assortment Just Opened
And will be sold 80 per cent.
ItOMAN respectfully in'orms his custu
-11, niers and the public generally, that he has
just opened at his store-room in Market Square
lluntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready
made _ _ _ _ _
Clothing for Fall and Winter,
which he will sell cheaper than the same finality
of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in the country.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
well to Miami examine his stock before purcha
sing elsewhere. Also,,
Hats, Caps,
which will be sold lower than at any other cc.
tahlishment in the county.
Huntingdon, October 7. 1857.
Grey Hair to its Natural Color.
This astonishing and unequalled preparation
has never failed to produce a growth on Bald
Reads, when used according to the direction,
and turn hair back to its original color, after
having become gray, and reinstate it in all its
original health, lustre, softness and beauty. Re
moves at once all scurf, dandruff and unpleasant
itching, scrofula, eruptions and feverish heat
from the scalp. It also prevents the hair truss
becoming unhealthy and falling off, and hence
acts as a perfect Min IslvioonAvolt AND To
A gentleman of Boston writes to his friend
in New Bedford thus :
_ .
To your inquiries I would reply, that when I
first commenced to use Professor Wood's flair
Restorative, my hair was almost white, and had
been so for the last ten years and it was very
thin on the top of my head, and very loose, and
pulled out very freely; but I found that before
I had used all the second. bottle, (which was
eight weeks) my hair was entirely changed to
its original color, light brown, and is now free
from dandruff and quite moist. I have had my
hair cut five or sin times shine the change, and
have never seen anything like white hair start
ing from the roots ; and it is now as thick as
it ever was, and does not come out all. It has
proved in my case all that I could wish to ask.
July 1, 1855. Yours, etc.
[From the Boston Herald.]
5031.111240 WORTH KNowisto.—By using
Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, gray hair
can be permanently restored to its original color.
The subjoined certificate from Johnson & Stone
Gardiner, Blaine. is but one of' the many in-
stances that are daily coming to our knowledge,
of its wonderful effects.
GAR loon, Maine, June 22, 1855.
DEAR SIR I-1 have used two hottles of Prof.
Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is
the greatest disccvery of the age for restoring
and changing the hair. Before using it, I was
a man of seventy. My hair has now attained
its original color, You can recommend it to the
world without the least fear, as illy coin was one
of the worst kind.
You's ' respectfully,
Professor 0. J. Wood.
BnoourittLD, Massachusetts, Jun. 12, 18:15.
DEAR SIR :—Haring mile a trial of your
Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say
that its Oka has been exeellent in removing in
flammation; dandruff, and a constant itching
hendency, withich I have been troubled fr
childhood; and has also restored my hairwhich
was becoming L,rey, to its original color?. have
used nu other article with an thing like the
pleasure and profit. Yours truly.
Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfield,
Professor Wood.
[From the Missouri Democrat.]
WOOD'S HAIR DYE.—This admirable ar 111
tide is rapidly improving the hair. No article
of a similar kind, now before the public, enjoys
a better reputation as a restorative and invigo
rating hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical quali
ties have a beneficial °fleet upon the growth and
character of the hair, giving a silky and glossy
texture to that which n•as formerly of a coarse
and airy nature. It has, also, we understand, a
tendency to preserve the youthful color and ap
pearance of the hair, and 'destroying ur counter
actiug the effects of old age. With such recom
mendations in its litvor, we hardly perceive how
any lady or gentlemen should be without so val
uable an adjunct to their toilet.
0. W 00D & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway
N. Y., & 114 Market at., St. Louis, Missouri.
Sold in Huntingdon by Joule READ: and Al.
Mellamotxt, and by Druggists everywhere.
Feb. 10,1858.-3 m.
cIPLENDID Line of Dress Goods, em] raring
Robes of nll kinds, %rages, Malys, Lasses
Colored Brilliants, Chintzes, &e.. ran he round
largest stock ovor brought to town, are tell
ing very cheep by Pitmen & McMumuu.
tension Skirts, for sale only by
Fiction &Mon.!.
SILK BONNETS of every variety and privy
offering very Cheap by
Franca & 11104 mann.
`WAN. IN gAti g
friends and the public generally, that they
hate the above Foundry in full blast. ..„ 2 .
and are prepared to furnish castings of le„,
every description. stoves of all kind. r 7.
for wood or coal. Improved Ploughs,
Threshing Machines, and everything in the cas•
,ting line neatly wade. We can finish all work
that requires turning, having a good Turning
Lath. All work done cheap for cash or con,
try produce. Old metel taken for castings. Be
ing practical and experienced we hope by strict
attention to business to receive a litteral share
of public patronage. McGILL & CROSS.
Alexandria, April 21, 1857.
THE library will be open every Saturday af
ternoon, at it o'clock, in their room in the
Court House. Subscription 60 cents a year.
New books bare been added to the former ex
cellent collection:—Gilltillen's works, Hugh
Miller's, Mrs. Ellet's &c,
By order of the
Huntingdon, Oct. Ist, 1826.
. _
White Lead, (pure) $2 50 per keg.
" • " (extra) 275 " "
Philadelphia %me Paint, 240 " 6 ,
Best Snow White, 268 " "
Olin, &c., nod all kinds of DAnowAlls and
building materials is proportion ' at the "Hard.
ware Store" of J. A. BitOWN & CO.
Huntingdon, Apr.8,'59.-tl,
Cheapest “Job Printing" Office
IN TUX toutrar.
Ire bate now made such arrangements in our
Job (Wee as will enable no to do all kinds of
Job Prinling at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any Office in the County.
Give us a call. if we don't sive entire satisfac
tion, no charge at all will he made.
THE largest and cheapest stock of holey Silk
and colored Straw Bonnets in town, is at
Fisittat & HT
A I. L-WOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, List and
Bug Carpet. Also, Cocoa, dote and Alli
cott Mats, can he had cheap at the store cl
Ismat & 11101.t.arata.
THE greatest variety of the richest styles
Dress Goods and Trimmings eon always b
found at the fashionable store of
THE latest and newest styles Ladies' Collars.
CLOAKS, TaMitts, Rigolettes, Vietoric% and
head Dresses, are sold at prices width defy
competition by Fission & MoMunmuc.
largest stork ever brought to town are sell—
ing very cheap at FISHER & McMunrtun.
BLANKETS, Plaids, Flannels, Linseys, at all
prices, at the mammoth store or
MOURNING COLLARS, of the hnudsom•
est stylee, just recoived by
FinnEn it McMon'.
April 1, 1857.-Iy.
SAMUEL T. linowN
gJ - 1;®77 IEOTAI D
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Mice samo as that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Esq.
Oct. 19, 185 n.
It li. A N LK 0 y
11L a 15 us gi
A generar crs - L;Tin;;;l7 :Naas of all dr.•
seriph)us just printed and for sale at The
•%laurnal (Wive."
Appel:ain't of Referees, Common Bond,
Notice to Referees, itolgmetit Notes
Summons, Vendue Notes ,
Executions, Constubh's Sales,
Sciro Facial, Subpamas,
Complaints, Deeds,
Warrants, Mortgages,
Commitments, Bond to ideinttify Constable, do
t5 . M1C.04112g.1,
[Fa I j la ]2 (6
No. 622 Chedaut Street, Philadelphia.,
Have for sale, to consumers and the trade, the
largest assortment of Paper Hangings, Borders,
Decorations, &c., in the United States.
hey ask the special attention of the trade
to a new and very beautiful article Ott impel of
W.f.!) HIND() 1V SHADES,
which they me iLtr during
rim I, 11,11.711 T
from the town of Shirleysnurg, heretty utters
or sale his entire remaining real estate, situp;
ted in cad near said town. The property eau
sists of three separate and diminct dwelling
houses, (including the large and commudi.
in which the subscriber now residm) ; all of
which are elligibly situated in the noun desirable
and business part of the town, A detailed do.
scription of said property is deemed U 11.00484.
Ify, us any one desirous of purchasing, will, of
course, wish toece and examine for himself.—
Two or sold 'tenses are admirably located and
ealeulated for stores and tavern stands, &c.
Also, the subscriber offers for sale, ten acres
of rich lir ttom or meadow land, situated a short
distance above the grist mill of the Messrs.
liciffners. This land is well suited, not only
to the rising of grass, grain, otc., but is also
peculiarly adapted to the production of "Chi
nese Sugar Cane," an article of recent introduc
tion, which seems to promise greater profit,
per acre, than almost any other agricultural
Shirleymburg, Nev. 18, '47.
svitich much su ff ering in families may ho
avoided, sent to married men and those
contemplating marriage. Address, en•
cloning lour sumps. OIL. G. iV. ADDIS.
COMBE, Broohlyn, N. Y.
Nuv. 25, 's7:—titn,
Hoops and Reed Skirts, ior sale at the
cheap store of 1). P. GWIN.
An excellent ono for Pale nt this office. This
one of MAT.' No. 1 Con mill [Afro . Pres,
INol. Chas. DeGratles
This great discovery is now creating ngrent
sensation among the Medical Faculties of Eu
rope and this country. It will cure the follow.
log (cot everything) Warranted to
Cure Fever and Agavin one clay. Cure Otitis
in five minutes. Cure Croup to one night.—
Cure Deafness in two to four days. Cure burns
and Scalds in ten minutes. Cure Swains,
Wounds and Bruises in from one to three day,
Cure Inflammation in one day. Cure Neural
gia Croup, Tooth Ache, Burns, in 10 minutes.
Cure Hemorrhaire, Scrofula Altsces, in ten
days. Cure Bruises, Wounds,
'letter, in one to
three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff Agne
in one day. Cure Felons, Broken Breast.Sult
Rheum, in three to six days. `Jure Quincy,
Palpitation, Pleurisy, in on. to teatiar. Cure
Asthma, Palsy, Gout, Erysipelas ' ir bye to 20
days. Cure Frosted Feet, Chiblaii-s, Chronic
Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Sore Throat, Scarlet
Fever, and the lame made to walk, by a few
bottles. This Oil (Be Grath's) is mild and
pleasant. and is a great family M. , didne for
children teething, &e. Ladies should all toe
it. It always leaves you better than it litids
you, and one bottle often cures entirely.
Afflicted Thirteen li nx and Cured in One
Itev. James 'remit],
Philadelphia, Julio inh, 185 G.
Prof. Ill' (bath : I have been afilieterl fiir
thirteen years with Neuralgia and other pain.
fah complaints. and lhave been unable itisleep
soundly Or walk any {lista.° for many years
dims Last week 1 got a bottle of your “Elite
laic Oil." The first night I slept soundly and
well, and I ant like a new man. My
wif could lint 'believe her eyes. Your Elec
tric Oil has l)ne in one week what the physi
cians of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen
years. Gratefully yours.
310 Smith street
New Haven, May 190), 103 G.
Prof. De Grath: My brother hue been deaf
three years. Alto trying many things, he us
ed rear Oil a few tittles. and it cured him en
There are numerous imitations sprung, up tat
the nitutntion that my article has
Tee public must beware. They are worthless,
For Hale by .folot Hood, Huntingdon.
I Al
I N 1111. discovered a reinc,!
IV! will core all disease. arising Irmo in;l...
blood, which is the Inundation of all duelist's.
I will warrant it to care all the, withitcnioned
diaensea, such net
Chrome Serofida, Rumors of Ihe 7'nomrs,
Ulcers on the Awl or nodg, and MI
13reabont.., on the Face.
And it will also cure 01l Indolent 'Ulcers of
many yenta standing; Sore Mouth, caused from
using murcury, and will eradicate mercury,
from the system. When the IMPROVED
BLOOD SP .ARCHER operates on mercury,
all other impurities of the blood will 1w anew.
from the system, and it nitrifies the blood as
pure na vegetable me lions min make it ; and
when the blood is pure. the 1111111 woman or
Child, will take no disease, for the impure blow]
which lathe cause of disease, is gone. It will
also cure all Debilitated Diseases, :well n,
thine from a derangement, of the liner; tt will
bring the liner into a healthy action, and wi
restore the tafienl to health.
FOR SALE BY John Bead, Hentingdon.—
Jos. P. Heaton, Cassville. Jos. Johnston, Pe-
tershurg. Silas Cresswell, Manorhill. Wm•
Davis, Shasersville. Freedom Iron Co. Greens
burg Furnace. Beddle & Stewart, West Bar- •
ore. Saml. W. Mytun, Saulsburg. :\
Burney, McAlavys tort. Elias Musser, Mc.\l
avys tort. Joseph Douglass, MeConucli• tou u.
J. I). Bothriek & Co. Marklesburg. IFm. IL
Leas, Shirleyshurg. Thos. Orbison, Orhlso
ma. D. H. Morrison & Co. Blairs Mills. M.
A. Ilol.iFon & Co. Shade Gap. Lyon Short
& Co. Buldengle. H. C. Walker, Alexandria.
las. Clark & Son, Birmingham. F. Si, Bell
& Co. Warriormark. G. H. Shiner, Spruce
Creek. .1. W. Matters, Machanicksville.—
Saud. Metter,, Mechaniesville.
Huntingdon, Feb. 24th, 1858.-11 m.
Will attend to all professional businessentrustcd
to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon
county. Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agree
ment, written at the shortest notice and on the
most reasonable Terms.
Shirleysburg, April 22, 1857.
B OOTS & 511055, the largest and cheapest
assortment in town, at
GUM SIIOES, cheaper nt D. P.• °WIN
than can he hail in town. Call and se
Antiplilogistic Salt,
nit celebrated medicine is for sale at the
Journal (Mice. For all inflammatory diseases
it is a certain cure. Get a he , : and try it, ye
who are afflicted.
.11:1)1)ES have now &vide('
that at lea, cent. is
all AIZ I :AV.\ I.:\ INT, at the regular
To continue this public advantage the tub
acrilier has just returned from the Last, with a
complete td.el.
CUTLERY, lloid.ow-wmte,
Whit') 110 has carefully selected, and Is;tight
at refine.] prices, from the hest houses in the
United States. Thus he is enabled to sell whole
sale and retail extremely low. Country deal
ers, Builders, Mechanics, and the people gener
ally ore respectfully Invited to
All orders recei v e memo attention.
N.B.—Persons indebted to the late firm ta
Jensen A. Brom n y eu., urn requested 10 make
immediate payment to JAS. A. BIiOWN,
1000 t' e o „..t e i l i i i li.' o l
w li o .N r y d V , LS, ,,,t tz tho
rpOW LINES and BOAT ROPES, to sule
ut the Ma dwarf) s.tora of
4,ZTONE CROCKS, JARS, 3ce.,-11 large stuck
fur tale at manufiteturors' privet by
ltills' PRESS GOODS. of OA atyle
a ar t 7er cheap at 0. P. e3W IN'S.
JOSEPH 1/UVULAS, Gaasmith,
AlcUtlaneHawaii. Pa.
and cheap at D. P. °WIN'S.
BOOKS! ( 1 „-:- / BOOKS!
4 0,01111 VOLIES of new and popular
Boolumbrueing every vari.ty
usuully kept in a Philelphin Book Store, not
ninny of them at half, Publisher's retail prim,
the subscriber now ms to the public.
All school books txl in the . county can be
had in Any plummiest retail and wholesale
rates. Foolscap, Ler and Wrapping Paper,
wholesale or by the lin.
WO superior Golams with Silver and Gum
entes, trent $1 upwls.
100 Pocket .nd en knives of Ror.ters . and
others' best mnnntaa•e.
lOU splendid Port nthaiesand rocket Books
at 20 etc. and upwan
3,000 Pi WALL PAPER, of
the retest and pro th styles, just received from
Phi ladelpitia and Ni York, prices from 10 ets.
it piece and upward
600 beautifully tilled and gold gifted Win
slow Shades at 44 eland upwards.
The public I ave k to call and examine, to
be convinced that buying of the above stock
they w II be pleasethd also save woney.,
toeuther the idace, onto. of Montgomery and
Railroad bireeta WM. COLON.
A pr.23,'Ali.
1 )IiANUTS.-500pushrts ‘Vilutington
uuta in store outer sale be
323 or 11 North 3(1 street, Philp.
CON PECTIONAk.—PIain and line
lectionary 0$1,,,,111T(11 un.l ho• sale hy
WM,. N. SIll:l1A121),
323 fr I§ North all street, Phila.
i ',IIANGESI 4I) LEMONS.—:IOO boxes Or
k i ranges otul,entous in store and 1 . 1 , 1 . . 11, by
I 1V ill. N. 1 4 1111A111).
:111 r 191 North ad street, Phila.
AISINS .00° Boxes linneh and Layer
1 k Rstihins initure and lime sale hy.
W.M. N.'SIII:GAIll),
w•isi t,,,ii, 3,1 street, Phil..
Currants 31 stare 111111 illr sale by
391ne IN N‘,ll‘ :At ,tro,t, Phila.
1 1 and Fill, in More !Ifni for I,v
W:\l. N. 1,111 . 11.\
5ep1.9.'57.-131 3211 or 191
-11 7 4 T 1 G 1 0 1%!
1 r
f:.1 • 1111 •, . 'll , ll • ,111 , i1 1,1,1 ;
h.• I 1.1
W .. M it 11110 1....111 1:1 I • • '
r. !Of' \ kV. 'I, , I• 1 1.0 ry.
sO To 101 e \Nal. r \\beds. awl col grind . 0
ail stit,,, Oae
t‘eailor. any rind all kinds or gran,
'Hwy are prrpan. , l inn lose nn haw
fo. salt. nt nil Clio , . al m:irlio rale', all
and h u •, can hare their own grain ttrunint
and take it !malt in a return load, or they c:,a
be furnished in oat:lim, at a tinuent's notit,
rut atittul quantity or Flour and Bran or chop
ped land.
is elan improved manufacture; and they will
insure a FULL TURN OUT or superior quali
ty to every buAliel a grain !ell Si their udd,
1•'ISIllilt k MuNIURTRIE.
N. 11.--Tht, stones are lea quit,
Huntingdon. December lii, 195 G.
F try
than ttf inl,,rming their iriends and the pub
lic generally. that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon F,,andry, anti are now in successful sp
eretion, and ore prepared to furnish casting of
all kinds, of the hoot quality on the shortest no
tice and most rea , anable terms.
Farmers arc invited to call and examine our
Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter
Plough, (this plough took the premium of the
Huntingdon Contity Agricultural Fair, in 1855)
also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which
can't he beat, together with the Keystone, HM-
I side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand
and ore manufacturing stoves, such as Cook.
Parlor and otliee stoves for coal cr wood.
,onsisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &e.,
of which will ho sold cheep for cash or in es
change for country produce. Old owni take
for new castings. By n strict attention to ho s i
ores and desire to please, we hope to rep eice
shore of pubic patronage.
April 30, 1833.—tf.
Huntingdon told vicinity, and the
that he has opened a Grocery Slow
11111 street, Bustin...Jim', a few doors wed?
Win. Orbison't; r.,ideoce, where he will it a
times be prepared customers with
ALL Ku ps G I.' ocEl?Iles,
at wholesale awl retail. Sugars, Codee,
lolusses, Cheese, Spiues, Confeetimuirii.
lian.s, Salt, Brunins, lineliets. Segal's, Tolnt
en, kr., &e.; in filet, every article usually 1,1
in a Broeery Store.
As 1 inn doermito , d to sell clwaper thon tl
chParAt, 1 wont ever)lKoly in coil owl enmnil
my stock and prices, IA V ID GPM V E.
Huntingdon, dilly 29. '57..1y.
I , A Linen Shirt It'em's. 11..1y-wade Shill
white end Inure shirts, and collar'', tree OR,
tit 1). I'. CWIN'S
‘„;ITEK BONNETS in great variety 11,
1). P. t;
.1 770/LVE ) • .,1 T /..,1 II
‘Vil I,tttt•tto 111 all i entrust., to hint. Of-
75i,.J-',!.:l'l'J'.3 . ,`:f LO'i',.;!tftYLlfsV.
And all Diheasys Ilw Lungs and 'Hiroo,
CUR 0 1111.1: HT IA
hich conveys the remedies to the ea viti es in
the lunrr through the iti.sages, uu.l elitideg
iu direct to,iuet with the disease, neutralizes
the tut.erculai matter, allays the colt, etillSett
It lice easy xpeetiiratiiiii, Illees,
penile:4 the blood, imparts reneeed vitality to the
nervons system, giving that tone and energy so
indispensable fur the restoration of Itenith. To
be able to state emitidenti., that Consumption is
curable by inhalation. is to me a source of unal
loyed pleasure. It is as much under the it. ti-
Rol of medical [retinaeut us any other formid
able disown, ; ninety nut tit every hundred ea
ses can he curial in the first stages, and Mt, per
cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it ta
impossible to save more than five per cent., for
the Lungs are so cut up hy the disease .te bid' __-_..,_.....= - ---- -,
defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the i BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL,
last singes. Inhalation affords extraordinary re
lief to the suffering ettending this fearful scourge DOCTOR JOHNSTON.
which annually destroys ninety - fivo thousand frilE foundei of this Celebrated Institution,
persons in the ihalted States alone ; and a tor- I offers the most certain. speedy, and only
rent ca i ettlation shows that of the present pope- effectual retnony in the world for Gloats, Stric
latinn of the earth, eighty millions are destined I tens, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins,
to till th e Consumpt ive's graves. ' I
Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness
tal l , ' , r ,, ul i it; o t u b s e ,,n q i t i t . i i s i •
n er n. o f
I r n lett a t i l i t
fi li g e e e s n i
boon r rer , e
e n e e
i l i t o * ,
net's, oflol r 11 ,0 a p c i lt ta n i r o d i, L or i m t
h b e s ,
HeartA ffec tho y n i, s p o o f p
i the n, I N C il r :
I n s mi , :',
n e o n ,'
r in w y r
r o o f
ol life, tot
o it t a p r o o b re r s os - n o e i l i i l i t i e o r ga
heath-Oi ' zu s s e
o l r rr s it i t i l n til ; it , y ,,, ,
d D m is l e t a h s ( e ,s o t, f„,
the el(.,
t l i i
~e a, ,f o l , d T m h e r i o a a n t,.
that Suprenum Being loom whom cosneth every m broths of y ou th , w hi c h destroys ba th b o d y an d
iii. the graceful end the gifted. By the help o
and mid perfect gilt, I nut enabled to offer to , mind. These secret and solitary practices are
m thole disorders arising from the destructive
tine afflicted a permanent and 'T eeth' rare in ' more fatal to their victims then the song of the
Consumption. 'Fine first cause of tubercles is m Syrens to the mariner Ulysses, blighthig their
from impure blood, end the immediate effect pro- most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering
minced by their deposition in the lungs is to pre- aiori.,,,iie, &c. ,
impassib le. vent the free eilmistion or air into the air cells,
Young Men
which causes a weakened vitality through the ,
emir, l e i r ,, e i,c s i tv g e , n e i ~,,
medicinesitimt 1:n e r n a t t a io ri u n a g l ,
limey Vine,
T u n , victimsdtl:lec,3trtLc tdestruc t ive
c o l f . S i o ,, l t . ,
the eavitict of the lungs than those administered which annually sweeps to an untimely g ,,, ra t ve c
through the stomach ; the patient will always thousands of young men of the most e.„ Io
lind the litegs free and the breathing easy, niter talents, end brilliant intellect, who might 0
lithalites. remedies. Thus, lithelation i • a local erwisc have entranced listening senates with
It ly, nevertheless it tiers constititsionally and the thunders of eloquence, or waked to testacy
' X. ' more power and certainty that, remedies the living lyre, may call with all confidence.
administered by the stomech. To prove the pow- , Marriage
..-.lni nmidir,, influence ad.'s tootle efadmin - iv , _
...,0 parsons,
„ono _
i,tration, ehloricoriti inhaled trill eimlitelY .l e - inin '!.,_!'__ ~.„'..._
...,,L_ 4 „,...,.,,..,‘ weak
$11 . 11 . 1 . ~iisihility in a tew minutes, paralzing lion mar r iage, ~, p !:F,, ,, , :;..,
r l it r ,,,,, Y:re“.:sishould
limb nor he mess, organic tent., , m .
torten ncrt °es system., so that a .
unedintely consult Dr. Johnston.
t l :l , :.:e: l .l :,:m:r c :, , l i i i r t ii , ,,, ., ' l t . ' , E „ ;:! ,
~ i i i i i , ' , : -, i1 , i m ,, , , , .;:g:n , 1 5 , i : ,, , i , • 1 , ,,r , 1 i e i P m.m: i. i , i m , :,: , ) ,, ,; l i p i t n l i h i l i li
, i i : g i .. t ,
: 7 0 1 1..1,,c 1 i e n,
ne t t i ,l tim i l ii e ri r ei tyliine.
as p k
ju r ii
tem when Minting or apparently dead. 'IIIC 0- ,IS a physi . 1
der of many of the medicines is peree prilde in Organic Weakness.
the slim a tete 'ninnies tines being ininahn , l • "I'' mmediatelv cured, and fell vigor restored,
may be immediutely detected in the lemeei. A This disease is the Penalty most frequently
convincing proof of the venstitutional etll•imts of
oil, my those W I, 0 bee, become the victim of
inhalation, is the tart that sickness in al i athP ,T, ' , n , ' , improper indulgencies. Y6llllg persons are too
Inr intending
Inn th is
"'' apt to commit excesses from not Scher, ensue of
evideuce that proper remedies, carefully preps, tint dreadful consequence that may ensue.—
ell mill judiciously administered thee' the lungs
NOW, WIIO 111111 understands the subject 1011 pre
hould ',rotten th e happiest results 1 - During
teed to deny that the power of Procreation is
eighteen years' practice, many dim:sands mai,
lost sooner by those falling into improper habit
Mg 11,111 diseases of the lungs and flutist, have
than by the nil:dent. Besides being deprived
been tither my care, and I lathe effected many
had of the pleesure of healthy o ff spring, the most se
been cures,
Kist the
vinliemm,ll- fu ll y riot's and destruetive symptoms to mind npd bo
heen prouteinced in the ittst stages, wait. o m e - m.
.r . s.
s t m i t i im i it i i , e , t ne tuu . tlitA 3 eu i n ro s:.: , i i i i i i i i m . t , i , o , n o i r ,
, u o o ,, lt , , , t ,,, ig i e p r tio n i, fa n ; ' •
• phy si cal and h t e nen Y ta s l ' p l o n w b erZ7llt i c ie n t el. l l, g i a le ' r ' vo ti t i t ' s
~ ,,m i 1 . i,i , ,g 1 i.,,i tim ,i m gi l e , i i
i a ,, , n, , , m s l uci l ,. l ° , , i i ii 7 d it e i,o l , l l,: i e t . n ri%: l i mi ., l , l l, g , i f x ., F e i n . n i e t: ,ii ti l i
n a rtii i: i i l
ci t te t , i i i ,i. :; , : nci i: ie ii sv i i m a.. .: ,, ; ; ; • ,. l . : ii i i, l sN k a itio l i ' s, n :.
p i i : i : ,,,, i i.,:, l B : o_, .. l .,. l , , l , • ti i i , t : r i .l a rr n se
: a ie r er,i
c t ek b e e esu l t • i e l.ic a se r ty t: ei :
i i ic l
ilidimmisli, readily, the various forms of disease .
imm Baia street,
ilea simulate COllFllmption, wail apply the proper
hrl° the steps. Be particular in observing the name
remedies, rarely being mistaken eyett inn v--
- •'
an d• number, or you will mistake the place.
ease. 'fhis Ilimiltarity, in connection with ter-
t,ii at litigiet I 711iitocmiiclisrt e ,vg l icset
4 Clgt r t2 fed,if Two l)1);s
~hl,,ueto r,lit„l,iiT4,r,(itiects,ix(AiioTuiA()tNsi.(6 s
...mirs/101 chests, to milarga the chest. purity Dr. Johnston,
the blood, impart to it tmeneweil vitality, giving ' Member of the Royal College of Surgeong,
cnergy and tone to the entire system. I.,orwlon, gr a duate from one of the most eminent
Medicines with full directions sent or any part ,
Commeges tit' tine United States, and the greater
the United States and Canadas by vatic:its
taut of Wllose life hats been spent in the first Hos
.,,,,nomnicuting , heir symptoms by letter. ltut
~,,,Is or London, Paris l'hiludelphiu, and else
',11,” wand he , I , l , mthe , ' ; ' , l•thill , i i i. ii m th r mi n lie n, t , l ettere, Las effected some of the most astonish
'''''''' "Y mine a ""," ".",'''',""u''' pine
ing 1 . 111,S that were ever known, many troubled
ippurtanity to examine toe inngs anti amble lllo
ringing in the hen , nit ,
ene, ,
0 1111,111 e with much greater certainty, and
greet nervousness, being alarmed at sudden
hen the curd
"'Hid he
'fleet" while" tiny'
sounds and bashfulness, with frequent blushing
ig the patient age'. attended sometimes with derangement of mind,
G. IV . U, II A 1 - 1 A AI, DI . D • ,
N vete cured immediately.
, incite, 1 131 FILBERT STI2I,LT, (Old No. 009,, , '
Itelow Tweilth,
PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' When the e ir l i e is r g li tlle i t ' l I ft } n i d se i n in g p e r s e,: votary
' of pleasure finds lie lola imbibed the seeds of this
August 5, '057.-Iy. - • painful disease , it to too often happens that an
ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of d iscovery,
Of all disease ;the greet, first cause titters him from applying to those who from ed-
Springs from neglect of Nature's laws. tie:llion and respectability, can alone befriend
SliFFEit NOT him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms
Or th is horrid disease melte their apperaimme,
n en'
gien.nntna in oil
such as ulcerated sore throat. 11iNellFeil 110A0.
SECRET DISEASES. nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness
elf-Abuse. Nervous Debility. Strictures, Civets of sight, deafness, nudes on the shin bones, and
;revel, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidney and stems, blotches on the head, lime and extremities,
limbic, Marcurinl Rheumatism, Sell:fide, progressing with frightful rapidity, till nit lest
•,,,,,m, in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the the palate of the mouth or the hones of the n.o
•ungnm Ti l thats Nana and Eyes, like•s neon fall in, and the victim et' this awful disease Inc.
Inc Body or Limbs, Cancers, proitey. Eitilep- comes a horrid object of commiseration, till
le Fits, St, Vita's Dance, and mill diseases ari - death putt at period to hit dreadful mutterings, by
lot: tram a dcrunemettl of the S e x " ° M an, sending him to "flint hewn° from whence nu
Such as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Men. - traveller returns, " To such. theitelltre, Dr.
e. Loos of Pewee, General Weakness, Direness juheston pledges himself to treserve the most
nj Vision, with peculiar spots appearing before inviolable secrecy, and front his extensive pre,
be eves, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Ityspeu- tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and A met i
mitt, ' Liver Dist..., Ertmetions anon t i me rn ' la m en, he can confidently recommend it tele and
fain in the back and head, Female irreguleri- speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this hot
ter, and all improper disehargesfrom both sext•s, mid disease.
It minters not from what ensue the disease oriel- It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall vic
noted, however long standing or olmstinete the u
limn to this horrid disease owing to the nskil
,se, ~orasw is certain, and in 0 shorter t itan fulness of ignorant preterelers who by the use of
Limn 11 permanent cure can be effected by any
that deadly poison Mercury, rain the enns.i
-'4l.l*".elttinent, ".c" " fiu- the disease has h " f- totio, and either send the unfortunate sinirrer
11'1 the 'kill of 'nine" PhYviel"ig and resisted to an untimely grave, or make the residue of his
all their means of ewe. The medicines are l i te 11 ,,,,„b1 e.
pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and
Take Particular Notice.
free from mercury or belthm. During tweuty '
~,,,„.,, or prac,b, I bare rescued froth the Jaws 1)r. J.. addresses all those who have injured
of Death many thousands, who, in the last sta_ themselves . by improper indulgeneles,
ges of the above mcntior. et' diseases had been These are some or the sad and melancholy
git,ts up by their physicians to die, 'vide,' war- effects produced by early habits of youth, viz t
rantsm i
e in promising to the afflicted, who may Weakness of the Bark and Limbs, Pains n tint
pi,,,, rfientim lees under my ear, a perfect and head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular 110W
most speedy eure. Secret itiseasts are the er, Palpitation of the Heart Dyspepsia, Nervous
greatest enemies; to health, its they are the 111..4 Irritability, Derangements of tho Digestive
eau. of ( ' •onsumption, Se:111111a and ninny nth- Functions, ",cantor Debility Symptoms of Comm.
er disettses, and should be a terror to the I.- sunmetithms 42 •
1114111 family. Asa nernatnent care is ,areely AIENTALLY—TIIO fearful effects on the min,'
ever ellheted, a mujority of the cases lolling in- tire . much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, COll.
111 the hands um incompetent persons. who 1114 fusi on oh leas, Depression of Spirit, Evil For.
only fail . cure the but ruin the eime. boilitmes, Aversittnto Society, Self Distrust,
stitution, tilling line system with mercury, width Lune of Solitude, Timidity, &C., are some of tlmi
with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a 111- evils prOdlleCd.
nil I 'onsuniption. Thousands of persons of all ages, can not,
eta slamld thin disease and the treatment not ;title° what is the cause of their declining health
ran, death speedily and the Vietilfl 111111111, the their vigor, becoming weak, pale ant
dist.ise is entailed iii , th, the children. who one etc...tad, have singular appearance about the
Lion with f , :iiide constitutions, a n d the current eyes, tough and synitoras of consumption. 1), P. Gavin has just returnd from Philadel
of lime ettrimupted by u virus %V Web heti flys itself taq.. JohnstOWS inVigliratillg iieilke. ph'tat with the largest and most beautiful as
in Scrofula. Totter Ulcers, Erllplioll, 31111 01.11- sly for Organic Weaktiess. , sortment of
v r all'etith " . "i• the "i"• Eyes. 'Throat "u.l By this greet and important remedy, weakness I SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,
brought to Huntingdon,
Lungs, entailing upon the, a brier existimimee mil
the organs , spee dil y eare d an d ,A vigor
re _
',kering and consigning them to . earl,' '
- stored. Thousands of the most debilitated and I ennsisting E Tthe most fashionable Dress Geode
linen bee. ith- I for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
Sen-shuss is "'Mb" n'uni"l'ic "1"" ''' : I ,7,l . i:t u t:iv ‘r'C'l7ovieiaild. lost
l ln h i o p p e e diments to Mar- ,
health, for nothing mine in time dread entakmic id
Pfivsicid or Alentel Disqualifiettion Nt.r a na l
I um: , diseases entities SO destructive e dr.. ni- ' ~..L.' ~,,,, ~, ,„ ,i. , '„, I , Spring Detains, Chapin Delains. Loins ,
nivel ''
" ".."' ' irm: :li e s xli . a . t . is " i l i l o . t . i ' r l Yt ' lic . n7 . o7:t ' fm i l l-' a g rrhl n l ' i ll i . itti, e s n it ' ue n m e l s il ' ; ' 17, ) , I : r i. ) , , , r ,:t e e ` ,.i 'l it r e ng ic' e t H h :ii p r i e l h ii i i i t i ,7: , A p i l a n ir a n n ' i i r fi n g p l
bins through a few years of sullering .10,11 101111 . n ,b y n betor Joimidan. t
momimmul . m grave. It destroys th e Nervous Fyn- " ' • lured. Ginglumis, Lawns, 111111 Prints of every de
.., umpimes wastes away the energies sit , ile, ' i g v:en, . , wriptios.
~,,,..., mental derangement, prevents the eeaper who have Injured themselves by a certain prem. ' ALSO, a largo lot of dress Trimmings,Frin
.l, , emolaimeto of the t: i.e., .Innonilifien; for ~,,,r. nee indulged hi when alone—a habit frequently ' get, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids,
none, society, business, and all earthly happi- learned from evil companions, or at school—the Crapes, Reed & 13rass Hoops, Skirt Cord, Silk
te•ss. nod lea , es the stutterer wrecked in body effects ot which are nightly felt, event when a- and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock,
mmum mind, eiemlisponed to consumption and a sleep, and Knot cured renders marriage lino.- Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linea and
timmin of evils more to be dreaded than death it- slide, and destroys both mind and hotly, should',, Cotten Floss, Thly Yarn, &e.
se,l'. Witl, the fullest confidence I assure the apply immediately.
:1 1 1 ,
e s 0 , 1 , 1 1 :: , ....
i i:i n n t. i
r : l 7 .
u e i ell'-Abuse :‘,
s tni i :o rne t
my pa -
se:::‘,,:i'etilit;ieyu:iinifurio,,itn,t3t,iintelitiolitii:.:iviiigoi:cotraccgshitu,n,niptilail,,ect,limiiiet:lstsltpo::,::,:stiliniesi 1 ors, ITlntril the host
: e l e s t r
s " l r e n e l v d e i s e , a p i e n " town. ° B i t t of d C a a n l d .
, and permanent cure r an b e effected. and wills
t i t ' l l •e a d i' : .I S u kTr n t ' l ' l ' o l' l tit"' Mul l
A a t r u s s e l i i l n le ' s S f n o " 76 it i pl it s i , n a ' n j6 d i ga
t a,. can Inc ',stored en enie,,,,t, yji.otons ilennii, life by the consequence ot devieting from the path variety of white goods too ...robs to man
n, addicted ate mintiourd against the te , of of nature and indulging in a certain Barret habit lion.l ,
Pent Me•Mieitme, far tht•re ii, so 1111111 111,,C111- Such persons bermes, contemplating Spring and Tidbit Shawls, While Delnine for
WI:. ,11111 . 1., in tilt, Cllllllllll, , of the public prints Marriage.
i Capes, Mantillas, &c.
to catch aie I rob the unwary srfrarers that inil- should reflect that u sound mind and ttody are I Also, Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Tweeds,
lon- have itie . ir constitutions ruined by the vile the most necessary requisites to promote cone, .K. Jeans, Dlusline, Cotton Drill, Nankeens,
kill' happiness. indeed without these, the jou, , Ti ii c l lt ios e , t o, l „ , t ' a r s t i t ,a b ,r l ng e td, D io i s lp iol o to rs i3e ,
os b n ' , l n ti te n ht n : a l l , s iir . „gi & ie,t c s,t s idts,cht.
cowls...ln et quack duettist, or the equally poi
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
sone.: in.struis vended at -. Patent Medi cin es." trill- thron g ), lab „ ms a „ airy pil gr i mage, ,
I : ,te al
cam efully total . ) zed utany of the th-called
Pa tent -\ th•ma'thes nthlullat latati ) . ail " mind becomes shadoweil with despair, and tilled pest assortment in town.
tmt•tim eon.. site Sublimate which is ow with the melancholy reflection that the happiness
t o t another t e he; b is 7 ( 7l 7 e , s s b o l i u g l i t s t i et i l;v i i i t i l : l D o E u our ow e•
sT., W I,
i * ii i .a te :i i t il p , 7 l 3 :B , tric o o o t i s:, k j it u ub r s u 3 , 3 Bl :l3 es it , 4 s l a kF e t . ?, 3 : 3 C . l7 - ,.
of the strocgc, prvp.oationa of mercury 11111! 11
dvadly poi -on. a litho Instead of curing the dis
ease di,bles the ~. , sciii fur life.
'fliree-toindis to the 1,012111 medicines now inl BALTINIURE, MD. m Oil Clothe, Fish and Salt, Sugar, Coffee,
use AM put up by Unprincipled and ignorant per. m To Strangers. i Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually _kept in a
stets, who till notllllliel,lallli CVOn the ulphsbet I
'Th country Store,
of mterw iimm , •ll,o, mid are equally as desti
.m.tutee many thousands cured at this Institution My old customers, and as many new ones RS
111, any hmeme It ilge of the 11111111 M System. having
tatty one object so view, and that to make util- I within the last 1.5 years, and the numerous be- can crowd in are respectfully requester; to cruise
, purtant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. and examine my goods.
111Cp.ularities 1111 d all diseases of males and I l i c e m r lizs a toz, ,,, w a it i, t; s u s t e i ;l er by pe tl r i b e . R4p i o ,o r r ic e . :
s o t m o t t h
w e
o kie r kinds of
d e s :slu: try produce taken in ex
, try 1 . 1.;111 . d1e,s 01 consequences.
years of
~: raul:izip.,,, , , i l
l i mas,. appe i ii i ke i d again and again Wore the pub- , the highest market prices.
• ent guarantee to the afflicted. 1 April 21, 1858. DAVID P. GWIN.
e fi l ' il u sle n i d jt ' l ' l l il t l i t i liee ni t. o .i s o t u r s ii
I : 0 111 . :; , I l a 3 ,, .: ' r , l i t u e n r o o k :re ad s v o cet ru is i i i n u i l
t i i g io n m or s t e tt i ct ,,,, and
ii,, ' .
ci l/ .., l ,: m uj i t ei e ,,,, d ii,g, S . t dt ai i., t 7 e ,i s e,. yhtirr s. ii i , :i ., a ni, da .e s o , ib. b yti y d m ie p ett a ,ti t el i ar e i n . ts liA ct u t d, u d, ,F .. .. Physicians, ruining the health of the already tit- ta - COUNTILIr DZIALZIRs monkey
ffleted. Dr. ...hen deems it necessary to say to sale . cheap as they can in the cities, asl have
those unacquainted wi th his reputation that his a CL w O ,h ' o r i t e l H l a N lO G . fr , o re m it m s e p i h n ii :l d u a n ip t h in ia g . don at W hole-
OFFl j ek;, S NO U . M II3II I 1 ,1*" 1 1 /. 0 111 1 :1 . 1 1 T L 8 T L . , 1; 6) 1 11 . No . I 09. )
1, 1 l i stiiim:::: - : ' , l i , li' d .: zetuietil, a l ways
1 a c h e'L.l—gs
r i p e s e t : or must t
e b
r e a p p o i
y et , 1
..., A A P p r .9 1k,, '' ;
D., . , 11. ROMAN.
Below Twelfth,
I.IIIL4DELPIIIA, or no answer will be sent.l.4 In real varietry at th e eliesp store of
A 5g.1,'67.• Ty. Jane IR I PS/ I
ii•-;.^ .2 •+ ' ' l' .l ' 4 , 4 ok iegttgtsio
1 (), , , c w E e;
r ......- , n o 0 0 41 , 1:_
1 ( , 0 t . f
„1013 OFFICE :.-
0 0 t
41 0. 6 11 UN 0 , -}
4% g The largest and Inn g ,`
0 OF • 0
4 .)
Ran NIEND&f.3 i f
4..? 0 EXECUTED ',,
44 ) :As Cheap•as the Cheapest, 1
41 g LIED DG it
41 0 THAN
4,1 ( i) TIE LEST. af T ti
4)1 (() WARRANTED.
4n All kinds of
4 V ()) BLANKS
41 ° D , .. .
41 0 ( ~..S . I 'A:, :,,T f.c Y
. OZ . 1 0
ti ()ING EAST.
Alen T. I Ex. T. I PAM T.
Trßin leaven A. M. A. M. I'. M.
Patereburg. 7.41 ' 4.02 3.02
Huntingdon, 8.00 •1.17 3.17
.fi!! Creek, 0.11 ' 4.27 3.30
Mt. Union, 0.30 4.41 3A5
TRAINS Goisu West,
A. M P. Dt
0.45 8.10
6.58 8.22
Trait' loaves
Mt. Union
7.11 8.35
7.23 14.47
Ilittiliugdoil, 5.21
Poter,lttirg, 5,1.3
11. K. NEFF, M. 11.,
LIA VI NG located himself in WARRIOIIMARI . O
in this county, would respectfully offer Ma
praessional services to the citizens °faint place
and the country atuat•ent.
J. B. Loden, M. D. Gon. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Orbison, lisq
lion. James Gwinn,
s tewitr t, " John Scott, Esq,
Hon. cinorge Taylor
Huntingdon, Pa
Jacol. M Geminill, Al. D., Alexandria.
.It.lin 31'0!Hoch, " Petersburg.
A. P. Wir.soN. R. Bruton PaTimms
.11TORJV EYS .fir L. W,
Pia , .tire in the several Courts of Huntingdon
Bl ir. Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and JuniataCoun-
March 23, 1853.
A II I: remuvitig stoppitgel or irreg.
n or the menses.
— These Pills ore nothing new, hut bore been
useit liy the doctors for many years, both in
Fra aci• end A inerica, with titi parallelled qucceiri;
and he is urged I,e many thousand ladies, who
have them, to multe the Pills public, fur
the alleviation of those suffering from toy irre•
ruluairn of uhntever nature, us tvell as to pre.
vent i nv.:om.y to these milky whose health
will not permit an increase of tinnily.
Pregnant fetnales or those supposing thent•
selves so, urn cautioned against these fills
while pre,nant, as the proprietor nssnutns no
re,pousibilitv after the above admonition, al.
Omagh their mildness would 'prevent any mis
chief to health; otherwise these Pills are recent•
mended. hill and explicit directions ateora•
piny melt box. Price. $1 per box.
5,.1.1 wholesale and retail by
Jolt N REA G, General Agent
for Huntingdon Co.. l'a.
. .
i have appointed 1)1.. John Bend Sole agent
ir the side of my French Periodical Golden
for the borough and county or limiting-
All orders must be addressed to him.
e will supply dealers at the proprietor's pri•
ud the Pills to ladies (....) , /idpetielly)
II 1113il, to any part e the itiited .itates.
or $l, enclosed to him Ihtuugh thu
post.otlice. For further partite,
trs get. n circular of the Agents—sold by drug ? .
1 g.sts everywhere.
dI " tif,a^ signature is written on eneh box,
.1. DUPOSe(),
Broadway I'. 0., New York.
It ,1
New Goods ! New Good; !