Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 05, 1858, Image 1

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1411V . 111g. i411,1t•Y‘41,..! 10 I I .4
spring lion., ha; 4`14-4r I. •
have yet to sxe it I, 4 .;• ; , „ •!. i •
/Ir. JAmrs (3. t'r.:
Ilii! that liii .
.\u1 with wrlcmoul)renthings
'l' .11 .t . xercuter hours—
or nrx tho vim° awny.
'[l rj•irit u
Fro:a his blue ihrone of do-,
Awl where. hit voieo iu movie Cal
Beauty is budding Chore.
The inlgla 01P3 of the vi:lley break
fho waving verdure Spreads along the plain
And tin wide forest waves,
'to welcome buck its playful mates again,
Its canopy of !raves;
And from its darkening shadow floats
A gush of trembling notes.
'Fairer and brighter spreads the reign of day
The tresses of the woods,
With the fond dallying of the west wind play
And the full brimming floods,
As gladly to their goal they run,
Hail the returning sun.
How cans% ,then sleep, when earth is wide
And loud the din of action sounds, till quake
The very mountains in their granite bed?
See I Trade is to its active interests wed,
See Commerce with its sail on every sea,
Science and Art in wondrous harmony !
What movements are afoot ! what levers play !
And al! repudiate a holliday I
Mind, heart, and hands, have entered now the
Tho world cries, 'Toil l' and look, each man
of oak assists I
How eons% thou steep, when good tueu pass to
Devolving labor two fold, as thy trust?
To earth, on which the =ikon now lies,
Must Ihott apply remedial agencies.
The Church holds out her arms in suppliant
The pulse of sluggishness to stir and warm,
And Nature, with her full arterial tide,
Pouring profus'on on us every side,
Peals in the selfish ear these words, I weon,
"Sleeper insensate l what, oh, say, what cans't
thou mean
Sr - Polished [society has no formality
abh~tt Icabing.
"And I knew such a men whether in the bo
dy or out of the body I cannot tell, God know
eth, how that he was caught up into Paradise,
and heard unspeakable words which it is not
lawful for a luau to utter, Of such au one will
I glory, yet of myself will I not glory, but in
mine infirmities,"2 Corinthianx, 12 ch. 3. 4.5.
One of the most striking elements in the
character of a truly distinguished rnnn. is
humility. The heavy bouldor in the hill
side has to be quarried into light. while a
bit of frost in crystallizing must make a
a sharp quick sound to note the epoch of
its natural formation, symbolizing thus, as
it were, the re- pective qualities of the
proud and the unassuming, and leaching
us that colossal greatness must be sough t
for in the quarry while imperious medioc
rity will of itself give unsolicited signal of
its presence. When Paul and Barnabas
were carrying to the impoverished saints
at Jerusalem the voluntary oblation of the
christian brotherhood at Antioch, cement
ing thus by practical benelicence two dis
tant companies; the former is supposed to
have been favored with a most remarkable
vision, calculated to seal his devotion, and
animate his faith. So extatic wa r rube rap
ture that he scarcely realized the fact of
his existence in a tabernacle of clay, and
when fourteen years had rolled away with
their crowded and diversified experience,
he could not definitely determine whether
his spirit was at that time temporarily de
niched from the body to bask in the sun
shine of heavenly felicity, or whether this
union still he lost the conscious
ness of such an. embodied condition, and
swept the horizon like an eagle ere he had
finally , napped the net work of his cage.
Conscious of the honor put updn him by
so discriminating an aot of Providence, an
act which seemed to ignore for a special
end the divine enactment, that eye should
not see, nor ear hear, nor should it ent t r
Roo the hrort ‘,.
things which God had prepared for thole
who leave hint. he studiously concealed
irunt the Church of God an experience
would have caused an immense C.,
n r , u l influence and renown,
.!! : •.. ! , heart, timid the ten
~! , unexplored emotions, a
, tr. From his companion in
amiab'e Ilarnabas, he withheld
I 11 •
f Ilia el e vation to the ',aril(' iso of
v “,t of is I avo n confidential
CITI to entru,t the secrets of
• • , ~o, i by imposing the vow of si
I,ce we liter ourselvos that a isominuni,
carton thus guardedly givrn will go no fur
ther ; but should the communication be
such ns would add to Our social weight, or
official influence, together with ibis injunc
tion of' silence mny be the confident hope,
not the mutual and tacit understanding
dint such a striking circumstance :nest not
be put under n bushel, but than in a quiet
way it Must eircumnnvigate the ocean of
society, and with gossoiner sails catch the
' perfumed gales of popular eulogiutn. To
suppress this desire of communicnting to
n griping multitude a fact in our history
which puts us on a Chimboraza peak of
influence, requires mom of the grace of
God than would most imagine, and even
in the church there is so widen margin for
sell display, that to conquer selbcompla
ceney and boasting there, demands a
strength of mind which might be called
herculean, and n persistent crucifixion of
the natural impulse of vanity. Yes, Paul
was never greater than when he hid in the
crypt of his bosom a diadem of beauty,
which had it been brought out in all its
flashing brilliancy, would have made him a
prince among his fellow apostles, and pro.
tected him from much of that obliquy and
insult to which he appears to have been
exposed from the fact of his bodily tnfir
milieu. Paul made no capital out of his
christtan experience; aod even when four
teen }ears' silence was broken, and he
poured on the ear of youthful christendom
a narrative which made the heart to bound
with joy, lie avoided the utterance of ego.
titm, and by a circumlocution spoke of
himself as a man in Christ, "I knew a
man in Cnrist fourteen years." When
the time came to nr flounce it, he shaded
the effulgence of his experience, and like
Moses, the Jewish law giver, put a veil be
fore his face while he talkad with a spell
bound nod listening universe. But what
may we suppose was the peculiar charac
ter of this vision ? That it was a species
of trance is, we think, to be presumed
with comparative safety. The expression
"caught up into the third heavens," may
. be regarded as referring to the sublime
spirtunl exaltation vouchsafed him. How CURE FOR CANCERS. ' wanted her to abase herself in dust and Simonds. Pacific and Switzerland passed
were Newton and Gallilen caught up to in. Our intention has been recently called to ashes; and burn up her rosy little face be- through it on Saturday Inst. This cut
tellectunl Isisgnh's when they evolved new a cure for mincers. which is of so much 'ore the kitchen fire, while I eat with my oft makes a diflerence in favor of steam
theories of truth. How were the the three importance. that we wish to make it known heels tin the table, reading the paper in ers of about twenty one miles. Mr. Mat
apostles on the mount of transfiguration as woislS as Posits'. Some eight months the next room. I wouldn't use profane thewsmn also informs us that the various 1
caught up when heaven come down to esfo. Mr. T. 13 . Mason—who keeps tt mu• language when she asked me to button up reports as to the levee to Issequena coup
their touch, and its sainted inhabitants mo sec store en Wisconnin street. and is a bra her sweet little gaiter boots, or fasten her ty, Mississippi, being broken, are untrue. Early Potatoes
The earlier a farmer gets his potatoes
wed before their very eye sight ; and how thsr of the well•known Lowsll Ms . .on— gloves, nr even to carry her parcels down They are not broken; but, on the contra. into the market the bettor will they pay:
firoadway, on a rany day—which lost I ry. are in good order, and no apprehen• therefore, so soon as the frost is complete
was John on Promos caught up when a . ascertained that be hail a mincer on his
mid its rocky fastness.. and wearing the foci, of the size of a pen. It wns ,tn ,t consider to be an infalliable test of . p a- , sions of n break are entertnined.' ly out of the ground and the earth in a
exile's c hain he scanned with en g le i•ye the by Dr We rod, mid the wool,' Ist molly thew,. a nd meek ness . i ---............--
A Susancide good condition far being worked and put
pregnant future, and counted its luminous bents& stitssepii.ntly it grew tigain, nal I wouldn't gorge myself with wine, and
nesters. and cigars at a fashionable down' ' , So you had a bad susancide at your in fine order, get ready, and plant early
succession of epochs as a child would while he was in Cincinnati es business, it
lass nite, Sam," said a colored gene Potatoes.
count its sparkling b sids ; and how, final nun hi e d t h e size or o hickory nut Tlo has town restnurant, while my wife dined nt haaa'.
demon, on meeting his colored crony, a Soils, &c.—Grass-swards, clover-!eye
ly, wan Stepher: caught up when nand the remained th e ,. sii m e Christmas under beene on cold 'flint.. and then look its s wager t t
"Oh, yes, Lemuel, dot we had—it nl- nnd new pound are said to be the soils and
, places best adapted to the growth of pete
ring of persecuting zealots he saw the treatment, nail has conw hock perfectly cu black as nn over charged thundercloud, a a l 'a a 1 '
heavens opened, and the ineff dde Redee• r ed. The Pr0c.... , this : when the grocer's fflttle hill' came in; I
seas jis from California, wid beeps of with vegetable matter, certainly grow the
moss sort :De into Wrist' a drink. He toes. Light, sandy, loamy soils, well filled
mar at the right hand of the Father in his A niece of firliing plaster was piss ever wouldn't expend a smolt fortune in ilia
mantle of unarming] splendor. In all the cancer. with n ci r c H l ar piece ent on! of mond shirt studs, extravannt broad cloth,
nnospoperr. He cum nber de Jerecipelus mildest, most mealy and best flavored roots
hy de Niggennige route, and put up at though for quantity, judgeing from carmen
these cases, and they might he easily n d. the centre a little Inns., than the cancer. and finer canes and then mutter about
tiplied, the favored individuals did not so that the cancer and o Final! circular min .hard times,' when she ventured to ask
our house prebious to his 'ribel. I tort de experience, clayey-loam, well reanured and
leave the earth • but were advanced to ml- of healthy skin next to it were exposed me for half a dollar to buy check for the
man was out oh his bed, base he gab me well cultivated, will contend with the best
hu rt!
ex of intellectual and spire
Then a plaster mode of chloride of zinc, baby's nprons.
blond root and wheat flour was sworn! on a And I rather think I'd go shopping with
hurt! experience. And even where the a shillin' as soon as he laid eyes on me— ' o f t hem•
from dat minit I stuck by him for fear
bodily functions seem for the time being to piece of muslin of the size of this circa- her tn. When she hinted to thnt e ff ec t , in
ks opening. and notified to the cancer for • stead of inventing excuses about Smith. or sum interested puss. might get a a hold If you desire to grow a large quantitY
per acre, there is no crisp sequireing more
be superseded in their exercise by the im
oh him. De next mornin' as de chaml•er- ample supplies of food than does the pots.
serial actings of the soul, the body still rs. t %verity four hours On removing it the
cancer will he found to he burnt into, end bills. too without screwing up my mouth
Brown, nr the Club—nye, and pay her
maid was titstsane up smuts wid a scuttle t o . It is a greedy, coarse gormandizer,
tains its connection with the spirit. though
nppeor of the nine and hardness of an old as if I had tho cramp in my face. And ob cole for her hreakfriss, she smelt loolum
it fails to clog its nudely march. Such .
shoe sole, and the circular rim outside of if she looked into a shop window and ad- passin' de mans's dtt'; sOOll as she smelt and can 'digest large quantities of manure.
Its manure must be ample in quantity, rich
then was the seined of the Apostle. To
it will appear white nod parboiled, its if mired a thirty dollar collar, I'd walk dot she smelt a 'rat. She necked to de
the third heavens, past the airy heavens,
scalded hy'hot steam. The wound is now straight in and buy it for her, instead of man's do' but no answer . Den she broke in quality nail calculated from its nature to
to crrry on, front beginning to end, a con
tinuous supply of pabulum.
past the starry heavens, up to the very
, dressed, and the outside rim soon suppur- feigning to be absorbed i the signs orp • de do' down, and der laid de man wid de
paradise of God he swept, though tine.-
ate, rind the cancer comes not a hard lump site , and 'forgetting . '
scions of a hery • chariot, or an escorting.lboots on, and in he treat was n stickin' in Manure for an Acre of land.-1. Twen.
to hear' what she
seraphic host. The harmonies of heaven nod the pine heals up. The pined. 1,.,7/s said. ' !a I ottle of !odium. She holler e d , a n d we ty two horse cart loads of barn-yard or stn
cancer on that it slough. out lilts dead
fell upon his ear, but the words were un-When f came how ent night I wouldn't all kotched hold ob de bottle to pal it out, bye manure, 10 bushels of ashes, and 1
speakable. Prostrate ns that absorbing. vi- flesh, and nrrer grwys again. This romp- make a bear of myself, behind the event • hut it wasn't no use. We dad to send for bushel of plaster, well mixed together, and -
sin held every faculty In thraldom, like dy nos discovered by Dr. Pell. of London ;
.tm p a per, and answer savneely, w h en o ho de sturgeon. De sturgeon cum, and made neplied in the drill 2. 'The same num
an insect in the sunbeams of June, he floe and has been used !y him for six or eight timidly asked what I was modiste, ,fr, , ,, ° a Jecision here in de neck, nie de borax, her of two .horse cart loads of barn yard
red in a sett of jubilant sights and sountls I years, with unfailing suceess, and not a imm can't understand politics I' No. in- : which reached as fur as de equilbrum , manure and marsh mud—salt marsh the
but could not communicate to dull, cold I case has been known of the reappearance deed !-1 would read her all the nice- reached de snrafogus, and puttin' a cortven best ; 10 bushels of ashes and 1 bushel of
mortals the knowledge he had gained.— of the cancer, where this remedy has been dotes, play with the children, pull the in de decision, gab it a poke slid a dis. .pla s
hed t it he
well mixed to and
Through every distended pore of the in- applied. It has the sanction of the moat sears, and tellher ow becoming pussy' ' I I h prochlus, when inn. flew de tactile, and all
n „,, r applied he drill. 3. Thse
cart Inds of marsh or river mud, 10 bush
tellect and heart had pressed the flood of eml"ent physicians end Surgeons of Lon- her new silk was 'That's the way to : w a ' ''
glory, but when he returned to man and don. but has not, till recently, been used in keep the women good natured, take m . , • What wus safe, Sam, de man ?" eta of bone earth dissolved sulphuric acid,
his interests. both heart nail intellect sank this country. anti many of the faculty, word for it; and wlmt prettier sinht is ther s c; : stNo. de bottle—de inns wits ded afore the latter mixed with 10 bushels of ashes,
back to their old compass, and all he could 1 with their proverbial opposition, goodto innova- i n the would then a ood humored woman de iturgeon cum ; but he had to yo sumfin and the whole mixed together and applied
do ins to sit nail wonder and adore. How I Lions. look upon it with distrust. We saw Mind, I don't as k the incorrigibli• old is care
a feeler."
. lin the drill. 4 'fen two-horse cart loads
beautifully does Cicero refer to this nate : 'lr. Masc.' as church yesterday, and hose bachelors; first, because it isn't an y '
. of their ,
oWas der anything found in de pockets
of wood mould, mixed with 10 bushels of
since conversed with hint and tont; portico-ashes and 100 lbs. of Peruvian guano.
rat inability of man to express the perlec- business, and second, because they're not Sam '"
bur notice of the cicatriced wound. and wi• ; i o f "How do you suppose I know IDo 5. Ten two lint, loads of marsh mud, 20
Lions of the Eternal, when he calls him, i tmges the article. But put the
.KLI—J J....,,..... I.:1,. ~, .....1 t ....... ,1,..., ~ can onlv e Fo . tr , that if the cure is Net.- tMo to any sensible fellow between the .
goes. you tint: I'd put my hand in to feel? two-horse loads of sea weed and I bushel
pour contempt on our lanited endowments I nea t —and ' ''''' lII ' - • '''s - • • ens .. . . . „ What you mean to insinewnie ?" of plaster, mixed together and laid in the
eight years experience in ether cnsys, we whai he'll say. - •
to know that there are things we cannot I sirh c-ond close on rifnre, dills all." -- - -'-"' :•,••••• -r ''- -,,,,- .....t.,,,,5_
f aom, an d that nature, vide„,, and ! have no doubt it is the remedy ought to I'd make a point of always asking my -.....-.....- toes.
be universally flown We have referred wife's ;violet , . before I Wor to vote, and TALKING co CIIILLIREN.—The North- Preparation of the ground.—Deep plow-
Grime, constitute an expanse whose dimen l
stens mock the golden censuring reed of to this case, because nit Mason Is ~,,,H doino. in.t us she said nbont it—then I'd be we-tern A dwicate, in rot editorial on the I ing and perfect pulverization we hold to
reason, however reason he cultivated by known both here and at the East. 'Cho sure to be rdwitys r i g h t A
nd if nny la N
te orthwestern Sunday School Conven• t
ee nssentisl to success, SO much as that
!'tie experiment excited much interest bachider irienn of mine had the 1 I . lion • ays :
1II:n '''''''''' . ° we would invariably use the subsoil plow
art ; or rather, , bidd • e not say how it '
exrdis mid dignifies reason to know that here. and we call the attention of the la- t o ris k me to an oyster supper, without in - : "There wns some conversation in the aon adjunct to the other plow, in order
this is but its iiir..•, school, and that its 1.1,--
culty in this State to the remedy. If it is 1 chid ng my wife in the invitation, do woo et-meet-nisei as to the best mode of talking ,lint
f the bed of the potato should not only
hest dis c overies Jo but con,tittim its pri- what is claimed for it, this t er rible disease suppose I'd go 1 Ask my m n oth•in law to children. Some amusing specimens of '
' be deep and well pulverized, but dry, in
titer, that Ism , Inc raj yments it wait it when t ill be shorn of most o f it s t errors The I about that. nttempts to interest children were given.— order that the snots may not be acted upon
its faeol ies are expanded in their coiner, a pplication is painrul, but the pain is or! I w0u1i1i, , ,,, to evening pnrties, nod o ne ran thus :An eminent preacher WAS unfriendly, by an excess of moisture. If
hension, that its grubseorin cutelitiou is comparntieely brief duratien, which any fli r t desperately w i t h ot h er I n di es , soil tr yin, to address a Snnday school, and the ground selected be a grass-sward or
but the antecedent of a state, when enter-
lone so afflicted would cheerfully endure.: talk about 'my poor, dear wife, whose ill wed the noun summary. 'Pausing, he clever ley the rolls should precede the bar
.. E.. health precluded her enjoyment of socie• said, "Dear ehildren, I have employed a row to compress the furrow slices, which
ging from the chry saint it shall spread it , i
wing fo a higher and purer stow. Those "IF I WERE A MAN." ty. when I knew very well that she was term you will not readily comprehend. I should be turned over flat, and to avoid the
i sitting at home alone with the cat , and a ll u d e disturbance of the sods ; the harrow should
unspeokahle words shall then be unspent:- Don't I wish that I were a man .
crying her eyes out, over one of my rag- ymous with synopsis." Exactly—clear be run lengthwise of the furrows, to be
abbe no longer• S% hen we put on the garb Wouldn't I set the beeves looted papa, ,
gad MI coats. as mud—just shout ! A nether said. 'CIA- followed by the roller.
of immortality, we put nn at the same time tion an example of brilliant perfect.. ! I
Gnd gracious, what a wide field far tlren. can any of you tell me what is the os
the faculties of immortality. How soht. Wouldn't I mike mys,..lf generally ngreen- 1 Laying off the Rows.—Lay off the row
cites th , reflection to the heart of 'no hum '
blo to till the lathes, and talk to 'em its if improvement there is among the benigh- tensible design of Sabbath schools ?" three feet apart. The furrows should be
l .I sons of Adain ! It puts roe complete 'There was a nese he re nted the c ues. s i x inches ble penitent ! Sly brother, you !sive not 1 they had souls above bonnets ! Whru a te
. p , , P . I six inches deep to allow maple space for
ly out of breath to think of half the re. • „
tion, a hest upon one of the scholars piped
yet had this antepast of glory, but you I glorious man I should make! depositing the manures, inserting the sets
could enjoy it, del the Saviour so desire. I I wouldn't stand on the hotel steps and I "l''''s I' d 'rm.'''. Oh , If I only were n s out, Is eth, t hi n !" [ L aug hter ]We re-
and covering.
end you shall enjoy, net the ntitrprist, but I pull' chinas of villa /IVoils tobacco smoke 'n'in• —Shit lry _
+-+ cently sow a m rise to talk to a large nu-
Manuring and Planting.—Strew the
the full truitton, if you love your Redeem- into the eyes of all the pretty girls that The Flood on the Lower Mississippi, d box,. of children, and with a due unctu• manure two or throe inches in depth in
sr to the end. To arrive at that third Item eo pass. nor spit on the pavements to The New Orleans Crescent, of tone begin thus : The scene
nt, of April the bottom of the rows, place the sets ten
ven, that paradise of God. we must go , spot, their little shoes and injure their d i ns, nays , which we now behold is ose of unparallel- inches apart upon the top of manure, eyes
at B
through vain and suffering, we led sublimity," eto. Its soon became ine uppermost, and cover with the plow or
must go tempers 'The crevasse' ell's plantation laughs led
unpnralled rest lessness, hoe ns may be most convenient.
through the tunnel of discipline ere emir- I wouldn't ,t.t my huge heel down on
to the eflarts is stop it, and grows more ;
ging to the light mind bloom of glory. 13ut the ttains of their si ken dresses. to tens
Mighty. The labor of mooring a &On at, i IL- The Causase states that within the Preparation of the Sets.— We have al.
should it not stimulate us to a life of goad- 'ens half off; and [think I'm not quite
from which to drive piles, hums been nc- : memory of man so much snow has not fell , ways been in the habit of selecting the
ness end usefulness to know that there is sure. but I ihinks—l'd knock down the complishetl, but the boiling torrent jerks ' in the mountains of the Caucasus in any I best potatoes we could find, large in size,
such a region oi bliss and reran. reserved first brute who dined complain of the cir and twists the boat so, that its pile dri- winter as during the present year. Thsand changing our seed every two years;
for the puns, an I the lowly. and the Torsi- i minder., of their garments ! viers make a headway a mo unting to little village of Sahnkmin near Kutais, has been I and to so cut the sots as t o have at least
sing. Whatever be the process by which I And when they ennui into a car it more twin nothing. The object in driving completely hurried; 12 persons were I two oyes to each set. As we cut the sets
we are removed to heaven, whether by s „, n is„,, I „ o w n ., stic k my nos e l a m a
piles is to inake a sort of comb across the crushed by avalanches from the mountains, we rubbed the cut part in plaster or ashes,
painful accident or lingering disease, we newspaper, or loolc abstractedly out tube erevasse s agninst which to build a dais of I and 17 persons killed. seas to any the wound. After preparing
are caught up at Inst. It is a virtual an- the window, nor get up grumbling.l
``' -1 send in bags. Last evening, we learn, 1 the sets thus we laid them out on some
for the Smut in dy
tension, though made mid groans. and 1 ways the way with women !" Not a but several of the piles had been firmly driv- , Wheat , — Reme d y fur airy place to dry, where we permitted
tortures, and tears. In going clown to dust n s i t t . rd spr i ng „p liken potent India
en. but they only served to aggravate the Wnsh the seed in some caustic wash, its them to rennin a week betore planting
the Christian is really caught up from dust ! rubber ball, and if theold bachelor on the flood, which had licked away six or eight blue vitriol (1 lb. to a gallon or water for than. When thus dried they are not so
to glory, and the first unspeakable words right hand side, and the spruce. clerk on , feet m a sack of wheat.) Some wheats are store s apt to room the ground, and come up more ore of the levee, and thereby no. ,
which full on his ear and hem delicate and liable to it than others.
s are the I the left band side, didn't congress theta quired greater strength. Meantime, the regularly.
blessed syllables, ' , lnherit the kingdom I selves into the smallest possible al ace, to (-fleets or the crevasse are becoming more I • ..-...... 'turkeyT . o f Planting.—For late potatoes,
ror Muggins says that Job 'a tme
prepared for you from the foundation of the I told inane alarmingly manifest in the set-'' was fat compared with an old gobler he ' location permitting, we would get them in
world." dements below. The hack parts of Mc. shot last week on the Devil's Fork. That between the 20th of April and 10 of May
make room for the crinolines, I'd know
the reason why !
And then. when I get married (for to
xhat end was I created, if not to pay the
milliner's bilk of some blessed little hit of
womankind !) wouldn't I make a model
huseand ! Do you suppose I should be.
ther her sweet life out of her, by gruin•
bling because a paltry button had dropped
off tt shirt collar, or a string off a dickey ?
Do you think I'd explode like a caniphene
ear A sturdy looking man in Cleve
lamp every time I found a rip in my
land, a short time since, while busily en
gaged in cow hiding a &m g
ay, who had in. loves I'd like to see
m self stooping
suited his daughter, when asked what lie
wouldn't consult the almanac every
was doing, replied : tune she bought a new bonnet, to see just
'Cutting a swell,' and continued his
how many weeks she had worn the old
amusement without further interruption
one; and I wouldn't snarl like a cross ti
ger eat whenever the coffee happened to
be cold or the beef steak raw, just us if I
fler Tho'bill to supply deficiencies in
t he appropriations for the fiscal year en
ding in June next, appropriates 569,500,
000, of which nearly 8,8,000,000 are for
the army, and $1 ; 109.009 to supply a de
ficiency in the revenue of the Post Office
U A full heart is as difficult to carry
as full cup—the least thing upsets it.
A . Str
k,_ 7 744, ' . e .
;', I'l I
..:: 'lf ' q ,
, .
Donoghville and Algiers are rapidly fil
ling up. Our informant tells us that when
he left his home, in the back part of Al
giers, yesterday morning, his brck yard
was dry; and that ho went to dinner, his
yard was a foot under water. The two.
pl' over there laughed at the crevasse n
week ago. Now the crevasse is beginnin g
to laugh at them.'
The New Orleans True Delta of the
same date, says :
Matthewson, clerk of the steamer
R. W. Powell, informs UE that Marcus
Johnson Cut Off, known as American
Bend, or shirt rail Buud, had, during the
recent high water, cut through, and steam
ers were passing through it, The John
was so light it lodged in the air, and he After Culture. —As soon as the pots
had to get a pole to knock it down. toes begin to come up run a harrow thro'
---...........----- them over the rows. This process de
lierThe Cincinnati Enquirer gives stroys gross and weeds, insures a general
the following as worth perusal and preset• stand and serves as a cultivation of the
ration : potato. When the potatoes are up three
Born. Died. dge.
• or four inches throw a furrow from them
General Washington, 1732 1799 67 and return it at the same Cme, so as to
Benjamin Franklin, 170(3 1790 84 1
1735 1820 91. leave n slight flat hill and strew four bnsh-
John Adams,
Thomas Jefferson, 1743 1826 83 els of ashes over the vines. In two weeks
John Q. Adams, 1777 1848 71 plow again, Increasing the size of the hill
Andrew Jackdon, 1767 1846 78 somewhat, preserving its flatness. The
Henry Clny, •
weeds and grass on the rows must be re
John C. Calhoun, 1716 1852 75
1782 1850 68
tiered by ha.. and hand. At this work-
Daniel Webster,
1782 1852 70
Thomas 11. Benton, 1782 1858 76 ing strew over the vines on each acre n
----•••••---- mixture composed or 5 bushels of ashes, 2
CountCapoDistriasnntlAlexanderYpsilanti bushels ()faith and 1 bushel of plaster.
Ammo' golumn.
Ile that by the plough mould thrive,
flimsey, must either hold or drive."