Thos Jackson Township. _somas Partner, 400 Jacob Hiltzheitner, 416 George Steever, 400 Hillary Baker, 413 Thomas Russell, 400 Thomas Ralston, 400 David Ralston, 400 Ephraim Jones, 400 Jonathan Priestly, 437 65 Robert Johnston, 400 Charles Caldwell, 400 James Dense, 422 115 Henry Conan, 400 Jolts Adams, 400 Henry West, 400 Alexander Johnston, 400 Hugh Johnston, 400 Thomas McCune, 400 Jobs Russell, 400 John Ralston, 400 James West, 400 Samuel Steel, 400 'Wm. Steel, 400 'amuel Conan, 420 24 Alm sham Deane, 395 69 Samuel Marshall, 400 Hobert Caldwell, 400 Jolts Fulton, 400 John Galbraith, 400 a oseph McCune, 400 George Wier, 400 Morris Townsh ip. Hobert G. Stewart, '23 Oneida Township. 'Disko Sltoemaker, 100 12 00 . r itobert Young, 353 2 83 John Kerr, 100 14 91 [John Jackson, 1291 5 84 Pens Township. Joseph Miller, 210 . 79 Jane Sells, 402 2 00 Peter Shafer, 397 3 00 Porter Township. Math Green, 400 , 3 00 Henry Green, 277 2 06 Eleazer Wa!lusters, .14; ' 60 69 Win. Smith, 402 18 09 Mary Kennedy & Hugh Coen, 219 9 56 John S. Isett, 294 8 81 Shirley Township. James McMillin, 456 04 1 71 Peter Wertz, • 411 80 154 Benjamin Brown, 210 120 2 14 Daniel Shindle, 3;5 . 1 41 `3atnuel Kennedy, 114.4 2 1.5 w. & .1, Patterson, 175 35 Springfield Township. Nathan Ord, 420 102 01 :10 J. Ord, (part in ltublin) .150 1 31 Samuel Caldwell, 0 14 Stacy Young, ' •111 150 207 Tell Town,hip. Simon Potter, :151 1::9 John Pease, •111 lii Adam Clow, Ci I 30 George Truman, :195 11:1 John Caldwell, :111 31 Wm. Anderson, 13)) Tot Township, Jacob Cromwell, 107 do. do. 01) d o . do. 30 Wm. Spring, 400 Benjamin l'rice, (part) 200; I leery Alexander, 400 Daniel Newcomer, 190 Stunl. llarhly & Win. W. Edwards, 400 do. do. • 100 Isnot: Huston, 400 94 Nutley Davis, 409 liettry Roads, • 53 Cook & Elder, 1:1:1 John Singer, 4:10 • A. S. Russell, 70 \\•nt. Sheol]; 439 Philip Wager, 333 Benjamin Rush, 400 Philip Stein, . 400 Jonathon Jones 190 ~.,.........•. .„....... ..... ... . . ()Well .IvitiM, 4011 'Phonies 1..M0t077, :171 , I , , I . ; ;,,. 1 1 , ~.. `. :: : 1, .: i : ••• .., , :„ , ,„ : : , •,,: • !, ! ~..• .1, 1, misealltd Banks, the Dr. S. Mowitn, 456 1.77._:, e.i i,, ,7. ~ ~„ . , 7., ~, .7 „,I ~ ~. -7...,. , ~.. Richmd :11owitn, 432 12 -,, le d ,„ i i, 17 7,7 7 , . 7 ,„, ~ , i „ ,i,,,,. ite Gatll7 itelialtle Eltporter, Wm. Nlowan, 418 7 ,• 71,ii , :it et the bile„ !u_ lint class Itl:iel 111's.t 17s James lowitil, 336 .„ Nt.w I tqi.-1/ititiel Drew, Booker; Morris lmtic Moen., 39.1 '' • ” 1 ''''• ‘; ';' ' '', '• , ''' ! ; '''''''', r ''' ; '' liet: Mom Mai ine Bank. I', S. Life Insurance Thomas Mowan; 1198 I ' '.7 "7 , '' 7, 7 1 ' ' '7' '' - i" , '. '" ' 7 •'•'' ""'''' Cmeemis, .I. Nine. Siecretors:, 110 ward Fire Francis Mowan, 448 ;•• •'; - !" 1 - , . •;,'• ''''''' 1 " I" , ' '!"'•1 '',shin;! Insuronee Company—,l. T. Skidmore. Tres, Sully Chambers, ' 431 1,1 ~,11 iiosstions :is ; C.deli li. Doh:teed, Pres. Mmtli.tuan Batik; Robert Chambers, 455 1 I .1 , 1 A Child Might Ask, Ai:,,iii,,,t., Life Insurance Company, C. Y. Nancy Chambers, 360 12 ''' I 1 iiil thoustilids of educated peopli., however W ' '"l''' , '''''''',' irkel "'"'" . 7 ' l an'' , G. D. An :innate' Chambers, 105 I° 99 I a .11 •1•to1.. h LI 1* t ••,,, 1 ,,,, geli, Cashier; ileti. Field, Costlier Williams- James Chambers, 400 13 in , i iiiii in . .. i ~ ii le as s, not.,il not 1 wirui , ( ~t , 8. ,,, ' Prel"lredi ' 6 wkw exact w Oll,l , I ,,, L`'''' l Y ''' N. 11.—We luy a: our °Gm all money at Bobo. Callender's heir., 50 I 1:11 • • r : t i 1 i xpimit. al . It W 00,30010 12 ino volume, iiii , in.,(,„ quoted in the i ,.. ii . e . ii . i ., we mien John Musser, 400 I - 1 . 7 , i 111•111 . 11,11•1 . 1: WWI rat ed with engravings. PRICE rev ,Istria' ;mewl,. to the purchase itilll sale Italica Irvin, 347 12 _9! ()NE Conies iiihil,,l to any ad. a ' LAND W Allll NTs. Neal Clark, (now Antos) 150 ' .. 5 j dress in the United States free of posisge 'l ; A. ND:DM-IS & Co.. thinkers. Barndollur & Everhart, Ni. 'Ni Wall Strut, New lock City. (Anderson IS., 1101101 ) 100 .9 1 , 5 , i NEW STORM!! NEW GOODS!! i A pr . 77, iO9 : -3,„. John I'. Baker, 150 9 30 i 0 J. S. Stewart. 15 3 231 FISHER h. itleM 11'111111 i TO BE GIVEN AWAIT ! Jonathon lartiti .liellitol, 27 :17 1 1- 1 . nirmerly known on •"SAx•rox's" take !ilea- j ! All of the Splendid Jonathan Pew, 100 7 lit, l sure in antionneing to their many friend, that John Philips, :190 ;27 3.1 I they have reeeived anew :mil welt-ss:,101 Ott. PAINTItOS 0„,.,,,8„et,„„, :ill .) i .is i stock of (limas, which flies feel confident will . , ~ , ..a .0 , .. . , , , , , •, ,• , David Lapsley, 353 ...„ ! sititsly the uenutints oi Mt! ',wile. it!, will prove i Ioho Chilmbers, 400 i i ,„ s ,'''„,`' unexceptionable In STYLI,. :Mil ,i• ALIT, 1 BEEZATII raDos,./z maramale. ,—„ s,; - ; I Ths line of Dress Goods ends a, s No. 6IS 11110 tOW AV. Joseph Brown, 175 l. '. ROBES A QUILLE IN ORGAN DI ES, : Matthew Atkinson, 400 7 60 LAWNS, PERCALES, &e. CIIAISS, TO B 4: ltezen Davis, 400 18 (I BERAGES, BRILLIANTS, A LI, WOOL (_ ; l ' I\, i . N,. \;' A 1. James (Viler, 4011 18 00 DE LAMES. CRAVELLA /loilAllt, Samuel Cornelius, 395 8 12 53 DAN ÜBIAN, TA MPS E. AN It I, iiittilt, A- The : litrs ill this Ite.iutiful I.l,lll,Ction .1. Dougherty it U. W. VELLA CLOTIIs, IiEBAt; C, of 1,1111.011 gs :tr., 111,ii owl.. stir it large tract of Speer, 439 51 19 73 LusTnEs, ALPAC 0 CAS. I ' o Dint; in the thim•ishing village id Cedar do. do. 138 40 19 75 PRINTS, GiNGILIMS, Ike. Creek, Vit., 00 miles by rallrinttl 4001 Wash- Speer & Martin, 7ii 77 We have a One assortment of Summer Man- iligton. mill in the immediate vicinity of Ohs eel. Eliel Smith, 152 1 22 tillas, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An- &witted dunes, Ribbons, hints, Gloves, Gauntlets, 11, Sulphur. Iron and Al springs, .Sarah Hartsocic, 406 11 07 Merv, Ladies' Collars, Hantlkerehiels, Buttons, noted 1111: their ellieoey in mu cure of Britten oil Tempy Shaffer, 250 2 00 Floss, Sewing Silk, Whalebones for Skirts, and Cutaneous Diseases. John Freed, 400 13 72 Reed Hoops, 131 . 10.41 do., Skirt Cord, &e. ; This Lind iiii.ii whir'' hose her, ,reefed .5 l'homas Mitehener, 150 1 2 54 20 ALso—Tickens, Osnitburg, bleached and iii,- sToNE Eldt1:11 5111,1,,y 4.5 W M I 1,1,1ii,,1 ielin Blatt, 400 12 62 'steadied Muslins at all prices, Colored and 15 Ii IV ELLIN t: S. at an expeose of from \V,a. Blatt, 400 10 55 White Canthries, Barred and Swiss Muslims, Ssou to 95.4700 midi. ll ey now otter for sate John Murphy. 400 15 05 Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and annoy in alternate lots. Michael Martin, 417 17 32 other articles which comprise the line of IVliite The Price of' Each Lot is $lO, Dougherty & Schell ; 25 9 99 and Domestic Gum's. Hamilton & Evans, 39 116 We have French Cloths, Fancy Cas,unetcs, . 1 • 1 • etc s' for Wllleh 11 Warranty Itseil, Ilea ant. clear 01 Sattinetts,,Jeuns, Tweeds, Cottoned., Linens, "!'"'"''''""". 18 1-'i , Dl. I , 4o ll her with :m '0 Union Township. Denims and Blue 1/rills. the Di' Paintings MI EXltiltitioti, which :11 , , Samuel Caldwell, 300 14 10 HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, is worth LllOl.llll paid, s usl w m ,rani' l 4 15 ori, .itty John Bell, 192 102 gentleman's parlor, whilst the Lot may con . Arthur Fee 435 109 15 78 of every varjety and style. Also ell kinds of , rain one id the Buildings above named Robert 13e11, 204 77 485 STRAW GOODS. : Pamphlets tint:doing II AIM), and eXplainiii,. , more lully the motive, and object to he al timed 'Thomas Bell, 210 110 3 71 by making this apptrimt 1,1,111110 01 a 11111,111 Abraham Sal, 400 78 14 40 A pod stock of 0 1 t i r Frederick Sal, 400 78 940 GllOl BRIES, HARD & QUEENSWARE, thishe pap poperty, eau ti t , Seen lit 0113 I.llllet, 1,1 Robert Pea, 181 78 848 BOOTS Bt SHOES. , Parties remitting by mail will receive their Solomon Sills, 420 11 18 Wood and Willow-warc deeds by return pose, and their Pictures by Benjamin Elliott, 37 18 3 39 , • uc h ~,,,,,yi,,,,, as they 'nay direct. They Abram Morrison, 400 78 is 69 which will sold CHEAP. will be particular in sending their orders to Joseph Morrison, 400 78 14 41 We also deal in PLASTER, FISH ' SAL . T ' nat. the County and Slate in which tht•y re- Von. Barriek, 200 7 2 0 and all kinds of1:311AIN, and possess thealities . ~ side, as it is necessary, for 510 to forward the John Covenhoven, 29s 69 . 11 5 1 iu this Mandl or trade unequalled by any. . a pictures ~., , . debt . 141111 JUL ). Hann Morrison, 87 3 2 deliver all packages or parcels of lerithandise, FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the A building loan will be made to those deli Walker Township. Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads, ring it, equal to one half the cog of the build. John Patton, 437 18 16 47 Conte ono, conic all, and lie convinced that ing to be erected. Semi. Caldwell 100 13 05 the "111x.raoretaxs" is the place to secure Bank notos should be enclosed in prose nee , fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at of the Post Master, in order to avoid risk. West Township. the 'ascent rates. Address, Mishit Shoemaker, 183 16 62 Apr.14,'58. I LUCAS, BOWEN & CO., Win. Miteltenor, 337 24 64 , I No. 618 &Midway, New York. Thomas Mitchenor, 428 23 35hil? R. r. John McCulloch, . John Jackson, fici, son, 1291 9b9 professional services to the citizens( r " ; Ni-... ...M... " . " T " T . "Uri: ..t. 0 ALSO. , Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, on Hill st., The following real estate upon which person. between Montgomery and Bath. al property enough cannot be found eullicient 11 'l'ltingilim ' Aug. 09. 1855. to pay the taxes, returned by the several col. T AmEs COLLARS, newo.l styles in meat P l ' llll l' Wi 111 " 1 .1 tro y ,, lectors, is charged with the charged with the LA variety at the m i .,,,,,,, i . 0 ,,, T ,,,,, Winchester, Vit. taxes thereon assessed for the years 1856 nod E. R. L'Ainereau. Attorney at Law, 178 1056, will be sold as unseated lands ' in pursu• pluc KS IN GLOVES & miirrs elm, Wall street, New York, once of the directions of the forty.flrst section " 1). P. GWIN'S Apr. 7,'58:-3m, of the act of Assembly. entitled “an act to re• SiPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas of every duce the State Debt; and to incorporate the style at the METROPOLITAN. Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad Company," i iACKEREL of MI Nos., Herring, Ste., enn approved the 211th of April, 1844 t he had of the best quality, he Calling on natl.& MOMPIITROL Brady Township. Cottrell, 8 Wm. Buehanan's Estate,.269 Jas. Russ' Estate, 90 Jas. Drake's Estate, 10 Wise & Buchanan, 10 Fisher & MeNlartrio, 240 Barree Township, Allen Green, Franklin Township, Porter Wilson, 14 Eliza Boise, 41 Henderson Township, Wilson & Mifflin, 50 Jackson Township. John Henry, • 100 Springfield Township, ,T. MnrshnWs Heirs, 8 Robert. Ramsey, 82 Henderson J. Wharton, 100 Jesse Conies. 370 A, Lane's heirs et al 448 Tell Township. Patterson's Heirs, 150 Walker Township.l will Ink° the most unni.tiiitgoalde horse in America . end fifteen minutes will him El. B. Pike & J.Ourdner 1100 1 :13 H e flown, anti will ktiitlle Min every wuv, oven put Ili. , betwe Ins hind ten ; d mid in one BIJRDER'S HISTORY OF ALL RELIGIONS, with Accounts of the Cureinie thin instead of defiance on his master, nod soon nies and ettstotm, or the Forms of Worship oil , litllaty hint anyw ore of the several Nations of the World. With By this process, be is completely broken of i „ lor g e diti°°'' by Joel , rker' 1) * "; j b :; " t y 1 1 :114 " f ' Ute a f t i h r " u r in ci L?:1 —l'm'''. i n one octavo vo l ume, I es have been sacrificed to vi over 700 pages, and illustrated with hand. „,, ie some Engravings. Price only S 3, ing is more drledeu flint' utigovernahi.. I. `This work will he found to contain an in, 1 eurrmif this 000000 mire ve.Q 1 - .1-,•. I partial account of the history and tleierionted to 111)1 the secret no tun , worship dull religious denominations. both n , 0 _1•1• • 10 110• ,to 111.101 v. 1511011 to the few hot • e ancient tool modern. The author has hml 'hi' , "lilltrS• Intl 11110 1-toil Co II 1111 . 1 Ci :Irthia I ftimish he 0000 t o the dettoMitittliottni publietit ol• different creeds, and gives their reliet•ois . 11,1114010 D 111 Ininie , l 10r:11,00.N, d e 1 that wail can )Irnetice it at and doctrines without any bins tin hi; pm, n ote _hut rite temt . injury or lita•e, This will he the means of rendering the wort, th e saute .„, y „ e . e , p , useful for reference, and it should find ft 'dace or the Sallie that .tie. Itare, in the library of every fitmily:—Chrislioe is how se hug in England tool I , ratiee ir 050. ,•biroeith, 1 01111,11 re:.peethilly saw, that I Cant. 11.1.1 Pr• 1111., 1e.1 . 8 Mlle!! hi. 1101 coat.,in the ah,ve “0011111. 11. I/. .\ A i.r. 14;68 -Ora. Now 1•101. Athlresi LEARY k (wiz. 22-1 Nth., See'tl. ••t Philade!. lie' The above hook will he forward.-1 lice ,xpense to any perioll sending the 'rive to the Publishers. cr.:11111,3 it 29, '5B. FAMILY SEWING bIACHINES. DIV NEW YORK, THE REASON .1V Y L'IIESINUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA (!nreful Collection of 8 , 1171, 7 ' h011,4111 , 18 /11 . 1 i.e., are 1:00 justly admitted Rt1181oll:i /Or • !hilly:, Which. ihollyh to '1,42 to.. 1001 i 0 1100 tor Fatuity St.wing. uta olll/ 1100 illlpelfiTily tinder. 1 . a 111,0, strotip, elo , die tile], which will stood. ! No:r rip, evtit if every fourth stitch be out.— By the Author oI'iINQUIRE WITHIN.' on application by letter. mauled. • Tim man whim goes out into the world. or so- : tempts to attend properly to ]is domestic do- h 1 ' wits find howevor itinnidutitiy top- NICHOLAS'BANK NOTE change. 'flois volume supplies the '• Ready ItEPORTER, ISSUED FROM Coin of Cithvfa•sittion," Astro science so. 7 , STREET NEW YORK. 1 for the minion. nod ionizes eve.. the neglected , the mo., and reliable wcrk of the in ear ly feel 1111141, at 1101114. ONO OVVI'y , piihukhed. It is the cult • Repo,. t01d.... likely to lie disc ter 140,1i,beil in IVall ,erect. and contains a ry ranee of the socW 011010. it " 1, 1. 1 ' 8 I• of tli i,e atiks in the I'll - act] States nod FICA I, IN FDRNIATION st ,;,,„;„1„ SI'ILIECT uh PILAU - I'ICA t , .kurs. .It rICIMI4IIIJE • deinitninitied. Niontlily %porter (with Chart and l'os- SCIENCE MADE EASY, lilgew ,- Pidd) $1 00 " 1 IV bseriber is given a ti 2 ia ° g ° •!: •: • '" • "" nitteent ' ' • ' fliart of 'llitirty Riv i'ages. • ••• •••, • • • • • .q . :11111 cows,. t, nnin es • coin.: in the world. thuneron, Frands..,o4 ••• •.• • • ,•••• ••• r • • • ••i, thin community, by • . • , , : , °few min honk Note ftniiiirters 2 ., C::,! i ii,7, $ lu 80 18 20 IS 00 13 07 1 1 50 3 72 SPLENDID RAG CARPET for 37i ets. per 3 yard et the cheap store of nem n & MeNlutrnin. 125 4 90 . THE MODERN ART 312, OF I 'raining the most Wild, 'Vicious • 1 41 AND 'Unmanageable [formes. As praciitol by Mr. J. 8. karey in Europe, end 2 15 by myself at N 0.65 A tli Waits St., New fork, 83 is erentiu a eomplete rcuolinimi in the manner of training the most noble of hrnte creation. • The public nre aware of the Mimeo, excite -1 60 mint which now exists ie ell Europe, in cone queue° of witnessing these astonishing effects 2 80 produced by the will of men over the horse.-- Ily this process, the wildest colt or the most vi cious horse, of any ego. may lie sundued in at few 26 ! hours so ns to obey the slightest wort! Or 11100,1 2 00 of his master. 1 78 No nuttier how vielons or steldiorn.ll.• 4. h 6 deed just es ens,. coil T e ems ittie. uriu,iti.• 42 tion to his intelligence; and it I. .to 1.1011.: ; to witness his high degree et inteileet HO her the complete control of MOO , :WO tVlion 11 40 once thoroughly veined he never forgets it. CltilotEll3 !RAK,:kVA MED PROPERTY. Francia H. Upton, Attorney at Law, 68 Wall street, New lork City. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR ! PREPARED BY DR. ANEORD. Compounded efflirely of Gums. Is one of the best purgative and liver meal eines now before the public, that nets on a Ca thartic, easier, milder. and more effectual than any titer medicine !mown. It is not only a Ca thartie, but a Liens remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject it. morbid, then on the stomach and bowels to curry on' that matter. thus !cram plishin_ two purposes effectually. without any of the painful realign ex_perieneal in t he operation of mont Clitharties. It stregthens the system at the same time that it purges it , and when taken daily in moderate doses, will .trenglittin and build itttp with unusual rapidity. 1 The Liver i. one MI.; the principal regula tors or the human bor tie ; and when it per holm its 1 . 1111( 4 11011S Well 0 the powers of the m.) ,- tom are tally develop-4i ed. The idomach in almost entirely dcpen- 1 01 dent on the healthy av:hlu or the i.iver for ..,,, the proper pertorto al,l. 4,1 11,4 1 . 1141.14,11, I. Whys the soim:ich is al Vasa. the lu,Wel, 441 , 4 41, 4111 . 41111 t 1,1141 1114 4 Wlelle •'. ,1,111 ,;1111.1, I•toll 1,1,1 . 11,110, VW' i s.isesoes proprietors luu 11111.11 01 more mail twin wnerewitli is derent.sensentss to whits preYe that titi s•everesi perso; Cistes,laiot so itey el 0 It hot lle e•shtsis..llol Ti.e , gunk messy Matter r... •ysts,l st heal lly Ilse this stisteJeli, rnttsiu purifying she bitted, gi to the tvliole in:whle or the Insole., Mill el one dose sintsr eht lieve the :stuns:telt an, r. 5 .01, awl stwing. I` or 0",...e.1 to 11.1 ii. doty. 111,1111111 W 111 lllil •Cle ti illS ,11.1 y. to a pro., 'y yoar,. Ix 111111 , Pine foi tinienict the teeny rll g fit i< 11:11110. remedy at lit. 4 trolOol.i with Liver ha , hut to try ra , ,rhid or '3,1(1 •filwly,n, 111 their 1 .1 1. 4e , t wOll, tupe am! health ry. tht'thitt 11 r tre , •tin4 a radieit; Curt . . it• it, 117 solliieieut to re ii the Weil froin 10.1 It liwt. wild... .• nr.171., eitre , l, itt!.l Ivlint. is ...,..,.. ~ '.. .1, , .. . the neensionitl use tit . f) .‘ ~. .• ..• t, , ti liefure retiring ~,, ....• • ''.l . 7• viii, .• ~..4 , .. .. , . • ~::;•.., ,; 1,i,;1t, loosens the 1),,.• 110•0 taken :111, each meal will cure I)ys pepsin . Cr,' nue dope of two teaspoonfuls will almays o,ore Sick Headache. ()Ile bottle taken for female 01..1111(.6ml re ,ee. the eau., of the di , eose, and makes a r eat ,ere. (!aly one dose immediately Cholic I too (10, often repeated k a sure rare fur ('baler, Morlitts, anti a preventive of rl,olent. C z i , , — triay one 1,,tt1, in needed to throw out of thu :;•stett. thu ell'eets of medicine after a long sicknosa. GT One bottle, taken for Jaundice removes all .llowness or tinnatnral color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating give 4 rigor to the appetite, and makes food digest well. One dose often repented cores Chronic Diar rimn in its wrest lorms, while Slimmer awl Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or ova doses ...ores etterlt , van by Worms in Children; there h; lie serer I,r sliced ICI rim letly In the world. as tt never lid's. tErA lbw bottles eaves dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this med icine ns a preventive l'or Fever and Agee, Chill, Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It operates with certainty, and thousands are wit - line to testify to its wenderinl virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous tes timony in its favor. ars3 - 111ix water in the month with the Invigo• rotor, and rtvulltt t hoth jOgethe. The Liver Invigorator Is a srientifle mech.! discovery, and is doi ly working ellrea, a litaeit too great to believe. 1 cures oa if by illogic. even the first dose s,ves: . ' , cock, and seldom more than one bottle is re quired to cure an: hind of Liver emnplaint. from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com mon hemlock', all of which are the result of a d:so.,sed Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAIt PElt Birrri,E. Du. SANrono, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N.Y. Sold ily 11. Huntingdon. Apr.7.'sB.- l y. DA. 21 1 .41ii;1trgh IJENTISf • Haring reeeivel the cele ugeney of .1. F. Hazard & Ce., Druggists, l'hiluda., for the sale or the Br:they 11)1. Hunting(loo county, we con fidently offer it to the public as n pule rind to, rululterated article as the (.Ilowisg eettilieute A IiOhIESTEAD run slo. will prove. FOR SALE Ii;UNTI - & - iiicirti,- Julie 13, 1657. In the ''Gold Region" and other pillions of Virginia, the following Faroe and Buil ding Lots, iii Shares, to wit: Mural 100 acres, gold mine is lOU arras. 4 Farms of 60 acres each, are 250 " 25 .• 40 " 1000 6 , 70 ' 6 20 6 . 1400 150 " 10 " 1000 ‘• 250 " 5 " 1 . 250 500 " 3 ,c .; 1000 ‘• 250 Build'g lots 4A. ste. and sq. 7 1350 " 100x100 " 925 " 2500 •'. 50x100 " 925 " 50011 " " 25x100 " 950 10.000 Shares, Utookinting to 10.000 lie's. Certificates of the above Shares, (with Bonds for the immediate execution and deliver, ot the I/oik) have boon enclosed in 10,000 envelopes, exactly alike, and scaled; which, alter being well mixed up, have boon numbered on the mat inee from I 10 111.01101)1011)01)0,5011)111 no one knows the 11o110nISor any .nBOlO . OlBO envelope. wilS 110 ,olil at $lO 01011, without reference to 11 hat tney amt sent to ally one Ma king upplicatioo, Unexceptionable titles will in all ease. lie TlO 'largest Farm. 101111nting it 00111 Mine is value,' at $110,1111)), and the sniallest siZe)l 101)1 hatve 1,0011 selling at $lO rae!t. 1 1 011- dieds have altintily ltren sold Upon Inc, t , •11i.;. 0111111 111 C SOMO 01.11100 or ,ciling tOO eveQ 1000101 ser is 1,114,1010,d on) of these lots at least. Every purchaser is bound 110 get uuu 01 at Want , 1101)00 110 olzo valo). Ever) 1)1001)1 purchaser ono of at 10,4 imadrinde ILO 1100 1,1111 11)1110. Whilst eVery iunti. 111101 user 0111 get a farm ranging in value 1, in 1,00 up to $30,001). 'rhese 10811,0 0101 are so cheap to Mila l settlements, a -011) ) 001 11110000 . hethg reserved, the inerepe ikt of 111aich Oit 1 compensate for the 010111 saertlice. Thu not proceeds urn to lie applied to Meal improvements, such on Sellouts, 1 01)00101, Mills, itic. Any number of $OOllO secure a Farm ta 0 al ;cant ten share.. The uertllielites 1,1 1,11,11100 by paying one•hali. and the 1/00.1s ,aying the ether half. 70,000 Acres of Laud, in large or small tinuln 0011 also be had at ;mem, sale, and upoi. the 1110,1 reaSUOillole t 001111• SUMO 11' it Agelils are Wanted everywhere to .3 these funds. Laenti indLlOolllenti will be given. Fur full particulars apply to 11. BAUDER, Port Royal, Caroline so. Vu, AI DISSOLUTION OF PIIRTNERSHIP. .. The partnership lieretotbre existing between 50 Leonard Street, riew Yin,. the undersigned, male' die fi rm of Kessler, Eby r e i t i i i s i ht : ), l .ll,. l r' u i rs t i 'iit7 r iet e r l su i l i ' de rt u yi t i i. i o ut; in common ! Dr. Morse's Indian Root 'Pills ore said be • English use only SSB. , & Cu., wee this day dissolved by mutual rou st:ht. Those knowing themselves ititt,tud to These Wines are made in the seighlat;rhood ' 1. , 1 ::' , " , : ', l .: , !:',', e ' d i ' sh o e nl o y ie t ri et r e r te c i e ":l',, t e e i r ; rel '\ er ll . l 4111,3)..denkiirsg,,iiiiit!i‘eLE,e,:::,eiA„ every tow., tills th e cool fi rm, either hy cute or hook ACCOUIit, ~, (I,,,i nunt i . ~,t,i are guunuit i e d to h e the th e i tionully ' ttp. Fur other information address I awl hamlet iii the land. Parties desiring thQ urn reques,ted to call tool ,utt l e thu SilMe with ~,,• i„i, „„i 0,,, th.„„,, , ‘ „d „,„„,;„ , t l, 1 .---....."...' - --- ---- r -. --- - --1...L. ' elh. John D. kV...WI, Citasvilie, Huntingdon Co., Pa.l agency will address as. abuse for trimis. Let... Ui ke.''lur , wh. 11'.... i. au th .r.t. . ciliated for invalids, and persons who require a . „ ' , . ~ meetht ,, Jee. , ar r. ,4i. r r i,„ 25 cent s per h ex. fi re h ex . w in use the name of the firm in settlement of the seetie stimulant , and f or seer„,,te„hti p ur p oses The next qii,trier commt.iim.s „ , i i be sent on receipt. or $l, postage paid. buiness. • ; or as a beverage will be toutid equal, if 1101, SU. i liar .' 18 ' 1 '1'. 1 ' 458 ' LEONA' 1) G. KESSLER, 1 penor. to the best importen. i Jan.l3, a 7. i JOHN READ, Agebt Huntingdon, Pa. GEORGE EBY, JR., -December 'fi '57:-fitn. JESSE DIFFENBA UGH, I Retail Price Mr Brandy end Wines, $1,25 I lIL i ANKS..-Always buy your Blanks at !lie -- WIL , per Quart Bottle. „ Journal ()Mee." We have now prepared ave i NA7.111.114 . 97 1 3M3=011 . The busiuesiit i ii A l l ib l ! C m; V ii ‘ tiu . u 'U° etl!11 E 1 1 1 t 1 . e old liearA liberal discount [pink to the t radc.-Teti ry s.iperiorertiele MBLANR. DEEDS, BONDS, , W IlEAl' AND COHN Wtillt,li la tine stand by Geo. Eby, Jr. i Address JOHN READ, Druggist. aIA itiMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EX ECU.- i office. Those hating either can dispose of the Mill Creek, April 14,1858,4 C, Fcb.17,'58,3m, l'lt iltS*, - Ve. sense by elating aeon. ttorney at NIISCELLINEOUS ADVERTISE3I ENTs. MISCELLANEOUS A DVERTISEMENTF NEW LAW 1100K.4. KAY & BROTHER, LAW. BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS AND IMPORTERS, 19 SOUTH SIXTH STIIEET, PHILADELPIIik PRICE ON LIMITATIONS AND LIENS.— Of the Limitation Action.: and of LiCIIF a gainst Real Estate in Pennsylvania. By E,.t IC. PRICE., FIN. FIDIR Ti;, 110 N. El./RACE IltxxEv; 'Thu sign of it is excellent. and its uses are manifold It must conduce to Ming the law on these knots into better shape, by exhihitidg it in its aggre gate, and titan showing the bearing of its part, upon each other. It mug alto ~ r omote the fin ish and comnleteness of Conveyancing, which though vastly advanced beyond what it woo fifty years ago, in still Incomplete." A LSO. muunTurs UNITED STATES DIGEST. An Analytic Digest or the LAWH Of the Uni ted States, from the Adoption of the Consti tution to the end or the XXXIY Congress, 1789-1057. By FREDERICK C. BRIOIITLY, Esq., editor of "Purdun's Digest,. &e. I vol. imperial Stu, pp. 1142. Price only $6. FROM Tor: lion. R. 13. Toney, Com , Jut- TICE or THE UNITED STATES.—"It is a work of much value, and well executed., The heads under which the ditlerent Acts of Congress are arranged ore wall chosen nod appropriate ; end what is still mute important, the Index, so far os wane been itblu to examine it, is complete. The hook lots evidently lie,ll prepared with much care and judgment, and will, I daunt not, lie very acceptable to the public. ALso, RECENTLY PUBLISHED, DI:NLAVS BOOK OF FOII9IS, 4th and Re. vi-cd f,!NN , S ANALYTICAL INDEX to the Penn sytonia Report, IN I,I:PAHATION, v itoußAT & ITALY'S pitA cucE, 4th and Revised Mition, By M, Russ Eu. TILLYEN, EsQ. Marela 111, ISiP.-21u.• JOHN STONE & SONS, 805 Chestnut steet above eighth, (Late (;/ X. .15 .!! , on11; Str,cl) kMll{LalillVillii, SPRING IMPORTATION OF SILK & MILINERY GOODS. FANLI BirNNET AND t'll' RIBBONS S \TIN ANI , TA FEE I'AS CROS DE NA N. ES AND FLORENCES, M011).E. , FRENCH CRA IiLACI AND 1401,011E1) VELVETS, I.:NELISII • . lIIINNET SATINS, I'.II:LATA N NES, M A LINE .1N I) ILLUSMN LACES. ETC A A A,RSORTNI ENT oP rftENcu AND AMERICAN FLOWERS. As (111111 . 1( 1,011SI;4 ntoitly or 0111' CIWII 1111. 11 1 /1 . (10.(011, 1, fill' 1.11(1.10.141 (0 (Arel . (111011 011 ill. vorabh, terms, :Starch Hayti, ime;:l l rtifiq 1)•11t1t:, ,, S" w are how prepared to mint the 'lmpolitet three earth in the same time that any othe Itrr :n in the manic eau irriut Lome, emir:eq.,' . , ly eat! 'whit them hot (tone wel AIVA II N:D TII E JOURNAI. J(1110VFICE: I: ; ` "" 11 "' "" ' 1 " tr;: " " 'l. We ink Y''ur PREMIUMS riE9E-M , MINTING. .101'12NEYMAN SADDLE AND H N K Elt, in want or rm i•a it hear a a ino ion by applying :It this F0b.17. 111 . I: ' ,011W PUIIII EAT,tiVRA BRANDY. Chem iral Ist.vreettor'.v :ti Sixth St., between NVititiut untl Vine, Cinrinenti, March, 1837 This will certify tliat I Itur•e this Clay inspec. tell two separate lots f Cantwlia.llratoly one in Barrels and one in 11 , dtle, Itionifactured by Lauritze Lyons, nod sold bv his Solo Agent, .1. Jamb. at the Depot, No. it 9 opposite the 13nr I net [louse, and 1.13 \‘',4 Third Street, Chichi- I mai, and find th ent bit It pure find l'reo front all poisonous or deleterious drugs. and as such have ntat•lced the SII4IIO, 11,4 thy• law directs. Cli• 1 yen under• my hand at my office. !signed.] I • 11111 AM COX, N. il., Inspector of .11cholic Liquors, &e, Nom Tin*, Ji•l;j 28, 1857 Dear Sir :—I have received a bottle of Lyons' Pure Ohio Cutawba Brandy, furnished by Mr. A. Ralston. Jr., of Lockport, N. Y., for wilily muion, and I lied it to contain only :hour. hi. 1 gredients which exist in pure Brandy. The proportion of Alcohol obtained from it is 17.00. 1 believe this sample to he pure Drundy with. out adulteration—Me flavor of it is delicate and peculiar. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. li., Chemist, The (HIM CATAWBA. BRANDY not on ly eqiittls, but even excels the best imported Bra ,: ill futurity and flavor. It is in fact the Best randy known. This statement is fully corroborated by the certiriC:ttes of many of our most distinguished analytical Gain 11315,.011010 of which accompany this circular. The want of PURE BRANDY has long been felt in this country, and the introduction of nu article of such quality as to supersede the sale and use of those vile compounds bill, erto sold under the IMMO of Brandy, can only be regarded as a great public good. The Ca tawba Brandy possesses all the good qualities j cPalmed for the hest imported Liquor,ond is of 1 perfect purity and superior flavor. It is tliere. tore folly entitled to the patronage a the pub 11, We feel confident that its reception in i this State will be as that whieh it has met with in the Great West, and that the time is hot litr distant, when the superiority of our own Li- I i.). will put un end to their importation from abroad. In Medicinal purposes this Brandy has no rival, and has long been needed. frerlt is a Sovereign ford Sure Remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency. Low Spirits, Languor, General Debility, &c... 401 ALSO FOR SALE, Eshelby% Celebrated Still and Sparkling Champagne. To Merchants and 'armors. GROUND PLASTER can he hail et the Ilnntin;;dnn MOM' HIM Plaster Mills, in any de eirahle gn,wtite, on and after the Ist day al 1858. We deliver it often OF CHARGE ou the cart •at the donors or the Peangyltania and Blond Top Haile talt. FISHER & McMCRTRIE, rehs•l,' SAVING FUND, JIVE 'e En CE`a MTEREFOT NATIONAL SAFETY IWA I .N UT STREET, so rin-wi voi:SElt OF Timm, P11.11,1:1P21 t. inoapolateil I:y lli date of Pennsylvania. IV,TONEY IS RECEIVED IN ANY Sl'Al, largo or and inierest paid from the day of deposit to the ddy of withdrawal. ; Ile °thee 14 open every day fl ,l lll 9 o'clock in the morning till 5 idelt.;ek in the atlern em, anti on Monday tind Thursday evenings till zt o'clock. HENRY L. RENNER. Pe,sid.-7,0. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, 17, WM. J. REED, Si,rdarq. DIREctoRs lion. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Breiriter, Edward L. Carter, Joseph 13. harry, Robert L. Selfridge, Franck Lee, . _ ..„ Sand. li. Ashton, ,, l Joseph YerlCes, C..l.andreth Munng, Henry Dieffenderffer, I Money is received and payments made daily witholit articc. The inve,tments are made in Real Estate NlortgAgei, Groutal Heats, and each cl ass sc• curious as tie Charter requires. STAGE LINE FROM Chambersburg to Mt, Union riche undersigned :,11 II:. i.ension of the lino of 2:1 4 , OVCI. tilC r,,wl between Clunnliershurg and Mt, U,rtion. .cannot he hut di„,olrantageutts to a large section of the coun try, leo. fit a considerable expense and trouble teely gi ,•,,,:'lTlentS to run a line or :Stages lictw,•sta the two points Gond Ilorses mid condo, table titages have been pla yed on (We r u nt., and exper;!.11110 , 1 find trusty drivers will superintend tile rou:..inl , of ILa Couches. 'Elie proprietor el' the tine is that it be tiiiiintainel, and he therefore calls upon the pablie generally to patronize it. curia dent that it will he for their mutual 41‘1,1/1 Every attention ticc,ssary will he Vinen, mud the line fig of the Itlrages wii I he rc,idar. Stage. , leave \lt, Union, cre n Tuesda:t Thursday, anal 1 . .1:11111day I,Vellings. ;wiring a el t ambersluirg the next day at 2 Idel,.k. ;timing, leave ClialitherSlturg. the ~ante 114, 1 1 1 ut 10 Ideloe l / 4 , aterivitu; ut Nit. Utile!' the fie, evesing ill time fur the eat, u o . ion aud Shade the line will he Fare through $3; to intertueeidte poiut: in pruportion. JOHN JANILISA)s. Jan. 20th. 1553.—1 f. New Cvd-Press. COOK STOVE, z A tirl.VNI , ll , NEW ()OF STOVE 'CT sak thi , office: , t c:‘ , ...01ai12 , 1 tic blirn Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician, Physician for Diseases of the Lungs, 'flircat heart--Formerly Physician to the CINCINNATI 111.11IINE HOSPIT,IL, also to iNvALIDs RETHEAT, of Invalid,,'' IS CONIINC. Pet tidlowing Cara. MAY Appointments. Dr. Hardman, Physician Ihr disease orthe Lungs, (formerly Physician to Chiciettati lla rinc llospital,) will be in attendance at his rooms as follows Huntingdon, dtiekson's Hotel, Monday, May 26. Lewistown, National lintel, .• 25. Hollidaysliarg, Exchange Hotel, " 27. Dr. HBllll.l'l treats Consumption. Bronchi tis. A sth am , Larryngittis end all ilicosc. of the throat and lungs, by teeth.' Inhalation, Intel, used in t h e Brotston Hospital, Louise. The great point in the treatment of all It mein Fa:da ilies is to get at the dive., ill the dill, 11111. la, All medicines are estimated by theirite thin 'w oo the I igen requiring relief. The, is the important fact ern which Inhalation is ho sed. If the stomach is diseased tee take medicine directly into the stomach. lithe lungs ore diseased, breathe or inhale medic...led to pers directly into the long , . .11etticittes are the antidotes to disease and should he upplienl to the very scat of disease.. Inhalation is the ap plication of this principle to the treatment of the lunge, for it gives us direct ANTS , til intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of reach of every other means of admitnistering medicines. rite reason that ('eitstiteption, and loiter diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re sisted all treatment has been beearse the , had never been Reproached in a direct manner by medicine. They were intended to net upon the Items and yet were applied to the stollen:ll. iTheir action was intended to he loyal, and • yet, they were so atititinisterol that they should not I get eunstistutionally, expemling immediate and ! principal tuition upon the onotletoling stomach, I whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were lul -1 inolested. Inhalation brings the medicine in direct contact with the disease, without the disadvantage or .y violent oetiva. Its 1111111 i. I ration is simple, that it con be employed by the youngest haunt or feeblest inenhd. It Boas out der a ,,,p the RtolllllCit, or interfere in the least de-, grcc w ith the strength, comfort. or bmiiness of the patient. ltrtttitt I)IBIiASES TI,EATFI , -111 to the Mllowing diseases, either when tatted with lung affections exi,ting alone, I also invite ettitstiltattion. I usually thel them prompt , ly euroldo. Il'rolapsus anti all other flirms of Fenuile emu plaints, Irregularities nod NVeakness. Palpitation and all other forms of Heart Disense, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases of Stomach utttl buwols, All diseases of the eye and ear. Neuralgia, Epilepsy rind till limns of nervous disease.— No charge fur consultation. S. D. HARDMAN. M. D. June 3, 1857. CASSVILLE SEMINARY, ' M. MoN. Walsh. PriLoipal. This school for young ladies end gentlemen is probably the cheapest o n o of the kind its the fur hoard, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. CAMILLE CEMINIMY. Only $19.5 0 per gnarier. THE NEw I'ACULr7. I M. Ma. WALSH. Prineird. Professor of I,:tn7mige, and P:iilosophy, Herr Karl nockenheim, P,ol. of German Langoop., i.. • rt. M. Eugene Chivaul, Prq . eesor of Prcitch. . James W. Hughes. Prie4or of :1. - . q, ete. Yrs. 11. ;Via. Walsh. Prt , r;,•,r;,,,, Paint ing, Botany, E. Faulkner, .llnn,,rliro ?untie, Painting . , Drawing, etc. :Hiss Anna ill. Gray, Pia . ,:o e French, Mks Jettige 111. Walsh, Pritizary English. ti AS ',AI :LT PASSE!) 11, it . • •.• It, ; 'jo : 11 , i,, , y tu',...11 to t•ot, ri ! gv;:i:v1,!!) if/ yrl .1 1,1 :,.• i(` ro 1,11. . t le J . :ChOC./ (111 , 1 11: 1 r 17.1 x, : I,raNtlies taught i•rcer time. AVAT,SIr. //eitiiityilim ('o, I 14,..,mber 1557.• ti.. nur iv!in re 111 these in their nei,hborhoils whit are litaiscriliers aril have furled to re,iive the ,i1;111., ,Illet! the suialiug of our pack-book, hi ruffians on the 3.1 of February. 1111., 14 0 IRO EP;i; INDIAN ROOT PILLS. m()USE, the inventor of I.IOI;SE'S L) DIAN !WWI' PILLS, hit; :trent the urea• ter part of his I , te in tray lifns. Intrite. visite] Europa, Attin, ant; Africa, a oil Ili N , 1 . 111 , 1L11,115 the In. iacrun—L 4,1 coltire—it. was in I,lr 11, , it till. 1,11.111 It a,t, r ,•,1. I,:•..\!orge wag tin tal,:i•11 I,l:'t 1110 1111 tl v Itl,iiid--that war NI I...tigth, health it', depended intim this vital \VII. the various passages become clogged', Ilea) not net in pf,reet iirtrainny with the dif rt..l.l ut the body. the bleott lines ttetion, becomes thick, corrupted nun di• sensed; thus musing all 'pains sickness and distre•ts of every nnme; tint strength is exhatun ted,lunir hen lilt WO tire deprived el. au l ii tt ,r lure not 'h., sup., h um o r s, the hh..,1 will I, came th.h. tl al.,' cense to net. and ilia, tour li g ht of lily viii for.-vt.t. he blown ~tot. How important then it It we ehonhl the vaxion3 1 1:1,:t : es of (I, tool open. And how to Ili ill, we have it in our powi, to rut It vont. 11:1:110 IV, 11.11E111 It.wt which ;!ruts nnitind th, 1114,1111;C:,1w. in N:,t are 'A the hc,i'd'a recovoryt num one of !l, en to froni winch me inuric a Sudorific, n:ticlt o• e, ilia rays ,filiel!;in, and ns.ists Naturo 1111 - 0,111 ,,, corrup- , ,oe tu, parts of th, thou ,vithily. The aeeuuml is a p!aut is al Expectorant, that apes , and unclogs the tle.l,:zu,s, and thus. in a soothing wanner, perform.; its duty by tlirowin4 off phi .gin, and oilier Immo, tuu the lutu,s by copious spittiu, The third i, to liitn,tio, whirlu tat nod ds,,ltle stAvt , ;ltit to the kiibiev.-; thus imeiititifed. they draw 1 rge a 1111111IS Of impurity from the blood, which is 'lwo flirt,t•n out bountifully by 1:1e tur:.nary pa,azo, and uhkb could it. t ha, been ,Ikeluarged in any other way. 'Hy tuti.•o! to Cathate, and accompanks th.• ~thor prop iTlies or the Pills while C:1:;10,1 tit, blood; the coarser parti , des ~! i•,:nty which Oftniiot pays by the other are thus tat,. up and conveyed off a.. quad', a by the bowel=. Front the shove, it is shown that Dr.'st limit Pills not only enter 11.•• le,cone united with the blood, for ih• way to every part, and completely aro: out and cleanse the system from all impurity, and the lilt; of the body, which is the blood, be. comps perfectly healthy; consequently all sick. ncss and pain is driven from dm system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pin,' awl clear. The renson why people nre s t distressed yhen tick, and why so many die, is because they Jo lint get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which. will open the natural passages for the disease to be cast out Ilene, a large quantity at food and tither nutt• ter is lodged, and the stonmelt and i are literally overth; or will, the c0rri,, , ,..1 mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermenta tion, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein end artery, until life is taken Foal the body by disease. Dr. Motor's Pills have ad ded to themselves victory upon victory. by re• :Aiming millions of the sick to bloom health iiml happiness. Yes, thousands who have been racked al' tormented with sickness, pain and at.guish, rind whose fechle• Genie: have ern sciirehed by the burning eleunctite of rn, rgtcr, and who have been brought, as it Wert, Within'. step el' the tiilent, urnye, now nutd ready to lealify that thou would h a y.. Lott ttumlitAted with the dead, leid it not b e en for this great and wonderful medicine. !gorses Indian limit Pills. After ono or two doses Lad Lieu talien, they were astonished, and ab •,,iiite;y surprised, in witnessing their charm , elrects. Not only do they give iiiiinedi• ate ease and strength, and take away all sick ness, pain and ungni.h but they lit some go to work at the lliundation of the disease, is the blood. Therefore, it will be show 1., est...:- lolly by tl.ose who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purity, that CH80.43-111111 deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the flush of }oath and beauty will again return, and the prospect of it long and happy life will cher'sh and brighten your days. CAUTION.--Beware et ti counterfeit sign.. IL .knee. All gettable have the 11111110 of A. J. wurrEs, co, on cad, box. Also the sioutiare rf A. J. White & Co. All oth• ere r A e . H .V. " ‘l l° 'l " ll . T & CO.. jug drool Sac Pro) .iefors,