ffiunfingtran eitrnat. _-\_,y, ,-- r ?. 401) ,..ii,..A..... --4 k, _ t 1,... i tch` , o;c:. • ,-, , :- ,„ ,-, -.. , - 7\ --, ~ cet-i. ,wpm. N unEwsTEn, Editor and Proprietor. Wednesday Morning April 21, 1858, The Circuiation or the Hun tingdon Journal, is great er than the Globe and Am erican combined. CLUBBING WITH MAGAZINES. The Huntingdon JOURIVAL for one year, cud either of the Magazines for the same period will be sent to the address of any subscriber to be paid in advance as follows : The Journal and Godey'a Lady's Book, for one year, $3 50 The Journal and Graham's Magazine, for One year, $3 50 The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly, for one year, $3 50 The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, for one year $3 50 The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine, for one year, $2 75 The Journal and Peterson's Magazine, for one year, $2 75 The Journal and ,ltlantic Monthly, for one year, $3 50 ger David V. Gwin is now opening a largl assortment of goods which he proposes to sell at low profits. See ad vertisement in another column. Give him a call. Mr In another column you will find the advertisement of Messrs. Fisher & M'Murtrie. They are determined to do a 'big' business at their new stand, former ly occupied by the Saxton's. Call and try them. THE M&GICIAN'S OWN BOOK, THE WHOLE ART OF CONJURING, Being a complete Hand Book of Parlor Magic, containing over Ono Thousand Optical, Chemical, Mechanical. Magneti• cal, and Magical Experiments, Amusing Transmutations, Astonishing Sleights and Sub.llt;ea, Celebrated Card Deceptions, Ingenious Tricks with numbers, Curious and Entertaining Puzzles—Together with N'ntpfl Trirkg of Modem Per formers. The whole Illustrated with OVER 500 WOOD CUTS, and inten• tied as a source of amusement for One 'Thousand and one Evenings. 12 mo., cloth, 400 pages; gilt side and back stamp. Price ONE DOLLAR, sent free of p 's tage. Address Dick & Fitzgerald, No. 18 Ann St., N. Y. Sir We are in receipt of the 'Jour rel of Materia Medica,' published by V don & Co, New Lebinon, N. Y. This to Physicians and Druggists is a valuable acquisition. To be Given Away. 'This caption heads an advertisement in another column which deserves particu• lar attention. On the receipt of $lO you will, in a few days thereafter, get a Deed, clear of all incumhrnnce to a lot of ground in Virgin ia, and an oil painting said to be worth from $l5 to $25. For further information Read the advertisement. THE "HERALD" AND THE 'THE POOR HOUSE OFFICIALS. By a shrewd artinzuvre, Kenzie, week before net, auempted to throw friend Lutz off the scent of his corruption : but the blind was too transparent, and last week's Herald does up the affairs of Kenzie in true style. We have only room for the following truthful communication. For the Herald. J. UTZ, ESQ.: Dear Sir—Having noticed in several num bers of your paper the remarks of "Inquirer" and others, desiring information with respect to the Poor Homo affhirs, my attention was called to the same subject. I observed the progress of the developments with increasing intermit, and waited a little impatiently the reply of the Directors. Mr. Green, after repeated and prep. sing invitations to come out like a man and vindicate himself if he could, has at length at• tempted n justification of his course in an arti• cle wh'ch appeared last week in the Journal and American. Before I saw that article, I had hoped that the Directors were in posses• sion of some information that would clear up at load noose of the difficulties ; now I am more than doubtful of their ability to exculpate themselves. My suspiciore of their venality and corruption have ripened into a conviction of the disgraceful fact. Undoubtedly "therein something rotten in Denmark:' The man Kenzie, in all the mock dignity of a pompous little "official," may affect to pass by me in silence, as one of those "illmatured scribblers," to %horn he would flatter himself he is not accountable. Allow me to say, sir, be fore I am through with your Majesty, I think you will see your mistake. Sir, you and your colleagues are responsible to the people; and they aro determined that you shall render a strict and satisfactory aecount, or quit their service. Mr. Green's vaunted independence of the people will be taken up again the proper place. As. most of the rbarges brought against these Directors appeared only once in the Her. old, and that probably before the mind of the people were fully awakened, it will doubtless ..ssist some in understanding the state of the case, to make a brief and explicit re•etatement of the precise points of difficulty, before pro- ceeding farther. The paupers have cost the county the enor. mous sum of one hundred and two dollars and eighty one cents ($lO2 81) a head, including children and even babies. Wm. B. Leas, whose intrigues in the Poor House affairs are notorious, received for goods the sum of three hundred and sixty dollars and ninety-three cents ts96o 93); more than twice as much as any other merchant, and four times more than any other except the single firm of Bore S McLaughlin. Dr. Baird was employed as Poor House phy sician at a salary of two hundred dollars, with extra pay for out-door attendance on paupers, when another physician, quite as skillful, offer ed to do it for one hundred dollars. Besides, there were eighty-oue dollars paid for a set of surgical instruments, which, had they employed the physician whom they 'ejected, need not have been purchased. Here then is one hun dred and eighty one ($lBl 00) of the county's money thrown away at a single cost. Director Green, in direct violation of the law which he had sworn to obey, sold to the Poor House wheat, sheep and cloverseed to the a mount of one hundred and eighty-two dollars sixty-three cents, (182 63) at prices known only to himself And his accomplices. It is known in thin community that the Di. rectors employed John Hicks, potter, &c., to bring water from the spring to the Poor House in earthenware pipes ; it is also known that he received most if not all his pay before the work wan done; after the job was finished, too' it proved a failure, it was taken off his hands, and another man paid for putting in wooden pipes; thus they bane paid twice fur the same thin, to wit, getting piped from the spring.— How much they paid each time, or what the whole amounts to, the Directors have seen 6t to not make public. I see no allusion to it in their Report. The same John Hicks had the use of the ox•team for several mouths, and was afterwards allowed to purchase the oxen without giving security ; in consequence they are lost to the county, as Hicks has run oft and left no proper ty the law can touch. The oxen were worth from eighty to one hundred dollars ($BO to $100). What compensation was received, or whether any at all was received, for the use of the team while it was hired, together with the circumstance of their sale, or rather bestowal, has been carefully excluded from the Report. The property and effects of several paupers, such as cattle, hogs, wagon, &e., &c., were ta ken into charge and disposed of by the Direc tors—all mention of which is omitted in their Report. There are still other matters which, if mentioned at all, are in a very dubious and bus. picious form ; we do not wish, however, to go clatailm any further at present. Enongh is now before the taxpayers of the county to con. vines them that there has been "foul play" go ing on--that an earnest and determined inves tigation is needed—and that the interest the Herald has taken in the matter rests upon other grounds than that of "mean denominational spite," as Kenzie would have it. In the points above cited, all the late Board of Directors are concerned—Mr. Greene more especially. Nor is the Steward, Mr. Glasgow, altogether fret •from complicity in the affair. Mr. Murphy, let it he understood ouce for all, has nothing to do with the present difficulties; he entered upon the duties of his office too late to be itnplica ted. In addition to the foregoing, I have yet to add, oven at the risk of prolonging my re• mar:ts, a few inquiries contained in the Jour. nal of 31st March, addressed to Kenzie him. self. It appears to me that the public have a right to his explanatior., if he has any, of these inquiries. In substance, the correspondent of the Journal asks if Mr. K L. Green was not one of the Commissioners authorized by Act of Assembly to purchase a Poor House farm for Huntingdon county / Did he not spend the last night previous to entering on said duty at the house of Wm. B. Leas, at Shirleysburg ? Did not the said Wm. B. Lean sell his farm— an unsuitable one at that, too—to said Com missioners, for the county, at that time ? Was Wm. B. Leas present with the Corn• missioners 7—or had he any agent? and who was that agent, express or understood ? Did not Win. B. Leas get five hundred dol. tars ($500) more for his farm than he had as ked for it ?—and 'who got the benefit of the raise? Who put on the last $500? It is of great importance that these points should be cleared up; for if a man is honest as Commissioner, it affords a resumption that he tnay be honest as Director, and vice versa.— Now, Mr. Green has had all these matters laid before him, from the first point of difficulty with the Directors, down to the last question asked him respecting his actions as Commis. sinner several years ago. They have , been be fore the public from two to six weeks at least. It may fairly be presumed, therefore, that we are to find his reply—his best and oirly reply— ir his recent communication to the Journal and American. Ilow far that article is enti tled to go, in meeting the exigencies of the case, it will be our next step to examine. It is in many respects a remarkable docu. meet. One feels tempted to indulge in a lit tle bit of curious criticism upon such at, ex traordinary composition—that, however, would be out of place in a close examination, such as we propose. The thing we want is a cor rect analysis of Mr. Green's article, having in view its application to the statements above made. We wish the reader to keep his eye fixed on those statements, and then judge as we go along how much Kenzie's reply is worth as an explanation. The point of his first paragraph, if it have any point at all, appears to ho an allegation of personal hostility, on the part of the Jour. nal and the Herald, against him. He attri. butea the part these papers have taken, to a desire to injure him. Is Kenzie, then, a man of SO much importance that two of the four papers of the county have had to join just to put him down? Can it be that he really be. Haven and experts othen to believe. Ruch an absurdity 7—Well, it is not the first time a man's vanity has kept him from seeing the truth. All other men we doubt not, will see, from the statements we have made, that both papers have other and sufficient grounds for the course they are pursuing. At any rate, what had this to do with clearing up the dial. collies in question 7 They are palpable facts, and did not originate with either of the Edi• tors; nothing, therefore, is gained to his cause if we admit that the Editors aro n.st much in love with him. He next promises that if 'lnquirer' will give his proper name, and if he should turn out to be 'an 'body responsible,' 'his queries shall be attended to.' What is this but promising upon two conditions to do the thing required of him, namely, to clear up the difficulties that beset his path. Of course, then, tie has not done it, even by his own acknowledgment. Those conditions, too—let us look a little at them; what sort of an excuse are they for keeping back anything he has to say ? He must have 'lnquirer's' name, and he must be somebody responsible. I should like mightily to know what good it would do him if he did know all this. It would not alter the facts in the case; the public are in possession of there, and it is the people,—the tax payers,—that Kenzie and his crew ought to be anxious to satisfy. To 'lnquirer' himself we presume it is a matter of comparatively small concern whether they make an explanation or not; it matters vastly more to the Directors themselves. They can keep their own secret if they choose, but if they do the people will remember them. But observe, Kenzie's mind has changed since be penned the last paragraph. He now thinks he will 'lay before the public a few thoughts by way of self defence, after all. He is not. precisely certain what he hail better do in this emergency. But let us hear his de• fence,—we have been waiting a long time for it,—let us see what it is : Simply, that their acconnt has passed before the Auditors. Well it is true the Report should not have been au dited unless everything was right about - it ; that is what is expected of the Auditors ; that is the intention in having Auditors—it's what they are for. But, suppose they do accept the Report when it is not all right;—what then? Can one set of 'officials' hide behind another, and thus deprive the people of all chalice to I obtain redress? No thank fortune, there is still a way open for the people to get at them. They can petition the Court, whenever they think fit, to appoint a committee of Visitors as laid dow in the following section of the la•v. The Directors. "Shall at all times when thereto required submit to the inspection and free examination of such visitors as shall from time to time be appointed by the Court of Quarter Sessions of the said county, all their books and accounts, together with the rents, interest and moneys payable and receivable by the said corpora. tion ; and also an account of all sales, par chases, donations, devises and bequests, as shall have been made by or to them ; Proni ded, That no Director shall Bell or dispose of any articles to the said Poor house during the time he shall serve as Director thereof.' (See laws, 1858. Sec. 5, p. 694.) Kensie's defence, therefore, is just no de. fence at all. The Director's account may have passed with the Auditors, and the people, still have the right to 'canvass,' and investi• gate. and demand explanation, while there is anything needs it. Yet, nobody must question Kenzie. after his account has passed the audi tors, or he is an 'ill.natured scribbler,' or a bit' ter enemy, or some other such fine fellow as that. And now, Mr. Greene, it is to be hoped your lordship sees by this time how mighty in dependent of the people you are, eves though you have the Auditors at your back. You rosy yes have the pleasure of waiting ou a Committee of Visitors appointed by the Court. Passing by all that is alleged to have been said by various persons for tied against Mr. Glasgow's appointment as Steward.—recuark• ing, simply, in passing, that it is a fast notori ous to all, that the present Stewart owes his place to private intrigue, and was selected by his masters because he is by nature fitted to be a supple toot in their hands,—the next point we come to, in Kenzie's defiance, and the first tate hearing at all on any of the points at issue, is an attempt to smooth over the extravagance of their expenditures. And what is his ex. planation? why, 'other Poor Houses have had heavier expense. than ours' I could hardly believe this, if I did dot see it before me.— Kenzie must have a singular code of morals to suppose it justifies a fault, that our neighbors are guilty of the same. Yet he has actually offered just such an excuse. Beside., 1 like to inquire if the most expensive c f those 'expensive and necessary articles of furniture' were not fur the special use and behoof of the Steward, instead of the paupers—articles which the tcsmer Steward neither asked nor expected, and therefore not necessary. Whose fault was it that you 'had almost everything to purchase for the support of the inniates,"as well as for supplies the form 7' It is known here I that Mr. Glasgow sold off the farm large quote titles of stock, almost as soon as he was install ed. Eves admitting for the moment, that your statement is correct, I don't see that you remove the difficulty ; for respectable familie,, in the neighborhood, who had likewise every. thing to buy have lived on less than half the cost per head for keeping the paupers. At $lO2 81. what it costa you to keep a pauper, a family of seven persons would require consid erably over $7OO a year to live upon ; whereas in fact. the average income of such families is less that $3OO a year. Tax payers think of that. Finally, Kenzie tries to excuse himself for the flagrant outrage of selling wheat sheep and cloverseed to the Poor House. For the law on thin pont, see the passage quoted above,— Well, how does Kenzie try to creep nut of this? Why strange to tell, he first falls back upon the Auditors again—foolish man I not to see that, instead of exculpating himself, he oz. ly criminate. them. Then follows mace more of his bopphilosophy; he intimates that former Directors did the name thing with impunity.__ As a mere question of fact, it is undeniable that among children bad example is ueual• ly productive of bad actions. in others; but among men, to plead the bad example of oth ere ae an excuse,in, I think, unparalleled. . have spokes, to Judge Brewster. of Shirley.- burg, a former Director, and he affirms that while he was a Director he 'ever sold a cent's worth to the concern. If there are any other ones guilty, let us know who they are, and they shall be promply exposed. When Mr, Greene says he implicates others 'not in justi fication of violated law.' he tacitly admits that be is without excuse for this part of his conduct. He clings to the idea that it is not from 'law-loving motives' that he has been de. tooted and exposed. It seems hard for him to believe that people can be earliest and sin. core in calling him to account. When a man has no integrity of his own, I suppose it is nat ural for him to impute false motives to oth. As to the motives of the Directors and oth ers concerned, a good deal has been said. I shall add nothing more. It has been my task to deal with facts—stubborn facts. I would on. ly remark here that between Baptist partiality fur Baptist, and political bargain and sale prin ciples, there are affinities enough between all the rascals concerned in this scheme to rob the county, to account for all their knavery. It would be as unjust, however, to reproach the other Apostles for the treachery of Judas Ina. riot, as to cast blame on either the Baptist denonination or the Republican party for the roguery of a clique of religious hypocries and a political black-legs who fur the time, e"aece to disgrace the ranks of bath. Citizens and tux-payers of Huntingdon county, you have, before you the state of the case. and have seen all that the Directori have yet been able to say in their defence,—therefore judge ye I had intended submitting so•re re marks upon the propriety of petitioning the Court fora Committee of Visitation, but the length of my communication renders it advise: ble to withhold them for the present. ONE OF THE PEOPLE. tier In contemplating the Democratic par• ty an it now is, and comparing it with the • Democratic party as it used to be, whither of the time of Jefferson or of the time of Jade eon, one is forcibly reminded of that famous metaphysical pair of milk stockings whirl, by dint of repeated darning had become entirely worsted, without a single thread of milk lett. in them. Very much the same is the present predicament of that 'whit.), calls itself the Democratic party. No pair of stockin,.. whether silk or of any other texture. was ev. er put to such hard usage, to such perpetual and consuming wear, as of late years the Dem. ocratic party has been, As a natural cons, quence, bolts have brOken out in every di* rection. Them holes, it is true, have been very diligently darned with whatever material came readiest to hand—at a vast expense, tifo, to the Treasury, the public expenditures hev ing mightily increased under the operation. Appearances have been kept up. The nut. ward forms, the old mune, have been preset.- wed. The stockings are still called silk, and as such to a certain extent pass muster, or have, till quite lately, with an undiscerning and unscrutinizing public. But when we come to examine them a little closely, how email a modicum of the original texture or even of the nominal material do we find left I Without stopping to call attention to the holes in the party which Buchanan .d To, 1 eey, old Federalists, and Stephens and Toombs renegade Whigs, are now filling, how cow ! pletely it . matter of principle and semi meat has so - called Democratic party ceas• ! ed to be ail and become totally worsted ! It ' is allowed and even proclaimed on all hnnfla by the organs of this party, that its salvation, its continued existence, depends upon success fully carrying out a swindle and a fraud, Its members, or late members, are earnestly cull• !ed upon to save the party by rallying all their !strength to force the passage of the Senate Leeompton bill. What a total departure from every idea upon which the Democratic party was originally based I rechnicalities and for malities taking the place of the right of the majority to govern, and fraud and force made ! the autherative basis of a State Constit., ..., ! and recognized by the Congress of the Un..i,. States as of inure validity than the OM, • .. the goveritd ! If such be in fact the condition upon whit It alone the pretest Administration and its asp. porters can for the moment maintain thine hold upon power, then must their ultimate downfall be speedy and sore. In the state of society which exists in this country, there must always he a Democratic part), not of the Too. cey•Buchatian•Stephens-Toomint pattern, but after the old fashioned style—n party mainly made up of those who believe in the rights of man and the doctrine of political equality. And, if we can judge anything from the his tory of the past, this party must always exer cise a leading influence over the destinies of the country. It does not by any means fol low, because a few political leaders have tondo up their minds to recognize Cotton as king, that the muss Of the people of this country are prepared to follow the example. So loog . Cotton usa content to pass itself off as a gooil Democrat, and to make up fur its plantation tyranny over black men by a display of eta treme zeal in behalf of the political and social equality of all white men, Call. was freely allowed that leading influence which it to now seeking to abuse; hut it does not by any menus I follow from this that Cotton will be indorsed. not as equal and leader, but as king, lord nod master. It is in vain to hope that a party whose influential orators, without rehuloi or contradiction from anybody on their own side, not Content with cracking their whips over negro., stigmatize the white laborers of the • North as no better than slaves, can continue for very length of time to be accepted as lead• lent by those who are thus cruelly and con ! temptuously treated. Nor do we imagine that even the forcing upon Kansas of a Constitu tion and State Government abhorrent to the great mass of the population would much mend the matter. Cat any rational man sup. pose that the spirit either of the people of Kansas or of the laboring people of the States generally can be to easily crushed 9 Let us take the liberty to advise the n2aneuverers at Washington that Democracy, though repudi. ated and abandoned by its professed gnardi an% cannot so easily be deprived of its lolled tance. Already in fact, a really Democratic party—a party recognising, as of old, the rights of man, the equality of citizens and the respectability of labor—is prepared to take the control of our national • affairs—a Demo cratic party in good earnest, not a mere sham nor an empty name— ti party in competition with which the miserable tricksters of the l.e. compton school can not much longer succeed in passing off their rotten worsted as real silk. Cosoacss.-•-In the SeLate the Pacific bill was taken up and debated after which it wits postponed until December next, by ayes 26, noes 22. This disposes of it for the present session. The Congressional Conference Committee on the Kansas Lecompton State hill, met again on Saturday, but did nothing, and nothing has yet been accomplished towards so adjustment. Mr. Stephens continues seriously ill. Mr. Hue. ter adheres firmly to the Senate bill, and Mr, English refuses to favor any measure which does not provide fora fair popular vote on the Lecompton em..tittition. Mr. Seward propo ses that both the Senate and Hottse bill be thrown aside and Kansas admitted under the Leavenworth constitution. Mr. Dintutick of Pennsylvania. (Lec..mptonite,) is seriously ill and not expected to recover. Speaker Orr ex• presses the opinion that thy Senate bill can never pass the house unless the principle of tl Crittenden amendmennt be incorporated in it. 133 the State Senate, on Saturday, the report of the Conference Committee on the Liquor bill was agreed to by a vote of 19 to 8. The bill Mr the sale of the State canals to the Sun• bury and Erie Railroad Company was passed 6.11 y by 18 to 14. The [louse concurred in the Senate amend• 'items to the bill for the sale of the State Ca. mils to the Suubury and Erie Railroad Compri. ,ny, and the bill has been sent to the Governor who will no doubt sign it. The crevasse in the levee of the Mississippi river opposite New Orleans still continues. An express messenger has passed through Louis, It is said, with instructions to Gen eral Johnson not to commence offensive opera. liens against the Moral.na before the arrival of tie• pence commissioners. For the Journal. Ma. Ent - row—Permit a friend of nfflicted humanity to bring to the notice of the public the Institution whose claims upon Christian sympathy and benevolent co•operatiun are in. yoked in a letter of which the following is a copy received from the Superintendent, of the Pennsylvania Training School for feeble Min ded Children. GettmArrowlr, April 13,1858. Sint—l propose to visit the towns between here and the Ohio with some of the pupils .of the Institution which I superintend. for the purpose of enlisting public sympathy and in •terest iu our behalf. I shall hold public mee tings and the children will exhibit their capac• ity tio learning. If we stop at Huntingdon, can you give us an audience that will pay our expenses. We have done well in some places in this vicinity and we are urged to go West. Will you tell sir upon whom I may rely, at Huntingdon, to create an interest betnre hard and will you give me the names of your cler • gymen and physicians told tell me to whom to write. I thick you were here to see sometime since. He is well cud 1 shall take hint with me 1 want tti leave home in ten days and 1 will thank you 10 write promptly. Yours truly -lusken PA.IBII. Doctor Parrish, the writer of the above let ter is the son Ot he distinguished Elector Par rich— now deceased, of Philadelphia. lie de serves the encouragement and support of all good tn., in the effort he is making, to tunes borate the condition of a class of the c 0..- nity. who, until within a few years, have been considered to be beyond the reach of mural training, and have been given up by their friends and the world to hopeless wretched ness. The Institution in behalf of which an interest is sought to be awakened has proved th:s to be an entire mistake. It is in the howls ut an association of benevolent gentlemen who ought to be patronized and aided upon the grounds both of Christian duty and• of in it.... interest Every Christian heart will l'eel its own reward in contributing to raise lielplitits imbecility front a state of utter depen• deuce to a amain. it comparative self sus• taming usefulness. relieving friends from pain. aid responsibilities and society from heavy burthens. The object of this communication is to cad the attention of the public to Dr. Parrish's intended vi.it with his pupils, and to bespeak fur him a favorable and cordial re euption. 1 nave no doubt, that. the exercises Ili his pupils will allied great gratification to those who may witness them. Teachers ed youth nod friends of education in any and ev ery form ought, especially, to be present-- Mini/ is a phi in that prows nod gain. strength by euitivwiom and there is no living being in Mona. alive diet is so destitute of its germ as to preclude the hope of warming it into life by cultivation, if taken in thee, as, in the case o f the vegetable plaint, the coil in which it lives, must be manipulated and the weak parts strengthened by the introduction of absent elements—so in the case of mind the body in which it germinated must undergo a system of judicious physical training, by which the weak parts are strengthened and the whole muscu• ler power brought into healthy action. The School in question is called a 'Training School for feeble winded children' and its title is, iii.some measure,. index to ita system of teaching. The gymnastic exercises it em• ploys in the physical training of the body may be very advantageously imitated and combined to a greater or less extent with all the system& of mental training now in operation, and val uable hints may be taken by teachers and pa trona of education in general. for future one from Dr. Parish's exhibition of his pupils and his explanation of the principles be brings to bear in bia process of developing their glim• meting intellectual powers. How many bed. tea fall a sacrifice to the ordinary means used in the education of youth. M. -- W.7ney Read the following notice of this issue of our Detector, front the editorial columns of Forney's Press of April 15th. 'The I 1 ew semimonthly number for April 15th. of Peterson's Counterfeit Detector, pub litlhed thin day, contains the list of thirty seven new counterfeit bank notes, which have ap• peered mince the issue of last monthly num• ber. The best thing is to sobscribe to the semi-monthly issue of Peterson's Detector, and thus get it copy of it every two weeks. We entice a new feature in the present number. Thin is a page of information on finance, lo• tally and generally, written expressly for this work by one of the least visionary, best infor med, and most able,experienced, and practi• cal monetary writers in this country. It will be continued in each number of the Detector, and includes information on trade; commerce, money, specie, stocks, bonds, banks and railroads. We have rend every line of the article, and are than assured of its merit and The general contents of the work are admirable, and every person engaged in business ought to become a regular subscriber to this Detector at once. Thu price of it Semi monthly is only Two Dollars a year; or month• ly, One Dollar a year.' PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. FLOUR.—There is no change to no tice in the Flour market; *4 50. CLOVER SEED —There is a steady business to notice; 4.00;41,50 per bush. RYE FLOUR —ls dull. WHEAT.—Continuer limited; lac. per. bush. GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 730 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA Star These Machines are now justly admitted to be the best in use for Family Sewing, ma king a new, strong, and elastic stich, which will NOT rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut.— Circulars sent on application by letter. Agents wanted. Feb.17,'58.-3m. RAPID WRITING, Every one has observed, with impatience, the tediousness of ordinary writing, as comper ed with the rapid play of the organs of speech, and wished for sonic contrivance by which the fingers could keep pace with the tongue. Ponography accomplishes the desired object. I• is written with an alphabet of the simplest geometrical signs, which accurately tepresent the sounds of spoken words. It may be writ ten six times us fast as the ordinary longhand, and is equally legible; and such is the simpli city of the art that its principles may be easily mastered, even without tht aid of a teacher. "hod Phonography been known forty years ago, it would have saved me twenty years of hard labor."--Hon. Thomas H. Penton, "ho the professional man ; and indeed to ev ery one whose pursuits in life call upon him to record incidents of thought, it is one of the g . rvat labor saving machines of the age.--Judge Kane. "Some of our students, not yet twenty years of age, are making more money by Phouogro• phic Reporting, thon the Principal of the High School, after having given himself for more oat' twenty years to his profession.'"—John S. Hart, Philadelphia. "I have used Phonography almost every day for the past five years ; my sermons are written almost exclusively in it I.l'. Cooper, Philadelphia. The "American Manual of Phonography," is the latest and hest work in exposition of the system, being well adapted for study without a teacher. On the receipt of 60 eta. is postage atamps or silver, it wil: he sent to any address, postage paid, by return toad. Address LONG,LEY BROTHERS, Apr. 2 1 .58. CINCINNATI, O. PUMA= alai/. Mammoth and PM Pumpkin seed.—The Mammoth or barrel is the largest and lost Pumpkin that grows. 10 cents per paper. I' sent by mail 13 cents. Pie Pumpkin is the next best, price 6 cents per paper. If sent by 'nail 9 eta. For sale at John Read's Drug Store Huntingdon, and at Richard Starr's Grocery Orbisonin, Huntingdon Co. April, 21, 1868.-It.* • New Goods New Goods I D. P. GWIN , S CHAEP STORE. D. I'. fain bus just returnd from Philadel• phis with the largest and most beautiful us. sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks. and Fancy ' All WLoins, Wool de OH colors) Spring Detains, ins, Chullie Detains. forages,(all colors) Levens Cloth, Debaize, Alpaccu, Pop line, Printed forages, Brilliants, plain and fig ured, Ginghams, Lawns, and Prints of every de scription. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin ges, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids, Crapes, Reed & Brass Hoops, Skirt Cord, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linea and C...tton Flom, Tidy Yarn, &c. Also the best and cheapest assortment of Col are, and Undersleeees, in town. ltor'd and Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain, Fig ured, Skirt Beltt• Marseilles for Capes, and a variety of white goods too numerous to men tion. Spring and Tidbit Shawls, White DeWitt, for Copes. Mantillas, lice. Also, Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Tweeds, K. Jeans, Muslins, Cotton Drill, Nankeens, Ticken, Table Diapers, Flannels, &es Also, a large lot of Bonnets, Flat, flats, to. Boots and Shoes, the largest and chea pettassoryns!t in town. aDWAaa, QUEEN'S WARE, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, &c. Carpi, ts, 011 Cloths, Fish and Salt, Sugar, Cuflbe, Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old customers, and as many new ones ns can crowd in are respectfully requested to come and examine my goods All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. 1)A 1 /11.1 GWIBI. April 21, 1858. LADIES COLLARS, newe , t atylee in meat variety at the BeNTROPOLITAN. DOUGLA SS & SSERWOODS' Patent Sx tension Skirts, for sale only by Fiance & McMuirrnia. SILK BONNETS of every variety and price offering very cheap by FISHER & MCMURTRIE. sIPLRNDID Line of Dress Goods, 01111 racing 140655 of all kinds, Berages, Chalys Lawns Colored Brilliants, Chintaea,&c.. can b 5 found at the METROPOLITAN. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & 104114, The largest stock "ver brought to town, ere sell ing very cheap by FIBIIE4 & McMunn.. SPLENDID RAG CARPET for 37i cts. per yard at the cheap store of & frichlunnu. QPRING SHAW... 3 ape Mantillas of every 1.3 style at the TtinvnonoblTAN. M ACKEREL of all Nos., Herring, A c ., can be had of the best quality, by calling on Frames kMc M emir. SOFT, GLOSSY, LUSTROUS Hatn.—A peculi arity of the Wigs and Toupees manufactured by Mr. George Thorpland, No. 29 south Sixth street, is the rich lustrous gloss of the hair, rendering them to the eye and touch AO life like an to make detection impossible, Mr. 'Miroland, whose long experience in thebosi nets has made him justly celebrated, is an ar tist of no little ability, and has perfected a Wig. which for adaptation, ease and comfort to the wearer, has never been equalled by any other in the country. Our readers, who, need the aid of foreign ornament, in this particular should consult him. NEW STORE 1 NEW GOODS I I FISHER 047 HAVING re.opened the METROPOLITAN formerly known as "SArros'a" take plea— sure in announcing to their many friends, that they have received a new and welt se lected stock of Goods, which they feel confident will satisfy the demands of the public, and will prova nuexceptionable in lITYLII and QUALITY. - . The line of Dress Goode embraces ROBES A QUILLE IN ORGANDIES, LAWNS, PERCALES, &c. CHALYS, BERAGES; BR ILLIANTS, ALL WOOL DE LAINES. CRAVELLA MOHAIR, I)ANUBIAN, TAMISE, AND LA VELLA. CLOTH; DEBAGE, LusTREs, ALPACCAS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, &e. We been a fine assortment of Stu met Man tillas, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An tiques, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets, If J. siery, Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Whalebones for Skirt!, Reed Hoops, Brass do., Skirt Cord, Sc. Amto—Tickens, Osnaburg, bleached and on. bleached Muslim at all prices, Colored amt White Cumbrics, Barred and Swiss Muslim, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and many other articles which comprise the line of White , and !domestic Goot's. . We have French Cloths, Fancy Cassimares, Sattinetis, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Linens, Denims and Blue Drills. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. of every wjety awl style. Also all kinds or STRAW GOODS. A good stock of Gall( ERIES, lIIRD L QUEENSWARC, BOOTA & SHOES, Wood and Willow-ware, which will be sold CHI. We slso deal in PLASTER, FISII, SALT, and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess facilities in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise. FREE OF CHARGE, nt the depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. , Como one, eome all, and be convinced that the ultlrritorour.su" is the place to secure fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of as the lowest rates. Apr.14,'58. LITTELL'S LIVING AGE, NEW SERIES Publisher's Prospectus On the 3d of April, 1858, we begin, in con nexion with Messrs. Littell, Son Si Co., Boston, the New Seriett of the Living Age, issued week ly, enlarged to. eighty pages, handsomely print ed on fine paper, with cot edges. etc. Thu long-established, and deservedly high reputa tion which this esteemed hoot: hits enjoyed, ren ders it superfluous to refer to its chanieteristio• claims as a mess choice and ably-conducted compendium of the best selected literature of the times. Comprising as it does, the creme do In crone of all the world-renowned ReViewa and Periodicals of Europe, us well as occasion al selections fruit, the best fugitive literature of our own country, it will be at once apparent that it possesses in character alike unique amt unrivalled as a reposi ory of good things, suita ble for all classes of the reading community— the statesman, student, and philosopher, as well intrinsic valuethe family circle, In addition to the value of its literary contents, the quantity of reading matter embraced in a single your of this work, amounts to four thousand one hundred cud sixty double pages,—the subsceiption price of which is only Six Dollars per annum,—thee constituting is not only the best, but the cheap estDeriudical in the world. This work, which has aeon rot Myatt with uni versal laser or the Press, religious and secular, has also enjoyed the cordial approbation of ma ny eminent men of our country, among them, PRESIDENT ADAMS, HON. JARED SPAR)* JUSTICE STORY " W. H. PRMOTT, CHANCEVR KENT. " GEO. BANCROFT, BISOOP POTTER, " Lw. Ticittion. linv. 1)n. 11.111,1 v. " 11. J. ItAymoND, lON. A. BARNES. For Six DiZrs a year, remitted directly to either of the Publishers, the Living Age will he punctually forwarded, free of postage. Complete sets of the First Series, is thirty six volumes, and of the Second Series, in tn•en• ty volumes, handsomely bound, packed in neat 'tuxes, and delivered in all the principal cities, free r f expense of freight, are for sale at two dollars a volume. Any volume may ho had separately, at twu dollars, hound, or a dollar and u half in numbers. Any number mar he had fur 12 ems ; and it is well word, while I•ur subscribers or purchus sera to complete any broken volumes they many have, and thus greatly enhance their value. STANFORD Si DELISSER, Yu •lishers, 637 Broadway, Now York. Apr.14,'58. THE MODERN ART Taming the most Wild, Viciou. AND Unmanageable Horses. As practiced by 31, ,J. S. Harry in Europe, nod by myself at N 0.65 & 67 Watts St., Now York, is creatig a complete revolution in the manner of training the most noble of brute creation. The public are aware of the immense excite ment which now exists in all Europe, in conse quence of witnessing these astonishing effect*, produced by the will of man over the horse.--, By this process, the wildest colt or the most o nus h orse, o f any ago, may he subdued in a few hours so as to obey the slightest worn or motion of his master. matter vicious or stubborn, he is sub dued just as easy, and learns to obey in propor tion to his intelligence ; and it is astonishing; to witness his high degree of intellect when un ker the complete control of anon. and when once thoroughly trained ho never forgets it. I will take the most unmanageable horse in America , and in Bleats minutes will mike hint lie down, and will handle him every way, even put my head between his hind feet ; and in one hour, will learn him so that a boy can handle hits with ease, and he will then look with affec tion instead of defiance on hie master, anal soon will follow him anywhere. By this process, he is completely broken of fear of cars, umbrellas, robes, or any other ob ject Many valuable horses have been ruined from fright, and lives have been sacrificed to vi eh us and unmanagaal le horses—in fact, noth ing is more dreaded than an ungovernable horse. I warrant this process sure in every case, I have determined to keep the secret no longer, as it bas hitherto been confined to the few horse trainers in circuses in this country, but has ex isted for centuries in Arabia. I furnish the whole information in printed form, so clearly de• monetrated, that any mad can practice it at once without the least injury to himsdlf or horse, and will send the same to Any address on receipt of five dollars. It is the same that Mr. Horsy is now sealing in England and France Br $5O. I would respectfully say; that I cannot under take to answer letters which do not contain the above amount. H. 11. ARMSTHONO, Apr. 14.18 .2.6. Neer Ten CM,