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Alter o ne or more numbers of a new year larice been finwarded, a new year has commenc pa, And the paper will not be discontinued until orr eara y,” ore paid. See No. 1. The Couits nave ft.ided that refusing to take newspaper from tile office, or remota ng and having it uncalled for, Is rnmut Fact. evidence .of intentional fraud. Subscribers living in distant counties, or in -ether States, will ha required to pay invariably in advance. 'The above terms will be rigidly adhered to in all nate.. ISEMENTS Will be charged at the !allowing rates insertton. 2 do. 3 do. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ $ 50 One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00 'Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200 3 no. 6 ino. 12 mo. $5 01 $5 00 $8 OU 5 00 8 00 12 00 8 00 12 00 18 00 '4/no squaro, Two squares ; 4 column, do., 12 00 18 00 27 00 do y 18 00 27 00 40 00 do., 28 00 40 00 50 00 Business Cords of six lines, or loon, Advertising and Job Work. We would remind the Advertising crtn.• inanity and all others who wish to bring their business exten,ively before the pub lic; that the Journal has the largest cir culation of any paper in the county—that it is e instantly increasing;—and that it goes lino the hands of our wealthiest citi zens. We would oleo state that our facilities for executing all kinds of JOB PRINT. ING are equal to those of any other office intim county; and all Job Work entrus ed to our hands will be done ueatly, iiromptly,and at prices which will be satisfactory. oiclat gnarl) SPRING-A PARAPHRASE. HY REV. EDWARD V. JOXES, A. M. 'For lo 1 the Winter is post, the rain is over end gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing of birds is•conte and the voice of the turtle is hoard in our hu.d, the fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grapes give a good smell, arise, my love, my fair one and come awity. l —Sonp te Solomon, ch. ii. 11-1.1 0. • The winter's cold has gone, The rain has ceased its falling, Earth takes her ficwery zone, And all the birds are calling. Hark 1 tie the turtle's voice, So Sort, es sweet, so cooing, It seems to say, mjoice, Revier ing nature viewing, Come away! The fig tree putteth forth, Her lueions store so tender, termrst from the north, Her fruit shall worthless render. See ! all our trailing vines, With inellc w grapes are laden, And joyous wreath entwines, The happy laughing maiden, Como away ! Arise! for light and halm, And flowers, and gushing singing, All make one perfect Psalm, Through the heart's chamber ringing. Bound with the fawn like grace, Of beauty's fairest daughter, And let thy matchless face, pe mirrored in the water, Come away 1 The chorus of the birds, Shall greet thee while advancing, And all thy silver words, Shall be like spring entrancing. For winter's cold has gone, Tho rain has c eased its falling, Earth takes her flowery zone, And all the birds are calling, Come away I Ostoricat *WO. TICE CATACOMBS OF ROME. (Continued.) And thus once more the body of tho vir gin was left to repose in peace, once snore the devout could offer their prayers to the Saint at ihe altar =secreted by her pres ence, and once More the superstitious could increase the number 01 the miracles wrought by her favor. Through the long period of the fall and depression of Rome, her church continued to be a favorite one with the people of the city, and with the pilgrims to it. Front time to time it was repaired and sdorned, and in the thirteenth century the walls of its porticoes were co- vored with a series of frescoes, represent ing the events of St. Cecilia's life, and the finding of her body by Paschal. These frescoes—precious as specimens of reawa kening Art, and especially precious at Rome, because of the little that was done there at that period—were all, save one, long since destroyed in some .restoration" of the church. The one that was preser ved is now within the church, and repre sents in its two divisions the burial of the Saint by Pope Urban, and her appearance in St. Peter's Church to the sleeping Pas chal, whose figure is rendered with amu sing naivete and literalness. Meanwhile, after the translation of St. Cecilia's body, the catacombs remained in much the same neglected state as before, falling more and more into ruin, but still visited front year to year by the pilgrims, whom oven pillage and danger could not keep from Rome. For two 'centuries,— from the thirteenth to the fifteenth—scarce ly any mention of them is to be found. Petrnrch, in his many letters about Rome, dwells on the the sacredness of the soil within the city, in whose crypts and chur ches so many saints and martyrs lie buried but hardly refers to the catacombs them selves and newer in such a way as to show that they wore an object of interest to him, though a lover of all Roman relics and a faithful worshipper of the saints. It was near the end of the sixteenth century that a happy accident—the falling in of the road nutside the Porta Sulara—brought to the streets of the Cemetery of St. Pri s cilla, and awakened in Antonio Bosio a zeal (or the z-xploration of the catacotnos which led him tt: di:vote the remainder of his long life to the pa rsti!t. and by study, investigation, and observatien, to lag the solid basis of the thorough and con:nra bees' ve acquaintance with subterranean Rome which has been extended by the re• searches of a long line of able scholars down to the present day. But to Busio the chief honor is due, as the earliest, the most exact, and the most indefatigable of the explorers. It was during his lifetime that the story of St. Cecilia received a continuation, of which ho himself has a full account, In the year 1599, Paolo Emilio Sfondrati, Cardinal of the Title of St. Cecilia, un de.rtook a thorough restoration of the old basilica erected by Paschal. He possess. ed a large collection of relics, and deter mined that he would place the most pre. cious of them under the high altar. For this purpose the vault containing the sar cophagi in which St. Cecilia and her com panions lay must be opened, and on the 20th of October the work was undertaken. Upqn breaking through the wall. two sar cophagi of white marble were discovered. The Cardinal was on the spot, and, in the presence of numerous dignitaries of the Church, whom he had sent for as witness. es, he caused the heavy top of the first of these stone coffin to be lifted. Within was seen the chest of cypress wood in which, according, to the old story, the Saint had been originally placed. Sfondrati with his own hands removed this lid, and within the chest was found the body of the virgin with a silken veil spread over her rich dress, on which could sill be seen the stains of blood, while at her feet yet lay the bloody cloths which had been placed there more than thirteen centuries before. She was lying upon her right side, her feet a li't le drawn up, her arms extended and resting one upon the other, her neck turn ed so that her head rested upon the left cheek. Her form perfectly preserved, and her attitude of the sweetest virginal grace and modesty, it scented as if she lay there asleep rather than dead. The sar cophagus which was opened second, was found to contain three bodies, which were recognized as being. according to tradition, those of Tiburtius, Valeria, and Maximus. The day advanced as these discoveries were mrde. and Sfondrati having had a chest of wood hastily lined with silk, and brought to a room in the adjoining con• vent, which opened into the church, (i t is the room at the leknow used for the first reception of novices.) carried the cy press chest with its precious contents to this apartment, and placed it with r:, the I new box, which he loo4i-,1 and % d i et )._ Then, taking the key ":;:n him, he hasten ed Co gnsub to Frascati, where Pope Cle. ment VIII. was then staying, to avoid the early autumn airs of Rome. The Pope was in bed with the gout, and gave audi ence to no one; but when ho heard of the great news that Sfondrati had brought, he desired at once to see him.and to hear from him the account of the discovery. 'rho Pope groaned and grieved that be was not well enough to busiest at once to visit and salute so great a martyr." But it happen ed that tho famous annalist, Cardinal Ba rouius, was then with the Pope at Frasca- " LIBERTY AND UNION. NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " 6. and Clement ordered him to go to Rome forthwith, in his stead. to behold and ven erate the body of the Saint. Sfondrati im mediately took Baronius in his carriage back to the city. and in the evening they reached the Church of St Cecilia. Ila ronius, in the account hick. he has left of these transactions, expresses in simple words his astonishment and delight at see ing the preservation of the cypress chest, and of the body of the Saint. 'When they at length beheld the sacred body, it was then, that, according to the words of Da vid, "as we bad heard; so we saw, in tne city of the Lord of Hosts, in the city of our God. For as we had read that the venerated body of Cecilia had been found and laid away by Paschal the Pope, so we found it. He describes at length the pos ture of the virgin, and noble attitude, that '.whoever beheld her was struck with un speakable reverence, as if the heavenly Spouse stood by as a guard watching his sleeping Bride, warning and threatening : , Awake not my love till she pleose. " The next morning Baronial performed Mass in the church in memory and honor of St. Cecilia, and other saints buried near her, and then returned to Frascati to report to the Pope what he had seen. It trots resolved to push forward then works on the • church with vigor, and to replace the body' of the Saint under its altar on her feast day, the twenty second of November, wish' the most solemn pontificial ceremony, Meanwhile the report of the wonderful discovery spread through Rome, and cau sed general excitement and emotion. The Trrsteverini, with whom Cecilia had al ways been a favorite saint, were filled with joy, with piety, and superstition. Crowds continually pressed to the church, and so great wan the ardor of worshippers, that the Swiss guards of the Court were need- ed to preserve order. Lamps were kept constantly burning around the coffin, which was set soar a grating in the wall between the clinch and convent, so as to be visible to the devout. , There woo no need burning perfumes and incense near the sa cred body, for a sweetest odor breathed out from it, like that of roses and lilies.'. Sfondrati, desirous to preserve for future generations a memcrial likeness of the Saint, ordered the sculptor Stefano Mader. no to make a statue which should repre sent the body of Cecilia as it was found lying in the cypress chest. Itladerno was then a youth of twenty tnree years. Sculp• tore at this time in Rotne had fallen into a miserable condition of degraded conven tionalism and extravagance. But Moder. no was touched with the contagion of the religious enthushoun of the mo - nent. and his work is lull of simple dirmity, noble grace, and tender beauty! No other work of the time is to be compared with it. It is a memorial not only of the loveliness of the Saint, but of the self-forgetful religious fervor of the artist, at a period when eve ry divine impulse seemed to be absent from the common productions of Art. Rome has no other statue of such sacred charm. none more inspired with Christian feeling It lies to front of the high altar, disfigured by a silver crown and a costly necklace.— the 'oflerings of vulgar and pretentious adoration ; but even thus it is at once a proof and proof and prophecy of what Art is to accomplish under the influence of the Christian spirit. The inscription chat Sfondrati placid before the statue still ex ists. It is as follows : ' Behold the linage of the most holy virgin Cecilia, whom I Paul, Cardinal of the title of St. Cecilia. saw lyinx perfect in her sepulchre; which I have o ,used to be made in this morble, in the very position of the body for you." The twenty-second of November arriv ed. The Pope had recovered from his gout. The church was splendidly decora ted. A solemn procession, illustrated by the presence of all the great dignitaries of the church, of the ambassadors of foreign states, and the nobles of Rome, advanced up the nave. Clement intoned the Mass. Then proceeding to the cypress chest, it was lifted by four cardinals, and carried to the vault under the altar, whilt C ho z . no i, chanted the anthem, Q b ea m o ee ili„ , q" bpperaati , Tiburtium et ►' a .cr 'MN= ad ma, tyrii coronam vgasti: 'The old coffin, undisturbed, wan placid in a silver case; the last service was perform ed, and the body of the virgin was once more laid away to rest. (To be conlioued.) BEDBUGS --Bedbugs are effectually destroyed by washing infected places with a decoction of the common smart weed used or 'Water Pepper,' called by botanists Pologonum punctutum. Pour a pint of boiling water on a pint of the weed, cover it up, and let it cool. l'he liquor may be put on with a brush. The plant itself my be stuffed in cracks or cor ners.--Hall's Journal of Health, HUNTINGDON. PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21. 1858. l,n Original Ealt. {V lien for the Journal. A LEAF FROM MY MEMORANDUM ❑Y AN OLD MAN, Vengeance won the wont; From man to mon, and rank to rank it pass'd. By every heart enforced, by every voice Sent forth in loud defiance of the tree. lam an old man. Sixty three Wlnt •rs have silvered my locks with grey. is I sit by my chamber window. and look out upon the wide spreading landscape, 'that lay before me, at the golden Oro of day just sinking behind the western hills. and as the cool breeze gently fans my brow my thoughts revert to the scene of the past. In imagination lam again a child, romping in my native wild wend as free as the mountain air, once again I staud by the graves of kind Ind loving parents as they are lowered to their long home. there to lie until the trump of the arch angel shall summon them to judgements, and again I am. in the pride of my man hood. a traveller in the busy, bustling world I will give the render a shun nitttory of my early life and then proceed to my • I was barn in a rural vill ag e i n the not a man of the pirates should pollute state of Pennsylvania, in the year 1795, our d cks as long as they had strength to and wen the (ally child of wealthy parents, strike e blow in her defence. who died while I was yet a boy of ten. •No firing until the order is given,' I lived with my guardian until I was said gaptain I-I But even as he spoke, twelve years old, when I went to 8- ! n broadside from the enemy came hurt- Acnd my tor six years, and then entered ling along our decks, knocking the splin I-I -College and graduated in three. tern front our hull. damaging our spars and Being now a young man of twenty one, m owing, down our brave fellows unresis and free to act as sty hm.cience dictated, t i ng ly The men patted their pieces and I resolved to travel. The following is n half muttered a sailor's oath at their or• contest with a pirate off the coast of Flor der, At length the long-wishe for corn ida. in 'lid came , 'Fire,' thundered the Cap In the year 183-1 resolved on a trip is, •pour it in any lads, one and all for in Cohn. and accordingly embarked on the old thirteen, and at the word our board the private armee hrig W—an Am - wit h• broadside exploded at once, crash erican vessel, hound for tlnvann.. She Among the enemy's spire, dinmunn was a beautiful ves..el. Six commades tin_ n yon and scattering death among the protruded their frowning muzzels throne Pirates. port holes twin either side, while a long •fluzzn for the stars Find stripes' nvet tv four revolved on a pivot amidships. hey're getting it on full allowance,' Captain I-I—, a brave officer, had b..en ',ire,' au old veteran by my side. early impressed into the service, and had •f3luw the cursed Yankees out of sea served as is volunteer in the United ' , times ter.' came feebly back front the' Pirate The roaring of the guns, the crashing of (tilling spars. the curses of the woun ded and dying and the cheers of the liv ing erase in harsh discord fora quarter of on hour we poured in an unremitting fire front stern to stern Our sides were lit evilly a sheet of flume. '('he en tny's fire nose began to slacken until it tinnily censer' Oar Captain perceiving this, t , undered forth the order to co'tse, and Frigate Constitution during the war of 1812. The crew consisted of about one hundred end fifty hardy vete,. that had seen good service. On the 25th., of July we At to sea. and proceeded wi'h favoralt4inds, which is very unusual along this coast as far us the southern coast of Florida. The 28th., of August was n hot, sultry day tint a breath of air was stirring. The crew lay listlessly along the deck or Ira ned over the sides to catch n puff of air Nothing was heard but the faint dash of the water as it washed against our bow. About noon a breeze sprang up, and in lees than hailer' hour we were speeding along under a press of canvass. , Sail 0 r shouted the look out from the mainmast. •W'hereaway 1' demanded Caitein Fi— nishing his appenranre on deck. .On the weather bpw, sir.' 'How does she bear!' 'South east by south ' During this colloquy, the orew had all as'etnhled on deck, and now stood gazing at the distant sail, which was rapidly np proaching. She soon proved to he nn armed privateer about the size of our own your whet yet—is yeur innate registered . vessel. She came bowling along under a press of sail unttl within about a half a in the office a• ave above, and roil., f': a c011i , N1 ,, ,', talc:,:. phiee ; mile of us, when we hoisted the van ; paid ? If " m g et it umned '::tteh: '; don't and stripes,' expecting her to show her delay a moment 1 n sw;,',ch ;,ay be out of colors in return, but she apparently paid pine'', , or some n tatrtr,,iion on the track, or no attentio to our signal, in the twinkling 'Throw a shot aoross tier forefoot" ut an er,e you may be in eternity, the shouted the Captain. I wt..ete journey to settle for. your time to . . - The gunner obedient to the e arara s ;fid, do it forever gone—alt—all lost forever. appl ed the match, but scarcely • nad the Do you want to know where or how to report of the shot d, a d on • :Ile air, before a get a through ticket ? You cannot buy it huge roll t:,',' bantia,..o ascended to the gaff, with gold or silver. .if you had all the and slowly u7,:iolding itself to the' breeze, world to give it would not be accepted.— diralo...eil a black flag unrelieved by a It couldn't purchase even a cure for lop single emblem. I rous Neiman You must accept a free l •A pirate!' burst sitnultaneourly fro.. ticket or none For your encouragement the crew. I t,Il you that Jesus Christ has paid the " ‘By the Gods,' shouted the Captain fair fare, it you accept his terms. Don't be ly excited, 'we'll have a hard days work, offended at the terms, for he will not change but I'll never surrender my ship as long them Par your accommodation Though as I have strength to wield a sword in her allay be a great man in your own estima defence. Say, 'he continued turning to [ion, and think yourself better than others, his 'ten, while his lips quivered and his you anus: come down to the same terms breast heaved with suppressed emotion, Luz rus aid. God is no respecter of per •will you suffer the 'stars and stripes' of soos-- all must wash in the smile fountain our beloved country to be trampled upon the king and the beggar, the master and by at gang of cursed pirates, when you S' matt • " have a ship equal to their own in size and Ihe terms are, repent and forsake your strength, and it leader that will lead you sots. or no tickat. Turn or die—believe on to victory or a grave ?' ! in Christ, or perish. 'No, arose in such a shout that it inns? Dying fellow traveller to eternity —how bays been beard even on board the Pi. rata long have you been on the road ! May 'Then lam satisfied I gear for action. At toe word the obedient crew sprang to the work with an alacri'y that soon changed the deck into the orderly disci plinp of a man-of-war Buckets were piled around the fore mast, and the pump cleared for action in case the ship should lake fire. Cutlasses. pistols, boarding. pikes and hattleaxes were strewed along the deck, ready for nse, should the ene nit attempt to board us. By this time the ni tat- was shout of quarter of a toile dionnt. Ship ahoy,' came in hoarse accent. front the deck of the irate !' on- wered the Captain tlitough a spetilrog .rompet„ What ship is that 1' 'The privity armed brig \V—, en Ant ericnn ve sel bound for Havana.' •A line for my host. sir.' •Bent toquarters,' thundered the Cap tain, and before the last roll of the drum had ceased. the men were at their posts, The two ships now ranged rapidly togeth. er. and as I gazed upon the now fast np proaching ship, her deck alive ith be ings. I almost doubted for the victory but as I turned and gazed along our line of sea-dogs my doubts were instantly dis pelled, for I knew by the flashing eye. compressed lips and heaving chest, that --SoUTHEY. a rust of wind, at the same time, blow ing Aside the murkey vet!, disclosed the Pirate lying a helpless wreck upon 'the ocean. Fur awhile we paused to con template the dismantled ship, and then sorb a shout arose upon the air that I shell never forget. The prize was too much damaged to carry into por. we, therefore, set lire to her We arrived a t Havana in about a week, where we gave our pr.s , mers over to the law. What happened to ,bent afterwards I knots not. A TaROUGFt TICKET Fellow 'reveller to the hoc olGod. have you a through ticket? Need I tell you. you ere in the cur of time, on the road to en-roily the engi ne is in 'notion, 'lO Ktop• P in g ; no, g.“ a moment. Hove you Akio . o f avit t \.• . Is you have only started a few years—if so t apply at once for n through ticket ; a switch may be out of place a few steps ahead, and you may be dashed to pieces —your soul demanded—no time to get ticket—heaven or hell is now your home forever—you cannot come back to remedy the neglect. Have you traveled to the meridian of life and still no through ticket? Apply at once—be importunate, to take no denial the conductor may call for your ticket; your undying soul demand, no excuse will avail then ; all eternity will not be sufficient to settle the claims of God on your soul. It must be done as you go, and before you reach the end of your journey. or never—no never. Are you old and near the end of your journey. one still no through ticket ? Hea ven or hell must soon burst on your vision n company of angels or deeds are awai ting your arrival—their conveyances are all ready ; your prepared. Angles will- Linz to greet you with joy, or devels to gnash their teeth on you with rage—may he your cliddr 'n to curse you for your ex aim le, and charge their damnation to their souls. See, the engine is beginning to slack its speed, the brakes aro pressing on the wheels; a moment and all is over. The car is stopped--the tickets all exam ined ; are you safe 1 The Judge is there to upplaude with. , Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world —or to say, Depart, ye cursed, into ever lasting fire, prepared fur the devil and his angels. See , veil to your ticket.--Central PreZyleriati. Things to Laugh At, By the side of the road leading through the romantic valley between Cambridge's Bach. Long Ashton, and the Barrow Wa ter works; stands a cottage, the front of which is decorated with the following characters, formed with pebble stones, cm imbed in mortar: A young and pretty girl stepped into a linen-draper's shop, where a spruce young man, who had tu en long enamored, but d re not speak, stood behind the counter. In order to remain as long as possible, she cheapened everything. At last she said believe you think I am cheating you.' 'Oh no said the young man. 'to me you are always fair.' 'Well,' whispered the la. dy, blushing as she laid the emphasis on the word. would not stay so long bar gaining it you were not so dear.' Two Irishmen wore recently looking at he people stretching a rope across the street train one house top to the other, for lie purpose of suspending a banner.— and what will they be after doing at the tops of them houses there !' said Pat. 'Faith an' it's a submarine tele graph they're after putting up, I suppose replied Mike. A gentleman, having engaced a brick layer to :nuke some repairs in the cellar, ordered the ale to be removed before the bricklayer commenced his work. 'Oh, I ant not ;drat d of a barrel of ob. sir,' said the man. 'I think not,' retorted the gen tleman; 'but I t hail( a barrel of ale would run at your reproach.' A Finish woman expre:seil th e great . eSt astouishtnent tad torror nt hearing from Mr. Wesley tom 11 was a very corn mon thing E.gland fur a husband and wife's., ki, each other. 'lt my husband wer, to attempt such a thing,' said she, '1 would beat him about the ears so that he would feel it for a week. A correspondent speaking from experi• mice sayw•••`!f any of our readers should at any time wish to call at the above cot tage, they are assured that the bear is as harmless us the h.tre.' A person named Owen Moore once left his creditors somewhat unceremoniously, upon which a wau wrote— " Owen Moore has run away, Owing more than he could pay." 'Call that a kind inao P saia an act tc, speaking of an acquaintance, .a man who is away from his family, and never mule them a farthing? Call that kindness ?' 'Unremitting kindness,' chuckled a wag. HOW I'O 8 AVE YOUR SHOES.--It consists merely in melting together tallow and common riosn, in the proportion of two parts of the former to one of the la:ter and apply the preparation reeking hot to soles of the boots or shoes—as much of it as the leather will absorb. One substan tial farmer declares that this little recipe alone has been worth to him more than the price of five year's subscripton to the newspaper publishing it, VOL. XXTIT. NO. 16 Mankind would become a race of cyn ics and vinegar-stewed curmudgeons, were the Irishman blotted from existence. It is as natural for him to perpetrate a bull as to strip the jackets from the 'parties.' Without his wit and blunders. every reans brains would become cobwebs. Here are a string of 'em which the readers of the l'hiteaix must enjoy: An Irish Advertisement.—The best thing in the way of en advertisement the most graphic and comprehensive, Wes the advertisement of Jamie GFoggerty for his wife Jane who had left his board--.they hed no bed "Misfing, from Killarney.-- Jane OToggerty. she had in her arms two babies and a Guernse;• cow, all black, with red heir. tortoise shell mmbs behind her ears, and large black spots all down ber back, with squints awfully.' An Irishman was once at dinner where tipple dumplins were served, but net know ing the name of them, and withal unwil ling to confess his ignorance by inquiring what they were,aat in silence, until one fell on the II- or, the dog caught it up, but instrntly commenced pawing his mouth with his leg ; the Irishman seeing this and thinking he had thereby found out what twos ordered the servant to bring him a :p.w's harp.' The. same Irishman said if a few goose berries give so line a flavor to an apple pie, •that it would be a darlint of an apple pie, which was made of gooseberries or tirely.' At another time he was heard to tell the shoemaker that 'he never would be able to get on the boots he had just got until after he had worn tham a day or two.' He purchased a sun dial. as he said, 'to inform him of the time in the morning be fore daylight.' He started down street one morning to buy 'a second handed coffin.' And he made application at jeweller's for a 'ha' pence worth of silver spoons.' two inn ooze (bees) to own country where every mother's son of 'em as large ns our shape (sheep.) 'And how large are yours hives 1' said a Yan kee to hint. 'Faith an ye come to that,' says Pat,' they are as large as any of yours.' 'And how ninny of your bees can get into a hive i said Jonathan.— .Who the devil,' said i'at, 'is going to stand idle to answer your foolish cate chism. Cows, under certain constitutional cir cumstances, are naturally disposed to convert their food into fat, so much so that there is great difficulty in beeping some classes in a breeding state, more especially improving Short Horns, Devons and Here fords.. Turn a cow of this description in to rich grass, and she id useless for any thing but tho shambles. The quality of the milk she gives may be fine, but the quantity almost nothing. We had a De von, the property of a noble Duke, which carried off the prize of her class at one of the floydl Agricultural meetings, not giv ing more than one quart at a milking. On the otit,r hand, there is a class of cows naturally inclined to turn all their frtad into the pail. Turn a cow of this kind along with the one above, and she will rather get poorer every day, if the milk is taken from her, while her plump rival is. gaining weight. The former will consume greatly more grass and water than the latter, returning fur it a greater quantity of milk. but infe rior in quality. In two dairies, when fed on sour grains. distillers' wash, &0., the qual. ity sometimes yielded is almost incredible. When such is the case, however, life is generally short, especially if cows are in a low state at calving. Hence the reason why dairymen purchase near calves. The above two classes may be called extremes, between which there is a meats, and this latter class of cows if turned into a rich pasture along with the others, would keep themselves in good condition; and give a medium quantity depending upon the richness of the food, GINGER BEAR BOLD HARE. Oil Soap foe Borers,—'fwo years' ex perience has satisfied me of the utility of oil soap on the trunks of trees near the gr-und for the destruction of the blrer.— No injury is done the trees by its use in an undiluted state. The best time to use it is the month of June ; rub tt in well aid stop up nil the holes.—Ex. Wi r- "Do you think I'll get justice done me ?" said a prisoner to his counsel. "I don't think you will," replied the other, •'there are two men on the jury who at opposed to hanging." A String of Irishismn, Difference in Cows. Our Tom, who is a reckless qui., Desires, considering times, to know Why every man a Macbeth is— Because each has his own Ban 'lmre,.